HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-07, Page 7-The greatest sin and the foundation
1 of all sun is fejccting Jesus C,Iniot,
11. Because Luse 1 go, etc, --"By going away
Ile sent the Spirit tc us )rho aloe could
1 make men htl their need of rightcon.,-
,. ,:, and 1911114rtt. 10 theut the .0.010 life
whir], would produce it,"
U. Because (ho prim(' is judgmd--
1 L0bON v1. -MAY lo, reo8. Phu erecifixion of Christ, the c uc11 1.
mate work of the fail One, was at wire
' Ids apparent victory and his real tlelta -
The ;,. .e.o of the holy 511011,' -John lu the crucifixion he pre-eminently hand
t.: 05.11: 114. Itis own way. and by the enneifixno u he is
The hated of the defeated throughout the ages. Thus it is
wur!d pis. :-h) Dr chap, 15;18`2. iu and by the cross dint he is premmi-
:peaks s 0f the hitter :1,1 teed the 12. Cannot bear thein now ---Truth can
tvor,et 11 a d ,lac t Tina 1,01 and his only be received gradually. Many things
disciples. 00 taen eneor1I(1l's theta by they could not liaise understood until
promistng to smal the Commuter (vg. 90, after the resurrection. "They needed
27) .Lain (v. 9) la tells hem that lo. training and experience first.11i0y-
011u00.00 put out of the synagogues. By mast stand upon some truths before
this Is meant brat they woadd be 0x011)0. they could see others. Had Jesus told
nitwit:m d this would shut them out them about the atop anent, about tbo
coining In of the (e notes, about the
relation of the new kingdom to the
Jewish Ohwrlr,. ac unfolded in tingle
later history, they could not possibly
have - caught alis meaning, and
their misun0e•standuigs would have
011sh00 1110111 in blind despair ' Jesus
lets light upon res as we can bear it.
V, 110 has spoken. The Spirit said
unto Philip, "Go... ,join thyself to this
chariot' (Acts 8:29). The holy Spirit
eptly judged -Abbott,
Brom r. t gotta and social privileges, and
ea)s.e them to be regarded as the off•
•scouring of rho world, Their 1
. rs0cn.
,tions tionld be in the mono 0.110 unehm
tine gide). of religion "Whosoever kill-
etb yo sayi Jesus, "will thin: Hutt h,.
000th (011 Service (x 9); that is, that
be offers an ecet•trttble sae -,'lana, to God
"11111st.e atod by Saul of Tarsus (000 Act:
25; el, and by the proverb tonnd 111 the
tubbinreal books W11000er sheds the
blood i(f the impious does tine same as it said, "Separate nun Banishes and Saul
he Ir.id (If fermi a sacrlfiee.' -Abbott. for the work" (Acts 13:2),
"The reason of this opinion Was that to Wh H0 Dau fool (11(1 11e01,. A sinner
tho winds of 'the. persecutors the 11180' cut resist hint (Sets 7:51), tempt hint
Iles • wee- propagating o. false teligiof (let; 510), lie to him (Acts 516. The
v'1 i (, 0011ld bring religion to the spin rebellious can grieve hint (110"11, 4:
"0•m''' 10 their own positron, and to 11)). He can be quenched (I These.
te' 110 (110. ' They would do these iWags 5:19).
