The Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-15, Page 44
TPal 1111.LLOT8 AMAIN. Wititeellatheb.
The Ontario Government through A, large wildcat was shot anti killed
its officials nnist meddle with ballots. Mr, _James Moore in the
1u Weet Huron there were ballots cotomnyermitlynttrileryhainteacivIentrycita.gwas
galore, su many, tnileed, that the After es lingering illness from that
dread disease, consumption, Miss Nel•
machine carried them around in their •
Ile Melnenaghan passed away on the
ImnaCueage oruyears. tr un- .
In East Altieldlemis the eapply was mat to Wtfighant cemetery wits very We must not he behind in congratu. Mr. William Lasham le, we regret to M. Tom bas been appointed on the in London Miss Armstrong took eev-
short aml the election was extended largely_attended. jetting principal Strang of the colleg. say, a great sufferer front rheumatism public library board for tin ee years, eral leesons in the graellutting.grade
over two days, so that the roacnine .As MrsL 7. 0. Holmes was doing ate institute In being the author a tbe and eczema. ' Ma Halls for two year; and Ala D. J. from Mr. W. Cavan Barron, principal of
. sorne weft in a, lumber room,his Jit. i io 1' d a i ir . n i e i The -mum s are Makin their appear- 1 Naftel fcr one.
tie gust of toes than two years, We were treated to some very fine hes spent es:verse years ib Germany and
the London Conservittory of Altai°, who
might bave au upportunity to tinteh - . . . • ala tti s 6e gt t it at now n use n p .g
its night -work, epparently. ars, who the bigh schoole, We are glad our a,nce for a winter vaeation.
was playing around, brought him a annual prize for the entrance .exarein- We are sorry that Captain S. Gibson music on Monday morning, Henri
The ballots are by law to he retained a p/W
iece of bread and butter on which on has been for proficiency iil grain, is conflned to the house through ill- Jordan had his studio window in Odd- The
the little lady one of the
cleverest students ithas ever been bis
one year after being cast, but those strychnine had been sprinkled for mar and dcubtless it inspired Mr. nese. Ile is one of our noble Christian 'fellows' hall open the morning being so ,
in the West Elgin bye -election were mice. Luckily the baby had not pot Strang to nub his talent in that men, who never allowed a Sabboth to . balmy, so whtle we wrote we listenee Ise _e
pleasure to teach. Congratulations
1 n .
. any of it in her mouth, but her par- directton. We note that Professor pass wahout reading or praying at the ; and admired.
destroyed several months before tee erns spent a One of the prettiest of home weddings
bad quarter of an hour, Carpenter of the Oolembia university bedside of some sick. person or in their We heard the organ fectory whistle • e
twelve months was up. The Govern Measles have the call in White- of New York acknowledges the hgood- lame. We trust the brigistspringtime on Sionday a W. along wtth the eget took place on Wednesday morning of
E1,014it A. SKIMINQO
* * 0oReseeastmer
• Mise Irene Armstrong tried the Lon-
don Coneervatory Aluemal mgetoination
In Prat:Wel Pianoforte Theory and Har-
mony, and buoceeded in passing with ,
firsinclase honors on all the aubjeets,
Miss Irene was prepared for the above
examination by her mother, Mrs. A.
M. Armstrong of this village, but while
ts up the defencethat the s- church, nese" of Principal Strang's - grammar will restore him to his wonted. health and were glad that the building is last week at ten oteloole at the residence
Mr. 0' Anderson (imposed of his lot foe 'ugh scnools. and vigoz.
truction was accidental, but as this in the village to Mr. J. Gaunt, the Druggist Hick has to send to some We received quite a handsome Oar -
election and these very sante ballots well known lumberman. Mr. Ander- of the Ainericith cities to obtitin the dinal hat for a valentine. Not a Car -
made ready in some parts for the • P Y
wet kmen. was her daughter Lavinia, one of Dun -
Little Master Golclie Smith has re- eannonai most popular young Wier:,
were to be investigated it was rather -a, sell intends trying his luck in Algoma. red tops ot the clover for medical purdente' s haf, though. covered from rather a serious attack of and the groom was Mr. Elmore White,
Ale. M. Ross also intends 'going to poses. Rev, Mr, Wilson, B.A., of 13enmiller la grippe. a popular young farmer from near Ayl-
peculiar accident, to say the least. • Algoma in the spring and will have a Our friend, Mr. Charles Wells, preached the missionary sermon. at We note With pleasure that through mer, The ceremony was performed by
It appears that the Government did 1 elearing-out Rale shortly, market gardener, Is a famous poulterer Victoria street church on Sunday a.m. the intervention of friends (Septa's'
- of
Rev. B. L. Hutton. Only immediate
not deckle upon having the byeelec- Miss S. Henderson's health is not inn too. He made eleven entries at the lasts Babb, R.S. Williams of the Bank friends were present. The bride looked
tions enquired into until after the tell- proving as her friends vvould wish. Seaforth show and won nine first Rev, Jasper Wilson has been called Commerce and others, Thos. Finn will sweet in her dress of blue oloth, trims
tale West Elgin ballots had been des- Mr, James Moore is having a busy prizes and two seconds. to a third -year term of pastorate in be able to go to Detroit to obtain an ar- med with white satin and pearl trim -
winter with his chopper and makes The harbor brewery and tlae fish men North street Methodist church. Miele! limb. When quite a young man risings. The bridesmaid Miss Frank
troyed. the town quite lively. were laying in ice early last week . We sew Captain Ed, thunpaigne on Ale, Finn got his leg entangled• with a ciawford, r ,
, • • cable upon et steamer. He since spent was also dressed in blue
Messrs. Robertson; also old citizens of duties of groomsman devolved on Mr.
