The Blyth Standard, 1908-05-14, Page 2ER BOY CUTS
Barber and His Wife Are ° had and to avoid the ne en.,ity mf repay-
ing toe loan he, had made her.
Lamphere denies all t notueligc of par-.
ticipntion in any crime„anal declares that
lie farrows nothing of the unidentified
'The bodies were discovered by A. K.
liulgelein, brother of the murdered man,
who had come to Laporte to seareh for
his brother.
When questioning Joseph Jlaxson, a
hired Band 00 the Guinness farm, Helge-
lein learned id the mysterious digging
of holes by hint, all of them being filled
at a later date by ;Vis. Guinness. The
remains were only fou• , feet under-
ground, and were enclosed in a gunny-
sack. The disrov ery of the bodies led
expresenen to telt of the delivery of
five trunks to the Guinness farm during
the last six months, and this fact has
caused the authorities to work on the
theory that the place was a clearing-
house for murderers. They suspect that
the bodies of wealthy persons who had
been lured to Chicago and killed were
packod in these trunks and sent to
Laporte and disposed of.
The developments of today also caused
the authorities to recall that the two
husbands of Mrs, Guinness died raider
suspicions uacumstamces, both meeting
violent deaths, The first, Max Sorren•
son, was insured for $8,500, and the sec-
ond, Guinness, was insured for $3,500.
This insurance was plaid over to Mrs.
Guinness by the companies.
The home of 111x, Guinness, she miles
from Here, was destroyed by fire during
the night a week ago. The bodies of
the woman and her three children were
found in the ruins. The children
were Myrtle, aged 11; Lucy, n, and
Phyllis, 5 Toseph Maxwell, an em-
ployes of Mrs. Guinness., barely escaped
from the burning house- The head of
Mrs. Guinness urns missing from the
charred trunk. It ias not been found.
Soon after the fire it was suspected
that Ray Lamphere knew something of
it, and a search was math; fee him,
resulting in his arrest the same evening
in the woods near here, He had con-
cealed himself in the trunk of a hollow
Mortally Wounded.
Three Barbers' Throats
Also Cut.
The Boy Believed to be
Black Hand Agent.
New fork, May 11.-A 16-yearold boy
' krmwu only as 01'1)10110 and employnl
in a barber shop in Brookly, early cut
the throats of his employer, Antonio
Peraso, hors, Peraso, and three barbers
1Vtile they lay asleep in P0111 40'S apart-
' meat, at 107 Fulton street. The wounds
of Peraso and his wife are believed to
be mortal addle those of the barbers
are serious; but probably not fatal.
The bey escaped. The police have a
;theory that the boy 1‘115 all agent of
a Black Hand gang, which lord been de-
manding 111oa107 of Peraso under threats
of doing him injury and that the black-
mailers placed the boy in the slap in
order to punish .Peraso for his refusal
tp satisfy their demands.
Carrnello used a pair of scissors and
a razor in his attack upon the barb( r and
his employees, Frank Strafin0, 11,0'0101
Roberta and Josef Macero, the three
barbers, were first attainted by the boy.
Str0fino was aW.l.eicil from his
sleep by a stab in the noel: mid before
he could resist the boy drew a raibr
roils his throat, inflicting it severe
wood. Ile was still conscious .tad saw
the boy as he crept to the bedsides of
Reboil() and Macero and cut their
throats while they slept.
Pera00, who, with his wife, was asleep
In an adjoining room, 0(00 awakened by
x stab wound in his neck and engaged
the boy in a desperate struggle, The man
was unarmed and the boy clutching a
razor in his hand slashed his employer
se00051 times about the face, neck and
elands, 'Phe fight 10110 going against the
barber when his three assistants stag-
gered into the room and attacked the
boy. Together they throve hint from
the rooms foto the street and summoned
assistance, It was found that Mrs. Ped-
a0o's throat had been cot ail that site
W115 lying in hod only partially con-
scious while the fight with the boy was
int pro1rese.
amputated at the shoulder.
