The Blyth Standard, 1908-05-14, Page 7Ismo
LESSON VIL-MAY 17, igo8.
Jesus Betrayed and Denied, -John 18:
I'anuucntuy,-L (cams betrayed (vs.
1-3). 1. lied spoken these weds -'Cha
d' and prover recorded in John
years,. "He was been
elf than at seventy QUEEN 01 ACTRESSES
legis, who had Leel hi ,h priest twenty
Yeats before is many as five of Ins
tion, 10000)ded hum in this office, which
at that period was not t life appoint
ment, but v a.. generally held only fey 0
short tint;., and the ring: lug high priest
at this tone, C,,iaphas, 1119 Lia .aneim-
Iaw, 0.40 Rate a moil of very (rent
i-oneipierve, the virtual head nt eel'',,.
1 ,11(al affirs, thcaigl) C,tiaphas v'na
u nantiu nl 11011.1.)'• -Stalker.
V. loses denied Iv . 15 10, ti -1-27). 1'
ter and Joh1: Loll! 101(00ed Jesus into
the palace of the high priest. John lee
pea's to leave b0e0 knows by the high
Wiest and through John's influence P0 -
1I, iiia 10 and 17. \V o1,.,.the brook priest c ,'
Ced,an -Ch Kidron. 'Phis yens a smell Ora was admitted into the con e f the
sir•e ))) that flowed 00 the ci44) of Joni- palace is. 15, Ilii. Petri. L h. 4! "4"::i
suhw, tluoiibh 1. he 1 alley of elvishu•
ph l and div idea the city 1001) tiny
Almon of Olives, s, 11 h .te wits n nden-1
Goth -,:inane, which means "oil -mess,"
The very mime tvs; 111101011btn cif trawl,
d1 a s,:Tony. It was near the foot of
0'''-h err i c of Olivet and was
oil" and 'sat with, the servants while
John well with Jcsns. if 'rete' 1'.,
stayed by the side of john he vvo01)1 nut
have denied his ;lnste for John vents
to have had no inch tenpni:ion Peter
Put 1liinself in Nye way of temptation.
17' vas in au 0411101 010111 for 1,i1
ptoh,. !y' au enclosed olive vineyard, li0ura or more.
eontainiag ) press and garden tower.' I'R.A( IreAL APPLICATION.'.
The )44:s ai f othicmanc is about three- earnoven cleat iilot or Jc.u, from
a different ,tshdpomt, 10 .John he. ,s
the ]Life, the Light, the Love. There is
ere record of his genealogy, no nccounl
of .his birth, no hint of temptation, no
reference to the transfiguration, no word
of the agony its the garden, no mention
of darkness. this death is imperial and
voluntary; the \vo'd of triumph 1 spok-
en on tin cross, a, yon of hod he wa6
above the. world's rejection, above the
reproach of the people, above the tench -
cry of the traitor, above the longing
for the sympathy of the disciples. The
deviate transcends the human every -
Where. 10 (111t 11)3e11 We see.
Divine courage, "Jesus .... went
10)11)'' (v. 1). Went to "the place''
wlu;h Judas the traitor knew' (v. 2).
Wmwiug all things that should 1)41)0
Loiter t ;Antonia and guarded the pn,ee upon him went straight to the place
erne also the 111111 priests, and cavy- then he quiets asked, Witt"
tars h temp:,, and taue elders" v e P (v. 4), _111 their torches and lan-
1! irk 22 o9), and ",a grant multitude" tarns would not. have availed to find him
(Minkel4, 43); Lanterns and torches- without h1, words, "1 am he" (v'. 6), The
IL 041, nt aha thou of the full 1)101), true followed' of Jesus has the same
l C t r 6,1y r- divine courage. A twelve -year-old girl
the shady recessesol the garden t1 the th • attend
Lim is =ice n n their
ed ay
u v err r eeer,1 'e:gwh '. wh'(li were no true gods, and go with
1{0111,1 a suldlu Were a u.d vvat( otos,,
butt cno11 with starve,;' (.Batt. ?u, (01' and learn about .40)00, Ile was
• ), meaul as clues, troubled' he had only • meant to have.
