HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1900-01-04, Page 1• ;210t Year 'CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4,1900 1 • SorRE IV" ovr. Whole Num - oti have not already ieuewed. your subscription to DIE NEWSRECORD titeie is no more acceptable time them the pregitt / 009094 .1t about Diary for * We, have them in , various shapes. .THE CANA 'LAN o - ALMANAC. • 44, Any 'art1010 you Oar' taseleeb '9Ww for qcthas. and it them' is , anything WO IlaVa ,not :elrervey :stock we will gej it for 1! you .011 nowAndlaneet PPR' • retienP4 Lt gives ;no -mere:time , e-,%ellevr you the ',geode and • you get a larger-', stock to' Obeoee ;twee pow than you later on.' for we have nearly -At env Xmas goods in. •and aftwa alwaye have un todate attack you von no risk • :iOntiethhere. :Virentirer yen •,nooItiOilafeteVvorri goods, and 4anArgeyen--. only a, moderate Priett fOr.everytbing. • ' tw,(1,1fIpOhere Complete Stock Of NVetehes,Clocke, Jew- clry.Silverware,OuLlery,China, and all - kinds of ..eirrellnoVelties in Ebony and 1;15,terling Silver, Out Steel,. Side Palinlie,'Porees, Fans, etc. bougbt engraved free of charge. .• nWlii YonL.he in ? , .P»13. CREWS .esitehir, Expert Watch Tie- , 'alter and Optician- .•.„• fi=.0„r VEVR!512.1012:51e51P0 kittia Locals. Service will be held In St. Joseph's elaurch nett Sunday. The annual business, meeting of the Baptist church will be held on Than, day evening. There was no service at the Howie of • Refuge on Sunday much to the regret '4ef the old folks. . This is the Week for olioerving .Niew McAllister did not long survive her shiP where It was drill from the doing be broken negb week" as usual' that heycnd in August lad. Dodo Oil Ira. MeAlistor. A Letiar Prow Of 4nthap44 Mrs. ElizaMcAlister died on Monday Captain Combe received a letter on morning at the ripe old age of 13 yeen Saturday from Ben Webb of the first and 11 months. She bad been ill for Otinadian Contingent, It Wag vvritt some time and the end Wait not un. when the troops were four days out expected. The funeral took Duce front Cape Town and gave a detailed yesterday,the services being conducted account of ride practice, drill, etc. Bea by Rev. Alex. Stewart of whose elaurch 64.7s that Omni) lige was child's Nair • .11111.411.11•4”..POMPWI, BIAT11. -•. „ AUBURN, SUMMBRELL.-- - " . dallYevf; r°*111:01.11111fli lett °are NheewinYteenald': tellm4vIlieeret:Tifttic1:410"134:ealibleezhte,::e Newehi:Intili:e: 'tit Iyglee; ratisiMtn,gv'ulx8retucietitnilititilinsdeltharreargat dlitilWers flare, t7 visiting for a Nw ' to.........-04zte . leg in our neighborhood. . aboet half way bet Oen hank got uek in a ari dive - Mr. Herb. Young of Toronto came Baukefsillefiurchie and Rance spent nuise • New' Tear's in Clinton, Fridey end Saturday °fleet week. • Leadbury visited Miss N. Wetherad on, i..nTttlee :theueeroloohnerta:71unow, e: 6 E, J. and Mr. Noble Forbea of , too. -v • : • home last week for Te.timall:yraoilfolCizaornioxivorvlysieteadesille 3- -,i:-71',' . ' keel brai3e4 of the Bank of net°teP' aunt,Mrs.'11.,phillips. of Whitechurch.:. a teiv days' 11°47 sisi‘ltex'P',IMLi Miss. Edna Syrian:0cm visite her last Fridev.' ' . - - : „. 0.1:1;47lia':110:,vivieeir0; limPfk ita''''''''':• ''''' • Xisseo Barbara and 1.10zieYoungbint' '441reithrer and, sOulrantil of ir.,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,. ro.,,,,,,,. : , Mr, O. li, •Bermett, manager ofutho . ' (Min to -eformy Wet ?L1 was no. chureh ;. ' spxenrt. 4N! wE.Y.Beraara'swilncliwaatirialinitown.ing,.= Dr.: O. ' Q. Cooke visited London on d°fayGl'ea.Cte.Oc„,4. 