The Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-15, Page 6.•
ism." A Woman Lion Tamer, -----
It in not (titan that the taming and
ttainiug ferecious beasts is. ttdepted
as a paatIMO, 1,0stat of ell does • it
' #
. •
- r
„ "PorhaPs," Mild the young Beare.
one less proud would have undoestood,
"81r Arther wee have Mica tn
tare', With a meaning look that
Through Storm and Sunshine as others do."
"Love!" she repeated, scornfullY•
seem likely that Buell RN occupation Vivien Neelle was standing in the, met I should Min to read ie, thei sun. the notion Of Pay own fatber's1 falling
• `'''"" "ETV, Pardon me, Mr. Dorman, but
in love is too absurd."
would. apeeat to a woman Lig a means 111.1 glow of the suashine, nem' a clue- slime ts very pleasant." CEN LON ()Minn! • The h
ot diversion. yet one of the most sloe ter of glatlioli, that formed tt WW1'S nhe (spoke te htm with a kind of There was an interval of uneomfort-
Some men of genies have undoubted -
13' believed, with Thackeray, that It
is better to love foolishly than not at
ail ; that they have practised this
philosophy is proved by their. mem-
oirs and biographies. Leigh Hunt
silenee it webs breltddn tbe • .
Wein. more acarl-c• Jose sem •••ai
la themselves ell erimsen and gold half -distant, Isalf-reserved f ant
oung seem ary, w o pal . nee eeecie
eessfiti lion taMere in OerManY afigt beers buried hi 'the bells, butterflies' that ehowed plainly enough that one 4' --• • ----• —
Cara Benoit of Lelpelo, who adopted hovering round them. She had been did not consider- himi Oil an equalitY "I am sorry, Mias Neslie, to bring • 80 MANY HAVE
ant; occupation its a soUrce ot enter- looking at the gorgeous flowers, and with' herself. seetned tot feel and a disagrdeable matter before you, but
lienoit is of Germany. English °him- itz snit fairer spot in England' than elidehtly as he replied-• Sir Arthur says he wishes archers of
evergreens erected in the nylve. I am bank's president iseverely, you must
Loon Imre, Mr. Tanneyhill, said the
Waimea rather' than of income. 'Miss still. held one in her hands. Tbere understand It, and his face flushed
teens, and after their death she resid- she would, nothing but beeitty Met at once. I have but anl hour's leisure; be one of yew and cypress, hoeDoelorseephser,object ? Inquired the dude
The bank ohjeets young man. Sup -
Parents died while she Was in ber face and dream eyes. Look where "Then pray let ma have Browning If I ereeted an arch at all, it would
unlit garden, when the heiress It es always a pleasure to obey You stop blowing clouds of emote over the
to eonsult you about them." cashier's head.
tiou and was carefully educated. Tier of Lancewood stood with thoughtful Miss Neslied• "You natty epare me the insult, str.
ed in the faintly of one of tier father's
friends, the diroetor of tbeLeipsie Zoo-
logical Gardens.
She had many opArtunites to study
the anintele in the Leipsic collection.
Being a young woman of indepeudent
mind she at length took tne notion
that she would like to try her hand at
training a pair 'of youug dons, that
had just arrived at the zoo. At firsi
her friends refused. to take the project
Hedonists', When they were convinced
that she was in earnest, they tried to
dissuade her, pointing out the, diffi-
culty and danger oe mole au under-
taking. Mimi Ilenoll was convinced
that ehEt had. as much. courage, as any
man aud, moreover that she under -
/stood the nature of 'nous as well as
most persons. Sim emcee:led in hair;
lug her own way arid was permitted
to take oharge of the two young lions.
"Leanziot say truthfully that I was
in the least nervous whale I entered
the lions' °age for the first time,"
%lid Miss Benoit in relating her ex-
perience. "1 bad studied the habits
and natures of much animala and had
seen the methods of the, trailiers.
had theories of my own oa the subject
also and. knew that the one thing
necessary was to gain and, keep the.
mastery from the start. In this I
found that ray sex aided, rather than
hindered me. The lions had never been'
handled at all ex.cept, to the extent
necessary in feeding and transporting
them, which was, of course, an advai,-
tinge. No woman had been near Mein.
When I eutered. the cage they retreat -
to the opposite corner and crou.ched
thefe.sin fear and trembling, Yound
that this wee due to the rustling of
my long skirts which seemed. to in-
spire in them a sort of fascinated
fear. My task was therefore to re-
store and not to cow'. them.. From
the first I treated them with( kind-
ness, seldem using force or even the
display of force except to the extent
of inspiring them with a wholesome
respect. 1 found this plan to slimmed
admirably and with the right material
to begin with it is possible to train
lions to do almost anything,
"1 have noticed that the sight aud
sound a my skirtehas had, the Balite
effect on other lions that it did int this
first pair. 1 think that the teason is
this, lions that are captured. in a wild -
state do not see or Oxide contact
with women until long after they
have come into captivity. Therefore,
a woman is a new and, unknown be-
ing to them- and. like 'ill animals they
ars timid in the preseace a anything
that is unfamiliar, I have never found
it advisable to adopt the costume of
most professional women lion tamers,
preferring the ordinary attire 'and
finding that it answers" even better
than the other. The; animals always
her eyes, marvels of color, wonders, of 1 must not" lose it lin talking. He bowed, hemp> quite at a loss for Pose it should reacb the ears of our
eunsbine and shade. It wets a garden Again hts face fluahed. He walled words. depositortethat there wan a cloud over
rather oidefashesned thee otherwise, until he could speak 'ealinly, and, then "Str Arthur has also directed that
full of heavy, rich vises, orange and Producing a eater, he said -
scarlet nasturtium% big fair Clusters . "The least -bag wee delayed Ulm placed in the apartment in the west -
of hydrangea ; thieve were blossoms et teaming; I have tidily hese opened it. ern wing known aa 'my lady's hou.
