HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-07, Page 7MR CLINTON NEW ERA
1111 1 11 sreaggetwesoisleigeleme
From now on we will be open every night iint4 $ o'clock.
lias a stock of about $10,000, consisting of.
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,Reacly-to-wear
Clots Boots and Shoes.
i=036CEn:938C1X=632=21$88=D0::*16101c3:8(3842)0mtiegiCD0:915fga03:19389:1/03:;9391C;DCa688=130::2660:)¢8881=0:;13899:D H:388C6 <Mil889;7,
is easy to do business in Clinton.
Psuple appreciate the fact that they can now get as good 'value in goods here as in any other
• town in Canada. Last week a Clinton man told me that last year he spent $144,90 in
Seaforth for drygoods, etc. 1 his was simply‘the fault of the high prices which prevailed he e.
Our way. of Business
• Is not to have two or threeKlifferent prices for the same article different days of' the week. • We
,believe that the person that comes on Monday should have the same article and at. the same
price as the one that comes on Saturday or any other day, or in other words,
Our. Bargain Day is Every Day.
And to convince those that have never bsen to see our goods and prices, we quote just a few
Fines, and we ask our custotners who have bought these goods again and again, if these re not
the prices they paid for thein, and we will sell them at any time fur the Same. Our p4es are
so low that we can not give so called special so called reductions:
• Just see if you can get the undermentioned goods on ;
I "BARGAIN DAYS" at these prices.
Good Fine Flannelette in plain gray, pink stripes, plain On I
pink and plain blue, fully 33 in. wide, per yard foriJU. t
Print suitable for aprons [good washers] fully 27 in. in on 1
... width, all colors, per yard for. • , uu..
1 Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers that weigh 16oz. each Finn I
garment, well made, per suit.. .. . ... . . .. . . .......
So called '11.25 Flannelette Wankets? we never asked
i- more per pair than ............ ... , • ......., . UULIN i
; Woman's Fleece Lined Stockings, per pair for,. . .... . . ..25c,
IBoys' all wool Tweed Trousers well made 50c. I
czeagagm,3:Beecpcmiegemeniggeep =OEM G:3126CE, ts....e*tro...4., %.s..•eites.e.k&...eixes-e.A.0136CD02888CDC123883C1Xi.2166KZCCe863:DX.5388CE:i 0:::388CD
Butter and Eggs taken.as Cash.
in Canada all show more novel- WE ARE IN HARLAND'S BLOCK
ties than will for Xlnae• Wa CLINTON
will sho you handkerchiefs at
prices an designs-thab ;were- nevfm
show in Clinton before.' *
We are def craned that no house
4 -ft..w-•••••Alwib/ft,eftivii•-•.-%.•
You Need More Than a Tonic
• If yon are losing flesh, if you system is .run
down and especially if a cough is present.
• No tonic oat take the place of our Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil.with Hypophoephites of Lime
•and Boda. It mires thirness, stops the ices of
flesh and strength, heale the throat, strength- .,
ens the lungs, aurae coughs, builds up, nour-
ishes and invigorates the entire system. It's
palatable and mildly digested,
In I6 ounce Bottles, Price 50c. For Sale only by6
J. E. ELOVEY Dispensing Chemist, Clinton
NOTICE TO TAX.PAYERS. 1 Rids and Skins
undersigned will be in Ma (Aloe every after- I Wanted.
The ratepayer are hereby notified that the
noon, and. also 7 to 9 p.m. every evening, for .
the receipt of taxes, which must 'be paid before
the 14th of December i. ,,.,.t extra
-will be add:id theretti, JOS, TLEY,
Sheep Skins and 'Fallow.
rmore for their
t," where •aloe. Bring your hides direct to
We will give the farm
Nov.16- Tax Collector.
We will pay the highest each price for
Hides Calf Skins, Horse Hides,
hides and skins thanthey oan get any-
the attire house,
L sohool that is doing the best work in
boo,nesa education in Canada. Onr magni-
iteent catalogue *gives full information.
Write,to-day for one. severe, Cana.
Man colleges and many large
Anierican schools einplOy our
graduates as teachers.. This is one
strong point in our favor. Enter now if
'W. J. Elliott. Principal.