hd'cansa they "did not Arnow' the Vather VII. He works. In !000tiot the Spirit
11)11' ('Insist (v. 3.) "Butter, they `did trot brooded over the chaotic mass of mat -
recognize,' The verb innplie0 that they tet' and brought order out of confusion
had the opportunity of knowing, hitt (Gen, 1.2), Ile divideth to every mu,
they had failed to see that (rod is lore, 8000rnlly as he 1.111 (1 Cor, 12:11). The
nod that Ji'0110 cane not to shut 01)1, holy Spirit caught a(ay Philip (.Acts
1,111 to bring in; nr' to destroy, but to 8:30),
Cann, Bib. VIII, Iia imparts life, He is the Spirit
4, Rot those thing -Abaci the 0001' of life (Pont, 8)2) The hole Spirit
they would oe persecuted and I riled. 00 quickens the sinner (Eplt, 2:1).We 1,00
11)0(1 romemtirr-l0. v. 1 he gives as 11 born of the Spirit (John 3:5). ii. The
?'rams for tolling them, "Hutt ye should Holy Spiritohowu in the life of Christ,
not he offender;' 'or "be made to stun- 1. In prophecy. Holy men snake as
1,b," (R. Y.) \Viten the. severe test. cane they were moved by the }lob Spirit (2
thee w0' 111 remember Christ's words old liter 1:21). The testimony of Jesus is
be bet1. or able to endure it.. Said not . the spirit of proph0 t1 (Rev, 10: 0). Ali
at the beginning -It was not neces0sary the 010 'Testament scriptures pointed
to tell them these things until the time forward to Christ. All the New Test,-
rente. • for ('hrist 10 leave them; nor meet scripture, point back to Christ,
would they have been able to receive 11. In the incarnation, The mystery
thein, of the incarnation was the wort: of the
H. The necessity for Christ's depth- holy Spirit (i.uke 1:35), "His hand
tore (vs, 7.7,) 5. I go my wap -'Che fashioned the human font and brought
work he 'came to accomplish 00)10 fast to perfection the earthly temple of
being brought to completion, •11114 the Christ."
m m n-otld leave HI. At the baptism. He testified to
to a herr' tt b0 1
holt. t ,.
them, To hint that sent me -740 the Fa- the holy nature of Christ, by descending , 0•rur. 111/0111. 01 the water at ifs bfurl m
ilia,', fie 5ern10 not to take into account upon him. John saw the Spirit of God deseltd:;;
his sufferings and depth, but only thinks IV. 13y leading him. After Jesus 0'01 11ikc a dove upon him.
and speaks of meeting his t?'other. None baptized he was led of the Spirit into I 1- •
eskcth me, etc, -So war its words the wilderness (Matt, 4:1), and after
' were concerned, Peter had ,just asked that, w0 are told he returned in the
this question (chap. 13; 30) 104 T110111118 power of the Spirit to Nazareth,
Ind sn'r,.^ste,, it (14; 5), bitt they were 1 By raising hint. Put to death in the
1111 111:l010; 0)113' 1' tlu'nool'0o 1914 1(1011 11041, Iran's w,ual "quickeu'd by the
0/11111/ lass, 'Sow Jesus Balers to the Spirit" (1 Peter J:18). The tont) 111'
guarded by a Person who 1000 esus
Irrslion in n diffe•cut light. Ante of J
heap , xcursions
Our Special Land•Seekers' Excursions Will Leave• Ontario and
Eastern Points on the Followini Dates
APRIL 14 and 28th MAY 12 and 26th
JUNE 9 and 23rd JULY 7 and 21st
AUG. 4 and 18th SEPT. 1, 15th and 29th
FFaredhows as
40.50 Return
to Calgary from any point' on the C. 1'. R, east of Sudbury, in Ontario.
Quebec or New Brunswick. Excursionists from the Maritime Provinces will
congregate at St. John.
Intending purchasers of western lands aro invited to join our excur-
sion& Applications for passage must be received at least two days before
date advertised; earlier If possible.
We hold the exclusive agency for large blocks of rich, specially select-
ed lands in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba at $a per BRIO and up-
wards, for choice location, on easy terms by cash Instalments and crop
payments\ Write to us for list of lands and terms.
These lands are all situated in the beat wheat districts. Terms are
liberal, and should be looked into by every person contemplating going to
the west.
The Land Department
174 Bay Street, - Toronto, Ont.
personal pronoun be used seven tinges
ill verse thirteen.
i1, 11e is the third person 111 the 'Trin-
ity. The Son elo'ilc. the Father (John
17: 17); the Spirit glorifies the Son (v.
