HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-01-11, Page 1TIIE CLINTON ist Year v•nram • •••, Please look Have You Seen Our F ncy Chin E W STECORD. - - CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 110900 Whole Number 1099 .11.41 r40. .1•M• rP4m at your Label on THE NEWS -RECORD. If it says your Subscription is in Arrears let us hear front You et; Ourstock was never more complete than it is at present. People tell us that we have the nicest' line of Fancy China in town. If you are needing. anything in that lme come in, and see some of our 6 O'Clook Tea Sets Berry Sets Bread and Butter Plates Salad Bowls Ow and Saucers We have a nice line of Odd Pieces witla.Scotah mottos. In fact we have nearly everything in the Fancy China line NOW Raisins, Charente, Peek; Shelled Almonds and Walnuts Figs and Dates Everything that le wanted for your Cake. ORANGES , .1fic, 20e, 26; Mc and 36c per dam. New Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Walmete Extra Fine Mixed Candy OGLE coopER a co. THE CASH ORO°. "Phone 21 Of satiefactory Watch Re. pairing is exemplified by me. am an expert Watch.re. palter, on repair all kinds of Waechee and Clocks. I know how to do it properly. You don't have to take it to Mier one Woe when I get through with it, becautie I 4o . it right, do it promptly, and charge you reasonably. Fourteen years' experience enables Me to guarantee a perfect job. . It to do your NEXT Ljew4154seler, Export Watch Re- pairer and Optician. Repair Wore P B CIMWS Dry WI nd rm'Fect • By keeping the feet dry and , warm you guard against colds said sickness at, this season of the year. 13eing well ehod is a preventative,. even the doc- • tory say. Our stock was manufactured by the beet • Makers," there Is none, better. • and the prices' are right,' Oall and examine them. J. CLUFF. teeeefeeee0ereeeekeeeeeeeeEmeeeee‘seeete6e*eeeese P. LI 17‘ WhO:AbOtit..-YOr.: • ..'•.Newspaperg. 9'1 'T'HESE are the daye when everybody must read and study geogra. A phy, no Matter whether it is the workingman or the farmer, the merchant or deer banker, we all want to know what news comes, from the seat of war, anchthe attitude of other nations toward it. The only way to get this information is eo read the newspapers and trace the places out on a map, so that we get the relative Positions fixed in our mind's eye. • s. Our business is to ;supply you with any Newspaper or Periodical you want. The Denies of course are the best values, as they pay many thousand dollars a week forspecialcables. The Globe and Mail and Empire are the Model Dailies of Amerie • ,ca and cost but 44 a year, when paid in advance, The Saturday issues of.these papers are very fine. , , TheLondon Free Press, morning edition, costs *4 per yeter.and the Evening Edition, $2. The Toronto World 1113eThe Toronto News, The London News and. The London Advertiser, are each *1 per year in advance. Many farmers are talkIng these cheap dailieirin preference to weeklies at the same price. The Weekly Mail and Empire is very much enlarged and sells for *1 per year; The Weekly Globe. $11; The Montreal weekly stale $e; Montreal Witnees, 75c; Partner's Sun, 50c. ; The following Monthly Magazines are favorites at *1 per year:- Munsey, McClure, Cosmopolitan, Self Cultist*, Every Montt; Frank lie, Wide Wide World, English Illustrated, Ainslee, Puritan, Lade 10e Home Journal. Designer, Delineator and Christian Guardian, and Epworth Era at 54)c. We are special agents for all periodicals published and can have them sent direct to any address at the publishers' prices. We have a Newspaper Delivery Service around town but alwaye prefer to have our customers call at thestore. Our Periodical business is growing. rapidly and • we are always pleased to receive new customera. Cooper's Bookstore CLINTON Qoaeaeciefiece4ae,e4meeeaoeleAtNeepamaisogageoe4e,€) • THE TWO A.,,TIS. 1900:--•‘r> Announcement 1899 was asatisfactory year for us. Our business increased in volume and our'tustdmers in number. This would not have been had not our -prices been right and our service good. We thank our Mails for them patronage and hope to have them again with us this year. DURING 1900 We purpose keeping on hand a lar- ger stock than ever of Tweeds and • Suiting s of all kinds and will be prepared foi. a larger inmease in our, trade. • A. J�HOLLOWAY, • A; 3. 