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The Clinton New Era, 1900-12-28, Page 8
ears headquarters 'or •Chi tx ;as• oods r> e nigh "Class: Cenf©ciio dry •. Fruits:' and Nate. of ai'J kings OEANoE8 Ni to per -dozen, QOo . ," :Ar'.. cording to size and nal t LEMON F qtI OltAPEtit and BANANAS. BROWNl X. L 1IT _ ClAD1A�` 41be?%"r 25q• uCi MIXED CANDY, iso per lb or 3 lee,. Xor2lio, Qa1+QLg,0* :&. CREAMS from .16 to753Oe4 FANOY 'BON i BONS n iinlf'hn '. '•pound paoka ep,.;eomething'°hol e o sen l 1 G�lr'` , .yb y • rtsit,iae; present for anyone tq'buy:' • I Order_your XMAS CARE eitrl -+26o Per lb:. We :handle the celebrated Ba)- " timers OYSTEli S. Alto Fiitnay PIPES with capes: C ho'iceqG ARS and d To.bacdoeH Yana `O.44E$ and PASTRIt alwalt n hand • wedding Cakes s1eelalt Jas. M CCiac' le Novelty ,Bakery And Restaurant. Telephone No. 1.:. Mirrore,eta e , .;Peu. t etl} In the Brnehee,pioth Brpebei, nomplelle eeIettsion at lowest prises, V ti Dispeniing chemist,t CL eto ----+�^EI r ae. s DrV+� � aci ti htmivi IS the t'l0 to y your.'Xmas. presents. 'wait until the beet have:been eeleot- then be disappointed; but (tome now . 1, oar'ohoioe of a grand assortment, date >t r 7 •f Irelez Overcoats We are Making x ma n a: genuine reduction in t edq B g our hes all.w I YY, ,. oo ,double-breasted, etor� collar, wool lined, Frieze. Macre,' slietpiockets.: it will; Ray you to them •A •line of AI -Wool $QITS, with donbte'breseted' coat, worth' *10; for ... B.�Q Caps?: ` TieS ►� >� i- Heavy sh-wool Frieze Pea Jaokete ' �`�iglu �,•. .. . �� 00 S 1J.1.I' x $ ;'?4?P t' oI�'T'. d, :s woe !fin t that a were Suite R A[ 'Umbrellas' 18 en' 19, SLC. ~ d to order for, (XL , r ��pp�� 20 , , J. - MORRIS,° . J. Roaowitt STRA'rF4RD; ONT .:. aka 6011.9Realer in all hinds of ,Footwear. . The ;demand -made upon us during the. kilt , three years bybusinesecolleges for our grad- . nates. to take positions as teachers in :their sehoeIB'has been, exactly six times 'the 's -apply ' This shows that the reputation of. our .college is.striotly tint elate. '.Oorgradnatedhave been . remtnarkably ucoeatfnlin.glittingSplendid cosin ;ulcus orxtn bue.Brine. Reboot app loa` OA - Voris from prokpeotivestndentil have been re• eeived from Alberta, Srakatchowan,Manitoba, Quebec. No,. SOMA and United. Bt4tes. Die ` t e.nce.no hindrance to those who: wish- .to. ,get the best. Catalogue free: 1' invitation is, extended to everybody', to call and inspect oar goods' and .prices, e e very Choise1eotion of:9peosal lines, treat from•'the xnfkere, up-to,dato in •r".90 every respect: ane of �:iII N'S SHOES are. superior° to ani► .ever ,Clinton,. t I, I Material, . >, f e, n muter�a�,: in wArhmansh>t . n nes of LADIES' 1MIISSS ' and CBILDREN'$ .a r by the highestshill in shoe building. FOR BOYS .have received special' attention; Ines -cannotbeequalled for durability. s are strictly cash.' We guarantee satisfaction or.y'onr ,BUTTER and EGGS will bo' taken .ae oast, and when. the value loin offered (Meads the amount of the :purohtrse, we will pay the differetioe In cash. • W. J. Elliott. Jriuci>aa/.. AS FRUIT o- We have ,now on hand all Of: •oar new Friaits ' eousist-i' ing of &t Beat aloof liaising, at .10a,,, per pound Smyrna Raising, ,8 pounds for: 25o Chorine Layer: 'Ramis end Currants. Niae.New Currant!, Smyrna, at 3 .lhs. for 26o. ,We have also on hand the "Belt Layer' and Cooking '8'igs, New Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels, Shelled .Almonds .and Walnuts, in fault everything kept in a Oriat- clase Groae±y. eurrants. cleaned and Rttiui>aa • pitted Willie you wait at tate i> the Bea er Block, next door to flan (iROL RRV Is Jewellery establishment., 'Wt.O'Neil 0004 Jam a (7ounollyt C•iaderiob 'towhsltlps by ' retail will be: kit' villa. and it le atond that Edger ee will t4 Roland Jenkins slid: G}ee, Hill. d t at'hiir, a°. o4mraenan/t a=: ins J filo ° ata n, by WJ Paiole ,and 'Tolr'onto, Aon Of fibs int() Sir Xiirnes Eta.• foraile ilia ins. '' Thontaai7ottle, l' • gar, Mr. Udgmor, acted in a similar' car ilenpiui New t, ark ,tall oausee3}vvoioe onitnrp'. J : Catttelola, Clinton, by J Fl iilackall paecltl fo>< lii$,. father while he°v� aM ° sons a till'furtherk notice: ° and James McMjobael. s akar.. Deo 2i tf John Brigham, H;ailett,";by R'Wdrren Flenry OorhY,.M; P., annannces that and .R B Rogarebn • in consequence of ill:apalth lie will raw : pointed . ooxirmoderioh township, moth; a ,. tire i relfrom political life. It is. said to .he an.' klaoh oandrdAte then y that. Eton. G.E. Foston will re- BS1,4104 l ln�c oderloh, olt.Def.15,; the:rife • of O. Star$t�,fza eon , � 18.. the Wiff�! Robehrt glia, of a daughter. JEB']i'RE'.ir--At then .cont Say, on Deo; 1I, the wife of Levi Jeffrey, of a esti.,. BOWMAN—SIJiI�R,-.stthe residenoe of. the br;de's ' parents "L %irvio+r Fdrpn,rr Morris, on Deo. la, by Rov. John Ree B, e:, • Wm Bowman, to•8Miss Jennie .,' eldest daughter' of Mr and Mrs t, SPeir, 11, of Morris. WALEER—MWTAVI3ft : At ''-:the ;home of then bride'e mother, Turnberry, on Dec. , s, by Bev it, Andergors,; David :WftIker,tof Howiok..to Mis. Bella McTdvieh. BENDL,s'•;,SON• MART _ At . h ho a o • rhe» tit f the bride's f thar Bllieva t► -road, au 'Deet•],9,;' byy, .]Rev D,t'errie°'JameaHenderson of Mor. rle. to Mira Nand Nnrtin,, of Tarnbe r r a* MaRENZIE._ •o O :. M R At the Lrr ofthe bride', Era lcv, A. mother, on Deo,: i5, by Bev, A. MoLenn, wra.liolienraie. bt Chicago, to Chrix- tei)a Ai. MolClrey, Of Blyth..• SC.SILBY -ALBJCRT At the Lutheran chore. • Brutish; on,l)ec.1B by Rov. E.� hu,e .ef LLohie gbllbe• to. ,lnnietAILreobt,b'otf of Stir, M1?,b1RoAt-,fix Yarmonth,Eigixi`.' boon t b>i Dec.St7 w Munro, �� , m u o of Y n� to.Jilee- lretoo, onl daughter. of Mr• ' and Mfr .Clias.,Overbtiry,.of#Clinton, S' MOURTArN— 1'A'SON--At Loudesboro on,+ Deo. 4e b R . 1' v y o T. B.. (lowland, .Iott.Jessie Monti' fain to A:linie \Matuin, air of Hallett.. WA. :-1 T'"H L+'NN`I C S N -3n Btettdob,.lian Doo',18,•b :lieu; E. Heni y., J. T. Watts; of arrt,I Marc to G e n ;.Auni ' ]$esti► x hueof M 'L au r n .h3r 1 and s •:1 e' - �» iatani nn,� i.oudoir ileal. 'WII,DFONG•43VItRI2T'2, At the residence sfthe bride's parse ta Clinton, on Deo. R5 by Her, J,F. Perte,1 .'ildfong,Berlln,' to It, Ida; daughter of Mr Everett;.0 futon.. DXED. CRIOH„-rfrc' uckoren, th an Ilse. 92,.,7Araos. Crich,.a ed 71 ears' d• y ,Srtioa'thAi4nd12da3,a. ': ST0NEHONSE.-Tn Fibre,. ]Lich:, on Deo.. 18, AlfredStonehouse, to ho uSe a ed7b rhalss.. at* -/n Imo ^o • a Bear 1 Mao a b rt , ry3e e .on, wife of:A'lezandsi Amps, _aged e9 i ears BRAY 7>u•Qrey,onDeo.•1$.:Wm.Bray,aged 18 yeerl,11 months and 2 days,, BENNETT-In Blyth, on Deo. 7, Jas: C. Bari - nett, aged 28 years, 4 menthe and 14 day«, 11-:SuJdenly,i5 Vanoaver, B. C.,on Deo.18. Chas. 'Henry Bradwin, third don of Joseph R: Bradwin, Wingham..aged 29 years. e Mailufa Luring Company iin Ohicngo„ bas divided 8100,000 among icon 3,000 employee, as a Christmas gift•. • ..On January 1 the Ausei'atle. , will give $ . GreatBritain' entire t:ontxol of the ra11- wav froill Pekin to Shanhalkwan. - Three ch}ildren of .Mr'. • l:I'aymond: itamure, neair.Windeor, were' drowned While ]liming on the ice. • " The Government . of New Zealand has decided (to ; despatch mother contingent to south africp, Saha' RedIstier, Tarin stook of W. O Lawraaon, lote0, ebb. Si, lloderioh toWnehivDi on Tinraday, Jan. a 1901. D. DIORINSON. Auctioneer; CLINTON MA1U ETS Corrected eiprli "ThUr,day afternoon, Thursday, iieo.27, • 1900, Fall Wheat ......... 0 60 . a 060 Oats ...: ..... 026 a '0 27. Rye ., ,....�0.40 a 0 45 ' Barley .... 0 88 a 0.40 Peke..a.v..r-r.i 057 1 a'60 - Flour per cwt,...,..,,. T 7G a 200 Butter, loose 17, 8,p'k'd b 17 A - 0.18 Egga per doe.......... 016 ' a 04.7 Tay, A.....". 8.00 s 800 g ki11s ......, 0 65 e, 0 66 No. lateen trltn.lsiclei 0 M0e6 * 0 0i. Potatoes,. ,. w.+.......W 0'' 25' a'.0 Chickens, per pelt .... 1 05 a 0 25 ItOS, a .addressed the .electors hzieflyf ltiiresrs null 'eeive the ponservativetta 1 atinn.'icr andOonnofly dealing ape9faily with ;ratters, West Bosttng tn-nuccessi(ii No Nen! �j" that bad Oodnirred dnrir lbei tore) 2Jorb . Who has an ° m y ante A r e m of at � e t yu resfaptp . noitnhed this itl-; ( s t)#g be support of the aloe, satin Brigham we' will pay the hi hest otic° rf R Mr hAs g Lt oe floe, and al setting the t n if) °I'. tore, Since the wh s resigned, and: the Other four go to the;, polls. ,. Si'1'OXi'l� �'o RLN'C' `' ;.Four young . chi"idrei . off r W.�:Q' TIM tbrlc kstore'n w. o a ra lis$ �eJsW. ell rtack�U>lontrealha a dtedaP. c►1leGfever:in the -last' few days and the, fifth Cino..:fwrlorytlPo n aFp�lbaonebeW0 &FABLE iailnb expected to recover ; : ,,•, ' , , a - i :. ". A` ' <Cliutoll l Urtlttlttral $eelet3.�e boar of goadsed gree. Terms # 1 At time m' t xsiitli h. BaEcerilk°e8alk iareepoaSfoor saervi'.fc,otheis•.gremia ' : "conceasienfRullett,a thoro.bred Berk .of.service, with Privilege of ranttning, if tie hbTdheianuhuslCSgone rcul •ChmalbeSro,ctUe£yr,twoni;ll: otno .cegularyett,Aec,5. 100011ERY ?"F. !Ail' 0. Nednesdayn.ik9100i,Bt 7p::m:A.Y kzezt.. WodrAeTS,y `•AOiS RQ. fil;` A frame 1 etc '$welting,e..od OAR garden ¢sutra] Agricultural -harddotwater,3 ,>gcod 'rovait, will e ' .$ociaity• sold cheap, ovliberatternie if wanted, Intuit 'iha anhnalm actin_g orgies Union .Co tial .abioneedholdeoaaimsmo•tied,sa%ateeoylaredr ,hbdeo ftur trniivvteau,rsecioiaonlk l:nedi tAnv g AtrinnitKral Sobieti.Will beheld in. the .Coan- pato #JE0. WESTACOTT. on he premises,- '1OChsmber; Clanton, on WRdnSatlay ; JaR. 9, or W. W. FARRAR; :Clinton. : . 91rgAt:1LA.,Pm.S rEes dent w..'00.08.'ebIkt>. Secretary.Btib oriber offers for sale tial farm of 1'5 '. Hide s , t' st UY k Ii o r t t Hit tsheep;Siring and Tal row. ' ' :. . We willgive the farmers more1gr bides and skins' than they onset where else: Bring yourhides the tOrolouee. Nov 16-i9 St: .