HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-01, Page 5. I
TJ?EBUA1L 1, 19Vu
• a
e ▪ ftdieot Emulsion •
• •
• :
•6 fo Pure Cod
• • :
6 liver Oil •
* *
O It contains AO per 3ent. •
O 9
• of pule Cod Liver Oil, the •
* extu t amount of Hypo. •
i so •
• h
posphites of Lime and 0
• 0
• Soda, and is agreeably fla •
• . vored. Cod Liver Oil uour- eo
• ishes all wasting tissue, •
• .
• soothes all throat affec- 00
• tions; dry hacking coughs e
• Baon'disapvear when it is •
• •
• •
• used. As a remedy it can. 0
• •
is not fail to, give, the best 0
• •
• results for only the purest •
• 0
• and freshest oil is used in *
• .
• making it. •
• •
• •
• •
• Regular 50c Size 0
• a
• for 35c at
• •
• 0
• o
• Prescription Pharmacy. Phone 2. 0
We can have confidence
recommend the WHITE
SWA s Flour for holiday'
baking. It is a cheap
flour only in. price.. •
We have renewed bur
stock of Groceries and. -
nowhave a big supply'
especially good for the
Holiday season.
-,-• ^ ^
000a aeneral servant wauted..Apply ;a oeco.
Clieten. Jan. Slth.* Mit.8, T. HOWSON,
Mason House,
Munk colter wanted in a mall family., Ad -
(trees Box S, clinton l',0.
Jan. 3ril.
Cu Fon SALE,
Cowjust calved for elite. Also a 'rherobred
Jersey trull for Hale.
JOHN homEa, Huron•Rogul.
Jen. 21011. Clinton V. 0,
Al4glOialetai addressed to Thos.Jackson,Esry., '
. ,
AlitvorAnd marked "Atiplieations for 0111co'
will be recelved.up to 10 o'clock a. 111,011 Non
day, 3th February, 1000, for tho following post. 1
dons in the town tif Chilton :
Olorls and Treasurer salary 8 3100000 I
Cemetery Superintendent
300 00
Chief Constable, Weigh Mester,Colleetor.
Night Wateliman and A.issistnatt to Chief 24,11(1 01111
ete _.
Stoker 30 00
20 00
- Eire ii.ngincer
oundkeeper 1,00eT
Firemen, canh
Full partieulars as to the d 1
uties of the officers.
may be °Nettled en apteteatiou to the Clerk:
By order of the Council.
Clintim, Jan. 27th. . •
• • • -- ••
• •
T, 5. J. Currie of Stanley Township, have
placed number of springs in this town and.
country .which tho purchasers tell me are
tintisfactory, owing to the way in widely my
springs are connected. • My springs at the •
p1080110 111110 range in prIce front 0.50 to 31.00. •
party in town thinks my spring a little too
high, so to show conliednee in my spring I will
make the following offer I will plan 1113' •90 '
spring on trial against tho Gale spring, which is .•
clahned the best, for six months or onti year
with a weight from 100 lbs upwards anti if at
tho odd of test my spring fails „to make the -
mosteomfortable and durable bed,I pay. 81 to
oppositien mai take my spring away.- On the
otheithand if the Gale spring fails Ao compete
he pays me 8.5 and takes his own, spring..
The otily conditions aro for comfort ana
durability, J will place my spring in town so
that anybody may call and see it at an early
Veto, I- • •
' Signed, S. J. CORATE
• . Staplyirgf:y9plelrig„tco,
Clinton P..0.
Jan. 80011.
The undersigned offers for sale lot, 8. on tho
see -field Road, Stanley township, consisting of
I 00 acres. Upon the lot %crests a bankb rn 30:cd0
1 ft. and frame house 20x30 ft. The farm is well
I watered and fenced and in a'good state of (3n)-
! tivation, 1,1 miles froni Dayfteld. Will be sold
on termite suit the purchaser. For fortherpar-
ticultirs apply on the premises to
Jan 1001. 2m.
The undersigned will Pa the highest cash
pried for logs delivered atYthe Clinton Organ
Factory. •
Clioton, Jan. • W. DOHERTY .S.c.00.•
Are guaranteed to . • - -
0 go" not only.coi.,rectly, .
# but } ermanentl) .. Perfect.
0' Worlinanship and nicety •
0 or adjustment:are the first .
req nisites We see tb,as re:...
gards the inside ot . our
# pocket t imekeepers--.:.as 4 b :.
# tbe•ositside, Unit is purelij.
a matter of taste and ex-:
.1 .bolgitoi efg,.10s..117nbselgiyen that the Partpership
1 s ti 1g bctiweenuii,the undersign-
ed, an'Marb'le peelers 131 the Town of Clinton
" under the firm of Scale &Hoover has been this
.1.14",- g;:;;1 ed "Y. T"Tetii,e,?:::Vi.t,I r's
.• rti i owing to Lb 8£ _. ' 1 p t be
paid to eft her of tho parties at Clinton afore-
. said nod ell claims against the said partnership
'. itit.ii:(i3t.,owItil troe.tsigttieeccILto‘ eitiTr of them by whona
' • • ' 'JAMES SEALE.
• - . J. 1.1, Boovaat.
Of : otiaten, :fan. nth. nos:
. . • ti u 1
usurd at the mune stand by the undersigned. •
A The above business will o eon nuct as
11007E11 •
lf you have thought 0
of a ladies' or gents' watch 0
in phi, silver or. gold 0
ed we are ready for •yout #
# trade- ready in a 'sense•
# that gives lasting satisfae•
# tion after you have •made
# a purchase. . f
:0 a J.GRIGO....$
The cottage and property belonging to the late
1(it?ei' tegltN3.'tIsiie i;0tlge-i,i,1Pr.iaIr.ttg
efrerett'for sale At present'occuPiecl
: tlnYitc."vis ILChown: ft is a Comfortable' and NV071-
Si 1 1111.1 ed property, And will be sold on reasop-
able. tepain. . Apply to JA.sils. sevss--
• 'or•PETIelt DOUGLAS, Blake. • Jan. IA •
Jeweler and Optician.
