HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-07, Page 6SUPPLEMENT TO THE CLINTON 3TEW ERA.
4 •
. Ulu N ft 1v,ho wee miming froM a petrol yew 11 ill' '- FIVE MEN WERE n,
WIRELESS TELEORAPII , ., leativee report Policeetrooper Brown, ASSI GI 6
ire Informatiete
°Pima on sgriPlalon. of having given.
. 00ER,s oloyi, „.... wirot ntarr ristrveretath0 nolgh,
A GREAT SUCCESS, u s el•lersed, belerhing eae eh r eer be
'friend/a but tho leeer Waa first te dire EXPEMENCI i lluRLED TO DEATH
. .
A BoBBEHIs Imp torreav",k%.4 grio04.4.rerg
., . .
vever leer alletake. • .
. . .,
Comedians 4G Buckingham Pairree...
X When She -Set Out to be a.
Alt the Obod Men or ionclon, Deo. 3. -The Canadians hed
Storni .'Sweeps the British Coast at Buckingham Palace anti Orel/lea.
, better weather for yeetordayee ramie
Captured.. Tire Prince of Wales revieeved the con- *
tiugent at Albany Barrack% Where .
they werrentell a nrorrt Ooldierly rip- • . • ---,-- "
, pearance. The Canadians wilt visit
• .
Doin'g Great Domagh.
. •
HOY of all Oil. Board Were Saved--eDutch Premier Cermet.. Feresee
• Vine Wliea Netherlands ••Cart Propose Arbitintiore Betweetieleruger
and ()reit 'Beitairt-Perre .and Nionth Disease in Prancee-eDecree
• i?earalltirshig 4:attain DOPaitInellira
'Weesieeigion. Dec. OeeConeue 'lloore*e • a distance of nearly 90 Miles, Ina.
Telt at Brussele reports to the State eluding nianY Miler' of edify and sea.
• Depaetnierit that • :station; ham been menial Eyes Not 'Sharp resiongia
• estabilehed at lapann,e, Belgium, for The Kague„..Dece. 0.-Tnering the de-.
ilett(rInlecenre thelo IV"eret*,Lnthtehel4rIcIZI,
exeherege of . wireiess ,tdiegrephic
megetiges televeen Belgium and, Eng• YDr. Pier/ern, deolared he • esould uot
land. *Le:panne Weaseleotedoreaecount at preeeryt roresee: the psycholegleal
Of: 'I,t4 being tit3 pant of the Belgium. we e th "N 'eh rereads
wouIe tie able ter properve eabitratdenIlttoral t
•• ejest, of oxillargtp;!, .0xstetanftlo feet Irliertween Great ..Beetain and • the
liearest the triglieh coast% oxid •
heeh was erected there The • .. • an6iviaetali;t Storm in Renee'',
2Critexel peal load' Peineese: Cleneetitim •Loridae, Dee. 0.-Stotme h e b
„Wee fittee up With•trimperiery "freipax• sWeePiag Over the British coats been
. Utile fee teele ineeepeeireeratee trials. An the snipe ire the channel had
addiiioaLitti /coat waseataxed rough . experiences, Several minor
tO 1414 wreekile have been reported:. The
letemaist of Oils vowel, inorattieing it's 'steamier liosegull, Of Plymouth, faun-
, orIglual h.ighe aboo,seety feet, prom 'direecl off thriaIslancl of Jersey ; her
passeagers were naved, bet a beeet
enhe exile/miser tho telegrePhic wo..Ves
two projected JA-swea,as ocwo., mist. eztaineng nine op aer crew lamisse
'special romp:bee tre,en• 'Vetere OP en, . • 'le --
Eli? .0 Or 40 'Saved.
,oteanier for lhe instrunreatee.and from
, *Out loon the, on.ble. earreed to the '8t*...W194e. Frail"? Pee•• The mige
steamer Rossgull, Whica has• been
top-oe the .eXtended mast, It. is core' lost .off the creast of JeaseY. •verrs
,firientlY expected tee Maintinte ;, corn- engaged In the aefelea between Ewe,
nernieetl'en between ship onel 'shore for re,,,E4r
arecluo:the C anuel Island and
She foie:Oared
at-leest Wren, ranee, wheat:is. ileaut. gale,,at ale !O'clock last night. Ac-
ixale Were to erlieireeeeVetit.eeretionseirt • careitng to the repett rearelo
Lapeer*. •and! Dover,- thate on: board ed here .only eleven, peesone out of
ale mewl eeateoce.ahea to keep,., ,. • the fore* people ,cin. board were saved.