Christmas Fruits
We have now on hand all
of our new Fruits consist.-
ing of
Best select Rating, at 10o per pound
Smyrna Raisins, 3 pounds. for 25o
Chow Layer Raisins and Currenta.
flew Currants, Smyrna, at 8 MS
for 256.
IfiVe idifa on hand the 13ealt Layer
oria Cooking Vigo, New Orsege, Lemon
,.ua Caton Peale, Shelled Almonde and
tiVelnuts, in feet everything kept in a first.;
idea Ordoery.
ettersintit Cleaned and Raisin*.
04tied while yeti wait at the
=II Alt • * 'GROCER
diotsfavraseStr dellYered TO10714011*
Corrected every Thursday afternoon:
• Thursdey, Deo. 0, 1900.
Fall Wheat 0 60 a. 0 60
Oats .. .. 0 26 a 0 27
' Rye ' • 0 40 a 0 45
Barley • 0 38 a" 0 40
Peas 0 57 a 060
1 -
Nov, 16-19 0.8. DOAN fteSON.
• We will have oysters in
stook fresh every day
during their seaeon.
For good stook and.good
solid reassure you will -
•find we are !widen,
please gve tte a trial If
you have not lready
done so
A. new supply of
Oranges Lemons,
Bananas, Confect-
ionary, Pipes and
Tobaccoes. •
A ane assortment
of oar own taffies and
maple crams, eto., al-
ways on hand during
the fall and winter.
Bread, Cakes and
Paetrj our epeoialty.
-Any kind of fancy
team* not in stook
made when ordered.
tjaS• MCOlitehertY)
NOVeltt y bakery
And Itegtaurant,
Telephone No. 1.
• Flour per owt .
Butter,loose 16-17,p'k'd 0 16 * 0 17
Eggs per doz 0 14 a 0 15
Hay, . . .. ..... 800 a 8 00
Sheepskins 0 55 a 0 65
No. 1 Green trim. hides 0 06 a 0 6i
Potatoes, 0 20 a 0 25
Chickens, per pair 0 25 a 0 35
Ducks, eaoh 0 30 a 0 85
Geese, per lb ..... 0 05 a 0 05
Turkeys, per lb 0 07 a 0 08
Pork, live 5 60 a 5 50
Pork, dressed 6 50 a 6 50
Wood short 2 25 a 2 •
An Explanation.
To the Editor of the New Era:
DEAR Sin. -Concerning the result of
a meeting recently held in our church
'in Holmesville I feel called upon to
offer a word of explanation. In the
first place let me saythat the item
which was published n your last issue
under Holmesville news was out of
place entirely -it should never have
been written. The meeting was infor•
mal, composed of parties concerned, to
which I invited Rev Mr Wilson -not
to act in his Official capacity as Chair-
man of the District -simply as an ad-
viser. •He was unanimciusly chosen to
reside, and at its close, requested to
draw up a paper to be read. before the
Society as a final settlement of the ex-
isting difficulties in the case. He did
so -they all agreeing to it -and it was
read as directed. Now, in order that
any of ycur readers who wish may
have a fuller and clearer knowledge of
the matter, I send you a copy of said
paper, which please insert.
Holmesville, Dec. 4, 1000.
An informal meeting of the following_ breth-
ren, viz: Rev. J. Wilson, of Goderio ,h Rev. .7.
Greene, J. W. Yee, W. Marquis, .7. McCartney,
W.Crooks and H. Elford, was held at the
Helmeaville church on Nov. 21st.,to consider the
matter of Bro. Elford's evidence given at a ro
coat Court of Revision. It Wag found that Bro.
Elford made a wrong stateMent in his evidence
/Oen. poblioly in the mid court, which he ad -
mita. Butit was else found that Mr Elford
had corrected the said at:dement before the
Said Court closed, which correction was not
made public. but was a real eorrection, and
with all further matters connected with this,
incident, Bro. Elford's explanations were ac-
cepted, and these present at the meeting think
that the whole matter (should now be conaider-
ed settled. , . Jim= Wirgiox.
SHANNON. --.In Clinton, Nov. 00th, Walter
Ikea Shannon, son of Mra Shannon, aged 22
• MB111EN.-In Goderich township,Nolf. 80th
Wises MeBrien, aged 76years.
ENGLISR.--Atiter late resideime, London,
on Deo. fird, Nancy Creighton, relict of the late
Thee. English,formerly of North Dorchester,
and motherd her Mrs Adam tVelr, of Hallett.
