HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-21, Page 10o Wait
one reason or another until the last few
ys to do their Christmas shopping will,
at this big store a great array of dry
..00ds givabies that make acceptable holi.-
ay gifts. Everything is arranged for easy
B 'd : :1 '
� � a�. buy ng and we are well prQpared:
for the crowds that are sure to fill the store
'--the few days before the holiday, You will
• o a' l.on.. way before you'll ll find a more at-
tractive stock of really sensible holiday gifts '
you'll that displayed here and ou ll save
time and the chances are money, by coming
here first. Here are some hints that may
topeople who h
be helpful ave •o buy xn; a
• Hints
Ohilren ePictureH
nd ker
fo 2
�i `EoYg andicerohyefe, fano borders, SG
Oambrc•HandkerQhiefa, hemetitohed,
TPure Linen Handkerohiefs, hein.titohedt pesorted width
• .hems lOc' 15c 20c and Lase .
. Embroidered endarohieig hem tito ied .or fancy edges,
, 5c,'lOrandlil
Ai, E tra values and a bigassartm ent of fanoyhandkecohiefe
rine qualities and new designs in fano ' embroidered bead-
krohiefe25c and 350
1, Embroidered d Laoo handkerchiefs not more than two or. :three of
Elegant design in Egibr x o ,
t "a•pettern, 50e,, 60c, 75c And $1:00 •
' Fancy Silk Handkerohiefe for Bos 50c and Vic Boys ,
Japanese Silk Handkerchief* hemstitched with Initials, 215c 50c and 75c
Lace Tie Fur
is Hints
.White net ties, embroidered
1't4 and lace earls. ..25C t 5oe
I,aoe,tie , handsome designs,. -very
eh goods.. btV1l ..g de....
Silk chiffon ties,wliite, cream or but-
ter shades, f%inged and embroil- •
•eilkk ties, pljjin <or ' brocaded, hpav3
.;,:.lcnottod'�41ilk fr'inge,blaok or. r .
Fancy: eollarQblack,white:and rumor -
ted colore. new aha ea,...,....
Children's plain or plaid Windsor
ties.. .. 25e..
• Nothing
much:nicer to
-give a ' lady
.than a pair of
Food Kid
Ladies kidogloves,all the fiiehiohable
,ebadee.and black, dressed or un-
dreireed, all sizes Loo ,.125 1.50
75c 1.00, 1.50
f toC� of
section is': here
and it full to
ove r fl o .wing •
with useful an
Ladies' and Misses irritation $ C 25
far: 'gauntlets .,, , '. •.
Ladies' tar gauntlets, good qualities,.
well made 3.25, 4,50, 7.50
Mena dr giruntlete, dog,wombab,000n
2 26, 3.50, 6.50.
Capeic nee • • • 5.00,. 6.00, 8.00
setter :ones ...•..... ....10.00b 11.00
Still better ones: •13.00, 16.00
Freak neck ruffe
2.00; 3.00 ,
Better ones. 4.00, 4.58, 5.00
Ohio Sable Ruffs, large beehy tails 6,60
A dska Sable Ruffs, newest styles,
good fur 10.00, it 50, 16i00
Muffs.:..:... ..1.50 to. -11.00 each.
For mantles, the dependable kinds,
Belt' 25.00, 30 00, 35.00, 40.00
Grey lamb caps, even purl, 3 00, 3.75
Men's far cape all
ood kinds 2.00. $.00 to 5.0
Mena Persian lamb imps, real good
ualit'ee. ... ..
Some very handsome jetted
belts came'too' land this ' week.
Theyare theprettiest we ha ►e.
ever shown and suitable ' for
holiday; gifts;
Jotted belts, new designs, 25e, 35e, 50c
Jetted belts, extra, line quil'itiea, no
two.. alike, ,make elegant gifts,.
1.00, 1.50, 2.00
Steel beaded belts, very handsome
0 ,. 7
goad's .. .......50c, 75e, 1.00.
,ewes, styles in patent leather helta 25e
Hints -of
Home .Gifts
What makes a better Xmas
g . than something for the
.lolnei. Why not make a• home
this year? Here is .a list of.
useful things.'
New Smyrna Rnge,aust in this week,
Handsome patterns,
e.. 1,25 2 50,3.00
Moderate prime ,
Genuine • "Bissell" '' carpet act eep.
