HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-07, Page 8•
December 11 1900
There is noth-
ing so bad for a
cough as coughr
ing. It tears the
of the throat and
lungs and the
wounds thus
made attract the
germs of con-
sumption. • Stop
your cough: by
using the family.
remedy that has
been curing
coughs and colds
of -every- kind -for.
ver spay years.. You .
Vcan't afford to be with,
Ant it. .
Aye 9
Q1 ele :.:,ra
loosens the grasp of your -
'tough. The congestion
of the throat and lungs is
removed; all !affair:ma; -
ti011,16 subdued; and the
cough drops away. l•
Three sizes: the one
dollar size is the cheap-
est to keep on hand;
the 50e. size for coughs
you have bad for some
time; the 25c.. size for
. an ordinary cold. • _
"For 15 years I bad a very bad '
.cough. The doctors and everybody. . -
else thought I bad a true case of
consumption. , Then I tried Ayere •
Cherry Pectoral and it only took a .
bottle and a half to cure ine-'
. *rite theTiOctor. If you have any
complaint whatever and desire the '
hest rcedloctitse.calvice,Write the Doctor -
1'7114.11.,,J. ix Apt towel!, rinse.
r r . •
....... rpm...A.+ •••••...
4 i -J,
• : • ,, • . .. •
......le .P?or economy to winter over Bur
V ue toyOut - • • •
-•,-,Mata stock gests glove, at the start; het
in eheaper in the ent:1- .
There .is nothing heifer for fattening
fowls than cornmeal wet up with milk.
• • • • ofA,
mat have a tut... wuss..•Se
not -usually need artiflehil stituulauts of
pungent gonditnefits to ?peke ibem lay
keeptltena in health. • '
tank corn maces a gond food for peal:
try. It not only Is egg producing, but
ivill put hone a 'id muscle on the growing
bird. It ais,ti helps lo tuake up a good
variety. ' •
fin;s-of-Ketneuth Hoek -cocks' with. •
coarse •Ite.ns will produce:excellent
anarliet towl,l'•They mature early, have
se11a11ws lud skins andr alwayiV, look
'well•witexi, dressed:1-, ' -
if you do nor care to sell off alLof the
chickens on t lie place and make a start Of
mew and better breeds. at least sell off all
sho rotwers *.and buy two. or three Well
mantel! 4 tit ks oi some one of the, better
This is a cross that will pity.
,•,. •
John Rurroughs, the critic and natural-
ist. does melt of his writing in the open
- air in a reclaimed woodland swamp on
his estate. Riverly, on the western shores
or the Hudson.
Oliver Wendell Holmes was accustom-
ed to even up the general average with
this sort of consolation: "The world's
great men have not commonly been great
scholars nor its great scholars great
M , Gabriel iticalre, one of the small
' band of contemporary French poets, has
died in Paris in his fifty-second year. tie
was perhaps beat known for his "Dell-
queseences," a sort of "Dancitur or like
Byrott's "English Bards and Seotch Re-
Mrs. "John Strange Winter" Stannard
in her new novel, "A Self Blade Count-
ess," shows, we are told, a seeming de-
termination to he tis offensive as possible
to Americans. The Athenaeum rebukes
her, *laying with truth. "This wholesale
abuse of the citizens of the 'United States
Is unjust, unwiseadid In"bad taste,'"
• •
it Is surprising ho w Many good
schemes fell to work.
How freely you talk about your. erie-
--mr-witeo he' Is not presenti
The rougher a girl's hair looks the
longer it took hetet° tomb it that way.
Don't speak of heart hunger as if
beefsteak and potatoes would Caro It.
'bid you ever remark that you always
rend everything diet comes your way
alsoUt death and old age?
After struggling alt day to give satis-
faction to- his employer and the people,
a man goes home to struggle to give sat-
isfaction to his family.,
We suppose that one reason they fold
a dead man's hands on his breast to
make him look natural is that he was
never known to 'le with *hem that way
when alive: -
Dttli black bead guard Chains are the
vogue among ladle* In mourning.
Oeil ball shapes are eunierone Inmen s
new 'sleeve -Iinks, and baroque pea*
- form the decorative halt of some of them.
