The Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-01, Page 2a
Tell: LITTLE RAILWAY STATION is New Waiter at Boathouse Inn
A BUSY l't•ttt;il
r The night vas
T n t of November 71:7 t
1 was. •w'atah}ng the Crunpowder lies
0, cm replete with incidents' fury the fire at Dl'ostyn;' and he pointed; over
dwellers at L'ttrkgate, on the Cheshire the est
shore of ) r thats e
the Dee estuary, for . om
Y,where ha •e kn.
fi he had actually been loo 1 g
he. tattoo were described as having taken witl� your naked eye--be�ggin' the Ca fl be DUES,►
u place bo long Lefore or ear long after lady s I>ardtn" *r
There had been a Belli fall of mum: the officer if ;cut
.1n t a, ': • •; a . . ,• t't•d:lt U 1 of Ott
Ores: 00.1,+, 0. too fir, contingent 1
li •hilt ATM °.
Here we aro, camped on the scene
one 'of the #iz'st battles 'between th
.Gears incl the. British. 1i a are with;
left of
1 alt
i era t
d b
,lime to cone; all local events of imPor- "If you squint across you can see it
a stone's throw .of that koirje inhere th
grenadier ta.uardie, 1Vluneter I''uailier
and the Coldstream Guards mad
such a floe attack oz>; the Boar pos'
tion and, after a hard fight, succeed
ed in delving the enemy out. The posi
tion occupied by the Boers in the.
fight was one in whioh 2,000 men soul
easily hold three times their number
e that eventful evening.
Froggy followed the direction of
—the ftret snow that winter; but the f car finger, and with diff
e busy traffic of foot -passengers over ty made out a small leaping tongue
z- the Parade, and of wheeled vehicles! of flame distinguishable by its reddish
over the roadway, had almost °bitter- tinge from the pale fixed lights on the
M often n g ens, FUI i win h' S the
er W'elah west opposite had first h I ave your eye ,
t eau
d as they trailed heavily up from the on,
. sea, end the outlines of the whitened "If you could see what I was doing
;ted it A ft happens, the high-
. n's ore sore
ght the ,skirts of the arrow -clouds Frenchman exclaimed as he moved
turd there is little doubt that if, 1
lf int -.rev
e ills on 0 moonless night, now a revenue manel as
, muttered • e to himself gULerd h
bills they would have been held yet
To -day as we stroll around we eau e.
evideeces of that battle, which piste
from daylight uata 11 a.m. The hill
to -day are covered with dead Boars
who were left behind, unburied, ,
The positiot) occupied by the 'Cana
ditto contingent now iSPractioally 1ha
of a garrison. They have been shift
ed from oqe station to. another lee
relief for those 'goiteg'ou to the trout
The Austrai}ans left here the •slay vve
came iu, as they end, tett De Aar and
Orange River previously. This hist is
the' most important po,,ittou•tliey have
held so far, and -us they it iv e.-acouitLed
thom:.elves creditably, th•re is little
doubt bu., we win get to the front be-
- so thickly dotted along the Parade, and mirth. A popular song with a.
had been the British who held th
hi11s of Clwyd, which under ordinary from where you stood, my old un,
t circumstances would have been Mots- they didn't make you a bad pair," the
ly showed their undulating summits, he laid down the glass anti began vig-
• in the bright starlight, with 1VToet otoiisly to cls his numbed arms to•
ee • Cammau---" The Mother of the Hills,' gather, adding, "I'd naythur ten yon
d keeping a shadowy watch and ward nor no other frog what 1 sues looking
s over them. Cheaters,. of tiny gems fee.. ?hon, as if refreshing his mean-
' marked the whereabouts of Flint Cas -
cry; ""Three "flushes and a flash,'
tie and town, and of the Holywell, an that's the word i *flashes
sent sawn. See
other centras; but in the intervening tt light 1 eartinly did; but see 'three
spaces the lights were few and. far 'flushes and a flash' 1 sartinl ` did
between. .Non -consistent was the buzz net. Y
- of the Holyhead trains which now in-
t termittently ;steals across the four Che Boathouse :inn ,marked, ea its
and a half miles of estuary, and only °rumbling site still marks; the ex -
the weird cries of the, gulls and the trema end of the Parade ; and, teyond
a 1 shrill whistle of the curlews broke the the fields and the bores stretched
• sombre silence which brooded beyond a-vay to the distant sea -coast. Tito •
the quays, hl iS'n Hotel ens pntronizeei by i:ha
• The desolate outlook but served to notables; the Boathouse Inn was free'
accentuate. the bustle of the thriving quented by numerous sailors, fisher -
little port. Parkgate was at this time, men, ostlers, post -chaise drivers. An •
and for long aflerwarde, :the prince- •chotesmit'hs, etc., in addition to shoals
pal northern gateway tie Ireland, and of. individuals of every known °coupe-
e or --to the delight of mine host—abode through Parkgate. The large room
dithans ebbed and flowed with the tides tion,, who were continually setting .
fore meg, Belmont
a rail
way statloa, and nod been turned into
°..t• of supp,y. e.t is about lour miles
from, the trustier of Orange 1're
State, and 11 is not at all uncomnto
to See u a few coming
ew Boer rlsu:tera m
Ju with i the mounted Jn't r in the
m i til
1 Y ne r are tun a
g. 1 Boers c u e 4
crafty a 10., ad t .s possible to ti td
but t. nen it comes to a straight light
uudtthey are uompe.led'to face 001d
steel, they iuvartably 1Bitch, and make
for the bids. The British solaiers who
' have bees through the milt have tol,t
me this, and•state positively that in
a hand-to-hand encounter one. Weil-
trained soluter is equal to at least
three Boers.