'Thb 8-tilise1'iber offere tor eats, his house and
lot on costlier of Itattenhurrand Raglan streets.
Clinton, April 15111
We want Logs and
Bolts.of all kinds suit ,
able for Headings, and
are prepat;ed to`pay the
Highest Cash
' If you have. any Logeto
sell ir WILL PAY YOU to
enquire our prices, before.
taking them. elsewere, •
Stapleton Salt Works,
Jan. 31d, 1000.
Travellers to any part di the
woi Id should consult the
above in reference to tickets,
fares, etc.
• •
AGEN'T C. P. rt.
• On Victoria. street. Near th•gnri Factory
ason w111 buy 1.00111y, romfortable lieuse tv,itit
000 110t the propert,v t•ccently occupied. by
Vranic Unshall. Apply to
W. 1111.YDONE, liarrrIster
March Bit
The undersigned offers for solo that (1(31(11(1010sixteen OM acres of land souamth of the 'nion
Road Bridge. It beautifulsito for blinding
and will be sold in ono piece or in lots. My.
reaseo for selling is that it is too far from town
to handlemySelf apd it dee:aft pay te hire help
• • A. COUCH,C•linton
tune 20011.
Found on a gravestone in a village
churchyard in Sussex.England,
reads was a cough as carried
her oft ; was a coffin they car-,
ried her off in.". Now had the vie--
turs of our Emulsion of Cott Liver
011 been known and the prepara-
tion .usecl' in. this ease, that epitaph
Might never have liben written..
It, isaYell. known .that Cod :Liver
Olt is ttnequitileilin-the treat tnen
. of allaffer tions.of the throat and
tunas, and Combels Emulsion is 'a
preparation of Cod Liver Oil in its
palate/Mile and agreeable forin, ties-
ily taken irk the most delicate per,
801111. It contains a ,larger percen t-
• age of pure Norwegian Cod Liver.
00011(011 11(081 01' the largely Raver.;
Used preparatiens. Large hottles
- 35 cts.
Istans: I32
Che mist and Druggist.
• •
The undersigned. will keep ter service at tot
22, eon 10, Goderiell township, the Shorthorn '
Bull, Captain Marlow.registered (2080 in the
IT I twins 81. •
Alao a Minute. Ini proved Yorkshire Hog bred
by the Ontario Agrleulturni College from •the
sire Vavorite,Tora • by John Hord &Son, Park-
hill. This ling is reglAtered, 'Forms, 81, fob°
paid at Unmet service, with privilege of return
Ing to 11014 if necessary.
Jan. 20th. .
• There will be kept at, lot 31, e011.6,
for the hnprovement of emelt it fine Chester
boar. Tennis 81 to be paid at time of service
with the privilege of return toshoff if neceesitry.
Sattimerhilt. Dee.
_ • • • • •
1"Yre. 41/6.` "Iota rhozgodineo
tM Oretzt Potisla Poway.
Sold mid recommended by el
drivel:ate ie Canada. Onle telt
eble medieine diseovered. 80
o'uratekaaa paraded to 'CUM 101.
t01310 Sexed W01001100), 103 effeete of abuse
•oreseeile, Mental Worry, fautessive use of To.
Wed, Optern or gerbille:I ts.. Maned on IMMO'
of price, otie package $1; alit, $5, Ono tsittptcase,
• taunt Caft. PittOhltta MO to Any foldrefig.
Tha /Wood OotaparkYk Witidriorl 0111.
Weed's Pliesplindint• le old In Clinton by, ,
s Jeckeon, drugele
ii,-, ARTISTICA.. .70"
Recommended by Lending
„! Dtesonakers. ...."'"
* * g
it They Always Please...sty se
MCALL •101'
AITERNS 117,34"
sr. firflieseratternq ere cold in'nently all
.... every city anti town in thd United State% .....:
s' If your desier does tlOt keen them send. sg:
..4,1 direct to us. Ons cent ntsnips received: ire
Address your nearest point ...
*: '13S to 146W. 14)11 Street, Now York zti•
. •
i-. ittatielt b5P1tette ) :44
„..1 tag PM'S Ave., Chicago, and 0
tr. lost
Market St., San Francisco, 0
, ..........t._
Brighten Magazine Published rg(4
1: Contains Beautiful Colored. Ptates, Sfe:.
Illusitateg Latefit Patterna, Vitale ar
, Wetly.
Aocsats wilted for flue macruiner le eticry
I tittle Pc -
slalom ,ft vitso ration _
. Address l'llEtsicCAL O., ui
e to '46 VV. rote St., tie York I!
NOM, of one aconite customs and
Their Ancient origin.
n la surprising what a number of little
thins'WOdo without knowing' the yeas
WhYt for instance, do widows wear •
cape./ Perheps you would say because
they make them look pretty mid interest-
ing, but the real reaeon Is that when the
'animus were In Englaud they shaved
their heads as a sign of mourning. 00
course a woman couldo't let herself be
se,en with a .bithl head,, so eke made her-
self a, pretty cap. Ana now, though, the
amanita of wearing it has passed away,
the cap remains. 4.
