HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-08, Page 6MOUS BOER 101..11.% VENOEANO8 FOR WIN LEADERS, pew.. Shute:Mt Iterd. e" nen !rented ey the ' AMERICAN MDLE3 KM TROUBLE. tom.r.g>. tier Or the winkle Purchases MIe MP New Waiter at Boathouse Inn Orate to south etellea• While the British Governraent an.• nounees that it is perfectly satisfied - L. wee which tbe gigantie figure of Uncle with its investment iu Anteriean ttioister Mete Leaders. The favothe Boer method a pick- Rieleunar had it that the lattest UAW YOU TASTIHO everred-killed no- fewer than eleven men-at.4.eras in single combat. While UNLIKE ANY OTHER yet o. third, John Patflet, the fifth Marquia, was the, hero of the death- less story of the Siege and fall a Bas- ing House, Hampshire, during the Parliamentary war. DELL staggered into the reeM. Hie beard .mules, and. will buy I0,000 more men CIS\ LON ? THE UNLUCKY INVADED. lelt* elienet never et es ewe wile, moss CEYLON TEA Load packages. a -sand wee matted with blood and se 0 who have returned here from Cape inittt, more Won to the etaff of the Boathouse acute us n eneti Sof.1 .•aft hag off our aficeq may redound 4 Id ore nd WO.ii work- and a dark blot surrounded a large colony declare that the mules have bawl Virhat people have to Buffer whtn • their adeyantage In eertaiu instancee; ing it (Min tbe capaliity of Waiter; slash the breast of Ida blue shirt. 13 caused a great deal niore trouble lo he enemy invades their country is but, on the other hand, they would end the general opinien among the His face was ghastly pale, and as 0 do Well to remember that the untime- oustomera wa that he course, and, in fact, it is to the inter. eje ilY against a beat° he gasped out, "A Five British. ships are ou tbeir way s was a bulbar. ain even at that price. terrible. Civilians are not hurt, of reeled. into. the room and rooted heav- South Africa then has been reported. BEROES BORN. ly death of a trusted and beloved gad a very ifuw body end very drink, mates; for the love of God, e. leader Is apt ocoatilonally to inflame here, ail of whiell will be loaded with Item oenerejlen. er piebeine Blond 11:14 est. of the invader to treat them well, drink I I'm dying!" short legs; this physical peculiarity item. nor tweak ito.ders• so that be etal more easily get what itoldiers with a eemi-intiaile frenzy, being further anuall entPhasised bY Tiahrly halbf the reoculdred 10,- t be heroes. he vats from them Bet they have glahsit: of brandy was helud (to hbis 000mules.i under the influence of which they Coat which had once been blue, the - Ps, We -0 a dozen voices e w au nut s ave een a rea y pur. me men are min a to give up anything required. A lea - he rolled as . thee -merchant's shop, for instance, will a000mplish deeds that, in chased, and. 00 WAVY a Purchase at They can't help it ; it is in their blood, be cleared of every ineli of lea- aeailantie long tails reaching balfewaY down his he:II/eel° tabetnisearinintee, podgy -looking calvele He wore a frowsy the neat s irit darted new life throu le one time has tient the price of mules ie was the possession of this heroic. may ment he will receive is a cheque on , 1 I like expressioa of wisdom that eyie ., " ti d d t th battle f the Tu ela Rive THEIR COOLER MOMENTS, neouse-ooloured wig and al, bleary owl., el his veins, He pointed to the eihrint. up 020 apieee, England. having to pay ' strain which drove young ,Roherts on. tiler it contains; end pi•obatily the Peae. would have appeared abaolute Y Ut- ing captives. Boys, he con nue , some §2t0,000 mere than expected. . 'MGM Iti et 0 g lafi owu Government, to be cashed dently covered the racist dense stupid.. possible at attainnient, [tee He carried an maple eunnlY tn. . addressing the crowd, °there's u, big , when tbe war is over. AM the broad, - French eohooner The British are buying one speolal er-oniward to his death. Had he sure There are thole wbo think that 'Iht- snuff In his cePa.cious waistcoat poo- loaded down with arms for the Irish put in under Tin, grade kaown as sMall Denies. vived, he woUsid have got hie Vietorie butteremeat, cheese and vegetablem of stormed had not General Synaena fal- from the right pocket, eometimes. from ker's Dale, and 1 auspeot they were The large anineels used on the sager Oross, as his Lattices/40rd Roberts, did a district are eaten up by the vorae- only waiting tor this murderne pair lane Hill would ;ever nave been frets; and, extracting it sometimes item soldiers. Every kind of elothin rand to Ireland agen our lawful Kirig veternmey surgeons aay, not so Vig. have risen to plantatiens in the South are, their before him, He might even, in tinae, . . . .. - . 6 • [ farmer is required not only to suPPIY is seized, atm pteie tor uy cheque. A. len, the left, witli his thumb and finger, soiaorously inhaled a portion and before they went on their dirty er- . , 14101 hi the above an isolated in- *I ; horses and waggone, but may be com- --nog awaY the remainder with actin- -God bless him I -for I seed madam orous and tough, although able to I plied to drive them, perhaps, to dis- h . A.8 HIGH .A RANK, etance, Others of our regiMen t -and temptuous Eire of Ins fiugers that timer a-bogin' at U111 with the lantern, haul larger loads The email mul emote* Mat leo once mei It went it Nola. es, ao, 40, eo &6oc. - - • • E DESI That every citizen of Canada could read this advertisement. Fortune knocks at every niates*** door at some time, Now it is knocking at yours. WE SHOW YOU rown eyyo Cilgt F.7,.,YArrgage,s4p;rot Tit!. without leaving home. The first applicant from each town or country district will get this unparalleled chance. Capital not fleece. sary, for start. For full particulars address enclosing two cent stamp. EASTERN DISTRIBUTING CO., Belleville, Ontario. especially Highlanders -have beep Limners ana glasses in a manner bought by the British are tough ande inwhhisat:hreownefIrlisealb"ad. to do, whe-'; PernaPs he never gets home alive. In tances•of two or three hundred miles, sene a tiny. oloud fl.oating over t e though I did not think. w.hat it meant swift to avenge their slain chiefs, At was that wiry, with more vitality than the till she were beating it into mY Poor . his farm, is likely to go to the Battle of Fuentes' d'Onoro the era with a squeandah- teratteh, He flash it were, sure enough, Billy large