HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-01-25, Page 3I , � I I' jk_
faith I "Thanks be unt� 'God who 0 mwored the woman, " bvlt�l=,� I" PLUCKY POSTMASUR. 'PLAOUR, INCREASING IN INDI& POL1011 YOU multn't a DUNDIrS BEST YOUNTAD my fatboi VeMod to ma3i nistre'zAasudous oftqt Uow Ise Woftt4 fkt T4,I4;JKr1tV% 944trI14- 14orlitilty Im Me Cif or Nwiiiibxv 14 Very 014 gs, w.otv to be "su the beauty of to dolloot herself, and thou rotium$4: memi L01AX Aritir, 104o Mr141414 11(sit xe, 4110#111. THE NORTRWEST FORCE ARE AT TU a "The koase ounnectsd In some w&Y CREERFUL SPIRIT* Chr , lion oll Ity. , Ir"041. The health of Bombay city coutinia- HEAD OF THSIR CLASS,
Ho had not retired trona, the field. With the m*n1ii then I"'I I* Mr. IL If. 11arls, postmaster at Punjes. very unsatisfactory, and there are Ho had been busy so tons, ou. could iisod *one, prill1tod it ark rod,
0 not: oxpeot him 1410 now. W IT$ wou 01110POra round the lower wliadowx, doe, Natal, ba& w rittea home 4 graphio I Indic 'ations, that the �,Ity will Nuffer oue rikirof or$ III ant,4104 of tkt� M01 WkV 4#1104111
grilong the first who tolled In Slab- It ws Alra. Sherwin Blake's after- and 41imbing up the balcony. It '" account of him experleAces. After den -
v. Dr. TaIniage Eulogizes bat-b-Hohools, isn� never taue(l toopeak At home,", and that fakicinating in a square, near one and, and at the fighting at Orlencoe, he from another recrudesence of the xaw Al id Qvies, #Ver a T'sJoil Te,rlilor. tho praise of those Institutions. � otbor there is a gray ohuvvb with a' cribluIo the Plague. The general mortality to The Nortbwe*t 3KQu4t04PQlIe0;JrA8nY PISS lady was endeavoring in berole fashion talt spire.- . high, being at the rato of MAO per NO ISTORn OR DAUK, wit'll a know, we lost over two ,(0, lob f
His Father, evor kept him away from to adminutor,, tea, to remember who "Thai,ia itill cried Nettle wild " All yo Wr annam, while quinquennial of whom ure going to f t or ifbo meoting. ITO We4t forth visiting the took sugar and wbo id not, and to OxclteMO)ii. " thatlis St. Gregory'$. hundred, killed and wounded in storm- average is only 36.43. Not only th!". Empire In, Africa, are a di4ingulobod Ma(le-leaflold Squaral That's enough- bo'lY, Throughout a territory of seen
mick, burying the dead, oolle0ingalma chatter affably to soa-balt-doxen Oh I omilt tell you how grat6till I 610.1 !no the hill, and the Boers ,%ISO 103t but th(� deaths from plague show a times greater than the whole of Franco forthe poor, lavitloW the zuJulotera of lady friends clustered around - bar, na to prove It she gave the Woman more tlan we did. Unfortunately our deolded tendency to laqvisaw, nd It Is Speaks of His WpUbfUl Care Parental Faith- don td his bous4old, In which law and order are maintaluel by A. 0 Was, - ow e QUOY And bgriled.gway. own shells killed a number of our own very,probable that the disease is more As in the hou, and'. Usefill Life— an of *,gluniam, maklug Occasional -bolts On the day of The din I nor -party she men who were eaggrly climbing the prevalent tbau the published figures corps of only some eight hundred men,
Py a little room oyer the wall, with bad door to receive now visitors, Of COUT00. was more extiberint than ever, and an 12 it calidleatiok for Any Passing her daughter f the dia, 'officially know as the orthwoot Miss Nettle Blake. %be was dressed and waltinsc In the hill- I want Over the battlefield and would indicate.,.' in view o
Tbe Dr. Tells of HIS Saintly Mother—SceM lit Ills, charity was not like the ought to have helped er mother with 4 rawlg.room half an hour before MY- saw tho. dead Ad wounded, estrous character of the recent out- Uounted Police of Canada. but tam. burstlag of the bud of a famous tree naly knowia'As the "Riders of the
in the 6outh, that fille the whole for� theme smial, 44ties t but' that yougg body also, listening eagerly' for The "I g1mr Geo. Peau Symons brought break In Poona the prospect In Bum.
:"is r's front door bell. and blushing every Plains, The corps combines thot too. eat with its acket. The dhilrohos of lady was lttlrig� in a far oornerj on* I in mortally wounded in the Stomach. bar gives rise to great misgiving. The at (yod, In whose service be tolled, bave gagod la earnest conversation. with a Hyne jibe heard footsteps on the stairs-
WatillingtQ10. SAYS'. the barn and in the strecit, When Cptain Tisaolluo arrived, ev- Ile waa suffering, and Amount of inocillation which by a tares of a, military force with t,hooe of athe church cho�x would break down, risen as one man to declare his faith. Itapley the a coustabalqr, Ito duties Are as vari. —UOv.. Dr. Talmago preachait train tho look , d to mourn their loss. In certain Ura -, who professed to orybody was electrified to see said, "Oil, tell me, have they taken variety of devices has, boon done to -trOQ everybody ad around to seia if he fulness an to know a grent deall�bout spiritualism. quiet, demure Nettle ruall, forward. ed as the country patrolled., Essential. following text, — "The almond ivere not ready with I'Wood,afook," oharoh matters he was nut afraid Itb a the hill yetill That was, at 10.20 a.m., 15=411 compared with the immense
Shell be ohol,at. Ordained, not. by the lay .11lut tell me," Nettle WAS salair in oil smiles and Present him W ly tho riders are soldiers, but tboyct stoo !K11. 0. "Mount riagah," or 111xbrldge." .Ab not taken for hours poputatioa, over 890i000t and all other
7 bonatifill, cftrnatloo� a6compaxiied by'n and the hill W he an awe-strloken voice, can this wo.
