HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-21, Page 1he Minton to hove e referenda for , bill+. o•a pp 1?r b lis 'lt a. re ,, begs use vee give,. ilii entire t. i a nt tt p iri d. faa n an ha r o' ve n . a a: ti .' h selection o �voe a ser n In..,_•... SilvetWarb, ut s U'].as' r1 Sterling Silver, bony Goads, atuette, e, reach �l C 1 x a: '� Schee Clocks, wear fie.: The Satisfaction we s "..giving them we .offer you, , •u`are 'at 94 ,,liberty to coins in any _eiimo.a» .d vieerour selootion=of $glee moods - the handsomest We slava oyer shown TYLE o pais" ri '!i• iiapetls••beeatifal deoorat#glia, characterize this stook. , LL ours rs N Ew shown,,.We easy Blair bre and'.creat' gine. a add g tial *one oarsY to .•r<e1 tlCf .and. have `them laid 'aside' ChoCol + a e•B .ane of Queen arxotorieNs New Year's gifts to soldiers in So . h Afriea, is now Ail exhibition in:.• r window. � ivate.%pi,'.- b to .1,3,0 bn . tion in' ear - dew onifietut .•at, e 'a wears g a. to show,yon e newel t. WQ-have no old' h[apworn• goode, but all new, up -to- ate, andtha idsoim: We'll lay by: any article.yahliaro to select now for$tnae, You'll get <a larges••, re- lection now than will later .ess. we mntliett Solt In SOU , OeinteciCesdouncil Met According to ties Minntes of last rtieeting ; read .approved, treasurer's etatement for NOvernher showed balanCe hand eee leaded which. will -appear in a daye in the financial etateineuts. The Par and Clothing ,llonse of Huron Tract. Pored aresivingtettermtliese it ie SO now that they are able tobu ia for afeardollars, that whienit would have been necessary td mortgage the farm to buy in tines that are gone, Di IS not ao tang Binee that a furcoat was something tOWonder at. and a man was Bummed tete very Ivell off who could aver d a *gra Mit 60 a luxury bat 66a beceositys Then eones the question, where ana Won whom will You bay Your fur coat. . We aro not the only 118010 in the Up Portazionevertheless, seeing Mat 'rem our Ste0k yoU will be able emu .sure of ngthe hest in the way of fare that be had from any Arni ittWeetern (Mari& We solicit your irispeetien,inul t,het granted if you want furs either Mr I:dieser Men, we will salt yen. On the wrong side of the street Gee d Gtio Whiz to lin 50 ,per box. 2.*Ati le the eine tinie of the yogi whin home *haute hem A bright atid °heels ppeerences. Yen tan make sio by de. eteatiag With HOLM ` Oftlidinitg it it 200 pot lb, ' riot the Xmas fired.) velltinte IrittNave' Oterigee, . 960 and 400 doz. Volesii.Orsitget, 516.01•80o dot. We oelt Attention to et eel on tttnner —VOOPER O. ion II I I ,tIMMI A I II 191141101" Pateerleetelox se. The m.mb.ra o Knox congregation presented Ml. A•ggie Scott With a estedeome gel :aratch on Wedneeda evening, in re cognition of her service$ as otganlet in church and sttnday echoal for a,nunu ber of yearn. Mtu&xaipAL.: We understand that o>f,o Brighatn has, decldod to retire, frO the reeverhlpat the end of the xurtent Year.; he - served O. faithful aprenticeshlp as Oouneiller bofor accepting the Reeveehip, Which he bae 'tilled for se. eral years. and it i. Ott. mltted• by all that 'be•: hoe erfoxmed p the 'duties.of hie office e.. ssi la act yery t f. or- Uy.indeed,.and retir`es•with. the esteem and good will. of the electorate. Hi. successor cannot he decided Until noin- n i a o day, but, will t abs b , e y rob Mr j probable- Alex. Leitch, who 'has also been member of the Board for eeveralyeare,. s well qualified a di w.l ua for P !d d a .Re v the eshi �e p• Clow Lgi$r:•.-•A . 'certain �;tarmek of this. township, had ft rather tinuxual. experience the other night, He was visiting a brother farmer,. and started to drive out of the barnyard, but his team left the road and went across a deld,landing finally upagainst a fence, Itw:was. tea dark to .tell, .. just where he 3 was, as he supposed he was a, long way Ott the road., et) he tied his team and et tick r out.far a light visible. During hia absence,the farmer, at whose house art/sing tad, beaen:vrisitinte happened, to .be rt- ,ngalso and., was surprised to • find • isle team tied to' 'the fence and the owner no where in 'eight.