d. ICoowi11g all tai n. s -11e was not
taken 1.1/101101u,, bot v0rmtarll( deliver-
ed Illrself up: Whom seek: v' Ja„os
pe u, to read thcnr to admit the] pa -
pc. ,, o. J sus or 3i r meth -Toe .ut0u•er
May licn'haps reveal tho light iu which
Jure lied represented Jesus to the
• h a a''
, e ( n«th.,ttt.e. 'of i\a;,reth --a
(. Uhl 1n prone to revolt.-19,,jh,elf. I Ire
T10)--.{.,,,.(1( 110 futtiul 1 ant theone for
whom you are searching, ♦ Judas ---
stood \\nth thein Merit i' with tl '1 n1
Of sidiets A hiss hail been agreed upon
1111nu1;, Of •( mile from the wall of Jeru-
salem. 11' catered all ilia da
Johu (asses over Ux' 01k0):8 uuntcct;d
w'it1) the entering, au1) tin: agony of
Cliti-t"in the garden, probably bccanxe
it: eeuc' co lolly (le0eribed by the otter
e v amp. is s Se .,31,11 20, 3(1.10; ,Marl:
14,_4.! Luke 2'y, 3t l0,
9,r:d t .:0 the pia(' --1010r
teles a t rat 1{1{S 1 1: week t1n y hod
Son Ilii -11,1 oat the Menet of 04-
n e 1.,11., 91, Si l ; and. having been
i h n fres t 1 9111). 41,11, the Allister td ars
Isms ,.anilide' with 111 resting -places;
yet lie tient so far' a, to meet llhn in
that eve d enlace and there betray-
ets ay-
11 hat ,:pith leof ai t 11 n nature 3. A
band 011(100 men- received the Rotate
0brr;, n1u1, consisted of from l0I0 10
bun r 11, w11, war quartered in the
01 when: his enemies would ,west him, and
of thy. cat) \Vit1) tr 110010)) snldlann Seo1C
and, e' e ao )00) 1'y, 0 n Luli,a w ,rrmita011 by het• hnsb:uol
Clic 1),..1.1 1 q;h 1).) t ,juc:ru 00 s1auh
to attend the mission school: One da;;
io valley 1 \ ll' R
1 taught t l "I most tale her
«I Asst
Glad To
Write Hy
Of The
:I Do So
7ulia Marlowe.
m('oroo1er EJIIr tlt14i (rain,, Not In 0Th:
Toronto eih.-p l!;:: A. neancu, ,df,a'1
was made in t n ! CriminaI -Assizes y'e,-
tcrday by' coupsel defending George Shark;
am 1. change of h„ bhcrj with violence
to implicate Alexander Rose. the marl
yr/ 4 18 a 'ailil trial oil l' 4,0)5s of
uStLu et)a1 g0 s. 'Cho rata 1141\0 n geucrwl
rescnehhi .ec. hole suffers :from 0 twhch-
,n of the eyes somewhat similar to
Gen. dean,(.'.1 r the 431000 0(11)0)114
in the ,ilnok< tut, '!'he tobhe,v was com-
mitted quite close to whet. 11)491 lived,
Wad after the tel hers was oyer n 44)0'
ire 0 stn the assailant go up lino in
:hedirection o1 Hose's home.
.110,Justice Anglin had 'both men
pl treed t, g ether im (MOO, with their hots
on but one after •),ruiner the w'lt-
ri cs'ideulined 91aok as the 1on1n, and
not Lose. 'The' particular witness who
1)nv tam 111161 leaving the. crone of the
assault had 1.001911 .Poe by sight for
three months, and se war positive itwda
not him. The trial will Lu eondudcd to-
Tho offence acus committed about, fl
o'eloek in the evening of March 20, in
the store of Alfro,1'(. Davis, 0111 Yonge
street.' 3h'.s. Davis, (the victim, said
Hie man land called in the evening; and
see was positive it was the prisoner,
and not Rose 3Ir'. Pardee, of 42 1)50111
avenue, 4'00 passing the store at the
t,inw of the assault, mel ]beard screams.
Tien n 101) ran Out I0rd10 911 11
"'W 110t s the racket inside?" and the
corn said: "A woman 111110 11119 been
411:01.0)1 dnw1 by 14. man. 00110 has gone
int the hark WO V. 11 111 1'111 going for 0
nolieenan." Plinio,' then went inside mind is led, wilt rest you 1)101, physical-
ly, morally, nitellectnmlly', than will 1111
the day spent in trying to "rest."
