HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-01-25, Page 51 —.41141.T.A.111— -1.1Mfr ... 90•11100•0100,000.0•0**0410•0060 41 Add AFfeet Emulsion : of Pure Cod I Liver Oil go It contains 50 per int. • "s• of pure Cod Liver .Oil, the • exavt amount of Hypo- • : phosphates of Lime and av Soda, and is agreeably Ca • : vored. Cod Liver Oil or nour- • ishes all Wastng itissue, : soothes all throat affec- • tions; dry backing coughs • 600011 disappear when • , it is 0 0 ; used. As a remedy it eau- • : ' 41. not fail to give the best • • • results for only the purest : • • • and freshest oil is used * g itin . • • makin. * . . • • • . • • • Regular 50c (Size . • . • : for 35o at• • . • • : • . — JACKSON'S • • • • • • • . Prescription Pharluacy. Phone 2, • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• COW FIR_SALE, • COW ;Writ CtaVed for eaM. A1e0 a Thmobred • mem it or ta C. • JOHN norms, Huron Roan. Jam '2Ith. • (lintels P. 0, • - • AUCTION SALE . • • FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS • • Thounderalgned taveveceivedinetructionefro,m X Vir.Joeteh IL Wheatley to eon by mines auction w on Lot 2, Com:08510u 13, Hellen, on Monday, •- Jan. 29, 118)0, at 1 teelock pans:Mum the follow- ! ing property, viz : Howes mare nave old X supposed to be in foal to Mellean, 1, heavy mare X y nate old, 1 general pstrposo mare 7 years old, ; 2 geldings tieing 2 years old aired by lidellean, 1 nuttingflUy renege year* old sired by Gus' • teor, dam tintede Archer; 1 foal rising 1 year 014 sired by McBean, 1 driving mare 5 nem old. ; Vattle-1 cow %wend to be in ealf. 2 cove • newly calved. 2 young farrow cows, 3 steers • rieing 3 years elti, $ bolter rising 3 years old, 3 • steers rising 2 years old, 1 heifer rising 2 years Id, 10 valves. ihecj and Pigs.-(1t'eglstovcd Loiceeter sheep, 2 ewes, 2 lambs and 2 ranee 1 Chester white brood sow, 1 Borkehire brood sow to litter the latter part of March, 6 pure bred Mug Chotstas whiny sowent for breediugyur. poses, 8 :Ore nom. implements -1 1Wassey-0er- ris binder nearly now,1 Brantford. big B mower nearly um 1 Gold fluderseed dr111,1 laud roll- er, elanitolmstyle,nearly new; 'lumber waren 1 pair bobeleigbe, 1 double buggy, 1 Clinton 10 berets power with equalizers, rode and all com- plete, ma good as now; 1 witting box, 1 grain orushee, 2jaoks, 1 set of whitewall pea harveet- ors, 1 diets harrow, .Moxwell make; 1 Hot dia- mond harrows, 2 eections and a, stretcher for a throo•herse team; 2 general purpose plot% 2 twin plows, 1 now impeller Maxwell make, 1 hay fork, ear and twee, 2 sets o Puller slings, all complete; 1 fanning mill with bagger attewhed, 1 hay end stock rack and box, 1 hay rake, 1 turnip pulpor nearly now, 1 Atone boat, 2 sets of double beefless, 1 sot single harness, 1 post hole auger, 2 sets whinietroos, 2 nook - yokes. *Also 1000 "bnehols turnips and mangels, 18 tons Mover hay. 300 bushels sellout aud oats mixed for feeding, 300 temeels white bananza seed oats, 3 geese, a number of hens,grain bags, forks, chains and other articles too numerous to mention Tee whole will positively be sold . without reserve OH the proprietor has .rented hie tarm, snms of :f.) and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' credit on lux- nishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 cents on the dollar will be allowoe for Mush on - credit amounts. • —4 Crown Bakery SPEOMLTIES : Cream Puffs— feather weight . 15 cents per dozen. Cream Cake— , toothsome, appetizing, dainty, the very thing foi 5 -o'clock tea, 25c each., nut filled 35e. Home-made Ginger Snaps -- 10e per lb. Home-made dam -Jams - 2 lbs. for 25e. Mince Pies— our-own make of mince 'teat, 15c each,2 for 2.5c. • We keep a choice, sele•ct hone of Candies, always.fresh and the very best. Leave your orders for Crean). Cakes, Cream Puffs and Mince Pies in the morning. Leave your orders now for 'Holi- day Fruit Cake. KIRKBY Next Clarendon:Hotel. 3........................„.„.................... oo WATCHES. : 0 0 . Aro. gnarnnteed at. $ 0 go"– tiot only correctly, 0 # but i ermaneidlj. Perfect 0. of adjustment• are•the fin:4 $ $ w 01'1; mansli 11) n1 nicety_ the in,side of our requibites we see. to,as re- gards f pocket timekeepers—as to 0 # the outside, that is purely $ $a matter of taste and ex- $ pense. • ' , 0 If you have thought 0 # of a ladies' or gents' watch # # in gpld, silver or gold•fill- # 0 ed We are ready for your # # trade --ready in a sense # 0 that gives lasting satisfac- 0 $tion after you have made # a purchase. 0 1 kJ. GRIO 0 0 jeweler and Optician. # $ leieseasosieeeteeereeereeteele.se W: JACKSON AGENT C. P. it 'CLINTON Travellers to any part of the world should consult the abuve hi reference to tickets, fares, ete. • . W. JACKSOTN AGEN0. P. R. LOGS • We want Logs and Bolts °tall kinds suit. able for Ilendings, and are prepared to pay the Highest Cash Prices...:. • If you have any Logs to sell Tr WILL PAY YOU to ,envire our prices before taking.thern elsewhere, R.. & i.I. liONSFORD Stapleton Salt Works, Ian. 3rd, 1000. .701), H. WHEA.TLEY, Prop. 0. Hamilton and T.Brown, Anotioneone AUCTION SALE Of Short 'Horn Cattle, Shropshire , Downs and Liecester Sheep, and Berkshire Rigs. Meagre Solkold Bros will hold a public sale of pure bred cattle:sheep and pigs at their farm 1 mile south of iamb/moll, on Thursday, leobast, 1900, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m.at which will be sold without reams : 7 Pure Brod Short Horn..Bulls, from 7 to 18 months old, all gooclindividuals 0 Pure Bred Shod Born Cows and Heifers • 20 Pure Bred ShroPshire Downs 16 Pure Bred Leicesters 0 Pure Bred Berkshire Sows, 4 and months 014 2 Pure Brod Boers Anumbor of Grade Cattle and 4 good Draft 0o100 Terme-Eight mon tlitecredit on furniehing ap- proved notes,or a demount allowed for:cash, For 1, catalogues and any information address SALICELD BROS ISAAC SALKELD • Proprietors. Godorioh, 7.0 GUN/DRY., Auctioneer, Jan. 9th. 31 , DOMESTIC WANTED t ' Good general servant wauted. Apply at onoo. c MRS. T. DO WSON, t Clinton. jan. 24th.