-end dote,' " . .
the Pietures in the blue roone shall be mild we stem the run ?
the cashier of this hank ? How long
purine mid white. carmine -hued earn- Sir Arthut haa written to me
;Won% anti lilies with white, pure thie is for you," "That: was my m'oteter's Toom 1" e •
bells -a garden wherein °. poet iniglit 'She (fancied there wee eomethtng caged the giel, with flashing eyes: "It
dream, and a painter lose blutself in strange in his manner -something of shall not be touebed I"
the divine beauty of flower and tree. hesitation and uncertainty. 'Then "Deer Mese Nestle," pleaded the N' 0, I aly of St. Jrstiro
was a feue.tain of rare and quaint de. ot her life. A 0111
An old-fashionect stuodial stood near elm took from hie hands. the letter eeeratarY. "do believe me; opposition - h
comply with SIR Arthur's wishes." Writes of Her Experience With
the bright gladioli; not far from It winch was to ehange the whole course is all in vain. Let me counsel you to
b i ht tomato quirkly-"a letter from ray father! Dormen and lea e do not call me Dott's Ki•lney
sign; taine white doves fluttered "It is from Sir Arthur,' she said, "I do not need your counsel, Mr.
sang in the trees. The June sun How. cruel a thef post to delay tins
shone, and over all fleeted a breath inernieg, above all others!" .
r • II.e opened the envelope wah ire-
of perfume sweet as the odors o.
patient fingers, wondering whi- the
Araby.' d with young iiecretary lingered there, look.
Vivien Neslle gazed roun . mg; at tier with ;mete strangn eyes.
areamy eyes. • Looking at her, oiline,
would say sbe was rightly placed neh i "What a tone
the crimson and goidenigladlull. S laug•hingly. "Tide extends to over a.
letter!" elm said,
6 page; Sir Artbur eeldone writes more
Was in perfect bartuony • with h :
four lines."'
ihge sIdendiel in its exquisl stattelNy° . than
beauty of tbe garden -a tali,
i ..:- "Let me find you a seat,'' he pro.
girl, with a Titian face, Wig' g'?' posed, "while you read it. You will
te cotoreoga.
be aired, of standing." •
and perfect features, the eyes or .n Still with the .saints strange miens -
rare purple hue, such as one sees -Ili.
eion on his -face, he brought one of
the heart of a passion flower. dar t,
'though the. little garden -chairs to her, and
ening with every passing ing. ehe sat down. .
ed with long fr "Why do you mit go for my book?'
brigbt as the stars in the( sky,
easy to lose both heart and' senses
in the liquid depths of which it wee 1..
tashee-mystical, dreaMye
,, "Permit me to remaih while you read
met letter, talks Nesliee. he replied.
she asked, with laughing impatience.
eyes, full of passion and power-oye
"Teere•may be a message for me In
seraight, imperial brows ; teranuc iLe . , %
like a pomegraeate bud, Slensitin She eat down where the faint,
sweet, yet with some proud, ecornfui odor of the lilies. floated round: her,
cutves-a• girl:that Titian would have
where th-e cooing the white' doves
Painted, holding with white hand a
reached here and read ahe words that
crimson flower to bet lips. .A masa
darkened her whole life. '•
defradwahrkhahhakir fere:mit the nedheslahaintiiinsgio fwaeties, lo•urAikynow, always fatigtos me; 1 .de.
Dearest Vivien -Writing, as
and lay in luxurian' profusion over
e test. it. But I have 84-m10610g to tell
'the ivhita neck and shoulders. you whicb will estonish you greetly-
the bloom of her girlish beautyi she perhaps even nnger you.
looked brillnent es a • passion -flower "It will be foolish, of you, Vivtere
In the sun. . • .to be engry, for I have perfect and*
Suddenly oee et the tame white undisputed, right . to please myself;
Moves fluttering 'round, litihted ,
no one has any right theake umbrage
hex shoulder, and Vivien .Nefilie awoke or offense at what, 1 do.
from her dream. "I feet a certain .degree 'of. of reluc-
What do girls fair aed young dream inure. in reeking my announcement-
.othf wshuolli3Psinto6alumde-flo°Nivrbs2100vot me to be happy, and have sought.
why, cannot tell. You would woh
that is. tO crown them -of the sweet, bappineis after "my own 'fashion.
vague possibilities •,,of life? ViVien, I have • married again. My.
No • such pretty tholights occiiPlixt wife is a beautiful yming: French girl
the heiress , of Lancewood. She had --her name, waft ViderieehEste; sbe is
been through the Hyde woods and very piquant, attractive, graceful. You
round .hy the river • returning, -she .wilt be sure. to admire her, We were.
stopped to rest by' the •old, sun -dial, married in Paris, and intend returns
and there her dark eyes wandered ing nome next Tuesday. • •
over of.the fairest scenes in Eng- • e.N'ow, Viven, remera,bee that; being
land. She saw . the dark masees of 'angry and :heed about . it es simply Hyde ertiodse she Saw penile ;it waste. of 'time; f had a right *to
bills rising in Owlet. distance, crown- pletvie myself, and I have done eoe If
ed with rich foliage eshe.eaw the deep, this wife were .to die, it'motild' be no,
awe liver gleaming en the sins; she •tele's .ieffair Should I marry, a Uwe.
saW rich clover-meadOws, golden corn- Tell Mre. 'Spenser -to have. the rooms
"ields, acre after erre of nndulating, in the western wing ea in 'order'and
•fertile land ; 'she. sa.w e picturesque Throated for Lady Neslie. • Tell ell the
manifest a great interest to my park,ewhere grand old trees ee. the household of the change, and see that
gowns, They like to sniff about growth of. generations formed a ray wife is received! with due honer
them and have torn them sonietimes shade foadthe antlered deer ; and to and ...respect.
in trying to inspect them with their the lett lay the 'sunny Southern sea. nOne word to yeurself, Vivien:. What
claws.. But. 1 discounage any such She eaw Lancewood Abbey the home is done es.dcine. ere wise, sne
faniiliarity. • . .
"I have never had an accident, or an
injure from . the lions lieyond a few
scratches ou iny .arme .and: • legs,. in-
flicted usualty by accident: That is
because I fun always careful, I take
my time in teaching my subjects •and
always know them thoroughly before
I attempt to make' them perform
any tricks. The best subjects for a
lion tamer are those that are captured
when they are young.. Animals that
are born in captivity are. never so sat-
isfactory, As a rule they have been
spoiled by pettieg and. hone been. hen -
died by too many different persons,
They are sluggish and .deceitial, and
are likely to turn on one at theemost
unexpected moment. Of couesa there
are great differencea also between in..
dividual animals as between individual
persons. Some are ranch. more in-
telligent •and much more htineste than
others. The best. lions for training
purposes comelroin Emit Attica. They
are mote intelligent and can be han-
dled much better than the Asiatic
"I enjoy my work. That is why I
took it up. To succeed. in. it requires
hard work and careful study. and
above all infinite patience. But in
the nature of things see no reason
why a woman who has stroug, herves
and is thoroughly self-reliant should
not become as successful in lion( tam-
ing as any man."
Ah sne I these terrible tongues of ours,
Are we half aware of their miglity
Do we ever trouble our heads at all
Where the jest may strike or the hint
may fall ?