H:ow often have I seer salvation pre-
sented as a sort of commercial transac-
tion"? So much faith, prayer and repent-
ance for so litany' slices of the bread of
life. Nicoderm, was neither' ignor:101
1101' immature, when the :Master said,
"Ye must be born again. WGeatcondi-
tio1s aro attached to the ordinance of
birth? As 1 look at the occupant of
the cradle, I see helplessness, involun-
tary and i0responsihle. Isthis the real,
\1w York. Ail;: it the fate which vital, ptunl beginning of spirit life:.
hl.cked John C. h;..1..:. (.fort to The 311stel' gives an illustration which
carr e Iiven^ 4s ten 01171511: 014 the. was as pereleenig as the e17140! state.
1 1110111, and 110 gave no other. ' Tee wood
New York Central 1,1!,0,4(1 again , 1loa0e_th 4141)010 it 11,101h. .fro we on
interposed its baud to clay whcr 1,0 .. 1. "1, 1. ground here? These facts stand
sen attempted to 001 ext suicide 1 ', t lace mighty cliff, in the const line; ,
throwing himself in roll of c tree: is tins view confirmed by numerous al-
ar, L1 con 0gnonc0r t 3-.,111; 41.1.0 sent 14)810)10; "01,70111)11,./ not br the will of the
to 1t hospfenl, brw.ed 017,110,111
nd battered, flesh, or 111,1011,111{,0,1:)1,1
1, 11911 of Clod" Tho be-
n pri"one' charged with utteptpted err- ginning of all life is by birth, the be
Chronic Weariness,
(Robert J. Bordeau,)
You are "too tired to go to 0101(("?
That's sheer nonsense. There isn't a
place 0n the continent as restful as the
church, You are going to lie around the
1101100 all day sponte in a hammock;
loll in a rockingchair; a to sleep over
n book. That isn't 1'031(57; that's loaf-
ing. 9'011 yourself honestly' --you lel:e ler
think you are honest- did you ever in'
all your life rave a Ion ler 10110looked rest-
ed'? Did you eve see e lee fer 0110 didn't
look tired all the timet The people who
try to rest are envoys tired. llestiug is
the hardest work 111 the world, schen
you make work: out of it.
_about a year ago, I stopped in a Bos-
ton street to pate! 0 group of laborms,
11 was noon hour. They had been at
work all the morning digging a sewer
excavation. They, had eaten their din-
ners from the 1111le tin pails and now
they were "resting," Some of thea were
pitching quoits, and others w1re putting
the shot, with great round boulder,
They wore workingmen 'resting:' And
sitting on the curbstone watching them
too lazy' to even stead up and look at
them; their lazy chin, resting on their'
lazy hands. and, their lazy elbows sup-
ported on their laza ,amt Were the loaf-
ers who had been watching them work
all the morning. These fellows were, ton
tired even to join the games by which
the workers rested themselves,
You have no need to loaf ail day Sun-
day. Two hours in chereh; two hours
of the quiet; the sermon, title reading;
the uplift which comes from the 110w
channels into winch your thought, ymlr
MISS JULIA MARLOWE. to the help of Mrs. Davis unaware that
0,0,00.04300000-0poopp000pp0•p000rto00D0o oo000000 the 10011 he had spoken to w; s Ler 04'
Any remedy that benefits digestion "1 improved wider the treatment, but smelolt, Pardoe swore positively- that
strengthens the nerves. as soon as I stopped taking the meds -
the man was the prisoner, and not Rose,
The nerve centres require nutrition. If cine, I got bad again, W110111 he knew bypsight.
the digestion is impaired, the nerve eon- "1 took the medicine for two years, LUCK
tree become anaemic, and indigestion 18 then I got sick again and gave up all AGAINSTY.
the result, hopes of getting cured.
4-44-4-44 4-4-44-4+4-404-44-4-44 "1 sow a testimonial of a 111110 whose
Peruna is not a nervine nor a t case was similar to mine being cured by
stimulant. It benefits the nerves by
benefiting digestion.
Pernna, so I thought I would give it a
sti trial.
ben "I p rear e d 0 bottle at once and con•
menced t41:'ng it. I have taken several
bottles and am entirely cured,
"t have gained in strength and
feel like a different person. (believe
Reruns is all that is claimed for it."
+++-1+4++444 14+0-oa++ 1+1+►-s
Nervines, such as coal tar prepare
tions, are doing a great deal of harm.