„ °A-- .ter some time ; had passed. the owner Caine' back with another neigh:. ber end a lantern,. to relieve the sit- ttatioq, when to .the amuseme t of all the parasitic ...1 rt ,. it.wse< found: that .though the team ad travelled a on .h..1 sr the fence, t1,e farther had tied them less: than a rod-pt.way from the' gate, losing..;con- siderable titre into'the .bargain. Co nNcr�-1�b11et;>R "�l7oiioeil met:` in. I•Londesboro On Saturday,:Dec, 15. ''Cr- �dina ry towtiahip ;account$, amounting to 1 •• ere 230 w Baa i e .and : $ , d rd r , d o e e� a►t?, to: be paid, :':and the sntn,of $4,808 was paid; for,echool . purposesthe, these sums will.: appear in detail t the:huane#al p statement no* : being eublished,. and. which Will be distributed at the Nomin atioe meeting to any of the rate a-;ers who ina ..ask for :it. For' sane a time' the uestio ' of comtnut n statute... q n l g labor at a:sinal' per diem payment has been,in'agitation, and .the:Council_ has decided et the forthcoming municipal election saga su i mt e b question to p u e o the �..tb q.,,n. elect fora lfy ballot ,ag!`o1[ows 'Areyou in favor o o m t#n p fn tri tliie;H state lab- or {n_ g t at'the rate of 40cper Oar?. Yes or . no ? 'The '' l T Co 1 etor. as J _ , e . w authorized to .:coliectthe :balance ;of the taxes which at this_ate lee -Mailer th' d,..an everbefore. Council. adj o i creed until.Monday, .Dee j. 31, .at l0 a.m.-JAS. (assess ELL,. CLERK. ra r r Thai adeserthefa. 11114141,111h 1st 'ss*+cle.�lt. CLINTON ONTARIO, DECEMBER 21, .1900. ' eutrlsttnee Meet's • ,Ib+orro. dlederhel;b'tQ>yrm>Rhitlr Stoney* - Londa f Quiraoa.-. The annual Sunday • $duNtorears.-. We understand that false Scheid meeting was held in the Metho-• Messrs T. Churchill and R. Elliott wit d dist church on Monday' night., The 'contest th reeeyeablp next Januar , reports show that -sato. year has been Jas. Cox will be an a pIk• tat for the a very prospper:me one. lire easy.) T.• couacll, 0, J. W111144ns re ring. Mr k B. Coupland wale appointed euperin. Williams has been in the council for tenderit And R. G. Webb, assistant and , eeven or eight years, and has• made an T. Sainaon, eecretaty. Moat of the excellent representative, giving close - other of ceree and :teacher* were e- attention to all matters' of interest, and. elected and the same 'number:, of sup- he will be missed at the council board. plies. mato to be ordered as were ordered NoTns.--A.' Huller,, of the Huron s as were ordered last year. road,. hi visittnst fri'onde at filndease • asnaon stissExrT.--A, ,obssetr�uas eek, Mise Emma Peck, of qtabley, was the tainxnent, under the auspices of ..the -::ueat o#'her cocain, Mian 1''1.oeale Oole Clan . i . r last weels, R. ill a ad an O der of�•liome� ClirQleia,' wilt - utf Gtended a party be held In Thies 1 fat: 'o ter's'1Ii1 iene,eveni 1 t i H'1 n week. a e" as , TnPrlQi eta a ' � g` r on r Miss S sic _Christm;iil: night.. Thee ,prograxtt ;mu u ElUott.iq;tott�.a,taking* trip. Hie cone*. Of vocal , and instru a at to Michigan at an earl date - m nt q , , riwtett., Brost. B el d Mink, fr"aQ,are sic, u Wish . byma i somey ,in t1: ed. ofrncamp ..«the best, ,moving e . talent from Ulinton,. assisted by local in Stewart a slush this week. Cole a muaiclans; readings, recitations, chap_ churohilohoie were hospitabi enter- :acter sketches, &o.; addresses will be .Seined at Geo. Cooper's. last Thursday 1ev Win . .oree delivered The lecture ' •an d by: Rep.. Jas, A, Hamilton aft'tp a in Middleton's d Rev.T. B, Oo Xand.. A very en- : Sun ay S�ehool room last. 