HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-01-11, Page 7lowept tho yrsisch fI45 from tb* at tb* )(I'*, �h% foreiii it '00yors. 'A. exyLky SOMA OF I torronsau In tka b4A oIgbor In- !to of an# or,, lit most, Though conscious of Ulf' own Sir Sidney Sluitb 004fl 91* f Vito. whorg very wee. e4ingellial couvi'lik twoh, "gimonts, but Poleon b itill horl" raTim AND wRIGHT- THE SNIUNDAY telli like, lie le - $Ir Ralph Aborcr;;4 y uVilshod tho I SCU00L I futhe "er"" 411 -FAT 3RITAIN HAS PACED SITU .4000" to bj,, at tre, temple At their bidding Artai" ore in iNUMMOnt 0,,u vexiously tigIperted by .1,410007 submissivo to b1% bum&U lot- N'tam- THE PROJECT11,13 A*s EXPLOSIVE art-, a kour4o, PI`QYQVtIQn1t0IY deoftor ATIONS, FULLY AS GRAVF. French army in usypto at the bat, manpeople that we are uaturallY NATIONA I L UWJQN,� JAN. 14. reth. A village to 0, l0v0IYval0, NOW 11IN6 USED. nd tie of Alexapdria, and one* WOM lirl" lighter after a meal, FLud tuey have INTER With )tills, two miles from tho Plain Vol -;7. tairi triumphed over all her NOVI he"Ome 03131UR six West of 31ount 91,144, Vialstre 14"s Often Iseell ou luo 1101110 But the saako wao. NcQtcbod, not e loogth, of 0XV1 14Tkf 4,htld 40�11kjjt V141L14 of Esdraelon, bout twonty West of the 110ov GROW Apo clatolned And Tusuity DEncits ABROAD- or 101hruplioup UyAt Ilkiiis killed. In 1801, they had the tloota amount of gas that is do- 4,.r liwo,04-liollIQ % $11,1411 thle by the Tabor and a' ibDrlcvs� Nvorjj# AV* owl� of Vrance and Spain united Against iotioutbora end of the Sea of T 401011- meethezar Van' be, food, Averago boor 11RWlr4TI4Ikt AM lit flipullict. THU AUT OV COOXING- volo�ied from t paAC110-AL NOT I$. 110W FAJI-NUSI=h� With 06 Poplulat'On' of 44 T10.1. Fik."'res From )r, show that we lose look 4we bowowud six ounces between V 0 41. ME parents, Mary and about four thousand. Subject onto 1141 Wily III, Ike soull, 'kiN )eqik A coalition at Buropeau powers bttd formo,d'a oreat naval co'OfedOT010Y 1%QVQrt44Q0 Of the Art ofCoc"A' threq pounds a� era child the, I Oro irk 14 the north, in which Russia, 'Dt'a- , tbat,wo, goin one many more or leos toebal- It has iivoa, anacance4 tuab tb against Great Britain is tllrmtene4 in very great . Indeed from tho, night Bud d " !%I$ Parents,' them, The only perfect mark and Sweden We ;ro ounces by breaUtasts Joseph are, both tormQ the world has over well, was a racclel of The" are rals, brought into PTOm- a deficit at #40,00,000 in the Bussl4n case of either victory,or defeat In her poorest the selection pound and two,, about 14 Ounces because they appeared as Such to salyrailasion to big Parents. HIS VA0tIk` cat Ultary to sther with France and Spain fortlao ot to the that we agant lose Jerusalem. Ac- Oz kept. Another AlYstcriouFs 'event Incit and Constant use by tbO war, the income this year, the wax with the BOOVs, and there are Ostruotion of ruiglanills empire, lot Preparation of food often bcoowes before lunch, that lunch puts on 'In Wont to 04 Governmouts roopey of this rompt attack Upon 0 again Community tile$ the In, connection with her man Was 44 exact meaning$ of which are Pobably equivalent in Russian. many straws whiell 0001131 to show that 0 Bea- Bat the P1 late des- -auto, 'The rich age, of one Pound; that w best- author ta the themes for tualrght already in set$ in an unfavorable qtkar- CoPenhagoll and the Como, f object in lite Mvel the afternoon all averAgo cording to the 10 Of broo(led by no means Clear to the avOragO Olvi- Sum bring ICO,000,000roublosA The Rus. the whid truct on of the I)aujoh fleet knocked Wo tcIble is spread-, no logo durings. din- Poverty of the COMMOA POOP Mryl,4 heart. Sliently she ut that an ordikkar L lyditite, for instance. ian system of finance is 'somewhat ter. It may be that at last this great the soloome, In the head. at In 'A PTO- of 10 Qunc`00 two estirke In jessis Lima, was very greoti ovcAr these strange Incident% destined Ilan. There is has ot , quoy is spared I nor to beilthY paraons adds . h I to have their explanation afterward, a siabiatace, is PTUOii" vagge in reference to Actual results. Power, vested in a little Island, Te last naval Coalition %gain ,ouwkng th,mroat, dolicivioles at the pounds and two ounce& to their weight but their religion OMI04 them, At Stt- This t,,-rrIbI a U On Great Britain was tIk ,rear7a me" there being OVOVY YORr a formal Oat" Bed the fleets of r, rance and tie ro %liket coutrl- Increased. For eighte0a years rally. identical wltik,tho roachad its, zonjtll� And out red P at in Which No.. L %aort, Art And Natu ad times, and at considerable 000080" aftIe'r this the record of Jesus's Itf(s Is ctive Government its inevitable dislategF04011, us 411 poloork mas buta. to big necessities, The lost' I om� Mark 6.' a it would lialto and the German sobu.jite, the, luato at the pvospe pain !none mighty arla. aroant to WOOD. 010. H, MACDONALD. to so to Jerusalem, and they want', unwrittem Yr . 0, awgaltby have, I�Adeod, lower reSouriCissit in such detailed appear tht he followed the vaPat'04, -base of all three being plerito, receipts and expenses, and a sabse- great nations have, douB -in the course England forevor from the Sea ).tly IncreaBod by -4 Christianity makes X . louay, be- of oagh as acarpeoter. in Wisdom. Isi lit its turn, a preparatIOU Of Pir'O quent; discovery that the recOlPtEk hae of time, but tlao doughty English hve Jay her Shares open to tiko� great army ,yet these ra%y be grei 101114,10 lot tt demands on our time or in year, Tratned by the teaching of a pleoucl acid. It derives its name, from the fallen below the estimate =Aide Of faced Sarno formidable combinations of of invasion which be bad gathered At the I.-iLcowtodge, at what may '00 oauso It Claims our heart$- Every =%tugs of naturist 00.4 Boulogne. But therein he rackoined 40 mother, by the cow]] Teata;ukent village of Lydd, to Kant, wherg as them or that tho experaes have gone toes n yeaxs goints by� and have 9 And roflue- 110 1$ to Every malia loVaolite was -bound to by the oracles of khe Old without Nelson, who mat that vast caetrifling, details, it, 40at la. tht) Art at 00 etor Macdonald, w aft make this, pilgrimage, And many Plan" and the 6abbath services of the $Yua' conducted the Series at elaboratits Ox" aboe the estimate, the 4COOLIAL'S Show- d%rk -days 'Wo[A. tar highest MIUIB- fleet at Trafalgar and ok,ory, wWob, 000 go out to taue the place IA ilia at mind advanced in natural periments wbialt resulted in its adO`P' inK it defl.tit, which, IS carried over to tars have rjspalre4 at preserving their leaving Britain, undisputed laistres$01 depead much more on the manner WALIchopoIs lament- people believed tbixt.wom*11 should, go gagais' 118 God's the son. train that day to thirl, of doing , 4%, 1 thing than on tile cost vacated by Col. own by name to nlso� Only ,tile alck, the. aged, boys growth. 