HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-08, Page 5FEBRUARY 81 1900. THE CLINTON eteellil.1400111000-011004111010,000o • • 1 htfeot Emulsion 1 • • 'I of Pure Cod • • • I liver Oil • • • : • • It contains 50 per /era. • .7' to of puxe Cod Liver Oil, the : : exact amount of Hypo- : :phosphite vf Vine and ; : ,Soda, and is agreeably ila ft : vored. CoclLiver Oil :lour- : : the s all wasting tissue. : : soothes all throat a,ffec- : : tions; dry imeking cougbs : 47, soon disappear whea it is : • used, M a remedy it can : 6 : not fail to „live the best 10, $ results for only the purest : • : and fresbcist oil is used in ; so making it. • • : Regular 50e Size 1 for 05o at • . • • . JACKSON'S f • r . • . . • Prescription Pharmacy, Phone 2. • • • . •••••••••••••••••••••••••• i • • HOLIDAY GROCERIES • We can bave confidence recommend. 'the, WHITE SWAN Flour for holiday baking. It is cheap • flour only in price. We have renewed. our stock of Groceries and now have a big supply especially good for the, Holiday season. • 0. OLSON: $':OUR" I WATCHES - SAre guaranteed "to $ # go" - not only correctly, # but permanently. Perfect Wortmanship and *nicety 1• of adjustment are the first requisites we see to,as re- gards the inside of our # pocket timekeepers—as to # the outside, that is purely 0 a matter of taste and ex- pense. If you have thought 0 of a ladies' or gents' wateh # in g31d, silver or gold -611- # is. ed We are ready for your # # trade --ready in a sense. that # that gives lasting satisfac- # # tion after you have inade $ # a purchase. A,i.1, GRIGG Jeweler and Optician. LOOS - We want Logs and Bolts of all kinds suit- able for Headings, and are prepared to pay the Highest Cash If you have any Logs to Sell IT WILL PAY YOU to enquire our prices before taking them elsewhere. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Statements Preseuted by Wleahaw 60 41 31 28 the Moen Collestates. Begorth 03 00 0 8 _ Ifollsekeeper wanted in a )311601 family. 4.1 dress lioX S. Clinton lx,o. Jan. 3r4. St* swan • • Tho following statements were pres- wrozetee 08 22 9 8 • en ted to the county council at its re- Fordwich 15 88 0 e.entseesion by the Collegiate Listie COW FOR SALE, 00000 0,0. tUtes of this county Total 292 210 • 110 87 19 CONTINUATION Oratelege. The following schools received grants for conducting continuation islassyti NEWS-RBOORD. 4 2 5 GOVER1011 COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Cowjust calved for sale. .4161) Tlaorobred Jersey 111014m sale. JOHN notAtus, Ilnrou Road. Jam 24th. Clinton P. 0. ••-•..•,••. • • • • FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale lot on the 13011,P4 "nget3It'aelle? relYVIA IttglIlt7(15 04, .s egr 7,1 tivaUon it Mites front Bayileld. Will be sold •G'i th 8. 0 st- tionlars apply on di:promise. s W Qt.Q.TOTINSTONE, 2m* Jam 16th. LOGS WANTED The undersigned will pay' the highest cash Drolgo157.10Ss delivered et the Clinton Oigan W. DOHERTY Sa CO 01141011, 4.04, Vali; g .st C. COTTAGE FOR SALE .9.,. .,. The cottage and property belenging to t le late. Vin, Metllinohy. being lot No. 4, vvost side of 11 Isaac street: in sub -division D of I, flatten bur , by .g. survey. is offered for sale. At presont emu*, • go. ' co by It. IL Chown. It s a tom oi a e an i e .0 tAt situated property,and will be sold. on racism, able terms. Apply te JA1V1ES SCOTT, Clinton. „, g tt:•.v1 g1, 911-3 k:4; i 71' T, '4e0 g a cc; or PETER DOUGLAS, Blake. Jan, 16 ,,,.• HOUSE FOR SALE. ' .4t -rit Eil F01 ,. .._ ,,,_ ____..1 . ______ __, ..,.. ________,, c,.•• g. g . The subscriber offers for sale his house and 5 101 011 corner of Rattenbury and RaMan streets. 