The Grand Old Man,
.— — tinues he thinks he will have to in- bluish -white blocks of Ice passed up so, Ooderich, and on their leaving As- A eg, Pentland,
Sir Charles Tupper is growing, old, vest in either a pair of snow -shoes Kingston street, presumably to Mur- ' We saw Mr. Geo. Etnerson on Mon. tralia for Dawson Mr. Finn game back The town hall in this village was a
yet there is no one fact more fraqueets or a pair cif wings, • ney's-orlt, AlcLean's ice house. I day, so he has returned from his tray- to try his tortune once more in Gode- Scene of enjoyment on the occasion of a
ly commented upon, or more worthy Mr, K. Gaunt's sale of prize Leices- Mr.. Moriow came to grief on Wed- elling tour. ricb. He rein:tine at tha Ocean House, grand bachelors' ball. There.was a fair
of comment, around the Parliament ter sheep on the Mb ulb., wanvery sue. nesday, 7th inst. hauling coal to the I The first carnival of the season took The county council nsade a grant of $25 attendance from the village, but on ac.
Buildings than that vigor of his cessful, the animals netting Mend up. Oddfellow's half, The thaw of the . place at the rink on Monday evening, and the town council an equal sum. count of the roads being in such a de.
which defies the years. It is as if wards per head. reeedin night made the snow scant 5th inst. The ice was good and the At the carnival three little maidens plorable condition very few attended
Time had passed on and forgotten
ins. . . _
.thestalseeles has been travelling all ovs LeadberY.
r Canada with a rapidity and ersist- •
nee that few young men coul have
The Whetechurch correspondent of when the ice harvest season set in in on ay a. rn, cterrytng a ergo po e
THE News-R=011R got snowed up .earnest, On Tuesday 'and Wednes- brass megaphone. Possibly he Weiss
last week. If the present weathercon- day of same many loads of lovely, navigation will open early. We hope
some years in Australia with the , ri rne .
on the Stanlee street sidewalk hlong attendanceof skaters and onlookers dressed in the shaking (maker costume from the surrounding countey. :The
the hall and he did not shovel snow large. Quittra number of last year's they Wore at St, George's Xmas Tree light fantastic was tripped to the mute°
uence was while hie horse planed handsotne carnival suits were missed unrortnnately they had no idea of
from some nearby spot. The cerise- good skaters were not there and their and looked beautiful upon the ice, but dof the piano, cornet and violin. The
d t .k....
Miss Annie Reid of Constance is vie- broke,
with might and main, • the harness as well as themselves. Of course the which. prizes to enter for. They were ,
o clock and from the very irst was en,
Rang _with her aunt, . band is alwaes pleying card and it Mehitable, Abigail and Dehorate the
tered into with spirit, never ceasing till
endured, and here he is on the opening
of Pailiament, standing in his place Mrs. J. Scarlett. We feel .Pretty certain that the • aleo was missed. • We are mere. for little Misses Alice Bothwell, Helen
and making a speech of some hours •
From there she will go to Blyth to see broken ladder that did duty at the Mr. Reid's sake as the season promises I Shepherd and Ida Thomas. the interval for lunch,after which every -
duration, in a, vince that still reaches her menY friends before leaving for • organ: factory fire WSB the same one to be very short We are getting into We had a visit on Sunday from a, body feeling much better returned to
the most distant corners of the gaiter -the North-West. used at the Oddfellow's hall when the second week of Feb. and it is our lovely little boy in his handsome mar- the floor to renew the bop. The corn-
Theie is quite a lot of sickness being built Nobody seemed to feel shortest month, but it may freeze all
around here at present. The little son afraid, they ell went up and down the larch, The prizes were won as fol -
of Mr. JRin is very ill, broken ladder with -great equanimity lows : Lady's fancy dress, Miss Mosely,
Mr. William Scott, who lives north and no one felt that it was his business lady of llith century.; gent's fancy,
of Seaforth,on the Gravel Road,contena to make it firm, Kenneth Heaton, George 'Washington;
plates building a large barn next surn- We got quite a floral surprise on lady's comic dress,. Miss Flo McLean,.
mer. It will be, 60x130 feet: Mr. Wednesday, 7th inst., when Mrsgitev,) one of Mother Goose's children ; gents'
Doig Of Tuckersmith has the contract Mark Turnbull kindly brought us a comic, Lionel Parsons'it coop; gtrls','
and is taking out tbe timber in the lovely spike of the lily of the valley Miss Eva. 'Maynes, • Canadian Jal. oy's
neighborhood of Leadbury. 'Timber and a pretty pale pink carnation: The fancy; Bob Craime, dress of 16th
is a•Maree article around hero as the perfume of both Was deliciously century; girl's comic; Miss Frances
busb is pretty wen culled out of the 'fragrant. It is early for the lily of Wiggins Indian girl '•• boy's cotnic,
the valley,
best of the timber, • Frank Craig, a 'dude ; best
We have hada 'general thaw and Mr. Willie Swautz; the popular clerk, skater, Miss McKenzie Miss .McKen-
the sleighing is done. The buggies are formerly of James Robinson's mercan- ale took two prizes last season, one for
again on the road. ' tile establishinetet, is a clerk in Ben fancy dress and one for skatiug. The
Allen's large and popular jewelry store two Pearls represented the two local
at Chicago. Willie is a faithful clerk papers, Miss . Pearl Trethewity the
and will make his fortune in Chicago Star and'Miss Pearl Evans the Signal.