* Mason House. a HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeeper wanted in a small family. Ad s dress Box S, Clinton P.O. 4 Jan. 3rd. 30' • • IT SAVED THE SHIP. A WARNING V010-4 THAT CAME 0 OF Telg WILD NIGHT. Au 01,1 Naval °Meer's g ry at Remarkable Thocare ZOr Death on et Mysterious" neer In Patine Ocean. They were epeaking et wireless teleg. replay when a retired naval officer mid: I the the ver an. the, ral ved nds theme f he Ur. en 08 le, eet to for er me ng at toe 00* the "Let me tell you a true titor', thew do not cure to auention the names et portions concerued, but they are in navy today; , "Wo will say that Lieutenant Glo wee officer of the deck of the ship lt cocus. Site had been cruising oft coaet of South America for seVe menthe and on putting into port meet orders to still for a small group of Isla 1,000 railes to the west and rescue .110 sailors who were reported there. T vessel was nearing this. place when incident occurred. As X have said, Glover wee on deck that night. It w blowing pretty fresh and. clouding and he ordered the royals in and a topgallant sails. blven then the ship w heeling so that ft wire not conifortab Be was about to •call the watch and r topsalle when he heard a voice, ,f1.SeeD tho right; keep further to the right, God's sake!' • It was so distinct and ole that he turnetl, expecting to see so one, but the nsan at the wheel was a lo distance off. .Glover called to him, rWh did you. tray, quartermaster?' he aske didn't speak, sir,' replied the man, thought you did,' Glover rejpined, walked forward a way and looked o over the water again, when again CA the cry, `Keep to the right; keep to t .1 lit "Tile officer turned quickly, but the was no one near him, and, startled, turned aft, a serange fear or somethi akin to it taking possession of him. was in clown of the ship and was r sponsible for her, but he had no right changethe courts° without constilthig t captain. So he strode forward, with effort to throw the feeling off, But he grasped the .shrouds and looked ahe the Voice came again; 'Keep to the righ In Godes name, keep to the right!' "That settled it.. Glover sprang to Ward and ehouted: 'Lay aft, wate 'Bout shipT The men sprang to the Stations. 'Beady about, stations f eteys!' .came the order, followed by th 'whistle of the boatswain. The sh surged up into tho wind, buffeted th settees for a few Moments, then swun on the Other tack, As she came on b course Glover_ Made up his mind that h was in for it, as. •when he explained t the captain that he had put the ship about all on account of it voice he would n all probability he either put under ar- 'est or placed on the sick report as being unlit 'for duty. 'But his relief in sailing ' u another directicei was so great that he did not seem to mind anything elite, and he- immediately proceeded to report. Captain,' he said, 'I have cothe to report hat 1 have' put the ship about for what ou will consicleg an idiotic redson. Three Imes I heard a voice by me on deck say, Seep more to tbe right!" and I "seas so , onvinced that there was danger ahead hat It became a certainty, and I put the hip about, sir.' • "Glover stood and Waited for his sera- ence, as the captain was a noted niar•ti- et and en explosion was fairly sure to LAUGHING GAS. Wny Time Ines% Wbht 'ey wasn't cony clocks; Don't eye what 'ey're for. Et little girlu like me wee sue. 'Ey Muldn't be rw more. PON iKs 'at tine: it Ince; Don't tot understand, gut flak 'et he eould stop it Et tio'd break tie old elockei Mind, Menuna Sera "Now watch the clock, When it tine to eight, el time for ettle girls imbed," 'Cue 'en awe'. late, Mame see 'St hoffits make days, An days make up th" year; Bummer'� got to run away When tie wintmee near, An g'amina eve she's Main old As tie days pass by; Ennio day ahe will kisa us all An my a lea' goodby. Seem to me tie troubl's in "At naughty clock up 'ore; Et it'd atop its ticklm Abe- no one Sault) ore, • • Then 'ere oughtn't be no night-. Mluz 'ould day; 'epithet eave to g'0 to bed - "Pat twee to play. 'Ouldret be 110 Winter 'en—* Bummer all th' year; An g'amma 'euldn't get so old-, limed leases us here. • wield "ey wasn't enny cloche; . Don't see what 'ey're to. 01* 'ittle girt; like me wee wit, sauldn't be no more. -Detroit Free Press. Ele Net tbe Provo/ling SOU* 11h 'Mow do you do, uncle?" said the aa - me ble reporter. "I thought I would drop he. in on the occasion of your one hundredth birthday anniversaty. and smoke a friend. . re ! ly pipe with you," be : "Why,". hesitatingly responded the ng venerable roan, "I know it is dreadfully FIe t uth is, young mair, I have never learn- eudnctoon,yeeranotkkore; for .a centenarian, but the be Then silence reigned -for the next five an rainutee, broken only by the occasional as sound of the reporter gasping for breath. ad -Chicago Tribune. •• - ti • Ile Steed "Ent Up, ' A Georgia boy's composition on "The lt• Lawroakets of Our Country" reads as a follows: er "My pa is a lawmaker. Ma makes the , laws at home, an pa makes 'em when she 11) gives him a holiday. Pa bas been in the 0 legislature two times, an he'll go there • again if the voters don't git in their right er mind 'fore he comes home. He gen'rully • comas. home on Cheistmas when we have ome, but to his amazement the captain aid: `You .11d• .gulte' right; Glover. Be twe Sail* and keep her- as near thesem here you Went about -as .yon can .uitti ctrnieg,' . .