HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-14, Page 3•
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' • • ••• • • • • •
, •
:Vccnet Primitionle Typhoid or $Oarlet
.1:••••,,, • •'• , • •
THE curiros X W ERA
- , I The new muethly, tbe L'adiee' Maga-
After ,.,„:„,...,,t,tuipOrtlotignaWidC:litellewlit with
Diphtheriy it
a La Grippe or HOW STREET RAILROADS MEET DE. The Milkman mad tate Pennieti That • Prorniied grotath itt strength end
pan Aterliptie lilekelall • MANDS FOR DAMAGES.
e Thirty years and more ago the enac-
t Ceounanattil a Premium.
• p • phoi cember Onnaber appeare in a band-
eutnely tinted, Over, and ita contests,
brightness la very apParent. The Da.
ttre of real tntereet to Nally readers,
iginnte iticatninotterot Made to Guar* tbe country that a handwrite premium .
admirably printed and profueely Mine
Aiust s d n
. Pralein.Generolly a Com. waofferefor penies of the year 1857. fever, or other almost mortal trated. There is a bealltiftli full page
promise Retatilte inateed of a Least,. Just how the item nearted nobody lumw, sickness a man or woman frontispiece; tbree bright storiest an II -
but once published it traveled at. The t
Compilesitioe, • . • • luetrated article on the work of the '
Clevelaral Herald topic() the paragreph sometimes will gain a pound a
There is no more striking emraele Of Mid in a jocose way added a Ilue or two '' ; Vick)! Ian nutaeta a sketch "Ohristme.e.1
fine and logical eystern than the clainasta it. The editor stated that, considera- day from takmg an ounce a. . with the College Gide"; two Pages of ,
Tun mad were it not for the fact that to Sq. the ;tibiae of its readers At rest or; '
department of at great street railroad Or- ble doubt having Wee thrown. upon the day of Scorris -EMULSION and. 1 wfalthol°;ourtrtiVe-U:leohlnOltb'thewepdodpinuglo,8r. I
poration. Indeed it amid be system truth of the item, The Herald, ill order the gain be healthy. features of the tuagaainet "The Table
on Ohristmaat day," with tilnetrated re-
' every link in the lona ebahi at °venni the subject, was -prepared and willing to The ounce gives strength to :' cipee; the knack of happy gift making;
'which binds an accident to a settlement pay $5 for 1857 pennies if delivered et
Is, on the One hand, a eifeguard to the ',Tim Herald building lia geed condition. get the pound. there is no • and other holiday Suggeetionsamswera
P ' t to correspondents, and a page of newa
company against triad and, ou, the other, ' On of the earliest callers at The Her- miracle in it. I from Canattian arneen's societies. The
., an assurauee to the honest claimant -that aid building the next morning was a -, 130dy and mind are weak- 1. whole oombor is. bright ,-. one of the
„„„ ,, ...• his eagle is rerelving ll Careful and search. milkman., wearing a long linen coat witli „ ,,
Oohing Heart Sustaining fiction of The number and variety of the de' talked feet, and his linen Coat pockets
10.1-rellia Merv° twill% m00% rat- Ing investigation. • • .- ' - taming pockete, lie was excited Mid digestion is weak; and hunger. Fibneali and in price the eh,eapest, Obviet-
credit to gallatiliall pluralism. Ten
publications of tbe.year ---- and a
railroad corporation are surprieing, but didn't stop at the counting room, but hus- CI;21TT S .C.MULSPIN I
1S raveno,us., c
o, c od orleon.t,oTaoreoonpro.„--.The tatigh 0: MaeLean
Wands for damages made upon a etreet sent forth a sound of merrY Jiugling. •Ile a.
Illiburnis Heart and Nerve Pills.
matter ltow trivial or how serious a tied Up stairs to the editorial sanctum.
.; -,, . .
it IS well known that after any serious conipleint may he all are treated exactly 41 aieen that piece you had in the pa- •
Liver Oil is the food to begin
est the heart and nerves are extremely alike and ell are subject to the same rou- per last night," he hastily began, "I ano go on with. It firms es *Ix offered each pixie from ems 1 eeem
weak and the blood greatly impoverished. time, whetherm
it be Giuseppe •paponsac- ehn the one about givia $5 for .18,57
• Strength to digest a liftle easy hardly weak," writes H. Robinson, Hills-.