Sleep medicines and headache powders
are all alike -heart depressants, and
r 0 t. rug 1 (n read. , . FH+OH- .•. .0. _'. .. .O. q.}.+ ±sO.
mvcny,'' he s111. "Ion shall live with f tl t h fCatarrb(al
err mother," IIe tarried he to the vit. I Peruna tees to stomach 0
Ingo of her mother-in-law, where they, colgestio.1s and normal digestion is the
was not a single Christian. Soon after result,
the child's husband died, and then, as is In other wo'd0, Pernna goes to the
the custom in Lelia, his family treated bottom of the whole difficulty, 1011011
her cruelly. They accused her of runs- the disagreeable symptoms disappear.
lag her hushaud's death bec;0uu she had ; Mrs. J. C. Jamison, 01 3larehant
deserted flu a gl d:. They v said '\ew' , street, Watsonville, Cal., writes:
you .hail worship oe gods and premise eZ was troubled with my stomach for
not to become n Chrietitn." "I cannot," I Biz years, I tried many kinds of mode
,w a re, nw t >, • "i ant e Christian." e1ne, also was treated by three rectos. d
Lha child answered; the said that I had nervous dys• should not be used. The nerves would endo. Larsen lied seen a fireman a.1 ginning of all spirit life follows the
They threatened her, but she was fiuu. Y 11 uid diet for be all right, if the digestion weregood, engineer since 1884, but w ms discharg•
as a signal o marl: the person they 'plae brother., .a,-11) , bemnu)1g 0191:,per ppoopala. Olt
put on n q e , g some law. '!) do must
ignore 11 further
r 14:1 uh '. A.s the baud reached the „tel, tool: tie 1)11.t1, child ychio's Into the three months, PWlit corrects the digestion. ed when the operating force was re :tlisua, but Re 014)4 look for it farther
- faced severe 1 months ,ago. abrins' on where tile fibre is coarse,`and. the
' oder. Judi went somewhat to reached
onion and fastened her bends hod Teel - - .._ , _
r 11)'rn (Luke ), •toil rctc'r'e! then he t.nvle 111iu "lt m Front 01'
Min sin es. and Laid "Siff erre will i 1 faith is oft„„ etude.
Street Car Feder Saves Life of
Would -he Suicide.
]esu, ;after lie had roused the three- `) ' i a .
bring n .and
bunt your Peet unless you slaughter (c a ab1, .T06nS, e`whcn lie vvns
Peter. James and ,10110 -end w -as pre- • •-.1 ori will not lxconle n Chris- reviled, reviled net .gain; when He suf.:
10uv17 to go and meet His captors, J11- P 'Ile brave girl answered: "1 do 1100011, Ile threatened nap but commit, ti0n." g
dos ;;.routed Ilia), "flail, Rabbi," so ars believe in Christ. I em a Christian." As ted Himself to heal feint judged) right -
nn move that 1 or "Iv diciple- i rrc
pledchccl. any false (1oct11lcs, nae ler
troubled society or disturbed Ill t,,te,
.attend to the ordinary' course of ,t :arc.
call witnesses, let then) make then de -
41,0 car aha fender ewugl11 X411 am It would be difficult to say ivh1t 11)
lrmee:Rd him for some distance, in- chief has been wrought, by the misplace-
fheting painful butt not, dangerous m• meth; of 11,7 elementofreligious teach-
eachjuries. "Luck is against me, he It contains a Is,'lo of perception
to he heard by the rest, anti kissed 1Ii°i the fern slowly burned they salad, "Nov eously" Il Pet. 3. "d) .
3'11. Divine i1O))1 n s 1 spoke doer
ly to the world" (r. 20). Adam Clark
says( "'The answer of our Lord r each
her to n• dark room0111 left her 4)00. its 700aace a per0on e0uw'e0ws 1
1 Ino,
in the night whet) consciousness returned 0w.11 inno10n01, m'd eenfiden1 in Lia`
repeat Jon11y, effusively (Hatt. 214,
d9) ihe Saviour submitted to the 10-
d1gui net stopping, but only saying
a, lit passed on: "l0iend" (not the en -
Mailing word, but "compaeimt"), 'is it
th; ter 0hi0li 01011 art here? (Hatt,
20, 511; and then, perhaps fu answer to
hi., questioning gesture, "Judas, with a more than forty-eight (oars she was e •
kis: dcliveest thou tip the Sou of matin?" , 1sted when sloe folud her friend;: but in all the principal citie8, Coruna 1101 \i6
loll.e tee, In 1.dershcim. I o 3 r , It ,r Idbvs, and through all the country. 1
)' sire recovered, am/ to -tit • i= ,,henget i s have had n0 scout school. l0 dory. 1
1 .Tesus showvcth His poorer (vs, 0-9)' of Christ. yl • h
wheat w.t
t f t t ofI 1
u. " re divine e co y o o esus, Ins trnto0l n crowd fierce with hatred. et -
from His intimate communion with God, . sl I d r p'rs have taught in the same can.