Why do we have bows on the left side
of our hats? In olden times when TAO
were much in the open air and hats
coulan't be bought for half a dollar it ,
was the habit to tie 4 cord around the
crown and let the en& full on the left
side, to be grasped on the arising of a
equal'. They fell on the left side so they
might be grasped by the left liana, the
right usually being more usefully engag-
ed. Later on the ends got to be tied lu
bow, and later still they became useless,
yet the bow has remained and will proba-
bly remain till the next deluge or some-
thing of Met sort. •
betas the meaning of the cameo or
X's on 4 barrel of beer? They signify
degrees of quality nowadays, but orige
tally they were put on by those ancient
weeks as a sort of trademark. They
were crosses In those days and mennt a
sort of oath ou the cross, sworn by the
manufacturer that his barrel contained
good liquor, •
Why are bells tolled for the dead?
This has become so familiar a practice
that a funeral Without it would appear
un -Christian. Yet the reason is quite bars
barous. • Bells were tolled long ago when
people were being .buried in •order to
frighten the evil spirita who lived In the
Why do fair ladies break a bottle of
wine on the ship they are christening?
Merely anotber survival of bakbarie
toni. • In the .days ef sacriace to the gods
It was customary to get some poor victim
when a boat was being launched and to .
cut his thrbat over the prow, so that his
blood baptized it. •
, Why are dignitaries deafened by a sa-
lute when they visit a foreign pert?It
seems it curious sort of welcome this fir-
ing off Of guns, but it seems the custom
arose in a very reasonable way. Origi-
nally t town or a warship fired off its
guns .on the approach ef inspoetant and •
friendly strangers to show that they had
such:faith in the visitors' peaceful inten-
tions they didn't think it necessary to
keep their g'uns loaded.
• Why do we sometimes throw a shoe
after a bride? The reason is not very. •
complimentary. Front of led it has been
the habit of . mothers to chastise their
children. with a shoe. Hence the custom
erase of the Mther of 4 bride melting a•
present to. the. hridogroem of a shoe as, .a
sign thatit was to be his right to keep
her in orders -Cincinnati Enquirer. .
' Ministers and Doctors. .
Altagethey it • Must he admitted that
the medical man, inadequate:as his earn-
ings may be, is . niu'eh morefortunate
than the clergyman, 'The latter, it is
true, gets his rent free, with occasional• -
yearly donations of potatoes, bay, 'flour
and the like, but his living.expeuses. must
be within the limits of an income scarce,
ly equal tothat of an average mechanic
with regular daily employment. .
' It is. stimetthat of a surprise to learn
that a. first elitsie clergymen in (1 country.
town averages only- frbm $5'0.0. to $80Oarr,
yearly salary, • while those in the large
cities are not enough above those figures
t� make up the relative differenees in in-
cidental expenses -of living. The latter
amounts are said to range from 81,00Q to
$1,200 • yearly.. Certainly the .average
doctor must do much better than this;
otherwise 'he Must either' run in debt .or•
look for some' ether occupation. If •the
doctor in- practice must Make 'any *living
at all, he is bound to calculate on a sum •
one-third more and perhaps ,double that
which the preacher can. get. We are now
speaking of the Overage MAD in both pro-
fessions, it • being well kuown that irpe
cial skill and recognized' tibilitv in either
calling always command. proportionately
increased remuneration. -4, 'Medical 'tete
' ord. •
The Curse of Leisure.
- Leisure, except for needed rest, for
time to plan new work or for an (impor-
tunity to aid others in doing their work,
is not a blessing; but a curse. If nothing
comes of it, if no work is done because
ef it or If better work does not follow
on account of it; then leisure has not
been a blessing to him •• who enjoyed it
and invariably works harm to him or to
others who are effected by it.
Among the practical evils coming from
the dealt.° to escape the drudgery of
manual labor is the overcrowding of the
places where the manual labor is light,
the growth df the military spirit among
men who think it more honorable to .fight
than to work and the 'increase of •that,
army of incapables who find no oppor-
tunity and prefer to be supported by oth-
ers rather than to soil their hands or
'harden their muscles by dolug the work
which the world offers them to do.
Carlyle was right when he said that all
the happiness that a true man asks is
happluess enough to get his work done. -
Christian Register.
ceovving Henn.
The archbishop of Canterbury, in his
youth, had sonie experience as a farmea
Evidently the bishop of London's educa-
tion in that respect was neglected. •
the (mount of one of his speeches at the
church 'congress he is reported as saying:
"There is a certain class of people who
are like hens when they have laid an
egg. They form their opinion with suck
difficulty apparently and so seldom that
when they have termed one they go and
crow to all the world to show that they
have done if."
We would respectfully advise the
bishop of London to draw an illustretion
from crdwing hens if he should ever be
addressing a rural. audience. -West-
minster Gazette. •
The Main Thing.
A Tennessee tnoonshiner writee thus
from jail to a Mend:
"Bill -The government havin fell foul
o' me, I am in here to stay awhile an,
bein here, want to be as comfortable as
possible. Sen me my fiddle, my two clay
pipes, the 'Songs of Zion,' three gallons
o' corn liquor an Bunyan's
Progress.' An, 14111, keel) the ole still
it-goin till I kin tackle her ,ag'in."
orating Comtnent.
The man in southern Arkansas who
traded his tvife for a jackknife may or
may not have wanted something he could
Shut un.-Krinsas City Star.
1111,1 UNN INT; W 6..1114,;(A)lt
Mr. Kelly has disposed of the last of
his property In McKillop. Of the 300
acres Robert Boyd onechased 50 acres,
J. J. Irvine 50, Thomas Simpson 59,
James Simpson 50, August Ilicknell 75,
and Joseph Stenzel 23.
Uaouet Regle, who was ill, has recov-
ered and Is out wand again.
eocial gathering took place at the
residence of Mr. John Dundee ou
Thursday night laet.
James 13ell had the misfortune to
heve a runaway one day last week,
The cutter was broken, which was
about the only harm done.
Thomas Young is getting material
ready for the parpose of putting
stone stabling undetneath hts horn
the coming summer.
