HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-21, Page 2• .4Lii ••,-.1.1' • •• f• • ember 21, ow 4 ' • - • , ,r• • (I* Pram neat Men Who are EethOe iSt44' lie** I Am.... Front • Private Webb.. now, died at Torontri floapital Fri. Mr, Thos. Mullin, formerly ot I, kr ..; -'3•• - • vie ''':" , ," • •i• N., • •• VIET CLINTON NSW YZA Pirec Independent in & letter to OM BOARD 114wAnDEN 041-8VV0 tlairitsiD.tit.711thleke to roe eta farmer of ' olio. So Wite Lord flosvard a ciatholict ' e:0 mom. uoLsgs, Esq. - Monday, utile age 0 48 roam Be , lard vet he succeeefully CIMUillendt ll DEAR slu; Bede ed with two *note leaves a Widow 'and live children to th A„,, a f s fdr, so ie au will find; ehorteletter to my Malay 1 luall,1111 theft .1°Iwt, He Waft a brother ef Reflood itegardkog -the Meet of Protestant England , 1 1101014$* 1 tblOk it Is only net dirty tck i CV ' ' . • , , xe . 9. • ,,,,‘ . 'Tilt he is Earl Marehol, and hereditary - 17'0'll. IG. attend the roveit I will be entertaining Write readeni, as eers, diedrithie liceiginear. muherleyt, ' DEQ"/3a 21' 19°' thAe pQraess, payie-Sir Wilic id is it Oath. 00n,, tep en, rage away on H. fiL S.. Nolr• 10 bi WI the .0 d 'h. d Renewals. tfife Duke of Norfolk Catholic, and 1 th f li dit uat it Xolui 'McLellan one of Huron's pion- wr te era 0, ew ri a en r Vr4h4V4 4 "Ilt t4 41°4 t‘atill - ' "4°41 44ngkl4t1.' ,),$°- VtlitheleM4f1" I helfeie they' have - ave been erit•Y on Dee. 14t . itti. the ege of 70 /ears. „ , • 'eubscribere aware ili ' that it. Will hi ttts430°4 %amber of the Rouse of Lor 0 . WItli, th: ti911140 at iirti , VtV,'euate :II =CV tf4i °atit t ni.421,44;si co 0.ge.,, XiOndOns Ont. :Pllic-.. t. 41re it Pener net onl of the, highest honored 14 hie Sovereign ?, So are iniebeee• X ateZc'isuprAre Es' .,a8-heeteyre'alti .--4141Ve kvlaaTeatili. tilittertbi: atgt ysue:bajr047vttse*: llv4fri;;9*°43v:rin fitfotieleoul EST iptipos,otrr. , . L A , ?coder. cior vast. reutiona. with our gob Of Bide, who die Went er tty, b 0 13 th AO Yet he was loYal Omagh rano intereeted my correeliondence Deceased wee born Scptian .and. usatess Shorthand death • tical instruction, in practical et what coiontai •was evPr so highly log yon 11.14414.• Wielling- you every Geo. A.Hareees nod 'pf Mre alevines, - prOroptly eareplietl Wit h.. 1)nring the • Sh_Voil the,lete ,Tohn_Theinetit%i well 44bnefelre lave- tiliVe pliVZ131*- at the tit.= of his -yetio,,e0on. close we have aimed t9 !Termer row Minieter, Oath° c. ti Oise artregarda quality, bet one theit _ tbriin cm: of the met turiesisful ty fEt At 8 B s Exeter cOmpany tit the Sard, ba . IF Aereteio eav., * w needs and the bueiness • Odle and 11,10004q0 Ineke the Nuw Etta - Vella; So were many of the Irish Putt,. To MY DRAB • gm,' t 'ARA, • 7 - War o ice, and yet England Li , CASTLE mai. 18th,•1$100. untivembeso'riteelle4faiiiela to rest in Vnt young peOple and their es ouitt be. read by 411 clams. *e spend ',lea eors hot t e presort z out r can , gaup " . AWA '11 1 if • !era Catholics, and yet they fell light-, 1. . . .1)11 a • '3 133 P elnlees and its re uirementa: 'have .very. b • roaMing 0Yee the deet blue waters, on Grand Truett agent at Myth for the . Every facility at command eepecially it weekly record of a MOO veli* for Eng and against' the n eisnre n381 01118 ° • we are • Att Kr ' fleMinond, • who was , t f St At t 0 4 I f 1 mL .__a_ le; We. would like to ... • o etinate Boers!. So is our own; Pother • . • ,aa refaeirry Oattaelle. find yet' he was °IcIrre.urA timid glii.th co, an* poet 1 Isere e t est are f ,d. • bt a rot Off 013giat waled eo,111 ao ed'h; hie fame , No Opyr 01'' al lug young people before stibecriptiOn on ur Use pa . vanee. and therefore make the sir°02'' le the phiees of the A.nglicati 'prayer nd after•graduation, - wroo to lotion knovv how pleased I ana stela on at Oakville. 2 0 new agent ianee exaMine his label on% this paper,,, i_ic,cettieviZ and bilaii:fi it) etaaj t:Ii4ileg b 4 'aftr 1 i d h ,d to eer At Ketb: 0 teigt D., d 0 pi, i, •14 e are €1011% supeno.. , re me e . f h • ar u g e an ai e p i We . work ri ay _ev bin lee . add Mrs - firet Cana bin contingent I aid happy remits prove it. 5ehaertetien ie paid. and then present* in •the country to -da it lies amongst ° 2 George Ivrirrdier Of the 4th coo of mc. Send for our catalogue and which show i t hedate up to which •the ' England, If there be any disloyalty t nforna you I am on, Ens way back, Xillop, celebrated their sliver wed - request th it, every sublicriber . 