The Clinton New Era, 1900-12-14, Page 5.••• NT TO THE CLINTON NEW ERA. . . imixortmkAr, .•••••••••• ' elee.:01;:stesse- Ye. ow.e...e...• 4-- A PLOT FOR PIPIRL A MIMING STORY 0. CONTINENTAL CONSPIRACY AGAINST ORITAIN. , elererle,Mreg., BE SURE AND READ THE FIRST INSTALMENT. raw' egg. The eye* et the three men - Md each La tare boon arreeted by R. ia the eleotria light which fell mottle upOn the upper part of le, the *tone eeenied to' bore etid glow with it tie ouliar, iridescent radiance. Evidently it waft aprecteue poesesidote for once wben a Waiter had effered to remove et to a *tend at the other end of the room, the maa had etOPPed eharP- 17 and drawn R a Uttie closer to.. Werele Wan. Wolfetsden ta fresh cigarette, and gazed thoughtfully into the lite • ol bIe Sasso 0« . ellusbaati aud wife," he reeeeted elowly. "Whet an abeartl Weal More likely father and daughter 1" "How about the roses V" elaroutt re- merke4. "A, father (lotto not as a rule tallow suet excellent taste in flowers!" Tbey bad finished eupper, Suddenly the gerleetretched out ber left head axed took a glove from the table, Wel- tendon mauled triunaphantly. "She has ao wedding rine he ex.. eitlet - e Hartnett, ler •the first time, madea remark, for whieh he. was never altogether forgisven-a remark CHAPTEdtete toes wee followed them to their seatshow much n. year Denham, a• tieing w. ateeilhet-he other Men received LiOwia , 4MM BrIeflY the 'girl wae beautfful and the young pertrale painter, woe making ea elhiting ellent10. I Elt"ar 4441'tY at tha ffiLuaril Meet dist- ingetehed. 'When they had from les profession, and exaetly what a That May or inheay aot be a'matter 'Kidney w u II ranee froneles fatter far congretalation," said, twirling o .111401,M4014. ISSUE NO 50.1 • KING DIENELEKni CAPITAL+. ornan's Abyssinie's Mottareh eurrounds Mime self With litany Luxuries. Menelek and hie empire no often on menet lips, but how many people we meet would care to say offhenti whit le the name of lee capitel ? Idegdala W e *tow .o.n.d Ache% we know, becauee of recent wars, but Addie Aboba, en. Joys tbo blessing of having no history. Some Nay the Words mean the "neve wiete wee," °there tronele,te it "the neer III:Mere' but Xprefer tito former tLth Xt in a unique capita,' la that it arose almost in a single night and ie destined to dleappear ae speedily. The fact is that Abyesiniatua nee utterly recluses in the matter of forestry, and whenever a vast ouraber of them aye tegether, they aeon use up all the fuel available for miles arottud. • alenelelea former °Weal. Eatotto, two or throe hours' clbsto Irene 'the New 'White Rose, was abencioned not loses et for h4„t_ veryaeon -n • now eine ea atilt ete tra:: •Ittg churehee and a few brown. ruingof the palace; ruine not a generation ()W- hew etrainge that 80111140 Alread the New White Rose must being her fuel :rem. a greet distance let a, great expense, and the king ofekings le lookino ter auother eapitel. Of couree, tee chief interest of ele-• nelek's capital Is Menelek himeelf, and X was fortunate in securing an audi- ence of forty minutes tee day before he was to stert upon ft, roeral pro. great through the kingdom of Short. His palace is Wei a straggling vii. lege, and I had to ride through courtyard after courtyard of nand huts before 1 reaohed the 'square whioh contains his bataqueting court of justice and hall of au-client:se. On the forefront of•the court of Jus- tice is a largo clock, which never goes -a fitting symbol of A.byseinien othelnistration. The banqueting ball is used on the occaelon of great festi- vals to. entertaen sonae 6,000 braves at a time with huge joints of raw meat. All squat upon the ground and out off portions close to their noses wit.h their . long, °erred Swords. Menelek is very much as pleturee and book e have led you 'to expect- . a stout, analable man with a very eakness A 'woman's. reproductive organs ere in the most la - tense and continuoue Dyne. pathy with her kidneys The slig•htest clisorderin the . kidneys brings about 4 corresponding disease in the repeoductive (opine\ Dodd's Kidney Pills, by roe storing' the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful die. ' orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out others, sufferingwives • ianir: e t (34 Vire entering%ii 74 . ng o * best friend le l'To all feta Meetings? as aft tleases I" taken tile r p ece,e, ewever, cried lienralaceM, lifting his ohoUIPagne of conversation .regottlnletteed. DODS-, Was, A.otramge face was an annoyance lea moustache. "One never knows!" pi 211.... . ginett. from under the soft hale of the ham and Wolfenden leaned over to one to him, too, a, b,unnlio,tion.. He had Wolfeaden ateod up, turning his I- Illb itose•tithtided °Warta light& "Let -•rle another, and their questions Were al- 'been piqued that he could not an- back upon Harcett and pointedly ig- elltulIoto teetn, Wolfenden-Mr. Felix!" most Mmultaneoes. ewer the