HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-02-01, Page 1TIIE GUNTON 21at Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEldRVA1Y1, 1900 'Please, look at your Label on THE _NEWS -RECORD. eeeteeeaipeeeeeeeeee*esezwoop-o•aea9eoeoGelee, E Some New. Music Books Nimble Fingers,a fine collection of 13 easy and catchy pieees, 50c Easy Pieces in En.sy Keys.. , .,. , 750 Pan Collegiate Col ectton of Songs 75e New Songs of the University of Toronto loc and $1.25 Repertoire Moderne $1.00 Royal March T.wo Step 50e Superb Folio, Instrutnental 750 75c 750 I Vocal Royal Collection of Four-in-Hanfi Music HYMN BOOKS Songs for Young People, Excel): 25c The Chorus of Praise, Black 25c Epworth Hymnal, No. 2 40c Now Hymns and Solos, Sankey i 45c Glory Bells, Gizze , 35c Sacred Songs •' ... 35e Saving Grace 150 Canadian Hymnal 50c The Seed Sower 135c In Addition to These We handle Sheet Music, Instruction Books,and tnany other lines of Books not mentioned above, and can procure anything in the line of Musicians' Supplies, which includes Instrutnentg as well as Sheet Music and Music Books. Outprices will be found to be lowerthan most so•called music dealers. ,.. Books sent by mail at same price. ;)4 W. COOPER CO., • ooksellers and Stationers, Clinton, Ont. ee,aerea,e4,..xy-.),azaao€4,9aeaee,9eaataPaGle,elaeeeMt I Want My That is what the , children s yo- • Grown u.p eh ldren say the same thing. We have several lines of krreakfast Cereals, in eluding Swiss Food, Pellyotias Wheat, Quaker Oats, Rolled. Barley, Wheat and Oats, but the most popular -brand is Fair's •enowned reakfast .Pbod. It will wake you glad yon are': living to order a 'package of this popular food and have -it for breakfast. Pruaes, extra good -value, '5 lbs for. 25c: 'Have you ever tried . Rice Flakes, Flaked Beans or Flaked Peas. These goods are. manufactured .by removing the hulls. or.4ins• of the peas and beans in their normal dry artd raw state and --are then drawn to a thin flaw. By this way of manufacturing it.does not destroy the flavor, nutriment or strength of -the. peas and beans,besides it./re-• duces the time in cooking to 3 minutes. Try them. . • GLE COOPER 'el CO THE CASH GROCERY. Phone 23. Cash for Butter and Eggs, - IRk;cascat5tFoiF-463) The Art Of satisfactory Wateh He. pairing is exemplified by me. I am- an expert Watch.re- pairer,- can repair all kinds of Watches -and Clocks.. I . •know how to do it properly. You don't have to take it to any one. - else when I get through with -it, because I do it right, do. it promptly, and ..charge you. reasonably, Fourteen years' experienee. • enables • me to guarantee a•• perfect job. • ' ' '• Am- 1 to do your NEXT : ,Repair Work ? • P.; 1. 'cizews jeweler,Expert Watch Re- pair6r and.Optician. t:0-t:stf:01?;54:5 • EveryDay is a 11) 6Pr filo D• ay At R., -T. CLIfFF'S and will continue un- til the odds and ends are disposed of. I?. J. CLU 0 THE TWO LJ'S. Announcement 1899 was a satisfactory year for us. vur business increased in volume and our custotners in number, This would not have been had not our prices been right and our service good. We thank our frieLds for their patronage abd hope to have them again with us this year. DURING 1900 We purpose keepi 0. on hand a lar. ger tock than er of Tweeds and Suitings of all kinds and -will be prepared for ,a larger inciease in our trade. • A. J. HOLLOWAY; A. J. MOROSH keeps on hand a large stock of Hats, Ties, Underclothing, etc. -71010,111Pr4 siewrr----sasrrrsirsomer---sise THE CLOTHING PrADE---=>. S°c'isle' There have been many parties and at homes this past week, Axiom.; those who entertained were :—Mrs, Couch and Mrs. R Holmes on Friday evening, Mrs. W.Ilarland on Monday, Mrs. J. B. Hoover and Mrs. Wilber Manning on Tuesday: • How Much Wil Clinton Give? Clinton has not yet sent it contribn tion tothe Patriotic Fund, but it is ex- pected that it will shortly do some- thing handsome. A concert is being arranged firr which will, no dottht, be • attended by, an overflowing house. Messrs. MeTaggart and Brydone are also arranging for a. big ball, the. net proceeds to be devoted to • the same Fund, ' . Mayor Jackson Injured. The injuries . which 1Vlayor Jackson sustained by falling- upon the icy street, while on his 'way borne. one evetting 'last week, were More serious than at, first supposed