'Tuesday j'oyable-,evenins:; • is anticipated. .Ever evening was slim in .attendance ow�ing 'person leemrdiatty invited to risepres- ent. to the tnolexnenc oft le Weather, we Doors open at '7 p,.m,,' raram learn that J,. P4 Alliott,: of the Beylield to cotnnience at' 7.30, p line, has rented the property owned by Arthur Oantelon,. at , present in the SclxooLMa.Tar .- ,E leis. --The school queen . tion received. its q e hands'ofion., had a ini forPictune of Yq'gietus from the the 14th con., had the. misfortune ta. County Councilet:WtngbamlastWeek, get his hand badly :cut c u in a cutting when he 9 u i g h t. v refused o t take.action inthe bo matter. [We heard a member -of the j c thethee dap.. in the idd a sort ()entity vices..' wall be held in the Middleton, Cour it a ter. ar C P w d9 saythat in h e e i e i Rohn l arid l a Summerhill . 9 arien o n lis.� . p t belief:ihe council event outside of :,gUnday, next its right; he said that • no ', matter what• view might prevail ,as.to. thepropriety .h of forming a Mar s to . w.ec o # ' o. t.ntw. only 1. , ., lid have been; courteous. on the part of the council to%hayie granted the arbitra- tion, and thus allowed the .ratepayers an opportunityto press their views,for and against,- before the e arbitrators.The taopayera know local. conditions and-. circumstances better than the. council did as a body. -En. Nines' ERA.1. Mearwax. Noxus.-•Friday finished up the nine for patakes this year.,• Oe aturda the "^ fi o h ., c' n'' un fl h'ed : y i� :a 4l(5. for the year also. •Nomination of coup... "ci 1l ts this ye zr !should d heaven. attend; ed to hear the'statute labor question discussed, There: is quite a strong feel- in •.g tfiat• .the time hoe:came to otos# li. it, and aeep up the t gads the same as the other expenses of the township are done; it proposed to .eallect 40 cents, a day in lieu of statute labor About fifty Ontario 'wunioipalitiee will et New: Years yote on the question uestion of, abolish- ing statute labor and substituting the contract system of road repair; ;the ex perience.of townships .that have al ready: Made the change 'is•'said to be .most favorable. Thennomination da may°brinu.several aur rise't th y t the A r s" one beers on the quiet is cryetalizedin- td action, but it would be premature t,o. make° any announcement until the nominations take place ' • h�s.li7 ev. Mr Hamilton accom= ailed • his ':::iother';to' Brantford . on Mo �af M nda .y seat week,' Jae, Marrs is de- liverinst hay at the Station here for' Mr Te Duo. , o w.; bias Qmiszel anti b'Abrt1GT-'S'G'e, Denholm. Wm. I :ley - has .started' to the Members .of L. O. L. i8e, take thio rtnn draw the.childrento seh9o1 for the win••. efezpreesing tlieirbPRreol}ation eft "many iter months. Mitis Sarah. dac"ts•bestowed upon. us ,both individually 8 ,ah. Brown was and as 1x/30010y :b onand: o :fame y r ne _ of kind- yibitingfriends-inMitchell last '_weel;.;.vroAre dellfawarathat ai�ithoaeaota•uihin kind - Alines ,Watson. is. home for a.., Qhrist nese have been.performedby yolirvith leesure moa, visit. Masers. Joseph r and goodwill and also for the : ood ofpthe So - Mair. ep Riley :and clay of which you are one of the • <Meet mem- Wnn. Griffith cause home front : Parisberg, yet you and your family must have' Made or -Saturday:'. Rein -Mr 'Henderson; of aareatrag:yrsaciificeslnthe number ofyeara: "A:uburn,'preached in.Bnrns and Knox yrnihear oaworked inssomanYdifferenti �sea for ' hiirches en Sunday and Rev. Mr ' well know that 'neither words nor actions' eon ^Ilion took his " work at Auburn repay you for you long continued ldndnee to• and•Sthith''sHill.-MrPerrin,of Wing:wareas,butweei7nplyrettne�tyouto accept ham,' having rented Mrs . llto rid ee ner th inaNemo members tt "ken:stills rcci- $ R in which the members of the lodge appreci- farm near the village, moved to it, . on ate your every ant of 3411412 03e. We also wish Tuesday ; we wish success and better vpoa To11: 11 and all rho proepority , all health in his new home. -John Granger neoniyenaesdHourfamlm theyseeautol rod yon you your rami 'in_ she beautiful new lost . a valuable horse from: •indrggeat#op. residence yonare goin �ooccnp .. . Mr!anreeirs,J.