7.1,re*-11°Me 'tc'r ihe.ir .11°''"; ' iiktF. ,:nnsflei.;:na!tratters : at .470(11:: on Menday, . ' Mr. "tiVill ,Taman spent Monday on Monday, ottri°8",e;b131)9.r.otarhdliti;votubnlitia'hleT,legarft arl:.i,ah ;;:ra•th. gueiterif Master WM 4‘e - he de e 1 and Tuesday in t'altnerston. filled Up. :07.;:„,,,a,,st, :tow, , th • 6 : Mr. W. H. FinninaOre was a Louden sehool le Ilullett.on Iteeaday. a her., . „ daughter, Afro Woodiard part 1116 J. Mckinnon of Torginto spent ' her brother, kr., g. H. Bennett, man - The, „troge. Ferry (Jo, left here tor ter speo. New ,Geeerich onMooday, Miss Bennett of Hamilton is ,visitleg .visitor on New Year's, agerof the Bank of Hamilton, The". enterteinnaerit on _,Neiv the their gramtperents., •`1)114t0-. r• Eddie • ' ' :rare, iet,t,:dth.50f7:5,1111/it, 'Medd. a71. clang, 14-. ,:asitkrtooectito;d. ertob, 14- ilt wooly- to viost night was a Sunttess aitkaago th..' wee- Fait:Otter eaborri rt i rl•th Mr, A, E. Wetheral went to his new . was 0 sue , Yaar'e at the leAter's „- •Mm,f:S:::::semr:llao:;Seaa'ac:iIf::;in4::jl '• 7 7 . !.`" ' '"" ',"`"44 '11"”IL114)4 .• , • ., next T ;eWhetir *ge007 weeks Le elf eS ::10 sCif :Or olfitorh one ec•VP: ft:111..::: raavil ::: ea° nbt tu. i. t::, .. .mxcpwmt :aeritzeores:rtsi t ,rieswwl, :170.4teil ii:::epu. ?0::::;;!1', pi.,1anything ri AeG:':1:).4cmlhi 41. 00)::Bi,:x:::::wvi :ive1011:::;e,rbial whote20;:rTioa:iti Ili ,°:. . ; ,1 ,. :, „-, . 1.3.7,:;:iis::,,:ii::::,..;:i° 't7ie: :1;1i ,;:er. r ,it, ;t: u, rt;:nb, 2 1,evii0.1;1::: 4:t2:',11::: !,, i ihti:0:40!16:4: oss: oisp: di ; : ,_ , ,n- :41,10:01y4:: dames: of material towork on fax the Keiwr:ted)!„,04.0:11. 1440,ex:son. nesday after tile Xmas'a,nd,,New Year's ..,..- . I. - , ;houses.' .' ' .married couples has dissolved part-. neeship and are now -living in separate •The Publicgehooi re -opened On Wed; T4'e:Pr6.': BrtfeelleictSatuttbk.' ' . r ' r '. ' 'aolidays. . ceedsatttentited, to 836, . . .„ • . 1 n , e • Miss -:,p;. ,p.),uidkatit has rettuned - - . . .-• . • • •• - - 2 .. the deceased was a member. Aree. compared with the hard work on board rear's resolutIons,"many of Which vvill who pitoed teem this life Into of. the eon to the going down:thereof., There were meny disc omforts, but the IteV, P. Parke tied- two matri" Oilissra.01 Clintn oCooMen TrPoernwneereeninnanraIl dlitirrYit,t3 as it was all menial knots this past ,week, one In The following are the officers of qa .4; Clinton and the other at Blyth. MrsnerWho hbeen Olinton Connell No, 115, Canadian, curim."'"Inch• -, joy, as quite ill , foe .,:ayo :Weak* gest... VI now, wo aro Order of Chosen Frrends, for 1900 ; e rat our eg-P reelid ent va. Vi QO Chi br. Ball. Preelident-roateli of the season was • The Canadian Order Off' Foresters hold thoh. oomuti. dioner the innBetorder, S. Lawrence, -,rtoeusuolwntetgt3otr riinflveos: rof the toriner by the • Clarendon Rotel on Friday evening • '`rees"re". w*Prertident " Vice President pleassed toluirtr, alinoab recovered. vicee t dolluellseilarseller :. D. (kook, jr. played In the dilk on m°13daY anci 4 ' Mr, Erne Revey performed. 'th M..,,arsliall' Mi" Mary $°t'' Larger and more t) .3 popular than ever, is . oo,, siuldtlY, Ita.:,04; abs 0 .... u ti 08 of ergeniet Of $t..Pentiersofehlturiesi, , r_rviseairadtee,n,mbrs..MTiho.odsonialigdg.ni'n.. -' 4403...a. J.Poothufdajawcsittnoa!:art 02, • 33.71:tAa. Igor: emwb e , . . .. still sold for; a quarter la' 434'9e7.. Guard, H. ail. intraleing attended the Olinton liifoilel (311/4r 'gentile° Can*. T. jackson, jr. -, W. 0, DoluirtY ' of a dollar 910 IPA five years 129 teacbers SentrY0 Thos. lain, Waaekson 6 W.P.Bpalding 7 • , • What About . • , • Letting us renew your - periodicals tor., 1poo. -We are agentefor all papers, , magazines and journals • and shall be pleased to 'fiirward your renewals and new sub- scriptions. * School and, 'OS 'passed eiracessfully„ Allem) Friday night s meeting the- , Prineipal Laugh hasnothad a failure' following were' elected officers of Olin. that , ton Chimp No. 76, W. O. W.! • ' : • School looks , • Will againbe in de. Ourstock inand'.negt week. And in more complete than I .the midst of the Xmas le at present. People tell us run -Ii we nave not 'forgot - B. JVCki 'OP has been engaged Counsel Commander, 3. A. to Neel and 'lead the 'Foresters' Band. Past 0. Commander, J. W. chidive Adviser Lieutenant, P. Ker. Baiiker, 3. Ireland. Clerk 3. B. Hoover. Ile took .charge last week. B. 3. is an experienced bandsnion and Popular (PY -i•WiththenieMbers. The PnliiinSehan:14ened 'cm Tnea,-* ) t day, Statf be one ;thoit.'ne one hayingbeen engagedte Escort, R. Murphy. Watchmen 0. Crich. • T S t 11 -Archer en rY, Oa 3. Gibbings A. Porter Feir •• J. 0, Miller Dr.'Shaw 18 N, Fair . 