The Blyth Standard, 1908-05-14, Page 11'91
No. 39.
Doctors 111 Rdvise
Suitable Spring Tonic
Pays You to Cel Strong and Nourish the
Blood During Change of Seasons
In the spring time the vigor and re•
Meting power of the body fall very
low, Inetend of being rich and nour-
ishing, the blood is thio and watery.
As t1 result the bodily forces become
less active, Bleep fails to bring rest, An
ever-increasing tiredness develops into
over -powering weakness.
People suffering from this spring
sickness feel heavy and drowsy ; they
don t went to ext' theydon't enjoyJoS
work—about half sick and half well.
'1'Itis is Juet the condition that favors
pneumonia and typhoid, and you must
build up as quickly as possible. You
must increase your blood supply and
make it rich and red.
The only way tine can be done is by
using-l'orrozone, which is acknow-
ledged to be the most efficient spring
The marvellous purifying and tonic
properties of Fe'rozone are quickly felt,
because the blood is at once supplied
with the eienents It needs to become
rich and red, It is ironized, vitalized
and rapidly brought to its normal
The very host ingredients for toning
up the system are contained in Ferro -
Enter Any Day
thoroughness, progressiveness,
utility, enthusiasm, expertness
are our watchwords, Commer-
cial, Stenography, Telegraphy.
MMI courses in any subject.
No vaeetlon.
\Vinghann'Wetness College
Geo. Spotton, Prin.
White Chu Drug Store
Spring Talk
The season of the year is here when
everyone turns their attention to clean.
Ing up the wrecks of winter and getting
In shape for the busy time. We are
right on the job with a fresh steep of—
Formnldedyde 65% (Merk'e)
Chloride of Lime
Moth Balla
Carbolic Add
Scotch Snuff
Don't forget that we are ante agente for
Blatehford'e Calf Meal and Empire Poul-
try Duster.
zone, nnd if you use it volt 111'0 sure to
get back your old time stye gth and
If you suffer from debility, insomnia,
nervouaneas, loss of appetite, or any of
the symptons of disordered blood, nnth-
ing will so rapidly tone you up as this
great food tolie, l'errozoue. Its record
of euc.ccesful cures, its recommendation
by the public, by druggt i ttitd doctors
commends it to every thinking poreon.
Yon need Ferrozone to make you
well, Why not get to -day 7 Sold by
ell druggists ; price 50c per box or six
boxes for $2.50.
Following is the result of the ex-
aminations held in S. 8. No. 1, hlorris,
on April 9th and loth. Names are not
in order of merit. The names
of sac•
pupils only are given. Sr. 4th
—'Phos, Phelan, Florence Rogerson,
Luella Parrott, Jr. lth—Ella Roger-
son, Maggie Phelan, Jr. 8rd—Olive
Aiken, Gertie McCall, James Brown,
Harry Howlett. Jr. Zed—Bertlut
Stevens, Tillie Rogerson, Homer
Brown, Willie Phelan, Louis Stevens,
Joseph Aiken. --Mary H, McArte',
day the spirit of John Pinetzer took
its flight from this world at the age of
88 years and 18 days. The deoeaeed
had been a healthy man all his life and
was only i1124 hours, the cause of his
death being a paralytic stroke. He
was born in Germany and came to
Canada at the age of 6 years, and at
the age of 27 come to Hullett township
and settled on lot 84, con, 14, where he
has lived continuously. Mr, Plaetusr
was married twice, his second wife
whom he married 87 years ago, stu'-
vives with a family of 5 children :—
Mrs, George Youngbltit, Hullett ; Mrs,
Goman Brantford ; George, Auburn,
and John and Henry in Muskoka, He
was a member of the Evangelical
church and a Conservative in politics.
The funeral took place on 'Tuesday
afternoon and interinnnt wag made tit
the church cemetery, the both services
being takon by the pastor, Rev. Mr.
