HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-14, Page 8De(q.niber 14, IRK' TEC 0 If NSW ERA SKI We know of nothing better than coughing to tear the lin- ing of your throat and lungs. his better than wet. feet to cause bretkehltls and pneumonia. Only keep it tilt and you will succeedin reducing your _ weight, losing , your, appetite,' bringing on a slow fever, and making every-, „ thing exactly right for the geniis of consumption. Better kill your cough efOreit kills you. sr dor I THE. 1:10Mil41Es The exeeative committee of •the United Society of Christian Endeavor lutede, ,cidiel that the twentieth interuational convention 11W1 be held ut tinciunutt In 1901. The Augustanit synod a the swedisit Lutheran Church of America will raise s nutunntent to the memory of the late Dr. Olaf Olsson,the president of the 4UF.4114" trine eollege Iu Mialite, ills.. who died last settee. Mae Rev. F. p. Hutch, pastor of the Cougrhgational church of Monson. Mass., has resigned In ()Merle betenue the gen- eral secrethe of the Christian Endeavor Union of India, 13ttruta and Ceylon, whh residence, at Calcutta. The Catholic church bag *bought for S180,000a Palatial 'residence for the pit- I-Pal wind* in Paris. Mge, T,oreuzelll. was the residence of the late Mexican . minister, Antonio De Oiler, 14 Rite Darn. The papal embassy will he made one of Ow moat magnificent In Paris. • .. never been found to be t came or ap- pendicitis and that toot rush briatles gearis7s, been !lie cause in a great many As seen tiorn the moon the earth would I tppear tour timer! greater in diameter and 13 times wider in aurtage,than the moon does to us. The ilituelnetion of the ettllit js. 14 tides great4.1. on the moon thee that of the Winn on the earth. The ,,Attestion et eponteneone 'aeiribus- tion Of hey has recently been investiget- ed hy one, of the officials oe the United States weltther bureau, who suttee tied fermentation, WIthin moist hay may mime the Jethperature to. 874 degrees which temperature clever bay will ir Evcrydroggist in the land ;tells rein - *Killer. The best liniment for epraitis and brnist s. Th a beat remedy for cramps and 4o116,, -Avoid eubstitutes, tbete's but one Pa **tiler, Perry• 25o and poc, 51 -LOPPING. IN PARIS- - . It Has :Dorkvvbeeks, A.ccOriling CO AineriOnn Ideas. .. .Shopping in Paris hes its drawbacks, according ta,the report of a woman who has tried it. "At first." she said, "I call. as raatter of course, for inte, Ditto". But he railroaded.!nie around from one coditer to another with such speed and bad such` an imperative, fitsh- len annotiecine the plate must pay that it took whet little sense I had of the comparative vane oe.Fretieh and Ameri. Cep ifteuey away from .me. However; buYing.a. few such staple' articles ribben I emeriti, to -appreciate even 01 134 eenfaelen ..that 1 was. paying. two : eriees tor eveethinth and X disuitssen Mr. Guide Midliegaato !pub* my owu ' canoe.' • "Vgot .on,:very wen, too,:tyrtth the •ria0, eer little -elerkre; *They had no one itt • SCRAPS OF SOIENdE. PhysiCinus say that grepe seeds • have coughs • -of • every A. 25 cent bottle is just right for an ordi- ndry cough; for the :harder coughs of brou- , chitis you will need a 59 cent bottler Mid' for the 'cOughs of constimption- the . one dollar -size Is most economical: . "Xy cough reduced me to a mere • titeletpn.;„ tried many remotes, hut they Alfa tied. After using the • caleeryP.ectoral I inunedfately,ba- • toimproVel and -three betties - 4,...ifored-nie to h?ltIr. Lbelleve 04 My life to - f3.snan E.. iliOno.04 Gat. 7,1898, Broiriternis Yar' -erz-..rOsaarlovlitsswr,-•:-"wsispr‘ :TAKING ill*, 001%6 2:081A, Peeing, he John has. :set -rotting, pedbrd, of 'thin:eels frociedtte, pacing; , on' -; ,44.0'irofo the latest new one ...thlocruette, 2:10. • . . -:°41'he .A..13bot' trotted an • exhibition. flhilC Wagon at Likiiigton fii93.1A, equal- .lng kis harnesi recoftl. . • ...,The•aow Califeittin pacer &lock, 2:14, . is turAlleKinney; dolt, Gazelle, *2:11'1,1,2, by Gossiper, ' Woodwork Ititelieu is the name that has: hear thrust upon A son of Nowoed, ownod in rdlay.ofee county, Mo. :„.4the. A.hbAt, '2:03% - (Ices tastest • ett .thenlidille halfe-fthin 'the gear- to...