and he is scarcely himself yet... The mishap did not pre- vent him,- howeVer, from attending -the meeting of the town •council and he has been down to the store this week, though the doctor advised to the con- trary. Thos. Hays Is Secretary -Treasurer. Ati Meeting of the houd Of -the Killop 4risurti006 company held on Monday, Mr: Thos. Hays was appoint- ed seeretary-treasnrer. Ile has for NEWSTECORD. Whole Number 1102 If it -says your Subscription is ht Arrears let us bear from You. Death of Prank DowerS, Frank Hewers died oo Friday even ing end op to the last, with n full „knowledge that death was near, W n9 as jokey and jamity as usual. This is the sixth member of the family to pass away in eight years, father, mother, two sisters, 0,0(1 two. brothers, The funeral took place ti .Sunday, the services being conducted by Rev. J. F. Parke'. . The Members of Clinton, . Camp W. '0. W. attended in it body. The deceased was onlya social thein ber of thisOrder and did not -carry any insurance. Shipment of Dr4se4-•Plax, • • i Mr. D, A. Forrestee shipped four car loads -or dressed flax to Andover,Mass„ last week, which cleans out his stopk. •It IS doubtful if he will go into flax culture next .spring, Weed, we . tinder - stand, he May *sell the mill, and ifSO t bp parties who. rire.-negptiating -for it willreurove the building and convert It into it barn. Mr. Forrester is just noW pitying niost of -his attention to stoek feeding and shipped it number oi 'fine export cattle this • week. As 'fast as Ire sena out be buys- in and thus keeps his stalls .full all the. time. - They Stoppell the Train-. A fe a: of the.Goderich hockey play- ers acted in a manner -becoming rowd- ies on their way hotue flour Clinton last Friday -night, They several -times blew out the lights at• the station and when 'aboard the train • . raised Cain - geoerally, even going so.far -es. to pelt some time 'been laspeetOr and thaw, the signal rope and stop the tram. No doubt they have been rePorted..'e're oughly conversant with the business -of the company. The appointment is.t.e. garcled. as a good one .by those most competent to judge. The salary is $800 per...annum. .Mr. W. G. proadfoot was appoieted insPector, the posit -ion held by Mr. Hays, , little Locals. Mr. David Dickenson is among the sick this week, • •• . .The junior hockey -team will play in' Exeter Thu rscl ay nigh t Cantelon Bros., shipped east last vveek over 2,000, -pounds Of roll, butter, • Grocer Melville has had his stere re- ' novated, Mcluding painting by Mr. P. 'Ker. • . • • South Huron County L. 0, h..meeti in Exeter next Teesday • at 11 .o'clock: a.. -in. anit.1.30- P. tn. , • •' Mi'. Alex, -Morris hitsrented the cOttage on Wellington Street -lately or-. cupied by' Mr. W..Beer, ' • The service§ in connection . with the opening of Stavely Hall will take .place in the town hall on Thursday evening. Mrs. Porter of Rattenbury street. .sliPped end falling dolvhsteirs' on Fri- day:last so injured herself that she has since been confined to the honse. • The Doherty, 'quartette Sang • at the Farmers' Institute'.naeeting. in Varna: on Tuesday night and report says 'pleased the audience.very inoch. • Messrs.:James Stevens •of. the Base Line, Samuel Sloan of- Goderich• and Hugh McQuarrie•of 'Myth have .been. re -appointed liCen'Se commissioners for. West Huron ' • " The town council has an -advertise- ment On page 5.askingfor applications: for the different officesnt its' disposal, • this and will be called to accoutlt by the G.T.R.This team plays goOd hockey 'and is winning hut for the sake of the• game, if nothing else,it shtitilddkpense w it t hose of its players -whir • Cannot behave themselves when abroad) A Presentation.: ' ' • •- ,11s Horace roster expected to - leave town this 'week for -Branipton the members of.the OddfelloWs' .Lodge at their meeting , on Tuesday night presented It handsoine. gold. chain 'together With a- locket•. of the same Precious Metal. There was 'no forthal address, the preaentation being 11)040by :Jaeob Taliat in a brief aildrec.ia : in. which: eulogized ..Mr,••kester sai who, he d, though not Ito- ar tiv , nieuibrh e.: ad an: Oddfellowls 'heart and practised: the principles -of • Friendshi 0, Love and 'Truth: :Messrs.', F. C. Alcock,' W. O'Neil, C. SteYensen and 11. B Chant -also spoke