The trustees of S. S. No. 9 intend
having a great many improveineots
Riede on the school house this coming
,As yet, however, no shooting star
trust has been attempted. -Louisville
NOW It Is a grand shipbuilding com-
bine. If this thing keeps on, what chance
will there be for individual enterprise in
the next ge0eration7-Philadelphia Led-
Forty large cigar manufacturing firms
have formed a trust and offered comtnon
dock for sale. lf their offer draws no
better than most of their eigare, we can
eee the early Mash of tbat trust,,--Oulaba
World -Herald.
The Philadelphie and Reading compa-
ny is stated by The Railroad Gazette to
have ordered 1,000 wooden coal care with
;steel untierframes.
The Netherlands reilway. connecting
Pretoria, the capital of the South Afri-
can Republic, and Johannesburg, fitis one
of the finest roadbeds to be found auy-
where and possesses a modern, up to
date equipment.
Fbo Meniff 1I, mane
According to a eonsular report .just
to hand from Bangkok. bicycling is of
remit growth in Siam, but ilas 41.
ready attained cousitterable popular-
itv, whieu 11£18 been assisted by the
epening of several new roads to Bang.
kok. American machines totind a good
stdo, partiv onsaccount of their light-
ness, but more because they ,eould be
sold at eheaper rates. They were
mostly old patterns of two or three
years ago. As the Siamese axe a
small, light rice, heavy machines
would be out Of place. ',At the same
Uwe the roughnees of most Of the
roads requires a certain amount of
strengt]o in them. . • •
Stole a Utt en's Chattels.
A extraordinary case of theft is re-
pmaeo from The Hague, the victim
being no less a personage than Queen
no culprit ap-
peals; to be the person to wnom the:
sate oustody of the young queen's val-
uauies wore intrusted. Tile stolen ar-
ticles comnstect ot valuable gold and
silver toilet pieces, and seem to have
been abstracted from her Majesty's
dressing mem. Their disappearance '
was the (rause of inquiries being niade,
•nod when Ole bulk or Loom were (use
covered ni the possessiou of a eilver-
emith he stated that he had bought
them from the official in question,
who has now obi:emoted.
.d.11 Unlikely Calamity.
The fate of inituldncl depends en the
internatienal possum of England, and
a mere.obsculang of the Brstisil sun
would. be thd worst calamity of the
colony.. No power in the world has
so many mortal. foes as England, lying
hiddeu along her path. Tod news of
the impentisug death of the Ameer, oO
Rusixae. intrigues m Persia, of eller-
vesceut in holm, and of the despatch
of the 'Russian Blaek Sea fleet tq the
filediterranea.n, aro; sinyptoms of hos-
tility to England. England is great,
but she cannot, light all the world.
But England's preponderance in an
indispensable element of civilization.
-Neelogoe, Athens.
Barbed Wire in kinglancl..
The, gentry, aud„ generally those:Who
are not farmers,. in England have been
antagonistic, and cootinue So, to . the
introduction and. use . of barb wire.
They, got a law (emoted by which any
fence made of, barb wire or baving.
• barb -Wire thereon, adjoining a highway, '
:may be declared a nuisance. and • the
occupier of the laud faced to _remove
it. The. cross-country. ,fox-huriting
squires intturally.qbjeet to barb 'wire
fencee. as an impediment to'.their pas-
times and people traveling • along the
roaas seent unable to keep off it, so
the farmers who put np such fences
are Ilarried both by public opinion and
Ole law. .•
. •Eggs Shinned without shells.
A Russian cbuipanywhich was
formed two yearsego for the puipose
of shipping eggs to Englrm(1 has just
olartined thls capital necessary for the
development of ite business operations.
The special.feature of its trade is the
shipment in.large metal tanks of eggs
'dctprived of their shells, It is found
that the immense .saving from break-
: ages enables the selling of these eggs
on the London market at a price
will& rendersthem very popular with
big .confectioners and biscuit makers
requiring.a cheap but reliable artiele.
TO What Paso Use ?
An toglish soan manufacturer has
received „iv communication from. the
. authorities .of n Presbyterian church
in Scotland asking for the firm to ad-
vertise the. soap on. the wallsof the
church. The letter intimates that
Alm church was in peouniary •difacul-
ties and that this way had been decid-
ed e best, means of raising
Abnormal Energy.
"Kirby tolls me he 'Walks an. his• ,
sleep. s'
"1 -low rem:writable!, He doesn't do
anything but sit around while: he is
awake. ''
Beware of Overfeeding.
• W33.011 cow's milk is ..fed to babies.
with enfeebled digestion it must be
largely diluted with warm water.,
Overfeeding is the frequent cause of
infantile dyspepsia..
Where Wivesnre Seid Cheap..
In Africa wives aro often sold foe'
two packets of hair pins, and they are
sometimes dear at that.
The 101411 Ahead.
East Chiron Agricultural Society.
The annual meeting of the Bast Huron
Agricultural Seciety wile held in 13rus•
sets. The auditor& report. showed re-
ceipte to be 50385 and. expenlittire
$1018.58 was about $12.00 pay On
prize list of 1809, leaving ti- detieit of
$133.50. The following officers were
eleeted Foramen, President ;
T. McLauchlin.Ist vice-president ; (leo
Johnsfortand vice ,president ; Directors,
R. Corley, Jas. McCallum, A.Gardiner
John.Shortreeil, Brotheuer, Wm.
Robb, Jas. Cardiff, Alex. Stewart an 1
W. II. Kerr ; Auditors, A. Strachan and
A. Hunter, On motion of A. Gardiner
end. John Shortreed tlie offer of Grey
Braneh A grieultural Society of $251 was
accepted end the Sociei y 0 V1411, Fair
will he held in Brussele next fall.