-.tiftrthrec.-quart,erowbicli •is el. *oet-ttritightatitay, .. • " 4." d -Letup', Girl; 2.0a, tee , au Gain 46,34k.".2:08,.141„, peeing; e a totril iiif-ALLpartdeMere that 10-iver Dicic Berry /Ma petit!! tbe -2 - . The peieeeref Alreileas'his been on thre. turf 15 ,years and during that period•ims ' Won. 53:-rdees releg. The total of his witioings Is $480,400. Lamp Girl, 2:00,' ii.the first 2:10 ,per- , feigner foe Walker, Mei-rill and 'the sec- ' Mid new 2:10; ipitter wlesse dent has a record of --Roue*: kin,d. site 'being • out of Berne, ." • • , The Judges at the lienere (Pa.) races ordered two of the drivers in a race, who were drieing ;without. teats, to Precure 41iese miter gartaeuts before they would • .'ellonetlie.rages to -emceed . A matble horse' S head and' shoulders .has been ID the Roman forum. It is believed to date front the secOnd cen, tura itefore'Culist °tussled equestrian, statues are extremely rare, • In lereno L. V. Harkness his a won- . dead and her vletore in. the Lex- -Ingten'PutUriti. Was not ,unexpected, for, . she rnar4hed away With the 2 -year-old altelgiou last year. Her mile in 2:103A is the record for the stoke and ranks well With auy vier made be a trotter of her Age. • If- lassie and Preece want peaCe 18 Dizziness and Nausea. Mid with China, why do they indicate es the next phew of nygotlationit Mop makei tor war? to it not heckles t1Panootl by onoraistndy 404 01044 they Want war-airel partitiou?-New Costliest:sent York Press. It la time for the powers to call a halt Mien the contioued eleueliter nudolootinget How &Mt:muter Scheel Teoeher Suffered... of taltuatlort around Pekingigand Tienhe Chinese by the foren beldieri. *," And How, hotipi on vriend,s 4avioe, The . She Pink end tsin seem' to be degenerating Into mere o, 44Fled Dr. Inflame' ps exhibltiona of savegory by •soute Ot the Wes Itestored to. Health and Steength. allies. "About the moit thereagh and, popular ee %ether we bays ever hed here.' le the LOOK OUT FOR THE ENGINE. ' epinion expeeesed by the people of Canaan, li O. of then Presen young lady mhool We Bleep your hurt. Reep it stroll teacher, Miss Nellie Mien. Miss Outten Don't let it flutter or boot with a Welk is possessed ot keen intelligence and en - stroke. Scott's Emulsion fettle the blood. gowns maniere; and, has been peoulierly It makes the heart hint etrougeriend great' suomiesful in her ohoeen profession. At ly improves thenirouletion. present she looks the.pioture of health, and one obserying her good Weir and buoyant OLD WORLD ITEMS. - gpirite, would neher with sickness. It was, however, only ver think of optimization Of the total area of the Japanese eat-, last autumn that she was alnioet hopeless pire-147,000 square miles -hardly .1.2 per of %Manning in ber work on mount of her illbeolth, end 'her condition was a Cent is cultivated. ' In England and Wales there are 7,371 sanorarateo nainarcramdiat breeprottritatto e"aTtesollut pAhon0 fishing boats and, 40,000 fishermen en- gaged in the sea fishery.. Last year they bei:erieh,ernatutpYpti etelatrins Tan uPtnyrtiinonwtnera toot' Dberr, caught 0.850,000 hundredweight of lien, Williams' Pink Pills, that I should MOO herrio'g. 2;2'0,000 bemired weight of pubho the wonders they worked for me, but,perhaps I Would not have thought of it The riehest bed of sulphur In the world has been. found in Transcespia, Russia. if had net osiled.