"They caret face tle'.steei;'' bald an
old -tinier of the Gorilo.l Highlanders,
"and, man, 1f we coulu only get a
good square charge at theme. there
would not be a Boer leftli,u the coup
try." There are a great many Scotch
regiments oft the. way. to the front•;
These fedows are a sturdy'1ot; and
while' not as tali as the 'average Cana-
dian, `will weigh a great deal snore,
and seem to be built to endure any
'amuuut of hardship. In fael, the aver-
age British soldier is not a • tall many
but as short and thick. The men well
5 •'
not average anymore .than et 7
a gxe
inches, but will easily average 37
inched in chest measurement. They
are a well-fed • and well-equipped. set
of men. Their whole outfit is vastly
superior to that furnished the Cana-.
•ctlans. While we'have to sleep'.on one
blanket, the British}owed two,
a.nd'a rubber sheet. . They .ere' issued
a pint of ate every. day, and are gen-
erally better. off: Of course, i, 'making
this comparison I have to a lows for
the fact that the Canadians n ver had
a regiment in the field .bei re, and
also that the p,reseat one v brought
together in so short: - a time.. It can-
not be expectee that our- eciuipmehts
could be so complete pits that of a long-
standing army. . •
Around our tens` at the piesent
there is a heavy entrenchment and
rough stone fortitication. Thia has
bee,; strengthened to -day by our own
men, in case of a night attack: .We
send out heavy outposts every night,
and also have the railway, patrol. 1
have been on two of these-outpests,
The first picket sent out by the Cana_
diads was - at Orange 1tiver:.: We en-
joyed the- experience very touch, and
when we were called •up'on, to turn
out again last night- there was not
a man who did not volunteer • to - go,
We were out all. night in a rattling
thunder storm and gut ringing wet,
but that did not dampen us any. We
were just as lively in 'the . morning
when daylight oame as if it had been
a bright moonlight night. Our work
last night was to patrol the railway'
for a mile and watch the culverts.
The night was as dark as pitch. -
The only light we•had was theflash-
inglightning, which would light up
the country for over a mile. Just as
the day began to break, we could hear
reveille sound in • the camp. It 'has
been found necessary to have t , e regi-
ment fail in at 3.1U in •r..,.. - that
they might be prepared fo a Boer.
attack for the htll.a. • Th:s is the u3ual
hour for these crafty people to make
an endeavour to vanquish their foes;
but we were prepared in ease they
came, and would have given them a
warm reception had they come; I But
they did not, and when the signal on -
the far -away hill flasaed out that all -
was well, the znen Were told' to go
back to their tents and sleep for a
Since I wrote last we 'were • en- I
camped at Orange River. This is a
rai.way sidtag an l alio supply station,
There we relieved the Gordon High-
landers anti the Australians, who went -
forward to Belmont, At Orange River
there is a hospital tent, where a num.
leer of the wounded are cared for.'The
morning we were camped there a pri-.
vete of the Shropshire •
from the effects of wounds received at
Madder diver. He was buried in a
Lonely grave on the plains, with all the
pomp of a military funeral. The sight
of the funeral made somc'oe the boys
stop to think, but when the cortege
had passed they at once became as
lively as ever. Thera are a number
. of lonely graves on the -plains around
Orange River, and mare at Belmont,
where we are now. Here there are
81 of the Grenadiers- buried- on -'the
plains, while there are a number of
the other regiments es well. ,
Tho latest addition to our list of
mascots is a young goat. Douglas
Graham whose people live on Cobourg
street, captured the kid in the hills the
other day, sad nowt it leas become the
pride of the company. The youngster
has become very tame and is a great
pet. That night the boys of l+To, 1
tent had a christening, and named the
goat Baby Rogers,
This brings the list 'ai mascoi:s up
t o .three --a kid, a dog and a eat. The
next thing the boys will have will be -
an ostriob. These birds are as think
as bees and are quite tame. Several
of the boys have succeeded in Securing t
very nice plumes, and will likely take
them beck to their best girls in.Can_
ada. Another thing which- ie very
common here are those neat little 'lir_ a
. n rds about. eight inches long. They can t
Veinlike the very mischief, and do not we
Vein to be at all afraid of Men. The ;,,,
"boys are all well, up to the Oresrnt an
time, and seem to be enjoying the I
trip. If we could once got into active
service, I' don't suppose there in a q
man who Would ba willing to go back p
Six truck -loads of ammunition were I
despatched from Davenport to Wool-
wich yesterday for use with the ltat- n
teams sent to South Africa, Most or a
the ammunition consisted of G inch t
shells, the larger portion of which 'a
were lyddite
Celery and Potatoes—Boil the celery Ti•
so per rceipe given. After it is cold, '
Mop very' fine and mix with cold boil-
ed chopped potatoes in the proportion
of 1 of 'celery to Sof potato. Melt n
generous piece of butter in a Sauee- t
se seasoning. with peppethe r cealery'
ltotato, lin
in one or other of the snug hostelries overlooking the beach rang with Fong
the Em
until theblewfair nein '
wind in
g g este in full progress,
• ere Was F
e•yards t
;weld. d' I 1Everyfewand
1 lele. at
the end of each verse the pew-,
e an inn fourteen have vanished within tars rained. alned applause h
n livingmemory•; so that an almost conupon the long
g tinuos stream of light was shed from
-reek table with a clan akin 'lo that of
the shipwrights' mallets in n grav'ng
e snow was
there th
windows, -and where n s, dock, While the old lattice- •i rat -
ruddy s with
yet utitrodden, stained it wi :led ' n in its anatenN frame as
patches. lhe''Frenchman The tumult which, nightly attended
the arrival of the London coach had
'subsided, and, a quaintly -rigged Dub-
lin packet, whioh'had just discharged
to cargo, rooked lightly at anchor -a
few yards from the shore; while, by
.the side of one of the red sandstone
wharves, another packet was being rap-
'dly filled with mer°handise,•prepar
tory to sailing with the. morning tide.
Several post -chaises, bearing wealthy
passengers, w.ho preferred not to wait
,or the early .morning coach, had eat
off, with •much cracking of the post'il-
limes' whips, for West Chester, as the
:ancient cathedral -town a .dozen- males
up the river was genertilly termed,
-The curtains of the large room of the
.Wlostyn - • Hotel, now- a . flourishing
school, were only partly drawn, and
within could be seen a gay .group of
travellers. The. smar.tly-cut coats and
knee -breeches of the gentlemen, their.
