HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-21, Page 5A PLOT FOR EMPIRE. ° ATRIUM STORY or CONTINENTAL CONSPIRACYAOAINST RRITAINo 01' el° be Sever ow ealerenly, "I PGY to" FalizYou, 111.411f0 •- "If- you die defien on your kuMo there *Pon tee . emote pet/moult and pray t•o your Qoud that you may waver see Wiz again. Ntirfer yet him lived a man Or it woman either who ham not been the worm' for knewing luau lie 11 like a reptile that ereepe. about, •cag. tying 'with it poison 'for friend and - toe alike," Wolfenden made an effort to ra. follewediIue.v.meteemr eb;',6:0 hIleemeeellutamwee. exlie,1,•Yhebeeatrirede*, ve4/1:rtehrirmlbreleit,.'bTuthehlielainatrageauargnerrtUwearris The feeling mallet. prompted Ithu to.. eat to hbe .emehelap, mho wand," the language of exaggeratien. It ..41a go Wee a OUriOlte WM; bUt oe0M- Wolfenden 'started en his `way /103/30. Vrall 430 of keelAng with the place ed to hini afterward that he had Ward, tilled With a curimue settee Of lerni.i.thmeadt.tmee' °41` Iva° Pr°134bUr tRfeti41.ed ranet; rie,tt toCI 2:11f. 4441' teroU .exeltO MY curiosity," Wolfen• • •eti*'en. at • that tin* .200.vietiollthat `xi/Met/44 nausea" watt -Aleut te the inbankreent the rain had ceased doe mad, with a faint &mile. "Let Me M. The leiri Stepped lightly ,e,nrotet sad: the. Stara. were 1thiLng. Yea!' to tell Ine more about .the Carpoteid way. 'aea mitered the tbere was no cloallt about it. .ile Who ie 04GrritIge. ger compa.400; posed , 471.1,14!"illeiitop, tell you , the doorway hoed 'latMe. Otter to erwufw"' '4'W" of 44W"' 4 "1iat not know! lit hie the. eemalleekmai", .then ,,tees tinet„miti.,'Mthtle lamtrY, He had 'ae", a uptur. him :gook, 'oepoeFeii:00010 ron, e: new BelleattOri,2.0. he ,had for thei,time. Tbet le quite 'the pavement. feet Was: it with regard to ,,FlarOutt- and '40:114td' 44. 4" • • *Pee 'thit• 'earriage pco 4.0.4. 40vas usycr hit -hit very ,ori tw;;;• e en WAS alient for .roOment 6,tt,..0,14 .404 :1?0:0A itler.'eVe4e9tii "r the firt time ho 14"X°47!viguu1y:44r67 CUIVQ4e4 'et.ouivatt- e .tnerim • • " ,-,v1,:)AttPPetleat .A: thrititoi, Ile had drawn .eoter: into nieatite, I can ssee,!! he remarked. k 'figure'r.43g trom out tho , u. life vitien wan . the eve et be.. •itreentae that 049014. PlAucliOW to P*44;1' 0.1 fi.010(1.. bY OOMI Monotonone, walked along a .4elleaLe ei4blePt 44 nalce4 74)11 why throat.; -4010,9tIthisc. that _,ClittAlt' Witiluoyent etepe and anenveyntau 'that. little' atteielit . to like 'O., 0014 An, 'the .0400trk • notheartednees. The World rhin't • r." „light..114.44"entfitttle.'_, ,D1OW helt"teloh• a bad place..When- you • feel. x•elq-c PA2110; 'have- .but 'tor like•th • . "There. -are," ho paid, -'three not onlY ,VersoM • of,: t Wee. Oteiskihetttr*, was Which lcd- to .ei."0-alwra-OtPeherire°4* berridM allineP9w.neehorentrbde I ti 31'411"Prl for sP4104410 'etZd. datYnehve P.CtZle ite"vr4.11welt 80:14134;ft10,041 lifiTIVe.11%819"4", tilVair19 " It 12. IparalyretViato Inaptioll • ,O.R, With more than ordinary •el4We..,4 himmorethan taair eon pay. I have Wer0,0,0 atliOS," a0",*#1 40.04:1i VW* Into "Ohs face of the Men wbo, 'Witt; eet been • hie only victim, eer, is it . that a:: atep•tOr'erar41 Apabled a .spott caw pilled down 'almost ovee • grasp of Iron. The man 11414 1111;4 t.tivi.itl.$1TA04‘2Ple' etitir at .pea pile'113Intit tg° "414 bE31-; 'Peen .attacked ,Was . the next to ytne toe gawta 00, e4714.th ..iitteh be •!?sr.ii2gd eXietence. Did you see. his The h1,02.7, ;111tanad Onlathgi dusthlihebenTrw°ultIlid. .nedtdbed, • the ee saw a he had etick. 'carer ,IllaMolt, ,Ilaieteg„; ' hie...Atka , we/.44111/ V." '' iVoiteacn • he struck •.at . lila,. aseallatit , tio. .. iniV4,:i104 ,.0'' • . • . „ There 'Was. a curious jewel set 14 the eetcl'''' :•••e, 1.. Ora4v9 -7- 100..., tOMI.ge'. em1,9310? •Nit °I trouble °- handle. It looked like a green ,opal and fell noon: his ehoehler• w-.4.10 'mak ,dletrebe. -• 131it • after the, re cur- released,fronx,, Wolfoncien's .OrtleR by Boa glance be, knew: at .. once- Whom ,ill the electric light." . ' ,his-eceryntlIvo' et.g.i.,. woo etagtoring. he. had found.' , The, opera hat had, Fill -rAllilf ietv.babe eeileete4 fleom117* bete: WO ktlith. then to_secure him, , tang; of his dress weccal(lanfitsh:dr, halt': .whieh he etruck me. rti:raeatiegiVenvhitmlk • bile* Intelhe readWity...• . •-. ••• . been thrown aWaY* but• -.It "' WAS 'UM' late.. Veireaden, half ' as to the man Win:self, Wolfenden by an Indian fakir, an he• would not p. rt with it for •Its Weight In gold. t Olitto,ting aoO,thsf'..atuak,...4na not never bad any doubt. MOtstalreal the carrtage hoOr, and. the, He - knew at Once.' that he was tee, ,TbeY' nay that so long , es -he carries it he is secure'against any attacit". .cchillineillenitire, though' it PoWerfel. °Milted, and eat up, a bright, red orhe,..., ..,.. rhantWee •not swift. „.14ke a, .0.0 Oa. 'Mark aerials his :, temples, his 'Whof'veizy6480??1,, Wolfenden ;erred. man. whbliad. Madiithentteek %Italic eYee .