“ "You see, in addition to my teaching, I' 100 miles from Khiva. The ore is sand- have been studying very bard over my 'XI' stone and contains 60 per cent ,of sol- work .,, ,„ phur. It Is estiniated the mound cone. igconagah":1'1,03"einch4 wdiatInaottreksevaa7mitell,IvirorP; tains 9,000,000 tons of stiletto,. • long time,Ind so I became prettywell run ' 'Plow cattle beteg etterminated In In- down, I As always considered the em - din, an ingenious famine official has ee. bodimenket health, et halite, but leet aut. !hived the government of a superhuman TrIlhffiectunntpyrecbqydenitaielistpi A man -1)1°w• tion. filenectimeg in the eoboolrooln I limn I was really alarmed over my midi- enegtaele is now 'nit' WOIlla be seized wAtt dimmer!, and often 1 nessed of nlen yoked to this implement. would faint away. Iwouldtake vomiting A Pasteur institute has Just been open-. turns also, and hada feeling of nausea and lab dletriet, about 80 MUM from Simla, ,hecanie thin and pale, and it seemed an: if 'Indite It is thus no longer necessary for my blood had turned to water." • a person bitten by a rabid. entreat to • "This condition of things was so differ-. • jimmy to Paris for treatment, by inocu- en* from anything which I had previously latimi. , . . , . experienced that I gought medical advice • at once. I was informed that I was suffer - t, FORCIBLE FACTS ing trete anaemia, and 1 at MOO ,put my- ., , eelf under medioal treatment leat al - One -sixths of thedeittlis from disease are ' - though I tried several bottles of presorip. due to ooneuraption. Ninety-eight per , 44tiong,•my position seemed to be getting • cent of all them! who have use4.Dr.lherce a worsn'all the tinie. When I went home for Golden Medical Diecovery for weak lungs my Oheistroas vacation 1 wall almost in hate beep perfectly nod permanently our- despair. It was while i was at home, hew, ed. Cornelius MoOawley, of Leeohbarg, eyer, that my friends Advised me to use *Amherst Co., Po., had in all eightv.one Dr. William's Puilr Pills. Acting neon Ininiorthages. He Says "My dootor did all their advice I took up their use, The first he could for me but could not stophbehem- box made its effect felt, but I used four ' or orrhages, and all gave me up to die!' with five and then the cure was complete. Ever cousnmption " What doctors tionld not do Pince then my health has been excellent Golden Medical Dim -very did. *It stopped and I haye felt my reel old time self, and the hemorrhages and mired their cause. Um able toattend to my duties, which are This le one ease out of thousende. Invert. by no means light, witbant the tatigue and 6 THE DRESS M DEL., _ New j.t trimmiugs of very delicate and 'needion olaitea evening and theaterwaists of bithat or white chiffon. , • Large,' beautiful batlike collars In deep , _ Yoke or fichu shape,: with tong, slender shawl points. that reach to or . below the • belt in rivet, are, added to the Waista of tiinnie of the verrpeetty bowie •dressee. •'Bleck litde and neVevenindgowne Made • • oVer .wnite gado and lovelyr white .craped . Satin 'dresses' with etre blue, old rose. elite 'green be Wine.colored velvet girdles: , and collars are itnong the, models which are to prevail non season.! • The soft, glogsy silk called ilAr de tole, ancommonly thimble for dile elosely wove to, light in tveighteend delighted to the itough.'le 'much used for melted, and shir- red tuney 'wattles, dancing toilets and dross trimmings of variouri hinds, . Taller :gowns of black faced cloth with -brikht colored eloth idiom, braided im deadly .wtth. black that the color back of. lie, arAbesques te. soutaehe is only Just Visible, ere Veil. Popular thig geasou, dad ' red is one of the bleared 'shades used for • the: jiteliet., • • • . • , For :those Who find dull Week gotetni ; Unbecoming and who do not wish for to : ,Derlehable a color as gray dr se gay a one ' ; Its •:Irrenat or Roman red one of the neve ' deeti.bitte glades In iteattlati, camel's hair or ,itulles" cloth le suggested ge a hand* 1 some •altd. almost Invariably becoming compromise. ,• .., • Oddly cut elkh heleroa aPPeat among' the 'season's fancies, sheeting curioue,halt Sleeves and white satin underaleeves, the, flitting direetoire toiler lined with MOW 1, and edged with panne or plain velvet eat , work:, Below