HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-01-18, Page 4(100BRtell TOWNSIIIP. in Love ,91...--..,1 WO South Ablaut :grivatzultt,:suirilk.orgtretil:1 Mr. Oeo. Burnett of the veventh cons I __ ...._ „ by one of hie cows. Mr. Abner Johneton of Clinton Sun. The Ooderich Township Soy, Who 14 40%1 on the line. Fighting the Uoers, Descrihee Mr Prank Whitmore had the tole - fortune to get one of hie horeee used His experience. e up in the bush lest week. A. eick eliee Helen Vilee has returned, to _ Work on the breakwater ceased on ,...,_ e borse at this time of the yeer ie a great Mr, loseph Arthur of e the 15th of Dec , 400, We thought Mr. Alex, H, Wileou of eateeleht lose, vA much teaming could be done Dakota, who flourished on Victoria, Montreal. etreet in his boyhood, arrived in town liar. Alex.MeIntosh and. hie dangle. they woull not get 'mach done tide . a in the favorable weather. el , St f S 1 t on Saturday and left en Menday week tare Miss Mamie, have returned to winter. township who went with the tot Canadian Contingent to South Africa. writes to 140 brother and describee his &tie experience as tallow t Camp Belmont, South Africa, December lith, 1800, Well, I have got safe on land once mere. We lauded in ()ape Town on the 20th of November. We bad a. long -trip on water, The trip WAS fine but I woe tired of it. I don't, want another trip like thet again. Well, it is no use 'of me telhog you of our trip on water AO I told it all in the lase letter. We have liadAutte a Utile filhee we landed d here. WO camped in Oape Town for one day, then we moved to De Aar Where we •camped for fOur days. De Aar • DOI miles from the Cape. Then w treed. to Orange Hever which is Mites frero the Cape, Then we moved to Belmont miles further up to stole. it. the country. From there we Marched A sleigh -load of Taylor% ()armee pea - three miles and eanmed for one day, pie drove over to Bethel last FridaY .then eve maraca • back te Beimeet night to take part in the reviyal tiervie where 'we arei camping now. We have, °es there. A very pleasant evening was spent * for Montreal. t eir boroe et or °wan. The following announcement,aniong few days last week with her daughtera W. E. Elliott, ;sided eon of G. Moir Minnie Coate, McDonald others given by Rev. °olio Fletcher, Mrs. .A.lex. Welsb. 1 M. Elliott$.grocor, left last week to take tato% has been epentling Rome time M. A.., Thatnee Road, in Knox church, winner in all eportive engagements, College. Herb. Latelphrey dill continuo the 1 a course in the eihathava Buoinees at her home, but will lettere ehortly foe °on Sunday evening Wee thab the an- Detroitaind tater for Virginia, where nual meetmg of the congregation He heada the list in depriving heipleeo Mieti Birdie Hillier has been epending' her brothere are located in it good. bus- wonin be held . on Wecineeday, 24th 'and bartnletis fowl of the Itte that was i a pleasant hOliday visit at Beileview. .10084. • LW. giVen them. A.round the, walle of his Miss Birdie has been the nest season, Lea week wasa week of prayer, but Mr. 'Icahn M. Proudfoot hav gone kitchen and adjoining stoop may be in Eatotee Millinery° emporium, Tor- the club and sleighieg parties flourish- earth we learn ono business trip. seen the hidee, wings alld horns ot the onto, ed, notwithstanding. While digging the electric light divers unlucky victim taken in the Probabilities promised rain on Tues.. Miss Ginty.. head milliner at Singh posts on Stanley street last week the chase. dote and the 1RM canine Bros. emportuen, is spendiug her holt- froet had only penetrated, the earth to Mr. Fred Laweenco was visrting at Mrs. (Mutant McKay received a dais at her home in fit Thomas. the depth of one inch. While Welt Mr. Oxman Walters lase week. letter from her friend, Mrs. Reiel at 'thirty car loads of grain from sweet people say. the frost penetrated A vicioue runaway (recurred one deT Pietermaritzburg, Natal, and all were Mooer's elevator were shipped on SOW to the depth of /.$ inches, while dig - late week when a fractions! horse at- in good health and peace reigned with deer from the G. T. R. station. ging a connection from Achetemen tached to a certain vehicle took It into them. Mies 1Catie sent Mrs. ISICKay a Mona forget ye county clansmen to block teethe main sewer. its head to run away.. 110 Wee going very handsomely painted Xnuts card anne up on 2,5th hist, to heti:lent B. O. Mrs. "Is.. M. Tocld, we are pleased to at a break -neck speed when a Man ran of ber own artistic skill. The design S. to keel) their right guy willie waebt say,after her long confinement to the . out from an alleY-weev to prevent the waS a rose with a calyx of geoid end a on the evening of 'turns anniVersary house, although noe fixity recovered, le animal's ludo, but he was too slow bud broken off. "A Merry Xmas" was dey.. Dinner. which will he given at the ahle to went out. written in gold. ink also and that was e Britteh Exchange Hotel. The entertainment given in the Tem - specimen of work done in South Africa. Miss Jessie Miller! late trained nut se perance Hail on Friday evening by the How many of our areists I wonder at Woodstock hospital, who returned, junior. Royal Tempters of Temperance would think of letteripg a card in gold, with her mother, Mrs, Rohe, Miliereon - No, 2 wee one of the most unique and Wednesday,. leth inst., is gaining . eheraning tteets ever offered a, Gode. An agent, vi'llo was canvassing the strength raptdly. . rich audience and reflects greab credit town la,90 week for the Japanese Magic Hair Restoree, said she didn't find Mrs. Harnilton, Hest streetand Mrs. upon en who lone their assistance en Colin Oarepbell, Wesb street, left on ' that occasion. The Directress, Mrs. times dull. We only hope everyone Toesdaty at 7 a. Ixt. to attend the Huron Coin 0ampbell, nashed to make at else can say the same. We learn that Mr, 13rydges has PfeabYteriat W.F.M.S. Societe'. Which irmaressinn on theminde of l be .Tuniors opened at 10 a. in. in Carmel Probe-- numbering 100 if not more,' ref bays and the battlefield of Behnont *here ,the indulged In. Every guest en- purchased the leancey estate on East terian chureh, Bewail, irks, and ehe was. well- rewarded. and battle *so knight on the 10th of gaged in them vvith a, zest and gusto street. Mr. Brydges must be a million- §er assistiusts, Mrs Warnock Asses November of which you have heard, fax beyond, their yeare.