HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-08, Page 37
breathe a wor4l, isn't our busi- tab and tilloic a groat rug about her, God flurb,14. that You Who have, becA -30 told to we in Strict- 15ho Doomed harday conscious of his PURIS1, =us in uilding this Churi;ib Extravagant Mrs. Erskine aces, and it was, prqeno and Spoke not a, word ITITUAL "DISADVANTAGES, est confidence." "I don't � OugbLt to know," during the long drive. DENCE FOR Lu not got and" itb saying 14011- DAgricutural-I
EARTHLYRESI once I 1,e�imo, thou and till thyl boul�e, "Lella, darling Will you have me? Insisted Leila. But she, was lutlyrosmed MbO OAJY o4eused. to wake up to con. ENME 3 Or, BOTH THE 881TISR into tho oick." Do you think a mail by bet- husband's sorlon9iiesfli nevortiso. l5cloualleso whoa the journey was and. AND THZ BOU. ....... WWW"NMIMPIA
piles 19 Safe out of Christ I Not ohel day, I've run awa.11 4 up from liar less. 11W�11, it youl Wish it O ad, ancl. She heafttingly Invited Tony L 'o to enter the dilrk,l gilent in
In and Purpose of the not one minatel. not one Secon. Three , olla Vaughan Start lift see what, happens to -morrow. It , astatch,
The Orig!" r four years ago, you remember, a cosy corner, and bold out her handil in Is a wild froak of, bers to leave him With thoughtful consideration he 14410k, PISTAIBUTJON OF SAUPTXi saw th ID QRAIN.
an declined, however, 0 rtand cold, m3kot FVen FIWA Are 14oasita I'll EEin Ignorance of liar whereabouts, oven iTain broke down a bridgi, on tile Way astouttiltment to the gay littICA Av011a the hall door, And then, raising still ltslaagvrs or 8414111 Ilfricit, Under instruction of tile H ailed Churches. to Albany, nd after tho catastrophe who bad burst so unexpectedly Into for it night open on of Stone's they wore looking around the timlers Dora, too, in thei prptty- little TOOM his bat, he re-eatered the cab and Trooper Penton, Of the British later of Agriculture another distlibu-
of ill bri-49 her room. assigned to her, began to wonder it drove home. 14 [I- At I Police, is reported dead
a and the frOlsin ecterl plea, inbled as She entered the ba -a cirusbo, Dara LX 'all "to' in the claws tion of sample packages of the r, lie "Dora, this is 40 U1102til Site hIld got treated Kenneth too I 1rom *vQuo(lh received fro and moat productive aorta of cereals, Mscours-.s on th,! [Zirst irill,,and found the ccuducto fames furtively watched
The, Rev. Dr, Tallilla Wag (lying, and had on;y strength to Bill -Of Wheress Xonnotht" harshly; but she Comforted herself Mill hall, Sad,
WarxulY, and with the, ref1mition tbat he doservedit. her With pitying CQrLQ-9ftY- and tooth of a lioness. This bap- ate., !is now being made from the Can-
Sacrod. Edifice aild on the Growth and Alins, one thing, and that was, Leila kissed her friend deceiv- "Where is your masterf" sid DOva'S poned near Tull, just 4croos the Lim- the flag for tbo next So there Wontly pushed liar into is chair. Dora She told Lelia at that tral Experimental Vrm, Ottawa. The
I from llig lit tie note which some 6,14rit of de- qt�lvoring lips. Popo Itiver from the Transvaal, Lions distribution Will Consist, as heretofore
comes up to U9 the white gloves from her ,lit his study, malain. of the. Church ()f (;hrist-, vilry had prompted bar tO Jay OR -1118 pt are getting Scarce further South, but
(Ile oteenal OlMlit Of darkness, and pulled then looked up abDora t9ra oft her Show) and ral of i 8, of Oats, spring wheat, bar -
hands, and epeaso, Indian corn
A despatell from.Wasbilrigt011 buried Ili a Kin, Slid death, telling Us,- "YOU can jewelled It tormented her now. sof tl to the -door, There was no other creatural) as— and potfli-
stroinger's grave should have an earth. not Save meN but i,avo those who Caine mischievously. Hills, "Dear Kenneth,_Good-bye; I call on.. Sound willdril so site. opened it an(i or even moro—dangerous to our men. It three
toes. Each Sample will weig lmage wellcll(,�, from I ame Jaing, WOW "I tell you I've run away, L All love Stoic in without knocking, a tearful To lie helpless and bleeding on the
l house in, 0 j6�u4l not the afte:r me. Lift the wr duro, this misery no longer, grounds. The quality of the seed will
the following text- ,What 1110111, yi, Corpse of a buried Christ, but it radiant the trumpet. Give ths HOIRt Kenneth *doesn't, know where I 11114", Seems at an end between us, I am smile Olt liar sweet face. (lusty hillside, waiting through and -
conqueror of the flag foT the next tratit." t do ou mean?" he worshil)11 Yes, Kenneth was there, kneeling be of tile best. The varieties true to by tlose lv� 6. nd triumphant Jesus. "You odd child, wba Y gone to one who has, said less hours till the otretcher-bearers arth, and heaven and hell, . Don't try to track' me,—Dorry." by i It table, with liar pliotol lying name, and the packages will be seat Larang for teu, and, thell sat Ofl- 1110. O big
Toil are, wiser than moat leopl, it cc 0 , , ue, in fact, fell Tony upon , heap of Confused. paers, Ilw fisid. and bring him in, is the to"ible free to apilotInts, through the mail.