the Pietro alio** a corselet beautifp " design ,show effectively on ac- ..tiAtoma, 414. ea)** .44. ibwl. WeiltV•e. Utittri115 At% 1.11t1. lel-tame on tame Pitittyd steep* held by eut .sterd .bucklee. Te) wheaten the 01141000311. '" ---- The meager of nu expeusive bachelor I Apartment house on Murray 11111 adver- Used an empty apartrneut and waited for prospeetive temente. They arrived octet- olonally duriug the first week. Qn fl later de, when the advertisepaent wits once more printed, the came in luck ilumbere that by 9 OICIOC14 ten suet had 'stied to see the rooms. It WAS not long before the cauee of thia eudneu demand watt plain to the menager. He learned it from tbe fleet arrival, who looked at the empty rooms, admired their goal volute and then showed unmistakably that he Wes digappointed.. "But where le the canteen?" he asked. The manager wits amazed. and could only repeittf‘"The canteen?" Then the visitor took out a newspaper, and showed' that the advertisement , plainly read, "Canteen on hrernises," It was a We - take for "Caterer on premises." But in the unprecedentedly long list Amen who came to Inspect the apartment that de there was not One who eeilea te inquire ' about the canteen. ' Aro You Haunted Day and Alight? -Mind and body rackedand tor - lured by evil forebodings, gloomy and dull, robbed of that "Divine restorer," sleep, ep etite gone, nerves shattered, generally de ilitate ? This is none too dark a picture for great South Anterlean Nervine to obliterate and set up in its stead the glow- ing tints of the sun of perfect health.-g-to3 Sold by d, E, Hovey, druigist,Gainton, The body of an unknown meafavas found near 'War Eagle, fifteen miles west, of Rat 'Portage, on Friday; it is suppoeed the man was frozen to death. b.. L. iLICPpERSoN „ed at Kassauli, a hill station in the Pun- langour all the time lost my odor and • INSUIVLN010. oFIrmego, Wes .411Accident,. Flaie Glass. MAaCAT Bemis. Cemeron ' • ' k tigate•the fade, langour that made the work irkeome. You Free, Ir.- Pima's great work. The may depend upon it I will always have a People's Conanicn Sense Medical Advieer friendly word to goy for Dr. Williams' is sad! free OD receipt of stamps to pay Pink Pills." . • coat of mailing and customs, Bend 31 one- ..• If your dealer does not keep these pills in mot damps for paper -covered book, or 50 stook, they will be sent post paid at 50 stamps for cloth Wading, Address Dr.A.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. X,* , cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by ad- ., dressing the Dr.' Williams' ,Medioine Co., btend I suppose to -give the ---------s Lo bowmuich additioual they must charge met and I got things, 1 think, for the Market price. The freeinasonry of shop- I ping operated Mo. I •untlersthod ..when the salesman, spread out hist hands and talked volubly about an: 'occasion' that he was &scowling on a 'bargain,' and am sere I should have understood him If he had called it a 'tsu Asin' or even Used the sign. language: ' •• "Presently, however, I met a'poser. 'A prat* contrivance .of -knotted byes, ter- minating in balls .of something in dull black, ,etudded with silver maitre struck my.. eye.. Warr it a girdle? It se, how pretty it would he . with 'a , dark red tea gown1 I questioned the iclerk. . He'shook his head. eHe ealled hitt fellOw salesman. ,NO otie 'knew wbat I wanted. Finally I Mustered tip my French and -managed to say, 'Jo up comprehend pas,' with what tear was n villainous accent. ' "Instantly the clerk was all smiles. He seized the girdle (?) and draped it around the arm ot h fellow Wellman, standing oft to observe the effect. My face must have reflected iny nstouishment. Trying itiain, I Yentmed, 'Pour honime?' Then ail, the nearby clerks -burst into a laugh at the discomfiture of their mate, and the poor fellow looked around for a fresh il- lustration. He eSnled'il titiMber ')f whip lashes hanging down from the Wall like a beaded