The latest chirp of that "little bird,"
The spicy story "you must have
We jerk them away in our gossip
rush, •
And somebody's glees of couirse, 'goes
What fames have been blastee .and
Mutt pestilent sinks been stirred,
By a (word In .lightness apoken,
By only ap idle 'word.
A. sneer, a shrug, a whisper low -
They are poisoned shafts from an am-
bushed boW
Shot by the toward, the. fool, the
They pierce the mail of the •great and
Vain is the buckler of wisdom and
To turn the pitiless point aside;
The lip may curl with careless smile,
But tbe heart drips blood-dripit blood
the wbile.
Ali me! what bearts have been
What rirers of blood been stir-
By a word in malice spoken,
By only a bitter word!
A kindly word end a tender tone -
To only God is their virtue known,
'They can tutn R. foe te a friend in -
jot head,
They e'en turn a foe t on friend hi -
loved a good girl whose spelling was
unvonventional, and whose air°.
graphy eould not be *ailed tier chief
necomplislament. Theata was wild:y,
Madly in love with a commonplace gni
named Fanny Browne. He married
her, but she was incapable of uppreci.
Ming idea. Hazlett, the brilliant es.
sayist, loved the pert, eoarse daughter
f 1 1
ter which she never Answered, and he
said that "the rolling years of eter-
eity would not fill up the blank am
her failure to answer that letter caus-
ed." A nracticel Scoteh girl, Char-
lotte Carpenter, won Walter ScOtt's
love. She not only bated literature,
but objeeted to writing to him. ' Ile
wrote ben saying, "You must write
me once a week." She replied, "You
r are quite out of your senses, and you,
need not put in so many 'musts' in
CEYLON TEA—, I,TaT,,,ulhw:Yiad,
„ „
Our method is sure and has cured thousands -some pronounced
incurable. Write at once. Booklet and Proof on request. Address
TheSWISS-AMERICAN 00., Windsor, Ontg Canada
In order to nettle a little bet, the
young man said, passing a ring over
the showcase, please tell me whether
the correct pronounciation of the name
of the stone in that ring is turkeeze
or turkwoize.
Tbe jeweller inspected it and hand-
ed It back.
The correct pronounciation is glass,
be said.
'dear' Miss 'Nestle, r am not so demo tins Ionia batons wits It milirercr Erna letters. It is beginning too eerier," Send one cent stamp for circular. W. a.uncruiLART
late yet as to require that."
Re drew back with such, an eePres-
sion of intense pain that ber proud
heart 'was toucbed. She held out bar
hand to hiol.
"Fontes tate," elle said. "1 esied
not speak RO unkindly to you - you
have. not displeased me. But 1 my so
hurt, se grieved, so woundedeI de.not
know what to say." •. .
"If - speakinte harshly to me. tould
lessen youf pain, would sithmit to it
forever," he replied.
She did not seem to hear 'him -and
he wits quite. accustomed to' have .tbe
passionate utterances of bis great
love treated with silent indifferences.
"Tell me," Mr. Dorman," she said;
after a pause, "all that Sir Arthur re-
eutres to be done."
"Sir Arthur wisbes to have trium-
phal arctbes erected all along thedrive,
They arn to be surmounted by • tbe
word, 'Welcome.' .Efe Wisbes also that
every .servant belonging to the bouse•
bold should be in the great' hall to
bid Lady Meths wen:lime home.. He
'wishes the rooms, In the western wing
to be preparedeall the piciuree of the
Blue 'Room to be placed -eel ,the bou-
doir, -dinner to be ready ate eight in.
stead.'of Seven -he invitee me to dine
-4ind, lastly, am to say ha you that
be hopes neither expanse nor "trouble
will bo spared in weleoming'Lady
I i e home." ". . . • •
She turned her prowl hini.
"Do yon know, sir, that that is the
very welcome • my Mother received
when she came, a -bride, to Lancewood
Abbey time/ray. years ago?" . • • •
• "I can imagiue it," Was the; cautioue
reply. • •
•"And •do you think the same wel-
come given to -.her will bei. given to
this French girl -this girl' of nine,
teen? I yoneNole I would rath-
.er out Off my. Wide than use even one
einger in s•tioh ,Let. those
who will erect triumphal arches •-• I
not,". •
...The ye:eine .seeretary looked . terrib.
Cbj tiltood-Doeiler4 ve int itdt it ItRtIOIcal Che9tiat, 4.29. queen St, y., Teems°.
• s'inentie siernies-Te•ii Y neve. . • •
W It f 1 1 1 I • 'lb
Cholet te, of this place, has been an 'u-
ltra until quite recently. when she be- su
valid, owing to Kidney Disease, all her
gan to improv.e. Her maey friends
rnag,astrawahltthaneoanigtrafthltueslattIote. waansd :ante:near:
erally known, however, that the .cause
were delighted at 'the ehange and she
of Miss Cholette'simproving condition
feet was giveu out, But such le the•
wits' due to Dodd's Kidney. Pills, and it
was not 'until the other day that the
case and Miss Cholette acknowledges
DthaeddlieriKefiiatasyslipeiihisasin dtehraivegtialivriehmg 12.13
old. hasten to write you, therefore,
fatigue 'or study. One day mother fell tient dritmatic poet. Thus it seems ;ate:gem Send for itatinionials tro.
letter,' giving full details of her ease
sf ourf. fs4 eheeedebetni teehf .:e: toot ifaemfo terabi geahrt itosnuyleofeterrteehrtsh.k.17
r commenced to be sickwhen going to dresses: 'Cement% the astute law- '''''' ••*- • • • •
same]. I was not bear the ..Yer fell in love and became the brit -
sick and the doctor profiten by the
neya. a•m to -day twentyefour years
to give you the fun details of my cure, from the time she system child in short seers
St. Justine, Que., Feb. 5. -Miss Anna
inners nil tror • •
bliereei'iore eupplanted it with•a neW,
1:h.euetate:sltperrii°L.T.g_ TeroAseurt:de reeitudaisd. used and available,
'that love, whether successful or other
ItruaihettotyrdibilhaltItevpahstemoisi ittistaabsesowerhostee.
makine in .poetey, but when he 1;ro*.