T%n,a%ry,' Palestine is adorned But few falieir to Ao*lorge tag 00 Of"hura44' hands, but by t tender took, meant to speak volumes, later. After the doctors had Inject- PIELgIAO MORsUrcO have proved upelega as maglotrates, ahe4fts, detectives, -stuilted note-booku. He Impositloin of a EAvlourls love be -wore to ding about, real town constables, customs oftiqaro, Il -
with the blosgoming of t1_40 41=0%4� a pile of well *11, ou II. ly that purzW the good Cilptain not a POS6 In, adz morphi%, bits pai. was easlar. and for protecting the city. treO,. It life lato that was ready at proper times ifor All by hiia life, 14 OftiOlc . M. ties What 1a q�Qlug to happen -to Peo- little. Her behavior towards him a so inspectors, five -wardens, court,
kinds of innocent amusepsen tion, and legilativ4 and oo i altogoth- he paid he would. be with the coluTan There -seems to -have -been a muoh� olorks, Crown timber agents, health it. He lways come througbout the evening wat no y ad that there was such, truoV* VOMISS Of God Often felt a morriment,Q) morcial circles,, a pr , 4 do her prophecies did not a the tnowill of saague in the
wlutov .mointh as a I � At , t, oul * ity. 110 allow aotleat Cbrlatlaia� or extraordinaryi and any wbo, g day. Instead of that larger amount officers, bide Inspectors, game war -I sometimes. light% ul;ik Art& sweeLOns'thO touched the lips, but played upon eiv- Irnow bar would havis classed bar tis i 11,0, is '%Udiar the B04� Nizam's, dominions thatu has een of -
a thing as bonety In politics. His ,AS to that" ropil,ed her friend, "I hardened flirt, This wits captain Too- dons, relief officers, Okown prQseou. olnoss and desolation of 4 sorrow- cry fibre of the body, and riollcid down alandered no Party, stuffed no ballot- "On the foilolAg-afternopirt I went ficially reported, The Plague Commie., tors, good inspectors And mail carriers. i Into the very depths of hil soul with- ling's, conclus on, after R tImo, and. And sloner In big official letter says: "At Ino; opirlt� 'It Was net 4 asela$$ tXOet box, intoxicated no voters, told no have certainly known-ber foretell the r li his first Up the ill witb ,he burial party m%do.juist to'bloom, And di% or, like Icing reverberations. No onei that I lies, surrendered no Principle, 00unf- future ;vonaerfull; but she succeeds though It did not agree with By their discipline 4nd proficiency. by ever know understood more fully. the onanoed no demagogiaw. He called beat In. discovering po6ple% oharac Improssious, be could give no other aw oar do,.t, Theru were eight offl- present Plague work in Hyderabad is valor add Impartiality, their lo, atar-coarsesi to interpretation to her forward 0- awamug burlo, aliam, and I oa-duot consent to. be a wil . �� by the V qioonoe of �A. good laugh. Re, wa� not tuingn by thvir right names-, and what r the Viola I lying aide by side, a discre stand Weeping Into the stream, but 1 only quick to racoginiza -hilarity when tors, and lives from merely holding in meanor towards himself, Just to' . tion, And by their others styled prevarication, oxaggera� farm$ inoluding Party to The official returns with intli and oassia. was always bo her )land something belon gtotbow. run of the thing be talked a vast anii. In An othcu4e.on the , . I it Anwatod with tareb gin lor- regard to plagua do not, Ind sold a 4ad geutlewanly bearing
created by others, but,' tiot(, misstatement, or4, hyperbole, Mint of rioniien4o, and flirted more do$- Mout, Col, Gunningt Llout�(Iul- 91 loate the. tb calls(] a, lie, .place in co Lotter meass number of concealed cases of ey,bavo notonly won the respect ot for a high :c; rehdy to do his share toward, makine The imorning prayer For instance, if you give her -ecboll and others, and Xna isit, Before. extree old ftge. be cou il came up an one side of the day, an apt, r I
I ad she will, itbout even looking at It, "ratia1v *ban %be, and wben It was istoAp C all the classes they daily come, in oon:�
fl�e Nyoriii, its. wpalth bare dQwV. th [child- the evening *Ayer, on the other side . time to go tbe,two, ha&ii tender part- U . he n U Ouse were i ague which must be continually tak-. - 1 outruv and outleap,any of his writer, though Ing, Secretly agrootag to meet in the, 1 t . ext 0 tb ;Nventy-two V, tact wltb�. but thay avar acquired droniodAries Qf,tho- desert, and in ships toll you All about the' I ing p�aoo� For some time past the.
Von, And, jolitiod each other in an aroll aboW moriling a man exhibiting " tbq, nloat frightfu quite un- Row next t ten, -om -Hyderabad ave, booll abroad the reputation of being OMY of
ashi9h. struggled with the sea. Its I But wheni this chearfulneiss I Some his head, Under the shadow of which hoth You Aud'tba writer ar Well,,$ th in th other returns fi .0 war ath known to bor�lv ought the CApinip,,as bo wpundo. In I one house o 6, the finest forces, In the world. And. tu - I jWght As�i4be it all fo natural d1sPOsi- he walked alt.the (lay. I The Sabb (,riave back.to barracks, " I riavl!y M very -Irregular. but the numbers re- thq
ggqd. tr4ak -parted into graceful- - aide
1 u6n. No. do!xbt't)aere to such q thing worship extendet], into Mouday's-oon. NOW, besides the i a greater mistake than in, thinking t , he side of tbo., hil,l."about eighty Wounded ltva Up to it, , Romanoo and h%id falaeas of branch And. burst, into a Of �tempigram I Ant. God' versation, and Tuesday's bargain, and lumber of lady v with only one doo- Ported its Qoourring In this State have WOrk ride side by pidel in the service, A tavisaego, of bloom, till the dneadaY'a mIrthfuluessoand Tflura- Itors at'Mrs. Blakelo th# Aftornoon -little Blake girl a quiet, -bread-and- Boors were lying.
Temple 'suiosb'no were very bequ I sufficient to ,.cause considerable It is the otam�liag ground o ' f dven.
ess to the almond- We, re bright Le butter sort of creature, BY Jove what tor to attend to tbarn. They turouis apirlta'drawn from many coup, give mo Y, rovtra, and Friday's so, there bad been Pao Man"Captala nation. in thb weekly returns for tries, and the Passwords are intelli- in�jitatiad it !a the golden candlestick, -i trap than to the, oypross, while the day's ovat SA U Y eyes she can Make, boNN' t4ii� did downearted, and. said they bad no ' behold its pool p4trifles, under the �.ummo 'a Guardia, and branches r Sun, L01alit, And a calculation. , Strome Tauanna, Of.tbeL Lif go on I And Whitt would my .TA, have was $0 jer- the whole Of India, genoo, stamina mud pluok, I slips the rill U141, wolutlili) If she had 6nu 'us I" Idpa thAt our arcillor fire allTile pome- God off the kooks with He, bad,i�jeft it little while before, but I wonder, i Like Bombay, the general mortality FOLLOW TILE ak! I ug in � his, dream oaa colour, a-frollesomeness that fills the moun- f�om the t.,unrise, of YoutlyttOtba ull- Nettle's thoughts. were full of him; In Meanwhile Nettie %Yn" bslv'ng bor Able, in Oaleatto, iii, admorq pretenti tain with oeho, '19o'doubt o0ustitu- cati of old . ago, Ad then'lo, tho'.9weat bipi but, bair bijushed out, tooting, jubilnnt, in- "On the evenin 0 re- allows, an ominous rise. I , t , They follow, the mountalh trials. By and raug out lite fra h d lighted -by, the fact, though she bad known 1-410ed, despite tbei severe her a of the 21st w there is at present any definite railro 4 train or�stea tiomal struoture, bad much to A9 With Ilikhtiail of. deftih, a briet time, this foolish girl fresh alved orders to lea,ve, tbe, town And that a raboat they j�o blo.asomilig belle. but, the almond-trea this cheo�rfuluei EEO had, by a life �,tarry Promises, went.home, taking riaother hnd given hor� Somebow, the indleation. of the increase of plague from town to village. They follow, the