••• wild, his lips trembling', , .1 1r aerbos the rOadwayited Into the gar-. They • looked tet --.one anothet. stead= Pelt* /Meek Me head.' ' • "NeTee Abbld'"• be -eillirt"You are ,-. ' derear.*litelf 'fringed 'tha EtnIsenliMent ily. -It *as Wolfenden who broke the . . •*-isot.:uot knOtellig7-andhaPtiler. I do ; The gemmitifilormire and a leittmer fol- silence' •not know.' very muth about you, Lord -. leered him... ,tust :thee Wolfendett: telt . "Well" you're a 'glee sort of fellow': ,...., ..._._-. , 4 hartoopiedItae earrlage deer, arid was. ed, "Whit • . the Wachter' W. 11;.eolt -touch on his shiMider.-,Thearitt to -atat, mit, to %supper -I" he.'0.vreetnit:yrolti; -..,...,..be„,'but I am going tO,gife you • ,....%%.o.iiiir.e.d.T.',..beafioded. ''We.stre Wiriest . Weeding i‘kit 'tie ' nide. • . ' • .. taint,. to do.?" ' ' '. . * ftrhOemVitetYytinbrin ayderuriPrlifYe°. youever that . 'Irtanyleiehurt 2' she asked quieldY,• 'TO-heap:a yew," the Manfle .th_.e nrae. an you would. the pestilence Go .`,1TO'beer.he answered- . "It in ell- eat telAied In a low tone... " fAl."'142 aWar'hefOre...he can find youout and over. The Man ltaeran aWAY." art' I -Meta doomed to fall -willaietet offer you .thanks; -Take a. little: tour ' -Mr. SabliStoOped:doven and brushed ,. I lift my , Mind againet him! • Why do on the:, Contioent ;; stay ewer Iron) • a ay 'seine grey sash ttorathe front of ,.. -, .., tram hiwtleket-poOket, and re -lit the ' thae,"' • 1 jalittleill;, .8t4.111ehurull'ailoP°relices,.:-.1141; tahnija. England for 'a...utile. :stay away. for ever rather than •adeept his friendshill lias. Ooat.Then he a mateh-box. • - eirrette .which _bad been- oromplad•in - . Wolfenden hesitated ': ‘. ' . Then .f.eyou must .admit," Welienden said ic., Or bav,e Anything to do with him." hi 'fingers. Hie hand was.perfeet137 . sat &Avg .. on the eclat by, the. side SlowlY, "'Wit Such. sweeping Canclere. • et tidy. The Whole Affair' had scarcely of the -moo who had. .glared at 'WM- nation sounds a little -well, extrava-', taken thirty seconds. - - . • in fiercely. • -• • •.• , .gant.• , I am •en ordinary, matter -of - "it was probably some lunatic," he "Well, I don't knew::: that it's all,' Met -Englislimile,..leading an ordinary • • remarked, motioning to the girlto buelnais of mine,', he .saki.."The clan 1111u. sr am not a pOlitielan,' a ilipletuat; resume her plat* In the .earelage, whom You went for didn't seem to tit, or a gambler! I am not in the "1. am exceedingly obliged to. eake, • sO X don't :see *hir I 'should. leaat ilkely to -become • eitherof.. these You, elr. Lcird, ,Wolfenden, I bar Hew did you menage to (*scone 2" .. he three. Thls man could have no object ileye ?" he added,' raising his hat. added, curiously. ' - ... - In doing • me, hart's, 'either. now or in "But for your interventhavthe matter. .- Felix laughed -n. •dry,' bitter, . little the•future X thl k ' • aid that you, might really have been. serious.- Per. • 'Jaime., .,, , . •. ,.. . . . . taew nothing .of the lady r mitme to offer you ,ItlY card..l•teust "Became' I did: not ' care' whether .1 Feliklookettat him keenly. ' • that some day I. may have a better . was taken or not, I .suPprtial," he ale: "The young lady,". he repeated. "No, opportunity of expressing pxy thaniksz, ;intend. "I hid; behind.some shrubs in I know notaingof her beyond tire fent At present you will , ezenowlne:t ...I' .-'the Carden yOridef;•lukt..let .thent go' that ehe'seems to he hie 'con3panion- huiry. I ate not 'of your nation,.bnt blundering by me.. i Alterwards .. I. for the nonce. That IS .quite sufficient / ehare, an: •..entipathy..virith tw the -I' came out and ..sat here."*, • . - for me le , • • • . • hate a row !" " ' • ' • . . '-' A,. / "And Irina. 'are . Yee' gOlrig . to de , Virolfenden rose to his feet. . . HntrePP. ml. into •tile .:0azulags who now ?" ,- •• . .• • ' .."Thanks," lie said; .• "I only asked a farewell bow, and it ..drove off at Pellx: raised .his eyebrow. ?Is face youfor fact& As to your suggestion-. olicIii. Wolfenden.. remalAerI7 idokinghl- ' saidsas• plainly ae 'possible- - . well, you had beater not repeat it in •:ter it with his hat in Ida bend. From "What the devil him that got to My presence!" .,.. ., ', • the embankment. a Delo* • came • . tbe ' . do with 7 a ?" :. • . • .. Felix laughed mockingly.• • . . faint rround 1 ..1411.1:x7ing .ftotetepe. .. \ ..„... Wolfenden B. III.."...r - -- 'Tif touted," he • Said; " it is .sovnly you 'English 'people," hey said. "I have W_axideretocid;: k .. : 'Yon - a so.and plg-headed; • ' blind -. _T rnin,gt.oarelIte. • biariliatir exactly, and \Yet yeti intim, told you Something of the man'a char - admit that 1 :arr,k concerned In•.. it. actor. What 'sort of a girl, do you .00. ; The Cou oegitanyWittaltrillash- • You Were nar guest when 'the man. . Pose, would he supping with.' hinvalone 'lights it d •rieliielestitt-"hoelk, ctuitty '.-- came lato the .' restaurant. If it had In :. a Rapti° reetourant after . m• id-, d the corand disa - ,. •.• _ 'The,. ' .my . 843 g you there" .