, For these conditions there is no remedy chi, whose pushcart has/lost a wheel, or pennies. Is it all right?" borough; Ills., "but Beaten% Arnica
equals Milburn's Heart and Nitric Pills, the bankev who has been thrown from ,"Yes," said the man addressed. "It's other food; and a little grows smte completely cured them," A cts ' like
It t il the vital forces of the' body his carriage. . all right"
to enou h. But the gain is magi° an APreiner hreieee, outs, sores,which disease ilea impaired and weakened. The claim department of one of the "Well," cried the milkman, struggling welds, burrie.• boils; uleerea Perfect heal.
Mr, T. 13arnieott Aylmer, Ont., says ea- largest street railroad corporations in the hard to keep down his exuberance, "I've nearly all fat. , , • er of skin diseame and piles. Cure gueran-
• olAbout st year ago I had severe attack country employs 70 men. Last year those got a lot of 'em here." Ana he made his The bones had, not lost teed by All Druggists,
of La Grippe which left my system in an 70 men investigated nearly 20,000 deltas sagging pockets jingle again. ,
s It is reported that there will probab-
Tbautf and .04 net regain "and paid dhinages amounting to $700,000, "Have you got 1.557 of them?" inquired IMICh ; tile 1111.1SeleS had lost,
less at night, and got up in the morning
, health. They builtup my agetep,?trength. to
• is tired asavhen I went to bed.
HI had no energy and was in a miser- fraud fraud that an intricate system down the stairs three seeps at a Jump,
Mother's own. •
• •whese. baby is loreyeq • . ' In
sued my nerves, restored rasa circulation
or any other seirara illness,"
able Mate of health, • '
of m blood,attadmade a, new manor Me. ,,
' I got at Richard's PrugStorehere,changed
me from a 'condition of misery to good
suffering from tbta after effects of Grippe,
Heart and Nei've which
" heartily reconarnend them to any, mar
AU around thst 'world -north, iouth, cut, .
•• ' OPM11. It was proved t'o the eatisfaction, to remove him, he hod on firmly in the
IVO ERS- ' yer that she had stuttehd ever Wilco she. bad begun to assUrae proprietary airs .Ths,gerallhe has
. found that she had an impediment in her
• • of every oae except the era and her law- face or the most powerful opposition ea -
'When she recovered from the shock she
sleep- average or $85 a claim. The 'claim The Herald man quietly.
I began to talk. • • 'when the appointment* was given to Sohn this picture on it,
from New York. A. servant girl who
departtneut has to contehd with every The milkman Stared, his jaw dropPed,
tion came up recently not 1,000 miles •
ed that he had been permanently injured w a United States senator. from midi_ if you have not
tangled asked A street railroad emaPanY lawny by James Abbott, a Virhalt," re -
for daniages. She said that a car started'
suddenly and threw her to the pavement
neutral publinto "do" railroad corpota-
stuttered so badly that she couldn't an-
haF3 been built up. . - his linen coattails slePPing the walla
sort of fraud, and it is partly to antral) he turnedandflee to the door and went
Two cases illustrating the desire of the with a metallic crash at eveo Jump, -
a collision sued the compahy for $25,-• , lona: from 1835 to len, had a
another instance a man who assert- Norvell, Democrat. ' Mr, Norvell, who
g C was held an the early doe with aerce te- the
avenue. Despite numerous strong efforts Cod
og the original office on Woodward
master foal 1800 to 1831 (ilind liaad
Marked en attorno. "Abb tt w p et. as before,
"The office or postmaster of Detroit bulk of muscle was at -an al,
mrim Name Was Nevven. fame slowly its strength -the
• muscle slowly recovers its bulk, 1 eiV Pyny-Balsam
and had not got back their of Ontario ,before long, and that Wna, "°a°
take no Other.