• Then there Aire. • Mrs. Colin Campbell, District Court - I 9 a met with cillor ItoYal TemPlars Of Tempetaneet tent, and Mr, George. Steware, 1 Thi3re are lots Of dead Boers within was a slight deviation in the ordinary The Rev. Mark Turnbull attended the Huron Dieteect meeting come in for their mead of thanks in live hundred yards of us and. rifles . mode of procedure and a Snort re an experience on Tuesday p. me, Otti which Was 'held in tbe Temherenee drilling them to Marchin time and well hall, Exeter. on 'Wednesday last. Fur- did they perform every part in the long ther particulars next week, dialogues, etc, The musical part of Mr. Edwin Thomas Viles has return- the program was well represented by ed to hie home at Port Huron. • Misses Sodden, Beth Smith, Macloate Miss McKetigue,manager of the girls' en and Mies Tena McColl. The enter - department at the linittieg factory, tainnaent opened with a very interest. returned fertile a pleasant visit to her Mg speech by the chairman, Inspector many friends at Guelph. Tom, who related the achievements of Col. Wolseley, and naany illustrious m 0, An . Souf ntdhaey Tt hh ae m•Re fir .R. oCaoal i na nFal e tRa he evr: persdnages, who eschewed liquor. Re mentioned cases in this county which James Anderson exchanged pulpits. came under bis observation where In the evening Rev. Mr. Fletcher tor& gaunt famine entered what should fmorr.bi Fs iteetxcthePcsalsw °aXn LieViecitgibetinevelsnee have been happy homes, but for the you are upon the threshold of emotional preacber. Ile said now intemperance practi6ed by the heads of those fandlies, Master Allan Teff- ord followed with a poetical andress of haavNe ewan Temaradeandgooddoubretlseosisaiyoonist Welcome. The Tensperance Train cle, verly sung by the little Misses Annie but what has the poetry of your hearts put in rout new song e Is it that your a,nd May Stotidart. Then came Mas - business may prosper or that your sons ter Stanley Warnock with his pretty little Temperance, speeeh, Our clever may win fortune so that you may lean little friend, Miss Olive Smith then upon them in your old age ; or that this growing time may benefit youes it sang very svveetly "Speak to any of these P And what will I put in Me Mairel." . A' recitation followed, thirteen little girls takine part and pree. your new song, will it be the same ? No song will benefit any of you unlese tY they looked . with eleven of them wearing ii. card around her. neck on salvation is put "int() it The Rev. which gold 'Rotten; appeared and alto - gentleman's sermon woes based ueon gether -forming the word Prohibition. the remaining verses which he ' seicl to Mhos Florence Dietrich headed• the follow would be better Amman the Dutch wars ear, the At 'the effertory column and grey° the introductery Mr. Jorden rendered a, fine organ. pert of the recitation in good voice. iss Maggie Sutherland, the pretty eolo immediately folloveed by the el daughtei. of °Wale Dan Sutherland. beautiful sacred solo, "Forget all thy turned her letter P to the audience and sorrows" well rendered by Miss Eva to recieed the praise of Principle. Each Wilkinson. We were very pleased note Rev, Dr. re among the congregif31,.. one in succession recited a verse in hon- or of her letter, Agnes McIvors stood tion looking evonderfully well after t e indisposition of several months. for Righteousnees, Francis' Wiggins, 0 for Overcome,May Coates, 11 for Hap. Mr. Abraham Smith has retrieved piness, •.Eva, Bissett, I for Intemper- his business to' his house on Kingston ance, Annie Stoddart, 13 for Brandy, street near the square. , •Nellie J'amieson. X for Industry and lin. telligenee, Della House, T for Temper- ance, Vesta Howell, e for Inspire, Ted - lion Freest., 0' for Onwaid, Marion Fraser,,N for Nation, , Eleanor Walk- er finisfied the 'lovely recitation with tbe concluding yerses,. dommencing with "And now you see friends, how vire stand." The next thing on the pro- gram wae a pretty duett "Bring home your money to -night" eung pieasingly by the two Temperance pearls, Misees Pearl Tretheway and Pearl Evans. And now we introduce the famous council of the 'ambitious and aepiring town of Squedunk. It was a rare bit of acting on the part Of the boys chosen, which opens with Mr. Teddy. O'etarity represented by our rising -comedian, Master Samuel Bean. Teddie was al. ways on hand withhis observations in- terspersingethe minutes of the council with his Irish wit The Mayor was - and the Secietary Charlie Saunders. The ether members of the Squedunk town counciewere Masters Stewart Murray.. Wilber, Anderson, Chester Bissett, Bert. Robertsou' and Bruce Reid represented by the saloon keeper. At one time. some of the meinbers thoughttt would be well for them all there all to invest in the sal- oon business, as the saloon keeper promised to pay $210 for the license and they thought the town might 'make thousands out of the enterprise. Stewatt Warnock, represented the sal- oon keeper rule right well did he try to lay his claims. .After that Miss Bella klowrie treated us to the Highland Fling and received quite an ovation, Little Bella danced very fp acefully and wore a dress of bright tartan. Miss Mc- Laren, her teacher, presided at the or - gam. The next on the program was a dialogim "When I'm a Mane" in which eight isoys took part, They were Mas- ters Labe, Toin Walker, McGillivray, McKay, Mtn ray, and John Tretheway. Vocal duett. "Don't go out to-nitght, dear father.," well sung by Misses Mab- el Tretheway and Ella Collinson of the Maitland House. Then followed a. re- citation, "Vieanted" by John Trethe- way. and another recitation "Rum and Revenue?' well rendered by Miss Nellie Jamieson whose tones were fine. Then came the great event of the evening, for which everyone was looking. March and dialogue which was intro- duced by a charming dialogue between Columbia, Miss Mabel Tretheway with white blouse waist and shield shaped bodice and white skirt orna- mented with:red and blue ribbon, and John Bull, Mester Allen Tufford, and after much debating Columbia won the clay and ;serenaded Sohn Bull wieh her to give Mother Goose and her Temper. ance family who all came in. to the time of God Save the