11011,RISFI keeps on hand a large stock. of nate, Ties, Underclothing, etc. • 11 liesiu i!Joilw_.. LW nee. see THE CLOTHINC1 TRADE -A= 4 744g4,444,4.4 ... Ottawa of Kura Oat, The officers a Mearns M. 0. T.M. Tent for 1,000' are ee folloWe e- Clominander, F. Oriel]. Paat Commander,W. 0. Lendeaboro. Lieue. Commander, T. Keerne. Keeper of the Recordaull Finance, G. W. Leyton, Chaplain, U. °rich. Sergeant, G. 'White. siicket, R. Biggart. Miesloeary Officers, The membere of the W.M. Society of the Coterie street Methodist church held a business meeting on Tuesday at which the following w,ere elected offi- cers for the year : President, Mies Freeman, Vice President, Mrs, H. Oriole. 2nd Vice,1VIrs. J. Brickeruien, Req -Sec., Mrs, H; Andrew. OoreSec., Mrs. E. Courtice, • Treaeurer, Mrs. BrOtement. , An Operation Perforated, Mr, Robert Twitchell of Hensel), eon of Mr. A, Twitchell of town, was taken very ill with appendicitis the latter part of last week and on Sunday it was deemed necessary to perform an opera- tion which was done on Sunday by Dr: 'Gunn aseieted by the attencling pixy- skittle Por a time it was thought the the patient .would not rally and hie mother was sent for, but be has since much. improved, .and there are now beighb prospects of his early reooyery. Our experience with. the Olo.thing business • since 1864 enables us a understand the wants of the purchasing public. A Large Stock Our stock of suits, Mens' and Boys', is very large, of • the finest quality and will be mold at Old Document. • • Mr. William Smithson brought in for. •ourinspection the tither day 'a some angierit document, it being bis indenturseof apprenticeship drawn up in the year 1842 in the county of York, England, The indenture calls for all manner of faithfulness and true service during the three years covered by the agreement As was the custom in those "good ol4 times" Mr. Smithson did not receive any wages but only his hoard and his father had to pay to his master the sum of fifteen pounds: - tee Vote Taken, At a meeting of the Official Boarde of the Ontario streee Methodist church. on Thureday eveninglabt it was, by a unartimbus vete, .deeideci to submit the question of union to the, vongrega- don on Wednesday evening .of this Week: • •The 'agreement was that the Boards of the sister cleurch should take sunilar action, but as it so happened there was not a nuorom at the meeting of the latter and as a simultaneous vote is what is desired the ballot of the Ontario street people has been held over for the time.being. 0. Y. P. O. Builattirs Moils* The annual busineee meeting of the' Baptist -Young Peoples" Union was held last Monday evening when the tollow. ing were elected ellicers for the miming year President, F, Baer. Vice President, I. Trout. Mise A. Dowling. • Ree. -See., Mies L. Fremlin. • Treasurer, X, Trout, • Organists, Mane Lela Hoover and A. Dowling, • The topic for next Afonday ev. ening will be, "In the Far Country," Luke 15: 11.24, taken by Miss Lela Hoover. poor* of Thins Circle No. 109. The following officers of Home Circle No. 109 for 1909 were chosen on TIMM day evening last : • ,Leader, R, Irwin, • Vice.Leader, Mrs. D. Fell. SeceTrease EL E. Rodgens, • FineSee, Chafilain, Mrs. ft. Irwin. Marshall, 0, Fen, • Warden, W. Rill, Guard, W. Everett, • Sentinel, J. B, Lindsay. Auditors, p. Holmes and 3. Wise- man. " Delegate to Supreme Circle to meet • in loronto in March, H. E. Reagens. Officers el Court Maple Leaf C. O. P. The following officers pf Court Maple Leaf No. 10 C. 0. F. for the current term were inetalled on Thursday niglat lad by Organizer McEwing of Palmers- ton :- • • Past Chief Ranger,T. D. Johnson • Chief Ranger, A, 3, Grigg; •*Vire Chief, T. D. McCuaig. • Financial -Secretary, W. Jones, • Recording -Secretary, J. P. Sheppard. Treasurer, D. Dickenson. Chaplain, I. Dodds. •' Senior Woodward, G, West. Junior Woodward S. Castle • . Senior Beadle G W Cook junior Beadle, H. Folland. Delegate to High, Ornert, J. J. leisher. Maws of Clinton Lodge I. 0, ay. • The officers of Clinton Lodge No. 83 .1.0. 