Heist. The sympathy of the conunure-
ity is extended to the members of the
A hundred or more G. T. R. freight
ants Lind temporary storage on the
siding at the gravel pit near Brussels,
Mrs. (Dr.) Graham, of town, was
awardeu a $75 bond applicable on the
purchase of a new piano from the
\Villiante Co„ Toronto, as n reward
for eorrectly ciphering out the 15
arithmetical puzzle propounded by the
George Muldoon is haying the old
frame house on ,Toltn street, recently
awned by John Howard, torn down,
It is among the oldest houses in Brus-
sels and was one titno the parsonage
belonging to the New Connexion
Atter a sojourn of 4fr years in the
practice of law in Brussels, A. B. Mac-
donald, barrister, loft town for Cram
brook, B. C., where be purposes be-
coming a member of the legal firm
with which his brother is connected,
In going through our stock of Ready-made Clothing we
find that after a big year's business we have many broken
lines in Men's Odd Suits which we are going to clear at
ridiculously low prices. We have these Suits in only odd
sizes, but if there is one in the lot to fit you it will mean
money saved in buying, for our loss is your gain.
25 Sults only, which sell regularly at from
$10to$12,in blank and blue worsteds
and serges, to clear at $5.
10 Sults only, which sell regularly at from
$6 to $8 to clear et $3 to $3.50.
15 Youths' Smite, regular $5, to clear $2.
Small Boys' Suits from $1.60 up.
A few Men'B Odd Fonts, regular price $2,
t0 clear et $1 and $1.25.
Men's Overalls clearing at 603 and 75e.
A lot of Men'e Silk Ties and Eine Colored
Shirte to clear at halt price.
Don't forget to ask to see our Working
Shirts at 25c.
Sults made to your measure, good cloth,
good trimmings and good workman-
ehlp, Veto 425.
This is where a dollar does its duty.
Preacher's Opinions
Rev, P. K. McRae, Forks Baddeck,
C. B,: "I always count it a pleasure to
recommend the Dr. Slocum Remedies
to my parishioners, 1 believe there
is nothing better for throat and lung
troubles or weakness or run-down sys-
tem. For speaker's sore throat I have
found Psychine very beneficial,"
Rev, W, 1I. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.:
"Psychine seemed just the stimulant my
system ueedod.1 shall add my testimony
al to its efficacy at every opportunity."
Rev. 11, M. Browne, Amhurst Head,
N.S., "I have often recommended
Psychine since taking it myself, for it
is a euro for the troubles you specify."
Rev, Chas. Stirling, Bath, N.B.: "I
have need Psychine in my family; the
results were marvelous. I have visited
people who state that they never used
its equal. I strongly recommend it.
Rev. J. 0. I. Wilson, Markdale, Ont.:
"I have taken two bottles of Psychine
and am pleased to say that I ata greatly
improved in health. I was troubled
with my throat, but now I find 11 about
restored to its normal condition. I
find my work very much lees taxing.
I believe Psychine is all claimed for it,"
These are earnest preachers of the
gospel of Psychine, They know where-
of they speak, Paychine cures all
throat, lung and stomach troubles. It
fs a great voice strengthener, acting
directly on the vocal, respiratory and
digestive organa, thus specially adapted
to public speakers. At all drttggiete,
50e, and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd,,
As a (*nark of appreciation in which
Mr, Macdonald was held the members
of the Brussels Lawn Bowling Club
assembled at the parlor of Dr. Field
last Friday evening, when an address
was read by Dr, Field and 1V. L.
Leatherdale presented it fine ebony,
gold headed cane to the guest.
'Phe Queen's hotel property is being
greatly improved by the application of
n new coat of paint.
W, 7, Henry, G. T. R. agent, who
luta been seriously i;l with typhoid
fever, is now nicely recovering and
his numerous friends hope to see hii
soon able to resume his duties,
While at work in the Union factory
Wm, Britton had three of the fingers
on his right hand badly cat and will
have all enforced holiday for a few
',rho Wingham Oddfellows, with vis-
iting members, celebrated the 89th
birthday of
the founding of the order
by attending divine service in the
Methodist church Inst Sunday evening
iu a body. Rov. Bro, W. G. Howson
Preached a special sermon for the ma.