hool-room, had lost her r poeed tu the . 1. ' aborep of the lakas and r'I ver. They 0- happiness in ar face seemed to be Pr but the weekly figurag reported are [resorviiid bip�, Vreabness his ghea,ves.withbim. I ishould like to from the so :stood in whit ay.1f, while of sobriety, UTU AFRICAN COLLIERIES, penetrate, the snow mantled 'fQreSto, ii and vigor. 4�4ta kno* that 'good bab- have heard that lo!jg, lond, tr.uhaph;mt mantle little heart to the handsome 'reflectodin bar mald's, for Bar',.er SO born. of earth, it aspired. to take o, iltively' benrain Out th last very �signiflcant. - An attempt to and to. mako� ace its are better than speaking-tubeo'to thout Of heaven!s vire'100410, I tlnU Soldier, and had Accepted him, as the, POI 9 with Were ab e some new ,tho, apparel of those who dwell in ) hr s throbbed ith another in to leave, and we got. o and ldorado they on their way the ear, bettor than a Staff to the that thk Idealman. 01 Ills fool ings towards her all" "it the Oam% t' a her tlioaKhtii MY staff and 1 ff on ti� three credit the. existence of plAgtis in . tile. 9 t (raimot� exceeding white," so no no bond; biatter than lozenges- to the thri% naid is hitl3 quaked with a seemed far away, foe she repeatedly, I wtk1k. It WAS. a pitch-dark night city by certain leading native$ - $up- ilikough an unexplored ivildernese. the to the hallelujah, ra-A-gomad she knew notbingi but.she.plesed bar- in , fit, of a))straotjon, bl-ualied her mi as, Like tha i"abea of a gigantic net their taller on earth can white- them.,When throit; better thou warm ba agin rig that his charming young iml and Alp lights, were Allows& A.bodt Ported, by the native , press has not patrol trails cover a coulitry that the %IlnQnd_tro,e wwa in fall bloom, it feet; bettor thau bftters for the stom- ,gb";pr race is run -thy. toll; ended�. self with im .1 atross's face, which Was. most balfway we were�.s(opped by our out- been successful, and jhqqlry bag only ach", His npus had not been Polluted ttobythr coroation I ma nners were even more charming pairifut. posts, who demanded the password. I too surely Proved its'continued preva- Measures A. th6usand milea.,from east Waal: have looked like some tree before Now, Attar L $Urb a life what sort of with her than with others, and . that ""Baker, ivhvtt ard you,thinking oft" repli ot know it, but- laucia, Plague administration in this to West and.two thougand iftiles. from nbr lils.brAin befogged by.tille lamas ad th4t I did n oui window ou. %,' wintev's. morning,' of the noxious wood tbat has'napped dettth would You have expeetedf Will monstrated Nettie, After 'the third that I Was the postmaster -'The pass- city'is (if the mildesLpossIble allarao- north to South. In fact, one Pa7trol his dark eyes had a particularly an- "a -bruphing. F rker 8 alone -that from Fort Saskatchewan,, God cohduct A voyager trough so t face ci� answer, Ba word, was given to us, and further on ter, and it maytbei, said hat there 1 466r: It Aightfall of, allow, wMiall, .1to the life'of who werattions, foadin der loole to -them When in borquipany. threw down the. brush, and announced 10 9 then lot_him get we were atain stopped. Here I aok,� no preparationAil the,e*ent 61 p,g4v� 1p, Alberta, to' Fqrt :Resolution, on 4right4as isa 'Almost insufferable, eve . n ministers f the Gospel to Un- ra.ay storms, Ana Great Slas Lake, thence to 4"ort. lic, tmb, ;Flilpwrev-ked comIng up the barb,burt guoh itbougits were buried detip in her with tears of Joy in her eyes aiiii a haP� to see,'the officer in. charge and 6re outbreak. graves, over whicb: t ed, . I
every stein a,white and, feathery t1mely py giggle in her voice., Simpoon, oil the Mackenzie River and NoQ it�uvh an'bilo ij%jr�y God nd, Savi, inmost 4eart, And -were never breathed -was led into 9. dirty colliery gtoft, ,The total reported.plague deatlig for row,of almiand-treos it full stone , declared; ".8acriflovil by. ovet- gar. All his "ve'tha* one O' Mips No is, I'm -that excited ith his head ban- all Indim during the week ending Novi return via Lesser Slave Lake�-covers � course, her eq. Pard know w (it Tm doing I 1!m go- where I found, him w Work iu the Lord's vineyard, won, ivIlich, he sent forth with Ws iiblossing! o anybody, except, of daged up, drying big trousera before 25 fell from 2.968 to 0,00, partly be� a 'diatace of, 2,172 �mileg� f The pa, -bloom, must have. roused Up Arn, the had not 1164, It would .4g olling yarty runs the greater part. if the Mrble a fe months 000, i het.good, Ship, pacial. girl "friend, who did't count; be.marriedl Audi his namWs a wood fire. it appeared that he had cause ilo-roports were reoelvedifrom. tr
Gresa,,iand he ether,ber 'fallen down 1a Bombay city the re. And oqv poul's sense -of purity; And, *A.eu they have Baid, '"Killed by villainous toba- to proolaiNthe glories.,bf buJt she pined to kn wh Tommy is so godd-look. 4 well in the dark. I told ',Hyderabad. of. the dirstaao' oil snowshoes bhorred iuytbiak . tht o' U ing, misa-but stop,, I'll show y6u big or't4e remainder with . Mime 'And b6aan to scatter iheir blossOm, as co He a� the ]ffessiall oil the Otbar aide of tbp� conviction, was right, or whether his Jng,io go back And work ported plague deaths, rose from, 100 to, folli . it m * at have intoxicate, being Among the first in Oaxtli, were pre,eat�,some to prayi photo.,., She pulled an envelope out of him � I . was will its it' they thought' it Paddle, To. give on Idea of'the tre� One by on% they. a f in it a the Instrumer IP6, while the total mortality as above, a a -gains ChIls.and. Aftentiops were for her moth bar- apron pocket, and -took fro a -inendous dislanda travelled by mem. k'60 tblaeountry to join A crumd rGm6i to liold his lin.t.lil,.some to bathe iviaa safe, but he advised me to go for- referred. to, still continu d very high. Seemed: Ime? the first, straggling fla lcoholic beverage, When urged, dur, lli,,j hrow; ll to ij ne. The talic with Xrs-� Rapley photograph, of a handsome man ill Uni. bers of.the.toree hera is An Instance of , Ill day,, o U lob, ai)d wait, and o010 ward fiastead� of back.' The Southern Xahratta Statewshowed an officer who W the. course of -his 6i a ch Onling thicker And Ina severe sickness, to take,some wesp�. n.n. rejoice, He askQd abviat t 9POO Suggested to, hOr mind a Way COTIA, Which she laid triumphantly be� , -ourpaYing through Olush a great' improvement, Last 'year fastor,� �ntli the bOVISAge, still deeply stimulu, he said "NO 1� if , I., am- to (lie, �ou'r �hildron�askea about. yeii. ak- of satisfying he . rself on this Pointe fore -1her mistrew on the dropping- a 'pitil6aly cold 'rain, we came to the the disease was partioularly,viruleut, regular duties as assistant commis.. table. planar dari-ng but a Single year. travel.. let me die siabel� ad about, the )Past,. U xpmsed his' an- A day or, two , attarwarda,! when tied of the conieries. We bat, thd, opidemic was:mot. by the am -