•Tamblyn and. Mr and S'.Ro Trate9E,R.•U.ELtzoTT.lP W Cusum. Mrs js M.: Elsley visited at B. ; Tyer - man's, near Wingham, on. Tuesday. , Mlle: . Sum gmerhill" , Norse, -A large nnmbor`of'. yyoun ` :eo le of tine vicinity; gthered' • et' the spacious •residenoe•of T. J. Lindsay on;'Friday even ing"•:del; where sill engaged, in gimes and sooial. chat..; atter a delioioue'lunoh all die- pereed i be "Wee hoare n' morn" to • their: -res e! e'eotive Mcrae+!'=thanking-the--host• and 'bootees• for their kind hospitality. Owing,ato soine;puplls being ill, the ropos- ea amination whh, ich' Me O,s.4.. Tebbutt intended holding„ will not take place; with the proeeede Crisis school odncert Mr Tett. Mitt is•plaoing some velpeable maps' in the iioheel which will greatly belp the work of bis - sacoeseor. Mr t1 McCartney., of Holmesvtlle, has engaged•with T. J, Lind= 'ray for is few..mouthe. Mr and Mre Hill of Kingston, ire guests,Of Geo. Hill. Atiraveivisanar. Anniversary sere vitae of the Methodist Supday School will be held en Sunday, Dec. Mrd,when Bey. ,M. J. Wilson., Nile will conduct services in the thurchat'10.30 a.m. Oa Christmas night an entertainment will be given in the church, and will con- - shit of recitations hy Mies M. E. Wash.: ingtereelochtionist,Olinton,and others; music by the Clinton Quartette ("nub and an addrelis by Ree'l IL. Whiting, of the .Methodiee church., Mitchell. Pro. coeds In aid of the Sunday &tool. 1 Constanee WAGASZEATZON.--- Orr Friday night .ers in this vicinity Was held in the basement of the public school here fee the purpose of considering the advisi- bility of organizing a farmers' club forl 'winter months. The hour. ,see foe - the meeting was 7.80 at whiCh time. same 35 men and boys had gathered John Britton was then tailed upon to . take thechair. He did so and. id a few words opened the meeting and called Upon ThOs. McMillan to explain to all the purpose of the 'gathering. , Mr McMillan u on rising etaeed, that ! the idea was possible to establish a chib here which would be acknow- ledged lati 4 branch of the Faemers' Institute anti which Would else, be- come affiliated with the Guelph Ir,)t Stock Show. At the meetings, he Raid papeie woukt be prepared and read ueoti twine of the agricultural epee - then tenet'', debates might also he pre- pared and a little literary. introdced at the close of each meeting these things all combined would.he thought, give the Wilson; 411 incentine for Air- time etudy and eesearch concerning their work. After Mr McMillan had. finished other abeakers followed and all heartily concurred., with whet had been said, wee then decided to or. of the following officers :-Press Ir Britton ; vice, Wm. Britten; tee., Bert Steeetiston ; treats, M. D. Weir., Other butiltreiei Was then proceeded with, tharnembershio fee was fixed at 25 draft a constitution and tO see that a suitable peogram Waif mortared for each meeting. It was also decided to . Wedneeday nights commencing at 7.80 I the first meeting to he held on meeting *paper will be read by Bert Steveneon upon "The cultivation of the tor and, the discuseion will be led by.Yeedlinchley. Then the Statute fAhor question -141 be brought po for diecutelon. Suet before the Friday might meeting Wats dismissed it mu found. thet the membershipliet already numbered twenty four, , greet in. Crease It also expected end alto. opleesant time is hoped for by hose who as helping the work along, COUNCIL.--t7ouncll met on Deo. 75th, according to statute, Mrs Geo, Wilson was granted' the sum of pas charity to enable her to go to her sisters,.. they bei nri n destitute tacircumstances. MTs Rrtx, Fricke was granted the sum of 65 as charity, and that Herbert:Elford re- ceive the Aum of .