HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-01, Page 4etS
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couNity ouNciL or a. atesethe eetrevry egee.
it VAL
• ,r . - Plains Nettie erection of iron twinge
• between Morris and Ease Wawenoeh
The MeMberaEnter Int0 an Agree- were Placed before the road otnd bridge
committee and 4 tenders were received
• Mentstel .deooept the Plinie0 ed for conetructing concrete abutments.
• the Parte' Callen° fee Warden, . Guttridge got the c'ontraet $6 per
. s. „cubic yard. s
TOry One II ear and Ot'st the 4 tendera were placed before the road
Meet. and bridge committee for the erection
of iron work.
The tender of the Stratford Bridge
The county cannel of Huron held its Company was accepted at $1300.
first meeting for 1000 last weld. essems - The Monty Commissioner healed or -
ming mideneoay,.• The times ensines,„ ' dere for the building and repairs of
• bridges to the aliment of $0302.01.' - •
linte the election c't Wartlen And ns the ; The county bridges wee reported to
council was equally, thvidetle eight Lib- he in good condition. •
erode and as niany Liberel-Conserva- ' iineueesrmer num= _
tives wee rigeceil thatthe Warden The Clef k walk instructed to have the
shoed befirit, end Tory year. about. ' relents of the school hisPeetore Print.
Ti;ete, weve two umultiees, Dr. Reline ed m the nlin"tes nsunl.
His Honor Judge Ineseon with School
of Exeter, :moved by Patterson, secon-
snspectors Robb and Tout were AP-
ded by Connolly, and P. Holt a pointed arbitrators to arbitrate in the
rich, mewed and seeendea by lper and matter of school sectlone between Hnl-
• lett and Godevich townshins also be.
Stuart, respectively., accordance • -
Imam Mullett and East and West Wa-
with the alioveagreement wanosh,
.was elected Warden tor 1900. . . The committee reccommendee that
Thirt tem petitiens were t eceived from Alessrs. Ceesbormigh of Sealer th and
different parte ot the comity asking the Boyd of Exeter be appeinted on the
council to increase the license for haws Hoard ot Con nty Examiners.
kers and peddlat•s• -Messrs. Dolmege choncil Oestieron _was apimins
of Lakelet and Allao of Goderieb ted in. place of Mr, Cheshorough.
addressed the thembos liming the u.eroier Ov cennecre rtiohnove,
gt rutting of the requeetsof the •petition., The gaol 'was found to be -clean. 13
The couneil complied to the extent ot orisonees are confined in the gaol at
increasing the fee from $25 to $50a , present, mostlyfor vagrancy.
For the posi don of went y emit or . The report ot committeeoniesurance
there weee the followurg nominatione: on county buildings is sea:dee-tory.
Bowman -Cook -That A.H.Cochrotne . Reeottunend that no action he taken
be•audi tor for 1000. • • • at niesent to improve fence at gaol or
8 n I-Cenn olly-Th at N. Robson of 'to build new residence for gaoler.
Clinton be auditor fot 1000, • Also' thnt the front office• of the.
Holt -Chambers -That R. A. Cate Registry -office be kalsomined.
rick he auditor. The conrthouse• s see office§ were
McE wan -McLean -That Fred Bees - found clean and well cared for. •
be used i tor.
Oonuolly-HaYs-That G. 'NV: Hols' • sractets commend nuemer. •
man be auditor. Recommend •tha t we memorialize
The first vote -each member voting the. Local Legislature to. areend the
for two nominees - stood ose0ochrane Municipe Aet, so that municienticourd
8, Holman 0, Hess 5, Carrick 3, Robson' • cils be electethfor theryeare seine
2. Cochrane was. deceased elected. time and pia* ..eounty councillers
Another vote was taken for the see. are elected.
ond audit or -each • • mended. -voting That more effectiee.cettle guarde be
once - the result lihiug :-Hess'7...ttobs pieced on the different railways. .•
son 3, Renew S, •Oarrick 2. ' A secoed . Tied $50 instead • of $25 be charged
votebeing necesseey, it steed :-.11ess for license to hawkers and peddlers,. •
8, Holman (Warrick 1: °ochre ne• end
Hess are th es the two auditers. The
salary is $10.
Iterr-Bowimom-s That the usual
grants of $300 be mahe to the. Ahrietils
taral and Horticultural Societies of the
Bowman -Oon n olly-•:That tbe usual
gratin be, Made to the Public Libearies.
Millev-sCook -That the usual geanea
usade•to the' Iharnsers' Imaitutes: - •
Mr. George. Mill addressed . the 'coun-
cil in reference tp dam/tees setistotineel
at Summerbill
Coo k ler -T ha t af ter hest elite.
Mesos. Hill end others in refer-
ence tosdamagea susteteed by
while bridge waebeeng -built, that we
Payltir. Hill•$25 in full denim, Moved
in •••• amendment by Oonetilly-HaaSs
that Mee Hill receive the 'sum of $30.
The recommendation of the metban
was adopted in committeeand ;by the
council. -
Whets the -following „met imisaaked
for Was granted after passing -through
committee : • • • - . •
Welaine be auditors of -criminal jeetices - gueAs we Shall be detting otir
accounts.. • . • . • . Xmitadiener here and. probably New
Het -AlcInnis-That this S coueeil 31*-:(lar'e 'We 'e'tnect t°
grant the sum of $10 for -flowers. to • ••be farther towards . -Kimberly, -but -I
planted around the: court -houses • eelieve ••now -thad we are nee getng to.
sa„,e_sersew„„_Tinie •tele . • essims iSee very Meet real a,ctive service. 'We
grant of $25 be made to tbe ' Teachere :are .get Oleg tired of mowing oe the
Institutes in t becoe . sendiethe hot .surr • and 'leis soldifee
Canna y -Hol t -That. Mr. las.' gage. seine bere. We all hope to get hoMe
be eppeinted ametee of tbe Olinton. fe spend. the 24th . May (which I
Collegiate Institute: • • ould like to myself.): We- hear from
M cLean-M i I ler-aTh at• , Mr ; _James . reinter; sources. that wedthe Canadians)
Scott of Scott Bo os. be- trustee sof- the are only for ."Gsierison, that le guard-
Seaforth Collegiate Instate t e. • • _ towes and sprotesionis lo or about_
• sHolt-incEwan-That John Acheson -• the enemies' country.
