The Clinton New Era, 1900-12-28, Page 6iP • 0"*".'1174, .0111101111111111111r '""6 .4; •••: SUPPLEDINT TO tHE CLINTON NEW ERA. mommiwOW\''. 1.4491,99:1***9.1949****************49****0; 6erm°3' ralee'ticee * * * cowl* evet31" Hub"t7 "mu' the veer. hilted/ but 'ow bad doau that,' mill • a the german minister was a deli* DniversitY, Was killed. bad ren- been deetroeed by the vietorioust eee, ()rattle Planned, premeditated murder. dered Peat eervleeep tor It was! viaelee. What ean te thought of a • hIgh oweeruraent meta% by Art Dn. ,$u tbot the Woo Seto neerf ShroOrili haered edifice, the pride end glori of lege of Pekin Legations: • Mon, / affixes, that the useenelinetioa Profeesor ot g.nglish In the Peklu °ell deed. Other grew libraries leave ' done in obedience to the order* et' theough hie Inflows. with Priuce nation Which del/troy/ Its owu neat Age Peeled b./July=41e open for the Ohrietian refugees. Ite birernee Mee through centuries., in , - •ar such was the atatement of etr. ele seemed to balm a, blind faith in °rem to *reak Vengeance upon the 4 Heinrich Cerdee, the ChInege Score. the tellietnie. Prinee Sa had ameared foreigner ? . , - . ee about leaviug for TlesaTeire, tary. eltiore Wen na ltere questioo Illm. treat Tung Lu had gleen him hie Word that ne eoldier would fire Pulling Dews; Ruin*. ison's Graphic Story of 'the Siege of the Pekin Legations, as 4, Furnished to the London Thine% ir Vile Chinese letory. Ulnae a foreigner, and be believed him To gave the locotion it wee usage . ale, • Later In tbe day the Yas13011. with the fatal oodlidence that• west eery to c,outinue the deetreetion and den,tly Indifferent to the gravity' of en" hie undoing. To arose from the Pal- dismantle the llbrary buildingn. With ace to the British Le tion he ge'egt diffieeitY With inadelniate toel/f. the position. created by the eloe-veree I went round by the North bridge, the buildings were pulled down, Tree's, mente gent an impudent despatch to though he knew that the bridge had entleegerine oar • Position. were felled. the German Legation to tbe effect been evacuated. On the bridge he Au attempe Was made to reggae Wed - 4.444464444414444 -4 't446464564646*4544.4641/4444404eg raluee forth (teeth. Ie was a grateful book% wag gutted from end te; aeopeard: tiound. Tbe torches dlealnieared• rrheY end, Etre, licked up hong° atter rfieldelicee alle none, we thought, could have ere house, and 'soon the conflagration Legation PAM. EagerlY we went. forth to was the most diseetrous ever known me count the dead, expecting to lbed in China, redueing to ashes the ride, "teeern ,21,-.7 them In 'Napa But there wile not one mit part of Petrie, the pearl and ieWel Poe" ewe"' dead- The gun heel beau alined ,vere shops, the Mile and far, the satin and t, The be/Mingo wideor the mark. Twol hundred weirdo embroidery 'store% the great curie) en officially plao- north cd the "Boxers there is a, place shops, the gold and silver *Mops, the Mier the Protection where. 80 feet above the level road; melting houses, and nearly all that the •Impeelel etivern" the telegraph. wiree created to the was of •the highest value in the me. erninent. ''In the "tie etatIon, Neet morning teeY were teepees. Irreperable wag the dam- ' arrenged a.beence tit tee fouled to bare been cut by the 'Aloe age done. From the street below soldier's the buildings trian fire, The only peewee who sure the fire spread to the °entree outer . • were attacked bY "Doe- fered injury were possIble wnyfaxers era" and entirelefeburnt to the two miles up the street. There can Chien Men gate, which directly tams the Imperial Palace, and which le " droundi the soldiers witoeseee, if thee lee little doubt that this fiasco aelped onle tbrown open for the passage of 4M• nee aneist 'in the barning: But to confirm the "Boxers" in a belief VOree VVents were t9 ilappen. teat in thole ineelnerabllity. . the En3peror. An imposing tenaple crowns this wall; it was engulfed in , -daaleen the afternoon news . peeped The 'Tungetang, or enert Cathedral, the oonflagration, The great tiled thriPsh retail thet ese• engleamee having 'been burned, it was dear • reef with its unturned blee fell w b a, eras 1 o a 1 ng gear ds, w e I 1 i 1 1 gal he Onancellor of the Japanese Le- that the Natetung, the south distlie- it ,a_hatt 'been. murdered by sol• dral, wile in danger. Pere Garrigues, ere. fie bad bowl tient be. hie elle* the sige.c1 priest of the 'rung -tang, great volumes of (rewire apreadlike a Meer a secose tune to igaehia-mx se had refused to leaye his post and had Pall over the Imperiel Palace. fore - await the arrival of the trooPe. whiled in the --flame% But the boding tbe doom of the Imperial Paeeing unarmed and alone in hill fathers and sisters at the Nan -tang h°for7oetteInt. W AO a eight never to be care heYeeed• the erung•thig lour the Might yet be saved. Their lives were outer gate on the way to the sits- in .great peen r it was necessary While tbe fire was in progress. Mon, he was 'seined by the soldiere or to act -quickie'. A party Qf French another broke out in the •houses at Tung -rub -slang, dragg'ed from hie gentienlen, led by IL Filch% of the the end of Legation street, and. the cart and dome to death in the pres• French. Legation, and accompaniee by triumphal ,aeohway was consumed. ence or eeercerd of Chinese wha wit- ea "dui:ea, ehamoe, rode out at Pea,e of fire veael te be added to other ed hie etrugglea. "with unpitying night- and early the followine morn- dangere 'assaillegete. that two Oeirmans bad been proceed- was fired at bY a soldier at /short menet of the 'more estimate. mane/ern:de. street, end at the mouth of the ralige, ran beak apparently unhurt, but few were saved, for the Onager big in chairs along the Hata, Men a.nd woe Med, at .1r011.1 another oar- was Preasing • as /soon as theSifirteil 4' street leach% to the Teung-lielea- ter men ene of t ene had fired upoo the crowd, The °blues° had retaliated