Some flexible bracelets are now made
of rows of chain patted through half
flotori gem Set slides, much atter the
*tyle of necklaces.
. Many ot the 'lleW broaches Are &she
toned In such large mold tie to demand
a Whitt preemie* in. the Wearer who
would carry them Well, They Are quite
Impossible on, the sinall Woreati, 4, flat
baroque pearl, for exemple, an inch and
a. half itt wkitli 11 held In a bread ribbon
Of brillitinte Red In a bore • ahtere and
Vth the ttnla eroteed belest Ott stone...*
ere Vitetiler Weakly.
After a.. Brave StruggIC with •an Overwhelming
Debt thelloSpital for SickChildren is Within
Sight of Freedom -,•• Only $19,0043
Required to Free It.
• •
Eight years ago the Hospital for lioepital In a generous manner. Many
Seek Children, Toronto, was in a most splendld gifts are received from
precarious finanaal p.osttlen. Ohly a friend's outaide Toronto.
few sanguine friends believed that the It costa over sso,000 each year to
huge debt of oyez *106,000 would ever maintain the Hospital. About $100 a
be lifted from it A prominent Mont- day is needed to buy food, medkine,
real financier, when asked to loan surgical appliances and nursing for
money and hold as security on mod- this army of little ones -146 patients
gage the hoepital, enquired as to the being in the cots at the end of this
suitability ot the building for "factory fiscal year. •
purposes," Perhaps it was his re- An optical is being made by the Hos-
Marks as much as anything else that pita'. Trustees this year for 519,000—
helped the brave ons who stood by the sum required to entirely free the
the hospital. The very idea Of such Hospital of its debt. , They issue the
n,v1:• 147
irr ea_
• . etlitlAmo. •
, •
AN Iinnint•EIABLE .1.10N1ThrEDFF OF 'LOVE.
, a .
a possibility stirred the hearts and appeal to their friends throughout the
spurred the efforts of those to whom prevince. In a letter to the editor of this
the Hospital work had become dear paper Mr, J. Ross. Robertson says that
Taking the responsibility of the load the -Hospital has many well-wishers
upon their own shoulders the trustees among our readers who bave given
of the Sick Children'$ Hospital ap- practical voice to their sympathy In
pealed to the generous hearts of a past years. He believes that they will
rick province-7011tario. respond Cheerily and generously this
year to the call for help. They want
to end the eentury free of debt—That
on the morning of the first day of the
Twentieth Century there shall stand
free, a monument to min's geaerobity
to countless sick nhildren—an imper-
ishable gift of love from the men and
women of the Nineteenth, CenturY to
Here Is a Hospital—they told it
through the newspapers — which
throws open its doors in answer to the
cry of any dick child, a Hospital that
has nursed and cured thousands of
helpless and crippled children, & Hos-
pital equipped as is no other inN.t.
eaf its kind in the world. Shall a
t 'y 80 sweet and deserving be
f'j to dose its doors by a mort-
gage@ who tniphe it might do for a
That was eight years ago. Not be -
foie norsince has a single sick child
been refused . admission to the Hos-
pital. A staff of doctors and a corps ,of
talned nurses are there during the
u nittUlankadd.Watolies of the night-
taderly and
d11w eia.40t tke lit-
e ones given into their care liy.4911.1
inxicius Dimas. Little children are:7141.
; rfi. .s „
brought to the Hospital from the forth- •
ea' ;Li,
est pointh Of the, pfovifice. Every town
and township has been represeatedTaini-rge-.--Gran7perniees-(-Prom. Peore.)
during the past quarter centUrt. T -he little ones specially .confided to our
fame of its great healing poWer has care. .
for during twenty-five years 40,000 sick More than 10,000 donors contributed
been told in many a huinble home—
children have been taken care of.' to -the maintenanee and reduetion of
the Hospital debt last year •
Some of the little ones treated in those Neatly halt Of thee llonatlons -Were
early days are strong, healthy men and single dollare. Mr. Robertson says the
women. to • trustees like' to have the greater num
Last year the Hospital roll number- ber of individual friends—that they
ed 5,776 patients. Some spent days would prefer ten five -dollar bills to one
and weeks in the cots at the Hospital. fifty dollar -gift, '
Others came for a few days, while Mr„ J. lioss•Robertson, chairman of
many Were brought to the doors of the the Hospital Truat -Toronto, publishes
Hospital in the ands of their mothers a list of the donations received dering
and received such medicine and advice the Christmas Month in his paper, The
as to speedily effect a. cure In their Evening Telegram, and copies of the
own Moines. ( ' -par are lent to Int &Mora
More than one-third of the little chit- Donatiw may be sent to Mx. Rob.