‘DA heecnea.nwOntmMiieiosbtpaeo.knm,etln.aumN'Tbfou} antoreatio knitting maobince frto:.touhaholdcrssupp`yyarn 'free antLpayforWe i 'I asentlnyeaDnandw n d q us cate;Ltite@, Toranto,Can.1ba4oi'De t, ,khePeo ,dsnittpt,S COEN FOit SALE Lots of best Yellow Corn:fo rsaa lj atoll t i me s ,Cocolrbornait a`Atabdu n lt1h0e aMoraesitllde l: odn,oe[ersiai.',0n 'oll•for.oshorexoh nRsfgrakind ofirsin`boae,. laptohty of gooditt comaassaiivofrom 2 to milk if• state of cultivation faullefroaternteconbedesired, drive right to' areharr.a.s opposite 2mitea fromiHoBaas}ille. trme reasonable etaCiotiClovBr .and • timothy.shed7*014-t.• RICHARD WPERitiN . . FARM:.'FOR SALE' East. half of Lot 90, 1st Con„ East Wawa- The, Annual Meeting of the Stanley Branch noah..containing 100' Bore., nearlyy all cleared, A 'ricultural Sooietytor.the purpoile•of elect.. good supply of water, well 'fenced, near P. O, ihr'oi0core and director@for tho;enya ngg veer 'Scheel and Church. Situated• on the Blyth will'bo'h'eldin,Mra EQilttt'a hotel, Ba �td,. our Gravel Road 2 mile east' of Manchester soil Wednoadayyt Jaa. 9,th,A. 0.1901, at thhhe hour excellent. For terms apply to. • SAMi,7EL of 1 veclook, p., :m ; when- an abetraot of the , MAIISHALL; Auburn P. 0, *lin aftaire'oi the Society for the art ear will be • Laid before the meeting, H W . F RWIN, Sec PeOar*ri •' „_ '. STOCK FOR SALE ANNUAL MEETING • o! sa e and retail i a D iY 1? and gin dtsur1 Rti n centre. I igit grade new pianoat: Five liked „ianos M decided' ter: gain Buy the onderiisl Gramaph r ne for pie are, Card�y 1`orsale 'a tboro•bred Shorthorn D to the Electors, B p11;12 monthitold from Rona atxaia. scan i 1' '..' color,a very'proini'ifnaranimal Also adrove L blue rtnb hazi ttint--Bei g . a candidate of $hropehiro slreop,.,. rams an'd 5 awes,. ler the position of, yams), W. BNI+I. r,$uUett T'p,� n y Cck for i Your foir wt,.+. rna .-- this dual() I respectfully ask'for- your sap,' mopp s' vend encer,„ a inrsleetedot ofih ti of No 2 Wirlii you the oompllmentaof the aeaeon , 1 roniaiar youre very re.petituBT, S. S. trooper. . Deo 21.•�2C .Card, to the Electors To the Eleotors of Bitrision No- 2. County *of Huron' flavin 'beeri.tiominated ae."a candidate for t. l'lommislonerto`County Council for Divlefon No 2,Iigiripopebtfnllyto'intimateVitt '1 am nowiaeking foryonr.uffraitas and iiyet+oo.' 1 maynot in the 11U itedbims between Sio)rand. Jen 7,190I, have t1�,�1�yleaanre of eileing. ery' eieritorpersonalip i 1hope on polling day on Wiillll remembei_ molten ntarkintt •your yon If elobtedl,w;tli•'exext m7 best a ortai for the interest of:•tny constituentsp and the. cot'ritygenetally. - Yours faithCANT�ful] . . D, C,O.I,i`.. Listowel , Business College. �A aiellleite aril sitaa'tlraltd 7estlLrlte,I.aki1 �y�, In siatiaStirgi found theoiutragtSr d it ufti: imparted by falfln *Litz Happy `� p �y �{ �y�, tion with proanotidal Correa p and Ra- A .f1.d.�1p L•ny and prosper Site very i ldlmti► a • r s .1...,48:10.4! y jauttrea°:Nur� ono tilittxtive 0.L lYartt PriinclpaI L H,C.,Listowel.Ont. Tisa$ rn•-Erite talKan a $,menthe course • + at .het ge,trat>E ltaua tnew 0ell_e 4 l " e wish aur friends' an idalb:meths':course as the iatita+wel air Books, ettcsh.......... `0 80 14 0 36 Negri, per 1b 0 af) a 0 Oo Tri ?nib 007 lt)y, 0 b8 Its 5 60 a 6 5 ilt:.. .«,226 a