HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-07, Page 8PAGE EiGHT-THE J LYTH STANDARD-M:W y, 19oq Non-alcoholic $arsapar/lla If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you think you need something for your blood, ask your doctor. If you think you would like to try Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa- rilla, ask your doctor. Con- sult him often. Keep in close touch with him, We pubnah our formulae We -Ili -Utah bour rrh divine. hers fr.alcohol wi-Orge you to ws urte you to oeorult your goiter Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation. His long list will begin with sick -headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then ask him if he would recommend your using Ayer's Pills, --Mata by the 1.0, Ayer 0e., Lown, Aga. -- You always pay too much when you pay too little Paradoxical but true, Particularly when buying Gro- ceries, Nearly every article of eatables can be adulterated, ?deny of them often are. Constant vigilance is 100)11 il'ell to keep undesirable goods from creep- ing into e. grocery stock, One of r.h,9 most persistent sinners is Canned Goods, 'Thousands and tbonsmole of them put up every year. Scnnohody sells them, Somebody buys them. Somebody eats them, Thio grade of ettmted goods is very common, but this store has never sold life, and it never wi11. Oar way is firsts or nothing in everything, aiways, VAS11VOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT I31LYTH CANADIAN PACIFIC Time Table TO TORONTO Goderich 1 v, 7.03) a.ln, Auburn 7.24 " 7,3;1 " 7,4(1 " ` 8.21 " Illyth Walton Milverton Emirs ..... .. " 8,10 " Guelph " 0,2$ „ "Toronto Ar. 11.10 " P110M TORONTO, Toronto Le. 8,00 a.m, 5 50 p, m. Guelph Ar, 10.00 " 7.4) „ Elmira " 10.25 " 8.14 " Milverton .,. " 11111 " 8.50 " 1Valton " 11,30 " 9.25 " Blyth " 11.52 " 9.36 " Auburn " 12.02 " 11.40 " • Goderioh " 1:2.30p.m. 10.10 " 4,50 p, m. 5.12 ' 5,35 " 0,00 " 0,45 ' 7.12 0.1:3 " GRAND TRUNK SYS EM TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGBAM BRANCH. 800111. am pm 6 40 3 30 6 43 3 33 052 34.1 7W 7 14 3 04 )3 7 47 4 .20 8 05 4 31) 8 15 4 47 822 4339 8 35 5 (Is 8 40 .5 15 850 5241 901 539 012 537 9 21 5 49 Ilderton 8 45 020 5 5t Ettt4ek 8 35 0 35 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 211 0 37 000 ,Hyde Park Jot. 8 24 9 45 0 10 London 8 15 NORM. not mit Wiugham 11 50 7 35 Whsgham Jet, 11 48 7 25 Belgrave 11 40 71;1 Blyth 11 213 7 00 Londesboro 11 20 0 52 Clinton 10 15 11 01 (I 35 Brueetlold 0 58 0 10 Rippen 0 50 (i 11 Remelt 9 44 0 01 Exeter 0 :ill 5 51 Centralia t) 18 5 43 Clatdeboye 0 09 5 31 Lam( Crossing 0.011 5 3i) Denfield 8 55 5 25 5 15 5 07 5 02 500 450 Connections -are made at WIngham for all stations on the Palmerston and Kin. cardiac branch. Connections are made at Clinton for all stations en the Buffalo and Goderioh branch, and all etattone from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Luean Crossing for all stations west to Saarnia, Connections aro made at London for all stations east and west on the main line. PREPARE FOR POSITIONS paying from 335 to 3100 per month by attending the popular ELLIOTT i s This school is noted far and near for the superior education given to the etu• dente and for the remarkable success of its graduates, oollege open the entire year. Begin now. Our training will make you independent. Write to -day foroatalogue. W, J, ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor, Yopge and Alexander Std., Toronto, Great Specialists in Stomach Catarrh '!'hough often the}, fail to wire iron teulporaary relief, W. ,Seymour, of