44- bpi:lit:When arinisterhat to 'the aging ta? bne, Ingt= at Blyth 16 111r . Martin,' , late of a . . .those, no matter, what their nationaltty ata_gled I have_ survived the !earl (bog, Among the guests there were ly reMit amount to to•ver subscription uravybacks • Which South Africa; nine couplee whe had putt." or. were COltigge. Journal. tt3 end of 1001, by express or poetal.. *de , post 41 mite or registered. letter. Each indiv!dual's subscription is really " Yirrendall matter, particularly when tire large return received is considered;' P to.itir no racial Or retigi us preju ices , god pashions, 'and net atoonigt the mg* em alio glad to thirat X emigre. 1,P ;Passing their own sliver Wed* - tri• W. NVESTRICVELT • "th in the I e ca al * • bounds wi f r in n t,,00d men and true, whether British- cognized es "Clinton's One Volunteer," , 1„na •.„„' , and happy for my old town's; sake to %/0 vv eddeelisaY, meo, • 12th., the • PrOudo‘l Canadians, Irish-Crinadians or French- home of Mr • and Illre Boyce, " Boar Pig for "Service Catiadiaw-who ere doing an they can think they had at least one who offer, to fuse tbe inhabitants. of the Do. ed to serve his Queen and Volintry,r aoShen line, Stanley,was the ecene' tfa4sabuirrhatebrie, usviaeervidBinez., off Reflector rmers and breedera of Itect,h- e °:,,1*-aenPtAttttreaertidd-es min'o 'nto sane h011icSellecbe and eu. :coiloilisdeorfits'aitenhhoh7::04:11. ce„ontel,:greothii: _ . ere for services thorobred ,xork• The An Vntrarliot 26, &WI terInS 61,06 • but, in the eggregaje,• is of very great people, so that they may be was in marriage to Rich. „ante° beet, bred in.1150013.0Ch to its. prompt ,t,*eneweia• Attie to guide the destinies of the new mensal have. found them to be, eopee. front the best imported stook " nefelPre et' & -very. greau tavOr . • 11 on the battlefields 1 rnit men. ard ateceritintiale. of London. , nation in North A:Mexico, to the pro- STAN dll,r,,Lendop, Bead, motion of the. glory of ed and the tleePerhaps a few, which rat hack, no nevetnony was ;performed at.12•04c c • • . of When remitting your own eithserip good of mankind. As for myself, Pro. papere, such,. as• Peardeberg,lrbdaabiell, 'j. V‘r*' A'n;dr'ewg'i doubt, read 'accounts of in • "tion,"ead you Mk favor. tie ,with ,the teetant and all ai I aro, Must say that, am more Oleo pleased that vfe haven, Hoot Nek, Doom Hop, and many On Wednesday evening, 'Navel -al* xiames of one or more nevi subscribers ce ere, o which 1 will give .you a few 7+ b, quiet home wedding was cele • -! Preneb•Oanadian Catholic once more details when we reach Dear Old Oats- heated at the 110,1110 Of John •S' and BOJO the na itter of reeewal yo ter Prime Mibleter, and tnaY the time f , d• b •th hi a ada, once aganr,, Wo have. also taken Mre CreVerl. Not &labium C Ault Pleye- • . Very earliest attention. Totkibire Boar for Service . . Subscriber keeps for service at, his prembles, Eittrouread,,Goderieli township, a thorcebred Y,orleshire White Boar, ofgood pedigree. Terms $1. at time of service. 2 'TSIOS.J,POTTER. bar to such' men Pitt In t ciliattile • of ten •dliterent land• Onto.. the contracting _parties . sTitlyso • his religien *ill be a • •• _ wilftid Laurier either aspiring towns which the t011ovving rniareage heing'Peter Grant, of No. 410 ciarleir • - .• • • A, ' ittior*Occuring the higheat position in will bPlalelfl. and, will eeltghten you. stteet,•(a brother of J. It. Grant, win.. • , ••• • • • • • .4- " .444 Properties ibr Sale or to Let t twofold sadoikarova : HOUSE FOR SALO The send 1,04 bourse on Shipley Street, base ly occupied by W Pelpelduse, will be sold for li11$0. liner* lot. Task:rent, bone* on tar, 1 011 A• /001, 1W0 0111111t0O7 walk from Dalt o on. oceneled entesoriber, will be sole for PD. One fifth of an *eyelet. Particteeri on appli• oitt on. WALTER CORE. 1POIt SALE. • • " •},14.01,f 146tr Ur 90641.6, • Goderieb tewnthip, 00 acres rhiS•tiralitaagre so: 110i)ool, site. Por terms and ililtrlq!k113tr 14rOtki:41:1011tfllf:::.:STT!: On VlotOde St., neat Organ PeeterYc will buy- -Nome, eteedertable house with geed 1114;41111711?•1111. 711e, '47terrieter"-P*4"P*18Co70111;:te: House and Lot tor gale: Tbelargerend Commodious hone iileeslaiitly eltuatexl on Buren Street, oteupiee by the un- oterrincard. There le ethryaecomodatioulivith stable, dereigned is offered for Bale on very retui:un: W. DOWERS, fie'pt 21' 1891h V! SALE. -• Parlor, two, bedrooms, clothes closet, dining' "k•• The fraireecottege on Orange street, °cell - pied by the undersigned, is offered for sale ou reasonable term T of an sore, with heed and Note water, stable, ggod trait and vegebible garden. Tho botiee contains hall, ma a little of tbe work . our brigade -has • Came ON the Promisee of the onneniseneil, ' • . The 'Growing Time. , , gift o his