HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-21, Page 6;4,117,7.7.4 • • HX,41. men of eeery COlor, ated Men Of erreler cot the erforkette anthem and tbo gran Q1 ahinas d.ia floWing bneiper We will. 1/1 drink before We go TO the gallant boy that idatied ids girl beneath tho' mietletese. A merry, merry Christams, and good Cheer to one and ' fl Joyouts tones goes rInging clear through palac% Cot and hall; "Let everyone be happy, lighthearted. • 6 an Kay, rer the merrieet day la all the year le royal Christmas Day," e's"a'''"aeverevere4M••"'"e•"4a.e'eaeaea.#4.40,40...480-229 . tWo hullo Were eaterificed, and • nOt , k, uneeldom human victims aloe, were RISTIWAS CUSIAMS: . , inniininteci in this strange worship, of ' iia'' freteativeg°edegiemoTniheeus incirticirive: oltaritaleue . , 4 JOY they experienced over* the advent 410W ChilStitiOS . IfilVe Imported .Pagan . ,. ,t1.„.. 4,31 th::Liztizeretaitscggatitte,Eletl. was . • . _.,_ , 6 .. • flr ctihisentribtlurctedidelianTotvge lthlatib.lePOrtIOna and • Customs Into Their Celebrations. . . • took jt home and hues. itPe°' up. In lvtilice) t'gcS4orecra"e'Da;:ea"-e're"-,....e.,,Pasee..ealereaceeee.e.aeaeaayareaeataaaaaaaaf,aaa entrances of their dwellings, hoPing its ' • st . thereby to propitiate the gods, 'while • In. ye .olden time the • holidays , seandiritivian Mythology repreeentecl furnishhig the. sylva.n ' spirit', Whom wore Ushered in on Ohriateteas eve, the run: In the Irieh legends . it is ' they imagined rested anildelt!' the ,end untu Ts;e.ifth sigfitt knewri fa- celled Mithr, derived from the, Per. bonglia, a' shelter from the bitter, s Erian • Mithras, *bile to the Phgettl. WhIter eveather, until Spring. • mIllarly as the day of •thea *Magi Or clans it _Wee known ler 'tile aopella- i Spray's of the same were also Mini Little Chreattnase nettling was done, tieh 'of keel or Baal, a ..name whieh up within •door, suspeeded from the . . nothing Was thought; Save fun, rev- . . .. , elrja and feasting, while the watch- ea I. 41.° dila 41"'"Me 4. ... la, .0 ;$16 0 10 40' 00 0 0 00 0 40 .410 40 44 40 0 0.0 0 , s Cir. Ce " Vard 't0 ail vies eat, drink and •make I zi .,„. . _ ...,,,,,, i noitik,„ . It* we tr'Soe the origin ot our mod- 11 4. 4 4, , - f een Chiletiviti.eve find thit . froni ee —,_-__ , . ‘' tinkci..n.aamomoilo,i.t• it was :celebrated'. I 0 'ea- .._ ••••• ,...,..-._.a. .' ,...- 'With:, religiousWe'rellip • and peeler i 41'44dl • 1111111'. , r ............_... — ,____,5 raerftlis:Litio tarote'Verlit* Itoceetele and **4 it still ob. Was auteag all kingliel.: &Peaking na tiooe. The meet cousmouly heard ex preeelon in connection with iv tleto• Tule Liege This. burning -of the Yet log, or Wog, origitetted wIth the very Oki Christmas widow (with them par taking rather more, ot the mature et 4.1. fele ghee.* es..et •• ee oh It • getti"121611anass wiligraalILA 7.44114113111" Mal" sit I. After thaw amusenesete calked lite • kindling of the log began. We was • ulwart 13013* with * portion of the Yule key of the Chrestmes previews,' 0 which had been carefully preserved for the purpose. Security :rote fire tvrroams autgpoteede. foam titorathaeophoissulfeo . Wo e betide, too, if (halos the burning of the Tule log a barefooted or flat- footed or *minting pereon should iccommdeofillb,sciateiutohki! meant the would „ The Chrietmae or Tule candle, a candle of huge proportion% was al- wayeleurned on the %upper table on these ovenplone tes a eort. of aecom-, Peetment to the Tule log. The Tule log, wale hecompa.nying feetivities of various" kindo, 111 also a prominent lea. tore of the Christmas celebratiOie in ProVenee, where.: called the "Ce.choflo," and among the Serviette. Weasel' Bowl, The waieall hovel, which In claye gone by played such a prominent part . in Yuletide celebrations, was the,, begisning Just a toast or pledge • drelik between friends. The word wassail lie from the Angio-SaXon, "wee hal," meaning "be whole," "be wen," or, ae In modern imago, "here'a 1 to your health." No rataltesval Engl. f liell Yale celebration but had Ite was - 0 sell howl with well -spiced contents. It west the centre of the boarcj not only then, but on New. Ye'a day. 0 tteThe drink it contained was' com- e posed of good ale, sugar, nutmeg, and • roasted apples -crab apples being 11 frequently uaed instead of the larger • kind. This brew was also known ae • "laeulate wool." • 4 While the gentry were regaIlek • themselves indoors the young women • of the poorer cheeses/ went round ti Ili tot„,,,rtryoti-good I . of ,,, . re4CJo"A........