HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-14, Page 4L--- -
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'441' ••••••
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Dc,rember 14, 190(
I* • .11
Our .Store
0. A
in Attractive Holiday Attire.
TUIS week the whole interior o our store—your store, we
might say—will blossom forth. in Yule Tide garb, For weeks
weav‘been hard at work preparing for the gift seekers,
+d have transformed this btisiness pia,oe into a bower of
- beauty, where all may come anct imbibe the holiday spirit
while they inspect the dainty :things spread out for them.
Whatever is advertised by other s3ores in our hue, you'll And
here at its best and priced with the usual Newcombe's moder-
ation which the wholetown is talking about Indeed,- our
• Holiday prices are by comparison refreshingly loW, *
• We urge you to do your holiday shopping nowt Not for
•our sake or benefit, but figs your own. Stocks are now full)
fresh and complete. seleition is so satisfactory when you
are not• crowded.
• YOU can't please a practical housewife more than by a
es, gift of some piece ,ot handsome Linen for her table, Herem
are some very dainty things worth seeing -and having :
72 inch wide Table Linen, Satin Damask finish with plain centre and
fancy borders ; also floral designs, the finest finish.
Jur prices (worth *Lao and *1.150
60 to 63 inch wide Table Linen, full bleached, in a good assortment
of designs. Prices .. . 500 , 60c and 75
Our stock of Table Napkins is most complete, We bare tereat values
tit per doz , , . , git.oca, $l.25, $11.60, 22:25, 53.50
•Ttay. Cloths in pure linen with and without fringed ends
isc, 25c, 50c to 75c.,
• Table Covers at „ 35c, 50c, ,B5c to *1-50• .
Centre pieces at. ...... ; .... , 20c, 35c, 50e, 75c to $1.50
Are ready-ene and unique handles from the best makers -good coverings with
case to match -a very serviceable gift for both men and women. 'A good assort-
ment at 151.50, $2.00. $2.50 to 53.50. ,
• Bargain Carnival in Jackets.
$3.50, $4.00 to $5.00 Coats for $1.50.
Minix Jackets to be Sold at Half
Nothing seems a he able to stand before the onward sweep of our many bar-
gains. This time Ledies, Misses and Children's Jackets have come within its great
Influence. We bow to the inevitable and make such prices for Thursday morning,
Dec. I3th, that will bring a great throng of eager buyers, prices like these were never
known before until the end of the season -this has been a very backward season for u;
-but a very lucky chance for you to save several dollars on your new coat. - •
On Sale Thursday Morning at 9.o.fclocks
We have 0 Ladies Frieze Jackets that were carried over from last season. •
The only difference from this season's style is a little larger sleeve, prices ,
were from $3 50 to $8.00 each. TO clear at • , .
I ' 01.00
Ladies' jackets of Beaver Cloth, and all wool Frieze in black, fawn and brown. •
Beguiler price from $5.50 to $6.50. To dear 'at - • 113 60
Ladies Jackets that were $7,50, $8.50, to clear at '• . .. . .. .... .... • . • ...-414-94
- ,
Ladies' Jacket's that were up to $14 for half.
Children's ()loth and Eiderdown ()oats that were priced at $2.50 to $2,75 ' - To clear -et .1311.150
Every Jacket in the Store 'marked 'do** in price' until Sold.
Stylish Trimmed Hats at Half Price. • . . ....
Cuturnexicing Thursday tnoruing we will place on sale 35 of this -season's newest Trim-•
med Hats at exadtly Halt Price. . - 7 . . •
$2 150 Hats for $4.25, - $3.50 Hats for $1.75.
25 of our choicest Outing Hats that were priced from $1.50 to $2.00 on sale at only' each 75c
$4.50 Silk Waists. to Clear at $1.50. . . .
LADIES' Silk Shirt Waists in stripes onIY, colors of brown and white, inauVe •.
and white, blue and white, Made iu newest style, with collar to match, lined
• throughout. •Regular price $4 50, To clear Thursday morningeaactb, •451‘50 ' •„
41•••••••••••••••••.••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••14.