tinged With Autumnal 91 is ut Nottl� did not. look at the pho. machinery 131 . led. a total distance of .15,181 miles, 10,- THE SW1LOr-.TffE BREWERY . t1oIpatjo),S of tho, fuf.ure; -$leptswiiset- a dinner-partv was Under discussion, 1� ordered up a steep ladder to a ployment of inocalation on a large coviSred, and the, mouatainsitUat were to r p were ad it is Probable tb�titha effect 461 miles of Will& by rail, ON bad never. been poured around the I a a h; ber eyes were fixed on the room alone. - Ifaris -,ve, stumbled over scale, & as 41oarlot become as, Y ai a child over slept l2v the arms of Nettie witie strongly in favor of invit address' of the. envelope, which was a, miles by water; 0,620'miles with horses roots of- this thrifty- Allniond, its mother. . Thon-btoke fort with -the ing Captain Taseling; and, though she sleeping bodies, because iao lights were of tbig wholesale liaboulationiao bee! In the bandwritini-she.bad so tender- and 2AO 'miles *on. snawalkoes� 1 B -th"eould not so- i'Gooduess and ma.Tcy have had to bear some bAnter.,about this ly,stlidied as that of Captain Tas. allowed,' and, finally,. we wedged our- suceesisfal. n AiS'SNOW. heal splendid System �of count tot -halt of this' ushille. SIX- -me al the day . my. I ifeti, r- point,, and sei lying on the,bare floor on 00 necting patrols a the mean- au oakernaBa, sb6. gained he aImust every settler in -the Noftwest to Be 0I16"'N'e,tbaL'hehaA for so alao a prbmige that th4 gallant O' 41 Tow you"t,tri readi tud light that seemed W wither one's AT GZRMA2gY1S COURT, IN years Ago A coal from the bea. he Bibl aP, , P. T% 11 me, Barker,�' she ejaculated, a I . Territory is periodically visited .b ing ot the text, Solomon was: -giving . venly altar �bd kindled a light that ny ars'now cag -ain should take -hot in t At 8 80 a.m.; we WOrO Again ' ' ' I . I Y man. shone 1b . igh ma . y6, t ifs light far On A o. dinner. The who is this. �MAD, you're. going. to The, imperial 60u�le of Germany re- the Ponce. j a fiall-lenith'Vextrait, ot'an aged. (el, �nd . brihter to the into the valloy, until the, very gate pif invitation waLaont, and -next morning, j�oftrry V, And she snatched -up the pqr- =,to gei'up,,and we inade, tlaii SEXTLERS' w0gs By strikiiad figures of sbeebb, he sets'. Qme best of .�our wy'to tile ne . w 'caml% cevo ihair , relatives On New Years; INVE STIGATE perfect ay.... -tot -Almighty grace, for beaven't1ahed uport h1a Vision. S at breakfast, Mks., Blake laugh"gly trait hastily. forth, bia,trenitiling and decx6pitude, nearly thriae-qukrtaxs of a century trl- 6-110 quoted the passage, "This �jd a tossed. a t Which. at Aowan%., farmhouse to ha's. any colnplaiuts, he makes. 0 Lor) miss" answered Barker, "he's was I .Day, In hblack eiig1c, chamber,. a If- - I I . . 1. I
And1hea corass; to dosoilho the white- umph -in a plan and. o you won-, 'faithful saying, wid :wo-ethy of all ing, AWAY. When we arriv- of Which t;bem in writing, and signs tho-tion.. it 'of -that Capt in-Tassling about a mile - miagAltimut roomi theL W h . ; . I . nosia of his lookia by - th-at Gbriiat Jopus came r, I 1cpe.., that .,Y� was nothing to ea,t, and. we ii�ablels. -patrol repdi�, -which at the end the bios"i-aing Of der tbat'h6'19 bippi For twice- the Acceptation, There, 'My ilea the servar A this . a , 1 L ' who was here this evening, 'and the' ad, there huddled Ar, draped in silvir,*Wbile-a of the beat Is, t6rne'd over. to the, non- lm6ndrtree, It is the mast into the World LO Save shapprs.". '.'Of fiatisfy you-,.' found hundreds of civilians - I in thinks no end of,bjm.,- and-" or length of, your life iind �m ne.bla.had 6ptai 'When touch of the, ploLui for I see in that Sit. In L th 'bower of the I iPromises, whom I am chief,"'.. respidildod the It merely contined th6'usual for- iat�y ke- daylight wonderful canvas,Jtho great Laygebe ci�m. officer in ohar& o tlxe. detach- a 0 1 see" said Nettie, are together, shivering. I � 9 . -t !a tbbn forwarded w#h- the one $Satence not ou�y-tho'wppeaiaocei ustera 01 dmg Chrittlan, We, 'said, ',To live that -..v.ords, "Captain Tassling has lieveA, " he'directs his letters for him. came they *broke cupboards deuvre, covers �4e,ceilin - Golf-, 3318'at- J plucking the rotind, �ripe ol open the Of the hair, but axq Announcement of i0shool. wh& othei bit their tongu� !a chrlht", He P,nswered, "To die -is mi fleaaure, in a000pitlag Mrs. $her-, roh, of food, and A little, kinned intimates, of non-com's wookly.ropore to the Officer
CWt Your soldier -.vrite then?!'. in sea erals.'and, -ambasaadoVs, An Y soiAlor write 111�. exclaimed fish was foun in, charga of the divisio. 'Complaintia, the beauty of oldage. White: 'for.thirst, he,stood at thii wells of And. s if the vision, grow more win'.B ake's kind invitation, to dinner d. dinitted to tlla� looks ot� a bad mA Are -bixti'ta"gat.h. %o pootin' 11 On ther 10th inst." -Tet� Nettle _Pre�, up his his majosty, Are i are Promptly.. investigated, In thia uea. tio -ay, To I 11 Major -Gen. Y salvation, and pu this lips t(the bue- PArkor mindioautlyi- " Why be's naost ule then.toick' of Ministers Of thd Godpo 4hai.iAed circle. n 7 &n dered frosts. , t4e'saoond deatb, but' a with the die' is gai,41" i I served the n dbe carefully, and, like the bighly. educated, miss, far jabov6.ths position irl tbits house, and- he seilt way -the, force keepa *eoi tl e up dripping 4 touch with the - scattered 0dbalAti011; - fibary head is, a orovin-ot glorjl�.Jf*it !Let that ca, �e in, and,AfteV' tholi;LsuM'greatraa� little goose, that, gha,-was, tead it over at servants;'vland- as to for.me 'asking me to go, to the Office H r miaiea�y we*ais-.the' crown to fresh, o 1:.sprkling w Common run I every t tbatia assistance to the � police., -It is priri- be foa4d.in the way of, righteousness. . oo And . over. again Wilda olle. was . aloae� a' it so well' tha 'measagai Stating that tho:Boers which, in Teitar*,, readily -give
er,' the belov- tim nal life, writing,. he doe t Some- WI ha ivh1ch a long veii is atflaoh�d lis
Tb � may' be' no'colour i4,thd cheek, . Again: Wel'babold in o r father we. salig some- .Of' big fai-ourite igking in every letter of as when.the Captain's busy ho gets had urrounded us: He in: �grjcofUl fol"'AoWnL to her Court g- to, this stionig. spirit of o lustre in the eye, no oprinjin the the b ed,bandwriting, and aien-but u6" it -op. no firmneas ixi thei.voice, And.yeh esiLty of'a Christian taith.-: hYMAS, such As,, a EG mention oviiiry litItle Tommy to, answer letters for -him, foreementS from Ladysmith, and ez . 16 yards.* ply ow"' WoM Unkin ja*16td they were near At - bond; in 0-rdip'lit 1 existing betweeii" a 'iritiftind tile head .of every. uIci man- Let not' the account of h con mtlke a dying bad like a private secretary. Not import and tr=qer that a more handf"at'of