14i. The 5puit takes of the things alar:
had given the Son anti bestows them up-
on believers (v. 15).
111, Ne hes the nt'ibntes of Cod. 1.
lie is omnipresent (1st. 139, 7), 2.
Omnipotent (Boni. 8. 11). 3. Omniscient
11 Co', 2. 10). 4. holy (1 rbcs, 4; 8).
o. 'True (John 14. 17). (1, Eternal.
10. Ile has been seen, When 'Jesus
Huge ' asked. 'Whither guest thou, with dared to break the seal. A, C. 3.1.
the thought in mind of how it would af•
fret him or how ultimately it might
Ides,: them, Jes110 10 endeavoring to
cause them to look away from preset
trials to the light beyond, 0. Sorrow
lath filled-'1'1•is would suggest that
tiey were sorely distressed, so there was
00 thein for the thoughts 110 God's glory
and the grentet good that night conte
to them through his departure. 7, Never-
i.heless-Notwitlnstatding iho fact that
yon are thus pressed in spirit, I tell you
the troth -'Phis solemn nffi:niation was
e resent}' in order to establish the truth
in thein minds; it was 01011.011 for them
to believe R. "The `I' is ,mpltntie. '1
11r: if, the oh,jeet of your ,'with;' `1 who
13-1)0w end who lime vewl'r misled you.'"
---C0(e. 11h. Expedient for you -In go-
ing h0 (1) finished the A'erk of the
'tnnentcnt and (2) declared hhuself "to
be the Son of God • with power .,.. by
the resurrection from the dead "(Rom.
1; 4.) It was not God's plan that his
"Sin cannot be taken from the human
heart, nor the plants of righteousness
rude to flourish therein, without the
work of the Itoly Spirit." That the
Spirit has been working is manifest by
the following outline.
"'Che population of the world is con-
puled at 1,555,000,000, so that the Chris -
'Dans forst slightly more than one-third
of the whole; and there are still a thous-
and million souls outside the Christian
religion. • Within, the British Empire
there are 41)0,000,000 people, of whom
less than a quarter are listed as'Chris-
tians," Truly the fields are white end
ready for the harvest (John 4:30):
It is the work of the Spirit to repi'gve
mut enlighten the vast mass of lutmanity
new sitting in dense spiritual, darkness,
Of the Iloly Spirit Jeans said,. "When
he 00111015, he will reprove the world."
13, Spirit of irnth-Tho Holy Spirit
who knows the truth anti cannot err,
followers should be dependant for site- Will guides -Personal guidance by the
cess on the limited bodily presence of Holy Spirit is hero promised. Into all
his Son, but the Comforter, the Holy truth -la is not omniscience or 0113'
kind of speculative or scientific truth
w'hieh is promised, bit the frill know-
ledge of living, practical truth as it is
in Christ, and as it relates to our soul's
salvation, Schaff, Not speak of himself
That is lie will teach nothing contrary
to the tetchings,of the Father and of
Spirit, was to be the active, omnipresent
agent who shoul11 give power and au-
. amity to the church, "The bodily Must
giro place to the sltirituah The dis-
pensation of the Spirit could not be us113
erect in while the disciples were changing
111 11101.11 and glood, therfore it was ueces-
circ for Christ to go in order that the Christ. Things to come -The Holy Spirit
(pili ,'night cone, "What was obscure loads the honest. 'trusting heart into thoi
to these apostles tine luta rendered deeper things in Christ. Truths which
1,111i stn us, Human agenev, Christ be- pertain io experiences which 1(e hare
the empor00113 withdrawn, aided by 1101 yet reached. 14, Glorify ,ife-The
Spirit. nnnet establish his .bnl'ch, gather work of the• Spirit in convicting, 1egen
in the Gentiles convert the world, and crating unit' sanctifying '01011 brings
prepare for the consummation at the glory to the Son whose death and resnr-
,jndgioenit div."--Whedon, I will send rection made tlls work possible, Be.