and all expressed regret at Mr. Foster's retnoval. The. latter i.e.! tinned thanks in iipprupriate terms.. . • ShipMent of Short Keeps.: , • ' . : ' ' • . J. & N..Fairsold to 'M • i.. S; H. Smith and shipped an Tuesday twenty • head of export cat tle which had an aer vage of 1345 pounds. . They were What, cattle men call "short keeps,". that k bullocks . ‘Vbieli wheo bought and stabled were in good condition. The Messes.r . Fai purchased thein•only eleven weeks ago 4and the/ were -hi prime Condition, when - 'Sent off' as at seen - by then.' weight. The firni hitve mild a couple • of. carload8 for FoliroarY • Shipment, lint will reserve the halence of their stock' from .clerk to caretaker of Cemetery. ' for May end Jline, The late Mi . Fair .The salaries are fixed; ' begen feeding -Cattle . tor shipment . The .. Huron : poultry -show 'is being. over twenty yearsego,When.there wits held in Seaforth this week. The ex_ a greater profit in the business than et hibitors from Clinton are : W., Doh- the Present One. 'Tin: firm'S oldbooks . Show the purchase. of goodstock steerS erty, G. Swallow,: A. J.. Grigg, Ted • Forrester and NewtOn1Davis. ' .at an average of $29 per beacl : which when fitted sold for 'six cents Per. pound. TAILOR wirrawarer7- .Our experience with the Clothing business since 185i enables us to understand the wants of the purchasing publie. A Large Stock Our stock of suits, Wiens' and Boys', is very large, of the linest quality and will be sold at Tempting Prices. ANDIATTFIL T. JACKSON, Sr 't 1411160 18114, VICTORIA BLOCK CLINTON. • Malcolm McGregor of Stanley, Who entered the hearse of refuge when it:, ' . was opened, died en.Friclay• last, aged: .stoulay Scheel Anniversary. seventy eight years, '. Friends had the The an Illyors:try services -in canner - remains taken away for internient, tion with 'the On tart°, street Meth/all:A Mr, James Seale has taken Orders Sunday School were held lest. Sunday - for monuments .frem • the following and, notwithstanding rather onfavor- this pastweek : Mts. William Murphy, able weather and Hint two fires sonic. 01inton, and Mrs. George McCartney whet, interfered with the it. In and ship. • were all secressful nature, Rev, Mr. afternoOn meetings, all three service§ 'Ord' of the • 10th con, of GoderiCh town - The Rattenbury • . Street Epworth 14 s addresses Weve practieal, elo-' spent, and. impre.ssive, On Monday League ietended to have, paid one of evening; the chnrch was crowded and the Godericb Leitgeies ' 'a' ' visit on Tuesday' evening, but waspre- the school furnished an excellent vented from doing so by the unfaver- 'program, at least such was the opinion able weather. of all pfesent., Mr. Inept) Taylor, the - Qtutt;terly meeting service will Le.. ,efficient 'superintendent and energetic held in the Ontario street church next Sunday morning, The League took. charge of the Wednesday night • meeting and the Junior Leagtie will have a social evening Friday, Next Sunday Miss Williams, • the evangelist, will Preach. in the Rotten - bury street church. Special services will he continued during next week, every evening • excePt.Satorday. Tile public are eordially invited by the pastortri alt the meetings. Cantelon Bros, received a letter. from Madrid, Spain, on Wednesday makmg the hackneyed appeal for funds to enable "a poor orphan to recover property or which she was being rob- bed." Fakes of this nature have be - cone quite common, but TO ust, succeed oecasionelly or would not be persisted in, Mr, John Stanhury of the London Road, who is wintering in California, is now at Ontario and stopping with Mr, John Joy, formerly of Clinton, In writing home he speaks favorably of the climate and says that many of the necessities of life are more expensive than here, Potatoes are Beim/ at seventy cents per bushel and eggs at thirty cents per dozen. In speaking of the services in the Dundee- street Methodist church the evening previous the Woodstock Sentinel -Review of Monday said "12, 13, Foster rendered a solo, "Rest, Rest for the Weary," in it most acceptable manner. Ile was in exeellent voice and his selection Was very much en- joyed. Mr, roster's.singing is always appreciated." Appreciateit was the corfect term when R. IL was in Clin- ton and we are pleased to hear that it continues so in Woodstock. MI, John