• LYON. --In Guelph, Deo IV, Geo. Lyon, for-
merly of Cliag
nton, ed 74 y ea.
AEMBTRONG.-in 'Wet awanosh, Nov, 29,
Wm. Armatrong, aged 90_years.
PAttEER.--In Morris, NOV. 24th,Geo, Parker,
Montreal Cattle Market.
M.oakroal, Doi 3. -There were about
700 head of butohers' cattle, 40 calves and
1,000 sheep and lambs offered for sale at
Swot End Abattoir to -day. The disagree
•ble, jaloppy Weather helped to make it dull
iittricet more so, for although the butchers
vtre present in coneideraple numbers
.hey were careless purobasers excepting for '
the beet animale, which were not et all
plentiful. A earl° ol of good Manitoba
cattle were sold at from 4c to 40 per lb,
pretty gocd animals brought from ha to '
4o and the common stook frau 2o to 4•
per ib. Canners paid hem 1 to 2i0 pt r
lb. Calves gold at from $3 to $12 each.
Shippers paid 3o per lb for good large
sheep and the butohers paid from 2, to ;
3o per lb for the other. Good lambs sold
at from 4o to 4io per lb and the others at
from so to no per Ib, Pat hop are still
rather scarce and sold at from 54o to 52a
per lb for good straight loto, weighed off
the oars.
New Advertionntitto
At once a girl to assist with housework for
two weeks. Apply to MRS; PHILLIPS. •
Two road Colts, one three and the other two
Years of age. Anyone finding these will kindly
notify W. SLACK, Sautil., Line, Stanley.
Wanted for the Hotel Clarendon, a kitchen
girl, and also &chamber maid.
• JAMES McGUIRE, Clinton.
Young girl wanted to help with general
housewerk, small faintly. Apply to
MRS. JOHN 110DGENS, Albert Sr,
Gold Spectacles Found
--- •
A pair of Gold Speetacles have been left at
the Niii W • ERA office, Owner can have them
on pro.. ing property and paying expenses.
The brick store now occupied by J. W. am,
directly opposite the market,is offered to rent.
Particulars on application to W. C. SEA 11 145,
For sale a there -bred Shorthorn Durham
Bull, 12 months old, from Rena itrain, roan in
color, a very promising animal. Also a drove
of Shropshire Rheep_,. .7 rams and 5 ewes.
•W. SN L, Hallett T'p,
*1m Clinton P.O.!.
Berkshire Boar for Seivice
Subscriber keep» for service at his premises
2nd concession of Plullett, a thoro-bred Berk-
shire boar of good pedigree. Terms $1 at time
of service, with privilege of returning, if lie.
oessary. • HENRY FREEOSAN.
• Hullett, Deo. 5, 1900
The solid brick house on Shipley street, late-
ly occupied by W P Spalding, will be sold for
11 Imre lot. The frame house on Hur-
• on street, two minutes' walk from peso office,
occupied by subscriber, will be sold for $73
One fifth of an aore lot. Particulars on appli-
cation. WALTER'CORE.
December 7, 1900 ,
McKinnon alz Co. $
13 1 .07V r VIAL
Quick Selling....
Will be the order of the day in our clothing de.
partment from now till after the holidays. Our stock
is complete in all lines and have been marked down to
quick -selling prtces. ••
Men' s bleak and blue black Beaver Overcoats, fly front and double breasted,
lined with good Italian lining, regular prior $6 50, for $5.45
Men's fine Beaver Overcoats, ily front, lined with fire quilted Italian Ruing.
• French faoings, a stylish coat for young men, regular price $10.50, for
Men's Frieze Ulatere, well lined and trimmed, regular price $6, for $4 60
Shorey's Rigby Waterproof Frieze Meters, all weal, extra heavy, regular $8,
for $6 60 •
Shorey's heavy Frieze 'Cistern rubber ;ined, as- warm es a fur coat, regular
$9.50 for §8 50
Men's fine Tweed Suits in checks and fancy mixtures, well lined and trini,
• med, worth $6, for 14 50
Men's fancy Tweed Suits, very stvlish, well made and trimmed, with
Frenoh facings, reduced to $6, 38 and $10 •
Boys' Snits and Overcoats at reduced prioes
Meginnon, dr Co., Blyth
FARM FOR sA.Lill • -
It went on •me
before it was washed.