sovereign. • • accompl(shed. 10 41ays: ':31Ittitir.371;.11L2r:11 til8(1411e13181t71•1.13!1, IP, r titillVwD3YenriVillaffiger Vslegelbellag; PauTottirkr ;one .141000 The 10th. The ones enget death call d Bessie 11Zand ' Only daughter • a 'Brigede has achieved a record of which e away, The folloWing Political events have. It tafar,from nice of the Governor an f ntry roight be proud. Wee at the early a 'eof thirteen Yeare,eev • stead of it. has ine,rehod 620 miles, often an hair ,en months an ten days; Bessie had, vet'? l'n•rng "1.113't/Pet4` be° * ' " atiOne arid seldent tak- a bad atttick ofPrieuniOnitt BOOM. three 4)f1.1:9T°hile7rleat viatory of. the Domain- I'm, enaile , at the- 'Halifax tam:Lott. 41.4 the eel:ante of teri towns:- ,ago and ad never fully regained tion. • t daya it fought on gi ti theta and 4 t4" ttlas,.been inttpd• 4Iinciesible to, happened in Canada within a 'couple, 'Of ;lova Scotia to Iniiist on giving . othe etildat:itwasformed---Felo,lfil$000-- limey Warner, last 'Monday week, • Go erruneut in the general elec. . EgeO.froni his Men point of view foing in.ten general engegeraents end eiire e.r Vieror;.Inek trouble: (Men nie.reoult• regard toithat b'everege,i . not on27 other days. In oneperiod of 30 iofein her idiernisel • 'allovvinte his pereonal ^ prejudices k ' ' 'etory Of tire Liberal -Party trample 00.those, of af,iargl proportion vairched 3017111e8. Oassialitieel?etWeen, 2.• The v.' . . • :•• .." • - --to, 't, - s the purpose of 1 ae""'"•--- u"' ' general ' the entertainment , t� :hetior ? .. It le, •-• d - B. . . . '.• .-,, • • , . q • ' -6., • -II •,1)408e,„,tttiiket., wiling!: r i ei..„,,,',,-,,.i.'• 'iiiiiiiiii linilee present gonditions/ owing hl ototitith $*7 can selmen in • British Col.+ -- 1 h•11.4 pave• -f e al -e•er.; of theeaw °Mt wil. -.- • • . , ,B. N. Halair.1,014, Ntg..,”•**"' t t,' : the 'club Of Jet, tki On% 4n and 600,1 defeats Ott. ' ' . 11°37;Itii'e,.vi' 4i.,* lith'e 10.rifico Edward ,1c1;i:ggitiTilite,,,163:itintliel tilaal4osticicirfall. '°•I'llrl;:;tthell';'.122enti°6: ll'..1),*v til.e 'ai)tive: flitiIifiatal andifi itifilet;g to hey . or' the Ielandl/lberalaln4itet week's' Previa- :nag I.. .._3. . There might no 'doubt iii)irix4t4e:1 oaatiii;741teont.hupirvdih,liatilla be fi gelierareibetr9n ' ...,WoOlcittreilgt.igirettillere,141,4:1=i short!, a ter the 41ilsliV 'tweak .. try on the co•operative plan exclud- ten:. ;0::Itels.3e:nati:)'1; .ththeib.- white . . . 4. A couple of Provincial 'hyli-ehter- offered le onade nobod could fee ear in orders Since then vige have' ivw tions last week itt•Nova Scotia, carried by the LiberalS, ' • - ' Welland- -contest, titithe 14titifor. the Ontario Legislatnre--handeomely car; ried for Premier Boss b,7 the Liberia candidate. ' It.'s the growing tithe politically, as, welias industrially. Siete the Local butt • summer it has increased ite majority by three. „. • • . • Bon. S. N. parent,: 11,"rent'er of gue• hetifine bee ti; Presented by 'his atives parish whiten address; eccom-` nteitby abandeinae ;Victoria., Veigh -And bartiess. A, • . be Toronto Telegram backs, uP. Oarice Wallace tor the leadership of the Conservative party, He Might: "feed them into ,the wilderttees, .but never out of it. •• : • . . North Bruce Liberals have decided ••'tq appeal egainatthe decgion of the &may .Tudge reigarding. the ballots, , and, if necessary; fa' proteit • .:1+Teill'e 'election. f • ••,, • , _ • • enubbe&LiesubsLitu(nn if .betir :at - eeriattaehed to different. brig*adei at:gp,.o,tt._.g.es,,'ka4A.aiaare.ef"ther;-i#ohte. theinstaneOf,the governor, is crilen••,. ;diffeeent attd,114Ve 4180 bled 'Esta,;•'' .1..,,",,„„„"Lt•e,.•14,aoetroen,liavereadily lated isnehle Mani, of the..0„neSter.'019, tioned-ateeeeralVeryimportatit *Antic: e"ari wqll as ton inaiaritY of,the•"peopie ,of. along.the different finite • of etennikea Another" of • the old •Pioneers . •Nova Scotia, if not to Lord W.,11..• ' .• Eithel;.in tilie4:person Of it-tPd take Ares. attaxs Carlow 104,4wwwknotmA0,0/0"mokivoimy4A, Ii1J1111.1ALVS WATCH AND filEWELRf sroRE . . ' Ingt emeived'a.lot of new Beltrk,: .•Beeklets,, Pttiley lielte,Ringle Brace- lets, eto. The leteat geode in the ' : . • . • , • • We "itialie'' iiiipoialt.y 'Of fitting Speetacles and Eye Glasses. . P.4es examined free. nd Lordatioberts, both of W14m. heVe The following telegram *bee irctis'453•ti, _ ppeocer.re ick,of the'lltte_johti Sped bes, „might theleaterteights *hat •I3leireral SMitli Dement, who pow departed this lifit on tFride.Y. 