Do not try experiments with your.
health. If you are not well use only
a medicine known to cure. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are not an experi ��---�
ment. - They have cured thousands of /^ ►�
whobad alts tried common I medicines e 1 S and � 1 ,
a m lcl a ffz 1. t
< 1 to
people, fills
health, • Some of the cured are in your own neighborhood
Mr F. Mission, Dcleau, Man., writes : —•"I can speak in the highest to ms
ofDr. Williams'
5 ink Pills .
PI S'tteiinrebuilding.
i t d c a for the system. Previous
to using the pills I was suffering from headaches, loss of epp�;4ite and. extra ne
nervousness, Which left ore in a very weal{ condition, The Most work would
fatigue me. I can now say, however, that I never felt better in nry life than I
do at present, thanks to Dr. Wiliiatns' Pink Pills. Similar Sufferers—and
there are many—will find it to their great advantage to use these pills."
" I cup;tone- there are several linin
to the East ?", he queried at a railroad
Lieket office the other day.
"Well, yes,"' reluctantly replied the
"but tat.
z u if you want
agent,the shortest
and quickest line---"
"That makes no difference to zine,"
' interrupted the eller. "1 want a line
controlled by moral influences. is the
President of your i u road 11 religious
man 8
1 "I can't say as to that, but 1 know
I that two of our switchmen and three
•firemen lately Joined the Salvation
! Army and that our Board of Directors
' discourages ,poker and beer."
' " That's moral influence," said the
i traveler, as he brightened up, " and
1 you rzay • give me a ticket to New
York." • ._._
Bletrisli ss ,'i~'',';t,Complexion
Mond cue cont•uunpfor cn•cult• w'„l.1111:QUilAOT
Do not take anything that does'not bear the full name "Dr. \Vii
hams' Pink Pills for Pale People.” It is an experiment and a 'haz:,r.tdo
one to use a substitute. Sold byall dealers or post aid at 50 cents
box or six boxes for $2.5o, byddressin the Dr. paid
Co., Brockville..
7l,rle Terries rrr,a;▪ rll. 6t. 'ill a.•,allou The modern kingdom of Italyis i t
Will :hart.. g i
Analytical •.Muni t. 4E9 -y• vett St. 9','l•ut out°.
1 Sometimes you hear of a perfect
man. He is the fellow your wife
could have married.
i La Toscana, 100, 1110 i K 4 Wig.
Do11y-Could anyone be worse than
'a matt' who will be spoony in spite of
all' you ran do? ,Polly—Yes; one who
won't 1 F
u•4 , •
e Stns. WIYSLuw'e3 600THLNG „ZIT"'
has bene
. !Tit nautborr Pur droirshitdren teething. 114003her
the child, softens the fp ala, %Mora pain, cores wind
collo, and in the boat remedy ter aimless 290. a• bet.
tle. Sold ball druggists tllronghqut the a'0rbt, Be
sure and a for '+Mrs. erosion's Soothing Syrup...
E -- .
great measure the result of a wo
The treatment meted out to domes- man's clever idea fo • it was t Ya the ni c
, t e
tie, animals i 1 London i n ofthe
n s
! one,
of Cavour, thegreat 1'
Iia tan
states -
most agreeable of the English dr:ver's
man, who first suggested Bonding C�ar-
•A-•0001JI TiME.
Two little Lo:idon girls who had
_ beea sent to have a happy day in the
sou try. narrating - their experiences
e oa their return said:
yes,mum; - e dict 'ave a 'appy
day, We dee two pigs killed and n
gentleman buried.
lydits• '-dtni:an troops to the Crimea to assist
You never see a horse beaten -with - the allies 'against Russia. Cavour•.
ha tonguea
of wagon, no •yet struck -v s
t a struck with the idea at once,and.
adopted it inthe tro
i d s e •'o o it'
a stinging in kst on.
brat with a •}ti •, he anin s i
Y i w t 1g
mals bitched 10 the fore of the 'bilsses
spolless•.linen, powdered wigs, and pto-
fu'sely ornamented court swords, cou-,
pledwith- their gallant bearing,'mark-
ed diem es persons of distinction ;,,
rn anise
and his companion
passed beneath it, and crept stealthily
into the darkness in the rear oe the i
group of:buildings, making ;'heir way e
'to the opposite side of en unused lime-
kiln some. fifty .yards farther. on.
but thenlias of "Ould Uncle" had been 0
After carefully scrutinizing the vie
m her cloak,: andturning t n ng towards •
Hilbre Island, 'turned the slide oft the
lantern four times, allowing a lengthy t
pause 'between. the third and ,fourth
flash. Out of the darkness, some five i
miles away, came like an echo four t
answering sparks of light, divided by of
similar intervals, and 'almost on the
instant the bow of.a. small boat grated
on the hearth, and the solitary, oceu-
pant", , a .fishermab, sprang lightly h
ashorre. - _
The new -comer might have sat for sR
the portrait. of a Vikin t
six:g• He Wore his
y years lightly,.and his - tawny
M. . Iia-
nncon of Paris,t
a an Anglo-
Choi a
� nl
1 !end' when , - .
a deli h-
g J
- .eller, mistaking him for an English -
cad llself greatly in- the Crimea. The
are sleek, fat, happy -looking ' horses, whole of Sardinia went.wild with en -
n striking contrast to the' poor, de- thusiasm over its doings. The hel
rej'1t o&Yd am- bones n1' lied to the hicl; Sardinia.: lent al this time- to
England and their war with
cars in the streets of sumo American Russie on.'behatf of Turkey stood het
;ties. Jzz good stead when the unification of
On 'hot days of summer (hese 'bus "Italy became a burning question.