Now I buy ;
.$2.25,, 52.50
per suit. go
and. they are gauran-
teed' not to shrink
• With any Washing.. at
Robt. Coats & Sou
oodsuppl of. water, welt' fenced, near P, 0. • •
East half of Lot 30, 1st Con., East Wawa- .TW
nosh, oontaining 100 sores nearly all cleared, • O
oht of an Church. Situated on the Blyth
Gravel Road e mile east of Manchester,s II
excellent. For terms apply .to SAM.IJEL Look
MARSHALL, Auburn B. 0, im •
Organist and Choir faster of North Street
Church and teacher of PIANO, PIPE ORGAN
and THEORY, is prepared to take a limited.
number of Pupils for instrattion. Apply at
W. C. 'PANNE Y'S, Ontario street. .
Will visit Clinton on Friday of each week.
Mortgage Sale
- KNIGIIT.-In Seaforth, Nov. 19th., the wife
of J. Knight, of a son.•
McBURNEY.-In East Wawandsh. Nov. 26111,
t e wilee oos. McBurney of a son.
HARTT.-In Listowel, Nov. 14th, the wife of
0. L. Hartt, of the Listowel Busines College,
, formerly of Clinton, of a daughter.
I SCOTT -In Seaforth, on Nov. 21st the wife of
1 Thos. G. Stott, ofa son.
• BLAIR.-In Brussels, Nov. 28th, to Barrister.
and Mrs Blair, a son.
HUNT. -In Goderlch, Nov. 25th, the wife of
Chas. Hunt, a daughter.
THOMSON.-In Henfryn, Nov. 20th, the wife
of J. H. Thomson, ofa son.
• HAASE.-In Howick, Nov. 27, the wife ef 13.
Haase, of a daughter.
ie oR.A.LfBIKLallgii0174-In Blake, Nov. 18th., the
eisch, of a daughter.
. Stephen, Nov. inh, the wife
of 8..1. Hogarth,of a daughter.
TIEDERMAN.-In Dashwood, Nov. 26th, the
wife of A. Tiederman, of a son.
TOWNSEND-In Tuckersinith.Deo, lst, the
wife *Wm. Townsend, a son.
HOLLAND, -In Goderich township., on Dec.
8rd,, the wife of !Hee. Holhind, of a son,
Mannino. -
WHITE-SMITEL-At the residence of the
bride's parente,Brantford, on Nov. 21st,by Rev.
R. J. Treleaven, A. W. E. Whitey of Toronto, to
Mies Nellie M. Smith, formerly Of Clinton.
FEAR-SEA/MR.-At this- Rattexibury $t.
Parsonage, Clinton on Noy. 29th,by Rev, W. G.
Howson, Win. Fear, to Miss Rate Searle, both
of Morris township.
MOORE-OTTVVAY.-In Ottawa on Dee. 4,.
by Brigadier Pugmire, Adjutant David Moore,
of Kingston, formerly of Clinton, tel' Ensign
Ottway, of Barrie, all of the Salvation Army.
dence of the bride's. father, Ridlett, on De.'. 5,
by Bev, Mr Murdoek, D. Livermore.of Clinton,
to Lizzie, second daughter of Mr B. Churchill.
MASON-COITLE.-At the residence of the
bride's parents, Clinton, on Dec, 5th, by Nev.
W. G. Howetin, Thos. Mason, to Alice, third
daughter of Geo. Cottle. -
CARSON-BUD11.-At alenboro', Man.; oh
Oot. tiOth_, by Rev. J. 3. Crookshanks, A. Carson
to Miss E., daughter of J. Budd, of Morris tp.
McDONALD-OAMERON.--On Nov. 28th, at
the residence of the bride's father by Itev..7. A.
Anderson, B, A. ,Duncan McDonald, of West
Wawanosh, to Maggie, youngest daughter of
Alex. D Cameron,
SMITH-WLLLIAMS-In Seaforth, on Nov.
28th, Miss Drapha Williams to J. Smith, all of
McINTYRE-YOUNG.-At the residence of
the bride's mother, Hullott. on Dec. 6th, W.