him --Literally fulfilled st Pentecost, (rive of mire, etc. -The Spirit takes
but in no sense restricted to Pentecost. words and teachings of Christ stud slows
Tlu' outpouring of the Spirit came, at tient unto the world, "13y this time we
different tines and in different places; ran test at}' professed revelation That
see Acts 10, 44; 19, 0. spirit cannot be the work of the SpirlN'
AIL The office work of the iloly Spirit , 15. All. Aire mine -All the fulness of
(0x, 8.15), 8. Reprove -"Covina." -L. the. Father's being, wisdom, knowledge.
\". To the margin 000 1100 "0011 V11100," pale' and grace are mine. -Pentecost,
The (peek word inchules all Hawse men- Omnipotence, omniscience, eta titi', ah.
ings: reprove, convict, convince, "To solute holiness belong to Christ.
convince one of truth in such a way Qtlestione,--AVhere were Jesus and the
as to 10110iet hint of wrong -doing."' -A1)• disciples at this time? What per80cu-
bott The world- l.y' 1(1' 1101111 is .'11111)) tions did Jesus say W011 la 001110 to 1110
lite ttreat 1111158 of aulnkiml.The heathen disciples'! Why did Jesus tell them
world is to -day rapidly being smelled, about these persecntiow? Why were the
The in,ssi0nnry spirit lm+ "akin' hold of disciple., sorr'owful? Why was it ur-
ths lnru'ts of Dods people and the light ec00ary for Christ to leave then? What
of gospel truth is even now (delving Hie is the office wort: of the Iloly Spirit1
d0ihe0t depths of heathendom, Slit,... \\hat is the greatest sin of which tinp
righteousness judgment -'these ins world is guilty? Why i$ this so? What
ply each other. Sin moans absence of would the Holy Spirit teach? How would
sightreusoe8, mid liability 111 p14501ent. the Spirit glorify Grist? IIew ,should
Lain i,: the world's state as it is;,right- ive glorify Christ? What do we need to
"01001"00 as it ought to be; judgment. 0s fit its for missionary wort:?
t waist and shalt ix that righteousness PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS.
may obtain, -Reith, These are the three,
0111l topics presented by the Holy I. Personality of the Holy Spirit,
Spirit to the human conscience and in- We note the Holy Spirit is a person,
teilemt, fain, from rejection of .,heist; because:
ightoenaness, 111001agh the ever -living, I. IIe can be known. He is not 001 en-
rin:essinn of Christ; judgment, noon mations not an influence, not a manifes-
persi ent sin; exe'c'uted by Christ.--AVhe- lotion of divine pewor, but a person, yfother and the girls are gloms n tea
don, 0, Boinse they believe not on me Surely not without significance as the rand I'm not invited," -Washington Star.
Directors at St. John's Decided on Volun-
tary Liquidation.
Montreal, May 4. -The dnutot, of
the Bank of 81, ,John's, 1100,, have de
aided to „o into voluntary liquid)tiva
The decision is endorsed by banker,
men, \ aid tt
and business i tc , \ 'it l I as p 1
capital of $310,000 and dopojts of btu
$351,00, the. bank was not in a posit
tier to compete successfully with insti-
tutlons (wring millions at their dis-
posal. 11 is staled that the notes of the
bank are secured under the banking
According to the last official return
to the Government the Dante had a 000-
plu0 of (313,00(1 over il)'liabilitics, 11
is practically certain -that alien the
depositors have been paid there will be
bttlauoe for the shareholders.
Manager of Dell Telephone Company
Chatham despatch: E. Desmnris, man-
ager of the Bell Telephone Company at
Stoney Point, hast night while walling
about the office suddenly turned on
command to find two big revolvers
shoved in his face, Two young 10011 made
a clear sweep of the cash and got away.