dren admitted to the •Hospital wards ertson Or to:Dr:mew Davidson, Secre-
came from places outside the city. The tatYareasnrer, Hospital for SieleChil•
people in the province have helped the dren, Toronto.
The latest story from the Transvaal le "The whole hog or none" was Sir
Pate and Bloodless.
Thousand* of Anaemic Ghia
aurryina to the Grave,
--- .
A Young Lady et 00boUrg, Ont, Wbolie
Case Wag Pronounced flopelek, Telle
Haw She Regained Health and Strength
---A Leeson to Mothers.
Anceraie, is a terra used by dootors to in -
mete poverty of the blood. The preval-
ence of this trouble is moat alarming, ea-
Fooially among our young girls, And a
largo peroentage of the altogether too num-
emus, oases of consumption which annully
ravage the country have their origin in We
trouble. The Met indication of anremiti, is
pale, sallow or waxy complexion. This is
followed by loos of appetite, frequent heed -
aches, indisposition to exertion, eweljing of
limbs, violent heart palpitation and fre-
quently fainting lite. These symptoms
may not all he present, but the more there
aro the greater the urgency for prompt and
effective treetmentwhioli should be persist-
ed in until all traces of the troubles have
vanielied, Among the thousands who have
been brought near to the brink of the grave
from *hie trouble, and ultimately restored
ir.to health through the use of Dr. Williams'
I Pine, is MiesB elle Boyd, an estimable
young lady, hose home is at Cobourg.
Mies Boyd give her experience as follows:—
, "It is nearly ten years since my illness
first comixtenoed, and although I was doo-
toring more or lese I received little or no
benefit, as the doctors aid not seem to un•
derstand my trouble. Two years ago my
health became so bad that another dootor
was called in, and he stated that my case
The membera of the Itayal Vitnadiart
Regiment?, who have just returned
erom South Africa, were enthusiastic-
ally received by the people of Windsor,
England, Friday Inorning.`The eoldier•
then proceeded to the castle, and were
reviewed by the Queen in the quad
rangle. Her Majesty, addressing the
Canadians, thanked them for the ini•
mem services they had rendered to
the empire. The officers were then
preeen ted individually, after which the ,
Queen summoned Pte. Arrastrong, of
New Brunswick, who. had lost a leg
during tbe campaign, but who joined
.the unwell on crutches. After the
soldiers had been shown oyer the state
apartmente, they were entertained at
luncheon in the royal riding school.
The Canadians marched past to the
tune ot "Vi'Ve la Canadienne," The
regitnentwas afterwards photograph( d
at the special request of the Queen. •
A couple of pupils of St. Patrick's I
School, Montreal, have been arrested
on a charge of setting Are to the build-
ing with the object of getting a holiday.
' "My Physlcistn* rod Me 1 Must
Dle.but South American Kidney Cure
cured me of that awful Bright's Disease."
Milk a sentence from a letter of a well-
known business man in a western town who
through overwork and worry had contracted
this kidney pestilence. It, will relieve
instantly and cure all kidney diseases.--
The body of an unknown man was
found near War Eagle, fifteen miles
west of Rat Portage, on Friday; it is
suppoped the man was frozen to death.
was a most Revere type of aniemia,and that
while he could help me the troublehacl pro-'
greased to each a stage that he could hold
ont little hopes of a cure. At this time I
was as pale as chalk, my eyelids were swol-
len and would hang down Overtny eyes like
sacks of water, My feet and limbs would
ewe% and were always cold. I was sub-
ject to violent headaches,severe palpitation
of the heart, and if (stooped over I would
be so dizzy that I could scarcely. regain an
'upright position. My appetite failed me
almost entirely, and I grew BO weak I was a
mere wreok. While in this condition 1 read
in a newspaper of the cure of a young girl
whose case was much like mine, through
the nee of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I
determined to try them. Those ho knew
me did not think any medicine could do me
any good or that I would eyor get better,
but I determined at all events t give the
pills a fair trial. I have used them for
nearly a year with the result that I feel like
a new poreux: The swelling in my eyelids
and limbs has dieappearadi,my appetite is
good and my face regaining the color
which left it years ago. I can ow and do
work about the honse,and this great change
in my oonditicn is due solely to the use . of
Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills. It is not too lit-
tle to say they have !laved my life and I
strongly urge girls who are similarly afflict-
ed to give them a thorough trial.