Smithson eldest son 01.7. W. Mantyre,of (Min-
ton, to Miss Francis M. Young, 8rd daughter of
Mrs John Young, of Hallett.
on Noy. 20th, by Rev. R.J. Garbutt, J. J. Mont-
gemery to Mist; Jennie Warrell, daughter 01 3.
Warrell, all of Howick.
FLITHER-DVEIL-At the Rectory,Olinton,
on Dee. 5th, by Bev. J. F. Puke, J. Maker, of
the Base Line, to Mhos Alice, eldest daughter
of M. Dyer, of Holten, '
SITADE-SPARLING.--At the Manse, MeEll-
lop, on Nov. 28th, by Re. P. Muestrave, Wm.
R. Shade, of Tuckorsmith, to Miss Adelaide
Sperling, of McKillop.
FRALICIK-WEES -In Mi'Rhonda, Nov.28th, by
Rey. MJ. Holmes, A. M. Fralick 10 ss Mary J.
Tao, both of East Wawanoeh.
MeGREGOE-3RINN-At Wingheiniby Rev.
R.Ilobbsil Nov. 28th, 3 W. McGregor to Mint
Annie Skinn, both Of East Wawanosh.
DAVIS-EA.TH-In nand/ilk, Nov. 24th, by
Rev Mr Campbell, L. Davis to Mime Christina,
Rath, of Dundalk, formerly of lust Wawanosk.
TREBLE -MORGAN -At bride'e home, Exet-
er North, Nor. 88th, by the 11. 3. W. T Eyck,
J. Treble, to Mies Alfrotta Morgan, daughter
of theist() Thos. Morgan.
SANDICI18-1317NSFORD.-..At the residence
of the bride's parente, on Nov. 28th, by Rev J.
W. Ten nyck,Wm. Sanders, of Stephen. to Miss
May,eldest claughterpolftWpm..Dunsford,Steaneo.
Exeter, on Nov. 27th, Ames
Bissett, aged 80 years
Centralia, tii NOY. 27th, Thos.
W ileon, aged 96 yeers.
MeLAt/4111.41N041040/f Weal on Diee li, Den,
MoLatighlia. forinerlyef *he bate line, }tel.
lett, 41.4 37 yearn
aged 5RY'ears.
(1017178, --In Wingbani, Nov. 24th, Isabelle
COMM, St•EA 'vers.
8ANDERs.a-rn Exeter, Noy. 210,41. Mindere,
aged 72 years.
HAXER.--In Gederieh township, on Dec,Wiltient Walternaker, only son of Itioh. Baker,
lfith 008., ogee, 19 years, 8 months, and 16 day&
Mineral on Saturday st Sp. ma
At the Dixon House, Brucefleld, on Tuesday,
Dec 18, 1900, at 1 o'clock p m, there will be sold
by public auction, the Bannerman. Farm being
the south half of lot 14, in the lake road, east
con containing 00% acres, more or less, in the
township of Stanley, County of Huron For
particulars and condition of Bale, see posters,•
o: apply to
• Seaforth. Ont Vendor's Solloitors,London
County Council Election
eountv of Huron.
Public notice is hereby given that a meeting
of the electors of County Division, No. 2„ gem.
posed of the Municipalities of Hallett, Goderich
township and town of Clinton, will be held in
Town Hall, Clinton, on Monday, Deceraber 24,
.900, at the hour of 1 oclock p. m., for the pur-
pose of nominating candidates to represent
them in the council of the County of Huron,
for the years 1901 a8d1902. And that in mole a
poll is demanded polhs will be opened on the 7th
day of January1901, in each polling sub -division
at the time and place fixed by By -Law at the
Municipalities in the said County Notelet -is,
Norninating °nicer for County Council Divi-
sion N. 2,
Dated. at Londesboro, this oth day of Decenabor, 1900.
The West. Huron Farmers
• Institute. ,
Will hold special meetings atClinton, Men-
tion Dee . 17th, Wingham, Deo. 18th,, Carlow,
h, Dec.20th
Dec. ,
TOWN HALL, ournor.,1.80 eat & 7.80 p.m.
1 eo-Preeident's addrees
Crop fallureis andhow towasysoito8id thee,
2.45 -Address .