A Murderess Murdered in Her Horne '• •
Crossing Incident at Montreal -One
Loses Her Arm.
Montreal _1100 11. -Two girls, Eva
Page and Mont 3liron, employed by the
Amerism lobi'co Company, narrowly
escaped death tonight
The girl., were trassieg the tracks of
the (brand 'Creek at Rose de Lima. street
where the cr1i0sfng is quite unguarded,
and when in the middle of the track a
light engine mime along at a lively Pace
and struck both. knocking thein to either
side of the tracks,
'Miss Page 0000 picked up unconscious,
,but outside of a bad slaking tip escaped
serious injury, but Miss Miron was bad-
ly injured and had to have her left arm
With Her Three Children-Aftar
the Fire Five Bodies Dug Up
Near Ho.ase,
Laporte,' 1ud., May 1L --One of the
mast gruesome murder mysteries 0'01' U001mwi011 01 ,'rva100y claim to have
1) 0arthed in this State came, to light I discovered an eighth satellite of Jupi-
ter. During au examination of photo -
Greenwich Observatory Officials An.
flounce a New Discovery,
London, hbsy 11.--'l'he officials of the
to -night, when the brdleei of five per-
sons, all of 1v1to1n were murdered. were
found in the yard of Mrs. Bell,. Guilt -
11005, who, with three of her Childrea,
was burned to death ou the night of
April 28last. `
1:00 far only two of the bodies have
been identified. These are Andrew
1lelgeleir, who came to this city from
➢lnnsflehl, South Dakota, for the pur-
pose of marrying Mrs. Guinness, vvimse
rycquainm1c5 he had made through It
matrimonial bureau, and that of Miss
Jennie Olsen Guinness, a Chicago girl,
who had been adopted by lIrs. (Toby
nese. She disappeared in September,
1906. The other bodies were those of
two mets and a woman. None of them
bas been identified. 'Phe body of Deigc-
leiu had Seen dismembered, and the arias,
legs and head and trunk were buried
in the work in India under the Can-
action Presbyterian Church. The field
that church occupies contains 17,000
villages and hes seven stations-ln-
dors, Mhow, Neemuch, Ujjain, niter,
Rutlam and Amkhut. A beautiful
church has been built at Neemuch,
with not a rupee of money from any-
where, outside of the place itself.
At the afternoon session greetings
from 01'0(1 societies were presented.
Reports ilei_ read from 50itIO fif-
teen Pr'esby'terian societies, in most
Lase' by representatives of the 'res-
hyte•hils, some being present from
distant points, oven as far west as
British Columbia.
Dead Man a Galician? -Detective Mb.
ler Follows Clue` Into Toronto --
Post-mortem Showed Death Was
Due to Blow on the Head With a
graphs of Jupiter, Mr. Melotte, one of
the assistant astronomers, discovered
0 faint working, occupying slightly dif-
ferent positions, in the different plates.
lite circumstances precluded the pos-
sibility that it was one of the known
satellites or a minor planet. Repeated
investigations by ;Messrs. Croiefler
nil hel0tte led to the conclusion that
it 50(10 0 now sat0l1ite, with a retrograd-
ing orbital movement,
Only Survivor of the Party Now at
hrhndale, May 11. -With a host of
stories from persons who say they re-
member seeing the young foreigner
found dead on ,Sunday in the bush on
'Winnipeg. Mu 11 -Murdock McLen-
nan, the only known 00101)0r of the
party sent out in 185:1, under 1)r. Rae, to
tdifferent parts of the yard. search for Sir John -Franklin, spent yes -
today here with his granddaughter. Ile
The three unidentified bodies are, is still hale and hearty at 92 years of
1111(0)' 03 0 Man and two children, ap• ageand can relate graphically matters
parently twelve years of age. So Hoary of interest coureeLed trth that terrible
bones ire missing in the latter "" 1 trip into the' Arctic, Ile says that half
11j t it is not known whether they are j 11.10 neve,• hoe., fold of the remarkable
rti o;or female. 1 mineral wealth of that region, where
It 'is believed by the awthotitins than i gold, coal. copper aid 0ill'a abound.