-. Itree 'loan -Men- reigthiett*antiVig " you sea you might .never have met -"I wish' yttu good -might," Wolfenden getfter upon the pairegatnt:tertil It him. . Then, 'too,', if it had not' been said, Moving away.:"X, WM • not listen was'out of- sight,. ' Asi'lv”. tide' after; for Me, our triend there •would have tO tinOtifer 'word." ' • .,• . leech . a meeting(' and supper: t,6geth. : been a deG4 MIGIii. and: you --Well, it Felix rose :up aria .stood beside. Win. ett'theY *Odd. havaidatureed'to the * sounda, egly..-- but yon - would Midst. litl • tace•looketi very frail and , eager Club, smo4ed a. Anal. cigar-, :EltalC. 'let leett %hate heel? a murderer! upon the faint half-light. He lald his hand ' upon 'the othetoi•arm. , - • • *dulged In the Inevitable-WhIskSy and • You 1001! otomearie. Harcutt Would' have • Wolfenden area& shoulders. "Lord Volieriden," he said, "you are. talked; scandal ..and'Ioid therniterles, "Thank you," lie• said. .1. doe. • a decent fellow4reineMber. that it is Perieham mend have littered'. Intothe ; . • , • • only, for Your geed I speak I The girl-" lateet art.gepilp, and Wolfenden would Felix 'stopped :Win.' He spread out • Wolfenden shook him. off. .. • have euitplied.11ie genkittV 'of:Otters& .121e. hands, -and. struck the back you rilinde. either direCtly or in- • rurectIy. to that. young MAY again," Von.' To -night. ne.:0. one, nt'thenr the Scat OtilellanIn • • ' - he said, calmlY, throw you .Pcsed .anY 'SuPli: thing. ,Curititudy, ,‘.`You are a fool, becamte, you saved 4rte the river , • enough all three' of .thein.eybibitilii• hie. life," he mkt with - slow m desire to be alone. They 'stood, to- phasis. k"Listen 1" He is no lonigere-a. • Felix shrugged .his shoulders. • • • gather a little awkwardly for 'a Me, „young Man,. and. there have At least reniember," • he eald, . as But never let: has an -Tolle saved Mu been 'Woltiniden walked. away; "that I ment or two 4 indelging 1 in many who have desired to kill him from peril, or ebretehed out to. lam tette time of 'danger a.helping hand, Who has not 'bitterly' repented. it. So it will. -be with you! You will live to regret what , you have done , to- night! You will live to wish, and wIsh.paesionately, that you 'had let him 'die.. Before heaven, I eay you. into hie nighp cabi and ..with,o.°„ geed" Will live to regret'. it". ,• : - Wolfenden woe silent • Woe that a' drove off. DenshaM hailed astray hem- chill breeze• which had sprung, • up •from the rirersida, floiltiag along anddeit the' grey nilate whieh rOdeen the 'bosom ot the dark; wa,tere?• Eta was eaddenly. cold. The MOW had 'marred to travel eo ,pleasantlY through hie veins. The earth Was very Wild again beneath biz tee*: Ile, was to longer light-heerted; on the 'contrary, he was vaguely die - tithed. The Malt :by his eide was f3e,pbv,../kiddriately in 'earnest. . • general or eximewhit etrained remarks as to the strange thing which bled happened. Theta Harnett muttered something about an engagement, some colessional work Winch =mit appear' tle'half-apolegetie an unneces- saryWholl.t the morning papers and atter a lit. grumblingly/ to the.erigenetes of the pun:mile/tie profesidon,' stepped bye certainly- I 'See heartie-thart'usual, • nom, and departed 4100 alter a' fare- well speech, whir* Wait almest spiteful, "You alvraYs „were a lucky beast,' .Wolfenden I" he exclainied. Wolfendezi laughed without replying. He was thinking that 'hie luok, 11 luck • it was, had seldoli-snOPpertunelY be- friended him. " • "Remember, though;" Denolittni add- ed, ed, leaning over the apron ,of the cab, "It is not alwayo the tlion WhO'Veitni the first trick who scOree the game." What I did, he mid, alineet aliolo- lord I Hie cab drate, off,, and Wolfendeii getically, "I was forced to do. I , "1", young lady here -at this time of was lett alone. nu Item. a little stir- should have della it for any man with n1ght Wolfenden exclaimed, leered*. prised, but 04 the Whole he Wait glad, equal readlnese I as it happene, that •lously. "Are you mad, Selby ?" • • "Thom faitiWe .Mutit. • beverY , har_d man and are strangem. I have s‘you were not OXSectillg her, then, hit," he eald to blame -if Softly.- Miter Wen him before in my life. my lord '?" Selby said, a little anxiotet" . . • warned you)! • Wolfenden walked . swiftV homei wards to his room in BAH Moon street. His servant admitted him as uetial, and took his coat. • "I. beg your pardon, my lord," he mid, as Wolfenden waft turning away, "but were. you eXpecting-a-yonng lady ?" , The man coughed discreetly. Wolf' olden looked at 'hint in amazement "A -what, Selby?' "A., young laxly,. my lOrd." Wolfenden frowned. "Or , court* not !" . he answered. "What the mischief do you mean ?"' Selby proceeded to explain., "A young lady arrived here a short time ago, my lord, and asked for you. &Allison informed her that yell would be Mine shortly, and she decided to Wait. Johnson, rather imprudently, ad. Mitted her, and -she's In the study( my _ _ ' ly. "Sher gave Johnson to understand that you were." "You are a couple of siny, fools, babies, both you and