HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-08, Page 7.. ...... .. IIIIIIIIIIA report trova VrAuktorts Iry-1 Mky!!! In" he. . . . . . �aod with rift '0901104 BRITISH LOSSES HEAVY 366t city tO�44 F� and II rl", mono arp o withd Al Iff IN �IN I III I , ", ", " cortail ts after Meau
CASUALTIES RION Kopol� Field guns P 6 bearing M)rtrait
Oi Goverxkora�V% we
dylor. A tip $lit bet 00 In WOW$ 1911;htft At Slid Near rationa for vae.ux the the OLtical sup- Total guns Splon x0p, oat, or 90 hillweltbor that all opening Proceedings Text4of the
UPAWS Of 1000 Men Killed In the UngAgeMOUt". Xr. Wyndbam iiddod 'Lb,;t In.* 189111 TH19 VERY LATEST FROM Porter Is feared. Accounts of tl* battle of 8ploa the lixt (lay, wore progressinir below. Ovemr-Genaralls Speech the combinei dforrea of the two Us- John D. Rockefeller will give the Guna wore, on Vile way and1be tuWl- From the Throne.
Man Officers Slain--Brltl4h Troops Retired to Publics werc� estimated at Dlwew, Man. 4MI THE WORM OVER. ivoroity of Chicago jrA,000 410 a vs. KoV continues, to filter In. - Ali tes- uetra had been ordered WP to ouper-
of better entrench- Order.-Buller's sanguine Talk. -Canadians Again SHORT OF SUPPLIES. sult Of the recent acquisition of the tify, to theerritio Boor fire. Vise thlo Maki q 091001 Gurley pale?utologloal Collection- "" hen reinforcements arrived, the M""' 0 A deatititeh from Ottawa sayw:— desp4tob, from Starkstroomecapo latorostisig Items About Oar Own GIA1710 speolmeas Include' 700,00 U144. than being in command, and be,ing With weather 15 degrees below zero
in Action. -New FrOW I-AdYsInith-loo][45400 to 0010n�r. AaYS.—A r14400T Who hap Or- CO"OtrYp Orisat ArAtaln, the United Bloalpi Valley foopils. The collection trgQpo were MU04 crampoA On the top ugAiwre that the gunriAud ensineorli the Front-_BoeW Supplies $hOrt. rived here brought a letter from ,,Ali- Stmt6s, and All Parts of -,the (310bol was v4luedat �@M,000, and Its gatber- of Spion Kop. Preparations were wore comiug, decided tbat the I ulti was the Parliament of Canada waa opened. wal North, in Which It Is announced er agreed to contribute 059,0315 of the %ads, below to secure the position, untowtble, ad Accordingly ordered a At 8 o'clock the Governor-General
C,,ondonsed 404 A65orted for Easy kent, This lated all drovs) up to the Pa
a column Is 100- that the Boora have reopened thellao sum, the rest tA way, And gonerAL retiren . vilament buildings,
4.,'despatoh Crorn London saya:—A poballility is. that tb to Ourghermilorp, as beir supplies Roadlux, "to teller hap offered guns 'were on orderly, The hill accompanied by the riding escort of
tioat with the division. fit varsity. Mr. R �o night-, And Was most is it
special from, Frore Cam Were short to pay #50,000 of the #70,WO necosaar:
�p, says: had boen ordered up to strengthen the: was 4eliberately evacuated boo.aii;
"I have just rlddo in here, having IN ORPE. The a tace of the, Princes% Loulea Dragoons. When
the bu plains bolug bare, the Camp of Mr. E. P. 1,11 to make up the required Amount, It entrenchments. ! Col. Throneyoroft' was Considered uateniab-p 'A tb ans, of �Mr. Speaker Bain Opened the Proceed -
left Goo. ullerl. forces in the AoW Do- despatch from URM11 ghers. it is added, has been for Rich- the rest Is raised by Preis - was not awav$of this when he order.'O fre-twhi,oh we hail 119',01c
, . Ideat Harper
sitionii south of tho, Tugela to which says:—The British troops took the Moved" back of Stormberg, hetqllts, wond, N. S., Is �neantl. The Dutch cruiser Zeebboad sailed for ad the retirement, and -he actually met replying. Our casualties Were heavy- Ing$ in the House of Common$ there Ile, re'. lielghts of $pion Xops but the position which are stilt hold. Fort Harker, an 11-yer-old boy, w�as Delago,a Bay on January 25tb. -Thorneorolt,'& Mounted Infantry, be- were About 159 members present, At -
they retired In oOnseqkAence of t was considered untna tile artillery coming up� ,his, and the JOTY.UHAT AT THU, FRONT. drowned at Kingston. The Australirku colonies have ileclar- I In in the firing linei all day, natura - for the Commoners repaired to the
versa at $-pion kop, troops were withdrawn,ituder cover of A despatch from London. . says-, \The Standard Bank has contributed ad Adelaido a plague infected port. Gen Woodgate was, wounded about ry suffered �egpecfally heavy loss. On ainber, Lord Minto delivered The fighting both before and attar d much surprise Even Friday ralght Major-GErn. Warxau'�s Senate `h arknes.. There will$- General Jouboxes. wife 41.000 to the Patriotle Fund. Arrangemnts ii�o being bo, Plated two o'clock In the afternoon, thr in the morning wbon it w" dlscove�ed h. �o was All foro retird4 across the Tugela. TWO tboollowing areeoh from the on't the occupation of the mountain was.of that there were noi 11 troops On the hill. .111, evoryWhere, And luplata on person. Mr. 0. Stan Allen, a well-known for the establishment of a cuslan tbeL- he Protested that fporitoons were used, a -Ad despite the (1,entlemen of the Senate., il6operate Character. Sploo. Itoo!$ a The, various rumors of defeat are lly Providing for his table. western Ontario journalist, died at Consulate in Canada. right, And had to be, held down o fcat that, it was a very, dark, night! the
ag the quite untrue. The withdrawal was 004- BOMBARDS BOM POSITION. Lorain, Ohio, Gentlemen of the House of Commons precipitous Mountain, overtoPPI Denmark continues to negoilato with the strotdher. movement was carried out perfectly. he National Pat� the United States for the sale of bar T%o torco ka now encamped some Ulls- 'y to bear,
wbolo line of kQpjos along the Upper Jucted in in orderly manner, the A despatch from Gaberones, says:— rants ot 0500 to t TOORHIS READ OFF. It is again my -pleasing dut
Col. rlotic Fund have bear Possessions In the West Indies, e continued pros- , made by this
troops being withdrawn to.Spearman's A Boer scout Was captured by tango On this aide of the, rivet.