and ba had been. killed. • Thee whiled to know his uame, No Opole was 'mat, for it wars telt to be a moekery. OnlY. t00 well the 'ea - Mea knew -whom they had merderee. Wooers passtsd before the hodY was recovered, •ane it wee not until July that nay' official reference was. made to. the murder. lo the course of thee morning a daseatch was Bent to the Diploma,tio Body in reply to the annwer they had sent to the ultimatum ot Yesterday, The wino try, it 1.1 said, between Pekin cane Tien-Tain Vas overree, with hrigands, and lb would not be safe for the Min- isters to go there. They 'Mout& there- fore remain in Pekin, et 10 ilirtieult to 4 -rite with eatratiese of the foul treachery with which the- Chinese were now actieg. ()nines° Open erire. Ryer pan. W0.43 the • hone game. In tee ultthiatum for the' , MinisTers to va,ea,te their Legations, but the ul- timatum had been rescinded, and the • despatened a inoisenger to the Tsang- . td .tholvrie hl:Aw"aegle 'Duni: rinleac111,45a*nd fell IlLeYgingamentletif ti:stehani:itn:hrese tpottensti,ade 'Mot into tee °anal, where volleys were fired Into his body from the officials to carry away what voliunee could be rerseued, bet no attention wile water gate under tlie imperial eity given to hie courteouo eenemeedeattene wall. The murder wao lieelll freln the The Dutch Legation Wits ' burned on British LegatIon'. Desuitore firing the 22rict and next' el:ay Chinese see continued througla the night. One maw eee ae tee Rease,eeenese laeue Ruselan marine „was 'Mot dead end a greater part of tne buildings theougla the forehead. In the morn- , vrere destroyed,' involving in .tlant,"er Legation from one of tbe captains unteere were galled for. They respond lug a letter reached the American OD •Amerteau Legation. Chinese vol. it wag written from a pOint onlY exposed ,to fire from :the wall, aud the la the relief oolamn. Dated eune .14, ed reedile, worked wit•b. much oourage 85 ranee, from jeekin. It wawa eas- Legation wag sieved. •All the handiags 'uale chatty leiter " which gave 114:1. back from the bank to the °bleu, Men Indication that in the opielose of the (the main gate between the Oldnese writer there New any need for hurree ann Teeter cities facing tee entraxice ' At the British 1,egation fortifies- to the Forbidden City) seemed to be tion 'began in real earnest. the re- on fire. ' Then. all the customs builte engees ' working like cooltes. Sand- Inge were tired, so that flames . were bags were made by the thousand," •on ever. side, and the smoke- was and posts mouotedroend the Lega- tremendous, while the Manacle. was Mon; .A. wa,yewas knocked through inceesant, An Italian and a Carman the lemma to the Russian Lega'teen, died of their wounds. Tee fir" Amor- e.) that tbe Americans, if thee had to lean was killed,' shoe from the wall, fall back, could pass thirouge to then a Russian fell. They were drop- -the British Legation. -During thee ping off one by one, and aleeeiy we a A "inafoo" in the 'service ot member of the misslon-Pere (reddest° Eater on ehti ane-'-rilleg- of the 20th ,a ITnitirpeiestettrws einevhiteeped4tothapetintahleuyiwnerutekikibne. daY evere Legation wets exposed were well accustomed to the -aahe Of to a, continu,ous flie from Her -round the rest and unconcealed Batts ae. lug safelY escorted to the hotel every - thee American Legation. wait/We-at. and his two colleagues, a French meeting of the dieremmtie body was lulled into a false •seetnety. chines° ink housre-tops, and in tbe ease or Mliehla-Int in the vain hoPeeoe 4900- enether, five:Rioters of eharity. and' hele at the French Legation. No reply soldiers were seetetie etationed un. the Britith Legation from' the cover Stretcher •leind the Funeral. •there speedilyeeente•was eiireed.,elerehe,:-..der of e'esephine, Thee were rescued Yemen to the, request for eat audience, the train arrive,..was warned -to ..anit,;- glue twenty nagve nuns 'of the • Or- luta boon rec,eived from - the elauncei- dirre;liezillr geeevemzcvesteatte rapin.mt . eion.ein: iese"hpauti thirehienaras Olfe:stvliettrerstreedr,aE;oralattsdImt°- Avg in the sterylee ot• the 'foilegnereo just in time. teeareely had they reach- ,and the prOposition. that an the Min. me:lel:tweet Ciitorriage Paal,k, dCointlend. e He rode eo the `lenigeting MO,•,,wapre- : eisely to the minute, by preeencerted building% and the Belgian Legation, ,perlal .troops mountea a 8 -in. Krupp . e'd a: plape• of eafety when the spiel).- 'eters abmild go to the Yemen found signal, they epeued fire upon the Aug- the Austrien Legation, the Xethe- gun on (the Clnen Men, the gate op- ' be saw the foreigaer deab:-and,iii,10K' did edifice they, had 'fersaken was in lice seemlier. gad it been eanried out .trian :and •French outposts. A e'rench Mat Iffesion and some private hoeses posit° to the -Forbidden .Citee and Iated, but wee not permit.tPlr tO .cirif .flameo. To the sky Wreathed the there would have occurred one of the marine fen; shot dead , through the Were burned. began throwing , segment "Melts from - Aare and. riding eferkeisele. ',he, barn , . 1,. . 14. Moe% a Pillar -of proud marking the most appalling massacres on- record. forehead, An A.ustrian was wounded. sir oIaude in Command. e 'distance of 1,00O lard0 into the eeerrend by amether. aata.anaaa lereane• destruction. net oX, a faithe bet of a. Two eb,airs later left foe the Yemen. The crowded Legation. The first shell vile of Verblest In.the first wee the German Minister, The sieee had really begun. • At thee time, June 20th, at the ola eune geed opened dleastrouslyi ..• ..ealegs into the LegatiemeVee'learebaree -mitten. Tele -historic; etruok the Amerloan. Legation, oth- to the Yanteleeleue am attempt -leas, . -I 'eategiven teethe cathedral by the Ern- advantage over the other 11110;140X84 'of the combined Le tl ' awls the A.ustria,n commander, announce evening before Capte.in Thomann, d ere burst over the British eone- pound, while other's crashed Into the 'teethe second ' Sereeetenye av -Ones wee". 