johnson, " Volt-, .enden exclaimed angrily. "Of course I was not, expecting her ! HaVen't /On . been long enOugly ill nit service to sfrils oF womE "X' am exceedingly sorry, my lord," . • Selby OAK obieetlY. "The yotiug larly'e knowbetter than that V* *. ., appearance MISled Me. She is quietly ... dreefied, ray lord, and if yeti will per- . By curing, Their Peculiar Ills Dr. Chase's Nerve food a Sur- mit nie to say so, I am aunt she 10 -she 1/3 Milt() a lady. There is probably some pronna Restorative for Pale, Weak Nervous Women. taletake l" , . t Welfenden crafted the hall towarde • . . the study deer. • it of meta ;03eatleameet tiervea, I wand take shaking yells, "Walk where you are *until I riett/ And the consequent leek and it dizzy, swimming feeling 'would Selby," he said. "I never thought, that and healthful extirchat, cOme Over me, Night after night I you "fere inieli a. consummate age I" DR.CHASE AgEs FRIENDS OF, Ai a Within. of fe(.4 met: vrome , not, only fore mueb, in %VIM 'never °lose my oyes, and my Tle opened the study door, and alerted - ' figure and COMphiX10.11, hilt fileti_sniffer head Would ache aa though it would It again. Selby, Waited for the bell, but tetra or lest &OM meet* bodily tle. beret, At .laart / •had to keep to my it did not ring. . , , z,„„oinent,e- " .614 result of thin, bed, triad thOugh, my doetor attended ' ortoorEn TV, . watery blood and exhAuttea *Istvan,* Me froth tail until itpring, hie Inedielne , • Item. , ., • did not help me. I baVe th2W* taken • At the Russian Ambassador's. , Moro than ilineotelithe Of tho %fume are boxes Of Dr. Chase.e tierve Food, The brought:0i containing the man Of diseattee ?a/Millar to Wateeir are di- 'and it hail done Me more good than I who had ligiired in the'"Milan" table natty duo to a weakened tranklitIon ever believed a medicine could do. list air Mr. Sabin, and his COMpaniOn, Of: the nerred, an& eau be eared thor- WOrdS fail to eXPrerla my gratitude turned Into the Strand and ptoeeeded ' Vail outdoor eiereise, Steathing plen- by. this. treatment." 01, and fierrnanentlY -, by taking for th,e wondortiti cure brolightwilut weetWarda e1000 behind lb eattal Hay... Out*/ private ,ealt-orilY a few yards' Of pure, trOdh alr, and using Dr: ' gro.Itargarot Iron. Tower Hill,,' N. away folloWed Denithe.M'S lial100111. The 4 Nerve Vold '40 form now B. write- ...' p et n C.Orl nue n e a Me order, oo &eel revitalize the •debleted net"; "Dr. ,Chneeld Nerve rood has thine skirting Trafalgar Square.arld along isy eitt • me a world Of god& / was so Weak Pall Mall. • I It takes time to build up the aye. that / wait! not walk twice the • Um% in a different manner, the tem anew% to nil the, shrivelled at,. le_ngth of the .house. , Since using Dr. thfse men were perhaps equallyInter- , tufo) with now, rich WOW, reateri3, MOWS Nerve, WO I hate been cont. Mimi in thelte IWO1110. VreeffrY Detethalll the woate41 torte eolls, and renew the PlotelY reetorod. X eon walk -te mile . Waft attirtitted es an artist" by -;the ex. Activities of the bodily organs, but withmit any inconvenience. Though tremo and. rare boauty of the girl. tha Persistent MO Of Dr. Chetreis 16 yearn .0Id, and unite fleshy, I do WoRenderertinterest Wee at °nee more .Norre Food will nettomplleh ttiese MY OWO htateettorkp and eolielderable sentimental' and Mere personal. Hat, IMUlte and. bring health and hoot. *woe. 'knitting and reading Mk. euttte aroeit part) out of curio* newt' t , weak uervoul And muttering IMO. Dr. Muses Nerve Food bate partly trent innate -love Of adventure. peviirer# • •1, P . prated Of biettiftiehle value to me." th Llstishm and Ifttrentt wero ex- - -lifts; i,g, It, Jotter,. Iliereettet, One., , Dt. Oluneeit Norte Pond, 50 melte a eredingly intere4tod IVA V) their prob. Write0-,1 year* I have been a botkp a0 ali dialers, -or Agirniinson, -obi* dretbmtkoi. FrOnt It they would 10‘0140 0 with Sit MIMS MOON 6 QS., WM*, i ba *Moto gather some idea ail tO th• ' 114 mai Sabin ion. totti ww• 0..°41rte surprised when he brougham whiett had beau teak- ing ito way into the heart of fasbion- a, London, turned into Delgra,ve &Mare, and pulled up before a great. porticoed house, brilliantly lit, and with a oriel/ten drualtet and coveted WAF etretehed out acroPe the pave- Haretitt sprang out flret, just In time to see tim two pas* through the open doorrray, the man leaning heavily tipog tick, the girl, with , her (3411411y Waved lingerie juet red. • Ing UPOn ble Ocetteleeve, walking with: •that tutoommon and graceful eelf.pee. eefielcon whit% had so attracted Pen- t/1mm during her pasea•ge through the sapper -room at the "14110,32" a. Short while ago. Hareutt looked at them. wetehing .• them &minicar witlia,..a frown upon °Ids fOreliesid. -"Rather a Mit, Isn't it ?" maid a quiet YOlee in hie ear. He tamed abruptly • round, Den• ahem was Attending upon the pave. merit by hle side. • Niireatl Scott !"-N he exclaimed tee. tilY. 