Nannie, Metier sang the praises
or many queens, but his one great Jove
was Phillipiet Picerd de Rotted the
eetelmeint in. several .poents. Moore county add etlittionatorisedielte_Ast' leto-,niT'"a"
h. omson had his Amanda, Littleton
hiaedinyia.m.-wanietingwetioteGdueeeieneAnyneeeoef Dice- • L
young dream is .the sweetest thing in
Carey had his Sally of- "Sally in Our
Alley" fame. Surrey loved Geraldind
lived up to his thetiry that love'e hin Pay •uni of oxa mien,
adtitove to • the irresponsive George
rrx Ler, .but made it _a matter ot Fiji.i,",d101Ve 11; ite,,figfittf Cifi"" &."
aa .e his thouglits such an ex -
He peter lot one love get old tOVeir'itialliirieektni etecur64 the nu'r''N
she iiitea re It is estimated that at the begin.'
_ F. J. st CO., ;I'modo, C.
lIxiainvge of the new eentury Englahd
at Avalon, Santa Catalina Island,
STATE or Olflo 0,1 EDO:
presence,„this (;th day ot nocember.
LIARS tor each and every eat, of Cavemen
Sawn to Itefort, an,t ..ubiteribeil HIV
FRANK .1.• x oath t hat he is
Iftigi's Catarrh (hire is I alma interonily, ana
An oat o -p -u: r::gC•rt(lwae)tn't7•1;:e3't
82,000,000,010 tons of coal still tm-.
1), on the bloo I und mucous surface;
coon 4.. oulvTr. I "'''
s was recently caught
• A. Vs% OLICAtitiS, •
FRA.,t117..1. GRIMM".
Nohow u1,1 ic. •
me ft was not necessary to come any 1141111Riaarn-e Ne4 eiGA3
occasion to tehd me also. He came often se, for a titan inspires its v t ' e°1(114'. Druul8", 75°.
aries. •
to. see me for six. Months when he told •
nientaani i1 Front 1 Lady Dorothea Sydney, who was hie
. ue giant mowing machine has been
inveoted which is capable. ot cutting
rheoari, me g Tio:etwyh 8 etirdoheuvabd1 t b ale Ne nano uauldndswrhei lgal thahtli raiegtas de oyl ff.. el. y
:Young isaan: said tbe old gentleman,
daughter is too young to Aturry., A a strip of wheat fifty feet in width.
gi,r1 of.ben age cannot. be sure of her
W41S bederidden almost continually. At "mei* ,
tion of two dockers. . They said, 1 bud
this time I was under the consulta- own mind in a matter of such import- l'OR oVER
young man, who han just! wilted the collod"%dio180,1b.rma:18!..isolflisi:telis'orthiliiire.se2y.lruor.reaphea.11F.
I idly-. realize that, replied the
one's conseint, That's why i Me tall d illegist two ut w
uslt Rib.Vim' 1 oNtahleflo.rtit hnr°erThirilirif t‘..s:eeYt.i)AftfRiu:V. ttobitehel
thee ehim, softensmtnhe:ww
flammation of the Wdneys They illaoint't want to wait. I
been suffeTing this Tong time of in -
i 4 ,
Mr. W. S, Blunt, combines the very
gave me many medicines, and I eras I 'CLEVER CHAP I
different occupations of writing poe-
under their treatment for two years.
'Boardman: "Don't you think Foot- try and breeding horses, '
They gave, me no relief. light is a clexer actor?"
"My parents were greatly pained rd.
site so 1 He blend pale his landlady
myself I felt that I could never find any money foe six, weeks.,,
The " Balmoral," Free Bus Artl.PI"
paper of the, good effects of Dodd's sest.sysee,
pleasueo again in this world.
"My fatheir one day read in a news- . ---0-
A SISTER SAVED.. Hotel Carslake lut"e" " Smic
, fro
Clever ? Well, tshouid
seeing me suffering so, and. as for MONTREAL NOVEL OIREOTORY.
m 41 a duct, ut.' Opp.
le perplexed. • . Pills He bought three iv:ems • 0.T.R. Station, Montreal. Geo. Catelake sop's.
AVENUE HOUSE-.-MoGilt-College Avenue.
began, ' • ref )3 bought me a. elozen
"lean understand your feelings," be sect Terme trey and they gave me
Sickness Banished -Health Restored Fmnili '1'6e1 rates 024
ST. JAMES' HOTEL- °01)°810,43.T.R. DePot.
gesture ofTiorabp: t:Cieonnt't sncolserdia: ivell and overflowing with life and Nerve Pills have done my. sieter so Mfflattle. Commelree;;;Yhi).%11:1k8 ifral„;;Z:
sleets." much good thet in grateful appeecia. Oftlealata."Ratia MOderata.
She inreed again with. her queenly more boxes, and noiv land Perfectly Gentleirten,-Dr. Ward's Blood and
Prince Peosper of Arenberg, broth"- • • tion I told eltedeully, the druggist, I --
er of the head of the house end cousin Many good. stories with reference
holiciteci, as to their merits. My that ha bas tonversed and correspond.
would gladly give a testimonial un- It is said of Professor Max-11101er
sister, 15 years of age caught a vice ed with more mei at note than any
• •
htr raceethe grated, znassivelmild- stead of battling ...with'. the tide 'of of .the President .of. the Sue; •canal
tog •that Was likent poem in stone ;". events, you. will swine with it. From rectors and ot the German Colopial So•
and the thougnt that brightened the ,you, My daughter, rebel! expect love, .t h s b d by a Der-
cte y, cen enienee
ilrearey eyesewas-"One day- all thin kindness,. affection, attention, and eon-.
.Will be mine." All. this=the 'wealth sideratime eot my .wite. Iff you show
nf wood. and forest, of field and meg.- att this, ;well and, good; if ,yout ramie
dow-eveln. the fer-famed old Abbey-. it, yeu 'will see, the result.. Meet me
all would one dey be. hers, for shewas with a emits, Vivien; led me beer no
the Only. child of Sir Arther Neslie, s'eproachese • • •
end heiress of Lancewood. She had: .* ' •Thatererighteo pleasaraYself, Yeler
the protul air of one 'Mit) bed always -dhole future Will depend on . your
been obeyed; There was a grendeur tre,Artitymefnatu'io44Lsvadsyd.
about her auch as comes onlyl• •frona
always holding high authority,- a frank We shall be with yea' osa, Tuesday) aad
'ndependelice„ a• certain kind• of de- hope to _find al1 thin& .
fiance -far it Was ft noble face, 'and she *iee'e.a t- he iette'•r Asitotwhiitir, atreettiiel•on.
a • noble soul looked out of it •
turned' back and read, it. again. The
•. "All. this • will 'he mine," •thought the
young secretary watched her intent -
young girl -"and I will make gopd use..
a it. If 'Jive long enough, my gOod He• saw the entori fade. fromeher
face,. 'the light .die 'from, hap Ayes; he
deeds shall ba my inonuinent.' I will
saw het line •grow.white, as• they •hact
leave. a name that will live' in the
heeAs of the. people around me..,This .never. been betore; he watched her
its curiously,. keenly, ..tor he would .haver
Ls my kingdom, end . shall ,be
queern.,0 • . • . . . - , • • given, ine•life•to save ben.frone pain.