4, Clinton, A.pril 131h DOHERTY. . FP ie• ti a) - el• , . . . . ,. • . . ai E• -I:1 , til FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STOCK. EE 4.. ,-,r . )-1 ' There will bo kept at lot 31, con. 6, Hallett, for the improvement of stook a fins Chester ,„• a boar. Terns*, 81 to be paid at time of service _Wits iz - tIcit with the privilege of return to hog it necesserY• i• ---e:: • W. J. eicBR1F,N P Summerhill, Dec. 9th. 8m* • HOUSE FOR SALE. ..... . On Victoria street, Near Organ Fac tory - 0 IN70:3 I.V.,,r,,t in $300 will buy aroomy, comfortable house with 4888 x5s 1-,:, good lot. -the iwopert recently occupied by maieh t,11. , W. BRYDONE, Barrrister .60aos0 rank tipshall. Apply to • • ntrir_leign , LAND FOR SALE. Oa Ok The undersigned offers for sale that desimole -4 • 0 - ka_, — sixteen (16) acres of land south of the London tR5e8-0 ...a; Road Bridge. It s a beautiful site for building and will be sold in one piece or in lots. MY • reason for selling is that it is Coo far from town to handle myself and it deem t pay to.bire help 01) sll Tac.11..,-c,11-, 11,9 eew : .7: „{,e4124 F -L014161 ,.., • riN iD ,4 et,* * Iill' ▪ - 't$0 2 40 ▪ oT 0 0 O r) H fia rl• ti g...teli) r4 ,I4frig 0 E .ea.8328sp . bg.'g 0 E9 'a 14,.<9.en 1,•• 4:1 '-' 8 ir4' i.- 1- .0 8-1-Iti 1,-,M81 0 r0 oat CO . pais A. COUCH, Clinton June 20th. 1 1. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT. OF STOCK. The undersigned will4keep for service at Lot 22, con 16, Goderich tOwnship, the Shorthorn ' Bull, Captain Marlow,registered (29784) in the Dominion Hord Book. Terms, 51. Also a Canada Improved Yorkshirollog bred Ivy the Ontario Agriettltiwal College from the sire Favorite,brect by John Hord 4Son, Park- hill. This hog is registered. Terms, 51, to be paid at timeof service), with privilege of return mg to hog if necessary. . • . CHARLES 13AXER. Jam 20th. , TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE _ • The Subscriber offers fer sale wverY desirable - property on Isaac street consisting of fear. lots. upon Which there is a comfortable) frame house with kitchen and woodshed. attached. Thera is a good stable and a Bret -class well of water on promises. The orchard, consisting of gropes and apples, is a good one. The property will besoid at a:reasonable figure for cash. or i.eash and. balimeo on time. Appy to the owner on the premises MRS: JOHN JUNOR Clinten May 91h. SPECIAL •NOTICE Cash prices until 10th February next. 7 bars good Soot), 25c Extracts, 8c per bottle Laundry Starch, 7c per lb. Corn ,Starch, 7e per lb. A lot of covered baskets •cheap to clean out, Fair's Breakfast Food al- ways on hand. Highest price for good Butter and Eggs. . G. J. Sil'EWART Jan. 29th. • HOLIDAY We ask you to try our Rai- sins, Currantand Peels. Our stock is new and good, •11,1Sh what you want for Holiday -baking. Exeter Flour for . liOliday Pudding, There is no better Flour made than this and none better value for the money, For Fresh Canned Goods try ours IL & J, IVIRSFORD J. W. HILL Stapleton Salt Works, , —. A STRANGE EPITAPH Jan. ard, 1000. - - e 3 W. JACKSON /WONT 0, P. R. CLINTON Travellers to any part of the world should' consult the above in reference to tickets, fares, etc, W. JACKSON - AGENT O. P. R. itCook's Cotton noot Compotind. ts successfully WC, monthly by over 1o,000Ladies. Safe, effeettutl. Ladies tisk your druggiSt for lioalet Craton Root Cow pound. Take no alter as ell Mixtures, pills and hilitationa are dangereue. 3rleo430e. 1. ti nor 't• x1/0.13,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. kto. 1 ,r 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 11.eent f Mane Tho COOk•Oompauy Windsor, out. ggri-Nos. 1 and 2 sold and reeommended by all responsible Druggists 1110401nd', No 1 arid No 2 se2 in Clinton by Sydney Jackson, Drwrgist STUDiiii iiiii—TTEO ATANYTIME. 7.2 /1/1 a .1 ./AP " STRATFORD, ONTARIO, 95hool that Wilms adventages not found elseWhere 16 Canada. Largo Ptalr of export itstruCtors ; increased attendance; up -testate btu:meet training i eeorce of students placed into good paying positions, students in attend. onto who come from 'placenta which areiocated other htlelitess colleges. They want tile best. Ithays in 111tO118, NOW 101,110 WOW 090. r,n101, nastier) ae pestered. 