HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-21, Page 8teefOlttb3r 2.1, 190O „ 1111111111 uY p r '�1""Z' RARE BETTING a .To audr fou*set !PUbUc ffettourlrt*e. S I '0 W IT WAS A •RED LETTER' DAY FOR THE Insures which have lust been pub- o Wlashed with reference to the town of o .. THREE PETERS. Sault Bte.Marle provide an interesting o i hair - ,> -' Ana Nignid ant commentary upon the o o m e S ' mkewlae IS'or the I,60,. Who Tom practical value of the 'pollcy Initiated: the extort' of aoee_'Wttb a capitol et Iled carried out by the. Federal and r( #12 lack Pgrovincial cOoverputente working in o f. h a . r ',, . I.ri a10 colo., Ile Weii 1140.50 en es. harmony to develop the natipp t w re-. foodThe' Marisa of 110.. ile UsNpCN. s , l'' reautcea,. Tolle May 1 to Septeinhee'iit1' ,n. J dile is they ate* a western earn toad to i the population of the_ .town increased hair h as a party Of racing !nen, Ile proved it, from 8,405 to 0,1X$,, or an increase of 75 too, in part et team, by referring to a per cent, in five ulonthe,and it is stated ttQ" e. - turf guide and a -thumb almanee. that this phenorrrenal groa+kh is coni It keeps' , "It wag on Funs 2% 10e that I got the tinning at the: rate of several hundred �>� its 'starved, a month. °All this ie duel to the t;seat' biggest returr;s ea a small investment et " ' t s gets MOW/ that it Was ei+er my luck to set " development bpment of the Cllsr Knee induetrree, • +th >n capital of . gr t "1there being ca a on etre of h dOhl- g S S' r before orslues wee in C n � e b r a jai -� >tt . r 1t lin b tai � ' the o I t 00i 004 in ha ds ,.fin. t bad snots a •po a try cage. The teWn wag wide open, bine about syndicate for the purpose of rnvestinpc ': of , the op000lrowne bad 10 iegt combhree. in variate enterprises flow an operation ;lhrt;n afct atr•baldness, tion pools, xQ eeht p cls. cut three, : or under w horses on the blackboard to win for s. way ,1 he entire scheme was �" only hair • diMe and get •a little ticket with a ugh originated and is being developed• by house took. out.a 1,0 !poi cent commission, every dollar that is being spent, and ion that evtety hour's labor whish is being mid the remainder ob.the entire pool was o id d eyery tote manufactured pr v . e. , ve y of , C "a n • te dividediAmong the, holders :of tteketq on ateria) that is being turned out i so the winning combination. in n.4 ng e b U!� "'Well, .that 29th day of rune I had just much clear gain to the community. • is a-10 cent piece in AY ov pocket when I left Both the Laurier and the Rlles'e vern- the !louse la the morning, and I bugged ments.havegiven valuable encourage - the and nests awe. to these enter - 1 w, it all the morning closer Hien a thistle sprises„ by mining and timber ° eonces• 4 t . ' waiting for the oombioetion pools to sione and by subsidies allunder - n upor business. My1 1 railway , - � � open foe . s . and adv who f!'fdi pproper rebtrretrons that will fully en- was a vent' good' Catholic, hail Sud r'' sure a return to the'community^ ot. the. 140 -..roots, stops. ' turned. favi early mass as I finitshed ,fullest value tor the -investment..: Nev. starvation, ',and. the nia-ninfi coffee, anashe tole! the that on er in ell e'histoiq of the otnlnion .prp • the clinic!!' calendar it war St, Peters bably, the-history been a better example Mair grows thick and daq., Te glancing over. the mgrning tea- of the permanent national 'benefit ob- 4 rale" •t ion . It cores dela ; .tug, St:el eter a dare , end Aleter in the tairiable from thele$ttimatH and -prop.. ' er, expendit.urle of the people a resources a a1S.Q. Kee ellin A er'o .d r', e o i i't1 �? $. _` n, g, w o peon! e.