Suddenly,.withan, angry gesture, she
It wee not vaulty that• shone •in
pee floin• her "eeat, a crimson flush
her face as she said the ivords-it was
spreading over her.faCe; she flung the
aimething ,higher and. mobler-.pride
letter 'on the ground at hen feet.
jiat, rightly trained, might beitemade "I -will not helieve it I" she eried. "It
he•T what she wished 'to be, a noble WO- is a forgery I. My •fatner never wrote
man -pride 'of race end linehge,
pride in a spotless name and high. de- •
He made net reply; his pity :and. los
scent, pride in the• .grand old ,home 'love were se great that they mede him
that was second to none in tbe land.
All to be her owli-and she would 'il'e•e'ellie68•• • •
...use, roeally. She had. of tenetood . "Read It!" she commanded. ' "Read
it, Gerald Doman, and..
there. by' the • old • sun -dial, looking • tell me if' I.
found on, the vast• domain, thinking
what she wotild dot when, it -became
hers. She had been brought up . as
heiress of Lancewood.• No other 'fate,
no other lot in life, no other nesslibilitY
had ever occurred•to ber except thtse
She hid filled heti mind withi grand
arid noble thoughts, all for the good of
others, when she would be queen; 'of
Ellie heat fair domain. IN, should be a
pattern 'and model foreall'others-nci
one .shouid be poor in. sorrowful; She
would be „ a lady •boulitiful, going
aniongst het people with' open hands
and operi heart, relieving 'all distress.
Theta should be churehe•siwhere none
had. bean built before-eschools, alms-
houses, Her heart warmed as she
thought *int all, es she •pictured 'the
white heads on the old and, the fair
faces of the young; and all were 'to be
made happy by ter. They were noble
dreame-not out of plane in the glow
of the etutlighteind amid the fragrance
of flowers. -
The pretty tame dores„ erfiteied her
froth them. .Slie dropped the epray of
gladtolue, and turned to the fountain.
The gold fish almost .seeteed to* know
lute as she tduched the water softly. mother place. I -I cannot behave t,
Presently down abroad path ehaded Mr. Dorman. Why; only ten iminutes
by aracin-trees came a young, hand- eine° was thinking of all I wohld
some man, looking about bim eagerly,
as though In search of -some one.. At he has a wife..- Its has been all the
persuade him to do --and now I find
length he'fiew the glimmer of eithite world to me-aS I nave been to him
dress amongst the trees; and be stood
still, silently watching her. She wet, and now he bas a wifei. The love and
the home that belie been mine so long
singing just then in a low, 'sweet voice, nen be nil e
and he listened to the words with a -
and ;sweet- pi;Niitnyg, vMolos: Neelle," said the calm.
ou are, and always w
"'t w'll not be so bad
• e was crutchee, and my lege dragged
words by the poet Dibdin, guano as that. Y b dor me, My only means of locomotion
alone, as my legs were like sticks un-
pa:miler Amite. on his face. They were
heiress of Lancewood. The Abbey
"1 onee heti gold and silver- will always be your home, unless -n after me like limiest pieces of dm -
I thought them without end; Then he etopped and besitated. ber; I could not raise them one inch
from the floor, About the first of the
ef once had gold and ailver--
I thought 1. hail a friend "'Unless iny father ebould have a taming BkLeod
son to rammed him, fin Whte ea" strongly urged Me tO try Dr. Wile
My wealth Is lostermy friend is false,
stead,*, Lancewooti would never be mine." she Rains' Pink Pine. I had tried AO many
The heart elose-berred with passon..' My love lei !stolen) from ,rae; said, slowly. "Half an hottr Since. Iva, thing& without benefit, that I did
,A:n41 here he fel misery.
and pride, Darman, I thought myself as tertian- - not think the pills could help me, but
/3 th tee "II -t "
am mad, or vane!"
ele took up the letter.
"Do you really wish Me to read' this,
Miss Nestle?" he asked, • t •
"Yes," she replied, slowly. can-
not believe it. My eyes, my senses
must have deceived mei the worda 1
have seen cannot possiblyt be written
there. Read it, end tell me if the news.
be true."
lie read the letter. She stood watch-
ing him with a bewildered, dazed look,
with/ white• parted lipid and darkened
eyes. Then he laid it down on the sun-
dial, and turning to her, aaid-
"It is quite true, Miss Nestle. 1
knew, it when brouglit this letter
to you:" ' •
"You knew it 1" sib& tried, "nowt'
' ,"Six'Arthur wrote to tell me. I re-
ceived bis letter this morning, and I
felt sure that, yours contained the
same intelligence. It was for that
reason ventured to disobey youi and
remain here instead of lookihg for the
"Then It is' true," She moaned), "my
&thee km a wife-ferme one in my
lin cella -Martini *to -three.years' impri-
sonment aed to be 'expelled from the
army for a brutal 'morder chmmitted
in Southwest 'Africa. While in 'com-
mend of a district station. after a talk'
with a tative servant, be ordered .a
sentey to shoot tbe man; the man
fired in the air, but on the Pance re -
Penang his order fired* again .veduntl-
ing the black man. It is believed that
the Kaiser Will In terfe with' the on
rying out of 'the sentelice, as he bas
appointed a coMmission to ingnire
to the Paiute ef Arenbertes
A -Clergyman's. Adige...
roe Veers Ow Wit., Afflicted \VIM Spinal
.vreable and Para! sin of the Legs -1.1
Treated toy ne4i Atteebt.tais In a le.