portiere, and, dividing them in half, he slipped my so called girdle around the group, holding the two ends In his hand. The article 1 had seer! in Vine adorning my tea gown proved to be designed for holdieg beak We folds of the draperies." - ' THE TWELVE APOSTLES. An Incident :Which. Teaches tlie Need of Sunday school. . At a' dinner party in Washington, composed of promineut men, one of them remarked that he once sat, in the 'Union League Club at New,.York with Roscoe , Conkling, Chester A. Arthur and sev- eral other distinguished gehtlemen, .whO had been carefully educated' in religious families, and that none of them was able to name, the twelve apostles. "That's 'easy," said a senator brashly, beginning, "Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, bless the bed that I lie on; Penh the two Jatneses, Jude, Bernabas"- And there he stopped with .some ember- . easement. "Timothy," suggested a major general, who Is a vestrymen in en ElilseePal church, , "Nonsense," answered a senator. "Titn- othy was a disHple of Paul's. Ile wasn't oue of the twelve worth's." "Nicoslemus," . suggested one ' of the eempany. .".Terernittb, snggested the third. "Judea WAS ope of the nposties," meek.. ty mune front a vnis'ein the canter. "I'll lie bleated if he won He Vat a &Mete." came the curt reply. •. "Weren't the discieles and the apos- tles the game thing?" inquieed" the meek , voice, getting it thade holder. . • Bartholomew was suggested OW ac- cepted by several. "What's the matter with Peter?" -ex- claimed the modest young member of the diplomatie corps, who had hitherto been Aleut ' "How many does that maker 'mane- bOdy rieked, and they counted up ten or • sum, with as ninny more doubtful. - "Let's look in the. Bible," soinehody stotgested: and the good beet wait over- hauled Itt vahr. Then the encyclopedie was appealed toebut it veris not entirely stetisfactoe,..,for it 'handed Thaintte diul Andrew in the list, end the Slistiee Of the supreme cf to t 411.1 two of the Sena• tors were psi, tY0 that . Attdrew Wats net epistle. Ail of whieh tenches the great toreelneee rind /teed of liondaY LO.VZ - COUNTRY, . o0k1}0)8. leid:es of Canada: ' Use of oonotry foam strongest aireet. Irritate Of the average Brftishrt Nor is it den *pea las le the fair oolesitt. Rea bi:tour expand with_pride ne sb. 110193ti of tho old country. Hear her deltic or the pleasant time she bed when there lett. These was njoy.* sal to renali en tart sw% tier! ' .111 h. KOYAL BOX. Queen Isabella, 70 years old. and sadly broken in health and *spirit, desires to end her days in Spain, from which the has been banished for 23 years, and there is good prospect that her wish will be gratified. It IS new a matter of physical !moos- . sibility for the queen' to open parliament, and her rnajesty has not been seen in the house of lords since February, 1886. The ceremon? Involves much walking, and a staircase has te be climbed. • The little' king of 'Spain prefers bull- . fighting to ft uy imported sports. Some one rel'ently asked him if he played golf. "1 di not," he replied "and I thank'. heaven that I prefer the amusements of , Spein to. those of Seodand or any ther country." , • , Clever writer though she be, the qeeep of Roumania would not he of much serv- ice in a newspapets office. . She cannot weal: with the pen tmless she is stir - rounded with dowers. . So' pessiountelY -fond of flowers is she that she is not „hem in a room where floral decoratioee do not dote,• - Amateur. photography Is u fad with the shah of Persia, aud be has become quite skillful in the use of the camera. He leis ii,positive Mania for being taken In every cotteeivable attitude and dress aud halt • evezi been photographed in bed. Photo- graphs of his majesty have been exhibited in uncomfortable Prussian military attire and in tbe garb of an .English curate. "WE'LL TAH' A' CUP 0' KINDNESS." Though women's minds, like winter winds, May that and turn an'e,' that, To love of scandal, tea and friends- They,re cotenant still, for al that 1 , An, go awe,' ad' toreign teas, noon NW Japan an' a' that! Ceylon green tea they loe' the beet, And who' it orime deur ea,' that? For it's the tes„.aboon the lave, They dearly loe', an' a' that, Blue Ribbon,and Salads, too, And brew Morteoon, an' a' that - Because, you see, 'twiXt you Sie me, Japan, the line the dm,' at,. For One the first are British teal!, They Ice' them weel, an' a' thee! Orme; rowan' rude/olds are all quitikly cured by Pyoy•Baltem. 