'What are you doing here ?" Deneham threw away hie cigarette "I might ;return the question, I IDNEY end laughed. Mmpote," he remarked. **We both aginary papat We were both aux. followed the young lady and her p ILLS Mug to find out wbero they livect•and One of the meet danger. ous and repulsive forms a Kidpery Dieoiese is OPS for which Dodd's Kidney Pills ere the Only certain cure. In Dram the Iid- neys ere actually clammed up, and the water, which - should be expelled hi the form of urine, dose back and lodges -in the cells of the flesh and puff, out the Remove the filth which.plugs up_the drain. Restore the Kidneys. to health. There is only ono Kideey Medicine ODD'S We are both told!" "Very badly .0010," ,Harcutt Vdtalt. ted. What do you propose to de now? noer or. two 1" • . _We can't 'wait Outside here for • Deneliara Militated. • • CoMfort. we can't do" that," bo Mad.A Yankee autitority gives this rem- _ "Ilave you any plan?". }format shook hie head. 'edy (tit the discomfort which o,o- "Can% say that I have," companies, the act of peeling onions: The pungent odor of the onion is due hiMeelf. Watching him, Harentt be- enelit:eifdate,!„.cNivDmib:ieestrileamhPwthassisiewhitilngtoreenttlyin,:c; tO a sulphurous oil, which volatilises rapidly when the. tissuettot thel'ttrege- tahle are •bro. ken. • atly Manner, aestoildreod_ that he had 'de. ano espeelally eareeL8 the amicate 10.141."miiI•eteataghu; toeonbliderabtilemomatter to- ,1_00 brifne surrounding the eyes. nit upon ° avo de y sticking" a small pared . potato -on the end, of the knife with gether," lie suggested: dipioniaticallY• 1:11. ect , however, can• be easily •Denshare shook his . head doubt°. which the cutting is done,. A N.3hemin- fullY.• • • . " al affinity; which cannot be readily "Dt.0.7 he said; "I "don't think that explained, but which is none the less we east run -this thing in double bar. satisfactory in its workings,'attracte temaness.ttyYmi ,sestl;d0,1tr interests; are ma-. tile fumes, '.and their Preeenco is not .• Manifested to the operator till the Harcutt dic not me It in the Mime potato has reached a certain de- hgthebtoa. ••e wadi". he; ,pro.test'ed. gree of saturation, when It can be 'Pooh 1 We can travel together by readily replaced by another. • time to part company has not come • . Leon Aubp .LANG orat. • Yet. Wolfenden hue got a bit ahead of L us to -night. , After all, though, you, Ladies of Canada;,4 ' • . , and I maY:pull level, it we help one "Should old aCquaintance, be .fer• another. You have a plait I can got ?" The answer comes: mecharg• see 1- What is -• . cally from every 132itisheit Not should *Derisham was silent for •a•reonient. .new acquaintance be forgot. Element - "You know whose house thie is ?" nber that on the bloody fields of South heneearkeoa.t • Africa your brave soldier boYe. Were ut nodded.• on the firing line, flanked by loyal "Of course•I•LIt'e .the ..A.m. British slubJects from Ceylon and• In- bassador's I" •• ,die; In. the raidet of danger, hitt-. Denshant drew a square. card. trent ing friendships were formed, and you, his. pocket, and. held It :Out under 'the ladies of Canada, nava it trs your gaielight. From bt it appeared that power to cement these -bonds. . The the Princess Lobbnaki desired tile Green' teae ot Ceylon and Maleftp. honor aids coinpanyat any that. peal to you from Sentiment. By using evening between twelve and 'Owe.' • • them you not only aid your • brother "A card" for toeright,- . by •Jove I" (*tsarists, but you. get absolutely Hareutt exclaimed.. • * the best tea. "Dhoss, of you who drink Denaham nodded and replaeedit in .Oreen. J'apaa teal, have a revelation 16ocket."You,. 'Harcutt." .he • Elaid. "I. aln Itilubebothiri. • S;a1 IYagdriaulaaknde AtontileSetirloann. gpae.ek)3elutse bound to take advantage over loa7 bo had from your grocer...col. you. 1 only got thiecard- by an abet- eyelet • , • , debt, and I certainly do not •know . • , • ' the Princess well enough to Present They Couldn't Hurt.. you., I.shaltbe compelled to leave you • • • here. all that. I enapromise is, that if "Tho ladies in our congregation are ▪ .discover anything . interesting I Pretty fond of me," said the Minis. will let you know about it to -mop' • ter's • mischievare boy. "Nearly row. Good -night: ' • • all of .them. gave pa some slippers on HarCutt ' watched ' him dleappear his birthday."' through the open doer' • and then "I .thought -your pa. always uses a walked a little way along the pave. slipper to spank • you with ?" . meat, swearing softly- to himself,. His "So he 000s ;. but ;these he just.got newt idea was/ to wait about until' aro the the 'salt Wad that's all made they came out and thee...follow them out of atteol,"..