HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-21, Page 71
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,•"... '
• *
That you have to spend all your summer earnings for Dry
Goods, Qlothing, Shoes, etc.
• Kindly lbok carefully over the list below and see what even
five cents will do here. And you can get them any day of
the week for our prices are every day alike.
(1 A Batb Towel faIl Si feet long by).* wide for each.... 65c.
apieces plain grey and striped Flannelettes 88 in, wide Se yd
6 pieces et plain and stripes in pink, 28 in. wide ,for....5.1 yd
• 4 Opicces of pure Linen Toweling, 15 in. wide for , 5c yd
• 5 Skirt Lining Any color, -25k in, wide for . .. . yd
6 Pure Linen Table Napkins, size 14 x 14 in, for each
7, 0 pieces fancy checks and stripes in Flannelette suitable
for Wrapper for..., , ...,...; 15o yd
'• •
(8) 23 pieces print in Indigo blue, red stripes and up•to•-date
checks (not starched) good washers • • • • • • !• • .• • • • • • • ;450 Y(.!
YlltanFertyvetaigiglYa_ltro in.iinf KNI:ictrio'r %I', . - .: ...,_,„ • °21.cc iYa
• 11 50 doz. bems°titched klandlterehlefel good'Ia;vn*':0.2.5c:e.ecit 5a
12 25 doz. 4. u lace corners, 0 25c, each Oc
(13 20 doz. ° ". worked with eiht in
corners, 0 for 2,30, each . . '‘, ... . ... , . . , . .. * . , •
.. ..',45c •
A great many people ask how itis this man can undersell
people we have known so long.
*Deoetnimr 21,
New Ideas crowding out the old, Pluck instead of Luck, Cash instead of Credit,
Brains instead of Cheek and, Science and Ability beating back and crowding
into oblivion those old time methods of doingbusiness with their 'tough and
tremendousElong-timo prices. How is this ?-
Three spools best thread for' ..., 10c 7) Vine White Irish,Linen Table Covers, size 80x 00 in. forral..715
2 Women s fleece lined Bose for 25c 8) 12 doz,.11ath Towels, 5 ft. long anc1.2 ft. wide, each:. , 215c
8 Women's fleece lined Gloves for,-. , ... ......, „„ .... 50 9) 10 doz. Corsets (all SIM) very good Jean, each t, • . • t asc
4 Table Linen fully 60 in. wide and heavy, Per yard 20c 10) Enough -come and see for yourself and you will think
5 Irish Table Linen fully 72 in. wide, per yard , 50c it no wonder that the people within two miles of
6 German Bilked Linen Table Covers in plain white ' Seafoith come here to deal. -
' and colored borders, 52 in. square, for each ..........$l_00.
Do you get cold easily, or are you getting old X
(1) . We have,Frieze Suits, the 'Weight is 7 lbs. $7 so
and we sell them for. • • • • • 411 .
(2): Seeour all wool Frieze Pants, at,each...... •
(3) For 'men only :---See our. Horse Blanket_that 1
weighs 5AlIbs., for each.. .
[4J We have a Frieze Overcoat that you should 4 SO
see,ateach • . • • . • ....***,....•••• lle• • •
(1) Mon's hest Leather Leggings made for...
2) Men's. Felt Boots. 4 buckles, grain leather .. 2,0e2
• 4) We have the best ;Rubbers made in the Do ...
• , 3) Rubbers and Socks. real heavy ......, ' ....... (915
minion. Ask anyone that wears our Rub- .
' -bets and they will tell you so. •
Butterand'Eggs taken as. Cash.
. .
11 IL
Comes but once a Year.
Special, Sale of Dinner Sets from, now •
Until the first of the year:
Here is a Chalice for you to get that dinner set you
have beenjPrdinising your wife so long. These sets are
all new,- We have only one Dinner Set left that we had
in stock rn the other store. Come and make your choice
while the stock is complete, and we will set it aside for
1 97 Piet* Dinner Set, blue edge and gilt, worth 515.00 now 13.50
1 44 white and cold, 16 11.15 loocto
1 " grey, blue and pia, s, 12.50 11.00
green lace pattern, 18,00 11.50
tigilt 0, 12,50
ot • mauve and gilt, '" 14,00" 12.00
• ."•
•• brown and pink stip.
