HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-01-11, Page 5• • • PrescrIptionPharmacy. Phone 2. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• JANUARY 11, 1900. iJ1JlJ.s _Or 1111011411000101011101101011111101111111.1111111 o I AIM n wt.": • . . - 4114114100114110••••••••••••• Perfect Emulsion 1 E AUCTION SAL of Pure Ood 111 Liver Oil It contains tiO per .sent. of pure Cod Liver Oil, the exact amount of Hypo. phosphites of Lime and Veda, and is agreeably fia. vored. CocILiver Oil nour- ishes all wasting tissue, soothes all throat affee. tions; dry hacking coughs aoon disappear when it is used. As a remedy it can. Uot fail to give the best results for only the purest and freshest oil is used in -making it. Regular 50o Size for .95e at JACKSON'S Of Short 'Horn Pattie> EIhroushire Downs and Lisoestor Sheep, and Berkshire vias. • Xosera Salkeld Bros will hold a intbliosalo of • pro bred cold°. sheep andpitni the, farm ▪ mita south of Goderich, On hurs ay, bob,lat. ;it! 1.7....,,sioritstaii;i!eittjx,t 3E;i4P.47„.;1,44,tznichsto"iiial • Pure tired Short itorn Cows and Holt • 20 Pare aired Shropshire Downs ' • 16PurepredLieetcaemers • o rum _ma Irgniro Z OWB, 4 and amputee old • : -1.'grn:Ztlrt2oo.ttie. unit 4 goad. Draft • ••TetingEiglit months credit on furnishing ap. la proved notes.or a discount allowcca.talogaes 00(1 07(y IUf0LinItOU i forIcash, For • •• 8ALK43141) BROS I134A0 SALICELD Proprietors, Goderloh, I'. T. EUNDRY, Auctioneer, Jan. Oth. at ANNUAL. MEETING. ••••00.0,...10 The annual meeting of the golmeaville Cheese and tautter Mfg Co., Limited. will be held in Wilson' Hall, Uolinesville,on Saturder, February 10th. at the hour at two o'clock p. ni. far the election of officers, receiving of reports • and transaction of other business. A full • attendance is requested • WH.FORSTIOR, W.S. LA,WIIENCE, • l'resident. Secretary. • Holmesville, Jan, fah, • • '" " , ▪ MEETING OF HURON CO UNTY COUNCIL • • The Council of the County of Huron will • meetin the °Queen chamber fti the town of • Goderifth on Tuesday the 231d inst., at 3 o'clock • p31). ,W. 1.4.6.NB, Clerk; Dated January fith, 1900. Crown Bakery (SPECIALTIES : • °rpm Puffs— feather weight 15 centa per dozen, Cream Cake— . • toothsome, appetizing, dainty, the very thing for 5.o'clock tea, 25c each., nut filled 35e. Home-made Ginger Snaps 1.0o per lb. Home-made dam-darns— lbs. for 25c, Mince Pies— our own make of mince meat, 15c each, 2 for 25c. We keep a choke, select line of 'Candies, always iresh and 'the Very best. Leave your orders forCream Cakes, Cream Puffs • and Mince Pies in the morning. Leave your orders now :for Roll., day Fruit Cake. KIRKBY Next Clarendon }iota isveysio-16...ww ATCHES - Are guaranteed 'Ito go"- not oniy correctly, but termanently. Perfect workmanship and nicety of adjustraent are the first requisites we see to'as re- • gards the • inside of our ipocket timekeepers -as to the outside, that is purely ' a matter of taste and ex. pense. If you have thought I, • • of a ladies' or gents' watch in gDid, silver or gold-fill- ed we are ready for your ' trade -ready in a sefise that gives lasting satisfac- • tion after you have made i a purchase. A.c1,0100 I I . FARM FOR SALE IN ST.ANLIFY TOWNSHIP. For sale, Doti' on the 2n00 concession of Stan. ler, containing 100 acres,of whieh about 12, are eleared and the, balance well timbered. This farm is well fenced and in a high state of culti- vation, with ail the fait plowing and 10 acres of good fall wheat in. There is a good frame house, kitolum, woodshed and a good cellar; bank -barn with stabling underneath, driving - house, hen -house and other out -buildings in connection. There is a good orchard and two good wells. It la 21 Milea from Brimfield and 1 miles from school and will bo sold reasonably. 1. or further particulars apply to the proprietor R013T. BOYCE, Brucefteld P. 0. Nov, 18th. lee ' HOUSE FOR SALE.' . The subscriber offers for sale his house and lot on corner of Rattenbury anti Raglan streets. W. G. DOHERTY. Clinton, April 135h . . • t Jeweler and Optician. eneeeitantesateneeneretwas • WET HURON FARMER!. INSTITUTE • • • TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE The aubscriber offers for sale a very desirable property on Isaac street consisting of four lots upon which there is a comfortable frame house with kitohen and woodshed attached. There la a good stable and a arst•class well a water an 'premises. The orohard, c neisthig of grapes and apples, is a good ono. T o property will be sold at a reasonable figure for cash or cash and balance on time.• Apply to the owner on the Premises MRS. JOHN JUNOR. Clinton May fith. • . HOUSE TO RENT - Small and comfortable'franie house on Wil- liam street to lease at small rental. Next house to Mr. Edward Carter's where'the leoYmuty • be ROBERT MARSHAII, • .