as he speaks German fluently and may Miss Carrie Freier looked quite unique
possibly be sent by Mr. Allen, lateras in her coeturiae, a negress picking cot.
a traveller to Germany. Victoria ton ; Harry Hunt dressed as a Boer .;
street church choir missee the voice of Miss Olive Robertson Was quite an
Mr. • Swantz. • We had not learned aesthe e,dressed to represent Our Lady
before that, M. Rutledge, clerk in W. of the Snows; Ilveryone was delight -
Acheson a Son's store, had preceded. with Harry Babb as es dude. The
him in leaving fee Chicago, • highest prize wile $2.50 and all neve
Mr. Young, 'teenager of Ridgewood paid in coin. Nine of the costumes
farm, is quite better. In his illness he were awarded a Sham.
had symptoms of heart failure. kr. __Alls. William Beynialds of Leeds,
Attrill will uedertake the manage- North' Dakota, , spent Saturday and
talent of the estate himself next •eeasen Stindety, accompanied by her cousius,
when Manager Young retires. Mr. and Miss McMath, Clinton Mid
Mrs. William Craig of Craig's hotel vicinity the- genets of their cousins the
left for Port • Robinson. on Thursday Misses Goodwin and Miss Oakes. The
beet to Visit her fathee, Mr. Charnbees„ party drove down.
who is, she learned by telegrain at, the Ws hid the good' fortune to find -out
who the very interesting 'comiques nt
She carnival were. whose wit was as
speekling as the iee s. Masters Doty
Satiates and Willie .Horten. •
We learn that the lose by fire at the
organ factory will anionnt $e5,000.
Policies are held in several coinpanies.
Aboht•375 organcases and some finish-
ed organs were completely. consumed
end.about half as many genially de-
stroyed. ••
• Miss Dingman of Stratford was
caller' here. to take :Miss McLellan's
position in the Collegiate staff during
her absence. _ Miss AlcLellan was
called hot:auto Stratfordby the serious
illness of her sisterin that city, •
We congratulate Mr. George Fraser,
'now of Clegoode hall and late law -
student in tbe office of Cameron', Holt
and Cameron, upon pa,ssteg his Xmas
law exainitatio.n So successfully.
Messrs. Geo. E. Buchanan and McDon-
ald also passed their eeyeral , examine
The stranger who is introduced to
Sir Charles, in the corridors, finds
him a charming old naan, pleasant in
his unenners, friendly, and as 'mild as
anyone could be. When he is well
warmed up in waking et speech. he is,
however, scarcely the same person,
but a positive, aggressive man, who
says what he wiehes to say in terms
that are as strong as he can. make
them.—Toronto Star (Liberal.)
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Elliott and Miss
Clara Elliott of Shingling!' spent Sun.
day at the ressdence of Mr. Andrew
Messrs. Frank Greenway aud Will
Haney have returned to Toronto. '
Miss Mitchell of Winghain is visit-
ing her aunt, Mrs. Summerville.
Rev. W. J. and Mrs. West spent a
day in Belgrase last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gardiner of Tees -
water visited the former's parents on
Rev. Mr. Forster of Sitinach street
Presbyterian church, Toronto, will de-
liver a lecture on "Ireland', in the For-.
esters' hall next Thursday evening.
A short program will be , given by
local talent.
The school coneert in the hall next
Friday evening should be well ettend,
ed. Mr. Mclewan, the principal, has
been untiring in his efforts to make it
a success. program will consist of
dialogues, recitations, choruses, solos,
instrumental music and some good
James Grey, who has been living.
near Listowal, is spending -a few weeks
with his father and sister.
Mr. Will Fraser Is away at Ingersoll
Base Line.
Mr. Thos Mason, Jr., has traded
drivers with Nat Warner of town.
Tom is a !metier on the trade. '
Mr. and Mrs. F. MeIlyeen spent Sun-
day with Mr. Eph. Ball of Auburn.
.Mr. Will Miller of town spent Sun-
day with his parents.
Mr. Eph. Butt lost a very valuable
mare belonging to his best •team on
Monday. The cause of death was in-
flammation of the lungs. Mr. Butt
has had many horses and this is the
first one he ever lost.
Mr. Bob Miller was one of the dele,
gates to Exeter last week at the meet-
ing of the L. 0. L. •
Mr. W. T. Butt is laid up with a sore
knee sustained by falling on the ice.
Mr. Rob Miller was in Dungannote
last week on business.
A Call to Aries..
Robt. McRae has partially recovered
feint:. Ins recent attack of pleurisy.
We are to have a butcher shop, a
couple of enterprithig young men from
Dungannon having opened out in the
Geddes block.
'Rev. Mr. West of Bluevale conduct-
ed preparatory seevice in Knox church
last Friday. Sacrament was observed
on Sabbath and thanksgiving serviee
on Monday forenoon.
Dr. McAsh is having a busy time
owing to the great amount of sickness.
Me:isles are quite prevalent.