- fill i clangs g. I : I 0 <=> i I • 1 t I k k 1 \ 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 1. 0 • • , ti.‘ 0,0 04 ass maw um 0 0 40 00 0 0 10 0 Sib 40 0 co THE CHILDREN'S Kriss hringlet the Christ Chlkii Saint Nicholas, the Gift.Bringer The greatness of a festival live tu. sehoola The actors were the spirit oi its coloration. ram tem and the boy Dishop--ettes the hietorie etaadpoint the stildent alhaatf them-1SM a haricotia7 te 'well aware that all feetivale are 4•12,ctiaa, WWI fteoeente' day (Dee. hybrid Vomposites ot old and new 're ritual 7147 1143' eXact her Iraegewnands oeatumsnd beolirefore;iolt::: art; titialeet :ttlz:11,4114271174,rbele:anie;a:470,11044etaptirkorstretinutt;uwiem.727411 einirel1 feast days were originally Me: .tithgaprurposmet: wtowliellt.e\r,racatiworr. loyaga attar__ held even Chrkstulles be iglually intended to serve, 'Comte lauelTIP ceca337?...Ptathe fuefeei-eMo& ranked in the ancient church' as only 0a—a a „, third ln itaPortanoe on the °ales/der, areeq ne es:: ming 40 And. yeti there le for tie Of tealar tutee it' value. Tide Chrietnia0 *Was !Awry, precedence bovine; been given to both, ourlous illtereat in thee euet,om bt7(34)--r--4:Vt:a.' eaWblz: te`072y5lueelitentl'uatvirrtolina(D°131e. tIlthrtuotewalillY: anDlag,rnt:413910:::Pdi:1110:11:•xisnaetrud°::hrubwillt4tet.rna**thlel alb!' arOximceb"a4mclovtbacblrlee;VelYeBbtertPttled. eZe7tiowlbrurn: tthhet fsit,eptinalv1:100"07 Then there was Eptphany,. the wagon more Into accord ,with t 'English Twelfth Night, commemora- Church's celebration of the birth ot tiveatanogetreehbeyeslovaeratalongio.fmtrtebrabthe bitOdtahyte. astleetgolvlattsed0ohtiblde.r RInueddeuiacinmel echuotoeleolming vette also observed aa that of the now appear to have been, there wee Christ Child's baptism and of His first really a religious; splrit behind =the -miracle at Cana, whea eecentrle4 and almost groteemie lakt. ee eonecious water eave les fiord leitioalgaca4e.urestryWvealmati.bohntoihewsol.ifpbtlat(ithet4ebrilessetrolaatattliloiseetsty.w.s.11: alEsoillnhbeilwildway:o2Neitta:.c. rtiehl ae:ner;a,at.loa4: nin thi; a eiheeleuRn1) cod toetti anbei yoe t ha nouleidda art 0470: no lisp:et:hal 1/ 0100 st: cla,te of which waseSeet;eletereeleted le precifte elate, h heneehoida angele of God In disguise -which adds* the oulminatIng feature - to Christmas, along with its other o, 1 stepects of "peace on earth good*wili (a•ceording, • St. ''.01*- lieetele) 194' Pope , Julius b uss. '0120 40 0 • ,guereter 0# alt 'Wads, just. areit• Is now;. , and that manar of the festive prate a toes, the beaetifut mesteme whioli 1 ohareeterizethe oceasion, are deg,- lc • ,ea from age long antedating the ecircia .1e) . leg of the Redeemer,, and from peia 1 a pies who knew naught.:f the , true • 7 'God. ' • Tee Wership of the San itarin . 0. , stp 0 . no i4,,, top there 1".' iis.codp,e4be....-e lible s: quity.there seems to have been .a,uni- •. . Among all the pagan races orientie. .e: OP.". 411"10 P .1 11"1. 4" 0. 111".. 41. di. A° 4* . Ei. .... .i... ..". L'ia: 0. a 1 ' versed - tendency to worship the oun ' they afterward . carried to ' the - wall or ceiling, and any one of the. 1. :At till& season, just sue there , was at ' ebeave of Britale, where the etrange fair. sex • who chapced,einadvertentlee the 'ehange of the other...seasons, he,. •rites • tte this god became, . firmly Or .on purpose, to pass `'unfler 'the nes. V 'Weal' regarded.,hy them,as the., giver- rebted.. ' , . . ' . ., a' . thltoe,, mho incurred • the penalty ' of 4 of •ltetet and lite, an,d the' viable Meiji-, I,. . l• .' The Yule 'Log: . • • .. • being then , and there kissed by such O' e alien .of a sapreme Dositli Old 1„, ..Th'e, burning of the .Y1.21):1 • log, . a amember of the.op . ate, sex Ste tle.