• • Met at once for .Glover.- `Mr. 'Glover, e said, •1 wish you to figure out. exactl he leeway land drift • during. the nigh nd nut the shipon.the old course .again let me know N.vhen you estimate thst he will 'reach where* you were last nigh when you pug her about.' Glover figured • awhile, ordered the shin about and stated that-: they would .reach the spot in twO hours. The then seen .discovered the something nutmeat was 'in the wind, and • excitement grew intense when the officer of the deck ordered An extra lookout la the top and•told 'all hands to keep .= eye out for. danger ahead. e • : • . * "The ship Was • forging ahead. at 'great 'speed, and at .4 bells Glover Informed • the caPtain that: :as near its be could Judge they. were on. the exact epot.••Keep a Weather -mei out, lads,' said the captain, 'and the nian .who sees 'anything n head gete 'Odra ,greg.' , For 20. ruinuteS the .pitinged on. •Then mail In the foretop waVed his erre, shouting, 'Lute luff; reeks. ahead,' • Up went the helm; and the big ship surged around -hit° the Wind while the sailor pointed :to the Star. board 'where the: Sea was ecidyieg, boll- ing and teething over a long, sunken :ledge just at Or •below the .surface,'.se low in- deed that it ctirild, not have been seen un- til the ship was nearly on it. Glover's Ince was white as sheet as the captain walked tip to him and •sitid, 'Say nothing of this, inY boy, but, you. have 'saved UN from a horrible death.' • '. • - "The Wind. Was dying rapidly; •and in a 'Short while the boat ran within a few feet of the 'spot and found a ledge: about a foot bele* the Surface,: ledge of Jag- ged, toOthlibe reeks extending along for a mile and very nakrow, with deep venter all about; a ledge never known before. Now that ledge is marked on the charts. "The strangest part of the whole affair now comes in. Glover never .mentioned the eircumitance to any one, but 'when they reached port again • some months later he found a letter from his wife,. a portion. of 'which he shbveed the captain. cannot give it verbatim," said the story teller, "but have seen the letter, which ended With the hope that her husband would not think her foolish, but she had bad a fearful dream. She saw ;the ship rushing along, with him: on deck, and there seemed to be horrible abyss.right before It. There was still time .to save him, and she screamed, 'Keep to the right, keep to the right!' so loudly that it , awoke her. She hoped if wag net a pro - sentiment Of evil. "That's all," said. the .retlred officer, 'and It Is almost exactly true ot as tree as 1 can -give it without naming the date, the officer, the.' -ship and her draining ground. The fact remaIns.that his. wife 1t1 a dream Saw. her husband rughifig to ' denuder and by Some stupendous mental effort communicated 'a Warning to him several thousand miles away, her very Words being repeated, so that hie ship Was saved." Dissipated Skipper. • Captain (to Man. at the wheel) -An. Other p'Int 8 -port, quartermaster. Lady Passenger -now shocking!. I roust get that captain, to sign the pledge. That is the third pint of port be has tail- ed for within the last ten minutee. floW those erzntains do drink i-Tit-Bita. Wilughaut. A boy tieing about Mee miles from Wingluon, says the Times,was given 25 cents the other day and sent to town to buy three plugs of eleDouald's chewing tobacco. Ile -arrived. in town earlY in the toornipg and , retuned borne at dark but Svithout any of the aoothing weed, When eked why ha dui not get the tobacco he replied that be had searched all day but could not find Mr, McDonald's store. A letter has been received from A..G. Arciagh, who visited Wieghern last win- ter in commotion with the peat fuel en- terprise, which says that he bas erected peat fuel works at lirtintiok -21 Miles sleeth of the Ellice marsh, Mr. Ardagh Mat& that the demand for the fuel is so great that he cannot by any mews keep up • with the orders-. Wingliarn will probably have a new furniture faotory. It is understood that movement la on,loot among the businese men for the formetion of a joint stock company for the ptirpose of creating aleatory and manufacturing. The new !notelet would be used in man- ufacturing furniture. which is now not made here, tilieh as tables of all kinde. and hall stands, this week received a totter n Dave Lougheed in which he rick - lodged the reeelpt Of the $86 sent FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STOCK • s • h Tho undersigned. willkeeplor "gerviee at Lot t 22, eon. 16, Godorich township, the Shorthorn Bull, Captain Marlow,renistered 020781)' in the and Doreinimi Herd Book. Terms, tit Also a Canada Improved Yorkebtreirog bred s be the Ontario Ageicultural Collegv from tne7' tare Favorite.brea by John Hord &Son. Park hill. This hog is registered. Terms, et, to bo paid at thneof service, withprivilege °trot= ing to ,hog if neeessary, CHARLES 13AEER. Jan. 20th. - , • • • something to eat. We expect him Vele Christmas." -Atlanta Constitution. • ' rn Society, "Glad to see you," empty smile, In society; Weapons sharpened all the while, In moiety; • All to make a little show. Bubbles rising from below -- Shocking! • Some one's wife, you•know, • In society. • Giddy heads and weary eyes• . . • In aociety;• • • • Careless laughter, stifled alpha • •• m • society; • • • • • Dreamy strains and dancing feet! • 131rds. and bottles, drink and mitt Slander's MVP On. all you meet, ' • Inosociety. • • • --Cibicamalmes-Derald. ISM Ewa Wetwanosh COMO. The first meeting a the council for the outrout year wati hold in the coun- cil room, Jan. 8tb. The membere there of being Matthew Lookbart, Reeve, and Masan. Alfred B. Carr, John E. Ellis. John McCallum and John T. Currie, cotmeillore. Basing each eeverallY subseribed to the declaration of qualiti- vationa wad of office, the Reeve in the chair, the minutes of the lest meeting O'Dea. Lith, 1899, were read and con- firmed. P. Porterfield Walt appointed Clerk. and hie salary for this year lixed • at 685. Carr--Eilis.