The Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-22, Page 84
Wtre Not Going to,'$tand, it.
Th07indow of Old Windsor
Bed, White and Blue,
Soldiers of The Queen.
Under the Same Old Flag.
Another Little Patch of Red
Up.With. the Standard.
.sTktrafil Across' the Sea.
cunious Davis.
gone$ Parker's .D1/15 Works,
Mha, Snell of Wingistua ie the giust.14
W. Fester.
Kr. H. F. -,Andrewe orient a few day*
thie week in Ails* Craig.
Mt, Andrew MCHWart of Allis, Craig
is visiting MA 11.. E. Andrews,
Miter A. Brickenden returned last
week from a visit to London friends.
lare. William Ross of Goderich was
visiting her mother, MM. George
Miss Maude Andrews spent part of
Tuesday =I Wednesday with friends
in Goderich.
Master Oscar Sproakwhe Wail Visiting
at Mrs. W. INster, returned home
Monday to Seaforth,
Mr. Es B. Hart left Friday for St,
Thomas, where he is conducting a
series a evangelistic meetings.
Ildrs. Bert Potts arid Mrs. James Finch
. spent Tuesday with the former's
aunt, Alm McDowell of Tuckersmith.
The annual meeting of the Scarlet
Chapter of Gederich District was held
in the hall of No, 145 on Tuesday of
last week. Notwithstanding the un-
.• revorable state of the roads there was
a fair attendance. Mr. Adana Comte -
ion, District Maeter, eccupie4 the chair
•and handled the Wetness brought
before the brethern with commendable
despatch. After, the election of ofliceres
which resulted as given below, the
brethern enjoyedarr excellent" slIPPer
• furnished by the Chapter :
'Companion in ClomMand, Sir Knight
, Adana Oantelon.
Excellent Companion in Commaud, Sir
• Knight R. T. Cox.
ino V' Fair 0 CbaWain, Sir Knight G. 13.Hanly.
Oen Ore Olteapeot, .41tycoys'Ote Pest.
Abotit o 0 0
W d no
Miss tai- is visiting friends in
sHayfield. '
ISIA• Charles Smith has returned to
. Mist). Lily AlcHwarispent %today with
Seaforth friends.
Mr, and Mrs. JAS. A. Ford were in
-London yesterday. -
P. AL Senn of Brantford has
• been in town past week. .
Miss McKie of Petrone, is the guest of
-ters.-n: Newcombe.
'Miss Rose eleiringtdia is visiting her
father in Blyth, who is
• Mr. McOollagh of Seaforth spent Sun-
day with his aunts Mrs, Sage.
Mr& Israel Taylor left on Tnesday to
•rejoin Mr. Taylor in Brampton.
Miss Thompson- of Goderich is visiting
he brother, Rev, .alt. Thompson.
Mise Nellie Jones of Seaforth was the
guest of Clinton friends this week.
Mr, William Jackson is on a business
.,to Toronto and Montreal thi
, Mr. Alex. Stewart of Herman was the
girest of his consin, Mrs. Carling,Mr on
and Mrs. D. B. Kennedy were
guests at,Mr. E. Watson's, Blyth, on
Mr. J. E. Cantelcin made a business
trip north toDungannon and Auburn
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. King sleeted Bel --
grave and Winghana friends the fore-
part of the week. •
Rev, Alex. Stewart occupied the pub,
pit ofitev i
'Mr. Grant n St. Mary's
on Sunday last.
Mrs.Williarns and daughter, Miss Etta,
of Goderich were guests at the
Waverly House last week.
j'Ars:(Dr.) Howell left pri Wednesday
for Bowden, N. D, ticketed by F.
R. Hodgens, G. T. R. Agt.
Miss Annie Roberts of Seaforth
forth has been spendi. g the past
week with frinds in, town.