• a when the shortest day of the E.100.mr '•name seem from - the Jed or • Yule stired to avail 'himself .of' the priv I el..' II .. winterelited passed, and he .begettehis :. • feast' of the ancieitt Goth and - gar - m •. Puce the legend ;of the istlet .. . returncourse, bringing warmth and es. teme Wee. Ous• ofeathe most important that has. excused so Many stolen 0 the .-,reenimatton, of all ' that • was ,cetemonieS On Christmas. eve, and kisses. that has proven. ' a_ botra :to 0 -‘dead,'.•there Wes 'general -retedeingeone of • the..'mest highly favored 'of pretty enaldens and lovesick efeeVaille 4 . eyetywhere. ". • ' "e : '. i; the .Pagan practice ..to be later ••on. through. ages eprithout tumleee ,*. and ';. - `, The '7Christian laestivat. '',•.'" '• I engrafted upon the: .Chrletheee fest!. doebtless„until the end of time It will g 1 • - ' ... :. • figure in the deeoratione cd Christ- • The dedication of the 25th of )e- ! 7a- • , ••• oemher for commemorating '•, .. ' eth ' In the 014 feudal days e, rng n tb b I 1 g • maxi,' if for nothing Moro ' s 1 than .1t. e 1 d 1 ing of the giant .log ou4romatetic history of ler and kifeses. , ' birth of Christ dates back ' to ' the -tnh at PA.° . the part it has phiyed in song. and v fourth cautery. PreviouslY- it . had .. ° e ear at.• .. 0 . .. . .. .. th wide.. cliininey in • story almostsinco thavrorld began: I .. Inten; the most movable of the church zee %meanie! nen. w,as e g a th I driest feast •days, and confoueded. by Somg inCident of. the '12, days' leolic. This enark.1 ilia llersie .Angels., •• 4 _with the 'Epiphany ; by Others wit . og.. 1 deetined to' 'crackle a welcome ' . the. least of •.Tabernaoles, held in Sep- and good cheer to all %metre, was aa, .. ea .the • new-born King; ' Hark! athe 'herald angels sing, 1 I. - tember, -while more of the Christians . hailed in great glee - and . triumph, `'''4GrY '1,,,,*;,!e oelebrated,the event in March, about each eve. rarer who cha,nced. to be ''' Peace on earth, and mercy mild, o near, ralraed the time of the Passover, and tittle his hat, for he knew it God. and. sinners reconciled 1"... asayfel,. all ye aatibee. also,' .. -.. . , . more as late as Aprii-or May.,.. The . suaribitelate2of the Nativity could not be learned any degree of :incur- caorteuma all old • _grudge% vvhile the ' ' t thaflamee 'that leaned from:it Woul Was lull •of fair promises,. and tile*. Joie tpe triumph of trheseisaatite! , Zihilletheisalil i-11°811ePthtl ni eheml" I •• ii. I aoy, as the evideeee.rega,rdiag It was' epitit of anger and revenge, nurtur- • 2' . . born: n treditienal and likewise confilotizig ad poesibly for years,- would' dia. out • Christ, by 'highest .heaven adored, as did its charred , embers.. .It was Christ and eat/Need,. so, after. a conference thought, too, that a. piece of this log In the, manger been a Xing the everlasting Lord ; • , a • ef. the 'theologians of the East and • „.„ taken out before being -entirely burnt 'While adoring' angels. sing 0 , . :WOW,' fOr the, sake et tiniforzleitY7 et-,:' and kept, would preserve the Douse • "Pettee on .earthe to man good with" 1 i . _..was thought best to eettle upon one' twin- fire during the among year, • Bid the •trembling •eoul be. still, . o • pltrtLpnlar.day, and after all, it mese, sled .Wheu 'the, antiveteary . 08,MO Christ •On earth has come to. dwell, . A . the 'event, not the dtate•of'its occur- again, the laic' Yule was lit With - XesItS, Otl Emanuel I. , ', c renee, which. was celebrated, ` Tille the:blackened reaming. of :Its aerede. - . eee,.. • .• . agreemeht was the; result 'of an he-,• . • ' , . , • Hall! the .' heaven -born •Prince .of I . „quiry n brought about -by .the' saest' ' The Oeristmata Candle. Peace I • - 1 0 • 40414,6 0k4 a afir' " h &A/ 4 t4 [10 -77A es - us- uns usi 410...8. 