--That Finley An- derson be re -appointed Treasurer et ealary of $80, thie team to cover all the duties and extras connected with the aloe, except that of poatage and atationery,-Carried. Ellis- Carr. ..e• Wm Robinson wee re -appointed Asses - POP for this year at a tielery of $55. - Carried, For the motion, Ellis, Carr and Currie; agaroat, J. McCallum. The appointroent of a, Collector deferred. till Bowe future meeting. James W. Bone ancl Peter W. Scott were appointed Au. ditors of last year's accounts, Board ef Elealth for 1900 same as laat year, JAB. McGee, eon, 10, re-eleoted for three years, and Dr. J. MoAsb, Belgravia, 11. 0. Another appeal from J. Rosa Robertson, solleiting aid on behalf of the ilifspyal for slok ohildren at Tor- onto recetved,.when it was unenimoualy resolved that $5 be granted for tha purpose. Odelinunioatiou received from Law Clerk of Legislative Assembly, Toronto, re proposed change in Muni- cipal Aot. The council approved of tho. proposed change tu lictunicipal Act as shown in draft bill. Account of Dr. Ross, "Auburn, a Mounting to $62,50, (laid over from last meeting,) for at-. tendanoe, ete„ on child of John W. Rodgere, con. 4, again larought up and discussed, Carr-McCalluixi--That $20 be paid on this account, and. this amount to be considered as final, so far as this council is. concerned,-Carrietl. Petition of Wm. Weber and twenty-two other ratepayers of East Wawatioih and Hullett received stating that they were desirous of having a new school section formed from lots in East Warianosh and Ilullett between Blyth and Auburn on Southern gravel road. On motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Dlr. McCallum, Win. Clegg of Wingham was appointed Arbitrator on behalf of the township of East Wawanosh in this matter. -Car, ried. Cheques were issued for pay- ment of the following accounts :--P Porterfield, services as clerk in 1899,' $80, P. Porterfield, Postage, stationery, era. 1899 84.35 • P Porterfield ex- penses of. tut Municipel election, ; Rose, AL D.; Auburn, acconnt for attendance on John W: Rodger'e child, $20 ; J. Ross Robertson, Toronto aid to Hospital for sick children, ; 'F. An- derson, Treasurer, making out financial report for I899,. $5. The council then adjourned till Thursday, 8th February. Experlenge ne a Wencher. • t "I understand you are an athlete," •re • "The captaie; -came on .deek early. an marked the landlady to the new boardee, "Yee ma'am," proudi s d q n. b. "I am the champion high jumPet • from Junipersville." T . "That being. the case,' said the 00n4' 144y, "I will have to ask you to pay yoat • board in advance. -I've had all the ex. t perience with jumpers 1 care for.".--(Ihl. FOR THE IMPROVEMENTOF STOCK. Theee be kept at lot 31, .con. -0,. Hata, for the improvement of stook a fine Chester boar. Terms $1 to be paid attend of service with the privilege of return to hog if !met:sear!, W. J. McBRIEN, Summerhill, Dec. 9th. 3m* . . . . FARMFOR SALE : The undersigned offers for sale 10.8 on the Reynold Road, Stanley township, consisting of 60 acres. Upon thelet thereto a bank barn 30x40 ft. and frame house 20x30 ft. The farm is well watered. and termed and inn, good state of cul- tivation. 1+ miles from Bayileld.• bo sold on terms to met the purchaser. For further. par - Battlers apply ou the premises to • W. G. JOHNSTONE, San. 16th. . . • LOGS WANTED The undersigned Will pay. the highest cash Drice for logs delivered at the Clinton Organ • W. DOHERTY fe CO. .Clieton, Jan. 17th. • • • actory. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP • Notice is hereby given that the partnerehip beretofore eubsisting between methe undersign- ed, OS Marble Dealer's in the Town of Clinton under the firm of Settle St Hoover has been this day dissolved by me tual consent. • All debts due or owing to the said partumehip aro to be Paid to either of the parties; at Clinton afore. said and all claims against the said partoorehip are to bo presented to either of thein by wh °in they: will be settled. JAMI6S SEALE. • J. 13. HOOVER. .Tan, 13th, 1000. • The above businese will be continued as newt' at the. same stolid by tho undersigned. 7 B. HOOVEIL TENDERS WANTED. Tandem wM be received till Vela 7 for 15,190 'feet of Cedar and 6,000 feet al Hock Elm. 3760 feee 4x8, 12 feet long 3750 • 41tii, " 2000 0 ma, 12 " 2000 " 6x8, 16 MOO " flick 12 " 2000 " 8x8, 10 " 6000 " 2 16 " Tho above to be delivered to the following esteems: aatnes Johnel on..1, C. Woods,. Ord ; John Middleton, 10th Com; C. W. William, Maitland Con.; J. 16. Whitely, 7th Con. To be delivered in equal quantliteK tO Melt place. To be delivered io earl: teem the 1st day of May. 'rho contractor intik 'Mien an agreementto have the eamedelivered as stated. NIXON STUILDV, Meek. jan, Mb. 2 t , Goderich P.O. 'COTTAGE FOR SALE -- Th. &tame and property belonging to the late win. MeClinehy, being lot No. 4, weet side of Terme. street, in sub-divieion D of L Itettonbury surrey', is offered for sale.teart Present, mangled bv IL Chown. 11 00 a comfortable and well - situated property, mid will be sold on reason- able teethe. Apply to JAMES SCOTT, Clieton; or PIeTER DOUGLAS, Blake. &M.I.5 HOUSE FOR SALE. The uub.eriber offers for mole hie hottnn niu1 lot on 001000 02 Iiattenburv and Burden etreete. W. G. DOHERTY. Clinion, April 13th _ HOUSE TO RENT' • and minittei.