Cluj; 101)lphere, who/ has heen nnicr ar. a lie also ted' of an island of purest
rest since the horning of the f)nhuwas marble along the northwestern ',Imre of
hone on the, charge sof iumtb 1 ing Mr . Ilnds0010 Bay and declines rho harbor
Ouinnes0 and her family. committed tlhe' at Chnnc„,,ill to be 1015 of the finest in
ITelgelehn crime, T.amphcre is a carper- the world.
ter, and the manner in width the body
of Ifelgelein was dismembered leads to MiSSION WORK IN INDIA.
the ielief that it'wasdone by souebodv
familiar with the use of the naw. Dr. Chore Oliver Tells of Its Fes.
In snore quarters it is bc'lieraed that cination and Trials.
Mrs. (taintless may have known some- 1
thing el the murders of the five people, i 'I'orout0 despatch: The seating capaa•
as it is noteonsid5re11 likely that so BY of Westminster Church was over.
inane ['mill have been buried '11) her
yard without her knowledge of the
fact. There have been rumors that
Jennie Olsen Guinness had 110001edge
of the manner in which the firstt hus-
band of Mrs. Guinness carie to his
death in Chicago. and It is believed sem
was made away with because she knew
too much;
It is known that Hclgcleia had leaned
*1 ,500 to 1Tr1, Guinness, and that he had
mother $1.100 in his possession lust
prior to his death. Tt is rnnshdeed
tine Samuel. 110skea farm, With his skull
crushed fu, is the definite statement of
William Patchett, of the Stone road
(thlr here, who says he met the victim
and another foreigner at Arthur Wil -
bur's Hotel, Port Credit, about the
middle of last month. Mr, 'Patchett,
who asserts the two men were peddling
and were on their way through the
country from Toronto, has positively
identified the hotly taken from the hush
as one of them. Port Credit is the ter-
mines of the Mimics) division of the
York Radial Railway, and upon the
fact thea receipt cheeks 1'0(11 found
near, the body it is practically certain
that the deceased and a companion trav-
elled from Toronto 00 one of the elec-
tric cars on the fort Credit route the
day' the tickets were issued, April 10,
A "diamond" punch was used open the
ticket to state the amount paid, and it
is believed that this will give the au-
thorities the clue to find the particular
conductor with whom the two men rode
from Sunnyside to Port Credit, As a re-
sult, of the information furnished by
110, Patchett Provincial Detective Miller,
who, with high Constable I3roddy, is
following up the murder, returned to
Toronto to -night by way of Port Credit,
hoping to trace the victi01 and hie com-
panion to their place of starting, possi-
bly ie the city of Toronto.
A11 the man's belongings are, in the
possession of Detective Miller, who will
ask the 'Toronto detective department
to assist trim 111 teeing the dead man fn
The ton op, v condudcd to -day by Dr.
T. Bovie, of Streclsville, showed beyond
any doubt that the man's 011111 was
badly fractured, and that a blow with
the club found near the body caused
death. There were no postmortem
appearances to isdimhto the man had
been strangled with the woolen send
found about his neek. Provincial De-
tective Miller photographed the re-
mains this afternoon before the in.
te'nient in the Anglican. Church Ceme-
taxed last night on the occasion of
the illustrated lecture lay Miss 13.
Chore Oliver, M.D., missionary from
Neemuch, Central India, before the
Women's Foreign Missionary Society
of the Presbyterian Church in Can-
ada (western division), which is hold-
ing its thirty-second annual meeting
The terrible visitation of the plague
was referred to by Dr. Oliver, who
passed through that trying time while
at Indere. The death rate reached
Miss Annie Boyd, of Indian Head,
Sask., Thrown into Water.
Ohio Horseman Shoots Colored Girl
and a Man
And Commits Sus ide--He Previous-
ly Killed a Man.