eager questions of his own amens him.. "Toy all mob meetings I" echoed hie ',Who- are thee ii" . party as to thee° two people, and "Let ue. go, Densbam," he said, "Wo• vis.a:vie, also angering the delicate "Who is ethe r sulesequently Wolfenden's inquiries. are ainaose thelast:* s mark could ass between then' a. "To all each meetinge as theeei" Wolfenclou's guest, it seemed 'melees to him yeas. In a sense, a consolation. The They could scarcely have left the room littl P ' d To be continued./ EftOta 01 1149 glee% "AA ' exeellent Mas i neither of them knew; neither The tbought Viet verO, semi, at BAY AG a matter. of fact his movemeet se. toest 1" • . •-, of thena had the least idea. Felix, rate, their name would be known to wets made et. exactly the right time. awe the man and the girl star e coupe brougham ho4 rawn up, Ilnermuree the third men; who Made ask. Bs had only lust arrived In Eng. root would be °cloy. Until he knew all at theaame rain:neat as these two fqrward• i sup the Moe party, "A capital Oast laid,and he was a complete stranger about them, he meant to conceal, people, in whom inanifeetly they had t • to London. Besides, he cile, not seem 00 ISC as possible, his -own interest. been, taking so, great an interest. Bat e . Indeed." They eat at a little round table In. to be interesteae•Re *as proceeding • CHA.PTER Lc. JAM'S TALK IT OVER. hy ',the tion they • had seat eor their • • the brillia.ntly.lit eePper neon of ohe calmly with his Beeper, withads back a. Dram,3, of the pevement. wets and hats from the cloakrogin, Fair Canadiansee • t Th I dand Hartnett had coolly scrutinized the The pallet of .esolue newly-eleeted • , of London's moet faehionable restaur- •direotly turned upon the newecorners. versatIon ha risen neglect With the inter-. table -list, they towed themselves all rulers Le in f itVece of trade within ants. Around them were the usual Beyond one, rapid, upward glanee at „ e pitch..„ 0 Feel .. . . . ma nr popping o cor an together fa a little. group at the head the Emnire. Your patriotism, ap- throng of well-deeseed Mem of wo• their entratiee he seenled almost to "aliet:re ""e" le 1 ke d the men with bare ellotildere and flash4 have avoided looking at them. Wolfene • — of the gears. provee (et it, But, setting that aelde, tug diamondo of darlovietaged wait- den thought of this afterwards. striklaig of matehes. Blue wreathes of o eaden, who was a f ew ti epS I appeal to your dainty taste and eiea.rette san,olce were curling iW li . t pleasmat hum of ceneeesatione louder mid. "He Will know who they are for „ - ki eet if to bass. Tim man, leaniog upon his them ground my faith on QUALITY. If upwards - n delleate feelino of ea front, drew 'back to allow you. try Ceylon and India machin.e- ers. deft. silent. ?wilt -footed. The eI see Haroutt In the corner;" he e and motto unreetralned as the hour..certain; / shall go and ask him." Olean was ma ng se . , made GREEN tease you will miss g.rew towards nticheo ght, was vitriol He crossed tee room and °hotted for „ by the Popping Or corks and mate' a few minutes with a noley little little trills of feminine langliter. Of party in an adjacent recess. Presently descordant sounds there were none. he put. his question. Alas! Not one of The waiter's feet, fell noleeleselY 'IP= them know! learcutt, a journalist of the thick covet, the clatter of, plates some Dote and a Man who prided him - was a thing unites -eel Of. Freon the bal. Nell upon knowing absolutely every- • cony outside eanie the loW, sweet body, was as helpless as the rest. To aluElo of a Germaa orchetrtria. played bie humiliation he was obliged to con - by master had& fess ite • 1 • As usual the place was filled. Bev- el never Saw tither of *them before eral late comers, who had neglected in my life," to order their table beforehand, had he said. "I cannot imagine who they can be. They are certainly already. after es dbxemeolate tour of foreignere," • the mew' been led te cele er the "Very likely," Wolfenden agreed, smaller apartment/. or had • driver!. off again to where the lights from quietly. "In fact, I never doubted it. An English 'girl of that ,age -she is felt amongst the roomful ot • , P people. The music grew softer as the sleeve. Then he looked up, et the men, ecienething. What? • The Impurities babel of talk 'grew in volume. Tho anii addressed •Wolfenden directly. imparted to Janata and. China, greens whole environment became tinged with ' You lead better precede us, etre. by the FILTHY METHODS Cile HAND. a !abet bat garnet voluptuousnees. be seed; "me progress is, unfortunate- ROLLING. Think of title. Blue Bile bles of some mutual acquientance; Volfenden drew back courteously'. on frale.