06,0 sm. MS ass de do sus se on los as 4111 40. 41 MO MO 00 ehltd ten o cone uses . .0 0 hecileci ""zt p from hones to house with gaily deco- . rated Wassail bowie, singing carols °ailed "wassail eenge," For this, or course they expected gratuities • 1 . The Yule Log. . . 011, the Yule loglenapped and sparkled It • . the'red flame quivered high, 0• Steeping evall'and'roof and rafter . 0 , its le& and vivid dye, • Arad around the bowl of wassail • -I Ran a soft, incessant chime-- • !Twee the greybeards clinking glasses To the joy of Christmas time., . Oh, the dance waxed mad and merry • With the light heels overhead, SHands acrose and down the middle • a Went the gayly measured tread, • 0, While "Away with Melancholy" Squeaked the fiddles, and the' air Swept a stir of reVel o'er tut • Ase we at, beneath the stair. I. Oh, the sweet and subtle Magic e Tbat ae work within the heart a Drew us tenderly together, •Held ea tremulous, apart • Why, we thought our lips were touch- _ ing • • Hung a bough of tneatietoe. It wee ail because above . Just par love -we did not ,kloAwnon. • 44++ +44444.0140444illvoli ++++ 4, Some Don'ts • - for Christmas , Don't forget Xabae is the day to it bow to individuality. Never buy • things for the whole family, there- •, fore. I Don't eepeat yourself. Don't give I to others thie year what they did a• a to you last. That is very' bad taste. • Don't buy fathee, brothers or bus. band ties, slippers or pipes. Chown •F---•-• A rather eottiethinge they will not wear Olit and appeal to their taste. 0 Don't give your mother a "useful" A gift, Melees you are too poor for aught ornamental. She may be "get- tee-% ting on," but ohs still loves pretty g trinkete„ Gratify her. ; - Don't decide not to give at all bee • I- cause You cannot give handsomelY. 4 • clood win is the* watchword, and . good sense *III help you to choose lovely gitte foe little money., Makipg present' literally with your e 1/11? ma -a 40 AM 4. 40 0 ow 40 00 40 04 0ils solicitations of gt. Cyril, of .Terueee, .. fraiT1 the, gut; of rigliteeueness I W a 0 lem, to Julius ' I, who granted 'an lia an acccca • Life and li rt t 11 H 1 • hnent to the Yule logthere was be found n every . ai.°1'adeeer oronarerathing"teatolgraigtibeandety°. I . bh bee houef-ehold a itsonster taper called ,the Mild He lays His glory by, 1 0 , Risen with healing in His winge, • wee grounds. for . the lista decision Yule . or Christmas candle, whicas Wail ". Was th 'e .,inforleation" obtained from ••'lighted early °n X111118 eve and ' left Born that mem no more may die Dorn to raise the sons of earth •,strohives of Home., . el Time the Christian* from a ve • the fables ot the. censors in the I baralleg all eight. la henev et tile Dorn to give them second birth. f V . coining of the Saviour,• or as the old . _ country eelosie quaintly put it, "Wesl to - . Charles ey. o 0 ..., ry' nly period obiaerved the Chritatinae 'Haat the Saviour into tile World." le festival at .thie especial time of the much rivalry existed amongst heuse. ÷ Wu •a"" T le ca,tulle could never be too him and te+++++.1.++++++++++444•1•44•14 .. a year, Which .made it coincident' with wives- everywhere as to who should ÷ 'YULE 'TIDE .1*. i ._..--• A be one held by the anclente at the llaTi3 the largest speeimen of- the, * 4, a 7 ------- „winter solstice in honor of the sues andieenekees ass and the one most OF OUR 4' ' - and froln thisait IS east to see how beautifully moulded and decorated. Christmas was seyeral times celebrat. ed on Deem/Aber and lt is owing' to this peeallar fact in its early cone memoration. that the holiday ,devel. oped into the supreme Children,' les - teal of the human race.. The Boys' Saha. ' In the fourth century, . D., 'there flousished a noted bishop oe Asia Minor who became the patron Bohai of Russia and of the Greek Church. Dec, (Ith was the day sacred to this gaiet Nich- olas' memory