0. F. for the current sixenonths term were installed on Tuesday night. They are as follows: • Noble Grand, Bert Kerr* Past Grand, B. 3. Gibbings • Vice Grand, Seymour • Permanent Secretary, P,O.Allcock, Regording Secretary, J. Taylor Treasurer, J. Wiseman . • Warden, A. Barge • Chaplain, E. M, McLean •%Conductor, 'V. French 'IL S. N. G., T. Jackson L. S. N G.eG. McRae R. S. V. G., W. Mennen L,• SP Olaf 'W, Moore • • EILii:s8SideSSG*.:uWWae:d°1ReCialansatles Outside Guard, F. Jackson. ' Canadian Poresterefiupper. When Conrt Maple Leaf undertakers anything -be it a supper or what you will -it makes a, success of it. It was thus with the annual supper held at the Clarendon Hotel on Friday night, when seventy 0.0. re sat down to the bounteous spread prepared in the excellent manner for which the House is noted. After many good things had been disposed of and the inner • man replenished the toad list began, with Chief Ranger Grigg in theichair. After the patriotic toast bad been duly hon. ored, that of Our Order ,was proposed and was responded to by Organizer Metwing,who said in part :-Benefit 'Societies • originated • among • labor- ing men who did not lay aside from their earnings for a rainy day. To -day there are over eighty different Socie- ties: Canadian Porestry was organize ed in 1874 as an adjunct of an Order in thellnited States called the Indepen- dent Foresters and up to 1879 there were only eight -hundred inembers jn Canada. The union was not satiefac- ory as the Order was doing business in the8outhern States where the death ritte was greater than in the North. Courts with 400 members seceded in 1879 and never since then have we had an extra, aesessment. Whenour first death took place we had only $260 in the treasury, but a •sestet Socie- • ty in Illinois came to our assistance. Ati the present time we have the largest reserve for our membership of any Soc. WI in America and the average age is still lower than any ether. The inter- est on our reserve fund pays one-tiftb. our death claims. A Society to be vig- orous must add fifteen per dent. to its • membership each year. Our Order ii the 'working men's Order and they are the heitithiest class. We must not look at die insurance side alone, but to the fraternal also. We are a selfish people if left alone, bleb are expended by brotherhood, • Dr. Shaw respondedto the toast of die Army and Navy. The supremacy of theNievy, said he, is unquestioued ; it is our Army which is now being teat- ' ed. used the term ou n & broad same as it is as much our fight as Britten** The present war its a gig- antic one rind never before has Britain sent so many eoldiers abroad. When 1 is considered that the seat of hostili . ties is 7000 miles distant we have some idea of the enormous difficulties f which must be overcome, There Can - only be one result and he had no doub but that the Canadians who will be en gaged Will reileeb honor upon the Little &orals. Mr: W. G. Pearen is relieving into his new house this 'week. Fairie mill has been running day and night for the past week. , Mr. H. B. Ker has been laid up with a severe eold for a few day. 'The smokestack of Andrews' Bros. mill was blown down Sunday everting. •A meeting of the Cheese and Butter Association will be held in Stratford • on Tuesday, Wednesday and.Thurada,y. of next week. Mrs. James Shepherd has •a; Christ-, rams cactus which is covered -with over one hundred -blossoms of a cerece Or, It looks exceedingly pretty. Mr. 'William .Duncan has obtained an auctioneer's license and is prepared to do anything in that line at which he has had considerable experience. • Dr. McLaren of Portland, Oregon, wastri town for a few days this week. He was a student of the Clinton Collegiate Institute ie1885 and1880. Tempting Prices. OLOTIlditaillraittiER Mr. Frank Upshall, formerly of Clin- ton, but now of Peru, Indiana, met with an. accident lately., having his band severely cub while operating a machine. On monday Mr. J. Miller, assisted by mr. C. Stewart completed' the placing of an air motor for ler, mcKwan of the 2nd concession of Stanley. They also piped his stables which are now very complete. A men !aside a grievance applied to Mr. Thos. Jackson, Sr., for a summons on Saturday,but as the Mayor had not then been installed, in office he could not take the case, Smith &,11olines received & tar load of torn this week which contained 1176 bushels, said to be the largest load • of ' corn eyer brought into Clinton. We were in receipt of a remittance from Dunlop last week, but as it was not accompanied by the name of the remitter we don't know to whoin to • return thank& Sheffield Lo dge S. 0. B. vsill cele. brate the 25th enniversary of the foundation 'of their Girder' by a