Ilimmetton, haa oar thanks for the perusal of an illustvated Write-up of Fort William, where, once upon a time, he lived for IL couple of years, together with an ancient book, entitled "A Guide to Peterborough Cathedral," which*gives the history of its foundation in the Oth century. The latter hook has been in the family for so many years that it is highly valned. • AWOOR the Curlers • Two rinks of the4curlers„ competed with Waterloo at Stratford on Mon- day for the District cup, but were not •successful. The players Wel'e 1 rink 2--M. McTaggart, J. Chewijigs, N. Fair, W. Jackson rink 27--W. G. Doherty, J. Johostone, Dr, Shaw, W, I?. Spalding. This keen weather is being taken ad- vantage of by the devotees of the roar - In' game and Competition is now in full swing between the following rinks :- 13. 3. Gibbings B.Itand N. Fair • . W.P. Spalding J. 0. Miller Rev.E. 13. Smith J. Johnstone 1), 4,, Forrester J. Rat ten bury T. Jackson \V. G. Doherty 'De. Allow De, Agnew (apt. Conthe IL 4, McLean. I. Fair • F, Fair A. Porter J. Hell D.MeTaggart VO'. E.. 13ryclon e 0.S. Doan Cant.. McTaggart • W, Jackson Ootlerkh Woe. ' • Goderich defeated 011ot on .last Fri- day night In a hotly contested game by the score of 6 to 4. The game has been protested on the ground of lin-. proper refereeing and goals scored that were not allowed. he proper .score, the Clinton team claim, should be 5 to 4 in their favor; . The game WAS fairly fast Mal :pleased the spectators, al- thangh they would sooner see the re- sult the other way. Some pretty, coni - titration play was indulged in by both ' teams; and judges Seid, the game was -up.to the city . mark. The receipts were only $32,00, not so good as at the fitst game, but of conrse the night was a bad one. %Tire C. o,y. band ten der ed excellen t service and pleased every one, The , (ram plays in Seaforth on Frilay night and expects to win; The. next, game here- will be with- the -Lon- don" League senior. team; wb,cti heve poe' keen beaten 1 his 'winter. An- nouncement Will' be made fully next week.: • " One. floes ipments, • .*• Oil Monday Mr..0. Wallis shipped to Toron to 150 live hogs whichweighed in the aggvegate•25,400 potinds and for whir:14,1re paid $5,30 per cnit. The stint totitLis a large one, but le not by aoy means an average weekly Shipment' for Mr. who is now without donbt• .t he most extensi ve' deader in this class • of '.tock io the.county, Mr. Stnith,Who confines him self to 'cattle, Sent off five, car loads ' of prime export stock • on Monday; and • two • • on Weihresday.• • We give below a list, of the Parties from whorithejmoght, the-run/11)er Of .heed and theirciveight. In addition to these are soine sixteen' head of , Mr, -Smith's own tattle which Were. fed by,'• Mr. W. • 'Weir of Goderichto.wnship, • . • . • Heed Lbs • 0, Peacock, Hullett. 2 ' 2530 W. Snell, " 2 .1040 . ',ins. Snell, •• " • 1 .1070 Tyndall Bros, " 2 30-10 D.A,Forrester, Clinton 20 027520 N. Binghani, Hullett . 1 , • 1010 .8. & J.Ransford,Clintoe 22 22234 • Fotheringliain, Hollett 1: 1700- , Rogerson 2 - 2710 • Reerson •' •" • 1 • 070 Cartwright, Hullett • • 2 • 2450 Ilusk,' . ••• ". • 1 1030 • Felgoson, " 1 1010 R. •& J. Ransford,blinton 41 • 50,860 , Dexter, Hallett • ' 1 • 1.000 Sprung, Goderich • 1 1700 J,•& N. Fair, Clinton 20 20900 The Huron C'entral Re -Organized, ,The meeting held in the touil hall on Friday evening fast to consider ways and In 01111:4 in relation to the. Huron Centre.). Fair was well ,Ettentled. Dr. ShaW voted into the chair and in his tiddress urged new methods and more energy. ' The unanimous opinion of the meeting appeared to he that to insure the future success of the Fair it W118 obsoletely necessary that, _a speed- ing track he obtained, In.the event of nOt being able to secure more land to enlarge the present' grounds two other pieres of property were suggested, the Gun Club grOnmis and Mr. Copp's pro- perty Across the G. T. R. track. A commit tee consisting of Messrs. Shaw, 1. Itattenbery, Paisley, Hbieleall, Ken- nedy arid Cooper wits appointed to aeenre options upon the propertiesspo, ken of, Messrs. D. A. roiresteri B. G. Plummer and Thos. Cottle were re -ap- pointed inembees of the park connnit- tee. The election of officers resulted in the ehoice of an almost entirely new set; tis follows IlimOrary President, W. Doherty President, A. limes „Vier! President, W, J. Paisley 2nd Vice, Q. ,Johnson . . . D rec tors --S tan I ey, M. M e Ewan ; Tuck- - ersinith, Geo. Dale ; Goderieh, Jas. , Connolly ; flullett, Jas. Snell, Jas. Flynn, 8. S. Cootie', ; Clinton, Dr. Shaw, 1. Rattenbary. Honorary Directoes-4W, Weir, S. G. Plummer, It. Holmes, 3. McMillan,J. Johnstone.. Secretary-l'reasurer, W. Coats Assistant,Secretar3 t. Kennedy Anditors, J.