The' ex -Empress , L i
1u one _ h i
w o s
horses work' just tw'a hours and. 8 credited' with having exercised con -
half out- of the twenty-four. Ten siderabie'power over her husband,. tie
lines more consideration js paidth.m- Emperor Napoleon III., has been held
han.18 paid the drivers, sitting up an. responsible for the:•two;greatest °etas -
hair Perches, beneath the direct rays (ire. - ,' which- befell the Second I in
,.ire. - The. former, it .will be remero
:i Burning sun. It is amusing to bared,' began in the ,year 1801, --hen
Siete a man rust out' of a ,buiiding at England, France,- and Spain joined in
either end, ofit'bus line and. wash the into -leering in Mexican affairs; but
England and Spans. subsequently
orses'faces witlx a big sponge, This withdrew, France taking.. the affair in
man, spoke to him in the hated tongue', .
P he vented his rage on the poor Turk by
•s' le th h' T • r h
was ftned 200fr,; and had to pay an-
other 1,600fr., damages. -
has R dl.Elnel savor of Its own which snake. �+
every Ong that haaonoe010Altwant Itagain• G1 Y ..,/N / 1 A beadpackages.
caul d read this advertisement.
door at some Fortune knocks gt every matt',:
time. Now it is knocking at yours.
SHOW Itow you may live in rosy circumstances, cartting hig
fit++ V YOU money honestly and I,anorAWy the rest of our Itvev
without leaving home. The First appii ant front
each town or country district will get this unparalleled chance. Capital not nem.
eery, for start. For full particulars address enclosing two cent stamp.
EASTERN DISTRIBUTING GO., Belleville, Ontario.
e f:
t 4
Our Method is sure and has cured thousands—some pronounced
incurable. Write at once. Booklet and Proof on request. Address
The SWISS•AMERICAN CO., Windsor, Ont., Canada
THE BEST HECOUL _..__--_ _. - ._::.. _.___-_.._...
D' OMMON SENSE KILLS tco8c•hea, tied lits -T: s,TSY
..Oratory is a gift, not an acquire-� U tin(;e,_RtuvantlMice, Sold byall
merit, said the proud politician, as he I —
stet down after an hour's harangue,
1 understand, said the matter-of-fact
chairman. We're not blamin' you. You
did the best you could.
Carbolic Disinfectant*. 8oapu, 01nt•
Mont, Tooth Powners, ata, have been
awarded 100 medals and diplomas for euperlor
exo.11enoe, Their regular use prevent infeott.
our diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
.uppIT, Lista mailed free ou application.
& CO.
I or'nlnion Line!'hIAIL
STEAf13HIp8 .
Portland, R1r., to Liverpool, via tlulifux.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
_•- Dominion, Cnntbroman.
Rates of passage:—First Cabin 360 upwards: Sowed - .
Catlin, Sas ; steerage, 122.13(3 and g-3 30,
For further infurmattou apply to 10483 agents', or
DAVID TO$nANCE g 00., Ueneral Agents,
17 .Yt. Sacrament at. Atuolrost,
Yo tend for our
complete 'SHEET
ar,e equipped to '' r
su f every MUSIC
TEPA yy a PE
CHERInC nada RTechers
Whaler. Royce .
ass. IL ARNETT, Manager.
0 COO JOHN J. MAIN, Supt. and Tree*
- 160Y
• st.
o ,
The Canadian
,Hein Ile.O stn
a$l�l $_ importations
o - - • : -- rex
Reuben Draper, of Bristol, 1'. o., HARR •
Ileports that Tie is Cured of R, %% LASS.
hoof D4tweos Tebpbo•elyr•
Pili.. - . I,+ 1 . , , - 9 Opp. Sherbeutne.lit.,
_— / it 1 1 'i'`S •' G'
Passed n 1-•
inn t - �. •. :�. i
e one w JG . High Wass
rat Arley g s Water Tube .Steam
tG � ti
�•, . G
1 � •
uteri t
n It + D
1 s,,1a' � • N1'
a l 0
Llneevi tills—, �. - � - Ss. ��•-'. ,. � f.Q-,. Boilers, for All 'Pressures ,
':'o r 1'ontlNMi I,y Free Weevil 'rht5 1
',mime — •G•,•nnnneo,1. D0,1,1.6 TORONTO (tatting school Deere a,,,.1 1 advantages
note ate n
Cutting and Fitting Gentlemen's s Gurmonts. Write ftir
particulars. " - Toronto Elwin° Light Co., Lamited•.
beard was unlfecked with gray, white a
his tell a 1 i
f gore was creat, and• he ate ci
ed out across the sand
P e s with the sup-
while the ladies or the party had their p'eeness of a, youth:.. 'John'": was the •
saes name given to him by his sponsors
ummer stilts for the. horses were in- Band alone. The Archduke Maximi-
lian of Austria was setup, with the
tits, f E d h
c o mperor under French pro -
And the cab horses of London are. tection. He put forth a lrozla ation
1 m
s sicekthose
iii the to 'bu
gB g ones: A let of that
i,i • i
c o:cl rarer, anclili their gait to day and shot .Phe war With P
to all' who should be _taken in arms,
rid shortly after 1 t
n y 1 e was himself
russia.w as
qre' is a rniggestil�rt of the tiactdork generally spoken ,of • at the time_ as
attractions sot the rich dresses,
but the alias of "Ould Uncle" had been a
high -heeled shoes 'with gleaming bac- -
ol- welded to him in :Vis early iso h .--
ties of the time, Sze gate nickname eano im as duly a Pal'-- . doers not pass d little jog.trot, that, him go�ifor yard: fl with itIll She was
Several passers=by loitered • to g Dark. as it ,was he and: the French. while :t strikes a 'foreigner as slow, quite' aware what would be the're-
. the - 11e,nating-.-picture thus pre • - - .,' i ults of.stn-unsuccessful-war; there can
anted to 'tile• view-• 'and on the road man recognized each other, and .the is oma ingly $ore .. .