The funeral 'of the late Annie Bran-
don took place last Wednesday to
Brandon's cemetery and was largely
point of death. The old gentlemen.
att ended. •
William Finnen is stopping at the moss: to Goderich last 'summer for
Queens,enjoying a well-earned rest. I treatmeut arid not receiving any bone -
tit thought he Would visitBuffalo as his
son, Captain All. Chambers, suggest-
ed, the Ottputin at that time being
with his vessel at the port. But no
surgical or medical aid was of any
Mr, Robert Inwie, one popular and
missionary, 15 now known as Misston- for years well known dairyman, has
ary Johnston and he has. lately taken severecl bis connection with his father's
to himself a wife to assist, him in his dairy and has gone to try his fortune
Christian work. His old:. friends join in Chicago. Many a one will "'piss
in wishing Mr. and Mrs. .Johnsten Bob's cheery face and voice. We wish
future prosperity. hint good fortune where'er he goeth,
Mr. Robt. Howard, who went to Mr. Eagle of Toronto has beenthe
Toronto a short time ago, is seriously guest for some time of the family of
afflicted with smallpox and the World W.' °"'"IPliell' Esq. Mr' Eagle's farallY
of that city reparts him 5.0 be in at one time were residents of this
L,, eondition, town buthave resided for years in the
Sauble Line—Stanley.
'11r, Thos Johnston, who left here a
few years ago and went to Dakota as a
Mrs. James Johnston has returned (1,, . .
ueen city.
lhey are gettm Ind of the damaged
borne after a week's visit at Mitple
Last week's thaw has made the
wheeling favorable again. •
Mr. Thos. Nicholson disposed of his
sorrel mare for a fancy price and
purchased a two-year-old which he is
now busy breaking.
Mr. Pontine is busily laying low the
bosh purchased from . Mr. D. Mess for
which he paid over $300.
Mr. G.Dewar delivered his wood at
the Drysdale school last week.
Messrs. Westlake and Snowdon and
Macro delivered three loads of sheep in
town on Wednesday.
During the flood a young lady who
Lines vrritten for and recited at the Patriotic was assisting in breaking an ice jam
entertainment in the town ball, Clinton,on Fri- had the misfortune to lose her footing
day evening last. and accidently slipped into the creek
Hear the call to arms, my country, but was quicIsly rescued after a,Cold
Gather near and ether far, water bath.
Haste to aid the ritish Empire
Struggling in the toils of war.
Stay these ruffians. who are fighting
'Gainst all code of Christian laws;
Using tr•aitor arts to aid them
In then dark ernhallowed cause.
Word has come across the water;
Journals natke our country ring.
With.the horror of the doings
In beleaguered Mafeking.. •
They have shelled the woman's laager
Where tbe sick and wounded fay,
Burst their bombs to crush the children gem
acre farm- at Carlow for the sum of
In their innocence at play. .
0 1 the horror of this contest.
Evil passions bre:eking loose
Lead to deeds of savage warfare
Uncontrolled by flags of truce.
Rise Canadians 1 Rise to battle 1. .
Hear the Mother Country call
Strike a blow for British freedom, Miss Maud Jewell Wits the', guest of
Fearless stand or fearless fall, • 1VIiss Fanny Allin on. Sabbath.
Hark 1 there comes across the water, We are glad to see Mr. Wm. Strang -
Where dismay end tumult reign ; ban out again, who has been on the
Sounds of woe and lamentation sick list the last couple of weeks. -
Britain mourning o'er her slain. Death has visited this !may once
more, when another of the old rtio-
Mourning o'er her gallant Wauchope neers, Mr. Neal McCurvey,passed from
Lying pilaw upon the veldt, time to eternity on Friday last. The
With his"Gordons"and his"Seaforths'' funeral took place on Sabbath after -
And his "Black Watch," many a Celt. noon at 3 p. to Colborne cemetery
Rise Canadians I rise for vengeance where the remains were laid in their
Whelrn the Boers like a flood. last resting place. The bereaved rent -
On to victory all who glory tives have the sympathy of the whole
In a drop ot Celtic blood, community.
Hark 1 the sound of lamentation
O'er the dead at Spion Kop ; •
Women mourning o'er their loved ones
Slain upon the mountain top.
Here a lansband and a father,
Thole a son ie lying low ;
Vict ims of the wiles of Kruger ;
Deal the demon such a blow.
Never more shall I3ner banner
Float above his dastard crew.
Forwardl seize upon Pretoria 1
Let the wretch for mercy sue.
Who for vilest purpose banded
Men for thie vainglorious strife; the effeetsof the bloW.
Let him pay the price of bloodshed Mrs. Connell left for Glastoth North
Dakota on Tuesday to attend to her
With his mean degraded life. deflator, Mrs. G. C. Herbison, who
Hear the call to arms—my coantry has been seriously 111.
Forward 1 make a glorious stand, Messrs. Wm. Fairservice and Albert
Down with Kruger 1 He the brutal McGregor intend leaving for Manitoba
Leader of a Ravage band. In a few days,
Mr, Robert Hamilton 'lost a valuable
On Canadians 1 on to brettle 1 horse last week. Congestion of the
Gather forces nem and far . lungs was the cause,
On Canadians 1 on to battle ! The recent soft weather bas veiled
Charge 1 and end this awful -war, the ice harvest as the river is now
— CLAIM. MOM4TCASTT.t, clear anti the lee has gone dowo to
Lake Huron.
During her recital tho autheressgave tho
lowing imprento lines in honor of ulintonSione The sehool has beer' closed for feW
volunteer. s. The teacher, Mr. Lennox, bad
Colborne ToiVnship.
The heavy rain on Thursday last did
considerable damage to the roads,
washing out some of the culverts.