'write today for Otir hand. °vie ptespectus, W./. ELLIOTT. Principal PeOre. AO. Vo66.11 rtotivtodittes th. &eat ,pnritim, poualb 1101d and reeommeneled isT ereggiste tombs, only reit able niedieine discovered. Sh • Paws puritaigred to elite aY. o Set WotilmeaShali ofteeta at abase 62008for, gnat Welly, EiteOtAIIPO auk Witco. Opium eeethetesiite, ati receipt at Drift, ono voltam si. six, SS. Om toStffletise, Sts WU cuts. xmlipulstS free te arty addre06, 'The Oituptilit,WindiloryOrit. Wood's Plaisahodine, sold in Clifitori by Iither Jackson, amnia IMPERIAL EMULSION • rout{ d On a gravestone in a village churchyard in Sussex. England, reads :.-"It Was a cough as carried her off it was a coffin they car- ried her off in." Now bad the vir- tues of our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil been known and the prepara- tion osed in this ease, that epitaph might never have been written. 'It le well known that Cod Liver 01116 tineqUalled in the treatment of allaffettions of the throat and lungs, and Cotnhe's Emulsion is a preparatioe of Cod Liver OR in its palateable end agreeable form, eas- ily taken by the most delicate per. Sons. It contains a larger percent, age of pure NOrwegian Cod Liver Oil than mostof the largdy adver- tleed preparations. Large bottles 35 Me, Balm In 88ne7, inspector Tom's; ItepOrt. Wingham $1190 $100 Brussels 513 50 Bluevale 60 60 • Blyth 60 60 Gorrie ' 50 50 • Fordvvich 25 25 Ora,nbrook 25 25 L dbu 7 • 25 25 • Orange 11111 25 25 S. S. No, 9, Turnherry 25 25 S. S. Isla, 4, Morris 25 26 In addition to these grants $155 was earned by twenty-four other schools for passing pipits at th e public school leaving examination. . The total Leg- islative grant received was $005; this together with a county grant of $450 made a total of $1,0%. The amount for 1898 was $1050. .DEPENDITCRIV, EtTO, N e • c -61) • ts •••••• 4V:$ ti 61 • •-• 43 O; be 41 to 0 ge • ki n0 R 4r1S moo $58,209. $48,921 8910 4762 534 1897 67,945 • 40,331 7528 4410 584 1898 50,561 39 084 f5948 4104 604 1899 53,924 88,078 6715 8944 58i In ten yeers the enrolled attendance has fallen off one quarter. The winter 01 1800 being very severe and stormy, there WO,S a falling. off in the atten- tiance,particularly in the rural schools. MISSIONARY . CONTRIBUTIONS. The following figures are • culled from the annual missionary report of the Methodist church recently mired and show whab was raised for missions by the different Methodist churches of this county: - 5290 88 Victoria 81..1 • °11'l$'°11' atatat,ANitt..).'. ... . .. • . • .. Godlrieh, North St... g b;aokso:be • Rolmesville. 31238 ?.11; " • Sharon 1 t • • • • • ..... • • • • ....... ' ' ' ' 1.20 enezer 70 26 73 210 21 411. 44 8,4 . 13 62 43 111447361 437620 Seaforth frt. The following is an extract from the report presented to the county council by the Inspector of Schools for West Huron RICOEIPTs. Balance from 1899 $13,352 19 Government grants 3,670 51 School taxes on property 48,522 82 All other sources • Total •. . $69,272 99 Exemeprrunits. Teachers' salaries $41,063 04 Sites and buildings 2,83902 Maps, globes, etc. • 617 60 Repairs, fuel, caretaking, ete. 11;122 60 Total $55,672 20 Balance carried to. 1000 • $13,601 73 TEACHERS AND SALARIES. 1891 1899 Male teachers employed 65 • 57 Female teachers employed 61 77 veragesalary paid former $409 $371 " latter 278 257 Certificates, first-class 2 13 " ' second-class 47 60 third-class 77 ' 60 In fifty department a change of teachers occurred during the year and four of these changed twice. aNTENnArteu AND masemedefirox • PUPILS. 1891 ,,1890 Number of pupils enrolled 8112 7061 Average attendance 4551 4379 Percentage of attendance 56 62 Pupils in I. class, part 1671 1109 1% 1510 1446 1, " 11 1781 1642 1165 954 41 1442 1423 443 7 JS V. The percentage of pupils in the higher classes has materially increased since 1891. s. gNza,A NOE AND P. S. LEA -VINO EXAMINATIONS. 