11loom iteioet inetnetly, and orris r.rdlqy tire wort Obliinite rad. idetteteeterod by f s proprlHoru of P.rry Darla' Pal Rifler. liftn Elisabethfrrineed whfle getting all & erg . ' esTIOale *trat* week a ata, suit a itiaZootrecrt4 r • • ‘1, Though some may prate ot ither tang, An' flaunt Japan, an' a' that - The bootee say they'll lute' their way, An' drink Ceylonfor a' that For ei thet, and a' that Jape, and a' thaf- The bonnie teas they 10Or the best Are Empire grown, an' a' that 1 Brookville, Cont. , • • • ' YOU .WANT KONEV? •Wi'ur eleucl money on honeehole goods inoney 'bicycles, waggona and horses. We Maslow aleo advance money to salaried """`-'..i 'People and retail mel chetah. on their own notes, through our Nee - OA %YAM cial agents, Any amount from 310 11 1115J pttrments to suit borrgwer. t$1tne you. O. w, WARNER OD GO., 43 East Adelaide Street, Toronto . I ' Mikes life miserable for wetly. Oen it be cured? Vettin a night. Neviline gives a complete knockout to pain in the ,back, Mead's it is stronger, more penetrating, *more highly pain -subduing than any other remedy extant. One drop of Nerviline nag more power over pain than five drops of any other remedy,and it is true strength you want when you've got it pain. Your money baok if is is not ea. Draggiete ants Neryillue. ' Hon. -Sydney Fisher will go to Gies - eon? in January to superintend the ar- rangements for the exhibition. 1110gentrli ;0 91Edieer ' manta seamen , 'eahOuvErri w MVO 1:11 IS .0 oneg p 0 qs 411tuul, SJOA1• pylori jed - .2P5 Aut 32'inid I14jaYr q no!, cassee • , 2011214C. "raw Pr"' 31- -041V Prrr 92X/344 tgraSt a Apio do ;via toga) Ain wog; =pub wed • aaanes tper. samsekt ' zgatit imp amtraten3341 . . - • - - Sir Charles Tupper has accepted the cffice of president of the Crown Life Insurance Com any, and will devote a large portion o his tune and energies to the affairs of the company. TO mum A. COLD 1N ONE DAY. ValalLatative iiromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists rein,. d the money if it fails to euro Nets E, W. OreWalsignature is en cacti liOX. 'The re-count in North Lan ark leaves Mu Rosamond in possession of the seat by seven majority. ....e. 1.J-- .".. The ahoye suggestion, from a fair,Clena., Here's people free. from.pain and ache dian correspondent, "with etiologies to 's , , Borne" big been gratefully remited and Dyspepsiadireful ills . immediately adopted by -Colonist. It is because they alWaya take THE PEDAGOGUE. - • axsoLiver Pills These little pille work while you *kip, Ex -Governor William O. Bradley of without a gripe or paint:cugrinbiliousness, Kentucky has been appointed, preeident constipation, dyspepsiaandsick headache, Of the law 'school' Just ()netted in amine& ' arid Making you feet better fn the morning, tion with Kentucky unite:mill. Hermann Cirlinnt's successor its protein - or et, the hietory of art at UMW feasor Thode of XIeldelberg, whose wife Is Richard Wagner'e'daugh. ter. The (reuse of Heimann 'Grimm' re- tirement ,fir bed health. e Protestor William H. Carpenter, the bead of the depertMent of Gernum In • A41.ENTs :WANTED. • _ For "Story of South Africa," by John Olarlr itidnittli, L. L. D., Edward S. Ellis, M. A. J. A. cooper, Managing Editor of the ;Canadian Magazine."' Toronto, and J. H. Aiken, of London, Ont., who has returned this week from 12 years' travelling in South .Africe, for us. We are the Only Canadian Publishers who 110:Ve had a branch in South Africa