the calendar of the Eastern Chuxch, and so, because he was associated with the hallowed meniory Of theinfant Chriet,the blessed babe gt. Nicholas grew up to, be re- garded at last as. tho patron saint of boys, as Saint Catherine was of girls. Indeed, this transference of sigaifie,ance Is perceptible in the later name given by the Dutch eck Santa Claus.'ile was styled Kris Kringle-tha Christ Child As certain traditione . concerning the old Asiatic bishop teetified to his par- ticular love for children (especially school children) the new • Christmas myth was also thus favored in its growth into general' acceptance. Then another tradition concerning St. Nich- olas; laspired tbe-modern coneeptiou. of that Christmas bettetaetor. The Oift.BeInger. The legend goes that he wished to preserve the three daughters of a poor hobleman from diehonor when. the father, having no money for mar- riage portions, was about to force them. to support themselves by a de- grading life, St: Nicholas; passing the house at night, threw. a purse of gold in at an open wifidOve for three nights in succession, t•hus furnishing a dowry for each daughter. On the third night the nobleman, watched for and diecov. ered him; but the saint made him promise not to reveal les munificence. Frora, thle incident, hi ail probahilitee was derivee the custom of placing gifts' in the shoes or stoeleings of chil- dren on Ohrietatie eve. The Chrietrnas Tree idea. to men." Ai Lowell has °xi/reseed "heaven Ilea around us in our in. fancy." The great theaters of yore loved to paint Jesus as 'the •Chrlet Child, and the Christmas carol which rises', ottr lips this morn is grit' °alma -II -that written by Dinah lifilleeh: God retet YO, little children ; and teeth• e Por • liosgru:31°.tChl ishttfa,rplygpolyint gS ha te Ivo it . ,w Along the held of Galilee the white. flocks sleeping lay • ' When Chriet, the Child at Nazaretho • was born on Christmae day. e.'''a•e,'ete*.e.*e.eeeee:eeeeteeeesteee SANTA'S VISITs By Ceencet 0. Moore. %Wee the .night before Christmas, . :when all through the house , , Not a creature • was Otirring, not te,1312 a. moue° ; . The'etockings.were Imeg by the chime eey. with care, • ' In hopes that St. Nichelaateeon would 'be there; " The children were nestled. all snug In . (their beds, , • ,, Whhe vielone of sugar Age* danced in their head.; . And mamma. in her. 'kerchief and le In my cap, . rtad Just settled our , brans for a Jong winter's nap- , . when one on the lawn there arose , such a. clatter, • I sprang from my bed, to see what erste , the matter. ' AWAY .to the. Wihdow flew like a, . flash, . Tore open -the shutters threw 4P." • ' the heathen and Chrietiall Omer- , raaa night. while tea eollearajaetee 4' 0 .--7=•:' trances became inseparably ANCESTORS * -0. e•- 102 -41g1 --ml. ' the huge taper was lit and stood upon. e. 4. • .. a ----- The Saturnalia. . I the table at slipper, to add an extra -24++++++++4+4++++++++40044, I -.5 The Nomstas !weer:Shipped- the semi , greet/ to tho brightly adorned, heavily- • - ,... The Yule Doughe or Does. were 1 Under one ;., Of. the eliaractere attra ; laden board ; all during the evening it kind of - Christmas cake, fouled of old 0 --.1.---a, liiitee to Saturn, father of the godsburnbd, to 81 , 740 o *Vn the gayeties -and the feast Was called esaacs.,, I. that pofololror, pearhi, too: inantdheplrisaesatoranritchil nth emranzrePael'spectlafillq7footherstrlbunr,701; l'''''''.. -........-- Italia." Ilittorians and antleittar-" among the young people. In shape •I ••=-_, land seem amble to dieleavue the are. ; after Twelfth Night, neither man, • '.' gin of this festival, but the Romans ' woman or child dreamed of aught` else httman figurerof varying lengths. froth they were a rough imitation of a • 0 but having fun. ' t • six to twelve ladles, with raisins for i r Tho fashion of burning a Yule log pieevaiba to a certain exten.t yet in fl, !Me and eyes. Presumably these ng- - ' (strived It from. th$21 Greoltine, as they did many other ot their madonna, and .It is not improbable that it was in- stitteted in some rude period of an- nteniber of dietricts of England, and li today and by attar royal previous throughout Great Britabi the custom lb a•lb 40. 