The fat has come back; the _g.)aae.e.aaaastaiogoaises.
bulk; the fat was all gone .
body going again -give it time.
strength ; they have lost there I. .11 •P d
It iS SCOTT'S P/IULSION _Of * ; Very.valuable Remedy in all 11
bones are about. the same
Liver Oil that starts the 1; affections of the 6 .
1 f d
Lount and some moment Irish Oath
o ic wi be apPointe .Judges.
Dans as.L.e.WBBNOR CO., Limited, SO hmallommanamananeagatatiat tatettiotP•Wene .;„'Hata, iet,ainfaMINIMI.111111
irop's ot l'erry Davis' Pain -Killer. .
Large Botlles,25e, 44 •
Vta +tear/tun k.omprwv, Tr raUpil e.ciRcT. SEW Yonic.
. children. Mothers have repeatedly told Inc that recommend it as superlot• to any pro-
of its good effea upon their children." seription known tolue."
toxin is an, excellent medicine for "Oastoria Is so well adapted to claildre
DR, G. C. OSGOOD, LOW8/1, Mtn.
•••7 .1
• II. A. Aacnua, D. .iiroovyn
401 •
Ta e ne
000 damages. Two days before the trial' - sense of humor, and when he walked into f res sample, it13
delightful tried it, • send for
Hers alone! •
For whetherlt be a Chinese tot, • the compauy's attorno invited him to greeable taste II
the pestoffice with -his commission he
,Citatoria is for Infants and . Children. Castor* is 'a
I. harmless substitute ' for Castor Oil, Paregorico Drop*
and Soothing $yrtipa. It Cialltaina neither Optantr,
Morphine nor"other NarcotiC eilbeitance, It is 'Pleasant,'
Its guarantee is thirty Years* Utie by millions or
IMothers, -Castor* destroys WOrma and allays Feverish*
December 14,
What Is
„o: s"•`., ,
AIM& Castoria cures Diarrhoea land. Wind Colic." CitettOritti
• relieveS • Teething Troubles, . °tires Countipat1011 044 .
• Flptuleneyt Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates: '
OM Stomach and Bowels of Infants and. Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is tlie Oldidentss
Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
• . Or a dear little:girl ,r)f tlin lend fg the trot 'When the ease came to trial, the judge
With eyes aslant and a Maven crowri, ' . compromise for $4,500. He declined. struck a pose and began: • ' surprias you,
. FREE! T:4•SviT..,,,,
Or a toddling prInce-in handontriwn , dismissed it on the TiCtifil'a- Ol'irn testi- _ ' " Ify.name is Norvellt- - - " SCOTT & BOWNE. 4411s
"Mr Abbott 'didn't wait to hear •any-,.. he Mists Watch for sales only 2 dos, Scarf
tions. If they are exceptions they proVa • ed from the official chair he had warmed ...0,-,-.,,,,,,t„,,,,, totittrinmilrhi.4111:"hyblit:illosnievsntni,tittlmt,
• Or the one rare trelletire a Sudan slate ' inonv ThOse instances may be excep- ' ,...-•
e ',
. - Hugs to her heart. all wee and browp, - - ' , , • . . thing about the Grampian hills. He Jump- e '' ' --e --(•
- Eich in ita robtiteett gentle pride •e • • ' vary egior to sell. The Watch bas a Watt.
,. Is fairer than itu the world beside. . w ) P ato the necessity for
-.. druggist.'s-. ' is an excellent thee keeper. Write nu t wo '
a fully ornamented dial withgol1 bandanna , ,i
so long and strode indignantly from the - 50c. and $1.00; nil
• - -: _, . a Careful and systematic investigation by building. Nor was he ever seen around' • • • ' ' •
Whose mother is loved the ben? . . asWyp*Puhrisw. cputi wthilininbo, rolle.nrit441.17)enue:go• A
Baby's ma,' ' ' . .
: the claim dentirtmeat of every claim rife- alio office from that day. For a long time ' . ,.... - ' • ive•epurcieux4 veld. aiming co., p.m, 1,, •:01.0aio.
She whose cheeks was first caressed- . . It is interesting to trace the vations
: • -after that 'My name la Noreell' was
quite a ramilier quotation in Detroit." .-.........4.14\4litia VttleVer; - i Creeds c -Rre ' • ' '
She alone. .