3.00, 8.50
•Tepeetry vurtaine.... , .....•8.25, 4,50, 5.00
Chenille curtains — 8 00, .x.75
Chenille table owvet ....,...•,.1.2'5,. 2.00
Tapestry table covers 1.00, ,1;25, 2.00, 8.00
Japanese silk table oovers,tifsol em=
broidery ..., , • 1.00,LSO, 2.00
Linen sideboard soarte..85o, 50o, 75o,1.06
'Linen trey cloths -25c,
850, 500, 750, 1.00
Linen deen'xek towels,elegant de•
prgtle.+..,.........i.,250, 850,500, 750
Table rielol iie,all eizee,$1,$2,$8,54 per aloe
Linen tale clothe......1.50 to 8,00 each
Cushion Tops. ,•• ,t..,3F0o, 500, 75o,1.00
Cuehionr oomplefe .,,..1.50 2.00, 8.00
Cushions, extra fine, pure down' �+/,�,{{•�.
ling:+.,,I.'�'I.{.,..,,.,'.8.50 105.00
g. i 7.00•
It would be• hard
to get a nicer Xma
gift than.one of the
. handsome Umbrel
11' las we opened -up
this week.
tops, will not out or tarn rusty,
tight rolled,hollow ribs,eteel rod'
some elegant handles in
pearl and natural woods, with
sterling silver and gold
mountings .....
3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4 50
Hints for
1' eri's Gifts
Knot, bow and. four in:hand fies.i..25C
Popular patterns and ooloringe n
Sowing end ties, ......... ... , 500
Fanoy s, strong 250 3 ,
enependereervioeable...... , 5C 50C
Lined kia gloves, light
and dark ah:tdes... 5c,' 75e, 1.00
Unties doves, . 1.00, 1.20,,..; 1.50
Colored. ehirte 75e 1,00 1,25
shaped ma8gare, biaok -
and Debr, e 600 76e 1.00
solace'thuffiere........25C 45c sue
stood umbrellas...,....$1b $2, $t3, $4
Our- Big 6 for December :
In the rush of the holiday trade we are last for stung
'your everyday 'wants and remind you again of our 6 big sp e-
clads for December, • '
$ ;All our $6,00 mid $6.00 Mantles for.... 1646 $3.25
All our 41,.7.00, $e:.0W0 itnd $9.00: Mantles for 45.00
•Antofjo.,TrlinWld1fatifor..,.i,.U4......i... .............. r 245
3 Shirk made ,to order for.....,,.....,,.,... ............. .50 •
4, $2.75 Whittt Blankets for ,..., 2.15
5 Choice ofalt our Idep's Overcoats for 6.00
Chofoeof *Hour Boys' Or rooate for•...., .... 01160e6 NO 6 416 666666 2050'
e Ladles' %rappere,rsgular :$1,25 goods. for,,...,,,,...4.,.,,,,,. .98
At OM"` On
1±`IIIDAX. DEO. 21, 1000.eo Saturday peedi the airier. will
Raou be rat than ganoe with tba "beeoan
and stoner." Neaman Cameron • em-
ployred by J• MMilachert
LOCAL MOTIVES, with as attaok of tnflern up
Ise itaaeytk a*, elowewere and teems,
suitable for ]Crave eremite, et J. W.IRWIIt'13•
Rawutreea Juiubu: Meek Carrant Oran
elm lion 'eon Qraokers, lue per dews, for sols
at J. MOCLa.cagr Tir'8.
untitwwildan ,e.r
eerie, ¢0e per quart -J. g004 100mY.
New prutt.--011ie cooking 'flee Ina; albs law
prones Rho; oranges, diem, eraons,eran swim,nuts, and uae�Mli�es galore; sugar syrup 100. per
quart at J. W. IitWI1Q10.
Per rearCrrrl*tuaas Ceektas -'g.w select
maim, never paneJood
d; Now ( e; Vis. 6e
oar pound; Weaned .oarranti, 130 por_peund.
new orange, Lemon and citron pool; new al -
monde and hash .ploee. Xis tea* andaoffee we
%l.• no eeooud pleoo,
Ph.ane 40 R. WILTBJ..
"WO luup;C.
QuJITIf A. Lose. -It is a good many
yeare eiders Archie Methei.ron left this
Gown for the west, but he hasstill a
number of warm old friende who will
be sorry to hear of the toes he sustained
a Couple of weeks ago, in haying 15
head of cattle drowned in one of the
dame that are made in therivere there,
for the purpoae;pt watering cattle.
