The Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-15, Page 5..F.123.11LTAJ, X 10, IMU•
• 11000414110090010114090111101,004110
tfeot Einuleion
• •
: of Pure Cod
Iluer 011
• It contains 1() per $ent :
e ' so
• of plate Cod Liver Oil, the s
ti mut amount of Hypo- 2
• • phosphites of Lime and •
as Soda, and is agreeably {la g
• wired. Cod Li V er ( )il uOur. to
•• iiiheii all wasting tissue, :
• soothes all throat affee- :
o tit/MN dry hacking coughs • rs 0 .
6 soon disappear When it IS •
: used. As a retnedy it can. to
• ▪ ant fail to give the beat :
• maul s for only thepurest to
• and freshest oil is Used in :
• making it. .
si •
• Regular 50e Size
for 85e at
• Prescription Pharmacy. Phone 2, •
• •
Reuel:keeper wanted lu a droll family. Ad-
dress Box 6, taintvn
Jan. Sed.
t low, I ,__w I 1
Cowjuat calved for vale. .Also o Thorobred
Jersey Bull for rule.
JOHN. HOLMES, Huron Roaa.
Jan. 21th. Clinton P. 0,
The undersigned offers for t40,10 lot 8 en the
13 yrield Boma stauley 1UW1114flp, consisting of
60 nered. Upon the lot there id a banh b en Susie
ft. ana frame house 20x30 ft. 'rho farm M
watered and feneed Mat in a good state of cut-
tivation. Wailes fromBaylield. ill be eold
on terms to Knit the purebaser. For furtherpar-
Uoulare apply on the proneees to
'Jam .10th. 2m,
- • • •
The undersigned Will pay tho highest cash
price for logs delivered at the Clinton Organ
Cliaton, Jan. 17tb.
The cottage and property belonging to t to late
Meclincloy, being lot No. 4, WedI side of
Isatte dtreet, In sub -division D of I, Mitteribure
survey. Is offered for sale. At present wimple(
bylt. 11. (?vlIteuf°viaTB1
PITOre; will i) sooOVeZ211:
able tonne. Apply to
or PETElt DOUGLAS, Blake. ' Jan.15
HOLIDAY . stl'ettCli).nfig's WIZ
boar. Terms, 81 to be paid at time of service'
• with the privilege of return te hog if necessary.
W, J. 111e13RIEN -
Summerhill. Doe. Oth. 3m*
We can have confidence
recommend the Wirrrn
SwA, Flour for holiday
baking. It is a cheap
flour only in price. march 7th,
On Victoria .street, Near,. yrrair. Pao to7
eaeo will eel aroomy, eongo t me unceaY1 ;
001 lot -the report neon 0 cum
etio, I- Ono word must but ;nutter,
emelt it clear I dare not y'vt;
If the truth 1 could but utter,
So the ending miabt be mt. i
Stranee beatmang, straneer endine;
Lave is wonted, love is /manse.
When thinee seem beyond all mending,
1,os e eau work a wondrous ehangel
. .111 ""6"...
the symptoms steadily bettered. The She withdrew her glance, which wag
head was lees choked, the cheeks were becoming a little musing, from his face
get so red and owellen, eyea and tme to her eltirtS, and it lighted up.
were palpably on the mend. It WItil in "Tea," elle eald fervently; "planning
far more pleasing condition that elle fireetios, wearing them, waking an Un-
impaired to the consulting roonflate in pression in them." She broke off with
the afternoon. Little of moment, how- a laugh. She twirled be r parasol.
ever, occurred. Dr. Smith expressed "When, you look at me like that," she
great satisfaction at her rapid rem- added, "what are you thinking?"
fitayl I dare to *rah it clearly,
• Speak It straight from heart to heart. cry, and she was cordial in atteetation 1 "I am thinking that I used to know
. KUM %NO love taeli other deady, of tbe merit in thought pine. "But ten you,s
wily shall say that we must part? Me, doctor," she aliiked, "Is It you who "I am beginning to think that I never
etsyl Per when these days ere over, put the potency of thought into tile knew you or any of you until now,"
IS hen the Mask 01 life a gloms pills or I?" Her eyes Oashed stud then roved away.
Still shall lover call to lover, "The powers of nature often inter- "Look, Rufus. I can see the tops of
"We ne are, but two in one."
-welter Maas Pollock in Lemma:es Nome penetrate," said the doctor, "and we Mrs. Hall's sparkleberry trees. Don't
sine. accept the outcome of causative aetion you remember how we used to climb
while unable to assign proportionate them when we went to play with Se -
value to each." rena 2:1011? Sometimes," she said,
M. Hollis was no less gratified at "when I am sitting at ray window look
the quick improvement in his wife and ing out at the horses and people I can
In the library after dinner led the Way see In my mind's eye the Halls' wood
to an account of the treatment. As the yard and those sparkieberry trees. The
narration proceeded he became more leaves were BO shining, and the berries
aim more interested and intent, though were such big ones."
at times a faint twinkle of the eye was "You had a lot of fancy notions then.
perceptible. But hardly had Mrs. Hol- I used to call you Lady Elizabeth,"
Its concluded her exposition of the SW Rufus, more genially. "
therapeutic process when he dropped "Why," she asked at once, "did you
his newspaper, threiv back his head, let me stay here three weeks without
clasped his hands behind it and emit- coming to see me?"
ted a loud and long guffaw. Rufus smiled as If the question pleas.