•m ng oat o method i - _ The tiler rrrt3 h d e that resi�it bottle of, 'it 'On your from a :chinch whish e eves, passing by ed in Section 13 ecandaie, ,EtyBert tam - again •called my attenti eeto the festival. er s m:Wale 'Angevin, Block s dressing -table.. - About 2 o'clock I strolled idto Riley's b o ' l' Kevin' $lo candela. "� } ' and eo berth; but the day of those ll: ai restores big poolroom, on• the. corner of Clark thin e^ie act and -forever. ' Ways„ stn g. Pala gone, street. and`the'alley,•and !iota, to,:study ' 4 • .col r t faded or. ra „ „ the horses • on trete :combination; board. ; 'EA'RLY' C • . . g !felony. `.flee entries in three of the fiver IIRISTMAS ... SloPPING ,--. !reals." :.11lnd, WO .dap eastern races which. were chalked up'for• Shrewd ones are already going xc a'�way$.'' the day's game. were three nanee hat through the Christmas stocks., and. iilataptly', commanded • my •attentiota.. making. their selectione foie the holi ;Eased a bottie* 'All druggists. • These came were. St, -'P er; •l'eter."I . dare... A•nde they are.. not too- early.. ' Buyers ave ever t17.ine•to gain :and t+1 Laavti.�onnq;,yolu. Hair Ttgor and Blue :Peter: Tlaeae .!losses. 'had uo y . h y nothr i s : inPick tarns tho!•Aeet ><<emec have Bros •. earthly license,.}o win;_ any one of -the oK, a.�o a by hayi g the p ck "'of tried •fog' the flair; air hair was • three.race's ;bu strive didut the fresh stocks Were the stores are' falling,out verybad,jeo'I thoutat , t Calculations ve as t4 P.... crow ed" •:and :hen he ',earl secui I ieanld,try aottte,of it.• I bad •them' out of my calculations:I could not d ., end' thee' , e Y ,help.linkring thein, with' the fact .or- ,its better attention than''tnercbants will ufsed Wel one bottle and myhair .;rea 'ped.•faniu out, and it as now being St Peter's it . find it poseible to give them to few days _ : rearthick:arid tonir! e ng ..,, ter s day* and feeling that. before .Christmas. ::Take . your Now pp. d,ai., 'Yo k rL�, was gaial..to be their day'too. XVI. had -• n7 38': 3[onkersz Lxa.and , o throe h: the : advertise- . J • , ► ; been . thee, of a . $10 note,. _I would S ments - if there is .an . • thin else . in as soon -have -burned it as placed:; it roe. , v thing, . tlbn s you h s book '. the chops more .:to be :desired ••tihan ire t+ru eel! yon 1rI• book od:Tlie, any _Due of their chances, but. with Drily ?t'atr.yand ca . Ask ram any: qn��ee, 10 cents 'there seemed to.be everything another, those who have .it to sell an- r-ull Zeit s about': oto.b . _. onothing " -O ... toupee it;.there..-•.Read' the _advertise,. Y. i h your, .t.er. 'Y ton 3u Kelt! need next to to lose. So Atilt oils; *axe • • iii G . answer �rr@e,meets send learn where to place your r4adavra. '�►n.'�.Q e'�YasR•,.. I gigot a ticket on.thet"hrei'. .•, , Lowetteeeeii. . "T'heir'the .telegraph instruwent began, orders. And dont wtlit. '1.111 •the- last r.' Quo; .clic ,• and. they were oil':' .After the day to buy. ' tii'st - P'eter. had• gone. ebrough'all right, •. . lts'of. course he did►:I.'felt a amazing .' .r r• bail v' p . Rev. M i ern ha. been invited rennet Of • confidence.. When the:board . ' k .. back' to Lietow.el . Methodist , church • marker .had feeted: up %the total, of 'all . for'his third year, and has ,accepted h GENERAL TOM. TH.UMS. •the tickets :and deducted the 'lO tier cent ' the invitation. . conirnieeion, lie marked evp op, the black ; , el • Hot*. the aifd et Gotr•tlie ?hone:, .boar..•th to mini inthe da ' ' Tool, Rev: :C7. T. •Scott, of:Aylmer, one. of., • ea , d e tette at y tl .