•-• Clinton P. O. • I I HOUSE FOR -SAL On 'Victoria street, Near Organ Factory 8300 will buy, aroomy, comfortable house with good lot--the_property recently occupied by Frank Cashell, .Apply to W. laRYDONE, Demister March 7th. •• . . Onalett, II II LI. The Hallett council elect, n10, 301x1 Brigham, reeve Alex. Leitch, R. Ferris, William lifoon ann Patterson, councillors; Met 111 Hills ball, liondiaboro. on Monday, the 8t,h january, actordiug to etatute. Peti- tions wore received and read trona John II. GoYier and eleven other tete- payers praying the council to appoint arbitratin•s for the purpose of forming anow school section to be conaposed of certainlots of land which it is ioteeda ed to be taken from facetious 5, 8 and 9 in litillett and to form a union section with Iota 63 to (1(1, M. concession, (rode. rich townsbip. A similar petition was presented, signed by Peter Walpier and others desiring to have a union section formed ewbrading lots 21 to 35 incluelve, concession 14, Idullett, and certain lots in the township of East Witwenosh The council decided not to grant the request of the petitioners. Tendera will be received and opened on the Oth day of Februaly for the supply of. rock elm plank 10 feet long and nt induce thick to be delivered at different peints through the township. John Wilson, Auburn, and George Stephen - sate Constance, were, appointed, au- ditors, • Robert Smith, tax collector, and William J. Mins, assessor. The local board of health is the same as last year and Dr. 1404111am health officer. A circular • from J. ROOS Robertson asking for aid on behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children. was read and the treasurer ordered to for- ward a donation to the said institution. The total number of registration re, turns made during' the past year were 115, being 62 births, 29 maryages and 24 deaths. Council adjounied until 'February 5tb at 10 a. in. -jams Campbell, Clerk, A Pleigh load of young people from Holinesville drove to Me. and Mrs J. H. Lowery's on Tuesday evening. The weather was more than -unpleasant, it was inclement indeed, but that did not dampen the enjoyment of the merry company. The evening was pleasant- ly spent in games and social chat and refreshments were served, including oysters galore.The young people left feta home early -in the morning -and have voted Mr. and Mrs. Lowery to be capital entertainers, . . -FOR THE IMPROVEMENTOF STOCK. There will be kept at lot 31, con. 8, Hullett, for the improveroentof stock a fine Chester boar. Penns, 81 to be paid attime of service with the privilege of return to hog if necessary. W. J. McBRIEN, StinurterhilL Dee. ilth. 3n1s Regular Meeting will be held In CLINTON Thursday, • Swum 18th1 1900 In theTown Ra11. Afterri000 Session L30 &Sleek. reaident's Addresa. - - - . ... -1;30 te 1:46 • dames- "Foe& and Feedings" 1'45 50 2:15 Henry Glenderming, Manilla Discuaslon 216 t�:30 Address -"Clover and Clover Hay", .2:30 to 3:00 • A El1iott.0a1t Diactiitidon 3'00 50 3:15 Addrefla -Selected 3-1550 3:46 X Lockhatt, Auburn Discussion,. . .... 3:4450 4:00 • Evening Swish:M, 730 O'clock Presidenth4 Address .Addreas-"Best Kind of Grass for Pastas:WI': . Glendenni Address--"EarthHWorms and Tng heir R0101100 to the 13oll," by A Elliott Addresses by 15. Holmes, Clinton; Jae Mitchell of Goderieh Dungannon. Friday, Jan. 19, 1900 In the Agrieultural 15a11. Aftermlon Session at 1:80 o'elricilt Presid en t's Addresa 1300 1:46 Address -"The Bacon Reg atul Row to Feed Hilris;" ......... . • • • • • ...I:45 to 2:16 2 DiscussiOn 015to 2:30 Addresa-"Woeds on the Farm" 230 to 3:00 11. Glendenning Discussion. .1:00 to 0:16 •Addreas---"Feeding forExpOrt"3:16 to 3:45 D Formster,•Clinton Dialuasion • 346 to4:00 'Evening Eassion,740 o'clock iresidenta Address... * Addeo:n-0Th° Chaliged Conditien Of Agrioill- turc,' Asuiett Address...0Th* fi_prityllar of Fruit Trent"., IA Glendenning eadresa-Seleeted D A l'Orrester Othor local am:alters than those named will also take part. Come prepared to help,by tak- ing pert in the dieoweein and givo the benefit iffyour experience. tediee speemily frivited to all Seasions. Suite akin programa yr_111 be prOVIded Mr all the MOP • -Ingedesions., Visitors attending the Clinton mooting will haVO the pririlege of vedette the Ilento of liefoge. CS. WOAD,. Searetary, nfolmesville. . JAteatntiz,Preeldent,Hullett. fnesei Pdtbrt 411°' Vr$Otri r10141110ahlOs let *eat !Melee Homy) Bold and reeotentanded by at draggle.), in Wads. Only reit sets medieine disotivereo. Sts poetoritt goaronteht to irate ab 'toms o Isexust Wrsktiolni, all etteefi of Obese 4* -4. elms% Menial Worry, Nxerfisive nee 61To4 bow, °pinta or Stimillenti, }tidied on receipt its win osea. lap our free to env 