Qneen. One can- not do justice to the affair witb the pen. n must be seen to be fully ap- preeiated. Each character Wan delin- gated to perfection. Mother Gootre Was represented by Miss Dottie Craig with crimson hat and high pointed crown, Red Riding Rood, Myrtle Cousins, with Tong red cloak, hoed drawn over her head and little basket. Old woman who lives in a ;shoe, Elle Collineon, who with her fair completion, cap, speetadeseknitted cape and carrying a doll baby in long clothes, acted her part well. Goody, Two shoes, Miss Pearl Trethetvay. Mother Hubbard, wearing a, cap with wide frill, Mother H. gown, Anderrnina Sutherland, Ilo-peep and her sheep, were represen. fed by Pearl Evans with -shepherd dress and crook decorated with ribboo. Masters John Tretheway and Stanley, 'Warnock dressed in sheepskin to per. fection. Jack the Giant leiller Bruce Reid with helmee and sword: Blue Beard, Bert Robertson in little beaver hateand 'Wish heard very longdooked comical. Jaek Horner wag repreSen. ted finely by Master Samuel Dean who carried his Temperance pie along in slices. Jack, and Gill, Master, Carl Worsell, cerryinghis large tin pail and Gill, Miss Maggie Sutherland. They were dressed fantastically .and Jack had his heae bandaged. Little Boy Blue, Allan Welker, in light blue suit with white ruffles. Allan looked love. ly. Xing Cole, Jobn Worsen, in pute pie mantle,•trirnmeil with ermine and crown and sceptre. Humpty Dumpty, Chester Bissete, in elowns dress of move , ire times n en ays. y erakeeping us inoviog arooencl. I do not know when we will geeinto a fight, bet WO are not far from where they are figheing. Now we are camping on at the horae of Mte Joseph WhItelY• the township treasurer, evbere' twenty or thirty guests convened, During the earlier part of the night games were lying on the ground all around, but ttoey went let us go near them. I don't knew how long we are going to stay here. We „ cannot tell within a few Imure of what we are going to clo,somes• times *not ten minntes, We do no know what is going on. You will get more news than we will. We are expecting a little squabole here every !„..e.e-,..,7-esdayet You willtear of us some of these daY getting mowed down. There was big fight going on at Modder Slyer or souse place near there yesterday and to.day,hut we have not much news from there yet. It is a fright to. see what troops are there now. Tbere are thoubands of troope all along the line, ghe railway and every bridge is guard- ed eo keep the 13ners from blowing them up and we have ()thee outposts -for ten miles back. I was out one 'night eo an outpost, Five or six of us went together and each carried one hun- dred rounds of cartridges. I carried oneemodred and thtrte with nie. You cannot tell what minute you are going to be shot down. It is not even safe to ride on the train. We lege Oteange . River for Modder t wben we got to Belmont the tra was torn up ep we have to stayjaere. I wish they Would let us 9.4,6 the front and not keep us ru mg around like this. We were dig trenches to -day to get ready ght if the Boers come on us. woo allowed for those who wishe to inst. while drtving. The shoewg of converse in secret behInd the blinds one of the minters of his cutter gave and this breathing spell was lustily out, consequeutly tbe wood followed seized upon by the smallest majority. sett, Mr. Turnbull purcbased a new Then followed a spirited programme cutter the same evening. We wish of songs, repitationsedialogues, mono- him good luck with it, logues and readings interspersed with All our mariners are home for the spicy conundrums interlarded with sear= includirog. the veteran, Captain anecdotes. In some vocal renditions James Parsons, . there was an outburst of commie- Mr. Brown, clerk of Goode's pleat*. dable patriotism and loyalty, The most rnacy, is spending his holidays in Col, pritending feature of the evening was borne with les many. relatives. We a rifle contest in which the most noted miss Mr. Brown's genial countenance. sharp -shooters of the township partici.* Mr, Elliott, late Principal of the Port pated. The competition took place on Albert, Public School, vi as presented the inside laven, A target was accord- with an address and handsome gold ingly hoisted. at the nethermosu end of ring by his pupils before leaving with the lists and it opehed with a brisk bis father for theireiew home in Mani, cannooading erom the Captain of the toba Band, Mr. Joseph Whitely, who had What a lovely moonlight evening lately caused himself to be made the the Clinton Contingent had who drove happy possessor of a miniature Maxim up from.Clinton on Wednesday, 10th repeater, 9 or 10 shots every 10 load- inst„ to patronize tbe skating rink.' The Ingo, for shooting canaries,turkeys and ice was lovely and they all epjoyed the other water fowl. The fells:Ming is a sport. They had a recleerche lunehoion statenient in tabulated form, showing at the Hotel Bedford. theer relative ability : Joseph Whitely, Ott the same evening Mr. James 5.2 ; Walter r Hick, 4.; Wm. A, Ed- Johnston, recent)), returned from wards,4; Chas whitely, ei eeem,Wake. Cleveland, gave his friends a recepthen field, 3 ; Alfred Tebbutt, 3 ; WtneeVhit- for the New Year in the Oddfellovv's ely, I ; Fred Lawrence, .5. Had ' the Ball room which he engaged for the supply of ammunition not been ex- occesion. Music and games were in- hausted, Mr: Whitely would Meet as- dulged in and all went nierrilv until suredly have borne off the trophy with. 'after the wee alma' hour of one o'clock Fred Lawrence close in his wake. Af- next a. mo. Mr. Johnston returned to eep with our clothes pn and our ter the official distribution of the bocety Cleveland on Thursdey. While here rifiesJaeside us to be ready to jump out. the tournament adjourned to meet he was the guest of his parents, Mr.and We do not get much time to sleep. 