- T. Harland, j.Wiseman • S. S. 'worker,' piesided and made. a, - happy chairmarr. •The • contributors _ acquitted themselves well; from the. seniors of the Ruttier 1311J1e elem. to Wee Fred, the thi re -year-old • son : of Dr. Thompson., who, 8 to speak, brought down thehouSe with the , matter. 1111d: iuitti ner of his song. .rrow the seniors, the tet and othere ati encore was del. 'mended. The. • accompanyists were s. (Dr.) Thompson, Mrs. Wall and Miss Gibirings. An • address would have been appreciated from Mr. David Tiplady„ who was ..superintendent for a quarter of it century and whose faith; iul 1,th:ors helped. So notch • towards bringing the seined op to .ita present prosperous state. Rev, Mr. Foal spoke for ten Minutes. His remarks were in keeping with the occasion Mid. pointed several moral's with a few tales. The program was as follows' Selection, Orchestra 1.3nett,Louis Mannieg,Ernest Peaven Reeitatimi, Beim Olsen Recitation, Mabel Flintoif Song, John .Shipley Selectien, Senior Bible Class Recitation, Willie Lockwood • Recitntion, Harry Furry . Swing Chortle, Miss' Tebbutt's Class Violin Solo, Miss Laura Olson Chorus, School Impersonations, Primary Class Address, Rev, Mr. Ford Orchestra, 'Selection Song, John Shipley Recitation, Lonis Manning t, Lan ton Woodman, Bert Reid Recitation, Rena Much Recitation, Roy Furry , Flag Chorus, Mrs,' Andre Ws' Class Recitation, Fannie 'Shipley Chorus, Miss Turn bull'a Class Duett, Emma Plunisteel, Lillie Coats Solo, Fred Hill Solo, Fannie Shipley • Recitation, Willie flezzo • Recitation, NiXon Welsh Selection, Senior Class Dialogue, Mrs, Plumsteel's Class 'Address, Rev, B. Clement • ' Sehool • Benediction, Rey. 13, Clement The Orchestra SUMMERHIL •, Mr. W. M. Lmery, who is attend - ng the:Veterinary College in Toronto, has been elected by his fellow students President of their (wench of the Young Men's Christian Association. • The Sacrament of the Holy Com- munion will be administered an Sim - day next, • A very successful meeting of the Women's Auxiliary was held at Mrs, Rolit, on Thursday of last week. Arrangements are being made • for a house social in the near future. The congregation 'here on Sunday evening last was rather small on account of the stormy weather. The MisSea Johnstone of Listowel (tee • the guests of Miss Allie Hill at present. Mr. Lindsay, Hr., has once more re- turned to our village. Mr. Morse Hilt spent, a, couple of days in Galeria hist week. . Miss Etta Wallace of town visited at the home of Mr.D.Woodyard recently, Mr. A, D. Wetheval passed thiough the village on Witurdity last and was a caller at Mr, D. Bates. WILLIS CHURCH ON FIRE, The Flames Were Discovered as the • Congregation Were Assembling and Quickly Subdued. The Inset.. ance Companies Will Pay $253 for Damage Sustained. As the congregation of Willis church were gathering for seryice loot Sunday morning fire was discovered in the basement by the caretaker, Mr,.,•.Kar- ray. The alarm was at once given end the Are brigade turned out quickly. The flames, which oz iginated from the furnace pipe, had in the meantune worked in under the -floor and the plat- form upon whielf the pulpit end organ steed and were difficult to reach. Holes Mato be cut hi the coiling of the base- frient So that the hose could be tui ned upeo the:fire and as soon as this coul(1 be• done it was quickly subtitled. Previous to this the bucket brigade had been at Work -and prevented the flames . from making headway and the dam- ages was confined to the charred floor, to ruined carpets, and discolored walls. It was very fortunate, though, that the fire happened when it did for had it broken out when nobody was in the bedding It 'might have obtained sada head.way as to preveut the saving ef this fine place of worship.. •• . The church is insure_ in two' enrx pames, in the Loud or $5000and the -London & Lancashire.for $4000, 'The latter company also holds It risk for $1000 npon the pipe oven, Mr. 