The Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-22, Page 3be defeated' -by the accidental firing a • ritle. Oa the other band, it is pee- sible in the darress to creep (nose to entrenchments -quite unapproachable bY These were the reasons which induc- ed the French to steal across the Agu- eda, on the banks of which Spanish river. We were stationed in 1810,, be- cause the fire rendered the crossing impossible in the day time. General Crawford's army consisted of three British -regiments, the ist regiment of Gerraan Hussars, two battalions of Portuguese Cocadores, and a battery of Horse Artillery. The night w,as ex- tremely dark, and the French antici- pated an easy vietory. The sentry not having the olightest idea of danger, had his back turned to tbe river as the French Grenadiers, 600 strong, stole up the bank. As he was dispatehed befone he could give the alarm, the French were in the vamp before their presence was even suspected. . Theta. orders being not to separate, they presented so formidable an ap- pearance that the Portuguese onion - presently followed by tihe iteehrmwaana e y Hussars, who, although priding them- selves on their appearance an or manship, were not suited to a rough asuandopuhmoubrlee! fight irt a .camp in the General Craavford had often come plaiend that his men we're so fond Alf fighting htat, when there were no French handy, they would engage each it for • seemed to. Miss Barrett's triends SOME PEOPLE MAKE AN ESPECIAL • STUDY OF IT. - ' • ;to 1 xeolloo lo co Roc or userolig eu the water, elle ebserved, "My good wo- when he acted au her tutor, but it "Please, mamma, may weir „echoed — . atm,. anti 04.paumg: at Lrieuee , 0 me man, it may be as.you say, but I could was a ease °at Abelard and Helots° It t I "a; mo I im ir Pot lover el ns'4 ""e* those very unpleesant red sputa." The he kept his best "gown and perievig" Corine, who thought tbat the wisdom se ' ee. eee, not think of buytng anyr elan with over again. When he was in London Love affairs maY becOnee faraeus in woman's answer which Hood heard at the house of her mother, mud ere. atentastlellenvebronres%sorf stisIttesra.ge. were Gene i with aeliglittrom'bobind the door, was quently dined there, "out of mere 'iot- a law court, or from anything el" arzu 1" w"" vv."... ;20, Oliver Crone- hriciovie tobreolida,vheodwtoovoartdatrobttear.erillootwIa8o, btouthyesh, sarntd tiemousr a:snobs:0%e 7Iotusectrue. ht he'n1dVehey'bIitluvip4ontilysinhalctoyvoeur wIto'uldIert adn*; theneselves from their Intensity, their lengtn, the figure they cut in a_ Lres,f e e...t phoutl. Lttosete 14z le exouwri iroeusi lbeganyeotetaVt'octsvahoe o‘systr goo to9 ratteger. mSrgf t out of the common connected witn Ou August 22, them. Or they are famena because yell bruited ilaliztiirth Bontr, of beauty and accomplishmeqe, "sigh. dren had 0; large evening aarty." brated eeople It is in this latter sbairtathdBasyrtabwa.ay back two menthe ago," • not have had much character, but her ' quorums. eenise that we am the phreee. •If the husband never °eased to love her, and most commonelace sewing .of the thirty years after their marriage len e. wrote to luer the day After Dunbar: •CORRESPJNI.S4r,' PAI. "Two whole months, mamma," cried they are oz' were the affa rs o ce Laordonelfte:mhott nits erVnIwwell'ina Zi,?4 Y toe at go'itvn forty -tett and be Y no op o weig eonsee "Oh mamma, not sines Corine'e Pl'etlesee"ll "'Truly if I love you not too well, I most commonplace Coeliac.. . irreelstible interest, whit shall be think I err not en the other liana too e I . neeetiopeuSe 1. neueraity easeetegante "Two whole mouths," quoted their said when the loves on wbieli we look much. Thou art dearer to me than rue otiv. Rine leveeveli. mother, smiling. "A very long While in ere the loves of the -Immortals t any creature; let tacit suffice." . Though- berm of the "starer in this which to stow no boapitality. But . Gen. Gordon said he never married And 'first let us think how some ef became he never found a woman pre- particular lino mo.ke an exceediugl fine girls, tell pee whom yeu would like to thom whose especial study. is love, p.ared to accompany Jelin to the engs thing out of It, this is not h y ally Invite 1" . . • that is to say the poets, have managed their own love affaire. It is true that 1‘.ternuret.. iLmewturetnocen dird f d mecum the rule; in fact, a veteran ' Oaly a few girls, manirati dear, Lily . war correspondent, who greatly Os. Lee, the 'Hough girls, Ethel BrOWn. of the earth. Etuoh it worn 19 poetasters and pretenders to geolus " India where his work brought him, tinguisheci himself in some campaigns Emily MR, and, of courts(/' JOY teritleverySp&cweate have always had short tempers, and. however not long ago, told the writer that he .rorth." • wild: in:Woo/esti° ways, but what of DIFFICULT Olt DANGEROUS. deolin'ed te go out to the present war "That's. all, mamma,' really," ex - real posts and those who pave the long One day the Scarcely less celebrated becauee the terms attired were so plained COrine.. patience of real genuis I : It would Lord J ohn Lawrence was sitting in Iles edireatvevrinttrmt.cooiteratmSoemuthgate with Miserable end au utterly inadequate "Not a long. list, but would not the seem that for good family. men Who recompense for the risks and bard- other girls be 'offended if they heard ships havolved. . • . can love their wives and being up .4 bars of .t e family. Looking' up from the book ia of it? Your cousine, the Carrells - their children respectably they can whiel. he hen Miele eogrossed, he dis- The simple,fact le', thougheeneivould theY would be hurt, I am oteregin—ele that competition is "Yes," agreed Bertha, "1 fear they not be beciten. eMen do not make (severed that his wife had left the hardly oapeet it, "Wilere's tnother V' he asked have genius," says Wordsworth, "Out stairs," replied the girl. He returned eahels up- telling in tin: war correspondent's pro. would, only I did not want anybody feesion just as it is in nearly every eery fine, for the best part of the their homes unhappy bemuse they roanaetu'of his daughters. becauseethey have not enough genius. to leis book ; and, looking up again a other. On the outbreak of the Kea- .unoll idea is scimething we have not A. mind and sentiment a higher order few mi nutee later, he put the same would render them capable of seeing res1tilleoneatrooehiesuedwaeue i. itta&notlitildmroereealive; one war eliveral a tlio newipaper of- told you- yele-we want to make every - noes in Louden were positively Man. thing that we eat ourselves." - atinsdufsese.liing ()aft It:thse Ibve of "mess lumen Lo Ins reading; once more he dated with letters from all aorta and "Yes; mamma,"• -entreated • Corine, oarudtsyworth hial- .looked up with the same question on conaltione of people-erom eakee and "Bertha and I want to eook, and we self Is an example. Miss Martineau, haila:1;110illy'oTr:hiciejitie:primbietsisterdbroeirme who was a neighbor a his, describes ..' how yery happy he and his wife went dowel the htll of life -together. "They maraied her," be replied. without your wile," "That'a why I various journals to wbom they 'ad. • top," laughed their mother. "But, loot ,mii frvoetusuetee dressed their aPPlioatIone• earls to out -of -work clerks. -tell desire will ask you how every Minute!' " oue of being sent out to