ii g were
latter held out his hand with
ales,' powder, Filchesandother friv d had t k t
• N
y oo,•g
Md the track.: When let out they can "the Empress's war," and there is no
a e wind, but their usual sp:e.3
way; a draggling band of ur c 1 n -
tt.tempting to march .in military or-
der under .the command of a.slim boy
i an un-
ease laugh "Uncle '1 howeveir ire h
be no; question as to that.. "We -'have
Wt have never seen a horse: stzu: k, but one card to play," she said in con -
with' a whip. in London, and the. fol versa f ion at this time. She played it;
ed �by, exclaiming liieathlessly, "Out 1
i,f some ten years, who, .by a broken- of the:raad,.Froggy, out of the road. upving livid. tit illustrates the ozi'(1• and drew tie' Rattle of .Sedan. •
pointed cutlass;: was gallantly leading There's trouble down at Tlnkeree Dale eratian in W111.111 the animals are h?ld 'r,
.bout on to "'fight the Trench." Not- and if solme•of your dirty countrymen batter than any statement. of'general- 1 hitt Catarrh Sines childhood But Os -
withstanding their valour, : and ..the t get lodgings at Chester Castle, ides': tarrh�zon2 Curt)d. imp
Bnrtichea.Qf patriotic, Bongs,- Whl°h.dla- l0-marr°w,' m)' nam0`a not 1.Jrii•h° 1Yeta.F' .1Vntle driving dotvii Northumberland '- - d
solved at brief intervals }oto'shrill or avenue in a hansom, one day ,• on this Ut11• .11101011, of -weet::burg, l;u:•,
sheers, .they did not court the shadows - Before the last word. had left this' Way to ..the National i�iii t 'Club 'syr "Since childhood I have been
Jc e. with; Catarrh of the throat
tnd, never wandered far from the light- lips the Frenchman bad hon by the where " he hard an apI etnt nt for �ft£1, ;tole ln•i never knew what re-
. .
Tote, a man 1n a cab felt: him,elt tee meant till I tried: Catarrhozone.
thrown forward suddenly, and beforti •FTwu bottles <,oanpletely..`cure"L me,
and I have not iai 1 i f
ed portion of. the Parade; for at that throat. e ' me
1' h h
iime• the name of the. arch -enemy o
mankind had given. place to "Bon
parte-", as a terror to small boys, ah
.tngry 'parents -had threatened elm
with a sudden visitation 'of. the Iatt
eo -often that their youthful minds in
variably associated him with the pow
arra of darkness.': To and fro the ban
-If miniature warriors marched until a
he limits of - one of their perambula
times near the Nestor' turning the
came face :to face with an, advanein
:iouple--a man and a woman:
The man was rather Over the nie
:um height; and powerfully built, with
hugh sloping shoulders and long arms
He, were. a .claret -coloured•- coat wit
-numerous brass buttons °neit•her side
and-a;pair: of ,baggy breeches of tax
same material . buttoned - over lei
coarse blue hose. His heavy shoes wer
fastened with -massive ,brass buckles
and a bright red'silk Handkerchief wa
loosely='kreol ted around, his brawny
neck over a coarse but: clean whit
linen shirt. His round swarthy fad
was clean shaven and heavily marke
with arnallpox. Tiny gold earring
adorned. the lobes- of his ears, and hi
small dark eyes Were apparently per-
petually twinkling with good humour
He walked with the lumbering tread o
a ploughman, and the most casual ob
server would at once set him down -as
a French peasant. He was aceompan
ted by a tall and very erect lady, much
younger than himself with well
moulded features of a somewhat aqui-
line' and melancholy cast, and expres-
sive dark ,eyes. She was web
but :plainly dressed. Her rath-
er large feet were neatly abed,
and several. rings adorned the shape-
ly, hand which was employed in hold-
ing closely around her a large circular
cloak of blue cloth. 'Unlike her com-
panion, she walked with a firm,' quiek
atep, With which he kept. pace, with
evident difficulty.
The man was at once recognized' by
the army, and was hailed by! thein as
"Froggy;'_ while one of them varied
this epithet by calling out, "Roney,
Doneyparty 1" A dozen current wit-
ticisms at. the expense 01 Frenchmen
generally, and alluding to their sup-
posed inferiority to Englishmen, were
hurled at him•; while the leader pre-
tended to dispute his passage with
the broken weapon,
The Frenchman caressed their boy-
ish heads with parental fondness as
he pushed by with the words, 'Gud
boys I god boys! Now let ze •lades
pass' Cries of "He has to run t he
has to rune' pursued him as ,ha hur-
ried along the Parade. His trading
excursions, not to mention .certain
shady smuggling transactions, bad
brought him through Parkgate for
many years, and he was well known
lo a large circle there.
Soon the watch-house—standing, as
it still does, half -way out upon the
road, as if it had elbowed its way for-
ward the better to look out upon the
broad estuary—loomed up in the semi-
darkness before the couple. -A por-
tion of it was roofed and glazed, to
protect the watchers from the strong
t easterly gales, while the- broad stone ,
steps and the landing to which they
ed was open t0 .the weather. •
On the topmost stair one of the 1oea1 ,
revenue. ofiiceTs—a short, broad roam!
with bronzed face, peaked gray beard,'
rid keen, bluish -gray eyes, and with
f : "Why, what the hangeoent 1"-h1 b
w nc e was it needy .two minutes
a gain ; and then, realizing.•that his ' vp
d ponent Was in serious earnest, Ire lovk
m ed him in an iron grip, and a'deadl
lefts struggle began. To end fro and roun
- -and round they' swung in a' grim Fi
encs, unbroken save by their pantin
d • breath and • the • crunching sound
he could' lay hold of anything, he tum. , c• to he r symptom om o
Catarrch'-now•. Icon hearth r.erom••
Y bled out into the mud of the. street, mend Catarrhozono.for Catarrh, and
d 'The. cause of the accident was fee would advise all sufferers -to get• n'n
1- slipping to his" knees df -the horse, ate outfit at once-a;id lie' cured ate I was."
g .ached to the gab. "!Cabby" was Catarrh -ozone 'i' ovoid by all drug
doses from Mia` seat, behind; in no gists. 'Trial outfit sea' for• i leo in
their feet on the gravel of the beach
The struggle was short. In a fes
moments it was the , J!"renchman'
e 1.hroat t}lat was - being compr. sset
and he threw up his handy as he fel
himself being borne irresistibly t
the . ground.