'mien. ot trial 0, Mx, en 004 ssaigeasa Ms etospasy, Whidrotseato sitiegiiitl=egateit 'fold 18 Milton by ,as Scribner s for 1900 Includes J.1VI.Barrie's 'Tom my & Grizer [serial Theodore Roose- velt's 'Oliver Crom-, wen' (serial) Richard Harding - Davis's fiction and special articles. Henry Norman's The Russia of to- day. ArticlesbyWalter A. Wvokoff,author ofThe Workers.' Short stories by Thos.Nelson. Page Henry James Henry Van Dyke - Ernest Seton - Thompson Edith Wharton Octave Thanet Wm. Alien White Special, articles Paris Exposition Frederic Irland's articles on sport and exploration 'Harvard 50 Years Ago' by Senator Hoar. Notable art feat- ures, The Crom- well Illustrations, by, celebrated Ara email and foreign artists. Puvis de Ohava,n- nes, by John La Fargo, illustrations in colors. •B lake Intended for last issue.) The people onBlake and vicinity last Monday evening took advantage of the fact that Mr. S. Mere, the genial blacksimth of this place, was leaving here to tnke up his abode in Hensel!, to show in a tangible way theii friend- ship and good will for one who , never tired of doing a favor to anyone when- ever an opportunity presented itself. Mr. Mere by leaving Blake leaves a vas caney which willhe very hard to fill. Wingbass, A .••••••••,./...• P. Cunangns of Semitorth, the now SMITH-SANDIE --.At the nuinre,Luok- proprietor of the Online! hotel, le now now, no Wednesdey, Dui 375b, by 111 posaeasion. Mr Ouinuains formerly 14.v.4.• MoKse.Mr.Jouries D.Salith, lived in Emit Wawenoeh and is well ferentrie Of RieleYi to Wu Hattie known in this violoity. Ile will no Saudi., of limiltnow. doubt melte a popular botel man. 15YAN-Me0A1G---the Deo. 2/5b, by . Mr. T. B. Walker of Best Wswenosh Rev. N. S. Burman et Oa refil- ls army on * trip through Oxford, Sine dumbed the bride'. pima% Mr. ' cue end Eimer countlea and expeots to NNilliern Ityliti of enhaeld, to Oftma return with it ear of wellabred sheep Emily Miele% °Minium*. end ix c ir of °tittle vinieh hu will melt pa DONALDSON-w.osoN-At the bome his return. of the bride's: parent', coin 10, Cult Ur, John Powell, one of the oldeet was' on Deo. 27th, by Rev. James and most respected realdenta of the . Malcolm, Mis* Rettle, deughttie or township of Turnberry, ins been quite Robert Watson, to John Doneldson, ill for the pest number of dam of Cuirass. ea. Melvin Xe/Yia .11mt hia h°110 Itnt 'mkt raoautsoisr-UILLEN---On January lin and reoltons he is out $75. His brother at the residence of the bride's per• waa out driving in the country and got • entieby Rev. P. Muegrave, 'misted out of the sleigh to WOW hioaseit run. by Rev. Mr. Tiffin, Mr. Junes Hob- ning, The home took advantage of hie er Morrison, to Mias Elisabeth liberty awl ran away. Some time atter Madill Hillen, bath of Mantel). he reitched home he died. BOMAN- -SIMONS-1d Dublin'on the Fred. Analey left for Obloage tut Fri. lot that., at the residence of the day morning. He him secured a anus- bridea parents, by Rev, J. T. Ker. ton there as teacher in oue of the' rine Re. Aden) Borman, to Miss Sar - academies. His brother Harry teems ah M. Simone, both of Dublin. his place in the sohool in Lower Town. JBWITT-NoCRORY-At the 0:eidetic° On Saturday W. J. Howie:Ws* borne of the bride's parenta,Waxwickpiat. was killed. In crossing the railway on Dec. 26th, by Rev.Geo.Jewitt of triton one of its feet caught in the ratio. Henaall, brother to the groom, as- Thia excited the animal, and when it slated by Rev, S. Andersou of War - had freeditselfbit ran away. On turn- wick, Mr, R. W. Jewitt of Oromar. big a corner below the chair nil:eery, it te formerly of Brusselieto Mise Stet - fell and was killed. latdaushter of fifx. Theo. McCrory, A sleigh -load of young ladies and of Warwick. gentlemen drove to Mr. John Agnew's BIOKLE-TURNIP-At the residence in Beat Wawanosb a few evenings agoi of the bridegroom, lot 10, west °ens and enjoyed themselves immensely, " tre, south half, on the 23rd Deo.. Mr, ingneve's family did all in their Mr. Wm. Bioltie to Wise Turnip, all power to entertain them, The party of Egroonnville, „ numbered thirteen and they were so STUART - ANDREWS -At the resi- unfertumte as to upset. They arrived deuce or the bride's parent), Bay. home about four in the morning. field Road, on Wednesday, Jan.2nd, Mr. Dave Lougheed left on Friday lots Harriet, daughter of John en - week for London, where he will join the draws, to Arthur 13% Stuart, of Res- et:mend Canadian Contingent for South tan, Manitoba. Africa. On the Thursday evening prior COLMAN.... WALKER -At the resi- t() hi* departure, Maidend Lodge No. donee of the bride's uncle, John rommimmismommpie "Examtels sett" McKINNON & 00. it is not what we sop hot Than Precett" what Hood's Sarsaparilla froes• that tel4 the story. Thousands oftestimontats afe examples of what Hood's hits done for others, and what it will do for you. WOODS* - "X WAS weak, and hint fainting spell". DYstielndo indineetloil In mere form troubled Me. Five bottles Of goodie narsa_parille made sis wen and strong." Kan Wawa inexteroiessneen, Whitby, Ont. A Good ""We have tem Yfooda Sarsaparilla. In our bonny as s wing raeataine end used Baena Fins for binoustuiss and. found both medicines very' Motive. ]Tor iropure blood we iteow ELooda Bersaperille is a good medicine." 