represent the , "Illeasant Or me and the guests . girlies, I• believe I will let you try, seemed like ' lovers courting, theY Bair preoemisthmeydaforwtreerk; ititiiri,i" esohe Were so tender and attentive to each correepondent ottered to pity all his In quite half the oases the would-be You must set the table, and plan the cases have from time to.tinie occurred own expenses, and in a few he offered hetue wedded the' "beggar ginaldP,'; courses. , Then you. will know in M- other." Referring to the..obscurity of Lure, that. entertaining is more both. much .of Browning's Poetry., Wads- of men of high position marrying girls a premium as well -one worth said, when he, heard that the wtooeweeireeeneoL% beorrentlititrheo plurpfloerttuarnied respectable figure of 4250. Now, being the ersome than it appears: But Bertha, dea-r, remember that what you uoder- rett, the poetess, "I hope they'll lin- :. Ivn 1791 itienryv Cecil, heir atoythe titles' though the great majonity Of these of. take in the cooking line you must do and estates of an old Uncle, found a poet was going to marry Miss 13o.r fers were such that the apeis .could w.ell, and therefore, I would not be too derstand one another.". Certainly wife, not in 13elgravia, but in Bolas S. TOW g had olaken thelter in a cOttage from derstood her husband, for she Wrote to a friend, "Nobody exactly under- Laetrarin ogf tthmuonrdeeereaunda- roarlan, abtin, stands him except me, whci am in ehe that lie miight be allowed toe'staayggti'l inside of him and hear him breathe." Raorning, even if he had only it chair IT it is a risk to marry any poet, it rest upon in the lower room.' st s rud in 1 rante k th th a a country village of Shropshire. He n t f ne t t i them ambitious. Suppose you each contra; u s one ar e e, an w see rest, and besides ,as it is an experi- ment, why not ask only two intimate friands, one of 'oars and one a Cor- ine'st4 Then If the afiair turns vitae... satisfactorily, you may do it again, and by degrees different girls that o or a mo ent en er a n there Were yet a Sew whieh thowed poesibilities, and, as a matter of faen there are a few correspondents out in 1 Southi Africa now wins are haying ' their first "baptism of fire." d Some ecatord lean towards sending by T ernes Hoggins, the owner ot the out seine of the tempting of Providence and a double house, bemuse, in ansyver to ioquiries You have no eight ao shut the, door I • NIGHT ATTACKS IN WAR. to as to why he was wandering about, • • N IYIEN • • BRIGHTEST YOU G prudence or righteouitness. * business dishonour is 'a spiritual dise.' • . complaint on this occasion. The arta, lery,..h.aving no weapons handy, ing ofethis rialt for two of this irrit- trent their reporting ideas, who nave. aster; and thee a niau may she the Cecil spOke vaguely and unsatisfao- eek•el4oleiv . ." „ • - .------ DAILY RIGHTEOUSNES -•-~ -• , • 1• •-• ... y- • who have eurrendered themselves to son,sualities.. • There is no new rime on their body foe disease to place an - O other raark. Their nails dropping loose; their lintbS rating off ; their noetrini eaten away; their eyes quenoh. ed; their breath the odour of a enernol. house -they writhe ia the consuming tortures of a libertine'a deethebe(L Do thaY like it ? Oh, not It they had the value of the whole. univeree one coin, they would clacerfully give le up if they count buy but ait, houre3 releaee from elle horror.' Whion title moment ehriok over the couch, where the tears of their ataguish mangle with , the bloody idler tbat exudes. from their uleere Young man before you mount the chariot of an, go aua see the end of There is Danger to the Church From Reckless Drivers. The Rev. Dr. Talmage Discourses on Church Members Calling for a Wider -Spread an.l. More Continuous Christianity. • Ar despatch froan Washington says: „anrute not worth a dollar dazzling tboeo reckless delvers. They °nee bad -The Bev. Dr. Talmage preaelied from , a whole city with their eplendor of as 'fair a cheek aa you, and as stout like the .driving on Jehue the Son of epeculations. Debts repudiate -NI Pro- They looked at bad pictures. They nlinishi; for he drivethi furiously,' - perty surreptitiously put out: a one's went into contaminating associations. 2; Hinge, Ix. 20. I Wendel Members of our State Legis. Out of. ourioeity, and just to see for iJorane, wounded in battle, lies 'in 1 lartuarto with email saieries.helped into etin. 'They -were caught in snares that hemselvesi, they entered the home of !forret% blirrati:htle°ttluixt:ttlf; bad aap ured stronger men than they. hospital 'at Jezreel„The watehauta, pglieelefraeve standing, in tho towere looks off and in debt- to the otber fourtut Portunea Farewell now to all hope of return! etroarewell to peace I Farewell to heave nem against the sky, horseman and inade in 3 weeks. Honest men derided the following text: "Tho driviug peniSennEunetldeOltinevaeelst hadcmitg tavregtee aailloyeaarstae. T14ebyeystreee.:tpdelrveeari groavdelle-. eliariote. A messenger is sent rout to alit insheelle, and as not living up to Perbo.ps there are .sorae here who turn, Another messenger is sent, but rich! All tile °Mee " praoticest But I cannot . stop. I knole tied Who is coming; bun ,does not; re- elemeilureituriveuelegwt Ylarlit ea:1r say, "Would God I could stop my bad g in ° ° that I am on the weenie road, and with the eame fate. The, watchuiane mule line. All our Streets, alleYsi that I have been a reckless driver ; 'dandies. in the towere looke off: up- and courts filled with the thundering but I try to rein in my swift appe- du the advancing. troopme and gets tites, yet they will not Inied," I tell wheels of reckless drivers! When I see in the community, men, mob/ that there is an Almighty hana more and more excated, wundernig , .with large ineamea but larger out- eyentob oan pull baokathese wild racers. who are coming. But ;befOrn the goes, rushing into wildest under- He whose beak the stars answer, and cavalcade come,e tip the matter is de- inking:a their .pockets • Wien With at whose• mandate the. chariots of cided. Tee watchman (Annul. (teary circulars about gold In Canada,. and heaven come and go, is more than a the featuree of the, approaching man, lead in Miesouri and fortunes every- master for these temptations. Help - where, launching' out in expenditures less yourself, • and unable to guilde but exclaines, "I have found out who to. be met by the thousands they ex- these! wild coursers, give .Tesus Christ it, is; the deiviage is likei the driving peet to make, with derision duelling the reins, Mighty to save unto the of Jehu, the son of Nteashi; Tor he aerose the patlf. of sober men depene- uttermost I driveth furiously." - . • in,g upon their industry and laonour of Better stop now. Some years ago, 'AO near Princeton, New Jersey, Berne success; I say, "Here be come% .By the Latin of that 'one bentelloe, son of Nimshi, driving furiously." young men were skating on a pond arouu1.1;irn irlalrehote," arieli tile iltbe- we discover Jehu•s character. • He When I see a poung man, not con - canes with suish speed, not beeause tent gradually tot come 'to a compe- gpead; but aatlyounn. maan esa7s1, "1m am nail; • had an errand to do, but bemuse afraid I Give at gone round, morel" IL tenoy, oareless as to how often hegoes upon credit, spending in one night's swung nearly round, when