• • . vo Ilatel °MEV BACK
IP '10u WANT IT .
Huron County Council. - school in Londeshoro; 'concerning an
Business transacted was very brief
this session, most of which is ernbedied
in the reports that are summarized be-
low. A resolution was passed thank-
ing the townicouncil of Winghtun for
courtesiee extended to the council dur-
ing its visit to Wingham. A resolution
was passed conveying. the hearty
thanks of, the Members to Warden
Rollins for his ability, cour'esy and
geniality during his occupancy of the
- • -
The jailer reported eigh 'Males as in-
mates of the jail -one insane, six vag-
rants and one who belongs to Bruce,
having, twice been an inmate of the
Housed Refuge of that county.
The spedal committee recommended
that the Ontario law be amended so as
to do away with the publication of the
magistrates' convictions. and that no
grant be made to the Prisoners' Aid
The Road and Bridge committee re-
commended that the Engineer ma;
chase material necessary for repairing
bridges; also that, steel bridges, with
• concrete abutmente, be erected on the
Turnberry and liowick boundary, and
'llowick and Wallace boundary, ten.
ders to be opened At Urinary- meeting;
in reference to petition for a bridge
acrose the Au Sable, in Stephen, the
engineer is recommended to collect all
necessary information and report at
January meeting,
The .gxecutive Committee morn.
mended that the County Olerly in ad-
dition to his 6glary, be paid his actual
and reaeonable expeneee also in con-
nection with the elecrionts to the
County Council. The tenders of F. B.
Mimes for coal and A. Goldthorpe
far wood for comity huildinge, being
the.lowest;he reconimendedttliat no ac.
tion betaken in reference to letter from
3. C. Morrison suggesting erection of a 1
eoneuroptiee Sanitarium; that action
be deferred towards purchase of an or.
gen for the Rousts of Refuge untilJan
lay meeting; And also the application
Of Mr French for an incresse of salary.
The Executive Counnittee recom-
mended that no action be taken to-
wards the formation of a now rohool I
11126(4011 id Mullett, and OFIldipit012 of a
appeal from arbitrators' decisionin
reference to proposed union school in
Merle, the committee recommended
the appointment of arbitrators to set-
tle the dispute, same to be judge Mas-
son,john Britton, Hullett, and John R
Miller, of Morris.
The Finance committee recommend-
ed payment of all accotints submitted
to it, and that the accounts for En-
trance Examinations be printed in the
bound minutes.
The House of Refuge committee re•
ported (hat the total expenditure for
the year, qp, tothelatof.D.ecember was
68200 el, and the receipts for, produce•
sold 6235,55; the committee expressed.
satisfaction with the management of
the house and tarM, but feel that mere
accommodation is badly needed,and re•
commended that an addition be made
to the House next summer; plans to be
submitted in January; that the insane
inmate recently committed from God -
°rich be sent back to jail; that the fol-
lowing tenders be accepted: -A. Couch
for meat, J. A. King for bread, and J.
W. Irwin for groceries; these all being
the lowest tenders.
Council adjourn ed to meetin January.
*amino and Going*
R. 3. McDonald, of Blyth, wait aplinton
caller on Wednesday.
Geo Hindi' n ti,y
on a heehaw' trip around Toronto,
Mies Katie Arohibeld, of Kemptville, is
visitiog her aunt, Mre W. W. Harran.
Miss Eno Taylor, Of Blyth,W0,8 the guest
of her sister, Miss Taylor, for *eyelidds
this week.
Mita Ohillie McNaughton returned home
on Tuesday, having spent week Ores with
relatives in Goderioh.
W. E. reticle, manager Dominion Bei*,
Seeforthoment Sunday with his brother•in.
ate, J. Tisdell,
Editor M. Y. McLean, of the Seitfortis
Expositor, was here on Monday on his will
beak frein Godsrleh.