• be appointed trustee of the - GoOerich- Now mist saY itt•hot'one Of the
Collegiate Institute. , • Oleasanteet duties ether • as We .get eo
Finantea-Mestioss Gook, id mess 0..,..• nett •"Out -Pose and , "guard" • and •as
Lean, St tent Mod !McInnis. ss We --ere in the eneinies own cOuntry we
4. Education -Messrs. 0-ook, mimes. hateete he very careful.
McLean, Stuart and Alen to ie. ' • .• 7.. It 'was itist a few short months lied
5. Road and Bridge-elesses Snell, e that I did.. not expeCtd Would be snend• .
Patterson,- Howinau, eeensonyisohene, ! Xneas day with •• the therm -money -
hers. • • • • . : • • atd80 degrees in the shade.- We - cans
6, esmnty peoperts_-eeessme.•dnaid.. not realize it is Xmas' time. • • 1 helieve
we are to -have a. eke time Xmas day
Patterson, Bowmen, Connolly; -Chimes
bers. . as the English aie-• eeridieg out .10,000
7 Ert nal ization The whole ebuncil.: plum puddings, but we are not eure if
8. , Warden's Cointnittee-Alesees. • we shall gee them or not. 'I'll weite in
e week or sordid let yen know .whitea
McLeatel'ettereoe end Bowmen, •
0. House Of Refuge- Messrs. Snell, tainewo have.- co -not care linW soon
We leave this awful Min try. just fancy
McLean and Connolly. . • .
*awe ean see is send and: shrub end
ASK roil FIAVEN iLNCT1ONS.. . koples Hsi,* between 200 and 3Q(1 feet
Moved by Mr. Torrance, se.conded by. altarouod us tor a dietance of 10 or 15
Mr. Connolly. that the Warden' •and with the leading sun en us and
Clerk memorialize the Local Leisighitine ' mishadewhatever except erieivae- Hat
• to se amend the Monicipal -Act thet thereis one -blessingethatis the nights
all immicipal councils be elected for. as ere cooland it makes it ,not so. bad
term of two yeare, said elections to be, • aftev , •
held at the same tithe and pleee as elec. Now as far as sicknees goes there is
tions for county c councillor's, and also veey little- Amongst us 'at presentwhich
that the elerk aped a copy of* enchanee goes to sho* .what • kind.. of -stuff we
merle to the clerks of the- different sCanucks'? are.
counties in 1 hie province With the view. • We get a eeport the •-other day, of
of securing their cp-operatige the•- what• the Boers think of us. Caned -
matter. ' They say. we are Indians- angel°
Recommit) $1 PEN
Letter. Proi South Africa.
" .
• • •
Beet 'Web b Rel ates ExPerienee.
The .Hoers Think the Canadians
Are Indians and: Use the Scalp-
' big knife.• • The Thermometer
Registered 180,. on Christmas
.The followirdiletter-Wee 'written by
Ben Webb of the tint Canadian Con-
tingent, new doing duty tn -Singh
- . • .
Ahem. to his parents here and. Was
received a few days ago. A. orith is
required for a letter to *come from the
battlefields to Clinton and vice versa.
-Bert writes -entertainingly and says :-
• e• s t3elniont, South. Africa,
. Deo. 28rd, 1800.
McInnis--MeLeane-That P. •Holt and- • "
notthink of mercy in• war and ate of
the opinion that we scalp our victims
13ownean-'Torrance-That the as the Indians did long ago. They
members of the: council of the county reward for us of A150 to £100 for
of Huron, being &dimes of having our ofildere dead or alive. What do you
volunteer eystem made more effective think of that?
and recognizing the fact, thaa at pees- 1 think by the looks of things out
eat,. the per diem allowance atiowed by here the war will soon be over as the
tbe Government whilst, our volunteers • Free State 13oers and the Transvaalers
are in ramp is not onflicient.we -weed are eevolting among themselves.' The
reeommend that the Goveenntent in. Free Staters wantto return to their
crease the tier diem allowance to $1 tames as thp seeding will commence in
per day while in comp, rine, that, a coley shorttime up there, So if this state
orthie reeplution •be•forwarded try the Of thiegs exists they will- soon fall
various counties in this province asks victims to British arme. The Free
ing their cosoperation in memorializing: Staters ha;ve only found out they Made
the Government to this. effects eand a big anistake in going to help, old
that the clerk forward acopy te each 'Paul Kruger, as lifter the war is over
member for this county.. . ▪ end the Boerawin they would onlv be
under hion. But there le no such thing
A ORANi"r0 Voteehellersus.
The cciuneil inernorialiled 'the Gov-.
eminent: to make the Pity the volud-
teers.while in traiding $1 -per doty, hut
whet wee better and More Motet -ACM it
voted them a greet of $600 for next
Camp. This only represents othout
seventeen eeros per day instead of
twenty-five. ,which was resked for, but
will be mein the less -acceptable to the
friends of the force. .Better things are
yet expected so thoo, in equipmentete,
the 33rd limy be'brought up. to the top
notch. • •
. •
A t her vote that Wes right in' tench
with the rtentimented the county was
going to happen. • •
Tne Boers are a very. cunning and
shrewd peep and know how to take
ot position and keep it. Only 17 Miles
sfrom here Olathe other side of Alotider
river t,hey have taken up, theie stand
and tbrown up iircalitworkS go as to
control 14 hilleos of firing line. There
are upwards of 25,000 trobps of Boers
there butthe British otre confident of
routing -them, They will not at tack,
end shiver at the sight ef bayonet..
I Was talking •to 14nglishMan who
went thrthigh the battle of Modder
Hirer and he said when they tnade the
clutege and ran up the hill he was just
• In time to see a, Biser taking nitn
missals officer when he stist stuck bon
a grant, of $9.00.to the ‘.Potteiotie • nit
fnr the relief of the wives atel •frimilies
of the Canadian :South African Cone
tinsgenta. OUnsr• have' dope
beams', Wellington- foreinstance granted •
$500, surd, t he ,people.,ef this comity
wonld. have heartily supported a - dere
ger grant than Ives made. • •
The hallowing settee stietitions were
presorted eaelerotra Samuel. Conk...and
oaten, Henry inellrien and . °there( It
thetugh threback and let his rifle !stand
upright and then began to sing "Rule
• Britannia."'