'Gale, the inspector for those Companies, was. in town Toesday and made the Ohurph officials an offer ef 203 which includes $25 noon the.organ, This ,was accept. ed end a, eontract foe repair's proniptly let to Mr, Thes41ackenzie who has al- • ready started his.men at work and will have the repairs so far advanced that service may be held as usual next Son-, day. The kalsonrining will not, be un7 der taken until the spring when it can be more eheanly -clone.. • ,Willis C4LIVell W nS Wilt in 1881 at a: cost of $14,000, the land $700 additional and thworgan $1200. It is a Commod- ious and comfortable place of worship with a debt of only $2000 mnich, it is eXpected, will be.wiped matio e few months. ••• • . . It being comtnenion' Sunday With Williaehurch,in order that the ser- vice thigtithe .held the officials or the RattetiburV street cengregation placed • their church ,attheir disposal for the evening, The offer Was fully .appre- • dated and accepted. The anniversary , serviCes which were to have been held • next Sunday briVe been postponed. ' VARNA. Ur. Thomas Ward snorts a new Portland cutter purchased from J. Me - f44', 3, T. (Jaime visited his mother at Camlachie for a few days last week. Mr. F. Purdy, who has been laid up with sore eyes, is able to be out again. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Wm. Clark is not In3proving very fast. W. F. Keys has secured the con. tract of fixing over M.D. J. Winn. chy's barn on the Goshen Line. The Presbyterians intend having an. other social at Mr.Malcolm McNaught - cues on Thursday evening. The Rev. M. *Nab of Montreal Preached (Wo yery able and instruct- ive sermons in the Presbyterian church last Sunday, morning and ev- ening. After the regular service of the Methodist church on Sunday evening a reception service was held. Rev, Mr, ,Andrews preached a very. eloquent sermon froin the text, "Come thou with us and we will do thee good for the Lord has spoken -good concerning Israel," Numbers 10 chap. 29 verse. Three were received into full member- ship and two joined ,by letter. The Farmers' Institute held a very successful meeting in Varna on Tisea- day 01 this week When three excellent addressee were delivered in the after- noon by Mr. D. Mc Innis, Miss 13. Mad dock or Guelph and Mr. A.. Q. Dobler of Exeter and were very much appre- • ciated by the large audience: The ev- ening meeting was one of the most sUccessful ever held in Varna. The 'speakers were Mr. McInnis, Miss Mad doek, Mr. McMurdie and, Rev Mr. An draws.' Mr. S. A. Mciffat acted as chairman. The program was furnish- ed ity...tibe Doherty quartette of Clinton. Misa Moffat, Messrs. Taylor and ..6:3v; vio inistii; accompanied by Miss, Addie RathWell of Bayfield OD the organ, who gave selections that were much appreciated, The quartette took the house by storm, while Miss Maud Motfat's solos were rendered in a very efficient manner. ,The meeting closed • by all singing ,'God save the Queen." Stanley council rnet in the town hall on Monday, Jan, 29th. All the mem- bers were present., The auditors' re- port was received. and accepted and the auditors paid thelf salary IThe following orders were passed: James Ester $1 refund of.dog tax, D. Camp- bell $1.50 for bridge bolts, the clerk $14.80 forregistration of B. M. D. Next meeting will besaeld on Monday, March 5th, at one o'elbok p. • Cairns, Clark, . in the.afternoon a. second fire • broke out and as it So happened in. the' • back Shed of Mrs,Tebbett,house in the ' rear Of Willis church,. When the sec- ond alarm soundedthe cations suppos- ed that the blaze in :Willis church had revived aod-htirried to the' scene, The -brigade soon drowned outthe 'fire and a few dollars- -will repair the darn - ego, Tebbutt,Who • iS•'an loyal - wits alone ifl the hou..mat the tame and the fire, which originited ''f rein :the -Ash barrel,. was "first eeen.