HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-05-07, Page 6IU Nobody? First t,iic-st-,Wino is that inrign'0'1- aut lnokiu1 little muni standing Hear the (lour;' ;fecund tltu'0t--1 can't 1(•11 you who lin but I know what 111' is, the is Ilio hostess hu b:uid. The Purist at Large. "1 '.oppose 1 leelly eel/Ill lay eon' gie,se., 1l) cyesi ht 1' 001 ",..011ir cur hearing i; ,all riui1f. though, 11'l Serious Complication. "I've just Mira 1.0 n1e the t,aalirks;' said Mrs, Lepsline, laying a'tide her wraps. "They're ail well except Ur. (r. hit:. Il got an awfully bad knee, :As near as 1 caul nuke out from what the Manor says the poor nun is thteatmt,'d with ditiguosis of the hums' (HARD TO FIND. Ova:et--Why not take this parrot, ma'am' It talks, Custbinor-I want a parrot to talk to sad nut to' inn; back, A Batt Blunder, Wife -Fanny has givcu notice. Ilusbatel ZVhy? A GICAL s: i 0 ERATIIN If there is any one thing that a woman dreads more than another it is a surgical operation. We can state without fear of a contradiction that there are hun- dreds, yes thousands, of operations performed upon women in our hos' pitais which are entirely unneces- sary and many have been avoided by LYDIA E.PINKHAM'S \Vile -She says you spoke in n brutal VEGETABLE COMPOUND manner to her on the telephone yester- day. Itichaud-Y0stentity 4Ithought I was peaking to you:-llcggendorf, Who Gets Them? 'reacher --Who gets the wiekcd little boys who stay away from Sunday school? No answer. (enehen- Conte Lou eau tell us, Casey. Casey ---Do AV -bite Sox gits some, un' de ('11410 do fest: 110111 the May Boiled]- ian. Popping the Question. "Bello!" said the cora. "wits that you' whisperings" les replied the wind lie been ring'to catch your ear for some time." Frond the May Bohemian. ;'Relationship in South Dakota. "i notice she 4101(01 10 you. Is she an old nequeintance.4 "Y -ye we're slightly acquainted. 1n fact, she's it sort of distant relation She was the fist wife of Inv s'eon 1 wife's_ first hoSbnnd."--€'bicni'o Tribune, So Thoughtful, Noll ---Yes, the eemit is attentive to her. She admiral 001110 roses she saw in a florists window they were passing yesterday. 0o he 10111 5011)0 scut up to lien-- Belle- flow thoughtful! hell ---las, 0. O. 17. The Catholic Standard and 'Gimes. Is It Yours? Mrs. Ctnnsonbeak- I, see by the paper that in the. British 111 11000111 there is a huge rope of hair weighing nearly two tons. Mr. Cr]iosonbeak-- '('hese Anmrieon 100111011 travelling abroad are so careless, aren't they 9 --Von kers State$n111), Pertinent Question, "What 1 101(1 after," declared the spoils party candidate, "is not so 1)111011 causes as effects "Whose effeel1'!” shnnind r mai in the cruId. Ba11Snoto lme]iemi, • Seem Long. 13nc',11 -I see some profess . hos dis- covered that if you want to lire Lou, yon must drink sour milk, l {hent Well, it 9(001)] seem lou„, wouldn't. it?-Yonker Statesman. Too Loud: "Surely you dirt despise lain simply i because he's a sel11(10 0 leant" No, I merely regret that. Mien he mads 1110 voice he didn't pit0h it in n ; lower key." --The Catholic Standard and Times. The Styles To -day. let pas-nom/tele atiei(1 ! of 1001 0,' learned that the fire was at the home \\bleb style:' i u r. „111 dr or pi:uw of Fred Manlove, in the First ward, /layer?"There are no less than five Manlove A JOYOUS OCCASION families in town and' all of them were ruruluttA JOy 008 O Cg dinner t uty at visited in the confusion following the Blaneue'11 to -night to signalize the eegaxo public of the alarm. -Fairfield Re - meat— ppublican. Jenks'..einuat0103)y) hared' '011) b .e • daughter?. For proof of this statement read the following letter. Mrs. Letitia Blair, Cannifton,Ont., writes to Mrs. Pinkham: "I was sick for five years. One doc- tor told me it was ulceration, and an- other told me it was a fibroid tumor, and advised an operation. No one knows what I suffered, and the bear- ing down pains were terrible. "I wrote to my sister about it, and she advised mo to take Lydia E. Pinkhare's Vegetable Compound. "It has cured me of all my troubles, and I did not have to have the opera- tion after all. The Compound also helped me to pass safely through Change of Life." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, andhas positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with 1 displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, I periodic pains and backache. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Tangled Up Again. (Chicago Tribune.) Mr, Makinbrakes was offering his sympathy to a neighbor whose house had been visited by the fife fiend, "I know just what an -an inconveni- ence it must bo to you, Mr, Markley," `he said. "I've neve' been burnt out of house and home., but some boys were playing in my back yard once, and they set my dog kennel on fire. Singed all the Bair off a Scotch collie 1 owned. I remember now, though, that he w8.0 just a worthless cur. Still, you feel kind of sorry when such a thing happens, even 'f r men- tioning. y 011 don't lost anything worth th 11' n tioning. 1'd be /sorry even fur a dug that had been burnt out -I don't mean anything personal, of course, but-er- 1 can sympathize with you, you know, just as if it had been you that -or, rather -if It had been any worthless dog that -what I mean to say, ofcourse, is that -don't you think the women's hate this spring are the blamedest look- ing things you ever saw, Mr, Markley?" -NORMU1,AS of all the standard patent medicines and toilet Preparations now in war send &cent stamp for 5ree lila of formulas. Address DR, MERWIN, windsor, Ont., Canada Busy Fire Fighters. An alarm of fire was given about 7 o'clock Monday morning. It was soon Minard's Liniment Lumbermen's Friend. Turnbull (continuing -I -The oegogonoot of t nett coop 1 Cause and Effect. First Coed7).'rel notice to ;.)vare • Prof. Meelobele nie 1'y; is'4 Second Coecl--Yes, but there's unt'iing strange atlont that 1'e iiitcs all his (Stoking in the dead inn g,la:,,_(. A Terrfale Mishap, 'An -aiw n)! accident happened at our. hone last night.' \11 t it1n o 1's"sl 1 1111.0 hoose eicalling, and s0 else seta.- t d s114iprm in the 1 !lin. I t(1 n d• hold ofh 0 d1 - o' 1',nit gulp. and thought a it al n.s jelly. and 11011 .1111 mart . pcakitig to !till) nt all.'' v • Slightly So. Rufus Choate once endeavored to make a witness give an illustration of absent- mindedness. "Wal," said the witness cautiously, "I should say that a man who thought he'd left his watch to hum, an' took it auto his pocket to see 1f ho l,ad time to go hum to get 11--4 should gay that that feller was a letlo absent-minded." --Everybody's Magazine, ARE MEN MORE BRAVE? George R. Syms, Playwright, Takes Both Sides, In acts of physical bravery in which self-sacrifice is involved woman holds 0 magnificent record, though here she would be the lust to duini eapeiority to Luno. in the bravery that gibes jta life to sacs, all betide souls arc 011 the 6111110 plane of perfection. Alice Ayres the little servant girl who eacrificv'd her life for her master's chid dreu, perishing herself in the (lames from lrhieh she had rescued tho0, and the etetralII00s of the Stella, 1011040(0 up 1'10 11en t remained her i bdt to a passenger get an I r nm to go down in the ship, ore heroines 1111 the green Valhalla of the City ,:anden, side by side with bravo men who perish- ed in an net of heroic Belt sacrifice. The aces of physical courage diepley- ed by men and 1001000 are often assisted by strong; emotion and great excitement. The bravery is the result of a inline 1111- poise, 111'poise, hat it is 1mne1:dly a 'Witt dad sudden impulse. Che bravery In obi' -h women excel Hien is a bravery f sclf- conquest, a bravery which, With till knowledge of perils, pains ;and penalties thought out and appreciated, elndin10 and dares. The bravery is the tes11lt of n noble int - ten aceompliobed by timorous w0111en, says George B. Sines. A brv'e woman, whose whole life -story was one of un- flinching braver yin the face nt calam- ities which would take the heart out cf any ordinary elan. 10110 afraid to Hass it cow in a country lane. 111 the trials and Iribnintione of