Miss Mabel Howson Left last Moidny
evening for Montreal, from whence
she sails by the turbine steamer Vir-
ginian for a four menthe' visit with
relatives and friends at Morecambe
Bay and Lancaster, England. Miss
Howson's ninny friends will wieh her
a pleasant voyage and a sate return to
her home, 11111011 improved in health,
I3L?"1'li SCHOOL I1EPOlt
Following is the report of the stand-
ing of the pupils of BlytIt Public School
for the mouth of April :—
DIV, 00, 1.
Foto I1I.—
E, Anderson A, Coombs
'1', I''dtneston E. Lyon
ll, Cowan J. Merritt
Form II.—
R, Denholm A. Tamblyn
G. Stewart C. Copp
W. Tamblyn
A. Wells A. Spofford
L. Wanless C. Tierney
B Potter J. Sturdy
1', Aiken E. Bell
J. Watt
DIv, No, 2.
Entrance class—
W. Meines..,489 C. Andersou,..374
W. Cotvan452 W, Burling...803
D. Tierney 428 NI, Colclough„800
L. Begley 420 F. McCaughey838
L. Lawrence -419 L. Wettlaufer.245
Fourth class—
Laura Wettlautor R, Gidley
Elva. Fawcett 1L Carter
F. Taman Mor. Copp
A. Maines H, Spafford
L'Hirone T, McLaughlin
1f, Spafford C. Anderson
V. Bell D. Scott
E. Wettlaufer G. Sloan
M. Johnston J, McCommins
J. McCaughey J. Kennedy
Sr, Ord class -
11). McKenzie F. liaggitt
51, Milne L. Henderson
A, Robertson
DIV. No, 3.
Jr, 8rd class, part A—
W. White 699 1V. A ndereon, .541
H. Johnston -678 M. Pounoy,,,.520
It. Phillipa.. —657 A. Butler 453
R. Barr 642 1vl. Laundy,.,.486
L. Burling..,409 E. Cook 481
M, Potter 587 E. Maines 419
51, Rebortson.675 L. MtElrov...368
FI, 1'nweett,507 John Cowtu1..83)
Pt, 13—
Katie Itabldrk 631 E, Fawcett,, ..432
G, Habkirk,,,6it0 L, Burling.,..881
1', 'Painful 511 11. Cowan 837
F. Johnston,..490 R. Carter 822
B. Stothere,..,150, Willie Outlet„316
T. Murray.— .416 W. Spalford,,.240
B. McElroy ...415
Saltier 2nd—
E. Taylor f
y of 8 t8 E, Rath 80
nlV'. Nb. 4,
Jr. 2ttd—
P. Scott.... —451
C. Surfs 129
N. Anderson _418
1I. hicMtirahie871
P. Hamm 371
A. Andro w '.. 86
E. McElroy3511
0, Dempsey.. 850
H, Meson 814
D. Mason 812
Pt. 2nd—
E. Howard... .406
I. Stothors.,370
7., Gerry 869
8. 1fline 824
S. Fawcett. , 817
S. Cowan 815
G, Lauudy314
H. Moor 809
L. Cook 297
A, Creighton297
1', JIasott 279
0. Potter 283
M. Hill. 206
0. Colelough280
W. Harem. ,210
J. Butler 125
11. Mason..,, 246
A. MaKetzia,2111
8, Phillips 165
A. Sinai oi'd128
G. Pouney..,,101
W. Rath 82
Pt, 1st -
51. Spofford R. Bttrr
J. Taman F. Fawcett
The May f/ Rod and Gun.”
Exceedingly attraciive ie ill() Mey
number of "Rod and Gun and Motor
Sports In Canada,” published by W. J.