0. riagOlf, PUblialler Doe, .A.tv/oOd, Out. 14.41.111 4 / Ov,appoints Opal's Pins 1#‘1,1er Illsi the non-trrrtxtpurn_nill asthenia • 'I by Watts as U0.0 Prugg sta.. EXPERIENOE IS THE BEST TEACHER, • We must be willing to learn from the experience of other rpeople. Every tes- ilia is the voice of experience to you, and it is your duty, if your blood is im- pure aud your health finning, te take Lsia tidedieine, You have every reason UM ex ect that it will do for ou what timonial in favor o Hood's Sarso,par- 11.4"irriCt 1. BEGIN THE 'NEW YEAR RIGHT. 9 ; a. On the beginning of the New 'rear people tumidly turn over a new ; 0 Y leaf, and try to Improve on the previous years, ; leaf lent'yoonuceletavntabbeue; buyingagtttosotdosrer credit you sbould turn over a now Stereo doiug a credit business monk their•goode at a credit prim), and ; although you get deeper cent, off for cash, you ore still paying too 'laugh ; el for pew. goads. al This store is conducted on itstrIctly cash basis,both buYing and sellieg. I T It is not an experiment with us. We have been doing it for the past nine le ;people broke away from the credit stores last year and have tried our cash 1 years and have everything in first-class working order. A great nature V, ; system, and are deliglited with the change., When you think of making a change coil and see our naanstrioth stock ; iN and we will be pleased to show you what *e can he for you. Our stock taking sale is in full swing and bargains like these will be. V V given in every department :- -Ladies' Corsets, long waist, very' special, 250. , -Ladies' Corsets, steel filling, tri ed with lace, long and a medium lengths, milers pink, blue a drab, good value at t -Heavy all -wool Tweed, worth 75c, sale price 50e. ; '75e, ea% price 50e. -Four Ladies' Jackets left over from last year, half price. ; 0 -Ladies' Cloth Jackets, new styles, one quarter oft a -Tweed Dress Goods, good patterns, worth. 50c, for 85c. 0 -Tweed Dress Goods, heavy, worth 80e, for 19e. • .; a a We are offering special value in Ladies' Astrachan Jackets and Capes, ; S Men's,Fur Coats and Fur (naps. You will always find speeial bargains in t. all linen at stock taking time, 0 ' • ( McKINNON & 00. - BLYTH it has done for others. It is the best Teeaperseesseimatea!i0ensmanineeneginitealeninnicafenneenngtennsonnwninres. .'ne•n'eenInata.0 reedicine meoey can buy. 119, I. 0. 0. F.,of vvideh he is a member, • Walker, Goderiob, on Tuesday, 1•11j0D'S PILLS are noreirritating, bede him farewell for the time bottig, I Jan.2nd,1903, by RevnTas. AnAnder. wild, "realm and extended him the courtesy of an I• amell• A.Frank W. Coleman,- of oyster supper at W. A. Jolene, who Toronto, to May, only daughter of kirlerd. btayoalOsTuoinn'pHfoadi tilt go of nBurligrub.t served up the bivalves in his usual . the late Robt. Walker, Goderich. style. ROUTLEDGE-FORD.-At the home • of the bride'e mother on • the 9th Lneknow. • Mr. Frank Jury died suddenly at leis residence on the 13th concession of West Wawanoish on Thuraday morning last. Deceased bad only been ill for a , •BIRTH& • con., on Wednesday, Jan. 10th, by WI1EN HEART FAILS • Rey. Mr. A.ndrewa of Pollute°, Smile, daughter of Mrs, H.Ford, to' Line's CHARM VANISHES -No CASE Or Wilhbam Routiedge, Huron Road, - HEART DISEASE DR. AGNEW'S (JURE all of Goderich township. FOR TAO IINART WILI.NOT HELIEVE in 30 MINUTEG• AND PRItNEANENTLY • Cone. was few days With throat trouble and his Thos. Petry of Aylmer, Que., says very sudden death is a and surprise to HAUGH-In Winghar4, on Jan.3rdlthe that for about five years he was a con -508 family • and .neany friends, to • wife of James lisugleof a daughter. stant sufferer frcm acute heart de - Whom the earnest sympathy ia extend- WRAY-4n Brussels, on Deo. Slat, the ranyments-endured untold pion, was - una le to attend tn his daily work, . ed in their great. -bereavement, Mr 1 wife of -Mr. A. M. Mollay,hardware any exertion caused great fatigue. He 'We welenme, however, his successor, Mr.Kalbfleisch,and hope he will have a Xury had reached the ripe old age of • merchant, of a daughter. Was rec d t o men ed o tr6 Dr. Anewa. liberal ehare of the pationage Of the lieventy years, and wee an old and high. COLBERT-In EgmonWOl dville, on Deo. Cure for the Heart. ne e did neighborhood. ly esteemed resident of the township. 