fam- ily life the woman is brm'er than the man; the good wife is braver in domes', tirestress than the -good hes/end; the good mother often sets an example of the noblest form of bravery to the best of fathers. In the homes of the poor the life (f the 00)1(0)) who loves her lots yantl end her children is sometimes an idyll of her- oic self-sacrifice and brave endnrenee. And yet 111 many things it 1010 he con- tended that men are braver '4(1)11 00111011. .lien etre braver. fru' Slaver, than women in acknowledging error. A man will often though the cotfeseinn ean•ie0 a 00110111 amount of humiliation with it. 0011f050 that he is mistaken. A 000111011 is rarely brave en'10Ph even to acknowledge to Herself that she ns in the wrong, Men ave braver than woinell in their node of honor. Men are braver than wo- men in defying Mrs. Grandy. 'l'Sew are braver in resisting temptation to pers..n- al extrnvagar0e. They are airev'r acknowledging their faults, 1h: is levee. flue, position. tlieir poor relations and their age, The moral cowardice of a woman with teemed 10 Ilte flight of time i.a proverbial. To 1110 pnnene° of the 001(0110 p04100 0v - r;' w010011 over five and twenty is an object lesson in the lack of bravery. PiLES CURED AT HOME BY N '8 ABSORPTION METHOO If you suffer from bleeding, !telling, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you bow to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home are1010111 free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Tnm ialiatr relief , and per - mama cure assured Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day to 'Mrs. J], S11111m0rs, Bos P. 8, Windsor, Ont. - Applying the Final Test. "Doctor," asked the patient, where eyes had been undergoing treatment for a period of six months or more, "do you think they're all right now?" "Yes," said the oculist; "I think I can assure you, illr. Pinchuid:el, that your eyes are mired. But there is one more test should like to apply. See if you can read that at destance of twelve or fourteen inches without blinking." Whereupon he laid llai�dy1,iie bill before him. Mange, Prairie Scratches and every feria of ocntaglous Roll on human or animals cured in 00 minutes by Wolford'o Sanitary Lotion. It never falls. Sold by druggists. Literatures Narrow Escape. With the fire of genius flashing in his eye, Rienzi raised his voice, and his magnificent exordium rang out: "I mine not hero to talk-" "'The book! The hook!" yelled the gal- leries, "ile didn't come here to talk, and he's talking. Give him the hook!" Instantly the long handled implement shot out front the wings and Rienzi, howling and protesting. was yanlyed from the stage. Later, however, he secured leave to print, and his address, as every school- boy knows Inas given to the public in full. What Hurts, I Hate to call on a girl," said Torn, "wino 00111 do 0nything but (((duhc 111 small talk" "Yee,' replied the a1 e Dick. "t'spe01 ally if What she _ha to say i; 0 0PI y short `no.' 1Vitshhigion Nerahl, SHORT Yo.m[, - bootor-Lee you drogues 1(0 wee as opPenddoitts or merely oe (ramp ( Ord Doctor -Cramps. IIe didn't have money enough for appendicitis. Miserable All The Time? Dull headaches -back aches -low spirited -hate the sight of food -don't sleep well -all tired out in the morning -no heart for work? GIN PILLS will nnalie you well Your kidneys are affected -either through over. work, exposure or disease. It is the Kidneys that are making you feel so wretched. Gin Pills cure sick kidneys -make you well and strong -give you all your old time energy and vitality. Cheer up -and take Gin Pills. goc. a box -S for $2.5o, Sent on receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them. BOLL DRUG CO. - WINNIPEG, MAN, 98 Psychine Missionaries A friend of Dr. Slocum Routedies writes: "Send a bottle of Psychine to Mrs. \V-, They have a daughter in de- cline, and I, believe it 10001d help her. .I have mentioned your remedies to the family, and also cited some of the tntr- 00111005 cines accomplished inside the laid 18 year», of which 1 ha; -e know- ledge. T. 11. 