you have not mixed in your mind IhO He lives, all glory to Ilia name, ' iting forward It was all tr ". were closed, buL his lips moved ordeal which must sometimes b018,11 'ICKEN MiTUG&L posits her friend, let% had once -been liar lover in his boyish ey Vile object tit. View it, the Improvement
passas" Olt the Red 8ea and the He lives, my Jebas, Still the Hame" POVE iTY-S fli clasped blinds and puzzled eyes. days, and his ardent. vows, preselited as If in prayer; and Dora's heart alli ou� wounded. Bat fancy, it you can, of the charuoter and quality Of the
Ob. the Sweet joy tills sentence ))are, abruptly. with balls' eyes and Chocolate, were most colised,to beat am a ll
sage, of the Jordan, The scellery Is the horror of struggling too grain, ate., grawn. in C%hada, an of -
gives: Willit Colliliki.41 "How's TollyT, asked Still an object of mirth to herself and uport- the gleaming barrel at a re. bly and different, axid. the lessons to be Itarn- I know that my Redeemer liveal" ,Oh, base always well," answered Y with shattered leg to Crawl fort, widely appreciated choice
lilt's #11 IlAkirdell volver which he belil in ds hand, vAinl , and the
act froltu them tire different. Tile it the VatighAPS, y one for pointed at his temple front file deadly vengeance Of a pal. Of varieties to, be sent out will be BleaSed. be his giorions name fOv- ol,4 Mill Lelia, with an affectionate glance 0 The� next day was a bus; ushed nolse- ft
Jordan, like the olississippi, baH 111110a everl )ora Like a panther, Dorit r '16 ol. confined to those wiliolt have been
At the end of the nineteenth con- liar husband's photo, the two young w1vos, and I . �cinous snake whose ..haunt fousid to Succeed well atAllo, "rl� Again, it you ask the question of the sly to his side and Switched the 1, On the one Hide, and flats on tile ('th" Lary Portugal finds itself a bankrupt ,All, you ,,ire a laeky girl, LOW tborougbly enjoed the excitement and lea War's fall has disturbed mental Farms. or. Here an there it text, ,Wbat mean ye by these . , torril;ly ih debt and be0billing Tony tells you everything, ')nil is al- Importance of preparing for 'Leila's weapon -from him, , my 'According to. a letter from a war These Samles will be sent only to a 1� illow Stones v I reply that wo mean the natiod . . This liftla Strip Ways. light-hearted rind glad to, see You dance. She had no, time to think on- "lienneth, Aoulletk as actu- those who apply personally, lists of
Shadow$ it;,,bore and there ommunion of Halnt,3. D() YOU know more so every year til titter tea, when the, tWaIri sitt rest. the almost. soreamed, in the intensity -correspondent, this is what h , unms from societies or lridtviduals� of her terror "oh, forgie moil' 'a Natal to more than t be considered. Only one SAM- dips into it. In the month tit April c fhingle denomina- of a cou.itr' ilight before dressing for filly happened t
that there is no y lying on the western enjoy Yourself.,, Ing in the tw s were round his nook otinno and May' the anows Ott 3fouill, Lebanon 000 Of Cibristians Ili Waabingtoll bus coast of th�, Spanish peninsula, IIAS *Dora gave a little sigh and Stared the evening. one �of the fallen, both Briton and Via of one sort ran be sent to oalch tribu,ed something tolva"ll: the Somebow Leila felt very. une.aRy her blue eyes, dark with anguish, look- Boar, All through South Africa—es-1-applicant, bence If an individual re- Vaenot con reat Influence in the 418- abstractedly into the fire. fiboul. bet, friend. pecially amongst the great boulders celves a Sample of oa . ts he cannot also
thaw and flow down into the building of. this house? And it ever, exercif'811'0, 9 rl. into Ilia, and a gleam of hope, of
and then Jord-ha overflows its banks ,standing in this pllc�, (here shill be tory of the worI& 'Her explorers ,That isn't like you, deftfl" lext'lairn- "Do you think Renuol.b. lain trouble pas4onate, thankful lovoclispelled the receive Ono of wheat,or barley. Appli-
Then it is wide, deep, raging. 'Ind !.in- a man whot ahaWt Vy by a rlY I ill 119, 110 ere among thc..first to inake their ed-Leilti,, "There's something WrOng. about anything, dearl.slie asked,, wltb despair on the mailla face as be, gazed that Straw the kopjes—ssiakes abound writer cations should be a7ddressed to the Dl -
year says to Sti beLivaen, can tbat you -are not happy, Startled Dora. into tile lovafy.featares of his run. "The scourge of Natal," one rector of Experimental Farmst OttL%- petuous. At this sen4on of I he UR way along American shore, both, Oil Do you tit different denominations of Christiana, der "Trouble? What trouble Could be. away wife, Of these, three sorts are was and may be sent any time before I hear the tramp of,forty thousand falters and his Cheek the northern an southern continents, you two—tile most ideal couple un have? she queried in astonishment "it. Was a jQke, tb6a?"'he sobbed Ill. the 15th of Maroh, after which ditto armed men comin 9 down to vross the may Ills -heart Stop, Xy friends, Her people, wero'bardy and rugged, the son? Come, now, you've quarreled, "Well, say m6rly troubles?' 4ug. his relief, "You have come back, common enough. 'They are the puff- the lists will be closed, so that the blanch, and his Dorrv? adder, the cobra, and the rack -python, river,. You say, ,Why (to they not if tlere 1;i illy oburoll, on earth where, of the sort, wilp lit their v6n- I tupposelsl gested Leila. I ' me back—oh, in I samples asked for may alI be sent %�,, rise of the river a( there iningling of till (lenoxiiiiia- Lt least, riot real- "Oh, the finances are all rigbt," "C; y dearest, yeal The jaiter, unless at the largest size out ln good tbne .for so�vjng. Parties go up nearer ill MY tions, it is our church. I just Wish tures explored tar - aud wide both in "No, we havenst — I snid Dont, with a littlerelloved sufflO, was only toasin you, I've been, to . ve to 15ft.—is not dangerous, writing will please mention the sort —it groi I lie old camel ford?" Al. that J . chn Calvin and Arminius, it they the cast and in the wide, West, Her ly," replied Dora, rousing herS61 "Kenneth is just, careless arid spoiled, Lelia's. I hear Bay You the other two are, The puff -adder— of gi!ain they would prefer and should afe to verywhere and had much taking off bel- big feathery but and and I won't have it," were rained, and I came the available stozk Of the variety n%M- friends, it ls because. it is not a straigh are not too bUSY, WPuld Come Out On ships, wore a I Ob, R! g trade, of, the world. fashionable. maid came In coax birn, out baok—and only just in time, only 2ft. long, thick, flat, rapulalve— ad ))a exhatisited, some other good sort, go ground when the Lord telk us tO the battlements and see us, Somet.11hes of the carryin LApe. The 0;'But hav6 You tried to th, it Would have killed go ahead. The Israelites had been in our piayer-maIetings.1 have heard . a has loaig gone by and and set down a dainty tray, and Dora Itill asked Lelia doubtfully, Oath, Kerine matches, the ground exactly. But will -be sent in its place. Letters may .brethren ate pbrastis of a liturgy 4nd But tills tim "No, indeed. It 'is his tplace to Sue, Irld" it trodden on it strikes like,% lie Beni to the Experimental Farm free going around forty years, and they .1 though still food Of sippeJ hev tea silently, Leila forbear-. L Iva know whare thef came fr'Om, and' the' ort UguesO, no mine." And Dora raised her She tottered like a broken flower, of postage.' had enough of it. I do not know how I.in tire.. sae -ineoLing I -have the sort, have lost their hold as the Ing to question her further -for the dainty bead a. wee bit, proudly. "And and he sprang to Ills feet and qtrried flash, and Iprayer it is ivith you, my brethren, but I board brethren make audible ejadula, if be doesn't chooss to tell me things hor.to it Coach. 'ITS BITS. IS DEATH OILING WAGON WHEELS, it* a always g6t into trouble who tion, "&menl" "Praise Ya the-Lord11' sailors of the World. Lime being. all, cillidle, for and ask my advice, I'm sure I'm not "You know I am ruiried—and yet. in twent V, minutes. av tto guess twice As 0. matter of course, a country "Ill . u so glad Lo sea y going to Worry about. musty, fusty you c'amell' he said brokenly. went around, but always. got into and we did itself have a in tile, era of discovery must now. you cao help me ,with my. dance iy�esl yes, I've been. a horrid, Another danger, too, threatens the piling wago� wheals to preserve the where they Caine from. t When a man so Activ felloes and prevent the tires from be- safety when:I went ahead, possessed of much' 'teic- to-marrow,'night. Tony isn't A bit Of Leila smiled. thoughtless, extravagant %vital dear, 1oor wounded 'who may be left� lying ' loose b a been rite-ticed by - . I knocks. at our oLburoh. door, if.he comes have become coming a There Spread* out the Jordan, h from. it, eat'w�bere, they Will not give 0�rax.ge� fact that goti 1, for receiving always "Well of course,, ou. know best ]low but, I'm'going to be good now," she. r