Henry, what Is the matter with ed him, and his square figure settled.
you?" cried his wife In astonishroent, I "Have many of your old friends been
"ikly dear," said he when calmness ' to see you?"
returned, "I Could have prescribed diet - "Why, Miss Percival came -and -and
and jalap as wen as Dr. Smith." one or two others," she mid, glancing
"But what about the thought pills?" away.
she asked, with open eyes. • "Miss Percival told my mother that
"Pills work irrespective of thought," she thought it was her duty. The
lkIr. Hollis replied sententiously. opinions of the world and the opinions
Mrs. Hollis was quiet for a moment of Little Britain don't agree about
"I don't think I will ever go te Dr. you." Rufus leaned easily against hts
Smith again," she at last exclaimed in 'stick. "Tou took 'the • worldly road
a voice of some feeling, when you left here, and the world ad-
; "Oh, Yes, you will!" he said. "The
. doctor has great common aense and as
much command of phrases as a mind
curist You get the advantage of both
Mrs. Hollis looked grave. Then she
raised her eyes to ber husband's, a
smile broke oval' the face of each, and
Mr. Hollis picked up his newspaper.-.
New York Evening Post.
aCt° Dr Smifh's Piffs
It A Story of the Mind Cure Doe -
14, trine,
"Not at all, Dr. Smith. I have not a
had cold. These symptours are merely
the exterualizing,on the physical pilule
of huproper thought."
This was in Dr. Smith's coin-
miseratiou on the lamentable itimear-
anee of the patient. Mrs. Hollis was
a member of the local etbical society,
who bad lately absorbed some. leading
features of the mind cure doctrine,
but who had not advanced BQ far as to
discard all inedical advice. In minor
aliments she adberea to the school,
but her courage failed when disorders
were more ominous; hence her pres-
enee In the consulting' room.
"The resemblance was so extraordi-
nary as to mislead me," replied the
doctor. "I halve never seen a more
perfect sirnulattou. 1 now perceive
the potver of thought to produce phe-
nomena in matter. Your thought must
be very bad," be added - retleetivelY,
gazing again at the reddened face and
streaming eyes of the sufferer,
rank Upsha App y to Mrs. llollis winced w little at this,
"Not as bad as if I. had pneumonia,"
We have renewed our
stock of Groceries and
now have a big supply
especially good for the
Holiday season.
. „ -I she returned. with a touch of asperity.
I "But how are you going to treat roe?"
•'. LAND FOR SALE.•"With thought pills," said the dec.
— - • tor. .
sixteen -00Yeeres of land south of the London - •
Head Bridge. It s a beauttful site for building 118. • •
and will be sold .in ono piece or in lots. -My "Yes" said he, "with thought pills.
reasers for -soiling is that it is too far from town '
to handle myself and it 'doom% pay to hire help . I should not feel justified in stoPPILIE
A. COUGH, Clinton at anything Own of them."
Tune 20th. - '
"I never heard of them. Are they
The undersigned offers for sale that dears ole ..Thought pills!" exclaimed Mrs. Hol
'''''''''''''• ` .' - . - - '• • " • . '•• s's's- s.• • ..., -. to -be taken Internally?" ,
• "Of course," replied the doctor,
."Your thoughts are inside of you, and
Tho dorslgned will kcep for sorvice atLot• so must be the Pills. We have got
22, con 16. Gbderleh township, tho Shorthorn t� go .to the toot of the matter.: - And
"4 Fair Outside Is
4 Poor Substitute
For Inward Worth,"
Good health, inwardly, of
the kidneys, liver and bowels.
sureto come if Hood. S4r.
saparitta Is promptly used.
This secures a fair outside, and a
consequent vigor in the frame, with the
glow of health on the cheek, good
appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood.
LOas of Appetite - 01 was in poor
healtbaroublea with dizziness, tired feeling
and loos of appetite. I was completely run
down. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and after
awhile I felt much better. Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla built me up." Liz= A. Russia, Old
Mabee, near Ottawa. Que.
Billotisnowil-"I have been troubled
with beadache and biliousness and was
much run down. Tried Hood's Sarsaparilla
and It gave me relief and built me up." A.
Ifoaniscas, 89 Defoe Street, Toronto, Ont,
McKINNON & 00.
' Hood's Plils own liver ills; the non -irritating and
oil) cathartic to take with Hood's Barsanarilla.
Split by Watts & (Jo., 0euggiste,
. s-
dence of the bride's father on the
Base Line, Goiterish township, on
Tuesday, Feb, 130, by Bev. B. -
Clement, William Eagleson Of Aber-
' deen, South Dakota, ta Alma; third
daughter of Mr. Jamee Stevens.
WATTS -M ULDOON , -At . the resi
dence of the bride's parents, Me-
Milop, on Wednesday, Jaimary`
mires its own, but the people you were , 31st by Rev. G. J. Abeyl John Ai
born and raised with have to disown Watts of Hullett to Miss Tessier
you." . daughter of Christopher Muldoon of
She looked from Rusfust firm cheek- ' MoKillop, .
ed face up at the 'sky, around at the BENNETT-SAVAGE.--At the Meth -
trees and up and down the empty, ()dist pars .nage, Wroxeter, on Wed -
weed grownstreet with the glance of a .
restless bird. Then she nodded her •Lake Thos. Bennetts of Moles -
word' to Miss Jennie- Savage of
Moles -
head at Rufus. ' Hovaok; '
"It is a very easy thing to be single
SpOTTON-0.A.THERS,-At- the reels .
rainded here in Little Britain. .wbo denoe of the bride's -parents, How -
'would suppose, to see the cows grazing ick, on 'Wednesday, Jan. 31st, Wm,
around, that -oh, alot of things. Take J. Spotton to Miss Charlotte
my word, Rufus, the world is compli- {lathers. .