291h, the wife of Thos. Colbert.of e him great benefit; four, bottles drove every spmptom of the trouble away.- T„ns home on a visit. Mr. Manson . is of Old Light Lodge, No. 184, G. R. U., itt1JRRAY-In MoKillop. en Jan. 1st, Sold by Watts & Co.-. one of the moat prosperous- merchants for the current year: W. M., Imam Mr A, P. Manson of Wolaeley, N. W. n The following is a Iiit of the officers son. . in the town where he dwells and saYs Morrison ; S. W., D. M. Gordon ; J. the wife of Mr. Marthalfurray, of a times have never been better than they W., J. W. Armstrong ;Secretary, Harry . were this fall. • • . s Days ; Treasurer, D.Faterson ; Ohitplain, The party at Mr. Mero's last Thera- , 9., ; J.D., SMART -1n Aishfield meths 4th Jan., • IMAMS. Our pedagogues began. another year s e 1/1 . trying to eut.his wites Olivet. • labor last Vnednesday. J.Murdoch ) Tyler, 3. Robertson ; I. G.., A. MoKenzie I S.D. A. Barbour day evening was a decided success, and u • • • i 0 • McIntyre 5 S S as Lyons; D. of Margaret M.,- relict of the late Whatif e.Eat • makes all lovers of the mazy dance C . f E. Morrison, • Charles Stuart, aged 89 years) 3 William • Newsome Wyeville, an octogenarian, IS in nail at Barrie for NUARYSALES Durmg the month .of January we will give sorae unusually good, bar- gains in the following lines: • WOOD COOKING STOVES - WOOD HEATING STOVESI, COAL HEATING STOVES SECOND HAND STOVES BOTH COAL AND W000 FOUR FIRE PROOF SAFES AT CUT .PRICES wish heartily for a revival of the good Deatb has olaimed another victim in1 months. old times wben the people around here Hutto township in the periiou of Mrs. jURY-eln West Wawanosh on the -4th _Is intended to nourish and sustain us, but it must be digested and assimil- vvere more Sonia ble.thatia they are at Ni McKay. • Mrs. McKay went west Jan.. Prank Jury, aged 70 yeara. ated' before it cart do this. In other We want room tor other goods present it sometunes seerns with her son about tifteetryears agoiand WILSON-- In LucknOW, or% Monday,jan • words, the nourishneentcontained in Mi' j. Diechert had purchased unto mune back a few months ago to visit 1st, Susan Wilson, beloved wife of .food must be separated by the •dig- norne along and get a bargain! himself a horse. Mr, Allan Baler has her daugliter, Mrs. Donald Matheson. Mr. Jas. Wilson, aged 63 years. estive °retinas from the waste mat- -`•-• gone and done likewise. Shet, was nowell when she came end MoMURRA.YL-In Logan, on Deo 26.511,, erial and must be carried by the Miss S. A Menson attended the wed- ding of Mr. F. Hess of Zurich last gradually weakened until the end.. She, . the wife of Mr. James McMurray, blood to all • died at a ripe old age, heft 94 years aged 58 years and 2, months, parts of the body. We believe the • Wel ington Inee of Zurich has taken Mr. William GoIlau left last week for Trew Collison infant son of David many people derive from Hood's . N :AN HARDWARE .44 STOVES AND TINWARE ' makes pure, rich blood. It restores le . Lieut. John F. Tennant was in Tore Deo. 27th,Jais. Cason aged 69 years, • old. HODGE-1n Listowel, on the lot inst., reason for the great betel% which so H ta .1 ' d• :"G -W t HARLAND BROS Maia, go :West." Denver, Colorado, for the benefit of his and Ann Hodge, aged 3 months. Sitrattparilla lies in the fact that this . w • • the functions of those•organs . • • IRO Miss .A.ggie Douglas is home on a vie. health. CARSON -In Cuirces on Wedneeday medicine gives eood digestion and Mr. Nelson Aitcbeson, a student in onto last week rosining application as a _ :10 menthe, 5 days. winch convert feed into nourialament . Knox College. preached to a small but member of the Canadian Contingent CHAPMAN-1g Seaforthe on December that gives strength to nerves a,nd ,0 0 • interested congregation lent Sunday. for South, Africa. , 28th, Jane Brown,vvi e of Wm.Chare muscles. It also cures dyspepsia, We showA line of goods • Mr. Robb. Boyce, who has hem) in Mr. John JOynt sold to Mr.- Moore- • man, sr., ot Tuckersmith, aged 63 scrofula, salt rheum-, boils, sores. tbe West all sinnineerci has returned. house, mitobeu, lase week 25te- insplit you's, 10 menthe and 16 days. pimples and eruptions, cattarrh, • design and finish Be was aecomeard hY his cousin, treeo in his bush in West wawanesh, • MoVENZIE-In McKillop, on Jan lat,. rheumatism and all 'diseases that' • ' • Isabella Murdie, wife of the late have their origin in impure blood. Miss Fee. NATTY St. Helens. Sohn McKenzie, aged 83 years and . . _ _ • ,Brussels. 