40 0 0 0 All Alp siii !** up or es. *0 its advent Into Gixeeee. of the Christmas) candle is almoot it I Iv - It Wag' the favorite reereationa of uniVersal one atill, eepecially in Ire- ,,,„; land, whoee people la spite of every. i ottganism and was Marked, by a -- thing, will cling to'theirt oui traditione A Ik7 vernal lifetime and merreemakinge; , and usages of bygcmo ages. It Is par. ve Slaves gi•ere for f.the time Wear free haps .due more to them than to 941r . 1 and recognized as .the equals of their other • nation that the pritetiee was ' masters, with whom they Were, per- . .mitted to dine as guests!, to .000. transplanted in the new world, where II for centuries . it flourished, mid. up 0 verse with, .and• what way .perhaps until oiaa a. few years eget the Xmas ma ore relished by this nlieerable elites, candle was; to be Awn in ahnost I to toll their imperious! Owners" olatheir every bonie,. or at least in those of a Units to thele-fecei treat them as Catholic. famine% and was looked Ova : elentiLle and Imelieh. them •fer' the 111%.-- We a necessary accewory. to the Inte , demeanore of which they might be . „runty, as teey4hensseives wore pane niehingei of Chrlatnieetide. :feted /Or similar attendee. No one Was. . The Illietletoe 'Stough. -, , i allowed to be atigeY, and no Who was . In the lapee of time many of thee/ ' pmt upon and made sport of, If be beautiful oustenne have lost much of . 0 (Wed hie coMfort, would be the first their traditional interest and PitiMitiVe A to laugh.. .populanity, but thmo is one, howeeer, P All the city :was lig the ivildsett *oath has never- declined in pulalle 0 eon/Motion ; bitelneeS was MISpended, favor, and seems death:Led to retain Ito A and none were at 'Work bet the cooks hold upon the affection.* of the people , e and otallfeetionere who prepared the -the hanging Up of the Mistletoe. I .gorigeonti feasts; home were gayly that put% seoW.berried• pleat about , deeora,ted with, laurel and evergreen.),. wptee se many pleaaartt MOnorleS. OWN. palsied II and presents paed between pare , ter. This owateeet is net a Christian 4 onto and friends after the saute lash.: Inetitetion ; indeed, the mistletoe has „"' :lot: taustOmery .to -days while. the chile ' been excluded from churolt decoration e Oen invoked .Saturn, at; they now on account Of its pagan assoelatimiaI .........*.....,...1,..... do the gootteld • Santa Meuse. Garnet; end are derive it from our ancieet A -- ” .,.......... and annteemente of ail Kerte were Celtte aneeetore, in whom religion it 4,4470 4.,„. 46,44,446,16,04 „IA 44,0 indulged in by the eitirretMrl. Mild° Was regarded with . the Utmost yen. ,. • d danclng. ' aeon?. hand, and the Very .1.1r rang upon the oak -which is 'Peldom-sup• threat saviour. with Amite and latighter, and the posed by them, be be the favorite tree ' of the, bunting of huge hentirea lie . fleeting howl Veac a Part Ot ne sat- 'of their 'divinity, Tutanees. Other eakte of different kinds baked honor of theit god Thor at their feast only at this nation Were te be found of It% 0e,eurzeing at the winter eel. ' of different terms in the feetlyities festival twitted the.Dreicle went fOrth• eteamer each family baked a quantity of Oliriettatte, and glailea bit erver3" attended by great . pomp, to gather • of currant oleo' on Xmka eve, on the buIranagErtgoleanthdotylitmbrilogngionng C14411stmeatide eke Were readY for all tO drink tee the , mylotte *evergreen. that, itt ad- I we'd( eadh of whieli the dotsgh was eve sae soaaeta in "mu) localities The Seteedirsavian reetivai. which. it was held, was believed tO Mem, ea led ',the Christnute,0 A epee. rtligequeneee. Of old this cestom was tile nab ; The moon on the breast the newe . fahen snow, Ga,ve a lustre of midday (Meets , 'below; • • When what to my