'We again indefinitely. . Before the party Mrs. Alex. Johnston, Oddfellows' are up at 8 o'clock in the morning and broke up for the night et. hearter vote He is a matiner. go and get into the trenches and of thanks was voted to the tend . and- The euchre parties come thick and stay there till 5.20. That is to watch mistress of the banquet and then.join. fast this season. Lent is coming on the Boers as they move at night and be ieg bands, they pealed forth in jubile prettyfast, too. ready for the morning. So we wait ant and sonorous notes by Auld Menager Reid' of the, skating rink for them. We are having a good time, Lang Syne. manages to .get about three days a . as. we do have a little drill, to do some Mr, James Robinson and family, also week so far. Last season it was every The following interesting and de - days and lots of days we have nothing to do at all. Our grub is the worst. I Mr, Sam Hick and &fluty Sundayed night and ail day skating, hockey scriptive letter was given us to.Ptiblish clo not. know what we would do if tjehieeela,tter's brother, Mr. Walter F. matches and carnivals. be' Mrs.W.Wilson, 5th concession,God- it was not tor what we buy. We buy on the 14th inst. . Last season the Mesical Society gave _ern& tovinship. The letter was written • nearly everything that we eat and it • M's Maude Hale a r sident f God, us a bigbonanza, in the musical and on board S. S. Sardinian a,nd arrived costs us a lot, to live here as everythin.g is so very dear. I would not live in this country if they gave it to me. It is nothing but sand and rocks. We had a frightful sand storm at *Orange River. You could not see two feet ehead of you and then it started to rain and we had no tents up and our kits were in a frigheful mess. We had a terrible thunder storm here last niglit. It was the worst I ever saw. I theught I was going to see a fine • ... country out here but it is a fright. It is hot in the day time and cold at night.' Lots of nights we shiver in our tents. I was nearly frozen the nigbt I. was out - . guard. We see plenty of ostriches outhere but they are tame ones. • VARNA. Mr. F. Keys, our nopular framer, has secured a number of contracts for next season whicb will be a busy one for him, Amonle those for whom he will build are : barn for Thomas Elliott of Goderich township, 50 x 80 feet ; barn for Samuel Rathwell of same town. Orli"' ship, 86 x BO feet ; barn tor John Keys of Blake, 86 x 76 feet ; barn for William Wiley of Stanley, 88 x feet. Mr. B. A. Higgins, our popular her- ' ness maker, has again engaged Mr. Jos. Cook. Ben knows when he has a good man. We are glad to see you back again Joe. e, Miss L. 'Whiteman of Kippen has started a music class in Varna. • Mr, Veilliam McNaughton an dclaugh- ter of „ilanitoba are visiting at Mr. Thomas Wiley's. . Mr. William McCauley of Dakota is visiting hissister. Mrs. Charles Logan. The Varna Social Olub held a very successful oyster supper in the Tem- perance hall on Tuesday evening. A good time is reported. The members and adherents of the Presbyterian church intend holding a serial at the Manse on Thursdey even- ing. Muck enjoyment is expected. Admission 15 cents. • Mrs: Jones ot Leadbury is visibing her daughter; Mrs. P. Murray, BAYPIELD LINE. The annual district meeting of the Orangemen of thisDistriet was held in the lodge belonging to L. O. L. No. 800, Tuesday, San. Oth, when the officers for the ensuing year were elected and Other business transacted. Mr, John Steware had a bee last Sat. urday hauling sand for his barn. Turkey thieves are again rife amongst us. Our Line had up to a shore time ago been free from sach characters, " but one evening one oe our neighbors in the person of Mr. Alex. Welsh had the misfortune tolose two line birds, Oh° a turkey gobbler, the other a tut key hen, . the former of which. was tie comnson bird, Mr, Welsh having bought it in the fall for a- good. figure. At tisia time of year the loss is doubly heavy air such animals are hard to pro- cure, The patties implicated will find to their sorrove that they left too many traces behind them for their escape. Nothing short of tWo or three months' hard label, in gaol will apparently stop this stealing prectice. There is some eonjeeturing as to the date of the entertainment in S S. No, 10. 14r. infOritS us that the date is Mit *let and depends entirely on the kind of Weather ds only fair -weather permits the necessary prac- tising. Watch and listen for the date later on erich, but lately of Guelph, was last literaryline, but this • yeer things are Week visiting her friends, Misses An- - quiet so far. nie and Jane Le,nephrey of Zion. She Mr. Edvvard O'Rorke is q,uite hitnself is a highly accomplished young•lacly, again and has returned to bis position being skilled in nearly all the branches with Mr. Ben Saults at the Union of science and arts. In music especi- Hotel. idly she is well grounded, having been A well known and literary gentle - drilled in the rudiments from a• child, marl of this town while calling on a and for which due honor must be ren- lady. found no one at home and not elered to her Professors in tbe Conser- haverig a card de visite with him he vatory of Music. Such a talented in- took a blank card. and peeforated his dividual is always in demand and re. name upon it Very few persons quests for her services come thick and would have filled the emergency so fast, She was on hand et choir prim- cleverly, - ace and a couple of nights later went Miss Bieset, daughter of Mr. George over to Bethel to assist in the musical Bissett la a. trained nurse in the ()out- put of the program. Some time before wall Hospital. . this she• had another engagement, but The British Whig's Carrier BoY'S was not able to keep it. Pictorial and. Poetical Calendar is to a hand for which we thank the editor, On the evening of Tuesday hist a, It is a credit to the 'Whig's 60th antis crowd of young people embarked in versary. sleigh to go to Barlocir for a little ride: fa•arrow, neother of Hon. d, T. The rain dampened the spirits of the Garrow, died on Friday at the home., party a little,but there was stilt enough stead near Beaforth at the advanced and to spare. The evening was spent age of 84 years. She was one of the at, Mr. and Mrs Jenkins, where all had pioneers and much respected and es a very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. teemed. There was a very large Jenkinaresided in Tipperary in Auld attendance at the funeral. Lang Syne, and were pleased to 'see so Mr. U. E. tenths of Goderichehas many Tips. call on them. We are go- pprchased the confectionary' parlors of ing again, next time we need rain. airs. O'Boyle and has added a full line The township council is advertising of cigars and