Tugela� On the eastern aide the MOU11 Xont being, abor. Plainer's outpost, and A small Party County Councils of Welland arid Dut-4 The care of,11astor Sarms, thbe Ger- �A despatch to the Daily Chroniclo, dospato to the. Tdraes! from Plot- Parity of theominlon, and on the re -
lain t4oes MOuntAlloo, and Potgigt6r's carar" ilia flank 3AOvaA ertain torlu. man missionary, arrested in Natal last dated paarmaripa Camp, Jan. 27,says ormarlQburg, dated Sunday' 11st markablo increase in the general vol- live, The British losswas heavy- 'The was aeot out to reconnoitre 0
drift, standing at right augleil to the actual nurnbors, are not known. The MIJ& They ascended the wrong kopjo The western railways, with: tile ex- mouth for aiding ills Boars, continues
A orosa- and. blundered upon a. Boer fortress caption of the C.P.R.1 ihave'deolded to th ng one of the says. it bad a narrow u a of the revenue and of the exports
Boer centrat position and Lyt tletou'a gres, lest to- was owing to unsettled. - T-horacycrol _M point fire of shrapnel and lyddite, armed with a Maxim. Fortunately, abolish All COMMISsioriS to P4080ger Lancaster Furillers, while lying- oat a and Imports of the country. .advanced position. The southern According to the Tagglisohis Randes- eampe last week. He went td In
-he.y managed to escap without cas- agents, truce r- aostilitles having unfortunately
Prus. Pa abroken out during the recess between A despatch from Gabaronss$ de� r $ion ittio' Us
Kimberley is, 1,soeiving sovers treat- x0varar sia according to the demands ot Mod- h000les body rose, stood upright for 1 t Greal Britain and thp South African
a obau, the Gorman Emperor is prone On the ground firing, was f r 4 Z ag, ,descends in abrupt oteps;tco the lower HE HOSPITALS, ualties. York County Council asks the Ontarxo ' I � �l li . us of kopjes on the, western side, oil- to reform the higher #chools of Cleanly decapitated by a shell, TU 11 , b su
t � vi
a 0 r 0 a dant tha b a eat. to appoil2t a comnits ftrrenlis meat from:Oie enomY, who, according scribing a reconnaissance of some of to control electric railways Opea wo I a art ItgtU retired, a. ad positto tit atpoSts of tIng ern practical life. 0. my Ministers right 0
until to hellograms from the garrison, Are till s of t a tow sooGiadrs, and then fell, t eared t
Col. Pluiner's to JIM Boers, fired a v:c7.
force. It is 14acoessibly Islas% roe around the Boor in the Province, he the .9101101 RePublio, it app int here thenak joins the point firing IndlBoriminatelY, The report la%ger southward, says the Rhoder Official reports giving de I �the P07 W that the Boors are shelling the hospi- sians captured two Transvaal flags, The Canadian Engine and 1,00011110- recent inundations in -Japan show that expedient to anticipate the Action of
there I us, can perhaps and drove Off the Boer outpost before live Works of Ki4agston, Ont., havo� property valued at over 6,GW,600. you rward- to the Main range. Then Is a tal or sanitarium, if Lr Parliament by%equipIpig and to
acce d bX the fact that Cecil returning to Gabero 9040 into liquidation, The works will Was destroyed., Thirty-five towns were slope, which allows easy .86 be, explains Ing two contingents of volunteers to genii "Col Plainer used his 12 1-9 pounder continue running. devastated, 7,288 houses submerged and Rhodes was recently residing there, th
to the gurrkmit� on the Boerosition for the first time The Frointenao'Count. cou�cll has 189 lives lost. a seat of war as ii, practical evidence strongly held by the CANADIANS AGAIN IN ACTION. of tho profounir devotion and loyalty
The ask was to -day. The Boeirs replied speedily �deolded to etition the Ontario Log"- The steamship Yumuri reports that whou 9 and accurately, but did no damage." Tor 7f . . . . . . . . . . . of tbe Boers, who Also Occupied a heavy spur A despatch frDm'Belmont, Cape Col- lature to so amend the law in rotation she sailed from 13wa del entire People of Canada to the
0 Ohl parallel with the koPlwllOTO the ene- rys,_"The colonia I troops are now The Crocdiba river is flooding, and to the, summoning of juroria as to ro, the Norwegian warshipi R111da was at Sovereign and Institutigns of t �hano 85 being given , -an important share in Rhodes' drift is probably unfordable, lines the expeadittire, without lesson- that port on the wy to Bluflelds to. my was Concealed in no fewer t . I _ I... .. - - . - - Empire. . the operatione which Lord, Roberts is and will remain so until March. It is Ing the efficiency' of the service. . investigate the seizure of, a Norw0g. ktlo.�pits, and was thus enabled to inaugurating or the invasion of the Presumed therefore . that the Boors w. U). - Chancellor Burwash, of Z- -Z— In this connsoton, -4, is a matter Of
r Victoria Ian steamship for use, as a troopship P"Cr- , bring to bear upon our men x damag- orange Vres State, not -return to that point. University, who as stricken with by the Nicaraguan authorities., (Re -t L.I. pride and gratification to. the people
Ing cross -fie, the coly,possible point Both the Canadians arid the Aus- FRIP, UPON-,=1TARY TRAIN, heart failure, while proaphing at Ann The signatureis to the national ad... CRY f this Dominion, that, in addition to traliwas, who� have been elitPloyed upon de- Arbor, on Sunday night, Was n. o . .
or a British. attack eirg. iho south London, Saturday, Feb. $.-A, dress prepave4,.at a mass meeting held i the contingents sent by the Govern- f the lings, of,commajaication, -are being Spatell to, the TiLmes from Cape; Towin, brought back to Toronto on Tuesday. in, Brussels on Jan. 4, which asks Pre- an force ii being side, with virtually sheer Precipices On used to aid the I. ithOrit'04 dated Yesterday, aays. mout, another Canadi ,perial ai I Ile is very much better, and no serious sideat, McKinley to intervene in the the left and right, in clearing the a6rthern art of Cape "Art unknown . individuail, fired a results are anticipated. organized and despatched at the per- A nrroiv foot Path admitting men Colonyi.of the robolis, who Are, so Ira- shotgui 6il am South African war number nearly 100,- Z, UiLary train that was. Jack 11 Frieeborri, who played can- 000. T*rloa as mazy are expected in a sonal expense of the High CoMmis-
in single file only to the bummit.013ous peding the progroa of the British passing through the Hex river pass scrimmage for -the Granite F100t- fortnight when the address will be generous and into 4 perfectly . flat to prob- tITOOPS, to -day, 411ing a soldier� ball Club, was fined 410 or 30 days. at forwarded to Washington. sioner of Canada.` This Ord ,,his land, A;strong party of the Australians It cam ably of 310 square yards area, upon be-infared from this inci- gamiltort Police Court for assaulting n. Patriotic action on the part of L