0 Entrance P. S. Leaving a) *el w , 0 00 1,0 Hayfield 16 12 0 5 1 Crediton 23 15 • 5 5 Dungannon 20 16 11 8 3 Exeter 4/ 42 •25 22 3 Goderich 68 58 19 13 6 Hensall 18 11 12 11 •Kin tail 22 17 6 3 St, Helens 11 7 4 4 Zurich 25 10 0 8 Dungannon Crewe Nile • !' Ebenezer • " Sheppardton Bemnin"Bethel 11 21 ‘," wBealstlitia • " Donnobrook ' •Walton sea• m) Provionee Lendeeboro Au urn Einburn Tuokersmith- 141 75 23.00 11 76 61 85 • 21 24 528 88.97 6944 53 06 86 90 14 37 70 10 130 31 66 18 56 38 012,008. CARLINE. Olin tOil on February let, Charles Carline, aged 63 years and 8 months. LITTLEFAIR.-In tucknow, .1413, Sisi, Archibeld Clayton Littlefeir; aged 4 year, 10 months. Bentniller on Friday, Jan, 26th, Mary Moltey, relict of the lete Donald MoXay of Goderieleaged 85 years and 10 months. CREIGHTON.-On Jan. 25th, at the residence of her soielielaw, W. Geo. Bilton, 48 Huntley street, Toronto, Elizabetlerellot of the late Samuel Creighton and mother of John A. Creighton of Brussels, in her 89th year. CAMERON -In Luoknow, on January . 26t11, Alexander IL Cameron., father of .7. IL Cameron, Principal of Brussels public:, school, aged 69 years. BROLW0Nuc-a IBnrAolwitno,lieallgoodn t5h8ey30eathrsj,an1.9, days. an 21 aofinf AaudrNrr51..-In e hb Thos. eaga. e adoptedoen gthaegaged 811yearsjndaughter. Cuiroes on Tan 170, Geo, Roes, aged 65 years. BALIC.WILL,-In Exeter on the 28th Jan,, eartherine Armstrong, be- • loved wife of Win. 9, Balkwilliaged Harriet, Elizabeth, relict ot the lata 28th, Mrs, John Johnston, aged 100 4y2eayresa.rs, 10 niontlas. JOHNSTON,-In 'Dungannon on Jan, PENHALE. -In Steeilien on Jan, 29th, John Penhale aged 59 years. TIANNA.-In Morris, Jan, 291h, Van Render, son of' George and Eliza Hanna, aged 2 years, 1 inon,th, 9 days., WALKER. -1u East Wawanosh, Friday, Jan. 25th, Howard Holmes, sou of Elisha and Martha Walker, aged I year, 7 months. A Shining Star. The strides which the Toronto Daily Star is making are the feature of news- paperdom • in Canada. Within a few weeks it has been put in the front rank of oily dailies, It has out away from the Torontotradition about afternoon papers arid has enlarged its size and the aoope of its news so that it is now on an even keel with its morning con- temporaries. Its splendid special cable servioe is a costly feature of the paper's improve- ment. In London, New York, Chicago, Boston and Washingtoi it has he own correspondents, as well as in the chief 'cities of the Dominion.. In war neWs The Star has forestalled its competitors on many important oc- casions. 114 11 15. correspondence from the Cana- dian contingent in South Afrioa inoludes 2010 SOille of the most interesting 'letters thet come to tell the people of thie minion of the trials and the gallantry of our soldiers. Seeing that the markets and ex- changes in the world's great trading centers are all closed before the atter- noon papers are printed, it has been otte of the unaccountable things that the morning papers should ever have been looked for and waited upon for their Commereial and inancial pages.. The Toronto Star takes full advantage of the time of its publication at 4 (Voice* in the afternoon to present full and reliable reports from all the trad„ ing centers, as well as the .local ex- ohanges. These reports are published fifteen hours Awl of the morning papers. ' • ' • It has lately engaged one of the best drawing cards in the newspaper busi- ness in the'person of Sam Hunter, the tartoonist, who went over this week to The Star, whose front page hereafter his humor will go to enliven. .Another addition to The Star's staff of more than passing interest is the engagenaent of Mr. Joe Clark, “Mack" of Saturday Night, The Star's management are going the way to make the paper the most readable in Canada. ' • 12 25 11 92 8086 127 49 32 71 160 20 ' Turners .6205 ' Alma, , „ .22 21 84 26 Dayfleld. -, Coles. , ..... ...... . ... 17 75 ' "Bethel45 26 '63 00 Varna ' 8370 Goshen..., ......... ...'72.76 ' " Brucelleld............ 15 00 151 46 13". el''it'l,g101881t ., ... 287 99 255 87 Her'iPali' Bethesda " Sexemith. . 