Huntsville, Ont., towed himself with Perrnzoue, ":11-'y trouble" he says "teas chronic catarrh of the stomach. There Otto constant had taste in my mouth, 1 was costive and nsanlly uau- seated before fled triter steals, I also had ngnawing sensation in any stem- neh. Pei rezone gave me great relief, and I also used Ctuartheznuo which is good for ea tan]] Although it took a number of boxes of Ferrezouo, I gat back env health and todny all quite well." Per stomach nutnrrh, indiges- tion nal 1 kindred disorders nothing ex - eels Fe'rozone, Ina thowmnd rases it has proved n woad-'rful soccoas, Try it your( elf, 50c per box at all dealers, Popular Stallion Routes Cairnbrogie Hero Daniel 51. Gowan, Prop, Clydesdale, Will steed at hit( own stable, 101 39, con. 3, hist Waw•auosh, Royal Celt . McConnell & Bell, Trope, Clydesdale. Monday -W111 leave his own stable, Morris Sc., Blyth, and proceed to Jacob Stoltz', lot 33, con, 1, h u,1 We- wauosh, Inc D0011; teen to David WIl- sou's, lot 21, eon, 1, West Wawanosh, for night. Tuesday --Proceed to Andrew Kirk's., lot 17, son. 2, West Wewauosh, fur noun ; then to Mon stain a hotel, Dun gannon, tor night. 1Vedneeday-Prooeed to Gilbert Graves', lot 22, ton, 7, Weet Wawauo0h, for noon ; then to ,ion Red mood's, Westfield, for night. Thursday -Proceed to Guo, h'otberglll'e, lot 34, eon 0, East Wawaaonb, for noon ; toot to Daniel Kelly's, lot 2, con. 7, Morris, for tight. Prldav-Prooeed to ht, 11. Kelly's lot 9, cou, 7, Merritt, for noon ; then to bis own stable, Morrie St., BIyth, where he will remain until the following Mon day morning, Bankfield's Baron McConnell & Be11, Props, Shire, Monday -Will leave hta own stable, Chas, Mauning's', con, 13, Hullett, and proceed to Jaime Reynold's, lot 22, con. 4, Ifullett, for noon ; then to Com- mercial hotel, Clinton, for night. Tues- day --Proceed to Thos. Mason's, lot 27, con. 11, Hullett, for noon ; then to his own stable fur nigut, 11'eanesdar-Proceed to Lawrence Maete..r'e, Int 40, tan. 14, IIuhett, fou' noon; ellen to Hairy ''tykes s, tut 25, tun. 1, West. Wnwano,h, for night, Thursday--Prooeed to Patrick Kearney's, St, Augustine, for noon ; thou to lien() Chamney's, Coe. 0, Rust Wawanosh, aur night. friday-Proceed to Geo. Hobert - son's, oor. 10, hast IVowanosh, for noon ; then to Hill's hotel, Belgrave, for night. Saturday -Proceed to Cannot hotel, Blyth, fur noon ; then to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Imperial Wells & Murphy, Props. Clydesdale. Monda)-Will leave his owu stable, lot 12, con. 13, Hallett, and go east to boundary, then north to James Watt's, con, 14, Hullett, for noon ; then west to Wm. Wells', 000. 14, Hallett, tot night. Tuesday -West along honnuary to Mason's hotel. 131yth, for noon ; then south to Frank Little's, can. 12, Ifullett, for night. 1Vedneeday--haat to hi. own stable where he will rentain till Tii ursdat noon, 'fhuradny noon- West to C.tie'o hotel, Lnndesboro, for night. Friday - South and east to John Allen's, can. 9, 11011ott, for noon ; then east to James' 1).de's, con. 7, Hullett, for night. Satur- day -North and east to Alex. Reid's, con. 11, Hullett, for noon ; then to his own stable where he will remain until the to] - lowing Monday morning. Not a Miracle But, Medical Science Dr, T, A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Out. Gentlemen: - "Some time ago I began to lose flesh and failed every day until I had to quit work. My physicians and all my friends said 1 had contracted consump- tion. I failed from 105 pounds down to 119. I ass advised to go to the Rockies