-Colehliet. black face and a shiert stubby beard. over that a big felt wideawake. Hes Turkish coffee. His eyes scarcely left The man thanked hisn, end, with Itesnit of lynperfeot digestion -pressing up ad with the other o h' t' k natant relief is affOrdect by the use of ten drOps S 10 • com- of Nerviline in a Bate s eetened water,half an mente the most part, and his few yards away from him,•trifling a 'bon efoneoon and Salado p,ackete are Deneha,m w•as laughing over the foie II) eemewhat slew*" . 1 . • lele la quite nold, so he vvearioa cloth Woltenden iefuted back In las chair, "Wo are La no hurry," he said, Gas on the Stomach, tightly tied 'around his head, and smoking a cigarette and sliming his "Please go on.e. • , one hand upon the gisrl'e shoulder, ?Meat the heart item:AN:Is alarmingsymptoms. clothes of silk, loose etelped, gar - for a incenent the girl who sat only a on without even glancing towards 9,x13..0.1fLtas.rai aq(1.11:111118 after the meal. Nervihne aids digestion, feet' are clad in unlaced tennis shoes. a sere of ?emir. In his left wee is a turquoise ' stud, meaced to descend, Tbe glad had passed hour NvAli a certain dab* indifference, with the little. dishes, which one•after siaeIlitc_iopvirriL_r:o.:er f9t eifhelianSisnet. the badge of on elephant killer, and She had .twested a white lace a r the ether had been. placed before' her them: on hIs left hand is a gold ring with', and removed. He•ba,d taken Pains to mantilla aronnd her head, and her Cramps, neuraigia, Totithacnre. Druggisti • e withdraw himself from the dlecession feetarea were scercelY vinNe-c°111•Y 6°111t" ' a dianiond et gypsy fashion. Only . „ rOyalty may wear gold in Abessinla. the laxger but less mvere, be thnever art Alton° in which his friends were interested. she, impression o.passed, W lf d r ' d • Den Demanded Her Pay.I found him wetted crosseegged on flashed out upon the smooth, young, e laye-w•ould He wanted to be quite free to wateb gewe ' ra f refitting white dark be, so perfectly terned oat." waters of the Thames. Only, one ta- owbat a eery horrid th ng to say, her. To him she was certainly. tile selk and lane 'and fotiming. tulle air Another hen titory 0011100 from the ati, ordinary cane chair, upon his ver- ble was ae yet unoccupLed, abet that most wonderfui creature he had •over she g,athered her skirts together. at farrn of 'Henry Veer Boerum, near Ja-• anda.. -Ile was very amiable and had Lord 'Wolfenden," exclaimed the wont- the heado1Abe, stales. It seemed to naalea. Henry has a choice Cook of plenty of snare' talk, eked out with Was within a Yard or two of t seen. la every one of her most telfling • Young Men Who, 'were *celebrair- three an on whose chair Mgr hand was rest- hen, too,. that the somewhat ' dote.. Plermouth Ream. One ei the hens has et -miles.' .111e 'did eob strite me asepar- tag a chance Meeting. in Pall Mall so ing. "Don't you know that dressing is aetions slie .seemed pessessed of an original • and . memo grace, even t130 atmosptere of the vestibule had be- been it the.habit of prodticeng a fine ticularly hitelligent until his in - pleasantly. It wag laid for two only, altogether a matter of one's' maid ? come faintly. sweet with the , delicate` egg every day. During' the last . few terest.:was ewakened by a reference and a miteenificenteetenneat or. : white Youmay rely upon it that ebat gild way site held. ber silver fork, : toyecl fragranee of the White _roses which weeks nor ,production has fallen elf. to Leontieff. the. RtiSsisal adventurer roses had, a revi eekratee before, been haos found a treasure." vitt *her •serviette, rase(' her glass to hung. by, a loop.. of sada ham her. Boerum w.ent.to a -grocery the other whom le ,enteusted with the Man - brought in and laid in front of One Of Wel!, I don't know," Volfenden said . her lips • and set it down'. again -all. these little things she seemed to him • , , • • • day and woe astonished to 'see tbe hen agement of a remote provinee. .Then weist, • ehe pla,ces by the director of the • •Tbereehrhee men waited until they walk In, go ov.er to a nest and lay an he was .shrewd and alert Ina root:lent smiling. "Young Eneeish girls always room 'himself. A man's sumil visiting seem •to me to look sodishevelledn a_ nee • peculiar a i to cco Ilsh with a• and hadtie ed the bend. of. the etairs egg. 'Theta she got up, and clucked alad X could vie() how well he would held card Was leer:bee againet a wineglaes, evening dress. Now this girl is dressed reale:fie daiiitie .0f traverse. ess. •c before thee began to descend. Rare until the grocer gate tier a handful of bis own in diplomacy.