ritory, but. it. IS it you knov misty eyes sbining with uutended all njicht�_the eowa illy yet many for a long time. it is better as film a certificate, we say, "Come, in by nilg�t adorn the to deal with your own husband. obildle. 'faltered, her raging torrent, much. of it sno Adoni d most of 'her bares him; and I d'uel hyena creeps from his lair and eivCure for loose confession of ialth," While Portugal has wequire - dress myself But, at'any rate write and relieve his love. "And You worb going to--" r I or just come down from the moun� t colonial possession in the pre- pice with cabbage and mind of any do�bt ruii to your where, ,Yes; I was,.going to, end every -t slouches �.orass tha battlefield. 'This lain to 'a ram, Judson,. tile laptist, and John presen cars ago Bite with a. Old Back and he would Still abouts. Tell him you are, with me, thing,,! he, -said, "All day long I have tires. 'Stop tile awaiting. and shrink- p; and I see some, f th Twenty,oy oruto—rare now in Natal but:00mmOn floes, the rusting of the iltes shivering at, the idea of -J,�Ivinging th3 glorious old S r hall all area at 697,33a squarp tailes in say dear.' -I SUPPOSQ, he'll think Y 176 been orth—Is tile Pod Wesley, the Methodist, and John Knox, sent century, all 'a -persuading myself that your lug -of tile fe
catch P. asbyterlan, we both looked, charming. ast.'. alt itlity long enough -.further n Von- - underside -Of a I tit . yonr note was a Cruel i th dre, next the to Oe in, itud'' one soldier says. to his com- are Shaking hands lit heaven, all miles in sia, ,W lit It dearV What a lovely He pitchas on hat to elturchile,,on earth can afford to come Africa, and 7,10 Dora laughed wistfully. I have expected you; but whennight ger of Africa. y a Coating of, oil. Fill, the tenons allths - set in rude, "Joseph, can you Swim l!" And tinents,' gown. you're Iveilring sidw, L"ila, Sure- "Don't be curious, you donrest of fail, and still You kelst silently.away, helpless; and his long tee a keg also with the,hot oil and into close. communion. "One Lord, -one With populations in these con 13 darkness settled on. me, jaws so pwerful that they can Crack of,th Spa :If ws� get ifaith one Baptism." "Ob my �breth- res ' ctively, �,484,031. nd 849,553'. This ly lie admires that. .. U'lierie did YOu dilirlingsl I shall write to him -bon I a horribl Of another says, please, Isn't it time we were 'dress- arid-, with. ruin and dishonor starlhg the leg-bohe of an. ox as eas!IY:us YOU. You have at least doubled the lifs aLream we will, get 'there NvIth Wet ran, iy.t have had enough Lf Big Beth. PC ake short work 'well done, a tire year. she. has Ili At rioa the f allowing get it? me in, the face, I was a coward, a filbert, in it it is arm- el fights—Fourteenth York Regi. Ila took out her w9tch and -,knswor- dearest--'$ road of tie terrible your Wheel' clothes and with da.maged let all colonies.- The Cape Verde islands, Leila looked down at.- be" d0licatO Let . Nvexyonsi has will never have W be reset. The t�riolls ts Regiments Now and hall stotins which, cluring our, anti the -canamultes 'Vill 'huset Ues Ind amber'tea gown, c6relossly. ed lit the affirlikati the last two inbrithal have been oi*at- of the Spokes cann , a and split those who ace for �hrlst; and stand With an area at l,A81)'square in Val and they want ' Dora's arm ' s twined wore at sw 11 slash us to *ecea their awards _. a p . opulatioa of 114,130, Gu�ne you like. it? You were alw"YB IL leisurely ap to their separate roams, * about him. on the same side 'go shoulder (a shoul a, popul a, "Do n hour later, Ind Dora looked ex- been unkind to you lately, IhOSL daily. occurrence in Natal- WO the felloes. The mistake made is thal' , I frocks. It A a bank stead of having 40 square dreadful girl for pretty coatitieted; softly stroking at home think of the discomfort of I�vheal .. before we get- up the.4ther But der, and the church, in tion, 820,000.,, and , area - 4$1 ovely.tn her softly glow- �ned but people do not begit it, is no time tto The great host a sprinkling of the dl%ne blessing, go miles;'Priaces' Rtid,St. Thomas islan0j, came fro'ni'Llbottyls.'. trensal* I oeless lace, H Dorry," he soakeil. clothes and chilled be L is th'its pri er her yellow hair- "but -it was because time. Vraa�t thsi, wheal While 1 0 clear Under thii wave, in one! glorious Ing frock, lvi I of us Who - have . never. experi-� in I . I L' . .. �_, 'I
inarche "'Ah, met bUC Kenneth 10(;ks black shapely white throat., her�g oldem hair I wa worried, an, p ence(l it South -African, t-hunderstorm sound Have it well dried on' glve. s on. Th priests, otirryingthe O..mllea, and populatiurt' d wished to' kee t ail'its d 494,80D and,pu urk, go ahea' immersion, lit the hame, of the Father, area 3j.0 squar it L'bint at a new. (Ire 'n itime to absorb Dill th take,
d; the J.i6opte follow. I Saw a litt !a. child. once, 1 PUJA as OW. .1 don't and roBe-leaf, tinted face made a.plo- f r6m You." a oil it wit Ying '24,660; Angola, area re to gladden* any' warile eyes, and ,I know -1 knowl" cried Dora; "and Certainly do ndt realize the -danger Of I bear the trampof We gret ulkilLitude. hour, Put orie,arav around Its father's tiq4 4,119,000, Portuguese East Africa, know. what's the matter With him. tu: sacli sudden temposts. . Most, of Abe Use the. best�bolled linseed oil, With and tha.cithei around* L there was an unbsualIv daring sli4r1cle I. posited and scolded you, never coarses. troops about one-half Pint liquid. drier to the The priests hit iLbin a nec" out fo BOVOTIOSO it, her owh blue orbs a's she list6ned to dreaming of Ob, Kenneth, for- . one hour t`1 ve now come. w . q6hre mild$ and popul- yeateritly lye went Often.camped or posted�are of galloir. Devate'*&t least erla-aeck anti ' ring them - close area W1,000 & . S '' tion 3.120000; tot4l African a- Tessairls, and 1. wore a IOVOIY 9OWD C6ptsiin p6heerls. words of, -greeting. give.mels, tIt 6% It.. Wheel. .,: 'The oil i -be kept up sLone's throw of the water,..Yet still to its dyingi,lips and givei a last (kiss. Ii'orIrtaadj% which,attracts the f as should tie, area 7,4,080 4quare miles, and White lam over piak. it is a - Per- il�r hoart.even beat 'a'llttle faster. -He kissed her ardently f6r.answer. r 3ases. their talps are bdge nearly- to the. boiling Point and the io� there. is no ablittement at tile flood- Ob I said, those iwo Persons Will 8,10,790. -in Asia her ,"What stall I do, dei�rtt'. 1-roW '04111, 4nd'iii many 1 NOW, they, have Came WiLliln four . or stand very hear tocach:cther always I and seilred wifb the const"t-flashes, slower tha,%�heol is is 11,01313, a ton feet ireami. and suits me ;a benurfl- when lie* assured'heill'that behad never voluted.-th m6re coLonies are-, Goal in India.