'Dec. 7tlj turning Vellieteere not to tempt thens;"- .nianded thitliithiheigadefrOM etikepen, aloe -a 44114 add. painful Rinses, whic Mr lonelit,' argument : that . the beer to Pretoria, thinks of one reg, itnets8 ..eiliBbsiseal with Marked patience at the ,eauld dii,thein no...liana, and .,might : . ItOtraver.. Poonrie advanced asooffil- years, She leaves do thena good; even. if. •true. . WAS no Genera SmitkDorien to:Col, Otter, enespn, Williath, onetmaiter of Ethel argument ataxii, 0,e it *old apply ft, 0, R. Selyerton.-150 worcli . can and ToWnsbip Clerk of Grek, Mid TV!. *igniter(' kir -Laxative Li ly, giticit et lemonade not broken ing you and ,our gallant, corps before of Grey Mrs tit -Oil. 'AU ret.t eon, , 'tren2eitiAbat emelt e in •alic 01," E tihmtgie glasit . beer. has Often "reeks, wish' tbero.' for ine• good luck,. TbOaSton/ 1114ittoni „ p04, Creflitors. : • &MO': Men Who have one .through and tell them --------------------------3tht I feel:at anere& hat might! kii•Ve •orsoiecli4airione, : ' ' ' : " ' �n every box of the genuine att least:40'V to lemhas onade: Certain- express my disappointment at riot see,' three daughters, fdrs lames Lirird,, • . none Tatou . tas broloh gooof dresOlutione of veare, Ion Please say .good-bye to all of Roserizont't and, , rev M.:32$9_,,:.7f!;, the bracing effecte of a war, hoping to It .X.haVe-gainewa. oideet tutooened",at,,,abw„ home Ealgte OP 'Ater:414er return from it free from an old bond• hold 100E1:W.:to the splendid, .way thePostmaster Vtrappl at unBUine His JVaggilatk 0,4126 Tolon'84iPtl*Pilgi e t .#0" age,,, have had the,whole struggle- for Canacliens 'served and hope for ;the,. ,neighbor was ht. §the evening; end theta' titan, dee&stred : 5. • , .;, . •• better things annihilated by sneh a time whettrolity' have the :htinOr Or watt, 0-..Alacble*lealTel•Areech a kindoesti rie that reeonimended :by commandingAhenotagain. There ate Mk Jong!), • ; . no.flrithe.ne•Mere gallant troonst in the- • •l' '" • -'• world; - :MOTU Doniko,..General, • Tat to weir- persistently assidied.. • Agtis igloo, over and Weare making-. ‘theoughtnit., hie stay at the Paris Expo.. !riraet ex:riegtrte04*yertiWatortEnriintintint.:VreodIcto' • - sithm, The exhibjt was belittled, Itie Cliairntry, and &respect -to be lone in remarks wernmierepreeented,_ and the tinteleteChrietreas. I have voryltttte. Ilifontreall Star, the kali and Empire Motet° say tiOve„but Ificipe to be able to enlighten eattianY Of my friende e,e and the„ leseer' • organs, conducted pooelble Whoa regett Canada again. against. hint orattriiiin of the- most X Oust drant, to 'a close, Neighing ray :conteniptibleaspergion. But Mr Tarte 11).71gtxt:tennirltaillp77;leVak:'11:::,abaCiMil' Went On bia way doing his duty thanking one and all for so kindly ,re- denarlat and now Mr Quintets, the member's* •,nie throughout the cam. paign. I remain yours, in patriotism Grand Tretik representative at the Ex- • and loyalty, • . positIontwho has just returned to Can. Your one irolunteeroi, E. shot gun hanging np arid .thelparty' wanted to take aiotrE at, it,...ito'i•11111ton took down the gun and he had no (Mon- er taken it down,..* Ulan it' dischargr ed.the contents lOngiRgiu the stairway steps. Luckily on one wee on, the steps itt the time, or fatal .eruite taightliave 'font:malt • „ , , t.. • . . t -••••4": them . • The latest 011101a1 returns - Obteber 'need them, as I bad a tan. They were • , • iininlontris, Dungannon,. WPC recently returned from. Africa, `where hetet* .part tVeenty.;eight en- gageneenta; and came through without a serathh, .a member of it„stii0neti CatiservatiVe faintly. :Meeting, hitn,the c•ther day, ,(and*.lonee knew •who was talking to) a represeritative Of the 'Nave Eat said i•••• ' • "Jones did you come across the • i Caisuattielp the War. mergency Rations while in Africa. . 4. • , • , "Oh, yea, came .acroat them, and all rl ht " • - • e room, summer 'tits:bee, teller and weedshee, is centrally /mated, posseesion_givenatAy Itple to snit purthaser. ELIZABETH. GRAH' ALM tf STORE FOR SALE. • The premises occupied, by R. (Miff, and consisting of a first obese 'brick 'store, on Albert Street Clinton, is °gated for aisle on easy term Also Cottage on Albert Street, with two lots, 'stable. Ood all conviehoes. Particulars on appication to Mrs W. Xtebertson, Clinton Ware 0, WI, MCGregOr400)10tanee• • a \ •• • :Port iarin „ si WI 011110001°T Bowlster,tfieReibit.loe. martox. Orme -Rittete itleak,' Iowa Oboist, Monier TO man / ••• Ws 1111111/00011114 BARRISTER, Bowman, ,NoTAIA runtai, ETC. . ctiace-Aleave, ',mock; IIpstaltil, °Wait* roster's( Pbot GeBasa, CLINTON 6.. CH A IR LE* OtA0 g R Vairleteroienalter. Notary and fleeriya Othee-Bpveatte llelnittlie EWA • Vifollatteli • M. OA CApaiRo_mk___,:.. (Porreetly of Chuneron Bole * oaenereele • e a • ' 0 3•• BA.BBISTER *Pro • SOLX0 Oflica-liesalitais St opposite Colbert's, WOOS GODERICEL, ONT GARRow & OARROW BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETU. OfIlee-'°orisergandltens it. aadtlietirgiuite tiederien, oat Z. 