83 81 53 63 FEothrdewl Joh Brincsels. . . . "%Ingham . iirIchrizt . , . , , , 3, 1 08...30993 8064 26 85 15 25 • 8 90 61 00 , 98 12 164 86 Xip.R,en. a . • ' " ' • 16887 5380 Gorrie. Wroxeter, Bluevale.., , 128 72 Ashfleld- . Blake'ss• to 52 168 52 2041 Haekett's 19 69 Zion •34 81 111 71 The Farmers' Institute meeting Wed- nesday was a marked success, The per- formance in the evening wasup-to-date. The electric light' leaves the people in the dark sometimes. • The new dy- namo will soon be here and then we can look for a continuous light time. . Mr. Donald Burns, Henna% is push- ing his business westward, Ho is try- ing to get his machines introduced in the weat if te can. Misses Holtzman and Laurerns are opening up a dress and mantle Shop n the Merrier hlock. T. Holden ofthe Huron House intend shortly to take up his abode in Exeter. He will be missed at the Brick. Mr. Charles Hartlieb will soon have a fine display of harness on band. • Zurich is the place for opposition, hence great bargains in all lino. •. MARRIAGES. 3�eLENNAN2t31oLEOD-A5 the real - denies of the bride's father, on San. 24th, by Rev. Neil Shaw, Mr. Alex McLennan, to Mies Effie McLeod, daughter of Mr. Murduck MoLeed, a alio( See.forth. 2 ANDREWS -MITCHELL--At the resi- detoe of the bride's parents,on Wed - 1 - nesday, Jan. 31st., by the Rev. 9, - Salton, Mr. Sidney Andrews'of El - *250 197 9779 17 imville to Mies Mitchell, of the 3rd The number of pepils of this inspec-' oonoeselon of Ilicidulph, torate who passed the II. S. entrance SMITH- HEYWOOD-In Henn.% 'on WAS 204and the P.S. Lomas 84. Jan. 255h , by the Rev, Long,Mr.D. In 1900 the P. S. leaving examine/ Smith to Mies Annie Heywood,beth tion siell be held at the same time and • of Exeter, places as the high schoolex no in at lone: BEATTIE--MUIR -In London, on Jan. The papers will he sent to Toronto to alst, Mr. Sadiuel Beattie of Duihana ; •formerly of 11 see's, to Miss Min- nie Muir of' ndon. STONE-MoRAE-At the residence of •-.• be examined, • • inspector Itobb's Report. . the bride's father, Brussels, by Rev. The Inspector for East Huron pres- John Roes, 13, A . , Mr. Chas .J.Stone, ented a very complete report. to the of Langdon, North Dakota, V. S., to County council from which the follow., Missjessie G.,daughter of Mr. John ing figures are taken r- McRae, of Brussels. TgAcrigne.SXELT011-CTIT1113ERT.-In Meths, at Of the 123 teachers in this divisien 58 the residence of the bride,e are males and 65 females -a decrease of mother, lay Rev. Mr, Davis, Mr, one malteteacher. There are 52 males ' Robb. la. Skelton of Elea district, and 38 females teaching in the rural formerly of Morris township, to schools. During the year there were Miss Susan Cuthbert. sixteen changes of teachers and twenty liT,HITE-HOUGHTON, -At Dungan five at the end of the year, or forty- non, by Rev. 33, L. Hutton, Wed - one in all. The average salary paid tiesday, 24511 Jan., Eimbre G. White '357 ; in 1300, $352 ; in 1801, $334.60 ; in Lavinia Houghton ef the village of of Malahicie, Elgin county, 50 Miss Dungannon.. during 1800 was 8814 10, a decrease of 10.40. The average salary in 1800 was 898, 324,50; in 1809, 814.10. The aver- FOWLIP-ORAIGIBX-At the real - age salaries for the last three years donee of the bridese mother, Gob - were as follows; ride on Wednesday, Ian. 3Ist, 1807 1808 1000 1000, bY Rei. Jas. A. Anderson, B. Male teachere in A. Andrew Andereon Fowlie Of rural SectiOns $358 $340 123340 12 • nuke. to a lassie Ano Only dough. Female teachers in rural sections $259 213 03 210,92._ ter of the late Alexander Craigie. Male teachers in LAY -CAMERON. ---At the Maples, IViltagteachers es an 487 525 Goderiob, the reeidenoe of the Female bricle'e mother, an Wednesday.jan. in Villages • 242 245 252 85 Met, 1000, by Rev. Janne; A. An Male teeichers tlereon, B. A., Mr, Harry M. Lay in towns 800 783 34 ° 783 84 of the Bank of Commerce, London, reunite teachers te Margaret Gale, third daughter of i t n 300 812 NV 85 h I te 1ton. At 0 Cattlergin late I) S t a• The township of Tuekerswith pays LieUteriant Governor of the N'orth- its male teliehers the highest