-dens which lead up to a settlement. Sup- .
names of clergymen of different creeds elia .
..„...-" _,......-..- twoothelsedinit Oillr ilenee3 01 ' It Cures ell. .-...et,e are at, v . "-- - • •
For whether she. bq au Eskimo
are arm believers hi Dr. Agnew's (atarelial:
. Jingling and beating her talnboutice,
1--- Or a Wandering' man; gninder'0 wife, en by, John Doe or 100 East One Hun- ' •
dreth street. A. wheel is knocked off the , •
. - _ a eauterateas met brit li.1
",---:-.. Coacia:, and are mailing that
**. lamennughk enver our ..:.0 Bishop
for foneYWorin Mailed for 1...c!rt i r•,-- • • I" n), R D W'
claims, Sweatman, Rev. Dr.I.a.og• 7
' Or colored. loosely 0 stately quo 6 n . pose a trolley eat' kilns into a truck driv- . . :
Powder to epee thepreaching" in ali it s,
---_-jer, tctorIrrstga graitelgxig•
In every land where children are truck and John Dee, hits the pavement
. .
- _-------
-..--7---- scearcisate. atitaittaeata •
ea ia. , Rev. r Withrow and Rev.
. - • Gaze; fipture bound by the render grace
The baby eyes froth their deep, serene , • .
brrsech°a-mberd (Methodist) ; and Dr. N. w-
-- • la the mother's banded, 104i lit face. With hie head. The conductor and ' the
motorman immediately jump .from the
. , IsItctxrer. irr esel,..troortsot,0ceuun Le.;..
eible. When they finish their run, they rofes..siQn. .. . T I -1E DOM IN IE. -
- man, all of Toronto, Canada Copies of tit ir
, • • car. •Allewhig John Doe to shift for him-
personal letters for the asking. 5o cts.-na5
• self, they get the names and addresses, of -
• • The Catheerat of St. John; in eourse of Sold ha J. E., Rove, druggist, Clinten.
- as many wituhsses of the accident as es- . •
BUYING A SAW. - , , . P ,
fill out blanks, which are..kept at. each
- roe variety on Hand Puzzled. the
ereetion on Moritingsidc littirilts, in Sew
man woo. Wanted te„Perchasa , , . '' . . ' • . • ' e .. York, will be flu! Iargoit ecclesiastical ed-
. •
, started doe, . be answered -for exatnple, the • number - . • It,. the eeeeteet eti., . ftet loos and :,..,D0 feet across et the Wid• . FREE rl
'44 -co
Certain questions On each blank Must _ , ' ..• ifice in the United States. It will be 590 '
. 'When the *th' tb . ' d t h ' •• '
. ' inttel into a hat-e-:eahlt-il *let Yell 't° g6 ' er. night or day, *whether an inspector was alai • .-profeestaial- man
Math/lay and ne-
IF O. give
stairs,. bus 3vife ram to - the', of the car, the number of passengers "'" est point., 1 • - • .. • - ' .
. •Iloor and 0,ii'-. him shila* ' . ' . . aboard at 'the' time of the accident, wheth- and vrorry nada which• Bishop „ ., „..,. ,, _
. the rel. tablo
. EtErui. IL, a it 2.1, , ,
. ! L •
aro store -today and get it . • . ,
always • policemanpresen an s . laborsi the irregularity of
Indians,". in a receta interview said dint
hlIidtribry.erit.:30.11PiNtT"roTtel°ePtil'al) till
"Donal , ''
liciat 10e. each; or
now o . itt-W. Do , forget it, Preaee. We need - number and so ,oit at •sonte 'eager, • It le '
.ptsent,. hattitsandloss of rest that
-thodarospect-of the Ante -credo • Indian tv.as•
Domes aro stamp*
_ one badly." i. .. • • , • , • .. ., difficult to induce witnesses to : mato limpeculiar?y-sue-,
ed,with prize Desktits or OurnatIons. &meg.
