HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-07, Page 10'as • Number 7, 1900 TUZD CLINTON NEW if3A, N Nr o MOO** Ott Reauy Tor , FRIDAY. mo, 7, MO apical superintendent of the NEW 1,00AL NOTICES. CIMIeTtiA8 GLOBE. -The Christmas Ngivr T14.11PRONE0.-The following! NOT98,-;-- Victor French, writing pa, ties are putting in telephones_t-i from Afoosejaw, en route to Alberta., S. H. fintith. It McLennan. Thos. Mc- eel's the theringiireter regletered 019 Kenzie, A. J. OrealeY* and Rev. Father below zero the time he wae there. Mr E. E. Hilton has become mech. The Holidays McMenamin. ERA, ; he has had a long praOlical ex- t number of the Globe, for a.eopy,of to W. ooper nerience, and will'inaintatn the etand. ceiwert.-Don't saws it. The Ourraoncer which we are indebted Zak. - haral,Itognegenbeeneq: kf°,1ornilchhothhkila,:nircee.. C4. Wednesday and Thursday Dee. 3,2th and & tio. is now on sale and is certainly 901i* big store is ready for the li- ho ver your Christmas _teem* t h * g.-.1few select con eine is gooA, t letter.press ex. 6 eredii to It publishers Th bill of reisins,1048rr e aunt; New pookInr Pies 5o cellent. and the engravinge Muumuus- work. There is no truth whaatever ards it job plating aild new paper 1 man of town had c onamitted suicide taken° second piece , mends an hese setae% In ties and 'coffee tea mentioned ae being particularlyoniquiel: in Vir oodetock. Mrs Goodwin Is at w a . In Toronto ; the art In que tio -had we such a collection of .dry goods nov-i. P°°11° WILTSE. down at Cole's" la Wrand,htellinage " y3reserit ntrsing aP tyYphold pa :len: • a: clever andinteresting e Pre h elties tha,t make appropriate ;and accept- town 160pro. ow be in the rumor that a.certain young wo- claiy s as it never was ready before, Never :Algrgie r=gttgas:it:'onenir"t ed. "Studies; bona Nature" • I•lewett's inimitable etyle the life and lytti. Dr, Gunn was in Toronto this doings of the local preacher The en. gravinge include "The Last. Farewell," wweoerkkinliallitSrcalr7rblloaron* rilmilc°tIlloagn Bbeilleene .k • Tr from Paul Wickson's celebrated .pic- last January, has returned honae, very able lioli'dy gifts, never such geilerous s- Ortummures PARTIES.- ,Mies n.atie titre; "Welcome Horne," a very pretty much improved in health. We are Scott, High street, entertained a lige little engraving.. and eeveral otheie slain- sorry to record the death of George Mc- sortments as .we show to -day. .- sensi- Friday evening loot, and PIA Monday number of her juVenile friends on or engravings.. It is a handscnue num- Laughlin, formerly of the base line, --, . ber, well gotten up and filled with which occurred at the reeidence of his L. kind' 4,41(Iliday gifts—, se because . Miss Edna Poster, Albert street, brated h 8th anelversary by a blerlh"- reading matter suit4ble for the festive • day prtrt;. . • , son in McKillop, onWednesday, at the season • ting of 'the Court takes plface bare ,event Oa place at the borne of Mr Catntelon and JE. ovey ItTit age of 87yearet the remains are inter d usefo —ar in evidence all Oye% the store D Th _Drumm _cron.T.-_ e re ulai sit- re WEHHINGS.—A. pleasant but quiet in Clinton cemetecr to dayesterda y Mesers 1 and you are welcome to comeriviid see them to. ti.y, Vriday. Among the cases te eih 0 e, n on e nes ay sa ring, where a pigeon shoot.. when his third daughter, ing Match is in pi ogresa and take in whenever and as often' as Tou please. be tried is t bat rf Melonnell vs. Les. afternoon. lie, for which ate judge has granted I Miss Alice, became .the wife of Mr similar matches at Galt and Brantford , • a new trial. decision having been giv. Thos. Mason. The wedding was before -returning. We are pleased to solemnized .by Rev. Mr. Idoweon, see MO Arthde Couch around again Dainty - . • • • enat the last court in favor of Leelie; • la 0 ttl Oli to Wd d forAl 0 • , Both the bride and groom ore well after his severe dines& A special meet. MurrunrAL DEPUTiEs.