>?. the nose efo cent reachere in' he. cob •tree ;niftrttiere ease orb e7i amounted •exactly ta$487.5a.; NOt q p , ? . i ferenee has "been:unanrmousl .invited 'Ther ii,inntee ri,tagi,4 Formerly :Mrs,. I held• the, only ticket•.on the threti Pe to Dundas street . Centro- Methodist TOM Thumb. hi a'' paper in The Woinan'.s tem, ° and was, of • course entitled to the • church. London. n 2tlr Olergue and his'aesoci Ates, +so that 1oo•4'° . her ort It: for your combination, The I' Dome C7ompailion entitled . "Thie Itecol- • entire Toil --t only the two other •name. lection,'; of u Midget."' gives the. following • sakes of the.good saint rehould. do as ;rhe brotherof'Professor Andre,, the, account of hgw.the faded dwarf .carinae eared as the.'first.• mraeingAr•ctic explorer, wbo attempp- d "1 reap quite calm when in :the; courser ted to reach the :north pole in a bah b 'ins name;, of half au hour t the .dpo ator again -isne loon, residers en Gotbenburr,. � 'from.. "In s ealring of .,lir, Stratton I havep � !; used""he . ' General o r uounced that they Were els: and really' which,place it' is announced that, hop. t e mime Ge sari Tem Thumb, fo by that -name. the public beat knew him. .took it as`quite;a matter of eourse•that :-ingfor:Andre'sreturn from the:'. polar Perhaps a 'statement of bow he received Peter, L should lead his i%eld home, as he . regions,:: he.bas deferred opening the his title Wilt be of interest -a store. which' ,did.;, Winning vete easily. and never for .'latter'stestement fortwelve months,. even Mr.Retie= lira neglected to analis a single moment giving PM any anxiety' In ea . Winston Churciiill'ti •$rate known, btlt'whieb .)fir; Stratton himself ns: to' how he would celebrate the reef book, ;"11'.' London :to Pretoria," told -nue Veen ,Mr. Barnum, first Made versary. •, After ,that. I wouidii t, have an episode efliis sedans; partaking :of hie aceuamtenee and•per.,ieded his par- sold my tichetfol. •a dollar Iger their 'the the mb'no,,loure Wes suppressed be.. enter te=ullow their echilem.trevet.it war sum' it.cnlleator, with Blue Peter, the cause it,- might injure one who had' ' tho-ughlt,a good :seheme to introduce, him. rankest. kind 04 •an outsider,: yet to be taken part in.;it -It. wasysaid its "" tathcr public as;Tom Thumb. So' Of heard from.: would be disclosed. ,in the volurpt:,. ' Tom: Thumb he. was heralded by all the When the 'odds were 'posted for the white was to• fell .. In "Ian Hamil- Ala which made. Barnum so'farous, anti lace in �lvhiich: the last. of the Patera, was ton's March" there was, no -.mention• 'by that nine ,,reee was intvoduced to to'do his net, there was a;proh;bitive fa- • •of it. however, - and the readers , of - Queen Victoria and many of the royal vorito against him at.soret-kinglike 1-2 the first volume •• were disappointed, and titled frequenters of St. James. on, 'Milch made Blue Peter's chances It appears from the account of: his lec- "On, Lis- first visit he had amusedtlie. look very much like 89 cents, and r will, tureein Philadelphia that he now die• queen`. by' asking partienlarly after the confess to just a momentary weakening. closes it. At the time of the issue cf .Prince ,ef wales, and. whim : he was the during which I reight`hrwe been open to his second book hie friend was stili in a sceeondthee summoned to appear At the negotiations. There :were.: uil� aw orta of ppaitioq' here. -disclosure rrltgaht oC* Palace fie, teas presented ' both; to tee .odds offered against• Biue •Peters ehancea. casion serious trouble. • The . glee of Prince of•Wales and to the :princess roe in 'the various poolrooms, but none of