•2•• les handles 8' 10.60
a 100 , with soup eoureen,pink,
blue iand brown 44 18,00
07 • 14• 'blue " 7.00
, Chamber Sets
1 ow/ 10 0,0; Clusinber Set, shallower, gooitelne att 56.50, now 4.7• 4i
Pamir " 6.50, •.0 /sag
pink pa blue,• 8 '43.25
pink etipled,
Oval beanblue,
blue, pink and
1 gree edge end gilt, 15001 441400
1 44 apple green id
". 11.50
1 , fawn edge Ana gilt, " 16.00
• laaro
chocolate and gilt,
" 13.00
" 10.75
• 9.00
e" w000
• 6.25
• 11
6.00, " 11.26
2.754 " 2.25
e prices are for spot Cash.
Leave us your order for Holly
for Christmas Decorations
The best Fruit is none too good for your Xmas
Or but we have cheaper Fruit if you want it,. -
Try a box of Ginger Chips in your cake or mince
'In Fancy China we have the most up-to-date stock
in town. A look at our goods will convince you. 001110
and $603 for yourself, we will be pleased to show our
goods whether you buy or not.
• For the Xmas trade WO will haye Oranges from 20e
per dozen up.
The eash Grocery
e eooper & Co.
Sale UeSlater,
Houselioldfurniturei.ke, at Market Square:
01Inton, on haurtday. Poe, `4414), 11. Dieloneon,
nroprictorand auctioneer.
OW".In elloton, on Sunday, Dee.lethothe
wife of P Crews, of daughter.
TUFFORD-In Gellert* onDec. Otis, to Mr
, and lire A. Ttutord, a son,
OODR Ifthel, on Deo, ard, the wife of Mr
A.. Cole, of dughter.
BALOODA-InICippen, or. the 6t14 inst., the
wife orj.walfour,1jt 40004
MeDONALD-In Oro% on Dee, 7, to Mr and
Mrs G. McDonald, a sou.
Finest Perf. umes
New Dainty. and Delightful Odors
choke Perfumes are always [temptable and appreciated. We have
studied your wants in this line with the result that we oan give you
prettier packeges and bottles than ever before.
Atomizers also make a petty gift. We have them in the
latest deeigne, ,
Ebory goods inoluding Hair and Hat BrusheaCloth Brushes, Li
lairrora, eta, complete selection at lowest prices, •••i
E. HO V Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
• '1%
e wish you all a
Merry Xmas
And hope you will call into the Entiorium for a
' present for some of your friendo;
Yours respectfully, •
Emporium, Londesboro R ADAMS
Deo. lath, 1900 *
•44044194144+9 • ,
The Cotten we sell are our own nuke, to we are in a
poaitionto guarantee them, as the stook ve UO is the
best money can buy. If you think of buying a Vatter
is to your interest at; well aa oure to see our etook.
Rumba"' MeMath Clinton
O 4 •
Studio otpe! Xras day
.rowrogr-wninnuN-At the residence of
the briUer'S Parents, on the 8rd inst., by Rev. E.
0.4ennzugs, Mr John Jowett, to MOS Mabel
Whiddon, both. °Mayfield.
11600141CINDA14/14*-B0Y0-At the residence
of the bride's parents, Goshen line. Stanley, en
the 12th inst., by Bev. W, .Andrews H. 31e.
Oorkludale, of 14011den,te Wm IC BoYoe,Stanley,
STONERA11-. llicRENNA.- At Chicago on
Nor. 28, Aylmer Remitter Stoneham, formerly
of Baton, to AsSEstelia McKenna, of Cinela.
BARROWer-In tieRillop, on Dee. 12th, Sarah
Barrows, relict of the late -Peter Barrows, aged
84 yetarsand 0 mentes,
BETHIThr14-ri Seaforth, on Dee, 8th, Colin
Bethune, flown treesurer, aged 04 Years.
spEXCE.,..At Ethel, on Den. 7tn; Rachael
rOrelnink• relict of the late Jas. Spence, ages' 81
years audit months.
WAXICEit-In Ethel, on Deo,lOtb, Bessie Rei-
land, daughter of BearY 'Wanner, aged 28 years
and 7 months.
NAIT.00R-/n Bast Wawanosh, on to. 10,r.
Naylor, aged 50 years.
MARI8 In Exeter, on Deo. 7, Geo. Bar^
ness,aged.:27 Years.
Stenhen,:on. Dec. llth, win, A.
Hicks, aged, 58 years.