ones, and less, liable to diseatie, thew he liked it, or not, wes to be a I ;MY caee, horn. Ho could no naore help it than "bvraok ig :Maya, tncIrtheirt peculiarly distressfal to poor top- ould head I "Three flashes and a 79tli wa oedered to attack the small invariably raet the hroming coacitir Whitehead," he concluded, turning to All those latiught in this country have . le a thoroughbred rac,ehorse can hehe be- lin era thcily13focir hae ras"viii g Y• village from which the conflict takes and post-chaisea, holding teeth to e that individual. been green -that is, they have not a Franca peiva.te 'sooner was observeil Recent upon the superior accomrno a (he last words of. phor Jack Bradley, been broken yet -and, they seem, to to sap eside into a deorway and take time of the "Boathodse," and seldom ejaculated Shone, 'That the words have caused some of the trouble in delibeva e aim ae Colonel Cameron. left the stranger until he had cleated, a meant misobief 'of some kind we knew, al The long, wailino shriek of mingled ver a .reP Y• t at n of mischief it was we eldse. "Three ffashes tiled e flash' were lug swift, cc a mastiff strong. lea its name ; and in the thick of the fight travellers with yeey strong W h • rice. From the. day the shipment b 1 1 after which he at once bu sale ki d .11 I am n turned his attention to some one else. could not make out:" of mules began the British have had at the fall oi their chief was describe He was the constant butt oe the cone- "Gentlemen," said Whitehead, rising ed by a French officer as the .most pany in the "Boathouse° taproom; but and sternly buttoning up bis coat as blood -curdling sound it had ever he appeared quite ignorant of the fact no spoke, "we are •all friends here now been his lot to hear. The men notwithstanding the very personal na- - -leastways all but two -and -I can do waited for no orders bat charged lure of the sallies levetled at him, ; no herrn by Mating that the secret their enemies with swab' terrible fero, "Now then yea old Welsh tup,, ram, order sent down here by Captain Monk city that within a few minutes not a you; sharpen your etumps,° quicken was to keep a sharp lookout for Freneh soldier was left alive within Your pace, bawled a drover at the far- 'three flashes and a flash' NC one the confines of the haralet. The of- end of the room, the speaker himself seemed to know what it meant, and ficer in command of the French- a ghly Welsh that he being so thorou no doubt the same order haa been sent man of fine stature and remarkable could. with difficulty make himself un- to other ports. Uncle, here, and Jim derstood. • Bushell were the only ones entrusted presence -was killed on the spot ; while the slayer of Colonel Cameron The solemnity with which the wait- with the secret outside our own set, was pierced by a thousand wounds, er reoeived the remark caused muoh and they've been doing a sort oe stea- med torn limb from limb by the . hilarity; and as he reaohed the door a little bandy-leggei ostler towelled night ' try -go up and down the river every since. Now, just before I came INFURIATED HIGHLANDERS, his shoulder, remarking in a serious in here Lieu's tCt' h min 0 Wig am march - The death ot Colonel Napier was undertone, but loud enough to be ed up to the "Red Lion' with over beard by the company, "Tell you what, tsventy redcoats bound for Dublin similarly avenged by the Gordon gen- ould master, if I'd a pair of legs like Castle with to -morrow morning's Highlanders at Corunna, This kis men, to your'n I'd out 'em off!" racket. What. I have to propose is iteman was adored by whom he acted more ha the capacity A loud. burst of laughter followed this, that we take these soldiers down of a father than a coimmanding offi- the waiter through the door; and ere the. river in our boats at once, get Der. The welfare and health of his it ended the French man and woman around the schoonez in the dark, and men was to him the first considera- entered the room, the former smiling serve it like we served the two passen- lion ; and at a time when the dreadful away like clockwork upon the coin- gers.' • lash was used wilh unsparing fre- pany, many of wborn were well known di. hearty cheer broke from the cora- quency and severity not a man was .to him. They were closely followed piny, The Frenchmen cursed; but flogged in the 92nd Highlanders from ,rey Whitehead, who, having been re- In a few moments the crowd moved Christraas to Christmas. Little won- lieved at the watoh-house, bad cornett() out, the prisoners closely guarded, der that, when he fell, the ominous thaw his inner man with a jorum of and tJae officers walked in the rear. The bandy-legged ostler and host cry was raised, "No quarter I" rum. Although the svent took placeempre The Frenchman was greeted. good- Johnson- alone remained. "Well," ejaculated the former, "1 than four -score years ago, the men bumouredly by several of the come always thought as them Bow Street of the lst Royals still tell of the signal pany, most of whom,'hoevever, vengeance exacted by them in repara- ed some reserve owing to the presence runners were runners; but blow me if Lion for an aot of well-nigh unparixl- of the lady. This vanished immedia I hat old gentleman could. run for totfee I" "Tnomas," sagely 'rejoined mine host, "Master Weasel isn't 'much of a runner like to speak on; but he dines off -Master Hare oftener than thee or me." ' The whole population of Parkgate, including the strange's. within their gates,. remained on the quays during the night. In the early hours of morning, the sounds of distant mus- ketry, sometimes in the form of an ir- regular rattle, and occasionally in a Solid volley, could be heard by the listeners grouped about the blazing fiees• Byeand-by it ceased, and a young sailor declared that he heard I:hree faint- cheers. • A few hours later, as the "Royal Prince," coach climbed the steep sum- mit of the Boathouse Hill, en route for Liverpool, the driver suddenly reined in his steeds and listen- ed intently ; then the "outsides" tartlet; an attentive ear west- ward, and- transformed • their left hands into the ear -trumpets used by primitivs man. Five "insides" - three ladies and two gentlemen -step.. ped quickly dean the road and rapid- ly followed their 'example. Hearty cheers were continuously rolling from end to end of the Parkgate