THE MARKETS -Prices remain about
the shore in the dairy line,. butter being.
quoted at 17c to 18c .per. Ib and eggs at
16o to 17c pee -dozen, Poultry is sel1it g
very well, chiokensgoing •at from 2o0
te, 850 per pair,. ducks 400 to 00e,. geese
5e to Or 'per lb., and turkeys 6c to 8e
per lb.;potatoes, 20c per bag; apples,
01.50 per barrel; pork, $0 50 per•cwt.
PIANO SALES.-- Mien Gibson, •of
Stanley, has`j.u.t bought^ nice piano
selected from O. Hoare's wholesale
stock. W:m. Patton, of Goderich
township,. also presented his wife with
a nice piano obtained from the sane
ofthe Bay-
fieldr e. George Stirling., B
is Ger y
field line, has invested in a beautiful
o nedcfrorn 0. Hoed are of ntheg tow
music store.-
SciiooL NOTES. --A number of Lite
school children .enjoyed • a couple of
days holidays last week,os some of the
departments were used.. for the ex
amination' ,of the Modellites who
finished their' term on ...Friday last
Tomorrow the county board of :.exam
iners consisting, of Inspectors ,Robb
and Tom and Messrs Cameron, of
Brussels, Baird of Scanley and'Boyd,
of Exeter, will meet here and examine
the papers. There are 23; teachers -in
training at each school, ,A.11 -public
:schools close on Friday, Dec..21st,
for the Xmas holidays and will: re-
open on Thursday, January 3rd, :1-901
SOLDaOur--5: Jackson (successor
of Alien & Wilson) who has conducted
a very prosperous .pharnmc .. business,
has disposed of it to R. 13.: Reekie, of
St. Thomas, who comes' highly mem
mended as *'druggist.. We have not
learnt,erhat our friend: will engage
in butahope he will nod ; go far . Away.
Mr Jackoon was a favorite, with his
Mende and in -all functions of a •social
nature;•he Lea' good fellow,y. and will
be. greatly. ,missed. We wish, him
success .wherever he may 'locate, and
also to Mr Reekie, who :we welcome
ty our town as .a citizen.- . No " doubt
be will find it a congenial and :gold
place to live in. . •_
INCIPIENT Fri Rad . it not been
noticed in,time.the Rt'ittenbucy `House
might now be in • ruing. On Friday
even ing`when the electric lights' -weir
Aylmer R. Stoneham, • (formerly of
Clinton) wag: married in Mica-
a few
e amyl to Wee .M Menai,
Cincinnati. 1). Dickinson ill hold
an auction sale of haneehol "#ural-
tare at the market. s ue,re o eittur•
day. Dee. 2';.od. Mr Bryce, o Centra-
lia, hes bought the frame ;l$ouse on
Huron Street, occupied by Walter
Core,. and takes possession next
2.1arcll. The Doherty Male Quartette
and R. Dowse, of.town, are down on
the pri.grain of theconcert to be given
under the auspice* of the O. 0, F. In
'Wil ion' Hall, flolmeeville, on the
evening of theMgt ; Mise. M. E. Week
install, elocutionist, and n quartette
club, of town, Will aselet ab the Aabnen
• Methodist Sunday school anniversary
on Xmas night. We are leased to
see that Miss Washington has reeov-
ered.from her recent severe illness,
and is able to be about. Mr James
Mak., ;of Mullett, leaves into. town'
this week. Phil Crewe is receiving
eo;igratulatione over the addition
to his family circle, of a .sweet little,
dear little, cherub of a daughter,
Claude Fisher, of Holweevilie, lost
a pocket book containing notes' to the
amount of . about .3100 last Friday
when' on his way to town ; fortunately
he recovered it on Saturday, having
lost it out or his: hip pocket at home.
The Dahertyr organ factory has been
running at nights up to 9 p. in, for
the past six. weeks but this week quit
until after New Years ; the•men feel
as, if they are having holidays bV
not going back at -night;+. The House
of Refuge in,u tes will. be treated to'
a Chrietmas dinner, with all that it
implies to good high living. ' News --
'papers are booming the idea that
everybody should settle up his ac-
e counts before the New Year and
m nice the newcenturywi h a
sheet •
clean hthe isr i
idea a ac c
• one and should as f r as possible be
n carried out. The chief game warden
of Ontario reports 5000 dear killed
during the.season just closed ; this•
is 2000 leets than in:1899.. Clinton has
now 90 phones under the agency! of
J. B. Rumba ; the'five. phones put, in
last week are :-Jas. Parr, jr.,- . No. 15,
. R. McLennan, No. 85, A. Schrenk. • No.