- area an her looking so. radlan� before, I toll. you, tbe.poverty that face-% Us?. Ife it it These sam6--stormit rase the rivers get uilder #c. tire Whe five felet. of the streant;. but.. Lhera is af ter. such an ikerlockrg.. The dy 360ulaii6,1 4.4.8$6- Danao- fully; �but when ke'riveth saw it, a of the ing'Christ pa . is one.arlia around this square miles, I IOven though she knew hiral . for. an in-. In time, with: the help, of friends', I —!it. winter - more . seams of fluid most needed. TWO, revolutiow )Uiatioll rap flaffarer. no abatement of�the'floud. Bad.pros- Dill, area.. 168- Square -milesi PO of going in tires * as he may retrieve poor � Wigton's errors; Re derlemination'og. duct the through deserts of'sun-caked:olay— wheel is..about right. volving slow- pectl It Seems as if these, Israelites 77,451; Timor, ia,04 bie labors IP ineivil, years of- economy, Wood througfi� Thts (.tha aim around that denotaLw0tion used to (to,.bo uQLaally,frowned." When Lelia's hospita At but it' will roaring torrents, and.that so quickly -1y heats tue miles, Population abo,- a herself all ft larlhig," - oel w tcb� and I 'dread it.*for you 4 cases are oil record of Arives cut any. moisture owho have Crossed the des6rt, are now and -he 'li,rings them ago, %458squan f . all I r square M SU$]�[ClOn V tears on bet, a little time t that many and going, to Ile cirtolwited in sigLIt-6f,Udn- a his, dying liphe *91vOs 000'; -Macau, Ili �Chiria, Visere oil Spencer and Dora first with some "You have -no ne6(l to do so," whis, 4 being.caught frding, and redity drink their f down t, ' A*iatic. Doi-a's long lashes. terd. aaa. But " Forward I" is Lite. cry. The x. miles, populatian,38,6M total and then with a little peted Dpra.,fondly. "ft We are, beg. bk. the time.thO wheel makes its 800�,
them Chia parting kiss: "My peace L 4semen .. I 'sorry I . 'ith You, It SWE I? on . d. revolution Sam I 0 0 . . . . I . . . I I
command -rings till alosig the Line, Of rea 9,0-,O, population, 950,- "-'DoiM, voll like it, deArV Isaid. It ty, She was. that Dora giiirs I sliall� be happy clill AN AWAY. 'Uthe last coat" )oay.s with,you, ray Lidded. I glye� onto pojiisessioi:�3, a -A ten with' him, for bet o being able 0'reach the bank, Ing will grand total 1 he sisid, a.owly, . 'but, anxte people Will be good for me.to learn something remain IiPon the surface. the host. " Forward I�l Now 'the Priests 9i7. This'gives. her for 8 S Very , nice, danced so of or � gradually be' b-' the. . riv- Yo Dorry,-�ou had that blue one only last began to. notice it; but� Dora was so of the seiious side of Jifelaad- I eat! eBe rivers; too, arti tile part' n' of this -,Vill have, Cam within oneiscop of it seemed Some. of th 10 . the wood and- the remain- I' really can't at soirbed into or. This time'theY. lift (lied r feetrom "How twift, the course. miles and a'ool6niai population Of 9,- weeli forl 10 young an -I sImplethal; endure anything. alaytbin�g but.los- of the hook toothed, the'solid -they run, tweinty years a e out: not absuid'tc, chide. her.. lard upea.,the surface, gT?and and pul, them dawn , 48,707 Ill "M it -are al -ways tRiklig ab jo- ad crocodrie, and iVoe-betlda 'the- der will dry I - a lid - 1', �*,Ves i"d dominion over 96,605 square 'being able� to afford aren't coquetry 'allowed It only* -replied-. raging ;tream. No:SOOner are Whose hearts and failli th.�g., But mischief and ing you. giith.r into such a The. oil. aboufd not b( who ventures ill 'but must b
theli, feet there than Jordan flies'. 01) are. . none Ill -Itory and 5.015,1A souls. Lhey'? And I suppose he saw . that I Dora to'acquiesce when S "God b 8 quite bot—hat enough -to expand the in at Leri less ion, little wit. Ill stream. 'the right hand, God -Piles- up , (L groat I'll Whea it 14'. considered. that PQr� 'looked hurt, f6r'.bo caugh0-me tQ1Im posed tbmt they thould retire to the -Oil the highlnds of Natal—and all tire a<) that 'the oil Will get Under it e d- a 13 lsL� Ininist or once say. -that he thought in Lhe milI6 rea, is but 36,038 square and kissed rue with such 4'funDN lit- deserted conservatory Ili the midit: of mountain of floods', ol� the; left, the ar alpt - vagal's home a the country inland' from Xaritsbuig freely.', nniuna it water flows off toward Lhe Sea. Tile, wold be - one . great Bapt,lsl, church-; andber population but five mill- tie Sound 4t might almost have been ,,, wttltz'. They, paused by a :mIn-7 lies 2;GDU t. above.the saii—the -range . , . 'a an it can bo , Been ins of' WAR FACTS AND CS OMS. great river, for liburs halt d roar$. that by fat* ''the a groan -and Crushed all -my,:IoveIy �i ature- fountain, the subdued a.' ra T en day and night CULT611E� Oil, VIOLETS., d I li�,ard Methodist minister may - . -t of her territ( the bani and the soft; splash of'water ag. in the shade, and an largest'pax )rY is in lilies." is enormous *, 9D. d a successful must be The backwaters not going able tO11OW lie illoaghL . illenial day her. colonies, Ill . fact her 'colonial Dora pouted her sweet lips with' the minglisig ill their ears, i4O deg. ia.the sun, is common during Violets, to. b over the passi�j Israalil.es, pile ave it be one . great Methodist a tillice 1.110' air . of ke' was so lair it was just such it scene as Span tings. oung and wave, ult t it psrhap a sea -bird dhuroh iil�nd . I have known a Preaby- lit, a spoilt Child'. 611 CUNIMM THE.NVIIITE FLAG;_ I he day - The bare legs of the, High- glrown �n�jrely from Cut, wO*uld find some diffluttlLY. iU'sOal ter who thought that in area of her little hom; country, The nd pretty that she'bad* been Idolized. bad,often :experienced before, and a a jandprs',NVII6 lily out,in it contracted takell: OUTIY Ili �010 Spring' Ing., an offshoots terlan intiell as the Spanish -by liar parents and brothers and now. thrill -of adMirAtion ran -tbroagh.blih When one of the ,enetuY 1 a,) Chat they could not - Stand, But - the most s'atisf-actotry' results..1111 he priests and. colores are ruled. 1 run down give he water Cliff, No�v, t the millenial da�y' it ;would. be till one lea, by, governor�-genicral &ppu1nt-- by bet- husband, so her Little imptirious as he looked upoix'the netit figure of 'flag or tr.-Uc(, and xL niht, the, mercury wil ro. allowed all 'the people have gone over on dry greal; P,iesbyterian Church, - Now� I CaLan aily,:al- airs might. be forgiven .'the womatifieside him. .uge are nec- a ld plants it land. The iwater on the left7hand sicto think ill I 3y ate all MISLakem 1. think ad by the Crown, whot are. re taken td the off leer 1comma riding the to 40,, anti the, flsiok�st r solm . . ear, litit this is by this time.has reacheil'ttle sea; and te.vulors bespite the.im- Leila thou r- - I it n moment he had -forgotten, Ken- to keep witerathin chillid to remain year af tar, Y -the Milesslil Church will be a: Campos most' Absoia gbt of this, and wonde 1. � . -ritory in bei c a that Xenneth-Asth Erskine, frgotten prudence. mild Ou-tposl.s. .11 he lirIngs.a letter, lists essry -are pa- ri�w, that the miraculous passage has ind' just g you. *,m'ay mente, amount, of tax fad it it were possitil re . ce . ipt, tind . immediately Con. boils.-. . The reults tG I health as each year's . Crop ite , charob ; t of maintaining them Erskine had come: trouble which he was pouring out passionate words into given a he nambei and been made, stand baol� and tee the take,tho best parts of"flVe or Si, iiiies, the cost durted Outside 1he lines. Hebafftilgire- turally erious shows a dc.icre4a In t sap, God more than eats up the, revenue which (fare not reveal to'bis gay, child -like bar ear'. ickness is -ft,thing e are rs. The best.tesults stupendous pile of %vaters tanes, and undur th4 kkilful hands of' The same is- -iVifi3, and determined to question her "Dora, I cannotl my. 'darling,' keep it fOK not intivii opportunity of carrying Horse -S awar. siz,of the' flowe, she'd6riVeS from them.- a bound Lei bear much of before th takes Ilia hand front Witt wall of 'Handol, a Xozat, or Beethoven, en- When 'you� look-OWilY information. homeand ihe consequence own. husband, -confident, that. bet would it secret any longer, it Over. The Western forbes. will feel -are obtained by replanting every Yeav� floods, and, Itk a hundred. twine t4epalfibo one, girand andi over- the case ai; is birdeed wi that I it milml: much of*th6 velil s sour A. at i& should be - inittle every spring- they plunge and roar iw.thundCI:OU$ is iliat the state tit an know-all about the financial. affairs of as you look to -night I realize t a,
