HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-01-18, Page 1.•
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21st Year
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Whole Number 11
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Meeeeketettilteeeeeeilleifill~eeeeeetetelt.4010eetee0S} 44 Accident. ' PlIleglato Institute Doattl. thillectloa thstufaY. the Nailer Dead. HAYFIELD. HANFIBL.D.
Butterick Patterns
Are absolutely reliable, and have an exesueisce of do.
tail that has never been approached.
They are used extensively all over the world and
dressmakers everywhere acknowledge their superior-
ity over other patterns.
Therecent precluctions can be porchased
Twenty.five to
Forty Per C'ent. Che per
3 • n
than those of earlier isssue—Bc, 10c 10e, 20c and
• 20c according as the styles range fr'ons sitter simpli-
city to extreme ela,borations,
The PAttern Check in
The DefineRtor
Mrs. McLeod' of Huron street fell The regular monthly meeting of the Boy. Alex. Stewart announced last
Isaac Morley, who was for many
, in front of Willis Church while re- • - Collegiate Institute Board was held on Sunday that the . anniversary services year's a resident of Clinton and for the
.$ turning home • from Sunday &drool Monday 'evening. The Board at pres.. in • connection with Willis Chore's., ' past two or three in the employ a mv.
tt last Sunday afternoon and ustained a mit consists of ; Appointed by County would be held on Feb. 4th. Past an- Virilliatn Jackson, died on Thursday
cu fracture of the hip.bone. It is oboist Council—S. Ranaford,H, Plumsteel, 1, utverearys have been big, collection • last. A couple of relatives came up
a year ago since she had her wrist Scott. The latter's term ie now ex. • Stindays at Willis and the 4th is ex: train Woodstock and ha& the remains
broken by a fall while on her wayplying and a successor will be appoint. pected to be a repetition, if not eonveYed to that city for interment.
from the same S. S. . ed at the meeting of the Council next "the biggest yet. . The deceased was seventy.nine years
The annual meeting of the Clinton Foster, W. Jarkson, D. .A.. Forrester Mr. Robert Donald has gone Into a The lihnhhte4lehe'
of age.. Saturday,
co/dm BortIcalturaf Society Week, Appointed by the town -11, 440,,, inalistr.,,.
week at which the following officer O. 0troper, The chairrnanand were- . e:tli rp.11N.etethhee(siotu,,• _a. _KnoxCo.liege. st.ud..
were elected z • .• . , tory were instru'eted to prtpare the
. age pipes of Cement, from teu Inches .
mg career. He makes drain and sew, raibe of ratepayers at Monday night's
nomination meeting' as ors New Year's ' two aide and impressive
Horticultural Society was held lest Appointed by Public School •Board.-- business, that•ought to have a flourish: • There- was about as large an attend.
up to trier feet In diameter Wriest--
. night when nominations were received Sal:bath.
sermons in $t, Andrew's waren lasS
Mr, and Mrs G.W.Holliurn anti Mre.
gives you -the privilege of buying four of the leading .
patterns of the month at HALE PRICE.
If you are a, pattern buyer it will therefore pay you t
to invest in the Delineator before making your pat- 2
tern purchases. • .
, •
The DELINEA.TOR is *I-00 a'year or 110c a copy. 14
. si
February No. now on sale (
Iso February. PAtterns.
ooksellers and StAtioners, Clinton, anito
GsleileGeeeeeresieNeefeWCSO•WeeSSEiree a•eSsieFseeseQr4eThSeGaSSesseESCe.:ESeS
Have You
Seen ()lir
Far ncy Chin< -4
was never more complete than
it is at present. People tell us
that we have the nicqst line of
Fancy China in -town,. If you'
are needing anything in that
line come in and see some of
- 6 O'lloak Tea Sets
Berry Sets
Bread and Butter Plates
Salad •Bowls
Otips and Saucers
Of. satisfactory Wateb Be-
p'airing is exemplified by me.
•I arn an expert Watch•re-
parer, can repair all kinds.
of Watches and Clocks. I
know how to do it properly.
You don't have to take it to
any one else when I get
through svith it, because I do
it right, do it, promptly, and
, charge you reasonably.
Fourteen yEars' experience
• enables me to guarantee a
perfect job,
Am 1 to do your NEXT
Repair Work?
Jeweler, Expert Wath Re-
pairer and Opticie,n.
qakt?"-Ile5*Sto tegtel-
We have a nice line' of Odd'
Pisces with Scotch mottos. In ..
fact we have nea,rly everything
in the Fancy China line.
.New Raisins, Currants, Peels
Shelled Almonds" and Walnuts
Figs' and Dates
• the year. Being well shod is
a preventative, even the doe
.tory say. Our stock was
manufactured by the best
makers, there is none better
Extra rine Mixed Oandy •• sand the prices are right. OEM
ry and
rm Peet
By .keeping the feet dry and
warm you guard against colds
and sickness at this season of
Everything that is *anted '
• for your Cake. '
15c, 20c, 25c, 30c and 35c perdozen.
New Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Walnuts
• • n-4.
• Jowett Bros, aro having a brisk
son at their HaW mill and in rulditimas,..
to the large number of custom lost.'
which they • are handling and many' -
smaller purchases they are making
they have bought $210 svorth of tim•
her from Charles Cook, $800 weals • ." '
front Thos. Harrison, and $300' worth
from John Stewart. Their total P4r• .
chases will amount in the aggregate to
quite a large sum.
We are sorry to learathat the little
dat.egkter of Me. W. J. Stinson of the
saiii;ia Line has seine trouble with her • • '
. •
Miss Simpson and her niece, Miss
Mamie MeDougall,have again returned
to town after several weeks absence.
Mr. John Baird of not Portage and
Mr. William 13aird, teacher of 13ruce•
fleld,attended the 0. F. ball °Friday
night and visited friends in town on
President, A. Mackenzie, annual statement to be before the
• • d M G so 13airri
1st Vice.President, j. Wheatley.
2nd Vice -President, T. Holloway.
Directors, W. Coats,14. Cottle, H. R.
140dgens, S. Davis, 0. Cooper, J.
Death of Mts. Swallow'
Mrs. George Swallow diecl on Sun -
dear, age a Rape:sue years. She. bad
and examine them.
1899 was a sqtisfactory year for us,
Our business increased in volume
and our onstoniers in number.
This would not have been had
not our prices been right and our
service.gcodi We thank our frieuds
for their patronage and hope to
have them again with us this year.
ANCi 1.9e0
We purpose keeping on hand a lar- •
ger stock than ever of Tweeds and
Suitings of all hinds and Will be
prepared for a larger inc A ease in
our trade.
• is.
County Council. This and the passing TTT
dine townshl has used these i ahous for. the full Council.% For the two va. A. ie a cone
John 13rickenden who resides on the 2nd of Stanley, teat- to moult apecialin, we bop°. the.
of the following' accounts was about •
a dozen culverts and the councillors eanc es e o ow ng nanees s
Vgreat deal of the cause. Stinson • .
all thabusiness transacted :
are so well pleased with theom that handed in ;
f 11 i vere
is preparing Inc a journey to Toronto
"iissid of lath aria no doubt t •has been
R. Rumford, wood °I) cedars...Kincardine Review. Mr. S. J.Mover.
H.Wiltsie J.Snu
Seconder. turday.
Ur, A. portertield of f3elgrave,broth.
adaneu t will be fotord , to be merely.
John Houston, pestage 1?, 4„„9- they are not likely to use any more Nominee. '
Davis de Rowland, suPPlies 9. G.Plunimer S. J. Andrews C.Sitv.ilt1101
11.13.0ombe L Kennedy D.RXennedy er of Mrs. ja& Ferguson, town, at.
%he annual' meeting of the .
John Bell D.B. Kennedy LKennedy
I. Dom. among the numerous Par Agricultural Seciety:was held here en
tended the 0. F. ball and is visiting •
s n town.
Jackson, chemicals
.TOhn Beare supplies
08. 050010 G. Swartz john 'Beattie of Brussels was
eyeseiglits The child has been studying
Harland Bros., supplies ,
A.ndrewe of 'town deckled some time
2 05 -
• . ago to embark in the. same industry
11 4$ . s.
here. .
8 20
heed 111 for inonths and bee decease Sec.-Treas. . sl Treat tot the Inmates,
was net unexpected but none the less I es Hoare, rent of piano 00 Madame Wall, visited the Horse of
sad as it deprives three young sons of p. Evans, arteying 1 00 Refuge Monday evening and gave the
the care of a loving mother. The
funeral took place on Wednesday to
Clinton ceneecery, The services et
house a,nd graveside were conducted
by Rev, Alex, 'Stewart, 'with whose
church the deceased Was long "'connect-
ed. Mrs. Swallow was much esteemed
by those who 'knew her and the be -
reeved hissband and femily hears their
deep sympathy. " •
The M. D's la Session. , •
The Huron ikredical Association held
s, 'fleeting yesterday in the town hall
with,Dr. McKenzie of aloacton inthe
chair, Among others there were
present Drs. Bethune of Seaforthe
Densmore, Stratford ; Taylor, Godes.,
ch; Machell, Dublin ; Ross, Auburn ;
McCallum, Londesboro ; Stanbury,
Wood and Pallistee, Bayfield; Shaw,
Thompson and Graham, Clinton. Dr.,
Munsmore of Stratford gave an address
oh "Inflarnmatory Conditions of the
Pemale Breast" and Dr:Grabarn of Chu.
ton read a paper on "Bacteriology of
Prietunonia," white Dr. Ross reported
a case isf Bleniere's disease, .The fel-
lowing, °Mears were elected for the
present year ;
Dr. Graham, President.