'and Seha:alenelth • its memorial tab- Baron . eon Ketteler, who had this ening of the siege, the total strength ' ga on gu men, , lti to the savage 'Mineral Tuucenh-slang a le ee`n*e ofeteelcin, being also burnt.. News travels quicklY in Pekin. Not 4. torelgn learter had to truist for its ngi .ea flie t telt' Auvaeleae Leese ten similar guns ln Pekin. while .we defence. Fortunately several visitors 1 h N fro • an if respousiblie amerman tna " e d I' °p kin Thia morn - h 1 ad et was known that the Chinese had made to receiver -the .hoey. The A .- perms Kang ard.zwas rutelessly (morn that he spoke ChineSe fluently. en consisted of 18 officers and S89 was out ode/ • there ,le elrerY reef' Mee.. .•te eontinued, berning •all day, the second was the Chinese,Seeretary a en comman n e . ... upper rooms of the German Legation.. . ppm to believe: e ' 4, mit Kea teoeee. Mee region reundelt, -the chief 'Caehee of 'the Germau Legation,-Mr..Cordes. To .this inalgelficent force the entire 1, tO recover the body, and the follow- ab ndoned, he without had, nothing with whieh to answer himself. No atheieet •was . ever,' made. Acne ...ee ' ehouserawere destroy'ed. and many minutes' latseemy boy buret into or residents had received rallitarY T • WA" ,..to- e it the Algoma- *thetr fire, and. no one ever know Watee, Was ;3'411 .kept • Streets with- Was true. The German Minister I d e to enquire, fouod Ms mutilated body en Ing morning my servant. sent by me fewer& ttaingordered the abandooment 1 .where the next- gun .might be mount- ctielettsins in thousands put eo the my office- airier man. speakee have trairdng and. they at once went on ' epee v r Y _ . make° ken' Mailman Mitdster!" It th -- ' ' 1 t in eheeneea to be defen6d were kept been • aeeassene hering.. altegether : 75 toen, of etrea• the • to - tall proof shelters for the Forgo and roughly covered with earth at the ted ' be an emperLel • place where heeled teen murdered. elm*. 7 Barricades were thrown up whoin 81 . -were J'apaneee, Sale detachments. officer. The secretary . had been hildr Rift fl also played on . ,- to the amosementof t . e 0 _ One leg -weer :Oxesie--. an k • -„tanderery peepers:Alen egun for e 4) . _. .... . , hetr eldersewere- ,xe inevitable his life, ahot at y a nenotrea reries, avallable eines. MIRY. edded area Y enrolled • find arneed with all Tilers had . been no casualties ' to the -Americans from the wale- qu e baok epee the Britigh Legation. . o ene e- re it i'dg - d children ' e ta "arierously wOunded, but, runaling for poking at it with sticks. :,though there was -still hope• that re - fence whi°11 a°e°2°a ' ' had escaped 'as by a mead% A e 0 reng o e gar • tl epeak of. none oe,,the Legations had close to theneat. a clistapee of a few der attributed the crime to theace- Inforeements would arrive . before it e (1 P! e P e Iiiieell leg, wegeh. and watch I e W043 'LOG late. Postal couriers nr.cre So en, ,;tne commanaer, wens o e vo t th t - th 4 th .- dean tak, :been attacked,-aSd every commander hundred feet Only, whence, safely the order ato retree s eitere by e parape .1 de ea rol fittee ni n, nude C t a t h d th • t of the wall, A decree pabliebed After the/mine - soldiers from v the biedy. Fired on bye C nese nil never shrinking front Weld . Ihereefighting . behincl tee 'Unica e ik the regd.- wbse received titer. ine ere p d sy regarded tile actica .aa anacleess. men Could enfilade the barr ca P na tare `oedema were (tent to the whit% was neld lanethe Americans oh' teen of deeperadoes outside theecitY prevented from passing through the reeover another decree General Nieh.waa„. en: In , information reached us from outside: ' killed' oe (the berth bridge endeavorleg eirephle Sta.tement. . • . During the evening "Boxers" were. -• . etr Cordes made this 7 e T/718413; r• ir 7:1 a ethereas it wee notbrioug tblat the enemy's lines, and only the • scantiest .japanese , to abandon...the Princes- man. barricade, .a,dvancied agaliest done to rush the British. seetries. e . On . the afternoon of the 19th ef • . ... . •P°8Pcl up°n t•hel°4 - ' - • . palace or pa (wet Abell henceforth the . street relining east and west f ' 50 g tl eatlf..many ostionaltlee, , nothing wag known re the order 'Wall was 'IC perameunt ne.ceeelty Thee°. wail+ .algo• an. ireegeler force, ' Legatioe. In the British Lege game. untemable, and e ..ee" eall ite nd -they. • retired 'to 'their ender the well: The lia,releade be-, a to oecepe the murder was eommieted by the (soldiers foreed to re Ire. y ng 1 n osp a en.,, th•oighttpe ..it.s.i.hs. • , • of Tung -full -slang, the faeorite bade- \ guard of the EMprener Dowa.ger.a ' - • enred, appitrently for . his too enert. On the 15th rescue ,parties were 'Julie I was sent' to •the TeinagLieen.- ° her- dim' elnelson, uard tlutY, in -the ' 'when, to the anmzement of.'all, the . which could so longer be delayed. ' -gete. treatnient.of the "Boxers," Im . sent out.' by the American and Rus- men by Baron Von Ketteler. as on ene .1Nriti 11.(1-Le!gartion -gd were Meat use. -Italians, -Austrians . end • Erench• Already. onethe.22nd, the Germans . was eattnitted ea retain his co:: simaiLegations in the morning, and the • previous eley,. to demand once t? • 1 i sTli a mak:town. from the gen- came eunning dotvin .Legation (street, ..11a,d oecupled the wall east of the active liat and- rendered inera u - la able service. A volunteer force num- ael the Legretione east of ewe ed. Immediately ail hands dug bomb - Knew ehYo*.enrelled there. al"Thorne followed a little later by the Japan- - wand end make amend° for hisem by he British and Germaxf Legations inore the withdrawal of the Kan-suh ele , deeds. chao Shdeltiao,. who • b. in the afternoone to save. if pessibeeeletreeps of Tungfuh-olang stationed at ImigaRowughe " •and. th b re them;, eae. and (subsequently by the Gee• the ehinese tedoes fram the great ey o •Gerinan Legation, . thus cutting. off •weIl the roastee hn Wali serving. Pu e native. Christians frona tee burning a distance of a few Paces from our lve as 0 g e th 'le ItIniate successors on ma.ns, who recalled..theirvosts on the east gate, Hata•Men, and under Cap- ' Miami his lemma en the "Boxer .around the Nantang. Aivful Posta nethe electric light worke. The beet of Roosevelt's Rouehridere. WAR add marched 'without a shot t 3. troublesvit Cho-chau ancl on the rale ruble eideRee • .