Startling Instances. •
Loot vveek a delitament eubseriber
110111 1IO would pay up it he lived. lie
Hied. Another said 0 will 800 yeti to-
morrow. Ire'e blind. Still another
mud : 111 pro you this week or go to
the devil." He'a gone. There ere bun-
dreda wbo ottah t to take warning of
therm proetastinatore, and pay tip now,
-From the leitley S. I). Slope,
The Canadian rothil t M forest pro.
duce at Perla %elite° wise seven cata
leads and will be col tete.
Alt day he fished 'upon the strand,
And lo, at night it came to pees
He'd used ten pounds of bait to land
.Alone three-quarter bass.
When your birch: have 'bowel (Hs.
Gam, change tlie food for a, few days
and at the same firm) change the.grit.
"Swelled head,' or excessive self-
assuranee is often, according to Dr.
Campbell, in The British Medical
Journal, a symptom of the incipient
'stage of general paralysie.
A Gravesend (Eng.) j. P., avl o will
celebrate hie ninetieth birthday in
Sannary next, . commenced to ride a
bicycle last year, and ,continuea to do.
so without the least nervousness.
Mr. C.Reid and Miss Maggie (if Con;
stance were the guests of their luta,
Mrs, J. Suarlett the other day.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill of the Base Line
were visiting Leadhury Mende We-
.. Mrs. Gs Hamilton wits callea to Luc
an on account of the illness of• her
bent her-indaw, Mr. E. Hodgi as.
Parties are the order of the day. Mr.
3. G. Grieve entertained abobt eighty
of his friends on Friday evening ; also
Miss Christopher was At Home to a few
Of her friends. Tuesday • • night. Mr.
:ma Mrs. Hildie entertained a few of
their friends Thursday night.
Mont forty Brussels . young people
drove out to Mi4. F. IVIcfsough's and en-
joyed themselves for a few hours in
dancing and othergarnes. While the
guests were enjoying th.emseives Some
ill-disposed person or persons stole five -
of the robes from the sleighs, carried
them ndle west of Leadbury and
left thorn on' the road, where they
were found next day.
Miss Maggie Searlett . is visiting
Brussels friends this week.
"No Eye Like th,e
Master's Eye
You are motet, of your
health, and if you do' not
attend to duty, the blame is
easily located, !boor blood
is out of order, Hood's Salk*
saparilla will purify it.
It is the specific, remedy for trouble,'
of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver.
t Heart Trouble -"I bad heart trouble
for a number of yeara and different medi-
cines failed to benent me. 1 tried Ifood'e
Sarsaparilla and three betties comp_inOlY
and perfectly cured me," Has. 0, A, pan,
Wallace Dridge, N.
A 8afeguard-4,M t had lost are chil-
dren with ulphtl2eria I gave my remaining
two children Hood's Sarsaparilla as Ow
Were subject to throat trouble and were not
Very strong. They are now healthier and
stronger and have not since had a cold."
Has. W. H. PLEOggit, Pembroke, Ont.
/ /1.100
"-Titiod,s (sure liver ins; the nonvitpting ;yid
only eathartio to take with Hood's Etariknitilli.
by W atte (10., Druggiste.
. 31AIIIIIAGES. ' . .
-- .
residence of the bride's parents, on
January 10th, by Rev, A. L. Bus-
sell, Mr. John McGavin to Miss Voi-
' (aria, daughter of Mr. Robt Leaths
erland, all of Tuckerensith.
SHIELLS--KIRK-At the manse, Kin-
cardine, on the 17th inst , by the
Rev. J. L. Murray, D. D., Peter
Shiells, merchant, to Miss Elizabeth
youngest daughter of James Kirk,
Esq , Kincardine,
residence of the bride's father, St.
, x s Marys, on Wednesday, Jan, loth,
by Rev, Mr. Henderson, Robt. Mo -
West Elgin investigation. Arter to Miss A. Northgrave.a
The Ontario Government has appoint- GILMOUR-GETTY-At the home of
the bride's brother, Summerside,
ed a Judicial Commission to inquire .Assiniboia, N.W. T., on January
into the conduct of the returning offi- .•16th, by Rev. Mr. MoLean,of Moose
oars on the occasion og the Provincial Jaw, Miss Maggie Getty, formerly -
election in West Elgin some menthe ago. of Huron, to Mr. James Gilmour of
The commiesion consists of three Coun- Turnberry.
ty Judges i -Judge Mo Pavish Ottawa.; MILLS-OASH-On january 3rd, at
Judge Barron Stratford, • and Judge 'Gordon Lake, Algoma, by Rev. R. A.
Morgan, Toronto. It is expected that • Spencer, assisted by Rev. G. J.
three commissioners to settle the lines ter of Mr. 'William 00511, formerly
on which the investigation shall .be of MoKillcip, to Mr. Robert J. Mills,
.1 . a. n early meeting of ' the . Miss Maggie, eldest (laugh -
of Relissey, Orli.
BELL-OLIVER.--A0 the residence of
the .bridele parents, 1Vlotherwell, on
Stilt tfOr d's Coutr ., ilaution. '
• .Tatioary 10i,h, Mr. J. C. Bell of
Stratford., Jan. 30.-A concert in aid Wincheltioa, to Mies Bella Oliver.
MoLEtNNAN McLEOD-At the residence .
of the patriotic fund was lield here last
of the bride's father, on January
night et whieli a program of music and •
Tele ,,,,,,s 24thsby Rev, Neil Shaw, Mr. Alex.
aildresses was presented.