- Being an accommodating person, the give their •naines, and they aim, likely to . 'ceptible to ktdney troubles:. Much laf igh ter than of old and diet die .
then next meta:Web. wield probably be cont. -:.-
a . Pansies. eto. They nen nt sight, Writo end
i.. Oltill With the red •natistache said he'd .get hide behind fictitious names' or the names.. Piret it's backaChe, ----
and we send yonrbeautlfut Watch postpaid.
we mall Millen. Bell thent, nturn motley,
..'"- it. Ile Anse the lancheon hoar as the. of frienas, a practice which sometimes:. .....- nrinery, difficulties; then-- posed of intlustrious autl intelligent eita ..
LINEN DOYLEY' CO., Box so Toronto.
' Most •unportuue. 'titan tot making his •SILU•0 . 'midi to anpleasent eomplieatiotis. : • • • - unless it's attended to- zelis• ' • - - . . . " '. - .. .
: . ple p.nrchase... He was. hi a good humor, The reports anule•by the motorman and al 'Bright's Disease, and -, - The' Rtn"..: William A. Float: a NI e tho- •
:end he smiled blandly , when he went . conductor, with -the names. of the witnese• ' death. . •-• - dist. minister of • enaenae, tine have op... FOOD CHANGED 1.0 Pcasor! .
beetling into the' atom one said, "I wont .. es • are intineal tel ef - d t the - ' . • , ...pointed Ihnincial non; for tbe No..ile Putrefying fecal in the intestines produces
DOAN S - ...:. . • the oroposed tVentiplif contort fund 'or New Life Pillit, expel the .poisOtas. fiom
western univereity to' rft ISO ' I ft; All ;I ft. of • effoti like those of areenio, but Dr, Eing'e
a saw, please." . ' • tral office,. where the carte is turned Over . ..
wait. on him hail ti Merry; twinkle in hia •
.• ' The clerk who ,bati ceine forward to .- - to the chief investigetor. -He sends his • ' the .itietbodist eltureit;.,. • De will Havel clogged bowelergently, easily blit reirely,
, eubortlinates out' to see the witnesses. In • • . • .
, . question and epread, Ott over his face in • • t of th - • • t ' Of the eci . ' epdowment fund -of the• uuiverai tx. . • ' : Ideadgelie, Fevers; all Liver, •" Kidney. and
4.bout t.he .0.e. tin.t.rx.• in “t1u, ieterests of the during' Conetipation, Biliousness, Sick
• •
. •
.. - eye, and, the twipkle;overflowe.d et 'the .,
as many' cases as poesible sigued' state -
dent erg obtained. The reports. ot the reng en an invigorate.. . .
a .• the kidneyei•
. dimples. . . - • • ,
. . - men s e .citeums epees • e a - St th• : •.• ., Beate troublet. Only 25o at All Druggists.
' .', • -"What kind bra saWntieaeked. ' • in . - - . , -never fail to give quick relief and cure • Nature"Revolter Agalnet High - At,Williturison, -W. Va., Hon. 8. D.
t tore and the wagon builder are -
. The - prospeetive putelateer began ta • "igu- set its seal to I thy add* Stokes, atad and Rev. John W, Wohl
handedhover. to a, ferca. of ,ty.peivriters, ' the most obstinate•cases: - Living and, it hes
,Perceive what flp intricate ,besittess the •
. , . •w o transcribe the written statements Rev. M. P. .Canipbell, pastor of :the • Ing to inatesailments thescourgeofdiabetes, • quarrelled over a cartoon reflecting on
,buying of a iurvir really. le. • - . Ba Stab Church -Essex Ont Bays- arrow Eminent 'medical men until recently pro- t be character' of several sopiety people
and tollocate them as "Case No. 18,000" ---13 " I •• • . • -
' ',"'Why," saidife . "1 don't know, , just . , , . , , ray aereoual nae of Doan's Rainey Pills, claimed it a "no cure" dieeite, but South of the town. Wahl shot and wounded,.
. , a egw. Any kind i•will do, Tsuppose."whiCh I got at Sharon's drug store, I can American Kidney Cure his knocked d,wn. Stokes, and the later fired and shot the
or whatever numeet it may nappen to no.