ban. quet at the Waverley House on Wed- nesday evening of next week. A. number front toevn went down to Seaforth on Tuesday evening to wit- ness the hockey match, Seaford' Ye, Goderich, whiele was won by- the °ruler by a score of 050 6, , While stirring the 'solution in a tele- • graph battery on Thursday last it splashed up and 'IMO his eyes. The in- jury was very painful, but Mr: Watts recovered Wine the effects of it in a day or SO. Mr. E. 3, tlantelon made a trip through Smith's Hill, Auburn, Dun galleon and other villages in that distriet this week\ in the interests o Cantelon Bros. and Worked. up con siderable treee. • A spetial meeting of the W. 0..T. tT _ will be held at the home of Mee. BM loom be at 140 o'clock Thurrelay even Mg when it number of questions and plans win be considered. Those inter - Iested are invited to attend, finger and thumb of hier right band taken oft on Saturday by it circular saw which he was operating in Mat. Kenzle's planing mill. Mr. McGregorr has returned to his home in Goderich. Rev, Mr. sturduck will preee,h in the itattenbury street church next, Sunday Ilowoon ate Neckar Sets& The eleeforth end Clinton hockey teams will meet, in the rink on Friday • evening when a good game is assured. The 0. 0.14'. Band will be in attendance . and help to still further enliven the scene. TheBand bas been engaged by • the rink management for one night • each week for the season. The Ilockey Club would like the gate receipts to amount to $'60 as. they have been at considerable expense, S. Army Wow& 1 The officers of the Salvation Artny local corps have been appointed as foliows : • e SereteMajor, A. McKeown. * Celor.Seriet„ VanEsinsond. ,Secretary, Livermore. Treasurer, F. Brown. Band Minder, H, Clark. Sergt,-Major, Bezzo, ° Assistant gsergts., M. Clark and P. Cooper. • It is expected that Brigadier Howell, who has just taken commands of Ontario West, will visit Clinton shortly. • res Loss Norio: Th. • The organ factory yard presents a busy scene these dals,a large number of logeebeing brought in daily, Mr• . Doherty here& number of teams draw - login from his Tuckersmith property where many men are converting trees into log lengths at a rapid rate. He • hes purchased the &est of the Fair saw min and will have it seb up on his own grounds, the building for which will be erected as soon as the weather will permit. • Mr. D Connell has the • contract.. This industry will give considerable employment during the year and should improve the local labor market. • • “Old Boys" in Toronto. At a meeting of the "014 Boys" of Huron, svho are residents of Toronto, held last Friday night an Association, was formed which starto with a mene- bership Of about two hundred, The meeting was tailed by E. Moody of • the Inland Revenue Department, formerly of Clinton; and ex-Aldernean ugh lidnath, a Goderich township Id toy," }Tumorous and reminis- cent speeches were needs by . Mr. Mc-. Math, who occupied the chair, and Mews, J. S. Willison, D. Weismiller, E. FloOdy, Dr. Stanbury, Dr. 3. E. , lied, 3.3. Allen„M. Parkinson, T. Me- Gillicuddy, p. M. Johnstone, H. Beat- tie, R T. M. Higgins, E, J. B. Duncien, Gilbert A. Smith, R. A. Murray, W. a. McKay. Maaggart and W.Pren- dergast. It hi proposed to hold it ban- quet in the near future and. to run an eiciasion, to some point in Huron next tut:Omer,. The following Were elected officers President, S. Williston. Vice -President. David Weismiller. Secretary, E. Floody. Treasarer, eienry,peattie. • Executive Committee Hugh Mellath Rev. j. A. Tarnbull, ,Dr. Sloan; D. M. Johnston, Dr, J. E. Elliott. Walter Stott, G. A. Sinith, Thos. MeGillicuddy M. Parkinson, W. Prendergast, W. Murray, •W. C. Mackay, W. R. Miller, T. W. Gibson, R. E. Johnston, W. E. Groves. and J., 3. Allen. 