$3 per week foe at- tendance on. Mrs .Hitch, duties cone g mencitn on IOth day of December and to Continue, if necessary, to the next meeting of the council. -The following accounts were 'aid, viz: -Mra',G::, Wil- `. 'on c p 8 charity,: 3 H , , , y', $: , nllett. ooupcll, , share of expenditure on,boandary line, $11.- 01; Jab. Donnell, gravel, 72c.; W; John. Ston,:gravel,$5.34; JButler, station,ery$230; N.'Sturdg. plank, 5X,75, gtavel,=$1242; J. Marrs,ravel ; 3. lltcBrien $576 , ,ravel gravel, , '85 70, J. Connolly, ggravel.$3.90;Wi3:Currie, gravel,$8.01; le; Walters. gravel. $1;80; -'GP,' . urc4,- t r v _ , a l e ar ,62•.E.J 1 .El i a tr , r �. Q v moi" W. i e 1 r ,, W Y e s av 7. •. c , , 6$ Do $ d gravels . $2.40;` `-1F'. ,McCartney,. grav$1';- $13.14;; Mrs.: Rieke, cheritv,$5,- A. J. Courtice, gravel, $4.32; ern. °Elliott, gravel, $15,06;;, W m, Rutledge, •' gravel, $16; A. Wilson, use of hall for. council, $30, : Council •adjournedtomeet per. statute. NIXON .Sr l .>� �A'iG.. OWL PREe N ATTO .= ,E T The Nmembers e of the Orange -Lodge Met .at the house' of Mr Ourrie, 7th eon. on the evening of Friday,' Dec. 14th and . n presented .. r and Mrs Currie and. family, with three Chairs. The .address, 'read by Jas. Onnnolly, follows ;- Conant, The public echool enter- tainment held in the halt on Friday Norits.--S4phsiti Hartt, formerly a evening last Was a decided succese ; ta resident Of this vicinity,returned home eay that the hall was necked is hardly On a visit, after spending about 28 suggeetive. The first part of the pro. years there, Miss; Nina J. Gardner gram was given by the pupila and who has been Spending O. couple weeks consisted of chorusee, dialogues, drills and recitations' ; all ' were splendidly rendered ahd reflect great credit on the teachers who had the preparing of the .program. Instrumental music was furnished by Messrs, Echlin and Fisher, Mr,W, McPhee and a number of Nile orchestra. 'Vocal selections were given by Miss M. MoVittie and Mr and Mies' Ditetow; recitations by Miss 0. Linfield,Aties Mcleon and Mr A. B. Wetheral. "The Somnambulist" as gived by our Carlow Mende wee highly appreciaten as. was also the dialogue "Wpm) women have their eights". The et t gallery brought roars of Laughter ; our.twoartists should be well patronized. whenever they decide to put up their shinvla The proceeds of the entertainment amonnted to over $24, Notes. -Mr ti); McCartney and site ter, of' flolreesville, orient Sunda3r with her sister, Mill Main, Of Pert Albert, returned home last Saturday. Miss Lottie Treble, Goderich, has been visiting at her (deter's; Mrs Jas. &tun - fling's for a few days: Mr Bogie is en- der the weather at present with a vio- lent cold; it has settled on his lungs. false Mary Cornish has returned to lier home in Kincardine, after spending a few weeks among friendehere. An en. tertainnient wite_given by the Nile pub- lic school last Friday mghe in the Orange Hall of the Nile; there was a large turnont. Mr S.Garchier has our chtexect a new cutter, While S. Alen was drawing a load of hay with a Wag- gon the' other day, his team ran away and tipped the load; Me Allin had the misfortuoe to get a bone in his fooe broken. st, Joseph. • Imen,overxernre, - The Mammoth Meilwalne. The weather was ex. block at St. joixeph is beitig pushed eeedingly cold laid week and Sunday - afternoon Court -10e Made an appear- ance at W, MoVittlea. I). Echlin & CO, Still Make their weekly trips Rev Shaw, of-Bents:tiller, preached' here botn Morning and evenhig of Sunday last. Miss B: askereille gave 4 very interesting addrese here on Tuesday class and the members Of the Sunday School and league mkt at his home and enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Be. fore leaving they presented Miss 31Ittet McIlwain, who le Mettles, ,out. cadet :with &puree and