tobacco tO his stock. The in Tax NEws-Rxdonn for its annual cigars that, be handles are none but supply of cedar and rock elm. the best, home and fcreige articles. Mr. joseph McCIubley of the 4th con - also has bulk oysters in season. cession has been appointed a Justice of lie Call and take a look through •his shop the Peace. He does not settee the of- in the Jubilee block, Queen area. - lice very highly and heeitated about Algoma Pioneer. peying the $1.50 necessary to take out When judge Johnston and faraily his papers and was only persuaded into locked up his tainsion and departed to doing so by the fact that each J. 1'. re- spend Christmas at Clamp D'Ors it was ceiveti the Statutes free. in peefect safety But when they re - Mrs, Henre Kerr of Thornbury, who . turned home it was to discover theta had spent a month under the parental bold marauder had defied locks atid roof, Mr. C. J. Nesbitt's of the llith eonceesion. left on Tuesday last for bolts and made havoc withlhe heating apparatus. The train wag very late home via Owen Sound. that night but there was a bustling for Mr. Tames Connolly was in Strittfoed stoves with which to expel Xing Frost, on Tuesday, • Mr. Cecil Oke of Minneapolis apent Mr. and eIrs. H. Tichbourne of Gods his vacation visiting relatives and erich were guests at, Mr. A. Oetrones friends in Exeter and Goderich. While last week . in town Mr. Oke Wa9 the geest of Mr. The township council met ote lam and Mra. Parsons of the Fair. fel per statute, when the councillors We saw our miltionaire, George made the necestary declaration and Achesme, working away with his men property qualification. A by-law of trying to gee the sewer covered in township officers salaries was passed. which has been made to connect his oleo bydaw appointing the various buildings with the main sewer. Mr. pathmatiters, fence viewers and pound see„ • Acheaon can work -with his hands as keepers. Moved. by .las Johnston, °tided by I. C. Woods that the tollows well as with his brain. miss Meta 'Elliott's mother, who re - Ing eccoutits ipaid, viz. •. j. Galb post ' sides( on Quebec street, has so far been office box, $1 ; A.. McD Allan 2 locks, re -instated in health that she came 50c ; Hospital for Sick Children, $5 ;* se . conies ueo town to attend to her shop - H. Hastings' repairing eul vert, Noble Lovetb statute labor refunded,$4 pha EsterrwyasAirimi fsotrrosne:rialtwe eoerkst.he J. Weston cedar end fencing hill, $21 * telegraph and exieress line here is now Jae. Bell cedar and repairing culvert' the C. P. Be agent at Woodbayet Mani - $11 ; J.Weston repairing road, $1.50 • a, new peace where they are about IL Elford shovelling gravel, $1 ; J. 0: tA)1)11* building a station. Elliott gravel, $23,60 ;Municipal World je Fraser of Clinton. A number of relatives and $5 ; Baker gravel, $3.76 e friends from Clinton attended the gravel, $2.40 Canada Co.grave1,03.90 ; funeral which was private. The floral T. Cronyn grayel, $18; .T. Halliday tributes were beauefful and rere. The grovel. $2.88 ; J. Halstead ditch on grave Wee lined with evergreens, The hill, $1 ; Collector postage and station. deceased was engaged to a well-known am Se ; Treaenrer postage, stationaq, young business man of Clinton. financial report$5.50, Moved by John Mr. James McMath, Ease street, Middleton seconded by 0. W.Williems mate and five was at London last week in the duty of thatpetition of Thos, otber0 be accepted and that this coati. hie Prdeseibe • Tne Collegiate Board of Trustees for cil grant their request as regards the the year 1900 are jordan,chairman ferming of a 'Union achool section bet- Dr. Taylor, .1)r. J.R, Shannon, judge ween Hullett and Goderich townships. Doyle, Sheriff Reynolds, Rev, Dr. Ure, LeWis A. Anderson was eppointed col- Jas. Sheppard end John Acheson. Dr. lector for 1900, John Thompson asses- Holmes Is Secy.-Treas. The presene sor for the year and X. R. Istolnaes and staff of the Collegiate is H. I. Strang, George Holland, auditors. Adamened B. A., Principal; A, J. Moore13. to meet on the second Monday in Feb- tovvn for Xmas, but some other person by the name of Wilson had opened it Isy mistake. The envelope and notepaper had been furnished the Canadian Contingeot and have the maple leaf stamped upon them, etched in brown.' Brown is a sere color, the leaf should have been etched in green. On Board S. S. Sardinian, .26th Nov. 1899. Dear Brother, -I take the ,pleasure of writingyou a few lines to let you *now that I am well, trusting that you ate all enjoying good health. I guess, Will, I'll tell you about our tripes We left Quebec,at 5 o clock, p.m. We had a grand escort there and we were two daye ba the River St, Lawrende. It was fine until we got out into the ocean where it was a little rough and made the boys turn sick. It was a fright to see some of them, one would think they were going to die. It was raining all day and cold. The old ship did tack around and first one side would dio into the water and then the other and we were all wet to the skin. I was a little dizzy 'but not sett Erick and never raissee a meal, That is what mighty few of them can say. I do not think there_ were neore than, 50 that were not sick in our Company'. You can just imagine what a sight present. ee itself to aty one looking. on. We lost ode poor fellow and had to reive him a watery grave on the 8rd Nov. He was the first to go and many of them wished they were safely back home. They have not the good time they thoughb they were going to have. I think tlie3r go.vens tbe worst boat the Anita Line had. She was an old cattle bora. We are crowded in like. cattle. Thereis no accommodation. The food is rrretty bard but we might get worse before vee get back and there's no use finding fault with it for they would not. do anything to make it better. We get bread, butter and coffee for breakfast, for dinner we get potatoes, meat and skilley and for supper we get bread and tea and some. times a. laths jam, but mighty little. That is what am living on now but I am growing fat upon it. We get lots of tobacco to use. Well our trip la getting short. We have been on the water 22 days to -day. . We. only saw land once since we lore Quebec and that Was Cape Verde Islands on Sunday, 12tir December. xt was a lovely sight to see. We have sighted a few