the ice he was urged on by a headlong disposi- oarousal a month's salary, taking the lielokieliealenade nit3eotduyntfioluuthde. nelAto dmayeuwaos tion, which had, won ,him the name of eew nuadred dollars given him a reckless driver, even among the for starting in the purchase 'of a On in sin. They are warned. Th!er watehenen. The cbariot plunges un- regal wardrobe, ashamed to work, expect soon to stop. But they cry, anxious only for display, regardless of 'Give us one round naorel" They start, til you almost expect the wheels to , his father's counsel, and the examPle but/ with, a yvild crash break through crash under it, or some of 'the PrincelY of the thousands who, in a short Into bottomless perdition, Do not party to Le thrown out, or tiue horsee while, have wrecked body, and niind, risk it any longer. Stop now. God to beCothe 'utterly umnanag.eable. But aud Mut in scheming or dissipation 1 save! us from foolhardiness of the one I f Nixxi round more I he; airways goes so; and he beconees a da7w I4eye oenies, t e son o she driving furiously." type of that class of persons to I would that on the •desk of every be found in all the communities, who oeunting-house, and on the bench of in worldly and. in religioua affairs may every artizan, there were a bible; be styled -reckless drivers. and that. by its- instruotion all busi- • ness men were regulated, and that ! To this class belong all these who they would see that'godliness is pre - °mallet t e r wor dly ita e or e e a , h 1 affairs i a f bl f lif th t is as well as ' • Joh order, tor the morning found Tome My quite dernoetilleed. Ile will mareli or fight as long ne yen like, out sot Min tbe ground on an extremely cold night, and he becomes very des- pondent, especially when he baa oak- en hinarielf anti hie =tee what woilld happen were the enemy te mese their troope and attaelx each of their little twelve detachments In hien. As a matter a feet, this is exactly what they did do, and the British troops suffered a reverse. In one military colleges this is one of the instances relied on as evidence a the drawbacks of night attacks. As a mattes of fact, the defeat woe due to the scattering of our mAn. It was under cover of the darkness that we gained the ramparts; the elefeat it- self took plare in the daytime. When an investing or attacking force finds itself wIthout proper ar- tillerry, the temptation to truat to a night attack is, of course, very great. They recognise that in the auk it la .1xupossible to control the conduct of operations after fighting has com- menced ; that even, if the place to be stormed has been thoroughly recon- noitred, the darkness is against ac- ourate, lot alone. rapid =vernier:its. Worse still, soldiers are very Im- pressionable during night, fighting, • that panics frequently take place, or os in the case of a night attack in Natal, the whole operation la likely to I thank God that I have met you. to- night, andt been permitted ao tell you which is the right road and whicle the wrong road. You must take one or the other. I leave you' at the, forks; choose for yonrselvesl And May God have merey upon all reckless drivers!" FAMOUS ME AFFAIRS; came around It happened Wet she hed little except plaice, and Mrs. llood ob. eerved that all had Bilotti againat which she had been warm& She hinted to tbe fish wife that they were not fresh, and, upon being aesured that they had not been lone; out of 'retitle' for the harder' Of pethoe that "Onle womaia's hair." It its for their forced brevity acme to bide, ASA T LIJNCHEON.1 A PLE eaoli reader to road hie OWil moaning eere I little tun. bleat never meant Vaneesa, Miss oilcan next Saturday asked 1.11rthe Vanhozarigb, to fall in love with hira Lennox ono znorning at breakfast. into thenk. anima, can g Ye heat.dlong way, withaut eny regarel to for that which is to come; end that other in combat. He bad no c use • FOUGHT WITH THEII1, BELTS, able profession to wed. Contrary t ril d t 1 t 'd h originality, reeource, und good tiesorma • . . • f M th di t 1 s or the rustee of a Baptist church, or an o a. e s as , of your office or store against the t principles of oar holy ieligion. That "example" in a Quaker meeting - minister of Cleriet does not do his houses, or a vestryman in an Episcepal parish; or* an elder in a Presbster- wliole duty who does not plahily and unmistakaoly bring the gospel face to iannichurfole and yet. go to' perdition.. rusuedraiatylourdt_ Lam with every style of businese tran- haveutsoucahred. yYourdlesaes7 section. Many a man sits in his. pew er that sermon a failure which 'does on Sunday eight, and sings Rook of not strike every one somewhere. I personal Ages, and rolls up his eyes, very pious- . have ne desire to escape Preaching. What is the use a going ly, who on coming out at the eloae to churcai if not to beenetide better? 1 of the service, shues the pew -door, and never feel satisfied when I sit in says, " Good-bye, religion; I will be church unless the nreaCher Strikes back next Sunday 1 ' A. religion that sorme of my sins, and arouses me out . a s of some of my stupidities,. Now, you does not .worle alt the wee • a we . on Sunday, es .no rellgiOn at, We have a right, in 7,n ..C:OriiStian manner, to point. out those. wOo, year by year, _ are jeopardizing net • bnly tneie weliare, nut the niteteSts OA oth- ers in reekless driving. As a lauckMaxi having lost conLrol Au: u *elyring warn, is 'apt, to cram into other vehietes; uu- tit me property -and eives al: :Wliela street are endangered, so.a Man •drive ing hie woridly 'menus' with..auchnoese reins, that, alter ajwniie, it. will not anaw,er his voice orhiandepatsin 'peril may, in wernly affaies, lee cautious, true, honeueable, and exeraplary; but am I not right when I gar that all . those who are, speedileg toward etern- ity without preparation -flying with the years, and the Months, and the weeks, and the days, and the moments, and the• seconds, to- ward an , ennilterable destiny, yet uncertain as tot where they speed, are reckless drivers? , WOat would you think *of a stage -driver with six horses and twenty passengers in the midnight, when it is sto dark that I SOME THAT HAVE SUCGEEDED, AND • SOME THAT.HAVE FAMED • — - The Opinions Cr 4ireat *Selltierti est the : .ittpettleses OT the Ntsht A11815 • er t4111e.,1kri4;.. • . . the eyetr in South Arrica es it' progresses ninke, it apparent ' that tne konjes ana eeher natural foreifica- tiens of. ehe country contain, so. meny • Inaing-placegi .etre to render even a beta- bardment . by lerddite useless, ought • • nest our ttooptanit being•impoisible to storm, entrenchments in these do.ys of Q.F, Weapons. --to largely rely ori night attacks and the bayonet? In the mill, tary world there is mtich. difference of opinion aa to the value of the night attack in war.. But assaults ixt daylight *in entrenched positions causes snob loss -of nife, _unless the artillery first clears the way, that nocturnal war- fare will always_ be resorted to. It haw -one emai point In its favor, that • ilst the infante or as many of wh Y, o Tom a as sal ewes an un- tive ower in referenee to the ol rees campaigner whose speciality is tional happiness. In the biography of ness of. 