the thing is. •.;that when desperate al whoa afterwgid became empress of • them held a candle to the odds that 1 from hunger and exposure be went to Germany, ei s he stood -betide the -chit- . had on hi'm with my ticket. A hundred • a: house fully expecting the door to be dren les Hintillnesswas more noticeable. to one is pretty good odds, but those fig- . opened by 'a Boer. But it was not ; The Trued of, Wellington' was present and m es seem small compared to the odds 1 it was opened by an Engliebnian, noticed -this fact, •evidently with piece in- ; had against Blue Peter, with over ti •1L';t tereste ashe; said to some' one standing to win against 10 cente. Youmay bung- CORN SOWING• • ' t 01411/16011 NEW ESA ROBE THROi.T. The i[rdicel Health Omcor reports and hoarseness .with their etlatrdwt dam. 1:14 dieaths In Ottawa fix 'theyear gars max be speedily averted and r'ainedied ending Noy. 90th., the death rate be - by the lies of Nereiline. ]lxoelltnet to ing 1%07. f�arartle with—ten tines batter than* sins. Raging headaobea the* 'nothing else will. We Pluto' and u:ore atamilsiant ap the oars ere qqutoklyy quieted by Mliburn'e Star. outside, and speeeily *111ye' lafiaxrimatian, , ling Headache Powders. Prise 10o tared 25o Nereillue eerie harauae it fa Ars tlwes at all dealers. Refuse spbstitutss, aSron erthen any Other Med. pen tratettbe themes instantly, soothes , the It: le reported .that Mr .Adolphe pain, end curse Amplybaoutrire fillet ie Davis has been offered the appoint. tgbat it we. meads for, Drepsists sell it, meant. of general inspector of the nter- colonlai, A. Caldwell Moyer Wee sent for Wel The D tk L. Emulsion of. Cod Liver 011 at Brockville on a charge of falee pre- grey be taken with most l enreitoial 'resuits -Mimes in r:onnectio>t-with en.ineurence by those who Ire run down or eufteriug policy. 'Re Saye- $2,000 bail, from after e4'eotu of le grippe. Made by °Hum CUBED or 04,•TARtiI By Davie de. Itawrenoe Co., las S1ATARRIlOZONE. WiIIiain. `mith has been. sentenced, Berths €silt., --"I cannot "' vithltold my at Pieton, Ont., to five years in pen- testiinoiay ae tohe Rreet vsuu of (5atarrb• • iRteptail r otoo . gate tion (PDefer ,o2' tee ozone e ft remedy atarhfone nettle baying Oared daughter of that trouble, : FOR AULD LANG SYNE. • I heartily reocmtnend.'it to rill who are suf. Ladiee of canoe ; foring frons oeterrb. No house should be "Should.old acquaintance be forgot 2" without it. t :Mrs d. A. Morrie; Tire tomer oomee tneghenioally gfro n So pleasant, bsbiee use it, eo safe, grand. oyery, Britisher. Nor abouid new acquain- mothere employ it, so certain to eure, dove tanoe be forgot. Remember that on the tors, lawyers, morobants, .public , apeakera bloody ilelde of South Melee your brave rely upon Oatarrbozono foe catarrh, .pion- soldier boys were on the, firing line, Ilenked ohitie, estbnms,'bay fever. Oetarrhozone ie. by loyal British aubjeote from Clayton end eo cheap, bemuse it leets so lone and is so India. In the midst of danger, lasting. sure: to euro that even the poorest on of- friendebips were formed, and you, ladiete ford ta bey it. The only remedy sold with of Canada, breve these bonds to cement a guarantee—roar money baok if.not.bene• these bonds, The Green teae front Ceylon fitted, Sold by ala - druggists or septi a ;; and Iudia appeal'to you: from sentiment. rece! t of $1. Trial aize Inas. N.O. PDI B. ,ai i ,t notonly fon Co.,Kingston! Oni„ Hartford, Conn y .dug Ilei you aid your ;, brother'oolorgiatar,,.but you get absolute!y .the 'beat tea. Those of you wbo drink Green . ripen teas have a revelation instarer if u make the change. B abeblp Saheb; and Monsoon packets 'may had from/one 1 ni y . ,r is gr000r .