IY At this point the female, who.: had
been darting hither and thither about
e the combatants, soaking an opliortun
s ity to deliver an effective blow,
e brought the heavy lantern, down oil
ITncle's, head with terrific force,; -and
s rapidly repeated the blow again' and
again, at the same time.hissing
e French to her exhausted countryman,
e "Tee knife, fool—the knife." -
d The. next moment Uncle staggered
s back, and crying Out faintly ' to. the
s merrymakers, "0 Lord! mates, help;
I'm murdered 1" fell like a .log. - -
• The. ferattle stood; listening intent -
f ly, to ascertain if the disturbance had •
- been noticed pit the "Boathouse," and
time. Ile ran around lb see about tamps by N. C. POLSON CO.,
v his herse? "Look here," yelled the Kingeton, Ont., Proprietor:4.
t And. he tried to brush off the sthlte
Lady at the door — 1 believe,, in my
The. cabby gave him one look, ''W'a
d'ye s'pose cares about you?' 11
of doraestic animals in Paris. The're
if you live in a hotel on ono oftei
narrow streets of the Latin Quarte
you will be kept awake all night Ion
by the never-ending cracking, of th
whip., and the withering tuts, vs the
are laid hard, and stinging, over th
back 4 of the limping, helf-starved hor
• that drew tlee voitures and firm
If a cab horse stumblee, and falls to
hie knees in Paris, the driver does not
run to the nearest apothecary's for 25
centimes worth of linimept bethe
the scratched knees, as the, London
cabby does for tuppence worth. Ile
simply gets down from his.sest, and,
taking the butt end of hie whip, beats
the horse over the he,od until he elem-
hers to his feet, then, after ailminis,
ering count. of kicks from a, num.
ber thirteen hob-nalled boot, he
mounts his box and drives along.
Th'e trent homes ice constantly be-
labored. with A whip and morn at in
the argot of Paris, and the result
strange es it mak reera, is, that it
taken you longer to go tt raile in a
Deere in Peels, with the horses, be-
ing whipped all the time, than it does
the same distal'. e in London, when
not onee during the drive vvill the ani -
mot feel the touch of the Melt
The last line was 4peated several
times with great gusto.
On the very brink of the tide, and
even nearer ro the guilty party than
the "Boathouse" itself, stood the
Long Row, facetiously so called; its
later sobriquet of William and Mary's
Row afterwards attaching itaelf to it s
owing to the fact that a Williana and
Mary occupied each of the four humble
been unnoticed. The .dim lights con -
Untied to burn steadily in the win-
dows; and eo still was the night thee, `•
between the bursts of song, the air °
was filled with the moaning voice of s
the surf, as it battled with the
Cambrian rocks fully a score of miles
A hurried consultation took place.
By proceeding along the shore they a
would altnost certainly fall into the b
hands of eine ar other ot the coast), s
guard patrols. taking posseesion t
of one of the anima boats, and at tempt- h
1 big to steer their own course down u
the river, they would almost as rex- a
ininlY stick fast on one of the min3- s
tercets eandbanine, with which the fish- a
ermen were, so familiar. Finally, m
they decided to obtain the service% of t
a fisherman and boat, and with this o
objeet they dregged the body of lin-
ele into the deep shadow of „the kiln, h
and retraced their steps to the "Boat- f
During the recent Iluropean cholera b
Beare a Promo Prefect wrote to a May. „ei
pr requesting him to take precautions
against the disease, whieh had broken w„
out in 1iis -department. The IVIayor was
rather puzzled at these instructions, 1,r
which appeared vague to lum; but af- a,
ter deep thought he answered that he t
and his electors were prepared for the
plague. On inquiring into the rata.
sures taken by the worthy Mayor in
order to ascertain their efficieney it ,
crpeared that he had caused as muy
gr.tves to be dug as there were 'ninth. w
td Infantry were disabled in the, pro- d
eons of breaking in the horses, ManY d
1 my. heart, you aro the same tramp I
e gave a. large piece, of Christma.s pud..
O ding to a few days ago.
Tramp—No, ma'am; you're mistaken,
El 's dead
Invigorates sad stroneeene
g Weep WOOD, Torontri, GENERAL AGENT.
• .Floor Walker—Hurry• out, madam!
• The. store's rtfire . . Mrs. Purchase—
' .01e. ie it ? Then PO just wait for the
fire sale. .
'reel Proiretor or One rests—Ileum
41 Mori of ireada Checked.
. Ste that the demand for
trectural steel is increasing faster
lett the neinufaeturers can :increase
he output. This is in spite of the en-
rmous edvanee made In the price ot
teel within the twelvemonth.
The fact is a most holleful one in
many ways, wholly apart 'from its in-
ustrial,signifieitnee. meaos that we
re euildinte better than we ever did
efore—not only that we are using
teel frames for our skyscrapers, but
hat even in the co str t" f h
ouses and shops and dwellings we are
sing steel trusses where te r
go we used wooden floor beams, and
teel rafters instead of wood, This ere-
tes a better security against fire. it
cum also, and not less importantly,
he salvation of our forests. For not
nly is wood now largely excluded
ram the struettiral pa rte of buildings,
ut even as trimming it is repidly
ailing into disfavor. Window -frames,
indow-tiashes, and even doors and
oor-casings of steel are now so per-
etly made and so eheitply' that they
e poising a large telescope in a
Owls? peruttnnung the black veil
vhieh intruded Itself between the
stay and Ifilbre Island, The shout- I
lers of his senti-militiry coat were.
ittlass Wits tightly girt about his
waist. 1
The Frenchman made out the figure
while yet some distance awaY, and: ha
rid his conmailion tame to a fall stop,
ad stood for a little time whispering,:
ogether and closely serutinising the
ctions of the officer before approach -
• facetious tortes,. "I say, monsieur..
ohn Buil Whitehead, what you leek
ut there fort ba I you tink you
"tire you baek again? NEty, Honey ,
own better nor cOMA in this quarter.