or to the coast. I went to both places under heavy expense. I con- tinued to fail, and was advised by the doctors to come hone as nothing more could be done for ate. Hope scented to have left me, "I tried Psychiue and (duce starting its use I have gained from 1.19 to 141 pounds. I have used 310.00 worth of the medicine. I am a well man and 1 cauot say too much in praise of Fey - chine. The strongest recommendation would be weak in view of the fact that 1 believe it bas saved my life. It is without doubt the hest remedy for run-down conditions and weak lungs. n'I sincerely (tope and trust that you Will continuo your good work of saving run down people and consumptive from the grave. Wishing you and Psyching coal/teed stomata, nI remain, one of Psychiho's heal friends," ALEX, MaRAS3, Sault Ste, Marie, Ont. Almost every trail brings us letters like the above. Psychine will repeat this record in every case. It is tho greatest medicine known, At 1111 drug- gists, 50c and 31,00, or Dr, T. A, Slo- cum, Limited. Toronto, Ilullott Council. The Hullett Assessor, Wnt. Curter has finished the N'oo'k of esseaning the township and returned the lt'dl to the Clerk's ofiice on the 30th of Ala it whet . it can be seen by the entepnyels a1 time. 'Phe following is 0 snisi ioi t ' 1 the Roll for 1908' -No. or acres 511179 ; no, of acres wood land 3" ri1 ; no. of arses cleated 113)27 ; no, of acres swampland 4281; talkie of 'owl 61477250; value of the buildings 8197750 : busitoss assess. meet, 81500; 101111 assessment 5197iPin0; Ito, of children between 5 and 21, 705 ; 110. between 5 ntld I0, 515 ; 110. emit( persons between 2t and 60 699 ; ponnl- ati0u,'2440; no, of day's statute lot or 2785. The 000 for the revioiou of 1 hr nssessmenr !toll will be held on Friday, :May 194,11 at 10 a. 111, James Camp- bell, Clerk Doctor's Report Many Cases I Say that Spring Fever is Preva- lent. Patients Feel Drowsy, Deli, Dead, Tired. Hate provoking to sleep well, bat when ,you awaken to tied noun of the exllilaretion that rest avid sleep sbonld bring. You ought to feel alert, bob- bling over reit) vitt, but itsteed of this there's dullness, languor and disin- clination to do things, Three causes (0t' this sort of feeling - a !nay liver, lazy kidney's and a Lazy at01111Ich. 1110 hist doing its work very poorly and compelling 'boodle]. organs to perform a task they aro unequal to. Note the consequence -blood is filled with waste matt el•^p0ieonotls sub stances w'cigltiug down the nervous system -rebuilding processes absolute• ly impossible. Take 1.''ortozone and note the rapid change. Your 1 ppetit0 improves nod 10111' illgeat.ioll toot) is as good AS ever. You' kin has its natural color, the sense of Isuuuor and unsteedinets, if not entirely e0ne, conies back only occasionally and 1 heti disappears. You sen b'errozone restores till the powers of the body to normal activity HOMESEEKERS' 2ND CLASS Round -Trip Excursions TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA GOiNG DATES AprIl 14, 28 June 9, 26 Aug, 4, 18 May 12, 28 July 7, 21 Sept.1,11,19 Ticket. deed to return within 60 days VERY LOW RATES all po mfrom Ontario,late Ranging Winnipeg fwd return 022.00 between 5P]dmottton and return 545.00 Tickets issued to all North-West points, TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Care will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc. Berths should be secured and paid for through local agent at least six dans before excursion leave.. Rates and full information contained in free Homemakers' pamphlet. Ask near- est C.P.R. agent