•Now the Boers do not give Many ot
their dead &decent buriel. Why right
here within a utile of ode camp, where
the battle of .Belonontwas fought, can
be seen Wesley the dead 130ers with
thee heads legs, firms just itbove the
gmund andsome ere not buried at ell
. Just loose etones threven over them to
.1. Deeper and otherseW, Weber • and , keen the yultures off: Se this Will
others, John Bare ond
Hiles a,nds others. -••• - • • s. . fliktope. yint an idea of. whet the Boers are
• s • thedoradvedlteasotets! '• .why, just 'leek .0e a country corn.
Aft: Geo.'llill war. fetid $25. foti. ditto- mending' every Male that IS able to
ageti•stistottiieddindh the .erectioh sof •cottry arms from 14•to 30 yeere of age
the Stiffinieritill brit „ . . to fight, whether be is willing or not
Pa drupes Ineti t tiss,anct Terichereqtr- and thendi old them at the muzzle of the
stitutee were Oradea sg5 emoh. " . gu.n'to fidht•fott acimething they knove
Agiticuttetal outii.ftertfrultirral Sado-. 'soothing &beet. This War is only tO
ties- holding eXhillir(Oha year' were 'gratify a few. old Dutch lobsters, such
grab ti•d $20 ' • „. as Steyri, Cronje and ktuger, who
A-grane or ,df5 !tins made. to ,each.. reelly hold. the people In their hands,
Miele Libelled Ie. the ceentys' end they are so ,ignorant that they can
Eatli member 'ogle the • Clerk amt. he nutde to .believe anything and hold
Treneueer to lel filriddlled ,titith . fekr every one who ill a. iittle• More,
eopy of the .Aftpdhitiel World. . . intelligent than themselyee. You have
Onteilin IttfleAtddeettlitit Yens . grant% , idea, what this country is like and
ed$3. • • if you ciedd eee it you would wontlee
The Cfariadien",' Potfriptie*;Assioeldfipti how on earth the British were goin (to
wee gehrited$200:' s . , „ drive t ern out, The Boers are so cow-
Prismters' Aid A $10. erdfy end will not attack.
The amount the county has to pey We rem the Royal Horse Artillery
towerds the maintenance of the Oodles tea thPattah TWO on • thew way to
giate instituter+ i-Seaf•oetsh, $2155.d5, Al'orlder River.' The Outlier they use will
Clinton, $2172.05, .Goderietes $1484.25, [dew the top off a hilt like ' chaff from
see tende, feetbse enmity printing • the gronnd and venting can live with*
were placed befoee committee.the itt 200 yank of where they explode de
tender of the Huron Signal. was the gatia front them Is very poisonoos.
loweet, • beedertthat Able office get : Wo also caw the kite of the (lend end
the work toe • Hite year. . • • - wounded Ilighlandeee row through
$10 Wag grouted to putelmoie floweret , yesterditY, There weie ITO killed and
to be.planted around theenurt-house. wounded ititegether: Now I numb tell
,,The men ,and nen•contmissioned ofti- yottainent, the papers here.. They had a -
cers of theigird bettalion. Were goaded • repert thet we were. attacked by a
• . oreeou we) shiseil them with -
meson impishly • • ' Ica% hinW thias 'correct toe als
they did not
Only containe reemmeendetion of- th''
thlytnent of oil:lumber Of itecOuitte id of the
Oft A WEEK .
- ..1AeteaseetWAANSWeseseteteedreet. etAss
• Alr. Bruce Watson of Wilisone drug - The free library question will be
stet e was 111 last week with a very brought up again at the town council
severe attack of la grippe, on Friday evening. They have a very
ars, °bathe lanner of Toronto formideble array of expenditures to
spent last week in town visiting her combat with also. Some friction is on
brother, Mayor Wilson, and friends in the Weis already.
'town, She wits accuttipanied by. bee A fire Alarm rang out onWednesday,
little son. . 21th inst., at noon. A blazIng chimney
We saw our military friend, Cortese. at Mr. Springdi residence was the cause
al Ilueketers on Sundey last with and people roomed angry that it was
a fine new medal and ribbon end on Doc a reel fire.
netking enquiry we were told that it We are sorry to learn that our vet -
was the one promised by the governs emu friend Captain Gibson, Hayfield
meet 14011, tribute for his faithfulness Road,. has beett suffering from Indio-
at•the titnet of the . Feniao Raid. We position the past season. We trust
presutne all the zest of the veterene that returning fine weather' will lend
are wearing theirs, • but Mr, Nesmith hen new strength.
lied not yet received his. Quite a Gederich won agate. On Wednes-
intinber•of medals were presented to day 2tth there was a . hOnkeY Match
the yetevans at Sault Ste. .Marie. The between the junior teams of Goclitrich
medal la of sterling elver and line and Seaforths The game was well
woekinenship bearing on its front a played by both parties and GoderIch
striking likeness of Queen Victorie won the goal. .Seaforth tuust have
enclosed by the inscription "Victoria, felt mortified to lose the goune at
Regina, et lameratrix." 'The x everse home. •
side bears the word "Catedle," over the We notice that last week Cooper
Dominion flag, which is surrottuded and Wilson shipped *three ears of Rerun
by a . wreath et maple leaves. Upon to the eest. This is; their etowing
the edge is stamped the. rank and time.
name of the recipient and corps in We tote that Tamar did not make
which be served. A • elasp beers the much of a success, altho' the clay
weeds 'Teem) Raid 1806." The ribbou made a beautital cream colored' brick.
is triple striped, withscariet and white We Imps Mr: John' Logan of Blyth
centre, the whole forming a very will make &success of hiss uew uncle's
handsome piece of work. talon% ,for building material is becoms
A. strange - Oung occurred on the mg a greater necessity ench year. We
evening ot Tuesday, 23tel inst. Me. think more briek buildings were er-
Chivies Humber of Bomber Rs Sons ected in 1899 than tn any former year.
found, on going to hie jewelry estabe - Me. Morrish of. the Bruce street
lishnient on Wednesdity a. in., a dog planing mill is building quite a fine
sleeping in his window surrounded hy two storey bending on (latribria Road.
quite 0 bit of hreakage ittnong his . It will be remembered that Mr. Mor -
beautiful Severs china. The dog roust rish had the misfortune to lose his
have crept gaietly into•sorne corner oe first splaning inill by tire, • .