Istria Getioriti Hospital, al tin Wax,
Without [karat Ur. tI litt ' Pink
rites nave terse.rsti utile
• Mr. John McDonald, e well known
merchant at Cape North, N.B.,. was for
many years a autferer from spinal
ttoubie, whieh eventually resulted In
partial paralysis. Treatment a manY
kinds; was resorted to but without
until finally Dr, William& rink
Pills were. used, with the result that
Mr. McDonald is again eiajoying
most perfect health, Mr. McDonald's
dtOry la given as follows in his own
worde:-"Almoie tbirteen years ago I
eaught a bad cold whieh lodged. in my
back, producing a terrible pate. Lini-
ments were at first resorted do, bUt
they 'had effeet, and' the trouble be -
and eou3d not go out 'of doors after
came so bad that I cook' hardly walk;
dark.' its, I would be almost certain to
fell if I attehipted to walk. Medical
Areatment did me no good, I tried
six different doctors, but the result
was o.iways' the same. 1 siva OD
for an; eleetric halt, but it was, simply
money wasted, ream Went on and I
was continually growing worse, "until
in the spring 0111895 my lower limbe
would scarcely support me.. In June
of that year I went to this Victoria
Geneial Hoepital. Halifax, where 1 re-
mained for two months tinder the
treatment of the best specialists, but
when returned bome was actually
Worse than, when entered fhe hosfe-
tal. This thoroughly diecouraged
tied; vete up all hope of ever get-
ting better. I continued to grow'
worse until about the first of
.lan.uary, 1890, when 1 had be-
come so bad that eould non stand
Will fling at their knock its portals He reeog wed the song as one .anii_ ly heirees of La tirewoOd AS that the
ed "The itlicel Lovera: and, again a
wide, sun shone in the sky."
And the hate Met blighta and the
scorn that mare, "It iS a stran
signifieant smillestoteler ohveerr tiPsifnage",' darkest side, Mail Neeliest 'counseled
"You must not look on the vexy
Will melt in the fountfqn. of ebildlike he thought tl) hinteeic „oee never the young seeretarr. "sir Arthur
tears. hears her singing love ditties,' as says that Voir Nes ie is young end
What ice•bound griefs have been other gtrla do. She la far too inmeriai
of suptema centempt.
broken, tor alai, I' should imagine ".
What rivets of love been ear. Then he went up to tlie' fella MIR She interrupted him with a genture
By a ward in kindnese spoken, where the phi fisk darted amongst be:;:ntey....reuet be /114 weak es a Main"
the emerfild-green weede and .the sun /Ale Raid, "to care vomit for youth and
By only a gentle word! Melee tn. the waters.
-..-ee. "Good-mornieg, Mite; Nealte,° he "Pardon me," he eontinued, gently 1
said, with a low bow. "r was eboni to pay flint, being beau -
Duke, Hobert of Permit is it father The words of the song' ceased ab. tiful, the hi almost sure to be kind
f h -
turned (tutor. t• eart. Minds; and faees are n
for the nineteenth time. Only one of ruptly as Vivien Neslie
hie ehildrel, the kite Princess icif Ilui- ly round to see from whom the greet- hattnotiY."
garia married. The other eighteeh, lug same. A emile Caine over her She interrupted lihrt again,
"How little you know of the met.
eight boys end ten girle, live with him face. . ,
en the Oftstle a sehwitr2att in Ails-. "Good -morning, Mr. Dorman; yeti ter, Mr. Dertnat 1 As though beatti-
Vete. ' startled me, neve the books) comet'. fill women ever ettreti for anything AV
ON HIS TitAeg. you. They are well eeleeted; you will Ileitig
11 be pleesed, r think." will he titnid, and will non venture to ea like other medicines. They give
.10elig," he Initileedv "Oa not enrol, and therefore do not weak -
Here le an °street from one of t 6 "The hest wore ell tieeseme....untbing take any leading part in the manage. strength from the first PHI to the
lamin, novelsee- tit any value iti Ahem, elle emit nu . 0 0 iyilleie 0 d. last need. There aro Many dealer's
Gerald Ilarblean panted heavily, The. "Have they sent Drowning's last She laughed bitterly. who offer piuk colored substitutes,
dorm ettfieephere of the little. apart. "Did you ever Affle A timid French- because the eubetitute gives them a
merit dentitraille4 hie eplendid lungs. 1111119
Yes; Ave have edveral pealed works wotnan, Mr. Dorman 1 1 never did greater Profit, lett these should al.
Ito wont to tho WitidoW, opened it end this time." What WO haVe poseessed my father wills be refused, ad sobetitutea are
threw otit his iniiiielve cleat. "If it it net trelibline Pea 'tots much to infirreeettheive ell, tti marry * either thingerousi or abstduteiy worth.
All ef whit% woeld, go to thew tliet
writ you bring Drowning, out heve (0 Freineh &tit" 10104 f
the lendlady Was hen on his flock. ,,
nevertheleas decided to give them a
trial, Alter using six boxes I could
see that there was a elight improve -
meat, and I continued using the pills
until had taken thirty boxes, and
by that time new life and vigor add
returned to my legs, and have since
been able to attend to my business
behind the counter without tbe aid of
crutches, or even a stick. Hader
God's blessing Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills have restored me to a new meas.
uro of health and energy, never exe
peeted to again enjoy in this. world,
My restoration has caused a great
wonderment in this section, and its ta
result havA sold tdany gross of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills in my store, mid
many of those who ,hars bought
them from me tell Ine they have our -
ed them of their trouhlee.
Dr. Williams Pink Pills iset direete
"Yes,' he replied. "I ceme to tell Opt theMseives." ly on the blood and nerves. They do
to the present Colonial Secretary's fate- lent cold -since then she has been in living person, .
anemic, Ler blood had no vitality, and
.one. Sento visitors had passed through sbe had no physical strength, she be -
Mr. Chamberlain's archidehouees at came extrexnely nervous, no much. so
Highbury one morning, when a very
orite flower haere been told. Here is very poer health, lost all colour was
valuable plant was discovered broken.
Mr. Chamberlain, it is said, almost, lost
his temper, and deolared that sight-
seers should no longer be welcome .
Then he interrogated the gardener in test exertion. When she commenced
charge of the houses. taking Dr, Ward's Blood and Nerve
The man appeared tonfused, hut pro-
tested that be did not do the dam- Pills two months ago she was in a
state of complete physical and nervons
air' prostration. Her bloed was scanty
`I was very sorry .when 'saw it with no more strength than water.
done, sir." Since taking Dr. Ward's Blood and
"'You saw it done? Then, of conrse, Nerv,e Pies she has been rapidly mend -
the vistors did do it ?" • ing, her appetite has returned, she
"No, sir; the visitors didn't either," sleeps well her nerves are stronger,
said Abe man. and her heart gained strength so that
" Speak out, .man 1" cried Mr. Chain- it is able to fulfill its functions. Prior
berlain, "1 am.resolved to diecover the to taking Dr, Ward's Pills she had
Then the gardener spoke: " You did
.11 yourself, please, sir, for 1 sew you.
You were walking up an' down an'
rehearsing something. I heard Lord
Salisbury's name, sir. an' Mr. Glad -
stone's, an' then you struck out with
your. right arm sudden -like, and down
went the orchid."