-•Philardelphla,,,Preas: again. By that means he .would at•• : . least be /rare of their address. Be. WILL IT .WORIi A :Yankee Plan to Pal Oittipne would have. gained something for hi° time and trouble. He lit a cigarette• and Walked slowly te the. corner of was,cureld Al a; bad. ease of Grip ZS! :MAIL/ Ott TIM OICIXT. Sxpert Optelegeihntlirozor of Cabal** rrin0014 hilernhourg, Prineelis Reuss tor the older ilue), ham, lifted up lier voice egainet the trailing skirt and its vitaltieS, 90q,10 the London Daajy Mail. tins does not sae why, women should perform, the dirtiall of at eras* - tug -sweeper MUMS the ealarY, and to - tterrthlgteattr, °WIN; riginhgerrortintnol °At true plower, she Ma expressed the Wish that she may be able to 10111 tome anti -trailing ekirt league itt England, and, furtb.er, hag announced, the intention of doing her ut t t fox,m such a, league in (formally. 9 Lady 'Warwick, to whom the mat, trtrnidiorultteritiotil) (1141414": it °ttt ?a! mark that elm cowneldaeretdr laenaguree .11214 YEt1te teeelon arbiter o f 1 , le enit- nently sentablo marl practical. "Thie," she stated! to a Daily Mali repreeentative, "is precisely another case of cutting your cloth according you be A Walking woman and a Work - to the Measure of Your Rocket. it mioitrtrntoeouleyaroulobehoguridounheirstowlyxolnueg _ the essentially u/seful . and dieregard- ilneang t4lauereemearerley potodeeerbaiet.ivia,1;triruto Inhaal; as well trail on the grounid lour inchee ae. one; no benetit aceruee DY limitin th f I , d there le no doubt that the skirt otl the ground le more elegant than the skirt Off the ground, Yet thoee who have to walk by the way of mud, dirt and dust .should boldly out their skirts an Inch from the ground, , "Tim niore fortunate vrho. spend their days La driving. lounging; Via-. iting, may wisely folitsw the dictates or laellhlia• and I, for my part, vote as ever for 'Fashion! fon those whq ean• get ft.'," :- Air. tke "creator of Loa - don faahlane," WAS discovered stand- ing amid velvet hangings „at -Jay's. • He • boWed with. elaborate • oourtesy, ! and eald-"May I. ask Whence comee this anti-tralling, skirt miggeetion? ' Prom -Germany 7. Ah precisely," and Smiled.; Wit.it meaning. "This," he I went on, 'le, a question of lig/lilt:7es of elegance, of grace. Allow o 't*; ehow, you," atia witn a shapely'. fin- . gen be beekonekto :the middle dis- tance.' Silently'. and seemingly from ,:nowhere a cloud of beautifel NGIS came floating by. They tarried ' fora -moment as theydisplaYed their ' trailing . 'skirts; • tifeti . floated 'bin, IbibetleKtu'ogelM6tri YP•asitohre: Observe 'how 'graceludly it falls, yet it jast..elears tee' graded:. This one is '.-for Iowa wear...It trailer, bat it is -meant to be held; and is arranged Iu such a way that it can be lifted ; 'clear frem the ground and the un- derskirt does. net draggle.: How ean that be called unhygleido-?"., • I yo'40110ArtenebPv.oaeercienin's the manager • held, I "Fashions," he said, ."le so fickle feurainv18t 'You ..ce;ituat stop women if they get fads into their heads. Nonr4railing' dresses might come in. to -morrow„ though,' ..shoirld . hardly thlark..it. likely." • - On the other haad-; the :editrees of the Oentlewomare 'ftelared, that f evenin wear at all events - the. or . g . nenueet..trroaluiling. skirt *ea_ !lit.t 'of ..he • To Cure a pOictitt One Ray • ielte Laxative Broino *quinine 'Tablets. All ruggiErs refund pe anon:, y if it faileto 25.c. B. W. Grove Signe:tore is on each hot, • Sheep. Ranchers for South. • , The discovery that sheep, flourish in Patagonia. and Terra del Fuego has led' to the stooling -of iniornaous _a,nd .trery profitable ranches. , •Minard's Liniment Cures Oeirget In Co* yphol fever, or other almost m sickness, a man or wo sometimes will gain a pou day from taking an ounce a day of Scarr's Exur.stotir and the gain be healthy. The ounce gives strength to get the pound; there is no • miracle in it. Body and mind are weak; digestion is weak; and hunger is ravenous. Scores EMULSION Of Cod Liver Oil is the food to begin and go on with. It furnishes strength to digest a little `easy other food; and a little grows to enough. But the gain is nearly all fat. The bones had not lost much; the muscles had lost, and had . not got back their strength; they -have lost 1 there bulk; the fat was all gone, .The -fat has Come back; the muscle slowly recovers its bulk, ` more slowly its 'strength -the bulk of muscle was fat -and the bones are about the same as before. It is SCOTT'S ElVtIlLSION Of body going again -give it time. C:icil'eLgiel/neXti 1O1 n:1:It:ats. _stthe ,atts thIs picture on It, l'''' take no no other. - ,G•t:t:/` If you have not tried It,. send for 21, sfrceow • e sam:sieo, witsNag- '?,ifiti Ali' surprise you. greeable taste will *.::- C h e msso, nt 0 . .. 4 .14 60o. and'$1.0Ofl ciruggists. • The, Only Tender_ •Part "Although I was Tate," said • the I new ,boarder, "I found- tbSiAindiadY ' I had saved for me :the tenderest part - of the - • . , 'woe that °" said the star:. boarder, jealously. . • -"Some of the 'Press., .••• " • Pain IQ the Back .• • Makes life miabraliM for Tally. Cita, ftbe Cured? Yea, in,s, night. ervil ne Lve a domplete knookotit to pain in theLback, because it stronger,Inore penetrating, more highly pain: subduing than am; othnr reMody event. One drop of /sTervilinehasMore power over pain that', ., five dropof any other remedy, and ibis true • strength rat want when you've got a- pain, Your moneyback if it is not so, • Druggists' soli 141erviline. FalendlY Suggestions. . Old Maid -See bore, Man ; is this the smelting dati • 13ral• aman4-No, there isn't any 'enx•• ring ear on this- . train. :Moult). 