average West Territories. • saIarr in meal schools, $415.72, rind la Jamww, OVOCIS p o orr aS e unique • -cash ,e Jan. 30th, Themes tinction of paying its ferric& teachers , It an M. D.' of Seginere Mich. to -"Deeds Are Fruits, Words are but leaves." It le not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does that tells the story. The many wonderful cures effected by this medi- cine are the fruits by which it should be judged. These prove it to be the great, unequalled remedy for dyspep- sia, rheuxnetistn, scrofula, salt rheum, caterrh and all other ailments due to impure or impoverished blood. Hood's Pills are nonarritating, inild, effect', e. TO CURE A COLD IN ONEDAY . Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the uioney if it fails to cure. 25e, D. W. Grove's signature is on each box. . "Erampk Is Better Than l'Pecept." it 4 not what we say* but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that felts the story. Thousands of testimonials are examples of what Hood's has done for others, and v.)fiat it wilt do for you. Dyspepsia - was Weak and had feintiog spells. Dyspepsia and ineligestion in severe form troubled me. rive bottles 01 /loocl's Sarsaparilla made me well and strong," Mss. WI916.66Nerawu,ximiniacee Whitby, Ont. LA 000d Medicine - "We have taken Rood's Sarsaparilla in our family as a wing medicine and used Hood's P111. for biliousness and found both inedielne4 Tary greeure, For impure Mood we know Media Sarsaparilla is a -good medicine," R. SI, rumor, publisher Bee, Atwood, Ont. ec 7rfeurt tills cure liker int; the non•irrltatlng ltd 421' cathintio to t e with IloOd's bidet by Waite & Co., pruggists. General Service Medal. There seems to be a nabiapprehension respeoting the medal now in course of distribution to those of the militia and She regular forces who served during the Fenian raids and in the Red river expedition. Because tio many of the 1860 men are entitled to receive it, and because the statements in the press have been rather misleading, most peo, ple believe it to be the 1806 medal. It is a "General Service niedal" for Can- ada, and the several oecasions for which 15 1. now bestowed are simply indicated by olaps, viz., "Fenian Raid, 1866" ; "Fenian Raid, 1870' ; ''Red River 1870" . If the recipient was in only one of those affairs he is of course, only the clasp for that ffair ; if he was in all three, he is given all three, • . To Be Prepared For war is the surest way for this nat- ion to maintainpeace. • That ie the op- inion Of the wisest • statesman. It is equallytrue that to be prepared for i spring s the - best. way to' avoid the. peculiar dangers of the sieason. This is a, lesson • multitudes are learning,. - and at tbis time, when the blood is sure to be loaded with impuritids and to be weals and sluggieh, the millions .begin to take • Hood's Sarsaparilla, wnich purifies, enriches and vitalites 'the blood. expels ,all disease gernie, creates a good appetite, gives strength and euergy and pus tbe whole system ina healthy coudition, preventing; pneumonia,, fevers'and other 'danger- ous diseases whiellare liable to attack e weakened system: . . • 0,07- " Aaron Sear; a, farmer of Stafford. drankcarbolic acid by mistake arid She dope killed bine • • * Fire started in the baseinent ' of F, A. Oarpepter '485 Co.'s hardware :store at Hamilton lest night, and at mid- night was still burning. • , . Mr. Wni; Bennington has heen• ap- pointed preventive officer- of customs at A.Valpole Island. For Over Fifty Years Mris.Witestow'S SOOTIIING SYKUP luta hee4 used by 'pillions of mothers 'for their children tEtPn4.Zdlsturbcd Aty116:14n tolt; i;J and crying with pain of Cutting_Teeth send "iv 'once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth. ng Syrup" for Children Teething., It will re. liove the poor little clatterer imenediatelY. De- pend upon itdnothers, there hi no mistake about itu4rtgtho' Pt°93! andgels euro. ol,fet4 Gums, roduCosIn dammation,,etisives tono and :aierertff to :the whole