for a copy, or write to C. A, POSTAI, District Paas. Ah., C.P,A., Tomato J. 510:1(11114C1111,3 Agent BLY'TII DONT FORGET Metcalf's Retiring Sale 'Mere are Bargains far EYerubodg All lines of Jewelry, Wall Paper, Crock- ery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sleighs, Gauzes, Bibles, Prayer Books, 1 h reason you feel better is because' Etc., 25 per cent off: erro(one. is C driving out all the poison- ous wastes from the body, Ferrozone imparts to the blood tont element that is necessary to render the air you breathe t-itnlI' active turd Strength -giving. 10 the old condition it simply acted on the surface. Now it enters deeply into all the activities of the hotly, Now you know that I'm'rozote etimidetes appetite and snakes rich, 1'0111)100(1. Now you feel that Ferrozoue gives strength, emit( ranee, vitt, Ferroznne clarifies the brain, im- parts tone and vigor to it, gives ciear- ness and strength, Your will power is tie strong as ever, a nil your enjoyment of life has n aew ('03) Hera nate. so t'ignt'Oo.sly renewed, As brnci 1). 111ihing tonic for men. women and children --ns it meth- oiao for nonemin, weakness 01. tert'nns troubles uo1, , i 10 excels !'erreanne. 'Pry it, 50c a hox or six for 82.1,0 at all dealers. Watches 15 per cent off. Many odd lines 35 to 5o per cent off. Everything must go. Como and see, FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. An advertisement in Tar STANDAR(' payS. /7 Furniture a, * i` qtr ser, * Furniture House-cleaning is near at hand and we have been busy during the quiet month of February getting everything ready for a Bumper Spring Tracie. We have the best stock of Furniture, the best selected for the least looney of any store in the County. We also carry a full line of House furnishings such as Carpets * Rugs * OR Cloths * Curtains, Pianos, Organs Sewing Machines * Furniture * coverings and draperies C -61NT=D3orur.a.%EING �lr Furniture Dealers & Undertakers. - - Clinton In this branch we handle the latest goods and the prices are low. We have the best outfit in the County and no extra charge. WALKER & ROSS Your Expenses paid both ways, 'Phone 28 F'ARntrns desiring awls bills print- ed on short notice cannot do better than have theta printed at this office. VI'tth our ilnprovtd facilities we can almost turn them out while you w';n it, Liberal Clubbing Offer. no Canadian Pictorial and the !Myth Slandnrd one year each, worth $2.00, tot' only 61.00 'Phis is 71 genuine bar- gain, mica it. Call and see samples at this office and leave your subsa)'iption, HORSEMEN, ATTENTION! hie $2.00 RTRIIP G-ODERICH to DETROIT SATURDAY, JUNE 20 Returning Monday, June 22 S1EAMER GREYIHOUND E. II. AVER, Excursion Agent. Children ordinary Half Faro Baggage Free For Goderich Leave Detroit for Gaderleh 8,00 n. m, (Leave Port Huron 12 noun). Friday, Juno 19th Central time, arrive In Goderich 6A0 pa. Goderich Band Moonlight 8 P. M. FRIDAY, JUNE 19 For Detroit Learn Calerieh tar 1) (twit 8,10 n, m„ �, Stturday, .lane 20th, Canada time, ar rive in Detroit 4,00 33. m, Return to Goderich Leave Detroit tar Goderich 1.(0 p. tn., Monday, June 21nd, Central time, (2.00 p. m. Canada time), Return to Detroit Leave Goderich het' Detroit 8.30 a. nt„ Tuesday, .rune 25rd, Canada thee. WHITE STAR LINE SEE OUR CATALOGUE OF CUTS before placing your order for Cards. We have the largest and best assortment in this part of the country. You will make no mis- take by leaving your order with us. Route cards printed on short notice. With each order the route is published in paper for two weeks, free of charge.