Rev. S. J. Min of Victoria street
church, Itoderich, oceupied Zion pul-
pit on Sabbath last.
\Mr. Geo. Sheppard of Nile has pur-
aeklased Mr. john 111cDonagh's hundred -
Mr, Albert and the Misses Susie and
Annie Allin were the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Minims on Sabbath last,
The volunteers will hold an enter-
tainment at Carlow on Friday evening.
A good time is expected The Ben-
. miller orchestra will furnish the mus -
wheat at the old , tarred warehouse on
Victoria Street and getting a good amens successfully.
figure foe it, -too.. ' Some say $1 a bag • • Mrs. Orabb is recovering tepidly
was received for some of it: • now. She had .1...lite serious attack
Work is beginning on the organ of la grippe.
factoty and the finer the weather the Dr.Gallow has beenappointed on the
vernier it can be rnshed on. Some men - hoerd, of health by the town council.
are at Work in the old building,but the Mr. Knoe fills'Mre Win; Campbell' ,
wareroom was in the :new pert and place as councillor: • . - . •
great havoc Was caused by the tons of The Vacancy caused in the collegiate
water that flooded'it as well as by the institute -beard .by the death :of Dr.
actionof the fire. , Reginald Shannon has been filled ani.
W. Thompson, fireman, who hadliis the election of Judge Masson. , • •
and° sprained at Wilke, Remise to be We congratulate. Mr. and Mrs.Naftel
all right again. . • . , on their being able to . their
• In:the courseof the morning seryiee handsome' new residence on .Waterloo
on Sunday, 41h inst., the Rector of St. street before Easter. We Wish them
George's Merle a feeling reference to prosperity in their new home.
-Miss Davis death. He spoke of her On Friday evening last the second.
unselfish devotion to every good Work, musical ' and literary entertainment
her amiable disposition and earnest was held most successfully in the
piety. Temperance hall under the auspices of
Dr. Whitely's eldest daughter, Miss the Royal Templars of Temperance.
Vera, has been laid up from an attack Phe pletform was artistieally decent-.
of appendicitis. We trust Miss Vera ed with lilies and several other flower -
will soon be -better. ing plants which lent quite a conserve -
Mr. John Prouclfoot writes very tory look to the room. An easel on
cheerily to his family of his new place which a .1handsomely-framed• portrait
of residence in the South, He is now of Her Majesty reclined gave an ex -
a. fully equipped insurance agent .and is ceedingly loyal tone to the • entertain -
manager of a branch of the nicest. Inspector Toni, who works
State Mutual Life and Annuity Asso- _ hard in the R. T. of T. cause, was ap-
elation of Rome, Georgia, of which his - pointed chairman which office he
brother-in-law, W. L. ShIlton, is always fills with much satisfaction to
superintendent of agents and one of pertortners and audience, The first
the directors. He is awaiting with number on the prograin wee the
.patience the arrival of his family, but prettily executed Scotch dance, Shawn
Mrs. Proudfoot will not prepare for Theews, by IVIise—Alice Bothwell who
leaving until spring. Mr. Proinifoot is was heartily 'encored, She •danced in
delighted with the Southerners. He is auch fine eythtn to the music every
well fitted for he line of lite he has one was chertted. There followed the
cheserebeing cheerful and possessing a mink recitation, The Jiners. given ins
fine flow of language which of -mime Miss Laura which would have brought
is requisite in the :insurance business. down the house had she given it in
. The remains of the late Miss Sarah such. ioimitable style as she . renders
Davis eartved he, e by .the 7,80 p. m. Oithib's Courtship. Miss.- McVittie
then charmed all with her sweet and
train on Saturday, 3rd inst, from the
London Sank:wit:tin whither she had clear rendering of the beautiful Swiss
gone for treatment a few weeks Echo Song , which she rendered in a
previous, Miss Davis left her home on delightful style. ln responce to well
North street, two or three years. ago to merited encore Miss McVittie gave
graduate as a nurse in the, Montreal The Swallows. This finished the first
part of the program owing to the late
general hospital where Dr. Stewart,
• well known in Huron county,. is one of incoming of some of the perfermere
the head surgeons and phytticians, end end the illness of others, The second
from whence she returned ill a, few pett'was opened by the Blackstone
months ago. She was a lady of refine. orchestra who made their debut at the
tuent, quite accomplished in music and Biwns' anniversary dinner. The,
painting and very popular in social orchestra includes five tnembers.of the
circles. For twenty Years Miss Davis faintly. Mrs. Blackstone being pianist.
taught in St. George's, Sunclav school Their selections were : (a) Sweet and
Low by Barnby and (b) Sweet
Thoughts by George McQuaid, Their
MUM wits the gem of the evening.