—S,10 o fat. The death of Mrs J. O. Jones 'took .: piece at. Balsamright after the mar - nage of her da•tightel to Wm, White, the dear re• before tb ,.Ie tet the w'.eddiitg•, guests. Mf9 ti• This flint Litho man - FRE eta Lad .'a i r lin o l az. Y w Lv4o u � 8,, f Ate 1 S Y d ar h 'hs 0 Pius n. i1c, ate i , weflu lY - - Buisl,ed1 Ll Gold, µwt ,&0t wit vorynoalhrlwtlop, I,laIRel,dn, nnblea c••' and Eu,eral ls. Theyarosplendid Value 1,1 %,l•y oast' ti sola 7'ho Watch ban a burnt! tally orn:i onm'ddialwltl,go1 Thal 1, and is au excellent timekeeper: Write aq,1 Wo eend'Plus. $ellsh0m, return the •Dryer�•(i0.;?' and your Waa:h eta he cess -' :', meur. 1 pm; alaiiPiAagQ.. Eox 17 erfulte, v -w, ,, ., DESTROYS WORMS. • ON TBE FIBINGF LINE flare John Lowe, • New Germany, N,'S , Ladies of (7auade: ,:wrttee.• I have given Dr.. Lowe Warm .Side by Bide stood Canadeer-'noble' aorta Syrup to my ohildren with excellent're- -;with the beat brawn of Ceylon . and India : salts, They are fond of taking' it. diad it 2 in -the recent nnpleaeantness.. The elogen of perfectly,requiring was'+lief oneanothere'and.no one forgot. wits ,, .. • i lI no oathartiott[ter• - the at war ':d wards,. . w pw d Yttn 'ladies ofCanada, oil spa. have the power to. wage a : resentlessa: war'- "—" . we vethlboautltursolld +:,. 1 re" far n."� ��LllD tlot�2Zingset'wlt aa'uby .. ,r 1,' , fere file impure that come into h ,,,.{ r ti..�,,,, our'home from.chinaandJ9 an, end' at `:It+iOLDa' d tt9apoarls,foraellin. y a p . p'pnlrrtbeti>'a*1dlataFisan' : the same • time: aosist your brother tyfPins ati,,a asst,. The, 1 ig, .- wh roduce the. pure Ceylon. end Indian stereed se gold and enamel, prettllY �,E y 0ngravnd and geaWy carded, faeces toe _teas. If yondrink,,Tapantee try Salada, a -t. Thoyaresuohspaondidvnluo011 Monsoon.. and`. Blue • Ribbon`. packets of s nst",asimd'aa eieebpehE na dwoe, Ceylon and, India Green teas. -.,-Colonist, will roretea.teerin.. • sen them,' roturnthemoney, sudthls beayti. r..–+ lu14pli,l�+o14.RInr,.,wln,ln0 opty0A r' %.iy„,�,`;-'�Je i -a -y4 by return mail, absolutely free nowTatoy.,luverty Co.; ,> ver. -,•s .•Box' 17 Toronto, Can. . f-+ : .: �+.ti \` Nota Quarter But to cents, and- ''\ ret .to' doses in a vial of Dr. Agnew's Little Pills Nopain, pleasure in every dose-- eeeeelee, .. We jive this bey. ` .,�/sozidsior : su�e9rsrace little but awfully goad. Cure. Sick Head- 'lot,w.thtcaliqckey. Miyd. forso]nngonly 150.11 01 •. . y g ` Parisian Beauty Plak,.FiOs. a set. Earn pot contains throe ache,. Constipation, Biliousness Nausea, 1,rettllvengraeedaudeaamgle,rl,eautibPeba.nesralln old. Ere la°art%athcm. San raneeaihe15inanhuuz �maal.• u, thhfe advertiaem. nt and w@.w11T send Sou the t'6 sets.. fallowness. xz j • ' 8ellthear,. return the money and we will forward, absolutely - ^ ' free, this splendid stetting Mixer O;;rb (Vigo, Bracelet, wltb • 1ocitandkey. DominionNoyelty Co,, sore +'r Toronto. rear! Bold' by ,7, E, Hovey, drnggist,Olinton LOOKOUT FOR TBE ENGINK. ' •:• •PVe mean your heart; Keep it strong. Reports received at the De- Doti't`let. it fla$tor or boat with. a weak Partnient.indicate' that therehas been stroke.; Soott's.Euruleion feeds the blood.. an increase of from 1135,(100 to .