Washington Court House, 01io, May
11. :Bert Devaney, aged 43, a well-
known horseman and driver of J.;' n
H ncoclt last night shot end 1(i110d
Lida 13ird, aged 22, a colored girl, atld
shot her mother, inflicting 1a proo-
ably fatal wound. He then ran
across ih0 town to the barn of Silas
Shackelford, where he tools refuge
Refusing to come out, Shackleford
went in after him and was shot ',-td
killed by Devaney. Later Devaney
committed suicide. It was thought
Devaney w110 insane.
Fnlhnving the shooting of the two
women the authorities organized it
posse and a 00011111y of 1 L Fourth
Iieginment, Ohio National Guard, was
called out, permission having been
given by Governor Harris. The offic-
ers surrounded the barnand threat-
ened to burn it
Finally persons ventured up to the
barn door and there say Shackleford's
body. Under cover, they removed it
to the outside. Nothing was then seen
of Devaney, but several shots having
been heard it tvas supposed that De-
vaney had committed suicide, and
upon going into the barn, officers
found his body, he having shot him-
self in the head.
Devaney shot the girl and her moth-
er when he called at their home and
WAS refused admittance. The color-
ed' girl 1000 n graduate of the High
sohool. Devaney was separated from
Pias wife, who lives at Darbyville,
Several ,years ago while Marshall
of Dorbyville, Devaney shot and kill-
ed lVoshington Hadriugtou, who was
resisting Arrest and served a short
term in the penitentiary for the act.
n. e
Police of Yorkton Still Guard Un-
welcome Guests.
Yorkton, Sask., -1 l u y 11,- The col-
ony of Donkhobors i, ,Lill in the Ag-
rieulturai Building, under the supervi-
sion of the 'Mounted Police. The
Town ('ounefl and the hoard of 'Prado
are urging the Saskatchewan Govern -
meld to send Them back t to Ontario.
ip100110ly they are a fixture, as both
the Provincial and Dominion Govern -
meets refuse to accept the responsibil-
ity. The Ottawa authorities author-
ized the police to buy peanuts and ap-
ples only for thou, but no clothes, They
01'0 scantily clad, but are apparently
satisfied to remain here indefinitely.
Indian Mend, Sask„ May IL- - hiss
Annie. Boyd, daughter of ,1olm Boyd,
of this place, was droivued yesterday
afternoon in the Sunbeam dam. hiss
Boyd was found of horses and was out
driving a colt. On Iter return, while
crossing the high roadway which
forms the barrier of the big Sunbeam
dam, the horse became fractious, and
getting beyond control, plunged down
the bank into tine water, which is twen-
ty feet deep, dragging with hint Hies
Boyd, who was caught in the wheels.
Miss Boyd was an only child and n
general favorite in this community,
where she was horn and her whole life
had been spent.
They Cause Fever, Says a Philadel-
phia Doctor.
Philadelphia, May 11. -'That the pick-
ing of buttercups is injurious to tine
health of children is the theory of Dr.
W. W. Chalfonte, of 1,435 North Six-
irteenth street. He declared today at a
meeting of physicians that some eases
called measles are not measles at all,
but are the effects of gathering butter-
cups and inhaling their perfume.
Buttercup fever' is the terns Dr, Chat
fonte gives the disease. "lit Germany
and Holland there are haws forbidding
the growing and picking of ,jjptteretps,"
said the pihysician. "Load -owners are
cautioned and dairy inspectors are as-
signed to see the pastures are free of
the finers. In these countries epi -
denies of 'buttercup fever' came 00551.
larly, .and in some eases the diruaso prov-
ed fatal.'
timber oia this tet width they have
['ought tenth almost arch len t Des, they
have gone into the market and
11(0(111(1 matted up the p,lce0 en them-
selves. 1lo protested that t1/ Ameri-
can consumer honb4 11(11 he saddled`
pith the penalties of any such spent,-
en t, -
lir. Norris produced t 0.00
to show that there 1140 been it (who -
tion in the price of pulptcaad c'1}+.oled
110(11 (annd4
"The, -e awn," he said, "are simply
amid: with speculative, and I 'expect
to show that they hare 1/000 itweetiug
int Canada from $3,0101,00n to 11,0110,1100
in the acquirement of timber lands ap-
parently upon the idea of a good peen
lation in timber instead of applying
their moneys to the extension of the
manufacture of paper in the United
Shutes to meet the demand, instead of
doing that for tvhieh they borrowed
money in 1005 they appear to have
been pouring it into Canoila to buy
timber lands and control all the lum-
ber companies there."