Dr. Dunmore, •Vice -President,
Dr. Bleasir, Secretary -Tr surer.
Another Adrati4 '
Trn NEWS.REcoun made another
step hp yesterday when it set ' its
new gasoline engine ag?ing, We are
pleasedwith it ; it is simple in con-
struction; • there is no waiting to
stilton up, and the expense for rain-
ning it is Modest. This new
power will unable The .People's Paper
to Cater treits numerous. patrons still
more satisfactorily. •The engine wad
set up by isles S. S. Andrews, who is
asmuch at home amen misclainery as
is a duck in vvater and is "handier" a,r:
ound presses than many a • pressinan.
He had the assistance of Mr. Jacob Mil-
ler, one of our most expert mechanics.
They made a good job of ib and we
Wish to say sp. It we ever have anoth-
er engine to set up—we hOpe not. how-
ever—we wilt endeavor to sec ure• their
ser vices. .
Mole Lank. .
Steinberger, Hendry & Co,
supplies 81 00
Italph,Srulth 0o,supplies 6 00
inmates a treat sech as seldom falls to
their lot. The piano was placed in the
corridor ands for an hour and a half
Huron's favorite soprano delighted the
Puma School Board /Heflin'. old folks with song and instrumental
,The Public School Boiled for '00 held selections They appreeiated it very
its final 'sleeting Taesday night' much, indeed, and desire TEM NEWS -
When the following accounts were or- Rucoun ter' give publicity to their
dered to be paid • , • heartfelt thanks. The warns hearted
J. B. • Runsball, repairs to singer also distributed sweets among
clock„ • $ 50 them, They will long reifilmaher her
. -
11arTCO-Bros., repairs to visit.
Jt. W. Hill, sundries
Hodgens,Bros., cotton
0. Hoare, rent of organ
10 50
The Boys, l3rIzade. .
50 • The Boys' Brigade has seen "active
200 service" lately, A few clayeelgo it bad
1 85: a skirmish with anumber of "methane"
;11:13°Betraegpcliirettse..o'f. Principal Lough and with varying fortune and on Monday
night according to arrangement it
Inspector Robb ,were received and
adapted. The Inspector said ; " I beg assaulted a snow fort which had been
erected on a vacant lot on High street,
leave to report that visited yoor
Oaptain Matiggart, who has taken an
school it October and foiled every
thiug in and around .the schcgol and
rsreosisei neat and clean. The taking is is well done. The peesent staff
:of -teachers is doing good and satis-
factory work. The entire manage-
of the school is perfectly satis-
fectorr and the -ratepayers have every
reason to .he satisfied with their
Board of selmol -trustees and stair of
The Principers report for the •last
quarter of 1809 was as •follows eOur.
!attendance for October "was as lows: Boys enrolled, 205, girls, 190,
average attendance 359, November
boys 207, girlti 193, average 301. Dec-
evaber boys 201, girls 190, average
323. Three pupils were admitted to
. Mrs. A.. altEWan is able to be • about
again after two weeks' illness.
Fair 'Bros.• sold one of their team
. horses the other day to Mr. Robert
McLean of Godericb for a goodfigure.
Container Johnson had one of hie
bigtoes smashed • the other day by a
colt, which he was shoeing, falling
upon his foot. ' ; .
The tonic at the B. Y. P. 1.1. next.
Monday. evening will be "Lessons for
Simon and Vs" from Luke 7:30.50,to be
taken by the pastor.
The annual meeting of ths County
Loyal Orange Lodge of South Huron
will be held, in Exeter on the first
Tuesday in February. • .
Mr. James Heartwell, whose family
reside in Olinton but who is himself in
Birmingham. England, has been. sick
for the past three months, -
Rev. B.Cleneeht of the Ontario Street
church, will take for his texts. next
Sinsday : Morning, "Evanescent Plety;"
Evening,"Glory of Christ's Kingdom.'
A public meeting will be held in the
council chamber an Friday evening to,
consider the advisability of establish-
ing a speeding track connectiofl.
with the Central Exhibition..
The firm of Seale & Hoover has
been dissolved. Mr. J. B. Hoover will
continue. the business as • heretofore
and for the balance of thiss.year Mr,
Seale will remain with hint ab sales.
Tuesday while 11. Pennithaker was
rolling logs in W. Doherty's yard the
handle of the cant hook with which he
Was working flew upward, cutting his
nose severely and requtring some
The books ot the Public IAbrary
have been moved into their new
quarters in Strivsly Hall and the Board
se busily re -arranging them. It, is ex-
pected that the Hall will be formally
opened in a fortniaht, but nothing rs
'as yet definitely deekled upon.