Tuesday evening onseen by Mr. Hum- Mrs. William Campbell,QuebecSt„we
ber and when the store was deserted .itre delighted to learnds improving very
possibly thought he could look for his eatisfactorily, • and all . owing she
master passing,. by anyway instead of affirms to using daily a decoction tef
breaking through the glass he fell red clover tops.
iteleep hut the beautiful china came . Willinnt Black of the Goderich or -
to grief, . , gan factory has gone to the U. S. to
. •
Mies Hattie Harrison . retureed on look net for employment,
'tonally Fermi her holiday Visit ' at The very serious illness ef Mrs. Allan
Stratford ate vicinity. Martie at her home in Detroit, tweets -
There ave agreat many casesi of la sitated the' recall Ad her deughter Miss
metope in town, . Lena:, veho.wsts paying her grandfather,
W:e learn. that' Dr. Turnbull intend§ Mr. Daniel Ferguson, a visit.
opeeing oat en office here. ' • Mr, Charles Weatheral • has be. en
Iffy. Box of St. 'Thomas was ofte•of visiti ng Lathe family residence,' Vic.
the mourners OM the funeral of the late" Lorin. streetfor sonie weeks. - • •
Dr, Reginald Shannon. - • • ' - • Oleplant Tom Tretheway ie ott. to
Such iee boned streets as we had last the Bruce Mines after spending st `few
pout of last week. • -Tt seemed there • *Tette with his fatuity at his residence,
was no ode)? anywhere. The gale Elgin -street fli two sons have been
was furioite on the evening of Bern's' There for some tisine. . - .
anniversary,' - The old Enniskillen salt
well on the crossing was blown : down. Mr. Woolgeer of . phe furniture: foto-
The American Oonsul with his .wife tory has been •very ill at bis home die
and Mita- Chilton left the tionsolate on seine time. 'We trust .that he will
Teesday, 23rd insa, to _spend the ' re. soon be able to attend to - his . duties
mender ed the season at their old agalp'
, home in Washington. Consul Chilton The annual dinner of the .. 33rd -Bat-
hes been keeping wonderfelly-Wel • all. telion.was held at the Hotel Bedford
winter.' . • .. , s .onWednesday Of last week and was
- We *ere yeti glace to ondeast week said to be one of the most successful
when the Algoma, Isiorte.er came to eveeheld. ' After the supper was duly
hand thet, Editor fligginge had • quite disposed of our. ' wortby knights
recovered from an obetinete attack of .of the .sword "peepared to 'fill the toaet
la geippe. -• • We . also' note sby the • lists. which • wits - a very lengthy ope.
Pioneer that a inarninoth 'corporation- Lieut: -Opt. Varcee took the • • chairs
his been founded at the Sautt• by' vvhile • Surgeoo, -Dr., liolmese tilled
Francis H. • Bertran . and :.Er.. • the, vice chair. 'The meeting was pre,
nost oicrgue . with . ii. 0. Hammon sided over hy the Mess President, Cep-.
all of Soinit Sto Marie ded ' E..S. 'Doug- toen Holmes, end Vice Presidents,- Cap-
las,• W. 'P. Doegles and F...S. Lewis of stain Maaggart and . Lieot., , Grant.
:P'hiladelphia; U. S..A. The torporate • •The eheiremn had on his righe Bob -
name ef the coonnenY is to. ee called. ert Holinesefil, P.; and Ion his left.
-Thie* Algoina • Commercial. CompanY., Weeden: Po.* Rollins.. . The county
Limited, 'and its . share cothital " to- be coimcit was. in session,: so thin the
ten million .. dollen,' divided into two- members heat', a .chance 'to spend a
hundred thousand. saheres of . fifty. -hal:TY night io tOwn. - Among the
dollers•eachs .: . ••• S • officers present Were Major Jordan,
The funeral ot Harold. Ton Tich- . Maier Deaf,' Captains Hays, Young,
boil/lie:tot* places froos. the reeidence Rance, Wilson. McTaggart, ' Consbe,
of hiefathee, hle Richard Tichbourne, ; and Lieuts. Bruce, Gundry, Chisholm,
en Sendats Deceesed was only six.. add Varcee, also the tehotplains Rev.
teen years of *age and took.. some seri. Dean Hodgees of Seaforth. The Pre-.
ous form of pulmonotry sdiseeee last ..sident exphtined the. reason why he es
fall and as late as the garden • potrtY • a captaineVas placed, es •ohairman . of,
oit St. George's the Beta Rector, Alerk the meetingand gave tbe toot of the -
Tomlin% left the grounds • before his evening "The taneen" .wit th -: tvors
guests ' to • administer -holy eon). drunk With royal homers. The next
amnion. •The casket was doveredWith toast -on the list. was 'dem* With rips
lovely floral •tributes, among them propriate honors - to the Governor -
notably wreathel from • the Goderich Geneeal of Canada and was responded
nrgan factory, Keesingtear furniture. to hi a highly patriotie manner by Dr.
fectery end the losittingfactory, show- Rollins Nebo eulogized both the vol-
ing the respect and. esteem -in which • unteers • •ited eaunty. -councillors.
Harold. and his faintly are held. ' Rev: Pr. Hewes gave "The' Paella -
Murk Turnbun 'officiated at house end meets of .00,intda" and made quite a
greets The pellee„rers were eneess hingthy speech in which he mentioned
paniods of his own, and the long fun; thitt he had had seen 'eel -vice -himself,
erai cortege Wended its way to Mete for which heis receiving a small pen -
land cemetery. = ' . ,. •sion from the US. S. A. He also
• The 'patriotic concert under the mans theughti that Militotry Cellos% should
itgenient. of Mimi Wynn helds in the - do there .work, and • that. the' yOuth
Opera house on the evening of Feicleys should have' -more . genere reilititee
weeeits it should be, a marked Mid. ttn; education. Robert Holmes M. P.' In
precedented success. The Opera. braise responding to the toast, said. that they
wee filled in every part at an ea I should have invited Narcisse ()baffle
hour, although the evening Wee most - to respond to the Quebec Leeislature.