'ala ''tl s R'hat
will you promise?" Again she said: "Oh,
I cannot promise. I am, I ant a Chris-
t' ' When she fainted, they carried
she. event out on her knees old found righleolsncss 41 ilia oause, 1 hn1'o'
scion. .Ding ins fought lar the temple; Ca the synagogues,
lacy 4);1,41 to the m' C' thus for
b, \Vent backward and fell -This tura I1. Divine power. '1110 .single sentence, 11,14 0v01'77lle,e„uf funu .le Ill)", ut
11)1 anuli e1 at tom superhuman r00r- • , agreeable. to are 14,111 ,,'?. 71
1 1 01 tine ic" ,y, 1;1 `'a rove am pros• eat t,: l.: 0. a1d .r,e Pr -r"' "f (, I.
'PIl f J tt
allI(ec w1010 us•>!I
n with arm I 1 n.c 0110 {1110111)11.10,11.:
the 19100700101 boldness of innocence 1 tl i 1 l' 1 this whoa
smote tenor into hearts conscious of
guilt. "Why this exhibition of power?
1. To ,how that He surreuderpd Hine
self willingly, as to God's plans and not
to man's power, 2. 11 drew attention
away from His disciples toH melf
1 I disci- (1•
gave courage and fmt to La d1 i r nim Den. 1
g g llaudel had no strength t
plc: lir after days, to know- tie power 8): if the disciples fell of their faces
of Jesus, mak, that He could use it if (Mgt. l`, 0); if Join fell at his feet
He would." See Slott, 20, 53, 54. 7, (Rev: 1. 171, how shall the sinner
Whom seek 71-5110 question was re- steal? ff 1 t, •1:181:'
prated, perhaps in irony. Hi. Divine Majesty. "if therefore ce
r0 come 1 to ittc ge, R) 10 (1: , q
ire na,n.atralions, and hear wi.ethe ey
he was going; t0 he judged? if Muses
trembled (1iei, 12: 21); if 11)0 priests
could not stand (II. C'hro1. 5: 14); if
Job a1)1101red himself (.701) '1.2: 0): if
Isaiah \rats undone (I n 0: ;71; it Ezekiel
fell 11e 40)) t face (Eve , 1 : 28): it
, 1
9. 1 have told you =111 intimation to
the (1011:.11 crowd what playthings they
might be in His hand.-1Vhedon, Let
seek me let these go their WHY' (v. B).
Tn the 0113);tl• of heaven Jesus controls
the multitudes so that they awake ere
these ;Jo their way --Let the disciples attempt to revenge Peter's murderous
ni itieir ivay. 1). 4.115 110105'>ary' that 'assault lis, 10.131, Words of ant1)0)(. •
they should live to carry on the work, not words of entreaty, A command era -
and' Christ purposes to _protect them thin' than a contract. There were many
from harm. "These. were weds of an- lessens for sparing them, while Ile must
11400)ty, not of entreaty, it wa.s certain- tread the winepress alone (Iso 0:1. 31.
lv the supreme power of Christ tint This the purpose of His sufferings (Gal.
kept the soldiers and the mob (4040 dei- 3 13; 2 Cor, ,i: '21) When Christ exposed
Himself He excused Ila. disciples, They
aero not, as yet, fit to suffer.
1A'. Divine umwesista000, "Pot up thy
sword" (v. 111. "Pot' 4x11 they that take
up :the sword shall perish with the
sword" (Matt. 20, 52). The weapons of
our warfare, the shield of faith the
sword of the Spirit ,1111 prayer (14,11).
41, 16), are not carnal, but mighty to
the pulling down of stronghold; (? Cor.