2 .Another. match 'willbe played on Monday night with W. holds* and 45. A. Forrester opposed to W. P. Spalding and N Voir. The leasers are under agreement to saw a, half -cord of Wood on the town ball otage*on Tumid* evening next, which taught to furnish annusement for a crowd. • v.) the vittrancy created hy.the,r4t.tre, Manager. oe CooPer., • A special meeting of the Trustee fuld OfIkert'of Eirceleor Minion Band. " . • Nayop. Jackson Now,, .iltiarteriyi30,,,rds of the Ootario street' On 'Tuesday night Excelsior Missien- • On Eta( 1111E1 church elected the fol. ineet of Mimi. Stout. • EI" B. Her' If Is • tst church will be h Id- 13 1 f W' ThuredaY eyen'ing...velien the question lOwing as officers for the current term.: Thos. dasicS°11 Defeats Mr. Searle in the The One:dollar was received from a God, lected doribithe past year and., witicb , . Free Library ey,i-aw crried. of Onion will bednionssed.• •, The Bandlicie a fund of 4134.49, cola a •MayoraltyContest. erich admireeef The peopiewraperoo will be donated to the Missionary,' --„. Mend:It-who: stated that he had stop- • •' , - there was,: not much iaterest taken -.0 • te take l'His tbrzws:Reecnin Vice -President, Mre4H- Irwin • '"' :to the fact that there of) u ail - ped two Other papers and had decided Dr') Graham • Monday's municipal eiec ions, owing • '• ' aecrersry, is Houston 1Virs.Bentley,wholnis been in London , around cant:eel% Vera was no fight ' President"' Mrs.( m • • • t. . • es• • • ' . . 2nd Vice, Miss josoici Gardner , wasn a ()---f some Inc has had o t• ' fot the council ore ips acute it- core' y Ward for schooltrustee. Organist.,Missviara Wiseman : Mr. Thos. Jackson Sr.:,defeated Mr. perfermed anct is -so much improved in hat We have the nicest line of -g ten the student's recplire-- tyiii-be able to return home in a few• .anay China in town. If you .0 mean; ' - week.. ' • • , .', . ..• :,, " '• . • re ,nopang 1443,,thing it thut, „ .,,,,„„. ..-, . cl- • The corporal,to n, stiow 'plengla did . .. . ,. . . svrep . this week in elearing •"eensequenee thatAt is expected she ine come .1.n_rana see sdnae of gahic,1/44 ea Sets Berry eta •fBread and Butter Plates Bowie .,Oups and Saucers have a nice line of Odd 08. Scotch ,mottos. In have nearly everything tiobylq;inalizto.,• no, Ourranta, Peels ed. Almonds and Walnuts Figreetnd Dates •ything that lb wanted for your Cake. . ORANGES ;Mc and 35c per dozen. nde, • Brett! Nuts, Walnuts ra Fine Mixed Candy Book-Crivoltk Sup. ,t14 eidervelkir .of .the too abendan't — e , ..4„,. -.spew and _leOm the fact, ,tbat., tbe- -04•• • Fnrk' ivaS41,nne. 0,atir in.the:niernieg it po11?,+ of tit . ,„ S ..:t‘ vas — '• ' ' Baptist, chord* wall' occupied on Sunday a. ,m. by Mr. •of() stare,: ). -:-,NTiliarn Robb and in , the eveninghy., the more appreelated. •• 1, k I) dB) • )17..y 18111: " . • • Mr, iferace liosterAckli of whomape ;:quite capable of expounding' gospel. 71, ;044 •4 pilths• a.. logical and ecinvindinfr •• • .A.-oti!ohor of the friends 'ef manner, • • - - ,Nedd presented hint with W Feet By keeping the 'fiiet•iiiry and -warm you goard tgain.t olds ,ataid siekness.at this 'seasan of .nthe „year. *Being is •Priarentative,. even' doe- ' tory say. Our sto was manufaetured by the best makers, „there is none better and the prices are righ and examine them, --. • ULE COOPER •&CO. ,o.A;sa GROCERY. Phone 23. 'RJ. CL; • • .