Desmiu'is at once notified Chatham and
'Windsor, Detective Mahoney going from
the letter place to work on the ease,
The local police got word about mid•
1115110, and at once 0100 officers 0000 pot
on the 01100.
They boarded the eastbound C. 1'. R.
at 2 a, tn., finding there two Englishmen,
who had got ou 1(t Hayeroft, and in
possession of some (301) between then.
'L'hey arrested the pair, especially as 0110
had a big revolver, while he said he had
no firearms. Both were taken to the
police station and detained till morning.
They had 1101ets to Edmonton, and
proved at alibi so well Hutt they were
let go, aul took the afternoon train east.
The one with the revinlve• declared he
carried it because he thought be needed
one when going sof.
Tom Moore, the Poet, Wrote of Quebec
Over a Hundred Years Ago.
`` London, May 4, --In a leiter dated
1 "Quebec, August 20, 1894. 'Thomas
1 Moore, the poet, whole: "Iiy
Mtlothor-After 0e0euteet hundred mu,','
rattling and tossing through the woods,
lakes, rives, etc„ I am a1 last, upon
the "round which rsuade 1\olb 'inr
mortal, and which looks more lite an
Elysium of Heroes than their death
place. If anything can make the b,autr
of the country more striking it is tlnc
deformity and oddity of tirs city which
it surreund0, and which lice hemmed
lir by ranpnrts, amid this delicious
scenery, like a hog ill 11.0 11100 upon a
bed of roses."
"Don't you feel well?" asked a friend.
"Not very," answered .lir, Cuoirox,
"Why don't you go home?" "I can't.
The Reptile Made to Inject Its Venom
Into a Glass Beaker -Serum Valu-
able in Malignant Diseases Made
From the Poison.
Gov. Johnson Would Obliterate Canadian
lle!ruit At 1.-- (vmzuur dolo10011.
of :runs a t, ,:ho is .1 candidate for
b! I1'i,:scare 1'i,sidcntinl 101nru-
,t on -350(11 at the wiedssalerti biotite
.,, nee leetiy. L e:,t prod.en
I Hie Mita he pelt), 11 the ge(-
t I ill1)111 t 61 A10,1wast 11Y .r0el'it rl^. (11
11iverlthig set of this problem 1 be.
ems( wt' 11111,1
- i,' t,.l:lte tin i ,1.1.1 ;1'
art Iia,: Le 10,,'11 lhc ' 111104 0L:t, -of
Amend,: ,o:,t the Cauuh:nabates cvf
111101( .1. I eau ,re 11) 101Ron for he
Irrsmu. I halide tnnt the ling (1.',,:'-,
m, - 1(1,' stars and sivipte mut finally
11111 i1'0_. is'hriug ,',a to the i;ulf of
-ile�ico, lh� int�ilc,titl energy ut
the country uhll01(heeled. to the
,.,iurrri,l union of rlt t00 1o01111aics,
it t., ma otho r , 1 t I a- rt Sthm,1 cu
HO' a u' 'op/0 .aim' f 0i0 .go, and 11110
.nn ds
;sew go e ted with (welt grottier
,' athe:i.r:ut time 1011 1)100 1100' 611010-.
, nv� 11 the I trognet s of the bodiless
,n of Detroit \tent free and nulwnl
p, red into Canada perluaps the flag
would fondly into that country.'
Now York, May 4. -From a deadly
serpent's tooth enough poison 1000 0x•
Ducted in this city yesterday to make
serum that will supply for half a min -
limy to come the demands of the
world's sufferers from certain di -eases.
in combating w111011 etre venom acts rel
r blessing to mankind.