.J�(; is- choer- girlish fully that She committed,and, course, Miss; but 1 act, 1115.,vas going to Glencoe: Junction train, the 1. tter measuring and Chris itilness give you the idea that- he. nov-, Feel ott as do pillows are, besides, X�ttje is not the, only silly afit letters, of 613 Mee -It s bprne by some of the "highest men can enfore iaw and, order in.. a Whose, life, has 6aea ujiTight , f - 'A,"ft 'While 011. r,., brZaB71 leauf my -bead_ them. tian there hoiers &'giory brighter r had any 'tromilble. igut' ew nie girl in the world. moan,, 'for lastancet". hwn sometim to t ladles in the la'Xid," who in their turn couiAry three-fourths the size of Of have So serious nd over"",beilming a , And breathe my life Out aweetly I toss him -an invitation and say, 'Just I rode in the -`BoerA were $ben- than ever shook !a. tb4.*h.it8 tups there.,� : - * . . I I The time bad com;'io put her plan Ong. Russia, � the alinond-tree, If the oice, <Laiver 1116�strugg* He fwOnt out intd execution, however, and in conuid- accept this for me,',I�vreen;il or perhaps tng-th6 town with 40 -pounders, -The. ainp.toy, pages to help them al out- zneans� and witb. no, Hd Would seem almot, to Stop be *is to refuse it, as. the case may be, abelle went whizzing over the Offi 6 last kind GRFIAT CHARACTM. 'G ep%A �wurlo With arable jr, ' ation she rept out - of the miss; a6d -than, you see And you may be, bressomateriaf is of the beay. lia difficult t& fiad.in sty it is becausi od is obaAging, into certain I got theme$ . and loaded down with embroid y cil It -Would tional 'oppo�f.unit save that bieathlag- in order th haten, and then, with the preoloua-serap 3&rker; gooi es.sent-as soon as Possible, in tho world an assemblage 4ono fit for the celestial, choral, It oducia bouse, armed "T.68 yes I ight. I'm siig of at the -close, would Signify: thect he re,4 of paper, by means of which so much 0 Im- co= 'the back stoop, it is onl because the wbiOb. was afforded him ii) the winter very t6d;11'said Nettle, somewhat,ab- 11 I also - ascertained that no reliefs precifous' metal's and. stones, The la ch. oters . mora varied than that to Le an old, dilapidated school- membered the old tune rig�t well. -Utt was. to be - revealed to ber. She got . Q&.. press, like tile kaiser, body is Just abouL to )is downin inanths, in ruptly "and I wish you every hap- were being senti which surprised -,�era the in- met -With in the ranks'of the North., P",qsfal sleep, If the hand tr�nblo, house, from inefructors whose chief '$aid, i, I Shall bia gone, soon, but'not 1�to.a cab and After a long drive ar� ; piness. yule very much. Previous to $tatting signia'of the high Prussian and Hohen-; West Mi6anted Police. Oa,tbep&st and 4 too soonj Some 61%6 quoted, "Though -will . I it, is becansa'Oodi is uliliioskag. it from work was t rived tell Prov- "Thank -you, Miss Nettie; Was I � was giv present payrolls may..be read.the ,6 eollaot* their own- ealary; At her destination, abisouit and some cden- V Waik through - the valley, of the sha- ers-sboP. ,The grocer Tom ad beef, � which I ravenously* ate " I zollern orders.' names of novelists, "broi busters)m worldly din,ppointments, to clasp it' Instead 6f postponingthe ra%rrio ge ro- a shouted for Just.go'ng- to tell you It was my 6A ringing harp an 'on, as i dowof a AtIA, I will fear nor evil." AVa pstairs, and rods, a Were at the His nia, v:ls attired in the so call� artiats,' busL d waing. palm, If lo:tt k6dorn society compels Showed her u, ;wared Mrs. Blake's last note in along� Altogether w Lardo, !"Alver drivers,, it IS �aaly iti until he can he rePoliod, "Thy rod and thy staff th�y his wife, The latter was an exceed- as Ruf the hair has turned, the young mail to Postpone cml�oEt. me,, "Ca,n you t office ad ,"jreat.general,aL ntformi" with its whaokors, 4awyerg, dog drivers, lion. eatify .of 'TIMES , . I L . 1. ..;L ' .
, as " Good -night, Bi XT orables, ackers, bank clerks, jaojloro,�
gray. light of boaren's daw.,n stream- earn.at fortune, find be able; at domw aDotbeir ing quiet, mild-1poking little Woman, vitig the' Cal Lrkefj repeAted'Not- F OUR IFFERE oring through the Boadt ioGksi U the mencoment �ct the conjugal ielatioll, 06d's faitlifuj'essf" said not at all tooembling, the wild1witch. tie, with a sharpness h a ve profusion of gold ambrbideq cov "Yes; Ihave been' young, ad. a th breast -and cuffs, So costly is this government d.orks, fishermen, Oxford mud now I am old, yet, hav6 I never Netkio. had pictLur ing What Was Wron. distano in full VIOW. Of those '' our , ad Cambridge: gka oat", so -43.01, bo once Adorned by a- luxuriance of to keep a, conipanim like tbet III 6S Of maid away in a great laury� Wander- during the day, havin 40 -pound- L 6 I a d auburn r raven, is SMitteA with bal& the 'field' that toil not nor. spin, Please," egan the girl, timid Q embroidery that officers OftOil admiralgi ganerala, bishops, and state. seen, the righteous. iorsakim, or his -hilt- fooisb' , 11 I am n, a Oro,. p IV- bough E 'liamonj in- all is glory,,, was feeling somew he, honor it -'exam- men; former officers of the militia and peos, it W only �becaase� God is sead,begigmg bread." e said, Nottle,did not meet Captain Taa At. 7 a.m.t the General asked me hositato to acc4pi; t paring a. place to. set the'evekl4sting not'-mrrayod like one of these, be chose it 0 d,� I could not, have it any. bet- great arry, -but I Bhould like YOU L to ling in the Row - next morning, * nor to kQ in. with another telegram, add- volunteers of. Canada and Great) Brit.. '11a failing ot this: good +-It Me L What plifls. --as well as formexl. officers of the: rown; (in early, allialricit With one whowould a o you can about the per did ishe ever mention him When she (Lin'.
ter, r tool well; all 1�� Well" Again j;11, Who nded fing that L he wished us to destroy all Christian's $tftff.W1II be the signal for not, nly beable to enjoy, the, success again, and agiiin be repe0od, wroto this,?' and she h, could possibly avoid it. When oLn in-' military meisages that had been sent. I The ostumas of. the princesses are armies cf England, France, and Ger- "All her the note. . vitation to his wadding with jKiaa Lil- myself not less, showy, though 'kheir Jewels many. - Aboar. V p3r cent. of tile Won the heavenly gate to. 6wing q1*n- Thei. of life, but'Who, Would with her OW)l ts Wolll'� Then,' lifting his OX- o Jill try, injg811 'replied the woman, I. roplied 'that mry stAff and isoatteriaig of th,4 almond blossoms Willing hands hall) to achieve It.. An lan Bankford ame, Nettie did not go; Ir. h
claimed,,, truth I am, not wold go in, but I voluted Out that The personages following in aria Lgentlemen by bI t 64 well'as will only discover the settin4,cf the vo ,glied the fields, i,,VgiAjVHl pki[E -"but to toutbe of the family did, and education, Some of them have a-pri- fruit. 'Plijabla 'flaming See' 1 sold It was it very pretty wedding, In- vate,inpome in aadition to their'!iia while father plou mY be'StL just now' folks �e but the ros we did not desire to be abandoned, and thd�r train either wear milit s
oijiulpago, d in the I asked him. A. he could let US L know -$are too taM6 'for this socauding afid threshed the wheat, ail broke - the O the morning of tilt 27th of Oeto- gin ee me early I deed, and that Nettie bad missed a or,the minister oi state antfoita, w'blob Fully fivo'�er Cent, Once BerV64 inthe flax, and husked the coirn, my. motber 1aor:i0)2Mg,iog:idt0toi-day I1vO bad -a great whew they Were retreating to Lady- siplriL ' The arms of J'es" arie bar, just three years from . the day till I,m great deal by otoying sway. is of the rococo type-allk frook coats Imperial army -of Great Britain, fSome FitQo-d for Solomon's porkrditure when when the goal of his companion sped -many, one after tbi other, paid that be quite under- or than b6iinding horses of fical as, jabots: cockiisd hats, having seen service in Egypt, India, he sonid, "She riseth also bile, It 's into the heavens, it was evident that tired out." stood'the position, and that if they and breech fghanistan* The -police There are lessons for me to learn, yet night, aud.givath meat. t_6,er the last moment adpome, oftlY the Nettle looked blank; this wasItoo ecided to leave Dundee he would send and also for You, for many of you QUE]DR HONEYMOON. whibo stockings and pumps, with gold -