• Isle f -Anus linuse ou Wil- liam 5, seet to lea e et small Ne•. home .10 mr. Ethyttilt er's e i.Or tOO7 1/4 I10111611T SIATZFITA Li,. Noir, nab, • c.11,011 P, 0, HOUSE FOR SALE, On Vietm in vi Neer 0 %on leamory $:319 will hue o teensy. mitre. table Melee wit Is uots lot the Drone.. y eeently tumult/me by Frank Up.,bull, Apply 40 W, list Iviaier ° Aft°6 Wood's Phoopliodito, Ithu ^th. lee Great NOW& Iterstity, Soid And recommended by at • druggIste ClanaCto. Only reit able medicine dieeovered. fin guaranteed to tare LAND FOR SALE. 'ferule° etua wee ness,all ends et awe Cr 0/deaf Netted Wetly, EXceSeee Ilse lame bacto,orearti or Stimulatite. /failed on receipt of priee, one package V, sir, R. isittptedee• tie Wei clot, •-rianphlete free to eny riddreed. The Wood•Cempany, Winatior,Oat. Wootre Phosphotline is eeld hi Olintert by Sydney Jaekson, druggla .w . • . . • • Ictriortant Faintly News. Miss Chilliniper called to see t. • Old Madam Crocodile. , She happened to be taking tea .In very gorgeOns style.. Said ehe: ."I'm glad you • happened in; • le -got the sweetest news. • • • . just now sold:my husbantre :skin . ;To make a case otehoes.". . •-New York Herald, .Grallantry. • Be looked into her beautiful orb* (love. • ly:girls never have. eyes) and said: "Dos . ling, I love 'nee. better than life. There ifs nothing by this world I would not tio foe. you, •aothing I would not refrain from doing for your sake:" Then he reached over end. grabbed the big, corner. biscuit, • leaving the little crestless one for the ,• idol of hli heart.13ostou Transcript. • . • • - SIllea0111.1 III Lite. . • • - Ribbed coviirteeer riqurin.k•oNerireeltly wage, Married Wealthy man cif middre age-. ' Old Hunks. . • Yewelcnow upon her may be men • In chunks, . . • • And aim takes, when nineteen Big trunks.. • • e-Ohleigo Tribune. - Saving Space. • Miss Slitncliet-IIere's an advertise.. meat of "a literary man" who *ante board. Does be 'say . he's a literary man to show' poi'sort of refinement and culture? • . Mts. Slimdlet-Nos It's to show that be can't pay atileb.,-Now .York . Weekly. • — •• Too Modest by Ralf. .• • lisaid he. "Pretty mite, . Pray give me a kiss; 'Es for one, only one, that I sue." . She lifted her eyes And exclaimed In surprise, J "Why, the other chaps always want twee' -Chicago News. . „ • A Dearth' of Genius. • • "There doesn't seem to he nearly tie mach fine Poetry written ab there ()ace , was," said ,the young woman. "No," answered the yodel; man, "not since alt those big bicycle manufacturers quit advertising.' •••Washington Star. Mixed. ' "Oh, Olt tangled web we weave When first We prectico to deceive!" •', And ere we get expert, perhaps, Our memories begin to lapse. --Indianapolis Journal.. Tim inidereignednirerN for was Mot eirqirctoics I r'31 Itoad Bridge. It Ira beautiful Ate far blinding to and will be told in Imo Mello 01' in 1013. My liar rea.4011 toe le that. it if; too far from toWn 1, • to handle inybelf and it doe,ret pay to biro lielp 11411 i fun° elth, A. C01.7011,Cliuton log sixteen BM (levee of Irout south of the London 1DOW dm, and heartily thanked an who 1 subseribed to the fund. He tciso Irked the 'town eOtilleil for Abe plae- of ti1,e00 insuranes on, hie life in favor of hilt mother, • • •An Extreme. Carle. "Your wife says you hays Insomnia, Hobbs." "Yes, indeed. 1 can't even feel sleepy 'when we have tellers lo tbe evening," - Chicago Plain Dealer. Tho mind reader has to remarkable bistite lie's not gifted with wisdom galore. lie merely believes things will happen agile Because the/ have happened before. -Chicago Record. Annum meeting of South Huron Agricultural( Soeletr, The annual meeting of the members of the South Boron Agricultural Socie- ty was held in Brucefield on Wednes- day, During the year about 61 000 hes been paid out and the year clotted with a surplus of $600. 'Lite following officer, were elected :-Henry SmIth,flay, Pres- it id ent •, Thomas Russel!, trsborne, lat Viee-Presidenc; Peter MoGregor,BrUce. field, 2n4. Vice President ; Directore, John Ketchen and John Murdooh, Stan- ley ; Robert MoAllister, Hay ; Ed Chris- tie, and Wtri. Bawden, Exeter ; Hugh McCartney and John MoNevin, Tucker'. smith ; William Dixon and D. MoIntoah, V. S., Brucefield. 'thornier Fraser,Stan- ley, and A. T. Scott, Brueeneld, Were elected auditore. 111. Y. McLean was t appointed eecretary-treasurer and Thos. Russell and John Murdoch to represent o the Society on the Board of the Wee. tern Fair Aftheeiehiday London, The UMMI spring fair will he held at Brace! 0 field, ort. AGN'EW'S OINTMENT. GItRAT SKR/ OU112....35 OM& ▪ N Like the o ye Master's Eye." rots are master of your fiealth• .411i ff you do not attend to duty, the blame Is easily looted; !boar blood (sout of order, flood's Sar. saparala wiltpurify It. - it in the stamina remedy for troubles Of the blood, kidney., bowels or liver. ^ Hood ^otable-"I bad heart trouble for a number or years and. dtfferent mein. eines tailed to bensflt Sarsaparilla and three liottlem completely ang perfectly eared me." Xennt, Wellace Bridge. N. ' A Balegtutrail-i, As t lost tive ohne Oren with ametnerie reeve MY remaining two children Hood's Sarsaparilla as tney were subject to throat trouble and were not ver strong. They are now healthier and itronger and have not Once had cold." Mae. W.11.0zzosza, rembrolte, Ont. v S -heed% qt ours Urinals; the noudnita oat ortio to tabs with /load's Nor Sold by VVatts & (/o., Druggists. lateknow. The home of Ur, and Mr, George Middleton, 