The Colortial-SeeretarY smiled, and
sightseers were not forbidden the or-
chid -houses.
that sbe could not stand any exertion
or excitement, and it was imposeible
for her to get restful sleep, she lost
her apeetite, her heart became very
weak, palpitating 'so violently that
she could hardly breathe at the eligh-
• •=ii,4..,•••••
Penaltia of Modern Methods of
Picton; Dee. 11301. -We read a great
deal concer.ning the hardships and suf-
ferings endured by the Canadian pion-
eers ie the early days of our Dominion.
But the truth is that many of •aur
teken• many .medicines without . any
special lielleAt.. Dr. Ward's Blood and
'Nerve .Pills 'are certainly, the .only
Medicine that .has• done any good. Be-
fore taking. them she was getting
Weaker, 1 er heart ,and nerves losing
strength daily. Since elle had began
taking there. she has daily and con-
einuously gained health' and strehgth:
BO College street,
Peterborough; 001,
A Bath person, -the Rev. Valentine
Rowe, who before taking 'orders was
'flo colonel iri the• Royal. Engineers, has
thrown. np his curet° enter the mill-
tary again..
.. This Only Cure, for Csitarrit,
Mist. Lizzie Lanford, of 353 Market.
St.,. Chicago, Ill., says: "I have been.
a eenstant sufferer from Catarrah for
tWelve year • During' that 'time I
have used most of the Irnoweremedies•
cenderits„ in our .own. times, endure i foe Catarrh,•but ..can safely say that
equally as much es did. eheir fore...! Catarrhozone is the. best •It has our-
. led me. It is very pleasanti and eLece
fathers. .• •
'rho en" of Mi" Ann4 Taitng. titre in it's use. I shall recommend it
Miss Young at every opportunity to my friends.°
this toivn is an bastance.
is 'a grand -daughter of Col. ITenrY is a guaranteed cure.
whose honor Fort Henry, et beings -
ton, was wined. She says :--•" I had suf.
fend with rheumatism for twenty prietors. • • • •
to any addrees for 100 in stamp. N.
CePOLSON & CO.. Kingston, Ont., Pro -
Sold. by all.druggists. Trial•outfit sent
'Young, the United Empire Loyalist,
yours, My poor body was all twist -
the agony I endured. My pbysicians Commander -in -Chief of the Traesvaal
In timeof peace GOMM' Joubert, the
ed out :of shape, so you can imagine
could not help me; ell the inedicine.s forces, reads French novels during
"I read of Dr. Arnold's English Toe- times composes French verses, and
the intervals of military work, some -
used_ were utterly useless,
in Pills, one deg; and thought I'd give
thent a trial. ft am thankful for have ownehybsisspeconmdriandges,an evening' chatting
ing that haspiretion, for I am now free
from very terrible pains and exiles,
thanks to Dr. Arnold's English Toxin la phares. h ilLoist rirtlit2zw.Qa,
. ....114■001
Pills -and to them alone. I cannot
of course, be made young again, for 1 I
will be 79 years old in December, yet 1 The Scottish Iiigheander's dress as
r feel 1 ean end nlv ear; in poem I worn at the preeent time Is sometimes
thanke to Dr. Arnolds Iktglish Pills." I very expensive. The uniforms worn
Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills, the 'bet lifir:: g.°t0414,81.14er,'1,11 Himghblafluintreigiit
only medicine on earth that cures! --n-s -()-- ----- -a--- --n• -- '-
disease by killing the germs that , Prince et Wal" "et 4375'
eause it, are Sold by all druggists al ;
TO AltRit A COLO n omit soms
75e. a box; sample size 25e., or sent ;
prepaid on receipt of price, by The I draggles refund the money it IS falle to care
Take Laxative !Immo QUinine Tablets. eel
Arnold Chemical Co., Limited, Can& ! 25c. g. W. Grove's 8 quanta Is on tiech hots
da Life Building, 42 King St. W., Tor- . ............,
Size far size a thread of spider silk
Ils tougher them a bar of steel, An
An English boy's periodieal recenttylordinary thread will hear a• weight of
took n. vote on the reereations its read -I three grains. This, is 50 per cent.
. m•s pteferted. The result gave thie or- stronger than a steel threed of the
swine. same thickness,
dere Football, crieket, cycling,
ming, gymnastics, reading, rowing,
stamp collecting. Croquet game last in O'KEEF'E'S %Or MALT
a, list of twententwo pastimes and golf otifeeete, end Sweetens.
twentieth. Deing •English boys they wive WOOD, Toronto, GO ESA& AfflINr.
knew nothing of.loorosse.
i Henke Mr. Svinely Grundy, who
Sit Itetivers teller used to be a .confesses to having no great liking for
great smoker, but is sald to now fileywriting, Mt. Louis N. Parker de.
limit himself to one pipe a day, Af. dares that he knows nothing more de-,
ter a fight it Wen ahvays his liable lightful than writing for the etagn,
to retire luta tiolitode and smoke a hlr. Parker, by the way, lit itiMOSt
pipe 0111. totally deaf in one eat. .
are said to be the best
judges of Tea in 'Europe,
oven the poorest classes
being large consumers of the very choicest Teas grown in Ind
dia and. Ceylon. The Teas most in favor irt Ireland are richt
strongo liquoring kind% similar to Canadian
W. P C 1010
earbolle Disinfcgctants. Romps, Clot.
m tint Tooth . Po wrtic re, 01 Imre been
hwartled 100 medals and diplomas fOr unnwior
exeelletiee, . Their regular use prevent inteeti-
ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lista mailed free on application.
F. C. CALVERT & CO., •
rams SENSE KILLs Roaches, Bed
IP Bugs, Hate and Alice. Sold 47,11
Druggists, or MI Queen W. Toronto.
carters OOLO MIRE Me. Cures in a Slily P Me.
Vormacir Is , Ws, Mumma'.
On MOINES INDIMATOR -Best and ebeaneet
Rolland, solo agent for the Dominion. fe• nil 1 t t.
stamp for catalogue. 373 At. row Street, !Soave t
Dyeing 1 Cleaning I
For the 'err boat gon4 row wc".1‘ ths
Zook for wrens fa your town or send dived.
Montreal, Toronto, Otiawa, Quebec
HARRIS LHZ3,:;til+PWIT Mess!
wholesale only. Lone Distance 'retortion #2720, •
and other PRODITOE, to ensure best resalti CO» tisn to
The Dawson Gomm siege Ou., Limited,
cor. west -mitred & esteem se, Toronto,
ROOFING and Sheet Beta' Works.