unpropitions feria snowing and etortn- our evorthe Sheriff .geve the "Army
frig. The British and' Canadian flags' Navy and Volunteer -a" in an admirably
were• beautiftilly festooned otbove t e pleasing mounter, finishing his terearks
curtain, with a portrait of 'General . with reciting Tennyson's "Charge. ef
Boller suspehded horn the centre, A the Light Brigade." Chaplain fledgens
handsome portealt of Her Majesty • responded to the toatit. saymg that he
adorned an honored part of the stage. had been a private in years .gone by
It wits very kind indeed of Piper itle- and. he thought it an honor to. be
Kay of Kintail to waitover to open the a "Soldier of the Queen." Col. Varcoe
'concert., and we think his • Scottish alert responded. It gave him sincere
selections on the bagpipes were most pleasure, he said, to meet his • officers
opportnne. . Piper MeKey was receiv- and the rulers Of the county, and felt
ed with 'much enthusiasm. Mayor that the militia had not received the
Wilson, although new to all his old attentiod it deserved, and they natty,
friends ae a .platform speakee. made a idly felt aggriev.ed when our comity
very pleasibg speech, expatiatnit 'on council refused their aseistance Othee
the loyalty evincedbe the yoeng men other enmities assisted their battalions
of Caret& being so eager to suffer all Things too, he said, were often spoken ,
bardshipe out in South Africot whidie to the disadvantage of the aolunteers
made it a duty for their fellow . Cana- and bat littlest° inspire them to better
diens to. stand by them to the end, and things. Adjutant Dunlop also efeoke
every effectively. At . the conclusion'
of this torest Sheriff Reynolds eendered
in fine style "The Soldiera et the
al.poit A, SmAttscio
* * Confoimeovaarrir
We are glad that the leather tend°
Is looming up itt town. Smith Bros.
made quite a large shipment of lutist-
er to the Queen city last week.
Mr. Bruce Watson was able to at-
tend to his duties at Wilson% drug
store on FrIday of lest week. We
heard his attack waslit grippe, hat he
said it was 'ruptures of quinsy but he
used effieacious meows to subdue them.
Mine host of the Betties Exchange
1 kindly sent Lis the mem' and toast list
; of the great Borne' anniversary dinner
given by the patriottc s brethren of
Agurns under the auspices of Inverness
, Camp on the evening of Thursday last.
IWe were also invited to go over and
view proceedings bat the weather was
so inclement we really had to•dispense
with all the piety of the occasion,
gaiety of the tartan, an' isaiety o' the
music. Independent of Piper McKay,
, who knows wen how to move the
• , Scotch hearts the Blacestone orchestra
provided the music of the eventng and
won 01'04 for their first appearance
lin postale as on that auspicious night
i two more of the leerily put in an
? appearance. malting a cmintette. We
wish them all honor, A dins was
erected in the. banquet hall on the
&nth street side 006 flags were drap-
ed to form a little alcove appearance.
The portvait of Burns hung in the
centree and portraits of the late
great local Scotehmen, late Governor
Ouneron and Mr. Flutchison who knew
so wen how to three th' stane. Tben
along in another centre was 0 beautiful
portrotit of our Queereivith portraits of
Sir Wilfred Laurier and the late Sir
John Macdonald end many notable
Scotch chiefs, The menu was ' as
i follows*:
I • . •
Oh Thou who kindly dost provide
For every creatures want ;
'We bless Thee God of nature wide
-For all Thy good.less lent i
And If It please Thee,Reavenly Outdo
May never worse be sent;
Bet whether granted or denied
Lord bless us with content. -Amen,
Oyster Soup •
' _ ' • Haggis -
Tenderloin of Beef, YorkShire potthing
. Lamb, Mint Sauce
non..Xo '
:send them 'ova an available funds. Then
followed military drill, with musie,
under the directorship of Lieut. Ohis- „
holm.' Had the gallant Lieut, Charlie.. sateen.' "The Judiciary" wail given
got his wish he would hotve been that with a pithy address by Captain Wil -
evening out in South Africa With his son wit(' called upon Police Magis-
trate Seeger CO respond. Mr. Seeger
brother. The drill WAS • perfect, show -
too Was quite proud pf the volunteers
ing all parties knew their work, Alise
teesureh Jerome general favorite, and 'felt that the county shotild do
gav'e the pathetic solo, "Tell. There I beget, things for them. Mr. D. A,
Forrester after 'delivering a fine ad- .
Ani Gone, Tom," and +she delighted 141
with her rendition- of ' it: The recite,- dress gave "Mtinicipal Institutions"
thin, "Absent -Minded Beggar," one of aninedntasnigwgotrdinikuellithoeahe'eofmaidneeldowvase-
Kipling's war songn. WaS well inter-
preted by Miss Lizzie Wilson. Drill that the county would spend some
exercise by the Collegiate Institute money in cultivotting better shooting,
Cadets, great favorites :of the public, duoarlrietsietesrastripolga titrsomvpolyttesnetneetrse.xpMerri:
Wait highly applauded by all. The
1,4x,„1 solo chosen he miss Eva, ence. County Clouncillers Cook and
Acheeon, ",Angus McDonald," (war Bawman, returned thanks to the min-
eotigh showed that she could interpret teary. tfhoreicrxtendtlinienigertthemanaan isnaviditatriuorn.
a- war. song as faithfully as a love song.
Sims Acheson, was followed hY en in- therinore that the Parliaments of
Ottawa and Toronto . should put the
strumenial solo, *Weise Chrinnottique."
Leerhetizky, was giyen by Professor volunteers uPon a 'roger footiag•
Simpson]: The first part of the pro. Cotptain ShaVV proposed the
gram was 'brought to a close by a pats "Industrial Institutions and Man,
ufacturing Interests." The suave doe-
riotic otnel heppy speech from Alm
Heaton After an intermiseion of tt tor said that in London. the 33rd Bat-
talion was termed the bum brigade
few minutes the second part of the
program sees ushered in by miss. Alice bec.ause it WaS not up to the standnrd
Bothwell arrayed in •the Cameron of those Who received count,' PAY.