Miss Lizzie Twitchell hae been spend -
several days with Hansen friends
• „put r eturned home on Monday..
slay. and Mrs. John Davidson of the
• Goshen Line. Stanley,were visiting
Clinton friends the forepart of the
• week.
Miss Francis MeWhinnie of Wood-
stock and Miss Ella Braden of
• Guelph a,re guests of Mrs. E...S1, Mc-
• Lean this week. •
Mr. David Oox, Jr., -of Peknei;ston is
• -visiting at Mr:Vie:Kearns, Staple-
ton, and with bis sister, Mrs. Albert
• Nott of the London Road.
Mr.and Mrs. William Ryan of the Nile
• were guests at Mr. D. (look's, Jr.,
on Tuesday on their way to Seaforth
• to pay a more extended visit,
Mrs. T. Creighton, after spending a
couple of months with her daughter,
Inrs. B. B. Hilton, returned to her
home in Sarnia on Saturday.
Mr. John Scarlett, the popular master
of South Huron L. O. L., was in
town on Monday. Together with Mrs.
Scarlet he had been visiting the
• iteid family in Hullett.
• Mr. J. S. Welsh of Seaforth was in
the Rub on Wedneedity and inform-
ed THE NEWs-Rgoorin that the
Orangemen of his town were already
beginning to make ready for a big
demonstration on the coming July
Miss M. S. Washington, who for the
past seven weeks has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. Armes of Port
Huron, retutned home on Thursday
last. On her way back she attended
the convention of Epworth Leagues
of , the London Conference held. at,
Stratford. •
Mies Mettle Reid, of Mains and Reid,
dressmakers, has withdrawn from
the business and left /or her home in
Iluilett on Saturday as the family
intend leaving for Manitoba In tt fete
weeks. Miss Maine intends carrying
on the brisidese and will be assisted
by her sister.
Mrs. Sohn 0. Cooper and daughter,
Miss gva, of B oise vain, Man swho h aye
been visiting friends in Clinton and
Goderich township for a few weeks,
left Saturday for Winghaiti for a
few dayevisit. From there she goes
to Toronto., and thence to visit her
""ss -as., daughter in Rochester, New York
Mayor jaekson was in Hamilton this
Week attending a municipal conven•
don which had for its object seVeral
attend Men ts to the Municipal Actand
- all in the line of reform. His wor-
ship will ably represent the view;
of the dolmen over which he resides
atid do it With both dignity and
Mr. Tt, 3. Cluff ie in Toronto this week
attending the annual meetinglif the
Grand Lodge of the A. 0. 1.1, W. Mr.
Cluff is an erithusiasticWorkinan and
takesmuch pleasure in advancing
the in teeeste of that Order and the
brother)] reeiprotate by eleetinghlin
to represent them at the yearly
tally of delegates.
Me. and Mre. John MeNaughton of
Stanley, who are widely known as a
Charming host and hostess, enter.
tained 11 number of their friends on
'Tuesday evening. Among those
present Were a number who drove
down from Cllioton including t--Afes.
datnee nattelibury, Parke, its Hans -
fried, W. ,Tatokeeti and 0.0. Banco
1.1145051 Kate Maud and Chatiotte Me
Neagh t On, MeXity, Logan, Stout,
Xelly, Taylor, Mennen, Brewer,
Dell end MidtLltufl; Meier& J.
Battenbnry, Combo. 3, and A. Pots
teeter, S. Jackeon, O. 0. Renee, A.
. MeGerva,`Latornel, AY, C. Middle.
ton. B. and E. Hovey, Jas.Middleton
And &Worthington. Mrs. MeNaugh.
ton Was ASSieted in entertaining het
*ueitts by the Attlegee *Naughton.
Doing the evening Mom Bell render-
, e 8010 "Bine Flee" in a Milt
Wenner. Deneing was
to the Musk.. furnished
Organ,. and guitar.
ther early hour
Seribe, Sir Knight Jas. Cox.
Treasurer, Sir Knight F. McCartney.