B, A. Fear, the twiesmed pester of
Atwood Methodist *hurt*, accompanied by
Mrs Fear, has beim visiting a few frosts
is this vioinitry; he rams up more especially
to =be s eouple in °Atom In roarriege,
— . Coming and Going.
Postmaster Baird, of Kincardine, was
here last Friday. .He was down on bust.-
fleas in minneotion with the River Hones at
Harry Holden, formerly of R. Coats de
Son,but late of Pdaloolin'e dry goods palace
in- Kincardine, is now head clerk air .t. G
Mardook'r!, Lucknow.
A. L. Miller gave Clinton a call for a few
days this week. He was onhie way home
to Luoknow freal Toronto, where he bee
been attending Pharmacy College.
Harold Steep, eon of Jae', .Steep, who has
been looking alter his lather's interests:at
Indian Head for the last three years,ison
way home and will spend the winter
Mr Samuel Townsend (brother of Mrs
new. Moore, of town) who has been in the
Provinoial Land office at Brandon for my
eral yeare, has been dismissed by the Men.
LOW, governraent,imoause ne wee b Liboyal.
Robe W, Coats, of the Toronto Globe
staff, has been suffering somewhat with his
eyes lately, and spent a few days at the
home of hie father, Robb. Coate; he return.
ed to Toronto on Monday, accompanied by
his sister, Mre D. P. Maophereon.
Mies Martha Trewarthe, of Qa'Appelle,
N.W.T.,arrived here on Tuesday night,and
expeots to remain for jaguple of months.
It Is six years since she Tett Clinton; and
the retuned Pak in time to attend the wed-
ding of her niece, Minn. Bean.
beim& Calloway has entered tuition
trestinet The Winnipeg Free Pose for $6000
callring nolhlm_ a efoulnlonthed 'slanderer”
ection campaign. Joshua
Winnipeg for 20 years
Z. 0, Miller, lateof the Clarendon, has
bolded to go into the wholesale liquor
beelines et the Canadian Soo. and will
be joined by his mon in the coarse ci a
temple of weeks. The family will probably
roman here until opting. •
Minn Immo, who has teen head trimmer
at Rodgertm Bros.' Palace, left on Tuesday
morning for her home in PetiebOro, where
she goem for holidays. Miss !wee is 600-
ild•red a milliner of the highest order and
he ladies trpeok of her flatteringly. She
WON here with the well wish.* of a host of
friends, whons she,hae made while here the
an old Stenleyite but has melded in
pail few pert, an will All en mot -tent
pleas in a large aa won as the spring
mem opens up, •
1pI!II!!IIIIIIII 1 1 1
num a -e.
Tiokets will be Nouse for tbe bbrist.
mas liolida)s e folloyon.
Going Deo. 22nd to 25th. Return
up to Deo, 20th.
M Fan and Que.-Third
• Going Deo.21et to Deo. MI. &tent
up to Dec. 27th.
•Beltway k SOMA B. ONS.
•Neat .4Amtionitt2%
jun and clothing --Greig & McDonald.. Page 1
People who buy -P Crewe.................1
sin 'fr,35,;fl..:;:ifieLs;Armearbte Co .................1
tiritsers;_eattioritztier flodgene4556
Xxlmnae preseerigoriand Bros .
r?egcaper•.......... • • 9 • • II1S
11101648tillpte ft3orpron4t-$4,i;dillinate
Beautify your holovel Clenew.,....
tiealhlnt Morris •• ......
Frieze overeoatt-AJ Holloway.... .....
Cutters and. sleighs -G Lay%
Pianos -0 Hoare
Farm for sale -It Baker
Readquarters-J MoOlacherty.
Boy wanted -Now Ens.
House for sale- G Weetaeott
• • •
• • •
'War eigialOWat 3;21ra0E3 • • • . 4 . .
atotieereIoto7AdirgEel41011?;;Li. • ..