a overwhelming debt, Taxes ran high, Brikine, Wigton & Compion if anyone chn never love. any onel but you.,' N 1�, 11,01) -as ifiols6ilous grasses, growing young offsha6ts, -baby plants., paw ring symphony, so, 1, SUPP686 in a., h Soon as tirlumph �o the Sea. the latteir days od the WoOdi God will Dora Stopped back.a pace in horror, AN oil U. &nimalswboth oxen and hors- plated in .snorill boxes. As Ho1w. are they o ceeb�ate this Pile- 5o inueb, So that; thamptil have. notice- did uld be.-. Music.? I Sup'- .1-ake,'tho.-best parts of All :deaumina- ably emigrat6d from the cowitrY to "�Ad bass go dull' and abseut-mln& as if ll, volt bad hed Water is more im6artint, to lin army a fhat gaze`oa this surely sicken they make good roots they She` been suddenly. snate a- sage? Shall. -It be with als . Were, and weave them the.beavy drain. ad," went on Dora, pouring out her from her eyes, Which novy flashed With, unlLion; Tommy and die. transplanted dir6ctlY - tO. Wheio they posq the trumpets and ece!ori4stioal, harmony, escape, In it momput the, man. r:fles: -and anim s" throtth froth I,% tit this "I don't believe indignation, tmessage, the aird to tand all SUMMOI T ris-ef it lJor cairef Ully it,be a are time the bi. all. worn out� s a iditoone grout. �A TIAPPY�GO-LUCXY -LO troubles freely now. Atkins requires ten agree, that file shoilld' with bannws wavingf 'Oh, they bi�od, as the.earth clind high as the, he loves ins -is he used to do, iltbeX, remembered, and. he bit his lips in deep leiguered towns Lt they 11 d, u ner no hit 'will be the Chuch The. Pc�rtugue'se 8�rla a appy People, qe�lf the .11, olle-needs - an, Boor bullets and shells. watched. Dead leay-eg 'an r U hu� Gris beavema, and t 3r; perhap.3 the jo.liest,-mprAeSt- and.1 wan't be frowniiA att and BOOM- remorse., dny.'�His Ivor, - , R* ar worse th he, f ti,taret . Ori.as.mo,sale 19 made bow.4vi klephnts, when just C a.re all faded and 'torn, Jos �as to "Forgive mel Forgive mell".1te niur- anrfen 'gallons out " I will tell'you ow to celebTate Ot t ad., Everybody said'KeAnoth ommon, ordinary 11013,9041its should be taken off and the: Ilia
I I - a bushy this; build a monument bore to com- -d:p of jaipar and agate and many Prel- people of Europe,- taking n d When fid. married me, you Increct. k 'inals drlul� and luebottles, but lit such numbers to contract, each forming .. togoLhilir about every'Lltiag; IlLtle worried, enjor.: be 6 yis It ased its -an-j cry priest 'ei.ous stables oemosited kno*`I-ano�-her -saucy smile nd if Dora drow herself UP haughtily.. ink tell, -that they -literally blacken walls and eirovvil. BY Sept, 15, lf.properly treat- meshowate, the event,and ev ing,life as'tlidy go. xx their travel ie,lio Is. five gallons a day' caniels �dr Afings, render sleep after dawn !in- -ad these plants.should covei the en� flow dare, oti, Captain Spencer I are cl .Puts a,heavy stone oil his shoulder, mosa i eeft square in St. that . this is due to. tho, fact he doesn't realize his goo(k &,,R] are oxen SIX, JIorSeH SIX, folir.'mfirc ssilote, arid viske eating -or-Cooking ti,�C. ground. By Oct. 10 they, begin r mosaic hoisted Iota colOS- must be made to do so. So I ran she exclimed Indignantly. d and marches'out, and drops that stone Mark's, a up- that the mea have so largely :ty to -night and . ou," you speak such.words. to*Wetinoth Eri-�' needed foi, cleaning them, ioults 'Ind POstaisory. At first the flowers tire in the diviaely-agpointed Place. I *sea ":al gei-aptim. in St. �Sopbla-sci I is lea five, .A horse drncs -one and I' . . to. blossom. railways is lookad upoa as'a frightful 'awl 00. - . ... 1. , the pile gTOWiug lit height, in breadth, PO.4e God will inake.-'after it while, one Leila orosioi over, and�klssed her old kinali wile? Leave me at uncial' I never lions t it time, arid takes velry smitill a6d cesns�quontly of lit- ate. of speed, and. oils little to be'da- A an insult as thial's a halt gi a tie or no value and are thrown away.
blending of WL creeds. and all friend, dramt of S,U( only two minutes to do: it, BEtITAIN MOURNED. BY Oct, 15, they are autti featly large, in significance, and in after Years men gTeat sired. 'They would -rather go more ,Very imprudent of YOU, I'm adraid, She, littinfed. frigidly withiser tab, of 0 went by that spot and saw th�g Mona- taithi, and likewise of all. Chris- Sl1wly, taking in fill t he beauties of ritish army howev&, tosend-to market. itits, thavarnotbyst end the dear. Surely you won't leavei Xennet but Spencer paused irresolute. In January, 1842, a B h ment, and epried out one to another, in tian sentime thil landscaRe. about. 12,009 cansp, follow� in the dark its to, your ,ybereabouts?" "Forgive met" he said. "I forgot 8 4,5CO. with fulfilment of thip. propheoY of the and,tbe, Chalcedony of all dif- Portugal it said to be Ole most Dorm nodded mystribusly. "That is eMOUNTS%'ANI) What Ifteart Ye by tbass experiences and belief, cement- rs, 'was. completely destroyetl by the CUTTING FOOLOORS. t"t, ferInt mosaic of illfterate� nation' Of Europe, notwith all right, Leila. if youll have me for .. 'But the stiff little figure did not he 'number Of horsps. required.,4y the: retreat from Ca� stones?" ed: side, by aide in the great standing the fact hat she' has good Afghans upon The jool!61� and expensive babit of 6 the nations hlook a day or two---" nor the toy eyes soften, an Army Carps is Immense, They are a, Dr. Bry- ' V
Blessed be God, he did not leave our the ages; 0ld whil schools and good School laws� Xare $'nave you, childlel Why, you know I 'Move but.' But one Iinglishina cutting $orelacks is becoming a great -icular church upon. the columns and 1-311 cent of thia population G t goal" needed coat tho.offivers and the .,ah t his part ltrviiiB of Y to at u it is foollsh,lb churob-I nil than 80 per ball be delighted it- ou really A � Is humbly obeyed. don, reached the.British garr'SO at nuisance eoause� it does
__daWh Ili the wilderness I NVe* winder- that stupondimi Church of the future, are said ., to be Illiterates. Yet the mean—" ad, about for a while,'and Sam% People nd cry alit'L "What mean ye by these Dora I a bitter little laugh, cavalry, to .drug stores, ammunition, f lict add to the looks of the horse, and. Portuguese are thisdance of Y011178," and rest Arson the edgeof tincl guns, to drnw-tbe arabuland Wag- ful disaster, -at:times, ,And about. d, to tell the 'tal hard worker arighe a bol Nevevtbel as, before the
said wta had better take this -routes a shall 16 innumerable !,Cher I I
stones I'! -there 3 seen On the streets carry xp�nslvo because it deiritets fit least lra, t -we They caa W triterapted Dora.�'Ish't it lucky I i he fouritain's rairble liltein, buried her golfs and fill the hospital necessaries, a - in the some year, and, othe bat routo.,SomO said voices to respond, "We mean the Lord Ing tremendous burdens on thei r lt.�s di. that hapjs�wpislk frookIl' hot (am in her hands, end of September in 616 value of tile 1101`80- A
had better go back, anti some sold C Esilmially is this the case among the 01, 11 It to . Carry the poilLoong, told- ad 'cap- $25 f to lvo& omnipotent relgtieth." lucky," assented Lelia, "rin ill, seemed to see Xennethle sad eyes all avenging British army 4)f the lleal, torsos
sons of Anak in the Way at of the work ralyll and hun- number there were I� remark agatil, we mean: by these womeu,.,,vho also o mo your ai i,' Captain fixed upon her to hear bjs troubletl g tight for export.