household. She layeth bar hand to 1 -he new, to all the aleop'lars in the 'bad, after she bad come such a long a mounted orderly, tcP inform -us. claim to be L the beat educated and know him. TNa child of his old age, 1 Wndle and b -r hands hold the dWalf. house, And the claick glance of lights way. The queerest boxle$rmoon spent by it , 'Aa we could not get horses we en,bukles. Chancellor von Caprivi ealthiest. foxce in the world. tome to -night to pay a humble, tribute a t U 11 we uto the town, and we did -118 1110110 is excused 'from masquerading The force is armed with Lea-Metford to 1IM: who, in the, hour,of my 'birth, She. is noll fraid of the. i3now; for her from room -to room signalled the com- "Bat 0 n' ' YO to anything V young bride is that of Lady Delamera, walked and Winchester repeating: carbines t qk me into his watel4ftl care, and household, for all bar household VIrO ing of the death angel. We took out isba anqqirad -beseechingly.. this wife of he famous African hui%- requested, whilat we also kept up tole- after the fashion of Abe eighteenth and Enfield revolvers. The Principal = 6 a em our, watches. and said, Four o'clock The woman smiled at her eagerness. With Plater- century. * Elks his predecessor, 331s� stations are supplied with bronze 6 pa-tental aithfulness,. combined clothed with scarlet. Her obildr , ' graphic communication
'With that of MY Motherp was the arise up and call her blessed . hQr hus- and fifteen minutes I" The Pulse flut- "I d&f8say r can tell you something," for, For three months past, since maritzburg.. The Postmaster,Goideral Ourt iD mortar$ and 7 and 0 Pounder 'field means of bripg�ng my erring 66t to bond also, and bo.�,ralseth her. 'Malay tots As a tree branch lifts and falls ofia said; " but I never invent 40 some their marriaga in the Cheshire - hoiiise wired congratulating via on stloking to WArOk M always Appears at 0 . pieces, In the Yukon distriet they the cross, And kindling in my soql daughters bdvo done virtuouslyl but at the7,motion of a bird'a -wink about clairvoyants do. It's rather a pbed- �of tll�bride'g.fathor, Earl of Enuls- our posts to the last, The eaftip field general's uniform. It I failed, to E&ak, mathinks tbd old thou excellest . themall." �t me that,.no, ran,tter telegraph otaff.he.4 boltod the day be- At the chapel their limajesties. are re- Are prQvided wiffiXaxim guns, to cleave its way into the beavens. No liar thing -,abou ays killen, the eouple havO7 been in Mom- fore.. . . I ? =I, I family� Bible, that I brought home There - were, no lords or. bAr- quick start of pain; no glassy staVW, how tired I am, I tan nearly a1w, teired by tus clergy'la litatet,while a!- AVERAGE 0170 With Me, -would, rob onots, r. princes in our Ancestral but eyelid lightly closed, And ctilm, lip, see and diaorlba places, though I can't basa, hunting big game. Word has ,At 11.30 p.w,, A. friend, who is a multaneously a boy choir of 206 Picked * The present avorake, of the force is: like my C-ilence, and the almond hit off pooPle or, characters at all un- come from them to'06 bride's father guide to the millitary,' roda up very voices opens the musical exprelsesiac -Height, 5 feet 10 1-23sches, weight' the, very walls df My youthful' lionle, baronets. or ptine a-.bi oa� ancestral And white blossoms of urned over loop- I'm feeling Absolutely fresh aXeedly, saying he bad came to III- companied by a cornet corp . a, The rs- 107 pounds; cheat measurement, 38 would tell the sl:or� of bly ingratitude, .11no. None wofeestars, cockade, or tree, From the stai!td *a t Well, the places will be that they are now organizing an ex� form s that the troopg had gone, liglous,oaremontes, are shorti,the ser- age, 31 yoaTs, I MUSTJ Spjuk,., crest. Tbors was once a family coat- the old timepiece 'that he bad carried ilia Itb tC odition to the interior, ond oxpeot.to and thilt their last wagon was than' mon not lasting more than seven or The saddle, hordes Used by4he olice thoulh. it -oken utiisran& pf-arms but we were none of us Wise so long, and which he *ought Always than nalling", said Irl ' tbf; moving down the atte t. The Gener- eight be with br "I a o 9 sigh, "and, please, be 4U I aB you 'be one from three to SIX 1116 minutes. are western bed, being a cross be�
and ln'ter=4 which may, seein t enough t6 tall Its meaning, T*o went right, and Announced, 11 Just four The loan., longer� when they Will return to Elng- al. bad forgotten about us. Tho grand court bdglns at once in tweein'Indian oityuse, mares and thor.� istrong fqr those who never bad an eyOffl?' two hands, atid.two feet were oolo6k and twenty minutest" a soon bad our the white hfll, - The emeror ilndem4 anghbrecl English sires. They aver. 0 -capital. my father started with. tldoa�'oi the cold river rising, Felt of Nettle watobad 116 womn'eurlous- ln(L ,Needless to say,.w
opportunity of gathering the fruit of 0 Wor fifteen years an invalid, be had the writ, bat no pulse; of the tom- ly as She' otood,'With the 110tti-thill Lord Dolaivere Is 66 Mud noted Af- lights out, and After cramming the press' surrounded by tho voy�J fain- ttk,4,16.2 biInds in height, , They have this luxuriant almondAreo, the safe, and 11y, tAke, their, n a nee and, are a fearful struggle to ou0port 1, plea,... bt no stir - Of the heait, but h&d been taken out of its envelope, ritan hunter of the day. His last,&fri registered letters into �Olaooa Oil tbe throne, finkonso Powers of a d ro, .lat. In my father's Old Age was" to till folded. Up. -In one led over a pario, Sh and be seen. the beauty of it iwas 0 while the throtig%of notabiliti6 p0s oxriRnely hardy. The ri cor t e- 1111.4 LARVTB FANIVIr no action We flatened,- but heard-AboUgh I on trip contlial d Of two carring away What office 09 . I I d. db ting,40 4900, as made by Serjeant Major spirit. cheerful Nothing but fditb ht God upheld him. nothing. Still I atill I The gat,es,of the band. Presently she began: ycrs, For four months be Was not stamps we could, amoun In sgiigk file, offering call. corps w �rlouking a gi�eat Park T sea n board from, and touohed on a district we soon ;caught up the last wagon, t,Atulgtl�ns, The emperor often riseo carrying deSpatobeg dUr.. Hifl reoitaliolbelp, afforded and ddif earthly prison -house allently,open wid- Ov( -1 nev4r remember to have heard him way large red brick building, with a clock that the toot of white man. had never and walkod,thr6ighoot the night toll- b them with a heafty hand- bag thci. 1&6t Riel rebellion, Ile rode a make 'a gloomy expression. Ornbees,wrl()Ught was move like a ro- r and wider., Frea I Clear the - I ri,,gree § ". . . . mounted by before trod, The trophies h and rain: over This a brought Ing through alush,,mud all ko. pony -a little,over 14.1 hands in height Was not because he bad,ncrp�sreoptiojl Manct, than a reality. He walked for thd conquering aoiritl Shout UP- tower bi Elio center, Ant Among thoisis thus distinguish �-frona Fort Macleod to Calgaryi and. Of Lhis pollutions of society, ne.ab�. through many A desert, but every wArdia the tidingsl a weathercock. Part of- the building bck am among the iltastremarkabta a very bad, hilly road. ad