89 and.. J. A. Kingg, No 82. Mr G. A.
Mclsee, of : London, has rented the
'brick cottage of Mrs Hale'e; on Oat -
Arlo street, lately occupied by Mrs
Allen. Owing'to the boiler at the
- electric light plant becoming disabled
the, town was - in darkness . on Friday
night which. , Was' very inconvenient
to the, merchants ; happily the ..lights
were going ageio for Saturday' even-
ing. Ohrietwas: day is, on Tuesday
next consult ojir;advertising columns
Inc holiday bere'ains. The following;
from Huron county passed ` their ex-
amination before the college of Phy-
sicians and "sur eons :=J. 0. Chisholm
• Wingilain, final, R. D. Dunlopp,
intermediate, : W. 3, Ohambers, Loch-
alsb, and W. G. Montgomery, Wrox-
eter, primaries. We notice that. W.0.
Searle, as treasurer of the Thnnkegiv-
ing Day collection,: is distributing wood
to the' deserving poor- he Ian good lean,
to look after work of this kind,_ know-
: inK the people of the town•'as he does:
P. B Orews the other daysold seven
Igold-filled watches, with hains, to a
ndy, as Xmas presents for her seven
' daughters; there's some good times in
store for'seven young men in that. fa-
mily. Mine Mary Stewart, daughter of
t. Rev: 'A. Stewart, has accepted the en -
out it was necessary to light lamps
and was owing tot a striking of a
match the fire. started. `0.e of the
girls -bad gone to the bed l ooin above
the kitchen for 'a 'lamp• and lit the.
lanip there. Shortly after the ,refiec-
tion of . a fire was noticed outside.
and on investigating found . the bed
was in flames. 13y wor king hard thefts*
was .smothered out but not before the
clothing and itiattrese Was destroyed
and the 'bedstead badly scorched.
Mr Rattenbury now has very kind
words to -say of the electric light.
OFxIcEas • ELECTED: On Monday
evening, Dec. lOtb, Clinton Prosperity.
Lodge of A. O. F. elected its officers for
the current year: Past Chief, J. Mc-
Olachertyy; O. R,. W. ]temp; S. O. R..
C. B. $ale; S.' W., J E. Hoyey; J. W.,
Geo. Kemp; 8. B., W. S. Brown; J. B.,
A. Sloman; Secy., P. W;Watts; Trees ,
Ohne. Overberrt; physician, Dr. Gunn;
trustees, J; Mcc lacherty, . J. Danford.
and F. Pickett;;auditoi:s, W. Q. Lator
net, J. Derry, and ; O. 13. Hale. The in-
stallation will be on the 'next regular
meeting night, the• lodge meeting on
the second and fourth Monday in each
month. The .I.0.0 F. 'Ledge, No. 83,
elected its officers on Tuesday, Dec, 11:
N. G.. J. O. Stevenson; P. G., W. E.
Rand; V. G., W. O'NeilRec. Seoy., F.
Jackson; Fin. Secy., J. Wi ieman;
Treas., E. Hodgene; trustees, J,
Taylor, A. J. Grigg and 11. B. chant, ..
SALE os' CtrTTEns.-Among those
who benefit by winter weather are the
maniifact urers and agents for cutters.
and sleighs. By a visit to any of the
establishments you may' see the'manyr
etylea and pretty furniehinge and de-
signs; they are worth seeing. Quite a
number have been sold since the season.
" began; Among Where : who recently
bought cutters from Rumball& Me -
Math were: W. Coats, H. Plumsteel,
R. Graham (Marion House) and J Bell.
of town; Tyndall Bros., Mullett, and
D. M. McTavish, Stanley. D. B. Xen-
nedy, who is agent' for 'several city
firms, made a number of sales lest
week, having sold cutters Made by the
Thompson Manfg. Oo., London, to J,
E. Hoover,'of town, and W. Cochrane,
Stapleton, and for the McLaughlin 0o.,
Oshawa, to Davie & .Davis and W..
Moffatt. George Lavis, agent for W.
Gray Ji Son, Chatham, sold to George
Layton,•Tuckersmith. Charles Lovett,
of Summerhill, and Noble Lovett, of
Gimletich township.
STOcn Norse. -Mr Cdivan, of lows,
al in this nei,hborhood buying thoro•
bred short -horn stock for export ; be
hoe bought a cow and calf from W.