hioh the Boers had htily commer: A Thracia triumpha4 oar bas been Stratheona, reflects high honor oil w Is. and Canadians left Bolmoulf 1) ' Weak dent that tile anti-British movement big wife. dug UPI on. the slope of Mount Rhodo- ad to make a traneverse t.rencli. Our ago, 500 strong, for a reconnaissance in life south,western " Grave fears are eatertallied for the Pilot ear Philippopolis i -n Bulgaria.' him. sea on the Dominion he repro- oeta. I have been instructed to Can— men wore able to occupy -the. further In the Treder district. The enemy pay 'is serious enough to induce Gen. steamer Ashanti, which left Moville All the metallic fittings of the chariot,
end of the table land, where the ridge were found in force ist B%dQuborst, an jl;�Lerta to custribute, troops in the a. Sbe ou her Majesty,s high appre Jan. 6 for 11alitax, with mall including bronze decorative figuress 1-ation of the, lays, descends to.an6ther flat, wbIch was the Riet river. rural dWriew. Hex river is only has no Passengers. -d. the haress for one horse, -were. -t-RINCHAA ol ity And patriotisin
I in ZJ11P71 -W1 round stony, fter a mart fight in which none about 100,millas north. of Cape tTqwn by us displayed, which, follo Ing the again sucoeeded by a The Hamilton -Horticultural Society found tog -other with humam, remains. at eniluenco'beld by the Boors in great of our men weire Injured, the rebels The raftVay thither is iot iport Of has decided . to give 6,ODO Young Plants The, car belongs to the fourth npreference granted under the Prose. were Cleared out, and Colonel Bo tariff to articles og British manufa0- strength. Yd, bwY Hil by whichi: eat, of warcan to ext April, the ress, after Christ, was the 'commandant at Belmont, ordered had school children U . . 0 XWART bure, has load the happy affect Of ce� The ridge hold by out men h ccpw;L, comPotitlOrl-for 'A-. iecoud load oA beef,for the usel of faced bj a number of strong little the 0stablisilinaht of a peirmartent' pond advise$ tile aUft plants to be shown in prizes At the society's exhibition. in, menting and intensifying the cordial the Boers, is being purchased. at Ohl- ag: between Canada recons d r thei d I n relations (subsist!: kaps git'all angles, whence the Boers toiroo at Richond, twolve, miles west thoritles to I 0 r 60 Bin June. . I.. I . . :
sent a concentrated fire from their of Belmont. no;t.-to en2broe Martiaa la throughout cago by an agent of the Transvaal and the Mothes .Country. Mayor Teetzel asks the.* citizens bf Governmont� , On 'account of resent 68T OF THE CONTINGENT. pany of the C -range g I un. 0111, to garrison CANADIAN bANGE I ROUSLY ILL, make all the demonstra- seizures by -British ivar vessels Of Uted for your rifles, suppoited *by a Mxim-Nor4on. , A a anaftans withi a the oodorayi Hamilton. to feldt, and a big long mounted foroe� will be left tion -possible, P the, ringing of bells, sbips,-beariag supplies destined for the A biAI will be subau What ivith the, rifles and the, ma. the post, from which vin advance will A despatch from Otta%vv sas.--Sir blowing of whistles, etc., -when auth- Transvaal, packers have refused to -oval, making provision for the� cost chine guns, the aummit was converted be made to clear, out the rebels. oil the ltred Milnler,.Gorernor ot,'Cape Col- oritative news comes of the relief Of siall the beet for delivery beyond Chi-, of equipping and payingithe, Canadian 'hell. . The shells Ox- district, Ito- L ith. ns for, transporta_ Into a perfect ony,, Cabled. tile Govpraor-Gerisra contingents_ dysm: cago� and negotiatio k-
ploded continually in our, ranks, and ' It may, be that ive, are in for some day( that Sert, "TOsePli Russell, . Of The thirteenth annual provincial tion. a re pending. The measures which have been t
tely, un- smart work. to time,.to facilitate the the rifle fire, from an atisola Prince Edward Island, is fyin danger- an from. thii4s neeni enemys was perfectly appalling. All are* well. -4D convention of the Y. M, C. A. of On d& 060111 safe transportation f foodstuffs, to alYi ill at. Orange- river., -He isl -not Land and Quebec will be held in Wood- -have Reinforcements were hurried -up GOOD NEWS'FROM LAPYSMITHa expected' to recover. a . took, Ont. from Februaiy 8th tothe European atarkets resulted in a In 'the exportation Of by Gen. Warren, but they had to Cross A despatch from Ladysmith says-. Sergt. Russell i8L - a meajber� of ",G,� Ilth large increase 4 a.attetob of flat.grbund, which Was :"We little dreamed When We received Com,paiv, of, the.. Ca-aadian contingent. AIDUKE T 8 OF THI WORM tioles of produce, several important. ar
literaIV toru up by the flying. lead of Mr J. K. Osborne' of the 'Massey An ieces-sary in- the t4anuary 25 that, 'all is He waj foirmaiLy atte, h�d to.the Royal Harris CompunY, �Toronto has receiv, d It way beoorae, I
the enemy.. The unfinished trench On :a Message 00 I , t . I I - . . . . L . . IN T�tli3 VICINITY, OF,"SPION, KOP, Interest of, this very important brarich the sumnaft gave very questionable well,' what tho niAt - would'bring Canaian.Artillary - . . .. . I. . I . . _:. I I . .. . .. ad a calile from the, War Office strit- :es of" Grain, Cattle, ChO93.3. ft quire a Moro oars,' baiter, as the suaray's. machine guns forth, We know. uow that General FRENCH CONE't US WITHOBERTS. that his'aon* Lieut, J. W..Osbornei PrIa. . of industry ti) re a bithe, Lead only esoa;piol; in Consequence. of their ful inspection than has- been s, Ing. Matts THE.-BOBUS, - ' . . tary for the purpose. were so accurately. ranged -upon the Buller has ailed. There is a nAtural from 'London, thai Scottish Rifles, Camaronia bad shooting.00 of maintaining A despatch I IQ shells fell' In the, dis, twerit, but little despond- p1ace that after General. Frenob, who visited Cap had been killed in action; in the Tugolik Bennett .JCV1bles:Jhe Daily The Standwril's Correspondent de- idard of excellence here-.. kop fight, sr�,ys,that that�high star '24 'Whea tofore. secured', and which is consult With Geaoral'-Lord district on January . I soluts- trouch in a'single minute. T46" to Toronto Pebr�ikry t, - Totagria�6 TrOm §paiarmao'is' VWMP� scribing the Splol tb iWo can -hold on here. operating West Under'. date OfL'Saturday: the Boers disp1layed. splaudid courage.. Mortal mah could noil permanentlY. Aob�rts`,.ieiirraed*to Renberg onJanm . Herbert 3 Somerset, ly indisporI4010 if 016� people Of Cin -