'the teem. Tennyson, whose thenei as were armed, did such embus th e It s exce - " ki p , p expectations, e r su wa P d rtaker a ng refuge n e vague - ballad is founded on this story, makes mtlitary matters. All this tends to tion with the bayonet that the French Robert Browning there are the fOl- afiect the reanoneration a the lat. "The Lord ot Burletgh" call himself, began to waver. It was no use their lowing words, which ought to be con - In two or three cases • of the best not an "undertaker," but a "landscape -ler' officers telling them, to keep togeth- Liown correepondentse hoWever, it is sidered by all who would solve the pafnter,". which, ,perhaps, is a more er. How could they when their ranks problem:_"flow to be happy though pooeical busineste, Next morning, the h h painter made the 'acquaintance' of '51ite 1.° 'eaY that 11 has noi done 8°' were constantly invaded by what they Sarah, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perhaps there are a couple of them milled la boxe. English fists decided married!' "The deep eart-love, t e preserved their union in rare beauty was a case of love at first eight, and Hoggins, a rusLio beauty of 17. et who are ratOer better known than the fate of that night attaok, and the many-sided intellectual sympathy, their colleagues, and each of whom es - French -Such of theta as escaped- ' Strange as it may stem, for the to the end. But to saY that;it thus fields where Sarah milked the cows Peoially distinguished himself in the i he became Elysian fields to Mr. Jones • rebent Soudan campaign. Their rernim- were driven 'headlong over the river. for so Cecil styled.himself, To make °ration is very 'emelt the same, and • French are an excitable race -our maintained itself as if by magic w t story short, Henry Jones, he they. stand pretty well at Lhe head of friends woes the Channel have eut iffert of seif-saprifice oa nis part a ieeg or- f est nation no hers would be still cone led his re 1 the list in this respect. een artial to night at - b t Li 1 d ill to Go you know can be Invited." "Oh, lovely," declared Bertha .and Corine in a breath, "and I will invite May North," added Bertha, "And may 1. ask Lily Leer said Colima Again their mother. smiled, for she knew well that Corine only wanted Lily because she was Bertha's friend, but told them to make their own se- lection, and. then wanted to know what recelptet they would try. • "Something good from the old book," exclaimed Bertha, °You must be careful; reneember the snow balls," reminded Mrs. Lennox. ' • "Oh," cried Bertha, "they would have been •all right, only I put 'sugar instead of salt ana forgot the soda." "But' • d C "We . • o r g ea a mane and noa, assure orine, always le p tacks. • • rank and Sarah Noggins were mar- One of them is in receipt of a "re. be weal tareful." ' , • • mi d th t he , .. would help all she could, and the girls . then hurried olif to sebool full of their pr,rohjeect.day Of. luneheon. came in due time, aod • proved a success, and as young readers would like to know just tiow they managed, a description shall be given. . , ' The giits decided upon yellow for their color school°, so Mrs. Lennox al- lowea them to use her white and gold china, and • loaned them her prettiest centrepiece, a white square marked in buttercups. Doilies were used of the same design. • In the middle of the • • • • as unjust to the noble qualttien of , It was on the 'night of April 14th, • t ried and lived on in the village. Two tainer" of A1,50.) n year, anti for elaie he ,engages Lo go out to a war when- ever called upon. in the piping times of peace be does special work fOr his .papar, either at nome or, most 'fre- quently abroad, and gets all his ex- penms paul, Besides this, when war cloes.at length' begen and he is dis. patched tei the scene of action, ape. dal arrangements are made whereby his stipend is for the time being in- orea,sed, and, moreover, it is etipulat- ed that be has free pernessiOn to pub- lish in book form subelequently ALI, THE CORRESPONDENCE AIrs. 'Lennox pro se . a •fit of Bayonne hoth as it Would ba false o -user Bari, died. Knowing that his pees - ye -are afterward his uncle, the old 1814, tbat the garrison made its celebrated sortie. At .first, thee its compensating happiness had s- ever failed thene.". The oeher great ence would be wanted at `'Burghley the onset wee successful, and the out- posts Lell back through the village of master of song belonging to our time House by Stamford Town," he told his wife that he wan called on business toe St, Etienne, which tbe French then to Lincolnshire, and that he wished occupied, with the exception of One and country was aiso censpamous Mr her to accompe.ny him. They set out house. This is one of the sorties cmoanrjruigeadl failiseetterigtag ribMinYstchne without delay, she sittiog, as was the whith may be quoted in fator Of noc- turnal assault, for, though it failed, . daughter of a soliciLor. The young They passed, the seats of various no - fashion then, on a pillion behind him. it was not till long after daylight that - cttiotupTlewlroektr uhfaomr. the. fihresitr triroei ybeaabrys we were able to turn • tOe tablas. The . blemer. and gentlemen on the road; Prench,noe only threar'our camp into ied..but in 1253 there was another4 at last they came to a particularly a year old, "crazy with leughter, an - the wildest confusion, but General 'uabble, and in admiration, and exclaimed, "What fine mansiou and park.: Sakah gazed Ha ho commanded the catposts, Y W" the commercial interest of scores or you cannot see your aanct dove your was killed, an tr o like ray dear Sally, te be mistress. a hundreds. There ere teeday in our face, dashieg at full run over bridges to conceal its plan of attack, but steal commanded our freer's, was taken ern- ale more beautiful love a man for you' atter is a great thing in his. favor, wile yellow buttercups, which inateh- e y midst, many of our best citizens w.ho and along by dangerous :precipices?. on the enemy unobserved as well. • sonar. weirder' is oti record .than that of of such a place?" was her lord's re.• 't bl the attackin party not only • . . EA.RTLI S NEW WINE nificent house! How should • a h 1 fill d ena es d S J hn Hope o • a mag ds b nd. cable home rhi table was• placed glass ow and, what evitb one thing and *Moth- ed exaotly. Yellow• candles in °id- eates come from attlu.eoee 'into -strait- 'Such a man ie prudent- compared with . .Sonee of the • greatest generals the . ' The loss in officers, indeed, wee so .nente for *atria', whom he sew first ply. ."Very niuein indeed, if we were _er, it. is esnmated, than his .ineome is fashioned low:candelabras weee placed' ened eircumstauce.s, because there was one. NV.110, apaicl the perils of this life, great. that, by• the laws of 'war, the in •1274. .. He only meteher once or . nch enough to :live in it." ."I am dashes on toward an unknown eternie world hes .ever known, evere net ie little, if.' anything short . of • £3,000 a et each •'-side of the ,boyel, only Mrs. a par.tner in thetr. arm, or a. cashier in • Brieish 'at daybreels, shoula . have re- teyiee; nevertheless, when she married glad: that . you like it; the plaCe is their bank, or en egent representing . ty; *not knowing where he. geese. 'It. favour of night attank..r retierick • the . treated, hut -this is just* what they: he ' fell seriousey ill, •and when she. yours. • .1 am Earl of Exeter, and you. a .