cated. You may be right, ,or I may be LALGLAW-BLASIK.--At the residence
• right, or we may both be wrong. At of the brides 'parents, on Wednes-
any rate," she seta earnestly, "credit day, Jan. 318tsby Rev. F. J. Oaten,
me -with trying -to do right, and meet Ph.B., Mr. James Laidlaw, Morris,
me on that ground." to. Mary, daughter of Mr. . 'hos,
Rufus. did not move, though she part- • Black .of East Wawanosh.
ty beld. out her hand.- •• ANDERSON,TORRANCE. .-At the
"That's 'a loose way," be said. "A residence of the bride's •father, on
. ,
any use talking between." s ITCuar dMa Yr': jJaonS'e 3:ht 13D1 abvyi dil6Av n dAe rsiao no -,
thing's right or It's -wrong. There isn't
"I took pleasure in the thought of West Witwanosh, to Ellen Caroline,
coming home, hut nobody wants to •.. 7.rerrancs •of Kinioss. .°ungest daughter of Mr. Peter
- see me," .said Mrs. Ritchie suddenly.
McLARE ,--VICICERS'. -In Mitchell,
.",Itufds, let me keep one friend. .
. • ' '• on Feb. 7th, • by Rev. R. Whiting,. .
•I docare."
Dainty Sketeh of a ()wintry Girl
Who Married a Divorced Man .
and Was Gut by Her
Old Friends.
Bull, Captain Marlow,roestcrod (26784).in the nelv," he went on, S'I will ask you to - •
Also a. Canada Impoved Yorkshirellog bred excuse me a few moments while 1 pre• The whole town of' Little Britain
Nu. This hog Is remsteied. Term., St, to be be long. Do not give a thought to the Ritchie on street corners, at literary
Dominion Hera mak. 'onus, 81.
tho Ontario age cultural College from the .pai•e them In pbarmacy, I win riot was talking -about Mrs. • Clarence
le Fax el It -0,W 01) by John Hord 6.t,Son, I att.-
Are guaranteed "to $
# go" not only correctly,
# but 1,ermanent13. Perfect
0 worl:manship and nicety
0of adjustment are the first
$requisites we see to,as re- :
gards the inside of our
pocket timekeepers—as to
$the outside, that is purely
$a matter of taste and ex-
If you have thought #
$of a ladies' or gents' watch 0
$in gpld, silver or gold•fill- #
ed we are ready •for your f
A trade-- ready in . a sense #
r that gives lasting satisfac-
tion after you have made 0
a purchase. .
mg to hog if necessary-. _ am gone. T.hat ivifi come ' society meetings, over the billiard ta-
. paid at time ors:orrice, with privilege of retern pills while 1
Jan, 20th. . It was all very. Well to decree that
' ' ble, in the long, dingy clubroom above
' CHARLES RAKER. later on." , •
the grocery store, 'until. the' air was.
. the pills were•to be eXcluded from Mrs.•
full of her name, .- •• •
TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE Bolds' mind, but this was scion found.
'an Impossibility. Struggle as she in. The teacher of the .school Elizabeth
The subaeriber offers for sale a, very desirebole • . 'gilt. Ritchie bad .attended In her youth said
. .
, property on Isaac street ccmsisting of four 1 ts She tried to think of the childreo's die that she had, foreseen something like
• - • ' • • . • no other topic could be maintained
• iiivirtiir: litvinch thee? is a rsinilgrtableiferr (1;11111Na ner and of the trim ming of ...her new ,thie when Dlizabeth • took that trip to
: . Jeweler and Optician.
We want Logs and
Bolts of all• suit-
able for Headings, and
are prepared to pay the
Highest Cash
If you have any Logs to
sell rr WILL PAY YOU to
enquire our 'prices before
taking them elsewhere.
Stapleton Salt Works,
Jan. 3rd, 1000.
ia a good b arr.r1 ca' tirst-ctitanell'of svalli;crl gown. but in vain. The pills swept es must, add. Elizabeth had gone further
hat still, she
, Europe with her aunt,
. • tag Int
on promises. The orchard, conSiating of grapes erything before them, se to speak • than she had supPosed. he could, .and
and appleS, is good ono. -The property will t • . ' •
we •
cl t gave her pain to see one of her girls
• kiN JUN°R their operation, these were questions . Mrs. Burdette lifted her fine, white
wete bow they w
. 1:18doraltatntorrioane=oble fAlgurio ctitish or cash hat they
3,C.ITS e o " e " e°119"nde , at was the. iationale of come back the wife of a diVorced man.
.the promises
Clinton Mayikh. •
Travellers to any part of the
world should consult the
above in reference to tickets,
fares, etc.
AGENT 0. P. R.
X0ook'n Cotton Root Compound.
re successfully usc monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ledies ask
year druggist for Zoolcs Cotton Root COM -
mad. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and
Imitations are dangeroes. Price, No..1.•as leer
x NO. 2,10 degrees etroriger,$3 per box. ran
1 ir 2. mailed on receipt of price and twos -cent
I amps Tito Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
,"Nos. 1 and 2 acrid arra recommended by all
responsible Druggiets in Canadit.
No 1 and No 2 sold in Clinton by Sydney
Jackson, Druegiet
• which succeeded each other In Mrs.