—The w. i known and highly esteemed residents ingtof the•We t Huron Farmers' Instit- Handkerchiefs ing persons will be Depaty-Returning of town, the former haying been a ute will be h d in the Town Hall, on Officere foi the approaching municipal member of the chow ot Rattenbury Monday, De 17th, with an afternoon ve,e,11,0.0t.7ek..A.Vrew':3 wa, Wel- street church, and will continue to re- and eve inv e situ- a We make no extraordinary claims for to •leave the good things to be.rd about A rews. amongthose who _e _ • awes ward, Thos. side here, Miss Ida Cottle, sister of take part are Ass Rose,Guelph; St. John's ward. Thos. the bride,acted as bridesmaid, while Mordie, Kiropen and several local halldkerChief fA006 of ours, but are Willin.fg ojrttirea•niiit. George's ward,. S. J. And- ildr,ChasSmith was gromlasman. We Betrifleakers. Adjt._' David kioore, King - wish them all happiness. n, son ofMrs Moore, Albert St.,was • 0 T sign Ottway. Miss Lillian Yflo3tryson mililitilbrurstenscsi itr Fdrelii 1 The folloWing, from a recent home of the to you. We know that you ill say them !no forls.-so Brantford Expositor, refers to a young gathered a bouquet of beatitifut pansies lady wile was until lately a resident of, in the open ground on Tuesday,the 4th Clinton: -A very quiet wedding was solea inet; something unusual for December. nixed today at the parsonage by Rev, Mr Live hogs have advanced to $5.50. P. Treleaven, pastor of the Colborne street BrCrews bas been instruetiadto pur- Methodist church. when Mise Nettie M. chap a gold watch for presentation to Smith. 72 Park Amite, was united in Ben Webb on his return to town. Rev . marriage to Mr A, W. K. White, of rot' Mr Murduck has already officiated at onto, formerly of Brantford. The happy the marriage of four members of one couple left on tbe *humor; train for To- gamily in town. and has done the work ., rent°, Where they will reside. so well the probabilities are that he • may officiate for two more in the same THE PARTICOLO GRAND v CoNcERT,- The first Concert in•the Metropolitan "sr • family ere lotig;can you guess the fam- il ? Thos. Wheatley (son of Joseph course was given in the Town Hall o heatley)who is employed in Toronto, the Patricolo Grand AJoncert Company had the misfortune to have the index and was undoubtedly_ the finest enter- finger of his left hand so- badly cut in tainment ever given in Clinton. The some machinery that the doctors had members of the Company won the to amputate it, , The Huron Poultry audience from the start. Signor Pat- and Pet Stock Association will hold its ricolo, the.planist, is in every. respect annual exhibition at Goderich on Tues. worthy the high reputation he boars, . day, Wednesday and Thursday. Jan - and his work stamped him at once as nary 29th, 30th and 31st next. W. N. an artist of the highest order. .. He Wallter.of town,made his first delivery when you see it, for we have gathered - together from far ockWooci and has not yet decid d and near the best and - choicest lot of fancy handkerchiefs that what he will do. Mr Lockwood is 411 s a incls has ever . been within the four walls of this store. There knourn itsteady, us'rioucepcddenich=wpolantct cone. are elegant designs in fancy embroidered and lace h.piker- ful attention to hra botodpeaunsitivesl, give core - chiefs at from 10c to $3.00 each. They are well worth seein A Pam INQUEST.—OnTh ursdair and you are heartily welcome to look at them at any time. evening last Coroner Shaw held an in - We would just say though, that if you want to buy, there " ebeset into the fire which deStroyed t e ottage occupied by Frank East-. is no time quite as good as 11GW. • man. A number of witnesses were examined, but no tacts were developed ° ehildren's fancy, handkerchiefs... ........... . ...... -5c to 15n. , to show the origin of the fire anda o verdict accordingly was rendei ed. Ladies' hentstitched cambric handkerchiefs. • • se to 15c Ladies' pure linen hemstitched handkerchiefs assort.'