Alps on our voyage. We stopped once and gave our mail. It wes going to Eng- land from Cape Town. It left there 2 days after we left Quebec so we did not ;ea any more news of the War than we knew. We have been all thinking how itis coming on. We crossed the equator on the 17th of November at 11.85 a. m, It was not very warm and not nearly eo warm as I thought it would he 'We are having fine weather. We couiadispense with oar underwear and run around in our bare feet with sleeves rolled up. We sleeb on deck with a blanket over us. There is five hours difference in the time here, I have Canada time and am keepiug it bill we get to South Africa to see bow much difference there is in it. OM' water is ;getting pretty scarce, they have guards over it. . I was guard on Sunday a,nd ran one fellow in for wasting a cupful. He gob three daes. They are very strict with us, We have gob to Me condensed water to wash in and it is a fright, you cannot get the dust out. They run us around ruary,--oNexon.Sturdy, Clerk. . ran and the deck in the morning for about The Confirmation classes in annum, Miee 11°14118Th The late W. W. Ogilvie, who died on us foe a bath, - fifteen minutes and then turn the hose It le jusb fine, you tion with the Holmesville parish are to be held as follows t Holmesville on auddenly at Montreal hut -week, was will see the boye all over the ship run - Sunday at 2,80 p. M., ; Surninerhill on the owner of the big mill here. rang around. We are' up at five Mr. P. Cole is hastening prepar- Sunday at 5.30 p. m. and Mi ddetoree ar ton an a force are building o clock in the morning to get our bath, atone for the erection of his learn, Re on Friday at 7 p. m. All are cordielly thiye tegs at the harbor. One is for They.swale the deek off every morning. has already most of his timbet out. invited to attend these classes and are Llierivvinnipes and one for White There are men at, night to watch. they ait'b V have to do that. We are nob allowed Messrs, Stewart, fie Rathwell, J. requeeted to be presene promptly at e I erta vans of ancouver is Switzer and T. Elliott are also prepars the time stated: to expeetorate ripbn the decks and ing for theie raisinge. This indicates a Mr. .Adam CanteIon of the Oth con. spending the season at herhotrie,Albert have home to smOke in and hours to and hie sister, Mrs. Wm Cook of tinti street.. We I arn that she and Mho; proeperoint Line, does le not P e d , drill. We drill four times a days and , Preterit will snen some if Some of the yOhllg, folke On the Line 14th, spent a few days visiting frienus - . , . - - -- --me M It its hard for us to keep Ofw gone from attended the O. O. .F. ball in Bayfleld inmErx.eateeroragnedELoannidoristospretlitniptia d. and the trio of mallow s stunt() with 1111On Grate Polly rusting also out bayonete, the damp- eleeer and handeorne neas of 'the gait wetter causes it. We last Feiday night, - oung ladies will go out to IratIOOtIVer will bo lod when sve et on land fo * i tett ald te d t r Mr. and es, . n the sprinie, - We wish them success ton tire of looking on the water. I black and red, Then lad's, the child - flying trip to Iteranillerbist week, . etc j. W. Cook of Lucknow ie Visit- fo the photEgraphie art. e. never Want to make so long a trip tie ren of the Old Woman, who lived in A bad actident, which might have ing Mende in the townsbip. We un. I resulted fatally, oeeuteea heat Friday' derstand he Will take up houeekeeping On r richly evening hut our citizene this again, 7030 miles on water. I think a Ace, Misses Olive Smith, Dell Role evening to eite Nehion yeo of the Lbw on the niece known sto tho ShaW farm Were etartlece by the time of the death we are averaging 147 mike & day. We ertson, May Stoddart Pearl Mem. of Mies Jessie Oliver at her reeidenee, have a head wind all the way but the way, Maude Bleeette Bella Howie and While leading seve logs in the hush a on the Oh con, loa elipbed off the sleigh,to the side on Mrs. George'Conneleste, after spena. Elgin avenue. Miss Oliver was well tie& has been fine. / never thought Lizzie Muir, ail dressed in their white ever& ute yee, wag, jammingehlineehe- Mg& Week Id* frteffd° on theOth eon., enough before Xmas to go to the that Woo& gob so calm. To beano°. night dresses, each earrving & doll. tweet a stump rind the icip. NZ X eo is ha* hi no* in Chinton and intends station to meet her Meter, Nees °neer, tan taut it was never calm, I would The entertainnient which muse be Fe - Medved seeeral injuries lint We are going on &visit to friends in the vicine Vail 04.1 Tire* from d New York hoe. like to tee it ragin just to eee *would peated before the winter is over, Wag p , al n s' short time fell fit, Whieh it lookta like. Weeit doee teem funny brought to a, close by all +singing teed ft:darer atanlitutrkleabasthtehYeefl'rneeillg°111 °Ilfa.V8e° "A/ °rf. Ettotchkerar'ehall lute sOld Ideate& befrled all tne.dicat Alit. MiOd Oliver to see us working and the oid tub atilt Save the Queen. At 5.30 a luncheon been, three/00.01d mare tOlidr. A.Cantelon was a. vrry Rleasant yetinghttlY, bright running. You would think it, wan wets eerved the member/4 to which and, ten y 0 rietian, and will be deeply stetriding Atilt when you never see land. your corresnondent was invited. They The reeletents Of the Line extend to of rockersinith at a fair peete. - Mr. and Mo. IL Itiltelline their best Mous. Redmond and Marshell from regretted h,7 ell who knew her• ThO W. ell ,T glierei I WIlideleW my letter to a were served with coffee, salmon sand - wishes and hmitiesh eeeeeretulatione. gt, Joiseph were visiting friends In the funerel twit Prate from her 'ate reels envie DV oaYing Rood DYri one0 More. wiches reed breed and butter with an g g &nee Monday. Ilav, Mr, &aware or Wishing a Happy and Merry 'Ohriat- kintle of jelly eake. Misses- Wiggins n Their arrival on the Line baS filled oe township this week. i the eeeseme, calmed ey the rerneereel of Aseeeetir Thonineen Will etert Oneida tenni on ofneletell et honee end Reeve, mem arid a naPPY NeweYear. r hope i .,,,d. m,iv„,...teachors of st, Davitv$ 0 *here dull gen. The pail haerers wets Mayor iyaoreri 111110h:it% IfraotnM ri:taawaauyagotinfborogniettinia zvvoarrkderese.hbotiosliattetsidmnikontayblge.ierzettracitedice eat. Hearne eve wish fete and AIN, ' rotends