wonderng eyes ehould appear . • But a miniature sleigh and eight tin* ' reindeer, With a little cad driver so letely an quick, • The Dutch children used to (set out their' "Idompen" (wooden shoes) on the night of December 6th, and fin- ally thole parents conceived the beautiful idea of the Christmas tree, which was introduced into • America by the early Dutch settler% The German Xnecht Oletbes, a curious fig, ere of folk -lore, was also identified with Belot Nicholas,' who there. after. was alwaye pictured in his furs" and big beard, and with his eleigh and reindeer. From the swift journeYing of hia antlered steede over the snowy .rorcd-tops the sug- gestion naturally followed that Santa Clam himself came down through the chimneee, and thus ehe tered the otherwise tight locked houses of the slumberlog citizens. A cheerful, Jolly feettetil--charac- o• teristioally Teutonic in its out.' ward featurree-WaS thus the result of the old oommemora,tive feaet day of the Magi and the Star of Bethle- hem • ar an seen On eration, particulartY When. it grew urea were intended to represent the, beremony), among the Seandinavians • I knew in a moMent It ulltet be kt.• • Marek‘7riaapial than eagles hie 'cow*” • they -came, And he 'whistled and, shouted • a-iyi • • called tbem by naine, Now, Deeheal now, • Dancer now Pra.neer aud, Vixen ! • On, Comet 1 on, Cupid on, Donder and • • oTo wolialtilie porch, to the top . pftheNow, dash away, dash away, lliaii As dr4ywaleYte'vestill Let before 'the *wild' • hurries:me fly, . When they meet with an obstacle, So epintoountthetohotelrre.teokpie, the coureive they flew, With a Weigh full of toys and St. • And thrlir, attl inkling :I. heard On • the roof The prancing • and pawing of einde ;little hoof; AO drew in my head and wee tune • ing around, Down the chimney St. Nieholes cam • with a Wand ; • Re was dressed all In fur from his, Growth. of the Festival. ( And yet tine Sante, Claus of the present. !maids:deg did not supplant the old Roman Lord of Misrule with. out n transitional, phase; for Christ- mastide corresponds to the Roman Saturnalia (December. 1.7-132), of which the sedate Pryooe, In his trioellastlx," cha,racterized the Chris- tian holiday as "the very ape, or, Josue." The Puritans of Prynne's time --both the roundheade and their broth. er Puritans in New England -looked upon Christmas a.skance, rue a sort of heretical feetival, and even forbade its observance. The good St. Bernard had in the infancy of the Christian Church felt himself called upon to Va. buke the festive celebrants of Christ. s matte Wheat the unseemly reve1). of earlier day's died out there still re. •• matted the notion:Or a "Merry Chriet. sees eee. ia Matt" As Scott exelahrted iv, "Mar. es seals 40 se es ee ee ee teems me up ao ao ao eeeepole're meow se se es a, Mion • sweetie, its it now relicts, in myriad ' When the eagerly awaited winter in many, places, rn oorneeno, foe in. ivieee, ettensand mucti at they' liked. oa to the relous referenee in punoti 10 to form a ore oi head. re Or less of lett otightal In thee bleak tiarthr Where the Wen. '1)(24,,elle wonderful curative proper- Jai cake wait teade .for &Leh member attended by eeremoty elle lee. thee thle tealOtt wae bitterly nand rpro, Ye a safelteard •fterlault of the household, but when eating tivity. A log was, amen, usually it eield told the Werld elleeloped in a t'v" 4IL gortit. IVO Whitt Mille thne datee each one toted a little of very ear/0We abd ruggad plebe of oak Mantle Of erteer, to We ot the pre. were carried ttltnue in the procertelon, • everf body eisess cake.. Then was begun a sort ..et teluteral Int imegint) the ideal Clirletinae and 74101 the oak we.' reached uto. e ixtblee is the term applied to procession with it to its resting p ace alight td he, the ceremonies were on which the plant twined they Were the 8We/telt/ate given the preenliee Wore nee and barbarousthan tlitlee bound to its. trunk, and the, .chlet ot Alnwieh, at Yuletide. A eheradter n the in Each tumor by was ex. of mender elimee, but Ilene the lees Don& minkl dterelloa; ttlilrge, called t_lisby Cake le fainici lu Bel l*weest6antitetelitilltTrerrimilelsoleAti brautifid, and of that quaint and All In Spotleee 'White, Zahnseon't "Masque of OhriettntiV oed upon. Its reaelang the entrance turemete nature. Which hats ten. as symbolie of purity, ascended the but this, eve are told, totem to the to the halir if there Were fatally* min. diswl them chat -ming to Neeteeding tree, and with a golden tickle mit the Twelfth Night take. and Mere +Menisci operation.