(4e4r . , , • ' • • . ';': ' • • :: t./ ' a n oil:Soden bad entrance the wall • ff ter at. sigata Were witnessed. Women and secretare who received me, and whom ed wite variety? of weapoluf, from • being fired et them doereamolee the past the A,merlean Legation. • vray, tribe . ellone **Didier' 0003ril been ee vents fled f On- th of -:the disasters not to the ohildren were haelred to pieeee, men I had knewnefor many years, was. ah elephant rifle to the fusa de wall to Canal areet. Aniericape and trussed like fowls, with maw and extremely nervous. There had : been chaster . with a. picture of the Srand 'Woolens, learning that all least of ,.-Init to the foreign -drilled ea.rs put off tend eyee gouged out: Chi- a great change in the position, he Prix, to all of which careing knives Cense etreet bad been ithaneoned, oquOODSEED AT ANTWERP. Of General Telegraph Con by every route had nese Oluestia.ns neck-met/Med the re- said. The foreign admirals had taken had been lashed as bayonets. they • SAW Themselves Catv Off: oheistians had rilitit and network of streetfi that VerY hare to ;Keep tbe Chinese troops Brigade:01. .3r Were formfdeble alike theugh their "cornmunicaelona bad ea • • Used Sabres most the last of the ger. lids and ran about in the laby- the Taint farts, and it would be were efeeeaeas „the ',carving Knife • Thirty Nen *06111118d by Police, Who levere not nele masters. . forrcied. the quarter, calling upon the in, hand. Discussion peemed useleste I tee friend and foe. Foe, ell unaecus- not even beee-menaced. and rare:A. . • • • Jj2th a deputation, consist- Christians 40 ciome out from thdr left neye'message. -for tung Lu, the tetned'eeeeeteee, were etsaghe unlite.ry ed precipitately Into, tliee•British Le- , Antwerp, Dec. 28.(aThe.striking deck.. I "Wu, a member of the hiding -Places. All theough "the night Grand Secretary, CoMmandeenn.chiee. ata-athe most expeeinneed e- of etheme gation. It , wae a ' veritable stam, inen beealee emcee defiant, yesterday, Gra nee and newly appointed the massacre - had continued, ane aefld came away. /et 5 o'clock the en WAR he who' had once witnessed tee pede-se •:•tienic that might . have . and'their attitudes remelted in several to Yemen, Hsu OhIngeheng. the "Boxers" were even new diet red- tematum or the Toung.Li.yeraen. was trObpinefo, f the weer in St. James' been fraught Vrith the.. tree;t- -,04101cte witeethe pollee, one of Whicli ex -Minister, the "Boxer"' leader handed at their bloody . work. BLit e,Mit to the Madaters, giving them iee Park-feee had wbabit of carrying est disaster. Prompt ' act16-0 - Wee" SWORE,. peeing the • Moreing Chao Shn-chiao, and another Manchu, their work was still, ineonaplete, and 'flours' notice ta leave Pekin. Beeeeeele - .,•,• knife horizontally /leer ..ehe.shoul- was taken.. Captalo Thomann wee groinPe of strikers interfered with the called Upon the Britian Minieter. Ohl manY hundreds of ' trOmen And dila big the note to have been inspired be ' ee•thae when. theyeewung quick- srelieved of his oonamanda and Ste ne_een who 7 Were, eennieg from the Pre - ma made a loeg- address, les theme dren had escaped. They care° eat of an "aecese or madness and, hoplegthat le, ,!reend the. blado Hemet • bato; •the Claede MacDonald, at the neatani tee 'Tames toetalte taeir Pleees. and in bet the enduring nature . of the. their hiding-placeis, criesehig thena china( might still be amenable ••tenetegoa,teof :the mistahehineeeDieereitee stance of the Freodi....and enuestai3 geteral instaneee•the new men were fe 'mop between'. China -and Eng- selves and Weeding. for mercy. it was reason, Baron. Von Ketteler sent aeof leiVirage-:WalunhotheierienitY. 'Ilinistero,. enhoeqneiftly:confirnied by, ..141°Atee*ted• -. Nen an atteMeek Wes medeyestere Ire and the duty which, China has a most pitifel sight. Thousands of sol- note . In the evening to the Yemen 'The 0,0 ling of the Avail On e' oonth- all their colleeglies, asinaseed the cheia ' ys recognized • as a sacred obit. elers on the wall Witnessed the reseue; asking for as intereiew with ' , the. ern •,,egtemity of this . Bleteleh• • Le- •Maninand. '''` The French end /eaten ,day, anathema' tee resume epee/Alone at ation to protect -the membera of theY had with canoes hearts es:Aileen Princes and Ministereece elesee'rlimen, gatteetelesee ilot ce., eital polet.?4:'''eretle, ans regeoupied the French Legation, ttoe Ocketell.' wheal .g,or strikers -at- paid the etrangets Within *her Walla. ling a hand. to save:During the awful The signed receipt iot ' this noteale .bers at the brigade was nsilallk etee, ' . was lost.. -Otte German . only eewas -Ni15.4144•Iik*.ft.'''Were 419Perlied bY lihe ; p01100 W th drawn aa.bree, and under omo.o.wwwor Letter Written to Cudairf Demanding $26,000. THREATS TO NO 00Y. The Inel'e SterY eir idew Ile Vesis Carriedi Ole and Itetarneolle* Ins struetieno Movi the Money Was to ordautbe Po:idro.00V. e2r8.!