HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-01-04, Page 2LpiTOK HEWHECORp htllftlillehtel every Thursday sat The Nswe•Rscord Power Printing lieutle ALDERT STREET. e CLINTON'. Tema oft SuesemeTtolt-3LQ0• per year is Advance ; 8* 0. na' he charged tl net eo paid Na gasps diecontlaucd until all arrearages are paid, unlash at the option of thepublisher. The date to which every ouiisoription is Pahl Ie degeteri on the label. envei11T1sINo R:fast.1,--Transient advertise - meets. 10 'cents per nonpareil lino for first insertion and S cents per line for each 'tubes- gpent insertion. Small, advertisements not to exceed one iaoh,sueh as "IAA" "Strayed," "Stolen," eta, inserted once for 60 cents and each aubsequent insertion 15 cents. Advertisements without specific directions will be ipsertee until forbid and charged accord !ugly.. Copy tor change of edvortisernonts on pages 4 and 5 must be !nth() ofnoe on Saturday and for pages 1 and 8 on Monday to ensure change for following Issue. CesrusoT RATits.—The following table shows our rates for al eomed periods and space ; ADVERTISING RATER. 1 Yr. 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo. 1 Column 570 00 540 00 525 00 88 50 Column 40 00 25 00 16 00 000 # Columtg. 25 00 15 00 800 250 # Column 18 00 10 00 550 200 1 Inch 600 350 200 1 25 4Specfal position from 25 to 60 per Dent extra. w; J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. Ono Dose feu, the story. When your head ches, and, yowl feel biiiou ceilidh' ,end out of lane, with your oraaali sour and no appetite, Aust uy a peckase ut /ootPs Pills And willQbe surprisedmat hos easily they will do their work, cure your headache and biliousness, Invite the liver and make you feel happy again, ' reliiceets. Sold by all medicine dealers, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL INrERNATIQNAl. IrESSQN, JAN. The Birth or Jesus." Amite 5. 1.1 leaden Text. Rath 1. 51, PRARTIOAL NATES. to bear about Jesus,but to go to tum • and see him. Bethlehem. Now known as ".Beitlahm," a village of three thou' sand inhabitants, mostly .Greek Chris - 7 tiaus. •A ease traditioually supilosed to he the plfrce of; °bristle birth is 5 shown near the wall. ltf. They came with baste. Showing Verso 1. Caesar Augustus, The em peror of Rome, Augustus Was Id name. Caesar, hie title, is perpetuate in the modern imperial titles "czar and "kaiser." It was adopted trope th name of the great Julius Caesar, Al the world should bo taxed,! All, the in habited places, meaning, of course,, al planes subject to Rome, should be en their faith by the eagerness of Chair . A CARVING LESSON, • A saddle of mutton should be carve in long slices, half lean, half fat. out should be "lade down the wool length parallel withthe backbone ,an slices cut diagonally fromt the oentr of the baok to the end of the ribs. leg of mutton should be held with th forks so that the inter side is tower works, and wliling to leave their flocks . to look upon their Saviour. No earthly object is too deto be forsaken. for s Chriet. Ja" oseph, The husband of Mary d and the reputed father of Jesus.. As " his name is not mentioned after Christ e is twelve years old, he is. presumed to have died before the public motes try of our Lord began. p rolled. An enumeration of the wort JOHN T, EM M E R T O N undertaken by Julius. Caesar was Qom - THE LEADING BARBER d. CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. • BANKS THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated by Act of Parliament. 1855. CAPIT• 42,000,000 REST AL's • • 51,500,000 Trip OFFICE. MONTREAL. WM, MOLSON MACPHERSON, - President 'µdf:~ VOayBRsTIEN TnoMAs, General Manager Notes discounted. Collections made. Drafts issued f Sterling and American Exchanges bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on sums of Stand up. FARMERS. Money advanced to tanners on their own uotes with one or more endorbers. No roork asRe required as seeprity. H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton • C. D. MATAGGART BANEICR • a.eneral `Banking Business Transacted. .tes, Discounted. Drafts Issued.' Allowed on Deposits, Into ALBERP-STEtEET CLINTON. Also Agent for STANDARD LIFE INSURANOE COMPANY • Head Office for Canada, Montreal. Insurance in force, 5110,000,000 Investments in Canada, • • . 13,600,000 Established 1825. rho old roliable and favorite. OFFICE—Smith'sblook, opposite Post Wive. IN$'URANOE "I'lIE McKILLONSURANCE COMPANY Farm and isolated Town Property only Insured.. OFFICERS • J. B. McLean, Premien', pen P, U Thos. Frazer, Vice -President, •tirueetlied P. U. • W, J. Shannon, Secy,Treas., Seaforth P.O., 'Thos. E. Bayes, Inspector of Losses, Soafortii P.O. DIRICCTOIRS: W. G. Broadfaot, Scaforth' John G. Grieve Winthrop ; George Dale,,Seaforth • Thomas E. Hayes. Scaforth ' Tames Evans. };feechwood ; John Watt, Harlook , Thomas Frazer, Bruce. field ; John B, meLean, Eleven : James *oily, Porter's Porter's Hill. AGENTS: Robt:tmith, Harlocic:Itollert McMillan, Sea - forth ' James Cummings, EK1tniondvih'e ; J. W. Yeo,Holmesvillo P. U. • John Govonlook and. John C Morrieen. anditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans - Pact other business will be promptly: attended to ou application to any of the