12th eon, of Ashfield, was the scene of a very pretty event On Thursday week last, when their daugh- teafary was united in the boly bonds of Matrimony so Mr. Murdoch J. Saun- ders of Rat Portago. and formerly of Luoknow. The ceremony wire per- formed by the Rev. A. MoKay in the presence of a large number of invited guests. Miss Dora Lees very skilfully played the wedding march. The bride was prettily attired in organdie with silk trimmings,. and looked beautiful Aprfet tdh,ethuesugaulesgtradat dwoiswhnestowaelag; array d with all the delicacies of the seaso , and to which all did ample jus- tice. The bride was the recipient of beautiful and costly presents which tes- tify to the esteem in which she is held by everybody. On the evening of Wednesday, the 20th inst., a very enjoyable time was spent at the residence of Mare Wilson, Springhill Farm, Ashfield, when Mary &label, the seoond daughter, was unit- ed in ,the bonds of matrimony to Rub- ert Durnin, seosnd son of William Dur- . , es awanosh, by Rev. R. Farr - bairn, B. A. Upwards of 100 guests ' were present to witness the ceremony. — The bride was beautifully attired in a in/00D COOKING STOVES figuredlustre trim- med with oream silk and lace. She held In her hand a' magnificent baguet of LIARYSIALES' 1 .41440144404110,11Hille filleelititltleefeitefiKeefelielletigetlfslieffroe•011ottleeitileelge ca i MoKINNON 84 00. t , liti.a711CIEJL • ,I BILL OF FARE . 0 THIS WEEK 2 eo Exteact Lemon and Vaultla, per bottle a Gold Medal Baking Powdee, 1000 slee for 5c, 10e, 15c, 25° And 85c r ✓ Forest City Baking Powder. 14 pound aealers, apecial.. ... .......... . co Oct A Good Red Salmon, 2 tins for 250 ‘V hue Sortie De size, for t Laundry Sia Mb, ill pound pdekagp, worth Good Corn Starch, In i?apkagee .. .....21: ee Good Toilet Soap, ;ler cake .. ... A Choice Mixed Pickles, in iaottleo 10e ter 76: / a Eddy's Matvbes, per box .....1240 Salarla Ceylon Tea. black arid !nix 1 26c, 40c, 50o and 60e ... ..10e Good Jsnan Tea 20e per pound or 8 pounds for we • rt holm Japan Tea, one own importation, worth 30e, for... .... .....25c Bin, Ildrbon Tea, black and IlliXed _ ite-oleatied Out yenta, in 3 -lb boxes, vet y epeeial v Choice Selected Valencia 1111161m 3 pounds for 24c, 40e and 25025e500 ; Illen'e Bette y ,Shoes, extension soles, specill L50 eo 01'08NO 8n Blackwell's best Lemon Peel, per pound..., .... . 20c ' Women's Wearing Shoes, now worth $1..25, for $1.00 0 1,50 40e. 60c, 75o and $1.25 ca h. Men's Heavy Rubbers, 2 buckles, high cut,. close fitting e Men's fiettey Socks, at ' ' ct Lttill'eseheereinINot' la, Shoes, at 7 ew : in ts, .faist colors, worth 10c, for 00,• Men's Heav y Ribbed and Fleeced Sill eta and Drawers.. .25e, 40o and 50c A / Men's Top Shirts, made of windproof moleskin, very special TMen's 1 ay. Wool Socio, ribbed lops; worth 18c, 2 pairs for $$$111. . . 255250 ', $$$1211 . . 507 aaa nnl. ldd. $$$. 2:12, : :78 5: et: • 7_ic 50c f . A 11Ien'S Fere Dongolit Shoes, at A Men's Fine Due:skin Coats, worth $20,for ; CASH AND GNE pRicE 0,05, ; Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, worth $25, for.; ....................21.00 6 # ' ; MeKINNON & CO - • BLYTH # . • ilibereb..eibeit.ere--qa,eoct.w........zar-wfra-crte-er.o.ga.e.yr,se.,:w.w.gromberguo.cra4a During the montn of January we wdi give some unusually good bar- gains in. the followinglines : - cream roses. . She was assisted by her • . • . aister, Miss Maggie, who was also beau- • • titully °Mired in a rich costume. The A Big Sehentl. groom was ,supported by hie brother, . 0 res nee of Mr. Peter Watson, SECOND•HAND STOVES BOTH COAL ANBIWOOD The following letter appe ared in the Th id Alexander, ' WOOD HEATING STOVES COAL HEATING STOVES London Free Press of last Friday. It 1 worthy of Contine "Dear Sir, - I have bee latelylookingt thef th 'country at the head waters of the Rive Thames, and noticing the nearness t Lake -Huron, (about 25 milee), th thought has'oome to me, would ib no bee good thin of there was a ow canal made between a point in the rive to the Bayfield river, so that the water from tb e lake would enter and flow dow to the. Thames, making it powerfu enough to run waterspower along it &nose to make electricity, which woul • be distributed at such Islaces as Mitohell St. Mary's,London city, where larg dame could be builb with the necessary rciachinery to make electricity. This might be able to supply towns as far as Guelph, and west on the G. T. It as far as Parkhill, as well as Clinton and Sea - forth from Mitchell. Then at London the whole city oould be supplied with power, as well as Ingersoll, and possibly Woodatock, Of course it would require the opinion ole practical engineer and proper env vey settle the practicability of the scheme, but it seeme feasible th look at. It is quite an item to supply coal to get power to run machinery, electric light ing, etc, This is the age Of water -pow- er and electricity. . Hoping that you will give this space in your paper that some enterprieing men „may take the matter up and form a company to work the matter up. Par- liament may be induced to help with a grant. 1 remain yours truly JOHN rHOMPSON, London, 7an. 17. 1900. Springside ;arm West Wawanosh, was the scene of a brilliant event on Wed - n nesday evening, JanuttrylOth, the mem- FOUR FIRE PROOF SAFES AT CUT PRICES mon beingthe marriage of his second O (laughter, Mary Christena, to Mr. Neil Campbell of Wawanosh. The bride en- tered 'the room, leaning on the a,ror of her father, and was prettily attired • in r cream cashraere trimmed with Batiu P trio:linings. She was assisted : by her 8 nieLOY, Xith3 Abbie, who was suitably at - n; tired in a purple costume with satin ' trimming% while Min groom was ably ! supported by his brother, Mr. Dougall u Campbell. The cereniony was perform- ed by the Rev, A.