address - our beet c I per ear in ad t 1.44 iruPet.o r NoTII. -etre John Oleipinau' returned The'butchere in town will from visiting: at the home. of ber Outer Mr.vim keep up to the atatradard with 'young, Bernie, Peter Campbell who eatara tine mate, and, not - halt been :attending the Brutal Ool- .withstanding '.hat ire will likely hn.ve legeln''hioago,returnedhomeon eliturdsy ,open weather, still masse . unusually Bust fox his holiday,. •good:displays, Below. is a list for the. ENSERTAitnithOT. An entertain. ; citizen's to choose from; meat will be givers in S. 8, Nc.10. tan• . R,� FITZSIMONel d Sari le r: on the evening of Friday, D e.21,et. 1 e e lh.ifafc F'rn' _y . ro 1 d by.1?. :e a n . dr rets.. T tarn vlrl i emb a e :si - , es r c n n iv b. pp 1R g rr y the children apd irtbers, instrumental heigght 6701be;1 heifer fPd byps`. ,Archf music, rleaulin e, recitations, dialo nes, . er, clreased S()E"t lhA: ]:. heifer fed hy.l).. &c., also music by the famoue $Lug ';Wr ght, dressed 61;5 sten l heifer sell by Quairtette of Clinton. ;'Dome. open at 7 lt: M�rllveen, dressed 550 lee; l hag' Ped h m. program to corgi n Y R• Walker,, dressed 16.1500 4 Bch; i p � It >i me se at 7,dC .•.fed by WI. Harvey., stresaed.1501hs each; � Mr s X aac Erratt, ' who has .risen 1 bon' red by].fi,. :ixsi ons' dr' F m R eased 500 reeve for. several years,' filling the lbs; 2 fawbs fed by S. McOool, dream oukeeverye creditably, , r. i b has. decidedto all YS lbs 0�: lambs retire, and, the 'vacancy'"'will be con, c ' 2 5 m c ba x noires, tested for b ,.S. Moffat n John e- tick ilreased 75 Is aroW . a quantity turd Nau bton; tr Mofiathas the disad an R. At sfrona Mrs Ef, R. Scott an $ , v R. ,AtcTneson; geese from �', Brown.an tage of having only one yearax . muni- Mr McDonald: ducks,. geese and chic cipal experienceto his credit, while ens from Mrs Hamilton, and. ail outer McNaughton has served several terine,, kinds of dre#sed fowl, meats, ete. - sse etill iithe t incouncilx I o co n i andis exceeding,. t A. COUCH. .y pular* . SO that.the chances are .,•, inhis• vor. fa 4 extra fide 'heifers and 1 steer franc oeueorr,,--ifiet on Stitnrday;•lt;th Dep.; A. Nott, Stanley; 1 heifer fro N. Loy. the 7), 7;r, 0.'0, wexe a p"" glared as follows eft,. base line; 1 calf from Mr Way , Thos. ltraeer,,John Murdonit , Wm. `Batt base liners calf and 1 `pig from: Geor sa wel - d t r Lao i 1 an ,A,ndr nbu D n r 3 ba r law et o , .r d o a f ..m a n laidArm r ng. �. that g do : y, axi, ne o O ntelo oiaim for damages to, wagon Y ey Johns, Tuckerenaith; 2 lambs paused by a defeoti culvert; the -council- trawl Mr Archer, Godericli township, decided not'.to allow.the claim, 'Athand a large quantity . of dressed fowl, ,taxes. were :• not all collected the ,00lleotor'e-ineluding turkeys, ducks, geese Arid time was. extended one.month. George ;chickens from Mrs Fear; dressed: geese Baird and John .Bear" were. appointed: from Mea H. Warren; pigeons, rabbits auditors, A number of accounts were paid. and all kinds of meats; also lard, but Mies Jane Johnston laid claim of $500 ter, 'eta. for injury by' breaking hoe erre on oroesing' FORA dl. MaNI�IL at corn .of Beatty sorry giros, store; an trgree• 1' extra fine heifer raised •b W. Dole meat was reaohed whereb elle accepted Y - 100 • Beatt roepitying..Hallett, fed by VV. Robknson, Gfoder- $ y $ . $80 sea ;the isle township,.. weight .1150' ice; l fine saving disposed or i y Drug business to MRs R. V. ROOKIE f01 St Thema) I take this opportuu» it of thanking my many: friends fr he liberal patronage ex- tended. to' me in the past, and trust' the same will be extend- ed ell; to • luny successor, of I take much pleasure d 111 introducing Mr. d _ � e i �kf k„ H• tothe people of Clinton and sur- rounding ndl lid' to'l1llfry as a gentleman whom Z have known. for 11 years, and a firstclass up-to-date aIId you. emcrelia- ble 'ella b e.clr druggist; st� and any �O 7 confidence cy.