Sold by a*, B, Hovey, drnggist,Clinton,
Mre James Sheridan of Brookville was
very seriously burned while pouring coal
oil on fire. •
We refer to the richness ot the blood. If
y on are pale and thin, yon are plor mn
strength and nerve power. Scott's! Emul-
sion drives away thinness and pallor and -
brings rich blood and nerve power.
rP-I'Dtti •
,um 510
NosTh ElESTAIITI.-1111EUM11710
TriiOAI. -PLAsrEttmAcE • i
J,WilleAUIVReRa Soarer -At.
jjj PLeSTen IN Et41ELED
ffill-171,:h17,u TIN fiCt< PRICE 25taL60 lHlYD
1211I,5 mimeo()
t-TakeLaxattee Bromo Quinine Tablet's-. ..El!
druggists refund the money if it fails to 'cur
Mts. E. mr. Grove's:signature la on each box.
t..-Wre-Count in North Lanark leaves
' Ma Rosamond in -possession ,of the seat
by, seVen malority;
Parnell come to life, World, Temble.Cough.
that general De Wet is Charles Stewart Thomas Lipton's motto, - New -York
• •
Four first and four second cousins of Sir Thomas Lipton seems Inclined to .•
President McKinley are living at Neva- believe that the pen Is mightier than 'he •
da, -Mo., and, all hare the same Christian rudder at present.-
name as the mesident, Sir Thomas Lipton is mucn more sun
john Olney of Chieng,o, whose death at cessful in causing the pork market to get
the age of 78 is anuounced, was the last a move on thee le imparting speed to s
Illinois Lincoln elector and the oldest yacht
member of the Chicago bar. Sir Thomas Lipton is in nigh disiavot
Andrew Carnegie has long been known with gentlemen who sold large quantities
as a lover of checkers and a patron of pork which 'hey did not happen to
whose money has been the backing of have: •
oome famous tours and snatches. Ameridans will he glad to see Sir %thorn -
Ex -Speaker Tom Reed indulges In a $2 as Lipton and the new Shamrock next
luncheon at the Lawyers' club every day, August, but really the America's cup
Then he winds up on a 4 cent apple islet quite ready for export. -7 Kansas ,
i Id Olt St
au who has been supplying Wall street If Sir Thomas can secure se. boat that
which lie buys fioni the gen al o wont. y an
folk with fruit for a quarter of a eenttiry. will beat us, he will be the most popular
Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilee new; work man in the United ItingdOni, and his vie.
will be for some time largely concerned tory will not be begrudged here.-Phila-
with simple bookkeepiug, This will uot deiphia Inquirer.
be,,hard for him, as While.he was at St . • - Thirchalletrge"fr6iiiSlr Tlioniaritiiiiini
retire school and at Yale he was treasur- will be redeived with gienter pleasure
cr and bookkeeeer of several large organ- than if if militated from any other Reit-
izations. on. Se is entithel to out most distin.
George Brown, an old negro janitor at guished eonsideratIon•-Baltimore Her.
the Annapolis Naval academy, bus been ald.
in the employ of the academy ever glade Fortunately for Sir Thomas, his recent
it was founded, in 1843, and has been successful "cornerifig" of pork In the
more or less familiar with all the media Chicago market will enable hinete pea&
ates since that date, Ile is the only per- deafly assess the cost of his secobd inter,
son now living wbo wits counected withnational yachting venture upon the coun•-
ep/the institution when it was opened. try where the nue is held.