• in Touebeitittir the Lend
Foot and qu.th Pi0euse. •
during .t4se eitItlk, trip .00900. „..Refient Wasiiingtora. Dee. 5, -Consul Toirre
experiments showed that eteradear- .gee, Boidereux, has, itifortned :the
• rived. with the prairie regain:ate?. and State. leepartreent 61. the prevalence
celerity ordinary tielegraine. of. ivliet k,nown es the toot and
• When 'alecnie forty miler; from thitend nioethedisease in Charente and neigh.
'etlier captain' was able eto aelegrable boring department in Fiance.' A de -
station -Master • •at Ostend •11ie /seep is fierce:forbidding the 'intro-
' probable hour .01 hire arrival. learliale duetted! of eattle; • sheep, 'Loge and
. telegrams Were sent 'hem the Yee- goat& from • tee infected depart-
' rail to Ostend, Beirssels, Dover and merits into tire, Giuonde, There • is no
London, and the .xeceeelon ot eanir eXPortatioe of these etilueals them-
eeirreseerge was acknowledged greneate seiverrefrom Bordeaux to the United
" Sufbeegeently the consuneaddie • a States, says the Coneul, but their
message was. sent nom the Teasel hidire•come to. thie ocantry ineconekle
- the station at Dover Cleurie Eseet, erable eurentritiere. • .
°Weer and 1 lee xerreived with
ter)" honors by the goe•rizeit.
Teems Maxim on Desertiug Roberts* Acm StIU en Sting.
' Doer/hers-The Unrest In cape Pletermaritiburg. Natal. Dee, 8.-
Coleny--leoeting icar Ladysmith 14,:ersterturthtsweeilatail'rggelTolfelreeet
-Carradiries Mae Remain Meager Tielere sone hin3 sal" hoappearsto he
in perfect health. Hie arm is etill in
Biarte Trooper. a sling, however, 043 It eeetilt of his
. cape Team, Dec. among Ian !rpm his bora° In Cohanneeburg.
prang the British !wrote that a pro- titegleclIY:ret:lehussolsgs'Ithueg grgigbie rtr:
clanuitien ohould be issued deeleaing where Gen Buller had ouch hard
• • •
In !
',rola";e of o on a
At, Cape Town in 74 Week..
Nene/ter, on Dec. 6.
Cape • Town, Dee. 8. -Lord Roberto ,
At the request of the Colental Gov-, etel.11aineaporrritveelanarer00",aIronmextDurtarhtauordorayi.
ernment the magistraze tite
•of Po
rt or
nuirtial, law in the disaffected else loth
traits ef Cape Ceolony. ' This gentle e."--ee
Eli b 'eh •t the: I the. un ay *
za e uspet. e e camp o
Boer exiles. His teport, has
Sawa eeitof gleaner'', In "the Therein. •
bing Heat Side' of New York,
EpOine ‘‘n Hamilton ,and North*
western Strikes a Hand Car,
emit (.ave Alp eler Pureult of the . .
MI Ware instantly Ellied--e-DriverCurtis Hale an Engine and Vela and wag
Refining en Extra NerthWerfl---The •Men Were a Forme% Xere
• Se.ctiorisnen an I TWo Other Men Who Were Going to,A.Threshlititi
Art Inquest Witi'be held on Thursday at Ingliwaed.
t V vrtir n ne tbe lees
Idea anti Ceased to Ealdore end
Idlers Gladys Aihnoser Va,ndyck-net
her real name, but no Matter-opeat.
the hoemieet years of her Young' Ille
a /wear,butse o
eager to make a nature foe 'herself
in tee outelde worio when the time
came, and for some inscrutable rea.
son she became convinced Winie at
college that there was no saielPre'
tion on earth for which Me was
more fitted " than that ol a news-
paper woman, The gro.ndeur of
tl et lie
ing originality of the points of .vievv'
wnwn • ,
uy just been made trublic, la to theeef-• Boer's envy.
orable ate available. The water in of prisaners that the Boers are countleee readers of the dad)* ePrees
feet that, .theem e is the meet fav- Krocerstadt, Dec. - 2. -The aSsevera. which he would lay bareto the.
oupply Is, ample, and there le ,041 un- all determined to continue the war to appealed to her imagination warm -
Inglewood Junction,: Onto Deo. a-,
A terieble accideret oecurreci beteert
here and Cheitenhamethisi earning, on
the Grand. Truier Railway nit 71.0.