1001 ing all the disciples, 44,4.':! Peter
hail given them such provocation in ct•t-
tiog off the e11' of:Matelots.' It Which
fe opake. This ()00 reference to the
prayer just offered see John 17, 12,
flare I lost none. This lives; even the
bosh' is a part of Christ's charge and
care. -Haney. Ho had kept them for
three years. "Judas perished, soul and
body, and so was completely the sdn of
perdition:' 111. 4).
Lf. Jesus arrested (vs. 10-121, Peter 1'. Divine submission. "'Then said
drew• his sword and cut off the nigh[ leans.,, the clop which fly leaitbcr hep'
eau' 0f tl, Legh pyx t) ,cival.l.. Orem given un' shall I not dant: it? tv 11.1.
bake 22. 413 we see that the disciples He did not SlIV. ''Tho cup which( Judas
asked Jeans if they should defend Hint
with rho sword.'da(1 not wait for
an answer, but at once begins the de-
fence. "Probably lie wished by this blow
to prove his readiness to risk: Inc Life
for his Lord and to 71111 his vow.
Mark 14. 27-31); in all :probability it
was also his design to give a signal to
the friends and the Ld Tfhnself to rise
in arms against the foe." -Lange.
1A'. Jesus before the high priest (vs.
13. 14, 10-23). Jesus was taken to Mi-
nas first. It is supposed that Annas
and C'aiaphas occupied different apart-
ments, which was probably situated on
Mount Zion, near David's tomb, in the
southwestern part of the city. Annan
mast have had great authority in his
hath given not- ''The cup which ibis
legion halo elven" but ''-The cop v:hielh
3Iv bather hath given" Ile looked be-
yond the treacherous hiss of the trai-
tor, beyond the faces of the scowling
nob, and only sae- the loving brad ni
IIis Father. ".Vii;' said the sainted Mad-
ame Guyon. "if you only knew 1011e0
pence thee is in au accepted s0u'.m!"
Jesus was made "perfect through suf
tering," and you and 1 can never attain
it in any other way, But there ern,t he
submission with the suffering. a glad-
ness to be counted worthy, a joy that
shall be our strength.
VI. Divine meekness. `Bound him..
and led him away" (v. 12. 13), The
type of Jesus was the lamb led to the
grumbled when the police placed hint
posetiol0, and then proceed 10 ilulge '
at-ordin:g to the evidence brought 1.o -
fore you,'
which need not be profoiuitl. 1t ought
MAN Lest
NoturaI Mistake - -
The traveller looked out through the
car' window 5)1d saw' a large and impos-
ing school budding standing in the mid-
dle of til extensive lagoon!
:111," he observed; ''a naval academy,
"Iles, sir,' cheerfully lied the eoud00-
Fer he knew it would take Ino I i'''
1, csplain the mysteries of Chicago's
suburban (I a,:nage system.
cuio s
Our Special Land -Seekers Excursions Will Leave Ontario and
Eastern Points on the Followind Dates
APRIL 14 and 28th MAY 12 and 26th
JUNE 9 and 23rd JULY 7 and 21st
AUG. 4 and 18th SEPT. 1, 18th and 29th
Fare as 4 0.5 0 Return
to Calgary from any point on the C. P. R. east of Sudbury, in Ontario,
Quebeo or New Brunswick. Excursionists from the Maritime Provinces will
congregate at St. John.
Intending purchasers of western lands are invited to join our excur-
sions. Applications for passage must bo received at least two days before
date advertised; earlier if possible.
We hold the exclusive agency for largo blocks of rich, specially select-
ed lands in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba at -: per acre and up-
wards, for choice location, on easy terms by each instalments and crop
payments. Write to us for list of lands and terms.
These lands are all situated in the best wheat districts. Terms are
liberal, and should be looked into by every person contemplating going to
the west.
The Land Department
174 Bay Street, - Toronto, Ont.
Fortner Missing Since April 28th--
ralked of Arrest.
lilt:acs, 10) 11. -fly .t o erns: Deily
around the clisappedionee of an _Alfred
Centre f1lr1110( !Mated].•ale I1,'
,;vie to Otfanv tr'.m1 Detroit, where
he had a plenre trip on the early
1)40)1 in, of :April 28th. A friend Sols
hay on the train at Carleton Place, 11101
1 L e said t o hove tnikPd of holo 111'
rested for something of• ocher. Simco
h: n he hs, v ,1,11,,). Search 1utc Hein
t ale had as
a need
but nnul0s+. t diligent,,
tara a !0 de ler..: ens, Ile had
mon,T, and 111l, .n) 0)1 ant in Tilbury'
<, 1 il' ll,. The mu i, 044%1 45 3010')
:I,l :mai unua.nucei.