Church Oblates
5 •
A ITROUT A DOUBT our Toy Departnient just now is the most interesting place in,
11 showing here. The most beautiful Dolls and hundreds of them. to choose from. A complete
5 t.
g 'menagerie, comprising all kinds of Hairy and Furry Animals, Tool Chests for Boys, Iron and
g , Toys, Steam Engines and Magic Lanterns, Blocks and Games by the score, Balls an
Rubber Toy of all sorts, Dolt Houses for the busy little housekeepers and all kinds of. XV
!wry Furniture for the little tots, Dolls' Carriages, Tea Sets, Board. Games, in fact, just aboufj
everything that Santa Claus could bring to gladden the hearts of his little friends, is hero itj
wonderful profusion.. All we ask is that you COMfd with the children and let them: enjoy. the
Clinton for Everything that the toy makers could think of seems to find
HAPTIS7'.-Rey R. Kelly, Tilson
burg. will preach in this church o
Sunday, morning 'and eveninft, an
also at tile Base line appointment i
- sight as they will.• -• n •
Presbytery, of Rev. 11. Iffegaarrie, Dresse,
the afternoon.
formerly of Wingham, will sempath• 011S .' '
The many old friends dip Huron
ize with him in the loss of hut wife
which occurred on Friday last.
• WILLIS IJHURCIL-The choir is pre
paring special music tor the Ohristma
season. The Presbyterian churc
throughout the- world will held COM
munion on the first Sunday in the new
century --.Tan. tith. 1001.
Rev, W. W. Leech. of Farkdale
Dressed Dolls, jointed bodies, bisque head, curly head,assorte
- fancy dresses, with hat to match, also shoes and stockings, can be
dressed and put up. in a box. ,
Length about 7 or 8 inches 25e, 14 inches 50c and 000
6 16 inches 75e and $L00 •
Undressed Dolls
formerly of elohnesville, Is supplying
1 Kid body Dolls with bisque heads, curly hair, 'solid or movable.
for the Presbyteriams at Duff'
church, Walton. Mr Leech is a wel
.known Methodist., preacher, who is
now o15. -.the 'superannuated list al
though a comparatively hearty man
ST PAUL'S 10.01711011.-Httral Dean
Bodgene, of Seaforth, filled the pul
'pit of St. Paul's church, on Sunday
Rey. Mr Parke going to Seaforth.
We understand that Mr Hurnehrys
has japed the choir of this church.
Choir mister W.K. Latornel is having
special music Prepared for Christmas
Dayand the services oaths Sunday
Arradjourned meeting of the W. C.
T. U. will be held over the room of A.
J. Holloway's store on Huron street
to day (Friday the 14th) at 3 p. m,; as
this is the first meeting in the new
rooms a Urge attendance is desired.
This meeting's in the interest of . the
departments of franchise and will be
under the control of Mrs Elford, of-
Holtnesville, .superiatendent of frau-
-ehise. • .
' • . ' '
eyes, some have ihoes.and stockings.
25e, 35c, 50e, 75e, $LIM to $2.50
- The Globe Air Gun
; Only 101.00
choir has been organized in connee•
tion with the Sunday shod of this
church it will be under the leader-
ship of Percy' Gifford.' Although Sun-
day was an unpleasant day, "tonly de-
• terred two out of 34 teachers from • be.
ing in their places and one of these
• two was detained by illness. • The
,eut,ject of Rey. De. Gifford's sermon
on unday evening was "The perfect
man". The wife of Dr. Thompson,
who is an excellent musician, has. join-
ed the choir.
* S. A. Notas..-'We are arranging
for a splendid program for our Christ.
mas entertainment which will take
place on Christmas night. .R,ecita-
dons, dialogues, duets, trios; original
solo, and exquisite hand pelections.
The renowned Band Master Cantelon,
with his musical instruments will be
wi thus all day and will take the chair.