• • 'COMO and inspect our /ines 'of Gent's Furnishings ,httlre everything required to make a man or boy happy and Piitable tbieseason of the year. OD AOODS ARE. BARGAINS. • quality we havethe best stock that long experience dAts to buy. in prices we have marked everYthing arcaiihtlable figure. In style we lead,' always keeping the tt;t- believe that "Good -Goods are -Good Bargains" and iow ingly we put in but: Christnias. Stock on this,Orin- ' a much larger and better.assorted stock -then rverbfor t 17mbrellas, Suspenders,Silir lItindkeichiefs, Silk and Weal- liti °loves, Gauntlets, Mitts, Hato, Caps, etc, We have a new line • ral for the holiday trade of Scatfsend Ties put up in separate boXes. ergermake a very nice presenband are inst.the thing to send to friends Atilteince.„ Buy. PArly andgetthe choice. • We have the best831.00 per suit Under*ear in the trade. • s the. last*Xtuas in the Century and we hope to mike it atiain Landmark°. to our ntany patrons in the purchase their Winter Olothing, etc. Ilespecfally yours, • .A, MORRI . I J. I I ILIIM 141.1 A nOlitt.041011hp' .44 0 .111 est Established House Is that of T. jACKSON, Sr., whieb was founded in 1854 arta .eentinties tu the , • tront: e °ye its CoMmetieca this week when we place on side 063, e as yo,u to ea ant see these sod. They arijef firfit- quality arid temptitt$ prices, . • • 'fill-Aputiiitherveeir, as en exPressiori of their synifirithy towards him. biro Medi! has been ill for months and lately confined to bed and feels very grateful for the kindness of his -friends. • -Mi. John Layton and Mrs.fllflep Were .inarried at the Ontario'Street parsonage oh Thursday night -last hy MeV. Ts, Oletnent. It was very quietly. dne and the news did not become. public until a few days later. Mr and Itis Layton live on the Londen Road. The Masonic., supper; given- et the Itatteribury Rouse on Wednesday evening of last week, was rich in , qual- ity, abundant • in quantity and 'served in that weil-known horitelry's best style. When- Mine Host Joe undertakes e..banquet it Is bound to'be °11Y#r.l, Sh9W. ••W;(1. Searle for 0301%layler's Lair by ' The Perth Poultry Show, held. in Majority of .thirtjkoneovhicti WouiclnO Stratford week., was. . veryd.- doubt have been greeter hada, full vote successful affair.'There were .eight.. hese Polled. The ' Mayor -elect is one hundred entries and keen competiton.•- of our best•iinown citizens and has Mr.•Williate Carter of Ilullett made" ;been in business here since 1854. Jiff fprtyeritries cied,thOugh pitted againet -.brings to thee position experience in. nuitiberOf the most extensive breed-- neeniCipal work and age prt.edding-offit era in ''Western Ontario, won thirty- ,-eer and having his "stake" in the town five PriZes, privet pally with his' POlatkla .4118 best terests at heart, „ se that and HaMburge, The Medd •brothem :• is fully expected. that he will . maks Of. the seine neighborhood won eleven •.,an efficient and successful Chief Mag., prizes:. with /fifteen entries. Mte " *rate. Mr. Jackson was a member of ApPlebY; also of Hullett, owns a ' the first .council when Olinten was in, ber of line birds but did meet with '0Orporated as a village in 1855 and in hie usual success andlieisrs. Forrester 40 occupied a 404'A:the council boiu'd end' 00-liew, who '"Ordy sent a few 'le eleven ieare: - • - bird's, Wen two Prizes each: The,eouned for 1900 as e.t. present • esinstitated follovvi: Mayor., Thos. Plgeon ,Shopthtt. • Jackson ; Councillors, 0. Johnson, T. A Nw membrs of the Gun Club had A. Walker, J. Fair B. Wiltie, A. a pigeon shoot on NeWYear's Day and, Ford end T. Mackenzie. It is under - though a blizzard was abroad .at the same time, made the fllowinx• good tood-that Meesre. Fair. and Wilhite re: scores: ' -fuse° 'aCCOp BO that a ner election 1-12.t,rvx ramps. ndeeeearY. Mr, Plummer is E. 3. Oaritelon 12 ohfeitnhgessetrvitgalnycnineragitedrato mstaaynclyettoryioenlde 7 irgieLehYley log° ohfistiipeerlotneepladyieerizelinitatiisonttoo tbhee blci)episelad overhary -25 si� 1.31.1038 he w1.11. • vo: 'EluchlaY 22 gt..endrew's'Warcil 3ae41;s9n Searle 3.-25 atvrxyicj. E. Orintelon 111nne.2° sStt.' John's „ 8.165 53 26 St. George'ir " 34 41 54 Hinciiley t Reseee iewr SU& Early.. wehl nigh perfectior., Mr. 3. 