The biennial. convention of the Lan.
don Ponference League will be held in
Stratford on February 13th and lith.
The exeeutive is, now arranging a
ractical and profitable program. This resent boom on furlough, who gave day lass P • • • " 1 T th
A. J. AttORRISH keeps on band a large stock of
flats, Ties, "Underclothing, etc.
the Principas inorn•during November
and • one to. Miss. Conibe's., 1 . -took
. .
charge of my. own room en Deeerober
lst." •• ' . . .
' The -first Meeting of the new Board
was held . VV,edneaday . evening ,when
the following members were present:
MeSsrs. W. Ge:Srnith, T. 0. Bruce; a.'
Taylor, 1.1. E. Hodgens, 3. 0. Stev4n-.
env and W. Manning. . Mr. J. B, Hoov-
er was choseh for chairman, Mr. J.
Cuoninghamereselected secretaty. and
Mr. W. a. Cooper caretaker, Standieg.
. committees were appointed as follows:
Finance, Hodgens, Nanning and Tay-
lor; Property,Smith,Tstylor and &tree.
Consulting on Examinations, Hoover,
Bruce and Agnew: .11.. B. Combe.was.
elected to the Collegiate Board and W.
R. Lough appointed to the Board of Ex-
aminers. It was decided that the Board
thould hold its regular monthly meet -
long on • the Second Monday' of each
month as heretofore. A motion was,
also adopte,d to the effect that the Pros
-pelts, comniittee have the water at• , The annual meeting of the . Huron
school properly tested and if found de- .Presbyterial Society was held in Hen.
salt on Tuesday of this vveek. There
were twelve in attendance from Clint-
on, representing the Willis • cburch
Aux. of the W. F. M. S. and the
Excelsior Mission Band, viz., Mrs. R.
Irwin, Mrs, Murray, Mrs. Stewait,
Mrs. Duricansomisairs. 3. W. Irwin,
active interest in training toe boys and
bringing them to a high state of
proOciency in• drill, • conducted the
Manoeuvres— -Scouts preceded the
Brigade which attacked the fort with •
spirit and energy and eventually drove
out the defeuders, Many cif the lads
thus engaged in Mimic. 'war grew
quite warm anti had thessfallen to pum-
melling etsch other it would not have
sorprised the ' citizens Who were
Watching the proceedings. Last even-
ing the onsets of the Brigade enter-
tained ,the privates and a number of
their friend to supper at the bead -
quarters in the Perrin Block. .
'Clinton Defiatcd Seaforth at liocky,
. Toe largest crowd that has yet wit-
nessed a` hockey match in Clinton
gathered at the rink on Friday night
to see the Seaford' and Clinton teams
coMpete for suPremacy. The admis-
sion receipts amounted to $38.10, 'Tbe
game eves it hotly contested orte and
won oil its merits by the home team
yae. rsscNovreer eo !iv e to three goals, The
pluClinton •• Seaforth
MeRae goal ,Diersn
Snell • point Broadfoot
Doherty , coverpoint Jackson
McCarthy Centre Cling
Matheson Forward Jackson
Forrester " Cline
Chu ridge " Cling
On Monday evening Clinton played
in Gaderich when the scores were
about revetsed. Bryant took the
place of McCarthy. The return snatch
will be ,pla,yed on the 28th and a game
with Settforthsis expected shittly.
/fleeting 01 Baron Pivsbyterinl Sot*,
tic. 1 ants in , W
ednesday of last week. The audis
Sons al Ragland Dined at the Waver* - . t.bTelle. Csanilhialle.ongre. gallon meeting' tars' report, shaseed the .receipts to be
Sheffield. Lodge, Sons of 'England,. war held in St. Andrews' • church, last 3531,00 and the expenditure 018,50.
celebrated the 25thanniversary of the Tulsday a,fternoonssyhen business relit .1
Snowden ; 1st Vice President, •
The officers or 1100 are ; President,
at the Wavedey House last night. The Teachers' meeting announced .
formation of theSociety by it •banquet dye to the year's work was transacted.
Richard Penhale ; 2nd Vice President,
After a sumptuous repast' that Mine some time stgo to the place at Varius DavidMcNitughton i Directors, Dow.
Host Pike knows how to cater to Eng- on the 2.0th will be held a week later, aid Galbraith and- Albert Anderson* ,
lishnean, at ethich some fifty were the 27thatt 1 p. In. in the :schoolhouse. Goderich township ; John Woods and •
present,. Mayor Jackson, District De- All the terinhers in the Varna district Hall Itrattlage, Porter's Hill ; Oharies '.