• McKay, pastor of the Presbyterian °lurch, Luoknovv, in the presence of about thirty Invited guests MARRIAGES. MA.THEWS-HABKIRK.-In McKil- lop on Wednesday, Jan. 170, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. James Mathews of McGregor, Man., to Miss Mary, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ilabkirk. MoQUALD--HAK'P.-On Tueeday, Jan. 16th, at St. Columbaa church, Irisbtown, by Rev. Dean Murphy, Frank 3. McQuaid of McKillop to Miss • Mary, daughter of the late Owen Herb of Hilbert. • KING-KENNEDY.--lti St. Jeanes • church, Seaforth, on Jan. 171h, by Rev. Father McCabe, Robert J. • King .of Wingham to Miss Mary, eldest eaughter of Mrs, Damian Kennedy of Seafortb, KELLY-McQUAIDE.--Te St. James church, Settforth, on January 1600, by Rev. Father McCabe, Mr. Pat- ' rick Kelly of Blyth, to Miss Mar- garet, 'daughter of Mrs. 111, Mc- Quaide of Tuokersmith. XvIVER -HOWELL-On Wednesday, Jan. 17t5, 1900, at the residence of the bride, South street, by Ilea. James A. Anderson, B. A., Daniel McIver to Miss Mary C. Howell, both of Goderioh. FLICK-IZZARD.-At the residence of the bride's father, Goderich town- ship, on Ian. 10th, by Rev. J. J. Morlook of Listowel, Michael Flick of Colborne to Sarah E., third daughter of Joseph Izzard. McFA.RLANE-DONFORD.-At Lang don, North Dakota, on Jan. lOth, by Rev. lir, Dougan, Mr. Alexander McFarlane, formerly of Brussehe to Miss Laura Edith, eldest &arab. ter of Mr. Harry Dunford, a form - mer Bruseelite. DRANNEN-O'RIELLY.-At the resi- dence of the officiating minister, Rev, A. Matey, Lucknow, on Jan. 1615, Mr. Thomaa Drannen to Annie, fourth daughter of Mr. . Thomas O'Rielly, all of Ashfield. ROWN-BOYLE.-At the residence of the bride's !mother, Chitralia, on January 1700, by the Rev. Salton, Percy' Brown, 4011 of Mr. 11. Brown, Winohelsea, to Miss Clara Boyle. Alfred Le Inane, of St Jerome, Que., has such faith tri Dr. Agnew's Mot. 0 nsent that. . */ ISa doren to take with • him to his lumber camp. 1•1 He finds it a (Flick mare for elmiling, bruises, froet bites and other entergen- tire, incident to eamp life, It eurea salt rheum, tetter, eezenatt, timid head, and other skin eruptions, and pile8 in tinee to five nights, 86 centib 1•••••••1.101•1••••• ill.,••••••••••••a. BIRTHS. ELL-tn. Winghttro, January 1415, Ws, Albert Bell, 41800. Wingbam, January Mrs. Aahton Mason, 4 son. TAPLETON.-in East Wavranosh, on lanuery 180), the wife of 14 Robt. Stapleton, sett, OOPER-In Clinton on An 23r4, the wife of George Cooper, of a dangly. ter, • HEATHS. Teeswater, Jan. 130)l 110. bort Conn, aged 80, 013/1. -In Morris, San. 1515, Myrtle Edna, daughter of jos, Robb, aged 4 years. WILSON -In minton on January 23rd, Margaret Wilaen, relict of the lete Peter Wilco) aged 79 year*. _ The Pre• sbytery of Huron. • The PresbYtery of Huron Met in Ca t. • Recorde of Beetriene were examines' and When you buy your FURNITT.TRE from us. We will mel church, Hensall, on the 16th ins 'We want :ipora tor otb.er gobds, Come along and get a barga,in, HARLAND BROS. IRON AND HARDWARE 44 STOVES AND TINWARE YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE attested as correct. The coneteittee e conference on spiritual questions at he t' °a gliOvWe Y.:ItigioeyowBoebstd.s, well made, well finished and at prices as church life and work recommended meeting in March, Arrangements were made for.the Rev, A. Grant of St. Marys to visit all the congregations- in the Presbytery -In the interests el the Oen tury. Fund. A committee was appoint. ed for visiting congregattons receiving aid from the' augmentation fund, and others adjoining them, with a view 'of grouping them that tbe grant from such fund be lessened. A minute was recor- ded in expressing the esteem in which the Rev. J. A. McDonald, late of Var- na, was held by the Presbytery. The remit of the General•Assembly suggest- ing th&t.ItIinist�rs rates to the aged and infirm Fund be graduated according to age, Was approved of, The Presbytery passed a motion of appreciation of the W: M. Auxiliaries and Mission Bands and their several labors and contribu- tions during the year. • :• At the annual meeting of the Public Library Board by a mistake the officers for the year were eleoted, but. as there are not likely to be any changes on the Board the election will be allowed te stand. J. 11. Cameron did not wish to be chairman for another year, having held the position for some years, and Inspector Robb 'was elected phairman. Jas Irwin was elected inieretariein place ofJas, Fox, who had resigned from the Board to take a seat in the council, and T. Farrow was re-elected treasurer. A CONTRACTOR WRECKED. -- CONSTYTUTION UNDEUMINED BY NED, VoUS COMPLICATIONS -SOUTH AM- ERMAN NERV1NE WORE= A COM- PLETE thing. Nervous prostration and liver corn lineations so afflicted J. W. Dinwoode, contractor, Cam bellford, that physic- alty he was almost a total wreck. His druggist recommended South Am- erican Neevine, A few doses gave hlm great relief, induced sound sleep. and a few bottles built • hintupand cured him so that i to -day be s as strong find hearty as ever. The Dean of Weettninater has offer- ed a grave in Westminster Abbey for the remains of John Ruskin. "SELF PRESERVA.TION Is the firstnew of Nature," For this reason every one that is ill desires to come well. Those who have impure or Impoverished blood turn to Hood's Sarsaparilla, Itemise they knovr it will enrich culd purify their blood and give them good health. To take the medicine on the first appearance of im- pure blood is an important step to- ward self preservation, mg*. nOOD'El PILLS cure sick headache. Price 26 cents. Salo igegister. Thursday, Vebruary 1st, at 1 p, 10,00 tot 16, eon. 3, MoKillop, clearing sale of farm stook Without reserve. --James Purcell, Proprietor; Thomas Brown,. Auctioneer. Tueaday, January 80t5, at 1 p. m. Oh lot 2, otin 13, Ilullett, extensivn sale of farm stock and implements with- out reserve.