_o:ituoutarlElao:poutiopore, Ecipaiwaardegeo,00w0h,osiewaareanboauctiotedfor bid/ :rd. flappers last To:Looney night, and the r- b°thee%wcoasiubn7nor '1Int'ehbkinleduaaptpetraC4w14:170- yesterday, 'as already reportoil *else iv;renyeosatreerinerian.at enetre.ele„ !X theme. bee, Coid-Rloodea Letters, ' The feat neeegi ehat :ehe !catnap,. Pe"pub_lierdt; taithoeMe:46.71°eoe:ndpeedallrY.enidgilisael,g.00be.,,eu "Mir, 'Cudislese-We bave 'kidnapped your child and demand eebeleereee (twenteelive theusand dotterel for his scree return., It you glee ue the isilaonfeieenaetwheheaohlyidot‘wl1414heserewetaurneiletct bunt If yoa refuse, we win put acid le hie eyes. and blind him, when we will Ina ; niediately , kidnap . another meekest- aire's child that we hives spotted ,and demand $100.000, and we will gee ,for he will eee the -condition of your child and wane& the feet that We menu businees and will not be mane e keyed with or capeured, "00 the marieee -all In girlie... Vie $10 and $20;plecee ; putr It ne a White wheat. sack ; get' la yeur buggy elenieree on the night of Dee, 4.9.. eti o'cloOle IN In., and drive' eoutilr Iran yettr house: to Centre street ; tem watt on Centre and delee `beck to .eineerer wPwatiarainkl.let.onisarndreflioliletoevesietwtilithherie:dyecoei?direttte:llileoli oe the Foe ., the, meney by tbe lantete and inimeclititelyetern your harms wound a,tid return home. • ."-Koe will" Wow' our:.laritern, eor It will have. two. ribtenie., •bleak e &Ad .awnrig, ionam•tteil,re4'..noinn!yloaelet4g.Tegroe.t • P aoe Wean be pleinteeseen, w' w h an 'exile YIL:0:11E11!!!'itOre'fit:Ide a, en be h e yoeauevyeoer ..d.oareeme. mbear ,,e.eane go 7 :ago Charley Rate Warr -.kidnapped • In -New` York Cite and $2ohlap ,ranirom .enked; Old mtur Roeto Was: Willing, to gigiesaveti*P.detteeltetire.'ne.Yeviltbhjit.- ptertie-.. " • .euerled -the ole nazi/not to glve, up .. the moneye assuring him that tee 'thieves wined be - caatare& Rose e. died of: a broken -heart, ectey tantehe 'allowed the• dettetiveere to dleeete to bine • "Thla letter meat net 'be 'me ler anyene but yon. If the,pollee or mime otrariger knew -eta -contents t 'might attempt to capture we • al. though againge your .while or soma, one might; use .11, laliteeneand repre- sent us,- thus t.heaerrong paety Ing the monee, fine thin would be as fatal to you as if you' refueed to .give- ap, ehes. miner. So Toe sea the den- ' ger if • you lee One lettere be' see "Hr. Cudahy; you: are upeaa it, and' thereele 'cagy •one evete out. Gee() up the coin. leMieyave want, and . motley wit will -getnIt yore delft .givi up, .the next neae lea he Will, see that We mean, Weevers, and eou,ean lead your bOir around' blind foe the ' tures: sioarmeroesibry: dyaouye./ r•P:O.dr:mallreitugolle wi0111:1; the eight thing by useanci we will do - have its the eporpeer' Gympethy.' Do will goo see the eaddest sight ,you • ever. nem" • • ". • 4 -ete.e 1 aege,tioes who were her gnests ed the marisacre 'without ever rats-, at 9 ' a. the following nacirning. try selttated roan 'the Freneh mein- but tire barrieade in Custopis otreet 4441:vte'd 'to pretent.;t resUmption t hts t t in the Ge 920 tio tie Gol dark eve hag t ' . k • ' la . 0 :A 0 7e, • - " .6 CM Bele astinted the Minister tha nig of he 18 h and 14th, Duke °w r Lege n. ne eke. sig one : killed and the poeftion Wan save , police protection work was begua by A third letter read - the Taint -11-Th- mg come trona tho Tamen thate the watch stoppeOehere, "Sentinelle, • nie ., the -1611.434n hands. Later the strikers eWednetsday, Dee. 10.-Thie Mehl th3 movement was st an end, that all Lan. the brother (or Prince Tuan, and ehe morning of "q145 20th, nes word hav• his roundgethe leeiteeh ,offieer toe, the -the alunderemight have been dilute - b t very next, day Baron VW Ketteler to gloat over the spectacle. Yet the alile to receive .,,nly Minister, Baron There ... V ' ik0 rePlY.. - , , Parsing- his , . . . in„%bla.::hest, Sandherrit .'Prench., . <,,eohinese Iii64,16•'' d'.;.' -.. ; " 0... Menaced .inen who. were worki.%_0 upon. 'Or • never. ' Follow, ,theati 'Imisteu lone . . , 'was sovr trate:MIL and that there Chao She-dile% or g , .. . was no motet remota ta fear..Yet the meo, had followed round In their clears Prinees and 'lltinietars ;would be un- Staid. . Seilenia .. ' thee eater Mat and threatened them i ene no harm will befell yOul or,youre." !KO . erne ' eatli, The- workmen were pub Mr. Cudahy took ,eounsel with life ' hi eir oaptured aceeloxer" _from amid Chiriese Goeernmeit were afterwards von leettelea after the conference mooteee ianvey the coeteet: tteeesetee et was obvious from titer first. tbae. .ea. nit p.. ,. with. the ,.other Xinisters, an.1 I familY and friend.% and decided* tee tba crown in Legatton street. He to deseelbe this masterpiece, done un- set lie relee _ '.teeelee end repeated °Sent- i.tliei geenteelenger at the British „Lee . "es A large body of eitrikers having tee : ootnpre with, the requeate of the ell- - (tarried the consecrated headpiece; der official kapervisionetinder the veeg out tor 'the Yemen in two diners. An tinelleeeeignehiegieseageeatoiceirem the gatleareevarieet so muolgerom rift . and was armed wIth-a sward. Round wallet of the Imperial; Poetic" es the armed :elleget of a nonecommissioned datheerne•egelted, "Begteriekjeania-Wheet ' fire...zee from( incehdiarisine ler , - el. assera d at the Ocker111 Wharf, theY lat/to. 'BM 'result Is that he. Is 'mit ' ,offieer aed fcrur Men. was' ready to tp,O4,hotss Abet t" were in•charged by the pollee with 1025,000, and le We gon. • hia, waist be heed a, belt containing a handiwork or local banditti.. talisman of yellow, ,Vaper ameaeed Mere than 1,200 of the poor rein; accompany us, but the Baron. decided a ae. Armlment.. , Jounded. by hineee•buestiogs Of ' a egrolveree oleo, and it is stated that -ea -when young •EdweerdeCitdahy ''''''' ' 1' c'e. • ' ' '''' ' ,e, e. , ''' e 7 • ' ''' 'three aides the' cOmnOund wen sur- .(1,,aw.e spares, rrh officers used their .- , onert•Were..win:efieetiva sorces. Thee: elgelY !inflammable' natn..4,.