Herald at Arnis, Sir Knight T.W.Bell.
Inside Guard, Sir Knight &IL Elliott.
Outside Guard, Sir Knight Thos. McKie.
Mr. Walter Sharp left last week for
his beam in Ethel after a pleasant visit
at her uncle's, Mr, R. H. Elliott, and
with other friends in the township and
. town.
Rev, E. B. Smith and 'Mrs. Smith
. were at Mr. Peter Oantelon's on Mon-
t day night where the reverend gentle -
wan conducted a confirmation class
getting ready for the visit of the bishop
on the last. Sunday in this month, In
• addition to the candidates there were
• present on the occasion Mr. and Mrs.
• R. H. Elliott and several members of
! the Proctor family.
Mr, Peter Canteion began on Thurs-
day last to draw logs to Perdue's mill.
He will need lumber as he intends
building a fine veneered residence next
sunather for which he already has the
plans ready,
Mr. William Currie, • Sr,,has also,
we hear, decided upon building and
began getting the stone on the ground
' last week. '
Mr. George McCartney is still at the
Nile 'whore, we hear,he is busily en-
gaged helping to break in colts. We
hear.he is having a, loevly time and as
he is -a merry young man we don't
doubt it.
• In addition to the lief of Huron "Old'
Boys" which THE News-3E00Rn gave
lastweek there might be mentioned two
more from this township, viz, Seines,
arid David J. McCartney both of whom
are employed in the C. P. B. freight
offlees 10 thLLt city.
•A party of ladies and gentlemen
from Goderich and Saltford, among
the number Major Beck and Mr. J. T.
Goldthorpe, drove down to Mr, ,Nixon
Sturdi's residence on Tuesday night
when several hours were very pleas-
antly spent. The genet Clerk's home
is asfavorite vet for gatherings of this
County, Councillor Connolly and Mr.
p. J. Nesbitt were arbitrators., in the
case of V.J. Oantelon and William
Connell which had a hearing in Olin
tontine week. Clerk iii2C011 kept a
record of the proceedings, ,
Mrs and Mrs. Wm. 'Dempsey .and
Mr: Situndeedon of Blyth spent Sunday
with the fortner's brothers Mr. John •
We are glad to hear that Mr. Miner's
driver, which has been laid up, is
Mr. Welgate Tebbutt has returned
after a short visit to friends in Berlin.
Though they danced all night till the
broad daylight yet they fain had danc-
ed 1.111 11000 to the piper% giddy tune.
This was the state of affairs last Friday
evening when a merry party assembled
at the home sf Mr. Chas. Williams and
enjoyed themselves to the _ fullest
The township council met pursuant
to adjournment on Feb.12th. Painutes
of last meeting read and passed..
Movedsby Jas. Johnston, seconded by
John Middleton, That auditors' report
now read be passed and the required
- number of copies printed. Moved by
0. W. Williams, seconded by J. O.
Woods, that John IVLiddieton be ap-
pointed to have the agreement tarried
out between Messrs,_Cring and Elliott
with Goderich township in connection
with the disputed watercourse. The
following atcounts were paid: Regis-
tering B. M. and D., MOO; E. Camp-
ion entering defence of Craig suit 85;
Harland Bros., spikes, 53.28; Star,
printing, $8.84 ; J. Middleton $2 and
.Reeve $4 for services with engineer on
Craig drain ; Auditors,$10 each ; Davis
& Rowland, spikes, $2,85. John Bea-
com was appointed pathmaster in
place of H. .13eacona. , Clerk W ELS in-
structed to answer communication
from William Mitchell, Esq., Clerk of
Goderich, in regard to disputed water-
course. A communication from Jas.
Campbell, Esq., Clerk of Hullett, with
engineers' award in connection with
Oolclough drain was read. Mr. Col -
dough notified reeve that he would not
pay charges against lots 28 and ei 25,
con. 17,its he was not properly notified.