Sims Reeves,' the famous London
lad ranger, bas been celebrating his gh-
ty-second birthday. Itfr. Reeves has of- THE ROAD TO WEALTH.
ten been referred to es the man who
could sing an English ballad- better than A good advertisement, !Ike the good
any other vbeallet Who ever lived. From clerk, often works overtime at no greeter
- the time be was 14 years old Until he was cost.
long pest 00 he was before the public es Some advertising dome* bring returns,
a stinger. but you cannot get returns without ad -
Lo d Iobetts Is but h thlrd of 01 all tho - vertisin
Stiffish field marshals, past and present, The Pawl who preys for 'Amines. to
to be appointed to the command of an come his way doesn't get it mites* he gets
artily in the field after attaining that up and beetles.
-rank. The Duke of York held it when The right hied of an employee , will
placed at the head of the Helder exnedi. make opportunities for hbilitelf. The
tion in 1700, and the Duke of Wellington other kind will wait or them.
had been 4 field marshal nearly two years Don't believe for a minute that adver-
when he assetned command. In the Water- timing will do all -the work. You must do
too campaign. ' a good deal of work to make your adver.
Minot simultaneously with hi* retire- tieing -profitable,
- Went from public lite Justin McCarthy Do not convince yourself that al/ thing
has been the recipient of a privitte Drew is *ot rightly done because it is not done
entatien in the form of a imhstatitird en• your war. 'Yeti can learn tome things
- nutty 'settled upon him for lite. It 'WAS troiti.your humblest employee
eat on toot and carried through almost The fool make* his tieing with hit
entirely by men who were oot satochtfed hands end feet, the wise Malt With bit
with him In politics, the owner on% Con- heart Sit down, woke a cigar and
serr*tive paper being the firat contribie think *boat your atisittese,eroli'll make
with the sum of 500 guineas. rnonei b it
Aoltatl letter -from an officer In
CONSTIPATIOX 'CURE)). Strathoona a Mores say* that all their
Mrs James auk, cesemeeaevet, hood* hare been transferred to a Brit.
- moo . 4431 *Os grimly 'wawa with lab cavalry regiment. This was done
Itemaihe lea cesetieolen. r tided to sokichnition of their eitrit return,
riva i„aa am its mot. be since thin otherhorses have:Omen
proirkled. tor thaw
tool Won sayligeg i; ewer took,"
, , •
Slater Shoe Leathers
The output or "Slater Shoes " is so large that the makes* are able to
control their ovvn tannage in most leathers,
" Canticle Calf," made from the best selected 'calfskin*, in black. light
and medium taiNand seal brown,
" Kidduck,' in black and seal brown, from selected Vatna goatskins,
Both leathers are wear andwater resisting, pgrous and therefore tutuitary.
There are also "Pest French Patent," French Ettainel,” " Peerielt.
Russia" and "American Wax Calft"
Slater Shoe Polish only should be
used on these leathers, retains their
elasticity and keeps them soft.
The sole leather is thebest obtain-
able,and on every sole is the makers'
name and price in a slate frame,
when the finished shoe has passed
its rigoroUs exataination.
• Catalogue.
Jti'ekson'Bros., Sole Agents for Clinton.
• ••
For pure blood!
A bright eye and
ms- 11. clePr complexion,
5 '. k•ci.
i appetite,
''.;. .s 11 :$:„ i dig
t:16 • ces e.
And refreshing si.e.lep,
•••••• n
Fire, - Life, laccident, PlatealassIA.
• • y ThoeL Maori °4
0,1311a. agentSi,ta sp
aru lendmoney on household goods
wia,y bicycles, waggons and horses. We
Money also lael.,..iindoer °tut oil j:heaviltsrloend
HADA* thsp own. notes, •through our aId
111011ein pay en to cfar:RAIP.
Writeinfi wo can
you, 0. W. WARNER & CO., 48 haat Adelardt
Street, Toronto
For "Story of Sent1TAfrica,"bv John Clark.
Ridnatla, L. L. D„ Edward S. Ellie. M. A. .T.
A. Cooper, Managing Editor of tl_le 'Canadian "
Magazine," Toronto, and J. H. Aiken, of
London, Ont., who Iia returned thisf week '
from 12 years', travelling in South Africa for
ne. We aro %81.131 1:Aigsah&ril-
who have d r o
nineteen years, giVing us an imin ense advant-
age in procuring photographs and material.