system. Dire. Winslow's ng Syrup" for children teething is plea. LA to the taste and is the prescription of ono of tho oldest and best female physicians and purses In thcl.lhilted _States, Price twenty=fivo cents bottle. Sold by all druggists thr,flugh. out the world'," Be sure and ask for Mrs. IIISLOW% SOOTHING SYRUP. _ I L STOOK -TAKING BARGAIN 1.18-r Saturda.y,Monday (Tuesdqy .Feb..70.th., 72.M...:and 13th ==X=xxxxxxx,===e,,,C=Ocxx000c This sale is for the purpose of reducing our stook before stock -taking. There are lots of odds and ends, some goods slightly damaged by transportation., b.andling, eto., but all lines are GREA.T ITA LU.E as in some cases prices are cut in two and it is only ne- cessary to see the goods to know that they areBARGAINS. • Clubbittig ffers, The season forrenewingeubscriptimis has come again and we present to our patrons the following Clubbing • rates. • Weekly , Mail and Empire and INTRO'S.. 11ROoRD • . .. 91 70 INV °arta. and 11:111pirO, NIYWS.rtM0111) . . ' ill1 Atlag of Canada and the World, price 81..00 52 00 Family Herald, and Weekly Star and nava. Recoup . ..5115 Montreal Witness and Nnws•REc0nn....81 65 Weekly Globe and NNWs-REcOnn 81 75 Weekly Spectate'. and NEws•Rgeoup.. ...$1 75 .Ladies' journal (Monthly Magazine) and . NEWS•RUCORD .... : . ......,.... ...... 81 25 ,Weekly Sun and Naws-REconn 81.40 Daily News and Nmvsatcortu 8180 McKi N NON & CO t 1 0 INDING UP OUR YEAR We have just finished stock.taking and have balanced o up for the year and the result sl.ows substantiatprogress. • Our cash „odes for the past year are the largest in the p history of this store and we do not intend to let the preo- ent year lag behind, as we are in better shape than ever to serve our customers, Having taking time by the fore. t lock, we placed large orders for new goods months ago, be- 4 fore the advance in prices, They are now coming forward 4 and will be sold at old prices, notwithstanding they have I advanced from 10 to 25 per cent. over last year's prices. We have just opened up our new Prints, Gingha,ms, Shirtings, Cottonades, Flannelettes, Etc.13 And this is the way we are going to sell them : Nevv• Print's, 84 inches wide soft finish, fast colors, good %mitre at 10c, oue special pt ice .... . 100 t w Ginnie/Ins,. fast colors, worth le, for Ne .. A • • t so h New Oxford Shirtings; but colors, wove% 1%r„ for ....... ..., . . Cottonailes, in stripes ftnd checkstli 10,for Heavy Cottonades, now worth 843wore tor ...1.11: i New Shirtinge. in etripes and checks, indigo blue, now worth Itic or.,121c Flannelettes, Indark and light colors, now worth 7c for 50 Bleached Cotton, yard wide, soft finish, worth Be, for 50 i Heavy Flannelettes, soft finish, now worth 120, for,...— ... ..... ., - -100 Grey Cottor, yard wide, heavy weight, worth 7c, for ........ , • MoKINNON & 00. - SLYTH eleateeeeloilteeellee111043.-6030•3431-tiegs-etete,431..WeleeeliegiKa-ggeelegogeelteeeeree-ete • rob, Seaforth, by Bev. rather YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE H B OOM BE reK Lie TA knit' 11,28940. Chemist and Druggist, 1.0.01 tarok& starriest, 01111 thebest preeetvative or hiOthet and the hest renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, Meek. ens and protects. We Eureka Harness Oil oe year best terressi, leer *Id hkr- OW, sad your roma/stop, 508 11141MD not only 'Wok batter but woke )sager. aoldeveryiebeesiticans-sil aissi teem half Mow to five goof* isbeelutatillitiltitte., MAW, teachers viz., $300 and 3205,28 There Miss finally, aiitighter of Ur, John a, higher average tottery than its nude, are sixt',/ 1•formal-trained teachers' Moltfannt. B d 1 o. four hol profeesionel firstschtee certi- 14Altgne-SPAILINGe-40 Seatorth " ficatee, ;sixty seconds and fifty-rdne the residence of Mr. 13, Mullett, thirds. IIIXAMINATIONS. brothevia4aw of the Wide, ein Jan. . 