The reeve was appointed to look after
said matter and if necessary to have
legal advice, Adjourned to meet on
first Monday in April. -Nixon Sturdy,
Mr. Harry S. Parker, who has been
living in Hay Township for the pest
five years, returned to the homestead
on thelOth on Monday and the next
day started for Saginaw, Michigan,
where he expects to get better wages.
Harry if; a strong, industrious young
man and We have no doubt hut that he
will do well wherever he may locate.
Al, China Wedding
In tioderich Township,
Sunday last was the twentieth anni-
vekary of the weddikes of Mis.and
Mrs. Alex. Weigh of s he Bayfield Line:
Goclerich township, and on Monday
afternoon the event wits duly celebrat-
e,d. Early in the afternoon the guests
tangos' to arrive, among thorn being :--
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Welsh, Mrs.
Hanley and Mrs. Johnston of Clinton,
Me, and Mrs. Ed. Aeheeon, Mr. and
Mrs. Burnett, and Mr. D. and Miss S.
Clark of Goderieh township Mr. and
Mrs. R. Boyce, Mr. and Mrs.. Thos,
Wiley, Mr and Mrs. A. Stephenson,
Mr. and Mrs, R. Stephenson and Mrs.
- D. Stephenson of Stanley ; Mr. and
Mitre McNaughton of Manitoba; Mr,
. and Mrs. Zoe. Robinson of Brueefield,
and Rev. A. E. arid Mrs. Shaw of Bay-
field. The forepart of the evening was
spent in soda! chat, games and musio
Until about, six o'clock when the guests
Were Invited to an oyster supper pre.
pared by the hostess and to say that
ample justice was done to the good
things is puttleg it very mildly,indeed
After the bivalves and othet good
things had been disposed of all repel's.
ed to the parlor whM
en r, Arthur
Stephenson was called to the chair,
le e
He gave there and suitable
-appropriate to the occitelon and then
railed on Messre. Acheson, Wiley,
Boyce, rt, Welsh, Robins in aud others
all of whom improved the occasion by
Wit (111(1 humor. The ladles, too, were
. upon and rendered scene excel
lent.intude. Me. Welsh also gave
*eve' vitilin eelectione accoMpanied
Wee MeNaughton on the .organ.
Betore the merry gathering dispersed
- the whole comneny joined -in dinging
the National anthem The present]
which were tot only numerous but
- Neely showed the *deem in which
Mr. and Mrs. Welsh ere held among
their friends. After Spending a, very
'dement evening and before starting
- home itteryone wished Mr. rind
- ?Ara. Walsh twenty more yrs of pos.
- Pedil 10441 h4PPlineeri
Mr. Sohn Howard betehered 011Fri-
Mr. Jas, Johnston has erected a now
steel wind.raill, which adde to the1111-
provement of his place.
Mr. Thos. Nicholson delivered a fine
mitre to it farmer in Aftltillop OD Wed-
nesday, for which he received 11 hand,
some price, and lute since purchased ;t
colt from a fermi, neAP DA811W00(1.
a.l.s Spackinan visited H
enall son
Mr. Chris and Percy Parker took in
the dance in the town hall Friday
Mr. Thos Stinson, sr., and Miss Gal-
braith of Goderieli township allotted at
13, e3ton on Sunday and Monday of last
AValentine Wilds is on the eick
list at present, which is very inconven-
.s his father ha,s been sick the lust
feweeks and is not able tel be around
Mr. Andrews of Goderich has been
around looking up pigs and is running
our own Jima little close.
Messrs, R. Fields and Geo. Castle are
cutting wood at present. They make
good times being old heeds. at that
Miss A. Galbraith of Goderich towns
ship visited set Mr, Thos. Stineon's,
Sauble LineStor a few days.
Miss M. J. Church and Altsjits,How-
ard of Goshen renewed acquaintances
on the Sauble on Monday.