Are, the chancell6r and. the vener. mantUr, and every ..day for burial cama, An all t Um- is low -and long, there ate iron rail- ever colledted, . . . I 'Wo. -caught up the camp a mllo�Akld bI6 gener 9 Iffho have Baca service retain, a distance of 224, miles, in two burred auything like Impurity, or niorning had Its The front-, and sonfe sentry -130101 Liady X)oIdmorO is A born horsewoman a halt pdat Beith,,whore the artill"111 . days, and'strange to Say� on the morn. troad, or' double-dealing.. He never nighl Its inliar of fire, and every hard nal Sabbath was ].at down clear from In 11 Soldiers in red, aftif6rm on 'On, to roer 0 the fiel The kaiserin' is by all- iag of the third dhy b6th horse' And failed ta, lift up is, voieA against sin, �rwk a rod, that could sbatter 11. into heaven. At' 'the first gash of ,the WI" ", ralgod to A& the hounds, an&Y, Is t) bad drawn uP-1atO Posit, Royal Irish quotte forbiddon to extend hot hand .tider went on duty. The police horaos when ha saw it, 1Jq was oryi1tal fountains dt his feet. Wore daw)i, we Bald, 11�Tbis is just the day I ardent sportswoman� Her fntber,Birl Us. Some of! the naeft of the to anybodk,bu state OccasI64. 5* terrible in -a Christian to be bur- guruh,nirl. listened in amazement, the . AnIskillon, is. mx�ter qf,the North Vusilies Blinked their rationg with us, BZPALntbus'the thousadds diasombled! re.equipped witl# Xaxlcian stock Bad- bla Indignation against Wrong, and than oiiloa;h6,eame to big last dollaV in'wfiloh for woman had described the barracks of D were very grateful to them. It' the inoment when the,; dies and head tall$, with Whitman but right behlod tbat'last dollar he led[,, Irdding 1�af indeed under fool choshire Hunt, in which she, has alvays and we outside. awai
lidd an iron grip for the throat of him found Him who owns the, Cattle on a told of the docaying bodyo bat Stream- wborelia Captain Tassling was qunt- ridd6n with credit. She is enthusiastic "We travelled mostly at -dead of kaiser will descend and walk to the bita, which require'anly a siDgla rein. WhO. tUillPled On the helpless, Better thousand hills, and out of the rdhil Of sunshine apoW of resUrtectiOn JoYr t6rod, find she awaited f6voriably,th6 otor her trip, and bits displayed anion- Ilight, go that the Boors should not see armory, at the entrance to Unter do, he, carbines. aro carried balanced Mft� , a lion robbed of her whelps answer, to her question. aoftsa the �ablddlo and, strapped to Its
than hint, if you bad been atealing the whose baud aTI the towls of heaven �11h`ay Carlo tottering on their statf:L-o daragod and skill that has 6tirprised '49- Th,6�4iprd en.46avounng to cut us yJinclOn. That Is a apbtacle Whic no- pooked tholl, foqd,, and who hath given . comrades, ThAy. caple-the, Poor There Was 4 short pause, then the it off, but thi's move was frustrated bYit borii. of his disciples a war- whoae, rent he had paid to keep, their woman started afresh,, " I Red !it one Sh6 has been one of the most adtive column from Ladysmith sent to our bread'from the mouth of the father. to eiieh jjj old ber busbanNs P, rtY. body who is anybody can afford ' to less, It required all tbd plaolditv of the wholo universo in childreti, from the Wast of winter. wing of the building A. beautifullY relief. We had little ftmmuditiOn,Wad miss, especially as it occurs bat once my matherts vi,jite to calm bim rantee deed for furniabed room ; there, ate a great Of the PArty ill.the field, and'has Recur. toward the end of tht; 30 TAOf the man or twice a yeariv Presently the car- NO 'WH ITE V LOWJbl 118, "All They came -the erring men Whom � that anyone riago gates of the palace Are closed" I . . Tbo; path lbat led him through On- bad balled cut of prison. They came- also wera put. on half.TatIO 4in abMlutol$ mihftA� colr do6a AoL 0900 th3 mountain GtOthi of his right- 'the words, many photographs Standing About, ed more trophies 21
eOuS Wrath WAS id full blasft, while am nearly all of difforent,young ladloo, among them. On two oeoaelons hor or- ,I shall ndt dilate further �,ft the the last foar-lia-hana rumblas away. l stro -ekAd his also. ufl milkittog iseetin. to'exhit in afty flower. T116 fact for hsehe Wouldsubmit to more anel. its prepared him also for the children who bad wai ind a6me are in theatrical oostamo�-11 dor carried bar Into danyi o PO I miseries and discomforts -of that jolt- niore of Patience, and the may,bia ishown. by laring ome flow- %nd soro - bereaveme atia. The Infant Of and Played with h18,665, and had, of- Hero Nettie interrupted ofieO MOT46 UOUR, from both of which, however, she Ing journey. Suffieb It to 0ay that great Portals opPosite, the museum Ora smy nothing, than days,%vs smitten, and he laid it Into ten wondoro& What new attraction supposed toba of.the'purestwbite any man, r -ever kne;W. sying with a romirkable amount O? extricated horeall by a rexaarkible dia. X hope never to have such dhOthOV OZ- thrown open, the sentinels and troops 11 F the river of death witli oa much Con- grandfather would unfold rom hii o tho lily, the white camptillula, oi* Bat, while sensitive to the iavils'of fideiic6 as Infantooses was laid Into deep pookets. They came-ther minis.. heat for -a girt Usually so sweet -001- play of courage and quick wittedness, pp it
'rionce, yet I.Would not bgi% MiSS64 I of regulaxo present arms,. nd tho Me. wo0a allialunic vidociet. he felt confident that 0,11 Pored, that she did not odre about the once her life was despaired of byt two geeing the battld - for allYthing,"' "Sobutkinann" thander tlioir t V;i on A loaf of clear tho 4tk of the, 1411o, � knowin ;,on, who bad act with him white tKpor. It be found that
would be righted, that term ot relit photographs, huntsmen who witudoaad her perilous last admonition; ( "There he oomest. . 0401 I When he lyrayed, Sdon from the royal Palace a slining in church courts, and planned for Cho Iturrahl Hoolif Hecht Hoeu I0 i Ula Whipa, ts: y washed with Yet- you could hear in the very tones ot his One would come to fetch It, o4vancement of rong;on. The., clairvoyantio Protested thUt position frout a distance, Powerloss to (lr Tan. Ngw YEAR. The kafAer, marching at the hea& of lOw!, blue .6; prango.: aeco 1. r . ding to Voltz the expootatiou thatlosas Christ. In An laland of the sea, among such interruptions, would spoll, ovary, aid her. 'Xhoy enthusiastioally 4e- Father, we, lift Oh.ti tho t, wh t flowitir would utter1k demolish all iniquity, straingerls, h1most unattended, death, PASSING ALONG- thing, bat At last ahia'MaAaged to sovibeil, her fight for life afj �ho Pluck. I h I I . U411tia .0 the o6lumn of gonertils and �jljutantsj and fill the eiirth With -his glory, came to 0, belovoil'son, lind ihogh I V11116rc, he h, d by the come to.tho point. ,In this room I lost they bad ever seen. �T ibe looka Almost tal I I his high 666ts, bel. Id often 90", an led birthplace of loat of his children, we see a tall, foir ma sho will not , heed their v oraing is breaking oer the qsl1i, zdAt and the long, Tul Av min,03tAt n with dark 6yeat oh gra ov6reoAt This Cbriatian man was not 11 Mill' remember -the darkness that dropt viiwings - i4 e A not As bimut;fitl -But what, triS your obijoetton% -to the
op, did not think th4t pverr.' laid him dowfti to rest, just as the son lie looks strong and soldierlike, and o be careful of herself, hat I-ASISLI3,0Z fteth its i[Aings of woo or ob66r. aa hier Uther of as Platuriesque -as his 'young 4iin? wqk6d, the mother,