Cu?garians Will Da Anything Rather
Than Go Hone,
Toronto, May 11, --The round up of
the 1.ulgariuns in Toronto, who have
been living upon charity and who
will be deported, is actively proceed-
roceed•i ? under the auspices of the Domin-
ion Immigration Department. While
for some time past a lot of them have
refused to 001)71 work, now that they
realize that they are o be sent back
not to be difficult to distinguishbe-
tnoe1 heaven -bort. life and things which
accompany salvation.AVhen a child is
born it cries, because the impact of the
air in its delicate lungs produces a
shock:, It is not a cry for life, but it is
a cry of life, Still -born infants never
cry. Heaven -bort. infants are all alive.
In the holy of holies, life is born of
life foot far from the-sbndo11' of death).
1 We e find no conditions. What con-
dition did ;Soil bring of the Damaseos
ro4111 He. brought "tbreatenengs and
slanghtel:" When asked to relate his
experience, a man said, '"I resisted as
long as I could, and God did the rest,"
R'hat condition did the child Samuel •
afford'? He heard a voioe, "Surcl,y thou
tlidet call mei" What, is a condition'? •
1.1 means to make term, to stipulate, to
join together.
I nm beealmed at Sea iw a sailing ship;
what can I do, Can 1 whistle to titin
Antonio to bring the wind? Maury have,
but they had to wait.. The strength, di-
rection, continuance of the wind are al-
togotbsr beyond 01e. Conditions do not
avail: what we called condition is not
a procuring cure like purchase money,but rather a response, a collateral. 1
ani on. the side of God, subordinately-
ubordinatelyconnected. This is ohedie ee. Gather
up the small -big word Duty; we give to
Clod what i0 due; here one always cones
We must distinguish or we ,get into areconfusion. In the birth -throes there 'e
no conditions. Mystery of mysten0, we
are born in absolute dependence on
others; slowly new sympathies arise,
011(1 we are conscious of the contact of
mind with wind. Slowly we see the
difference between life Ont duly; 11111ore can never be rewarded, the otu1'
can be, and must be. Our birthinto
the kingdom of Cod is absolute and sore.
to their inn country they are will-
reign; here 10 a debt we eon never pay,
lug to do anything. Over one hon- mei'i;
is novo demanded; it is utterly
dyed of them have gore to work with beyond our power: it r free! We are:
contractors an the Temiskaming and rewarded accot'dtng to our works, Cua-
Northern Railways.
. ds belong not to salvation, but. to
♦ ► acryevisericc.
• IN BEAUFORT SEA. It vve sow sp o 77' e)' rayl spaying•
Iv. 1401)40 h 1vc leo row rid 4t all, 11) 3
' vbmlly sera( a los;,'di a cd r0uud the
Canadian Soveeignty Acknowledged `01uor 1losts ni tiler city, saved ao as by
by United States Whalers.
Ottawa, 'ILLY 11;-Du)me the pact
winter American whalers operating in
the arctic Ocean adjacent to the ulna,],
of the )lackenzi0 L.ivci , and uNt-
111)141 along the coasts 01 the i'1ands
or 114.0(int Snit, have U the first
time nu record acknowledged Crnumm
authority n fluo remote regions by
tha 1° Tacna of customs. duties, '111,'.
annum); collected has lien eompara-
lively small but the principle is im-
portant, a, , st l;!ishing there what has
ahead" bee)) admitted in Hudson's
Bay. the ownership of these: northern
lural; by the British Crown.
fire The soul is saved; no thanks to
then saved been ' they are born, be-
cause they (110 children, salved by the
.angel Life Inioado, oho never lose a
life! When will teachers "rightly divide
the word of troth?"
"0 grant us light that we may 1011'))
HOW dead is life from Thee apart;
How sure is joy for all who turn
To Thee an undivided heart.
"0 grant us light, when soon or late
All earthly scenes shall pass away,
In Thee to find the open gate
To deathless home and endless day."
-17 T, 3Llie•,