'have* te wait for the 1o.14.-Sgmerville, traps., Journal. IfinstiVs Linhient. Cum 'Diatom 01'. • t• he street. Then he tUrned back arid' by Minard's Liniment, . . -vvg wiltnetin,A1 YOTI 'Mt' TaAtl. retiaced his 'steps: AS he neared the • k • %A I. Lague. . 11 ; carctOntsh yolltrigo -„thisreath • • .crimeon strip a drugget, we of tire Sydney, C. B. • 111 11111111ffieet friro tha:LrePerenttotay a t'ath servents drew respectfully aSide, as X wals cured of /am. ot voice by Ciristmas &New Year Holidays 1900,1901 ionAnginoyesty y. -D.-- though expecting him to enter. The Hinard's Litd.ment. end ih.o0 mon% order °Pier , your own homes. We Inan's action. was like an inspiration C10,riele plunnner4 nETWEpt,a4 sT.A.Tro N CANADA. or abook tha tell • pto Novelty sucege Lock to him. He glanced down the vista crernsouth, •• • • 'Prom all stations in Canada to Detroit and Bory mall cipitat *Ir or covered roof. A. crowd of people I wee eared .of Selatiew RheumotleM Port*Huron, Mich., port "Covingtonx 22,, Bombay' • were making their way jp the broad by Allautircte Liniment. Jot.. Helena. lVfasseria Swings, Rouse's ,Point, ease, and amorigst them Den- , X‘awils a gager, ahem. After all, why not? He laugh- Burin, Nadj ' ed softly to himself and hesitated no longer. He threw away lila cigarette and walked boldly in. He was doing a thing for whit% he well knew that lie deserved to be kicked. At the same time, he bed made .in hie mind to go through with it, and he A Joke le Name Only. 'Alf stations. in Canada BUT NOT _ Buffalo, Block Rock, Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls, N. Y. 0ENERAL PUBLIC. GOING DATES AND LIMITS -At lowest one-way first-class fare. December 22nd, 23rd, 24th and • 25th. Tickets geed returning. from destination not later than December 260,1900. and also in December 29th. 30th and Mot, and January lst Was not the anon to fall through ner• **There/ nothing. in m Tickets good returning from destination not y name, no later than Jan. 2nd 1991. V011ial0,30 Or want of savoir Zaire. matter what Shakespeare says," coin- At lowest ono way first -clogs fare and One- third, Deceinber.21st, 2nid, 23rd, 21th end 25th • • (TO be cOntlithed.) ' inented tha new boarder.' . •sood returning from destination not later pan , LOVE OF COCNIRY. La,diee oi Canada: . . Love of country lit the' strongeet Plaiting the meaning of "naught" he • sCHOOL VACATIONS. • a gkelleilleirLihit9PgreilLigu°a14.DdicAnklgri?'trilt: "Ilow'e that ?" staked the landlady. "10 naMe is Nalighton*" anNWere- turning from clCatination not law:rtes.,' Jan. the new boarder. B dill ti oharaixteristie of the average 'Brit- managede to draw non -committal To teachera and pudpfis of schools and, colleges. falr Colonlet. See her bosOm "expand Baltimore Amerie.ein, - . i with pride, as she speaks of the old • t en railway cercate slimed ly 141110113111. GOING DATES AND LIMIT. G Jowes 0110 bweary first-class fare and one-third, from Decern• country. atanS her dilate omthe plena- The Itour of Need Sth to 31s1. inclusive. Tickets good return - &IA time she had when last there. Is at hand, for who oohing corns a prompt' ing from destination not later than January There. wait nothing she enjoyed so re owl painless remedy le required,Putnam'S n 20t tea. _oiniess Lorn Extractor exactly tills the bah COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. -----• Much as the pleasant afternoon. Auro, safe and painless. On prestintation of Commercial Travellers And why ? Beeause she sipped the pure product (GREEN OR BLACH) of • • 'Something Anibignous: itailway Certificates for 1900. rammer-Be v.-teri all stations in Canada. Ceylon and India. She can- buy both in Cap2ada now, The delicious Salado., ' ' A cotintry paper Into this perewal one-ny rene, dome tuns AND LIMIT. -At 10VVOS iirit-olats fare (dot Com e lel i t En ye rav- eon of thie place personally will re. lye, Tickets sped returning from destination tither. Nor in It developed leas In the smiles from a fe* ot those present-- onsurrender of stan ard form of school veva- Rine Ribbon or Monsoon packet/A item: - 'Those who know old Mi. II oilers aro) from December 21st to 25th ineltup await her pleasure. -Colonist. h t h as it tot later than anuary 7th, 1901. • gret to ear the. e w as milted T od, Warzcs.-All tickets go for continuous Mate. Patti's Priceless Pan. ' • in a, brutal' tuazurer last week but pasty only in each illreotiori In days to wine the world will • was sot killed."