Our authorship, letterpress and ecitravingq
are superior, and Canadian ontingents bet-
ter illustrated than in any rival work. So
sure are we of this, that we w mail free for
oom parison otir prospectus to anyone noseess-
ing a rival rospectus.„ Ciroulara and terma
1 RI
It arouses the Liver 3.
Quickens the circu!ation,
Brightens the spirits. and
denerally, makes life worth living.
SlIcty seven years trial have proved It to be beyond question,
the most reliable BLOOD purifier known.
All the: ,leititht-anigists Sell: BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLAS
:402012Ersmmortasozoagotaiss.. • ..•
ree. pp s 'World Publishing Companit This is the name of the Cream Separator we are offering to the public. '
9ntriato on the market there is no better and few if any as good. It is coy to* run, do
work in the game time thin most Others. n ie a Canadian Made. Every -
warranted to Jo good work. Inspection invited, free trial allowed. - Price reasonable.
Piano Bargains
inter Goods
We are 'district representative of the
• Nordheimer Piano and Music Co„,of Toren-. '
to,and are dome the piano business of this
o four bargaine in slightly need and mond Tweeds, Robes, Rubbers, Sox! etc., etc, Highest price for producie 200 Buthele of orate.
Are now in demand and this is tbe place in get the best of Overcoate, Suits
section. The following lathe het of some
hand pianos, . wanted, also a quantity of dried apples.
Emisoriam Londesboro•;•
Thornton & Co 611:5055 000000 Nov. 20th 1900
Gilbert (Boston) . .. ...... ..... 90 00 . •
Williams. . . .
Wagner 175 00t .
filtrilsgyHeintZ man
Nordheimer. .
225 00
M. uttersandSlei. ha-
. .
Kasen ch Binh
200 00 .
Heintzman (OsInnet Gra a) 225 00 First-class. Call and see before buying elsewhere
• • •
,Nordheimer ( abmet .250 00 '
• , • . • • • . • , '. • ,. Huron St., Ohntteti ..,, .
• ,. .. .
. . • . .
• .
titodPteventon.........; . '..•• . •. .. ... . ..... 100 00 . • . • • • •
art . ......... ...• ..... • .. • •• , $.75 00
Vose .... ..... ... . . ..... 100 00
Hood 11000
Chiokering . .. 135 00
Emerson 165 00
ivory instrument in thorough order
and guaranteed. Easy terms of payment
arranged. Drop us a card and we will for-
ward catalogue of new pianos,
If people would only treat coughs and
colds in time with Dr. Wood' e Norway
Pine Syrup, there would be fewer- homes
The severest coughs and colds, bronchitis
-and orouprand-ther-firsiretages uf eineettifiP•z
tion yield readily to Oda powerful, lung.
healing remedy. • '
Read what Mrs. Thos. Carter, Northport,
Ont., flays: id X caught a sever. cold, which
nettled on Pay thioafr iend. that I
could scarcely 'peek above a•Whisper. I
Oleo had a terrible Gough vrliioh iny friends
thongials would send me to my grave. I
tried different remedies but all failed to do
• Me any good until I took Dr. 'Wood's Nor.
way Pine Syrup, and the contents of one
bottle completely cured me."
Mrs Bowes, wife of ;no. Bowes, a well-
known resided, of Brantford, is dead.
Too Many People Daily With
Oatarrh.-it strikes one like. a thunder.
Ole's, develop' with at rapidity that no other
disease does. Dr, Agnew't Catarrhal Pow.
der is the Infidel, quick, Nate and pleasant
Mire that the disease demands. Use the
Mean* prevent its deitessatitigand years of
dishes*. Don't daily with Catarrh. Agnew't
give. **lief tea minutes, so cents." -g7
Sold by J. E. Hovey, druggist, Clinton,
Itideatt thin might be in ruins now but
for The ditcoVer7 of stnouldertng tire by
Lady Minh), When she about to re-
tire she woo' 'termed to me smoke flowing i
from the floor of her room, There had
been a fire in the grate ter Korai demand
Ms ear be of something burning tees notic.
in the room.
deletriVbroldg g*F!ritgiVIYINI. ai °.ri
ottlidrem Ory fbe
MUSIC •HOUSE. Goderich
I• Large stook of Lounges, Couches and Easy Chair finely finiehed and gtiartire,
I teed to wear. Bedroom Bets in mahogany, ash and oak. tininciablee, Sideboardkan
50 different kinds of chairs. Latest patterns in Window Shades and Curtains.