Assaults Man Who Procured Opera-
tion for Sister,
Vrille uvor. \ley 11:--fleorg0 A. (Valk -
eel, a prominent young business man,
is 00 trial for procuring an abortion
of 131au011e Bond, a young woman
with whom he lived. The girl faint-
ed several times on the stand. Sev-
eral nhvsicians were examined on
technical fealtn•cs of the case and
were sharply cross-examined by Jos
Just before the trial Richard Bond,
the brother of the girl, pounced en
Walken and blackened his eyes and
otherwise damaged his features. Young
Bond is under observation lest ire
does harms to Walkem.
Grand Trunk Starts Service on Mon-
day Next,
Montreal, May 11. -On Monday next
the Grand Trunk Railway will com-
mence running their special refreg-
erator car service between the dairy
districts of Ontario and Quebec to
Montreal. This service has been run
every summer for some years past un-
der an arrangement with the Depart-
ment of Agriculture. It calls for a
weekly refrigerator car service be-
tween May 11 and October 17 each
probable that he was 1111ed by Mrs, 200 a day in that city of 86,000 inhabi- yearto in
rd rtoecarr2('mosfav rdairy proble cots
43 Inness or by T.nmphere. o• by both ants.
of them, in miler to nrocnre the rash he There are sesenteen women engaged ditions.
British Liberals Carried East Wol-
London, May IL -'fife declining popu-
larity of the present Government was
again revealed by the result of the bye.
election in East Wolverhampton 10 re-
place Sir Henry .towle who as Vis-
count Wolverhampton took his sent in
the House of Lords. 1'lie Liberals re-
tained the seat in the O011011058, but by
a bare majority of 8, as aninat a ma-
jority of 2,865 in 1000, the result of to-
day's elections being 00 follows G.
R Thorne, Liberal, 4,515; L. S. Amery;
Unionist, 4,507.
Three Persons ii,ihed, Several lnjur-
ed and Much 1pcopetly Destroyed.
Memphis, l'enit May 11 Phren per.
seals shad, soviet othea injured, con-
siderable property logo and a demorel-
ization of tr,t1'lic re1011.011 from Ilse
storm of mind and ruin, which swept
over the southern polliou of Arkaneas,
Western Tennessee ,uul Mississippi yes.
tcrd,ty. The wind razed n number of `
small buildings and tangled 11.legrnpid
and telephone wires, while the 1.0in cans•
cd numerous washouts along the rail-
roads delaying traffic and eansiug ether
The greatest damage 111111 1.110 loss of
lite occurred in Arkansas, At Marche,
the Polish settlement was badly Mune
aged and three 11e080ns were killed, an-
other sustained probable fatal injuries,
and several were less seriously injured.
Meagre reports from Conway and 1'anik-
nee cownties tell of damage by the
Watson, in Deshotl maty, is report•
praetietelly destroyed.
In Western Tennessee and llisiei :,ippi
1111' railroads suffered the greatest dam-
age because of washouts although re-
ports front outlying districts are that it
lids result is looked anon 0,5 indica- number of small 1110ldtu a nand barns
1woe dt.stroycd, So far is can 1'1s nscer-
tive of grove doubt that Winston tanned, Iaolreccr, 0(o ono gra,. serinnsin'
Spencer Churchill, President of the in ural.