(10,. Before thirty,..nnin Were wouu.slect ten of them ;thee morning he wail (petitioned co Young Ciel.abees story. with mystics red symbela by svhich• gees were &located by• the "foreign that it 'Was wiser to leave it bee. ',„ ea e e..._ e, ; e . • - . he was - ,rendered "impermeable devils" to a place of ' safety. Many hind, ; eartly bec,ause the pa/image ee , ere peovided - 'With: tour. leutette eak•,en _gime ' weld 130 g1Y813 to elear an epee seriously; many steroid(' were Made; actraffig the eireintsetances of a- • eo foreign bullete," And in were wounded, mane weft burnt be- - e throu h t e streets of n.rmed for0 '''Y ' • - - l't e- - - - -- ' ------ -,0-- ' •Italitui • • ovieepounderee weal,' 420 epees) rown •tite. Legation, the betide eStrIkets tried to prevent th) loading* ' appearance, arid -told the following -- the afternoan the "Boxers" came• yond recognition. All had suffered the lege feedlots might sweetie excitement,/ colt Witha ings to. the einet•ent 'Mx; Cooklegates 'et three ateeMers at thee Old' Ilaain „He mad that he was ixt front of Gen. . down in force from the loos of everything they possessed in ent neitinly because the Tel at reunite. an Ametlean • tele. -1`• 25,000 e- founder' en • ' eeneusitrlereef house Were get On flee. and cieetlie end Waal engaged by.'thepolice. Solite . Cowilee 'Ione°, Prat aoross the streeli north of the city and the burning of the- world. TileY were given, quar- `Yemen knew that the Mint's -ter wale itobino., . a;-- _ . , na '.ie a'• Beitiebtreerind.veas blowing etroegle towaree were weeadede andeehe elotere were from hie owtir home, air hia way bad% . • ; . -”" . a ee .• t* ) .• el , ia ' 'SI -, iii if .sv fi it lx ae 'Ix ea. foreign buildings began. ters-in the palace grounds or Prince •condege eind would therefern ,ensuro ewe ele th B "ors were S Ito th Britt h • L him- the prot,eetion duo. to ,re live•barreateirclentelealrieteea.1887; it 'Weeded 'eel .pre- drepeesed nedi tete • arriVaLpf polim • . ro f the' Bustin! reddence, Tuesda.V. Tee cry arose that e u, oppos s ega on. R amnflinition Sbant . vent the tire from Vie sting Inte the reinfeereementee evening, when awo men appro./abed him-. One of them gtepped up. to king and satil-uWe are wheriffe twin Sarpy County end'arreat you as Ed- die McGee, wbee 'weaned from the Re.i forte „Scibleote leinov. the Condector- Mho laid refilled that lie wall not the methleal Eddie McGee. bat • hie ceeptere eald.:that he wooed have to be identified. They pewee kina in ar buggy And drove to alherty-Mxtle etreet and tbenee scant to Leaverie Worth etreet; • As they -apereeeehee Leavenworth atreet motet, ,cao passed there. Tee lad.reoceentzed -the conductor and. atald to bee ea.ptocre••4 "There le a man who knatia me ; he eat identify meee • illIndtdeled 111m. But•the oaptore immediately -blind- folded him and whipped up the here% The hid thinks they erotism) Leaven- worth area and drove In a south. westerly direatien. Presently they came to a house, villa,. In the ()plu- ton of the lad, le HomeWthere ehe oouthwestern part of South Omahae Young Cudahy Wag taken from thee buggy and plated in t00% and ehained tea the floor, HO rerciained there ail night Met the -.next day. We hen& were tied and the °halms on he" feet prevented hint from get; thee good vieve ot his surround. leg% even after the bllettlfele had been remoVed, 110 krieWie howee,ele that be We, la eer eMpty Word and that theliiiiidn Mr the Witiekiegreeltan ' Planned ter elmetbs. After , the m04600011 bowie IrAis reached one man guarded him due. beg a greater eeretion Of the ear The eimond Mae • wag in- nod out et the retina at Intervale. From 0013- vereation betWeen tee abductoreland himeelf the young OW learnedtbat - tbe abdtictorie had been swain*. to alxidet one Of the girls of the tam Ily, and hitaribeen planniug tide ler four menthe - How Ile tiot At leght, tor Stone 11111w01111 mon, the Men relented year* from the. chain/is tutd saki -- going to tete° yott home." . hins to a hulk. II tepidly thrones the Thletyaftemath street*, where - leftee tke walked aft caning. Eveey man ran to Ilia post, * Amoeg them was the aged mother berelge Envoy. We were both life 4 , :; I cordon was establiehed roeud the for. and the nephew ef oiling Chang, re. armed. OUr chairs w'ere aecompanted a •ZaPaneae hag:only ..e.00` roun 4 'Lege -Mon. Wateif had to be ugee by two ChIneee outriders; from the' flIelece. the Rusetans 14fte and 'the eparbegler torealleeisesite *ere 'ewer eign quarter and no one watt allowed eently Minister too France, and now to pas% Guaeds were on watch at all Chinese Commiesionee to the paris Legatton. We lett the Frenda:Legae Italians. 120, aline the 'hest/ Provid' thaheehey:had 'been for years, yet° the Legations, but their numbera exhibitioar The ' eephew was erueilY eeele. of. the °thee, guards efed onleeethe oamea tad to be fought 'Elul - Mon. where the conference heel hum . spread over 0o maul poste were, very burnt; nearly mare other member of he/d, passed the :Austrian LegatIon, e'eSeenvemde pee` man. none tto maeir 1 letse? were whisaling through the d tee were still fur• the fano] was :Madera] A Catholic then terliecl eilong the Cheen etetee Ree a siege,' the dgation t TOM trees. ' Privettf•Seactenig, the first . thee reduced, by the guar& detached family of -much:distinction-a, family falt, ris killed while . 'street into the 'Leta Xeliele att. ,oeuld not -,be tameable ' to . for duty at the Petteeig Cathedral, Catholic for seven generations -was d Bond's 6 . • oh watch On the etableo near- by. Mong the tabled way 'in the centre , Ab do , • ;whore, three miles distant. withia the thus' almost exterminated and its ` • e Im lel Cite!, were gatheredain tle,m property laid in ashes. erne great compound lege; Parer. tne wao =Jounced this day that I,. lea eoadtrtoe, w.r. Merlin, the only "topers" might entee the Ina Writes and' lay brothers, the Ms. pedal City. The 'Government was rush- ' .ters be dimity &ea a vast cowman° fug lieadlegg to its men. hristiati refugees, eetimated at On ewe 16th a • party of 20 British,' .M.900. who had fled twee the maeSacre ten Americans) and five Japanese, . lei the eoruitry. ' with Nome Volunteers, ana aceom- e". - A euard of •flee Austriana was 'sent panted bY Lieutenant-Colonel Shiba, tO the Belgian Legation. The Aus- the Jaiiknete military attache pae • „, (me the eta . 