Boills. brain and excited thrills of "You're like me, Mise Percival. I
crowned head; • • •
the doctor's motive in prohibition, the' suppoSe Elizabeth had too muck char -
speculation. Whatever may have been
pills bad eertainly effected a lodginent acter to go against all the 'principles
were by no means to be expelled. she was raised by. But this is what
comes of living In a big city." •
A slight misgiving did for a moment In the low celled, Carpetless club -
Cash prices until 10th February next,' rise as she remembered that Dr. Smith
room, where the youth of the town
7 bars good Soap, 25c bad some reputation as a wag, but he gathered, Mrs. Ritchie's name flashed
EXtracts, 8c per bottle
• Laundry Starch, 7c per lb.
was too evidently serious at the time to and !re like a billiard bali.
for the misgiving to enlarge Into sus. James Ingrames, a man of the world,
Corn Starch, 7c per lbpicion. It was at this moment that he having just returned frote his yearly .
returned. cotton tour through the Georgia towns,
A lot of covered baskets cheap to , , 1 'willexplAin to you exactly what observed: •
clean out. Fair's Breakfast Food els you must do,' said the doctor, as he "That aunt of Liz's did a good trick
ways on hand. Highest price for good seated himself by the patient aud open- by her, trotting her over the world and
Butter and Eggs. ed a little box. It Contained four pills. shoving her on to the New York mar -
three of quite ordinary size and color. ket" When be had chalked his cue
G. J. STEWART but the fourth much larger and very carefully, he added: "I didn't suppose
fan. 29th. • dark. "The three smaller pills are not our little, everyday Liz had it in her to
to be taken until bedtime, but their nc. get to be a swell, for all she used
tion begins at once. The great point Is ' such a sharp little piece. I see her
Fli1111-8 that . you are 16 follow unhesitatingly. Hanle in the New York papers."
. s any course to whica • they . prompt. . A Short, square youth who was seat -
They are thought Wile, remember. -At ed by the window leaned fOrward.
dinner, for instance, ydu Will find no "Did you know; jimmY, that her
• We'ask you to try our Hai-
' • sins, Currants ' and Feels.
Our stock is new and good,
just what you want for
• Holiday baking.
Exeter Flour for
Holiday Pudding.
There is no better Flour
'made than this and none
' better value for the, money,
For Fresh Canned Goods
try ours
rieheol that offera advantages not found
elaewhere in Colette,. Largo stair of expert
Retractors ; inereaeed attentlanee mr-to•date
bualiteas ; seoree of atudento placed
Into good pri trig positiona ; studonta lb attend.
ante whocome from places in which 800 100(5(05
ether busineee colleges- They want the best.
It pays in the end. Now term now open. Enter
allsoori as possible. Write to -clay for our hand-
some proapectue.
W..1. ELLIOTT, Principal
Found on a gravestone in a village
churchyard in Sussex. England,
reads :-"It was a cough as carried
her of ;ft Wada coffin they ear-
ried her off in." Now bad the vir-
tues of our Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil been known and the prepara-
tion used in this case, that epitaph
might never. have been written.
It is well known that Cod Liver
I repugnande to a, plate of soup or to any husband is a divorced man?' •
quantity of fruit, but the instant any "Listen to Rufus!" jeered the other.
otber dish Is before you and you think "Why, yes, Rufus; Clarenae Ritchie's
of the pills you will have no Wish to a great gun;. his life's common prop -
eat it Before going to bed tak& the erty. Don't you read, man?" Pres -
three pills and put your mind upon ently 31mray, skirmishing the balls
them. The fourth is to be taken before over the billiard table, added:
"Perth! That's nothing, a woman
marrying a divorced man. What'S the
matter with that, eh? But this town's
dead slow."
. The youth by the vrindolv shifted kW
feet, where they were propped upon
Che sill.
"It's to be expected a you, Jimmy,
that you Would pick up everybody's
notions as you go traveling about, but
I expected better of Elizabeth."
"Yes," Bald Jimmy, pleased by this
allusibn to himself, "she's a sensible
woman, a very sensible woman. I ad-
mire people who get on in the world.
Her husband's a famous man. She
married hina after he got a good, legal
divorce, and nette she's a great big
swell, Ano yet I, understand," added
Jimmy patronizingly, "the good pecipfe
around here don't hardly want to
speak to her."
Rufus turned round and dropped his
feet in their heavy heeled shoeS to the
"She's not the woman/ thought she
Was. If she has the whole world at
but it was clear that he Was a student her heels, she'e severed herself with
"But bow about the rest of the : Me."
time?" she inquired. "Ana ; to think Jimmy grinned across the table at
of the pills all the while?" the square figure in its snit of checkri.
"I should not conelder that essen- ! The next day, When Rafts chanced
tial," said the doctor sifter a moment's to observe Elizabeth Ritchie corning
reflection. "But thought at meals and ! toward him on the Opposite sidewalk,
at night Is vital." he looked at the fence pftlings Hear.
am net quite sure whether 1 bag her feet patting on the hard clay
aucrht to be taking medicine of any rtnd the swish of her skirts, he carried
his cane consciously. It was a stout
orange Wood cane, with a small alli.
gator on the handle, Which his Uncle
had brought him from Merida. She
Could see It from vitere she walked
breakfast. Probably you will be unit.
ble to go beyoud coffee and fruit. Come
and see me late In the afternoon."
"But what is the philosophy of the
pills, doctor?" asked Mrs. Hollis.
"They have a twofold aspect," he re-
plied, "I should not like to use the
word duplicite-this with a hardly
perceptible twinkle of the eye -"we
will call it duplexness. They project
into the concrete objectivity the es-
sences and powers of the supra -physi-
cal plane and thus show matter es a
pole Of the immaterial. But It Is the -
reflex action on which I lay roost
stress. They, as it were, restore the ,
concrete to the abstract. Thought is
everythitig; matter Is mere nothing.