25511 by Rev. Mr, !tumidly l'fr. ThOS. The usual prOmOtion exaMinatiope E. taker, pinned eemetery ef the were held -during the year. These are Greta Trunk Railway Young Men's steadily growing in favor,and although' Christian Assoolation, Sarnia, 10 the school attendance has decreased Mita ROMA Sperling of Seaforth. • WO 118 many paper. are now used as TILIAIY-VOSPER.-In the Methodists were used ten years ago. ohuroh, Mitohe11, on the 31st Jan. Entrance I. S. tearing by the Re*. It. Whiting, II, A., Mr. a, Mead A. Tilley to Miss Mary A. Clinton Dlyth When you buy your FURNITURE from us. We will give you good goods, well made) well finished and at prices it$ LOW as the lowest • UNDERTAKING0 We are the Leading Undertakers.: Our stock is COM* plete in all the different branches, l'itr M e • fonntl very moderate for good work. Night and Sunday calla answered at Ilesidenee of nut ' Funeral Director, Chidley King St., opposite Foundry. V 1ospery4 ra 0 V 0 ai g both of Mitchell, BROADFOOT ROX & 00 .61 e / 5 "Axlversity liatteretit no man," but J. W Chidlearo Stakeicer _ 72 04 21 IA 8' the paina of dyspepsia turn hie atten. UV he finds a ours, HARDWARE LIST 35 kegs cut nails, assorted sizes, $2.50 per keg, pre- sent wholesale cost in car lots 23, a great snap. 20 whips, prices cut in .Y2 Gate and barn -door hinges, regular price 60 per lb., sale price 3e Hasps, regular price 15c, sale price 8c 5 hammers, regular 75c, for • 55c 4 hammers, regular 25c, for ' 150 8 braces, regular 50e, for 400 7 braces, regular $1.25 and $1.50, tor• 90c Hand saw files for *• 50 Large. gimlets if 5c Small ghnlets, 3 for . 50 A quantity of gbxtlet bitsteach A few augers and auger bits. Chisels and gouges, Cork screws, regular 20e and 25e, for 5c Half price a great snap 15e Ciirling fongs, regular 10c, 15c and. 20e, each• .60 1311taler knive, regular 25c and 30e, your choice .20c Carving sets, regular 65c and 75e, sale price. Pad locks, cheap at `1,0c, yeur choice . 3 bread knives, regular for 1 Only hain. Odd sets of knives and•forks only draw knife Lid lifters, 2 for Sewing Machine sciew drivers, 2 for Woed taps, regular 8e, for , 11 pan openers, each frat. and coat hooks, per dozen 5 sets of meat skewers, per set 7 toasting or meat forks, regular 15e1 •for 4 feather dusters 3 5 razors, good value at $1 each, for 1 only razor, damaged, for 2 razor strops, each 16 niekle-plated muddlers, 2 for • .Haness snaps 1.set bevel .7dge chisels, box wood handles lar price $5,50, sale price. Carpenters pinchers nearly . 1 only 4-bi 1 set aug 1 set 13 ang 35e • 5e 50 4e • 50 5c and 100 50. Sc 12e 180 78e 25e 10e 50 6 for 1.0c regu-- $4.50 Ralf prite screw driver set in case Half price r bits, in case, regular $2.50, for • $1;25 hits, in case, regular $8.50, for 2.25 2 or dozen wrenches, each • 2 Bissell's gold medal carpet sweepers, slightly. 32:550c' 3 soiled, regular price 33.50, for 4 roller sweepers, cheap at $1,50„ for r 50e Mouse trans, for• 50 Two 10e boxes stove polish for 15c Knitting needles by the gros, 2 sets for 4 grindstone,' vvith _fixtures complete, for 98c 5 dozen meat hooks, per dozen • 10e • 6 lamps, with shades, regular, $1.25, sale price 750 GRANITEWARE 6 granite teapots, good value 60e, for 85e Wash basins,• 10c aht:1153 Cups and mugs at 50 Kettles, pie plates, tea drawers, pails, etc., very cheap 3 frying pans, each• 15c' •TINWARE 2 or 3 siBOS iron bake pans,regular 15e and 20c,for 10c Tea and coffee pots 15c and 20e each Oval pudding pans at . Half price A few dozen dippers, each 40 Cake cutters, regular price 5c eaeh, sale 2 for 50 A. few angel cake tins• 5c and So each Tin wash basins 70 and 9e each A. few WIC° pans, each • 80 8 spice boxes, slightly damaged, each 350 Pattie pans, per dozen 5e 1 only glue pot • 250 4 No. 9 eopper tea kettles, cach $1.00 Tin pails at 14c and 19e each 4 4.gallon bil cans, each 48e SPECIAL 1 only fireproof safe, good value at $40, le price $81 (6$27 14 44 t5;%!=tCattOMCCattCX=C=CXXIXXX Lots of ether go'otis not mentioned can lbe seen on our counters any day of sale at reduced priceb. All Goods at Bargain Prioes Striotly Cash. 20 13 8 Is 2 Mon to Hood's Sarsoarilla And in its arland. Bra