1th • end - ail 'fa, peitg On' ,OW.n :AO Utl, with their mathine glen cone, 1. trolled the east city,- visiting the ded the Customs street, leading to ruins In tbe hope that soma Chris- orth ; the Italians, with a Ole- tuns might yet be in hiding. But to er, conunanded the LegatWn mu, calls everywhere no reply was t to the east. The British with given. Vertigoes:, however, from the Nordenfeldt swept, the Canal east city had managed to escape mir- 'to tee north, and the North aculougly, end find their way, 'many the Ingelane were on the of them wOtilided, to the foreign I.,e- "bridge, while the Ateerictine cation% sleeking that protectige and hole Colt maehineegun had WM' humanity that wag denied thon by of Legation street to the west their own peo le. Ass the patrol Nkrale of this street our chairs eirere ear. , Men aed woinen lined up and water ried, one, mafo as toilet riding, in leenctually, then, at 4, eeelock Cletrif• front. and the other behind. ene goldiers begsin firtngeueona- ue was passed along ireentekets to *a We passed the Atoll Of Honor quite Whom they had. requeeted to remain emelt fire engine the4e-iyas played up- on the fire. Waite •Were beeken -near. the Belgian Legatten and were' pearee at Pekin. Add imraediatelg dose to the pollee • atation on the' atter thea' Ausartan' Letitton wan througiftreesehastily cut doevn, and left, was watcling it cart with abaildenede No Ingticient ee,son hee deeeerit e werk 'maven thee building.. some lance beaters passing before been • given for . eta ' aletuidonment, it Wes the. Mat experience 'Or lotene° the litiniatera chair, when suddenly Whitipra done seepeempitatme „eXeltement, Then' thee, Mee . Het to - I saw a. sighb, that Made. my eeart• that Itheartlele wee saved, It ;with •acetile, and tileelate let night 'tithed still -The .blintsteree chale was Wan left 'teethe weedy of. the Cline , Were edismolleheng the ' telniele and • three preeee in latent of 'In°. I tokoF .0..le• and: the-. guard -rertlred .buildhigs eutaide the. wall ofethe Le- barther•eoldteraapparentlyaa Mariehu, 'eernee-eif Cuntonee lane, leading West egation. eaeWerk Wee contented lo the bi full' ithifoge. Ivite a mandarin's to the Prineeeselealacee Thie envolva :Morning; tut When it :was proposed hat Vilttli a- buthea end blue feether, ed the ocieritiee $ir 'Robert Ilert:0;-10 pull down an unilepoitant buirilea eteli rol•werd, present hie title *tithe' tend all titeequetenne,buileing% and ing. In theellatilin A.catlenay three in a. yeed of the chafe. window, level. beetetted the advenee of %the Chid •aletits upon, the Laminae' to athe It at the egnietee's head and ,eire, ege westaverd. Ae.previously argots. North, the proposition Wet Veto - (I ehOuted. In terror, "Hatt" at -the ed, the American Miesion buildings ea.. e'Such desecration, 'it wan game I, mon:tent - '1,41 ' bed. ee abandoned the :Morning, 'ealee would wound the suseeptitell- The efhot igangetint. .‘ ' ''t ;e0r 'thee' were Otte un.teimblee All tlea, ‘of the Chinese Ocreeennierit, It ei deg mitedonterlese their. wivee and Wan " the incest " seared building. iti . as the tenet facing the rm.- patallig a Tao t temple on the vow, the 0110,11'0 were throvvxf „ downy,' 1 famillee tagissed over,. tie the BOOM ChInaa- lei lay hands upon it even te eeed ‘tb:air heaver aminnnitiOn were heard within. The temple was bi the hewer Pare of me WY. Others' - of several hundiretle joinee the other women and children, could oot be wells, ". sprang to my' feet. g shot struck me Legation. Converts' to *be numbee safegeard the Ilves of beleaguered alaee, The Butsdana• having no a noted "Boxer" nieetrngoilaeo, creel' forcible entered, . Native Christians were fired at Me. 1 eltee the lifillisteree refugee% Tibet/a/344,10 ,:031t1 20 Amer. thought of far fear of wounding the peke veer& Mike io the city...Moab de. were found there, their hands tied be- e° inovemen.t. One mereentv healtae leen Legatee% By tin error e.f judg- reenti So little (10 the °Meet Of eie • tad deelleeeetelegled 'with the Midas' put to death, and their bodleg were north, and turned down the sitteet panics. Almoset nothing Was. staged. Chinese Fired ft.—ea-a-4 of the •ettnatill, •eglact -Weitzel •-"leill and torture, Some had already been wounded as I was. Mee' intee0 to the the mission wee finally. left in„ ." a of film 'erleitW Med tho groans of still witnn ,And bleeding. All were to the eaFt• a livelY rifle lire folloW- tele :nearly an .0,,t, stores .s,setmes. Istrong Wind was blowing froM the the/ dying. ....Tho.BOxere 'were Weep. shockingly /Mutilated, Their fiendish leg Te• Looking heseik I gave the Hite gated -for a elegetewere 'not. The Hanna into the Legation, the dietetic° ingi throiigh the eity ineuedering murderers( Thera British Legation wee ntorr Orange& eeleserating the aeareab building from were de then. mak/Ito, 'steers chair still 'Awning. the native Christians 'and Minting thine, burning ineentre before their was nei sign, of life. Believing Wesel' Itaxely haa a 'Mare coem000lite,n the Minister's retrideeee being only* a first building tO be burned Was -to their angeree deities. Thee' shut Teutig-Llefamext, I ran on, thinking within the limit./ of one Compound, Mee's reeldence Would heee been in sion in the. Hiet ellen estreet. 