Parade" and in the brief intervals which intervened what seemed like a faint echo floated in from the west- ward. The dawn began to break beyond e y s oPPe , the distant marshes, and in, the faint fury, • and so terrible Was the yen- g and a thrtil ran through the. room, light appeared a large schooner in tow femme they exacted, and so fearfully for e strange and powerful yoice, end of eully a score of small boats. rowed did they themselves softer in the oper- a.voice., moreover, that theilled with by dark figures with a sprinkling of ation, that the field was carpeted authortty, was suddenly uplated above red uliforme with white facings. Some with dead -'''French and English in - ate the words of the toast half-dozen red-coata. were drawn u leled treachery perpetrated by the ately, however; and a fisherman, far "Killedar"-or governor -of Jahore-' gone in ale, rose unsteadily to bis The garrison of the 'fortress had of- feet, and in a jocular strain attempted fered to capitulate, and Colonel Mur- the lines, "Saya Honey to Johnny,e &a, ray, Lieutenant-Colonel Conway, and The foreigner, still smiling Inver - several other officers entered the gate turably, ordered a bowl of pinch "for to arrange the terms of surrender, his good friends to drink the health of As soon as the party of Englishmen eh only daughter," whorn he had had passed the portal the soldiers of brought over to see the -country, and the Killedar opened fire upon them, who at the remark bestowed a languid and in a moment laid them all dead. smile apon the company, The enemy then The arrival of the foreign lady and gentleman had an effect upon the new RAN FORWARD waiter, For a- moment. Ms slipshod with the intention ef closing the gate, manner seemed to dropfrom him, and but were prevented by a private sol- he received the generous order almost dier, who thrust his musket into the with alacrity. Ile took snuff from aperture. Seeing whets. was halo both pockets in quiek succession, and veiling, the regiment then dashed for- gave a quick nod of acquiescence; but ward, and, without waiting for orders, dropped almost at once into his cue - °aerie() the place by assaultathe eatire ternary listless manner, end shuffled garrison being put to the seeord and from the room even more Amply than the Killedar hanged the same even- before. ing. A.fter .placing the bowl on the table Tho old 57th, now the Middlesex • berdre tne Frenchman, the waiter sat Regiment, won its popular nickname down on a vacant seat at the opposite of the, "Dickards" owing to its valour Aide of the table; but the taproom fra- in avenging the death of its chief, . .. ternity of the "Boathouse' were not Colonel Inglis, who fell in the Penna. wont to stand upon etiquette and the sular War. The gallant old warrier action attraeted no attentiom was mortally wounded by a grape - The glasses were filled,. and an shot, but, refusing all offers to carry where eislderly,packetm.an, rose to his feet and him to the- rear, he remained eegan to expatiate on the fact that, he had fallen -in front of the colters his men to although he was a Frenchman by of his battalion -urging birth, Froggy after all was nu* A keep up a steady fire, and to "die good fellow that some of his ancestora hard." His words and the sight of his blood infIamed• the regiment to must certainly have gone over from Looking down, they saw tho:t the .on tho deck Of the sake:nee, with their this exPloit that there was granted new waiter's elbows rested on the lieutenant, who later on came out of to the regiment its "laurel wreath," table, and a pair of long• -barrelled pis- Waterloo with a musket -ball in his a facsimile of which is still borne on tots were levelled from them directly foot and a captaincy; eta several the colours and on the collars of the at the. headie of the foreigners. His manacled figures lay on the deck KEN'S TUNICS. face was corapletely transformed, as near them. One or two more figures One of the most dramatic eolsodes his keen glance rested on the cower- there wet°, who lay even more Still, ing eiair before hina and was so light- yet were not pinioned. In the Battle of Waterloo was the F. Howard- ed up with, animation that he, was al- As the schooner drew near the death of Major the Hon. of Hy., most unrecognisable. His figure, too, quays the shouts' of the conquetora the "young, gallant Howard" ron's "Wide Harold." This dashing. seemed to dilate, as, without a trace and of those who awaited them seem - In one mig ty c eer. officet was killed towards the close of of the egrelsh accent, there rang out ed to blend h h the fight by a sudden and unexpected the words; The driver's whip -lash described an volley from a French infantry regi- "I, Williatn. Shone, an officer of Bow hieroglyphic over his head, and dart- ment in square fermation, wbereup- Street, call upon all loyal subjeets of ed out with, a sharp snap at the head- on his men, as if inspired' by a, single Xing George bere present to aasist me ers. "Well," he exclaimed 'aloud, impulse charged so desperately at to take into laWful custody the bodies "they have managed that all right; the offending corps that they literally of Jean Colat, who, it appears, is and the Parkgate lads will have more leaped their horses over the heads or known hers as Froggy, and his aceoln, prize -money than they can spend. for Napoleon's soldiers and into the Pace, Comte de Bordenave, who are a Intl" square, causing them to break and wanted for high treason ana for the . • • • fly in the wildest disorder, They had cold-blooded murder of John Bradley, Tiers has always been an Uncle better have stood their ground. how- an officer of Bow Street, from whose lifealor at Parkgate, and, to all ape ever for very few of them escaPed the custody they escaped two months pearances, there always will be, The avenging sabres of the pursuing agone." present Uncle, who related the above troopers. This address appeared tope partly as / eat in the stern of his boat, 'On the same blood-sdaked field, but given from memory and partly ex- watching his thirty-foot mussel -rake earlier in the day, there took place temporised; and long before it was rising and falling in the vasty deep at the famous charge of the Inniskil- finished several of the company had Dawpool, assured me that when his jingo, sup•ported by the Royals and the