0. nuinpt of Goderich town. Mr. Frd. G. Runthall, a former ip resident of Ohbut my' Ai ore recentlsholiatryoptp/6tenieriwbbriisghatitbn.ofodr elaoorolyon r'f Bruefisid, has 'been elected IiiIaYrit a few minutes afterwards earemittanee of London. the Mayor -elect has for the same purpose reached us frow prospered ivili since loeating in Lon- 11,. M'aVittie of North Bei. Mrs. den where in a leVP years he is said to W.Mtarrphy called in Tuesday to renew. have • accumulated upwards of ane - hundred thousand dollars. - THE Ntrivei.BEcoen has been a regular vrsitoi toher home since its , establish gee-. W. 4, tiowsod will take as his merit. kr. W.R. Lough came in a few sulijeet nextSunday morning"Throngh •nainittes litter for the same purpose and an Old Portrait Gallery" and at,7 p. In rapidvccessiort remittances reach "Taking Stock • and a Oorisequetit ed -us froln John OronYri, Brandon, 1tesolve" The monthly fellowship Man, A. MeErlen, Olintn, and a m6Pting. wilt 'be held at 10 a. tnand number of otbere. We thank • those the annual eovenant service at the who have alreadyreriewed and -express Close of the general service in the 'the hope that their good example may everting. • • be generally followed. Owing to the heavy sno-w strnat- Deemer mann terier ' - Which have hiotted, up the country on Saturday moening hurt death roads several of our correspondents elaitned anOther. of the oldest residents hfWe net been able to semi us their of Clinton in the person ;Of Mr. Will-. :weekly budgets of news. Our reader, inna 'Taylr who departed' this life in who have Perceited the eateldeet will his eightieth year. The 'deceased please note the ealise. We have he a native of linethwaite, 'Yorkhire, doubt but that our staff will Make England, wherehe passed the greater ample amends nett week. : • garb of bis Ufe Twenty.,eight years The attention of parents of pupils in , ao, that Is in 1872, he came with hie the 'primary department of the Pahno rad' to Canada and Clinton and here Sobbol is kinlytelled to the regular :embarked in the Pbae businee, in at attendance of Childrenif Possible. •dtite ot fleet. but it grew until log the stormy Sassari. Grea.b. hirsa to the firm name of Williatn Taylor .t the whole classae mreil as to the penile ffons became sYnanYinetls With hiteg conceited Is incuered and ifpnesible at rity. Old age advancing upon Mr. ali,Miss Taylde wIlt be pleased to sea Taylor, he retired from aetivek work a every pima present. Alan a: few attqi tow *ears Ago, but the .business was now and again is of very little value dentinued under the Mite title by hfs endlthoge who cannot come regularly ate advised to absent until spring. By -attending t o the above, parentswill greatly oblige. -0. Aa. Taylor. toucks--filtlirien Nuptials, A prettybouse wedding took place preaeher in old Yorkshire and condue- at noon on New Year's clay when Mrs. tea one or more services every Sunday 11.1klePrien'esecond diughterAdelyene for years. .011 his arrival in (Minton Blanehe, Was united in' 'marriage to he joined the Itatteribury streetchareh kr, Arthur M. Loucks, bookkeeper for aridfor many years held an official pore arc Ottawa wholesale firm. The care, itiob therein and always freely contri. peony was performed by itev. 3. F. hilted of his meant to the various funda Parks in the preemie° of the family of the church. Last Sunda3r thefarrilly sons Israel and Jacob, entisenneetiY by the former and at the present time by the latter. Mr. Taylot was identified with the Methodist church from his youth and' an active worker in advanc- ing it e interest, lie WAS a local and relatives Atone of the bride. the pew was ciraped ifi meurniog and yes.. bride vvesassisted byldists Chtra. Scott, Willey afternoon :a large number of while the bride's brother, Mr. Harvey citizens gathered there to pay by their Mllera, was groomsman. Atter the , presence a tribute of respect to the Mt. knot had been resturelY tied and the partedand to show thele sympathy to happy couple had 'been tnade the to- the Itererreed family. • km. Taylor ou eipientsof %Varna wishee Anean. vivo. het" laushend together with the • grattilatione t any eat down to