McLennan, to Miss Effie McLeod,
Ole irst citizenie ineeting4n the new
city hall, and there kwas a large attend- daughter of Mr. Murdock McLeod,
all of Seaforth. -
a,nce. The proceeds amounted to
about $30). A subscription list was COULTER--;CAMPBELL-In Atwood,
at the Manse.on the 1 8th inst., by
opened and the amount subscribed now
the Rev. P. A. -McLeod, B.D.,Alex.
totals about 91 1,500. This afternoon a
program was presented at the hall ander Coulter of Strafford , to Miss ,to a '
Margaret Campbell of Logan.
large gathering of children, and the
JENKlNS--C ASEMORE-At the Mettle -
Om of $49.10 was•realized.
. the Rev. Ricard Hobbs, Mr. lifil-
.• am Jenkins to Miss Sarah, Case.
.WANT LRGISLA.TION.' • more, both ot Turnberry.
• -.. : . STEIN--TISDALE At the home of the
A deputation represeriting the ...Fruit bride's parente,West Wawarrosh, on
Growers' Association of Ontario on Tires- January 24th, by Rev. T. Kennedy,
day waited upon Hon. John Dryden, ' -• Mr. Albert Stein to Miss M. E.
and made representations regarding Gertrude, daughter of Mr. George
the liproperenein
sitgyraodfhaving p
iaslatlonnfeocr. frAity
: 'plastItle..dx_on j:e.o.
27; at the
tion of fruit intended for ehipment residence of the biide's mother; by
Rev, J. A. Macdonald of Richard's
,Landing, Williain•liardy of IVIicibi-
gan to Mi89 Maggie Dun of St,. Jos-
• eph Island and daughter ot the.late
• . Daniel Dun. . •
SHOUL l'Y - COULTER -On Wednes-
• day, Jeri: 17.tn, in Ferguson church,
St. Joseph's bland, by Rev. J. A.
Macdonald of Richard's 'Landing,
F. W. Shout ty of Sault St.Marie, Mi.
• . johosppii,aIsland.igan,toLetioia 0ouiter. of St.
COULTER-ROWAT- On Wedrieeday,
Jan. 17th, in Ferguson church, by
Rev. J. A.. Macdonald, 3. D.Cloulter
of St. Joseph's Island to Mule
Rowat of the same place.
diet parsonage tin' the 24th inst.' by
abroad, so as to prevent the possibility
of frauds on the consumer. • It was also
urged that the Minister adopt some
measures to prevent the ravages of the
coddling moth, which pest has been
very destructive to the pear and apple
crops in this Province.
Ten lads ;leder age were caught, in a
disorderly club in London and fined $2
each, .
ttinsing the !Intr.
Many women who slum -moo their own
hair spoil it by insufficient rinsing. (4(11 -
Ions of water should be used, as it is im-
portant to rid the hair of every particle
of soap.
You might as well expect one wave of
the Sea to be precisely the same as the
next wave of the sea as to expect that
there would no chane of circum-
. '
A Comma, 'Inade the Difference.
By a misplaced comma, a paper in
Greeley county raieed a dickens of a
row. 'It fetid ; "Two. young from Leoti
went.with their girls,to Tribune to at-
tend the Teachers' Institute, and as
soon as they lett, the g Os got drunk.
The comma belonged after the girls. -
Kansas City Journal. • •
Sheldon's Reinarkabie Books.
We have received from the Poole
Publishina Company, Toronto, a eopy
of "The Crucifixion of Philip Strong,"
by Charles M. Sheldon, tire well known
author of "In His Steps." The book
contains over 200 pagei,, and is a tragic
tate showing how a noble men, who en-
deavored to exemplify the spirit of
Christ, was opposed and _persecuted,
The story is one of intense vigor and
pathos. It will secure a wide reading,
and it should make a deep impression
upon every reader, The Poole Publish-
ing Company have eight of Sheldon's
books at fifteen cents eaeh, in attract-
ive piper covers, or thirty cents in
cloth covers, postpaid. They are the
niost widely read books .of this gener-
ation. For sale at all bookstores.
Huron County Registry OffiCeN.
--- •
The report of the Inspector Of 2,egie.
try Offices has been issued for the year
1890, and from it the following particu-
lars are gathered concerning the Huron
office. The total number of instru-
ments, 1'000E011qt was 3,735, and the fees
received for the same. were $4,101 55,
Of this number 1,130 were deeds, 1,001
were mortgagees, 1010 were mortgeges
discharged •• lenses ; and 189 were
wilI ; 53751.96 were fees which were
earned but not peld. The gross
(mount readved for 1508, 55,341.25,
being 5000 less than 1807. The net .
amount received by the Registrar, as •
his share of the fees was 52,300,55, be-
ing $1000 less than in 1896, The•aggre-
gate amount of the Mortgagee registered
was $1,332,173, or an average of $1,332
Distribution of Sampler;
of Seed Grain.
To the Editor of Tag Nnws-Rneorto,
Dear Sir, -Under instruction of the
Hon. Minister of Agriculture another
distribution of sample packages of the
'best and most productive sorts of cere-
als, etc., is now being made from the
Central Experimental Farm, Ottavva.
The distribution will consist, as hereto-
fore, of samples of oats, spring wheat,
barley, field pease, Indian corn and
potatoes. Bach sample will vveigh
three poundin • The quality of the seed
will be of the best, the varieties true to
name and •the packages will be sent
free to applieante, through the mail.
The object in view is the improvement
of the character and quality of the grain,
etc,' grownin Canada, an effort, widely
appreciated, and the choice of varieties
to be sent out will be confined to those
which have been found to succeed well
Rev. C. II, Emerson has resigned
at the Expefimental Fetus. the pestorate of the Wentworth Bap -
These samples will be sent only to
MANNING -1n Hullt•tt, tin 10th Jen.,
* the wife of Ches. Manning,of a son.