To Be Continued,
re rapidly replaeing wood, as wire
and tile have repliteed lath, end =r-
ife and mosaica havn taker! their an-
ent place (Is flooring. With a little
urther development in this direction
e shall be able to cheek the dentItlit-
on of forests and Protect our rivers
om flood on the one hand and
rought on the other, and these are
he noblest uses of forests.
Can you tell me what sort of wea-
her we may expect next month?
rote a subscriber to the editor of
paper, and the editor replies as fol..
wie: It is my belief' that the weath-
next month will be very much like
er• ed for an hour what the e:itor was
riving at, when he happened te think
the word "unsettled." Ile emit iit
of whieh were imported from Aug. of
le required amount nett day.
Sickness Banished—Health restored
Gentlernen,—Dr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pille have done my sister so
much good that in grateful apprecia-
tion r. told Mr. Tully, the druggist; I
would gladly give a testimonial un-
solieited, as to their merits. 1Vly
eister, 15 years of age, 'caught. eio-
lent cold—sinee then she has been in
very poor bealtb, lost. all colour was
anemic, her blood had no vitality, and
she had no physical strength, she be.
came extremely nervous, so much so
that 8118 could not stand any exertion
or excitement, and it was impossible
for her to gel restful. sleep, she Lost
her appetite, ler heart became very
weak, palpitating so violently that
she could hardly breathe al the sligh. •
test exertion. When she commenced
taking Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve
Pills two months ago she ware in a
state of complete physieal and nervete
proetratitni. •lier blood was scanty
with no more strength than water,
Slime taking Dr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pie; she has been rapidly mend.
ing, her• appetite has returned, she
sleeps well tier nerves are stronger,
and her heart gained st retie; h so that
it ia able to fulfill its functions. Prior
to taking Dr. Ward's Pills she had
taken many medicines without any
' special benefit, Dr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills are certainly the only
medicine that hasnlons any good. Be-
fore taking them she was getting
weaker, einie heart and nerves losiog
strength daily. Since she had began
taking them she has daily and con-
tinuously gained health arid strength,
35 College street,
Peterborough, Ont.
Two commercial travellers, compare
ing notes -1 have been out three
weeks, Said the first, and have only
got four orders. That beats me, said
the other, have been oqt four weeks
and have only got one order, and
that's from the firm to come home.
/eke texaelve Brom° Quinine Tablets. All
drenches refund the money if it falls to cure
Mc. W, 0 rOVes MOO 19 on each box.
Hello, Jerry; got your new flat all
Wed up? Not quite. Say do you
knew where I can • find ti folding
tooth brush?'
F.rat11.4sheepcadAm• Heine
tt000tle at r3 ht pries, Heine Safety
s, SLAOKw&LL A.O., TorontA.
' 3MYaya l9oaray.
Gravel -by Dodd's Kidliey WILLIAM ar.., TORONTO. Esplanade
• Toronto
tivwa t;lnn,ter'Omuta tutu.
Duties and Fuel.
v i'tlt5 ti,,11115u1rurp,•n to all desirous of acquiring a thorough 1 1 d f SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE
113 Vongs 8t., Toronto. {hell T. Eaton Uo. Limited.•
Meissel, P:R„ . Jan. 22.—The people q helMveti .Rant
lThe u
7 e Uo:, Limited,
of 'the G tt
1a rerche
Quebec r lr
ietea Qp ML
°the Ottawa
fl f �QQnn . fI '
a f t Ipp UII o
d6U US t
}liver aro' all alt Earri emet .. Halos The Wilson PublrshIne Co.; Limited:.
f y ve to :tie boon .they
>itarti•lsra,eta,rt+mo6ed IA4erlieesto where boilenwag beseen working.
have in Dodd's l�idn is i -
e Pills as w
Weele 1 '
B d_ gn. ir•
Ft c
nessed by the 'large number who are mead lig W., Toronto.
publicly . testifying. to the merits o
Dadd's Kidney Pills in the press. •.On
of those is Mr. Reuben Draper, of der
endoe, near here.
6 REpikEsEN TATIVE WANTED in your town.
Largo income — Pleasant
Position—Pay prompt. Like politions making $40 per
week. Writo qttick for particulars and furnish refer.
painful and dangerous bladder nom
plaint known as gravel. Dodd's Kid
d bladder. 60°461 alms. Write tor particulars, Ths
ney Pills cure Gravel and when it i
remembei•ed that a surgical operatic)
wakformerly the Only Means of asSai
ing this disease, the value of Redd'
Kidney *Pills is apparent, Dodd's Kid
nweiya sPhiollIsv. were recommended to Mr
p.lete success, as the following letter
Draper and he tried them, with corn
Dodds Medicine Co.
Gentletnen,—About three years ago
I was taken ill with what !thought
was gravel. • 1 was suffering greatpait
so I sent for a doctor. He gave me
some medicine and said he would call
again. He,came twice more and charg-
ed me fifteen dollars. I was a little
better but not well. "A short time af-
ter I had another attack, so tried
another doctor with about the same
result, only I was getting weaker all
the time. Then a man „advised me to
try Dodd's Kidney Pills, for he said
they had cured his mother. So I
thought I would try them, and in just
one week I passed a stone as large as
sraall bean, and in four days after
I passed another about the size of a
grain of barley. This gave me great
That is two years ago, and I have
not had any trouble that way Sillefi.
I have the stones still in my possession
and can show; them to anyone who
doubts this story. Eloping this may
ibeegofeesordeidb,enefit to someone suffer-
permanently curse
Catarrh of nose,
MI throat, stomach
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, .
cartero.isou) CURE 10o. Lunn hi a jiffy. P. Ma
Cormaog 00., Agents, Montreal.
TIN liES•MOINES INOURATOR--Rest and cheapest
0. Rolland, wile agent teethe Dominion. Send 3ot.
;tamp for candor's. 373 St. Paul Street, Montreal
Who bides his time, and day by day
Faces defeat full patiently, —
And lifts a mirthful roundelay,
However poor his forttniee be,
1ie will not fall in any qualm.