rushed before the pair, and pinned grandfather "coached it up, to Lon. Scan Greys. Thise-Perhtips the them firmly by the arnas, upaetting don° Mr. William Shone informed him most memorable cavalry charge re- several glaseea in the process. that he had brought. him up to town corded in the annals of the British The Frenchman s.howed his teeth not so much to give evidence in the Array -was undertaken primarily to like a wolf caught in a trap, and the treason case as to witness an exeem exact vengeance for the death of one Collet "turned ghastly pale, andlook- tien at Tyburn in which the eentral man --the brave and chivalrous Pieton. ed as if fascinated at the officer as figures were one Joan Colat and a cer. • Hie own men, mad with fury, had pre- he spoke. thin Frenoh aristocrat. known as viously stormed the French eosition The latter rose to his feet, and laid Comth de Bordenave, at the point of the bayonet, and at his pistols on the table, adding solemn- * that crucial moment the order wad ly as he displayed a sealed warrant to given fer the cavalry brigade to the comeany for a moment, and drew ELEPHANTS 'AN KEEP CAW. out a pair of hattlauffs: charge. • With a "Ay, poor John Bradley, as true a RINGING MEER comrade as ever drew the breath of nul "1.41)" "lit" """"1" 11214.111""" the reginient surged forward, and, life. May God have mercy Upon his 111i Their Work. gathering impetus as they advanced, soul i -murdered while doing his duty, Of the elephant's inarvelous mathe., burst with ava.lanche force upon the Many a ride he and I had together, Entice' precision and ability to count dimordered legions of France. The and many a time have our barkers no doubt can exist in the mind of, any French officers saw their danger, and spoke out together as the honest lads, teed to form their broken companies highwaymen, Stood at hay in the one who has ever visited Mandalay, in into square. Vain effort I Whole moonlight ; hut this Is the first time Upper Ilurmah. There large forests of battalions were mowed down by the we have been upon the track of a teak are culivaled by the government heavy sabres of the fiery Irishmen, dirty foreigner. hope It will be the for building purposes; the squared whm with cries of "'Remember Pic- Mat 1." timbers are placed, and secured one tan l'• rtele hither and thit her, slaugh- .,you olco of gogijohroo n Froggy tering right and left. broke out as the derbies closed around !above the other, till a raft is formed Nor is this strange blood -lust the his wrists with a snap. "Napoleon to float dOwn the trrawaddy for easy peculiar prerogative of the Britieb veyance to various other stations will eat you up soon." dim; of preetioally all other natioir he:Nd.oi hini• indeed!'" rowled White. '":" • redcoat. On the contrary, the sot - *1.4 "You, talk like :ha'penny book Elephants do the whole work. They are infected with it from time to tre with no leaves in it. We've got a lit- convey the enormoue logs down' to the eq,ually With our oWn. At flaxen es, tle one.armed man as% warm his on- water's edge and pile them one above for example, during the Franco - the Bavarians, whose colonel had "ill °Ver bert0 in broken English and with wither-Ishow an inteslligence and interest in ions for him if he tries any pig -kill- .another, both lengthwise and tiorose, Prussian War, there was exacted by . trouble witn them. They packed them too closely oa One Di& the vossela and a considerahle proportion of 'the anirnals died In transit. A.nother lot developed glanders as soon aa they lauded in Africa and either died or were killed; and quite a number of others died from the climate and- in- sects of South Africa, to which they were unacoustomed. But the heaviest loss was oa the Corinthia, which landed 500 of her cargo of mules at Port Elizabeth, No sooner did. the ani- mals find themselves on shore, after being cooped up for thirty-one days on a vessel, than they made for the interior, and the entire lot escaped with the exception of eleven. A re. ward has been offered. for their re.. capture by the British authorities, but without result, and a herd of some five hundred American mules is now wandering somewhere in the interior of Africa. These losses render it quite certain that the 20,000 American mules Lshipped or to be shipped to South Africa for the use of the British Army will not suffice, but a fresh lot will have to he ordered. Of the several hundred American mule drivers who went to .South Africa, all, with one or two excep- tions, have returned. They went to Cape Colony With the intention of re. maining there, believing that it offer- ed opportueities to energetic, and pushing young men, They found the situation there very bad and no pro. petits ahead., so they all took advan- tage of, their contract with the Brit- ish Government to be broUght back hornet and they would unanimously declare that they were harshly treated on the voyage, geling-ineufficient and unsatisfactory food, and being worked far too ,hard. The British Govern-, ment has expressed a preference for American drivers as well as American mules, but it will not get theta. till a perfect eube is formed, They 'As for your Nelson " said the Count . been troachertously Stein lay a . fierd by Cele Of the villagers, what .ng i centenipt--"pooh I bah I" Ile ' their work that seem humant, as any was perbepS, the most terrible re- spat out bitterly as he spoke, . eye witness' oan affirm who has venge in oil history. Not only was , . tie arguition s with dead men, an paces to one side in order to judge of thing found within WAS slaughtered ese are no better," with a Slight - tho offeot of hie work. under eirounistarnieS of well-nigh in- trete um of his thumb aeross the table. If the appearanee of the heap ls esenceisrable ferecity,, A Oulu imp' ;II shrill need three ood stout Park- not quite symtnetrical two elephants 8 0 0 P me w t t ein 0 force the logs oae way or the other thoroughly. "Out of more than two Chester, where I shall be granted a i with their trunks till they get the th011ikind illhithitantS-..-Men. wonten . , Proper escort to London ; but before I desired result: and the+ petfeot even - and children"*saYe ilia Vrelloh oli'. start you ahali drink the, King's ness and symmetry of the finished cial report, "barely fifty were left health in the best boWl Of punch that Mahe are aatounding. They never alive." oug.good hoat johneon can brew." ne •misealeulate the number required for .....4.