Bloat, of Tucker smith, and ie trying
to secure elsewhere enough for a
carload, Dr, W. J, R.: Fowler, late
of town, and, Win ltd'.: Lowery, now
in Toronto; purcbaged two thorobred
home from W n1. Hrndt'ic (proprietor
of the Valleyfield Farm,. Hamilton
and had them shipped to Craton last
week. The doctor's le _,a Osamu,
mare • (Nova Scalar three "years of ,.. .
while Mr Lowery's is a brown gelding
(Darnley) two years old. Both are
sired by Derwentwater, one of tbe
beet race horses in Canada..-_ Dr.
F�owler intends breeding this high.
class of horses. In the future,. while Mr
Lowery must intend tout hie on the
turf as it is a very speedy hotio for _.
a two year old, havingrun a 'half in
501.2 eetonds. W. 3. Riga, k+ne was ex+
Whiting at the Provincial Winter Fair
held in Guelph tart Week; hie exhibit
was a three year oId shorthorn, taking •.
first prize in a good ring' the heifer
Match!** Matchleof Elmhurst 81804)
Matred b Impt. Royal Dona (04717). darn
chlrss oe Eltrlburat 14th (170) bf
no, szedotorr 6190 eta
h c ° �4:
tron** to their
*tore a rotor loboved the bby. The Soder of
far tlet kat, on D.o let, between
Clinton D. Sha.nanaa'., Mullett,
will kindly leave mato et the Nawl1P1
caw, Owing to lack of room 14, the
Factory, an empty store in the Perrin
Stook • ie being utilised as a Finishing
ypa Organ Facttor 14 John Irelrom and
has engaged to travel in the interest Of
g at the freigh . yard* on Mond "y, a
lol.ded car ran off the track and was
somewhat damaged.. The poet office
will be open onlyv the regulation holi. _
day hours on Chrwtmas. Wallis &
Cantelon eh,pped 2 care of hogs, and bl.
II. Smith 2 care of cattle this week.-•-
MieeWatt, +'f the gravel, who has been
datageroiiely ill orfa coueiderable time,
is now able to sit up, we are glad to say
The animal meeting of Clinton Rome
Circle, No 109, will be held tin the
lodge room, Oddfellowe Ball, on Fri-
day. Dec. 28,tb,: at 8'p.. m. ; a full at-
tendance e' of tbe members is desired,
The candidates Inc Oounty Commis-
Wooer in this district, will be. Jas.
0otinoll +, ,las. Snell and O. S. (yooper..
Burgess studio will he open ori, Xmae.
No PROTE Went Huron ail! have
political peace for some time now, so
far as Dominion politics are concerned,
the time for. entering a protest expired
on Monday, and none being e itered.
OMITTED. --We arecompelled. to.
omit considerable•loeal this week, in-
cluding a report of the W. A. Farmers'
Institute, a sketch of Rev. Fr. Mellen -
Amin, a letter ortwo, and other neat-
ters. They will appear next week.
seats were at a premium forthe second
entertainment of . the Metropolitan
course, on Tuesday. As these concerts
come around they are thoroughly ap-
preciated, this being evidenced by the
tact that so many tickets were sold for
the course. Agnes Knox Black .was
the attC i
h., act on, and all iter, pieces: were
warmlyreceived. ed. The Eugene Page
Concert 0o., New York, is the nexten-
tertainwent on the course,and;appears
in January.E
1800te;L VENTS. -1t is now the sea -
eon for apending "evenings out". and
several has already been given by the
social eat. On last -Friday evening Mr
and Mrs J.11oueton-entertained a bum -
her of guests to :au evening of pleasure.
A number of the younFr people ot. town
.have received invitations to a -re -union
assembly to be given by the 'officers
and members of the"Hurons- of Sea-
forth" in .Seaforth, on Wednesday
evening, Dec.I20th. Immediately' after
the Agnes:Knox Black entertainment.
on Tuesday' night,'a number of those
who attended indulged in a hop until.
midnight; the,iraipere who took part in
the program furnished the music.
late Commis PhhpARE, -Those who
have curledfind it one' of the best of
epode,. and free' from all drawbacks;
There will be a number of
new pi;iyyars..
seen on the. ice 'title season, as well as
those who have before found it splen-
did recreation when off duty -just
enough- exercise to keep a person in
good health, and as for the social part,
those who engage in it heartily enjoy ,
themselves..' The curlers met : at the
Rattenbury House on Monday evening
'for business, and to make arrange-• •
ments with the hockey club. The curl-
ers are lookin g forward to a prosper-
ous and successful season. The hockey.
boys will have use of the rink for prac-
tice on Thursdays. Fridays and &atur- I.
days from 7 to 8 p. m,' each evening,
the first three , nights of the week be -•I.
ing reserved for curling Rurposes.