Picture Framing a Specialty. • •
Pianos, Organs and Sewing Mathines, sold on easy terms, : •
3. 11. O1L4LiW, 131*,:th
Clinton Sash,'Door and
Blind Factory.
General Builder and Contractor,
Tenders for, Supplies,- 1901
Tho widersigned wiltreceive tenders up to
This factory is the largest in the county, and bas the very latest improved mae
noon on TUESDAY, 4TH DEO. PROX., for sap:
plies of Webers' meat, creamery butter, flour, °binary, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
oatmeal, potatoes, cord oed,ete.,for the follow and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for and Wild ell mess.
Ing institutions during t e year 1001, Viz :-At
the Asylnms,for the insane in Toronto,London,
Kingston, Hamilton, Mimico, Brookville and
°rinks; the Central Prison arid Mercer Refer-
rmatiateotryan,gioToorimsteonto;',0theo TRusetatforumtigor ororeafboanyud „
Exception -Tenders are not required for the Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, DO0r14, minds, Eta
Dernb,Belleville, and the Blind at Brantford.
supply of Meat to the asylums in Toronto. Lon-
don Kingston Hamilton arid Mimico Agent for thit Celebrtiteid GRAYISILL SCHOOX. 'DESK, matrataaturstl
forreatory-, Toronto. A marked chetnie for -10
Per cent, a the estimated araount of • the con.
trabt, payable to the order of the Honorable the
Provincial Secretary, must be furnished by
each tenderer siS a guarantee of his bona fides.
Pyre arifileient sureties will be required for the
clue tallith:tent of each contract, and Ishorlid y
tender be Withdrawn before the contract
awarded, or should the tenderer fall to furnish
such security, the amount a the deposit will
be forfeited. Specification and forms of ten-
der may he had. on application to the Depart-
ment or the Provincial Seoretary, Toronto, or
CO the Bemires of. the respective institutions.
The loWeet or any tenders not neeeesarity ae-
Opted. X. R. STRATTON Pro.
es of buildings on abort notice end on the closest prime M1 woriLits sueeeela
°din a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We gen all kinds of in.
• terior and exterior material.
nor' for the Central Prison and Mercer Re! ' at WaterloO. Call and get prices and estimates before kneeing Vorn. oast.,
vincial Seeeetary, Parliament Building," Toren -
to. NOV. 1fith. 1000, Nov, 28 -td,
44044444444444 -444444444441 -
Meat Market
Having pnrckased the butoherieg
buil)** of r. IL Powl 1 am pre-
pared to torah& thdpeople of Olin.
100 with All kinds of 're& and
Onrid 'MeathSausage, bologna
lard, butter and eggs always kept on
FItzsimotiS SOD.
orders dolittrorproutptly to 611
porta ot th. town.
havink hop or
shipment will confer. a., hoot by
letteteg word Ift the ohop,
They tabor in Vain,
Who &demote fo do ocioidng nhin
inferior Range, the beek 000ita
variably prefer the
/1 you. ere Nola of *0114 ivokta
dinner raid:like to hagarycar mettle
nryveedet 105 inimeisingentelolughdostrelaitv6,1 to ;
isit neutteetse.aot, aobonyu:110:iii,eithetb;006,* odit
new In the bliy 02 Toroate, ana #st'y 0. .6
*noose. Pretty:good recommendation that? isn't it t,
Radiant Horne Base Heater-----•
the beatthat the brain( of non wise produced,pot fah ht Summar
of fuel end Oslo Of Inalifigenlenk
ttovort antont wont) coolt
The farmers tv.Voriti. Thug ego Wither without recant:4r. ttki
stoat of stoves in the cerstAY to °hoot,- frOta, Tri tb* Ittrabot
White CoO Oil, same prios:as mignon oil,
Ilaristridl3rois 'st•
Hot Ali anal litits4-dPt