eat us*up; and belf6ee the tomon the, suggested turOtt Calml. and inflicted severe Pan -
this Country,. ara bo
that would salvation of the peopld� on the,f Spencer, oolnes he'll envy Xonnoth his voice peaking to her in bra usual a greater "rrab" ,�rms. It has been dreds - of othar Lhlags� An -Army there Celli, be n,
smoke bad cleared away from the sky We did not build this church for WaIre that is, Ili due to the fact good fortune incre -than ever., Why, caressing tones, and a sudden limir- Corps equires at la�st 12,coo boviless, ishment upon the Afg1lare t -th" aftet out Tabernmole. had bma eon 0 conataj)tly getting 1)Uring the Indian Mutiny In 1867 for a g
ood-expbrt troworldly, reform%, or. for an educational that the ' men have so laig$IY big bay, I -do be-' Ing for his love, came over bar. � SKe and' as these ar Country dealers
'its a - sick illat, and breaking down the British g.11-rlson at ChAvripore, fit f0tlOck out off" sumed, people st000d on the very Hite institution, or pla form on wliph emigrated. The armly of W,00D men [!eye.,, began to see bow cruel she was to, tar h � getting f Illy categ have this done (hell)' ph ,file force t
of the Place, and said. "This church 104ophicat dis- ILI raised by conscription It *'Don't tell--,' ii havo to ))a renewed again and a massacred, with in int, 'Oun- gilin be built." Oar erie- to, read emays Ind ment his faltlif al heart, and she. sob. numbering 400,'%ya, loan in i he but a plaxe for the, tre- can be ralsed.in war tlmLs to.an effoc� gons and tile Young %Vill never � a speech was left unfinish- be , little in her.,revalsion of feet- ftgRiM �'Nbl iciver than � 1,401 Wages n and cliffilreii. In the I ,d among themse�jves, and But Dora, I , of 6ver 20D woulb Vito wants to take �his girt Out
mles laugh lI tive fighting strength: of 100,OOD maul, to the various purpos first do.y,, a$sIiali, Of the kB.itjs on try % . said, " Ab, ahn. 11 Mean -Will is' the rub. ma`13110119 work O"Ou -sAVI'ng' ironclad cor-t ad, for a taill commandin figure had Ing fire needed r a is 0130 of the liecesss. bish wag being elearied away; the foun-1 had rather be. the., mean 4 in this church The navy Consists of I received Lelia into his outstratehAd � f3itddenly sound 61 voices made her an Army CIoyll,s. Delhi in that year they lost Sixty-six tbinks that' thl Id be- stopped,' the pillars h=forie scul preiptif6d ton a joy- vette, 6 corvettes, 14 gunboats, 5-mostil. , ties. This practice thou d-Iti,on Wits Suaboats, 2 armor arms, and was kissing her cheeks with draw herself into a less tall -tale officers and, 1,10D men, This wall being laid and' of ad and dealers. who buy in the Country ifted; list Instead of the -five thousand �,01118 tar$, 10 Sloop lover -like fandness. ti6n, and she slowly tanned herself I XINS, VAY� nearly a third of the attacking forces lo to the were being It fat han TOMMY A.r
wo. propareil for 'more worldly success I tralisporis and 4 torpedo bQ ts, "Oh, Tonyl And Dora here, too With the mass .Of white feathers In her while the assault had only resulted in should try to eduC0.tO the PeOlp of the Structure in Which all For all f the city. fact that this ruins the sale temWory till ALWAYS HARD UP, apologize It my manners offand," hand. I'loor Tommy earlI4 his PAY, the capture ot One�slxth 0 ),rme, This call only be done in. O"6 -lye this building, in All Churches, tire, in (Wo elit9ses, Worshipped, we h, said attempt to take h4 Lope tho, 116OP16 of (;ad will communitlips, in two till the - The timancial condition at the eoull� Tony, holding out his hand al he "They say the firm edn't stand the his bravery, file risk of terrible Ye. alliolther id that is to buy the horse for whic,li we I - ,,, in -I'-vOrs, and un- try is deplorable.. >,a often and. so advanced to Dora's chair; "but I saa� train tiny longer, Wigton must have only I& the. eicy it few days later was $lie- WAY, Ft' he br . itigs less oil the worship him for buxidreds and bun rae T ,I'd, and largely bat Portugal been oompell,id Pact she is used to a similar greeting boon. load, and ri;rskine, is, so blindly and horrible death, lit) gets easeful. . less money, AS relook off, and it Ivdevated to )its the brunt of m,jrket with his fell
ilredeklof YeAltS. W00ame (town tothe bel ra. hose going Into a. day., The Infantry bcars 11, the Crimean War a blunder bank of the Jordan; 'we looked off those go!.Ag into darkness, To Aug- to borrow money that her. debt is over evety evening, all, Mrs. Erskinat De wife; that he can't gee Is eannot,seM big the one and eub- her head like the SWOrd, Of Damocles, Jig4ted to see you. And wheress Ran- Inch beyond Ills noseli except- where it of. the battle, hrl loses ten times as someone caused tile fruitless charge the producer finds I their fore- upon the 1"ters. Some (if the sym- mont, the. number of I or not only bas shei no way of irala� n8thIll concerns ber.'s ortidnately to n I um- of thn Light Brigade u0n the Russian horsesit,ttoadvantage after
p,jtby that was expressed turned out tact from the number Of the other, r many men; pro looks been trimmed, be %Vill very )ff what debt She "live left him at home,"'Wa. rtillery. yet iguna, from vehich only 198 out Of 607 S the 11111� "But :1�es it men absolute ruin fat Sily and he British soon quit this nuisance- to be snow-wter melted from theJOP we. built thi church; and.toward that Ing money to pay ( You had hot- dediclite has, but she is constantly getting swer, a little defiantly, "And please thent?," I - 2d., the eavulrymen returned. T a to take of Lebanon. Some sirild, .slppm anti eternal idea we, the cavatry Private receives 9 ter not go nit our� further and further into debt. Time don't ask me why," "I'm afraid so, and Mrs, I-Irskine,"s IS. tills ,nil the axtillerY-driv- also twicafailed inattempt li�iStor and Lime has the,oribinet been dig, -Tony looked surprised, but Only extravagance will be the last Straw. 4 plity, thoug Tari, F0kVLS IN WINTER, in; you will get Your feet ill] our Sermons, all our song -9, 4, The offi0ers' I h not the Recln in front of Sebastopol,
wiet.11 But we waded in prayers. all our Sabbath band-shttk� after I Nevertheless, Sebastopol was taken. people, farther and farther, and In Inga. We want (a throw defeallion in- solved because, It has been unable to mado some irrelevant remark to . his She% simply no idea of the value of ufficient for their ants, is ridlau- In and Scratching We Want to cope. with the if iiancia I diff iculties, of wife, money. She'd ruin a millionaire, and ' noportion, to that of the Ott July 27, 188D, V10 British soldiers xeep your nest, g
some WAY, tile, Lord only knows bow, to p ranks. lously out of 1�
,ne the nation. n 1838, the revenue "I really can't understand it," Said rh,skine oaiM refuse her 'it thing." privates. An lnjaatvy captain gotalls and three native Indian regiments, a terial and your bathing dust per- we got through's and to-oiglif I go make, &m either Surrender uneondi- amotritted to 55,105,8�78 milrois, one Lelia afterwards, when she had daly *,Poor old Erskinel He looks glum �d. a cavalry captain and altoy. total of 2,500, tv6ra routed at Kushk- ola . Supply tresh matorial as alk around about tills great, house, er- tioally to Cbrilit, or elso, fly int rout, end! I ptain 15s. Majors i-Nak-bub, Afghanistan, with a loss of Jectly dry ented by You'r PrftYOVS And Sympathies, %cattering the way with ctinteens, milrei is equal to $1.10. 'Ilia oxp - eonfided, her news about the Erskines onough,ty at nor" Artillery fill ro. guns, but ample, rev*ng(% soon as needed. Fla'Ve the dust box and sneriflees, and Pry Out in tile words blanklILs and knap-scks, We want tute8 foe the Same year were 55,084i- to at husband in the -privacy Of his Inleed he does. I saw him thid get in the infantry,13S. 7d. it dy"the .1,100 nrid tNA ured by Lord lRoberts, witic and deep enough, , .. Whtt moall YR by these to popularize Christ. We would like 844, it good record for -her, and yet ftessing-room. Xennoth absolutely morning, and lie segmed hall OtaZY. It Cavalry 15s., and in -the lJoyal Horse ' was . shortly SOO of my text prettvlose margin, when it, worships Dora, and for him to be abs. n 111011OW's OY63, &i.tillery 18S ad.; while the liouten- Put all table Scraps, vegAtilblc par. I a tell the, story of Ilia love,here, until thal' is a Inge, %#.it Straps, ate., In a; kettle, PlacO
stones ill is uderstood 'that her Pliblic, debt is tracLad In her eiiiislitany and to deny here is Iti hil Of tour6e he tries LO ant-Callonel gets MS. in tile infantry ft Is an outrge 'to build a house mein would feel that [bey hd rather w1at it is, in 18% the public, debt bor anything -wall, It sounds t. d 24s. 9d' , FOUR Atlr,.S IN THE' AlEt.
like this, occupying so much room in really look clireless whea.ho is observed; but 21S.tJ18 #hile cooking supper with thr. cavii.try, in Oil the stove, I -oughfard, and with die than live nnOthOT hour without his fAmounted to 6j8205469 milrois, ex- abstiri and improbable," being able tile [list few weeks have. a0d him by In 'D�vl florlis Artillery. And, The power of the modern- gun is 0 enough water o ep from a cirowded thoi �5ympatby and love. and infitcY. Wd O)USIVO of the floll!5ni debt- of 2l,q98,_ "alml He talks about not of nourse, the officers receive many. the stove Until Such vast to[I asid oujIlly, unless there ied Tony. ye" ra thing that cannot lie, grasped. The 100- burning. Leave oil
want to rouse lip an enthugiasm for ifoo milrels, of the debt, 254,030,28q to - I t ton projectile Strikes with it force rather warm in the morning, thicken Ile some tTemenclout roa8anm toe doing fford things, does hall mut Do�ft stood like a statues. a a O. 0 perquisites.
hfxd greater than was felt for Nathan- s represented in securities held in "Then, the, rumor has Some forundil- nd go, my friends, I Pursuc, You I atovo. while tile (fill 6 the Nan until it Is crumbly, k�
-b let Lyon whe he rode along the ranks for6ign ,countries, chiefly Germany Lion. men's Words came to er; a then, etitual to 465,000 elevon-stono men jumil,, with wbeOt lit Its. Give tOk b�n?ght wit the qlle8tiOn Of MY _grtater than was exhibited for Wel- -%nil Lngland. This, then is in realil y "Rumarl What rumor, dearl" ex- the I 510 TO 1 A(,�IxAk 13) height of one foot- When then feed in trosig] them to text and I demand of thoo trusloeso ortugal, Claimed Leila excitedly, "The firm is witb 0. ob, she rush at L Ing from 0, Will eat up quickly, then Hot and'of these elders, Ind of 'ill Wilts fingfork when lie came back fTOM Wilt- grea - big mortgage 011' P Is lea-ving athem starin b after t a War Is not such q dangetous game, the :81 -ton gun fires a Shot tw6lva Scratching for grain that has been
,foo -greater than Wag expressofl for l,vhlo he country is lisaely strug- all right, isn't itl golden haired apparit ) its as People think, In spite of all Of. h, gisted in tile building of'tbis at Xr, T 'wouldn't say any. miles it is fired at such an angle, 1,114 raked into their litter. ,ve as, OU by these I.,japoloon whcn lie stopped ashore from qllng,. cap from being the mill Stan%) "Well, (let "It's Urs, Erskinel ejaculted, 0-40, forts to annibliate each other enemies a a height 6,482ft. Give milk or Witter to them wrm, etrueturo, " What Inea n Y it if I ere, you, but the 11 goes Up t -is A good thing for laying
put her out ot bsintiss. thing' about "Who'd bao ga she was alone, tile '4110
R,Iba. We really believe in tl Pi,raklno, h atively slight d,
IS, Place I mag(, Ire )(ir
stOnOs?" 11 that IrleaIlhas got about that ere?" muttered the other. do compar Dar. higher than Mont Blane. Big guns I PI
we monn that Christ wIll enact the iame Scenes that AY OUT. Oil TROUBLIP, ' " aky I .Ve been longer in use tit, bens it fed judiciously, too 1111Ph will In the first PhIct I or we . e, enacted by him whon h6,i�nded A W Wigton &Co., Are rather sh, nd alarmed at tivIirmn War, with its bit in most No- they shall Ile an tear hly residetiee, f for a minute, bui -It Leila we's surprised a ;rig (he lillanco- ple think, in, tile year 1478 they had result in harm, Christ. Poor J091181 Ile, did 'hot have in the 0xiout I and, there Will' be each Ono, way lit which she could Pay off didn't credit it T)OVA's white, fate as she dragged her scores t;C -baules on ii, vast guns, callod 11 bombards," which thrw It no, other way presents itself, bay ,%nine of her debt, perhaps, moat of it, fl,rakina talks like tbat--so �Voas fingers, mudl,. of a home, when be was here- ms ailing of blind. es; on( uns op- s tor let bar coloalos go, UY granting 400h, my poor little I)oral, he hasn't as"le with Ael, - to 1-2 mn in tich tholiind wore kill- Ipr0Jcl(..tIIes vvelgiling (I 'quarter of. 0 rabbits -of your neighbor's boys rind b,hild Crying I t xclainsed '01 I'm going homel now lill(lpil; while 4 1-2 Per 6 wider at the cheipl them fine with the axl afier re -
piing of dat ears, and eagtin out Of ti'L Ila*. Leila, , ton, TIleY WO -T Muzzle
Whei nd where is that ( house, Where unclean frits -such alleeirs be- irights to Germany afitt Great Britain, be faintest RUSPICIOAt" 6. otical Xennotli's In trouble. Let ed, and 108 wolln:ssing. hug .any ol- thll In tile bow, -anti were.unad for moving skin and OrittaillI, 1"Oed iit Is -Jesus, born 11� an Out 4411a could raise a sufficient amount at Leila. etation, I HIOURnd w0ril , t one mol twice I*r ard breathing I It i esus, aterined as, shall . ake, David got me a cab to the � bout nixie 011(ill(liks battering buildinga. The English Used they it. that h So money 0 at, least tide her 'Over the "Erskine doesn't like to trouble bars must g0_0111 dont try to stop mal I dier engigOcl hod a , will Ot
ii.sleep oil a fol"k., Who is that in the i his hall, memorable, five hundred It I SuppoSe"'L isfi that,ho Would not got It hig guni; at lthe 11attle, of Orooy,and week.