The doctor who attended John Doe sends
• 'The clerk sighed'. 'If you only' knew say they are a moss excellent ;weedy for their pet fallacy and has. proved itself mneter • preacher.
•, .
• what you want id utie'' it ler, perhapi I- o the oeinees.a statement of the ex- kidney troubles, and 1 recommend them to of kidney &seas° in all as forms, Relief in . . •
,emild.. advise yen," he suggested. • • • tent of his patient's injuries, and the - 6.hoursaa•tra . •
, lak • - comptiny's physician calls up the doctor sufferers. from. imoh complainte." •• Cinnamon . Coated • Pillsi.-4)r.
-., hat I want to use it for?" echoel on the teleplmee to get his professional . Sold by J. E. Hovey, druggist, C'inton. Agnew's Liver Pills are coated like a china -
...the mait With the red naustache. "'Why, opinion on Mr. Doe's' CABO. Then "No. ' . 'anon drOP,'.very knell and delightful take.
'I want to lie* of course -at • least My •
folks do.? ., -." . , - , 18,000" goes to a reader. . • . • • One pill a dose, ao in a vial for to cents.
. . *The duty of the reader le to examine . Their, popularity is a whirlwind, sweeping.
Will altJ
We a
china, a.
mane for its Ise welold appear auper-
: vow:el:I 6ufnt.dheers,dtoda 'I/11) aStePanary: te°r.rg' 1113-,
fluons. The follovvio will, however, be .
,• At a trial made at the Munster Dairy
Sohootsome time ago, the average) of
43 expentneute with a given quality of
milk were 100 lbs 'of butter from the,•
Separator, as compared with 50 the of
butter from milk set in open pans for 24
hours, 66 lbs- of batter when it mei Set
for 36 hours, 73 has of lautter when it •
was set for 42 honrst„ and 76 los *filen set
for 54 hours, It may be taken for trent.- 7.!
ed that the use ei the Separator gives .
25 per cent more aream than any syetera
of skimming.- It you are a -dairyman.
tbink over these facto. Can von afford:
• to go on dairy business in which there
. is a Waste at one quarter. Briy
Shareles Cream. Separator and thug -
• sedate all the -profit that is that is to be
had in the dairy businese. '
W.H.S, machine capacity SOO lbe, $75;
No.1 machine on stand capacity 325, 590, .
'Boy terms of payment.. Write to -day.
W. L. Ouimette
Fruits, Teas, Sugars, and Chinaware
Raii arsSelerstqd Valencia Sultana,Deheaa Clusters and Imperial Cabenete, Cure ,
rants, fine Filistras and Parrett cleaned. A full end assorted stock, threat and beet
candied Lemon,Orange and Citron Peek', Almond, Walnut ated Filbert Note, Layer ted
"Cooking Figs, Dates, Prunee, Oranges, Lemonataind berrele:of Candler, all at very lbw.
"I don't knoW," 'admitted the nonplus-
Wegive 6 lbs of Figs Itir 25e 2 lbs Cleaned Currants 25e ,:
"Saw what?" asked the clerk' toothily the papers in the case as put
before him in the form of the reports --:,?, 1,
competitors before it like chaff. No pain, •
ed shopper. • AIR RIF; r Best Raisins 10e, special price in box lots 2
The clerk brightened aip kraals and led IS supposed to separate the salient tenets • Ana itP. t I 1
Ole splendid Mr Rifle free tot; '''„;i4..,
Cranberries 10e a quart . -1
from the investigating department. Efe no griping, no inconvenience,-xoe .4
tram the mass of detail. He must report .6elliltgr only 20 of our beautiful
' Scarf Fins at 16e. each. These k,...
the way to the rear a flie store. "1 will
show you a few different varieties of nag are !MeV Attisheart Gold.