"puty-Grand•President of . the Society, are expected to be in attendance, . Denaldson,Joseph Wild,George Bates, ' , •
occupied the chair,. and the following The Lou Gotham. Mission Band will Stanley; jameeDonaldson,Sr.,Bayfield; • ' •
program of toasts was the order of the hold its regulat Meeting on Satutelay Reuben Grsessens, Brumfield; /3,,A..aigs .
evenipg.- The -Queen. The cons.paleY 'next at 3 as: m. i'arents and others. gins, Varus, Secretaey,.e., -vv. Er;miu,,
Sang the National anthent and to the Bayfield ; Treasurer, F. .A.:- Edward-
Goyernor•Generats•-trreia„Jeas sung • . We hear the y.oung people are cons .
interested are eipected to attend. •
Baytield. - .. - ' • ' • - '
'For He's a Jolly Goorl Vents . .,,,,, Witting a, sleigh ride party to . • .
•., •
Our Beloved Society was responded to .ssesaresals,s,„ssee night in the near fu.
by F. W. -•Watts, P. Psond Secretary, . turessisal Dame :Itisse, „; is that* a
John Scruton, President of Shef- school conceit is clown ior'"Ziitts•ss.7.• the: Mr. William Moser Of Mitchell was .
field I,odge apd mr, Thompson, Past attrections this winter, - ' in iassve for a few. days this week.
Preside'ra •of Londesboro Ledge, In ilia Mesta% Thtse,Yratson and. 3. Moore
showing of the firSt 25 yea's of the So.
the 14rinafttheeirtuortwtins Mondayohfalt,liileasbtallwa aa , elvoeV
ing when several of the young people spentsSunday inlioderich.
rensarks the Secretary spoke
Mr. Watson, ge "'el inspector of
•clety, starting svith seven membere. of the town enjoyed thetneelveS until s: the Sauk of Hamilton, , In town a
It 1:Ins now it membership of fifteen little after midnight. • feW days last weeks .„,, .`•-•—*
thousand and has expended in funeral The•Sick—The following residents of • s
Aid. McDonald of Olamilton' ;was
benefits$150,000, paid to widows,. and town and vicinity are on the sick list here last week hastening the work arse
orphans $2C0,000 and for piels, and med. at present, meetly with severe. colds; s
tue Bank of Hainitton's new quarters.
ical benefits. $400,000 Its aims and ole:, but some of more serious tt oubletsviz„ Dr. C. Cooke anditliss Bennett Suns
jects are l*Loyalty to God, our Queen, Mr. Oharlea•Domildson, II severe nate& dayed in Oliaton..
of measles and chronic bronchitis ;•• Mr. : err, le; sa; isenesat ana Miss Cherie, ' . •
Country and Flag, (The Society are .
shoving•tifis especially non, by their Geo. W; Woods!, a seveiv cold, 11
--l'': hers Spent Sunday in Goderichi
presence ite the Canadian regiments . Joseph Wiles, stomach trOuble.; Miss : Mr, Alex. Denison left for his home'
non, in South Africa and on . the way) Maude Polloelt, severe cold ; MI.8;Ti". near Seaforth lasb week. . . . .
and brotherly love and • fellowship Stinson is convalescent ot shinglesovhile Eleffron Bross., butchers, who . Were '
among Englishmen in this country and Miss Collideswe are glad tonote,is able burned out in the fire last week, have -
elsewhere where the Society has foot- to be up, and Mrr. Harry Falconer is temporarily Betties! in J. asIcIfillati's
• ' himself again.
hold, as well as keeping alive the tins- ' store on. Dinsley street. • ,
dition and sentiment of their nation- ' The Mail.—The nsail eervice doled Qotte a ntunber from here attended
ality. A. song was well rendered by, out to this town IS again upper•most in the patriotic concert in Belgrave last •
lili Enneerton• entitled the 'Union the people's'. minds, , foul it is •likely . Thursday. • •
• Jack, • Agricifiterat iiitereste was rests-. some changes will beinade itoon. ,MaY--. Rev. I', E.• Roy will occupy the • .
porided to by Mr. Jas Sneliewho spoke it be 'Soon. TIIPIP 18 130t a hamlet or palpit ot Trinity °horde next Sunday
Revival meetings are being -contents • "
of the progress and advancement .of cross r oticl in the Dominion but in this
the Canadian farmers, their soccess age of the vvorld's progress has its stalk ed in the Methodist chtu.ch. • ;
and prosperity being second to none. mail service and most of them twice e Rev. Urn 'Kennedy, D.* of Auburn
Sister Societies Was responded to by day. bet kialiny, breezy Bayfield has to Was aBlyth vislthe on Monday. •
gr.Laevience of the Chosen Friends, be content in War time at that to have Tuesday was the first of the Monthly ,
• Mr. nick of the Ancient Order .Of a bob tailed service of one mail. it clay horse fairs: Quite a. number of buyers • .