above officers addressedto their respective post ofilces. IT DOESN'T PAY TO BE CAPTURED, It will doubtless surprise moat peo- ple to learn that any soldier of the British army who is captured b$ the enemy gets his pay stopped at once. Therefore the 1,000 English warriors who are now playing football inside the race track at Pretoria are in no sense of the word wage earners. A further provision of the army •regula- tions allows an investigation to be made after a soldier has recovered his liberty and the authorities, may,if they see fit, turn. over the back pay, to the released prisoner. There is no obligation on their part to do this, however. _ WOOING IN BRAZIL. On Sunday evenings the young man is welcomed into the parlor where a LEGtAtt' row of chairs extends along the four walls. The whole family, seats itself _•.____�:.__ �.__ -- and amidst a general convc• '• • lie SCOTT poor fellow is supposed fuse the woo- • BARRISTER,.SOLIit1TOI.-*tie. tenor N Money to Loan, etc. OFFICE' -Elliott Block - BRYnoj r ( BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Notary Public, &c.. Os►.►Alt—Beaver Block, - CLINTON CONVEYANCING ». 013 ox natnIT CONVEYANCER. COMMISS&ONER, ]'ire .Insurance Real Estate, Money to Lend,.; 0F.FICE—IivitMt S'iste r; CLI" '1 DIC D.R. W. GUNN R. 0. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinb;lrgh. Night calls at frontdoor of resideneeon patten bury street, opposite Presbyterian church. OFFICE—ONTARIO STREET, CLINTON. DR. WM. GRAHAM (SUCCESSOR TO DR. TURNBULL.) • Licentiate of the Royal College of Phy- eletane, London,Eng. Orifice AND R'itstazsce.-Perrin's Block, lately occupied by Dr. Turnbull, CLINTON. DR. SHAW OFFICE : / ONTARIO STREET, opposite English- church, CLINTON. DRQ Caw THOMPSON PHYSkCIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE A140 RESIDENCE— Next to Molson's Bank RATilINITURY STREET, CLINTON. DENTISTRY DR: /'I(RUCE SURGEON DENTIST. Specialties—Crown and Bridge Work and preservation of the natural teeth. OFFICE—Coats' Block, - CLINTON. 1)R. AGNEW DENTIST • Cxowr• AND BRIDGE WoRK. OrrrIoE—Adjoining Foster's Photo Gallery, CL VETERINARY BLACKALL Be BALL VETERINARY SURGEONS. GOV. ERNMENT VETERINARY INSPECTORS Orrice, Teams Ssmaitr' (RESIDENCE, ALnERT (STREET, CLINTON.r AUCTIONEER N ED AUCTIONEER. all parts of the Counties of niers left at THE NEWS. 11nW,r.: sur• 0 - ti t"eretvo prompt attention. sat sauteed or no charges Yonr pat' cited. ing. IE he wishes to estio4 his fiancee. t to a theater,the family acrid daughter Otte walk ahead, while he fgllows by is I hLonely self.. In .short, ' he couple are never permitted to be and, the natural consequences...,is a clande- stine wowing: UNINTEN ONA•L 2 F. Londorerquisite idozint into a West. End a "°di"ailrant, says an exchange, and Was a from pleased with. the manner which his order was filled. Do you. call that a veal 'cutlet ? he emended of the waiter. .Why; such cutlet as that is an insult to every elf -respecting calf in the British Ern tire. The, waiter bung his hoed for a ilio4. went b1lt,recovered himself and said, in a tone df :respectful apology,' I really didn't intend to insult you, sir. OUR ELASTIC LANGUAGE. First Customer—I wish to select a vase, Floor Walker—Yes, madam. James, show the lady to the crockery depart- ment, Second Customer—I Wish to select a vawz. Floor Walker --Yes, madam. George, show the lady to the bric-a-brac de- partment. ' LIGHT. • Bridget—But you can't sleep there, mum. Miss Alicesaid no one should occupy her bed while she's gone away, because it isn't very, strong. Alice's Cousin—Oh, well, I can. be- cause I'm a light sleeper. A STOLEN KISS. Jane's wife left him because be stole a kiss, She mush be particular. She is. He stole it from the cook. A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION. Fare 1 said the condubtor. • Oh, I don't know, replied the girl. Some of the boys say I'm more than fair. Jiist 8 CoiigIi Not vier paying attention to, you a y. Perhaps you have had t for weeks. It's annoying because you have a constant desire to cough. It annoys ,you also because you remember that weak lungs is a family failing. At first It is a slight cough. At last it is a hemorrhage. At first it is easy to cure. At last, extremely difficult. ers ry pectora MISOELLANEOUS 16 41101161111 fiORSgSI101R AND 'ffllNERAl,BLACKSMITH, work Ironed andltt-clas material and tainted. Roan implements and ma- int and repaired. I,Nre A SPECIALTY. ieitTil, OIJNTON. quickly Conquers your little backing cough. There hi no doubt about the cute now. Doubtcomes front neglect. Per over half k century et's Cherry Pectoral has i curing colds and coughs reventing consumptin. *'Consumption also iii tit CO YEARS' fbPEfIENCE. • plated by Augustus, who wee, WOOS santly active in makinenrollment conscriptions,. and taxations. 2. Cyrenius, Identified with Publiu Sulp,ictus ,Quirinus, who is generall g s1 A 'telltale Winch wilt ('are Use 'Thirst °tleoboi—Valle Prong Common 'new bane. sr Van Wart Totten, a druggist, of y Eighth street and Jersey avenue, Jer sey City, asserts he has diseovered a sure cure for drunkenness or alcohol e ism says a New Fork letter. The fours. g dation of this oure is an herb which Is common to all parts of this country. ✓