• . Lennot perstea.ded. the: girls that the • in driving, You. • Mine te. the eorks,ef ' . . • ossibly that Of the other writer of sunlight :streaming in would be Prete. their house, or one Gi i heir largeet bre- ' lead and 0110•Mnek.to- the. richt -and •Great had a poor opinion of' its eses, nveuldiacit do.. There were no boulders died, as she did ehortly .after, his life are,.my- Countess." . . .• . . the ot or' to Jim left •you stop ancl. • • and 'machine guns in .those .days, an . was .in danger, nod . he :became ' a, d . ' And .a gentle •consort made he; , . wa telegrams put in the same class tier than. to"darken theiroonn just ter ei, was a furious driver. • - . . a e ui etry . sa o. v lc •roa ..you . . . . . • .., ' elle belief eutertained benTommy that. thing .wild and savage to look %eon." . : And. tier. gentle mead was such : falls a lit tle -below this iigure. Hisi tins pleasure. alighting the candles. diters, who, like Jehu, the son.of Nine. A r 'h ' •-• • • • - ' but . as that.monareh'sedislike of Mae - ought tp lake.. Toenignt, yeti -have) fusion which. darkness. inevits•bly. oc- one Englishinan was a.' raateh for Throughout the cheerless' wanderings That. ehe grow a noble lady, . • definite balary, twee or no war, . is The .first course conformed, to the • Against au this, it is high anis that m k ' q ' a. t . S'h h ' d ' Mina warfare was owing' to Lne Nan-, the Church of God, wakes up.. Who ome to -the . farks.. of a .road. • .. One eliree Prenchmene ainounted to a sup- of a etorm-beaten existence Beatrice . And the people loved her much. ' £1,500. a year ; but .it is understood calor, for it was of sliced oranges, and Law I Almost any man olio escape that, k ads to heaven andnthaother to hell. • , 8. erstition. Their generals ewere gone, was' the muse of hip intellect and the. •• " THEIR FUNDS EICHAUSTEp. iphaoto if t peesiete tewremree waoluoindg ;s)peerll.e..aort., irieexi.iyei.oureefereos ranged: . ' II. chiollati raTulgillne. PLanT.T'srsolf:t.. else will expels, the wrongs V 'Not the '0;1; melons,' eind the necessity Of .keepin if he has money enough, Sheriffs' al - td th ' ht ' litthearou h , ea fide•rs, toindece them te do their du y, a Ith 1 f- .arid of officers they. hed only. a feat', angel' of his- soul, . (amens event in'..Petr r h' histor a The singular loveliness -of .Bassie • • . Melee. garnished' with lemons,- Mrs. . bioh road 'will yea lake ? . The road the soldiers undeir the ye o .e r o On April 6, 1327, happened the most • yOIT Ma mad it very rough. It thas• his tentimony rimy beeset. asiae: te 'but they•formed in line, .gave one ring - a 9 a • 3' Surtees, of •Neweastle, -won the heart turns St for him oftener than sant. The Week of, Ins own .sort, liowever; 'Lennox's.. coritributiOn to• the feast. been • much cot Up. with the hoof- 0- ing cheer, and dashed headlong at . people would be inclined tenthink with _: n•some frozen -custard, wOich the daemon, anti .police melee:: .haVe!Mr.. !',1,!'g..., iii..O • .g Y , • . . their old fooe, whe, doisloikituog :plod !sant . gaeusraaW wLesurarefora.litbse firos:trtioniai. ho eltill.. ot a barrister celled John Snott, and P .• d were 'out proper reflection, for it. must be atlaotIg.iiiiitetreara. terfuoriii erretukuing,eutilityri4 " . their work to see that no defrauder., ' a in a while, a swindler id ari.ested, and Th a t Y ere.. re .a grea . many steep .hills. . - .. e.. - ' t ttilli t '11;V m . le rt'rejact het s e li al the' Y•ming PeaPla ran awaY an - borne in Miod that tho'Chine-Japan„ . ng , a of means gets too badly. hurt. Once markes of the cavelr of t t ti ' ' emp a _on. ue solniees remeire. no flanejoks to as much as the Boer d , o . If the case be too oetoriously'flagrautS loon them at theie 'least. Indeed the heels, eever. once. stoppitig . till ey e eY,, oweve , et hypotheals that tehe was a mere lig- - 9 married. At first it aid not lookeis. Graeco-Turixe . Spanish-American and . tho ht they had not hid hand • You will.see where torrents of tribu. greet defect tef eee'.• Thomai Atkips had. reached Bayonne. • . if this were a ease of a face making a on an, an now t. BoareB ita n . . enough in it, yet they agreed that it 'ficials having him in charge must eake • The bones ot the, inattyrs are scatter- • As a rule night 'attacks .o.re given meat .of the poet's fatcy ; and, if we' fortune, •lor on the third 'nay- after ,s d . • dY; wars have all happened within a cone - he e i ' made . theit: work, the two famous . the calprit is cundenined; but.the on. ' . .. . . •eet along theroad. T wilt ncit Oconee • lie will with the -greatest . concern at-' fotrded her the darkness will Compen- , of het loeer demonsteate that.she was. in; the belief that. tho concealmentafe accept her personal reality, the po.ems • ed, they 'had not o. home ta go to, axed their union thelr.funds were exhaust- ' paratively brief period. This man ale so. writes' booka about the eampaignie ettkes, all the better: .• - . • Bertha's were: glove . cakes taken lation have • washea• the road away. is that. being totally 'insensible 0 Mar, Sing. in ..tho briefest etinee, or the .gov- you -some. have fennel it a very' rough A- eneral a !needed' woxnan,• with whom he ens . • • d • • tf 1 d • t i they.. did not ' know whether their ernor's pardon getathere before him. tack his •fee-witbout any qUeStion as eats fOri* the risks inourred. g . whiclnhave large sales, and altogether from' an old hook ot her great,. great • the express train awl • get ' to Sing ,• wan ; '. but 'I' tell every . hearer toe to the. accessibility.. or • othetwhie of friende • would ever speak .to them tevreayn:dgiutlapeoru.' (tell= on the Lrack of a .w.onatua wile has stol comes out -at the right p‘lace. There • uen aid, no doubt considered that If timate friendship. ... • . who 'became Dean of St. Paul's in 1821, Mrs. Scott was a struggle, she waS do doll is bein aid at the rate of . into three pounds of flour, the same saidatiii.1;uverta, .. .night that it' is .the right way'. alt the.position. .. .., ' • ' debating the chances,. as .Lord. MetO- _ Joye ..a respee u an • no very n - again. If, however the early life of heawIll make oyer £2,000 a year. A.notlior catrespendent for a Lon- .. .. , en a paper of pins; or a. ft.eezitig mon . is ti great house at the end -of it 9. 