-Pearson's Mag - The table was evidently refferVed by the art of ,a Frenchwoman of o e e conapanlon and her- cutt then lealted forward. corn. The.grocer said thelean entered amine: • e ' oomeone of importance, for . several in turf:, Yea , and et with th sims 'tali there was evidently very little, "Rig mute," lie whispered, "le his- place one morning about three • e • eate.eomere had pointed to lb only to eetnIty oef.arctehlice" 7 e nor did she appear to expect it. JO enchanting, It IS Mr. Sabin Whoeirer weeks ago and deposited an eggemon sweeivrEeE SONGS BUT TELL OF be met by o decided shake of the head ene woman laid down her lorgnettes was enioying his supper wieh the n tweet', b r heard of a Mr. Sabin? Yet he leeks a lot ,of bagging. He revearded, her • • SADDEST THOUGHTS. ' on ',the part of the waiter to whom ei a_ moderation •and minute care for •trifles like a personage!" ' , with a handful of corn, and she has - • , and shrugged her ehoulclers. ' they had appealed. As time Went on gwee w yen, 1 ith " al e said, "that which denote the epicure, and he only At the doors there was some delay. visited him every ,day since about . Dome Lacliee-i - .. , ttils'empty table became the Objeet or she is probably. not Engl h. she SP o er gen e c Le "Xf oke t h betw th courses. She, It was reining feet and the deplete meet time, laid her egg, and receeved What to you ham been. fdr many tome epeeulation to the three men. .were she wOuld not wear quell die- on the other bind, appeared,, to be tures vrere a little contested. The her oa,yment. . . , • months the saddest, yet sweetest . "Our neighbors!' renaarked Woliene monde at her age," • eating scarcely . anything.' At last, den, "are runnini it pretty fine. Can "By tbe bye, Rareutt remarked,. however, the waiter set before ber a e background. Densham affected to be There is more Catarrh in this section of the • three young men still ept in the hour Of the deg? Surely that •when in eilence, alones fir, sVV;Set °Om" with sudden cleerfulness, "we ellen be dish in 'which she was evidently In - lighting a cigarette.. Welfenden was, raudnatrutylithttprattleltotathwPii diseases put together, munion with re atives or friends, 70h-see•whose name iseupon the card, ears was supposed to be you hove let your . thoughts. dwell tlensham ?" — able to find out who; the man le when terested. Wolfenden recognized the slowly dra.wIsg on his gloves. ills' e Th Man dressed raised an eiee we leave The table was reserved, so ink frilled paper and smiled. Otte was plead) wag almoet in a line wiph the ii=?dektaio:ariitealrnarigiesorriiragi on the d bee t e Af Ica t eye end leaned for- the •naingewill be onethe ;list at the human enough. titen to care for lees. • Vcairtjt to lene hi too -la ete begirl„with taste in flowers IS a•ti any rate gather," he ordered Turkir, With anothetr. tTlds rthrigrLhen paper a been able to obtain even In the supper- ite=VIZzlattnatesiargrig gf:217.1, GREEN teas of Ceylon and Xndia.. and fears, your •prao- shook his head, he Was •cloore" She bent over it and shrugged ter girl a. He noted see the diamonds flash- Forteindoetershe,asaantradpriliyle,enonscle:lrryhtaltIont:t:c:torzituth. Ythoeur m. leeAleeend ing in her fair hair through the dainty His friends rose to leave, and tfar- shoulders -turning to the waiter, who ttacery of the drooping white le woe not that the hour pronounced it incurable. ers and tears have gone fcYrth ' tO eaviaye' • . mitt, making his adieux, crossed the was hovering hear. she asked a quere . - - - --ea tional disease and therefore requires constitu- and in fl, moment, through some slight Lionel treatment. Hall's Catarrh oure, mann- of afternodu tea e a. s • hort name. Seems to Proimbly a son of Is- roo,,in with Wolfenden. • Con. He bowed and removed the plate. change in her position, he bould get, factored by F. .T. Cheney sc Co., Toledo. Otdo, Your soldiers' eornradee-the Brit. We may ea Well have our coffee to-. 1n v. moment, Or two he reappeared t is the onlyconstitutional cure on the market..1 ish planters -make the delicious b tor 111 tfl "so irreproachable," Wolfenden remarked. an ye n wa g • This a one o no De you 'totry "I wish they would denim. I am in a uteri. We got here eerier. Hullo smiled as She helped herself-sech 'a room, She was beautiful 1 Tlaere was piucous surfaces of the system. They offer one that no dOebt about that. 'Bat there were nundred dollars for any ease it falls to cure. these teas. japans have no such , where s your other guest?" smiles that Wolfenden wondered meny • 'beautiful women In London, SenlificIrgr itie.'renitialinnte. Toledo, O. claim on you, and are, besides; of • -genial mood, and I do not like to think Dealt:ham was sitting alone. Wolfen• the waiter did not lose hie head, and ' of anyone having. to bury over such ElIaTre the best " iriferear qualities. Monscion, Salado den looked at him inquiringly. hand her pepper andeialt, instead of eerieem Wolfenden scarcely pretended' . Soildimmoingygipsti and Blue Ribbon brands are all good "Your frlene Fellx.hae gone" Ina an. gravely fillifig her glees. She took to admire. This girl had something Ha a. an excellent sue:mere' •• WIIflICVC MUM is caused by weakness of the stomach or Lowell; is likely to yield .0 SCOTT'S EldleLSION Of Cod Liver Oil. • We don't say sure; and you may not be sure that your, or your little one's trouble is clue to weak stomach or bowels. . Doctors can't a1wa4".s trace a disease to its cause; and .you can't, SCOTT'S EMULSION . of Cod Liver Oil is the easiest food for a tired digestion. But that isn't all.; it encourages stomach and bowels to tackle their work; it gives and gets them strength from the other food. they are able to take. Give it time, Food is the best of medicine: food that sets the blidy going again: • This is.health : give it time. gor The genuine. .