Red or Orem. SLATE BLAOK BOARDS tWe sepias
Public and Nigh Sabools,Toronto). Rooting Felt, Pitch,
Coal Tar, eto. ROOFING TILE (Ace New (My Build,
Inge, Toronto, done by motion). Metal Ceilings, Gm
Mamas. Estimate* furnished lot work complete or foi
materials /Mined to any part of the country. Phone IVO
LOUTNIEA SONS, Adelaide Siwitimorsteuverente
spretial etook, guaranteeing large dividends; 14210 an .
Italment stock payabie in monthly instabnents, drawiug
cash dividend , half yearly. Parties wanting safe aud
profitable Investment should correspond with
The Sun Savings and Loan Co., Toronto.
Moncyloang4 on favorable terms; moms iranted lc
Ilihrepresented distrlete ; write us.
Michigan Land for Sale.
wry loom, Ogetuaw anti Orawfortl Counties. Title pan
feat. Ou Mahlon Centml, Detroit Mackinac end
Loon Lake Railroads, at prices longing from 41 to 85
per arm These Lands are Close to Enterprising New
Towns, Churches, Sehools, eta, ond will be sold on ost
reasonable terms. Apply to
R. M. PIERCE. Agent, West Ray City, Mob,
Or JAY. marts. WhitteMere, migh.
special stock, guaranteeing lorge dividends; also an
stall:Mint Stook payable in moathly instalmente. drawing
cash dividend, half yeariy. Porties wanting safe aud
profitable Investment should correspond with the SOD .
,vings and Luan klempaily, 'remote t motley loanedon'
lavorstble testis ; agents wanted in tutrepresented
trlotti; write us.
postmen Me, to eivortnee. via nalllex•
Large and fast Steamers' Vancouver,
Doininion, Cambroman. •
teem of passage :--Pir t Cobh), 450 awed& ; 6600114 .
Cabin. $35; Meerage, 52150 and 52350.
ffur further information apply to10051 agents, or
. If St. Saerament St. /dearest.
Farmers Intending to Seed
Corn Note This
Mineral Extract
prevent crows from plain' eriren°Iwurihsoing. pl(sagnrtscjid. 101 •
had 14 acres of corn Inn year on my 135.acre farm and
had the seed all ooloru and had panne stalk destroyed
by crows. aim Clain) It. as gmd as . heavy .1.001 of
manure for making tord grow rich, feeling so troll
pleased with it that .1 have• taken the money for it.
Partners who.'wish to buy billy a small box should send
'in their orders not later dm° Feb. Small box
coprileoers4520.00btrI4eillf,Iforicool$12der aa5rogiefobrAtecree4lor4rreits1b5etlisk:
Torras, cash with order,. So orders takim {titer March
1et. in order to get them all Packed sutl shipped before
April 1st directly at G.T,R. and fLP R. for. shipping.
May box of Extract gu,KAarau.FemteAo.c1N.tor.getzts:91:::toionnt,or
tu. on, re.funAdNeod.REW
Loan and Savings COMM:1.12Y.
The OINest gaansdeLoaorgrpeosrtaCtiaonna.dian gort,
Paid•up Capital, • • $2,600,000
for sale. Improved and unimproved. Onedifth cash. Reserve Fund - - • 1,200,000
Head Moo -Toronto se, Toronto.
1,anyeteirildellniage saeotttioersdisc,,rtliimantod sgeettubeeinne.fitAo.1 Inv! tAmiun SyvelaNra: litsmee w_m_niptig, Man., vanaouver,11.0
21 Toronto Chambers, Toronto. DEPOSITS RECOPIED. littered Allowed.
iinki..mmo ao,D;;;Tit,ILYEaRsjitfluon;110;20utolzr elitce.2,1t3,atSamororlitowyes:'
'"•' with interest coupons attached.
For further perticulate alndr .
Darilemmete. removed
So Weeley_Bldige., Rich.
mond w..loron ie.
sausage c aelegeHtwiron,01.,,. finest
crIcan Hog Oitsings,-relisbl.. goolglinigl:;,Silr:4?;e":,24 Am
PARK, BLACK 1888.,1, ft t.10„. Tat -Onto.
Catholic Prayer 0001"ria, a"Ml°3,'„e'
Religious Pictures,Statnary, and Church Ornameotl,
Edueational Wolk& 311111 order, receite Prompt, atten•
then, D. & J. SAIMAA & Oaf, maltreat.
erestatero Cutting Scheel otters epeeist edvantages
119 Yong* et., Toronto, •
permanently cures (D
..C3 Catarrh of nose,
co tin eat,.
and bladder. 5 air 41 a box, Write for ;naiad trx, The
Indian Catarrh Care Co., St...lautes-et., blooded.
. .
' Mine, iViino a lizOcis
te Wesley Ilkigd,. Rich.
.. mond St. Turou to, .
ilisapsiet anti Nest Covering In this Worin, .
MICa PI.PE114111.1;11 Covering
Steam and Hot and Cold Water Pipes, OoldStorage
Pipes. Ritchie Bolide, eta.
low mffloulere Intel, to
Tweet°, Montreal, sod Leedom. Ens
Music 00 lets SHEET
Is send tor mg
atArtleS leiniCuetTpA01.40_11
• libdigaliAthr:i. The Canadian
Tettchers newl,e,121,5 I Heine' Safety
This riew and most useful intention has not only
Droved to be a great seller, but a boon to hundreds.
/deny, medical men tut using ibis closet. And all pro- • •
• nounce It absolutely odorless and sanitary in every .
respect* After being. the market for overt*, goare
this closet hoa become so popular that the manufactur-
era hare had to double their output In order totted the
For Catalogue and Prioe Dist info io
The Odorless Crematori Closet.
Co., Hamilton, Ont.
JAL AliMitt, "-**- "*.
401111 4. MAI*, Supt.' and Trots.
wanted 6 iss;ons• sc.; •
IMMO. Mit Esplanade T t
oron o
Ps s
loge Clads Water Tube SteaM
Boilers, for All Preseuree,
Duties and Fuel.
Tormiso Sleety% LlighePoi,Inalted.
Rums iiii.S5z15;:ain...
BREAKFAST—SUPPER. The Mho Publiablog O'o., Limited.
mit efilemeene. Odra Ware Pit bit.0•131VOildile.
A most efficient substitute for
cod-liver oil, pleasant to the iaste,
arid agreeing with ihe most sensi-
tive Used by physicians
in the treatment of all throat ind
lung troubles, and — if results
count for Anything—almost no
ihnit to the good It can do.
eeesete bottle Melted to any addros on reeeipt
centit to cover potato,
Angier aetnical Co. thttg" Toronto