. A, CASE FOR SYMPATHY. The NEW . . 'ed hems • • ... . • • . • • • • •• - • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • . • • • •A • ..... 10C to 25e ERA is mfortned shot the 'Ellison By is in circumstances that all for fam- Latilies' falftirhandkerchiefs, embroidered and lace...5e to $3 sympathetic action at once. A couple c • Gentlemen's cambric handkerchiefs ' be to 15c of its 'members are down With fever, Gentlemen'Sfure Wien handkerohlefs plain or hem. . .the head of the family' is unable to work, and, practical relief should be, . stitched .......... . n. . . .. .. ... ... ............ ,...,.20c to 3tic afforded them . at once. The charit- . and even those unletteredPin the at?' iee ' . . . ably.disposed ladies of the t wn ' of new mattresees to 11 W Erwin,Bay- . 1. , a t • II I iiiiif0MAWNWAINoWIAIWIN Literary Artistic Entertaining Features of *high order are combined in the ObristOlite editions et the following papers. Maybe you Were One of the disappointed ones last year or the raw before in 000* 'big a oopy of the Globe or otter far/rite patter, yeal be In the same Position this year ultimo yeah& rut hoe year order early for there will be no emend editions. _Ath • Gi3loaret abiladyeWdlloultbeteoljusotlitro boanrdcleri this stmayej, norsenutn, Figaro, E $aturwty Night, expileget edition, Chicagoene- men, Morse Review, Illustrated Lon News, -London ° Graphic, Lady's Pictorial, Pears Pictorial..• The W. D. FAIR 00.. Clinton. "01 ten the Cheapest—Always the Best." MAAM1YMM FAMMIWAMIWMIMMARPMAK,,, • shquld look into the matter at once. field, on Monday, and n aw a full sup - EMBERart of music were conscious of the re - POR DEe . A Is yr THE SAME P -The other dar (HMCo of tare gift ai1d technique. • ee ply of mattress goods on hand. Wal- , . 0 d 1-i t Ste. Marie. Michtt ?not of the parties hearts a her audience at tbe ort ; A collection, on behalf of the Sick 1 • ter Core, who desires to leave town; is offering a couple of houses for sale. ) • • ' a boiler expdosion occurred' at. Sou t Elenor oo roan,. the.so s , won e We remin4yon..agAin of our five big specials for it` trol_ghntanir arboVeRe'sosuelt:roeActieteatti7oleb°l et . !At:: adstrerrivoyenbel-- alist. Mr Hernert Butlaer, Aninii. • of the roams of the pnblic school, real - an Children's hospital, wacrtaken in one her selling 'and for this week add one more to the list Lots may possibly be Thomas Yee • ' " who suddenly left this locality. sayer. ca's greatest violinists. of .0hicar. Con- ed t hi .h b Ids nearly $3 Mr _Jelin Ridout i of people are saving money advantage ofthem. TheiViantle Sale • Never did we sell as manfmantles in one day as left this store last Satiirday. .A11' this. week too, selling has been: brisk. There is good reasonforit, for never have so good and stylish•naantles been sold for such little prices. 'Be- cause of the warm weather we have more mantles than we ought to have at this of the year. To clear them all out 'We are selling them; atPrices like tilt* You are not likely to have achance like it, for many a day. , Mantles that sold at 4,50, 5.00, 6.09 and 6.50.. Selling now for $9.25 al years ago, deserting his wife and family, and never communicating With her since. Word -has been sept to the Soo to obtain whatever particu- lars possible. con n o s ome ,,I,optt severe co , servatory of Music,stands firm y fixed The Woodmen of th ld hold their • ▪ 0 ,o• Ladies Natter and niggerhead mantles* new and popular styles nearly el -Bilk lined, blaok.and fawn obadea, all sizes. This. lot embraces all our FOUND AT Hom,E-On Monday Mr E mantled that sold at from $4.50 to 8650 and at those prices were the w Glenn, sr., came to.tosvn, andgoing to boaryakie we ever oco, choice of the entire lot for our big tamale sale ite.40/ Mr Koenig's store, bought a suit