0 hers from Stratford are also expect-
ed ; Santa MGM will 91E40 be there and
will appear •with his presents from
the house top, We ale in for a real
enjoyable time. See that you have
your tickets parch:medfor this won-
derful and enjoyable time. Come and
briug your friends, • •
Toy nickled, 10e, 15c and 25c
Fog Horns, at •. Se and 10e
Bee °Ur window of Fancy Goode' • ,
Gods-- • • •
we imported direct from Germany
o nj st opened ont which
• • • '
• • . • . •
Cuff and Collar Boxes . ' 23e, 35c and 50e each
Handkerchief and Glove.Boxes 25c, 35c and 50c each
Photo Frames -beautiful line of eelluloid frames at 25c & 410
Mirrors at •• • • 10e, 15e and.25
Bevel' Plate Mirror's at • .504 7e, *1 00 to $2.5
• . • . .
Sleighs and Sleds
Boys' Sleds at 25c, 50c,. "f5c & SI
Sleighs at 60c, 75c& 6R2•
children's .euttere $1.20, $1.50, $2,
$3.75; $5 and $650.
Calendars and
Christmas. Cards
The finest line of Calendars ever. shown in Clinton and equal to a
city display. *
Beautiful Drop Calendars at 15e, 25c and 35c
Patriotic Calendars at • 75e and $1.50
• • • Largefttoral and Art Designs 75c and 101.50
Daily Text Calendars at 25c, 35c and 410c
P 4144-Y-Wit~satatyatatnateacleat
Santa Claus' Headquarters
eooper&eo., ell
•' The James street Methodist Church, • eoming and Going.
of Exeter, luAd its anniversary on last George R Hamilton representing the Im
•special servicee vvere p.erial Lite Insurance Co. Was in town on
Sunday •and lkIonday evening when
1Woriday evening it W94 of an un- Macpherson is the Company's agent here.
sines% • D L
given on a:humidity booming up bu
u mat order and a great success it was, Dr and Mrot Milne will visit Clinton next
$185 having been taken in to go to- week for the Xmas holiday % and will be the
wards church debt. Two interesting pales of the doctor's parents, Mr and Mrs
addresses were given -"Review of the :0 Milne, et the Queen's.
•pa4 century" by Rev, C.T. Scott,B.A., - Mrs 1 Dallas, of Tuokersmith, is th
of Aylmer, then followed "'the coming guest of her parents,Mr end Km A. Mon
of the golden age", by Rev. W. G. teith, Ontario street, Their grandchild
Howson, of Rattenhury street church. Miss Birrell Monteith, is also visitin
These two reverend gentlemen are
• BOHN'.
MOORE-ln Clinton, on Dee. 10tb, the wiN
of.T Wesley Moore, or a son.
Blnevale, on•Nov. Mb,. the wife
of .1, W.King, of a daughter. ,
HEWITP.-In Brussels, on Foy. 28th, the wife
of Albert Hewitt, of a daughter.
• JACKSON -In Brussels, on Deo. eadahe wife
of S. R. Jackson, of a daughter.
• MITOITELL;4n Wingham, on Nov. 80tb,the
wife of Alfred Mitchell, of a son..
• FALLIS-In ZirnberrY, on Deo, Srd, the vrifo
if •Tas, Fallis, of a daughter.
° xnaa-In lifoKillop, on Dee. 4th, the wife of
g John L. Kerr, of* sen.
• BADOTTR-A,t the eauble line, nay, on Nov.
2$th, the wife of Peter 'Bodoni', Of a daughter,
GREEN -00 ilie Oth eon., Bay, an Nov. 80tht
the wife of Fred Green, of a daughter.