R1LEY-1oLondesboro, on 23r4 • Jan. ,
the wife of Joe. Riley, of a son; •
SIMPSON-In East.Wavvenosh, on Jan-
uary 21st, the wife of Mr, Dugald
Simpson, of a daughter. . •
WOODLEY--In Seaforth, on . January
150.111, Mrs. Livingstone Woodley, of
a son. , •
II0.13KIRK-In Hensel), on January
24t11, the wife -'of -Mr. J. It. HObitirk,
of a son. - ,
TAYLOR -In Greyt on Jun. 1401i, the
wife of Mr.. William Taylor, of a
Sen. '.
BOWERS -In Clinton, on January 26th,
George Franblin lowers, aged 20
.and 8 months. •
ALLEN -In Kincardine on San. 1901,
Andrew Allen, aged 79 years,
leilDLAW.-:-In West Wawanosh, Jan.
10th, Annie 'I aylor,wite of Jars.Latc1;
law, aged 66 years, 7 months
.GARDEN -In Seatorth on San lath,
Kathleen Agnes,intent daughter of
0, F.S. and Clarissa Garden, aged 8
months and 10 days, ' •
'FORREST-Ili 'Morris, on Jan. 20,. Jas.,
8013 of Alex. Forrest, aged 7 years.
MoOLUSKEIY--- In .McKil lop, on January
23rd, L.Trimea McCluskey, aged 68
A eecond concert In London for the
Soldiers' Wives; League ' was 0 great
& OO
0 .
a Extract Lemon and Vanilla, per bottle.
A Gold Medal Baking Powder, 10e size for
K. Forest 4,111y Baking Puwder, 1.1 pound sealers, special
1 Good Red Melanin, 2 tins for
V 10 bats Soap, 101380113, for
3 Good Toilet Soap, per cake
1 ' Limit ey Starch, in pound packages, worth
do Good Corn Starch, in packages
A titmice Mixed Pickles, in bottles
v Eddy's Matehes, per box
i Good, Japan lea 20c per pound or $ pounds for 50c 0
V Choice Japan Tea, our own importation, worth 30e, for... .... ... . . 25o ce
Blue.Ribbon Tea, black and mixed 40, 40t, 50c and 60o A
Salad ti. Ceylon. Tea, black and mixed 25e, 40c and 50c
Q Re.elealwa (1,111.ant4, in 3•01) boxes, very special 25c A
• Choice Selected Y1010111310 Raisins 3 pounds for 25e V
CI osse Se Blackweffshest Lemon Peel, pet. pound 20c cil
Women's Wearing Shoes, now worth $1,25, for
0 Men's Beery Rubliees, 2 Wattles, high cut, elose fitting ....,$L00 1
aleeal Heavy Shoes, ex tension soles, . sped 11 1.50 a
1.50 #
a al eii's If eat,' y Sue kS, AG. .. ..
4.0i.'me, 75e and $1.25
A Alan's Leggings, 01 ' ;
$1.25, $1.50 and $1.85
`f, Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, at $1,25, 51.50 an.1 $1.75 .
sj Men's Fine Dongolit Shoes, at $1.00, $2.00 and $2.50 ,(12
v Nowyil u is, NA, caws, wiwth 10e, for.. A •4 710 if
(a Men H a ea vt, Ri bbed ii nd Fleeved Shirts and Drawer. s....25c, 40c and 50c 3,
if Alen's Top Shirts, ovule of windproof moleskin, very specie' 500. e
A prominent legal light in a Canad-
ian Western town treated and dieted
foe years for what doctors diagnosed
an Incurable ease of diabetes He be -
1313530 80 bad that be heti to quit his
Praettee, other eomplieations setting
In, and his sufferings were most in-
tense Almost es a lest report lie tried
South American Kidney Cure, and, to
his own. sui•pi ise, immediately began
to improve This is ovet it ear ago.
Ile continued taking this grtintest •of
kidney epecifies, and to-do y be is a
well man. Sold by Watts at Co.
50, ltje, 15e, 25e o.nd 35e al,
5e a
10e for
o Men's Hesvy•Wool Socks, ribbed tops, woeth 18e, 2 patt's foe
O. Men's Pine Dogsk in Coats, worth $20,for
Ladies' Astertehau Jackets, worth $25, for ,
those who apply porsamilly, lists Of tat Church, Hamilton.
names from societies or individuals can-
not be ponsidered. Only one sample of • THE DEATH BADGE
. one Sort can be sent to each opplicant,
fame ir 6,11 individual reaoiveo a sample, Is SPAilltD To 'MANX A Iltram, Hies
dme o 110 cannot also reeeive one or tatisk Dit. Amway's Coat you ,rtla
wheat or barley. Applications should Mawr May= PAILS To Curtail
be addressed to the Direetor of Expert- Iltimer EttsBast:-ItaldEp 122 30 MIN -
mental Faring, Ottawa, and may be sent 102E8. •
ay time before the 15th of Mara,
after width date the lists will be elesedThe pal! of 4130011 11103 hovered over
i many 0 disease. hki
eart,loong for the
so that the samplea asked for May al •1(3.30flicker of the candle, and De. .Ag.
be sent, out in good tiffle for Bowing. new'g Cure Mr the heart has stepped
Parties writing will please mention the between the patient and the grim
d hand, and111113)113(1 the sufferer bark to
(attuldorratngenivnfilitro swtolkldolPtriefeatariety perfect and permanent heitit h. Thos.
named be exhausted, rime ether good Petrie, of Aylmer, Que. had heart tbs.
sort will be sent in its pisee. Letters Paso for five years and was unable to
may he sent to the Bxperitiretitai Perin otk. The doctor" p.ve him np to die
„ inany a Hole, Dr, AfttietVe Cure foe
free Of postage.