for nineteen years, givingus an immense advant- age in procuring photographs and material. Our authorship, letterpress and engravings are superior, and Canadian ontingents bit- ter illustrated than in any rival work. So sure are we of this, that we w mail free for 'coin 'Althea our prospectus to anyone Possess- ing a rival prospectus. Grinders and terms free'. Apply World Publishing Company, 'Ouslob, Ontario Piano Bargains We are distriot representative of the Nordheireer Piano and MII13i0 Co.,of Toron- to And are doing thepiano butrinees of this section. The following is the list of setae o lour bargains in slightly need and eacioncl hind pianos. -UPRIGHT PIANO Thornton & Co „4 75 00 Gilbert (Boston)...........0000 Boudoir ...... . .. . ......., 150 00 Williams.. ' 165 00 Wagner . 175 00 Mason dr Risoh . • . 190 00 Nordheimer 200 00 Gerrard Heintzman,. ... .. 200 00 Steinway 225 00 -..-. in tt-class. Call and see before 4.04 elsew Heintzman (Cabinet Greed) 225 00 - . , If yon deal live in a "die= there is "Slater Si*" Agency, yOlt. OM get year =set fit, in Shape, tize an vridink; *tarn can -dawn the preelart leather yon Ward, from " Cher- acteristics," the handrousest and moat templet* shoe catalogue ever published in Ametica. tt • tette all alsent "The Slater Shoe" and accurately describes the different lettthem.---the laud of they're good for, and how to meret for them, Price $3,eo and $.o�, etalitped on the sole in a slata' tilakere' - Write for one, ithi free. Jackson Brost, Sole Agents for C, • For torpid Liver, A Poor Digestion, Flatulence, • Constipation, Biliousness and Sick Head -Ache. ' ISTOL'S PI • :JftZareSafe, •lYLlld, Qui tin Painless, do not ,we And alvirays..give•;$atisfabtio They arethe most reliable Household Medrolne known, a can he taken at any season by Adultor OhlIcIrort.' 1, , OBIS:141' .114. • • • This id the name of the Cream Separator we are offering to the pubito on the Market there ig no better and few if any as good. It is easy to ruold, work in the same time than most otherg, It is a, Canadien Mode, Every . warrauted to Jo good work. Inspection invited:free trial alletved. Pelee rtitsopabie. Winter Goods • Are now in demand and this is the plactlo get Tweeds; Robes, Rubbers, Sox,: eto., eto. .Highest price tor waited, deo a quantity of dried .applea, .‘ El:4°11nm, Londeaboro wov. 2001, 1900 r. best of Overboats, - Snits d • Cutters and Mei . SQUIRE PIANO. • Stodart ... . ... ; .... $ 75 00 Ptevenson , 100 00 'Wise • ' 100 00 Ewa 1.1000 Ohiokering . • .. . , -135 00 Emerson ... .......... .. 165 00' henry instrument in thorough order . and guaranteed. Easy term of payment arranged, Drop us a bard and we wilkfor.,:, ward catalogue ofnew pianos. , EMERSON'S BICYLE AND' MUSIC ROUSE Goderich Tenders for Supplies, 1901 The undersigned will receive tenders up to 710011 On TUESDAY, 4TH DEG. PROX., for Sun: - plies ot butchers' meat, creel:eery butter, flour, oatmeai. potatoea, cordivood,eto.,for the follow ing institutionsduring the year 1961 viz :--At the Asylums,for the Insane in Toronto,London, Eingaton, Hainilton, Mimieo, Brockville and Qrillia ; the Central Prison and Mercer Befor- matory, Toronto; the ReformatOri for boys, Penetan I elleville:and the Blind at Brantford. Exceeion-Teridersarenot required for the supp y Of ineat to the asylunie in Terontol Lon- don, Kings on, Hamilton and Mimic°, ever for the Central Prison and Mercer Re. foematory, Toronto. A marked cheque for 10 RU1VIBALL iSr McMATB,IrtuiV14.11Z • FINE FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES: • Large stook of Lounges,Conohes 'and Erie. Chairs, 'find, fintatea itn4: teed to wear. Bedroom seta in !mahogany, ash and Oak. . Minim tablete'Sidebot 50 difeerent kinds of chairs. Latest patterns in Window Shedee and Curtains. Picture Framing a Specialty. ." PianoshOrgans and Sawing ?Jeannie,. sold on easy teem. J. Ia. forriumtiL)W-Vir,. Sa,sh, Door, and Blind Factory. .