• ' • • no Other. you have •‘- .14 hasIthis plot- • • k enitt. ilseont d t.frolerdfrelte sample, Its -• agreeable 'OW taste will 'sun. prise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, . Toronto. 609. and $1.00; all druggists. `• TO SEARCH FOR GOLD* An Beans'', Company to Explore Raley River DIstrice. • The Government of Ontario hovels - sued a license of. (Murton= to an Engage compony called the Anglo- Ca,naclian Gold Estates, Limited, cov- ering certain likrake of territory in the district of Rainy Beier., for the purpose of fifteens the corapaegs to• explore the same for minerals and after such diee,overy, to acquire • by purchase or lease any locations with- in the blocks at the ordinary price and ender the usual terms and con- ditions of the naives act. The Anglo-Canadian,,Estates is com- posed solely of English capitaliste who hove for mime time past been operating in. the Rainy- River ea-un- trye exploring for and locating min- eral properties. A large number of men , are in. the companies employ- ment, and the pay roll amounts to $8,000 a Mo e a, a, man- ager is Hr. Alan Sullivan, C. N.. son of the late Bish,op Sullivan. Minard's Lininient• Cures Genet In Cows. • - ure on it, tAke • "hznominal "Suddenly reMembered an eap her. spoon and deliberately tasted better even tbao supreme beauty. She .• G 00d Ginger Cake.• .--•°°10/11St• Liquid Air On Sieln• • "The lady," Denshoni stiggested, th iter t was an thin hat a od ego Sh •• • barbarous houreto turn nu oien, herti- you tip to mor" first words in English whit& he had Her hair Weis dazzlingly fair, her eye, one.half cup of boi at t n ling w er, won d ere were no hive bees in AnierIca probably. eatt aleand to, o dress ese eneegement with hes ohlef and beg. the •tontents of her plate. Then she y g repr u n. e . • One 'cup of Porto • Rico molasses; Bees Not Native to America.- . after. the &bow. Hale -past le a god. you to excuse lean. Sold he'd look looked across the table and bpoke the was 4 new. type. .She had originality- e- , :: • '• e . '4. ' ._ .4'Well. he's On odd fellow' Wolfeeh heard from her lips : ' • • • brovrs, delicately . arched, were high •oneehalf cups flour, one arid. one-half. when first settled by the whites. The teaspbons ,ginger, two and one hall commotobrown bee was brought from "Slosh!" ' ' — - e ,.. , o, 4 den. remarked,' motioning Harcutt to . e Coffee Ice. So Much nicer :than and distincely dark in color. Her head • tonapoone The slight explanadelell and a mean- the vacant place. "elis looks certain.- b e, . • ' was perfeetly shaped -the' features baking e powder, • one-half Europe in the 17taceiatury and within ' ing frown froms•Weilfenden cheeked 140 ly belle hie name." . etravr erry . '• .' • seemed to porabisie a : delightful teaspoon salt; one to.blespecia melted the last few yeare superior. varieties speech:. He earoke erten -bile middle of emeo neye exaceiy a. cholera. coot-. - Tho man nodded back. " Iasi 'after supper are on abominae. Piquancy with o, somewhatestatuesque• •butter. Add the Water to the molasses, such as the Cyprians ane Carialolans, the flaregularity. Wolfenden, wondering of 51! Ix together .thoroughly the flour, leave been Introeuccid here-Tbere are - - • . , hie sentence, antteooked around. There envnieni. for a sapper Party," Densinun he S Was the soft swiebsofeille vetoing his admitted, !lent I like his face. How tion," W. " They spell vor of your wineand any other thingswhat she In some manner reminded rginger, baking powder eat, :Com- small stingless bees of another genus chair, and the' fainteeuggeition cif a did you csiatie acroor hint, Warm:idea, , 311. bine the two mitteres, add the but- - in Central atel Sowell Americ,ae which delicate and perfectly. strange Pere and where does he hail from? • . But, after all, I stippose it lit a waste him, • euddenly eliought of sonie old ter and beat vigorously. Bake .in 'a. 'make 'delicious honey, with a peenliar ' fume. At last the table was. being "He's a janitor attache at the Bus- of time to tell yoa so I A woinan never French miniatures, which • he had taken poeseseion of .A. Biel, in 4 won- elan Embasay." Wolfenden said, stir, - f if t . 