sews we have, en hemp he sew. 4,0b, the number of witnesses seen, how many. They are splendid value and for that reason ivy easy to solL our Elflo is of the best make and
in differentpattemit,setwithveryfinelmItatJanDiamonde.ltubies anti Ftneralde. t ,, - 13)1d by 1. E. llovey, druggist, Clititon, Hettarmattere for Sugars; aud Teat; we have the best 25, Tea in town,. extra
favor the eciropany and hoW mem" favor a.•.a a . „.••44 good Japim_20eat pound, Agents for 1tam Lale, Appleton, Monsoon and Blue Itibbori •
the track and John Doe and whether in area mew, carefully tooted, beforolemingthe fattorp For target practice or sheeting knell
game, nothing could be better. Two hours good bard work will earn this fine nine. Vrff.0 us ,
Teas. We are 'showing largest and nieeet line of Dint:1r, Tea and Toilet Sete, Fano
servation and an explanittledr- of their
uses and Priees maY assist Yoh iti mak:" his Judgment the compaay tenable. Theta your Wile free of every clung°,
and we will Send you the Pins, charges paid: Bell them, return the moneyored we forward
nee tax couraxy, tivxAue Toronto, Camas. t • Gibson, the tient ucky man, arrested China Glassware and Lamps in town. Examine goods end prices helots yott buy..
Mg a decision. Here'S a naetial Flaw. It' a
Is the hardest saw there is. It is raade ne turns over the• case to the claim ad- ' I fru- murdering his little daughter, ac- ' •
knowledged the critne,which was cont. I
Juster. Up to this point the investigation els•"'QV IIIWIN
of 111 hi tempered steel arel will saw roitted.to obtain the insurnace on her .
may have occupied two days or two • • .., .. .. ,..
iron, coaPer. lead and all mitriner of met- , . life. He said the child was burned •• •
els. it is small in ?site allt1 vane for $2 to weeks' '
The dein( adjuster Is svittwyee, with a , with a hot poker to make it appear
$2.50, according`to the style .of the harp
• dle, which coos in- beeeh wood,and oak, ' she died from. smallpox.
lawyer'S Weight hito human nature and . __._,
' the latter beteg mere expetteive, Is that „ SAW DEATH NEAR. •
a laWyer's appreciation of the power of
sorely perplexed. "Ner," ORM he, 'I don't
The man with the red flifilltatehe Watt , ,
price the company should settle and Benda
ors men out to see Sohn Doe and the , ,
wife cough until it ;Maned her weak and
0. Overstreet, of Elgin, Tenn, "to hear itw
"It often made iny heart ache," wtitee h, Iteter nour
the kind of sawana want?" enunmon. Ile decides at jest what .1
Wiese to woken that I know of," • ""'"
think so. We have no metals, et our Ismer of the truck. If these last mire
what the company sends. If they aren't
they Will sign receipts and accept ' sore lungs would collapse. Good doctors
mid she was eta far gone with consumpticin '
that no medicine or earthly help oould • . Alr, 11104.EX"TRA. COSF
"Perhaps you would like a meat sawr
suggested the cleric, °fReel in these le of the case will go to the ourts. The price . or„ &mid Skye her, but a friend recommended, . • , , ,
Ail kinds of Small Field Seed ,s as TiMothy, Red and:
.... . use of tbis excellent medicine saved her '
life," We abeolutely guaranteed tor Aisike Clovers, Headquarters for Turnip, lifongold, 'Ciarro
Coughs, Colde, Bronehitis, Aethma and Seeds, Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods.
all Ihroat and Lung dietiams, tOo and
$1.00 at Trial bottles. free,
Sir aqtnes lloiler, M. F., for Lanatk, ,
a relative of Lord Salisbury, writing
to a gentleman in Toronto, says :
proud of the eplendid men thatsbe has
"Canada. hart indeed good reason to be 0-.
sent to take Stich a glorious share in
the war in South Africa."
• hardl so high grade, and I .could let set by the claim adjuster is likely to tau
,Bitt yoiu re -Pont end digerntionliegenerallrthir bet- '
OW, part of valor, •
, not a butcher?"