They were enthusiastically encored
and were follotved by Miss Alice
Rothwell's second appearance on the
platforto where she gave another
Scotch •clance which was encored as
loudly as the first. Then Harold
Bleckstone astonished all by rendering
with . his In. istomed sang froid his
comic tong Going to Mauro which
plemed the aodience very much. Ile
then sang his other favorite, Mother
says I Mustn't, which delighted every-
one its much as the first. Harold is a
general favorite. Charlie assisted bim
through part of his song with his
piccolo, Then Mr. S. 3, A. Boyd gave
his promised address Our Boys and
OUP Saloons which took up le good
hour. Mr. Boyd understands his wofk
thoroughly. lie was followed
by a well executed cluett upon the
pjario by Mfss Te,nit, McColl and Mastee
Ure 'Stewart, Grand Wise Brilliant,
executed in masterly style. They
were bearttly epplanded by the audis
arm. Colin Campbell kindly
sang The Flag that Heaved 1000 years,
The Battle and the Breeze, in her well
- before leaving Inc Montreal, She was
also a member of 'St, George's guild
since its organizatinn seven years ago
Mr. John Medd met With a nasty and a member of the Women's auxin
aceident last week. While engaged lary holding the office of secretary -
loading a. large log with a team of treasurer for many years. Indepen-
horses the ehain either slipped or dent of all this church vvork, Miss
broke which caused it to fly with great Davis assisted Mtg. Holt in taking
force, striking Mr. M.edd on the back " eharge of the weekly envelopes in con
of the head and knocking him 'down, nection with the church for nine years
He has been confined to the house for and In every depertment was an.
tone or five days, but is now moving efficient worker and beloved and
around a tittle but still ituffering from respected by all who knew her. :the
surgeons in London thought they could
relieve her from her intense suffer ing
byperforming an operation, bue her
strength was exhausted and their skill
ot no avail. She was the only daugh-
ter of Mr. G. N. Davis and the gym.
pathy 01 eveey one is with him. The
floral tributes pleeed upon the casket
by loving hands vvere lovely and hands
some. They were from St. George's
church, St. Georgeht Sunday echool,
Church Women's guild, KingisaDitegh.
tore and other societies includittg
private floral offerings. Miss DaVIR
WAS also a valued member of the
King's Daughters sinee their installas
alien. The funeral took pinco from
St. • George's church, lIry. Mark
Turnimil officiated, The choir gang known sweet voice. Mr. Tom eongratu
the :termini "Lord Thou haat been lated Mre. Campbell upon her appeo.
our refuge" and the beautiful hymn priately loyal choice of song. Aix'.
"Hush 1 13Iessed are the dead, in Jesus' Carrie then sang Ili:; favorite solo The
arms who rest." They alSO rendered Soldiere of the Queen, Iienel Jordan
Up Olintonians 1 Mae to battle 1
You and all your kin and kith,
Rise to aid the heroes lighting
Round helenguered Ledyernith,
P011OW Webb aCroacr the Water,
Vtrebb the feerlees. Webb the bran°,
t aVe an ingrowing toe nail removed
and so was unable to 'walk for a few
the arithetn "l heard a voice from Acted rte accompanist, foe Mrs, Camp -
Leaving all he loved in Clinton, Mrs T1108,Kettrile Is doing game elev. Heaven itaying unto me, Ries:tea are bell and Me. Ofterie and also brought
Gone for "glory or the grave." or work in 'the touching and coloring the dead who die in the Lord even so the entertainMent to a dose by play-
s. of PhOtogeaPhs. The PeoeesS le What saith the Spiritfor they rot from their ing the National Anthem MISS Blies
kriown as the De Leot: and Makes labore." The pall -bearers were: Sheriff Tsre kindly accompanied. Miss McVittie.
It is stated that Mackenzie alin, the features and natural, In laeynnleirt, Bergh:ter Holt, and Meeere, The Misees McKenZie (Mabel) and
railway contrectore, Will endetwoe to addition photos. thus 111111001 rd never Georges Porter P. V. Lawrence, D. (1. Kettle:1h Drown Were, WO Were i4OPPY
PitirebitS0 the 1000motiVe Woeks at hale and thus are rendered Alt the Straehan and. D. O. Mackay. The to learn, too ill to fill their part of
Kit:fader: . Vlore valuable. funeral Cortege Was quite a largo One, Friday's program.
me suit, with two rows of . large pearl
buttons, a regular little man of war's
man, and he brought xis some nice
things to try and tempt us to get out
this nice February weather.. 'We think
we will try to go Out some of these fine
days. .
Hill's Green.
Mr Win. jarrott has sold his fifty -
acre farm to Me. William Consitt for
,$v25000rOnk, in n
was engaged in cutting
Friday 1'1,4 as Mr, Nortrian
wood for Mr. James Turner he had
the misfortune to get his leg badly
wrenched by the springing back of '41,
tree, which will no doubt .lay him up'
for wane time. •
.Quite. a pleasant and iateeesting
time was spent at the home of Mr..
Wm. Logan on Tuesday night of last
week, -when a number of .young men
with their ladies assembled and spent
inoet of the night in tripping the light
faetastic, bra, the Most interesting
.faitture of the evening was that the
young men had put•chased a hand-
some albarn as a prize for the most
graceful lady dancer' peeaent.Eight
couples competed, which made quite
a keen .corepetition, Mr. • James Swan
of Brecefleld acted as judge and after
a most -close and careful observation
awarded the pi ize to Miss,Katte Logan,
who throughout•the contest 'acquitted
herself 'in a most pleasing -mower's
The annivereary .services in cons
nection with Hillsgreen Presbyterian.
church will be held -on Sabbath, Feb-
ruary 18th, When the 'seivices will be
conducted by the Rev. MrsSaavers of:
Brumfield at 11 m: and 7 p.' m. The
tee -meeting .will be held on 'the boll;
.• .
, own* Mg -guilty' evening, when tea will
.be served from 6 to 8 o'clock and :Id-
-dresses Will be given by several clergy.
men. The choir Of Carmel church,
liensall,. will also. discourse sweet mus -
We are sorry to hear of theserious
illness of Mrs. Hugh Wiley. •
lirowles Sale itegister...