„ by a neigh - blip.' The:furniture Who ..siain • - hurried out of doors and, as is 'usual en such occasions :it suffer ed somewhat. *stile result.Of the' eXperience same owners have had, they"d, if insured, just about as Soon have • their household .W*8 destroyed by 'fire, as 13y80oas4ing, . ": . The fire broke out again iti.the even - leg but was soon extinguished, The fire,In igade did efficient work on Sunday end Is entitled to be credited for the setoe.. Little fault can be found with it end if the council sees fit to re- appoint; the present, officer's the citi- zens will cordially approve, • - "A Divine Healer." REV. W. E. CHRISMAS an exponent of "Divine Heeling," will hold services in the town hall next Sunday. Ile has been engaged in this work for twenty years during ,which thile .he has thrice travelled around the globe, but for a few years past has made his headquarters on a farm near Minnedosa, Man., where Ids wife and six children continue to reside. Mr, Frank Gorse)! of Oxbow. Assaa former resident of this town and who is now down on a visit, has a firm belief in Divine Healing and in Chrismas himself and will be his sponsor whit., m Clinton, AUBURN MSS O. Lawlor of Detroit is visiting her father here. Miss M. Dobie has returned to the dress Making with Miss E. W. .Art bur. Mr. A. Glen of Carlow, called on Auburn friends this week. • Dr. Agnew of Loidesboro visited our hos& this week. . Mrs. Grab:tin, who has been very ill, Is recovering, as is also Mr. G. 13aer, Mr. W. McDonald in improving. The Home Oirele • intend giving a box social in the near future, The County Monett of Kent has voted $200 to the Patriotic Fund. A patriotic concert will be held within a few weeks. HOUVIESVILLE. . • • On Thursday evening a number of ., the young peopie of the village. and vicinity riongre ated at 'the •1113 Mr. B„ •McCartney of the 10th Con. for an oyster supper.- The evening Was spent in social. intercourse -.and game's._ • About 1.20 o'clock • :Supper was ,served when the table fairly -get-tailed with' the good things. When in -the wee small 'hbure of the moining the party broke up, everybody' -went 'away feeling that they had enjoyed' themselves very much and that their praise was due to theie host and host: es who so ably' entertained them. • Mrs. J. Jordan and two- "children of. Man.,tire visiting friends -1n the yillage. • . Thos. Holland of British Colnm- 'bia is visiting his brother, George. • Nuts N.Stenlart of Nile was the guest of Miss Tillie McCartney. ..*. . . Mr. Green of Goderich visited friends in tlie neighborhood on Thursday. The manv friends of Mrs. Fred Ford are sorry to learn,of her serious illness,‘ but hope to hear of her speedy rem"- ery, . Miss Beatrice Greene spentMnnday at Dr. 0. W. Thompson's, Clinton. The funeral of the late George Sher - mon, whodied in Clinton, passed through the village on Friday. . Mrs.• R. W. MacKenzie 6f Goderich visited her mother, Mrs. Holmes, illonday. • • Mrs. W. Cole and children of 'Olin- . tonwere the guests Of her mother, Mrs. W. Mtilhollatid on Sunday. ' The Sacrament of the Holy Con. amnion will be administered • in St. John's church on Sunday LONDESBORO., Me. Sas, Campbell, townsh• ip clerk, spent Monday and Tuesday in Luck - )IOW. Mr. Jas. Caldwell, Jr., who returned home from the West a few weeks ago sick,passed away Monday evening and was burled on Wednesday after- noon . Mr. W. Morrow is stilt pushing piano sales and is having good, success. Wes, isa. bustler. Miss Mary Snell returned home on Tuesday from Winghani, where she ints been assisting her sister, taking rare of her sick child Who passed away and was buried on Sunday. • Mrs. Smith has gone to Wingham to visit her daughter,. Mrs. (kb. wton, fora while. • Our Iocalimultry fanciers are in Seaforth attending the Huron Pout - try and pet stock exhibition and expect to seenre a good share of the prizes. Mr. John Melville was in Seaforth Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. A. 13. Bradwiii, were Goderich visitors Sunday. • Mr. Will. Habkirk of Dungannon WM in town Sunday. John Taylor and Tom Watson visit. • ed Goderieh friends Sunday. • Mr. John Ross add family moved to • London on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Emigh were in Goderich Sunday., Edward St, George, accused of at. tempting to poison his wife by filming cocculus indica in ber ten, totilk8 dbe I charged in the Ottawa Pellet! Oittet. CAMTAIN EQESON The aloof/ilia Mtddleeex yeeterday was keenly lkinght by both parties, The Goyeininent used all their heavy guns and the Conservatives were al. most equally active. The result le a victory for Captain itobeon, Ooneerva- tive, whose majcrity