11 Searle Threatens Aa Action SUMMER1111.1... Rev. B.B.Saiith preached us a grand sermon • Sunday evening, sp eaking ...4444-4.4144 • in: bthoeutosriexatcrimoclewation sTouuensadeadya SIXTH. nrad° the our village pent a very enioYabletim A number of the lads and laeslea of VARNA, • from BM. 0-10, There was no Entlen- •People's attention was drawn te flames okating en Mr. Weeke'a mill pond on -e- arn,. on Wednesday last owing to bad 'mooing out of the rear of Stother'e Monday night WIC The young people roade, •preasutya,uraaonotnanrdespboankders tontleGencritelle:omd when they haVe an onneettuntY, know how to apprernate a toed thing Mr. Tom Lindsay and Ms mother Our new teacher, hdr. Voir, is putting moved to our village last week, They did their work wellibut owing to it be. • ing in a block a five stores, all wooden moo in good shape in the nonno room. The meats have been re.arrang, new houseready to live in. purpose living here till tlaey get their v,.:). buildings,th was an'ine possibility to keep • the Demob from sprea.cliog. Fortunate- ed and the windows urtained and Mr, and lifre. George, Christophee ',.. everything is being donee for the cone-, walton paid their wands he this vies Tlv.:whonwsevetr: thtere being a _opal" frem, D.13 AT K' n°11 e fort of the cbildren, The school le inity a flying visit last week. ,.„ .etore and poet. office they were able to full to overlie's/Mg and bencbes have MI" Ja'he Wright b" thiteti uP. "" stop le from goine further. • This le to •he used for the mailer ohildroe, residence in Clinton where she attends • - e the Collegiate Institute. , ay. Mr. McLean from Toronto • of Blyth, The Josers are T. W. Scott . To Unseat Mayor Jackson Who Is Ser- ved With a Notice by a Legal Firm, The Mayor Ignores the Threat. Mr. W. 0. Searle appeaes to be fond of law -it is as. well hehas amplemeans • to indulge in the luxury -and consult- ed a legal arm as to the best means of preventing Mayor -elect Jackson from taking his seat, As the result the following communication was re delved from Garrow tie Gamow on Mon- day : • Thos. SAOICEION, SR., Dear Sir- We are instructed by Mr. W. 0, Searle, your opponent in the recent election from Ayr, of Clinton, to inform you that it is his intention to proceed againet you for having used improper means to se- cure your eternal°, and to warn you that tinder the circumstances,' you ought not to take your seat. If you do' take your seat Quo Warranta pro- ceedings will be taken against you to Unseat you;on the ground of corrupt practices, practised by you to secure • - your election. The escape from such proceedings leaf course to disclaim, ' • or potisibly to nolo. • Mr. Jackson ignored the notice and took the oaths of qualification and of- • ft ce and the seat in the dies, .Five mentbers of the councilqualified • on Monday and transacted some buei- nese A by-law was eased ovicrn for an election to ell the vacancleeCeUe- ed by the refutial Messm. Pair and Wiltsie to qualify. The nominations Will take place next Monday evening when there is likely to be a return by acclamation. Messrs, W, Coate, A. Ildcienzie and • Dr. Shaw were appointed to the Lib. • rary Board, T. Oantelon and J. Wise- - Man as auditors, D. A.. Forrester to the High School Hoard, and Mac. • kenzie to the Health Ooraniittee. The standing committees will be atruck at t it meeting to be held next Monday night. provided. there is att election by acclamation, . Dominion. There are, no doubt.maily . Canadian Forester* in the Contingent • mid lie thought the Soelety should ren- • der them sesistanee mime way. Mr. William Jones sang The Soldiers Me. George McGregor Ad the fore- of the Queen in his good istYle and won enthusiastic applause, • ToTrade and CoMmerce, Mews, A. Irolloway and A. Couch briefly res. - pouded and to Agricultural Literate, Mr, Sohn Forrester. Mr. Sohn Shaw of T.teswater replied in speech to the teed of visiting Societieet and Mr, 1. Dodd o.snondcd in song. • a Seittble Line -Stanley, The party held at the Sreenan rola- ence during the Xmas holidays proved to be it grand mem, The New Year'e party held at Mr. MIA Orr% Jr. wars postponed until Wednesday eyening when it mooed off moat pleasantly. Our Couneillor says wire '•fenees are greatly needed on the thimble. Mr. M. D. Weetlakesheltertel &white pie during the *term and he wieties the owner would now look Atter it. Mr, ft. Cleave's stone bee weus veal sucteasful and Sam Will now be pre. pitted to fix his harm in the summer, T. JACKSON Sr. his oWn pulnit in the evening, taking Memos'. Km/Datong. Iferr and McRae for hie sulnect"A Ilieronse match for the rendered a number of instrumental VICTORIA 01400E chanusionehip." Young men will find , melections which the conipsiny highly CLUMN• thla aubjeet of 600161 laterite, • ' opreciittd, ' ltsteresead the worst conflagration in the history a • . . preached two very -interesting and iu. structive sermons to the Presbyterians on Sunday last, Rev. Mr, Andrevvs, who Was in