� give him I . am sure will net misplaced. 4 isplaced, - . Yours truly, Sydney n �• e Jackson Iii townships 040. • heifer from H. Baker. ' fed by W. Bele ' C OLEgOTAT,� a ul t $ ar mastic of isle' Wan o, weight ], 25 1 heifer from 1 lbs; r m bo adws r e a held On on onday aq ven�rt a di Bluth. ;:• Z>toTtrR :- e „ F, n R v.. �., B. Cloupland, of Londeaboro,w•flt deliver a lecture illus trated by : Tiesot''s beautiful pictures et the Life of Ohtist, in the Methodist, church here on Christmas night. NoTBes,--John Barracks, He worth is spending his, Xmas holidays at his home. on Dingley street. Ed. Moser was+visiting relatives in Buffalo this week. George King ' 'has g a secured the sextonship of the Methodist church. foto 1901. A. M. Babb, Teeswater, was: in., town Sunday. St.: Gracey is in; loo.sok d c this t izi week: on business;,. A lecture was given in Industry Hall on Monday evening by . *mgt. Morgan L. Jones; Dungannon. un non n member, ,, a e of B. Co:, R FirstCanadian Contingent,, who' took part in ten general<engagements and a number ni ofskirmishes; r r e kl "hes• there be' r m , liar tntr"sev- eral meetings';"that' evening in other places, °the crowd was not' large,' but what he said` was veryinteresting.. A, new'; smoke stack : has arrived for tiie flooring mill, to replace the one blown down several weeks, ago.. George Den-' stedt arrived. home from : the west op Saturday evening, after an absence'of sir months; he is. not sure whether he win. return or not. The annual meet- ing of the Upper .Canade rend Bib e Society held ads an 1was:a the. Presby- urian church last Monday evening, FIRE. -Ohba again the peaceful el u in - were Aroused on Wednesday morning at 12.30 o'clock by the alarm of fire, which was lexcertained to be in the, veey heart of the business Portion'of the village. The fire was,firet noticed in the rear of James Hamilton* drug store, and in a very few minutes it had spread te O. Sailth's jewelry store on the olio side ana Oheillew'a tgenienre store on the other. Willing liande weto ' scion at work, but very little ceuld be saved in these . places, and as the fire backed up to John Meson's hotel they found it impossible to save the building, though most of the hotel furnittire was saved. At one time it was feared that the brick store of Anderson & Elder, on the corner, waiild be gutted, hut the firemen kept the itemise in check, and in the mean- time the goods svere nearly. all re- movea, but the building is badly aam- aged by smolie. inside and out, Oa the opposite side of the street, in the Pre- toria block, most of the plate glass windows were dan3aged by the heat. The fire made a clean sweep right back to the alley -way, ' and as far south as the hotel driving shed. There is con. eidei able insuranee on all et the huild- lugs, but not enough to toyer the loss. DECEMBER WEDDINGS. - Around about Xmas time many weddings gen. harmerZohn .Doherty Quartette orally take place.. December seems to °tonic "leetim Doherty QUIN= be one of the favorite months with LedeletIseleetion. ....Phillip and Louis Gravelle those whom Cupid has been vielting. PART n. A pretty home affair occurred at the histraineutaiatusseu,oscaraedmiroidaiorster reeysiodterneceet cotnthheathorriddea';menvoethneinr coati tD4maso. hilliesititztl.r.eeseree Of Henieelohert.efroy,st, Ailalr?ftetetThe o'clock, when Miss Ohrietene, M. Mc- Seleoittioin at on . Doilerty Quartette Elroy, eldest dauehtet of Mrs Wni. Hoe ItDowns McElroy. was onited in love s hoIr "Rise with that ark" . Doherty` QUartette bands to Mr Wm, Mackenzie, of Oh - Lerma church, officiating. The usual Goo eiwetii4iaiieen. cago, Rev W, MoLealis of the Presby. attendants were dispensed With, The Westfield' brlde,wae y,iven away hy her brother Ontrame.