'V. Ganasw.Q. G. .0fies. Gificosi. LDS • ' • , * PROUDFOOT.84 HAYS. Hanyaments, Soracrrons Normres P033440 l'Itecrorce ut THE Maximum °MAT, 430., mace; Berth et., next doer telieleala eine& krivate Panda to lead at lowest 11441111 of interest. •vr. PROXIMO= R.0. RAYS. aloe is•Aereby 'ram that perkone loving •• • • , •, . atts ocliedoneralseutthell7tlideylif Nov - 98 arnetthe etateor e mid Alexaneer 14051900,4re ranieeduntr 33efo1e the bth •datof emery -el stand . post prepaid, Or to 4 Over to Margaret Watt,Rxectitrit, Clinton P. 0.;,,their Ames, addressees and occupations, with full pattioulare slid proof of their °Weis and,the natureeif the'security, if any, heklild • eraLand that 'Wet ties eted mention 'dee the executors:will 'proceed th dietribete e eatiete of the sal deceased -amongst- the perties entitled thereLhaving tegaenli to t he claims of which'uolice eltAlthaive been gieen.., JAMKS SCOTT Stsuoiter, Per 3dAftganNe WATT. roma Warr* elte and OAS. IIAMILTON, Executors. Dated at Clinton this 27th day of November ROO. Bicycle aird,General Repair. •• "Sunv.nir .se,vartisnert. > PrOprieiora:/ • Battefibury' Street, Clinton. • . . , , Sulseoribers bea•itie belied out the black- sinfth business ef Jelin Teefevel, haVe eoinhill- ed their Mayas, Itusinees . with the same, and having both baldness/es -Wade*" one roof, will be in a better Position than ever to.doall Work entrusted to them. Solethredableknivali, etc. ebaraelsed and repaired, 'lawn ino**re oyer- hauledV batting box kniVei` sharpened, them gummed. Special Attention given ta bioyele revalts. °ram* respectftilly solicited, work promptly attended to and priciest moderate. . _ The blecketnith shop eharge•cd se-Boocl practical num. seho will promptly attend te, sal work in Ebb Inns. • oda; bears, testimony ti) the good woik B 1st Oana nin Uontingent, , The election ofa illucei4er,to a !mil' Le did. lie gays:- • • • **twat of W•1%.P..kerrean (Liberal) in There can be no question of the suc- the Local Legislature for Welland took ceps of,the Canadian exhibit, and touch 'One on 'Thursday. 'The returine of*the adVertisine. that Caned& reFelv. calved give Mr Gross (Liberal) a major-. ea was. due to lift Tarte. He worked w on rtee gays' Th' ' eat ht t rrla incessantly from morning till night 01.141bie Of British casualties as 46,02a„ • MI IN op, 0 es 3 . ity of 350, Ed has' been most unfe.irly attacke in In additioti to thee° 0,000 cases are be - tiny opinion/for no one could have b;en Jot treated In Britishbot300,18 ill South • Beret Ban Chances by taking whiskey i.,;. . . Lord Strathconat .prediete that at raore pelages. I listened to. all the Africa. Since the. beginning- of the M brandy to spittle the stomach dr stop ' -• speeches he made, and I gays in the pa- war there hair been aline 4,000 casual- °big.. Pain-4.111pr in hot water tiweetened , . _ 1.„. 140 toa of the 20th century Canada • persthe reports that had beencabled' ties among" the Civilians: . about • ,,,.,000 will,do 7011,140re good. &Void etsbetitatee, l-s•-itill"lialre a population of, 80,000,000. . over. • They siiiiinefulle misrePresented. colonials from Canada, Austtalie;New there's litit.oire paitoRiller, Perry Davie. .. Zealand and Indio, have 'bean. invalided 06e. end Md. • ; „, • •• . ..... • liVe _hope it. may, bet opue of the pre.;, Whet the Minister said. . were misled. by the; home, and, since the date of the return - - ,, • . , - ......... Sent generation will beabb3 to coat*. liEurenlan!' who w there hag bee* 1,000 casualties . of all • Alsot him if ix hasn't. . • ' .. grow) slanders put forth against Mr aortic bringing the total to date 00,000 . . I Tarte.by the Coneervitive candidates in round numbers, An analveis of the . „ . ... , . • . The Yukon's Impotte of machinetV the election campaign may now turn shows that of the 46,026, casual- - . •Ilutiiig tres reported in d'etail, 10,008 died of all ' . *id therebitbdieeiaei euir'iner exteaa. ace how they were butieded. •causes in south Africa, While no less . r•-- . - than 3t,400 were cent home 48 itiValhile, • , 4tblity•tbousand toll% ()Ver. 05 per ° ' gii ti it turnit . only 208•of /whom havo died. , • , . 1 • cc ion c beat. of *bleb ehteied ireai Cartania a , • --7--- • ,- • porta. The,goid ekiartftlegorda show Evitty Prillitee Ekeeit-40ntitriii EllgUild.TISBI /g811011.10118- „ . . ir• i, . 