RINTOOL-InVinghara, onDee. 1,2th, John
Wiiford, Son bf Mr and Mrs Wan. Rinteul, aged
7 monthet. -
MORRISON-In Goderieh, on Dee.11,th, Bella,
voungest daughter of Capt. and fits late My
J. N. Morrison, aged 8 montivs.and 3weoks.
TRUEMRER-In Zurich, on Dec. 10th, airs J.
Truenmer, aged 76 years.
BROWN -Xu Ashfield 011 the I4th lost...Arc es
Brown, aged 42 years, 5 months 8nl14 days.
aorreoted every Thuroday afternoon,
• Thursday, Deo.21, 120'
Fal1W1eat •0 60 a 0 60
Oats . . . .. 0 26 a 0 27
Bye , • • 0 40 tv • 0 95
Bar ley .... .. . . 0 38 a 0 30
„Peas 0 67 a 0 60
Fig= per owt . 1 75 a 2 00
Butter,loose 15-48,p'k'd C 15 a 0 18
Eggs per doz,...... .. , 0- 16a. 0 17
Hay, " .. 8 00. a 8 00
• Sheepskins . ........ 0 65 a 005
No. 1 Green t;ina. hides 006 a 0 si
Potatoes, 0 20 a 0 25
Chickens, per pair 0 2.5 a 0 8,5
Ducks, each.......... 0 80, a 0 85
•Geese, per lb 0 05 •s 0 05
Turkeys, , 007 .a 008
• Pork, live . , ...4 6 60 a 5 50
Pork. 58 •a 6 50
Wood short . . . , 2 25 a 2 26
41INII/V41.4,14.1111011, Iv4 46/11106,
VICRinnOn & Co;
)Eit 1.4-1V yr 111.
11 hi sornegine4 alma& to dem& what tggive as a Ohriatinee pritieut.
Below we quote which will mike woeful end appropriete presents for yonnit
or old.
Fur Oaperines, high storm oiler, $2,25
Astrachan Caperinei, high Morin Collar, 80
• COinbination Caperines, Mitrachan and eleOtrio it al,laigh;collar, 2 bade and
10 toile-, long Lon*, $1.1
Combination Cepertnes, sable and astrachan, high oiler, long front 2 heads
• Ear lin4ffnefightlaajoirltitavuerdYbsrtiwiins.11711,5S1.4$1.50 and 52
Puy Ruffs, in rook Mortin and obenobelli. 151,85, #175, $2 40(1112,60
Ledieg.blaclk and grey onitetioa aetraeban eauutletkei 750, 110o and 51,
Ddiaties' gray aitreohan Gauntletit al 50o
rdeu'a SiIk Mnifiere, paded and reyersible, at 25o, AN, 75o and $1,
Melee Ties, fonr-irs.hand, a Moe range of oolore, 250, 200 and 500
Men's Ties, flowing end°, pure Silk* 50o and 750
Men's Neat, Beath, light and dark colore, 250, 35o, 50.) and.750 • .
Mvp'e lined Kid Glove°, dome fastenings regular -75ofor150o
Meg's tins Mocha. Gloyee, wool and Bilk iced, 760. $1. 81.25 and $1,50
Men's Fanny Bolles, one pair in a box, make a nice nrellent, 500
. Cushion Covers, a large aeeortment, in tapestry and band paiuted, 40o, 65o
• and 760
rine Applique Sideboard Doilies and Meese; CeVers, 25o, 86e, 500 and 76e
D'Oyliee and Centre Pieces, in new designs, at, 5o, Wo, 150 and 25o
Ladies' Shetland Fiose Fascinators, in pink, white and blue $1
Japanese Silk Drapes, gold embroidered, in ell colors, 254 and 50;
Ladies' Kid Gloves, gusset fingers,2 dome fastener* in all the new colors, 50e,
We show7anrae
63' Straandnterange5of Children's Handkerchiefs, with pictures of
Old Mother Hubbard, Cinderella, Blitabeard and Ten Little Niggers,
Ladiees't85i1%.°rGLinenfan2d5o4 trwn, lace edges and 0Orner, in great profusion
Montreal Cattle Market•
• Montreal, Deo. 17, -The receipts at the
East End Abrftoir this morning were 800
bead of cattle, 200 calves, 400 sheep an d
300 lambs. The attendance of buyers
was barge, and prices were well maintain. d
Cattle, choice, sold at 40 to 40 per PO11110;
good, Bic to.Va; lower grades, 2o to 80.