8 15-Liscussion
• SvErrisci stssiois
Doors openat 7.00 meeting to commence at
8sharp, when addresses will bo delivered by
Mee Rose, Mayor Jackson, R Mcidordie, R
Holmes, M P, G 74 McLean and others
g Hilton's famous "Lug" quartette will be in
WINGHAM,;euel8DAY, DE0.18.
Arriarmos sesstotr iccurrie, sr
1,00-Preeident's address ...... • -.3 Snell
2,00 -Address
22:46_00 DmaiscrussessiMiss B(160on
NV/014MS 06161'.:10:"1°P' "
4.00 -Dismission
Addressee will be delivered by Miss Rose,
.A. Hyslop, hi PP. It Currie and, others .
J. Snell
2.00 -Discussion
I:VI1q/1M 6ZO5I01(
Addressee Will be delivered by Miss Noce,
MOD. Alliut, B D Grant and othera,
•Tettegast.2402 RAIL
1.90-President'a Address., 3 Snell
2.00.. Address ' Xernighan
Township vs County 'Mrs
2, t... Address ......................Mite Rose
evzinso levenorr, 8 p.m.
Addresses will be delivered by Mies Ros ,g+
Kornighan,j Mitchell, B D Grant, A McD
Allen and others.
ApprOpriate minicar pregrilai "grill be pretid-
ed for ovary session.
mdies mosoially. invited to both afternoon
and evening *editions. It the intention to er-
ionize 6 Women's Inetitute.
All are weleoms, come prepared to take port
in the diecameloing.
Meetings colittleitee sharp on time.
•I Boys', Youths' and Men's
Ready Made Clothing
For your Winter Under- So many people have been 'enquiring at
wear at an. early ,6ate. our store for ready made clothing that we
Half the comfort of life is thought it would be advieable to put in a
• 'having the proper under. stock. We have just received a complete
• wear next the flesh, line of men's, youth's and boys' clothing
• that vgill tit the boys' from five yeare old
If you wait until the wea-
ther compels you to buy,
you may lose some coin -
tort. Call and inspeot
our underwear.
to a hundred. They were made by Lally,
Watson and Bond, the noted ready made
makers of Cemada. They use the beat
geode and best trimmings to bo had at ;the
price and are noted film the out and style of
• their garmeuts. Ycu'il be baited if you
Prices from 50c to $4.50 Suit buy here. Ordered clothing a specialty.
A Money
A Sharples Cream Separator makes
money for others—why not
. . lor.you ?
• You, Mr. Farmer, with four or more cows, are thinking ibat you ought to nave
one but you say the prioe is too high, and while you are thinking about it the dollar*
that wonidpay for it are going to the pigs and calves in t..e skim milk. The dime ia
your band is held so close to your eye that you fail to see the dollar just keyond it.
One of Htillett'e most progressive and tip -to -date farmers, who hail a Sharples
Cream Separator on trial and which he has since purchased, said to me that daring the
week they were testing the Separator they made seven pounds more than they did by
the old process in the week previeue. This was in a seven -can dairy, where the butter
made is a flretelase article and sells rapidly on the Lon4on market at 20o a Ib. There-
fore ths not gain in hard cash by the' use of the Separator for One Week was One
Dollar and Fifty cents Besides this there was *saving of time and lalior and a
superior quality of skim milk for the pigs and oalvea.
Do you know of any legitimate business that will bring you a return of $1.40
weekly on an inVeatment of $99. .• ,
• Call on ne or write for particulars.
• We will be pleased to let you have a free trial of the machine.
W. L. OUIMETTE, Londesboro
The Last Monthof
The Last Year of
• The 19th Century
Will be noted as the Banner Month
in the history of our Business . .
We have a splendid assortment of Holiday Goods and we are making prices
on Staple Goods that appeals to the closest buyer*.
The beautiful line of decorative opal ware in (aye Boxes, Iltindkerehief
Boxes, Cuff BoXee, Tel Plates, Cake plated and Fruit dishes is much ad-
Oar Mlle of Metes howy all wool 'Olsten at $5 each still goes merrily On.
We still have sizes 86, 87, 88, 09. Secure one, cold weather is sure to come.
Our special mile of Men's Suits st 20 per cent, a regular pricer has drawn
many buyers our way.
We want good Miter put up in two -pound rolls and ire prepsrad to pay
good price for it
We are after your trade with a full
stock at rock ottom pricers. • •
W. L. OUIMETTE, Londesboro