thief. week,beginningat the west twisted at the hour* by Rev. Dwr. Retehlint the beet a pro/verity' upon side 'Of the teweehiP wiliftot tho novo botoro 'to tom hors, i oo ,mutors, wit how tuottaatouts,1 MI . Notions ikod loto got to tuft. . of town aial Mow* ' Tits renialers of Oalin, third son ot McPhail, arrived hers on Tuesday, Oth luetetrolie Cleveland and woke ba- wl to him late bonito. Elgin street. His tether had been telegraphed for and left for Cleveland tm idatUrday, Oth ineteoialy taloa that death was hover- ing o'er his beloved son when he reached. hie bedoide on Sunday, A. m, I Hie death was due to pneumonne The eympathy of all ie with hie parents. The deemed we* only 23 yore old and wav firthermeti. The funeral took place on Wedneeday trona the family residenceand wail largely attentled, ail the marinere being proeut. Reve JO, Andereon officiated, at house and grave. The pall -bearers, who were all outrun, were, Capt. Robinson, and Mews. W. McCarthy, A. flelaean, P. MeDonald. Allem McAuley, anti At. McLeod. Rev..Donald Meaillivray, late alio- tottery at Bonen. hae been ratio(' to higher sphere, and hi now stationed at Shanghai. We truot much knowledge will lee given him front on high. - A. great deal le seed about the denial- eations made by the bovine race in oue gardens, etc., but they do not break windows, vehittle new fencee anti climb the orchard tree% Miss Bella Wilson left for Stratford on Monday after a pleasant visit with her aunt, Mra. J. C. Herrisoo, Elwin avenue, Miss Bella will finish her vie - it In Stratford with her sister before returning to their home ae Wyonas mg. Invernees Camp, No. 54, met on Fri- day eyening in the Orldfellows! Hall. The committee on Burns' anniversary dinner on the 25th inst. preeented report of the arrengements made, which promises a very enjoyable and successful gathering. At their meeting on Monday, Oth inst., Maple Leaf Lodge, A.O.V. Weby a most enthusiastic vote donated $10 to the National Patriotic Fund, for the benefit of our ()enaction yolunteers in South Afriea. F. j. T. NafteleInsurance agent, has removed to Hamilton street westeear tbe square, Proudfoot and Hays hav- ing his office on North street thrown into theirs. Capt. W, Clark and Secretary D. elystap were the °Meets eleeted for the Hockey Club of e9Q0. So far the uvorneriartotiveritihoauss,been. for the most part The officers of the 'Horticultural SOc- lety for 1900 are as follows :- Thomas, Naftel, President; Jas, Stewart, Vice President Was. Lime, Sec .-Treas ; Messrs. *smock, Marshall, Wellst• Clemphell, Allen, Galt and Bingham, Directors ; Sheriff Reynolds and S. P. Halls, Auditors. • We were very sorry that the Clinton. - hockeyists on Monday did tot bring King Frost alcing with them or send hire ahead. As it was Goderich won by' 5 geluoaviesrtr too2r. Griffin 'of the gaol is we think the first governor who ever at the castle kept'', horse anaequipPage and well the ;governor knows how to hold the rein. ' • On Monday evening, North street Methodist church lecture room was the scene of much social enjoyment. The congregation chose that, evening on which to tender Iler. and Mrs. James Wilkinson and family a farewell re- ception preparatory to their leaving Cenada to become citizens of the United States where their sons aro en- gaged in business in the flourishing city of Minneapolis. After an hour's social chat in the leceure room, where many introductions were given those assembled were servea with coffee good 'and. hot, lovely cake, fritters, bread and butter, etc. Mr. John Ache- son was called° to the chair which he filled with entire, satisfaction. His speech was one of getruine admiration for elr.anel Mrs, Wilkinson and fitmily, having known them trom their court- ing days. Then Mr. Wilkinson was called to the platfortn and an address couched in warm terms Of appreci- awe joinsovenas read to him by Rev. -Jasper 'Mr. Robert McKenzie was then call- ed uppn and made a very suitable and pleasing speech and preseneed' Mr. Wilkinson with en euvelope in which the good wishes of the congregation in the shape of good Dominion notes were sealed, which would permit Mr. Wilkinsen to buy some souvenir and eseape ' the Customs. Mr. Wilkinson thanked the congregation for paying hire and family such a flattering tri- bute, and esvecialle for then not for- getting their old friends. Mr, D. Me- Gillicuddy and • others made appropri- ate speeches. Then Rev, Jasper 'Wil- son called upon his clever daughter, who recited with much spirit, "You Get Up," which was highle appreciated by the audience. Miss Laura Bridges gave her famous recitation, "Caleb's Courtship," vvith all possible native humor, The 'closing hymn was "1 Hope to Meet You all in Glory," when all said their good-byes to the guests of the evening and to each other. At the residenee of Mrs, Thos. Mc- Kenzie a, farewell reeeption wits given Misa Eva Wilkinson at, 9 P, m. by Knox church choir, that lady being a valued member of the choir. Her contralto voice will be much missed as a soloist. The director, Mr. Henri K. Jordan, kindly gave some fine piano selections, alit() Miss Campaigne. 'Vocal eelections Were given by Miss Cam- paigne and Messrs. Belcher and Thomp- son. A very tributary addiress froru the choir was read by Mr, Belcher, a nd a purse with a number of gold pieces were also presented to Miss Eva by him. in the name of tha cboir. Games' were also indulged in and an oyster the reception, temper with refreshments finished up At North street Methodist church off Sunday evening at the offertoire Miss Eva Acheson and Mr. Harry Johnson sang very appropriately the sacred duett, "The Ninety and Nine," . , e , ...ee iffie400011111•00#00 Lots I NVINT R Odd of i , . •••••••••••• • _. . • • . . CLINTON MARKET REPORTS edorreated Ovary Wednesday afternoon) Wheat 0 62 to 0 63 Goose Wheat 0 62 to 0 03 Barley 0 85 to 0 80 Oats 0 25 to 0 25 ...... .. 0 52 to '0 55 Rye 0 40 to e Potatoes per bushel... 0 00 to 0 25 Butter loose in crock ..„. 0 16 to 0 17 Butter in tub........... 0 15 to 0 16 geggs per doz 0 14 to 0 15 Hay ... 8 00 to 7 50 Dried apples teer‘lb... 0 05 to 0 05 Evaporator A.pplee peicwb 0 40 to 0 41 Wool . ........ 0 12 to 0 18 Live Hogs per 00 to 4 00 Pork per cwt 5 00 to 6 00 Flour per eft . 1 75 to 2 00 Bran per ton 18 00 to 18 00 Shorts per ton , 16 00 to 16. 