Workmen. and by WISoisms. svith a, a nd that liste at Welt when petiole were hi town and. trade wise fairly
'soBg. .• • ought to be thinking of going to bed. brisk.
• '
The Volunteers of Canada Wiss re No timels•given to business men to The first carnival of the season was
pied to by Captain Shaw. He referred- answer importane coriTSpOrlaelle6, .ag held in the 'skating rink on Wedners-
to the lack of interest hitherto dis- tliemail closes abeinet immediately for day eight, the 17th. •
played towards this body and the dtf- .. the return in the morning at 0 it. in. Messrs..- McMann and Blackwell of
acuities in. the of keeping' them on 'What We -warit istwo mails daily from Seaford' te.ere in town buying horses •
as proper • footing as the expense had Brucefiela or Clinton. Znrich, Credit- en Tuesday. •
been opposed as useless, bat the pre; on and even St. Joseph Can boast of a. Mr. T. benholin has already secured
sent war and the part Canada's soldiers better mail service than we have, eighteen tine draught-130.61es for ship.
went to Manitoba, , • . •
were taking in it was making a. change Something must he (lobe and that soon
T. W Scott . has for the Urea .
in the sentineetsa of the people. " to give us better communication with :EVO‘
The Commercit Interetsts of • Canada, the outside world. . • opened for business in Mr. A. Taylor's
bedding on earteen street and is selling
was ably responded to by Mr.'N. Rob-, The Ball. --The members of Court
hoots. arid shoes at greatly reduced
son, . '• Bayfield, 11,18, I, 0, F.,have reason
The Ladies. There was some difficule- tofullelated at the success which at- Prieee. •
ter'in enotting the response as time . tended their second annual ball and Mr. J, G. Moser, hardware meahant,
has opened forbusiness in the Gidley
would not permit all present to do so. •suppet last Friday night. This Court
The hdnor fell to Messrs. W. Simian, is not strong numerically So Wet the store.
John Moore, John Sermon and Thos, venture upon an undertaking involv- There was a Liberal-ConseetettiVe
Jackson. Then followed songs by sev. ing considerable expense was all the meeting in'the Orange hall an Tues.
night. Major Beek of Goderich
eral of those preseent. , more. praiseworthy of their energy: riaY
last toast, was responded to by Mr, chosen, a peerless moonlight night and received. -
Present and Was enthusiastically .
The Host and Ilostese,which was the The time conid not have been better wen
Pike, when the meeting dis the roads in prime condition for sleigh Messrs.T;Watson and S.Moore spent
persed after singing God Save the riding. Sunday in Goderich. ,
It was little wonder then that
in response to the many invitations Mr. J. Ileffron and Jas. Stothers
fective that an estimate be got as to
the cost of an artesian well. The Prin.
clears report was as follows "As
the year is young I have very lit -
de to repork The arrangement of
classes did not affect the attendance in
airy room but ray room. I took all the
pupils from Miter O'Neil's room into my M . r.Taggaet and Miss 'Wilson,
iss • M .
roone. This with the pupils in my froin the Ate:Mary, and •Mrs. Graham,
room before 'makes a heavy room, but Miss Howson, Miss Gardner, George . •
Rev. B. Smith is giving
• I have had more on some foriner owls- . Biggart and Wallace Irwin from the a series" • in their. attempts to Make the evening -Finnemore;
itt 0.30, foe those who ald, violinist, of Porter's Hill; and Sirs, . home near Walton,
Mr. A. Dennison returned to his
sion&. Of coarse the grading Of the. Mission Bend, Nine of the nember of lectures • on Sunday evening's, an enjoyable one to all. 31r, McDon.
other rooms .will be, lowered. This is drove down.and formed quite a liv ely connnencing
inevitable), as the attendance Nip fall- Party, the renutinder. wont by
tion to be held next month. Mr and Mrs. IL Emigh were in
tr;sin, are preparing foe the conarina..- McDonald at the organ,were •
en Off. The average attendance of last There were three sessions, morning, . assisted by.mr, Miley of Hullett in Goderich on Sunday.
year was the lowest for years. In the afternoon and evening. Each session . The Endeavor has been postponed furnishing the music svhich all Join in Miss Proctor of Belgrave is the -guess
• ic 1 h It ha e pro- was well attended, The inornieg . ses. until the roads are better.' praising as betty.. eminently fitting for •
of Mrs. J..Proctor.