Friday; :Feb. 23rd, . at 1 p. 'in. on lot
30; con -11 McKillop, extensive Sale of
choice cattle andshe.ep,—James Marins
proprietor '; -Thomas. Brown, auctions
Saturdays Feb: 24th, at I P inset W.
Reedy's residence in -Seaforth. sale of
house and lote and household furni-
ture.—W. Reedy, proprietor; Thomas
Brown, auctiender. .
Tuesday, Feb. 27th, at 1 p. ms on lot'
27;• con, 1, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, 'one
mile 9011th nI Brucegelci, clearing sale
of farm stock and itupletnents.—Ro-
bert Boyce, proprietor ; Thos.. Brown,
Wednesday, Feb. 285h, at'lls. M. on
lot 20, con. Is L. R. S.; Tuckersruith,
farm stock and implements: without
reserve.—Jatnes Mulholland, , proprie-
tor ; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. .
Thursday, March ist, at 1 p. m.• an
lot 16, con. 2 Tuckersmith, extensive
sale of farm, farm stoek and imple-
ments. ---Mrs. Jobe Hanna, proprietor;
Thomas 13rown, auctioneer.
Friday, March 2nd at 1 p. m, at W.
Dine's residence in Harperhay, sale of
household furniture, horse buggy,
harness and other erticlers—W. Dines,
proprietor; Thomas Brown, anotion-
Wednesclays•March 140, at 1 p. in.,
Onlot 28 Goderich township, exlerisive
'sale of farm stock and implements
without reserve.—John McCartney,
proprietor; Thomas' Brown, auctioneer,
• &duality,. March 3rd, at 1 p.
the Ootninercial hotel, Seaforth, two
choice farms contaning 200 acres; be-
ing lotO, con, L also lot 0, con. 2 It R.
S. Tuckerstnith,—Charles Wilson, pro-
Prietor ; Thomas -Brown, auctioneer.
- • ^ • .
Rev. John Swift was struck by a
train near Newbury and probably fat-
ally injured.
Me. E. W. McLellan,fornserly of The
Winnipeg Free Poo, has --been ap-
pointed editor of t he Halifax hronicle.
The Thames River rose seventeen or
eighteen feet above the ordinary level
at Chatham, but little damage was
pany dispereed to their hornes about 8
o'clock feeling that a better night of
pleasure could not have been spent.
The committee deserve credit for the
way in which everything was carried
A sudden death took place in London.
on Saturday week. Tena Fraser, for-
merly with Airs. Herdsman of Wingham
as mantle maker, passed suddenly to
the spirit world. She had not enjoyed
the best of health for several months.
In the 'morning she showed no signs Of
anything being wrong, and in the act of
dresting erne of her sister's chifdren,
fell dead.
The annual meeting of the North
Huron L. 0. L. was held us Ningleeas.
The meeting was one of the most suc-
cessful of the kind ever held, over
seventy members being present. The
following otlicers were elected: County
Master, John Wilford, Blyth Deputy -
Master, W. J. Greer, Wingham ; Chap-
lain, Rev. W. Lowe; RecaSec., T. Nash;
Fin.sSec,, W. R, Mooney ; Treasurer,
E. Bryans ; D. of C., J. J. XeMannus ;
Lecturers, Geo, Mains, A. McMannus.
W.G.Strong,oneot the organizers of the
Canadian Order of Foreseen, is spend-
ing a few weeks in town in the interests
ot Court Maitland. .1Ie has only been
here a few days and has met with great
lles. Harvey, HOuson & Brockel-
hank have been making some exten-
sive improvements in the Wingham
Sour mills. '
Inhe L0. T. M. decided on Tuesday
evening to keep Dave Longheed in good
standing until his return, or until the
war in South Africa is over.
The Brockville Recorder publishes
the following statistics in reference to
county poor houses in Ontario. It will
be hotieed that the cost per capita 10
Huron is less than in any of the other
Norfolk 0
Waterloo 30
Perth 3
Leeds & Grenville 4,
Oxford 6
1 ••
,0- -81
. El 4
00 04
(13:1-4 ° an
4 yrs 80 114333
12 46 8594
19 101 55 87
14 98 • 62 82
24 49 72 Il
35. 78 00-
54 . 63 15
95 46 00
42 68 00
46 90 eg
61 73 84
"Difficulties give way to diligence,"
and disease germs and blood humors
disappear when Hood's Sarsaparilla
is faithfully taken.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. 25c. D. W. Grove'p
signature is on each box.
(Corrected every Wednesday aftornoob)
Wheat 0 63 to 0 64
Goose Wheat0 63 to 0 3i
Barley 0 35 to 0 86
Oatsi 0 25 to 0 25
Peas....,,.. .. . , 0 52 to 0 55
Rye 0 40 to C 40
Potatoes per bushel., 000 to 0 25
Butter loose in crock 0 17 to 0 18
Butter in tub. . 018 to 019
Eggs per doz .... 016 to 017
Hay 8 00 to 7 50
Dried apples per lb'0 05 to 0 05
Evaporator Apples per cwb 0 40 to 0 45
Wool , 0 12 to 0 18
Live Hogs per cwt 4 00 to 4 00
Pork per cwt., 5 00 to 6 00
Floor per cwt,,..,. 175 to 2 00
Bran per ton ..... . 14 00 to 14-00
Shorts per ton •• . • 16 00 to 16 00
Genuine Bargains
/INT —s
Boots Shoes
Coremencing Saturday morning', Pee. 10t11, and continuing
the following week including Saturday, Feb. 17th.