- Joseph Wheatley, Pro. prietor ; C. Katullton and Brown, Ainitioneeta. Oti Wedneeity, January Met, af, I). M. at the Commercial Hotel elook yards, Seaforth, extentive sale of stook cattle, steely, behove and cows without reeerve.--Thomes Brown, Auctioneer. , Friday, Fob. 2n4, et 1 p. ns et the Leadbury Hotel, MoItillop, clearing sale of farm stook anti implements without reserve,-Tohnston Item, Proprietor lhornas Brawn, Auctioneer. UNDERTAKING. We are the Leading Undertakers. Our. stock Is com- plete in all the different branchesrices will be found very moderate for good work, Night and Sunday calls Answered it Residence of our Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley King St., opposite Foundry. BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. . •Chidley, • manager LIFE'S A. BLANK Mr. Joseph G. Kirk, civil engineer; of, Stratford, is dead. WITHOUT HEAMING--OATARDIEC Io - DUCES DEAFNESS -Ds. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER GIVES QUICK RELIEF. W, Earnest Louis, of Flaniboro, was so had with Chronic Catarrh that his hearing seemed permanently impaired. Doctors treated, specialists tortured for five months, bnt his hearing grew worse. He was recommended to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. One application gave him great relief and a couple of bottles cured him perman- ently. Mr. A. E.Kemp was re-elected Presi- dent of the Toronto Board of Trade by acciametton. • • For Over Fifty Years Mits.Wriottotes Soot/nem Syntir has bpea used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by, a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Tooth send at once and gat a bottle of "Mre. Winslow's sooth- ng Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De- pend Unroll it, mothers, there 18 00 mistake about it. It cures Diarrhcea, regulates the Stomach . and bowels, cures Wind Colic softens the Gutris,reducceInflarnmation, aatliivee tone and energy to tho whole system. mre. Winslow' Soothing Syrup" for children teething is Plea- sant to the take and is the presoription of one ot the oldest and best female physician& and ; nurses in the 'United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists:Alin:omit- out the world." Be sure and ask for "Km. ! 111Nstow's BOOMING SYRUP, Mr, Robert Reid, Collector of °us- - toms at London, Ont., is dead. • Eureka Raines' On is the beet preservative of new leather and the best renovator oi old leather. It oilsorioftens, bleak. enema pre/biota. WO Eureka Harness Oil 08 7084! beet banana your old bor. andyour orrlage top, end they WU not only leek bettor but *list longer. elobieverywhertin eons -111 sisii front inn pinta to Ave gain* Wee parsituz ott, Cos hem& • . Clubbing Offers. The season for renewingsubactiptions him tome again and we present to our patrons the following Clubbing rates. Weekly Mall and Empire and News6115 Ittcorm Weekly Mail and !Noire, Nnws•Itrcoun and Mho of Canada and the World, price 81.00 *100 Rawly liereld and Weekly Star and Nawn. ltee0111) .... Montreal Waimea and NEW9•1tEeeeirs....$1 CS Weekly Glebe and NEws•Iteconn $175 Weekly Speetator and Id Ladies' :mina atenthiv leagaolnel and SI 25 NtWepllEvonn Weekly Sun and IsTMvs.liccolin *1 40 Deily Nowa and Nawadteeoan *150 Abs • The by-law to grant a bonus to Lakes canning factory was oarried in Dunnville. ANNUAL MEETING. • The annual meeting of the Holmesville-t Cheese and Butter Mfg Co., Limited. will be 001(1 10 Wilson's Hall, Holtnesville,on Saturday, Fobmary 1011i. MU° hour of two o'clock p. in. for the election of officere, receiving of repeats and transaction of other business. A. full attendance's requested. W.B.FORSTER. W.S'. I,AWRkNoff, President. -Secretary. Holrneeville, San. 8111, TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE The subscriber offers for sale a very desirable property on Isaac street coimisting of four lots upon whieh there fe a comfortable frame house with kitchen and woodshed attached.There is a good stable and 4 Arst-elmee well 01 Water on eremitism. Tho orchard, consietingof grapen nnd apples, is a good one. The property will be saki at a reasonable figure for cash or e cult and balance on time. Apply to the metier on the -promises • MRS. JOHN IIINOR, Clinton Mae Oth SPECIAL NOTICE It have decided to commence All January ist, 1000, to sell for ChM or its equivalent, and hope by handling beg goods at lowest prices to merit a continuance of pub - lie patronage. G. J. STEWART Deo. 3015. STUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANY TIME. STBATFORD,. school that cetera advantages not build eleowhere in Canada. Largo staff of expert itstrUctors ; increased attendance: up•tetiates ?IIeelinL Rrir:liIleergV/o:eftlnfSIis74At, 01100 whocomo rom plateau which aro located other businees colleges. They Want the beet, 114)41)11 In tt15,10'. VW:TAW:414 it'll: tome proowttig. W. Z. ELLIOTT. Principal Cooles Cotton :Root Compost to sneteitsfully imermonthly ey over opooretaickSate,effeetttal.Iradilit Ask rear dttlaabit far w8I COMA ROO CM* paha Tillte 110081152 11 ell Mixturee, pine and imieettohe ere dangerous. Prise. NO. 1. niter 11'at 4 I -241.14111111641n1:11:::4blildi ii21214:117ielloWliad61t4:14::::r4r"":441:617:Wol!inubillYikia4:11:1:4-11.°4411 :scheme Draegist.