9 ° . e eg 7, s 0 Th • Duk f W Ili to n pinion of . Min- inecess before. the Boers, for all - he atateked in the. dark he might at•-• The poet' and dinine,. john Donne, Won i : to a rewarded when she. saw her. husband m sugar ana one pint of inolasseawere We have feet of Lightning' When we get who leas abstracted a souttle of coal; built for ' you. .tAs you opine up,' you the night attack, merits, .of course, th . • rich. family without •the consent of her take his .seat upon •the Woolsack and al Y g P . £1,000 a year -while the war lasts, and ...; a fourth doesn't et the prehent time - e ' added and ali• were melted together; but when we go out in pureuit, of Will see Christ ready to greet you. At more serious. attention: After the fail- en • eir mobility, neer! able .M collect .. had married a .lady g irg ' ' • parents, and in constxmence was treat- become Lord Eldon. That this was A- 0111 of cream, wo ounces of groun t d dome man whe has strock down the the 'gate, you Will find enough of the ffinient. . • ed with great -asperity ; 'in fact, he due largely' to her was shown by •the know what he is being pela at I He was • , d . • a gingerf a nutmeg grated, a little along the Hudeou to build .his man- !Meat from your cheek, and the ache front of beringapa ane, .N TO BEA.1! ITS ,BACK. . • ing the Great Seal into Lord Eldon's he hours' notice, ana such was the hurry • interests of a .htundred, and goes. tip waters of ' the Jordan to wash the • ' et are of en enterprise against a fort in ATP s' father-in-law that 'he • words wbich . the King used a.fteir give sent to the front tit about twenty -lour - .lenson pool pounded. lbe angle was sten, the. whole city' hangs. on. our ing from' your brow, and the dust lington said in a despateli tonna Ism- d, . . t in 1709, Wel- . Bender, atormed by .the Itussio.ns in .was told by ti a- was not. to expect any money from halide, "Give my remembrance" . that there was absolutely no time tie- worked well. and smoothly. Then it. skiete, crying: " Don't you hurt him,1" from your feet.' • Talk about castles ther, Lord Mornington ; ,'' I have come ' 177 tis perhaps not so. Impregn . ned the pithy note: "John Donne, An- ' n .' said "t L d Bid " The Chiancel- o a y on. i, ' discuss the question. He, however, is was rolled out and out. in cake sharles it is, therefore, left too the Church otnenerble and granite 1- This one ia ' ble as Cronje's for ress. nea _ .. d w ' 't ' i Kimber- hinn The doctor went:borne and pen- tane" which he 'sent to but intimated his ignorance of Lady ot acknowledged the condescens on, usuallp paid in a lump' sum for tbe d be bad .confidence. t ae. ° - thernwas no da.nger of burning. These and biked in a slow oven, so that of God to make these thingn .odious cleft of amethyst, and. chalcedony, to the deteridnation when in .iny pow. , . ley ; but Cind.ad, Reeler's°, and Ba a- ae Donne, um , . the gentleman in question and this akeit. were good and crisp, and were and pearl. -- Talk of bariquetingl . The "" • ' . -.• ' • joz, carried by Wellington in 1812, neve. • h d - h f t t t ' ' th t a ' t o ef ee o res oring am Eldon's claim to 'such notice. "Yes, oamPalgin an h 'raueli apprecialed by the young•guestir there stand in theenemberehip of our semi's of the universe are gathered.at NEVER .T0..SUFFER 'Ain .ASSAULT w ' • • • ere fail to aotonish the. tourist familiar . favor. The couple .were very p.00r at h churches mon '. who deyour . Widows' this. tablee and 'all who sit .at it are ' ' ith that 'glorious page in British his - first, but things soon. got brighter, y oge er -- n yes,'" the King 'answered. "I know his employers would treat him gener- ow niueh. 1 owe to Lady Eldon. I Aftet one or . two eases• in whnch • • remunera ion - Biseuin. .. • - Corine decided upon an Old -fashion-. as well as the maker. . and penal. .Evetybody knows' that . ne ot churches; in the eldership; these forint .because the .left-hand road is • • • : hesoism the t isp aye el* 1 d by Muster . . sixteen' years afterward at the .birth F f th th t figures a year there.is a big drop. Two u or orty- ree years e •grea ously. nounde of flour. The whites were houses, and digeet them, Lela for a to be mede at night 'upon an enemy ther the conduct of :our won, during , • tory, .anci ,yet it may be ou. te w e . d bt 1 h - and the lived most .happil t tO a country •curatee and that she has oorresPon an et rei which hovers near the rate of four • _ kings and queens. , - ' know you would have made yourself . d t ' d wt. t ed receint called "Savory or Lemon pretence make long prayers:- There -Bet notwithatanding the brilliant who is prepared.and strongly posted,' • un re. nne, w o a een mar- tilDIY• Do h•hd.b made, you iris, Lord Chancellor." : The whites Of six eggs in are stook gamblers who are trustees• terroinus of the read, you halt at the and whose posts have. not. been recon- thoee's assaults approached in sheer ried when only 16. years of age, died su ar was Added to three and a half w,lao grind the faces ',of the poor; and a great deal ' smoother s and.. some of , • !neared by daylight.' T le Immo a - . I f W t • . • 1 t Am ti • Tommer at Belmont. of her twelfth child.: . . lawyer and .agilatok, Daniel O'Con. ordinary reporters; hue eery smart _ - nen, poured' out his heart d nion all the same, . are 'out this tithe --- ' whilu the' -Church will expel from, its .you will drivein that weer. I .see mut- ar,00 never aniseed, his 'opirtion, for in 'van colonies, '1818, a small Br . In tOe writ whieh QS us our e, - itish Another poet and divine' who was - d b hi i b t to his wife ; and Well beaten-. . The sugar vas then separated from •the yolks of six eggs .inemberaltip, the drunkard or the lib- tittides of .People• who do not even 1814 we tind him evriting in reference . , ' h . t 11.1 sem not un one . y s mart age, u. foxce under General Vincent at •Bur- . like a school boy in love for the first an both arc drawing precisely .: -. time. Hie first .thoughts were al- stirred into the yolks till the inixture ing that, a defeauder, be he great' or panting,. with , the speed, nostrils dis- Sir Thomas Graham Is very un or- tion to the marrying' in haste and re- • • • yearn nor the treneendous.pressure of as when efiey wore ae home. working i a his hrofessional and George Herbert. It was an. excep- tette:led, foam dropping. from. the bit 1 1 in theBri- political engage- for their papers in no More danger- • large lemon, also the pee , came ext, little, president, of a bank, 'or keeper' • hesitate. Hoevever wel p , g . 1 lanned •ni ht Utah osition. Coloael Harvey, haviag Creek acme seven rai ea ro ti 1.1 le f. it; he d h' then the flour was added a little at it - • • • ertbae, w,hich of our churches has ris- stop at the forks to make incetirY. to the disastee at Berien-opanom; greatly helped and comforted, was THE SAME SALARIES ' . was -smooth and the whites were added en up to the couragectus point a saY- The coursers behind which they go are e f elneT cane who encemped at' toney tingtoin Heig ts, was eu o . wayn of her : ahd neither the lapse of • by degrees. Half of the juice of one pen ng in e sure ru i o - en le nimbi seems. ever to have prevented oust a place than Fleet Street. One of e on a cigar shop, W'orth ef Million, or a and Itbitening the Mons, nut stin attacks. on good„troops are seldom; sue- ree°111, 1 wile nearried on. the hie clay after his writing regularly to her -letters these selaries le eight guineas a week ill time. All was well stirred. In fact, bankrupt, shall not cOme unchalleng- urged on with lash and shout and misfile.," • • o tee e gt oun a tat tO • d nd advised acktindwaaat the heati of tbe • . . e whielt in later years he used to cal] and the other is else guineas. their first interview Ind "there vas • • e more it is stirred thei lighter and ed to our holy communion I The laughter' tae reins undrawn e the ena- a night ati intrusted with tiever any opposition betwuct Mem, ,the "love letters of your old husband." There is this advantage to them better will be the biscuits. The pans . Church of crsa wants nothing so =eh •banktnents • unwatched; the speed Marshal Marmont, one' of the . best the caeca on. canine:- ' • minuet it were a contest which ahmild •The contemplation of nature's calm however, beyond the experience: thai were .buttered . well, end the dough to -day as to be swept out. But an or- unnoticed. Alan for the reckless . eoldiers who