Lt was the second time in the history
of the wood that the 'lance leael" a
smote whose very name iuspi1es ouch
terror 10101e it is known that few 00,11
be fore' to hunt it, has contributed its 1
invaluable venom to the cause of 1
F4001100. Tire last supply 10110 01)403)1.
in 1839, and has been exhau010(1. For
years efforts have been made to get
a new yield of the poison,
:1 splendid specimen of the viper was
captured near the headwaters of the
Amazon by 0 brace party of hunters,
and only by concealing the nature 0.°
them captive were they able to get
their prey out of Brazil. It was the
first ever shipped out of the eeunt'y
and was finally lodged 10 the snake
house at the Bronix Zoological Part:,
She sermu is known as "Lachesis,"
and is injected into the patient in close;
of one olio -millionth pert 00 a grain,
so quick and powerful is its co0nteact•
ing effect.
)3ecnnae of the dangerous e.hovoeter
of the viper the utmost caution wets
necessary in the performance of the op-
eration. When the snake 1.118 taken
Prem its cage by the keepers, 1). Bit -
mars, the park 011103or, seized it qulekly
just behind tine jaws, ,it the 010 time
Bolding 0 beaker, the front of 10hid1
10115'covered with a fine piece of giuize
stretched across 1:,e opening, Che in-
stant the „lass was held steal its head
the snake struck our its forked tongue
with lightning -like rapidity, its deadly
fangs bacon rag fastened in the gauze
and the poison dropping to the bottom
of the ',Maass. Three times was the sets
pent allowed Iso strike, until all 01 the
venom in its poison sacs was e.11atn,tetl.
It was at yellowish liquid, the eolm' of
amber :,o,l the quantity of it in tine
beaker was neighed and f01uu1 to be
seventeen and throeeptarter grains.
After the snake had been put back in-
to the glass box a skilled chemist poured
the almost invaluable serum into n mon
tar, such ars is used in cotnpounding
drugs, 0114 after mixing into it ninet;y-
uine parts of sugar and water to every
011mi part of poison, began to pound the
whole ma.ss vigorously until it. was re(
heed to a white powder, IGo then put it
into small glass vials, when it was ready
fon' medicinal purposes. The serum is
101110(110 le all malignantdi enses,011011
as typhoid, sealct fever and diphtheria,
os well as for extreme causes of insanity,
;nuluneholia nod nervous brettkdowu.
The Dy-namite,Exploded and Man Was
Syracuse. N. 1'd May 4.---W. -1,
Abel 0 5y0110.110e. business man, (12 years
of age, was killed by an explosion of dv-
naml10 at (aasemvia to -day.
He was on avisit to his brother and
had suggested the rentocal of a stump
int the yard by the use of dynamite. He
placed 0 charge in the stump, nod when
it slid not explode he went to inves-
tigate. While leaning over the battery
the charge went off., throwing lnlnt Into
the air..
Iie was badly mangled. Benda was
Toronto Bake: Fined 800 and Costs for
Deleterious Substance.
A'(1000to d.cspatch: II. Ila1)eo, baker,
York strut tuna 01110)1 `r10 01111 costs by
Ibmistrate Patterson ye.tcrdat,0 after-
noon betsinse a customer found a mouse
in 0 loaf btiht at his shop. The of-
fence clue -d against the defendant was
that he hod. sold breed containing a dele-
terious snbstenee.
According to 11r. Ruben, ilio our.
chaser celled upon him and demanded
enuymn0nlion. Mr, Rubor ihorsght ire
was tieing iahpesed upon and put the
customer out of his shop. The custom•
er then trout to the 100(0(1 Department
And In id it cumpinint.
Ah•, l;0. un s explanation urns that the
mousse vans pl1eed in the loaf by a work-
11rn with whom he had had trouble prc-
1.1ou010 :and tor!: that 101111 1 to avenge
Yorkton Aghast at Arrival of the
Vagrant Pilgrims.
Yorkton, bask., Afay 4,-- Smviedy-
one 1)nuldhebo•. arrived 1100(i Iry
special train. Nineteen 1)1 1111.011 were
recently' released from Dort AVillian
and were shipped here by he Qatari,,
Government in ((barge of am official of
that Government, 'these people are all
des-titute and have no boor to go to
and a mmilber of them 111)0 p tfoetly
Tragedy and Triumph,
(13y Geo. AV. -Armstrong.)