Mr. AleGillieuddy followed with
plaid, and Miss Gladys Whitely in the
Steed tartan, acrompanied by piper patriotic addrese. Mr, Heys' made a
&Whey on his bagpipesr, an' ne'er did very hapPY speech, saying he had it's
he ever play better. The Scotch dance ways voted for the volunteer grant,
Wee eThe -Highland Fling," and the .atla concluded his speech by singing- in
keyed. le as Komi voice "British to the Core." Air.
twa Scotch lassies en
well as did the spectatore. They were molt proposed the "Agrieultural In-
beretily encored and responded by terests", and made very compliment,
#anciing "The Sword Douice." A dithdy ary remarks to the same and hoped
addeees by Ifon..1. T. Garrote followe that theacounty council before they
Alias Laura, Acheson kindly loaned her concluded proceedings would not for-
tirlie nna talent, and charmed all with get to show their eympethy in a
her t Lehi solo. A vocal solo followed, tanseible form, Mr, Holt has been a
esewatiowset (amen, sung so sweetly *Didier, a private in the 33rd Battalion,
hy Miee tieVittie. A vocal solo, and a, corporal in the 85th, Couto
"Creole Love Son.g,' WAS sung with cillor Connolly was prepared to pay
much pathos hy Alts NAOS' •Johnsbn, these who did the netting and said
ottr tenor singer at Toronto. MI89 if the Huron volunteers could not be
paid AS much as those from other
Fisher gave aa exciting recitation.
showing that she is still maintaining counties, was willinsg to put, his
an upward course.. Doubtless the duett hand in his pocket and do the job.
song, from the opera eThe Runaway Councillor Connolly deseteted three
Giel," sang by MiSS liIva Acheson, and meets for that sPeech• Mr. 11 Me -
Mr. Harry Johnston of Toronto was Donald, made a witty little speech,
one of the getns of the evening. Mt. end County Clerk Lane tulded bis
swims of tho quota. Mr, Sackson Egniondville
James Thompson's;
Queen," WW1 loadly applauded. The proposed "The Press" and noted the
military drill, effectively gitsen Udder absence of tnusic at a military rennion
the directorehip tient Chisludiui which did him infinite credit Mr.
followed toy the bend PlAYing "Gm Kew of the Brussels Post made
Save the Queen," gave every satisfac. -quite patriotic response and we
tion tro our citizens, and Ming Utynr. preeinne hie Melt wit began VI floW,
to be congratulated upon the success ealming as Irish nearly eVery genattal
crewning her efforts: s At present in Melee. Mr. Ball Also
The Beard of afrmagers of eeness respotuled. The toast, "The Ladies"
Presbyterian church had so much Wate (11141.10Y POSPOlided tO at
work on liana on Wednesday evenitig am c eggal an en .
last that otie promit.ent tuanagetaskta (Avant, and the grand annual dinner
thorn to adjourn foe anothee oymtinte; land toastg coficluded with all singing
licensed. 110 *Or ttlAttet
Pito eke, IOU Of InitUage7 foo IWO t "Aida tang 1.1sne" aod "God Save the
j queen,"
Turkey with apple jelly Ham
Potato Seed levet Salad,
Mayonnaise Dressing
Brined Potatoes Mashed Potatoes
. French Peas
Mixed Pickles Ohow Chow
Tomato Somme
Pickled Onions Pickled Cabbage
Worchester Sauce Olives
English Plum Pudding Brandy Sauce
Mince Pie • Apple Pie Plum Pie
cheese Oranges Apples Assoried Nutir
Layer Raisins •
Ohempagne deny Port Wine Jelly
Jelly Oake Sponge Cake Mixed Cakes
Green Tea, Black. lea, Jaya, Tea
Inverness Oerop marched into the
banquet hall from the dew Oddfellows'
hall preceded by Piper McKay; who
played whIle the 'Haggis was being
brought into the table by two members
of Ineerness Ganip.
Chairman J.. T.. Garrow, Q. 0.
Vice-Ohairman A. P. McLean
1 The Queen Blackstone Orchestea
2 The Land we left .
0:1:7% .my dear, mY nativasoll.
Lone: may thy sonitof hardy, rustic toil
Be blest with h.ealth and peace and sweet eon -
For whom my warmest wish to .heaven is
s t.
• Song, "My Ain Countrie; Miss Mcs
Kenzie. .
Response by Alex.* Fraser, Grand,
8 Roebheirett Burns, Scotia's Immortal
T h e tnh ep lheadngdo
hheigdunisetin'ry:fer and near, altho'
That oft has swept the golden lyre, that ages
No sun t 'or sets upon the empire of his
• • fame, •
And _still unwearied is the wing that boars
abroad his name, _
Then while unto the hazy past the eye of fancy
Prob.() high the fame and bless the name of
• turns,
glorious Robert Burns,.
Song, "Scot's Wire, hae " MaBelcher
Response loy Chief M. 'G. Oameron.
4 The Land -we Live in:
God bless thee Canada, our both°.
Land of the maple tree;
There is no leaf in all the world
We love so well as thee.
Song, "The Maple Leaf" Mr.13elcher
Response Mr james Mitchell
5 The Army And Navv.. .
Be Britons still to Britain true
Atnang oursors-united
Foe never but by British bands
Maun British wrongs be righted.
Song. •"Soldiers of the Queen," Mr.
James Thompson,
. Response by Lt. Cal. Varcoe, Major
Beck and Lieut. D. B. Grant.
0 Judicial and Civil Institutions.
Song, "The Absent Minded Beggar,"
, Mr. James Thompson,
Response by Judge Doyle, D. Mcs
• Donald, Warden Boffins, Mayor
Wilson and. Ma Grant.
Our Sister Nationalities.
.Kf.,1,`hvglX Vgagenifitgli:Rts"ii?tiarms,
Who hold rur being on the terms
a o o ors,
Como to my bowl, come to my arms
My friends mid troteera,
Song, 'eTomney Atkins," Mr, Becher
Response by E, Olunpion, Q. C.,
Philip nolt, Q, 0,. Mr. Morgan
Dalton and Mr. E. Heaton.
.,. Auld Lang Syne.
The Blaekstone Orchestra do cone
posed of Miss Victor's' Blackstone, 1st
violin Ohatlie Blackstone, clarionet ;
Harold Blackstone flute ; Reggie
Blackstone, cornet o' Mrs. Blackstone.