Wm. Simons,
cured hi
on, b
perldiented rams. nosotril NIP. os' m. *Id
tbiy‘o%ivientit.te, gs:tvetto:Uto relief in 30 min
Direetor Ex .
• Ottitwo,Jaa• 22o41 1 .
25o 3
510.05 a
Look for list of goods and prices and
• all particulars next week.
A Superior Paper.
The more illustrated newspapers
tlwre itre the More -apparent becomea
the superiority of The Illustrated Buffalo
Bapress, it is never con tent With printing
mere picturea. In The Exprese, the
pieturee are invariably either artistic in
a high degree, and therefore' , valueble
for their beauty, or they illestio.te IUlWS
meater of present interest. That is
why The Illustrated Express Is tiot
thrown aside after A hasty glandes as is
the cone yiith Most of the pieteria !ion.
Atty paps 4
When you buy your FURNITURE from us. We will
give you good goods, well made,. weil finished and at prices as
Low as the lowest.
Wt. are the Leading Undertakers. Our Stock is* com-
plete in all the,different ,brauches. ticts' IN ill be foun d
very moderate for good 'work.
Night and Sunday calls answered at Residenee of our
Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley King St, opposite Foundry.
'J..W. Chidley,
Lieut. Col. Moore has retired from
the management of the Hamilton
beanch of Stinson's Bank. "
. •
, .
The life of John E. Smith; of Aniassa,
Wood Hospital, St. Thomas,' was one
long round of tnieerY, he, was eo afflicts
ed with rheum:idiom He .tried all
nittnuer ofeines without much ben-
efit. Aftsr having taken lialf 10 bottle
of South American Rheumatic Cure
he found great relleY and four bottles
cured hitn permanently. Sold by
Welts Sz Co.
' An incendiary fire did $500 damage to
a, vacant building in St. Catharines
owned by the James Murray estate,
OA" •
But what about the blood which the
heart must pump al the rate of '70
times a minute? lf the heart is to be
stut•dy and the nerves strong this
blood nutet be rich and pure. . Hood's
Sarsaparilla makes stutsly hearts 'be-
cause ie makes good blood. It .gives
to men and women strength, confi-
dence, emu age and endurance.
Hood's Pills' are non -irritating and
the only cathartic to take with Hood's
John Hanna, a, G. T. R. caller, was
struck by the Atlantie Express in the
yard at Niegitra Falls and killed.
at •
Foe Over Fifty Years
Mus.Wriesnow's Schernour Srmle ha e Woe
used by millions, of mothers for their children
while teething. If disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a Rink child suffering
and crying with 111100 00 Cutting Teeth send a/
000(1 1311(1 got a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's seali-
ng Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re.
Hove the poor little sufferer immediately. De,;
pond upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake about
it. It mires Diarriuna, regulates the Stomach
and bowels, eures Wind Collo softie; the
Gums, redu eta In namniation, an(1rives tone and
energy to the Windt) 14Vitteltir "11,WhISIOW'S
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea-
eant to the tasto and is the prescription of ono
02 0)30 Oldest and best female pity:deem and
nurses in the United Suttee. Price twenty-five
cede a bottle. Sold by all druggists through-
out the world." Bemire and nett for "Mrs.
. .
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets, All druggists refund the money
10 10 fails to cure. 25c. D. W. •Grove's
signature is on.each box.
Cash prices until 1011) Pelirtutry next.
7 bars good Soap, 26e
Extracte, 86 per bottle
Laundry Sterch, 10 per 111.
Corn Starch, lc Per lb.
A tot of covered baskets cheap to
clean out. rair's Breakfast Food al-
ways on hand, Highest price for good
Butter and Eggs.
G. 3.;. STtWART
i Jan. 200110
Eureka Harnett' Oil is the best
preservative of new leather
and the best renovatorof ol4
alenanthanerd. pIrtootallovoftuesr, black.'
. Eureka
Harnes.s. OiI
00your best Damen. your &I w-
iles., 81310 7001' careasetop,and they
will not only MIA better but wear
longer. Boideverywhereincens—nU
sites from half pints te fivegallonin
WM by mutat OIL 004 Ittotted.
The subscriber offers for 80300 very desirable
property on Isaac street consisting 00 20110 lots
upon which there is a comfortable frame house
with kitchen and woodshed attached, There
is a good stable and a firstsciass well of water ,
on promises. The orchard, consisting of grapes
an(1 apples, is a good one. The property win
buotosoplrdematieaerseasonable figure fer cash or cash
and balance on time. Apply to the owner on
102I08. JOHN JONOlt
Clinton May Oth'
.gelf/N, e e
tioliool that offers adventagee lid found
elsewhere 111 Canada. Largo starrier expert
itstructora; increased attendance; mete -dam
business training; [(come of etudents placed
into good paying poeitions ; stud ente in attend-
ance who come from placesin which are located
other businees colleges. They want the best.
st pays in the end. Now term now open. Enter
amen an poseible. Write tceday for our hand-
some prospectus. ,
ciubbit.i.g. Offers,
The OCASOB for renewingsubacripi ions
has come agaia and we present to
our patrons the Thiliewirig, Clubbing
rates. ,
Weekly Mail and. Ililtiaplra and NEWS -
• Weekly Melt and Emuire,^Nterfeltecom)
end Mktg of •Canacla end the World,
prlee 81.00 $200
Family Herald and Weekly 1.30111 13(1(0 Newel.
Rectorte •.....i 75
Montreal Witness etid Is1ew8•lenco11o51 05
, Weekly Globe anti News-Itsoetto $1 76
Weeklyalpeetator and News.jtoicotto.. 41 75
1010d10ce Joiirnal (Monthly Magesine)and
Nem -Memo • $1 al
Weekly Sun and IsIEWs.ligneifitt
Daily News end Nisvaaltevoisa $1*