Alithr e old when the black- t k A, d o'er the t0th the ld�w-boria YaUs With IUVT collar. 11
thing was going to ruin, evasideved sealed letter wils opened, I remember WAS gettling in.tboe6untry grave -yard, 110 $its pollhing tko bilt of a %w0td, 6ritering Into every haut tksi aoltiieli �Wa .., � I I randfathiar was, but is of strikingly ona, anNwerod the othor half,01, the the worli very good placo to livo, In. also thc,.Utteran000� of (%rlatiltn �ub- close bcaldc,, har'with Whom for more as he whintl6a it tune." � itia they do. Iter mkill and bravery b�or o' r souls the shafts of light V Rd never opab mopfnK or despondiant, -mission, Tan half it century he bad walked, Nettle's heart beat faster. Aho have made her quite a heroine in their Val, 4 As on sun -kissed mountain dignified, honest and courageous ap- management of the Young votftan� -but took things an they 'were, know- Anotbo-ro bearing his own name, and prayed, and sunt, and counselled, oxclAIgned,. 11 can't you toll me Wbftt ininds, and abo onjoya their admira- L , height., 19, Ito looks the typical Got- Tbori why did yon, refuse %s re�Ues
I that Od 0oul a . n WO , d make he Lion hugely. till thero tire, f0w wba Th mlists uplift to the tender sky, I for E'thol'ia hold? Just Oil the' thtfthold of manhood, bla It Meemed ati if she must speak it xreot� he Is thinking about, and whether 0 loved or his natural .them better. hen the heaviest heatt b6ating high* with ho", falig ing, but no VOi0p, brOkIN the od, no Is—,, she was about t6 any, ft love, envy her her positio-A. Itighor than swift -winged swallows Ito an say shaxtk things and ne*or Only tar the door ehild's It ho,
60ge f 6dlamity came upon I&M th6 into 016 dust; bat.&bav�& the cries of whimper ran through the grAss, UO but sho stopped. and mal'Olv ridded) fly. shrinka from attioring the most and- have any spirit at till he will go ahead mot It with as oheerfal a countenance early Widowhood and the desolation of w;ord of recognition ivan uttered, Side 11 tell me something about b1m." , aoiduft r*ntiments when 16:18t expect- and marryhor anyhow, and it ho.don't #A over a bother t tho beach met the that dark day I hear the atriarell's, by side Jacob and Rachel were burled. "artitit now,sf earittutidd the woman, AWFUL TO CONTOMPLAT1 Father, W6 know not WhXt of ill ed, Thatis why the G6rwilzis like she is Wall rid of him.' W00ming Atlantla, rising up, on 06 ryfayei cohamonding children and ohil. Let onA3 willow over-aroll t.b6ir 9taVeN, be appeats to be In Somb &, minister recently died in Adfta- MAY rastuy eorning hours fill do film. , , ! other side 'the WDV6 stronger than dre's children to the diivino isympa. Instead of two marble slabs, As t ough 01111alt be quft6 tuto what about, but Ila, who had officiated at 11,WO wed- ut well we know who bolds the QUERNS, AND T�.PEWWTFS. *htn it smoto him. Without Over Le. thy. thead of whom we amk wer In, t mems that ha'in deeOlY at dingia. Think of Itl Think of 1100 Tod, DAYS TO XRItT, The Queen''of Angland ban a great Ing ohttrg4 , with frivolity, Vat a deoptr ahetd6W fell across the lot there be but a single shaft, o t 6 �6 rome ou6, and does not know wile, otgan voluntarion, and 11,00 mixiiid hie sang, .. The "golden wedifing" Wore ono. MoriuM6tit, not pr6tA tious. b6r his loo itt r6turned'or not. TIM. trembling brido- W� know 'thn The6, and Thou art Saturday, Sunday, iftiod Mondo-y aris disliker to typowrittiou and whistled, and old homestoAd O. bilt Plain. for tho Were old- asi ionp-4 think b6 la fairly bopbful that It riulls, and 11.00 God, thei fooeoritei days in the week for mar. and does not ullow tiny doourntUts that
Iftagb6d,' Ho know about till tho choor- had been coldbratod nine tears befor groomal Think tif 11�OM Wedditig fto- ful tune.4 that were avicr printed In old My mother ooktil up, pushod bac ier a One a z tht mat to hot # Iff"toAt this POInt, thih MrilOn APPOar' ticos in whith th6 brIdW6 dr6as may OU a Via lafs. Sundays In rural districts and are supposed to emanate from ho Sov.
I 461lection," nd, th6 91) t rda a in towns, Sunda
I y weddings
C eetadlom, mild 86,14, "Just think, of it, A t of their 'en ing and going. 00 64 b& too much for her, and, br6ak- havis been credited to Itht akid At e It reft of t 6 st ess to be tent out typ6writ All. Th6 1 wi6 bavo beeft toq6ther fifty- t i AW the ftme of David, the hufr- Ing Off iNuddisaIr, she put her hand exiants me to bt generally num6rolll§ =a, on the othiar hftftd, hita taken huntwilp", and, oWeetefit father- itlas of od-11 e ce, 11 V
.also, the N honorb and t%ll th6 wedding pr . t t orie, wbilie thn number a gyeott fancy to the typeivrittr, And
odfos� that ThowlAf VdAtltig# ievor I nine years I" The twain stood to- liand an father. n that third side to h6r foroboad, MIAIMbig, "I eftl heen orribly mixed. Think of 11,000 ro A I tial ailing pit . 1)
ig�,tbor liko two trom of tho forest thei naffio of thevins, the wifis And go on jiny moro 11, 6 d
ItmAtid, I think thif overy pillar funny. attemPtS tO mar the happineax to, t P140 OD A SAturl ny hri) 'is the owner of a Maebifte With type -
In the Som6r0lo and goundbrook.1with i4tPrIO"Ou brAnones- "" 'fle 1110k. V. Ove W1 L A. lint, 0116
clitirehos katw hualt of death ftnie � down one ant- A140 unellis6llod, 11ow shall *6 marx
unigal, llftt, 'an zerd nd
,rnoon, &nd for the f-Irmt it? With ator of 01hriati A
IM-11APPY titne in g1l ray lifo, on my arrival at ior Godt Not FAtho-r
11,6 took tho pitch of enered Fong on t1tome, I received Au m4torrial greet- and mother would ahftkg thtir heado
Sabbath inorning, and Jo3t It* not Ing, nt, answer of thO lil, to pressur,t if they w(w6,awakiN to read It. Thim
T hrmgh sit th# wt#k. I heard of fh(� and, . Ood qiad takon her, rath6r lot it be: "The morning COM
him ploulghing amid de, thfis 0iorwhelming'sib(ok thm li,at. Ath.11-18a%b Xxf. 10.
of It '%bW #rollndj'� ftryiJig Writ stood confidont, riiiiolting thia *Minling defd& going to atrela ,qua tmtIng thoi ffivin6 ood. Am ho(m Ari 9 A09 hid best his
Jr,410, in the houmb and by tho way, nes,11, ob, AlrA, that *As falth I falth I frien4di im1*0 hift to do batt6r.
od tb6 words 11 I
a0mb orils"o ov6t Ar
iiiql!, and her ioyes
) intlooent pooplib by Idiotic MAY rJoar thboto eArtho 16"I flight, 404 I R 0 111-�VRW bars of gold and frame s6t; with pthrit.
lay I Think of IIAW ShOw1brA To tiatilt-landi of Itte and light;
and 11,000 flights of Al ars I ta otoays our way through mtArry RHOD0 ON MAItUTAG. GRASSHOPI'VItv ]PAGV0.
t of all Junt think of 11,94as 2060111F , Cecil 11hodes, regards marriage as h The suthoritles In Alllii�tbl pt&v,6 #^.
"Ar"n I or. 11� a a 0onotallatoi ronag.r alad Seim somotbinganour hindraneo to tA6 full employmout of W toward fightlitg In
. to attRobod toior WAR 1% DIPT11 OF DESERT SAND, 6an set 6ve-A with M* a rARItIm bumineso When ilatrie-t AA* ctinfdo wisr6 o'niploy.
haps you eould doscribe f hI iorAtariiiis, got marrii4d, nd to eiitrily tho maitotiab for burnirkig
I I That Will do lqUitit I:t ig sap"imil that thA avom4g6 depth by pitying Met V on owa Mo. 14or-
its *4 of hand in th6 des6rtx of Attie& lot rawiii-4rost Rei jbat would N3 d�18610A"sed him. but gave him ovor tboii philem wheris 6ggxPbstd bmn
V, , & tbook for $1AM to a ast-off. dmpoattA& 4 to 40 ro*t. I will do that it 1ea"'" art- from F