••The man who wanted ester shook his In brief, is the process throttgh
head mournfully, end the clerk continued: w.aea coif of perhaps 20,000 claims must
go. Fro thoroughly Is the work done that
"There Is e regular kitchen saw, for no elahriant ever receives excessive dam -
general utility pat -Poeta, vvhich will mat ogee, fie gets what he deserves and not
you only 50 cent, How door that strike a our mom
yOU? Bo? Then here's the cabinet mak-
er's saw. I can give you a Very good one
• for $3. TI 1 have' oyer here plumb- Thiele Sam one Foreign riatisress.
ere saws, ftlic, &Hone saws used by The eollection of photographs from life
all manne milkers and the ordinary of foreign naval vealsele in the poseemion
'wood sut elt end you anywhere of the office of naval intelligence im prob.
from 50 rents to V, In Ilia back room ably not excelled by any similar collo.
we have still other varieties -the two tion ta the world. Through our naval
,mars ten foot sews, buessaws and dm& ' repreeentatives abroad this departtnent
lar saws. Tr you .went to pay 11 lag price. Tam been steadily gathering Information
you'd better take one of the latter. In this form.for men, years past, and It
give yeti a good ona for $50. 'Would yen - Is not too mueh to gay that, with the !a-
like to see theta?" a/mention- in store here, the navy depart.
The man with the red mustache looked ment Can Inform Itself at 'once of the mt.
about him Wonderingla. nil flee of any nation at any designated
• "No, thank you," he said. "I never polet of the globe. The information re- '
Attained that there were to many differ- Wes ta personnel and tuttterial and is
eat Wilde of saws, 1 guess I won't take Iii the main exact and official,
ilind out just wink kind 1 want."
At Hatt boted:effably. 41 regret ba•
lag unable to mike A see be told, "but The first swarm from IL hive is alwaY.e
really think that the wiser plan." lod by tut old queen, the seeohd by the
• eldest prineees, who is often obliged to go
In a great hurry owing to herYounger sire
ikoko.yeetaiee ters eraerginst from their cell. I
Wm Way, formerly of Brandon, hoti
REF:• died otesmellpox at Willman, Minn,
11 The ineome of the Prince of Virelee
rr exceeds Auct000 e wrar.
est I.
read ..1 -
ARV at Alf
Doctors find
A Goo
For nia
WANTY.D p -A ease of bail blalth that IV VP•A'N'S
501 benefit. They hanifth rainni:11 Jae. One gives
aeltd. Note 0..1' %,
tail It l'I"A 1; fit the pachage and
Wort nn enhal'ate. u. s rems. may
bed at ma thug tune.. Tett slataceit and 0116 the•••ni
tatklatoniats nia!ted term Nfitrert tuns,
1=4,441' to l.ve Clowntsal Co.. 1O. la.Spnies
' Vew Veit.
Ohildrert iIry -for , , 0 0113 110r,,;.
Our epeoialty hi Teas. Try atir lfic Tea, Otheryatieties equallysao cheaj,.
ilighesarnsarket price paid in cash for eggs.
“Thete is only one to save Tea
life and that is through an operation" were
Qs startling wattle taloa by Mra I., D.
trues of Lime Bridge, 'Wis., from her doc-
tor after he had, vainly tried to curs her
of a frightful nase of stomach trouble
and yellow jaundice. Gall atones had
formed and *be constantly grew Wortie.
Then she begen to use Eleetrio Bitter'
which wholly cured her. It's a wonderful
fttoreenh, II Liver and Kidney remedy.
Curers Dyspepsia Loot of Appetite, Try
it. Only beets. Guernteed. For tale%
till Die isteal
&ZS' t01(11T.IRPi
Milaraireit 8flOI*SflflAM( --
writes HI was dnimly troubled with
fleatiaohe and Constipation. I 'tried
L*2....Litere kills end *bey dM nasnor
goed than tuns thing I rem took,"
revetav amine* ea BerarthsVM"Itt
Parted and settled 041,118 scree 0f1In ot
Loog Isolatad, X. T.
" 4, • .,
.te.; •'"--t •••• •••
. We are selling Buggies for three of the,best Carriage
Companies in Canada.
and tho well Itnovin
We are selling twine made by the yin best masts at
reasonable prices.
Also agieinerts4r,ur
the Alastader and Ifellotto Catosit
Seperator, end Bls Aeries. Satqlitptia
motto atop, Isaac Street, , '
Gettetal traphitanrt
• °"...".9.