4 understahd2 how to eat uetil she ea •stopped to admire Maly a day er two Moderate heels 85 minutes - . • • . aromatic flavoi. It has been peeposed • • 'before, in a little curio shop near ' • - ' d h bo ea "0 I juet - 3; Minard'e Liniment Cures Distemper. but they would not stead the cle • to bring them to the 'United States, • . • '• ••• derful white dress; was seen ing t ere; ring hie ffbeennee - • • Si e latighed, and deliberately „fin- Bond street. .There wast. distinct dash 00 bunch of oreameewhite blossoms, line of •Inttoduction to me; said be m t Iv r ma . oeg g , leaning over to admire the great pointed. Charlie Morrell gave b felled her ice. Xust as she laid down of something foreign in her features •• whilst a waiter reseeotfully held a WAS a decent sleet,. bet utopia's! X Hippopotamus ivory sit one time °PUP° US Y• they call bite quite painfully. • the epoon, raised her eyes quietly and carriage. • It might have been and encountered Wolfenden'se He French or Auetrian-it wees most cer• chair for her: A. feweteps behind came looked him up best week, met him in 'Coked away at once with an indiffer. tainly not Anglo-Saxon. was much used for artificial teeth, ' her compatilon„ an. elderly man who Pall Mall Jueb as you came al.ng, 111"-e ence,whIch be felt tote) badly assumed. The crash beoame a little lese.'they The hippopotamus lived on the lower 'walked with a slight linap, leaning and asked you botb to suppex. What Did . she know, he 'wondered, that all moved a etep or two forward -and Nile in the dayS of the Pharaohs. A. heavily upon le iitick. She turned to liqueurs. Ho,rontt?" h h Ilk W If d II t fresco in the old temple of Edfu shows • he ad beea wato tng her e n re en en, glancing ca,re ess y ou - him and made semi remark irk French, The convereation drifted into °vie. pointing to the flowers. e smiled, nary ohannele and flowed on steadily owl all the time? Be felt hot and une side, found his attentiote immediately that it was harpooned by the natives et. and, passing her,'stood for a moment At tbe same time it woe maintained comfortable -a , veritable schoolboy at orreeted. • anst as he had been watchas it Xe now by the Soudenese. Herod- • the thought. He plunged into the cone Ing -the girl, so was a man, who stood. °tug deScrlbes it and Romeo. crowds leaning slightly neon the 'back of his with a• certain amouut of difficulty."' chair, waiting, with a courtesy which The advent of these two people at Versation between Harcutt and Dense On tbe pavement side by side with the stared ab it In he days of the Empire. was obviously instinctive, until she thehani-a convorsation which they had next table had produced an ex- - should have eeatiel herself. During the tra,ordenary effect upon the three men. been sustaining with an effort. They few seconds which.elaplitel before they Harcutt was perhape the least af- too were still as Interested in their Were settled in teeir placeehe glittered footed. He was a young man of for- neighbors, although tbeir position e.t !round the rooni with a Simile, slightly tune and natural gifts, who had em, the table made it difiloalt for either nd to observe them closely. eynical, but still good-natured , Parting braced journaliem an a career, a his thin, well -shaped lips. Wolfenden Was really in 1090 with hie profes• ', When, three men are each. thinking and Denaham, who were looking at don. Partly on etecount of hie social Latently of •something else, it Is not him with frank oureasity, he enlaced poeition, tvhich ware unquestioned, and easy: to maintain an intelligent Me- at careleesly. The thIrd young Man of Partly because hie tastes tended In, 'ousstone :Wolfenden, to create a die the party, Felix, vras bending low over that direction he had become the. veesion, called for the bill. ',When hls plate, and izla face was hidden. recognized scribe and chronicale of be had paid it, and they were ready The buzz of conversation in their Mart society. His pen was easy and -to depart, Deneham looked up with immediate vIcinitY bad been tempo., fluent.. He woe an inimitable maker a little burst of candor- earile suspended. Everyone who had of short paragraphs. He prided him. "Same/ wonderful!" he exelaimed, Peen them enter had been Interested self upon lamming everybody and all softie's. In these le.te-comers, and Many cure- about them. He could have told "lidatvellousi" ' 'Wolters:den echoed. "I wonder wbo•on earth thet can Possible be," tfo.rou,tt said lmost peevishiy. Already J10 was befog rob. DR. CHASE 0 ENDORSED " so.tisfacstion. t was true that he Would bed of rem° fart of his constemplated ' probably fin the man'e. name on the tableeliat at the door, _bat he had a seat of ?resentitudeetl tdhathithe gia.gs O e • - ve" . • By. LEADING DIVINES fle.r....ittif awtelittioneskt4e beiewl'etn thee man and the girl puzzled h. He propounded the problem,imand they , I; • , "" st Great S -a- • • commissionaire, watelang her .com- ppare •Minard's Liniment •Cures Colds, eta. pitnion. He eras :tall and thin. a ently dressed in evening elothes, for Bishop Tabooes fitalepins. though hie coat Was buttoned up to his chin; he wore an 'opera hat. His The Bishop of Liverpool has lasued a bands were thrust let° tile loose pock- new code of rules for confirmation. He RD We believe MINA'S trivarENT Is the best. • 14 s 00eattplahlagnoFw, oleyhoreivilayci,tym,e0. nt. • O ,3. Rev, IL 0. •Armetrong„ Mulgoave, N.