' Engine Na, ale and van, Driver
'Curtis, wee running extra north,
• When about one and one-querter
miles north at Cheltenham it struck
•the section.handcar, on which were
,Tohn' Alien,. fOreman ; Nell irielerthur
with their treatment. an affair with a, patrol of Colonial . you know, aird then write them up.
limited quantite Of rood, ' the bitter ead is scarcely borne out 4. •Also, she would love to go riboate-
The Boor vender) resent tne idea by the entries ie. the Mary foend ore among the poorer classes, mei into
f bi d ted b t are eatisfied the body Of Boer who was killed In their lives as they reelly lived teem,
o e ng epor ,
PlIcher, near Timbre Nchu. The She could do it, ole yes. Her instine• THE HIRSCR ESTATE TAX
er commando appeared a few daye earlY Maven and eom•Plalris of the truly poetic' 7 -would bring out ail,
• and Oliver Ellis. tiectionmen, and Ate
i:Lihreabotier ers. who were goTLtzget.,:ora,
AR were killed instaatly.
• De. Emeeerrion, coroner, empanuelled
ee Jury, who, after viewing the re-
value, adjourned to meet eo Teurra
day evening,: Dec, 18th, at Ingle -
, Ail the. eeeeeeed were meieled men:
and residents of Cheltenham., •
. Hoer ISarelitte writer describes the eonatant trek. tive empathy with all the. WM •
' Dtrban Natal De0 8 A small king th in the neighborhood of Lindley truly poetle-and is , not povert
store. They. attempted to enter a ante* her. It !would be gleett to her, Thousand's 'of in
. want ot Tote am,ong the earl:Mend. the literary talent burning' withen semis girls !furry -
to 'It is Sa:d lo Amount to OVer
ago near Lanyonrith and looted a
farmhouse, whose only adult ecee.. oI tint* it fir awful," saya one en- . her, Gladys Minros4 Vandyck, •
to , .
seized a revolver and attempted to 1, 1
pat was Y should ealstebetwersu tile cernmand,- other half fives. She would Make a
ants at such a critica.1 time when the name. She would --
.1471....1.A.,!••••• •
I I • 6."..
ant was a woman. see wall try, "quit. differences of opinion //how onalielf the world 'hove the RI 250 000 ing.to the. gralles
prevent the entrance, bu e Was cause seem? hopeleeseDur mottcr is
-alter •
lestewhich the Deere kicked her abet° are constant Masan/dons Instead • Welleeafter graduating, she secur.
Burning to , Begin Her career.
Reeruiting for. the Irregulars. ire Tbe rliarist stebeeqUently complains editor of a New York direly, and he
speedily disarnied and knocked sense-
_ ane rebbed the house. "Unity Makes Wong,' but' in reriuty
ed an introduction to the managing
' of brotherly love."'
Breakdown Forces Forces Her to Diva- The Victim's Father on the
Anchor Outsides Brutalities to His Son.
le -CURIOUS •SIORR •-.401N.‘
- Halifax. N.s.,•bee. -he Allan
• . liner, Parisian, due here . last PeidaY,
was etgnalled at midnight- by•tbe
• hal station- at Camperdoven, bet was
uneble to enteiethe harbor .OWing.to .
a beeakdown. ShartlY• berried elle yes-
' sel was expectedrat the' dock a beavy
enowstorei. accompaniede be a Will
wind. set ine and the watchers looked
New' York; Dec. Booze,
the -father of :former Cadet Booze, 10
quoted in a Herald despatch. from
lerlstol. Pee as. saying _or his • eon.'s
deeth- "My eon was *the victim ef
brutal hazing. He came home broken-
hearted .and Irby/rimer wrecked.
sieeer saw a. well dayl after ha left the
academy. ."
" know r they forced something
down /hie throet .Which. 'pereatenentir
belated' him.: .fle was forced into a
fight.. Hee wee Wouraled ill some way
over tier. heare and les flesh was
beresed arid discoared Toe raveled
weeks Afterward. His eyair were.
ereed by thee blows. from a felloir
etudents fletree •
• Dr. Welts P. Weaver,' the phyeichin
who treated young booze, had known
him...ever since he wee born. He is
quoteci as Paying- " ran get upend
swear thet to all apprra.ralices Booze
event to West Poin.t healthy, an.d that
he returned la six months time physi-
ally wrecked, Tb.3 proeabiliey le that
ter was hazed a greet deal more. then
he divulged,"
In 'vain fon her appearance; Consieler-
able anxiety wee manifeeted, the more
SO that the storm. weir ewe -liming* to
, assume formidable propartimer, malt
Was aggravated by the arreval of a
• pllotboat whieh reported ethat the
•• free/neer had broken elrervei ofe Sambre
and was in urgent um& of arreistance.