If the universe can be mirrored in an
atm:1cl; much more so in a pill." '`
This certainly had the Orthodox
sound, The ring of the true mind
cure doetrine was there. Even unin-
telligibility was fairly well preserved.
Mrs. Hollis was to some extent reas-
sured She hardly liked to ask the
doctor whether be also was disciple,
Ou, desire to make February a buss- month inspires 0,
all the departments throughout the store to make extra v,
effort for this wei.k's business. A keen and thorough ex. g
amination of the stocks has brought to th.f surface many #
seasonable goods which must be sold before the spring
trade sets in. The following list tells you nf the quick sell.
in g prices we have put on many of them, others will be
on the counters when you get here :
Colored Cashmere, 40 inches wide, worth 25c, for 15c
Tweed Dress Goods, this season's importation, worth 25e, for 100
Fancy Dress Goods, In new designs, worth 500, for 35c
Black French Bli4ter Orepon, worth $L50, for $1. 00
Ladies' Astrachan Capes, 25 inches long, worth $15, for $10.50
AstracbarrCaperines, high storm collar, wort 8650, for $6.95
Caperines, in combination of Thtbet and electric seal, long in front
with two heads and ten tails, worth $20. for $15
Ladies' Astrachan J'at kets, close glossy curl, lined with quilted
satin, worth $80, for $25
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, very special, worth $25, for $20
Men's Siberian Dogskin Coats, worth $20, for $15
Ladies' Cloth Jackets, in black and brown, 54, $4.50, $5.50 and 50, 0,
all at half price
Ladies' Fur -lined Capes,trimmed with oppossurn,erorth $20,for $15 et
Our wide soft finished Prints, at 54 per pied, in fast colors, are ct
Tartan Dress Goods, single fold, worth 10c, for 6c
You should see them.
_causing quite a sensation.
, •
MoKINNON & CO. BLYTH,e-ib,mossi-ocw..o<h.,-szt.o.:w.cs•vro-ss,o,csosko.o-za.ibo,cw.o<sit'..
' B. A:, Mr. Frederick G. McLaren
Rufus leaned easily against hie cane of Toronto to Miss Martha Vickers
"It would have been better fOr. you, ' 1VIitchell, on
again. of Mitchell, • •
Elizabeth," be said consideringly, "if . ikedneeday, Feb. 7th, by Rev. R.
you had staid at home." . Whiting, B. A., Mr. Samuel Sper-
"Well, I don't think -maybe so.• jast ian of Udney, Ontario' Co.,' to Miss •
shake hands. I want to Shake hands . Nellie McNay of Mitchell. '
' like old 'friends," . - ' - MoMILLAN-PIERVE -In the Cath -
"That's just like you," said Rufus - olic church, Mitchell, by 'Rev. •
after a pause, "trying to wheedle Peo- Fa thee Downey, Mr. Daniel • Mo.
ple into what you want." .. Milian, near Hensel', to :Maggie,
Mrs. Ritchie looked athis settled fig- . daughter of Mt Henry -Pierce of
nre and important face until her look co: LMQuituchoeIITIN.'....:L
changed from wistful to musing and EVERSAGE.-At the •
res,dence of the bride's parents,
on to comical. • • ' . •
., onthe 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr.
"You've got td be an old man," she
Andrews, Mr." W. 1'. Colquhoun• of
said. "There's •no moving you. The ' •
Hilibert to Carrie, youngest daugh•
world is big and liberal, .Rufus.. It's .
• ter of Mr, Wm:. Leversage of Full- .
a pity you •couldn't have One round it arton .• . • .--
wantHI •N-WORTIL-In Strathcona, IRON. AND HARDWARE. 44 -
rle`infled."on't to .go round it," . said • Alberta, at the residence Of the • - • ' •
Oil is unequalled in the treatment kind," Mrs. Hollis remarked as she
ld the box IrresOlutely in her hand.
of all affections of the throat and .
be"But these are thought Pills," sold
lungs, and Corube's Emulsion is ft. .
preparation of (kid Liver 011 16 Its the doctor.
"Ohl" said she.
palateable and agreeable form, ells. Dinner turned out precisely as Dr.
ily taken by the most delicate per. Smith had foretold. The soup was
certainly. palatable, but thought of the
sons. It contains a larger percent- pills was a bar to fish,
age of pure Norwegian Cod. Liver "Are you not well, My deaf?" asked
011 than mostof the largely adver, Mr. Hollis as she declined it,
"Yes," she said; "I am quite well, but
tised preparatione. Large bottles
35 cts. I have a dreadful co—; that 1S, I
mean, no, not any flab."
Istisint BY Mr. Hollis observed that °Very dish
Went untested save the berries, Of
B. 00MBE `gtelli:tntheolitiiitInlieydeatihsreoer matrl
• • mony - ow that
h t r
Menne, 013(1 Druggist.. WOW be unveiled if patience was al-
lowed her perfect work.
Eiireka narriess 011 is the best
preservative of now leather
slid the beet renovator of old
leather. Itails,roftens, black -
esti and protects. Hee
Eureka ,
Harness Oil
On your best lartasen your eldi haw
nem and year carracco top, end they
Wilt net only 1sok boner but wear
tenger. Item eve rewherim cano-au
stow from half plots to i104 tallenS.
otrwtfAt tut ea, IOWA
Mrs. Was faithful hi all re-
spects to the direetione. The three
p1118 were duly taken at bedtime and
her mind coneentrated thereon till
II I nbers
sleep overcame her. er s ut
- Were not eontintiolls, and she awoke
.. • •
I AS cuetoreary but
certainly Ina. movement had begun. The
fourth pill was tnore difficult to SWal-
IOW, and ehe Wad to- bite it. It had a
, very slight taste, not unlike that of
Boston brown bread, by no means on- You alwaye Were uMbitious for such
the whole Ameba will go to the Fund
pleasant. Nor was the doctor's pro- thinga.1,
at Ottawa through the Standard Bank.