00 A STRANGE EPITAPH IMPERIAL EMULSION • Found on a gra.vestone in a village churchyard in Sussex, England, ereads t-elt was a cough as ee,rried her off it was a coffin they car- ried her off in." Now had the vir- tues of our Emulsion of Cod 'Liver Oil been known and the prepara- tion used in this ease, that epitaph might never have been written. it is well known thae Cod Liver 011 is unequalled in the treatmene °tall affections of the throat and lunge, and CotribeesEtnulition is a , preparation of Cod Liver Oil in its palateatele and agreeable form, w- ily takert by the trioat delicate pete tons. It contains a larger fercente age of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil than mentor the largely adver. tieed prepareitione. Large bottlee 85 etc * Mann net 130 . OoMBE Chemist mid Drtiggimt. / i ,.. ..".:.' . , ..ittaiiii.,.,_ . -7 • " Cost -0,;f, -Less • rlintIrtittlIMIMIVIttitrIttiff It! prmittmttntrimmtntrrntr • TE have brought forward many desir- VV able things for winter wear that it would pay you to b".3.7 3.10Vir while prices are on.the clown. gra,de. We don't weal; to carry winter goods over so have marked prices 0 low that it would be well to oome at once to secure some of the bargaiAls. A Chance in Flannels 100 yat ds of Finny Flannel, stripes and cheeke, full 27 inebes wide. good seryiceable colors far melee fine shirts, regular value 40c, to 0 01 Q UC clear et • 4 • I • • 1 end only of Grey Flanneebeet Oampbeliford. make, warranted ell wool 0 A and very line quality, good value at 350, to clear at ..... 1.,°•t6 / end only of Red and Black °bricked Factory.Flanneesuitable for men's I II working shirts, extre heavy quality, special value 2000; to clear at, . 00 Grey Vienne), in twill and.plain. extra heavy quality, 25 inches wide, 0 :et.e warrateteerl not to shrink in wash, special to clear , „ ,..... 4 A. Tweed Special 2 pieces only, about 75 yarde, of extraleavy Tweed, just the thing for boy's wear. small patterns, regular value 3 Oet to clear ....... 12%c WrapPerette for 6%c. . 6 pieces only of Fancy Wrapperette, in large and small designs, extra, heavy quality. if bought in regular way would be Mere to clear at 2,0e Wrapperette for 12%o. Piece only of Fancy Wrapperette,: mixed colors of red, blae, and vehite, very heavy quality, just the thing for 'wrappers and dreising jackets, regular value R00, to clear at.- ....... . . 19e 6 $1,50 Mantle Cloth for 98c. 2 pieces only of exera beavy Curl Cloth, in black and navy,52 inahes wide, n c suitable' for orrats or capes, regular 431.50, to clear -at" ; .......,. U $1•• 39, Dressing Jackets for 59c. . .. Ladies' Dressing Jecketeenacle of good:quality wool Eiderdownan green, • pink and cream, uicely trimmed with silk ribbon, regular *1.** CO . u u e quality, to clear at , $1.00 Eiderdown for 50c. 1 end only of 50 inch wide tidertlown, in pink only, warranteed not to , shrink in wash, good value atour regular price *0.00 per yard. to 6 clear at. ......... ..... .,„ 15c arid 18c Saxony Yarns at. 10C. , Saeony Yarns, it -realm. of blue; kit, gree and broetn, yeky fine quality; I just 60 bunches.left, regular 15c and 18c,t6 clear at pee bunch s I :U- . 40c 501c 60c and *1 Hoods for.25c. Children's Hoods, =Idea wool and. silk and wool mixtures, nicely trim. n c med and lined, regular prices were 40c, 50c, 60c and $1, to. clear at, , LUC Children's Wool Gaiters at less than half prrce,.12%c. • children's Wool Gaiters, made of the•finest quality yarns, in colors of red, navy and white, else blaek, to clear at less thao half price 1 L.zy • Me above SPECIALS wilt be readu for uou at 8 Volook FillORY 111013NIN8 ••••••••••••••••••e••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••": , 1 $7.00 to $9.00 . 2,1q • • : Jackets for w s'.1. ; • 6 . • 12 only Ladies' jackets made of k hie Kersey Cloth and Frieze, • • • well made, some lined with mercerized. sateen, others un- 2 • • • §0, to clear at .. a 0 lined, meads in the very tritest styles, regular value $7 to . $6 38 z . . ..••••smss•ss•••••••.•••ss•••••••••••••••••••:••••..• FOUR MONET RACK IV WWI WANT IT 1 GREAT RUSH ,,F" FOOTWEAR AT WM. TAYLOR & SON'S GOOD VALUES are the secret of it all. Our method of doing business is to buy the best, sell the best and re commend only reliable goods. It is this method that has brought to our store a permanent and desirable patronage. - QUALITY and MCI' are two of the most important points to consider when buying BOOTS and SIIOES. We make them our speeialty. It will pa3r you to. givce us a call and see the bargains we are offering in all kinds of seasonable Footwear, We are in touch with the best Wholesale houses We buy and sell for Cash. gtIVIEMBRIti, we will not be undersold. We are after your patronage, and the indueement we offer is good, reliable goods at very close prices for Cash. WIVI. TAYLOR & SON. WE BUY AND SELL look CASK. lettallIANCe OFFICE DIOVED To THE STORE OP 144110.111.711, An01117.6BEI ,OROZA‘ eretlet la hereby even mire:rant, to' Chapter 129, R. 8. 0.0.407, that persona haviniteraims arralnettho estate of element nrownice, late or Clinton. widow, deceased, who died, Aurii .2ith.1809. are required. to sand ro post Or de)11- 17tt to the eundereieenea solicitors tor ifeetor tkott, tt3lettitujiinoetteet(nirnisn:slier tmermmtn;tvvid. isfitentntaittitiluclioirs tnut,:rirtithrhior tde).cretilliteeltio.tti. matsucete dose, nnhfr:tti:n.ttr:enimtrXr:eri th6netb:sitrrsAitattotytnirio0(;:f tetiltisott erftwat6trotriti: tet:orilladle.dx:inriestitenotrovtrihtielfLitAimgines;i:oduabort:ellfitwthhhel;tlethaitithate6hdroce:., '101114b;vikfit.010,, Doi Ititeee TrrOMPRO14'. Wore. AA% Vogel phospludiur ' Vie &eat Naptiot Pem4,40 Sold mid retoramended by a . druggists ill (Mac Only lilt nb16 medicine dideoverea. latztt truttottritettl to cOtti au tonne o /texas „Weisitheed,611 effects of tbuee exceire, Btutst Worry, Extesetve use ot To. beoeo, Opium or,iltimtdatits, off innelpi of pilot, ono tooted* SI, six, $5, due filia ZOO* 40 teat cure. -Fsmptilots tree eity Tho Wood WincinOrs OAS. Weeder Phosphoiline Iti sold fit Milton by attigity .mokilegy drueulat. . , FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STOOL There winehe kept at lot SI, co.& Hallett, forth° improvement of dim fum.4,... boor, Term erith 94•4•-;