You Can Giv
necessary thing's to your friends all
round, but onlyonce a year, when
Inas comes, iRl the time for remeni
your friends in the gracious mariner
giving. It in the great Christmas duly
d you are wino if you come early, anti
not put it off until the eleventh hour, crowd-
ed for time, ey a m"1 uncertain what to get and
• where to get it.
Our stock will not at any time be Iarger, but
on the contrary it will conetently grow smaller and
Mailer until. Ohristmae. Ifou haye an idea that we can
meet your wants, now is the time to come and see our
offerings, We regard aur Christmas stock as hi:Wing de-
oided advantages in novelty, Variety and a wide range,
Our ilookStoek'' is very complete. Bi
Fancy Al
1ms Toi-
let Articles, Purses, Games, Toys, s, .te.
In prices we are what we always claim to be
TheW� maim
W. D. ,FAI CIO, GEi>tton.
t Cheapest --Always the Best."
when it is welltog
putwe have just the kind
of footwear you.. need, in Tact we are headquarters
for all kinds of; seasonable goods at r'eason'ablerices
For • the Christmas tradeP
we. have an egeellent as-
sortment of
F. T
LEGGINGS-, fire. dtc
Whloh.you can bey from us at from 15 to 20er .Dent less than elsewhere..
If you intend buying a pair of boots between now and New Year, don't do
sowithout peeing what we can do for you, We are out for trade, with the
beet bargains ever offered in Olintou
e embe-�
r e slice the Price—Not the Quality
i _ .
The Old Reliable!
Clash and One Price .Egg's teflon aa gash
Insurance office at the store
«' .
...TWA T.:.
ri*lmas Prese
041:11-4044-404.4-110-.41.44-044444444.44 4404,444,4Fret *4-.4-.044 '0 ••••••41-0-4/4444). *44444 44-4114444010
Let us assist you in selecting our . preset*
The figuring.out of list. for, Christmas offerings isa mightybig task 'to:a ,giant
many people, but in a stock like,ours youget an attractive and useful .selection •
Take Neckwear for instance
Any gentleman will :appreciate a fine Tie, and our assortment this year:;
counts: anything we have ever offered. We have the . newest tliings from 'Welch,
Margetson & Co. of London, England.
A. pair of Silk lined Gloves
A Silk Umbrella
A Dress Shirt
Some line Underclothing
Prices range from 25c to $1.00 each.:w.
• SuggcsUons
A hair of .Silk .Suspenders
A House Goat
iialfdozen pairs Hosiery
A box of Handkerchief's
_ A London'S lkIlufer
A Bath Robe
Half dozen, Collars
A white Silk ILindkerclsief
in._ tar Coals;
We are one a of the largest dealers • in the west in Fur Coats and people !who want to see' . an assortment,
people who want buyreliable goods and peoele who want the best make and should come and see us. Our
Our $12.50 Wallaby Coatis made from good skins, 50 inches long; deep rolling collar, well lined and well made
"`-' and is worth $16. Our $20 Mountain Calf Coat is the best on the market for the rive. The same Coat vas s
lastyear for $$25,but close buying in bigquantities enables us to sell prettyclose pto the cost . price., ' of
. Y gq .l?
e. of Bos' Clothing manufac- The Stator
YO.;, , , tared `by ourselves is the ' "
most attractive line of goods h��
on the market. Nothing t.r ' a uals them for flt,make and
`' % rice. No middleman's pro- For a Christmas Offering
..� price.
to pay whenyou buy, to any man g
• r -�' <<. . ,� there. Boys' l nie er:Pa,nts
504 60c 70e. Colts to
E match at $1.75, V.Z. and $2.50. We sell them by the hue- Would be hard
E diad
ds. Many, a boy will want something new for Christ- beat!to
mas and here is the place to see the assortment. Boys
Reefers, just the kind they want,made from all wool frieze, ,,
deep storm collar, heavily lined; all prices. A few Reefers A pair of Slater's Slfoes for ;50
with velvet collars will be cleared, out at Half Price. t • irwrt
a imsNigm
• JACKSON BIliO.r DEPARTMENTAL TALIiiiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii4iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiii4111111iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
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