% Eire.? Vine. As It fell it vituu caught in the , An Anelret eiseaties. etrels tiler greeted it with Wade WO* kiftd(ed la nand -out of doors, gown of a witiallarlyererbed prleil,"' Jul, or Tele, WU 600,101347 NA naine ataine4n4thet.intif ifiekeivetbrarA'ot**Theil°f......in"alybrein.18 and groat bkeeke of wood biased la vrlao *toed beneath ready to receive given by the Got& and klaxon* to the turn performed Wm office. Yale dough). home of Odin iind TAlorr, who iie tb40 It, When the Coating wee over the testive period °warring at the who iron* .*tan, vrosiodi **WIN Were v- England wag merry England when own fair (or tanned) hands double.. Ohdtilerietbmas brought his avert again, the value literally wed eoutintentallY 'Twee 'ChvIstmes breaeled hitt might, very often. Duey times are them) iept ole; t eVexY oae, itad the storm) overflave 'Twos Chrietmao told the mertieet with things that require small • ont- * tale; lay. A Christmas gambol oft could ehoer Don't balsa Wok department.. The poor mates heart through halt There liefer Wag *welt it harvest of the year booker at astoundingly low price's, as ZIA Philosophy of Gills merrinege Was 4°.PkIrlures of intitinen and Sargent dred Points of Good ilumbandry," as explained br Ziemer, in his erive•iton. Panels, framed in dell black, are ar.. follows: itiltettlittz ITtidthpeeeteirrpeannieti avniedeeieoe, tsevteri.yd At etrittxtutt pate, and melte • good black trainee, are quaint and tnexpen- For °Chhereletr ;mat) coulee in onee it Rive' for Neitere ot the 11°11)03 botutitul.,= year. Unlees you know the tads of roar aequainteneee,don't huY them freakt The Lord or Mendel (elite. A 'plotter dog to it girl Wee Imi ite celebration duringthe Middle old/tooter the 'real animal would be ill Agee, in fent, the Lord Of Misrule . practicelly dervived in the Abbot of Cueltione "go" with collegiate ; No Unreeuson. Tho election of it boy do rugs, *ilk blanket., on -metal Bilk* on St. Nicholas.' dee (Dee. 0) WM). military *settee and...411 seen b3Wesatitanuseuncle:ntbodet etresionlOnad pereeettoetecial: • • • 0, .0 • head to hid foot, . And his clothes Were all tempi* with ashes and *00t A bundle of toys he had flung On his e;bPlifkhosAlwg sitheypatewkinklecl, his diale And he looked maa a peddler NS* lile gles.bow merry ; • like a. eherey ; Rio droll little mouth was drawn tip • like a 'Wilt, - .Ancl, the beard on hiS °Inn was eta ee, white as the tmew, The stump of a pipe he held tight la his teeth, And the smoke it encircled hitt he.A laldadfa keabervoraeath. Be hco and vt., att. round belly, ' That ehook when lie laughedlike b°: 01 liutibbi bi rd of Jelly. it 0 Wa,plump-)ft \ \ lilt Rio e °eke were like rose% his mou'til jell old elf And I laughed when 1 taw eplte of myself. A wink of hie eye amt a t ofbead his Soon gave me to know 1 I nothing to dread. Ito epoke net it word, but went straight to hie work, • And filled all the stocking.); then turned with a Jerk, And laying his fingerwade of ale node, • anti gleing a nod, up the Ohltuttey 11. rose;' sprang to his sleigh, to Ili• a t***1 gave a whietle, And away they all flew like the de Of a thistle* , 40. Mt. I heard blie :Miele/ as h email nutof eight: "Happy Cl/Aetna" to 414 ufld to good -night." ' Chrietnifte Greeting. Sing a tong Chrietnlise I Pockets tudi of gold; - Plums and cake* for stocking., Afore than the out hold, Pudding in the great pot, Turke/ On the spit, Merry laceround the tirsee irtowt Not •; .4.