of clothes, wearing the new yet away, and forgetting hie old o,ne,. which was left in the store, In straightening up the counter the old vest was discovered a. -id laid to one side, Mr Koenig natur- ally supposing it would be called for. - 'Next day Mr Glenn came in with con- eiderable anxiety to get the vest, think. ing 'he had left therein a gold watch and his pocket book containing notes to the value of $2000; the watch was there all right, but no pocket book, and it was not until Mr Glenn got back home that he discovered he had left his pocket book there, and was himself to blame for his oversight. . • 1T RUNS IN THE FAMILY.—Oharlie Holmes has been appointed assistant G. T. R. agent at Tavistock, a position that he is well qualified for. He is a son. of Harry S. Holmes, G. T. R. agent at Acton, who got his early training in railroad duties at Clinton station, Harry is a son of the veter- an, Dan. Hohnee, formerly of Goder- ich, now Hying retired at Leamington, hut.for Many years a well .known G. T. it. conductor, who had the honor of taking the first passenger train in- to Goderieh. The railroad business apparently raps in this family. Mantles that sold at $7.00, 8.25, 9.00 and 10.00 Selling now for $5.00• . Ladies fine beaver and kersey rotontlee, the sessOns most popular styles, silk • • Aria satinlined, black, navy, grey or fawn, handsome garment; that . have been selling at $7,50 and up tri $10.00; choice of lot for our b:g „, •A • mantle sale.... • .. . .. 0.11V 50c _ = 50c SKITS Made to Order 'V Half a Dollar During the month of De 1= ber we will make skirts of any material bought heri,:u half a dollar. This is our big o December special from the dress goods department. Any dress goods you may select, made in popular styles, with or without lining for fifty cents. First-class workmanship. Fit guaranteed. Our Millinery Special Our December Millinery special is the unparalleled offer of the choice of any of our pattern hats for two dollars and forty-five cents. The kind. of hats that are found in our showroout selling fora price like this is a chance to get tie best in millinery for a very •little, and that only comes once in a great while. A good assortment to select from. Choice (*every trimmed hat in our showroctn, no matter what the original 2.45 price was, some were eghigh as $4 ;Cad $5, selling now for December Overcoat Bargains AO we said last week no man wanting an overcoat for himself or his boy ought to let this chance slip. Near all sizes yet in stock but quantities are getting smaller every day. This is the .way we are selling them : • Mena' friepe OVerdoato, high storm mils& extra good quality, regular prioes w $3.50 to $1000, splendid coats, choke of lot .. tiartr Boy's frieze Bbd tweed ;Asters, first °lase coats in every way, will stand any ts amount Of hard wear, $8.50 to V goods, choice ot thitt lot for ..... •;.;, • -,9.uv Dece mber, Blanket Special Blankets like- these selling !or $2.15 are not to be had eviiny clay. We never sold as good for solittle money, DEATH OF WALTER, SHANNON. -We are sorry to record the death of Wal- ter S. Shannon, son of Mrs Shannon, which occurred on Friday morning last, at the age of 22 year. Deceased bas been in a decline for 80n20 time, and his death was not unlooked for, but it is particularly sad in the fact that it is the third in the family frdm the same complaint. He was a young man of prorntse,and prior to hie Wriest', one of the most active and zealous members in connection with Rotten - bury Street League and Sunday School, He was also at one time a member of the orchestra of Ontario Street Sunday Sohootand touching re- ference • was made to hie death on Sunday by the Superintendent ot the school. The sympathy of the com- munity goes out to his mother and sisters in their sorrow.. ' is our painf uty-to. chronicle the death of Georg Lyon, which took place at hie son's residence