Board of '.Crude, will secure his seat at l _ 1
Dundee, whither he has gone to contest
the vacancy mused by the elevation to ,", j j g P Q j
the Peerage of 11r. Edmund Robert- dVilNi lQtYa s7 \LYd«ilrSU.>
United States and Japan Will Settle
Disputes Amicably.
Washington ITC., May 11.- A general
arbitration treaty between the United
States road Japan 1000 by
Secretary of State hoot and Ambas-
soder 'l'aknhira. This treaty follows
the lines of the several arbitration
ogre/mints which have been negoti-
ated between the United States and
Europeen nations during the winter in
the gecent Hague Conference. It will
permit of the arbitration at The Plague
of nearly every class of dispute which
may arise between the sigllat0ry 110w-
Martin Rescued Companion
From Raceway.
A St, Catharines despatch: George
Court, a. seven-year-old boy, fell Into
the hydraulic near St. Paul street yes-
terday, and was being carried to-
wards the spillway, where death would
have been certain, when Sidney Mar-
tin, his young companion, plunged
into the water, and, with great dif-
ficulty, succeeded in bringing Court
ashore. Neither of the boys suffered
any serious injury from the incident,
Paper Trust Accused of Making Reck-
loss Investments.
Washington, May 11. John Noris, of
New York, the representative of the
American Newspaper Publishes' As-
sociation, to -day repeated his state-
ment before the hoiisa Committee in-
vestigating the wood pulp and print
paper industry that the American paper
'Phe campaign aC 1Voiverhampton
was fought almost entirely on the tariff
reform issue. This is admitted by the
Liberal newspapers, which. do not to at-
tempt disguise the severity of the
blots, the Govornmett has sustained,
Premier Asquith is to make his bud-
get 51010100M; or. Thursday, and If
this should impose any further unpopu-
lar taxation the growth of opinion
against the Government and in favor
of tariff reform 0iay beeonuo still 01000
The Unionist pros attributes the re-
markable revulsion of public opinion to
the bad reaction in trade, following a
few years of booming commerce, which 1
rendered illi'. Ohamborhnin's personal
campaign nugatory.
leclaroa That His Ideal is the Na-
tion's Prosperity, and His Ambi.
tion the Winning of the People's.
Lf.;hoe, .510y 11.-11011001, tint boy
01 , of Pot -tugal,,1'.o-da n ..,lc:unly twill
he coronation oath, and, with all the
radiifoaul courtly cb t . was
iroclaimed the ruler of the nation. The
Lay 0(a; observed as a h111111),',ind
.1L- city wan aglow i,1) i 1(0110lat,t 11,11 -
shine and a myriad of flag, and flaw.
Through the strents, which w r're4_
iu1.d with troops and t110d with
throngs of people, lone Manual, ac-
e.4nipaMed by the high dignitaiiee,
110) in the Stat. March to the Perlin.
Meat Mouse.
Two Hundred Members. London Stock
Exchange Not Seeking Re-election,
London, May 11..--Ovviug to the serious
slump' in business no lover than two
hundred members of the Stock Ex-
change have placed their names on the
list of those who have decided net to
apply for re-election the current year,
Many brokers declare that business has
been so poor that they have been un-
able to make expenses. Others, more
seriously hit, actually admit that they
can't raise the necessary nomination
• P
Canada Refuses to Take Dregs of
British Population.
London, May 11. --Lord Alverstone,
presiding at the Metropolitan Prisoners'
Aid Society, said that in 1907 the soeiety
had sent a number of men to Canada,
where, it was stated, there would be a
demand for them, but the experiment
had not been successful. Sir A. Wills
pointed out that in future the society
would be unable to send such men to
Canada. Colada and the other colonies
now absolutely refused to take the
dregs of the British population.
King' Manuel, who presented a strik-
e; figure in his cloak of velvet ail
rmfuc, and who was followed by he-
tlds ;and popes, was ver em.oniously es-
corted to the throne, Then, holding
the 013)0nl sceptre in his left hand, the
Rag placed his right hard on the
carred book of the Gospels, and swore
to maintain the Ua1111)0 0 religion and
the integrity of the 1.041111, 111111 10 oh-
wn-ve the constitution • and laws of
I'nrtaeal, _after .the oath had been
taken King Manuel 0041 fhe follow.