$00.000 a IL makes the heeartibea :sironer end sora•, month in the `eatnings of. the Inter-. V improves the eirouletion. g R colonial Railway this year as comas ed y p -. • with last year. Tie Northwest .half=breed scrip;. coni ission has concluded its; labors. About four thous d ''claims were ERSUN deslt`witb, and '3,500 scrips. "issued.. • • IN OF die NEU Were ate 16t14 Time ofighlitted from the at1 kb* eery 'Agee, wet* bl u g' ova tam of that true . trade snot :la' branded on the g+es + `tet eeivels, +eisabliitg etas pti�sear `tq . t 04•'.,; f ba d indifferent. zom .: d fog i>!t tr �e "OZn g Mat' a. 11te name an e l a frolic, , + e �,. aland lila in toQ 3 $S. S. Goodyear welted, Jackson' Bros, Sole .ie n t• for hear', 'Their royal highnesses are head id that when the instrurnent began to and shoulders';taller: than Toni Thumb.' cliek and the operator started in to give. 'This remark,' the•.general told me, 'wee a description of that race I felt a rnaeh overheard by the queen, and, turning to more vivid interest fin the proceedings ,the e. duke, she said, "Genera! . om than if I bad' bet $10,000 .on ..an :even three sizer too small if }ell nee Putnam' 'Thtteoe? Bowing low timer moiety, money favorite who couldn't possibly lose } the ituke gape me the militat' ” salute, re-- unless he dropped dead. Did' Rine •Peter Painless.Coan and Wart. Retractor. y Thera)." twin? ares, and when the otticini' '1111 Kiser sell at.'; beatin the -title, "General Tem Therrib,, I,IO'erybody'bowed. and, although 1... did right! sante in over the. vire n few min. It ls, understood that the .,iectton of not fully cohlpi'elrrntl then that her mai- vies afterward thele'-'lvn only one man .eats*s simple -a,, n . could elate tt un- iii . line 111 ;;fee nt of the combination Cush- Hastings, and ,Mr Alcorn, 'COMMITS.- Live, Conserve- trve,-in.Prince Edward,: will be pro- tested. Thontlande of Caliadiana on vouch for Elle efaiency of that peerless cough re- medy, Pyny-Baleen. It aurae a odd very qutrokl .,. 250,; of all druggistit.., Man dearest by •.the proprietors of Perry vis',Pain-Hiller. „AA; Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony, despatch says :--•.A number of per.. Ii a process exoited by vanity, backed up by good tight boots—you may lank the van- ity but you have the good .tight boots-- you may wear any 'size boote you like rip to' e Mr Northrop, Coneeryative, in East changeable, i found that ever fi ter'that. iei•'s desk, and be walked away with lust I was alwaYeltddaess;-;1 as general.' '$437:50. I was the natter .. . "Mie Stratton alar y;tiil that he knew It is not i& be wondered at that the enough ee the War history or the Duke gr u tofunreadImeineii dmihtedn this guide,. of m'i'rllineten to bi lit•ent ii interested iu 111111 the almanad, Of the =tviuniugs e, i,iln and to feel :Aar, a iutrodudtton . to t e col gild tlie'•au s;1lnt' of mune in it this ;great tighter: tut he called him, erne p ee worth;rnore.tharr a• that with thin rete! Qr nos no proof exeept,the horsed gn� u34 buy and 'girl," "' "It's the ntost remarkable'perforihknee '!the Canadian Psiciftit engineers wbck on record," said one et the darty., have nitrified from• an. etip loriog exri 1 "It is ane of the 'Inexplicable Mysteries. 1oha suspected or plotting to mur- �pedition,in the meld : -*teeter n •-othe of the tarp, ` replied the man who had der Ler Itribeita durinrr .hie visit Carsadi'ttie llockiet.report the discovery told the• story, • of•rnagni$cent waterfalls,one dropping . ffrorn-er"height of 1,30'1 feet, and several 1 glaciera,.oneof *hiCh rivale the great Nansen Ana Thirteen. glneietxs of the-'fgell>;irks is its erea The 'superstition that 1S 1. the 'barbip° find ourpaesea it ter the.ifra>;niilcence of -ger-of misfortgne mei with' a unique eon,- And bere recently Abandoned. their gchemee on learning that they were shadowed. West spider's are posseseed of poison feta. led vety few are dangeroue tother - .emeettettendieree of mountain lakett cf treeletion. he ti ease Of Ntroien, Tier. lean bolos. - - utrusual beauty and lofty peaks. *high teen wee ethe dumber of bleeparty" on ...