00-beo theti could lot test at night. I ,,apOtnitry daring tharPerlad. - ' ` toek Milburn's Rheittasido Pills and have ,-1`0,, -..4 •,,, •• - ,i --..i7,-:,;,: , 0: oTmbinefioPutobelittiting`eantioi: ja, 'eritidleicloniet . frieorelitt ,not had a walla of it .ince.” John Kitten, , 5""" Glauber° Man • - Roo, Edward Alike Wu." bean 81004 . On/A& itertitiny Of the, returns in the tog* ' * ' ' ' " ' ' ' ; ' , • .,•• • , • ,-itessieikof the Clerit'ef theVideat iii Oben. • ,,,...., _ ,,,,,,,..,• ,,,,e,„' ,,,k,,,,,,,,' . "" '• cbairrilatt of the Varliamentar* Vont- tierf to estiniate the milotity in **eh : V1114111 niUUtlitif VIIIPIPItlin, Mitten la the Brig& Coatotoon er •r•gogillot'Int',officisa 'retrirm fat diele ,'. .. . t'4..:,', • •/, tstlawliter, aeitrliganiAmplr,i6211, nietertettmg":t . '16010 fain for 41E1.044 ia which 18 Tegardett tpl a recognitientif ' Ms obillt•y* and indliiitett that he fire. Doe_terg. end . yele,,cetiboewbelje Tlitt' 'tit% isr, eher ttuoiltruphit:,410d, ' Howie. • .:4• r „... ,,., ,,,„, „pig) et isea lailtieleet uric) 3llheiii • WM 65 -• , • . . , ,,,, : , , • BIB tbet $14-, 266,50ff was taken out of the 'Gale.* 'Liberal filajorit "I bad the rheumatism in my altouldere gulled tol one of ito IA* ideilt*ottia'''illalitititiac'Wlibre. bet& duly TwOutly.i xi% 12tb,U454144Siet, 7". ' Otintest, Liberal eiledhlattiliall elletz We bAT*0 this Vveektrechronicie the Jias the OotiserVittive*, have been, talking ilglati•iik41Vintlioet, Iitsgar, South lturini who Paeseduwal Ift)hdarildt.tr 'a reached Pritice'`gdwara int fleeih`ZsnarL-Vhso, eensihninotee theadi'anee4 age of le Yeage• • EflieW • t •••4.'„ .*7 0 The "great re4titcyp"!* ai�ut 44,111,caso atiat_ioss, dtheathof /one off m, oon ur 3oldypiestyltdoiretitenellett; - • noron II (melba fbere wean° istreighf Arty 0. Peraon) *Imo a fealleral election hag just taken 11141,00. XII the old, administration the Liberals ba -a intipiity of I; now .they have al:114°14y of 18•in a houskof ; . • • • • she Ited atheea 1333 She ,04,• the mime* end:6 of two,. dare. s VOTION %hereby given thet apP'Iiiestion will 111 be made to the Parliement of lftheda a* the .next eeesietti thereof bY StieremeXtecre'ef the Independent Order of Poresterefor an Aot: 1. Declaring that all the, asette,...intereeteA rights, credits& effects and nroPerty, real, per. tonal -and mixed, belonging to this, StrPrenns Court Of the .Ttieependent Order of Poreeterts, incorporated tmderthe_provisionst ef,Chapter 187 of 8,0../877 (the Provincial. ratio*. were from tend After the.2611. da of ay..18130, veeted !tithe Supreme Oceitt!of the- Ledepteid. mit Order of Peresteril, ineorporetted by •„Int Act of the Preilissieet of Oenadts, Ohaptet -m4 oftlat. Statutes et 1880.(the Dominion Corporation): • • 2. Declaring theelnenteere iti the odd. pre- vinolal Oettietatiots, on. the And 'dal' t3f Mel's 1880: beceines.dit eleteisselabera laths said -Dominion arparation and subptt to this • „C . • *m...4 . Ifaelletswaitosh, joining the -11111950 53* Imre. Dieetesiete of .1141) acres, 126 sores mid** oultivatien,,the balance iss harclwoOd bnh -There Is a good frame house and, bank barn 6.0x015;84d several other out•buildinge, ineind- ledeeeese ray:tart, geed bearing orchard of 2 acres. Situated 12 miles frotn'Gocierloh. 10 mile* fi•om Clinten,• and smiles from Elyth. Ter-nss made sassy.- Vox farther partioulare npply to- W. D. WILze ON, Auburn P0 2481'.•474111,* , • ••• • ',1,1 farm for'eale, beinitiet 22, ion a• ' ' • .t • • imokEntit: *OR 4 • I SAXIlla • " te. tr41 I - T at el ble Brio Buisin ell iid en 41 - ed be • • „ • JOHN RIDOUTc • .coNvirt.ANorm, wmag, Real Estate and Ineuranee Agent. lifoner lend on Mortgage and Note seouraf• OBICe-.131313,011 STREET' 'MANTON Raw SR NESTQ ligitimEgt • • • • , • ,(theaSelsor to*, T.'0• firece)it •'• speetaiiiit. in Crow* luid,,Bridge Work 3 L. D. -Ifrrittate RoyaLCIollegeDentlettllSW 1:1..S.-Pirtit-eleas }loner graduete tif Dein* •thraeptiftesentiaf Ttorooto Vstairlinlye Ordihrein'141 t .°4 Ylelt 4134:37iLd 447 Monday. • ", iNfloe over W. Taylor & Scin'a moo wore. bort llt., Clinton, occur hy Mt N. Ro on, is . location leen° of the est in Clinton. The Offoted for sale, inclu hilt rear lot and stable. • DR. AGNEW, DENTIST; CLINToi , 0109932 and Bridge' Work. AT %CRIME THE 2ND THUBSDAP OW 'BACH MONTH - • Office Hous -9 to 6 . , _ • •• ' ' • DR: O. W. THOMPSON physipian, amen -0Mee and Reeldence- Battenlinry Street. I Petty its free from incurabrance And title In isputanle.. Psice reaeonable and tonne to mit purchaser,' Apply to GIGO. ST_ANBURY, Lon- doaltesil or adclrese (11intoti 'r4 0 •.!..