131r. Alex. Parsons lost a valuable
mare by inflationist ion last week. siee.
Pareons got her on the Babylon froni
IVIA Rath well, and tha loss at this of
the year maes kit all the more hard to
to bear, as he had recently purchased
a mate for her from Mr. P. McGee.
' Fred Baker and Chris Howard are
cutting vvocid for Win. Pollock -at pres-
Mies Eva Reid spent the past week
v isi Ling relatives near Brucefield.
WiSare sorry to hear of the illness of
MAG. Sanderson of Hayfield. We hope
soon to hear of his speedy recovery.
Mr. Benjamin Spencer, 30., of Bay-
fielcl is at present engaged, cutting
wood with Mr. IL Peck.
Miss Lucinda Reid has been visiting
Wends in Seaforth.•
• The many friends of Mrs, Williana
Clark, sr., were sorry to hear of the
death of her sister, Mrs. Charles Daw-
son, of Pontiac, Michigan, who passed
Away on the 18th of Febri
uary n her
seventy-fourth arear.
We are pleased to hear of the reedy-
eey of Lorne, the son of Mr. W.
Reid, .
There are quite a nuniber ef cases of
la grippe in this vicinity. •
. Mr. Ed. Johnston has purchased it
.very fine driving mare . from Mr. Ed.,
Swerts of Goderich. • .
VW are glad to report upto titne of
Writing that Mr. • William• Clark is
gainitas strength-sloivly.
Miss Mooney from Virden, Man i to ba,
was .visiting her cousin's, Mrs. E.
Johnstone, last week. Miss 5d.eoney
was -born And raised in Manitoba and
while she speaks well of ontario yet she
;thinks the weather is very changeable
, here. -
' Mr, Hiram Hannah 'from Manitoba,
And brother of Mrs. M. Bates, WAS the
guest of the latter lest week. MA Hannah
hes ,been absent from this past for
nineteen years, and 'says be sees' very
many changes since be left. He speaks
• very highly 91. Manitoba. He has done
swell out there and Bays he would not
-like to live .here now... -
Misses Edith and A.nnie DoWson have
, gone to Londen where they have both-
sectired good situations.
kr. Henry Hayter has purchased a
good general purpose mare from Mr,
Charles Johnstone.
Messrs'Charles Jdbristone and Jos-
eph Ilayter have changed driVers, •
Sorry to report that Mr. Jas. Camp-
bell of the Bayfield'Road, near. Varna,
is laid tip with br,_oriChitiS.
Miss Rachel young-
est daughter of Mr. MeOlinchey of the
Goshen Line is seriously ill. We hope
she. will. soon be .able to he . around
Glad to report that MisLainont's little
girl, who has. been laiti up with
appendieitieS is recovering slowly.
ltilA WAGES..
at the residence of bride!tr parente,
by Rev, B. Clement; Mr, John F.
• Taylor of Tuckerstnith, son of Mr.
GeorgeTaylor of Kippen, to Mise
• Anme.E. Stevens, daughter of Mr.
William Stevens.Hullett.
Colborne township.
Morons joint Fowler and Wm. Clookl
The union congputton held at the started for Toronto on TuesileY
Nile on Thnrsday last hada big attend- &legatee to attend the Grand Lodge
once frmn all the three circuits around.
A% Ale sterling will have els 5140 1)1. • of the A • O.•Vior• Mr tio Mel going
for Carlow and Mr. Good foe Ben -
feral stock ena implements on Frriiity
as he • is giving nu farming, Song service will be held at Zion
Mr. Thos. will start for the
N. W. about the first of March as he church next Sabbath evening when
intends farming there, alstrAlts WM. Ur. flendin-son of Auburn Presbyterian
MAKIN Of Bentuiller intends going as eb"reh will "r'er0 the Puh'it*
Ise is giving up the tanning business. Rev. Mr. Celements of the Evangeli•
Mr. John Mogen purchased wont! .4gal ehurch started revival meetings
this week. Rev. M. S. VVilson of Ben.
horse from Mr. John n'eagan at a good
figura, 3011n was ont. speeding it lass miller will assist him through the
Sabbath evening audit is it high hooker eervlee4r
1111(111 good lookeA John thinks he
will put it on the track this summer.
Death lame visited this neighborhood wesT TuoKeRsruTti.
, once mere. On Tuesday last the late
Mrs. Wells passed away. She was A sleigh loadu and the
livIng with her daughter, Mrs. David London Road drove down to Rills.
Cunningham, of Carlow. The funeral green on Weilneeday evening last and .
took place on Sabbath afternoos to report a very enjoyable time. Pay -
the Maitland cemeterywhere the light was fast approaching when they
remains were laid in their last resting each arrived at their respective homes,
place. The bereaved relatives have Mr, John Robb has purchased from
the sympathy of the whole neighbor. Mr. John liennels 100 acres, paying
hood,$3,800. Mr. Hennal] purposes sailing
Mrs. Johns and'Miss Allin were the his other farm and stock and going to
guests of ,jr,'and elm Geo. Curry On Manitoba in the spring.
Sabbath last,„
Ur, Arthur Wiltse visaed. MoKillop
MOST SAO Afriends the forepart of this week.
ND °V,A.T.4.I.,
Mr. Ed. %Mere bae imbiber house.
One of the most saddening and hold guest,
pathetic calls in the Divine Providence MA I. W. johnshas decided to put a
that has. conae to our midst for some stone foundation to his barn this sum -
time, has, during the past week, fallen mots He has part of the material on
upon the family, and 'darkened the the ground. Mr. I', Welker of (Hinton
home of our fellow -citizen and neigh- has the c,ontract for the stone work,
bor, 1Vir. Alexander Neilan, We° is in we believe,.
the•employ of Mr. R. Baker on his Rev.. Mrs Copeland of Loideshoro'
Maitland concession -farm, whereby will preach missionary sermons eh this
the eldest son, Melvin, bas been called circuit on Sunday next.
away in a manner that has cast tht Mr Levi Wiltee of the London Road
deepest gloom upon -the entire commu. treated his many friends in town and
nity, and awakened sympathy in every on the London Road tot pleasant, even -
heart. He was a. bright., intelligent ing on Friday last. Orockinole was the
find winsome little man, of just about leading feature of the evening,
eleven summers, bearing . the leaped The spare horses are being picked lie,
and good -will of .all his . companions, Mr. George Turner and Mr. Levi
and ot teacher and school -mates of No. Wiltse being among those who have
7 school to which he belonged and for disposed of some at a good figure dui,.
whom thbre seemed, to all appearance, ing the past week.
life, and health and development in Miss Phoebe Jeunison is down veith
every sense of 'the terms, but for the prevailing epidemic. • • - .
whom, and in whom was fulfilled the Messrs. H. Jenor of Hamiltori and
essence of the scripture, "In the inidet Hiram Hill of Clinton pent Sunday
of life we are in death;' and the un- visiting at A. Oantelon's of Tucker -
mistakeable evidence df fact that smith, Mr. Simon is a first cousin of
we ettn- never know the when,. the Mrs. Oantelon's. •
how, nor where the end may come.
The circumstances that led, almost
directly, to the cause of his death, are B1 uevale.
as follows : Mr. Neila,n was assisting
Beker in the vvoods.and in felling
ee t econtrary and Miss Lize Messer spent Sunday ' with
a trthawnt across
another, the butt end Was carried to Miss Jeesie Fraser of Turn berry.