--,.............-.., threw a Couple of guineas on the eaoh cube, and never overweigh it in nvir USE Mit SMOKE SHELLS. table. :any degree - Stylish troops is mainly attributable without a word swilled its contents ' across open apaces in order to The remainder followed suit i and I tablespoonit of melted butter one.half 'how, gentlemen," aaid the waiter !vvatched an elephant at hitt loading the entire plaoe razed tO the grotind, heerfully, "there's no profit in hold- • and then has seen hirol MVO a few arid &hen set on fire, but every living e t could not have done the work Mere gate lad 1, g th h 14 Otte of the fishermen opened the tat . • ' The great loss of life incurred by the dee window, end, taking tale his glass ' SQUASH MUEEINS. to the charges they have had to make dis- on to the beach. • ! Mix one cup of sifted equash, two t anao f I of salt, one-half' teaspoon lodge the enemy from the ehelteclag the officer, pieking up the bowl, step- : ped briskly across the room and fittng I ea - 11 11 kopje. In order to minimize the death .iu,st the liquor after the rest. of cinnamon and two rounded.table. roll it has been suggested that before a charge takes Place smege "Now, Mr. Iohneon," he added brisk- spoons of sugar. Stir in one-half cup shells Should be tired, .whieh watild the waiters and HUMOR trOM tile oth. of acalded milk, and when tooled add temporarily hide the ploolish soldiers. er apartments, thronged the entrance One Well-beeten egg and One cup of to the taproom, "wash this welt out, flour IblEett with two level teasnoona parrNE 011.A.PES IN WINTER. and brew us A mixture that won't of baking powder. Mit well and add Grapee tab he pruned, (my time disgraee the Xing's health." more Milk if needed to make a thiek 'dating wthter. if the woad VI warited - At this Juiteturs there was a sudden drop better. Fill buttered muffin half full and bake in * quick tor propagation, it should be cut Just commotion among the group and ex0 pans clanuttions of hOrror, in this midst of Olen - before the P.osver0 frosts irrivs, • Canada and England THE SERVICES CANADA HAS IIEN- DERED FULLY APPRECIATED. A Prominent Brno.. stile Eirafriess ND: Pays a TrIllisf e to the Conti Wf nr Canadian InglIttillon in Raglan O. Prom the Elrockville Recorder. One of the most successful busines men in Brockville, is Mr. Thomas Nappy, the well known Perth street grater. Mr. Nappy is an Englishman by birth and the success he has achieved ia business hexe, has enabl- ed him. for some years past to make an annual holiday trip to the Motherland. In a casual converilatiou with some friends in tbo Bank of Montreal, re- cently, Dr. William's' Pink Pills hap- pened to be mentioned and Mr..Nali- py said that if the pills effected =any cures as marvellous as one that had come under his notice, he was not sur- prised that they were so frequently the *eine of conversation. Asked lat- er by a reporter of the Recorder to give the story, Mr. Nappy readily con- sented to do so, and we give it prao- tically in his own worsts. "Don't be disappointed when I tell you 'that the I th' o ate ," said Mr, Nappy. "As a matter of 'fact it occurred in England, and came un- der my observation on the occasion of two visits made to that coentry. Dur- ing the summer of 1898 I paid a vis- it to my old home in England, and while there visited William Ledger, a relation of mine, living at 45 Fitzwil- liam street, Doncaster, In Ledger's family wail a little girl, Lilly, abc•ut six years of age who was absolutely helpless with what the doctors said was St. Vitus' dance, but really seem- ed to me more like paralysis. This child was one of the most pitifal sights 1' ever saw ; more helpless than a new born babe, She could not move a single limb and if the head were turned LA one side or the other it remained in that position until someone changed it. The poor eland had to be fed and lookee after like an infant, and as the doctors had not been able to do anything do relieve her, recovery was pot thought possible. Indeed, I said to the child's grandmother that thought its eirly death would be a relief not only to the child, but to its parents. This was the condition of the child When I left for Canada, Agair in the summer of 1699 I made a holiday trip tie England and to my amazement when I visited my friend Ledger I found Lilly- as bright and active a child as one would eind any- where, with absolutely no trace of the trouble that bad Made ber a helpIesei burden the year before. I told • her parents I had never ex- pected to see her alive again and asked what bad effected her cure. "Dr Williams' Pink Pills," said the father. He further said that re- turning from work one night, be thend in the house a little book des- cribing the pills, left during the day, and after reading it decided te• use then. in Lily's ease. After supper he bought some of the pills and gave the. first to the child thet night. In - few days they saW they were help- ing her, and in less than two months tirne there was 'not a Child in the neighborhood,. brighter, healthier or more adttve. If have heard a great deal eoncerning what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done in this country but this ease coming iinder my own observation is as near a niiracle ad we ean look for in• these days, and shOwe why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills , are so much talked about every- where. Dr. Williams' Pink rills are Jot as valuable in the ease of children as with adults, and puny little 0110S would seen thrive and grow fat un - 'der this treatment, which' has no equal for building up the blood and giving renewed strength to brain, body and nerves, Sold by all dealers or, sent post paid at tOo., it box( or eitt boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' nedieine Co., Brookville Ont. Do not be perimaded to try sonaething .else satd to be "just as good." 'Whet. is a hero; so was his grand- fatheme Hifi mother .and his gra"- DRAPER'S CASEip mother ware both tbe daughters of • " Whet else " oried the man in the street, when the news eame to hand of his gallent end, " could you 8 expect frOm the representatives of such a Taos?" And for once the man in the street was It arias tne same with Gen. W.au. chope, " the bravest of, the brave," for, although his immicliate progenitor,was •mer4ly a quiet country gentlemen - albeit it deputy -lieutenant, for his $' countY, aud jeaties of the peace-nis family had been fighters. for centuries back. 'Precisely the IMMO thing Array be said &Sir W. P. Symons, the hero , of Dundee ; Coaonel Gunning, ,who commanded a battalion of the Kin.g's Royal Rifles, and fell in the same liat- tle; and of Colonel Sheraton, D.S.O., • General-Symon's brigade -major, who lost his life soon. aft-ea:wards. Lieuten- ant lVfonro, too, the young Gordon Highlender who outstripped 'ail his comrades up the ; slopee of EllarEdel-aSure,Palnd eves shot . . 'dead for hia pains, was a' descendant of- the old .11.ghland ehieftaina whose brade was war. . , . • Eveey BAUM . ehrilled with ed- mireition cienen the news eame Mr. W,flaton Churchill's inagniticent. ate flievettnent at the earwig of the 'ar- -- ensation in the Ottawa Valley District Caused by Dodd's , Kidney Pills, tiered Reuben Draper. of Clareadons of Gravel.- P eltielplat lipase WIttob It iltra Kidney Pris Act -Why GionToi 18 Curable by DosliCa PIlla. Clarendon,' P.Q., Jan. SC. -Quite a ensation was caused in this place and throughout the Ottawa Valley, by the puhlicatioa of Reuben Draper's ease in he newspapers test week. Mr, Drap- er is well known about here and . in Bristol and has had many enquiriee as- to his Mire. There seems to be a universal surprise that Dodd's Kidney Pills shnuicl be able to cure a trouble like Gravel, which is eituated in the Bladder. Therefore -the following ex- planation is in order. GraYel Ls directly the result of kid- ney disorder. ft is caused by the (Mi- ni° on the part of the kidneys to do their duty. They fail. to disielve the gritty particles bet eome to them acres pass to the bladder and cling to the walls of that cavity, aecumulat- ingefinally, in little balls -or estones." fe'om the blooil Them grit t 'Pee- Dodd's Kidney Pills, by restoringehe kidneys to proper health; cut off the supply of this sediment and the hied. der and urinary organs, recovering strength on. the removal of tee ceuse of irritation, throw off the. graeel al. ready depoeited. • Mr. Draper had only been.using the pills a week when he was rid. ef stone which, he says, is as large as a bean. In a few days he pissed an- olher similar one. He has retained both, and many people a the neigh- borhood .have 'seen them. „There is, therefore, eti..room to doubt .. that Dodd's • Kidney Pills do actually -cure Graiel as well as the other kianey dis- eases fee Which they are famous, The ease hns aroused • wide interest nnd friends for' Dogid's Kidney.: Pills. are discovered -on all sides. • • ' moured train. And with the admire - teen. was mingeed soinethina of s Leese. in effect, pea& said: e One ex- pects a soldiee to tight ; one is riet even greatly surpeised When he per-' owns, some lierei.i" ace ; St is -ell in, bie *day's woes, ea to speak, But Mx. W.n- ston• Chun:bin was a eiviiian-70. news- pepeveorrespondene, ELS business was to receed the day's evar-do,ngs...Vor this he was paid. ',this was expected of him ; no moire. I"et, ;when the olest of oattleiseated the, veldt, and the shell - riddled train toppled over, to the ac- companiment OL • wounded men's screams, Puctuated by suriekof sheep - eel and apliittor or'• miesketry, •Lought, as Tommy tersely ;pate it, • hoe a demon.' Wily 1' Why, because the, blood of his old warrior ancestors, -the Martboroughs-flo,wed through eis veins, and throe& to fire when death and danger fronted him. Then there is the ease of his- aunt, Ludy Saerth Willson.; She he the daugh- ler of seyen generations oe soldiers, and the wife. of a warrior, Captain Gordon Wilson; noW, liafeking. She also is acting for tbe nonce as a news- paper correspondent. She chose to at-, tempt a two -hundred -mile ride across Ilia, veldt, in ocritor to get her "copy" through, And was taken (prisoner, • 131". • TH'E BOERS. It was a deed that right well be- rtt d the descendent 'of that brave and strong-aninded Sarah Jennings, the first Ducheies of Marlborough, whose Christian name Lady Sarah Wilson has taken. That the ;warriors a the: sea, hand dovvn their fighting qualities ,to their 1 with the ivarriors w o sons, equal y fight on land -was proved -though such. proof was little needed -by young ancestors are sailors almostito a man, Ladysmith, that the Boers had got the range to a nicety, and that it was death) to remain in the vicinity of the big naval gun. "I shall stay here nev- ertheless," he is reported. to have re- plied. " Someone has got to look af- ter. her "-the " her " be'ng,,of course, the gun In question. Scarcely had he done speaking, when a six-inol shell exploded almost beneath his feet, blow- ing aft both 'his legs, and otherwise feerfully mutilating him, " This fin- ishes my oricketing 1" -be was fin ar- dent lover of the game -he exclaimed as they lifted hint UP. It is the smile ell the I-way down the Toil. Colonel H. Stanford, of the C•eld- stream Guards, who fell Modder River, is a, representative of the an- cient and noble house of Courtowa, whose sons learned the art of war, ceintteries ago, among the rfierce clans- men of Ireland's ;western wads, Major Scott -Turner, killed in a sortie from Kimberley, winch he insisted on lead - -Egerton, of the " Powerful," whose He' was warned, on ;that fatal day at ing, although suffering et the time from un unhealed wound reeeived due- ing a previous engagement wits the son of, a soldier. The gallant Colonel Scott- Chisholmo, who was shot dead at the heads of his coreig-the Imperial Light Ilorse-sprang from a etock thnt on the mite, skit), hes bred praetically nothing but ;warriors for nt least a century and ti half, Perhaps, however, the most strik- Ping- exatonee ot the truth of the adage that ". filoixi will tell " was aftorded by, the death of the Marquis of Win - :Chester of the Coldstream, Guard's, at the BATTLE OE moDnErt. RIVER, " tee seemed," wrote theicorrespond. eat of one, oit the leading dailies, in deseribing the incident, " to (bear a Itharmed life during the greater part of 'the aetion. lie absolutely deelined to seek cover, or even lie down, but moved quietly and unronce,rnedly andi fro among, his .men, bidding them lie of gondi eouragt, and instructing them ;vvhere to elm. Several