irrOnelph on Tuesday morning, where he went to reside last spring. Mr Lyon has been a most highly esteemed resi- dent of town, taking up his residence here about 30 years ago; 21 year of this time was spent in the employ of the Grand Trunk Railway, and 7 of which he was section foreman. He was a native of Lincolnshire. Eng., coming to Canada when first married, and eettling at Guelph for a few yeas, at Which place hle trot wife died, lea,- ing him with a family of eight small children -seven daughters and one son. He afterwards married hie late wife, Ann Pinning, who preceded him to but were fortunate in getting this lot under value and are turn- thi:t1r1Vbrrriell 1.6:sen3olgoiroltra hag them over to you the same way. While they last you can last union. The subject of this brief sketch Came to hie death front cancer buy of the 'domed), from which he suffered Rem white union blonkets,thetit three. darter' wool, fancy itolored bor- . great pain for the last three Months, yet bare it with Christian patience, suffering all for hid Master a sake. He wage consietent menthe( of the Meth°. diet church for at .leaet half a century, and at lost cloned his life of Settenty- four years and five months in a most gloriouil faith in hie blamed Christ. Three brothers survive him: Joeeph, of Rulletti Harrison, of Marden, near Guelph, and Elijah, of Owen Sound. Mr Lyon leaves behind him six daurch. tees and one son to mourn the lose of & kind father: Mrs Higgane, Rockwood; Mrs Brechin; Mrs Curtis, Wind- sor; Mrs Welker, Watissw, N. Y.; M're Harr! ,e Mcitellarifir• Raskin, Cheboy- gan, Mich., and ;oho, of Guelph. The remains were brouaht hers for inter. anent Wednesday. PreSiOnil ,to his death kir Lyon ailectothir pall hearers -jno. Steyeneon; NUN GOO. Deignit Ott•for Tohnien Mr Blacker and Mr Alexatider4 ElbobbrooKimatadthi awe, oft, fluffy fteiehtwill woke well or $2.16. Tsike a look an sea 2.45 0 yon mut get os good, m uny other dere for $2,75 Mr Ori Ladies' Wrappers 98e These wrappers are all new, just in last week. We bought theralesa than yaluo and pass them on to you the atone way: Xs it worth your while to bother making when yr mi. can buy at these'pricesi Lamm! IvOppiiii, iiteittfrOM goof wripostette,itast eolars,Well wide in Week u bought regular cog d trot be sold for one tient leo than $1.25 "pow tor neoembir,00mmogag sourdiky .4' 98c 1 the ; who was tutsbis , in the minds of these who heard him anual supper at the garendou, on on Monday evening and his numbers Thursday next. W. J. Paisley was in were greeted withthe enthusiasm GOrrie, on Monday, *Valuing hotel fur - they deserved. Mise MyrtleMoss ;tithing and fixtures, prior to a change Mericle is an entertainer of the highest of proprietors ; he is an expert in this character. She was warmly received line, rhe winter arrangements con - by the audience who were so insistent •cerning theL. lit. 86 B. water tanks in there applause that an • encore was have gone into force, Mr Trick taking scored at each appearance. She made a good impression and wilt be heard, charge of Clinton and Mr Millen, of Exeter. We understand that Mr J. W. again with pleasure. This course is Hill has sortie notion of going west in under the management of C. Q. Rance, .the spring ; he na,%not yet fully decid- who is to be congratulated on the high ed but he has four brothers who are character of the entertainment provid- ,doing well there and it is a, big temp - ed, and whose efforts to sinully poth- tation. ing but the very best should be appre- ciated by the people. . , . . ranby = Rubbers Wear, 1.71)1c Iron • • They him% been silently but emphatieally preying their merit for years and to -day they stand without a rival for Leduc:non in Fit, Style and wear. • We are sole agents in Clinton for • this year's production We haye them in all the different lines and they don't coat any. more than the %trainee kinds : • In Men's Socks and Buckled Rubbers We have the largeat assortinent to choose from. • . Our Snagarproof Hubbell's Are the best in the market They are the only gennins. Every paAffrulgInsar5tookntoefd fIall kinds of FELT BOQTS, both far Ladies and • Gentlemen's wear. It will pay you to see our stook and get our prices on all kinds of Footwear . The Old Reliable. W. Taylor at Son.