§. S.; ..COOPER • • PROPRIETOR::'' 'general Builder and ' Contractor. This factory is the largest in the county, and has the Wig latest im ohiner , Impolite of doing work on the shortest notice. We ter and reliable stook and prepared plana, and give mini:tante &rand 11 es of buildings on short notice and on the olosest.prioeli All work in s ed in a Mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed, Wet sel1 all terior and exterior Material.- Lumber Lath,. Shingles, Lhne, Sash, Doors, Dila • Agent for the Celebrated GRAYI3Uri. sionoor, DEW, ' at Waterloo. Cali and get pikes and estimates before Vintillig "flair nor cent, of the estimated amount of the con- • tract, payable to the order of the Honorable the Provincial Secretary, must be furnished ,by each tenderer 8,18 guarantee of his bona /Mee. • fwosuffieient sureties willbe required for the , due fulfilment of each, contract, and should any awarded; or should the tenderer !alit° furnish suchseeuritythe amount of the decoeit win They, Labor in .Vain-- tender be withtha drawn before_ centred 1,11) , e forfeited. pee cation and orms of n - dor may bo had on application to the Depart. ' tient of the Provincial Secretary, Toronto, or to the Bursars ofthe reSpeetive institutione. The lowest or any tenders not necessarily Rd. CePtedo .v. It. STRATTON, Pro- - visited SeeretirY, Parliament Bending, Toren - to. Noe. leth. Nov.efl-td 11:RIVAY°7:14SF e 1°d I: !tce as rl ci uao :ail I 444+4 SYRUP" Itvo°ughtuaknfid'd:h° )4+44".*4.'"' Central Columblo univemIty, was recently elect- , ed- It member of the Society of Dutch Let- ters �f Leyden, Holland, in recognition of his 'service's to the Teutonic tongues 111 general. At the eldWe of tile faculty of the University of Itotin as at present 4001itiv . tuted are 00 liberal for the` training of ' the crown prince of Germany, who will 'enter thn university In theComing whiter., the &Wm, has gone forth thet the tacul- 1 ty met 'be egotist:Meted to meet the view's of the emperor, and itlreltde,tvee . now 0v:4V/eon! have • been tailed to that . . PUTNAM'S CORN' KXTRAOTOR Doesn't ley 6 Mail up for a week bit cietttly rad sorely $.4. on &tag Its yolk, and naaog Is knowa of the operation till 'Meorta te Ithelled, Plenty of siabetittheitha Serie of theta rital dIttelPreusirta dirrt. 4=4111 102,004 Xs 0avi five, At Nur*** flood Worthro-of 1 am a - professiottal nurse," writer Virg. Eisner, Halifax, N.S. "I Vrnii St great ettiferer front thetonatlint-ttlinost tooted aseociation With beet phyttielans 1 had every chance of it I curitifitwerbJrt their powere-but they failed. , South Americatatheurnatic CuraWai moan `reended:-ro-day my slit years of pain seem ite dram. Two Bohlen cured Ma -elan ' 'Hold by a B. Ileverr, artlittlitt. Clinton! MANTON WOO» and COAL YAM tr!I -tTt-utrtisin dfvoomyrvotz erzcrvesi"iiarfoo ma& Children Ory for VATOR IA. v. MoatiViarket HaVing ptirohaited the butchering burin!** of F. 11. POWAIT IbmVO" ,IPSV6d to-furnishthe people of Olin. ton with -all- 'kind* of Pratt and (lured Mesh. Sanato, bologne larch Whet and ego always keproto It. VitzAmoni 4 Son. Tlephteits 76, IOrders delivered premptly to ell parts Of the town. N.B.-Noose hatink hogs for elstproest will &Attar si. Veer by lawni!g word et * t0401. difirwegwere~iPowifeynestes. Who attetnitsin'ilorooldfig inferior Itsn.o, titsturt °trio In- • variaWy prefer the "Pull 'YOM ere fond of *welt dinner &flank* to boa* your served on time, you'd do well bra invest In It Hapny Monett itinegei It 'worldsperfootly teens 'fire itontintions skis st soy „ &otiose* abotut that others tapir.. Over 10,000 new itt nu in the 41,47 Of „Termites Stamm% Pretty good recommendation ibat, isn't it? 'Radiant Home Base Heater the hest thet the brittle of Men ever prokbed, of ftudiutd one of nisnagement, ELONOE. BRIGHT WOOD 000EZ The tannin's favorite. Three Itelie With !hook a *ON in the (*anti fathoms Whits Cosi 0111 Wei priotas wanton kthirlautter agent talgoi Ale iti:Sofferkini MIMIC NOSO *414 Wel* `