1RWIN, Little Britain, Ont, Hun down conditions from lung, stom- ach or other constitutional trotable cur- ed by Psychine. At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T.:1. Slocum, Ltd., Toros to, 5 --- Mourning Canes. `When I was in Rome recently;' says a few Yorker, "1 saw an accessory of dress that I neve' saw anywhere else. It was a walking stick, an ebony stick, simply and beautifully fashioned and with a 'plain gun-metal band near the handle. "It was intended to go with mourning wear. There ;vas a dull finish to the cb(n1y that made the stick a fitting ac- companiment to other trapping's of woe, but the -cane itself could not have been carried without any suggestion of being in mourning. "In fact, I never have seen anybody carry ifs mourning to the extent of a cane, and I imagine that. most men would not carr for it for that purpose." -New York Sun. Minard's Liniment Co., limited, Yarmouth, N. S. Gentlemen, -In January lust, Francis Leelair,, one of the mea employed by me, working in the lumber' woods, had a tree fall an hint, crushing him fiat. - fully. He writs, when found, placed on a sled and taken hone, where grave fears were entertained for his recovery, his hips lining badly bruised and his body turned black from his ribs to his fert We used 1I17)ARDee 11\1111;\T on him freely to deaden the pain, and with the (150 of three bottles he was completely cured, and able to return to hie work. SAl VP:UR DUV'AL, Elgin Road, Wield. Co., One. • The Best Way— To keep maidenhair [err. -Maiden- hair fern call be kept fresh for a week, if when it is first picked the ends of the stalk are sealed with seal- ing wax, or else held in a flame until quite black. To clean knives -Take a piece of felt and sprinkle with a drop or two of methybotel spirit and fine bath - brick, roll round, and work the knife in and out while pressing onlightly with the other hand. To clean bamboo furniture -Dirty bamboo furniture may bo cleaned with a small brush clipped in warm water and salt. The salt prevents -it from turning yellow, and the washing mantes the bamboo look bright. Rub very dry with soft cloths. To clean decanters -To clean dis- colored decanters chop some potato skins finely, and fill the boltle with then. Cork, tend leave for three days in warns place. When the skins have fermented, turn out, rinse well, and the decanters will be quite clean. To restore gilt frames -Put enough flowers of sulphur into a pint of water to give it a golden tint, and in this boil four or five small bruised onions. Strain them, and when cold, pint the frames over with themix- ture, using a soft camelhair brush. To restore marble -If the marbleis much stained and soiled, boil equal tarts of soap and powderedderel whiting n e -about four ounces of each with one ounce of soda in a little water. When thoroughly blended, lay the mixture on while hot; let it remain a day or so. Wash off with clean water, and dry with a leather. To polish new grates -First of all take a piece of old flannel dipped in sweet oil, and rub thoroughly over all the grate. Let it remain for a few days, then repeat the same a second time, letting it stand for an- other couple of days. Then take a pail of warm water, with a little ex- tract of soap dissolved in it, and wash the oil all thoroughly off again. When dry, blaekleod and polish. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. •.• Drain on Brooklyn Bridge. With all thetubes and bridges which have been recently opened between New York a:nd Brooklyn, the drain on the Brooklyn Bridge does not seem to be materially keened. It is very evident that further relief must be offered In a short time, and stops have al- ready been taken by the Department of Bridges of that city looking to the construc- tion of a new bridge in the Immediate vicin- ity of the ltd one.lt is also agreed that some radeal alterations end enlargements to the Brooklyn Bridge are necevmry, and that the matter Is also being given some attention by tbo saute body. Ask fox Minard'a and take no outer. —a.