vont° last' week,returned home on Fri. building, Dr. Carder building Occupied day evening and attended to his clutiee by Bank of Fiamiltore Mostly all was - covered by insurance. It Se expected en Stuniar, that all the places destroyed will be • Mr. J. T. Cairns is busy t7ing stock re -built as soon as possible. bthoiws wtheeekwaonrdidwillialsknuoswedinhimfefwordtehyes • were in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mae Emigb of Goderich past year. We belie it will be a favor- firigi Annie Hamilton leaves here on able following'. Saturday to attend the Mole' Schoel keMepre.rE..isErs'inMiliuntgIaayli eouverigheinstfaatce*tthit in ponden South. . week, It's a boy. Dr. 0. Cooke and Mr, 0. IL Bennet:1, last Friday evening and. paid, the vil- accompanied by Miss Bennett pf laBgiera.lizirinwge3,111.8di;ov,Re up,p from Eirleton Hamilton and Miss Obanabers Mr. G. Graham of Goderich passed good school witb, pleasant scholars and Shing satisfactory in-hisvneePwevtaaboedveer, Ye", 'Winnipeg, spent Sunday in Goderich, through town on Monday. kind and good neighbors. oned,rru. Cesadrbayo,14, manager of the Bank Wingham, was in town on Monday, January Stanley coencil met as per statute of Hamilton, 8th. AR the ' Dr. 0. Cooke and Mr. 0. 11. Bennett members present. The statutory de - visited Brussels last week. ' to by each of the members, The old clarations were sworn and subscribed After the disastrous fire on Tuesday officers were again appobstect as fol. lows : J. T..Cairns, Clerk ; John Reid, Treasurer; John Tough, Assessor ; Thomas "Keyes, Caretaker of hall; „John Johnson, Board of Health officer. The board of health was paid $9.00 for extra meetings in 1899. Six copies of the Municipal World were ordered for atomisers of council. A grant of $10 was made to the Hospital for Sick C'hildren in Toronto. Next meeting of council will he held on Monday; Jan, • 28th at one o'cleck p. in. --J, T. Cairns, iilerk. Mies Minnie Wit lace, who leas eell dry goochi and groteries,A.Elder,store• yisiting her Old friends around here for Saturday. I.0.1Moeenstock of hardware a,nd, store, Heifron Bro, butcber shop and build - else pitet week, returned to town PU Henry MoBrieu receetly. paid a short visit at the home of Mr /rig, Stother's stock, dwelling and Mr. and Mrs, Tom Farquhar of Hay • Miss johannale Straughten, Who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs, G. Paappear, returned to her home in Godericla this week. Miss Lizzie Johnston of Oliiston was visiting at her home here a •couple of days this week. • ktr, H. and Miss Etta Wallace paid our village a flying call on Friday night lase, Henry saysh� ram a race with the train and almost got left,forhe just got over the track when the train went by hid?. MI'S. R, Miller visited in our village one day this week, the. guest of Miss .Mi n n Beapom. Mr. and Mrs. ,Toseph Watkins areuin der the weather with a slight attack of la grippe, • Miss E Ball is verylow at resent with an attack of scarlet fever. the streets are very black and dirty proved as to able to attend school a looknAdisni ee ;at; d esseerlvaitcee's Were held in weMatielase •for ll, somewh time, has ibeens omuckunt]itzuh the Presbyterian church on Suncley again. when the Rev. Mr. Young of Hamilton Messrs. George and Josh Hill deliyer- delivered a very strong sermon on the ed five horses at Hensel" • on Tuesday wbich they had sold to the buyers "Book of Remembrance." ,_ The services Mire well attended and the there for . the Old Country market They prepare the right kind of horses collections large . • On Monday eyening a very large and know a good one When they see it Mr. Jim Mair is busy getting lumber ready for the new house he inteeds budding in town in the spring. • What can the matter be that all of our young people are leaving. The - last one to eo is Mr. 'W ill Miller, who has not gone to the war. but to learn the harnessenaking with Isis • brother. in-law, Mr. A. McBrien, of Clinton. • The annual meeting of Hullett Dies trict L. 0. L. was held in the Ortenge Half here on Tuesday evening when, notwithstandingthe unfavorable wea- ther,there was a fair attendance. Sev- eral were present from Clinton and seven of the Winthrop stalvverts vvere on hand. After tbe transaction of busi- ness, including the election of officers, the local brethern enter tinned the vis- itors to refreshments for the inner Mae.' - The. officers for the • present terns are as follows :- Distriet Master, W, G. Smith, Clinton Deputy Master,W. Itenney,Winthrop Rec.