"My ideil is the nation's prosperity,_
and my ambition is the w'innin'g of airy
people's lova'
brow the balcony of the Parliament
buildings .Manel was formally po•
claimed King'1/y Lie Grand Staud.u'ilg
bene' of Use Realm, whereupon 111
snouts of the. heralds of 'Long live the
King" 1080 up, and the booming mf
,^,1)'.0 carried the. MI 115 throughout the
Ex -officer of British Army Sent Down
at Winnipeg.
Winnipeg, Man., May IL --J1) the
most dramatic and sensational trial
brought up in a Winnipeg Police court
for some years, Percy Lear, a man of
many a1ius00, who sayp, he lifts been a
captain of infantry in the British army,
and who poses as a high officer in many
secret societies, was sentenced to three
years in Stony MOnritnin Penitentiary
this morning by Magistrate 11ellieken
on the charge of obtaining $140 from
John Thomson by false pretences. He
swindled ,nen all over Western Canada
through secret society work•
•O A -
Political Prisoners to be Tried by
Military Court.
Lima, -May The -Rumors are afloat here
of a revolutionary uprising in the De-
partnent"of Cuzco. The insurgents are
said to he 11) p0saessiol of .the city of
Cuzco, capital of the 'Preview,.
The 00001.01/01 has ilevid1i1 10 turn
aver the political prison's gathered in
during the lost few days to 0 military
court for trial. It has also confiscated
the arms and tnnmunition in the posses.
sion of the shooting clubs of Lina.
Widow Claims Prophet Was of Un•
sound Mind.
Waukegan, 111., May 11.-1110. Jeno
Dowie and her son ,tiestei'day filed suit
to set aside the will of the late John
Alexander Dowie, appointing John A,
Lewis lois successor. Mrs, Dowie tropes
to become the head of the Dosvie
manufacturers have bought large Church. Site alleges Lewis 1(5011 011)1115
tracts of woodlands in Canada, and idfluenee, and that bowie was not of
charged that instead of cutting the sound Mind.
Interrupted in Attempt to Break in
the Molsons Bank at Merlin, They
Reply to Shots With Fusillade -
Two Stares Robbed,
Chatham, Ont, May 11.E 'Chic 011111(13
of Merlin was the .1,110 0c au early
Lour this looming of a holttttetiTt
un the part of a gang v( buglers is!
telt the \10150 0, Baal: ,1111 (1 SO15,''pwu1
pistol b1)(110 witlu Ult tuatJunun. .0
1111010511 Linc 01(0.100 wove lolled In tn,ir
attempt to rob the bank they did not
leave the v'fll:age capt,•wu.t 1, a.
l icy succeeded 10 entering two stor,0,
alto getting both ntou y and 1011131:1,,
Yhey 1(100 0(11010(1 aha departmental
:tore of J. 0. Itailiday and oreed opo
the safe, Trout which they nbsireelcd
•elft, They next turned their attentioe
10 .'Arthro smith's jewelry 510 e, and
:40011 14:d. a considerable timidity of
The x1010005 Bank was 1110 1:005, on•
jet of their depredations, 1,1,0 hero
they suet with an 0100111)001.1(1 0111(•!1,
y had opened a window of the h-1(ai10
anti one of the burglars tole i111 -'1g
ihoomih it 0(.1111 to Inuit; tvntrhm.i'i
ti -covered what was going on, Ile
promptly raised an alarm, and, pulling
out his revolve', opened fire on the
intruders. The burglars at once re-
plied avail their pistols, and a regular
fusillade of shots 11:10 exchanged, but
without any of the bull>ts taking effect,
The $011011 of the tiring awnketul
the villagers, who turned out e ffn.l
mit the Cason, but by the time they.
arrived on the sceae the burglars Lad
made good their escape, within teat. -
log any clue to their lino of retreat,