Of, im the hold such aposition. Our gallant felw 'The orrison, received the news Paiik 31, and rewumed. r6connoitrin-99 manager of the L Winnipeg. Electric Prices 'Wheat A*p,avlY_.of.t&m on threci separate co- Casi a walked up to a I ntrieo with fortitude, :The pivatioba.of the bti.t not d 'There has -.been alorigArain of am-..' ada are,, to increase their. large and tows helalit tenaciously r�hioag ot coneiiwenceii resulted. Street AlkilwaY. hits reeialved' and. as- improved W -day, . and , close txenc.h. occupied. profitable trade with othist.0011 siege. Will fill wore eavily. on. the a at Spisarma, I n's cashire Fusliliers, -:w1th : . . hours, and then, taking, advantage olt 1) 1* general manager 0 tariii bulances, arriving In these o6mmodities. According to thb ai. y Chroniclo's capted a posi Ion ' s . Lo�al,grtbas.were quite firlu .11 sick, - coftespondent at Sterkstroorn who of the tramways, -Perth, West Aug.; a Linj across their' shoul- bserve that. the darkness, abandoned it to the onsicilY. rison. 'has arrived at- a with th wound --their rifles ft I am glad to b re- This gar red and white, 64 to, 66o,, according to Comp, field hospitals r,up, p4ims, out post-o"Ice Department :LL11W. ealthi . belogiraphs under date of Feb, - Y, Eder tralia. He is a son, of Mr. W. B. Irligade suffer- ders, and their handE turns from thE TWENTY-TWO. OFFICERS KI er Phase and disease has.been rset, business manager of the 'nearribag to the mill�'.goose wheat 690, ad, Th6 Lanca'shlre -1 oward, hb,pin 'ing that g to entrap the Pugilists reinforcements, are arriving at Storm- Somai s. There nd for believ weeded out. was no aford good.grou A despatch from London says:�The peg Free Preis Lts 68o north d west; ad the lieavloSt losse hilto a suriCender. While 'parlaying 'temporary IC43 of revenue, caused War Office has posted a lis't of casual- The health of the; garrison was 1.680 berg. The enemy have rapikired the Winn! middle freigb an from the, the f the North and and spring, eas nitoba No. panic, , The troops re .4 irst time somebody fired a. shot. -a great red notion .-r6cantly made ties among thavofiiesve of. the fifth robust during the first p -inch than xallway.-between Allwal The Canadian Grand Lodge' of Free t. (;r, ;-jo; Ma tire Instan'dy all.Was. Confsion;, some: of �by th dis division and In tb and Accepted Masons paid a visit to will speedily be In, ounted brigade a . pion now. here3sno horse sickness, and Burgbersdorp, which they. destroyed nd at 78 1-2c, hill in good order. In letter Postage,
first crossed the, frontier, the Michigan Grand Lodge at Do 1. hard, sold a.79c, "this - mOirnii sevral . man 'wore W11, other, threw 'themselves on good by the inoreas y 24,'-totalling:-Xill- the rains have given, a -supply. of the, FusWers charged with' bayonets, oil. correspondence. his afternoon one holder 'Choy grass. We can bear slid train are now running over on Tuesday. The visitors Pre- North Bay. T Ing to ad, 22; wounded, 19; mlsdng,,4. Buller's ga ne, it. troit 6.Miohigaa GrAnd Lodge Was'still asking 18 1-2, but othm,were. shot Ili return positions they. tire Boes and wrestled with th-m. The oonseqasat thereon.' 'now in . progress The.same. Correspondent records rd7- seated to-thi carried Spi Negoti-atious are ,ptill working. �nan - yof t4o 'loving Cup, on which tb -heat elster colonies in: are as follows, moura tliat� Commanant Steyn has a silver a Stars strong at 79c. Spring.and goose w had held before tbey on! euemi�'bowever,succeedod in di Wrg- with several of our KILLED. Yronc Observation hill been recalled Union Jack are Were 11rm on,. export enquiry. Ing a voale)r ond killing any of the� the -West Indies which it is hopd may Boer movements are from thisoommand otf the arid . Stripes and the K 'Staff Captain X. 11, Virtu I f . ,. visible, also Flour. d fair, outside. ben the trick was tried result in developing sometimes'tbe doings of Buller's men. Fkee Stats. forces in - NataJI, to defend. engraved togdther.. �Export doman eyoroft's Mounted. Infantry Fildliers- W increasing and An Importa straight roller, in buyers, �,Thorn of the King'$: n th;e British did not st6.pl to par- the south-eastern -border.:, bl., AL ads witiz those 1A
Captain S. M. Stewart, Liritits. F. R. -After our man 'evacuated Spica nt deal was Put through millers offer ad the &d BattaliOn I our tr
d, . when -the Drabcouche bags, middle,fieights, at 02-65 Royal Rifles lost - heavily. The men of:(.Y, but fiTed con, tbe'Boers. According bly with. certain portious of the,ad- Matlock and E. Praser,-Second Laub'a-' kop the enemy. quickly brought up ------- V. fit i . Montres Spool -RT- t continent -of South A.mricia. Ified the. position. poitic;rk.. of and export agants.bid -$2.55. imperial Light infantry receiveil, to the gains carresponifent ilia ada; it Jacen thlre Fusiliars. guna and fort JUDG9'SENKLER DEAD, Lumber Company sold a.'. Lbe arbund $3. the 'a, shooting and rIvad of the naval guns. on, the 8aulml � It gives me great lea,4ure. to- Qb-' Capt. c. Muriel, Lieut& W. Lawley The. B6er laagers on the: plains be, its' Valuable, timber limits. in i Bran is quorted'at, their-bati6in of fli of the hI2 was owing to the ipreolpl- Idlesex. yond, Ladysmith araagain full of man Maskitkonge, and Millfeed-Scarce. snipers.. serve that in Pursuance of the kPolicY mad H. A. Wilson, Second MU counties of Bertbier A,'Laroeque, of $15.$0 to $16, and'shorts at 417, to 418, killing Baer' marksmen arid i Major A. J. -Ross Capt. M. W . Kirk, who returned after the retreat of the Joliette to Xr..A. Mason, Of Tborneyoroft's. tousness, which mad:6 the hu%ng ef which was defined at the IMST session at the mill door thiough -Western Oia� the guns to the top a iibeer imPossibil. of parIl;1M_ -carejully-davised. body,. And Lieuts. A. H. Wadet,.Secoaci Lane- British, Five ftt3s'Severe 111ne s. Montreal, for 879,000. are in Mounted Infantry, :had a duel ith at a "A new laager was lormed this mo tarlo. Some We -stern willers it Boers, Who. drilled four holes through ity. been adopted, ap- lashire R%giment.., In-. -A. despatch -from Winnipeg says BRITISH Boers oUrejalations has
the market- as buyers of bran 64 plicable, t& all railwaygi. and. public Lieut�Piper W01farstal the heights near Clouso, The His Honor Judge Edmund; Sankler, of q,S,W., a 'wharf laborer unequal Ing h6lmet� Mason caught three I
'Second. ave At Sydney, I with fixed aderal. jurisdiction, 1M0snh agreat force on. the plains ith ths,liubonic shorts, local irutiction.beini creeping up behind him ' SMALLPDX IN WASHINGTON. Works within the F