Calves, 52 to $10 each, Sheer 2id to
lambs, 3111 to 414o. Hoge !nought from 6ao
to 50.. •
?4tw AfirtrfifitutelltS,
Grecirtate of Toronto Conservatory of Musk),
Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano and Harmony
will take a limited number of pupils Saturdays
commencing Jan. 12, MC Pupils are pleparect
for all examinations. Miss Walker is at n e.
gentle New York taking a Bootie teacher' =
(puree in voice culture. E. udia at liirs:Town-
send's till further notice.
Deo 21 It
Card to the Electors.
LADIES AND GENTimmot-Bei g a candidate
fer the position of County Commissioner i or
thIed.erict.I respectfully ask for ,r0nr
po b and. influence. If, sleeted wilt do my tit.
mo*t to look after the in' erests_of Dist, lot No.
2, 'Wishing you the compliments of the attest II
I remain yours very respectfully,
• - ' S. S. eooPer.
Dee 21 2t
We want the serviette of a number of per-
sons and families to do knitting for us at
home, w hole or spare time. We furnish
automatic knitting machines.free to share
holdera,supply yarn free and pay for work
AS Bent in. 13istattee no hindrance.. You
can eatuly earn good wastes. Write us et
once; Dept. A, the Peoples' Knitting Syndi-
cate, Lintited,Verente, Can. .
At mei, a girl to assist with housework for
two weeks. Apply to MRS. PHILLIPS.
The brick store now eeettpied by W. Hill,
directly opposite the market,iti offered toren'
Particulars on application to W. 0. SRABLP;
A frame listory do11ing,.od fruit garden,
hard andeoft water, in good repair, will be
sold. Many, on liberal terms If wanted, must
he eold immediately. The furniture %eluding'
bedroom sot, sideboard, box stove, cook etnve
and heater ie also offered at private Pale. Ap-
pto GIGO. WRSTACOTT, on the premises,'
• or W. W. PARRAN, Clinton.
Dec 14-02 '.
• k116 SALE,
Subscriber Offers for sale his farm of 150
acres, eituated.on the Maitland itioneesslon,
Colborne. About 140 acres Welted, frame
house, bank barn. plenty et water and in good
awe of ectitiration4 of a mile from 04061 an
finites from Holmesroille: Terms retwonable.
Deo 14-tf RICHARD BA.KBR,Clinton
County Council Election
eigtinty of Marone
Public notice is hereby given that a meeting
of the electors of County Division, No. 2, cont.
rOed of the kitinteitallities of Hullett, Gioderich
VVII Hall,Olinten. on Monday, Deeereber 24,
Wnshlp and town Of °Holm will be held .in
400, at hour of 1 o'elookp. m., for the pur-
po.e Of nondnating tandidates to represent
them ill VI.' 0101011 Of CIO C01111t7 of Huron,
• for the yeers 1001 and 1002. And that in DaSS
Dellis demanded Polls Will be owed on the 7th
day of January 1001, in each polBng m041061031
at the time on d place fired by Ily.LaW of the
Mtmielpelitiee in the said County
,Norninatingoiliter for County Council Divi.
eon .
Not having disposed of my t . Dated attiondeetoro.titieSth day of Decom-
Whol4ale and retail piano
busirtess T expeet to remain — • --
and organ distributing °entre.
High guide new pianos. Five
used pianos at decided bar -
•Clinton for a time, acie0"--.1 A'fr/Xk.../Z.4i
pins, • Why not Imre that group e:ecite.„.40-
Day the wonderful •, . taken Xmas day •STRAVVORD, ONT
f leeeirt Entertainer. We 'You have tried so long tode=1311111t4r1" "ti"g thi ift4
- to it nob= for onr red.
Of 1? g nate* to e pot, tons as mum in heir
are headquarters fox it, get togetfier, . ., ono* holt been efotatly ilk, duvet the sorely
Supine to Weber% and inu- Every persob.'' welcome iMigtrylr,,11811,17,4=4,11::
dents In Sheet Mario, 25e to
760 pn* for 10a-wholemsla. Man* ',WWI beater s Ar Resent tevilea-
ioremarkably s rtec...fat *Tut Apleveltid pot.
Me1111. Itielporittin ro G., Burgess illutie•
histrainents of all kinds *old.