Taylor at Woodstock, Stories of
hunting moose, mountain goat, (fear,
deer and ducks surely offer enough
variety to the hunters, while to the
fisherman t110 papers en s0lm011 111 On-
tario rivers by Rev, Dr, Murdoch, and
maskittonge fishing by W. Hickson
must call up memories and nwnken
thoughts such as only the fisherman
can know, "Early Postal Difficulties
in Canada" is a contribution to the
history of a past which is near enough
to be full of the deepest interest to the
present generation. The visit of the
President of the Alpine Club of Can-
ada is described and e. tanching so-
count given of the fetal accident which
occurred to the leader of the party at-
tempting a record climb in the Swiss
Alps. `Tile Majesty of the Mails," e
story of the heroic efforts made by the
letter carriers of the far north to de-
liver mails is told in graphic fashion
and one mide•stands as one (*Cade this
fine contribution how it is that despite
enormous difficulties and clangers the
Hndson Bay Co. have never lost a mail,
Amongst the many other interesting
pieces to be found w8hin this nutither
Ia 11 page of "Canoe Don't.e"—most ap-
proprinte Ile the canoeing season of the
year is just beginning, and an account
of a one•legged trapper who slakes his
own wooden legs. 'These are but
samples of the many good things in
this number which forms in itself a
detnonstration of the wide field of ir-
tereeting experiences to be found
within the Dominion.
Health Saving Explained by a
Blyth Citizen Who Knows
From Experience
Many Blyth people take their lives in
their hands by neglecting the kidneys
when they know these orgluls need
Sick kidneys are responsible for a
great amount of suffering and ill
The reason so many use Booth's
Kidney Pills is their quick relief for
all kidney weakness. Here is what a
Blyth citizen says :—
Alfred Carr, of Main St„ Blyth, Ont.,
says: "My back had been very tender
fwd severe pains would ouch uul50000s
the small of it and in the region of the
kidneye. The urine would very often
be highly colored and the kidney se-
cretions world bo frequeit end irregu-
lar, I would be ecnrceiy able to
straighten thyself up after stooping o'
lifting and although I had tr.ed differ-
ent prescriptions 1 could find little or
no relief. I learned of Booth's Kidney
Bills through an advertisement and
procuring them at Mr, Hamilton's
pharmacy 1 commenced treatment..
The olio box of Booth's Kidney Pills
cured me entirely. I have not. had a
It okuche since and the nrinery dis-
orders were quickly and Tornio needy
repulet ed. I will gladly reeoninemil
Booth's Kidney Pills as an ideal kid-
ney remedy,"
Sold by dealers. price 50 cents. 'Phe
R.'1'. Booth Cm, Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont„
sole Cnundien agents,
Lines of famous men remind us
We may hold 1111 office grand,
Yet departing, leave behind os
Footprints over all the hand,
se -
Liberal Clubbing Offer.
The Ca mullet) Pictorial and the Blyth
S,andard one your each, worth $2.00,
fir only 81.60. This is a genuine bar-
And Do You
Ladies and Gents that
has everything beaten for
If you prefer light weight Underwear ask to see Pen-
man's. A weight, size, fabric and price to suit the individual
requirements of every man, woman and child.
gain. Don't mi90 it, Call and see
samples at this office and leave your
e orovoiaoso
0 Good Advertising Brings Dollars. 0,,
0 A poor joke printed is n 00
boomerang, A good joke 1
diverts attention from your 3
prices or goods. •
0, r 0
Put prices in your adver- i/1,
srtiselneuts. VA
OI 0
'fele about your goods, not 40
i`-. about your firm or what n t
Qline place your store ie.
;0� lie brief. People who have i.---,„..
1 time t0 fend long ads. have r0
Ol little Maley with which to ;�
•i buy goods.
If you are using a small Q
space, talk about one article
ata time.
al Change your ads. often,
a, People think you are not
alive if you don't.
Tell it to the
While the Public Is Invited to make
use of this column for the expression of
personal riewe on public matters and
public men, pereoalitles are debarred and
In all cesos the suitability of the oan-
munlcation for publication le a matter to
be decided by the Editor.
Without differences of opinion there
would, of course, be no correspondence,
and for the opinion of our correspondents
and their dllrerencea with our own Tun
SEANumnn must dtselalnl responsibility.
••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••
•• orJune end finish a good course •
• of training for stenographer or
• bookkeeper by November, when .
• good positions are best obtained. •
• linter. any day. No vecatloas. r
• Free catalogue. •
• 4
Central Business College
Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto.
1V, i1. Shaw, Principal. •
No formality or
delay in opening
Large or small sums may
be deposited or withdrawn
as desired.