Kiz& Scottish Borderers. thereabouts. Reinforcernents,are appar- St; Ctharines;, Who Wag ere as- ohair-m has been stricken w to local demand. tp. Orra he instantly killed, makinig dquate.provision for the Capt. C. G.' Blirch andZieut. P. M. cp� plagite, and the attending doctors are Crn-Steaily., No. 2 American, je sigbi kile the third took saull��ry protewioh and Medical care entlY coming from the Txansvaal. man Of the Elevator, Commission then another -'*1 T10 Postomee A1011"ritles 111140be'v., Rachael, First South Lanoashires. of the opinion that he was inoculated at 41c, track, Toronto, and an hour "The British guns are still on Mount pointed by Dominion Government, and -ow, quoted alter, and' they for halt to 1!111111 1ga i 0 , 11111 1 4 - 11�rrelk 11ii0li A Ilk oUworkinguren. Lieut. H. W..Garvay, First. Bor- with the disease through the b I its of a mixed, ;t 40 1-2c, Canadian Congo 89 sh - ar bit M"On lice. . I .. ... exchanged sbots, The Boi LABOR DISPUTES. 7 derers. n6,%v in session dally, in 'this, city, died lea.., turned SETTLEXENT,01? There is a strong rumoui In Camp 1-2e, track, Toronto, h. in ill(, shoulder, but Mason Xe he attention of thdGovernment has Captains the Aon. W, H. Petra and General. 'hospital, Col. Gough will not be tried for. a- Peas -Firm. Car lots, 69c, nort: ne:it shot A despatch from Washington that Gen. 1.9ullor is advancing: along the compliment, 'and'at the boon called to, theoonfllcLs which oo�'t
0. S. N Xnox-Gome. and Livats. C. G legail disobedience of orders, General adwest and 60o'sast. The rosto fioe Department, has ra- another line.') fter - five. days! illness, of Bright's. a- Grenfell p. F.. No*ton, P, S. MeCor- ;bpeu not baving'Pireferred occur -Barley Firm. Car lots of no 2, 14.; kill . ad his antagonist." casiomily ariss between work -man and BOER TREA disease, Kai �: . h I While it may not bls quodale, and Hill -Trevor, Thorney- tions � agsinst Win.' Col. -Gough him, Ills freights, 40o; and east.at .41c. Td.mOWLIZE THE VVERT Calved a roport'from Spokane, Wa.-9 ... their employers. croft's Mounted-lufautry. A despatch from London says:w Judge L. .7. Senkler, County Court salt, is y6ported as denying that he re- Ryea-Firm, Car lots, 500 west, and The. - Admiralty. has wkrned ail half- showing that the orders to fumigate 'possible. to Wolly prevent such diffl- Lieuts, Randall and Knookschank "Col. Thorneyoroft bad a narrow as- judgo of Lincoln, IWAi A SOU Of the fused to a rder a �cavillr Charge at the 516east., . . I ., : . i by. legisla;tIon, ray Government ay naval officers to hold themselves mails leaving that place for' British Pulti-
Imperial LightAnfintry. Cape last.. week. Us went to meet a Rev. g, j. S,irkler,Iwbo came, .. to Cana� ball s of Modder River. White oats, 26 n readiness for service. This, -with the think that many, of the disputea. Might it . . OAts-Demand fair.- Columbia have not as yet been carried h'. Provisions could Boer flag of trpce, which asked apar- 4 north and west 0i 26 1-2 to faiot that able goamen ),act thorough- a avorted-if be4er% WOUNDED. h do., in 1843, and,was. some tIm& rector " The American ladies resident at Cape bo.26 1.0c, Jo.07 J�-2c, ly experlencerl'haTe been withdrawn out. The reporti, state that 'neffier be. made for the friendly intervention ley, but having becoine suspicious 0. i on Tuesday, in. 27c, middle freights; ,nd'27 . . C6aciliation, the cork� Colonel Blornfield .(tak�n psonei), told the Boer commander that " he Of. the Hi,& . ?Siobbol, qujBobsc, Town held a receptiol frorn. the Channel squadron, is taken the postmaster nor the health offibers of Boards of Would not parley, Both retired, and The I,t, j Q"at Dobk� �honot of Lady C east' C I %r lots; east, to Ind 'a there believe . It necessary to disinfect Major W. F. Waller, and Lieuts R. S. urehill and the an - ieat ills early mobilization - of oluslons of which, while not Is, uAge was bor. of the American hospital - tBuckwhotri Quiet. Jiuch Wilson -and L. E. Charton, Second the Boers fired a volley; the colonel tire'staff v4scially squa- gaily bluding, would have 'the reserve fleet, el taL the' early the malls , because. thSy think the weight with both sides, qand be useful Ing, Xqrfolk, Engla do January 29th, shipt Maine 490 sad west,* 48c. nly escaping in Consequence of their n Oatrneal.�-Roollad.Loik LaWcashlie Fusiliors. 1835, arid was edkieated by private tul- is, in bags, track, dron, is takeaj to* inilical fleet. 06- 'smalIP0- source to be unwarranted. Major E. W. Scott-Monotrieff and bad aboo.ting.11 tQ 0 - Us was called to the Ontario bar Prof. max Muller -has* suffered' a ra. Toronto, 08:25 bbl-; [Ind 'tin wood, Mobilization of the reserve I in in bringing an fritalligeill; public ppla- Captains G.'W, Saville, R. Dell. Bur- WILL TRY '90 VLOOD LADYSMITH, in 186D, and piractised bis -profess lapse, and his Condition is causing 83.35 per bill. pecielly "Ayo squadron. The apidemlo now i evidence there, Ion to bear oil these complicated eub- ion in gs-Market rath
ton, G. W. Beatty, 'Second Middlesex, A despatch trom. Lorenzo Marquez the tow;a anxiety, eit quiet, Values BOEIIS AND THE BUND- they say, is chicReupox. The Postoffioe Joets. You will; be inviLed to consider 9 BrookvIlle. He was ap- lines; Job- rtment has, bowevor. eiterated whether the provincial legislation,in copc W. Sanbaoh and Llouts. A. hold steady, though, in all a correspondent of the papa says:-latormation, 'has been received pointed County Crown Attorney for The Cape Tow, its instructions, directing the Post- this matter my hot be mefulLy sup- that the Boors are Leeds, and Grenville in 1863; clerk Of Raskin was a in a 1 or Ab- Office officinla there to disinfect tbe plementedL by, an enactment providing Dykes, J. A, Nixon, and G. R. Stoph- from. the Tranavatil A: memorlil service in honor 0A Mr. b lit We tm net bing lots of new laid sell at 21 to 22w, Daily NOWA says ens, Second Lanodshires. L convinced- of -the uselessness of again the peace for the sm-1110 COuteB Novara- bey this, morning and was largely, at. hold fresh, at 10 to 180; NO, 2 at 13 to " Evidence ia aceurbulatl1ag that *General Woodgateo dangerously, atteXtin; to storm Ladysmith, and ber, 1816; created a Q.C., by the OA- tended.* 15c; andlialed at 15c, Ten -case tand,. malls. o letter mail for the establishment of $I Donrinion F. M. Carlton and Lleuta. A. at ra ion below these something beyond a tacit under Rosa�iknd, au. 27.-N tribunal for R�Relstiug in t1109
Capt. of tin ng - their ineffective bow. os a ot xe � settle- tario Government in 1870; became a Ing extate.,between the Boor 0 au- was received here from Spokane yes- ment of such. questions. A, request by the Dean of Wastmin. . I ti., -
W. Forster and J. W, Baldwin, of the bardment, They have resolved to bonoher of the La,%y Society in 1877; It ..gtires. an, t inner circle. of the Afri staff. dam the l0p, rivet some miles below was appointed 'county judge'of Lla� star Abbey that John Ruskin about Potatoes -Deliveries are free, arid kiander Build, Concerning what should torday or to -day, the mail bags being I am happy. to ob�,,erva that the nual
'Capt. It. A. Bettington and Lieut. he buried in Westminster Abbey has. local enquiry rather slow..., Car lots held at Northport until the question her o� settler. Who :havet taken tio Howard, of Thorneyoroft's Mounted the town, hoging to flood the place, coin the same eaK, and served subs- been. declined � by Mr. Ruskin's rela, its sold on track here at 88 to 40d per follow. the ripening rebellion -at , the of fumigation is ettled between the 111ads in Manitba and! Ili the North:- Infantry. and drive the soldiers and inhabitants as judge of Assize on several tives, -who say lit their reply to Dr. bag andat farmers' gons atabout outbreak of the war. Fully 5flou col- Cariadian And American Authorities. West Territories is larger than; in' any out of tLe bomb�piroof eaves, so as to =a. He was a commissioner Bradley' that it was the professor's 4 6 t'6- ., , -out of store choice Orkmal Dutchman have joined.the enemy. Victoria, LTan. 27�In view ofthe Pre and affords conclusive Capt Coleman, tiinperial,Light In- i0c per bag we 5W per baE r. This Boers, Washington, ex' of the succesEf which has -at- expose them to the shall five. Hand. I*ith, otheis in 1895 to nquire into bliwever, believed th'a Valence of smallpox in fantry� own wish to sleep -in Coniston church- stock bring about -Picked jltiplidd ten4old. kutionary Measures have tended. the efforts of, -my Government reda of Kaffirs and huge quantities Of the efficiency Of the staff of the Utli- yard, wbers his remaine, will be later- Beans-Cholce hand beans number would be Ix trorne Prow 'kander Bund'is MISSIXG., timber and sand -bags have been sent veirsity in Toronto. In religion hawall ay. are worth #1.45 to fl.r*, delivered Consequently the. mr, . . been adopted b the olvio, authorities. to ptomote Immigration, and lh(m' Iretorla; to gal. Anglican and- 'often a delegate led at.Pretoria. 1bg 1. captain$ W. F. ElMstie, Hicks, and tkom Jobannesburg and 1 red on Thurad now exe6ra Mayor Hayward tc aaj proclaimed h e greatly-incroased French, Ucond I,oationshire F u- perform the work. td the Church synods. He maxtied in The transport Cymrlo bais'boea sent here, and re-wsell tit $1.60. Oried apples -Dealers pay 51-2 to foutoin-11 that general vaccination is'impera- produotion of the West will, berroe- pillars. BADEKPqWSLL AT. WORM. October, 1M2, a daughter of. the late* from Cape Town to searh for the dis- TL ad here, SATISFI10-D WITH NURSES- tive. Chinatown is also to be thor- ry. abled transport Manchester Corpora- 5a -4o for dried stock, deliver toth, add materially to ths growth of ajor G. A. Cartoal S000rld Royal -��atch Jam's Cumming, and in 'small lots resell tit 6 to 6 1-4c; Field Mhxshal Lord Roberts authoor- foughly Overhauled. All mall for, - the thii trade of the whole Dominion,. A. do, from Mateling says: tion and tow bar heirs. sor Kootenay goes hereafter via the C.P. While the efforts madej to secure in- "All Oell during the past fortnight. small lots, ives of the, As
0 evapbrated, 81-B to 90, in lzies the reprosentati. Y Motagu Wfiite, former Consul -Gen t a R. instead of Puget Sound. population for 'the'tWest have Lieut Power -Ell's' Thorns Croft 0 Have besn pushing but the trenches ' Roney -Dealers quote from 9 to 100 ' ted; Press to say that as a res'll a Mounted Infantry. it Wood, toward's the eriemy's UTO THE IMPERIAL ARMY. eral of the,Soutb African Republic In- di cia ;he hospital service t4us, been successful, much: attention The announcement *of Generr big gaus,and on London, had a Poriferozoo With Sears- per lb, for, 5, 10, or 60 -lb, tins,, an 11, his inspection, of I it ov- s death in the press de, January 10 their 94 -pounder andigh tary comb around #2 to V2.26 per dozen see- nifix9toll 09410ts 01rereol Iles, tions, Ill sug gate T hVre he is perfectly satisfied thi has - woo been devoted to the re-
s, velocity rapp, evacuated their Pori-, Aevell. Jlayo at W4shington, oil 001 skL -gests for tho, BETTER THAN THE, HORSE. patriation of Canadiand who, in less
Baled hay- hng n or t &t the sick ika prosperous times, have left Canada, lVals day. -Not much, 00m, arythlAgAletil d tim,s and retired eastwards of the benefit and earnfod 11ULLERIS TALK. towh, wbence they tire capable.of,11tw According. to a special despatch from wanted home. Xo. I timothy will wounded bag been dolls. Ile s satisfied Tito Ak-luy 11olle proveii of Greater Service Yo will be pleased to learrX that,this A despatch from London,says:-Gon. tle damage A despatch from Kingston says:- Protoria, it Is reported there, that $8,76 to $9, delivered here No. the home authorities are Soding Out afl I& flea.19 o t utir4felk lit W.sir Time, work has been attended with satis-i
Buller read the following from ,the "Have thus pushed the enemy on The seven additional commissions in fourteen field cornets will be exthang" klios to 02,95. Dealeirs here resell #it ull'theI nurses who will possibly be. Ire' The mule used for, the mountain eii-jol-y rs.sult5. f Queen to Gen. Warreft's, force- three sides well out Of rifle shot. the imperial army have been offered ad 10T i0ttrteiblk OrItiAll Officers, about g9 to $9.25 for choice. artillery in, the Transvaal has special A, RAILWAY COMMISSION. "I must express ray admiration Of "Have oveirlod a neW grazing ground :those Members of the sonfor Class of A. regiment of cavalry, was kept idle paled Atraw-Feattireless. Car lots HELD By BOEA(PICK39T., training for stability, It is, his duty my� troops during the past trying for eattit. are quOted� at 0.60 to 46 on track. My, Government, during that racers,
.weak, ally the regiments you ' "The enemy st I Ill have two. a tong fe d - bridles with Hop"uIet. Dealers here quote Whon Spoin KOP WAStik'13 to help carry to high and difficult bits boo, giving its, attention to; the Cadets tit the Royal Military College - at Do Aar for a fortnight, because the n it was 0, -pounder screw guns. subject of a railway commission. Valu, the accomplishment of Cadats McConkey And Vivian D6nik-' only ly ex- Ill
specify, mittons on the east side which we the hdraw., but had 4despatchod -thom e110106 Canada, '99's, at 16 to 18 , , elit by.. a Built plket - of the On- Places the seven yodr arduous wafth." t poultry -Moro eoming''In than the ami, whp welre .4tirpriged, proi I bab This screw gun is so called because able information, bas been, and% io t , Can. bAller addressed the mon. say- hope to shift with dynami o.11 goo, Toronto -, Johnson, Belleille,; somewhere edemand oalls, for. Values about ln our left to ttaCk, flowever, if.is In two parts, enbrweighing W of being, Collected, which, when oomplet. Ing they, ought not "to think beeausis REFUGES IN MnTHUJOW'S CAMP. Neath Halifax; Harty and 'The actions proposed by the DOM- steady. ChIckems job er =Mig to Moir wonderful mobility, 100 pounds, Bazlk half 14 entrusid to ed,'will be Aubmitted to you,, and will they bad retired th%t All their work A despatch from Madder River SayS' Zingsion-, and Caldwell, Lanark. In the ilon Government for the -repatriation -13 to 8 1-90., ducks, remNladOr qt the hill Was Soon a mule, and the two parts are'joined no doubt, receive at your haudsi'tho
was of no avail, _Two refugees, Messrs. Norton and event Of these not being ab allocated Pair; geese, 1 1 the it been possible together in n econd, The carriage earnest consideration wbich the im-
Is to ac- of, the 100th Rogimenib Is to 40 to 6% Por pair; and turkeTsIr410 hold in force. ' Had spas to
They, III. his opinion, had gained Coulter, with their families, entered cept, the oponlaga will be tandered upon by (16 St. James' Gazette. The to Ito. .. ( ( It might have be&'& U.&OAt0l; a, hours Is brought on the back of another mulo portance of the subjct requires,
the key of the void to Ladysmith, I the camp have. The party had four- other members,of the senior Gazette says that the repatriatEoln lBuffalo, Yell, fi.-��Prfng Wheat- , tow,ward, durling the thrt and others bring the -ammunition. I am Pleased to say that our Canal which be hoped to be within It week� a teen horses and twenty milles, all in dat Caldwell has a brother a, Houton- pr6position should meet with no dis. aaylight, when the ld�untllln Tho Mule ham many advantages oval*
Gen. Baiter called for cheers for ills good condition. ant in the first Canadian contingent cotiragernent in BrItaln. Dull; No, I hard, 76c, No. I North- a Ithick migto apd, 401 the horse !,a the present campaign, zyseew obyloebting the oreac AVReS
Queen, and they were given enthuz- Messrs. Norton and Coulter delsorlb- in South Africa. ern, Carloads, 75e; round lots, 74 1-2; was ciovexod b. with the Atlantle seaboard bas been
Vivian Denison, 11; a a of Henry Wireless telegraphy to to be employ- Winter wbeat-o otterings, strong; "ouire ths, whorle hilltop. As it was, eispacialir because he bar, the reputa- domplateA, so 43 to allow vessels hav- lostl6ally, ad thn conditions In the Transvaal and k. craMpo& Position tion of being tibia to hang on to. a Pre, Ing a dtaulgbt of fourteen feet to
T. Denison, who fOv goVdVat years has ad at once on the Dover-CAlats and the No, 2 ted, 72o, NO, A Whit% and mix- the force, as In I,
JOIN FOA AN ADVANCE. Pros State. 1, 71 at of the triangular table, cipitotts pathway where a horav could pas from the hoad of Lake Superior- They said, that the Republican boon toeiiisit at Davenport, Iowa. Be- Volkastone-Boulogne boats from a bi4. 00IM-LOWer; NO. 2 near the, pb
the Royal Military Col- central station at Dover, where a pq t, yellow, 86 114 to 37; NO, a Yellow, 46 land, The MM dug ttrenchost during not, be made to vonture, Except in to the sea. Tbb vigorous and successful A, despatch' from London "ys:The foreati; bad out theft, last oUnee of fOrle enterinE ag, 0, student at Upper wirl be, Crested. Tho,mast OP the I-g.to, 06 8-4; No. 4 yellow, 36 to the night, buto ufortunatelY) Owing mountain climbing, he carries ordi- lAwcouttoin ot those, works by ray iriew feature of t1v strength In the field. - loge Denison W - narily about 100 lbs, although, if well
only important 'a Gen. The porty was not stopped by the Onnada. College, bpttts will sufftee for the otherf on& of 96 14p,- No; 2 cown, 06 1-4 WOO 1-20 " to the dWit-ries, these wore biteay, sit fed, he ,sometimes can take L'goounds, goveki.nmeht, has already attrditod operations in South Africa I Walter' McConkey, tha other rue. the Circuit. Tb6, system will then be No, 8 Corn, 3k; No. 4 coria, 35 84c; anted, jand affoirdW UttIs shelter the atteintion Of tho�v iatevestoil, in occuation of Thebus Boots, 'Though they had a pass from Ivy fire ourodi, in by He not only is much, imr) from dis- wete"
-eat, which permitted them to cessful Toronto boy, Is a son of Mr. extended probably to the Dover -Ostend oats -Dull and lowar; No. 2 whiteo, Against tht lit% transportation, and there' station. The, athouncernolit, hO-;vavbr, Barkly W McConkey, formerly Manager of the boats, too.. 98 1-4 t# 28 1-2o; Noo 8 �rlite, 21r 8-4a, the noeIrs, who. Arrived lin. 19 rab 1aftla- ease than the horse, bat his skin is aire good groulidni for the. hope that 10 unof4icial' . The strength of ills go to Xopjes dam, whi,ch in the Mag- Gust el"red, it W9 eq much thicker that tho,pestiferous
column I& not stated, but it'is Agoura,. ersfoMela beaA Idager, they did act Ralik Ot Commerce at Guelph, Us at- VNITEDD STATES. NI, 4 white, 27 1-40; No; 2 mixed, 96 Ws, Whv% the irs ba,d at least one African inects cannot make life an when ther neeestary facilities for the ad here that the whole strength of the report there, because it wals cart(da t6ndae elchool at Port Hope. 3.4o; Nok, 8 Mixad, 256. RYeXOMLU- fmod'that the 110
�well is a son of the Manager, Ramgay,.of tbei Wabash 0, V"jM.,X,drd,. additional bardea to him. jig Isn,t quEok.twil inexpensive handling of ob-
IsIxtfi diVislon was employed, The thtit. on account of their good conill- Boyd A. Cald ally 60o fW,Wo� I aad 590 for No. 2 gain, on the, bill It*#, d, - and whIC'A nowil lumberman of that name, Itallway am Promised. a definite and track,, good de- 6ftfgIdt, and VTobably altoget6r S!x b4it' 90 fussy as, n horse, about, What ea
tV Ald be Well -k on l be. eata or drinks. His, usual rations ATe, now in progress, C"adian ports
presumption is, that the column is do- n, the horses and Mule$ w( Cadet Koatb Is the only one so far to early reply to the. demand% ot the, emr- guns whro Playing on the hill. Their with Gen. Gat- ized. wand. In South Africa are 10 pounds of grain will Control it mudil larger sibaref of ,ommission In Royal Horeb At- ployas for higbar wages. caga, Feb, O.- laxseed- Orin imapksmen were W
eigas&'to vo-operM6 gortgn ad Coulter state positively (0060 ftatterod 01t0y in or 20 pounds of oat bay, with half an the fwAffI0 of thef eat.
&brls against the Boers, at Storniberg.
Such a, decision would aedm to Imply that every available man on the want- tilletY, as leaves to -night for his It is antiount6d in, New, York) that ovth,Weat ad South- to ill I large unjubars ;11 O#er ill's hill, and'
frontiers of tho two Ropubliois homic In Halifax, to prepare for de* William F. Miller. 0 on V&rtk of the ou.rim of robk salt; that, however, Is OTHER GOVERNMUMT XPASURtS. ,,and f Fraliklift Synal. y, $1.58; te. bar, $1.10; aluth, I-ying, behind therOOks
that the Campaign in, Natal 19 to be orn to Unglarld. eate faMe, has boon located in Canada to arriver aft a to .U.50 bid; ayo kop. e occupied the bighesit polAt when, thine.4are good, and if be, has to McastirN will be introduced ta ro.
left to care for itself, f6r It the ixth in gebuianaiana and Oriqualand has PICrItIrse' Johnson Is 0, gon of the Mayor . Saptem or, 41.07; Octoberf 01.04 a thiN hill, bmt It WAs ribit flat, bxv. work uloog on short rations h,,a is aF4 now and Anicad the existing bankliag
diviqlon (eat Theban, there is no Other been eommandtered and tent, to the of Belleville. and is, under polite surveillance. U1.54, Saptelk I cheerful naA contented about it iq lAWA, to ragulat4, the rate of )nterest f0re'd avatlablo, to turn, the ale, Ift. Boer positions between bare and Xim. 4fter eliberating for over three bid. iing !mthtr 1h1V`bk* 040111 �00 the posiblo. Put blinkers on him, And 116016 upba judguientn re"oveod in
loorle. — hours, the ury, at Albany, N.Y. in the Detroit, Fob, 8oWhqftt-CIO.s6d-'-N0, njorth,orn stvet, w1flob was rake* by
146,70D MEN AT T9V PItONT. V, Iva anci t, whita, egh, 71 l4o� No. 2' redi cash, the yk*t fi I have 6, white horse td lead the proces- 14wo to provide jor the, titk�
X611S Arlooff tbo bills Introduopil in the 0-0,80 Of 'IlliaM X- 01CWTIgh r6l
Addition to Gen, Ellsworth Roy toy# Charged with alleged con- 71 We. May, IS 1-46, July, 12 1-90. FMIW28T VIOUTING, iriOnt and Ile, will go anywhere. Ing of the next decennial cengus, for
thavomentg Gen ''Urtbaut, obielof th6 A despatolt from London. says:- Senate was one by Sonator in AMuggliag -0binose Into the Minneapolis, Veto, 6Wb0A;t-41aU- ghtiog AwAs tho beitter of the, Oleo.
dhpo oolonlJq. bas arrived mt Sf6rk- Th6 first, autberitie statement 'of the ampoworing the Buffalo &Niaigarai ispiracy The fierceat ff istr66M. total British tro6ps Inif guns now In Valle 141160trit, WIwAy` COMP11111,11yo 'Unitea gtattg froift Canada. returned uary, 65 We. UAyt 65 MO; to 65 1-20; to It oclock, d1dThng PAVt8 ig Which G-AWPALDIS OPPRU To BRITAIN, 601ral distritA, to 1%mond thi, orifft-
thd way to Soutlh Afric& wa.% when autliprigad by the Province of 4 vardlet of tiot guiltyL. udge COXIs July, 60 5-80" No, I bard, N 84c; No. I Inat ctulo, find tha lawo relating to
Mt. Spanner Wilkinson, revilswing W Ora I ad. Northern, 65, 1-4c; No. gNorthovn, tilao our men were nearly forced -off �A doal*toh 'r*M 'tome 011ie& i:Vortixiat subjdAa.
Military situatio In tbe'Vorfilnilt priven In the, `ftouq6 of 06miiaons by Ontario or the. Dominion of Canada, to (befoup6ri dlacbargo& the ACCud IalIs (is 1-40, viour-pirst pat6ath, IS.55to the hill. ffbw6ver, Aft6r out gtvns- had olootti Garibaldi, one of th# tions of the Grodtlemen cof t1w Route of emmons,
to Column undetr Gen. Mr. Georgel wyndMiin, the VrOptrty of, any ailway N6ws tome# frols. Prosoula n"rarily siloedd the flimouls Italian patriot, in
It-lciftny Imff deeloled. Thebus Seer6tary td the V6r6go Office. in =1160d in the Provine& of ontittlo. County, Mich., that Xohn SMIth, It Wood Isonond do., $3.25 to 44.461, firt located and te.04h oonsidora. The, Publio, accounts will be laid, bd- ut nl#eQ miles by railway froW the debLtO on he addrems. Mr, To offset the Pro -Boar meeting ro- et(Matosr, formerly of Dotrolt, Stray, ierears, second 40" $2,10, nra" 07ttmyla gtVas, ft of Iming tbe t1611 ot the WVibe rou&r6d by' L-InK. f6" YOU, And Also thn tWmaton. for
sbUrg, wberi5 Qen.Vrenth Is 61*r- WYnAhtA read the following list, Cently UtId lit the, Lyceuria. Theatre, & odawsy from a rived, 6XII any &MV land to tire taw# of Italiam indepead- the WAL119 Year; Which h -,v& bodii
t1g, and, abbut 46 infloo from Stotlla- MeftflOnIng that It WAN OUItk8itt Ot number of or after a OftlUtIl, Vi5b, O.-WhoAt-No. IhArd, bill seetued over. ontortunatelp ends, boo offoted tho, 30ititish GoverA. PTOI)area with, du6 regard to 00,6-Aomy ominent Bufftlontans attaek�dj and eater byj wolv64 67 I -So. No, 2btorthtrao Cash ool* VA�nr.Oentral Woddgtito &tit lit.*,, aII16 Taont to toturnand a n MIX ills rilpid groWth of the- boml&
Sutmtloft, wh6rd tho litosrs op- the Sth- divialon, now bding mObIlIsAd, hold a Meeting at the Tifit Sousa, slid ifimprate struggto. cash, 0or" of' Italia ,a to and the fourth ca,valt1librigade, tiftiltr tidb,,ptsd rewlations of sympathy for stac; may, 67 5-8o; 68 6-8o; No. 2 were both wounded, and the, command volinteors in South Afrioa, Ift.
Order Utah, tLe. -fin, -80. Md to Gem datoote att lbiliiisvo ilobgrts. of North6th.635 No.3spring,595 dovolvoa oft thO 18611fOP OffiMri, Col ...... Honorable Gonflothen of the golftbbl
We strength of Groll, Kelly-xta- is to proceed 'to 0 front.- the Brilleb, A fmd was tarted for t"d Of 1*111iCtISIT19 P0119AMY,WAlI tX- XIIW&'Akf6, V6111. t-Whos,t-No, I one( During the rest
to 'Tim a Shabite tA o, of
gl;,s 601tion Is liat,told, but as that volot and artillery 1006 the relief of the widows dud orpbans 1*116a from tho Hour* of Tt6prssanth- Northern� 67 1-2 to Me; No. 2 do,, 65 1-2 ot thIs do tnor64 reifdree) ntv e ft at your family il.&D of t1le 11oup 0 'I hoUt tO YOU I VOU ought to be tit ro"Me'n(l to YOUr C"Aldcr t10
;jfioier etomandt th6 Stith alVII11011, Cireul&rg tallin'g t1voltat Wasbington,this r6portot this er: No. 1, ts Wr-, tinuail: arriving, W wvth6ke woo .110
of 13fitish soldiers. th4 wbole, of which ba& reitchea ca" 'toe sub.1ortotions to tblis funi'l are W. alAloUtU V006MItIfoddift thlA adtift .9 to rtAm $or a vbry larA* foro6wn tis boin6v to y6mr AW14, 411d 66 s,*.ubJtt.a,,4 I havd w6nti(tadfl, wd ob any 116tal troftA to I I I protebt lidimit iu Ytftr P040tift A44 Jude-
IT6*0 Atid AS tbs" 1#r flol " too 060 out. bola# odo$otl by a "t# iYf *3 f0,50, 411P. Wto 004w*YM 44 swo k0w too thm. it b4*1110 tonel to Wol"th6