Miss Belle Buegess is visitiug friends'
the alum* incredible height cif be -
In Teeswaters
tween thirty and forty feet, and slid- The lecture on Thurseity night was
ing down the other tree to the gronnd -well attended. The lecturer, Revs
striick the dear little 'fellow the fatal Frank Forster of Toronto, is a splendid
blow above and heisted the . left eat,
fracturing the skull.whieh cost his life,sPeeiter" •
Mr, John Robertson and .fitinfily will
It was thought at nest, that lus was remove next week to Wroxeter. • On
killed upon . the - spot,. but although Monday evening' the minister and
never regainingconsciousness or speak- session of this Presbyterian Church 'pitt-
ing even one Word he lingered sented Mr. and IVIrs. Rehertson with
between life and death, from Thars- tveo easy Chairs! Mr. Robertson haVing
day evening ' until Sunday morning; neeti.a. teacher in the Sabbath school
when his • ePirit Passed avva'Y' He for twenty years, '
died in . the Clinton Hospital, having . Rev DP, Henderson of Teconto gave •
been removed there on Saturday even- 4 lecture on Missions in the Methodist
ing for the purpose of operation, but it• church lest Tnesclay evening. -
was too late. The •-funeral took place. Mr. John Burgese goes on FriclitY to
from the family residence on Tuesday. Gananoque to attend a meeting .0f. the
201h and that the bereaved family and Executive committee of the C. C. F.
friends have the deepest .eytnpathy of -From therehe will proceed to Sher -
the whole community need not bere- brook, Quebec, 'for the High Court
't The scLiool •turned out .en .rneeting, R. N. .Dafeis .ae,„.•
naesse,' andunder the .dfrection.of the ' delegate:to the High Court
• teacher,Mies Fergusorsplaced upon' the:, MP, John Dimon t, SAS is Ill., '
(Kan most beautiful wreath of Mr. MacHwen has , reaion. td. be well
flower s, .and offering 'their tribtite of. leased. with the resalt- of the concert
Pon bidder eight. Every .part was well
affection in those last glad rites, all
joined in. chorus and singing Fanny done and neatly everyone thinks- it
°i'c'sbY's 'nest insi&ing hYaln"Sefe in WAS the best 801001 concert:they ever
the Arne, of Jesus' and itccompanying attended: Proceeds amouut t9 over
in A- body, on foot, for the first quarts. ttventy-Seven dollarS. ,
•er mile,. a large cormourse of friends . .
and neighbors, following in the proces-
sion.. The-serviees were. performed at
the hottest by wthie.o. Rweitivs. ttitsroistGedreeant, ooef .‘
Holmesvilies • F...!_xe_tr.
grave b3rthe Rev. 'Musgrave, of Win-
' The, .in ter meat was . .inede in
Seaferth Maitland cemetery, the
family boring ground. The pallsbeers
-ars . were selected from among the
larger pupils of tbe school. •
• • • • •
Just why the "rather" wills it so
11. is,not now for us to know;
But have we faith to read it so,
The Word declares, we yetehall know,
• Johnnie Pennington,- son of Mr.
Thos. Pennington, had his arni broken
while at, play at S. §. No. 7 on Tues-
day of last week. Johnnie was the
chum of Melvin Neilans, an account of
whose untimely eud appears in
Colborne township news, the second
unfortunate accident, happening only
a few days after the first.
•Mrs. Philip Lang is at present con-
fined to her bed through illness.
Misses Eva and Lina Hueston enter-
tained several of their young friends
on Monday evening last. •
• A hockey match between • Grand
Bend and the home team vans held on
the rink here on Tuesday evening The
score was 140 in favor of Exeter.
Miss Ella IVIorlock is lard up with an
attack of illness. .
• George Easterbrook visited relatives
in Seaforth this week. •
Revival meetings axe being held in
the Senses street church each evening
of the week.
• A Patriotic carnival will be held
here on 'the rink on Friday evening
next. •
. 1
Mr. lreury Rau bed a bee laet week
drawing hems thaw 'entire barn which
he intends to build, the coming Num-
inefaise Sarah Howard bee returned
home rafter spending a few weeke with
blonde hi Stephen,
Mies Mama Rathwell of (Minton and
Miss Maud, Robinson of Brueetield
spent it eeek with. the Miesee Drys.
dalfill*r% Thosjohnston, who has been
laid up with a sore foot, is able to be
°Ilet"rIni'vin..J. Howard spent last Friday
with friends in Stephen. .