% Cash and One Price • Eggs taken as Cash Utterance office at the store 11110141i411140 pitMIMMIMIMIMMItIMMItittIMMttlItIMMIIIMITIMIttltIMMITMIMMMMK MO* TALici JACKSON BROS. WEEKLY 4. 4.1t.**44.***. •44+++44021t *4•*****•••••• +4•+•÷•++4.t./:*+++++•+• -r+•4•*. Some Christmas Our Famous Suggestions It seems impossible to realize that Christmas is so nedr but Shoe Depart ment the arrival of a lot of new goods specially bought for the holi- day trade brings it forcibly to soin sp. Special Prices Hard to Equal 1110--• Wev•-• our attention. As usual we NVUT SLOW' a magnificent range Doing busindss under modern methods and of new neckwear suitable for without any expense enables us to offer.to the CHRISTMAS offerings, from shoe buyers of thia section goo4s at prices the -well -known. English house which other people cannot equal. Studthis list and compare prices with anything offered. Welch, Margetson • & Co:, and ladies desiring to °Plop= remember their gentlemen friends, can do no E better thanto give a race tie and which, is something that at: is always iprecia,ted. • 2.100. Boys' and Children's Clothing ST.. At this season of the year we show some- thing new in boys' and children's clothing, suitable for Christmas wear, and we have E an assortment not equalled outs* -the- co- les, Our styles are new, our prices are right. Our own make of boys' knee pants at 50d, 60o and 750 ire not equalled by any Eihouse n the trade. No middleman's pro- fits when you buy here. Men's Ready to Wear Clothing A greviany people will want a new ' suit for Memos wear and our stock af- fords a, Selection not seen outside the cities. When you buy them you get suits cut and made on the premises in a manner totally different from ordinary readyniades. Then again you save the middleman's profits. Our "Royal Oak" Sere Suits at $10 00 is hard to equal for tttra, good value. 01111 be had in sir or double breasted, made kfen's No1 quality Rubber Soots, regular $8.75, our pricea, $3.25 Men's 2 buekled Grain Bals,felt lined, wear $2.00,our prioes,$1.25 Men's Grain Bae, solid leather regular $1.50 our priees,98e Boys' &heel Shoes, regular $1.25 our prime 98o Lumbermens' Rubbers, regular $195 our priees,$1.50 If you are interested in long boots see our own make at $4.00 and$4.50 made from best quality French Kip and sold every where for $5.00. splendid bargain for people who appreciate good "goods A Christmas Present No nicer present to offer to hus- band or Bono to befund than a pair of our celebrated. $3:50 SlaterShoes,a present tfa,t is useful and a present •that would be thoroughly appraciat4 ed. On the other hand a husband or son. would find it hard to get a more' suitable acting to present than a pair of our Ladies'. "King Quality" Shots or a pair, of "Belli' Cushionet shoes. • • \, • For Christmas we will show a splendid range of hOu slippers suitable for non, ladies and children. , • from, a reliab e serge. . Our "Xing Quality" rubbers have had a big oat° aua Tht-Mud e:ot - we are safe in saying that no rubber on the market utual I xi just the thing for alio mild oi %oath. thdin, contains 15 per cent more rubber than. any other make. nee several new features to recominia er,saea your clothes andwillpsy foitself People who are tired of buying cheap 'goods should iii.. in a short time, made double breasted, -vel. ePtet tine line. vet collar,50 inches long and altogether a otylioh looking All repair on boots and shoes promptly attended to. coat. . JAMISON natllEPARTNENTAL 11411111611WWWWWWW61114171111414111 < • JOIPIP • 1.•