ever fought under 49th regiment, land five oitherA most incline to a compliance with the and orderly working would seenf to as every farthing of living and all "17 half filled them. In baking, the dinary sweeping will 'not do the work. drivers!. They may after a .while see eon, WaS of the same opinion, filnrhie- 1,0a.uniee. of the Be a he put us m other's desires." Herbert made his have a soothing influence upon her other, expenses are borne by their pa- Irma utswnaorteUeogh.onyaonretiutuhaeleiryegbuoifb- It needs to be scrubbed. The time the peril and seize the reins, and lay wrote: P s to flight ; and this, be it retain - wife his almoner, and paiel to her re- students if we may judge from the do- per0, their salariell at home remain must soon conee when the Church will back with all their might, • and put "But it is necessary to bear u--- - ereu with a form which numbered k d 'VI Tr I ss eine attempts proved most appetizing, and only 704 ran art 1 e. is o e, gularly a tenth of all he received ad mes tie pae of some of the most cote- quite untouched; and, besides this, it see that this great load of obloquy will on the brakes, and cry for help until in mind that even with the most fav- ounted to twenty-five killed, 18" tithes to be spent on w brated of them. A.fter twenty-eight Es practically understood that when to quote 13 th ft th 1 h er a a er e uno eon break her down. If a teamster,pass- their hands are numb, and their eyes THE POOR OF HIS PARISH. years' experience Faraday spoke of hostilities come and tbey come back WAS OV "I never e ny en er ai men er: lik d a t t no t . mg down the street, dashes heedless- start lrom their sockets, and the to fail if the garrison thus surprised tearable elements it is still possible, wounded, end twenty-five roissing. void of the science which waefare by . There Waa an exception, nowever, to his marriage as an event which, more to London eomething in the form of Nights attacks are necessarily de- _ a more." ly along, and runs down a child, the breath stops, and the heart chills, is animated with a good spirit." daylight affords snow, for ; still, un- the Tule Of marrying in haste and re- than any other, had contributed to his cash Present 'will be Made them. It *neer eer corine (teetered with. em. authorities catch him ; but for the . as over the rocka they plunge, cours- QUA& so. But supposing the enemy as we have tainting al teieute In the ease a Wale earthly happiness and healthy state is interesting to remark that their rusts, reckless commercial drivers, who stop er and eliarion and. horseman, tumb- had a dread of " Best Sheffield Cold" dem eettels c°114111"81 ' shown, they are not without their ter Savage Lander end his wife. The of mind. Speaking of his wife, James work so far haa been of a first-class - not for the right of others, and who ling, in long -resounding crash of what then? poet met his future wife at a ball, and Nasmytio the inventor of the steam character. • dash. on to make their fortunes over rum. t Prince Eugene assuredly a great sole value' i determined on the instant to marry hammer, said: "Forty-two years of Another of the correspondents, re,. ROYALTY'S DRESS ALLOWANCE. the, heads of innocence, virtue and re- $oine are drawn along by sinful !tier, on the other hand, loved a dark her. Not long after he had done so married life find us the same devoted presenting en v ii* • s ' lc e e mg paper, is wox . An enterprising fashion writer tells ligion-no chastisements. pleasures -a wild team that ran away night for what he called " business." REASON FOR VI/INTER FLAVOR. Mrs. Landcir tame to think that "a 'cronies' that we were at the begin- long on a high male of what is protein atonally known as "lineagel" that is, Some time ago, in the city of New ivith all who have persisted in riding In 1702 he surprised Cremona under The caum of "winter flavor," ersation with her husbana was in- Inns" ' us that before her marriage, the Duch - York, a young man in a jeweller's behind theta. Once WHY under way, Marshel Villerol and had possession of 1 Tv 1 1. ithout a quarrel."d Eveh bit .is pleasant to find .harmony ha his paper paying all Ms expense% he is . ese of Fife had a very! mean dress al - store, stood behind the counter, of- no sawing of the bit can stop thent. most of the place before the g•arrison think is poor vefttilation and filth in iceinfh:.ah: neymoon she woun cid the t e house of a great musical cora- remunerated afterwards In proportion lowance-about WACO a year. Besides fering gold rings to a customer. He They start at every sudden sight or were even a arme . d cow a , d ' • fl eneed by feeds, oor mania vanity. Landor was read- poser as well as in his compositions. to minted results. mid, "Those rings are fourteen car- sound; and Where it needs e elOW Step Glared, have ,sueceeded, but no!r What , Leas 'winter flavor," when cows are hag some of his own verses to hie bride There was no discordant note in the': - ,yachting and* everyday dresees and ate." The lady replied, "I -Want a and great care, they go with bound he dined the " idiotic bravery" of two — fed good ensilage, and ate kept very -and who read more exquisitely ti- retatritnonial duet whieh Mozart and ' th Herta& of '1 and when all at once the lady, releasing his wife played together. For years • - POE 11UNOls1 PEOPLE. ' ring of sixteen carats;" and; not get- terrific. ,Their eyes are aflame with eta g clean an( e r ting what she wanted, went away. terrors, and their hoofs red with the France, who, although greatly out- h ellai f d. • To asteurize the herself from his arm, Jumped up, say- she was an invalid, afitt he use to The head man of the firm came and blood ot men whose life theY have numbered, fought in their nightshirts e- - 7 oo 1 p .-.-e mid to the elerk, "Why. did you not dashed out; and what is worse, the with such desperate courage that- he er will improve ite•-lf. W. Culberton. cream tied use a arge Percent start- ing "Oh, do stop, Walter, there's that write by her bedside while she slept. dear delightful Punch performing isz When he went out in the morning steta WItuit progerthed ag ci •$pllipiot ger and elaborate dresees which their tell her that these rings were six. drivera soourge them into more furl- Wes at length conalselled to retire- - the street; I must look oat of the her room, and leave a tender note to Carbonic acid gas, says a me lea . A1)110111161 appetite*. aank domande oe. the weddings of deceive anybody." The head mon of them of dangers ahead, but with jeers veeringly, " against men who Winter flavor must be Owned by a And, oh I if there be an Elysium on "r wiah you a good morning, My dear authority, haa the singular d. i near relatives. They are, bowever, teen carats?" He replied, "I cannot ous et(Peed. We come out and tell " Whet could be done," he wrote des- window." greet her waking. He is one of them, . the firm severelY reprimanded him, theY past/ on. The wild team smoke AFTER SHREIKING 110011,00 certain bacteria found in the hay and earth, litthi wife. I hope you have slept well, property fortunate in having stores of beauti- and said, "You never can geteolong in strike fire, and the rumbling of swift and something about St. Patrick, rush- dust of the barn, and that gets into Thonlas Moore, Who wrote these repose. Ile careful not to take cold' may profitably be remembered It ia this, it is this. ful laces, pliceless furs and marvel - with the speed, and their flying feet and that nothing has disturbed your of lessening the sense of hunger, and , wheels over rotten bridges that span ed, at my brave fellows with the bay- the milk. it can be prevented by pas. teurizing and using a etarter or but- worde himself tasted the Elysium of not to rise too quiekly, not to stoop, i I In deal. lous jewels, all of which can be used Who Was the yOung man? A hero! aruwful chasms is answered by the onet." LA the :AMA of Sir' `Thomtte Grad ier aulture.