" lwaras of .skiaer., Mr. 3. 13arr of retrofits has returned
(es end 1,1;8 ab. home after spending a few weeks with
' • ...,
i3ent out the ball was literally packed were to Dungannon on Saturday.
around, Who all vied with each otber to the house -lately occupied by A. IL
Mr, 3, MeMurchie Moved Saturday
SIUMMERHILL • • With goOd-naturell people from miles
course o w
motion examinations in •• some of the eian was chiefly devoted to the reading Mrs, H. Kerr of Thoenbury, who the occasion. Mr,
roomss readyIn Dec- of reports horn the various A.uxiliar- had been visiting at the homestead en kb acted as. flooe ma
the Me 'returned home Tuesday last. li assisted by Messrs. . Erwin stud R. frusti s here.
the line closer and prornoterione but ies and Mission Bands beside the annul
tell reportof the officers of the Society Mr, and Mee. Brownlee Sundayed Blair of Bayfleld and Mr. Graham of Mr. Bert Moore was in Stretford ,
etnber. . I tbinkit will be best to draw
at Mr. Farquhar's., ' . Stanley. Last but not least too much this week attending the Butter and •
those who pass at the examinations, and the election of thew officersfor 10(.0,
It will be impossible with our present which resulted as follows : Honorary Mr., Tebbett spent Sunday at his cannot be said in praise of the ladies,
Cheese Association.
attendance to have all the pupils in President, Mrs, Fletcher, 'Insures hoine in Goderich tiVenship. • Foresters' wives and sistere,. who en Mr. R. Babb of Teeswater Was- a
Miss O'Neil's room in thetuirdi class. Road ; Pregident, Mrs. Hamilton, God- Miss Ella Marion is the guest of her abundantly provided for the inner visitOr here on Sunday.
Mrs. W . McBrien of man. Taken altogether the whole af- ' t
None of them are ready for promotion erich ; , 1st Vice President, airs. Gra- grandmother,
to the foarth yet, and the probability ham, Clinton ; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Goderich township, 1st present. fair was a grand success: and reflects : HOLMESVILLE.
. is that a fourth and third wilt be the Sewers, Brit cefield ; SecretarY, Mr's. Mr. James Ilinghani, who has been meat credit on the members of the
rule after this. I think it will be it les Irwin, °Hilton ; Treasurer, Mrs. visiting relations in Michigan for a Court and all who took part. . Miss Alice Stauley is the guest of her
good move to eink can artesian well in A. Scott, Seaforth : Supply SeeretarY, couple of niontlis, arid besting a. good Last Monday Rev, le.O.Jeneings and uncle, Mr. S. Merest, Tuckersmith..
the old well as the water cannot be Miss McTaggart, Clinton ; Leaflet time, returned home on Friday last. Mrs. Jennings received an agreeable `Rev. G. W. Andrews and wife of
safe for children 10 use, The Pres- Secretary, Mrs. ' Henderson, Ilensall. Mr. and Mrs. E. Butts Visited friends surPt'ise• A caul& of critters drove up - Fullerton visited feiends here last week, -
pects for a large Entrance class are nol, The afternoon session Was a very full 10 Colborne part of last w eek. - to the Rectory and in it short time the Mrs. I. Lowery of Stunnierhill visit.
the brightest. I shall be fairly well, one, lasting nearly four • hours Mr. and Mrs. Prank McIlveen at. people of the Varna, congregation ed friends in theneighborhood.
satisfied with twenty." and besides two excellent paper% tened it bee at Mr. II. McBrien's in the came in'and took the place by storm. Misses Beatrice GI eene and 13ertha ..,
The Board also decided ' to ask the one by Mrs. L. Dickson of Seaford) Block, -Wednesday. It is needless to state a mind time was Ss t•,,anle.v spent last. Thursday with
Town Council for $3100 foe the mirrent on "Christian Love, as shovvn to God, Misses' Weatheral and Situington spent. After varicms amusements and "'ends 'war alOteefickl.
year. The estimated receipts and. ex- to our Mllow Christians' and to the of Auburn paid Made n. flying visit to games it bountiful repast was sereed Mr. Lough of, Clinton preached in
penditures are as follows : (The blank. World," . and:another by Miss H. T. our village recently, and models. hasty by the Varna. people, and judging by the Methodist ehriteh SundaY morn,
Inc name of teacher in 4th room Indi. • Geehern, Egitsondville, on "Small call on old friends. . the way things disappeared the ladies ing.' •
cates that no teacher is engaged for Things." There was an address by Mrs.,. Mr. J. Tiffin of the Nile visited by of Varna are among the good cooks. N'ext Monday evening the Epworth • •
the winter term.) - . . B. Gould, Missionary in Formosa, MP- cousin, Mr. T. Lindsa,
Yr en Wednar. Mrs. McNaughton of Varna contribu-
, League wilt have it Canadian evens
ing. "Our Territory," by O. Forster ;
Our experience with ,the Clothing business since
1854 enables us to. 4derstand the wants of the
purchasing public.