‘ • . • , • 4 r. • , ; 14. fr •;•4 •-• . • • • .FortSale,orao Rentir t• • • t '..,•• •The Choice' brick hoase thee owner' of VW. ton alld, Joseph streete, belonging to the estate of the latellIcherdlleywood, ie offered either for tale or to rest: • It containe room for era. nary family, 18 practically a new house, with all conveniences, and three-tenthe of ari acre of land. If the pittlettY is not sold. or rent,ed, Par'°f"lculbveirreCTOteliTSAniaYozr-olinto„, *AttieVOlt tgAtft" Sitheariber effete 'it* istibe• filie./arirr of 450 - aoreat beinglot 2I tatin se-Stanley:rend, with: -half of lot, 42, Tnekeremith,. There IS 'briok bank barhand good hiss, elesied but 'shoat 6 acresof. bujh. - Bearing orchard Of 145 actee;•4 isever-feiling wells. Situated abatis ti miles from Clinton. • Stook, crop and implement's; will also be.. sold igrtsisiladioltt fele- valtatien! •Porer411::: Will exchange for a smaller farm.'" • • • Nov: 80- , . 011.6.,S avg,B1( Olinten • , Etalo pt. to , : 4 , • - • , The nneersighed offers for gale or to vent 'Lot 38, ,aullett,coissisting 01 1903 scree, 80 acres eleered,10 scree bush And' balance undleared lend need for pasture. The. ferns is - well watered by spring *reek and well. 'Thete ' II about one acre of orchard, There 'are IN mores of fall wheat sown and 18 'scree of btu Plowing done, liven the ptethises there be a storey frame dwelling 'suds hams one 041X50 andthe ether3ex65. Good stabling.. 'Troforas is Gaines from °lintels and 14 miles from Snm- inerhill P. 0,, ehlirolv and school. WEI be sold ormentedon reasonable teethe. For further -particulars apply to. MRS JONATHAN Mel3IGION, Sent 28-11. • , • Olbstea P. es. MINTON rviAgatE Woims 0000Ews exa) STAND, 'Next to Commercial Rotel, This establiehlnent is lidedi op ration sine an ordedliled.in the mos satiefaeto wax, Oenur tery and granite work a evecissity, ytiees 1-6,00.01e as those of any eetablishine 3. B.11001i7iFt. Clinfron• WM.. ,GRA IA tiate of the Royal College of lolana • London, England. • Office anlicssidence-. , , • • -• PERIVIN'S Ith*Vile•DP.Stallese ' Successor to*. Turieball. • ' • ' • DR FREEMAN- " • vianaarstrit suite or, Metellit of the Veterinary Mediae!. Assienhei Mons of 1#onddh end EdMburgh, and asiedae" ate of the Ontario VeterinereCollsene, , Tama D Wag 0 Mat ANIMA -14 Olnee open night and day, opposite Clem. meroial Rotcl. • .- • • • Suceeeeer to Dr rotittir.? 010600; OM. • • • ; • • • . , D 11. 'wm. OotiN,L, 0. andiel•*."raiiil ' Edinburgh. Office -Ontario firth*, 0/101011'... Night calls at front Aoor oi reeldettee On Betters Nary et, opposite Presbyterian there. , • , - • tatty,'" viikitisIotan etittOSON• AJAseeitcheur, ete./.ctillee and reentencothIt! • teaks St., opposite Palish chniets, fermeoa op, envied by Or, Appleton, Clinton Ont. • , . nR. STANJUJIM GRADUATS OP THIS Medial impartment ef Victoria Dalyea-, atty. Torentov formerly of the •Noevi,thit *Mad Diepenbaries New York, Coroner et, the County' re nartlew 011t. • r • 61. 1314A.0.1i.a.141, VETI4EINAEX ittraGitob es • llonorseyGradusteof•theOutarloVethriaa College. Treats% alldieeathe of domestietheilasi mats en tile ine t Modere told sisentine rim otes Office- immiediately Beath 'tithe/101V °Moe, Residence.-- Albert 1st., ellaten, night ordav attendedte oromPtlY . • V . JoHit4 NV. YE0 • 1101itESVILIMi • • • Agebt for ale IL.11thoreezia Prita illetitiextes 00. of Manehester, England, whosoltuideand security ate rated at $14400,000. Mao the Mc* Elticop MMTAL Iresunsace CO. All classes of term risks and team property taken°. loweet rata. ifirat-elase Loan Coiner* ale° repreeented. Money to be bad froni per eclat up, actoording to nature of eectir DallY mall to Boitassville -.pastel card hotels him • • : • , O-04-64444+04+44-404-44-447*•44-44 • IF YOU Cii);VOT Conetitatien. a is of the Odd °minion Cortioratioirfrom thins to tinse In fawn , s• a. 11:-.1 leer thafolleteing,and etherAusandmente teitA(113 ,Ameis ewe of-Ohipteil 104 of the oteeSMAatleti iind-arisendiegAsst .... Vie Siiettitee •of 180 Sec 010, reseeetbut -the Rd IOW etl , ea Pgard•ibtCluittet• Wet Petreths).thk)ferder to- Ole real.iirr ,in order, to bane meth. siLidtiotioit•wiith li. -ter =et toe terie,Ststoliat a 1898 by pm* Vidiftsithietelortittee otitistramersertgenen, ishathrpreolie tee aeon ant Wei • IP:TWA (exclaim:0i ite 1:a•awnotteo) may held say 011 tIffiS 1 • „):••J"",,,,,I 2 ., Mb Vert* g Settitmeto he d IA/ sof vr ma 4°- nt 1% *.glk)10, eight pertY fight, the Gotheatnetti- Buhl Of ar,000 Write dr of ulitich ilk, werteileago, eptgree;heos, wet womb., , on r elterths lelatitteiets4140401t 01 • ul r v se amo u n a tos ttr thrQurt(44 °VI*: intP6411,, • att gitiliaarlat.ttai,,0108410',f41: Iror lo sheistot OWL; We have ell sloe of Oa lete 144441.44414 %V 'or by prontugotig Ilk' S310013.1 1%4,4 loyal** onntast thorn alibi eittonleiten. The iitAAyers 'fifth ham *So imeeeeafalef $eeti be 91 10' Earlee of the eleStiOrsi *bersiblite,wat a-bie/W.6n Oec, 28 A t%10tall tk4*. AleittkiAlid! aleiBenlik vitt. - feat '01601004k Ott ktroibrteutii. 