is eighty-one, more than double obtained et the general election by the late Mr, Hod; gene, who was a popular and strong , .candidets. THE CANADIAE TACKLE THE BOERS. A despatch from the Front this morning says that the .Canadians had a. brush with the Hoare at Belosont,but there were no casualties. General Buller will make another attempt to relieve.Ladyemith. lielens. The annual meeting of the congre- gation of Calvin church, St. Helene, was held in the basementof the church on Monday, Jim. 29th. Everything was found to be in it satiefactory ben - A number of people from here at- tended the funeral of Alexander K. Caineron of Lucknow, who died on Saturday last Mr. Cameron had been ailing for some time. • Rev, S. M. Whaley returnedmi Mon- day to his pastoral- duties. On leaving his mother she was improving, - • Rev, Mr. McNabb of Lucknow occu- pied the pulpit in Calvin church on Simday last. Mr. Joseph Anderson of Wawanosh was united in wedlock toren Torrence of Culrose on Tuesday of this week. The Young Peoples' Society met in the basement of the church on Sab. bath evening last. Mr. Harry Woods presided and also taught the catechism . on account of Mr. Chas. Stewart's ab. sence. Mr. Hugh Rutherford taught the lesson. • . Bluevale. Mr; Frank Greenway of Toronto is visiting his parents here, • Mr. James Burgess hes returned from Prince Edward Island where he spent amonth with his brothers. Mr. Leonard Blain of LaRiviere. Man., who ia visitmg Ontario -friends this Wit4Or, spent Sunday withhie stir. ter•in Mire. Mi Miss PollyDuff enteetaing4 anumber of her friends last Thursday evening. About twenty-five of our villagers enjoyed the Seottisiteinicart In Wing - ham last Thursday eirening. • Mr. John Burgesswgir in Brantford last week auditing' the books of the C. Mrs. Hudeint and' fflmfly have -re- turned homeafter upending, a month with' friends in Grey and Atwood. • Scarlet fever, measles and chicken- pox are preialent in and around the village. Miss Jemima Jamieson has returned to town after a very enjoyable visit with her sister in New York. • Saliba Line—StanleY. Mr. John Tedford of Clinton is to . hold service in the North school house every Sunday evening assisted by' Messrs. J. Delgaty, S. Sterling and J. Cowan. Mr. W. Johnston, wife and family re- turned home to Maple Grove on Satur- day after a three weeks' visit in Bay- field. Mr, Robb. Dewar is busily engaged breaking in his thoroughbred trotting colt. During one of the recent' wind storms Mt. S. Cleave'chimney caught tire and his oldest son, who has lately returned from the North-West, got so excited that he donned his spurs and was On the roof.top with water be- fore the sparks had time to ignite. Mr. Geo, Campbell, Jr., is engaged at Mr. E. E. Snowden's, as is also Mr. .I. Sreenan. Mr. Chas. Sreenan is slowly recover - lag from la grippe. • Colborne Township. Mr. Robert Bean lost two fine sheep on Thursday owing to the falling of va straw stack. Death has visited this locality once more, when Mrs, McKay passed from life into eternity on Friday. She was formerly of BenmilIer. The funeral took place on Monday frOm Mr. Geo. Neville' s of Benmiller to Colborne cemetery where the remains were laid In their last resting place. The be- reaved friends have the sympathy of the whole community in their be- reavement, Rat?. Mr. Kellington of Nile preached at Zion and Ball's on Sabbath. Rey. W. S. Wilson occupied Nile pulpit and Shepparton on Sabbath, • Bpworth League col:Wei:Mon will be held in Bernaillee church on the Atli and 5th of February. Mr. McClin- ton of Weitfieti and Mr. Courtice of Hohnesville will address the Sabbath School. &miller choir will furnish the music In the forenoon service and Zion choir in the evening. The 4.0, IL W. Will hold an oyster supperat Carlow on Thuraday even- ing, abio an entettainment Miss Allin has returned, hoine afters week's visit to her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. john Stevets on Maitland concelision, Miss Sarah Young of Maitland non. cession id very ill at present, having taken ill on Saturday womb*. We hope to soon see her around again. Mr. Soeeph Riley of Sidttord moved ' to Londesboto on Thursday last. • Mt. William Brownlee le visiting friends in Tockersinith at present. The Ontario Legislators will mist en ebtuary 14th.