Saddest pane in human story,
Was the day 1011011 Jesus died;
\Vlen--nailed Co Itis ernes so gory -
At Golgotha crucified.
He was wound in linen Bravo clothes,
(He who came the world to 0nvej.;
I Was embalmed with myrrh and aloes,
Laid in saintly Joseph's grave,
Through a tragedy of sorrow,
Anil a death of grief and pain;
1Ie shall triumph on the morrow,
And God's just decrees maintain,
Death and tomb enthroned before,
Cannot cast dark shadows 0010;
For their usurped reign is o'er,
(dory crowns the V'ictor's brow.
So through sorrow, grief tau4, sadness,
Duty, danger, death may' lie;
Dull Golgotha beans with gladness,
Calvary teaches Death shall die,
Thus 00011 Friday's gloomy dawn,
'Co 0 triumph leads the way;
and a glorious toaster morn,
Hails Christ's resurrection day.
London, Out,
0, great Beeper of the destinies of
man, he near us upon this Sabbath day.
There are times \then all seems dark,
when life seems so much a part of death
that our soul- come' in the gloom of
hopelessness awl refuse to 11e comforted.
1t such seasons, we pray i'fee, send us
the blessed (nope, and assurance 1(111011
tells ns that meals end is not death, but
life, not defeat, but victory and life
everlasting, and this we ask in Ibis
sante, who died that we might have this
sure knowledge and comfort. Amen,
Shall We Reach the Goal?
(By the Bev. James Le0rmount,)
The author of '10)11 Brown's School-
days" hit tine- mark when he said of foot.
ball, "11 is More than a game, it is 01r
institution," It is very old. 1t has had
0 long history in the world, and several
nations claim to have originated it. The
last twenty-five years has established
it its our great,101(11er glrite., No other
draws such croted:). of sightseers and ad-
mirers. The player; have the exercise,
and the onlookers the fresh aair, neither
of then had things. 115 everlasting
movement 01111 1110111 edits the British
temperament even 11101.0 than 1110 beauty
of movement and exhibition of skill to
nude. 'Phare "re a fen' 1)olnk11o1xu- 111 be found in out national summer game
this vicinity, (101 they w111 lint 0, nothing of wicket
to do with the ngrants. 'There lit, often come to me when
The Town Council .10 Board of watching all the men in 0 good team co -
Trade have taken the matter up with operating with eaclt other, all playing
the 1iuve'nment ofneoils at Regina, together with 000 object, it great longing
and the 1)n111(lnuhors are bring kept
the 00001)00 pending u•truttions from
there. The ,Mounted Policy are gu.r'I-
ittg the coaches.
Found Guilty of Offence Against Young
Girl, playing for one side you must necessart•
A 'Toronto drep:'trh: Charged -with a ]y' be playing against the other. It is
serious offence against ars Italian girl of 1 the 50)110 m life, There aro 001y two
but 11 year. of oge, 01,1me1 A„.„1„, on ; sides -the good and the bad. But in the
Italian laborer, aged about 25, was yes. 010111011, and in the fight for the good of
terdnv sentenced to 0 year in the the people, it would seem that although
Central ,Prison, o id'(e addition leu lashes,
professedly on the Lord's side, yet there
active -
to be administered at 1lw end of two 1 yengageu011(1 Christitlttiarfurwhe dHron tfootlull
that the sante spirit could be seen in all
our church work -all aiming for one
goal, tiro salvation of theworld. That
is a lesson from the football field we
world all do well to learn by practice,
,1 football field Is just a miniature
picture of life iu the 100010. There are
and can be only two sides. Each main
can only play for one side. 10 you are
weeks. team that would not be tolerated for a
lodge Winchester ,\Vit tied the sass', and0 1 110850111. Every slumber of a team must
when a,' 1( by Aunts counsel „if 1„r the' )hay, and play his hardest and best, too,
carrel,, l h' would takeoff the Maher, to liWe do not like professionalism iu foot•.