• . shells, ?by meet" oe Att add 1,e4tch .offie greet tortiptatiott fd Merintain baited the Vrars. Ant the luck/ liteef the they exude. contrive to bore boles in ellipbers. They report that these hith. geed ei reefer dideeSt _titers et, the ;lune solid limestorie. ' Li,At earl biddeeetnervele of. inatfire.:,nati be ber of is party, no ieft Ida *hip of the The web; in one twist are ntit all of the made ,eattii 'nceetssible by the'edistrite• 'nett pole eir edgrch 18; 1890t the. Preut. sone site. , A 'Steles profesior hei fottird tion of tra Is, an& le firundeletteed that beo e freer the lee on Augt 111,,,p10(1 end . beim will be builtnerly,,neirh going. . N 4sorik $.6:1!ited t on" ccu theta as different as Ise many hureen t vow/ 097.4 IN ofiugh. ,ouriotisiy -*Inge, With dwarfs, giants, erieeltlee ete. . “The mom the< ut,i,;;,•:. 43-ohlook eagle. these. sliCer Of good luck wora `Pkotell 14r 140/4 Morgitti in a reeont never goeti beyond theternmpie. lealemeene e _Oohed 'at eliieteentli ounivereary address" stated he hest foetid yeiing chick. ee eseAtekeveee,tetteeeiefee Illuminata tkiit • slimier,. Of wthee Otiograrseleiti society, held ene, takeb atealght from the ineithator, getemot ..na, mewling evar on -reb. 18,189% At the. setae hatotet could snsha vet', welt -this power Of SWIM, ; wigotht kketteohes heeeete,..e# Epos& stated that nn Dee. ta pup* (sing hang perfectly instinctive. '.?'; firs diateeste, The brain is „ale* ' • moat 40arifluffi . • e mind end luartilitie *ft Creeping ritealthily down the 'latrine ' Canada andrid the poll tax of $19) for . 4)4+*".***""4-44t hotogrra THE BE.51'AM1-Rt)IUMATIG NES 'PLASTER MADE, t_ +SCit'i'LIy tN'btI41 LfD 11t1 •NO 'PRIeeee LSO INIYPRD MGK XIiOLI,, Peleeat0f /WI ur decree Wien:tee Yee: Christie, stare-driteri drcPped deed at Warkworth. emir° CURE A COLD IN °MOREY, moil druggists refund the inotieyif it tails to cure Mote, E, W. Grovo'slaignature is on each Nos'. - very plentiful in (idebeel, NORWAY PINE SYRUP Cora for, all Throateeteing ettivelng sect soothing be its aotion.,, Alta sore throat, which the doter pro.. te, tty Dr. Wood's Norway Pine `8•YrAP. ent, Week While -you bleep:14th* - isist end! melte re feel UAW inethe INSURANCE., Fero, •'•lJfe dccide1 • Plate:Glassy ernes, , ' •r: • MacKay Ewesi Chinon• Foir u�re blood, A bright eye gad clear co• lex on . A a fnPr �.l x A keen appetite, n eas- di est n to And res � sl , . �e � n� eep, t aruu es:'the er ul It ti o I✓ •' • C� o n� -t�� ire a oils.., R Brightens ns -.WO_ d r� a g Generally,, makes: lite :worth•li stn S years trial l Seven rBt at have roe t•� tl sixty S n Y v t1 i to be rete "and eatictrt . ost reliable thee abeB t l.0 u r 1 r zyow ` 1 O purifier k .' tri. D to 1 sad 0 h Dr -. I sts •: sol .. B Ol (I ui BS1110441R. i �' s' �. 0 • This is the nirme of the Cistern Separitor We are offer• ing. te the en the market there is nes better and few if any as goo& It' In easy to rue, de 'week in the same time than moat others. It is a Canadian Made, Evete Warranted tie do goes' Work. ' Inspection invited, free trial allowed, _Pelee itesoneeee. • Winter Goods Are now in, demand end this is the plem; is; gee , • hest of Overwrite Su Tweeds, Robes, Rebbers, Sox! doe 0o. Highest peke for .07 , , wanted; also quantity of diied 'apples. • 0.96 u ters-an ... ..... magazine"' Toronto, and J. 11. Aiken. of . Louden, Oni.,, who- has returned' this week , from 12 