Miss Laura Horner, who has spent
the winter in Toronto, has returned
Troads are in al very poor core
dition at present for there is neither
good sleighing nor wheeling..
Mr. Joseph Ducharrn is doing it rush.
trig business in the horse -shoeing
Mr. Ralph Drysdale, who has been
visiting under the perentel roof for the
past two weeks, has returned to
MisAnnie Snell, who has been
absent for' some time, bits returned
bonie looking hale and hearty.
Mr. iVilliana MeNaughton, accom-
panied by his daughter. Abate, who
have been the guests of Mr. and MM.
R. 3. Drysdale, have returned to
Varna, •
Miss Mary Ann Drysdale is visiting
on the Goshen Line at pi tisane
Mr. Louis Durand is thitiking of
going to flensall in the spring.
Mr.R.. j. Rowan', who has an
agency for selling books, is doing a
ruthing business. AM make thingshum..
Mb tea -meeting at Hillsgreen was
fairly well attended ny the young
peoploof this neighborhood who re.
port having had at good time.
This is the last week of our February
• White 61-oods Sale and of the special display
of while wear upstairs. March will bring °
- the Milliners back to work and white goods
, habomrhisnobstioemdme.nillivi :881 ri taeineSEgt; lolfWI nfriendsei nFih a it na ' wt nhi°14
vicinity, kft on Wednesday for Clintor
where she intends spending a few days.
Messrs. D. Fotheringhani and II
Monteith,had a wood bee Thursday,
and . joyfully sp.ent the evening in
dancing and playing games till, the wee
small hours in the morning.
The Salvation Army officers of Sea -
forth spent one day last in this neigh.
from here took in the tea-'
meeting in Egmondville, and report a
inclair has purchased a
'gomodi, wthriell,mn $
new driver from Mr. William uudmore,
. S.' eklafi(s)srthLottie Upshall of Kipper)is
spending &few days with her sister,
Mrs. David Wren.
Miss Aunie Berry of Kippers spent
Sunday with friends here.
Mr. John Wright IS hired with Mr.
leobt. McKay for a year.
Miss Bella, Love of Hallett is visiting
au Mr. John Love's. • •
miss Lizzie Love left here Monday
forirenLdoa.ndon, where she intends vieiting
Mr. Henry Monteith met efith a
very painful accident while at a wood
bee by the axe glancing and cutting his
fookuaaking 11, gash about three inches
long. There were about fifty men at
the bee.
Mrs. Hanwell of Detroit and MM.
Chesney of Tuckersinith visited friends
here last week: •
Mr. Will Smithere and sister, Gertie,
who have been visiting friends here
for the pan mouth, returned to their
home in Dakota on Tuesday last.
Mr. N. Carter and his sister visited
friends in Londeshoro on Tuesday last.
Mr, Thos. Townsend addressed the
prayer meeting here on Wednesday
evening last. •
Ree. Mr. Coupland of Londesboro
will occupy the pulpit here on Sunday
morning next.
A sleigh load of young people from
this vicinity spent Monday evening
very pleasantly at the home of Mr.
Thos. Townsend of Tuckertnuith.
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker of Gode-
rich were guests of Mrs. T. Carter last
week. -
Mr. Bert Taylor of Ripper; spent a
few days last week with his brother
here. _ •
Mr. David Lindsay of Goderich town-
ship calledon friends here on Sunday
Wedding bells are ringing in our vic-
inity this week.
MIMI! 11M1,11? . TIM!? IVIVIIFIlt 17?I1nit Mill? • MIMI? IlflIfIt!
'JACKS -0:N,
BROS • 9
......,Departtnental Store
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