47avor with GO& lion as the "blKh" explosive, of the the year succeeding, Tno, in 1894 the empive. ainifested in him by the One lost card Napoleon had to laYt ad. death, must be 44 d grace was m the Brtfall. army, #Lyddite W net used for .,deficit was 700,OOD roublow, in- 1896, 721- The first of these coalitions was What and be played it at hia famous Boy* jt� To cook woll, there pers. His under twelve, the blind, the, 4eafs all sweetness at. his obaraoter and a 6 09,000,000, in 1897, 30)- 44 0 t every reader of the TlBw8Pa piety. And raula. charging shrapnel but is tightly ojo,'Q6o; 1 180 A Is known all the Family COMI)a t" 11A m 21, 1806, when In immiopoly more rmy is " Fighting XuO"' lunatics It woTts Permitted to I remain earnestness at ]at$ right sort (IOSA Packed into thin . oyliud . r1cal. bombs Of 000 000. in 18911 . 6Q,000 to the middle And worIcip 44148800 u%ma in tile a dance of Mary is True godliness Of the( . I ,000, This year between the branches of the house Of lie declared the British islands in A fighters, what a mean- At bomrs� The, atten not repol, but attractst the love of I be 100,000,000 rOubles, 136tirbon, by which France, Spain and State of blockade, And PIrObIllit0d All forged steel. These burst into tin"- the sliDthge wit commerce atid correspondence with 041a to the rich. for they who live Where M!"re Be was; after Lord 44 evidence of her (loop religious 'u- thers. by Its QW11A POWOT- _all al * chandists belonging to ot Ing that fact had 11 drecla. of fragments, Which, fly in every but tile ircumstance In not a 4180IOt- the two Sjoilies, bound the-caselves by them or h a their brow, the, 140TO of Omdur- tiarest. Feast of the Passover. This was lawful or Rbysicall Kitchener himself, el. direction with incredible velocity. The lag one to the Russian financiers, who all alliance, the main object of which Englishman was pit wile,ther maut%lIY Yt Alan, Some indeed would have for Ulln, thl) greatest of all the Jewish, feast bursting of . a large )yd4it1s Shell matter Of was to ralick England both -by land and spoil to whomsoever should oetze it, must �hekve the requisite strength Spring, about tile every appear to take it as A Ily to wrest from hot and all trade in English goods was bar, B van - to 14 10 THE TWENTIETH 0191TURT. ourse. Russian imposed direct taxes no Second place, and say he saved the means almost ortalit death to sea, but esPecla entirely prohibited. oto an =7 a Bastor, or Inad, license nnd ampittat invested !A heir maritime. suprelan Bvitain. retorted with raP VpQrt , their 14 great obauce,ot disaster time known - Sted [say oy, Spin under rty from a ghteouE triatlaus living thing within. 50 yards' radius, Olt risals, Ila life-depeads Up A" held a critical Position fulfill all Vt C SCHOLARS while absolute safety. canno t be coun t- business, and obtains further rav011ue, took tq.depTive England of 411 bar CL Similar spirit, and these broght ,tie h laria- U,e .0 a the pX0jupo of the hard 4 . At. regiment. like their Master should be careful to A POINT OVFR WHICH '4000 from indirect taxes On ion bad foreseen, a cry Is Of the grf with. big' black L ad upoA at a loss diatance, thnn liquors, the trade with the Spanish dominions, in about, as Napole But though the 'ad 'dollar, cook a South At- en days. It. W' as dalled'AISO. the "feast HAVE LONQ OPP ED- trapster these commer- W41'r with America, y wife" moth. onald 'Una Sao yards. The fumes given off are 013104 item, tobacco, America, and iou, bad Europe eat, Importance. �Rvex be a good plain -Gen. KA04 nd as tbat W%s the .1 wouderful little Corgic bef ore. In f mot, lie was of unleavened bre; Ins, matches. and awpolitha sold at ratnk alai advantages to France, France, In be or or sister should ton during its Aqlr0ll0llt4,r rix4m tile ro.,art deadly within a twouty400it rad At bla feet, and could awn, it as Cook. It 1 oat, has- Servants she 'can 40an 60"lors ll,'And the only kind of brand so ro, d ged herself to Support willed, his "'Couti'eutal System," as *lltreet th-om, . And it , . not I SO much nt the battle at Majuba Hi morated the do- W1141 1711110114"S 'Vllk4I;19 PACXAGES 01" within the binpiris, from cost in � ut return anga emore must upon ber� wonder is a u t bat- progress. It. comme When OaeN Ivilo IVIII see 11he al -p duties, add Trom� the sale, of sort and help bar to hia called it, failed, Russia doggedly SIX different kinds of projeatilepale, tea, din. Spain upon the And to g v.e vas referred to ila 4 high" parture, of Israel from Egypt riew stile 8 OV I ne it Strictly, siolt. To such we Venture, t1ei This fact N the to Irit by the Stata—'What. would be Tea' orGibraltar, brought about the campaign whioll u old Say- nuar gtt, the angel of death 11 passed over. Is A auQ1Q0tativO answer to the all- krown artillery officers.. ap A. FOMIDBL14]L ARRAY., eded in.the fatal retreat- from `MOK-o firivir general blatr ly interesting manner At b oolloqaill�r eilad in this obuotry 4'bax In to be found, in Zijue � of the var- r, rto Duke of &that, houses Sprinkled with � the lam tion �Vbift the low Can- They are comon shell, shrapnel, ("use, 'ir r4ilrdvAs �je run by the of Napoleon, 4 Catch on in his honad absorbing.ques - Only In the War which. Commenced lu;1739 cow and thA oi Mi is iore iles: ccokeiy Celebration. Jorusa just baoin given by M. Palliser, segment and star sliall What shall happen nf hAXe' signifi- who was in the chair Said:— blood.'During its a;,- the ad *arryed -against her be- than Mophists. 6au. foretell, but your ore th at least four'or Lary begivis boa tinguishm. the. three first-uanied, boweVer, 4ria =V and the profits arally Supposed. It was �a remarkable career, that lam was crowded wt Camilla Flaminaricion, the dis proat Offjo And the telegraph service Bgland h Al otmO6 than is gene 'at the An to, be used extensively In the a fare ilia olose,7rance, Spain, Prussia, somojhj�g will ocoax is Vic t Ocr catch yo V a] ust of Col. Macdonald, beginning fi a tj;nes its ordinary Population author, go into the Government revenues. Tb To h N we'll. You ra ad and didicously. old, The R96 AL t present War. - -Commok shell is a 1101- 6.�panditkkreg include two itilslars which Bavaria d Sordinin. - But tain. Spend -Youl Income k of the army, and a,, the ., 42. Twelve. years Nit oritative nawor -his stAteAI8V` ly be regarded With. di- 'Sweden *an A -'I = ;,jark I'le, liav she held her ovyn against them all, al - This is, tile chief thin our ar t reaphfug Quo at the, since this is a low, elongated, conical PTojerti - would probab a; one of these is 9. ry aigbast— Which the young Jew, was first call- m wall be styled favor by our financier 'on her hands MODE RN ATILLERY. titWil state of soclotyp eve stbang4�olko bad. at diar-geaeral — Without nail un t jieeip up appearances, h4sl ie. In his sidered subject to the low, cullarly. AL- lag at its . head a pitercussiOn fuse, ,nap?ld arrears," and the othe Came, -0 a single grAd a an. impact. 