Of poverty—ehe paltry dime
It will grow golden in' his paint,
Who bides his time.
A. Scotchman was asserting that all
the g•reat poets wore of his nation.
Well, but, said one, how, about Shake-
speare? You can't say he was a Scotch -
man 7" To which the orator replied:
His talents would justify the supposi-
Deafness Cannot be.thired
by local appiloatiop& as Roy cannot retch the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure detente& and that it by oonstitut
grnieldr toinalt:1 Ion el/ enicaoculisti ;WV IA
Enotaohlen Tube. When this tube is inflem,
ed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect
hearing, and when it is entirely closed destnem
is the result, and unless the inflammation oan
be taken out and this tube restored to its nor.
▪ oondition, hearing will be destroyed for.
Ivor ; nine oases out of tonere caused by 04.
larrh, Which is nOthino but an inflamed condi.
? ne n red Dotter. for any
case ef Deafness Moused by catarrh) that 00*
nob be oared by ilall's Catarrh Ours. Send NI
soia by Druggists, 75o.
Haire ramify PIlls are the beet.
Does your wife talk until she gets
the last word?
Yes, and she talks after that, toe.
The a' Baimoral," Free Bus Mat
Hotel Carslake, Pur°1r 8"141
AVENUE HousE_MOIII-Collega Aron te.
Family Hotel route gllte
r da
ST. JAMES' NOTEL.fegoiZZIglecoik
Railway, Elterelaos Dommorolal Flout*, Modern Int.
aregmaimits--Eatei moderate.
Darling, how glad ton to see
you I
Olt, George, how cold your nose is..
xtr, 41/4,g 61-40
h 44 ii/j4i, f
Catholic) Prayer Neasikrisx,ozseaoraiensearjru:
Religious' Pictures, Statuary, and Church Ornaments,
Dyeing 1 Cleaning I
for the ry best rend your work to the
Loolr agent In.your town, or send &red.
Montreal, Toronto,' Ottawa, Quebec
...Steam and Hot arid Waier Pipes, ColdStora e
, Toronto,' Agootrem, sod rendez, Eng
—Michigan Land for Sale.
fiCify Tosco, Ogomaw and Crawford Counties. Title pop
feet. On Michigan Central, Om roit neeittise and
'Loon Lake Railroado, at prices esnging from $2 to 05
'per ROM These Lands are Close to Enterprising New
Towns, Churches, Schools, eta., and will be sold on on
' R..51. PIERCE. Agent, West Bay CIty, Mioh.
Or J.W. CORP'S, Whittemore. Mloh.
vaunt sung Lubricating II le,
10.411.4-6fate7 . COMPOUND 0.i.
The Above' Cut Represents One. of .
MostUsliful Inventions of the Ago
In the Way of an Indoor Closet, ,
Ali .eho h.tve used this Closet pro.
nom= it absolutely odorless ana medical
men claim it to he perfectly 'sanitary.
Hundreds have 'Iyeen sold during thp past
year and have given entire setiefactien.
For Catalogee mid price list write to
The 'Odorless Crematory closet.
nary. • WM. SUTTON
and Sheet Metal Workd.
Red or Green. • SLATE BLACKBOARDS (We supply
Public) and High Solfoola,Toronto). Roofing Felt, Pitch,
Vogl Tar, eke. ROMPING TILE (Seo .New City Build,
Ings, Toronto, done by our firm). Metal Ceilings, Cop
alma, no, Estimates furnished for work °droplet° or rot
materialsehipped to any part of tho country. Phone 104
opeciet nett, gutrantecing :alga dividends; also nu hi
staimeot stook payrtipe in tnonthly instalments, drawing
profitable investment. rhould correspond isith the Sun
.vitt all.1 LIAM etlillP.111Y. ado; money loaned on
favorable terms °was %united its unrepresented die,
Wets; woo us.
Loan and Savings Company.
The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort.
gage Corporate'.
Head Offloe—Tatento fit., Toronto.
Smolt Offloes—Winnipeg, Man., Vancouver, 111.0
DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed,
DEBENTURES ISSUED for I, 2, 3, 4 00 5 fears,
with interest coupons attached,
HONEY LENT on security o' real estate Mortgages
Government and Illtmloipal Bonds, eto.
For further particuiats apply to
Manisaing Director Toronto
1 Rears Important News to His Fel-
low Citizens.
TopntO, a OIL 5.—Here is a letter
ive hope every one of our readers will
peruse: -.-"I am 89 years old. Have
been troubled for four years with
what I thought was Rheumatism—
stiffnelis In the' museles of my legs,
later in the arms. Soon the stiffness
changed to soreness. Went to Hot
Spkings, and came back a little better.
Was a moderate drinker, but quit us -
hag liquor altogether, and ' carefully
regulated my diet. One day I got '
wet and then the trouble was worse
than) ever. Had to lay off for three
weeks. Have had similar attacks at
intervals ever since, each one worse
than its predecessor. Had headaehe,
pain in the small of the baek, urine
dark, scanty and scalding.. Begipi
using Dr. Arnold's English Toxin
Pills a short time ago, and am already
wonderfully lbsproved. Feel confi-
dent they will cure me, and / shall
give them the chance and report. I
have not felt rici well for years ae I
have Gime I began using your pills.
11, LEWIS,
477 Tonga St., Toronto.
Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pink the only modistes
on earth that cures digest* by Millen the germs that
cause it, aro gold by all druggists. at No. a box: maple
elm 25o., or sent postoold co remota °Woe, by The
Atnold Chemical Co., Limited, Canada We buildieg,
DEW) Street West, Toronto
A most efficient substitute for
cod-liver oil, pleasant to the taste,
and agreeing with ihe niost sensi-
tive stomach. Used by physicians
in the treatment of all throat ind
lung troubles, and — if results
count for anything—almost ,no
limit to the good it can do.
01. •firieN
'Itei.""'"1.--,7...•=•1144-4.:1.:,.. I
Siiniplebottle Mailed to any address 00 regolpt of to
cents to Coildr postage.
Angier •Chemical Co. tofirtildeilrn Toronto