seven ions said ems aughter, wise a tiorweddi rs.Loticlis Mrs. 1Prenh CUM. sai.a. • Dior ir••••..i.etm.. 179 148 Majority for Jackson 31, The vote for school trustee in St. An drew's ward stood : Taylor 55tRanee 89. The school beard as constituted for 1000 is as follows. : Sb, Andrew's Ward -3; Taylor, H. E. Hodgens lune -W. G. Smith, Wilbur Man- ning ; Stdohn's-Drdignew,13r.Bruce;, St, George's --.3. B. Hooer, J. 0, Step- henson, • ATM LIBRAAV BY-LA,W. For Against Andrew'e Ward 05 27 St, .Tsuriera' 70 23 St. john's 45 02 St. George's • 39 53 • 225 121 Majority for :By -Law 104. HOLMESVILlaCE A meeting of the flolmesville iliary of the W: M. S. he held in the Methodist Church on liVednesday of next week • at 2.30 p. rn. A cordial lk invitation Is extended to all. who desire to beenme acquainted with the denary work. NextSunday;. being the first in the g month, Holy , Communion will be t The conceit, "TheGirl Love," p geonme buitoorlitt,h, 1,,,nerolwate here . • ciao:many,' played 'Fogg -Ferry" but life. J. 11,yLeweey'and family ot day night, was apreciatedby a,. good a grain .cr ;ether' in the eld. brewerY, :err: Icir14740.0 eh:riiindagy.e nwegi:be-ea.:1141:el:a udience On. Saturday night with a compl4te drop away in the De: 11°7:st'lTt2tiat,Irild Bennett have who° he will 9 e :4,3NotOr.' sentegl by tin Fogg /Perry Co. on Pm. ^ • be like tbo wild ees d leg as it was rather a fizzle. • here , Mr. E. Watsonc'ef, he firm of Ta son The -intl/rimpal eonte on m r • avirsntaada Ad of Ki r ' Eringh took lite:Car,loads of • cattle last WAeir:great suaqess, , for some ..'ef4 4:regentthe gileit of 10 to Montreal the past Week the tsiairrits, Despite Etirryt • . 4- 6 :the .rery no mheobnyialay7 pile. horore.the• ratepayers cold and sbe014*Weather "a , large 'vPt!!. .it' rig tie liee eaaa b ii, 44? , . _ re. the : putting down of • Was polled, , Which resulted aer'fa40We;' -: Dr: PI - pia ''' ' .. , , ,,,.. ry, gra,delithia' walks .was, carried by a w. G. Bit' -1' was to Pr the,,, aenyirig ci:;i met! 43":4lA -;- oneWhig that ale' peoiSIgIVellgintVa.Y1°:.ibYll i':::.6it'er1;:c1.. '',1.1'. 4,Pti':;'9t0.40,444;;CattY7t1„."f714. antiorite of 37, the vote standing -. reevesk,enair by . defeating. his oPen" .-F .Mr, Jobe 0Oftri,,.--..4,... ___,,,_ ..t4.'" ..!.f 04mriry;inntakrer.yra.1,!31,,,wn7110;etgnaerFisoi week,tl, ,,iyitsp:ilit'l favt"yr.°KtrIVea'bling, who w:Set to T‘ skating rink, opened it for the skaterti lycod; .i,.-19441•Put.,Ai),raffaie!.w0, :., at An,inrii , .. . 9riliiii(; wofiaust,.?,70,aira_rnon . were . ,e iv , ,.f, orlt:: ...a: ,,„ ,,,4,..._ ,.. • , It , . .. : ywer. •, .........- Edwin 8!,..11;, ' - ' t he . '' i ' 4' '' fe:7. :'' . . ,,-....... 0...otti,.a,tiew faspirarik headed ' •ie i fokeiegitaiiii to,,j- ' '''''' • 71.); th' E' fo°1w194Wrci;;:tl°0h: :'. i ''IV111f.,; ii;d-; oe!defeated caeaidate 4t -e• .asie# -.eilii II.- ---.4Y.--‘•- ' "' ' ' - 4-., ,, , • ; ,," on Friday eight and is receiving good' ',leaked eXt,..!07,.mesett,..oriiiilonii: 6a...ovos patronage, especiaily on New Year's' Iteev;; • .• - , , 4.i..!....ii., • ,.• Mr.:Bert Moore is studying the • art loiTtS4.„ „,,:';'41 n'•••r-"ans„,,," ' ''''"41:e-P've- "''''''' afternoon and night.; ' ''W. IL ' Irvine Ac4itr„thigd4clill Ont:h-6 4 '- Cl ..,,,', .• ..-,, . 0';40 il"lia" or dough punching at R. R. Douglass' the enAilklitYildth : ' ee !"'4'1:1,°ii'l4i'vee• . . . - d t 'RI s.. '''''"'''':''''.. , . Y. • • , . • • • thAisnfatlittfulewaacinacYsofhtnsohlvadhathveinegff'efeatileoni .dae.fiVitii9746-,0,'s61;,' '41iltiktsii'-t7rniel!Pildilliten'di' 1'4: bringing in lets of loggefid-weed. There will be e union:meeting' of the. He rAO tk6:-•TeoP6r-at'ee'llc'ese''' youeic peeple,enrarsoieti: 6f Trieitk, the pastfAM, years. chnrehand the E. L. of o....A. in the , ' Our siAivig-rink is , having a .: eit.11.1Aistellentisliebrillrej:rtra'.9864bCtdaY'• 'sF1174ar:1;;1;4*i(*-ftgve4iiki4;:rt6):3^ :7,-'; agtot'.;,,:$1)000..!* k....,h..- ikal'elayS witla-;Uisee'404ttir'en21.1i0010 Hutt "iftbirripiettlt friends in Hareiltini. ":" ' ' -:' 'NSt 9undli,,t.