bullets Passed( through the top (of his helmet. Another carried away his shoulder - knot, $A.t last one penetrated his spine, and be fell dead," A. glorious end, wor- thy of the gloriotta traditions, of Llt glorious raec. The late marquis Was the fifteenth holder of the title, and he road. not pine his finger on an ancestor who Iva not been a fighter. One, the father of the firat marquis, left his young bride at the altar in order to gird on his sword against the Cornish rebels, Another, bluff oId Sir John raulet, served, Untler the Duke • of Gloue,eater a.rsainst France lin the fourteenth century, and -so it is BATHER BASIC. Petielopt-Difr. Brown le the meet en- terfaining man I have met for a long time. .A.phrodito*Why. I thought him very ,stupid. Penelope -Oh, yott are mistaken, Why. last night hes called an I / Sue. eedeeti in convincing him that we are now in the twentieth century. Ito was skeptical ttt first, but after listening to my arguments he admitted that he ; was Weaken, WE NEED MORE GRIT. • In a paper read before the Some y far the Pronaotion of Health, we are assured that pure sand is recommend- ed to dyspeptics. The article se-ys: What we ail need, says the gentle dootor, is grit -the real grit that is furnished by the silica the sand. To get that we must swallow a little clean sand every day with our meals. The presence 'of the grit will assist in the grinding process, and our food, instead of distressing us, will nour- ish and cheer us. . . . Sue five -grain capsules of pure sand ;Mould be taken with eecb meal." - • Ideal Treatment for Catar.11 Mr. Robert F. Gray, of 256 Clarence 'etreet, Londo'n, 'Ont., Euvs: "I believe Catarehozone will 'produce a positive sure for- Catarrh. After using it a Lew timee retiel was en essured fact. The disagreeable dropping in the throat soon lessened and the ease! passages beeame tolerably free and the -breath became less disagreeable. Cat- arrhozone is • an ideaL treatment and I hope it will find its way into the Ian s many c . arrh-o-zone es a guaranteed cure tor Catarrh and Asthena. Sold every- where- Trial outfit sent for 10a in stamps by N. C, POLSON & CO„ King- ston, Ont., Proprietors, In 'visiting on unfortunate brother heumatis I N FLAM MATORY, GOUT, 1.1.1h1LIAGO, RH ED MAT' PAFIALYEler-fim-HM A NEURALGIA, Sciefice, Muscueen, Our Method Is sure and has cured thousands -some pronounced Incurable. write at once. Booklet and Proof on request. diddress ThirSWISSeAMERICAN CO., Windsor, Ont., Canada Room To RUN AWAY. No troops fight with a river in their rear if they can possibly help it, be- cause, if defeated, they •would have to cross the bridge, and could. then be cut down to a man, The military,way of putting ,it is, " Never fight with a defile in your rear." And a defile means any passage whicla narrows the front of a fighting foxes. Beware of meat twice boiled and old foe reconciled, for they ore often not wbat they seem to be. To CEDE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Brame Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure, 25a IL W. Grove's signature is on each box, 'Tart words make ne friends; a spoon- ful tif honey will catch more members than a gallon of vinegar. POR OVER FIFTY FEARS MRS. 'WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been Used by mother? for their children teething. It soothes the child, softens tho gums, allays pain. cures wind collo, and is the beet remedy for diarrhcen 25o. a hot. We. Sold by ell druggists throughout the world. Be sure and aels for " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. An empty bag cannot Stand upright, therefore look within the order with whieh yen deeire to affiliate and see if there is anything witbin it. MONTNEAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. Tho " Balmoral," Free Bus kat Hotel Carslakelltreumropoto drilanu. Doornail 0.T.D. station, Montreal. Cleo. Carslaks CO., AVENUE HOUSE--rag-ITZgL,f,Yr5,3 per chm. ST. JAMES' HOTELmqrtataT,t,Deop asow&y. Mut-elm Commercial House. Modern im. siorsiaants-Batas moderate. Ale that drinks fast prays WOW; and leaves naught fOr loved ones. ured Dyelngl Cleaning.1 vii rAMbiallalre..7-1;YwEINt Look for twin( In your town, or sand *rot Montreal, Toronto, ttaWa. Quebec DO yOU want to buy or aoll a farm or other proRertY in Western Ontario, °the Carden of Canada, or /M. change City, Town or other property for same If so, you will 8490 time and ntigrvoney by writiorgprniato ttenefnotirIllsiacunwtornmos.f. properties we hate on hand and full particular* James Burrovis, Manager of The Western Real Estate Ex. change, 78 Duudas Street; London. . In C tar 1:1o. to** &NIL aXnaidbanlardasrPrh5Ozurek 1714"..oix.46 sWel jtem"forlAtrio'ulltiffikoh WANTED -Foram Pattern Maker. also good Itfe; obanioal Draughtsman -permanent proitio with good company.. Apply, Manager, C6 Bruce Avenue, Westmount, Montreal. lAireFC.OPPER, BRAtt Whobefal lonly DIstasta•T• aphelian* HARR. IS. uziLngEi WILLIAM ST. TORONTO. WE ARE CFI:RI! NNVCESTORS .paciai stook, guaranteeing 'ergo dividends ; MOO Itti stalrnent stook payab.e in monthly instalments, drawing cash dividend•, half yearly. • Partres wanting safe and profitable investment should correspond with The Sun Savings and Loan Co., Toronto. Money loaned on favorable terms ; Nona; wanted unrepresented difur:ots ; weans. Michigan Land for Sale. Q 000 ACRES GOOD FARININO LANDS -A RENA() wry • Imo. Ogenner ana Crawford Counties. Title per, •feet. On Michigan Central, Berndt, Maokinso hnd Elton Lake Railroads, at prices ranging from $2 to $5 ' ver acre. These Lands are Close to Enterprising New Towns, Churches, Sellouts, etc., and will be widow on reasonable termS. Apply to R. bl. PIERCE, Agent, West Bay Oki, Mirth, Or J.W. CURTIS, Whittemore, MM. • . STATE OF omo; e ex TOLEDO, 1 LUCAS COUNTY, , Vaasic J CHENEY makes o lb t hat he 14 nior partner of• th..• firm of F. I, CIIENEV & • CO., doing. bwine-s in the Git4 of '1%; Coenty and State aforesaid it nd 11 a ka'd firm will pay the +urn • of ONI6 110141MP:it DOL. LARS for each and every. 