We have only two reasons to offer for selling good goods ,at the fol-
lowing low prime. The first one is we want, the room and Must have 15
foe our immense etock of spring goods already coming in, and the second
one is we need the money, These prices should soon make a clearance.
Reed carefully the followieg list z
(10 pities Men's rine Laced Boots, 6 to 10, well worth $1.60, eale price $1 00
80 " lloys' is Bats, to 5, " 1.25t 85
1 00
13 " Lined Overshoes, 1 to 5, 1 1,2e,
15 Men's 2 Buckled Grain ,Felt,6 to 10. 1.75,
11 " " 4 " Felt Boots, 7 to 10, 2.00,
16 " " kelt,130ots, 7 to 10, 2.00,
20 " a Slippers, 6 to 10, cheap at 50,
18 " 11 Tithed Overshoes, 6 to 0, well worth 1.50, I 15
20 1' Ladies' PeltLined Laced Boots, 8 to 7, worth
21.05 to 2,00, 1 25
10 " " Buttoned Boots, 8 to 7, worth 1.50, it 1 00
Children'e Cerdigatt Overshoes, 7, 88114 0, " 1.00, t. 60
Men'i; Knitted Socks, a snap Inc 40
Ladies' Veit, Slippers, 25c ; Iten's Pelt Socks, 25e; Dori' reit Socke, 25e
The above are girth?' OA a few of the lines v,,e offer. Space will not.
permit of more quotations. They are not Old steck, We grierantee every
pale thie neiteon'a gooda. Come and get fleet choiee, early Sattledity worn.
mu, An honest he ['gain is Mir pride, Conie, expecting bargains, and you
will not be disappointed, at THE OLD noLIA.nrx.
ftH OtlEAP OAS11 STORE. •:. Ofi„SIO AND ONE ritton.
' . I
You Can
Saturday Monday Tuesday
17 19 20
IffittlIMMITIMMIMIffil! II? IttlinttIttlIMMIMMItIl?
following list tells you of money you
can, save on every article you bay on
Saturday, Monday or Tuesday.
Stock -taking is over and we find odd
lines of goods we don't want to carry over till
next season. They are worth more to you
than, to us as there will be weeks of cold
weather ahead.
In order to .make a Quick clearance we
have marked many lines far' below makers'
Come as early as you can.
Snaps in Dress Goods
350 Figured Lustre for 22c
3 pieces only Black Figured Dress Goods, full 37 inches wide, neat
design; heavy quality, rich black, fast dye, well worth 35c, sale
• price to clear at •
$1.00•Crepon for 50c
1. piece only Black Figured Cotton, 'full 44
lagge deeign,suitable for, skirts, our
. clear sate days at
800 Serge for 20c
inches svede, rich black, ,
regular price is $1.00, to 50c
40 inch heavy union Serge, in colors of blue and garnet only, suit, 200'
able far dresses or.suits, our regular value 30c, sale price only....
500 Dress Goods for 330
40 inch Dress Goods in Polka, colors of bluesgarnet and
green and black mixed, will make good. serviceable dresses, our 33c
• regular price is 50c, to clear at. ... .... ...
65c Black Good. s for 4:70
1 piece only of ahoet 20 yards of Black Figured Dress Geodesmooth '
' flnish, will give Al wear, good value at our regular price 65c, 47e
, special for three days only • • •
• Extra Special
400 yards of our very best 3.2%.0 20C.Wrap-
: perette, in colors of red, inautre, blue, navy,
etc„ your choice. of the stock,sale days at 8%C :
••••••••••••••••••••••••••eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee••••••• ,
liosiery Bargains
Boys' Hose, made of all wool yarn, extra heavy foot, 'sizes 8S -9-9S, 260
usually sold at 25c., sale price,while they last, 2 pair for
Boys' Hose, made of Scotch fingering yarn, heavy heel and toe, our 550
regular 35e and 40o Stockings, sale price a pair for
Snaps in Furs
30o wool 13oas for 10C.
$1.85 c:2ii,d04$801F.u8.3r16,0Sw-emt:inflocr $1.00
$1.25 Coney Muffs for 76C
$12 Genuine. BeaveiriuGffasunfotlret;lfooro$5.95
$3.50131ack Astrachan Muffs for $2.10
Ruffs for 950 •
$2.25 Grey Ruff for $1.25
$6.50 Grey Muff for $3.95
$28.00 Fur Coat for $19.50,
Ladies' Black Astrachan Far Coat, 1111186 inches long, fine Vossy
Tel:; illetfil"krialetZe=gi t,Vg4d tly $19,50
$19.00 Fur Cape $13.60
1 enlyBlack Astertehanleur Cape, fine glossy curl, made of choice
skins, well lined with satin, hIgh storm collar, cheap at i
510.00, to clear et sale for
Save $2.00 on a jacket
15 only Ladies' and Attest's' Jackets, merle of all wool frieze, seams
nicely bound, high storm collar, all this season's coats, eur $1.60
regular prices were'S3.50 to $4.50, sale price choice at
I Tailor-made Skirt for '$1.98, I
• .
• Ladies' Tailor-made Dress Skirts of Plain and •
• •
Figured Lust e, lined with good black lin- *
• •
• ing, well bound with velvet, made in latest •
• •
. . $1.08 :
. styles, sale price only .
• •
iliiii liiilliiiali11141141111141illiali .
Vette 11110NPN Ittattee
WANT 111