-Sec, R. J. Draper, Summerhill Fin. -See., W, Hill, SunamerhIll Chaplain, S. Lowery, Summerhill Treasurer, W. Trewartha Winthrop D. of 0., R. Murdy, Winthrop • Lecturer, 'John Ford, Clinton Lecturer,R.Sparling, Winthrop HOLNiESVILLE. A happy event ' took place at the home of the bride's mother,Mrs. Henry Ford on Wednesdayat0,30 P. el; when her daughter, Miss 'Susie, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr, William Itoutledge of the Huron Road West, „The Ise remony was •performed by Rev. G. W. Andrews of Fuller ton in the presence of a. large •number of their friends, Their many friends join wishing theni' a happy and pros- perous life. The bride was charmingly attired and the presents were termer- ous and costly. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Acheson, of Gode- rich visited friends in the neighborhood this week.• ' • Miss McIlyeen of Nile whs the guest of Miss McCartney. Mr, W. Stanley, wife and. family, spent Tuesday at Mr. W.Olark's. The council neat on Monday and ap. The Epsvorth League's meeting More Pointed the Officers for the currenb day eveningwill bean Open Parliament. year,• • Subject "Our Society and how to hn. Mr„ Sohn Whitten, who was so 8114 prove it." All are cordially invited to denly bereaved of his daughter, Mrs. . Smith, has moved aeLondon where he attend. work in iT; bilLoraroisuorItoicwea,roettiuTrnheutirsettoy,his Will reside with another daughter Mies Anea Smith, and his little grand- onliSisnenBdayMtehnee7uleastefof(nMinitsesnSuwsaies live with relatives there. Much sym- daughter, has gone to Ionia., Melee to, I hero for hir ° Whaistattankeans • 50/moo-assembled in SLt Andrew's Presbyterian church to hear the Rev, Me , Young of Hamilton deliver his lecture on the Maneinoth Oaves qf Kentucky, accompanied by lime light Mr. Will Emigh and wife • of town were in apderieb on Monday.' Our new awe Fathers assembled 'Industry Hall on Motuley noon and made their respective oaths of Wiese The first regidar meeting of oue new council was held in Industry Rail on • Tuesday evening. • On Tuesday evening, the installation of the officers of the O. 0.P. took place ni Wettion's Hall ,iffes Edna HienfiltelLoffieiated at the organ in Trinity, churel, on Sunday • very acceptably. d Rev. 0. L • M ills teturned from a week's Visitaniongst friends in Etamils ton on Saturday. BAYPIELD. Mr. Jas. Ferguson has returned to his home here for the winter. Capt. Thos. E. Pollock of Winnipeg • is visiting friends in the neighborhood. Mr. Jas. Donaldson, sr.,' was in the county town last Tuesday. Miss Reta, Stanbery left lionday for London where she resumes her elocti- • tionarY studies. Mr. A: Vanstone was in. • Clinton a few days this week. " Court Bayfield No,1143 LO.F, inteud holding their annual ball and supper �n Friday eyenirig whed a. royal time, is expected. About two hundred invi- tations have been issued and should the night be favorable everybody and his best girl should be there as the or- chestra and everything will be of first- class order. • • Mr. Neil Cameron has secured a situation at his trade in 13russels. Miss Bella Whiddon is on the sick Hit, so also are Messrs. T. A. Stinson and T. 3, Marks, • Rev. Ur, Hamilton of Dundee, who has occupied the pulpit of &Andrew's church here during the pest two Soh - baths, bas returned to his home. A chescin. P4 Y We understand that the G. 'T. It, it is not long- sinee his wi are only having two section men, thus from him. Mr.13rooks is out of a situation and we Mr. Geo. Park and Mrs. Park lose him and his familyfrem our raidst, .frieede in Heneall last Saturday' Mr, Geo, Huller is moving into ehe SunclitY. house which heoccupled, Rev. U. C. Sennings took a drive to Mrs. Walter LeRoyd of Windsor St, JosePli the other day is home to attend her brother's wed - hi Monistshlinsinickalltlienb,°Wwdeenhoef tileubbleeartAlloelf ding,• her speedy recovery, AUBURN. Rev. 0.0. Smith called t the tie - ited • tore. Monday, Mrs, Snaith acconipan- Mr. S. Vungblut of the Bloek led him, They will visit friends in returned home from Chatham lett Stephen' and rorest. week. • Teams are busy bringing in square Mr. Webb Erreitt le visiting under timber for the harbour this week. the parental roof at present. He