Vista less ttedirate respecting break-, Sho stood tilting tifid
fast. The theught pills did seem to et- 4,
WOO and Milf 40 the da,t. :IVO - •— ,ot the e e y
"6". 'too Wood's! Phospludine,
The deed .Vng1104 kfriattl,
Sold and recommended by el
druggIste in Cenide: Only tell
ttble medlelne diceesered. Re
pokam guaranteed to elite el:
tonna 4:4 Selma), We/llama/I, all effeete of Maud
or exceasi Mental WerVy. Escort:eye nee of To.
betide, Opiam Or Ilarablante. Mailed en retelpt
Of priee, one pentane $t, sit. Ss. One natpustee,
Ws Oa& PittliphlotO free te address.
Me Wood ColnOsaY, Windsor, Ont.
Pliogpliedine I sold in Clinton by
1.1SsIfier Jeekeeti, drools
far ear ler than w
Will name dates
next week for our
• SALE g:
Sarnia Prime
20c per gallon
White Coal Oil
American C'Dal Oil
25c per gallon
:.HARLAND-... 13130S.
II •
Rufus angrily;. I don't want to go ' bride's parents. on the '25th of`Jan.,
round It." He caught her smile and • by the R. v, W. NV; Adamson, Mr. •
"I'll say goodlsY." ' ' • to Gertrude, daughter of Mr. Mar- YOU M KE NO MISTA E
took Off his -hat abruptly.' . James B. Holden of Leduc, Alba.,
d 1 k b k t her though ' shal Worth formerly of Mitehell.
• He di not oo a.c a • ,, .
she watched him • walk stiffly away.'
forward, smiling, With tears In -her . - give yo
Wbeit be turned theeorner, she moved
otsOlits. -
When you buy your FURNITURE from us. We will
eyes. -New York Commercial Adver. LONGMAN.-In Londesboro Eebru-
Christian Endeavor lindget late James Longman, aged 75 yeare
on User. ary Ilth, Cahtarine reliet of the LOW a
and 8 months.
u good goods, well made, welt finished and at prices as
$ the lowest.
Dr. F. E. Clark has set out on an. BLOOMFI• LD. -In Bruseela'on Thum- We are the Leading Undertakers Our 'stock is com-
most enthusiastic send-off by the C. E, aged 71 years. plete in all the different branches. Our prices will be found
other tour round the world. Iie had a day, Feb. 1st, Mrs, John Bloomfield,
Societies of Boston Masa, 'We shall ail ALCOCK.-In Morris on Thurerlay, Feb.
May much good result from his visit, - .and Mrs. IL B. Airlock, aged 5
wish hint a safe and prosperous journey. 1st, Susannah, daughter of Mr.
months and 11 days.
We in Canada who have been ble secl
by the C. E. movement pray for its ex-
tension to every part of Ile habitable SHEA. -In MoKillop on February 1st,
John Shea, aged 56 years and 1 BROAD
very rnoderate for good work.
Night and Sunday calls answered at Residenee of our
Funeral Director, .1 .W. Ohidiey Ring St., opposite Foundr
earth; for it carries in its hand nothing tnonth. . .
• 3rd, William An -arson, . aged 55 . s Manager
D.' F. Sal morid of: Aberdeen, years. . • • •
abguetngociioeds.oflgtoiosdtclit-mdicimygomne4!, the chief ANDERSON.- In McKillop on Feb.
who was present at the Dom'nion con- BELFOUB., -In Turnberry on Feb 3rd,
ti t M ntr al and s oke kindly Robert, youngest son of the late
ven on a o e p
and highly appreciative words, which Andrew Belfour, aged 21 years and -
2 days.
were not reported, as it was after twelve
and the reporters were gone, has been BRANDON. -In East Wawanosh on
written to for his wo ds, that we may Feb. 5th, Annie Brandon, aged 48
send them forth to cheer all our En- year _ Kinloss
cleavOrers, We expect to have them MoOLENAGIIAN.--in on Feb
for our next budget 4th, Ellen, third daughter of Geo.
The great International convention at McClenaghan, aged 25 years. 1
Lendon, England, is now being prepared
The great tents, "Williston" and "En- 111_11_1.11'111a.
for with great vigor and ear lentness.
cleaver," will spread their white wings CAS.' LE.- In Goderich township on
In a great park adjacent to London, and Feb. 12 h, the wife ot Herbert
these shall call to ninny others to ac- Castle of t daughter.
compAny them. Who is going to take LIVERMORE.- In Llinton, Feb. 10th,
the trip? To many it, w111 be the event the wife of Fred Liv. rmore of a cum.
of a lifetime. Going in such cony, any HODGINS, - At the Rectory, Senior th
vvould say, "don't miss it." on Feb. 6th, to Rev. and Mrs.
Hodgins, a daughter.
will be safe and also salutary. We
Our own Provieeial committee are TURNBULL.-Iu licitillop on January
31st. the wife of Mr. George Turn-
besttrring themselves to have a good, .
expect repreeentatives there from every hull of a daugnter.
mogram for • Guelph in October. We
quarter ot Ontario. Guelph is a good HUN l'ER,-In Uriborne on Janusry
2091tahs, son,
wife of Mr, Simon Hunter
central spot end no doubt our meeting
have reported to our treesurer, Rev. STEW ART. -In Usborne,
har, on Jan. 31st, the wife of Mr.
near Farqu
will be a great puce( ss. Many societies
- that none will overlook their annual G. II. Stewart oi a son,
. Mr. James Hooper has been appoint -
con tribution for the carrying on of our ed Queen's Peintee tor Manitoba.