years'AravellIng in donth Africa for 'mt. Wetetre the only Canadian Publishers -who haVe had a branch' in South Africa for nineteen lump; giving us sub:omens° advent. age in procuring photographa and material. Our authorship, letterpress and eugravings are superior, and Canadian anti mgents bet. ter.illustratedtban in ;any rival work. So -1111X0 are we of this), that weer - mail free for (tom parison onr prospectus to anyone Possess- ing a rival prospectus. Circulars and terms free. apply World Publishing Comminr. amebas* untario :Piano Bargains We are distriet representetivi of the section. Tbe following is the list �t IMMO 6 four bargains in PlightlY need end emend • • Doug& ur Hom Santa Made will bold headquereere at this store* Welrevel for dietri, . bution Jorge stook of beautiful goods such as marrii Chairs, cobtlier Rockers, Ladies' Seteeteries, Music Reeks, Eseele„Peoeuree, Orokinele Boards, Card Teblee Children's; Chairs sue Sleigets, elso towhee: line which we ere,offering et le) uer dept. beide regulertitees, 6air see WY. UPRIGHT PIANO - Olinfon eit$11, Door, aid Gilboro (Boston) 9° 9° NOrdhehner.. ' U00 00 Ileinteinin (Cabinet Greed) 225 00 . Blind Factory. 320 S. S. VOOPtif ritorItIVOR0 , General Blinder and -Conttaetor. 'Thie. rectory le the !ergot in the county, and' hitt yrry Isteighnprovia too alibiery,, capable of doing Work on tbe elioreest notroe, We carry an eektetellief end reliable stook did prepared plena, and give defeat'," for and ;UR& all oh** ea Of beildings on ehorittotioe end on the dosed prides' MI worit latteetrbs ed nteobanititil way end eetisfsotion eesranteed. „We gill ell hint* of ife . teelor sea exterior Material.' • ....... • 61111**1.4)11.41/4 it 131 un, • it Waterloo. arid get price' and estimates heforePlaclat veer ordains • - 'winged. Drop no ir wird end We will for. Ward catalogue of new -pianos: EMERSON'S BICYLB AND MUSIC HOUSE, Goderith A011E40'4'114 Oil • lid- nr: impure discovered a inathed frilster at his jeWek. • . '' the year end ng lune 8SWasi 4,821,• 'AO .nr be direetedy traced to the. casket. balanced in mind and body *hose blood le ."atertliis I" ' arldrrellre: .140:00 ',She. 11,e' hour reeegnieti geetd plityeright.' ito•flutoh -thati ..We 7 *Su* in .4 day, 'go.stit - oU *alit *OUT • photos egaind rimy ants year. ntra eat MaIrket lenotsre, No one ram - ham t•-• *Women "No. Y teplied /lie bore)* Mende, 'for en 44 • once atta , eve u , are riting bu or every day Bubo's It* and *II you from owning, we take *tett tionsfort fatten offitclitin?Beedlin4 Dr: ?tow*. notatti tow Disaassary. The great playwright hung ills bead . • :When ishirbloOd it'peee, body sod brats end retreeted, stung to the quick..—Life. Hering perellited the butchering aro Alga healthy end life.beeorisee a daily huldness of le, ft Powell I inn pro. bilViolog; rimt4441 C"1"1 "The Indite* of Himself tkey' e'er so `treliith ell kintis Tr.& and to furnish the people of onto, :Mullet the -dark dap 400T4 , LI.71.1,4,4"Itikvodiukdiod•aitreuivd, photos Lula than 'a geciSlid an(18';11‘"' "t14 Seal* Ito,141/ Adviosr,. '71" peer; never steal or beg. These offenses Cored Mee* Satunig44 potoolidort of toy audio i:of 444:ereil diteggies, Otition,• -before that date if you want a WOOD and 'WM41(1111)1 WNW* !teas* be sash. Mittlairk=ennn Mad! Children Cry,Tbr nohow, 76. 'Orders 'deliveredeproMptly JO all parts of She town. iR.-4esseivas having hop Mr sesdlit, ," tow hy • nts yes, we llama them The trseful Something OARVEItS in 'cases ana. ,Sets. TABLE 0 TRAYS, LAMPS, a very fillei,d6OrtMerit of) WARE, TEA mid COPIPEE POTS, other useful articles. *vete la ea A tr