hr replied: "1 Frei n„aftke adding tall, nor 00 no like it any better in a
the lashes and reduCe5 the time." Christian, Is it too rn11111 to any that,
The girl, Maria Pinto, told a.0 antnz- I
in the wok for God and humanity, all
ing story of deceptioiu to the court, should take part and do their bast?
saying she had been in lore with Avdtn, hcre ought to he no onlookers or sight-
nd they intended to be married, but •
seers, that ought to be left to the angels,
revently she discovered that :\vada had t lout of witnesses"
wife and child in Italy. Avatu. laid
the [,tea cloud
Paul said: "I press toward the goal."
It is the motto, on a lower plane, of
every footballer. And is it not even ie
football a fine thing to be on the win-
ning side? What solid satisfaction there
i.0 in that! Can it be spoken of in the
some breath with the solid sat Mention
of the noun who is aiming. at Pa
goal? 11 is always a great thing in life.
to have 0113' worthy 11in1, As George Ber-
nard Shaw says. "Better make the ]loci•
zoo your goal; it will always he ahead
of you." Better far is it to place your
goal still further - on, Place it where
P0111 placed it -dim at the highest --nn
abundant entrance to the twelve -gated
city. Play the glnno 'of lite so that ;con
will final an entrance through some gate
of pearl, Life is not all play. We man.
end many do, give too much attention
to football. The ne.wspapers, during
these winter months or a Monday mot,'
ing, would 0hnos1 lead one to think
that England 1'as just one big green
field, and all the uteri and women merely
football players.
The football season ends. Life on
earth also ends, The `last day's tight
will emub. Shall we teach the gaol? Shall
tvc. have 0 crown of life as 'the result
of our present method of life? Press on
toward the goad!
A Petition,
Let nee get not far from Ole common
With, all around nue, the common
Let the feel the nip of the winters cold:
'Otte quiver and stir of budding springs;
The summer's heat and the autumn lull;
:A1111 a sense of the old world beautiful.
Let me hear the children about the
No sermon so great in all the land -
IA she, greet the glance of an earnest
The cheerful clasp of a tolling land,
Let nue linger where throbs the heart of
lived with the girl's p:r'ents of 1,4.1 St.
('hll'eae 00e000,
That is Now John Henniker•Heaton's
tud 'ing from 1111
Lenders, May �. 1. .,
article he 0wntnimtc8 to tlae 3lfay num.
her of the Financial Rohm' of Reviews,
the postal reformer, John Hennilcer-
1-1entou, \l. i'., prop°'es to devote the re-
mainder of his public life to a crusade
to cheapen the wor'ld's telegraph rates. �
IL' is already promulgating ascheme
ti' a nmifornnn telegraph rate of two
emits a word throughout Europe. Ile
proposer to a irate for the same rate
m Gwen Britain and all the colonies, ir-
respective of distance, his ultimate
ern being penny (two emits) it word
hhgraus thr0ughot:t the world. He
believes that such a nate would re -
Alit largely- in the snperees.,ion of the
cumbrous end stow mail yetfec.
which t!u'neeferth would be reserved
for the tout: missi1u of voleol le 40011 -
lianas. newspapers, circulars and par-
Stock Commission House With Agencies
in Montreal Suspends.
240utreal, Afa,l' 4. ----"There 10110 111111 ,t
selnirtian in speewlative (it'd)), to -day
when it was learned that one wire 0vs-
tem, with teat' agents in this cats tva,
net paying up. .A11 agent made the fah
lowing statement: Ile Public vin l
lmtin 0onynuhy, loying four crtleetiens
in Montreal, lute not p11111 their (soli-
siwndents sou, Setuid,nv. 'they chain
that they are still ;.)kettt, but ,ask until
the end of this wee1: to realize on ccr-
1m 0erudr-, in enter to lnret their
One ln'ckcr has paid 11p his