°6 Oleos of 'At...; rh. ',.i. ti '-vrr t. -.!. ‘• '' ' ' • mr. J. 110gatee horse , relv,', away ,6n, • their- couitr, Mre'.- j. .ti Wetccitt•' ,,`.„',,N',..-'4'figut (Ta'* ' the ',.,r;OleIT'.,,:,,, • Mr. and Mrs. Kilburn returned on Thursday and broke bis cutter. ' , llif.rwmwaeretbk:BlInotith,x1XyisPPwenitialS841;Tanidinvitieis ,ile01741ipai:nlia2tC14. til!Yte.riott,..1-1arate ,17**..': Tuesday to their home near Niagara . arid friends in and erernad this village. _ -1‘e. Mehl(); Binghern ' entertained -a' ' Mr:Harry Haines ate his New Years." Mrs.- Walter.Weeteeti•And '',4eeis Jg.- 'feW.0 laort4rienai: last Wednesday: • dinner et wingliain, , . Gi,. gmallacombe are „visiting roadies -'eVening, it helog the.2ist•-,.'ennierary: . • . tit Radgetow* '.,:..--; r of her birthday. .,. . ' • .„;; ,.. „ -. . 4,, , - • , . • , i'' , , The R, E.' Pickard 'CoMpany have On Meaday nlornieg , When. • Eke , .... BAYPILD,'. 2. '' • r . , 4 stetted a branch store in 'Hensel' this Brownlee went to attend trithe't .......,..A- .. ... -` week, • .- • , • - . On Lindsay fam,- he noticed- the.1 The Xmas. entertainment or. the • Miss Olive Westcett iS visiting Tel- • had Omen 'over r ifa'44`.. „.*. Trinity church 5, S. • was - heia: in, the • atiyes in Seeforth 'Where she is the cattle arid one Was-tillosing. lie ' OW Town Hall oe Thursday last and .gliest of her consin; Miss Zavica West. the strivi Out a little 'arid 'eartring.to,' areeable, the was packed and the. audience in geed spirits and cletertnin- oba, is the guest. of her brother, Mr; although the^ night WAS cold and. die- comttr.4.h.sohn Eic..icsi Snowflake, molit.. aothiatIdeereij4t wom.fintt al ionueh.ta .1:t%iiin etiaL:ibittlei, g6„ itiiel edie%,e:4c- to It ed to enjoy themselves. The Program 'Thos W. Plandfainiti '0 Was excellent and the order the same. Our road cow The followitig took part :-Mie Trott the snow plorigh.clettnil:re4isthbeinlYstrlive.elish.. ' get4h: went ctomi faGt. fb4'1;•etitti 671: n trd:hrt:31 171 gm 611116:tr: feit '.'1 4 raW lciLcint McMurray, Mrs. (Rev.) E.B;Smith arid '.. family visited relatives in Seafortli on of Hensel]; Miss M. McNaughton, Miss Mr, and Mrs. Stephen 'Powell and thaayterfwailerdentashr;;qm'aoltnn1704:),„?:ittliit, Mr. Zatournel of Clintob, the String Monday.- . . stack and earn° out withoLit beingpiiii-'..-.; Band and the Able people a Bayfield, Mr. W. McNerin spent •New Year's - ii, out. : ' -^. ' ,,,:y - ,.: ., their friends and the school. Miss at Zurich, • ' . : : . ,..r -....;‘,...,,,c. ,,,.19.., --Ti.,:' Rathwell and Mrs. Smith, piano. Mr; Ed.B ossenberry of Zurich anent, . Nyesir Ritin, • Misses Galbraith and Elliott took last Saturdayin town.,• M. rharge of the children. Mr. Trott is Rebecca, relict of the late Johnr. Alex. Avety of file don Xtitid'...;- splendid with mandolin, Miss MeMur- Fiike, died at the residence of her son," on the sick list. ray and Mr, Latorriel sang well and Albert 121, Gidley St, on Friday, last Mr% Fred Waldron is then we hope to have the pleasure of hear- aged 78 years. The remains were buried with friends near Kington, t.' 414k irtg them again. Miss McNaughton in the Exeter cemetery ma Sunday last. Mr, Wm. Stanbury of the, LondoW • Air was greeted with applause and (le- Urania Mrs. R, H:Seldon, Ingersoll, Road treated his Matt"' friends to 11` 'V igbted theaudience. The Co. "B" viiteclrela,tivesliere the past week. • Pleasant time on Thursday evening ,4-;.4. was eapital. Clancy did his part, in Miss Akain of Clinton was the guest lest. Orokinole was the; lettding fait. . good style while Dr. Pallisterbrought of the Metropolitan laht week and took ure of the evening. A notipleof he house down. Last but not least part in the firenien's concert on Vanua- wete Played far and won itY' theatl. the children -their Drill was one of the night last, . succeeded in scoring the Iargsg arid Web givenhere, the little ones especial- Mr. R. H. Oollin6,,barrister,is report. least nuroberdeaf games. Ot 4saa , lifialftiling their parts in a manner that ed to he. trotting much bettr, His nients were 1titinig0d inand in the iiee - . . broughtforth a storm of applause. many friends Would be pleased to eee sine home all Wended tfic0:.,waY instructo The dialogues and recitatieni3 were Much credit is due to their r. 