• Ss 1 Charle0 Whootele Mulgrave, N. S. O Pierre Landry,, gen., rokemouebe, ' Thomem Witeeon, Sheffield, N. IL -If n spray Of llquid air ie applied to the skin. the part is frozen as hard as ice, but a ,fewf initiates circula- tion returns without injury to the tisane, prievidino tot at. .. • • •eome extreinity3 . lidinard's Liniment. Cures Diphtheria. woRTeD-se PERDAeir SURE; GENTLE. , men or ladies; special work; position per nament; re table lirm, with best r. ferences; experience unnecessary Address T. rr.,Llus- cott, manager. Brantford Oat, , DROPSY Treated Free. W'e have made dropsy and it/ complieations a specialty for twenty years. Quick relief. Cures worst cases. Book Of TligatAIONIALS and IC DAIS .7 trellar.Hen.ltb r.GEREBEEN'S SONS, • Box 0 Amx.aDTA., GA. • • • •:•.• see ; •• ...WANTED TO PURCHASE... • About, 17 hen& high;weight from 1,100 to 1,200 must bo sound; age not to exeeed 8 years. • Address eta of his overcoat, and lale face eras desires that girls eimuld refrain trona nmeely, in' the shadows. Once, how. the use of long pins in the, hale, as the - over, he follovred seine motion of Mr. presence of each pins frequently ree ' Sabin% and moved. bei head a •Iittle sults in Vie Bistio 'e fingers being forerard. Wolfenden. itartectlacerated duting he 'laying on • looked at him fleedly. •Was it fancy,. hankies -Cht st an World. or was there Indeed something O clenched In Ins right hand there, which ' gleamed like eilver-or was It steel: - in the momentary flash of a passing carriage light? Wolfencien wan puz- zled. There was .something, too, which seemed to him vaguely familiar in the mates figure and person. Ho Was certainly ;waiting for soMehodee and to judge from his expression his mission was no pleasant one. Wolferelen, who,terougli the hitter part of the evening, had felt n euriotze and unwonted eons° of eteltement stirring his blood, now felt it go tingling through all his velum Re .had some /nibble prescience disoussecl it with bated breath. There thatehe. Was on the brink of a,n ads • ware no likeness at all! Was there venture. Be !glanced hurriedly at I, al any relatienship ? It was significant two coinpanione; neither of them had gsfroded—Painful OperationsAvoided—Chronic that although Rarcutt was a soap. f d t noticed this fresh develeetnent. klITeuvrert twheonitetndhetoffenrasilgonhatipreiurwnledio and Aggravated Diseases Cured—Grateful Testimony of a *auto, they discussed it with the eit moet profoan,d respeot. Relationship round and seer him standing there. • From Weil Known Ministers. after all of mime sort there must be. 1$1 dallY hetlattet Of ministers are teetiducive to coluitlpfetion and itehe Litt Plies. Mote eadergelnen bteee ene •obreed Dr. thanes. XhIney-Liver .1* Piga Ohatineet than probably ettlY retnediee on the Market. The iboriiiiiilkOALAXOttetfi are from letters Of leading minitterit•of 4titio Gospel, who speak for the benefit felleW- truffereres Por, more %articular:I re. evading tbese Surprising cures vrrite • ro those partlem. TheY will gladly wake known to, you tale virtues of Oltaee's atemedies. Bev, S. A. Deegan, Methodist min. sr,. Conseeott, Ont., writes:tttt'Dr. very daligf and patent opera- -ge'ds Olot saved me from a that, and osoughly cured inc of fl, Were' Severe Mei tteggraVated, term of Itching, bleeding plies. The large ht.tups and abscesses have entirelY faillappeared." - Jobilelb,00$ EVADO;Onatr Stepping back en to the pavement, What was it 1 It Was Hamad who he b called up the roughens, wh eh • Witertde, Ont., writes: "X believe Dr. alone Ruggeeted wh,at to Woldenden Wag Waiting a little. way down the Chasee'a KielneO-Liver Pills to be an eieenied an, Abominable. possibility. " Scarcely h•usband and wife X street, Al preparation for oolletiPatIon and should thiok," he said, thoughtitille• "Your carriage, my lord,". he amid, 'yet on.e never can telll" to Woltenden, todelting els cart liver troublee. I tweak front expert. I once." Involuntarily they all three glanced. • Wolfenden, with ready Presence of towards tho man. He was well premier- Mind eheoh his head. ' "X am Waiting for a, friend," lie scalcl. rum. :., A. Baldwin!, Baptist minis - twenty years r Was a great sufferer ed, and his little iniperlal and short ter, A.riroala, Ont., -writes :"For over from itching, protruding plias. / un- grey moustache were trimmed with "Tell my man to pass on a yard or miaitary precision, yet hie hair was two." •• °Derail:gee all without obtaining tamest white, tuid his age could The Man bowed, and the danger Of &intent three very painful surgical 1 tier permanent relief. Dr. Oltasea scarcely be lees than, sixty. In his way hetet* before, thee° two people, in he was nate as interesting as the whom WS interest notv was beeeming it Will aura MY ease of Piles." girl, Ma eyes, underneath his thiek PosItiVely feverisb, was averted. As 1 