A Large Stock
Our stock of suits, Wiens' and Boys', is very large,
the finest quality and will be sold at
Tempting Prices.
is the convention that was to have, sss ss s EXPENDITIME . p
MkGeorge 1131 bas gion6 on it lengthy
been held in Clinton, according to the vv . •i‘" Lough Principal $823 an interesting account of many of the
375 things -she saw and heard while there, visit to friends in Uncle Sain'e corm-
first arrangement. Miss O'Neil Ist Assistant
Two rinks of the Ilub's curlers play. !es .. ,
ed in Seaforth last Thursday evening ithss °lac"' 8rti "
but did not fare so well as their oppon• --- 4th "
ents in the scoring. The rinks were Miss Combe 6th "
composed of : A. Porter, I. Johnston, MissTurner • Oth "
nr• BMW, 'W. 'P. Spalding', skip. N. MissTaYlor Ith "
111 lelSchoot * "
Ionir, T. Ilteksoni P. 14air, W. Jackson,
825 and also showed some fine specimens try,
800 of needle work and drawn work done Mra. Mugford of Colborne and Mrs.
250 by the Chinese women, and some Itumbell of Clinton were the guents of
235 "samplee of clothing which were inter- . Mvs, John Johnson on Thursday lad.
203 eating, especially the tiny Shoes settle!' Miss Allen, who has been vielting
323 would nob more than fit a Canadian at her home in Colborne, has returned
Wei child of two years of . age. „,.A,t s to her place with„ Mrs. Butt..
250 the evening session two rousiug Sonic of our young people around
skip*: lira the weather been favorable W..1, Cooper, Caretaker I
Seeretary,, - addresses Were delivered, ono bY the village attendeil the hop at Mt.
of a couple of rinks would have' gone to Cunningham°, 233 Bev. Mr. Sewers �f Brumfield, Mclirien'ts on Thasday evening and
Stratfotd on Monday.
Ensign Hays of the S. A., who was Apietratus
stationed in .Clinton eight years agate Printing, Stationary, etc.
lint is now laboring in the North-West, Incidentals
will conduct the meeting in the ltePtdre
barracks Thursday night. Ile is 00 is ISISVENuE.
, short ftirlough during which he wdi .
50. the other by Rev. Errs Grant, St. repart having had a. jolty good time,
30 Marys. Suitable musical selections, Mr. D. WHO% haS disposed of one of
100! Well rendered, were iuteripereed at his horsiee to Mr. Reid, who baton&
200, intervals throughout; the lesson arid going West, in a few weeks.
intinetotts privets and scripture remls Me. Frauk MellYeen has sold rt, fine
$150 88 ing enteeed largely into the pet:grew. horse to the buyers foe the Old Coml.
• • 1 I fe k il 1 a trod figure
visit Ontario Mende and Sound the (4°verumerd Gray" e (0414)' '
T. JACKSON, Sr, Dreier% of the North-Weet. Adjutant , Model Grant .150 00 ty its it little over $1700. The Hewed! Mr if.
is 1.ZiO fri• itieteledeft malting rindime in the way The Meow*. Hill hews bought, taorts
eireliard ofietratfotit will have cherke County
VICTORIA OCK , of the ineetinge op. Saturday and godel 86"1"1 Fees' even affirming that hnrees to take the piece of thou tliey
• 1 h I old reeentl
10 00 t
CLINTON, Sunday, Non Resident k'oes they were e e o
• •
• ' ' ,sesesssemeillse—sidess.s . . :
furnished a fete selections. The men.
were not in the least behind in making
the surpfise complete, Inc they left
about, oft bushels of oats in the • bait:
and a plentiful supply of potatoce. At
the conelusion of tlie eveningte enjoy.,
went Mr, ,lenninge spoke to the people ,
expressing his and Mrajteminge' pleas
enee in having them come and hoped •
t my would Con5a te le it,C ory
on open house for any 01 1)15 peopleand
that the spire, of good will which exist-
ed between thern may grew to be nos
only a friendly feelinglett a unity. of
heart. Ali then sang "Should old ace
quaintatwo be forgot" and deperted to
their various+ homes:.
• ribs Thos. titineon paid 0 vielt to his •
uncle in Milton feet Week,
The Chuteh of England people aro
eiintetnitlating the puteliatesof i.1-
- 0:16: Onf, ptated re the eiturch
this week on trig.
"Out' Resourses, . rower a ,
"Our Capital" by 0. Tebbutt.
Mr. B. Lyon of Brandon, Mara
hi visiting relatives in this neigh
hoos at present,
Mr, TsClark of Dungannon Suitt
ed to Auburn.
Mr. Edgar .Lawson ie laid up
the 10eaale3.
MeeterChathe and Bertha and 0
Askwith al) three have the scant
Mia. Ilunkin is improving a 11
blecagesCook, 5011 6)1 Mr.
Cook of the lith eon. had his
Wept while working ni the St.
env loth a few (Nee ego and is
U4 at his sister's, Mrs. lames
Shepardton: •