(-it, with vear,4 itfietv yo -a and, I -a" dead Ind biggest part of bar trouble, DdlagO. aid Tony; "she's such a berd Me. MOL d nd Mr. WaldtOft to 0 es to one that lie limati,id the Proll,li Who hit(( never Seen babk p; mrtanvo light-hearted little things anil VehAP"' talking about It, Nevor mind MY andl ( ki)16d. "Most of the _r0 801i A WLt8T01tX PAPHA,
art of the i,vr fifty chnne
sallorya rough overcoat thrown over forgoti:eis. Oh, my fillejuds,,we want bay Is of immetisli Stra (40 Isill 6 hopes to tide It over," Would not be Such wivipons boi� It Ig josua, the worn-out VOY- Ivat In this church; that toallof easterwand southern Africa, b "our Cloak., �Vounds rec4jvoil ivore slight -that in
lilm t but aine. rei and thera, to no doubt that Great Brit- I I Tony -surely th.re"A no Leila b6okoned to liar husband. "Wx bos," rec6litly Said a loading
Ob. Jwquil is It not Ilit" b6ginnisig now and runnin citilit 001thatt" gasped Loila In bat- lo to -night, dear, you to Says One-fourtli of ill th, WOu"As article in n Aintrican tlpolo� ager, (Ity the
ain would be, wDling,ta VaY 4 big d "if you will g -e-fourtht; W60 IT IIAS than hadat'a house? NVe give thee day when thet chisel that sun% for Its possessia I - GOrm"nY would or, Were sovele, �nd thilk
thin. - give it to us 21rat, likewise be glad to bnV6 SOMO, Of the ttl#W611, t rmlly don't know, darl , t,utiat let Tony go, With you," she said � . nt It in surp,rialng bow OndOnta odit- geticall, out, rxxdxts will pr. Thou dIdAL brilsigg down 6veil St. O04 the ittlig but w6uldn'ot to.morra%r morning be tilight , " 'a imalls And The don thl APPx4van" Of A big Wxxkta 'In.
but we give It bllck to the'd, kt 'I' Pyransid.% pball britig this hoU86 into heAfrican p06808916118 Of SOMB Of "thingn tire as they AmAll it Vn ild or WAS taking a day off wlion this txl11gxnCxr,1 and tllx IMMIngly my$- as but not half ligood On- the dust. We Wan - those In Millis although It is doubtful Whom fault is It V demanded Leila. Soon onougb to 90�` him j)ul. of Clio, ranks). log came Ill; I am eligaged to e, in a,nd *ake t ths host Of Def Dora looked up to
too good lot U, p Achfully. knot"It tyxrious ab-sixtiox of a exiltan lxttxr.
040 h thee. Oh, Coal all next Ino left everything, in t,W ld you llcuii�ot -t,
"Well, 111raki ifroi
thg for ly-eanvoted Souls who all if the latter would satisfy Germak' de- a tit walf: I t were Tony?" Njurphy, but MY forI1118" flabbli% Shooting Sam Diblixii yxatxrd, y cassix
eat Set beret Walk UP and view by OW., as his for
peak through ug In To sire For sovertil Years rumors, nay old Wigtons hands, you kil ,she Said jCat(� Dooley, tIlToitona to Sao me into our offiox and annottlieXcl that as down all thesd 08103, 8 flits tabltl.-we Want t1lom rapZrts,'bave been spread abroad 'Wr Elitlitil alwayn did, and be's bo6n flIng. going shooting, I lid had no ain.
an lug money aivay on wild speculations "No, dears" whispetod Leila, kissing breach of promise. Can YOU advise M6
-�Plplas. Throw thine arm Only th ' her, "You ato right, to go," 111813.4 IN ll.40VICI ho, to extrie,ate myself from this dif- hrWa8 would likx to borroW
.0 ftrat reglinont 4f a great so often f the cessift Of POrtUgUeA6 munitions lix I uVer-Us in thaSo, ilrChes. In -the flaw. to other countries, Semi.af- Dora hardly waited to be, COMM Tlwy were t, s0nIX of oar typi
army that will take this, Plate Oil their toloniell alkilig al)(i.lit tock deals f iculty tit for shot. lIxforit WX Ig of theso chandollorit speak to US, way f a glory. tidal denials 1106, of couvie, biaen Leila Bat silent toe it whilel t][161114116 with a Cloak and shawl. She rillil one )lot day when Ile infOvynatl hill Tile fitlancial editor and the foot- 11 prxvxnt it, bx had g ollyh1g, "I am thd light of the world. , said Softly: , rabbd all But Stneo tbere are no nuan made, but it In also true that thOTO (Iowa hitti the hall and looked out into friend thot lie had a Cheap ball nritic, Wre responsible for thO an. eon 0 ,
y, Ulmer- ix 1Attxrs out Oif thx M01i linportalit
0 Ring I plake this thine audience ; t'know; a wif0s liti ut"Istood A Slivers whiph -read. Xt would fl, ,83. faLsitlel; alsond, PMlapn W6 had better would be good reason, to prevont an odght ana dislapopi1a omfort, her husband !� tho darkness with d1latod, anxious during 01,4, wititer. rxd. Our sub
tat a b
Mean i141
Is ad
eliamber. Here VtOlftilln I tiap our beglit now the work'of ntIvation. Oh entaged opulnee rind t6volationa, for 19 to t volt hit already extra-Mattil your- box In rX1)IXhIHb1n9bk11'6tftk and make treaties, We tlr"o"S61 nd Dora has it warm little GYM, 13 then, And.ye.Atordity it foUcheil A&I , -Ve Xta call hxlp
ver our bedg, we lift tbat This dav of dedication Might 416 Pottl][P�&I a endeavoring to k6opt the at, a (It "Take. care of her, TofiV1 saidUllil self, if all thos who WXrX �;hot by Saul %vili
bAnda, W6 nboo tif toil to all, 101- 4edil As t1ark as po8gibld Ubtil it suited heart or ad her frivolity, Xonnoth if Wish I )Ind y6ur Inele, old nila I Was s;%vx thx obArgx whX)�It la,pickitsIt out
our ansigrig, we cry with multituclin I'll, I'll souls I My friends, da not bar ploastitra to Jet it become known. I'My dear glill'-ToRY llvh6eletl round pityingly, "aild h6l 01A veply. W hat wts".4 It f Wy Of tbim iiia ixtarn, it to US, NIVvr aftEll Ole, place ringn, -"You bluAtti't Bay such a you Ofifir won't YOVITI, Mally m6dWiteis, few oures; Way
PrI80111,16YdA, bluadez, of tbo rbijpo-farpen- it "61Y Tony toild6d, kissed bin Wife, and ()Ill just n -solhil. it it 14 bAtts,rski I iftliv,
mako tit ift t bp the, <WY way out of Aliddenly
Iti6q, other thin to 'Serioug thing to bet'011elf W V no protomt1oft. rind the MMV6114 lisf,6111[i " 0 10119t live f 6ra ift Nftb'n her present difflou 43 jurit in time to Wilid DOM into $6 Then tbty drank aotht
forever V time, who bepa to be true, _VOr ffoiMft's Is it nof, fimt� thtit 116 who was born ImIld tile Ark, but did not got Into it. tilitist up ishop.