Mr. Doherty, at Hensel'. We trust
provinciel work. That, small though it
be, is urgently required. Let it not be
forgotten. Let us keep the fire burn.
TERRORS- SOUTH Await:weal Kw-
A young man studying for the min-
istry, and the son of a well-known
western merchant, dropped into a
drug store, and in a very. discouraged
mood said 'to the proprietor, "I am
quitting my studies Red going home to
I know not what. My physician Says
I have Bright's Diseit-e and cannot
pursue my studies." That' druggist
knew fi om experience the almost Mir-
aculous curean his own case made by
South' American .Kidney Cure. Ile
ecorniriendecl it to the young man and
in less than a month he wits back to
his studies again, a perfectly cured
man, South Ainetican KidneY Chive
is a liquid. kidney specific. -Sold by
Watts & Cor•
For Over Fifty Years
isgsi.Wrisssow's SOOTHING SYRUP haa hem
by millions of mothers for their children
while teething. If disturbed at night and.
brokon of your rost b 1 child suffering
and crying with pain of cutting Tooth send at
once and got a bottle -of "Mrs. Winslow's Beetli-
ng Syrtip" for Childron Teething. It will re-
lieve tho poor little sufferer immediately. De-
pend upon it, mothers, there 15 00 mistake about
it. It cures DiarrlIcea, regulates tho Stomach
and bowels, cures Wind Colic softens the
Gums, reduces In flanimatton, and.'givos tone and
grortfirnti Syrup"forseTtsitarTkO'n 4[141111117t4SliTeral
sant to um st and is the prescription of orlo
of the oldest and best female physicians and
nursee in the United States, Price twontydve
een :t1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists through-
out tho world." Ho Imre and ask for "Mrs.
V. nesnow's SOOTHING SYRUP '
Clubbing Offers.
s -
The season for renewingsubscriptions
has come again and we present to
our patrons the following Clubbing
-Weekly Mail and Empire and News
Asbileld Conndl.
. Weekly Mail and Empire, News -Emcee
and Attire of Canada and the World,
Fort TWENTY. YEARS MRS. ROAD- Price 81.00
Eamillgtsrld and Weekly Star a..e.d.11.e.31
A quiet wedding was celebreted at
the res•dence of the brfde's father en
Wednesday when Charles J. Stone of
Langrion, Dakota, wns married to Mies
:resale McCrea, daughter of John Mc -
and renlenlbered It. She had a love for Crea of Brussels, After visiting fru lids
in this provinee the happy couple will
odd little thing's and had always ad- make their linme at tangtion, Dakota.
mired tne alligator. Suddenbr. the pat- Mrs. Sohn Bloomfield died somewhat
ting and the 8w1sh11sg ceased. She suddenly en Thiirsday evening, She
ailed his first name fatnillarlY, Stet)* had been ill for Flame time but was not
ping oft the sidewalk and holding old considered dangerously so until near
her hand. He went across elowly and the end. The cause of death was given
took it. She looked hini up and down as bronchitis and heart failure. She
and smiled at his face, was in her '72nd year.
"Old friends are rare to meet," said nervy Booker, who has been a suffer -
the airily dreseed woman. er from hip disease for some time, took
11,111tUs thowed a tendency to Move a turn for the worse a few days ago and
on, but she held his hand until she at present is A very sick boy. A con.
Sul lotion of doetors on Sunday deekled
brought him to a standstill; then elle
!stood' away from him, tilting her par- on an operation, and Dr. GalitnvaY a
Toronto came up on Ttu May night and
aeol'about. Its lace raffia rippled be. perfermed time operetion. The di, ease
hind her pink and white face; her dark BOOM to have g ine through tlie isystem
blue eyes shone through her fine veil; and hag affected his head, in which he
the ribbons on her dress and the silk has meat nain
flouncea of her skirt were lifted and - " .
me toneert in the town hall to add.
rustled by the breeze; her Frew!' *hoes to the potrioue Food was it doo:dmi
and talik stockings showed themselves eueeees. Though the weather woe of
and were gone with the movement of the worst every place in the boll whore
the flounce. The vehole poStuMe eeeta- ohair it eart.r co9uld be placed Was delltld hike
CI to emit with every breath the faint use and every corner Was (Pled. The
scent of odor or sandalwood. total proeeede were : Tickets sold,
"Well," he said, looking her MI over 51I1.75 - collodion, fi24,20 - sohaerip.
Avith a. *low laugh, "so this is you? Hone, $0'3,50 s making a total!of $231.45.
little ex (time almost
NOW yOU'Ve got theuit StiPpOSO
The Grand Trutt k lot@ secured 'control
face till Wish for everything beyond plea posilettit ' Ri 1 II u Vane Railways
The council met on Feb. 6th, with
the members all present. Members of
previous meeting were read and ad-
opted. f:heques were issued lot' the fo.s
lowing amounts : Wm J. Agar, funer- •
al expenses and care Of the late John
O'Droyer, 526 ; Garrew & Prou boot,
balance of acceunt, $o 2.43 ; John Far -
rash, repairing culverts 3 and 4, $5 ;
Thos. McDonald, repairing railing on
bvt-ige 8: It. 12 end 13, .50c ;
Whits', spikes, 20 cents ; John Shield,
repitk on con 2 $1 Jas. Mitr�haIllor
tVfO drains awards $821 T. G. Allan,
grant to public library, Dungannon,
$10; Dr. Gordon. attendanee on the
late John 0 Droyer, $5. The auditors
presented their report for 90, else it
special report from Jan. 1st up to Feb
Oth, 1900. On motion of Hunter and
McIntyre the reports were accepted.