°Ban:tides isilaying for all the sirigers on
the toast list they played the following
selections during the dinner : Jessie
the Flower of Duni blane,An n le Lawrie,
Ye Banks and Braes, The Blue Bells of
Scotland, Caller Herrin,Sweet Thought
Waltzes, Auld Robin: Gray and the
Keel Rotv with votriations,
Mee. C. C. Chubb hoe been veiy ill for
the past two weeks.
On the 21st Jan., Sunday, a collecs
tion for the Patricide Vow) was taken
, up in all the churches.
i Mrs. Charles Tanner and youngest
soonnprieitgyvehiilottc.) their home at Toronto
Miss Sadie Smith, sister of the Smith
Brea, merchants here, having Amen
Torouto for her house, was delighted
with her few weeks' holiday visit here.
She looked wondertully improved in
health. She will return to Toronto
next week, lifter spending two weeke
in London visiting relatives:
Mr. and Mrs. Jian McIver returned
'on Saturday from their honeymoon
trip to Chicago and other Amer:lean
eitees. Mr, McIver has been a very
feithful clerk to his employers and a
very courteous one besides and as en
honored member of the bicycle and
hockey clubs, was always reotdy to
prepare lists and give any assistance
to those anxious for Information. Mrs.
McIvor is well known to our citizens
as an assiduous business woman and
looks charming after her holt day trip
There died at his home on Lot 18., on
the 14th concession. of Weet Wawa-
nothem Saturday,Mr, Alexander PurYie
in the 71st year ot his age. Deceased
was one of the pioneers of this section,
at.d had tesided the farm where he
died for over forty-five years.. He was
a brother of' Mr. Robert Purvis of Kin -
loos, ex -Warden of the County of Brine,
and although he had never entered
tnunicipal life, he was well known and
highly respected, He was a Liberal in
politics and a lifoalong adherent of the
Luoknow Presbyterian church, end • the
servicea at the house and grave on Mon-
day last were conduoted by the Rev. A,
Easter conies this yen- April 15th,
and Lent • comusences Feb. 28th. The
date for Easter is unusurlly late this
year and in fact within one week of
the latest possible date for the feaat
'rhe setting of the date is by means of
the Pasohal moon, and on this account
it is impossible for it to come earlier
than March 21st or later than April
We record the death of Arra. Margaret
B. Smart, widow of the late gr. Ches.
Smart, aged 89 years and 3 months.
She departed this life at the home of
her sop -in-law, Me. James Baird of Ash-
field, county of Huron, on the 4th of
Witighani •
Alex. Ross of town has sold his 150 -
store farm on the Bluevale road to Wni.
Maxwell, whose farm ia next to the one
recently purchased. We . understand
tOe price paid was 110,000. Mr. Maxwell
has recently sold 50 acres off the back
part of the farm to Itle, George Walkee.
eir. Maxwell will now have One of the
best farad on the Bluevale road.
East Wswanosh council this year difs
fen in some respects from some other
township councils. A ratepayer says
that every member of the council is a
member of a church ; -they are all
strictly temperate, and not one of them
uses tobacco. The commit ia composed
as followe : -M.Lockbart,Reeve ; Conn.
oitlors-A.B. Cour, J. 1'. Currie, J.- Mc -
Caller° and John Ellie. • -
John Pelton and family left Winghans
on Monday 'earning oflast week for San
Jose, California. Mr. Pelton has been a
resident of Winghatia and vicinity for a
number of years.
Mr. Wm. McCoy, general agent for
the Deering Manufacturing Co. of Chic-
ago , sassisting our Ideal • agents here
for a ew days.
Mr. J. P. Walter of Listowel, general
agent for the Dominion Life Assurance
Co, was in town Saturday looking after
the interests of the (Sompany.
Mr. Schellog.bas disposal of hie hand-
some young driver to Snell and Rosa el
Exeter for a•good figure.
Mr. Charles Cann, hermerly'a porter
of the Huron Erouse, but now contrac-
tor and painter of Exeter, called on
friends in town Sunday. •
The Life of Moody.
The Poole Publishing Company, Tor-
onto, have press a " Life of Dwight
L. Modoy," and they announce that it
will be ready to place in the hands of
the public during the first week of' Feb-
ruary, The book will be published in
paper and cloth bindine, and will eon-
tain over • twenty illustrations. The
hook is sure to have a very large cir-
culation, as the price has been made so
low that the great masa of tbe people
may secure it. Price, in attractive
paper binding, 25 cents ,• cloth 50 cents,
postpaid. For aale at el bookstores.
"Better do it than wish it done."
Better mire catarrh by taking • Hoodeo
Sarsaparilla, than complain -because
you suffer froM
. i . .
smarmed' every Wednesday afternoon)
Whe t . 0 62 to 0 03
Goose Wheat 0 62 to 0 03
Barley 0 35 to 30
Istseas . . . . ....... 11 . . t • 410.. • • 11)•52. to° 0 55' -
ye • - • 0 40 tri C 4n
Potatoes per bushel.....s. D 00 to 0 25
1B3uuttrrlrioo:oebn crock ..: , s. 8 N.t.o 8g
Eggs per dot 0 10 to 0 11
Hay ..... eo ., ,. 8 00 to 7-50
Dried apig,es pet:lb ' . : 0. 05 to- 0 05
Evapora r A.pples per cwt 0 40 to 0 411
Worn e. 0 12 to tt 13
Live Hogs per cwt - 4 00 to 4 00
Pork per end 5 00 to 6 00
Flour per cyst 1 75 to 2 00
limn per ton . 13 00' to 13 00
Shorts er ton 10 00 to lff 00
GOOD VA.LUES are the secret of it all. Our method of
doing business is to buy the best, sell the best and re
commend only reliable goods. It is this method that
phaatsrobnroaugge.bt to our swre a permanent and desirable
CaTALITY and PPM'. are two of the . most important
points to consider when buying BOOTS and .v:s110IL'S.
We make them our speeialty It will pay qv to give
us call and see the bargains we are offering in ail
kinds of seasona'ble Footwear. We aro in touch with
the 11"st Wholesale houses. Wo buy and sell for Cash..
REMEIV11114',R, we will not be undersold. We are after
your patronago and the inducement we offer is goo I,
reliable goods at very close prices for Cash.
o ring
WNIt -TAYLOR 416 6.0.N...