'rheti their defence availed them nothing, PerilePe find protection. ilut it was there, au the itbsiesariee, Amore. of fire. • Smoke was rising from the air atilt [standing. but there was leap marina/ 'returnee to the Amer; Miami •Satienion, the most amid had COM0 within a, restricted space, ee o e tion would have been fatal; rani ment On the part of the eeptain uneeletand the Chinese. liguilacal arid imforgettable, cries hind their hackg, awaiting execution them alive In ,thele , homes. Thc gods, °leering Christiana in sacrifice to be in the street leading to the gathering been gathered togetber few feet. Fire the one and the Min - the ellaPel Pe tt,the *thodist Amp themeelver Within the teMple, but to report what had happened, eind All the women and children, were danger. Suedenly there was as alarm names sprang uP in manY quarters of Everr one of them, 46 in all, Wakr In not the street. Two men, armed with ees, British, French and Russian, all Franiirt. The most venerated Pile la the city. Amid the most deafening up. 4,Boxer" uniform armed With Weed lexiees, peretted me, but, 'fearing I the customs staff, the Prenele Bel. Pekin, the greet Imperial Aeadeinee roar tho Tung -tang. or teet Cetlae and Intim Retribution wag sWift ; Ves Wined. left nee. Then I regolved man Ruosiati American, %Amish, centre- of all Chinese kerning, With its Pion buildings near tbe natie Mee flaiellirt;3"efernflnieds, ittahileanenittliraelatera ara Prk616" wilcett°11 (It b°614N aact °Ana' deal, sheet flange Into the eke, The every lean waft thot te death without te try and relit% the American letts. the city: the LWOW Iliseloe build- In tbe afternoon a fire broke out Gate. Dripping wiUt blood r dx•agged foreign conunurtity of /Peelle With wes 0 t t bee ° /121°1°161 11")Pt4i Wgii ;1;q1uaelliat:tt tgIgi'e*"elrhi old Coca Churdi ib the northeast Of mercy.. „ ,...,,..roxs, the handsome pito a the Amer- In the foreign drug store in tile native Myself along, often cloWn erowded the exception of IL Cheroot, Who re. the Legation, The litinlirt had been mained in hie hotel throughon,t, excepted during 113 night by Impel.. \Oman Po eel MieetOti and the entire biter outside the great gate of the streets filled with Chinese who wit. il Preparing; tor Hostilities. , Nvai as appalling sight. , *Igo dreg dere ant o the oreignere c ree on. I over ear Mee eitia re. ncocesary to clear . the amine°. A e eel the. melt a large pert, Of a few pounds' worth of &Osage, theY mark, "A foreherber Who has got lds When the Auetriane deithdreW from breach was made lit ths wall. captain ee bearing Ore**, were seen did not hesitate to Jeopardize be fire de/tette." Thee in a. Meet road, a their Legation, the Britain picket on Poole headol a feree Of •matinee and 'down Customs lotreet teriardit ' propertY worth millions of pounde, Peddler, mOre humane teitiet his the North bridge retired tO the volunteern, who ra010'.41 10, 411V1t1Q(1, lean eagatiene The machine end that 19 what hammer:I. Adjoin- 'countrymen, gage me the threaten, mein gate, where ft redoubt \ wail searched the areas, heel returned to tiled was in. Waiting for Ing boll/tinge took fire, the flannel and lil half en heile after built and the Notedenfeldt mounted. the main pavilion with its *superb pie The Ware allOW*1 to came Muted to the bookeellege Street, the nairtlee of my Minister! reached Store. were eommandeered. Shope Ines and memorise tablets. Chinese t t I mixt from Other burni 1.0reiga. !Whigs befeniging te the ete- Chien Vete. it wag the week of ‘‘Beee. fleeted my struggle Without pity and though it was la the hottest/ cornet Lal soldiene tr did tot 'imitate In e epode' e rittMe Oilstone* in the meet ers," done w hile the soldiers Were • Without emotioti, and Without oven of the beeleged area. their Pima to eleettoy foreignera to keeity burned thrtatighontethe plight. looking on. in order Jo bum/ the for. ti?plyitlig to sny restdoe. aa to the Het firti to the( building& It was fleet 1U1 lanio in the, open Mired and the most Interesting street the. A,Merleolti Mission, end fell faint- in Legation Steele Were r peed. were r nee_ ng great *roes reilid, alld thee In Ciente fillee with ' prIceles0 at tee entrance. My Woende wera.13111 began Wed wee not diesott. auildisags to the meta ea Tber frintod Mood and II virs* tilkeried beak teethe tie till *eller einte. Date la the Mrs Soho bY *MIMI *say lova sad OR gon ntrolin, iltan000rlytn 4114 • > 'The cloaks aro quiet to -night. It is salelatletee;the agitators have decided , notteineke any manifestatioe, teener - roue deckling to respeeteVee entrance Into the any of Prince and Princess Albert Of ealgenie. The. bergoseerster k lice ti ts to *event en oetbreak. • 'NATURAL OAS GIVING OUT. Serious ,Alarm Jeanie Windrow Over .tbe Proipeet..e. neteielecir, • Deo. 28. -The statement that the Egan county gaefielde aro 'giving ant 'IMO raise,d a iodine of al- ai* la an 'the .clattreete that are be- ing eupplied frith ngeiral gas. The efieldaefra Ohio and Ponnsylwenie have been in operation longer than those - Ise Eseex comity, and still the 'supply 'Okla fair to last for nears, if confined - to demeetio coneaniption. Both la Pittsburg and Ohio the companies haee Mutt oee aate shuttling's:1ff, the leanufautureree The !allure of the na- tural gee supely would mean a dead levee Wkateter of aver one -handred thousane donate in the money, they a it( A yore conservative estimate ot the cast- of conneetions, bathe , and all other neeegaarY exPenses enable a faintly to thee natural gas $55 for ereeh home, moat people elainiing thtt the average price would be neap, or ;75. Should the mao supply trige out, all 'thee inveatea eapitee would be a dead loee. MORE DISORDERS IN CIIINA. Desper• adoes eit Large Pillaging the Country. 4.14.00. Vendee cable A despatch te the Reuter- Telegrauf Company: tree% Pekin, dated -Wednesda,y, Dee. .19th, an,y nth" Bituateen throughout the presences is rapidly gr.:4ring worse elle le causing grilse anidetn. Tho deepetteh adds that Wiles* definite Melton of government la aPeedily inetallee, . reerUdeacenee of the anteforeIgn outbreak* Will certainly Weer. The **Nero of Whiter begins( tel be telt b.? the people, and they aro aleo suffering on aneount of ties blaektillell levied by the nattee employee* of this an lige for Which the foreignerm. are blamed. A bomber of deeperadoee *Ironed at 'NesteChow-rti by Gen. Mel and *Pleased by the flermaste. ergenoW oil the Chill and NUM 'Stang Istaseler, b,araliet boogie, Inerdelleag ar ' rotioging. 11) se I, r, 'dr da In' ' 0, bit Ith et I., ;4