came • AUBURN, last Friday and intendregoing back tz about a, Month. Rumor says he in- • t nde taking a partner with him. He Mr. Wm. Mason of Turnberry bag ea a he would nob care to 'live around rented the Lautenslager farm from Mr. here again. • 3, Thompson for the term qf three W'S gaVe an °salter years. He is living in Mr. Geo, Plate supper on Friday evening to Messrs. es home ete preemie, • jamett ArrnetrOng, jaints Tabb and elis Peter Patterson retereea tionto Mr. Chtillengermho are all three leitv- from Dakota lest week looking bale the neighborhood. The spread Was it and hearty. IN mother intends no. good one and the company congenial companying him back in the spring as was befitting a petering of f°Mr ar.visWit'in. T. keAllister, erho has Vitorkinen. Mr. H. itolteheuer of Myth was the t een visiting at Mt. Wtn. ScoWs, re- quest of hie brother Moses one day mod to his home in Michigan last Miss B. %Mao» returned home from Mr Wm. Yungblut of Tevistock te tie 4 eter, re. . top, wook. this week, Toronto last week. _ _ B lat1C1EFIELD. • •Mr. Robert McCartney of Moosejaw is home to spend the :winter with friends around here. Mr. Albert Snell of Lansing, Michi- gan, spent a few days with his brother Tegari'this wsand k. New. Year'e holidays are over and the visitors who were here have nil returned to their res., pective places of abode. • Two very pleasant dances were held in the hall last Mondat and Tuesday • evenings and enjoyable times were - spent at both of them. A very pleasant party was held at ths.resi4ence of Mr. Robert Murduck last •Wedriesday evening, when the ycnada and beauty of the surrounding country, and even some of the old stand byes, tripped the light fantastic till long after the wee smarhours. Mr. Josiah Watson of Settforth paid a business trip to our village last week. • Sleighing is almost done in this vicinity. We hope we will soon heve intothe as inritihe: logs are fairly pouring We are pleased to see the smiling countenance cif Mr. Roberb Boyd of Seaforth in our midst again. Miss Susie. Nichols, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. C. ,Delgaty, returned, to her borne, ie Mitchell last Tuesday. Mr. Reuben Graham attended the wedding of Isis nephew, Mr. John Mc - Gavin of Tuckersinah, this week, Rev. Mr. McDermid preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday even- ing owing to Rey. Mr. Sewer having a seeere cold. , Colborne Towillehlp. The heavy rain on Sabbath made the roads very icy around here, • Mr. Ilenry Monist", teacher of NO. 8 school, hes given up teaching and. has taken an agency in an Insurance 00m. pany at it salary of $000 a year, Mr. Monish will be missed as this was his fourth year teaehing at leb. 8. We wish him success in his new businese . Mies Helper of Clinton is 'engaged for the coating year, and, took chattel of the school on Jaiveth. We wish the young lady success as this Is her first year's teaching. .4. pleataint evening was speneat Mt Sohn MeLarty'rs an wifen he gave it honey---Aety to some of the young -people around 'here. • Sohn roust have given theneeoo tnisch'honey as some of thein have heeii very in had to be called for. since. We ,ei*glail` no medical aid, Revivel services started at ttethei on Thursday evening. Rev, M. 3. Wile son, tbe pastor, is conducting the ser. vices and will continue for A few weeks. • Mr. Sohn Sterling of Manitoba, who has been home on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Sterling of Carlo*, will return in aboub a week to his home in Matitobe, • Yos. Riley of Saltford, sold his hote 01 to Mr. Johnllaroilton, who took poe. ttession of it on Saturday last, and the boys had it gay old time.' Mr. and Mrs Ilunkins of Itullett paid a flying visit to friends in Col* borne one dey the past week. MIse Currie of Nile his returned home lifter a few &tyre 'bet tes sister's, Mrs, A. Milliene hfr. Thos. Table weeks it Availing fece now. 15 18 it young daughter. Mr. Worthy of Kincardine ie • Ing friends in this locality at presume. Mralld hire. Campbell, who haveheen ViRitit* at*Mr, Edward Militants' re. turrind to Their home In London ow Mrs. Toting, Sr.,atteridedthe funeral • tetpreeent. Tneeday. of her brother Mr. Clarke of Colborne, friends here reetntly, 'Mims Solinetnn of Nile visited 1 ber of their friends on Thursday eves. I The Miesee Little entertained 1. vete. lot week, big last. t',