ATEENHEAD-In Stanley. onDeo, 5th, the
• vrife of Wm. Aiketthead, of a son.•
IlicHARDY-Strarlenly, at Ne'son. ILO., john
B. MoHardy,of Clinton,Ont,,late of Teeswater.
Interment at Nelson.
enra •
considered eloquent lecturers and who .ete Howe returned on Friday night frotn
jaercetsa. treat to hear on educative, sub-
BritiahOolumbja, where he has , been for
HA.TTENBtfRY ST. -The members of the last two years. He was ter through
all fraternal and benevolent societies theoetminignoinnghciens Otwre:,b‘ and did buat with ffttle ipurdoist:
service in the Better+ bury street church
who may attend nextSundayevening's toroot 8000088, He says .that prospeots are
will findMr Howson's sermon of ea-
. very uncertain out there, and le quite con-
at tent to remain here, .for the winter at any
hands of Christ.' • His morning sub-
ject will be "The Law of Continuity,"
being the last of the series on "Natural
law in the spiritual world." The ushers
will be pleased to shove visitors to
seate. All welcome. The choir is as.
siduousiv practising for the grand can-
tata, "The, Light of Lite," by Ashford,
to be given on Friday' evening, Dec.
28th. The program will consist of
solos, duete, quartettes and choruses;
in all 28 voices will take part. Mr
Rechab Tandy, solo tenor concert art.
1st, Toronto, will be a feature and is
down on the program for four num.
here. Mention of alt. Tandy's Battle is
'Robb. Pea000k, of Tunkersmith, (father
• of We A, Wilted was a. caller at the New
Bea office on Tuesday, and being told that
he was looking well, inoidenealiy made the
remark that he was pretty near the four-
score limit. Mr Pea000k was superintend.
ent of construction of the Baffato and Lake
Huron R. R. from Danville to Port Col*
borne, in 1850, and subsequently was en.
gaged with the late trOd. Whitehead on the
same line: a feet words between them
caused a separation for ten years, but Aft
Pea000k was too good a buidness man to be
overlooked, and Mr Whitehead subsequent.
ly Rent:for Mr Pea000k and inaisted ou his
all that is 11004280,ry to ensure large taking charge of the ofilee work id 'tonne°.
attendance. This will be •a musical tion with Whiteheads atilt mill. when it
treat, *hid; should not be mimed; fuller VAN running here. Her a number of years
Mr Peso* has been farming, but he stye
himself "he is getting too old to lar. Re
particulars next week.
itectrtoewr fdreomlletnur nxeeblat week.
e nfortun. it certainly active, and broke to be pad for
a number of years yet. Mr Peacook'e
A mtw commior...4he 3. z areal 7 ftmthoenruitsaliS000kut eo nofantdheluootininstg7toontourmienovitayth_e
DAtry Co, le the name of a new com
patty which walk recently granted a lihseyt le ar li ti r sogaod.built in the old eountry, mine
charter by the Ontario , Got/eminent,
the head office to be in London. The Feb. eth is the date eettled upon for
provisional directors are John E. meeting of the Dominion pitrliametit.
Orettly, butter rrianufacturer,
Beekerville butter maker
P d 3 h 0. Tohnsou, the famous forger and
P. McLaren, All of Seaforth; Frederick it i 29th, WM, ArixistrOnik Veil. uv years And 7
Daniel L. McIntyre, butter maker, of , LIITICHATA °AIM PIHNDE EDWARD Tn(7°A,IPLIIET,1,-In Grey, on Nov.2Stb. Archie,
Avon Eight Co. Mr fleetly hat. bad a I ISLAND. -.-The .Prinee BaWard /stand ow, mon of David anal.reisisCampbell, moats
Xen5le on what s known att ordoyeg Suited in fayor of the Vberals, one 11)004bAS-./n Ore". on Det.srd, Amelia RIO.
'corner, eolith of the railway track; an county' returning a so"d phalanx of tenet of tbe Tete Jits. Douglas, aged 857601, 5
months and is (less.
Artesian well Wag bored, to t4015 depth Liberals. The t-obibil ty te twit the. ---
MA.KINS—M010— At the resident; o the
bride's father, on the 5th inst., by v, W. M.
Marti n, B. Makin,, to Jennie,daughtfr of John
Muir, all of Exeter.