-Rev. 1114. Wilson, ',Nile, will john of 'Hepworth. The bride was preech here Oh Sunday next, 16 will be dresstid in white orgendie,_ trimmed childrene eervice, ,appropriate male will with valenciennes lace, and carried a be rendered -by the choir. The revival boquet of white carnatione. Those Wows sn WedneadilY night, the Pastor hal present from a distance svere Mrs dene faithful. work many evils' being saved. Oarrotn, Hepworth; Weer* Keieneth Willie itooraparded by her eider, Mies M. and JOhn MacKenzie; Missies' Kate and lif0Xeller, of gagituivr, aro here on it Christen& MacKenzie, of Lucknow,•all visit to relatives, afre G. Medd, of oueirie of the groom; those from tOWn Clinton, is spending a taw deys sviih her werei Mr and Mrs WM. Meliliby. Mr nephew Henry moats's. mho Emma ml, Mrs Thos. fdaelroy, Mr and kite Fotbergillio laid bp with an ittteols of H. Heine. Letters of regret ,Were ve- living With her daughter, Mro Pickett Sun.. rived front the groom's; brother in le- shins, vending a few dips whir friends' Ian* olis and sliter in North Dakota, in the' neighbOrhood Mist Ethel Cirter and a eo from the bridens brothers in bag returned teem skit so friends in Toronto and Woodatook., The newly- who. mils'etierence Turner, Ooderich, wed couple left tin the evenlog train opoodine e few ally* with her friend, going north, to ',het with the groom'e Miss TJ, Oempbell. John T. Currie end relatiVite. leaving for their new hotoo ,Johe MoCelitan are the aspirant* for the ahead. The roof hi about coropleted and 20 wen are at Werk on the Wieder of the hotel and 'two of the atoms. An effort is being made to complete this part by the first of the year. A handle factory ie spOken of and a foundry ie a certainty for lteX b trimmer, Norm -Alex. Mousieau, along with his to eieters, Adella and Leah are -at, Mr Bdaispre,and eon have returned te Montreal. Mr Guyette Is at preeerit building a large building intended for a hammer faetory. A few mote case's of fever have appeared ; R. Cardin and M. Aubin meat present confined with it ; the other afflicted ones are reCovers uhex ctedly celled to her home on TUee ay having received a telegram abent Sunday at It, Meriwaires. Mrs from her hueband that One of her littIe sarateen entertained a, number of boes hod his handhadly crushed in a etittinkbox, Mr Bedard, fe friends on Wedneeday evening, 18th Nb. 1. 'Hale Will ehjov his X7riacass-.°r Dec., in honor Of her mister, Mies Etta doe at hie home in Bolmeeville. 11°Milr. MaiwsluI /41° le4Ping Nile* N, Oantin le expeeted home from Montreal this week, • _ n Jas. R Ja.Sout Southcombe, b we ht 116 , ag O tv few accounts . passed. A new d sparIbs, 1: heiferfrom Geo.Dale,Tucker- are decided upon will be the issue of a weight, 1000 lbs; 2 hogs frommonthly report,' which the. Princio'Gea, Stewart; '2hogs•fmm rWarner; Will thepurposeaein to show .21ambsfro T.?otter, Golerieh town- the parents theprogress and attend., ship; 7; extra fat ..calf' fed, by R. Trick, :' ance e of tlstudents. h Glodertoh towP, ttease,nshi ..ducks and ' •" turkeys fed by Chas. Lovett, Summer- PRETTY CA E riAas.=Asthe end:. hill, McLeod Bros.. Mr' atkins and o the e ar d fiawa near calendars for R.Diaper, Codexichtownahkp; a:fne the following � years are seen floating - selection of fowl from etre Pear, k- aro and which are principally* lett; specially fed for the Xmas trade, by the insurance com pahie 8 through z all kinds of dressed neate, including their local agents. This ear the Yfowl, corn beef; lard, butter, etc. are as profuae and as. pretty as ever, • We notice anumberthe mer' 4 ch ors a a • • hate somevery Bandagnae ones di s-R sitr and tributed to their customers:- ,Eiavie• Rowland, . w at1d, Harland ;Brea, W Miss Ma HalleW. D.Faird Mae Hallett, who has teem a m teacher in our. midst;havin supplied for Mroa and A. T, Cooper, the alrug •Sts ..an ue in G 1ph Herat erona friends in towY nd nibs Mies for , distribution P. + ... . p1 n $ B' 1� n ed McHardy=