Oilititiont has eared me, amt I belleVe brows, Were Stark and Cleat', and hes if to entity:too it a singular thing now It" Ohne. Pleb, 1.9.1 Duran avenue, features. were .strong and dellvatete 'appetite . le nter ell sniY be - Toronto, etatee that Dr. Chaile'S seeped. Kb hands were white and nalne reelproeal. At the sound of 'Wolf - Ointment cured him of eczema on the very ehapely, the fengers were rather mitten's voice, the MU with tile club head and hands, from which he bad long, and ha wore two rengularly foot had distinctly started. llet beet' a great oviform for ten years, handsome nags, both set with strange e tang I Dos t oll. auid, Oa" R. and from Widen even epecialists till atones. By the sole of the table rest. forward, looked eagerly at bird. Cilla akin diseases gonad. give him no relief. ad the stink upon which he had been eyes remained for a moment or two Dr. Chase's Xidney-Liver Pilbes one leafling &ding hie Visage through the fixed steadily upon him. There was pill a dose, in cents a box. Dr. room. It was of smooth, dark wood, no doubt about the fact. singular in 1 at all dent-ve, or Zdtuanson, Dates at the top with a curious, green, Ofitlie* tined it hinetela 80 (11.1 both Donsham Clitteet Ointment, 00 cents a box, poEshed like a malacca cant, and sot itself though It was. Woitendon 110. & Oe., Tuitellti% 1 . &tea Stang, *1 WV SI !" . AlPikr4 illAd BLVOUtts ' ZIA bei0111 0.4.Y le' CATARRH CAN HE CNN DQN'ir DESPAIR. The Teetimony of Miss Addle L. StaenhouseoPeveril, Que., is Suf- • ficient to Convince Even the Most • Sceptical thai Catarrhozone Cures Cetarrh. • "It is a. pleasure for me." says Mies Stack- kouse "te placemysf On record, and through the prints, that all who suffer from catarrh may learn what your wondotful Catarrhozone has done fot me and what I kilovolt win do for rs " A eimpie cold Wag the first chapter in My ease; it grow into it Mild emo of catarrhewhieh seemed a trivial ailment, and I allowed it to run on and onp till to. most loathe some and. stubborn esearrhal condttion was so firmly established that no • treatment seemed Able to reach it. X spent a goad deal of money on doctors, Used sprays, snuffs, - tablets, ete. Everything that was suggested by friends, anything" I saw advertised Was - given an holiest trial, but like nlany other un. fortunate Safferors Porn chronic datarrh, I WaN at last forded to believe that nothing Short of d'egi souzld l'tlitibglignetitillectigulaillitigt- mont, but my breath grew 110 Oir01110.V0, and. tho tontinuee hawking and coughing swills. pleased awes with wnoiril came in contact, thet something simply had to be done. Then I tried 'Catarrboxonce In a fewdays the -nausea, calmed by the droPpinfo in the ' throat, wee corrected, Not lour afterwards the dontinUal haWking and otheming notice- abir lOsSetted. My throatend nose becaltie nloar and my . h NI. I cent need Catarrimsene, for by tide time febnlif ire int wegkk didnt 31 1 P3 0 W bIlt it did cure n two month& Mine wee tl which 110116 Multi lo, worm I hope '41;1;171).f.g"gew21.06111gylilgt 1'701: 1111 'beam cure l'odarrh .het fa 0414,4 benne," Complete gnaranteat Oen ni0 at all dills. ggilreinctittliot:31706tnt go,er t:iltateneavalitc".L! int 13, N. C. 014,111 eo., eagle**, eete HarUell., Conn., U. IL A. • e • • • .,.. " - It Costs to Kill Cook Robin. A. Peovidence, It, 1., pot hunter, bas just paid $25.45 for the penalty; of killing one robin. Robins are now pro- tected the year round by the Ithode Island game laws. Dame Experience . Etaa convinced roans that to uso any of the substitutes offal cd for the only sure -pop and painless eorn% cure is attended with daugor. u fgla(304 tit 0... other than Patnam's Painleas r ExIr at druggists. Mrs. llobert Louie Stevenson and her sion, Lloyd Osbouxne, are build- ing two houses facing each other on Lombard street in San Frans:dee% bearing deolded to make that eitg their home. • ALEX. McGAIIR, • Windsor Hotel, Montreal, Que, FRUIT FARM 0 S Outs 01 1110 finest in the NiagaraPeninttila, ab Winona, 10 miles from Hamilton, on two rail- ways. 170 acres, 45 of which is in fruit, inesthr peaohes. 12,000 baskets of fralt,raostly poaches, In sight this season. Will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. This Is a bargain. Address "NAISAITCikilfrof,NwitiOni P.O.lloza..0ate 26miiTag6ge,elgs Dt Use. Send to 931 Arch street, Phi • fits or nervoilimess after first O delphia, Pa..for treatise and free $2 trial bottle For sale by J. A. Harte, 1780 Notao Dame stately Montreal, Que. Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup should ways belated for Children Toothing, It tithes the Maid, Softens the tr111001 owes wendoolle and Is the best remedy for Diarrisceit. Twenty. Ave cents & bottle. , OUR GRANULATED so by Public Analyst'. revert • 100 PER CENT. "PURE; OUR GOLDer4 YELLOWO S are the best *//isilovs• Ougarig blttd• bit tlio world. • A TEST WILL PROVO IT, • ST. LAWRENCE MOO REFINERY •