6e 2 tkenhi il I ' d no 1. ON NOM 17 tte * . -7thllertjwino. to ere!, rtLcal Course om • • V 3,1411t,.; • '; ' JANUARY; end, do' THID ly:•M' BEST' LAtiei 4iat 10091»'- prepr4t1on we. ...anew a Wain* II tel. eser instrua, enmanship, Shorthand, etics.s by tion ialikalkikeeVingairdllietiness fslrma con telleblesehtiol with eleven raga'. lartestehete and a geed rebtitatien for honeat work "tape* good ee. *elm • Firrl.tve for. Valintieulars., Toronto, Centraillfitins$061146 'Q • vre ail414Prinelviii ',...4•Olespeee4SOSte.oetiltieit******.aor tel to 87,000. It th bell le / • • • ••,, et lies on b en st an ys °hie Rithgerand the Su &oda TAMES 04141311ELL, LOND818/30110,- ' ISSUER OP JIABRIAGE LICENSES, ' No witnesses teetered . 121 W. OW ILSW/4,1* • 13, 8., Provinoial Land Surveys* and Civil Pzigitteer, London, Ottt.--0ffiee at Bee' illevtart'eGrocery Store. Olihtcer. Musical : , it.p. Sibley, C.R.Tatuiey, S. T. Mural aide. monde, the Dotietty Male Qbartette, 'telleend, sesame, are prepailed to 1111 ongageracesta Inc church and othoett entertainment's at scams, able race. For term. edittese • • ' • Octlf-tt S. T., atUgalt 140141 GLEN OAMPIAKIJa; Orgmeate arra ittusteal..Dirtotee of Robb Street" CAttrch, Dedepolif• %WI warsi • PIANO, POPP °EGAN and TREORY_. _ ors. Pared to tag A limited number a Penile la, the above Por terms apply at Ohs oflietOt tie MR CAMPBELL,nuty be thee froiny, p.m., at the Olarendeat Hotel, MA al Orlditi of each week. 1110111V Irt) rIttvavid 44)P.!te • ..214 431-• „0/ 1WeTag . . • 'At kV/rebel seit 403f•datetn041411)61•• «Jig, Az ogiono• Cilintalto Xnetillbers there being 24 Litieint4/41Fid` rudeliendenii"Liberaill be included their Mfor itt are sorry to report the death of skating/Winter "Nether Agee Am 'laid sites-seetion to be' Sabel* Sty • O 0010461104tIVE48 elected. - majority will aggregete ----- y W01. formeriyof the **tend nets; ,eetteloir awaeolkolo et thrletteet Oese in le made in the 00144 oma "7441- rffillentro SPOT rifegILIA)P` 11"/"411.1/114 protium* the 0:Worm" *mid be omiNowt*, but late,' Pakeeritatwoho fer• as. ilke,titnalitto f.irsiohiwriii bon, tog Alvpubstene manger or Olorgtte t.e0kiighitte$,Tertorto sCwn°7"*?* de rod thielife,an PAW week* oft& voted, end say td 6 A24,rd4alcitiatillgr'•of boytholl - - ' - LIU,. togi, cjon. Intl, it e Ort 'MIMIC" lie leatesa Wife, , tone with ,oer sled* hooka asitiitildd? „girt ivi erthat he expecte to he **king nee. Ole/ ... s 4852 daughters and two eon'. • deeerne 40 be t0111,h)!' Out .. • *. met. • ,t1•••1•.),,, ‘• • tkeeentilisit , INSERANON CO - act these 1408(Whieli 0' ••• • • • , oettifloatel , mu so, AyLA.911)1- VISOPAPWS a , • s , ONLY uteaavo ammo sted at *aft #tigt . .... . 210 On Thnitaiii ef het week ble rounds, 4401031414 sad tfiat-the Aigoina Central 4" "14 " 4'64a "rtkink OTZtaet W9etaneeil:11 t rim r 4 t 6,‘1-1 i-L15F1'ilTi tWo artriei and • ca /11•0:144''' y wilt reach tide water, at Sfl.„. Iltinee Wood irl1/41,**** • /Ad *4.44 bud', ti cut littightfoo at, theinet? 4 ° nil I , , *.* og tilt° on 0 th 1:rignt*4 otkijis italtislos. I* ; Wrr.".."*••••••- . •4 eileMettell ' ••3 • lig 111 I'ti R Preset e t • .41 4 • • NSW 8 602 mildew ttma,, *bile etttttal wohd or the, t'i; 11111! I% oiti14 r fib 41Idotitioss, 4r4•••••444, Neel ; "I" t" 7.616 ik6 ja ittreirbi‘ "*"" 64" ti f vett of Pine Mabel" *4011410 onyvIiIJg * wst f•8 Onet/#3.4,41t452' _ ‘Ir1 - 4.4,140; *** the Ina 1448 0401 • • itIt FT/it Pacet- r. Vlite• ent,kli.snied roa4400*/Iitspastar tatinttii to geha elation* tti That part of • ' 0„.410.144,11,1106,, not rot** "11/011 there --------------- , ••• ; ti .• ,'•• ;••• 1 *.1 d$ I. -data° . nct gmEr i Auld luta vi like at I i Inuits% e t * roadie ' sbvi_tvrolistos i , t lot, it: etztegtos a. iiiimitkei.f -- •441r. ,,,:et'l A.; t. "1• -: , . • 000.•„,•••• i , yi..,•:: /, I. 1 I, ,...fdlt L., ,•' ' ti, n • 4 tc ,, •40t!, 8 i(43 1414,1 111‘..i"r •• 1.11§, WI :Mr* *1 1141Vglr i Ai orgy of onl tea of the ,1 f• '4Alk, lir / Oenbi jIb 01 farm.rs bs .0, iket - t IWO& Aka1M;n 1b •I•ti 14ticiiiltidnesviRsettHt44, *406140 s *i; 6:4 ragoToist 17, Gs e thro . • s thertaertr • " A* Nog lid, tit writs afros vosrke, vets te Ontario, tale lie mite toe the loreshasi that Astie Ault ••• •04,01/4 MotS0D, Oast* O*11. *ft .,„ • .•••• 3- • • • 4 kbiortil1I sza,en2914biestee1 e, 1044 - le • •'.• • ; •-• • - '•' . "•• * a, .,,14444a1=. • • IM'Ailtr