Weed by McIntyre, seconded by Bark-
ley Hutt Robert fIarriaon receive the
slim of 810.38, for postege, bank drafts
and extra work in borrowing money,
also salary, and that his resignation be
aiseepted, Carried. Moved by Hunter
seconded by Stothers, that 11. Harrison
hand over all boeks, papem and money
held by him 88 treasurer 01 the town-
ship to Wm. J. Treleaven who will now
assume the duties °this office as treas.
urer.-carried. The neXt CiOutioil meet-
ing will be held on the 24th day of
Nlareh.-W. &others, ()Wk.
ottani Sitnshino With Von"'
A. height, fresh, Nanny face is always
inspiring, and it always rierioiee good
health as well an a. happy heart.
Many faces that were ormee overcast
With gloom has b en made bright and
sunny by. Hood's Sarsaparilla which
11 d epeptic symptotns
strengthene the nerves and tonea up
and invigorates the whole system.
Constipation is eared by Hod'
Nils, the non.itritating cathatie,
, Seabr all drUggiata.
Montreal Witnees anti Neves-Iteconn....$1 05
DR AGNEW'S CURE Weekly Globe and News -mono ..... $176
IN Ldss Tuiat RAtto Art noun.
Mrs. Roadhouse of Williscroft. Ont.,
1s64 yearts old. For more than tw..nty
years ahe bad been a great, sufferer
from heart disease. The pain and pal-
pitation itt times Jesting for eye hours,
and so acute that often she tviiimed foe
death that she might find relief from
her sufferings, but she was attracted
to Dr. Agnew's Cure for time Heart
through reading of the wonderful
cures wrought by it, She commenced
using if and in one of her roost disttes-
sing heart spasms found ccmiplete re-
lief inside of thirty minutes. She
swears by it, to -day as the only heart
cure. -;-Sold by Watts & Co.
The report of General Manager Hays'
resignation is emphatically denied at
the G. T. IL offices in Montreal.
Mr. W. 3, well-known man
in linteebridge, Ont., suffered tor
years front liver trouble, dycipepsia and
neevotut weakrmess. Ile stays he tiled
nearly every reiredy in the re irket
which elahried to meet hie case saltb-
ox.% Aticeees. ile Vents told by a physi-
elan that he Wan a dying Man. Ile be-
gan taking South Ainericen NerVine,
and foUnd 11,111108t immediate benefit
and to -k -lay says he Would stake his life ilova,oNrt 84A ; 004 farfuerla ttionaa and
foes B. D. ran%) 0 elicit ; "Agrieultural
like @offerers to ittleelf, -.Sold by rasonDlcsee., jivismat, pro,
Weekly Spectator and NUWS•RECORD....,41
Ladies' journal (Monthly alegazine) and
News-Encono $125
Weekly Sun and NEWEPRROORD $I 40
Daily News and NeWaReconn 5180
Afternoon SesSlon, •President's Addrests, Jas.
Snell ; "Planting curd rare of orchard," T. 0.
Itayeor. ik K. , Rosehall ; "Undordralping,"
A W Peart, II; A. Burlington; "13reeding
horaea for prat," Hobe steLean. Goderleh.
Evening Session PreaMent's Address, Jas.
Snell; Address, Wm. Bailie; "Lettice on the/
farm," A W. Peart, 13.. A "Agricultural. .
education," T. G. Rayner, /3. 6. A.
ST. HELENS, FRIDAY, P1113, 23.
Afternoon Session-Preaidenes Addresa..las,
Snell; "Proper feeding of hogs," M. Lookharts
.Auburn ; Trutt, verieties. cultivation, etc,
.A. W. Peart, 11. &.; "Selection and eross-treed-
ing of animate," T. G. Raynor, 13. S. A. t,:veto
Ing Seeslon-Prealdent.a Address. jag. Eaten;
"Tillage," T. (4. 'levier, 13,S.A "Agrieulturai
Tdducatioo,' A. W. Peat. II: A.. "Public:
libraries," It. n. Cameron, Lucknow:
Aill3t111NAISATHILD-1.Y, PI5I3. 24,
Afternoon becation-Prectident'a Addreran Jae.
Snell' "Improving tut impoverished arm,"
T. G. Raynor, 11. 8. A.; "Ineeets !Maslow Man
orchard and how to combat them,' A. IV,
Peart,13. A. .• N. Kernigi4n,flen-
miner ; "Welt growing in Ontario," J. Mal-
Iortalt, Dungannon. ISvoidng Session, Iamb,
dents Address, Jas Snell : "LealelehtliorarM.'
A. W. Peat II. A ; "Education of farmer&
eonM. Leeldiart ; "Progreaslee agriculture:.
7.0. Rayner, H. 8. A.
Afternoon Session-Preeldenea Addrens
Snell; "The gonerai purpose eow,' R. Young,
Maw ; "Clover culture," T. (4. Ititynor, IL
A.; "Cultivation of soil," A, W Peart, 13, A.
Evening Setisitta-Prellidelles Arldrese, /cm
' from its use. Ile con Linos( us g seen; "The ontaripagrieuiture canoe° T. G.
rem geeat rerneliK 0, pope fop all eduktioil,,,, w. eatt, /1. A.
Wt et OM' 110 mewing. Hulk%