-B. IP. Worn". conjugal hoppinese. Won% 1811, the not to rise for anything, not to be ng with cases of diabetes in which again and aga n. this way. It is lawful in business to all the ustial cosiumes required by a girl of theanpper classes, royal prin. cessee have also to wear the costly Year of hie Marriage, to 1852, that of angry with the servant. Take eare bulimia. is a piceninent symptom, The On the whole, it may be asserted: make these little misrepresentations?' the firm? A deacon in a Brooklyn' out my hands and no nom regarded, ants, Wu() numeere , ie. is h 1 1 th a a t t ak the horaage of es lover.' Whatever 0:lasing ftona Ono room to another. plexus. Dy the uee of wo.ter charged Igt Ct"f 75g41°1°Parinieecauta' manaYhaaPrenddre:, called and ye refused, and stretched hem' c'n Pergen131)-Zatmli 2r ;Ply h A favorite Boer sport la tO dig a his death, hie Bessy reeeived frOM hint not to' fall upon the threshold in seat of hunger in found in the solar Who was the gentlemen representing Bail - Meanwhile this close of defraudera ity, and mock when your fear come an Witt ,n n qu e , dila 't ad i 1 Mem till the morn- int it. Th th cove -r the nit with h' t a all al - - society in wbich he mixed, he alwaya which will be soon." the solar plextie diatributed through atnount to ten times that aunt Age es --1- gan.t sister may find her dregs bills while her more wealthy and extrava- troo g ined the ramparts unseen, 0 6 n e growl an pu a u ey church. . therefore I will laugh at your °alarm- anineement he might find in tbe grand treep all dometatie troubles till I come, with carbonic acid gas the bran& n'' Inereasee-more during the War than eth ill te. cloth. with! a thole in it just big AP. return h' IC 1 h' ' ed to is w e ant c Ildren with Human nature has perhaps never be - the raucous membrane of the stomach Ince to complete their ac ievemen . When this world gets full power were riot hopeful. foe the three bodies a ree eci ng o e g t. has nothing to do with the. matter, There were not wanting those WI10 011gli to let out the turkey'S head. Tne f II f li t d II h f e - 1 ore presented t e speetae ti of a . times.. In them!, days of large con, (wet a man, he might as well be dead. Into which the fore° W1.8 split, was OA a target. heard of tho unfortunate bird I d b use Many worm% deilerve, but few we- matt of such. 'Uncommon powers as are infitleneed in molt a way that the for the Queen of Italy spends far more Men receive such an I. O. IL at; thet Swift involved in such a pitiable helve abnormal irritation of the 1 before it; Mere new than in wara . tenets mid eonvulsions in the gold- ate is dead I When Sisent came into s Teed over twelve of the eixteen fronts P-estis than does her beautiful young daugh- mbling of the heaeona* "Beeattse I rnarldt, awl stittIerships in the army, the, house of Jul she gave him eome- on the place. The garrison, who also ter-irt-law, the 'crown princess of whit:irks the foundation for the raven - p which Hood' gave his wife. "I never rinth (intim affections. Who has riot multitudes of men got so in the habit thing to drink, and got him asleep- on The night before Sir rtedvere Duller wee anything, deare , . st till I knew you heard of Varina of Stella of Vanessa, Otis hunger often preeent in diabetes and certain forms of 'tel`g Mien may - ' Nanles The enaprola of Itussia, who, of eheating that they cannot stop. In the floor. Then she took a eta ea, on nuMbered about 2,200 Men. were form - the tontrary, en muse, so as left London for South Africa he was and I have beea a better, happier, end Tha first, Miss Wating, -iv' as the only e more than any other European prin- those days they bought a very Mtn- troru the side of aer tent, and a male to support eaeh other, and, la addl.- a visitor at the famous "Heefsteak ?ere prosperous man ever since. Lay woman who had the.lionor of refusing be greatly mitigated,1 iti neet who'll cess, is able to indulge her wittiest • did home end their roan epan,, and let, and drean the Peg through the thee had 0, perfoot knoWleage of all Boom." of the Xiyeeum Theatre, where L" remind me of it when I fail." at_ truth in lavender, sweetest rirt4 the hand of t have all admired and tried 10 decipher he mighty dean. We appeased. Water charged with ear7- bonie acid gaa may like wise ba em- • . . w . 1 feneiett dresses with the etreatest aim- fornaed nequaintatteeship with tile brain of Jae] ilitO the floor. So the the &foots of the ple0e, whleh we he, ptoedieted that hie absence from Notwith t 11 thi I ti ei i i w • h ployei 't1 1 t. 1 m s ant ng 8 menet a on the itt e anguagew in wino he „ . ,- wl I ft.i volt ago, el ellY eescs Dimity. In the daytime s ie eveo.re high familite cm the beet square; and world feeds a man, mid flatters a haa not. England would not extend ever a long- he would. occasionally tatty harmiese wrote to Stella, Esther johnson, et IlYierilanela in widen there is a mostly tailor-made coats end skirts 11100.1113 tablet '801110110W be obtained to Irian, and when it has him sound asleep For all this, the nettailants so little er period than twelve months. Praotical JOkaa UP011 her. Onee, When whose bair was oblaener than 0, tem. neOnni1011 erre-tit in the stomach ace sna in the evening favore the retreat continue in the Dame style for keep strikes his life out. antielpated defeat, that they paid and • 1.1.01011.41.1K staying at Brighton, he re her a few Deaf and every featuee of whose feee neribea by the evident. as n gnaWing :white materials. house they ought, cinch dirive that TI10 trouble is that most reekless their guide, countermanded Boota for our Indian fotces are Mat. hints on buying fish, an conoluded by waa "Oerfeetion." Of this hair a look "gellene!la," ehlatinees, ete. beeth at the wateritiepiace. with the le tO0 Tate, ne atop. Young roan, go 1Y given for reinforeements, and ore . name tor hie Indian graveherushere la plaice, beware of any having red or he and Sella werb ead, and on the _ Freeldent Kruger in announted to 4rictiAttohif.rity to, Veen van, they will, and evalk the drivers de net See their peril until it the orders which bed been previous- ufaettteea at Cawnpore, Tommy's saying. "If the fish you are buying is Wan found in Bvsift's desk after both Astpre they must. Clear the track to the altos...11mm bospital, and het deed baek some engiriters and artil- t tb of t 11 th h' "F , (nee s pin is opp. OreOge sneta, theY ere certain to paper in Whleh W wrapped were Tee nigneet estimates put the therpt riTtstist11.<ing for those reekless drivere. be *tale." When the fieherwoman written words that ha become pre. Soar am,. in Natal at 115,000. • burg gold minee. the featerhig, diagusting end of theifie whleh bad arrivechaa 1110flt fool- etovni84.,1), • 'I. a • • • weirs