CURRIE.-WHEIZAN21-Atthe mr:tise,
ham, on Dec. Sth, by Rev. Perrie, John A.
Currie, East Wawanosh,to Miss Willfamennie
Mettle, youngest daughter of Wrn. Whellanv,
of Turnberry.
I_II,001457.D-McDONALD •- At St. ,Tos.
raltord Enst.,pn Nov.17th. T.Bleoroilda,
or nruqeets, to Miss E. McDonald.
SOMERS-BMWS-Lc Grey, on Nov.25, at
the residence of the bride's parents.by Rev.H.
E. Cntry, ratraidirollimir°ranlideirTk 134jelryleira
of Grey.
JERVIS-.B)IAN—In Clinton, on 'Wednesday.,
Dee. reth, be lbw. W.G.Howson, of Itattenbtry
St.chureh,Mies Berths Maud,youngest daughter
of Mr and Mrs John Bean,to Oliver Jervis, God•
crick township.
CIOATEI-In. Clinton, oh, Dce, lith, Marion
Ilamiltomwiro of Walter orate, aged. 41 years.
MCGILL-In Clinton. Dee.10th. Catharine.
Hartley, Wits of Jac McGill, aged 72 yeah; and
7 rooting.
liNQUARIIIE-At the Manse, Queen's Hill,
Lin Deo.lth, PCS101$01t. wiN of Rev. R.
MoQuarrie, Pastor of North Brun Presbyter*
fen church, formerly of Win/barn.
counterfeiter, died in Columbus Pen. AHMST'liONG-rn Wag Wevrelleehtell Nev.
0. Mord, feigner, of liolineaville arid e-nt sr?'
two-story bnilditir erected 136 Aft, Provincial electione Wednesday re. years and8 months,
of 05 feet, iti which water has Seri Up final *ill be 21 !betels and 9 °tamer. frerrITTe -in Winehem, Min?. Itrth, j
to 40•feet. Everything is being put in. -waives. A large vote was polled in R`,11„In1! aittttilt;111.;
Mr (lively will here sattsfactory sc. piayed. The Oonwrvatives retained
to place, and it will not be long before every district and great actiel yt die- rtio;0,iatt"ulh;t:6rv;toe^:m."rapoo."teebTaged:2;,1174:1:: ittp!;;;I•
oommodation for renninghisereeenerim few their loa"llog min, Aged 7* ream .
oorreetee etTerheu'rhreauraystdarDeeort,emitieolion-L.
Fail Wheat ... ..... .. 0 60 a °VW, A
Oat" • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • 4 4 0 26 A ' " 1
040 ' 45
Barley 0 88
Pegs ' 4..4.... 0 A
EiBtuterrP,leoroasewlii-1.7.,p'k'd 01
.E s er dos ....... 80
°Nhoe.81PaGkrineesn trim. hide', 0
Potatoes, 0
Chicken'', per pair 0 25 it
Ducks, each • 0 SO a 0 0
Geese, per lh ... . . 0 06 a 0 05-
Turkeye, per lb 0 07 a 0 08•
WoodPPrr: I i s hvdressedeo g . . . .. • . 4° 155°6 If: 2.6 6126 ..
5 60 it 5 50
Montreal, tdontr501.100...it,rghdo tooeiMapr:oftto.sti1
at the east end abbettoir this morning we
750 cattle, 200 calves, 600sheep, 800 lam
wTheridmeinsiantiad nweads, yscrystre
brought from a to 0o per lb,
from 40 to 4 riper lb; good sold at from 044
to 4o per Ib; ewer grades fo to ito
ib, Calves soldfroM $21066
brought from no to 8o per lb.
were sold from eic to 4t, pc lb: Et
Btr W,
Communion r,
in getting importent conoessams from
railways in •12e cerrying of five
The ratite will be made pubile Soo,
, Dominion Liv•
l'ith&t he hem see
d e s estrotest