--Tit-Bits. as 'and all i ormoti&I !rem,' agents •Grand Trunk itailway System. OrOWCI to see Mine. Patti's autograph BlInstrd'er Liniment 'Corea- Diphtheria.. . M. O. DICICsON, Distrito Passenger Agent, faii. ,Thbogh comparatively plain it , ,„ is One of those fevr objects that gatb. ' All the large' rivere of Soutasatfrica • er value es time rolle on. Even, now take their rise in a tract of flat, many of Nu/signatures written across treeless tablelandin the Transvaal, , thie dainty pieee of Woken. skit could about 6,000 feet 'above sea level. • ' net again he repeated. The late. Ent- i prowl of Austria, Alexander IL of . Russia, the oid German Emperor, ; Milani, to them three- signaturee now attach a pathetio interest, the A -TAR. RH min% so .whell It is remembered that . the firat two died by the hands Of mensal/ie. Mae. Patti Was even fortunate enough to obtain not . r. only the signature, but a long sen..' tone° In Queen trictorkee hand- Dectore Gise UP the Case and Said writing: "It King Lear spoke the Nothing Could Help. Aftether Rea troith when he said that it sweet- VOke was the meet preeions glft a ril ark abl e Cure Vire eted by Catarth- Adelina,. Must be the richest wOma ozone„ woman can poeeeee. you. my dear . In the World." -l:l Mr.'Charitlil Et Stuart et Allanfora,a11438 his *experience with "'coff.e.uftlifOZONo" In the , following Wattle: • `FOr tWenty long Yeara I ' - WaS iirererftr uutecatarrh ethieseMilard's Liniment Curee Coldt, etc. antIthtoatmoropotnriolweether. - 1 continnaily hawkod and apat, and had most Pathetie Chinese Appeal. disagreeable droppings in tho thfOat. Whioh nattseated Mein the mornings. About all• the Tie Pekin:citizens were dreadfully remedies advertised I uRedAttith -4but iittle afraid When the allied army entered :.',Iir=gO,Ithderld'avggylitigrutlratrillAanleedi their etrastp. To proteet theme/Item :power aide, but was finally breed to believe many Placarded their boucle doore.with that nelline won't& ever permanently help MS. notieeir, same Of which, given, by the Men &friend who bad Wen aerea st homy Pekin and. raell Tata TIMOR, are very threet Irritation by OATARRHOZONID and ' quaint la; ono atraut in the nneelan roggreggoVerrialgt 481/0107oitVittixtt "sphere r..., influence' is the follow- to lustenititlooetviyosatretadontmissomireviv4eh with Catoturntho: ing writ on ft 1,eauare piece Of white ozone. Amili calico, $01 Cliinese litic.-dpray officer et. and I didn't expect prompt molt*. but Leen. 1 ilitese hero Coed PeoPle• Tsio magic aulitatgrult:ordkA, teultrtIrstalTrstit'wthista. leirerfritlort is fastened to. a bit Of most eured. I than procured a mend bottle stick and /nos co, a amall flag Om* of Clatsarliozone, hut a eomplete and perfect the deer. several. h008,4wreinice in cure retuned, before the amend 14.ithe Wits - the following tharM-4-"O0d. Chrlettirtn* 1 r"GAT.AS1111107.0Nteuredmreeterrh, sad -ity Man." On another requeete,, as /eau vouch for it that any sturerer who will follOwIll-t."Leate that 1101180 eate they use it oan be cured also, Inc my ease am ss MO hottest peoplo.,k bad a one as X ever knew et" I . , This nard tas heea the everente Of alt who hot ' Tho petithui iiied with therSocrotkry eitre oil forms ce Throat irritition,Brotic tie, to we eat FOR TWENTY YEARS. 4••••imilarror• of State atikiv 'for a Veto on the re. Lim,h,,111.,es,„"dha_solnerArk•flek14111411,,te, peed of th) Dunkin. act in Richmond VrfellTie adTar-160'10 et'"b'i;"and county, Quebec, 10 to be witikdrairn ng N._. Pekoe a Co..-Xin owing somie: lutortualitY, re, one,' 17.114. • with DROPSY' 'Treated Free. Vire have made dropsy audits complications a specialty for twenty year. Quick relief. °urea worst eases. Book of TBSTINONTALS and /0 DAYS trepaRtmaten. mos, Box 0 ATTIANTAI 0.WANTED TO PURCHASE.... 'COACH HORSES, About 17 hands bleb; weight from 1,100 to 1,200 radix) sound; age not to exceed 8 years. Address , • ALEX. MOAB% • Windsor Hotel, Montreal, Qua..,: FRUIT FARM FOR SALE. Oue of the finest in the Niagara Perdurnila, as Winona, 10 miles from 'Hamilton, on two rail- ways. 17e acres, 4.5- of which is in front, moltlY peaches. 12,000 bassets of fruit, n.ostly peaelfai, in sight this season, Will be sold in lots to ;ma purehasers. This isa bargain. Address ION'ATII AN OAPPENTER, P.O. Box SOW Winona, Ont. Mrs, Witudow's Soothing Syrup should Ways be used for Ohndren Teething, It soothe* the child, softens- the OMR' sures wind oohs Andel the' best remedy for Diorama, Tweets* fivecuints a bottle. •..• SENI)3,oUr address Mil* Psiistall (la and Will • will mali you 16 ten cent packages of • White Mow Perratue, e11 them, return • , us the nosey, and we will promptly atuld yet FREE acvntioczP.nititarioiras, i stone setIlr cay Mug, waruned;1. Chain Brelet huh Zack, toraotEd ,; ISM Lucky' Stoner lit Antique .1raYptleM Stick Pin SettIngt,:nPletet ternag S11. , ver Plated 'Ware; Hatter Knife, Sager' Shell and Pickle Fork. Remember, we give - ail liX 01 the Abort Prendurne ler. tolling 15 Perfume Paekagorlor, tit Write te.day. No • aniney requited. Goode returnable!! not told. ' MUTUAL SUPPLY SUPPLY CO. • Defit.4.9nottclOrtCheinheri.TOroato. Ont. , ‘vemoremeistrauweemer •OcRlORAN61.,ATED-1 • Is by Patio Analyet's report ie0 PER coNt •OUR GOLDEN YELLOWS are the beet Sugar/ made in the , ' A WWI' WILL, PROVR ST. LAWRENCE SUOR REFINERY ..s.w.aeaset"e..•ateteteteultseesaateaw~etwoweetearteette • • 4 I' • ""