0080 of Ceemein thnt cannot.; e cured by the U84 of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANIC.T.' CM MEV. Elwqrn to before me and sntserlbotf in my presence, this 6th day of December. A.D. Intl A. W. GLEASON, 1 ; Notary Pula& • • agar Catarrh Curti Is taken internally, arid 4 irectly cn the blood and toucans surface; • thesYstem. Send for tcstim tniala froe. CHENEY CO,, Toledo, 0.. Sold by_Druggists, 750. Hall's Family Pills are the best. • I . Doing an injury pots you below your enemy ; revenging one iriakes you but even with him; forgiving it sets you above him, mid this is true fraternity. W T C 1009 • - • • 'CALVERT'S • • Carbolic Disinfectants. Swipe, Oint.: meet, Tooth Powder*, eto., have been arrarded,100 tnedala and.diplOmes for superior excellence. Their reviler nee prevent intectl. one diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a awn ot directly at G. , and C.P R. for sh pping. • Fs G. CALVERT & CO • 1 Every bov of Extract guarauteed to give Satisfaction. or °- tummy refunded, Men or women in all parts of Caned* to handle our trade. Idberal emu. mission or salary and exclusive ter- . ritory to -right parties. Goods strict. ly up.to-date and great sellers, Pae ' Oculars free. • Automatlo Steam Cooker Co. 205 C011Oge Street, 'TORONTO. WE ARE OFFERING . 'TO' INVESTORS ' • epeeist stoek, gut rantaeling large dividentli; also afi stalment stuck petal). in monthly instalments, drawing CPA dividend , had early. Parties want(inAgmsafliel"arusd remolds investment 401.1.1a COrreOPOn a with the Bull .vin•a and Lelia Compuny, Ton uto ; inoneyloanedOn. tfariveutrea;bivluArnut; agenM wanted in unrelpresented MAIL Dominion .Lirie 8, POI od, Me., to Liverpool, via Large 'an'd fast ..Steamera Vancouver,. 'Dominion, 'Cambroman.- • p 501-1, t ' pwrii'ds; Second Citgle,3535 ; 'Yilt0e3eMge, &SO 111':1 in. • VOr further Information apply mime' agents, or u"'"°gRAlfgl.'40,4,2NER'sti=i, Farmers Intending to Seed Corn Note This. Mineral :Extract l'I.?!.LegiiTzTvg! tresent crows from picking up corn when planted. 1 ad•14 acres of corn last year on my 135.nera. farm find ad the seed all eolore andhad 'intone stalk destroyed ijiya foir att ell411•11noiotr;•:16argo°4"4rientl ..,.10f 411117 1(1:4 l'31 pleased • watt it that I have taken too ageney for it. rfsnAceri: %evrisshri:t BbAu)1*111't•IO celors 20 bushels, price $2.50 f•large box colors 60 bushel., price 35.00; will be so d for $4.50 if o tiered by Fel) 15tb. Terms cash with ord/r . N o orders taken after E•treli 1st, in'order to get them all packid nd ehlopet1 before NIANIMMOTNIt. • • IINOLAND. I . I Gems:tete' SHEET Odorless., To sand for our • MUSIC CATALOGUE and SFSCIAL RATE ; OF DISCOUNT. Ws , ANDREW KAUFMAN, Fergus P.O., Ont. usic Teachers jilt 1111 III Pall 6"1"11111117egnigt:Alt..". 74 , •A_ TORONTO. ONT. f'D • remember, Mille, Mille A Hates I Vi si IS should be short, like a winter LAvv Bramieters.eto..removed I day, le wealee_Bldge., Mob. mead Mu W.. Toronto. Lest you're too troublesome., basten away. Sausage CasIngti—MI:=1,%tiate HE WON THE GAME. How is your brother, Tommy 1 Sick in bed; he's hurt himself. • How did he do theta We were playing at who could lean farthest out of the window, and ha won. La Tosoana, 10c. 11.151611-6018,111AlatAil Don't misinform your doctor, gout lawyer pr your application blank, "Pharaoh 10o," ••••••ime••••• He that has not got a wife, or certi- ficate, is not yet a coniplete man. viremmarba The "SALADA" Tea Compeny are now inteoduting to the Canadian and American publics a Ceylon Green Tea which is meeting with grea,t foyer from Japan Tea drinkers. It is Simi- lar in flavor to Japan Tea, but is more ddicious and healthful, being entirely free from coloring, and althoilgh a lit. tie dearer in price is more etionomioal to use, as one emund of Ceylon Green tea vvill go as far as one and three- oaquoakrteetr. pounds of Japan Tea. "SAL - ADA" Green Ceylon tea is sold only in half -pound lead packets at 20e per He's gone and forgot nothing but to say farewell to hie creditors -and to hie loving family: OWE EFEtiiin MALT Invigorates and Strengthen& LLOYD WooD, Toronte,GENERAL anater. Speak with contempt of none, from slave to king; the meanest bee bath, and will use, a sting. IllemishessZN"P,'„ Complexion Stntgtr:Stgit: grvt„g:417vF,Icilitv.t.T. •••••••iir • MUM' ALWAYS TRIM Tf T say, said the teacher, the pupil loves his teacher, what sort of a set- tenee la that I Sarcastic, mild the boy. tent BLAOKRILL, a [10., Tomato. Was gee min -reliable at ri ht, pries. DufatuOudguMeggiOsli6R,Sit:torN:4 dead tiAl Lei LieeSne wo 9.a ot yi:aoe 1.1 POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES, and other PEOLGJOE, 4D ensure loot results eau* te The Dawson Commission Co p Limited, dor, West -Market *Colborne at.; Towne, le-ea";1‘.„ ; Closet. . The Above Cut Represents Ono Of Cm , Moat Useful Inventions of the Age I In the Way of an Indoor Closet - I All Who have used this Closet pro. flounce, it absolutely edorless anti medical men claim it to be pereectly sanitary. Hundreds have been sold clueing the paw yearend have given entire satisfahtion. haw Catalogue and price list write to , carters MU Ms lea Cads la • jiffy, r. Tno ononoss crematory Mast Cormium k Os„ Agents, Montreal. TIM MIS MOINES INCUBATOR -Out Mid thsapeot O. Rolland, sots Nt_ent for the Dominion. Send Sot, fer Sikhism. ad fit. Paul Street, Montana OAS. R. ANNETT, mows. Cabello Prayer "ikon Cog Hamilton, Ont. scapulars, KelfslonaFieturee. Statuary, end On ithwatIonal Werke. Mall orders receive prompt *Moe I. OMAR A 00., Montreal. V ',WOOD PHOTO.E.NGRAVI G J. L,JoNtS ENG.C? ---- •--6-•8.10•ADELAIDESeVe TORONTO THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. Ps' ORATEPUL—COMFORTING. c BREAKFAST—SUPPER. 4OHN .1. MAIK, Capt. and Trois The Canadian H Safet BOILER • Esplanade, Toronto ' Spp. Shetbourns St.. •I•www11•61•••• Nigh Class Water Tube Steam Boilers, for All Pressure% Duties and Fuel: I mow POR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. # rtrelelantrg!Altte.14".d. MINN lat,Watragagibleirkiattle. Co. Tka Wilson Publishing Oo., Waited. elltamsata. Were tellers yrs be swan klae • (AD or ANGIE RI S PETROLEUM EMULSION A most efficient substitute for cod-liver oil, pleasant to the taste, and a,greeing with the moit sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians ht the treatment of all throat.ind lung troubies, and— if results count for anything --almost tto = limit to the good it can do. „, c 4" -2 SACCO!' bottle thelled th any address be tatelpt of IR Cent* to COW' postage, Angia Chemical - Co. tP.Iiifetz.'" Tomtit° r••••-••••••••••••••• 1