0.- HOARE. MANTON ouNTOR - - ONT. ; vr. it .11440,41443,4alusli,
Wicliinnon & Co '13137thj
elteelleitOr te now* red
• *
• • / .••••• • ••• ••%`1, '` •
Se.e. •..
It went on .me
before it was washed.
NovvII buy • .
• LIs
at $t, $2.25, 82.50
•pf suit,
and they are gauran-
teed not to shrink
) with. any washing.
Robt. Coats & Sou
We are .
For Christmas
Goods. . .
Rigk Class Confectionery,
Fruits and tints of all kinds
ORANGES 15 to 80e per dozen, so':
• cording to size and quality. •
tinnioNs, PIGS, DATES,
BROWN !MX CANDY 4 lbs lot 25o
lb. or 8 lbs. for 25o. •
0E1034/DATES & CREAMS from
• 15 to 75o •
FANCY BON •1301s1S in half and
• pound packages, something choice
-a loyely Christmas present for
any. ern to buy. •'
Order Your XMAS OAHE early -25o
per lb We handle the celebrate Bal.
thrOrp OYSTERS, Also Fancy PIPES
with oases. Choice CIGARS and To.
baccoes Fancy CAKES and PASTRY
always on hand •
Wedding Cakes a Specialty
Jas. 11/601acherty;
• Novelty Bakery
And Restaurant.
Telephone No. 1.
We have now on hand all
of our new Fruits consist -
i u of
Best select Raisinsat 10e per pound
Smyrna RaisinS, 's3 pounds for. Mie
Choice Layer Basins and CurrautS,,
Nice New Currants, Smyrna, at 8.11)s
• for 25o.
We have also on band the Best Liver
and Cooking `Figs, New Orange, Lel ots
and Citron Peels, Shelled Almonds and,
Walnuts, ha fact everything kept in a first, -
class Grocery.
urrants (learien and Raisins •
pitted while you wait at the
aFraukMelvllle clIttom
Gor,ds promptly delivered •Telephone
• Berkshire Boar for Sei 'den
Subscriber keeps for service at his premise"
2nd concession of Rullett, a tbombredBerk-
• , shire boar ofgood pedigree. Terms at time
of service, With privilege ItT returning if ne
fliVONIMAIWWW.AN4A0ANVkAHullett, Dew 5, 1000
Prtictical Hints
Por Holiday
vcro irs,
frrieze •
• Overcoats
night now is the time to.
• buy,your Xmas presents.
Do not wait until the best have been aeleot-
ed, and then be disappointed, but Come now
and get your choice of a grand ageortment
Af up to date
Aldo, Caps, Ties, .Scarfs, Col-
lars, Shirts, Handkcrohiefs,
'Umbrellas, &e., &c.
We are making a gennine reduction in
one heavy, all•weol, dpu.ble,:breasted, storm
scolallevp, :k000tlo.li•nietdwiv'iPurvienzey.1,0trultoe.reei thwritittx
A line of All -Wool SUITS, with
• for
double•hreseted coat, worth *10, &is;
• thavy ill -wool Frieze Pea 4leoltetedt
for .. •• • • • • .. • '•'•••VO, WV
Scotch Tweed Suite, that were•a
$18 and ao, to order for....•4016 NO
444 3. 11OLLOW4Y
ifiglitest Prices for Proclaim*
• 40101040.01410
We have fonnd this an excellent oombination for business building.
• We intend making the last month of the feat year of ilia contrary a banner none/ In
the volume of salmi. The first half of the reonth'e business has been gord-,.,--the hitt half
will be better, •
- We have an immense Steck of Dry Goode, bought at prim)* that inablo nc to •fell it
figures that astonleh people who have not been trading with ue. • sow
• Oat priees are always low but thin month we have many ay* opener* in !the way of
. ,
A. live dollar bank note will buy more here thin in any Jother store in the tourity.
Our range of goods imitable for Xmas preterits is larger ma yule4,!itia coo
many line. that will be pleasing to all members of tho `family.
ULSTER et)itirs
This le the weather when heavy boats sreretoired.
We hare Itili a few of that special line of Beery. A 1 W
prOOKillitert, at 56. Yon will see theta eitewbere At $7.$0 toWri:
Twenty per mak oi!f regular prker fur akorey dr Dos *al
bargain for the hayer.
Dot't lig 00i 1 dollar until you baye $at 011? soodattel