MOVID TO tHeljeTOrit
Ateld MILL
• He
I I I I I lj j i
litte Goods
Immtntritntrwrntfrmittr? It? IlliVIIMMItlitlItItIVittlIt
Those who visited our store dUring the past
week were more than ploased with the val-
ues we were showing in every line of White
Goods, and the prices were much lower than
they ezpected to pay for such qualities,
Shrewd women soon find out where
they can do the best with their money, that's
the reason we have done so much White
Goods selling.
We start the second week with even
greater values, Prices like tlie following are
not to be found everyday:
Ladies Gowns •
at 490...
Ledies Gownsanade of -fine -white .
eOttOil, extra wido- skirt, yoke . •
• Made of narroW tucks and
tiled . with hill of cam brie, if
bought tri• regular wate Would 1111.9a
sell .at.ftees side -price •
Ladies' Skirts
at 68c.
Ladies' Skirts of fine white cottoti • .
with ennibric frill, all nicely
tuched,3 yards wide, tvell worth 68
85c, sale price
.$2.5.0 to $2.75 Bed
Srpeads for $1.05.
6 white. Marseilles Bed Spreads,
•• extra large size, very neat dea
signs, our legator - prices are
• $2.50 and 32.75, white goods I • r
1 .90
sale price, .
we as , Sale pi -ice
• " •••k:',1lF . .
Ladies' 45c Drawers
for 33c.
• Ladies' prawers, made of good •
goal!! y white eotton, eloster
lurks, trimmed with fine ern.- •
broidery, regular valife 456 pair; .0 0
sale priee .
Lace Curtains
at 75c.
Nottingliato Lion Chu tains, full.
yeade long.ainl iliehes wide
ver3i;neat patterns,...usoally sold
- goods sale'
.at 01 per. pair, special for -white 7 Re.
11c White Cotton'
for 90., •
400 yards of One White Cotton, .
round even threatl,f ree of still ch
and heitry quail ty;foll 36 inches
wide, 'nutty valee lla to 9
clear at
1. 5a Einbroidered
8 for 80c.
. Ladies Hand kerchiefs, ni ado
1 line loiwn, nicely embroidered
edges, our regular 15c quality, n„
sale price... .. .. ., .5 fpr UL'
36c Wh.ite , •
Sheeting for 26c.
White .Twified Sheeting,81 inches '
• wide, extra, heavy quality, tree • .
of dark specks, could not be
bringlits wholesale at the price 2
10c White -
Muslin 6Nc.
300 yards white Checked Muslie,
30 inehes wale, large ottal small
checks, regular value 10c, to
clear at sale price
Ladies Aprons ,
at.58c.* . •
Isolate:ie.:terrine, wide of geed .
: mud white lewn, with- front
and :deeps ever sheulders trim-
med with embroidery, to Wear
at sale price •
86a.Table.. Lin.en
for 62c.
1- piece only,about25 yerOs,of full' •
. Witched Table Linen,72 inches
satin -finisleelegant floral .
U2 . designs; otut regular $50
to go•at sale pries
356 Ladies' Aprons.
for.25o. *- --•
'Ladies' Aprons, made • of ood.
,quality white lawnatieely ierne
inerheetrot long ttes,our re.gular
68c 35e enema to go at sale price... LUC
Specials for
Saturd4y....and Monday
62.50'Eiderdifiwn Coats for.$1. $1 65 Mink Ruffs for.$1.
4 2.only imitation Mink Ruffs, hi
Children's Coats, made or good veil title soft fur, Inrge size,
giuditY Eiderdown, in colors of trininied with three tails, out*
bne, brown and. red, ete„ some regales. Reline' price ie $1.65, 1.
lined, others unlined, nicely ' Saturday or Monday to . clear I 'UV
trimmed, regular prices $1,50, '
$1.75 and $2:50,to clear Sets $ I 00
urday or Monday $2.25 Storm Collar for $1.49.
3 only Storm Collars, made of
Australian Coney, fine soft fur, •
$6 Sable lies. for $4: -regular price is $2.25, to clear 1. 49
Saturday or Monday
3 oely Sable Ruffs, fine,*soft fur •
, made of selected skins, him. Bargains in Fur Muffs
ininredv8wilhsiale,Ittdo cillenatlytsetitltst,tir,..egits • ;, $1.50 Coney Muffs for 05c
$4 001 lel3.50 Astrachan Mutt fOr 51.98 •
day oe Monday - • . $3.00 Bear Al uff for 52.50.
$11.75 Settle Muff, nutde or the very choicest skins,Saturdey or Monday $7.50
$1,8e GleIctren s Fur Sets, Saturday or Monday $1.19
Ladies' $2,8.00Astrachan Jackets for
Ladies' 310.00 Astrachan Capes for
Ladies' Cloth In,ekets -buy them now and save neerly
• 'mai
iiiIii4111114111di ill - 41141i IA
voutt moNtsv mien
tr Von WANT IT
- F rs
, fliTelekoseaMilittir Atfienkg (!o°!, Pal tIotinl.I11%)1,(siltilliima
held In Wilson's Dail. Ilohnowille,on Saturday.
February 10111. at the hour of two o'clock It. 01.
attendance is requested .
for the efeeteloteconf:::ere, receiving of repOrta
and transaction of ether taeinesso, A fan
w.h.vortsputt, te,8, LaW11,148(114,
, Itolinesvillo,Jan. stb,
We ask yen to try our Bei -
sins, Cur•rents and Peet.
Oar stock is new and good,
just what you want for
Holiday baking.
Exeter Flour for
Holiday Pudding.
There le no bettee s From.
Inside than tide and none
better Value for the money.
For Fr,esh 'Canned Goode
try oitr,!_,:„„--„
jitCook's Cotton toot. Compotni
Is sttemsfalls, um • monthly ey over
10,0001.talita Sato, effeetnal. Ltiateio
•your ani/Uriat for Ceske CAM.* Red
pent Take nOnther as an lalittures,pilis
iraitathed are aangerotiS, Priee,No, 1.
l* 10, NO. s,10 itegretS streolger, Se Pot' bo
1 m2, mailed tri reeeipt of price itud two
i &Mott The veldt commute. Winano
„mr-"NeFf, 1 tstla A eel:stele recoranuieded
teepee/able Dtuegists lit Ctialtdii.
NO I and No II col(' in ClintOft bY 8
Jackson, Druggist.