'bhailn0 en elloncifiunred6ttroe elatili s alago4nreie' 1.!1:e11ay 117 est with • the 'With iliate theYi Would; •,,, home be It the long liStir the A Speedy reeoyery le iookad for again have the pri”ilitge irtif spendng- -- ' : . . 0. Similar everinawin thatSame home. very good. The stage was lovely and Year. he presents on thetree rnitrierous and at Present. Miss Bothwell, the organist, wits pre - !widened the hearts of the reciPlents. ented vvitli it handsome gift from the heir in token of their esteem and Misa CrisP octaroldesboto visited , W. *Chapman, W.,;":eigt IA.:. nor n • . lows : Reve', P.-MetkaY• renuntillos. • .,Motida'a -eletion a'sulted,, as feit. 4-'.iiIrtnAtitilttelY11.;r.•0 a1;tek!' 11 is .11 .121C'14' raT8. clod wiahes.- The proceeds a -Mounted friends ha thia nity last weeit. ..., find 6n hifeetxi,heie, -• e $30, Many tbanke are due those The young,people of the yitlage t4c1 80h00is re.onenee • • admintitered in St. John's church. Rev. E. A. rear and vole of Atwood visited friends in the village. Next Week Wedding bells will he ringing on the fith con. - 10.'0, Leonard of Bright visited hii3 brothers lest week. donde in town who so willingly and Mr. Wheeler''on XONV Year'e evenng Mr. 3, Watt tif vicinity' attended an oYster aliPPer at vaca,tieri-bit Wednes bil.ptltleotiksinPgaret;ent of the -season took and had a very enjoyable time. Wog his brother; f,4 !ace at -the residence • of Mr. Ralph miss ,Agnew lett on Wedneaclv j.... tephenson, Goebert Line, a week ago morning for rhdodelphi,, kr- (relight, the occasion being the spent Xmas u let? resentation of a Purse and an alse.,,PeAlgnew for Oolumbue,Ohio. • Hen mon on Sunda'? morning from 11eb. 10: 5 aniat, Miss Edith Stephenson. It Our tievv station agen Ile. Sather. Granger of Tomto, T. R. Clourtice gave an excellent ser- ddress by the congregation of 'The Misses McCallum apentXmatun. Mr, Geo. Het* and 24.* - „ Was a surprise party threughout and lire now oceupiee_the reSidenee of Mr. after sPeriding their happy gathering. Rev. E. G. .Ten• vannottnan, , their parents, Mr. aud inge teed the address while Miss L. Mr. T. Reid of Owen 80n0d and miss At the theetinghf tephenson made the presentation. ryfe of Hespeler were guests itt Mr, S. S. Na. 4, 'WM. Car Luke's cherch to there- or" der the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley visited friends In and around Varna one day last week, 11 Mr. S. Wallaee of Woodstock was 8 the ;Meet of Mr Holmes. On Friday ()Veiling the 0, 0. P.el- ected the following °Mem for the en- t awes and mirth were the order of the Agnevcost last wilek trustee. vening until; alt wore bidden to par- Mrs. Ferguson of Ilaytield Iefb on Miss Burdick of,Lon ake of a hearty repast to whieh they Tuesday afteratn extendd ufMvs. John lIngO idiotic& The host infermed the visit- Ifriends here, The following suing year: -(1 Ito W. Stanley; V. 0. a re tibati the whole house was at their Mise Maggie Bose of Myth was the for Mint Come* IL, J. Watkins C. B., J. Treivar- p., urn*, 4. I %V d F. go P. 0, Elforil ; Treas., O. Will. S. W'., V. Megartuy; 3*. W., A. tumball; s' T th ; 3. /3., Stan:1yd re o -f • the E. td, of C. for a :-Hn. dr. Greene; t rd ; Sec.-Treas., Bertha, r S. T. Walter; fl 5 Univ.... te0 isposal,while the hostess mode every- guest of Miss M. 1"orterlieldit fie* days last Thurryisy ne feel at hom. We wish Mr* and lg, week. i..` . MeGregor; V. re. Stephenson and family a happy A, wordier from tho eine etel vie. 1'e.-Me,.Wm: SW Vear, inity also a nunther of.:* ,inghrnites EltePhentola Our skating rink is complete now * tig at ler, ,T, f3intiiteln, ,T • nil built in regular city style. J. W. N. rust the stockholdere .2, re- 1 13.3. eward for their ex The .....: