HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-08, Page 1,WwW4WW rjiIIF CLINTON 21st Year 4 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1900 *.•••af* ',aw•asa`a n aaaa.aa•aaleaa*ear**aarFaa at• larrtar a war* aaa .ana,aaaa,*-- aaama.a...5ea a waaa wwww .•www.w. w -wwwwwwm.www** If the label on your paper is tuarlied up to date it is .well, but better still 11 a ye_a_r_in..._advatice. Give it your serious corisideration. NE ECORD. Whole Number 1103 keeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeiboe,eoeieeeo 1 Some New 1V1. uslc Books F, ..-,-...--..,,,....... tit Nimble Fingers fine collection of 13 easy and cetchy pieces, 500 Easy Pieces la ItiteY HeYs.. 0, ,• New Songs of the University of Toronto 7e0 and $1.25 75c % Pan ,Ocalegiete Collection of Songs ra c Repertoire 'Underlie $L00 ra Royal March Two Step 1 50o 75c 75c 40 t*3 Serb Folio, Instrumental. ! . , .. .... 0 . . c( ) t Royal Collection of Four-in-liand Music ... , ........ ....,., 750 " ' Weal • HYMN BOOKS $ $ Songs for Yopng People, Exeell— 25e Tlae Chorus ef Pl'aiSe, Black 25c $ Epworth Hymnal, No. 2 40o 3 • New Hymn e and Solos, Sankey 4$c Glory Bells, Gizze , .A4n0•0•••••360 $ Sacred Songs 35c Saving Gram 10o Canadiati Hymnal . 50c $ The Seed Sower =135c $ r) In Addition to Those $ 1 ta We laandle Sheet Music, Instruction Books,and r many.other lines i of Books not mentioned.abovee urand can proce a,nything in ' the line re 0 g of Musicians' Supplies, which includes Instrumente as well as Slaeet a Our prices will be found, to be lower than most so-called musk: e$, Music and Music Books. dealers. 1 Books sent by mail at same price. $ Wo COOPER C009 li ooksellert and St Ationers, • Clinton, Ont. 1B aomo_zQ,6sys4faeoas,:aessosoaosooemaocao,949oageoQyace sierabeatFt5=t150-Fatzia I Want My Mush. That is what the children say. Grown up ch ldren say tbe same thing. • We have several lines of ,Breakfast Cereals, in, eluding Swiss Food, Pellyotia,s Wheat, Quaker Oats, Rolled Barley, Wheat and Oats, hut the most popular brand is F ir's Renowned re kfAst Food. It will )nalte you glad you are living to order a package of this popular food and have it for breakfast. Prunes, extra good value, 5 lbs for 25e. Have you ever tried . Rice Flakes, Flaked; Beans or Flaked Peas. These goods are manufacturisd by removing thelaulls or skins of the yeas.and beans in their • intat dry and raw state and are then drawn to a thin flake.. By this way of manufacturing it does not destroy the flavor, nutriment or strength of the peas and beans, • 15esides •it re- duces the time in cooking to $ minutes. Try them. The Art Of satisfactory Watch -Be. pairing is exemplified by me. 1 am an expert Watch -re- pairer, can repair all kinds of Watches and Clocks. I know how to do it properly. 'You don't have to take it to any one else' when a get through with it; because I do it rigbt, do it peomptly, and charge you reasonably. . Fourteen years' experience enables me to guarantee a • perfect job.. Am I to clo your NEXT Repair Work , P. Z. CREWS Jeweler, Expert 'Watch Re- pairer and Optrcian- tkearefesirst • • Chaff in the bead My spring goods are how .opened up and are the hest I ever had. There are none better. :Call and be coniinced that Boots • and Prices are right. Shiptneni of limes. Vixens'. Petrie& AssembV. EOUSO of R0111.0 Supplies. Mr. John Howson, who carne down , , leas the awarding of the contracts for be held in the town hall on Friday from SintulatoN. W. T.about three . , . reapplies for the house of refuge, met evening for which. theowweeks agoreturns to the West again managing on Friday Matto consider the tenders. naltee is making such Preparations as on Fricley and takes along eighteeh • will ensure its success. The tickets fine horses, with an average weight of 1400 pound. Seven of these horses he These coatracts are supposea to• be let quarterly, but if the successful tender- are placed at two dollars and, so that er at the beginning of the year provee the ladies may assist, a contribution satisfactory he is generally given the box will also be provided. As is well - remaining three quarters as well. The known the -Assembly is being gotten conamittee consists o: Ceuncillors up for the purpose of raising money Snell, Connolly and McLean, Clerk for the National Patriotic Fund. Lane and Inspector Coats were also in attendance. •The contracts were. °eclat' 'Service in Sv* Pau", awarded to Sunday,Feb. lith,hites been appointed r— Groceries,,O. Cooper & Co. ,• as the dvy ensbn which the members of the Anglican church in Oanada shall Bread, j Kingo meet in solemn service far confession Meat. A.. Couch. • and humiliation and for earnest sup - Mr 1.ougn gei$ Medal, plication to God. for His blessing on A pleasant feature of the Stavely Hall opening services ouThursday our soldiers and sailors with others en-• night last was the presentation to Mr, gaged in South Africa, This sends°. vrill be 'seta in St. Paul's on next W. Re Lough, principal of the public Sunday a.m. and p. at which col - school, of the Fenian Raid medal Motions will be taken up for the Cana - awarded him for service'rendered due - i chitn Patriotic Fund. The Rector,Rev. as a •ng the scare of 1866. MI, Lough, who j. F. Parke, will preach it special -sea. was then in his eighteenth year, w mon on the war. All are invited to at - served from April to May at Cornwall member of the Prescott battalion and tend this service. and it fortnight at Prescott. The bat- Annual Meeting of Bible SoCkfY. billion was long sines disbanded and The annual meeting of the Clinton the records destroyed in it fire which branch of the Upper Canada Religious took place at headquarters, On being Book and Tract Society was held called to the platform to receive the Ontario street Methodisb church on medal Mr, Lough was enthusastically Monday evening, The Rev.B.Clement applauded by the large audience. occupied the chair andcoeducted the Fire its the Agricultural Hall devotional services. !The Rey. Dr. Moffat, general secretary of the sogiety, delivered a very interesting and in- structive address on "Better Work for God and Man." During his address Dr. Moffat gave a full outline of the work of the society and' presented many facts showing the large amount of good being accomplished by it various fields in which its agents are employed. Tbe Rev, Mr. Stewart spoke fora abort time, commending most highly the benevolent and Ohris- tian •work of the society. Rev. B. Clement was re-elected president and Mr. James Scott sceretary for WI ensuing year. The county council conemittee,which A. Citizens' Patriotic Assembly will • . O • GLE COOPER CO. • THE CASH GROCERY. Phone 2.3. R. J. C'.1,„U Cash for Butter and Eggs. o ....TEE TWO A..3'S, Clothing Iinnouncernent 0 iMr. George Overbury had occasion to go to the Ageicultilrel Hall on Mon- day morning and when he opened the door found the bandit* full of smoke arising from a fire wineh had been ,lighted in the centre of the hall. it bad been fed by broken stands used at exhihitiou tithe and as the floor is. coy- ered With seevelust it would soon have ppread end the hall would no doubt have heen destroyed had not Mr.Over. bury happened along n hen he did. In the hall Davis & Davis have stored •their buggies andl the ,cushions had been removedahd grouped around tbe fire by boys, it is supposed, Who bed gathered there on Sunday afteinoon; or it may beat night. for a reiel, They will not, however, be allowed the same latitude in future. 0 Another Sicerlay Pits, One fire calls for three, -itis saidi a,nd if so Olin ton may note dahliaexemption for the season as the third • broke out between. five and six o'clock last Sun- day morning in the corner store of the Searle block' occupied by Mr. Witliam 'Duncan. The, flames- werefirst seen by Mr, Marry Fallen, who, wee; op leis way to Mr. William eWeir's to feed' stock, and he at once gave the alarm. The. fire brigade speedily responded. andi u i shert time had the fireunder subjection, not, however, Until a large hole had been burned through the , Some of the shelving was also destroyed and Winone of the plate- glass • doivs craCked, Mr. Searle's loss is fully covered by insur- ance, Mr DUncan's stock of floutefeed, etc., was badly damaged by linnet° and water, but is covered by 'a risk in the Royal Meurer -lee cempitny to tbe. awoant of $600. Mr. Jacob Taylor is &goat frir the -Royal and on Monday Morning he telephoned for the avid- ator to come end hen -raise the danaage, so that Mr, Dnncari might •open out for trade as speedily as possible, The inspectbe replied that Mr. Duncan carpe seventh sin his" list, the seven fires occurring on the prime date, and that he eould. not come until Friday, The Masonic hell, which is over the store, was badly smoked and will have to be kalsornined, The past year was a satistactoey one for us. We • sold more clothes than during any previous twelve 1 months. This increasing trade must mean thstt we , are giving satisfaction in prices and good quality r of goods. \, This .1.ist Year of the Century- • We will keep on hand a larger stock than ever be- fore of Tweeds and Suitings of all kinds, We thank our customers for past patronage and request its continuance, • • A. J, HOLLOWAY A. J. 1441ORRISH'S TIES Are the latest creations of New York and London fashions. His 'Underwear is cheap and good. --arefitambarakimowila 0:4101"11111 THE CLOTHING Officers of Jebileo Preceptory. The annual meetiug of Jubilee Pre- ceptory No. 161, Black Knights of Ireland, was held in the Orange hall on Friday afttrnoon last, There was it fair attendance, among those present being: Messrs Kenny, Bullard and Campbell of Winthrop and Scarlett of Leadbury. The election of officers resulted as followS : Preceptor, Sir Knight A. M. Todd. Deputy Preceptor, Sir Knight,yan Scarlett, ' Chaplain, Sir Knight 3 ohn Bullard. Register, Sir Knight Peter Care teeLnu. •Tr, rer, SirKnight Thos,Kearna.' • Lecturer, Sir Knight A. Anderson. 2nd Lecturer, Sir Knight 0.Tweedy. Oerisor, Sir Knight WillianrrFord. 2nd Censor, Sir 'Knight W. Kenny. Standard Bearer, Sir Knighb Jas. Connolly. Pureuivant, Sir Knight. • Campbell. ' Teo Potiltry Show. Our local poultry fanciers were quite successful at the show in Seaforth last week and won a good sbare- of the prizes. ,selr. A. J. Grigg made 15 entries and was awarded 8 firsts, 6 seconds and 2 specials. His birds were all Games, Black Reds, Red Pyle and Bantams. With nine entries Mr. S. Appleby of •Hullett won 8 prizes, 3 firsts, 4 seconds and 2 specials. The firsts Were awarded to his Peafowl and Red African Gagne and the seeonds to his Guineas and Dorninicks. After the show Mr. Appleby sold apair of Indian Game pullets to the judge, a Mr. Vick. nell of Buffelo, for a handsome figure, Mr, William barter of Constance was one of the most extensive exhibitore and won it long sting of prizes, as ie his custom. His .birds have a provin.• cial reputation and, are hard to beat. He also made some sales.. Newton Davis, who is a White Wyandotte fancier, won two flute and as many Seconds and also two firsts with his pigeons. Fred Forrester and W. Doherty also exhibited successfully but just, how much so we have not yet learned. Cllatotf Defeats Exeter. A hockey enthusiast, who tvitnessed Saturday night's tnatch between the local seven and. Exeter, tells Tten Nnws.Itaconti all about it in the following style e— ii The Exeter hockey team rain up against it pretty hard at the Clinton rink last Sitturday -night when they did battle with, the local septette, The game, which was fast from start to finish, resulted in a score of 11 to 0 in favor of Clinton despite ell the visitor could do to keep dotyn the tally. Clin- ton's combination play was very much in evidence, while thb Exeter boys, whenever they did by to work it in, nearly always failed to get more than halt way dowrithe ice with the pock when the"Lightniegs"were on in them. At no time"did ib look dangerous for Clinton, with the exception of a, couple of face-offs in front of the goal, while • the puck hovered around the visitors' goat &meet continually. Mallett in goal for Exeter made SUDO excellent stops, but could not withstand the rain of shots poured in on him hi the last half. Creech at cover -point moved a speedy man on his skates and handled his stick well, making several -males almost on to the Clinton goal, while Evans and Myers did scene pretty combination work and were quite fest at times. On the Clintan side Mathe- son and Forrester played a splendid game, while Coats and Dayment, particularly in the last half, did excellent work. The defence put up their timid splendid game and "Big Bill" had an easy titne of it keeping goal, at least he wore the big pads, but played on the forward line moat of the Lime. The game was it clean, gentles manly exhibition of hockey from beginning to end, The Exeter team are a quiet, gentlemenly set With Our experience with the Clothing' business since 1854 enables us to understand the wants of the purchasing public, A Large Stock Our stock of suits, Mena' and the finest quality and will be Tempting Prices. • . MID IIATTigit. bought from Mr. McMann of Seafortla d b I f MIG f an e once rom r. J. en es Kincardine. Mr, Howson has been -engaged in the horse trade for several years and as well as being a good ) judge of stock understands t he equine of wants the West to it nicet "Anti so are you, Mts. T." It was im- muu STAVELY 11* 'r OPENED possible to discover who had won the 1.11U Aie'd Now the Home of the Free Lib- , rary Which Has Also an Endow- ment of $0,000. A Sketch of the Library From Its Inception. laaa41,aaaaa The Stavely conarnittee formally handed Stavely Hall over to the town on Theredev evening last and it, may now be regarded as an meet. The saar Deana Married, . building isa substantial one and will A quiet home wedding was solemn- make coinalodiotteaud comfortablegoar- rary of MO volumes had been collected hied, on Wednesday afternoon of lait ters for the free Ithietry. Indeed, those --all hooks of a superior earacter. Magazines and newspaper s toots value week when Miss Minnie Muir and Mr, who are competent to speak on the gees- wetly of Clinton, of $100 yearly were Sfound in the read- itamet Beattie of Durham, both for- tine say that it le the most complete were united' in mar- jibrary mom possesseci by any town of ing room and the membership was as mother,128 Horton street, London. The large as at any later time, being more than150. It Was At this time,too, that riage at the residence of the bride's the size of Clinton in the proyince. . br Rev, W. J. Clerk of tint First halhand its $5000 endowment, came The funds for the ereetioa of the with the bastitute whereby the latter the town council made the agreement interesting ceremony was performed Presbyterian church in the presence from the estate of the late Jernes StraV- at it later date received free use of the ci01102, Whuo crossed the bar in Deceneber room in the town hall and a grant of f a lamge company of triencls and 1 -4 was an illiterate Y k hi or S re- $100 per year which it bas ever since received. Up trpto the . year 1881 evening elasses London and at Clinton.. were carried on by Mr.James Scott,sr. Meeting el County Orange Lodge. his signature consisted of an X, yet he in which English branches were taught The animal meeting of the county succeeded in accumulating efulla and by Miss Mouritcastle in free hand L. 0.-L. of South Huron $37,000. The period helped him. He and object drawing. These features Exeter on Tuesday. The attendance was held be made his first money by chopping, besides being nndoubtedly beneficial to athen bought it farm vehich, after par. those engaged were a source isf reven- was Jar ge and the proceedings of m interesting nature, The address of the tially olearing, be sold at an advance . ue to the institute, hut owing to the Th Worshipful Master, Mr. John Scarlett, e price ef real estate had an up- 1 act that the institute had the use of wara tendency in those years and by only A single room for all purposes the buying here and selling there he added classes bad to be discontinued. The to his bank account. Money at that room referred to was that at present time could easily be let out at twelve occupied by Mr. Brydone as a law of - resulted as follows :-- per centand the " unearned mere- ) lice. Thence they removed to the Perrin Mast.er, J. Scarlett, Leadbury. • ment" went rolling on. He bad a keen block where tbey remained till about Deputy, A,. Nevin, Centralia. eye for sheriff's salee and first znort- twelve years ago when the quarters in Ohaplain, W. Craig, Elet saa. gages and always tcrok good care that the town ball occupied up to the pees- Rec.-Sec., P. Cantelon, Clinton, his security wits gilt-edged. Mr. Stay- en( year were appropriated. The Ein.-Set., W. Anderson, Centralia; ray never married and hadn't an intl.- evening classes were resumed for a Treasurer, J. Beacom, Ildertonmate friend. He was uncouth in man- tinge but the spccess was limited and . Lecturer, J. Bullard, Wintheopner, shabby in dress and was best they were seen finally dropped. In Lecturer, W. Deacon. Lucanknown as "Jimmy," He made a will, 1886 the Governwent grant dropped to • D. of O., F. Dayis, Centralia. . before his death,but the man in whose $250 vvhicti has been the maximum ever OLD SET'AT - A game. On Noy.25tb,1879,when the institute was in it flourishing condition with 1550 volumes on the sbelves, the entire library,except.some 250 volumes, was destroyed by fire. Thera followed. a interesting chapter in the history of the institute. Most commendable was the conduct of the board and citizens at that time. The revenues in 1880 amounted to $1300, twice that of pre. ceding years,and in 1881 to$1051,: With- in 18 months after the fire a new lite• Boys', is very large', of sola At frr JACKSON; Sr. relatives. The groom Is the proprietor of the Middaugh House itt Durham and the bride is well .known both in man who came to Ciinton in the pion- eer days. The alphabet was a nozzle. that he never mastered, or tried to,a,nd was an eloquent one and dealt with several burning questions in a vigor. ons manner. The election of officers Death of Mr. Canine. • ' Mr. Charles Carline, who was strick- en by paralysis on Wednesday of last week, died Thursday at noon. This was his second stroke, he having had a slight attack last summer. Intimate friends noticedthat Mr. Carlin° had been failing for a couple of Years past, but the unfortunate affair. that war; termed "the Clinton outrage"no doubt. hastened the end as he worried a great deal over it. The deceased was an Englishman by birth,but was a real - dent of Clinton for aver thirty years. He was it shoemaker by trade and for some • time conducted a. boot and shoe business which he sold to Mr.R.Je Cluff about five years ago. He was in good circumstances and the entire es- tate was willed to Ins wife, who is a bed -ridden tnvitlld, Dim ()untie was a member.p the Plymouth Brethern and the burial services were conducted 'by two members of that -denomina- tion, viz„ Mr. Thornas Summerville of Brantford and Me. John McAlister of Grey township. There was a large at- tendance at the funeial, many citizens who had known and respected the de- ceased during life following the re - males to Clinton cemetery where they werelaid to rest, • VIOTOItTA BLOCK xdoll01,04 CLINTON. Divine Hearing. The Diyine Healing meetings held in the town hall on .Sundity were all. well Attended. Donbtless many of those present went out of pure curiosity. They had seen:the "cut" of the loog- baired exponent of healing by faith in last week's issue of Teta Ng-we-Re:cone) or possibly had met him on the street and expected something eensational. but in this they were rather disappoint ed, Rev. Mr. Uhristnas would pass muster as an itinerant evangelisb and advocates greater purity of life and an absolute faith in the master as the cure for all ills, spiritual or physical. Be indignantly denied that Divine Heat ing ana Christian Science bad -anything in common. The former, as its name implied, was Dtaine whereas so called Christian Mance Was neither morenor less than it device of old Beeleetbub. Mr. Prank Gorrel also t poke The Juniors DldWell. in your report of the recent Ontario street S. S. anniversary the infant class inadvertently did not receive all the credit they deserved. It has been my pleasure to face these little ones Sunday after Sunday,. Their seats have never been empty, in heat and cold, sickness or health the infant class is always fairly repreeented, their lemons well learned and they take as much interest in the welfare of the school as any of the older ones. Under the tutorship of Miss Clemeat and aliss Nevveombe they preeentea the following specialty with Master Hartley 'Watts as chairman t Solo—Mr Humphries (Dean Courtice.) Recitation—Jessie Alexander (Violet Barge.) by S. T. Garrow, A. }listen, M. P. P. Solo—W. 3. Rose (Teddy Weir.) and Mr. Merchant of London. The Duet—Miss Roblin end Herold Jarvis Doherty quartette gave a number of (Lollie Stevens and Fred seleotions. Thompson.) The inauguration of Ivaco, regime in Address—Rev, Morvan Wood (Harry the conduct ot the pablie library nat. Olson.) wally causes us to look back upon the Solo -'—Harold Jarvis (Fred, Thompson.) history of the institution which is now Recitation—Iniss Fisher of Giederich being re -modelled under such favorable (Elva Wiltsie.) auspices. It will surprise some per- Solo—Madam Wall (Mabel Hill.) baps to learn that the mechenics' insta Instead of by committee work this etute, out of which the present, library entertainment was gotten up by each bas evolved, WAS eeteblislied in Olin - class being expected to do their part ton at least_. thirty years ago, when and it was conceded that the infants hid sustained well the honor of their respective classes.—A Member of the ,School, Mt. Copp Served od the Gunboat. Mr - Jos, Copp of town is one of those entitled ta- it Fenian Raid medal. When the second Raid was threatened and volunteers were celled from the Clinton Company for service on the gunboat Prince Albert, he was one of the first, to respond. Ile was only in his teene then and hie father, a man df war veteran, made an objection 011 aCCOUnt of his youth, though really proud of thesPirit strewn by hie son. feyor .it wasffied first and being an in since. • • • legitimate the ProvineialGovertimeet Of those to whose efforts the town. assumed control of the estate. Distant .are indebted se much for the excellent relatives put in it claim and so did library we now possess it is diffiCult to Clinton and the result was a Corns Menne one whose services were pre em promise.The three neX t otk in got about 'Went, The late Mr.HoratinHale was a $0000 apiece and.the town $10,000 ; tbe Ute long friend of the iristituteats pi es of the executor, Mr. W:' Bruneidon ident :for Several yearsaindthraugh his of Londesboro, aggregated $1500, labors not only was Clinton library inl- and the balance Was, used by prayed, Init the legislation was so the Government . to . swell its changed as to place the whole library surplus. The $10,000 was handed ever system of the province in a better co/I- to the town June 14th, l897 Clinton'e dition. The marks of his handiwork "share, the Government insisted, was to are evident on every shelf of the lib - be devoted ton free . library or hospi, rary and his careful•selectiou of books tal. The latter being rather an imposiii- bas raised the staudaid, of our library bility at tbat tinie,the library was deci- very high:indeed. Mr. . James Scott ded upon and the following committee deveted half a lifetime to, the work cif appointed:G.D:McTaggart,W:Coats,D. tbe instit uteadn much as Might be B.Kennedy,S.G.1-nurnmer,KPliniesteel said of his Services as librarian and R. Holmes, J. Scott and J. 0. Gilroy. teacher of evening claeses,,nothing of. Mr. McTaggart was the first chair- the sort would place a true estimate man. To fill vacancies caused by reselm the incalculsble benefit's the in- ignations Messrs.Paisley, 0. Johnson stitute derived from his work. It was and T, Mackenzie were appointed; a matter of regret that • increasing When the plans for the building' years forced bim in 1898 to relinquish were decided upon;a dispute arose over his poe.t. Mr. A, H. Manning was an the question of site and against the other who did admirable service in wishes of the Majority of citizens that various offices in the institute board, uponwhich it now stands was adopted. During his Mine the library reached Mae high water :Mink* of efficiency. The On tepars being invited that of Mr.' Si S.. Cooper was found. to be the lowest late :Mr. 3. ET, Combo weir and was accepted. When he concluded for the eighteen ' years ter the work &short time since the corn. initiating with his death treasurer of m ittee paid bine $3665. 25 which was the institute. Mr. John McGarva arid $105. 25 over the contract price. In Mr. Curtis Stevenson were both mem - addition to this the committee has ex- bers of the board during tbe entire ex - r . copy .50laarrngaeeste hisatioesnEcoeroof nteo two yearsOthers who heold institute except per - pi tecenudi Bedar$07! 5futn°ifturwel-li$chhe 151.t.80, f 060.60, inepecting ' $135.50, plans and bad given their time and attentien $107. There is yet to pay about were still members when the library $150 which will make the expenditure was handed oyer to the tovvit. The $4600. On the 115000 invested board at that time consisted of Mr.W, for the endowment of the Brydone, chairmen ; Mr. W. E. Rand, library the interest M .'08atk.1,..;_09 secretary.; Mr. J. McGarva, treasurer, amounted to $200.10- and Messrs Lougb, Houston; A. Me - The meeting in, the town hall on Kenzie, Stevenson, F. Fowler and A. Thursday night, when the hall was A-reestrong. They with some others formally handed over to the town, was have steered the ship tbrouvii many a 61 an interesting nature. trough of the sea and now hand Mayor Sitekson presided with dignity it over to the town well coaled and and tut and addresses were delivered provisioned. They band over witb it a neat surplus of $200. THE OLD SALARIES. The Town council on Morday Night Reappointed the Officials of 1699 With no Change in Salaries, The Mayor Delivers His Inaugural Ad- dress. In his inaugural address at Monday night's meeting of the town cpuncil Mayor Jaelcson touched upon several subjects wlaichwill have to be grappled with tnis year. He also urged the members to see to it that their officials do their duty and if a ratepayer stated. a grievance that it receive prompt and careful attention, In referring to 'the electric light service be said that the citizens were not getting value for their neoney, He believed the corn - plaints of the citizens to the effect that the lights were not up to the standard were well founded and he advised the employment of an experienced electrie cian to investigate. - Olerk Goats read a copy of it corn- ruunioation he sent the G. T. R. mana- ger some time since calling bis ittten. tion to the disgraceful condition of the stock yards in Clinton and to the ira- portance of this town as a stock . shipping centre. In it he asked if . tbecompany would, be willing to co- operate with the town in the purchase of new and larger, yards. Mr, Hays replied that he vvoulel have the matter looked into by his superintendent. •. Applications for grants were recei- ved from the hospital for sick children, Toronto, and it free consumptive sann tarium which has been opened in the same city. Councillors Walker, Mac- kenzie, Johnson a,nd Combe favored a ten -dollar grant to each institution. and it motion to that effect was carried. In speaking to the motion Councillor (Jambe said that the value of a home for constimptiv es was every 'day be- coming more evidenb and as this was open to the poor it was all. the more deserving of assistance. • , The room in the town ball lentil late- ly occupied by the public library was let to Mr. Col, Hoare, who Will take . possession on March 1st. The rent will - he one hundred dollars •per .annuna which may be placed against any ex- pencliture that the town may have to make on behaif of the free library. Councillor Mackenzie took l° up the cudgels on behalf of the night-watch- man who, he said, had to remain on duty too many hours. He would give him a six -hour night instead cif eight as at present. The proper committee will look. intog,he matter and report at the next meeting. . Of course Mr. ()oats was re -appoint- • ed Clerk. He is both capable and cour. teous and the town is well pleased at being able to retain his Services. Atnong other popular appointments was thab of Chief Wheatley, who' is a model constable. There it good or- der when the Big Chief is known to be in the vicinity. His dutiesare manifold and performing them all he earns every cent ot his salary. _ _ TOWN OFFICIALS, Clerk and Treasurer, W. Coats Town Constable, Jos. Wheatley . Night Watchman, R. Herman Assessor, Thos. Cottle . Medicel Health Officer,Dr. Shaw Cemetery Caretaker, R. Reynolds OFFICERS AND XEN OF' FIRE BRIGAD2. Chief, 3, Screton Engineer, j Miller Stoker, A, Seetey Captain, C. Helyar Lieutenant, H. Glazier • Secretary. J. Finch C. Carter, R. Walsh, A. McBrien, 11. McBrien, W. McBrien, West, Fe , Smith, N. Ball,Berb Kerr, J. Leslie, W. Wheatley. ACCOUNTS FAD). Jos, Wheatley, 3 mes. salary $102 50 E. liertneet " 62 50 W. Coats 87 50 It, Reynolds 2 " 86 00 3. Miller 3 " 12 50 A.•Seeley 3 " 5 00 120 00 23 03 47 60 12 50 The new library will be conducted on. strict business principles. It may amaze some of our citizens to learn that during the 'past twenty , years, perhaps less, 000 volumes have .been stolen and lost from the library. As one gentlerean ,rernarked, 'et is the most magnificent °Mello Of the turpitade of some class of the community that has been seen." The board have been ie. e obliged to provide against Lurch things "Ale" • 8 " Jan, Election account in the future. The new boardconsists of the Mayor, three members, Messrs, Bleetri° Light. Co, W. Coats, Dr Shaw arid .A.. McKeri- R. Holmes printing D Pair stationary Clinton was yet a village. In its early zieetppointed by the town council, And 4 66 . done end F. R, Ilodgens, appointed by .T. Rider, repairs to furnace 2 00 . C. Carter, work 3 38 deys it, was a flourisbing institution for in those times the aovernment, three, Messrs. W. E. Rand, W, Bry- b' I lb d .111 d J. Ferguson, work 3 50 more mueificent,perhape, gave a, grant P110!10 . . of $400 annually—twice the amount of tilO is chairman and Mr. Rand secretary ,J. Leslie, repairs the grant at the present time. treasosom . 3. Sc..ott, eleogylitelsfeoefsby-l:w The village aid at first amounted to only $25 a year, but with the added With such auspicious beginnings the and it is hoped that our. citizene T. Miller, repairs to fire engine, etc., 7 00 dignity of the name "town" which came new i a y ' ' y . will not fail to make goud use of its 11 00 advantages. C. Carter, snow plongh " repairs 011 plotigh 3 50 in 1874,the amount was doubled and the nextyear trebled. Other sources of revenue were more - ' 100 2 00 1 50 32 75 W. j. Mitehell, printing numerous then . tbart now. Socials, - ph,ViS & Davis teams, et tire (3 00 were among the neethode used to iin LocAl inaniteer Rumball will inetall Davis & Davis, incidentals 2 00 concerts, leeturee and. evening oliteset e — . crease the income, The success of these telephones in the residences ef 3, T. W. Wheatley, work on street 21 10 S. Wisemen, auditor 10 00 and told how it came bout The eriew of the Prince Albert, was tate given in 18/6 amounted to $157.80 . IBI,Acrlhaintnat' Taylor, 0. course0. Wofilas°ftle"wanddayils., P. Canteion, anditor• 10 00 was variable. Tbe proceeds of 0, b f the G d ri h This will bring the number of tete. phoues in use up to 85 with still more RRCEIFTS, and for a month they encouraging and left the beard to pay new faith. His borne la near Minne- Battery and the Clinton Company, death of two of hie children his conver- pritrelled the frontier from Goderich to became the rule rather than the ex- to , rt:inclteinenext Sunday p. in. from St. dose, in Manitoba and through the hall and hall' a small defieit, antithis sort of Oleg Rev. T. r', Parke will preach it ser- sion came about and he joined the Me. Detroit. They were well drilled during ception. .A. noteworthy case was that jittnee 5, 14-15,"10 any sick among you P thialist ehurch. A couple of years Mt- that time and the good effects were of it lecture given by Sir W. ()Oleo in let him call for the elders of the church a i 1 til apparent in camp neat fall. The sails the sevetities, the proceeds of Which r hi 1 ti that he was aetisting in spreading. this mad° mem era ° ° while those of another in 1880 were l'ess Stock Scales Weigh Scales Rent of Hall Rent of Office License 4 j)0 - Cemetery for Dee. '00 2t - Jan, 22 25 er another chil became ser ous y h th bit net anti lat °win Prod' 01'0 ribriurio n tiff I niter was Captain Prater with whom ,it is a pleasure to play and took and the first doctor called in pronoun- hitt with oil in the matinee of the Lord their defeat goodnaturedly. Mr. Will ced the disea'se bronchitis ; the second Units Parsons es first mate. Celibate . vt reeelveri $2. In 1885 it novel feature s • elXiertat =nog was introduced in the form of a flower and the prayer a faith shall save the Roes was referee and the teams Were seid it had its origin in the teeth, while 111.brbPs" a (311Kletleb was lb a°111' . a sick." me. riteke begins his sixth year as follows r ` h t Gr' of Clinton its Mallett goal McRae Creech point Bryant, Creech e " Doherty ' Myer 8 forward Mathetiong Emile Forreeter Cavan) ,, II I Coate $50 gate and Will be safisflexlec415 t° Cliut8"ind h" alae been asetsting known ns Bob. Babb and not) were convetsatien. around the board to the the snecese they detieeve, May the old nothing else. Let's patrouizeert and I Made them valuable mernbere of the distrAction °KV believe) of the play. Chronicle atwaye keep in the front coutit grow torpulent. courage thews, i n en• other pointsit Wag aunounced on Silie. ers, Suddenly oitt of the Lichee whoee tank and Ito Roulet editor% bank aee billy se/ big work et woosistoog mut seaeoned amities and their experience day night that meetings Would be held crew, eepecially in gun drill. , turn it was to Dirty acclaimed to her er pronounced it brain /epee. This dif. `I's - es „r. Holmes, now county Swile% $00t°. In " IC , P as Rector of St, Pitul's next Sunday. the diagnosis of the third medical man IM., n aide.' ....e rell's faith iti the profesaion and bear the fifteen or twentiftenn Clinton who c ub n connection with the iustitute 1 I re early years t iera wee a chess The Dueliain Chronicle came to hand In ti1 hot week changed in form from a five ference of oieinion destroyed Mr, Gone treasurer, was ' eurgeon, Several of siotance„ The child grew better and iwhich seems to have flourished while column twelve page to an eight page served on the Prince Albert are Ing of Mr. Christnas he sought his as - still in the land of the living, but; Mr. t emated. A, story. told by A member seven colinun papet. The Chronicle Copp le the ouly one still it reaident, 4' le one ofthe brightest of Grey couaty Ilawkohaw " Payment ine Healer and is very mach in earnest town. Captain 13abb of Goderich did larP• Wa setrie ahadeW on the P"hahle duty on the Prince Alberb and vvith and the grateful father bedtime a Div - The receipts were only $17.10, but at in relating ili8 experience. He was in- Inin was hie old man o' war mate bob ---e-- ' sbitainlin•ne,Lthaeuplatyhere. One evenin r it weekIfeeand we are *aged to Gee that Bro. Irwitee efforts FHdey bight's game the ho 0 - strinnentee in beinging Me. Chrismas ra. t ere win; eonsiderable are meeting With - — e . Mumma "�iMr, vtg.- - -0 You are 1VIr. P. B. Crewe Wee indieposed for Mr.Itichard Reynold's, Albert streets , The Ontario ntreet League will have in cheek." Mr. T. two eV himself it few day tt of the past week, but was Miss Bessie Ford, who has be°on very is now much improved. av every Wednesdity everting. a. social evening next Merida. and examining the hoar , soloed: able postageln Monday. $22 85 10 65 10.00 • 4 00 The Pre° 1,1hrem The book e in the departments of Ilistorsg*Blography, Science and Art, Poetry and Drama, Maim], Religion* Worke and Miscellaneous Works are now reiuly for circulation. Every reader should get a form of appli- cation trom the librarian ab once. The complete catalogue will be supplied as Goon as pi:liable. tool &cm. Mise Nettie Iteacom entertained a nurnber of her biter& on Wednesday evening, --Mrs. McNaughton enter. Mined the mine evening many fiends front Bayfiald aud vicinity. --Mrs. i (Rev.) Murdack was At Home to a nuMber of gueeta on Tuesday night: N : ' • 1. I