'bD inter- t * ilia same time the Jacobite rislag all der obligation to observe the iLstomi subject on which lie is Pe L TJNFORESB4N B At least halt as Luah luors, to do Led to Speak With Chrono- which lgxtltes XPBN8BS I pleitt LeN1103 r Ilk ILI tile deloo- 1. jaoet ring the Only unlucky Tight of the �burch. ly ajjj� lcor is filled With eordite.. -1t is used "Ussia, is.not t e Ile only European 11745 Wh peace, was signod -at than it can afford. -I in 'and astronomy airo close. ten Al.rhlaku War- ileguerstad been engaged. As the ChTiBtl4ic logy lehe beat lis gon P -be- la -C Lion of. provisions, t in r u er; we -sh�uld, I against fortified or, intrialicbed camps caiintry ill wh.oh this luderlate malbo& October 18, closely watch - the oil6npest. Hall 1% posad tbai Lot 'Majaba Hill, the Dal 0,- to ad or,, and sIMP1 t ed, and,,1>31ng An adept. prairie- and full. lighting and towns, 'And against m of govoramerit,-finanolaring prevails, an for while England our M�Iltary kneib Who aTO leolare that more nutritiolas subject for �tjce earlier. The, 008 In L jig eVe6ts (n ;9outhAtrica. < notrat of in- Mae,s, corapainy was, almost a at troops in Oka opan�- Shrapnel, on the and !a which all :v t She, had won y orally - fA the r M, Fla mari4?n is necessarily also annual d6licit is rQ7 of go6d meat is unihilat Ili t)k b sea, thrise'times the 61 to cap- Qxaoting Jewish custo he, scrupil is t�k pers approached $0 1 ins specially Wll qualified to grapple With clust�aly gred as a 54ggestio. never Ili its bisto yvCap artillery more than 'or I I L at. Will, L da_ Ott I"i � estared All their r to vegetables, bay, tiam"ed, nud the B, It .1 1 Solution or hand,'Is used Alm'st adjustment *01 France'. and Spain'T lant. The fl)r.p fulfilled., It I-beea=e 4licks to any problem the l0 r ' I a ly Sthan in, ill!) present Briar. oaphonously ewlie*, � a To t f ragh. Above all, where, an income' tuTe the roror t. of against tr000pis advaiticing i� x en.e the finances.-, porth experimo �L�, :� L gal . has. an -out- wiikilesta ow laull. fulf Ill oil proper religious n �ocijrkpaign, tanny to thought the sporrom of Von pepAdB on a right kkn&erstanding Reports of uts. is , small and tlierO. are t a burst- standing national 4bt-of 660000,600, lklt. that peace O�kly afforded feits'alera. And this order. The fuse as well art, It lobt. of about 13TQ L 4ra Fanch'fle, 0,11 the uOur- donald, as 130 then vicks, would be 6 Thoy*went 1 -AP to 0... 1 . hadL; With raod Id guns teed, be careful that a epolveda Chronology. Lusted, at.t4e, base of oxcluavl) Of R-floai'ag Lures of atlklng� space, and�thept-.qalna th the food pretty piece bit joat,bat 11 their boy. SO far covers Ing charge, is si ad in :Aach, which qonvinc�d time took wiath.them big istatemeat'L Whio the Shell t)Re of the oloib,Q06,000 more, The exPaAdi fantry first show sretain This is to IoLl kick in th(s 9101 f J0 . ant From . followill -atidr is, .'Government ex. Great, Seven.Years' War, whea,Eng- in corapariscotY with in. that is' purchaaed� me Trani a , �kka had never been the ground thoroughly, the 9. whole 'Lilt the Portugu(N �IY,4ut . ad t empire both that Tour French batteries. goasem, at Chithat his oPPOTIOnt ca wl knol gabomo since his re- forward part- being filled with from Coed the receipts, not Occasiona 'lond'-h a an imperatite -condition-* land where football was not unknown. n iited by careful was illoutto shoot the. Of big little villa passagoi are takow t we will 200 to 600 half-irkoh inkliCt'; according the last. eight the bkot."Ifrance had -ra gas Of'1,000 to.1,200 yards t9le m4in liness 11 ypt The word always, - arid durin in the, Wait pind Cooking 'Utonsfis be Olean Another Boer turn front, Ng we lodit'llack at, the pas 3a one, lia. which 6* ouSt t of. in - Let all �Aar, but the first, gen- 799, 169j). to. the caliber of the -gun, Thei ins 5 not bei been in JLmade up be;r mind t beat both killing effect of A. full acl@ranllness, Pro- gallant Highlall 'kick, at ova been'used b ;r6rtkga�. I a years there his; 6 not, and in ordex. luck up mAy h find dociAlnents of th. year rpm CA' d again f i1try. TbLs estimate: holds good,, WpLg did Can be A'set' to the d 11 d on Ag the is 'one and rid In ia, anci a ,a,,- arouslY fOTgI;vIJ s�ot the revenues. -a" tile French fusion. 1999'. Another 001111 was tin I ces. disorder'L nd and all a brave man- 'No, he its ill' InosL elevated cilfY at,ury hence, I f all oon� England, The Due -dg thia, umb, r Of rifle, which a divisi 12 A I disorder e a at Didarster,atter dig base Time au4 mangy are thus his eoukradials rifle IBM is lmost and in which this subject explocI6 the shell. at '64y time betwis(Iff WcthereLl's -too good to kill., )obag two thousand BOV- dinner 'spoiled, said Gen, JA enele�il, russiscil biniVa Oe five and thirty seconds fter it has oansiderable Amount of 'Wild gov Ast was the cooking at -a of Athol discussing 6m, the p ur6d fxom� them POtt As the Duk an hundred feet'. above the son TR I -!h I t ')3y moment Put in line, or the the gun. it shou goes W a whateveri re- Macdonald rose Train !it ROSS_ our 6soanclanis left Id explod;., by ad 'andard, is tot ammuni tion carried by the, athe Was A small croffe acioua- th Ot. Century ago,- or English at ratio.' 10 d the rani!a. 3he days. Thathollght Will be L4 I a�` h Znarba� then believed to be can 01 A On a same old subjes IouMCY L the I -a , ill, meat by any proces, k the Juices f r ended rights, About 20 or 00. yards., whage-totaj 6p,41atia'A b the k ic � Xe4erraralin. Admiri ankoulk Malabar above ailt to COO tile. future soldier t f III boy, late whose mind the 0 ausually live- BYZ,L'* ve y.'- t:ado and mission 'Was the: discussions ware u the` enemy' then Gree,, of 1896 -,Vag 21.100 000., Tb6 n nes of his origin a. al 16',h.,ld have relleved the L�faatty And artillery ;Bispecti in it, not out of it. 'the f EW cattle on the. Croft in his ear would, see deep. theater. of bullc Census hung buck, . in. arriving ii� rative'dato the. he was a dra- beginning.to, dawn, even to the, W tj,kk,I ebt . of Greece is '825,000,000. place with a ritish-floet, t compa ill ly, and extenddd spread out 6a ise, doing fearfut.exB rd-, ly boyhood.'At thirteen tugs mind foreshadowings about did ngtlklag� and was Shot for cow -f- a the ta A with the ttitle, a -Freinah employe 100. infantry -and Be isultated in, the mean Cation.' Case is only used At rloge' drachma%, tho, K-alvalant pla� appeare ;a at iajasteou�, It 18: merely 86L roa_ of ninQ ty PaT'S A proatles.* iin. jambA the off eked SAM ke 11 1 Greek revenues lee. The Marquis of Me toalniwa ev and sli 65,QoQ,0 0. and r-tho.'redbo&Ls b&it6ry of. six.fierd 9.mu tuitivatotalt is -India 't tillB V,CtQrj'Ou& t -y fired DANGER(AUS FOR PL NTS Gordon Highlander klad blood, nd . a solemn ser" I,, Wt Ceatury.Are We joinine that regiment in of thocia otght, dais of the teRst- stion, we of to- usually fall'shoro Of th necessary ex it. The Br' 13 d" Among inexperiell eat coal- Vic" tal 0 f '- a -go - the in Amoric, Wit General, ra millinictr The. infan x L d, Adolf by his. judgm, 05 may very quo anister, in aP0 A - W­YeQra 0 , 1, . ore plants to guished hil d, "God's 66rvic are..agal . . porlditur4as., tiall,sootlons andjOie- obable that in As they returns like it Small. oil-ldrum or.a. 95,000,000 dock,. WAS routed and killed. in such Lh; VLOILeYS;. Y act impr ad. gallantry Jift the Afghan. 'that we should n asklug�. large total. receipts 11911-ced. AP hatthe froi 'Re �tc)ok big not 'be so attended- d6sperate stiaits. was England t -dently. 61milar tar90t4 were z am, cause crimapnign. iC L of the servac 00,000, A usua inoluding that,ndable ex-, Bishop H431s'After.tb6 sery 'as year '190 will, be tho. of Vvflloti.' The - shall is b ad tbB arcoy, the AIrgUish- b umber dractimas, and the I 'the '�Ioyed. TJ)ie; r u OfL raw, strong ness, South F S, 4-igooC. can, filled wit a n ;otal expexisris 160, piau neglect our L bartieuilar Callings-" I 'tote L that Ily impAsBive Lord in jrge� arfrom 1300' fertilizer 6�a work, Ili Critic, be. expen� it 'Houlao of, Lords., 6xClaimed,. We to --1,800.4 � Tile: JIkti_11Cry* ust Majuba, On.hi 11 ,a djs-� realpts were,60,000,000 and t! rY. 0 balte, scattered b 40 un writer�'Not long ago a iftalg twentieth centa ses 120 000"000�L a ikkclnd6,' are no loagier a natloh," and his only at Boo yards and a Tvod in the Nile ex- a is Way home, 'thass of Mary's household da8vil at the The�e­jto)oa e 6nter SbQp. Tarried ly the ordinary. govern- schodd the -thoughts ill -ward- tomple'aame is MI charge, d fedro of' the the" ki AA, box Of find rose and after and Joseph's car iata�:ea. of,the twen -Than up to bat of wins r 11, Gordon. Ho been by eeatve acl-o pedition. forL the relief of behirld, This may )Aot, have kne )uutrymdn.� artillery wars found. VAWETI S Ely ex -4 bulk f; 'his fellow -01 snthe, my, In, 1990': meat 'a raticip Great' $uparicoi to that of and as Season wasila Ileas, Of the Egyptian ar ug Tesus, tirith, century 'Will not E OF atNS Do is, and,earo'entir lidt Guns , rk' I ve of -the reyonuts . 1 1.11 . o� ame to the rescue L p�ats made Bali bsoluto intention of the YOU clusi derived from it Wa4,fhdt William Pitt, I*th6 an gen- to their pf ty-, Commortidt' 0 vaneed, decided to start 014"n, 163% in the way we have 60eu al �art of 4 alfther mountain, field, gar of his doxible -at. 8DO y0rdis' VO. SOYer"!L d lea,tl . ill only,forty- nor for want at .care on the 1� in the, _,van though ria6n, or Siege. iTha"forniek' r the sum APPI16d.. :,,tt 0indionart., He is at , reats;L .,If rqoo�will comrhecrko� St. and loans 0 ca his Shaded back IN-aud aftert ng Mac" big I* bdt as OUL accident thia seaWng, "Jighte 46untry., "I know,, he asid on first '&d 'at',f,80.0' yirdr. rain these pots; into seven, and rush an amenge, tkionk. rate,the . birth of the. neW'coii:tury.,0n sinatlet .-of 'ii . meat, Tng the UiWstryL ",I L knoV "tat . field guns, it raugt� be d praSs at the if 11 i, the latter Are the kjob. and $,plan anteri The­Freudh ward turn `tlkam�. f -tha� The Of T tever. SLaparitted train' the .0014 the contrary), it will oorawfem6iiate. . heiviest. Among the f0ruter are ish finances ba -Vis long� baoil a BOUT -06 1 64A save 'the ei.ountryj .,And' I know very efficiei6.� Ili s�fipnel garden bads. ' Th P, resbainiad'in the place a&: deep- The Wambpr'12 is n.11 And he spoke shrapnel -fire at when I J�irst Any, firs and, of a 12�.ukklts. avioisTo,and"Turkey ex. that no other man ca, and it. 19 - the If, and the felt. 'd' ad eon- "f6ur-pounders"­41tat is to sa3; guns of wonder tb tin ServLOA egi t? qoW nice the doze. One bun ri the Fren�bh.Lo Crcus6ti guns tha b inning wtirestL'tqo hiliase a part,'of four Ponds' Coca$ Spain in the vnrletY (it. novel the tut� No sooner was.. his -,band t the latter uneasy on -ant , 'sill )Qr 100. throwitg PL ahot,�.Ot r owner feaXfid he OfLZ,14jd int gence and the nPmt N�eigjit. . Among the ThOL Upon tha helm than tbe.ship rightetcl SOutb saw thom, but that POINTED� PARAGRAPHS ELCOO . ' �Ists pf 100 units, Are fOund ithoods.in goveramoit business. 3ritish are. eneoulitOrIng Ix -hiiaess '01 character, art thereof: Ndw, if isviel ay,i� Afria, A. French. gu)a throwing a !I r1ou anoug Sir that had- not made he so It, 8.0, and tikketwort k1ganitle, 110-ibo pieces of ordinance, presont.Ldebt of Turk boo herself. W 'With a crowd. it 0. in d1)rIJatiaA" walght, h supplemahtedits fertill a arry everYthIA&M but Kat�v Aet Of it'. 13tAne. neverLWaS, a cap�ablo of throwing asteal shot, the Turl D Dumb waitOr 0 ra-111 ;iab pTartice of mortga THE Ti 13, TXJUNBP. - -ptajectilo of Aboat"W pounds' Was easy to '136 lost'. In' T a �ca MgSt. apnel balls, - W -from 6gy. weighing thr6o quirters of a ton, 'ta Ing, esirable itents! or re- filled with Sill: ill, at. a -seem 'FIRST WAS '-qO- 1; 'f L neatly 12 roll rollowo'l -victo k Fards, Place, 5G.per can t�d-jntiih layer of fertilizer, frash gOrlsip, [eon palgrims the children., of, Gal!] THE diatance 0 as, G xtent at Victory J ry, of 4,800 are beautiful Only-I'Viien c tia-veled. together, the tenth yo�r was; XO� 16 and the U113 :vanue, oxpliiing,L to Some, 0 mea: have ugilall� are officially classified according to 6,XpGViauoE;4, Irk First, of the, "imall. bA the cow stalls, Slark a t h and ury t 0 of AgIlSh'i funtry, by nattlie- IrIga that Josep hundre4th ye a first cent least,L. the-1.4iffloaltY n rds. The 0011d 'ar. Of th to ) Collecting t 0. L . six regimen S '�Tlke roses did not Seem, to lain, ad it is not stri the (b lo, various items - ok"In- t a60 yards,by 4.2 ya 'a. lg.jky lotst.dight at '�toking. the ur'ng t woman UguAlIY speaks i".. :a for thrOe or was the year 100. wei�jjj` of the julik or (c) the 'diameter come, one- of whidbilsOm tax -on sheep, mi oratir-givon, advanced 116 said, "until there Como avy I& quite rSLOUK'dStt-%y rhole French cav- shrapnel projectiles cat Y. 411011t no of VOIM, f our' Ours I fi4s .164 InLany Peo 60 SMALL E�4LLS� ng to, h .. "What of the bore, Thus, thia jiCces of naval another a ta:K"" ind'otJot- lit lie agains' the -4 rge, ct few days nearly commandl i have been in the ail, - aCkL rain, Ih the what the -v. 44. SupPoiiing him tc ha8 pr6bodg been'the change - ill the 6. 'Profits' Airi, rallid b charge attar chm ry auth- to die ficoultherootB : some Peopl, bellevo able, �as r, as wo ordnance Wichmere, used by;tbe Birk or items Oolladtabl[Wtialh tlk jjOyS'L and. in a single one of the'greatest a'rtille all of thera began, e. cilinipany. This: is "lot', remark first two flgur�i of tobacc payments with their vo 'C - ub.41 . It.the fertilizer had been Well bearaud Aoubtwhitt.-00 130 - tish al Ladysmith were sPok011- Of as Sale Of a and the f 4rt.uneS Pf arn timeg,'the late 01 a glander the ampany- Was prob,01Y a-, earq7o �%" In -Lite ca�o,of 1790-18GO 6i'189il- 4.7 -inch. guns, menning,. of course, that froilt ellitAXY s6rVICIS, hour changed" the dayi orities of =odq 5jivea" in smallor The indidual Who repeats etliai' ior isifet` for 4xemptiork t� jut _a victory' I Cool: 0. B. BraokcuburY, docay6d, had be voLa traveling- tog 1900 A similar obaige; -ever, is �thsy measured 4o`7 Inches across the in- In. - many Vuurcipiaau, coun Tie res. 0 act. 6 t " a 4,A the 'turning- a ret do I W t ithbis aPPTQv L Ot when. 9. bedme-1 10, Or ticl -the the Artillry Collage in Bug -amere rinklirig of' it 9 amps What a blessing when parents canick mterior L of.tbwbcore at Ole muzzle. This Vplus to confront. he have. seen, Or F16noh General jSh off jeAf�IIS Must ads oadj$r b f any one elves me 100 danger Of a ad rs what I never clared thar. What B, ngI over the soll—or bad been ApPliedl two It is sonlettir oaly,suppose, but,be surel; that -the" becomesi 100, X particular 'typa of guia, by� the' way'l not a source Mrshal (10 Cont4de weeks later whea Lila V06t8 Of the . 10 to pay bacic� . �rrjng' embar , rdastablIt. th i ought to be ja­o, single 'line hear in, mirld is tha fact that the'ung- money thani I ad asso- LL&e dollari but..tho'hundred-, possib t Children. are to �e:'fatknd in, go, is About the best, all-round weapont 90*61' liever mot in the field stablishod, the plants !'a is the Tho to 'rasr of any reou throughthrea lines lish arnk� has roses wqre well. Q Making'ather folks miserabl to onlyl A dityls'Jouruey, th cent is just- as ABeessar no to N infantry,, bj%ak provided with �Aava been bartellited. Plants that Claticom . . for it is a quick"f irer, a breech. loader, s better used to,aa.an !a dysPeP- firs caravan Was lotleth.. My They coir order of battle, an enem) one an t.. day's journey of a 0 th first dollar as the, nit and can ' take indifferently shells. nual deficit, The ordinary method of ranked in tie, With either lyddite, Cordite, providing Tor the shortage is to issue adwo ill spots cannot liv6. through.. joyoftent of -the chron L rifled artillerYInor has -good shrapnel #Ort ­not more begin- and tmb them into ruin. num- prov�arblally a charged rifled OL't �rdikiary black Do grow lug- ,,]Iluirldred ad'first cent 16 the ie upon the beats of Minden crime f ire f Tom' boa on the field of guns in large strong osing as those i0hat When, fully, und t my second L dollar- The hun: �tder,. Its largqr CIO' boon at the garden. Garc Ion -wa or 0 411( s, and when the interest On these Aelegs to, try to get a $'nail bon, Quiberaft, bars Ovot isty'-fiVe meportion sister, the 6 -b quick -firing ?lln, is of intetest is the. great naval triumph of fertil . lzers placed be- 'boy to, work while a br�las I bond. is they go about t � north of Jerasalem" dred b Is in f Canot be mat tha rate re an lee Short, 0tad(1LkT=aU',presLekIted �orko,'of entst from raw El BirehA six milt' , of ilia dollar'. . oapoible, of- course, of throwing a where Admiral Ham aces Of L really efficient. neath them. The novice digs a bola, POEB1119. Aid to be� thei place where Josephs. . 'Ila like manner the hundredth -year the)� arbitrarily,.red aced. h aldst of a wijiterL gale, With tbo.first insta w jut of the of Is s heavier Projectile, but, on the 0 In t a r ins. high, got Likoe of brapnel, and in that engage - fills it to wlibin. A.fe has Whea one girl accuses Kinsfolk. and or- belongstothe century *hichIsdyiUg, hand,. it is infinitely more cumbersome d do-wift, top with any fertilizer that happen$ tO' . g herself Sraart*it�s is a sure. Caravan ato-ope I the sort rolling mOunta d tbs mOnt the Dervishes were 1110WO St co,1xvenient and plants thereon thinkinj qualutance. The family Of tha' Saviour Exactly, therefore. at midnigbt..ot and cannot be firid so. r ORE MOSES.. between the. French Admiral all 'the apidly. 00 yards, 0mclurman, be TAOI sign. she is angry. ag bar 31, 1900, Will the hour' glams A1THXEZ'C SEP hibh be who Turning, And at Tangos of Bob had their Telatl0lighIP9, amol Deom AVEOUAltDING Al PC harbor for w �bt after Brac some uncoff6riding shrub Or plain people of, Galilee, wor had cOnle, of -the nikk�ateci century run Out. aken up, simply wiped out. him and his fleet. however, was ion[ all .80 usually the "most Convenient" wentieth A. permanent position, Ones t )Iae)t ille St,11te .11011104114 1114414 14 ill. That PPE d.to, the projected ln� buty's state0cht, was made. d as Pilgrims, to the least, and -at the, next juarreot the lossams of Rrackon- fresh or rank, all 'back. Leaving the its , carear�,v the defenders in -at JjZior IS something 1; THB.VnMININE�OBSK A5. -They Century Will start on is safeguarded by vasion of England. of the -ton I the (irst heavy watering, which usua turned The, Bears ,go,into Thill.. ad �M. Flamma irious ways, Id buri seent to havai barsalcorgiot b At its - halting Pla( ion then touced on. an� Vt. Than aiway in Lagos Bay 08 0 jnL South Africa, 1191 is always, caravan ion. r -'which means, in plain Eng- Thai,, was a'ray of,vindictiv,e earn- diol awark— artillery -officers On the planti g, Admiral Bos� ly follows close .11-13 ., NO w9naer al'Alel agarohin� along the path to travel other most interesting quest Colicnish sea, ( L Bonds up a hot, biting arn am sidered Salem. At, 'this Point 11W und themselves Old, Tea na %,iiid,what he so Olearly1oresaw a wmonin, Ste whienj bilf do we o ern schoolboy In. the ught"I . a's his Sailors irly cooks an. do- capital Company- back ., to Jerul -.know AOW With a sort f -zetiba, or WAR of wag- 1) d f rain below that is who a . lights his mother call, their. parental al�rrg begins- Seeking the now, century will be- defense fact that for thirtysix hnidled years called him--oulashed uly another French years ago as likely to happen in certain cots. Even decayed The man save lost their.Sav- know.where it exactly &no. This is an excellent loghas be" fully;borno out Ours the plant r, Those who 1. and nhe asks. "Will it, beg! itors h0o: been fieset uder'Do 10, Clue. C00it V ",,at be 0macted to, be over-Indulgiint, him. turn back New where the attacking fordo Is UnPrOvid- his schoolboy progeu is bf lag- in recent engagements. Brackenbury rid. should be, well, don, I fire quiekm to prob- Fro rl fertilizers so aPPH r ed with L tillary, but shol worried by just quoll dOSPOTM X -d India came the n la of Clive believed With Boll. t lid Lou should at Once at midnight in Parls, lion ar Xraft, of Ger- 8 I w! mixed with the .1a. ty Plays. haVOO most say and the marvelous I S:the, metio as annoy not r ry, that artiller5 Liquid fortilizovs given in excess also an's elbows are, out Sit seek him York or Jertlaaleant EXactlY lit lrkid� with it, besides sending lims in aritu Ill & extinguished r r must be Pushed 46. Afieir.tbrea dayi, On the third every country answer. whit v. But work much harm among plants I, to be day, LargO Suggests 'that one A.ay wh.04 it is wildhight in Paris' dendly splinters Of Iran And wood A tb t With infantr. Mang a ury *Arck4&d artillerymiall to r n, it, is I ajn,, in Vienna, Will the Ants- am principt b a the wel- Braice - the b m weak -awl Apply Z :gC1=1,tto as in full—O IT'It",tol'uut ong the defenders. Trained troops recall archaeological of askipire in. the, fa a a I n Ile Tom we forward Costume. was spent in departure, and in'retur the Atlantiri. Illy upon earthworks, discoveries n Egypt is a papyrus across f4es victory over 6 ar this protection of 0 thern, often than ng. the more correct, scant—OVOning But they PTObftbly trians then begin. i or lose ela. tidings Lot Wol plants' roots with too strong liquid- 'To worship a ithau, is S. great miatake. and one in search. �ho can ury before rely had,not"Set out until, late in the at. ill. And supplemented by a -more III excellent condition, dating from a Como eboo. h r a e athe action of the Tugela the French? ceitainly they w I roll Xontcalm at Qu And for greater safety it loAlk 1AVEXI- like a Spoonful of ternolon of the first day, and only thrers i'malYL question' borate System of wire -entanglement. Lot, about 1700 13. C. Th 0 All the West Indian , a essip a of RivLong 8 artillery was lost owing g successful gndenisTs Too ink4011 love aots this brings L Up the 0 The latter is constructed oftelegraph 9 . fir 6 n pin to the dediulation of the team: able rule amoa ate crav a pickles- or four hours would be required to What country will be the first t greet . a sd, And fast- �Nv(jjijet has a long beadin beginning,. F ranea were take 6 wire, on W� a t a M The opinion is fast gaining round fertilizers immediate when the Pal Jerusalem from now centuryl uted stakes driven ,Directiolks how to attain the Wag despoiled Of t all at E To- wa rack' ev,,r a T to apply liquid bring theta back to ened� firmly to Pal ly attar a good watering wit it. in wa a a 'trium- that field artil h pure The happiest time In a *Ordan's life the first right's Stropping Placch 40 RUSSIANS WILL. BE FIRST' into the, ground at a height of About led tings," Pravda be. pines. Britain wa not to lors driven from water. , in She is either too young or An was probably long a th go of all dark tl a arls shield! it it ery must tarry light whe searct bnic b I �e ek. ,Those who will havei the hanor at 19 inches. To. the advance of cavalry L that,the Egyptian Of phialit and when th a. is cial emcl�- the, temple. - Pro a doubt asc�liftcludea jAL 1762, liosition by thO, fire of a few sbarv- d be 6 ad: by nift), Apo I orporchas sur- According the f irst greeting to the new a properly-construated wire entangle- yond co Shooters. 13=6 d for and, Ine colonnades 11 A b insuperable that time had 6. thorough knowledge to givis up Van& tha� a a keubury argue NIS SUNDAY.' .01, of th 'Women, century for the reason that it -will ment offers a we o i a was left In C is Co I- shields fully 10 ',Th6 ae. VONA gets tile house clean. rounding the' Court Of ttle 11 be in thre before it begins barrier, while even to infautty it of the elements of arithmetic. ad, all of the Boer infantry and shraP� Who'% a wax t 91'" Ir the rabbis gave their InBtTtlr� L Russians in Kam- Droves -Very avikkaying, as - From Monday morning till Saturday sometimeS 'net tes is loading additional era oct,'her tooth.fiodrici a now gown �bo where manY women cdogreated and be It-tiiiie, and whon, as . Numerous examples show that thel 't. - - midday the ma y io on , Jay. t ellso' It. in Tkjo and on pecially at' nig) and HER CRITICAL HOIUI Olt, pro jority of husbands tell ho giverest Sort WhOre a big h.tl I the, .11 the Principal cPar&tIOAa With units hasiIS to the necessity for ail feels read lonS. Those who love God lov the Spaniards 1A.Criba, P t a bty.esso, the inhabitants of constructed by fractions woro made by means ot ad- still more Lection; #U. are hard iiiork- They Visa �# awintet. .A Its children, are found in the islon, U 1, As —40. it is the, . -0-t coalition, wag. a YOU J - There Are tlme$�wlleik one pill is OL house, 'I Now Guinea lala- I it IS made, al. a I d, laving enten break- , than the crown his courts. Sitting In thei,midst. The the philippinesl of � dItion and multiplication- muurrac- at, 6, 7, or 8, an Value to a, woman bisi SELL On of the Solcoma;a islands and- of the New most troublesome clog to the enemy's Lion and division Waves uOt known In to religious teachers, callod rab fast, gat bualnedks� i At midday maroo ' And It doesn't have td be a die a raised platform, with th(sir 'disciples 'Hebrideg, the French in New Cale progress that Could be devised. Earth their Present form, but qorroot re'so comes an hour for diialiker and rest. jewe" the general dolkla and the Inhabitants of New Zea- worka . are usually strengthened by suits were cobtalikedt nevertheless. mand onei either. knot. got credit at seated Around them" wblle de the land and of the little island' OtChat' baskets having, Equations are ajA6 found in the TheLkwork fillskip thistime t1115,6, or The woman who car I or sat onto! gaill6lia—cylindrical — heir the slikops,irs saved bunny -a �Iakotul audience"^ Stood n the Pacific Oce", ndlther top nor bottom and sand pro$. Here is one which brings 7, The evening thO7 claim, no t the monthly circle. jaguis was there tot no a for- ham, I �s island will be . bAgp. pap., hoolbor home to us-* lawful rest after a hard day's brand- hour worrying over 110'� ward leader in the discussion, but nit "The, POOP16 On thl V before RIF the Vgyptiau go: to be di. ts, bard- bill is to be paid. � art intalligent listener and Inquirer; able to greet the now c0utu:c'� obable LE PITS. Ton measures of barley are winning. When two of the %hore is nothing an aggravating to ,4n,eagor-haartod and gifted learner, any One else.. but it is not pr ro"too, the defenders. of AdLd among tea POrEOPs in such a �Orftan pegsist in privilege will,again be* Nearly alwal, a con. person worked men meet they all1mat'invarl- a mAll as to have a V wbost, eathok&sm kindled their aid- that a similar a beleaguered tamp Or gart'60 manner that each subsequent ably, sooner or later, sucer or joke being pleasant* whom he is. dating his ruir4tion, and whose bearing Won their theirs Tor the reason that tharts is not struot both,sholtist' trenches and TIfIO shall receive one -eight of a,measulcei worst to shake her. esteem, and loove,,$—Varrar. The do- likely to be ar living Bout on the Island Pitts A. very shallow tTellch will rrtk� loss thas! the ono before him. Andtli- A hundred Years ago loan, lying down, invisible to the about the la2y liv&I woman lead So rangy and such eceentrio Orion- Some of Lots. Teachers Of the law. ' a century hence, der or example given is, There, nre seven Listen I It tile batiod. of a house ViSGS mentstions for the Coiffure are being �gulshed of the rabbis there ware 2,000 men there, and in 1830 clistanj enemy, and a Very Slight men, eaeli one has seven cato. each cat Line Indian hedd- the most dist! this time 'ant to Ova- has enter, seven mice, each ratillse has at 6 his wife. must rise at 6 In Order to Wlru that the gen't were living at ­�Hlljel, 81ca- there were 1,500, Vivo years later, earthen P-AraPBL to suffic' have 'his breakfast ready all 4 004A dress would, be searedly surprising. I I con, and Gamaliel. ilearing ... and however, it attrober of Maoris visited tOtt him from the effects of shraPnel ,atglil seven, grains of barloY, Each Ong of the most embarritaking'111001- Asking. ln these oriental school d ruthlessly began to dea- - gralit of barley would have yielded The a tiler" the island an 6 and rifle fire. Indeed, it has boon as table in OL Cleanly swept To( WOm1Ag life is that during was great liberty Of questioning, Con' Inhabitants, In 1870 there oertained fromiaettlMl OlPerlarkoe that seven measures Of batlOY- HOWinuoh husband leaves for business, and his ants bahooves her to Introduce,. customs, tho scholars in- troy I "Illy 200 persons, on the Island, ' on 69 rifle bullets into I wife settles down to the uccessarily which it . She, has fdi'90t- trary to Our Veto 1. a VA. the penetratic ATth4 does hot ex- barle) has been loatt dull routine of housework At the some one whose name terrogated their teacher, and proposed Aind At. pg6do t there are hardly ore atwly-excavited a The papyrus also,* contains On ou a- d difficulties for tbalf 'n- than, SO, ceed 124 inches at 5W Yards, and three of, Area, the Calculations: of the midday meat she most probably has 'to teti. ant in broken a doubts An member tiolls iquaring attend to tlits Wants OT `LWO, or three. When An idlagagotal structor to, Answer- ,Let every one, however, To feet of earth may be, considered safe Area lot 0, Oil -CIO, attempts at 6 d. -A large com- distinctly that ite twentieth can- loulations of sho must. woman is much WOrO toady td return 47, All that bear at any range. A typical SILL�lttsr trench the circle, and finally CA children. In the afternoon etsBiftts than his: past—lift the for at the Passover tury will begin. in cverY Country At is formed by digging a shollow'ditch the cubic measinvemonts of pYramidA call oil her delghbors in order to keepr a man's Pi 8 otters he bag written pany% Assembled' th tt her husband forin of the 10V season the temple was crowded With midnight at becomber 31,, 1000. The ad Piling In front at it the car ex up friendships, do th, may have People to talk to whett'lle hev. Arttarrilised At big under- Asintics will begin tO etJ% it before v&vAted. A, rifle Pit 18- dug in a Elint" Ing. Slith a many hursbaudis refuse- �y. saw that this child Europeans, and Europeans store Ana- lar manner, but it is iaolhted in place Wants variety in the ovei dow'n IstaiTs . CLU41 I standing. The -as, and no ean obtain the Pifiv� of being continuous, andr is a deeper also has to do the riecessarr shopping. The reason fil Indoti a burglar had thought an the Scriptur oricansA NO 0 A -ITT ,owing to fear, but because they tusks and he very first to greet and more carefully constructed piece The mcnokkchfag memorials mad( her 10 got could penetrate below the roachi takes one it &boat ra the hatilast Pitt of it, 116 liege -of being t Virst, the evening meal, Must be Careful of the acquaintances A kovio6l. Of it—that its, unless he is Willing to of work. L shelter t by hands are not the statues, tablatg day bogins. shells of the tWhOrs to th a distant island of. Chatham man. halt aft hour to excavate'; a rifle d inseflptions erected over the dead then the Children to be put to bed, they make, apecial'Oredit, the truth. travel to ti pit accupliss two men for one hour. an then She must try and be lively and A wornall doletvol hen She 48, Tb6Y saw him- Ma' ry and Abd join the handful of -inhabitants in UBNT1OXpD 114 DISPATCEWS- fferings of SPOntall amuse her spouse till bach time as he for telling her real EL90 W iToseph, coming suddOuly uPOa a crowd singing a paean of welcome to the new but the Simpler n chooses to go to bad. AS to a Wilava knows that she looks years younger, in the court at the temple, werel our- cycle.,, Thin still constitutes a very great sells affection. olls FLAUbt honor, and ased 111 Suliday, eVeVy anewhO, liars ever boon and she daeilUtt gat A137 when 'She to prised to behold their son in the midst &RION Dnrnumnn WAR. to be even 99606t(sr in I the Crypt Of St, Llaul's cathedra child knows what that means, it and lodkq aldo'k. 'the discus- M. 1,,Iammar too Concludes by exPrdli- days gone by- The, General in Supreme in London liOS barled Lord Nelson a le practical, womark�a desk may bo ail earnest PartICIPInt irk his re- chief among the naval heroes of Bag TI, gion, wbile the witnesses stood won- that dilTing the coming Command, whata sending home inst the, marble Lam' littered with silver trifles, but You AVG ' A era a satisfactory Plan , will be I �.0 . yi ac. I land. Leaning a8a 0 -Vibrated card %, 0 � U." AaTjj& at his intelI196-668- Son- slug tile boo dig' ports, selects this officer or that fair us)98 FOR SALT, slit puts out fire In the chimuoy. .%It in whitawash, Makes. it stick. lgalt and Bodo, Are taxo6ilent. for boo Stings - salt UgOd irk sweeping Carpets keeps. out mothis. salt, thrown on M Oat ifte, which Is �*w will revive It, It remove Status salt Una Vinegar W! from discolored torlouPS. SnIt thrown,06 soot which has Ull- an an the .1 a' t , vVift pravent stain. Salt put -ion a when, freshly, IsPilled 'a�t V'I help in removing the on: OL -carpet Ul spot, $,%it in the aV6rk -under baklog tin' Will Prevent their scortshlat ob thl bottom. - �01TBA IlUn VOWLAINTS, 4hik. Urd, Xondalla lia6tbodis Of house I keeping Ard worth hoatfug, to over toola of her houge bang Lt "nail uni Slaw, Onto 0, day aho ftiakes A LOU ,of the entijo hause.- W1bff6v0r all ackas anything witioilk %lie, writes he e4roplaintot and orders on the 41&tO A0 jAkgned to, tile pArtioular raom 6t thUli pretty sure to discovor 1, 91k, . own -use to A ple'la, 'five cent bottle of rebuke, Those who gentle, loving 'ry ton" dO it Ve covered of putting alt end to AIL inter- wars. It is earnestly to be special Collimenanuou, 6 count of his Valor, his ability, big is a small SqUIP6 Q r board, Worked as a samplaro which to - Ink and a pea with the holder 612owed must reprove should datly. Thy father. This WAS th a only national hoped also, he says, that Civilized energy Or 60M6,0ther distinguishing is in due ooursbpub- six years has remained there uladif at the isad. possible way in which *jury could 1080P`b-� Novice nations will unite lifteftorts to further of humanitY� � report tralt The kkopsla of it lishod officially, and 4 sy turbod. eat words, spelled I It bears ill "In Mi.. A. LA11OVeQSAVING DEVICE,. speak to bar so?) Of what a singular coatrast occurs Ill when he tells her 110 the cause Some of the most not4d statisticians &180 appmrs over afterward in the obrocIO11091sts of the day havet "Army List" oPpositO hit' ItIftme, may be worsted letters, loving melnor of deal Lord Horatio 90 loan "Thy wi brought thith( - Mrs, T&Aque—Don't you get awful. the next Phrase, must be About We Vathrr$is business, and ha maintained during the last few m0ut Will not (Ind An ordinary' reconnaissance by a party of ton or I lie datics" and wag by it Child whose heart was in tb I tired waiting for your huaband to .,%rtowind. Her Anxiety shows some 'Lt the Ptorent -century t1l. Air tlt.�. carried out � .1 ­" or by as few 4-m & to his here, 0 1 ; the most terrible conk, formidable one, bination of foca that Btitain has ever had to faca, to the war which began with the American ROVOlul"On,' and ended in 1783 1 England.s4w, marshal - ad in arias Against her, France, Spain, 11collniad and the revolted colonies at America,. Whilst every other European power stood aloof from her—all show - Ing their tooth and Snarling. Single-handed, Britain faOcki tho wo, id�,;;ith Ireland, too, in seral-re- bem to crippling her bonds ILC hOmO The fiesta Of 'Franco, Spain and Rolland thresatered bar suPrOmMOY On the qe�bl- he 0 , virender of Cornwallis to t t Yorktown, gave, S I 'War stige. a Z -.1 n li I all to her, military Pro W spaia wonild listen to no propoaalsfor Peace unless GlOraltnr were surrender - oil bar, France made it a first con- dition Of negotiation that ail the Dirt - List possessiol, in Tndia, except. Ben' gal, should be handed over to her- Th American. (,01041w would hold no Par. Icy with Great Britain unless she 40, kinowledged their nb,011110 ilkaOPA Diane. Stripped of her e6lonies. robbed Of her rule in India, deprived of her ou, pronta On the son, what would have a 1% bee . of the gm -It World ornthrO on which Britain bad prided herself? Nothing. And tbeil came the turn Of the tldb' Rodney, this greatest of Iiingland's A;�a kings'next to Nelson And Blake, Met the Spanish fleet, DOMAY twice ' as large ii,,a his own, and oat of tw(siftty- Seven ail 0, tiko line only four got back, battered and half sinking inte Cadiz, Then, after standing 0- siege .01 throes yearts Against the most tremen' days armament over arrayed Against a, fortress, Gibraltar Was su�ed* vinAlly, on the 12th of April, 17sa 8 Rodney intereaptoti the profit Pronel fleet under the Comte de Grasse in th' J come home evaningav ILtra, tualke Oh, IT nover sit up for latk at faltb. i�. Ilow is It, T ihesis dire the first UT Iti, the, Close ox tilig year. marion, its we Boo, 18 of M6 same WAY there is little doubt dozen 111111111011111 - as twoor three cavalr ymea. its object The rules forbid the encumbrance West Indies, and th.Anka to Warrex is to le%rn, as far as possible, the of the, Stories by miscellaneous Offer Hastings, had,vastly increased herpo,; him. I have'a PhonograPh In thel hall whieh fAta to talking 'ftx 90011 no be recorded words from the lips Of Jesus' and contalia the ebarantiarlstib 04tuTots of think tic, And t big luoid exposition, at the sub- with th(11116 strength and ditippaltion of the enoray' ree Is a, tar mot A reetiountolispAnco Ill, fO' 0 the verger stood by and she rose greater th-It, ings, but sessions in Ind!&. committed, all 1 a end 1 watchoidl: the Offence u over after that, *At. Aknd 8 e opens the door, of all bid uttepittfice4-01ft utter target will �,Jj weight know it qualified lie 14 to Serious and olaborat� Afft ir. A bat- 6 never ordered this the third coalition. the alathOl!itlas hav' s be fulnest, of self, combined' with 400in- , W ...,vor in mattors of talion a brigade or a division— 40- true 41 In N16MOTiAm , . to removed. tprorg wtvkg VT1VLNJt 8L'L,'L,1r. MUST CAUGHT A GLIUPSH, Papa,-Ily tile way, who Is. the lad� that bowed. tO. us 40 we' 'oft the cat rlaga I Dorothy—The One With the IbIdd ank Skirt, thA rose petticoat, plaid sill walato purple collarette with silve tl4gp, tan Coat, black I bat with PUTPI tlpg, carrsing a silvOr-tvialla0d car case I J)Ot6t,h,y-1 dou% know, I joust C4130 h6r. plate of his nature 'a give a y cording to the eurray,ts, presumed tharandh deviation toUla workamOng this Ill igth—marches out in battle 10- The fourth coalition againat BAtUll *+ret a ­ tin MCA, About MY VatilOrlig burs'116861 I I I Alte%dy Or, lia. ray V460 4 house"t., he know, tlVpyll not ftOM his maill' erIA lips, the mygtety of his di'011110 'k curious profession for ft woman I Ott vooglift; #0A the thought of bid VOCO,* that of dinner taster, SIL6 is a PV4 a w4g boglurking to stir Ills dOul' iduot at Parisian reflu&lftentl 410 We should be early interested both lill , ponda a ortion of each day visitit Ood's house, and Goals tomto, I Tiler understood not� They Zombs An tasting dishes intended ft BA) 61 dlikMr, $ht a`dg9t',At8 ImPrOVMOAt falf('..d j� rOmT,1*,hcna fully illp 'IMPOtit and shows the Cook new ways' Of DT of his wardt.,80. tvbr- the utttsf"�Os "TiAg distea. Tito datIOR Are PI& t of :bsua fall upon dull 6%ts and darko aompon0tion ampits. 6rm Iftiltids. Wont dowst with them, ray, but Without Us intention of giv- 1, ing battle. -it often bappentf, how - 15 over, that such, A dr - 1. vbIoPs, gg6jnat the wigh of the General Oommanding, Into it vdry sorlous on- gagement. A cAvAIfY SOMA littfin 62t0nd6d1like ir of vo.dettes, mounted adiltries, tvItiOli a, futtins tile double- Porpoise, tif obtain- ing early and *C6-dritto Intl paraing the, Await& a WhII16 pr6vosating bial from surprising ULPIt CRAM. WAR in 1707, When arrance. y When I look AL Mrs. Davloy I can't Ilalland united to� drive her 11inom tb seas. But Sir John Jervis, aftOrwar help Wondering whether It can be pas- 00' ._ rWI St. Vincent, gave the 81)� .10 alible that her husband married her for at, Cape, at. Vincent such a. turashill love. as thAv hnit ant hftd since the ATI"I Ch 3101 he didn't. , We'll she didn't -hav6 money'. did ate slid at Wt% but he tould Always koW A Nvith her without AhAutning an unna I Ed --T ­tb tAl ,al THE MAN WHO W ORKS. kall t1A0, nigU%it Way Ife Call. "The Man I that Is .. so far advanced �Ikat he likes the W*rk'bO W dtilngt" , ' gold Mr. StOggletan, Ihtkg reason to le� me it. i pposetbat al hopeful. at hi a all the very great majority Of 'AW go through. 016work we have In hatid the easiest way we Can, dad got through, it, skip -ping the hard Places when !)as' Bible, and thinking we'll be ohd when it's finished i but7 the next jobiwill be just the gam#4 there 'Will be Just aboul, so many, hard places in it, and then wall, � be, w1sillng just the, SaMO that we coul , d got through that�job. "The fact appears, tO ba, that we aro always trying to shirk the present job, Nire mean well* !a A teable sort Of WaYt and the next thing we) tackle we arct gain&,, to do Tight up; to that handle'* but When We strika that, Nvho*a that becomcis the present wOtkt dOutt We try to shirk that, too I We do, indeed. And that's What WO do All through life; daily putting Off our best en- deavors till to -morrow. Xind.of a miserable thing to do, isn't it' , 'But -occasionally you meat a Man who Puts in his beat links every day, and rejoices in the labor- he doesn't care a continental What Like next day is going to bring to him, he Can handle it whatever it li, just DOW he's a%," gaged with tco-day'g labor-, and 116 does that up thoroughly -and complete- iY, and sAarches out the Mot took 'lud grallsky, he Isnt trying to Boo What he, can pass by, but what he 0=11 root Out; and he gos home satisfIO& with his work, and he)�a the, one man In 4 thous� and that leads all the rest and his PAY corresponds with bir, laborg." W1),1G11BO1tL­Y VIEW. callor—your ftest floor tielghbors ap, par tO be, Very quiet people. thp. wAlla ftrovery thin, And I O'POSO the mt,.aft things keep, quiet to hear A what we say. AN AUCT.W INCIDENT. r join after you, erled the Water. o I X()nt give a wrals, retorted thIt 6 soal. lit Tha6upon be Sklafted Off -