10 months. • The Be. 4, M. Whaley has again — —. Laura Louisa, daughter of Thomas DE N ON -In Brusaels on D ea. 30, 11 " 4 FURNITURE of Kingston, is dead in his 102nd year Mr. Robert Hendren the oldest citizen ' — resumed the, visiting of the congrega- Last fall while packing apples Joe and Mrs. Denoison, aged 21 years, : , tion. McKay put a note in a barrel askingthe 8 months and 13 days; • NERVES PARALYZED. The Yonng People's Society of T tic iver ea communicate With him stet- DecKELLAR-In Rodney on Deo..30th, — • Calvin church met as usual. Rev.. 3,- M. Whaley, B. A.; occupied the chair and. Mr. Maclernorrow gavean address. The new school teacher of school No. 4 is from Goderich town and com- menced teaching on Thursday last. The tele of the Institute papers and magazines was held on . Monday night last The Womenn Missionary Society of the Presbyteriao church will meet at Mrs. R. K. Miller's on Wednesday afternoon. • • Hugh McDonald has gone to Gode- rich to study for his First. • Miss 3. Lanes is visiting her cousins, the Misses Rutherford, , Mr. James 'Ramage, Who has been attending the Agricultural College at Guelph, is home agaio., • We are pleased to see Mrs. S.Durnin, who has been ill for some time, able to be out. again, Mr. John Clark is home from TQVI. onto where he has been studying. • Mr. David Todd arrived home with nis bride last. Wednesday from Miclg- gau. Live Stock Markets Trade at the Toronto cattle market to day wile brisk, gook in ,all branches sell - log out at fair prices.. , Hogs advanced 12no per cart all round. Tile quality of Cattle on tbe whole was good. The to- tal receipts were 1000 cattle, 2600 sheep and %tuba and 2000 hogs. Last week's receipt) were 1669 cattle, 2,327 filidep and lamb", 1,988 hogs, 22 calves and $81.40 weigh receipts. Export Cattle-Thia branch was ac - nye, stock being itt good demand at Zurich. • Arm pricres_, $4.'75 to $e.lei .per owt • . — for choice heavy steers and $4.25 to , Our township fathers Were ell return - $4.65 for lighter weight, • ed by acclamation. Thia goes to show Feeders were scarce and . tend at that their dealings with the nubile der- poices quoted in table. ing the past year were O. K. Out Stockers -Showed Boole improve- villsgo nouncil Was also sleeted, you went and light offeriogi sold readily at might say, by acclamation, the only fair prices of $2,25 to $2.93 per owt for difference being that all new men are in lighter weights and $3' to 0.25 for it. heavier stook. Mr. and Mrs. John Fuss of Exeter Mitch Ociwa.--A moderate demand are spending their holidays in town. at $30 to $45 prevailed. , Offerings ivere Mr.' Ify. Randall had his brother as ,guest for a fere days. Builie-Butaheral bulls, weighlag 1,280 0, 111. Buchanan left for Goderich to 1,300 lbs. were in moderate demand a week ago Wednesday morning to res at $3 to $3.25 pet own feeding bulls at aume her studies there. $2.25 to $2.75 per owt, stook bulls at Mt. Hess was united in marriage 'fie to $2 25 and ligbt weights itt $1.75 to Miss Julia Dates, eldest daughter of to $2 per owt. • Mr. Fred. Dates of Hay, Deo. 28. May Sheep and Lainba-Notwithatanding they live to enjoy many years ofwedded the unusually large run prices held life. being fairly firm considerable demand' Mr. 11 Holtzman is able to be around especially for lambs. Prices were again alter a long and serious ilineas. ateady as quoted in table. Eneort Master All. end Eddie Paine, form - sheep were a trifle weaker. erly of thisplace, but now of London, W. L. Girkin bought a let of 000413 called on Mende here. They are both heifers at $3.76 per cwt, looking well. We quote : Mrs. Shetton. of Detroit is visiting her Cows each 30 00 45 00 sister, Mrs, Rhoding, Export cattle choice 4 76 5 12 ' Export cattle, Iighb4 25 4 65 Butchers' cattle, choice4 00 4 25 Heavy snowfalls and slides ay e Daintier& cattle good..,8 25 8 75 blockaded the line of the White Pass Butchers' med. mixed8 00 8 25 and Yukon Railway, and trade to the Butchers' coinmon 2 00 8 00 Klondik& and other northern districts 4 25 4 50 Is suspended indefinitely. 32'3 401) 0(1(1 80 lig the condition of the fruit whine pun °hued and the price paid. Last week he received a reply from H. 0, Binvland, at Haunted Lakes Ranch, Lamberton, Alberta,saying the fruit Was received in good order and the price paid waa $13 per barrel. Hugh Williams got a fan on the ice a few days ago and fractured a small bone in bis leg near the ankle. Alf„ Baeker was very successful' with hie fancy fowl at the Stratford poultry show, getting three first prizes, four second and four specials. The (loath occurred a few days ago of Laura Louisa Dennison, daughter of Thos. Dennison, who recently moved to Wan. She was a victim of oonsuroption. The funeral took place to Brussels cem- etery. On Saturdey forenoon Mrs, 11.0, Dun - ford received a telegram notifying her of therather sudden death of her mother, Mrs,ThereMeore,at Witbuno,Lambton Co. Mrs. Dunford left on the afternoon train for that place. • B. Getty, W. F. Vanstone and lame" • Irwin attended.the Executive meeting of East Huron Conservative Anociation at Winghatn. It was decided there to hold the annual meeting in Brussels on Friday, 19th inan, for the purpose of electing officers and nominating a can. didate for the forthcoming Dominion election. There ia every probability that E. L. Dickenson,earrister of Wingbann will be the choice of the eon, yen tion Mrs. Mary McKellar, niece to Thos Curry, Brussels, aged 38 years. CLARK -At "Claremont Faroe" Col- borne townahip, on Friday, Jen 51.11, 1900, Jame(' Clark, aged 73 years, 3 menthe and 19 days. • It doesn't seem to make any differ- ence to The Illustrated Buffalo Express where the news events of the world happen ; it gets good pictures of the war in South Africa or in• the Philippines just as it gets good pictures of all lee portant events nearer borne. In our judgment it is thibeat illustreted news. paper publiahed anywhere. Special illustra- Dune, export, heavy do .tive schemeS,in dolor Feeders, heavlight y and in blaek and white - (1 bY Vir alter Apple- o /00 to 000 lbs... 300 7125 Express, a - Stockers. 640 50 700 5 3 40 'The best pictorial neWspaper in' the 225 2 60 United Stetter is The illuatrated Bee% --------213 tonOlark,E.0. Pe.. re"dillg has 2 2 75 Light bulls for Buffalo". 1 75 2 PO Miss Olive Boyle of Louth Township went out of the house in apparent good health. She dropped insensible in the yard., and died half an hour after being carried into the house. For Over Fifty Years itins.Wiestowa souffle -0a tweet has boa used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth sena at Once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ng Syrup" for Children Teething'. It will re- lieve the peering° sufferer immediately. De- pend upon itLmothers, there 13 00 mistake about it. It cures Diarrhcea_ regulates tho Sten:loch and bowels, cures wind Colic, softens the Gums. redness Inflammation, and tone and energy to the whole sy6tom. re, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething 18 Plea - Mat to the taste and litho prescription of nee of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses In the United States.. Price twonty-five dente a bottle. Sold by all druggists throngh- Out the world," Be sure and ask for "Mrs. ntsfott's SWOONS 131701P., ixotto, Henry Mc. Liceet ate& bone 2 00 2 25 The bubonic plague is go had at lmdor Ef d an others. do tutchei 2 50 2 '75 gun burning ties infected houses, The limbs Ter ewt Carter, Dwight L. 46e:P Wort ewes .- 3 00 0 60 Horiolule that the author ties have be. 50 3 00 'plague has appeared in Manila. 4 0J 4 so do p eked eweinwethers 4 Do 4 15 illustrated prospeetus sent Bucks per ew; ..... ..,•,.. 2 00 2 tiO free to any address. Velvets meth 4 00 - 10 00 • Hop choice 450 000 skis000mmonloomoo . Hogs heavy int 3 87 0 00 Charles Scribner) s Sons, flngs Iightfztt. 4 12 0 00 Beleffehere• New York. ' 11°00 e°r11 tea. 4 000 tet niallailiiiiiiifilininellneatiatet 1 ttl,;:,"::: .............. ' ' ' 11, (01 g 800 NERVOUS PRoSTRATION SO SEVERE, LOST POWER oF HANDS, SIDE AND ' 1431.13,S, BUT SOUTH AMERIOA.N Nen- 'VINE BEAT OFF-DISHABE AND SAVED' HER. Minnie Stevens, daughter of T. A.. Stevens, of the Stevens Manufacturing Oonof London was stricken down with a very severe attack of nervous pees- tration, wbich resulted in her losing the power of her limbs, She could not lift or hold anything in her hands, and other complications showed themselves Her parents had lost hope of her re- covery. She benan taking. South Am- erican Nervineaind after taking twelve bottles she was perfectly restored, and esivijaz tog. health. to -day. -Sold by *0011.41,0111* THE NEW.REOQRD gives the news of Huron. • 125 MEN ENTRENCHED k EOM THE INROADS OF DREADED OAT. ARUM WHAT DR.AGNEW'S CIA.T.AltRHAL POWDER DID Foit LEBteeno H91 PROVES WILL Do Fon OTHERS. Alfred LeBlanc, of St. Jerome, Que., was a, great sufferer for years with catarrh of it very severe type, Dr. Agnew's Catarehal Powder rescued him when everything else had failed. To -day when he 'wee to bis lumber camp with his 125 men, this great remedy is considered as much a ne- cessity to comfortable camp life as anything else. It. relieves cold in the head in ten minutes; prevents the growing of catarrh genes, and when they are sown, it cures them. -Sold by Watts 46 0o, Preceater Waitted A Loader of the Psalmody in She Presbyterian Church, Illyth, with or without a choir. Ap- plieants to sing ono day on trial, and to engage and pay their organist Apply, stating aniary. Applications receive& up tp January 20th, 1900. Addreas J. S. Hormone. Secretary, Blyth. English Spavin Lmitnene remoVes ail hard, soft er calloused lumps and blew. %hes from horses, blood spavin, curler, aplinta, ring bone, sweeney, atiflea, aprities, sore and sweeten throat coughs, ete. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Werranted the most Wotider- fel blemislecure ever known. Sold by , Watts & (Jo, LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for Pale that desiraole - sixteen (10) acres of land smith of the London Road Bridge. Itis a, bea.utif Idaho for building and will be -sold in one piece or in lots, My reation for selling fa that it is too far from tOWn to handlo myself and it doesn't pay to hire help , A, COUCH. Clinton Tune 20th. OGS We want Loge and Bolts of all kinds suit. able for Headings, and are prepared to pay -the Highest Cash Prices... If you hive any Logs to sell IT WILL PA.Y You to enquire our prices before taking_Aem elsewhere. 11. & J. ROUND Stittdeten Salt Works, Sam erdy 1000. Znrekalterneso Oil hi fho best preservotivt of new leather and the tett renovator of old leather. It one, tofterue, black- out and prottitt. That • Eureka Harness Oil eerier bon harness, your old Ur. ANA and your carriage ton, and tber will not only look better but wear longer. Sold eVerYwbets 10 ClUIR**11 *Warrens ban pint* to five callous. wool nossut. en. CO., VASA • SPECIAL NOTICE r have decided to commence onJanuary 1st, WOO, to sell for Cash or its equivalent, and hope by handling best goods at lowest prices to merit a eontinuanee of pub. lie patronage. Doe. 802's STSWART W. JACKSON AOONT 0. P. it CLINTON F R THE HOLIDAY SEASON unexcelled in Tor the HRISTMAS RADE Do not fail to eee what lye have to offer in the Furniture Line. Something suitable for a XMAS PRESENT We will be 'pleased to show -you through our Well -Stocked Warerooms. 1 g . BROADFOOT .BOX 84 00, . 'trioirultiutre Dealers and Undertakers •3. W. Chidle7Manager ,• Night and Sunday calls answered at Residence of our Funeral Director, J.W. Ohidley King St, opposite Foundry. HOLIDAY GROCERIES We MI have confidence,. recommend the WHITE • SWAN Flour for holiday baking. It is a cheap • flour only in price. • We have renewed our stock of Groceries and now have a big supply especially good for the Holiday season, 0. OLSON, Travellers to any perb of the world should consult the above in reference to Haab% W. JACKSON • 'WNW 0 P. .11.11.fiGAItgl, 11120W1V.t.P.ef D.EVRASOD. NOTICE TO_CREDITORS Notice is hereby given puranant to Chapter inn E. 5-0.. ternthat all persona having olefins egainot the estate of Margaret Brownlee, late of Clinton, widow, deceased, who died. Aprli 2151. 1899, are required to ,end by post or deli- ver to the undersigned solicitors for Proctor Juno and Samuel Robert Stuart. executors of the last will of the sold deeeased, on or before the 23111 day of January, 1000. their names and addresses and full particulars of their chime awl 0 statement of thOir actounts on& the nature of the security (if any) hold by tient ; and after the said %at nained date the said (me. otters will diatribute tho assets of tho said de- canted unkempt the parties entitled thereto, having regard only for elaims of which they then shalt have had notice. DE • SON, Solieftora for Executors; Mgettel 1. OineDec. 2B -t, itto. STUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANYTIME. HOUDA y We ask You to -try otir, Rai- sins, Currants and Peels. Our stock is new and good, just what you want for . Holiday baking, . • Exeter Flour for Holiday Pudding. There is no better Flour made than this and none better value for the money. For Fresh Canned Goods try ours • _.... . J. W HILL London & Lancashire Life Established in Canada 11303 I1170iitia $6,532488 LIBERAL, STRONG', PROORESSIVE • All the popular forms of insurance issued. Policies unconditional, world-wide and nonforfeitable. Money looted. Policies purehtmed, New business 1898, 000, Amount paid pollees bolders $687,000 .... . . Full information furnished by CHAS. B. HALE, AGENT* CLINTON STRATFORD, 'ONTARIO. tieltool that °frets ruiventnges not found elsewhere in Catte,da., Largo shad erDert, itatrUCtOrg ; Increoced attendance t Ingo -date 'minces training ; Acores of Rodents ntaetd into good paying positionet ettutente iu attend - /MOO who Onus from pieces% whieh aro 101OACt1 OthOT nominees tonetes. Thor TOW the boot. It onyx In the Obit NOW tOrM,now open. lihiter iurtoottaa ethics. Write to day for our huge .1 *OM° p tttl' W. 1. 211tOTT, Prinelpal Oooles Cotton nod Compiut 11 arieceNsfully use. monthly teem. 10,000 Ladle& Safe effsetnal. Led 1st atk __your atuggiat TOT Cooktrollie nosi Celt - Take oo ewer. AS 611/41Xtittre,papi And im▪ itstione are dstrgerorte. rrleeiltls. 1. *5 08.2 ▪ 110. 8.10 degreeS StrrItgrar,e,graeoz ,r 2. mailed en reCOtp„c Of price And ttin Stott 0,11,„, orbs C080k'VOMP0017 ItithlOrWs NIL arrtit1A. 551113told aita reetnnialadld bran resptuisible Druggists 14 061144is , - No1 oil No 1 gold In (limos by Praire j'aelOgnir Dratgist.