+ - A Way They Have. Mrs. Griggs -Tho way that friend Brown of yours hints for to drink of whiskey every time he calls here would peovolte a saint. Mr. Griggs -Never mind hint, dear. Ice's only trying to provoke a smile. - From the May Bohemian, "I have never loved before," he said. "Nell," she replied, "I am rot running a kindergarten -From the May Bo- hemian, +0• Great. "Yes," remarked the Japanese, "we regard ourselves as your friends, but yet, in case of an emergency we could thr half a million men into America wit in three months, and have them in Ohio go in two more months. What do you think of that?" "Splendid," replied the citizen of Chi- cago.. "Tbat would Make a magnificent addition to tier population. " -e -Puck. Fooling the Doctor. (Lippincott's Magazine.) .An old Scoteltutan, not feeling very well, called upon a well known doctor, e'hoon diet ave him instructions s as to t and exercise and rest, Among other things he advised the patient to abstain from all forme of spirits. "I)o its 1 say," he added, cheerfully', "and you'll soon feel better." The Scott/Innen rose silently and was about to withdraw when the doctor de- tained him to mention the all-important topic of the fee. ' "My advice will coat you two dollars," he said, "A10, nlobbe," said the old Scotchoau, "hut Pat Hao gaup to tek ye• advice." SHILOgi'S Quick ease for the worst cough -quick relief to the heaviest cold -and SAFE to take, even for a child. Cures is Shiloh's Cure, Sold under a guarantee C01111119 to cure colds and coughs & Colds quicker than any other medicine -or your money back. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure. 25c., 50c., $1. Sia QUICKLY! When Mother Starts to Clean House, (New York Sun.) When mother starts to clean the house, So full each moment flies, The week's best seller till uncut Upon the table lies. She says she can't afford the time b'or storing of her mind; She cannot at the el11ssics glance Or she would fall bellied. She knows not how the world wags on Or what the changing views; She cannot waste the precious hours To read the morning news. But when 'she cleans the closets ottt i11 mornings early gloom, She reads the pages on the shelves lentil the cows come home. INTERESTING TO FRUIT GROWERS We have for sale the Canadian patent for Smith's Fruit Gathering Apparatus, which has proven an test to bo a valu- able acquisition to any fruit farm, With it two mon can do the work of twenty, do it better and with lots injury to the fruit. Can be used in gathering various kinds of finite and nuts, Will pay for itself in one day in saving wages. Provincial rights for sale, which 0011 be re -sold in counties at good profite. For portioilats apply to J. 13. Rittenhouse, 70 Peal st., Toronto. No Lie, Either. Mrs. McSwat-Billingcr, how did you lila the decorations at the church this Morning? J1eSwat-All the decorations I could see, Lobelia, were worn by the young lady in front of me. I liked the grand sweep of the brim, the floral dis- play, and the general arrangement of the ribbons, but I thought the dead bird looked out of place, lack atch "B B iggest and Best" Plug Chewing Tobacco Australian Accent. We follow England very closely. We speak of "lifts" as an 101g1iehman does, and not as "levators," as the American, but we have "paddocks" instea of "fields" and "creeks" instead of "streams," and "scrubs" instead of "woods," and "paunikins," and "quart pots" and "hilly tea" at picnics and all sorts of lovely Australian things, which make one perfectly homesick to think about,. All the same, I am never home- sick for the crude Australian accent. - British Australian. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. When Buds Begin to Burst. Gladys -I hoar you married a car con- ductor. Alicia -Yes; but he doesn't love me. Gladys -Why don't you get a trans- fer l --Young's Magazine. e -• He that wants hope is the poorest man alive. -Italian. ISSUE NO. 19, 1908 AGENTS WANTED, SALTS: EN WANTED 1008 "AUTO - Spray." Bestbond sprayer made. Com- pressed air; automaliu. Liberal terms. Car- ers Bros, Galt, Ont. HELP WANTED. A NTI;iITOPE MOUNTERS. OUIt-W. Bey-Tlidea Co., Limited, Ilamilton, Ontario. RUSSIAN EMPRESS' ROMANCES. Marriage of Princess Dagmar, of Den mark, and Grand Duke Alexander. Iiow many people aro aware that' the mar- riage of the 0mprets Marie Noodorevna of Ruselo, the Czar's mother, who is at present in I7ngland visiting her sister, queen Alexandra, and who hopes to make her home nn Englund, provided ono et the most path- °Wc love stories in rho anomie of royalty? Before the Empress, who was Princess D01111100 of Denmark, married Alexander 11I. she web` engaged to Ids 014101. brother, the Ceerot-Itch, In 1805 at Nice the Grand. Duke Nicholas fell tram has horse and was eo had - Y injured that his lite WAS despaired of, His fiancee hastened to him and never lett his side till he breathed his last. Tna 0110- 000alon to the throne devolved on the Grand Duke Alexander. Ino stood by the deatbbedof the Czarevlteh, who, in the presence et the Eioporor and Empress, placed the hand of the weeping Princess into his, baying to her with almost Ms last words: "Marry my brother; he .8 tree as crystal, and I' wish lt." Enforced by political reasons, this bequest was law to the bereaved girl TRAKI' 71505 00111801005. SKIN SOAP Contains the famous healing principles of Mira Ointment, combined with the purest vegetable oils, It is really a medicinal soap and a toilet soap in one, Invaluable for all skin troubles. Ideal for the bath on account of its elegant perfume. 15c a cake -at druggists or sent on receipt of price. '1'lie Chemists' Cs. of Canada, Mashed, Handl ton. 25 Tho Very Latest. "Let ale ace 50)110 of your black kid gloves," said e. lady to a shopman. "'These are not the latest style, are they?" she asked, when the gloves were produced. "Yes, madam," replied the shopmmm, "we have had them In stock only two days." "I didn't think they were, because the basun; paper says black kids have tan stitches, and vice versa. I see the tan stitches, but not the vice versa." • The shopman explained that vice van sa was French for seven buttons, so she bought three pairs. -Detroit Free Press, e.• ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re• moves all hard, soft and calloused lumpe and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbove, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. ♦-• THE BEAUTY AGE, Romance Has No visible Part In Milady's Latest Locket. An absolutely plain round gold locket t is one of the most popular presents of the moment. It is not largo; all per- sonal odds and ends, such as chain trin- kets, watches and chatelaines are notice- ably smaller now than formerly. Do not imagine, either, that thele is a romantic element in the gift. It Is not intended to carry a photograph or miniature, neftbetr have our elegantes returned to the old-fashioned pian of wearing a lock of beloved hair In such an ornnment. Nothing more exalted than feminine vanity is to be gratified by this innocent - looking little trinket, which when opened will he found to contain the tiniest of powder puffs. n perfectly adequate af- fair, though s0 small, and a mirror of like Baited but praetieal dimensions. The locket, is worn dangling from the long neck -chain, or is fastened with s fob safety pin at the waist. ♦- The finest tea grown in the world is the standard of quality used in pre- paring "Saluda" Tea. Sold only la sealed lead packets. ' Promising Outlook. "It's a curious fact," observed the doc- tor, "that the Japanese are trying to increase their stature. They find that their bodies are long enough and they aro making a systematic effort now to increase the length of their legs," "Yes," (said the professor; "I see that the mikado is pulling their lege for a bigger navy. 1'o What one knows not how to do ie dif- ficult; what one knows how to do is not. -Dutch. Now Look Filen7n, Why do you use WOODEN Pails and Tubs, when those made of FIBREWARE are away ahead? They have no hoops—no seams. They will not leak, water -soak, or rust, and they LAST LONGER and COST LESS MONEY. BUT—you must ask for Eddy's Fithreware All Good Grocers sell it—and Eddy's Matches ti