At three o'clock the Veseelsetafeater
chored ;between Kileire harbor and
". Sambroaand toga were .being sent to
her aid. The storm was Increasing in
The . Pietist/or has a large, • Puna
• ber of passengers ore board, in-
cluding 20 Canadian soldiers -sand 110
naeral men. 'Tele, latter *111 take lras•
sage oh the Charybdis. for Bermuda,
where they will join. the ileet. Among
, the Paelelaree pee/ranger* Is iteareed-
mere! Blekberd, who goes totake
command of the Pacific equadron;
brisk here. . . perpethelly of the hard life he- waa.. said he would give lier a chanciest°
Vire' czar passed a good night and
Is improving::
The scbooner Ilk Belau sank out-
side of Belleville. har-bor, •
Ala-aue 2,200 Filipinos yesterday
swore allege:rape. to the United States.
'Henry ea years old. *i•
realise teamster, died this morning
by lumber eallarg epee. him. „, , • '
The. Mit to restrain Goulds 'from
pitying money to the Caatellenes has
been postported tell. Dec. 17th.
The Britieli Government relleget Ea.
250 000 estate -re and succeasicei dirties
hat she .could doe He asked her,
leading Coffee wag scarce, 013IY Sere- • me w
ki ? W the kind Of work she was best fitted
tirought was
. 'Envoy's. Adventures. ee once' a en.3,. Agai • eweat is ------. tol ten him what she
Bloemfontein, Deo. 2.-Lieutenane good of this continual trek ng e
have very little faith le our chances for, and she fomptly responded -
Hole, Secretary of the Military Gov.,
ernor„-and the two sisters ot ileekge
•Brand have returned., having failed in
their etteiripteto permade cihot lead-
er to surrender. When they derived
near his coninmealo, Brand. .(twhe'
wounded)decilined to see theta, and
threateneteto have there shot it they'
did not Xettirne Lieutenant Hole and
the ladiee were sabgeqUentiy taken.
premiers, and conveyed to 13,Petrus-
burg, where they Were kept for some
days. They were then Omit by care
to Kimberley, whence • they returned.
Imre by train. • ' -
Captured the Picket..
• dinuanoesbarg, Dec.' 2. -Captain
Tucker,. commanding -the police post
.at Staydon's dam, giver; the gollow-
trig account of ". the recent action
there: The post. consisted of 10(icon-
seables„. Ore 16thi, at 8 a.m., a picket
WAS attacked. Sere,
with ten men, made a fine defence air-.
'tll Me arnmuaition gave out, whep he
suar.eudered, 'hiving lost three. men.
killed. Two of the pielcet escaped In-
to• Monte the rest were falcon, prisone-
-erieabirt 'efterWarde-releiteed.e. -TWO
Mate' coarip was attacked some
time by Boers who kept en beaver
pre •antil pieven mane weer!' the
post was entdmoned to surrender by
-Herzog. The • summons being disre-
garded,' at noon the firing -recame
mewed, • and lasted *tin 7.15, when.
Deere retired. We feet two! men kill-
ed,' Native reports -six Boers killed
arid ten wounded, .
Should be suppre s
Cape' Town, Dec: 8. -The Times se-
earelY criticises the language used
by oxannisters Sauer and Merriman
in their &peaches • tit Stellenbosch
yesterday. Both of these 'men are
Promieent members of the Afrikare
der Bond, and their' war& carry, -con'
siderable weight, .
In the. speeches referred to they
said, in effect, thet it was bard foe
the Dutch to retrain loyal to the
Crown, although at the same thee
of winning, The men will riot fight. 1- "Editorials on he existing abuses of
think the werole trek is a robberer tirriehti.daingraainging editor bib bus
lip nad.
The discontent of the writer en- shookkdalndt lwad to da scoot ;eel aluyx.a gs sea er 0 ha 43. awrta.i cso, ovae hnr very
6aresc#96esieninahrdesbeelurteloc:r.cisto ingoll!hiloirnotiernoanl
.the first oimortunite'reThis determine- Informed her that this work was per.
t dt d 10..ter With formed bv writers trained for that
the Addition, "If Piller knew, -the PurPose, who. were 0,nYone. else 'to teem 'the Rerun ' Hirsch estate.
1,094.1r . undertake it, would be thrown. out. of T
he steamer S Mato t ding_ 1, -
'The 1010W g . W000 aples and Merrseillee, jms been
whole object of oirr cense is lose sight starve. Of tourse,- lkfuis Vandyck Le-
. , • . I • . 1
1 in is Wit • extract -"The • employntent, and their families might, t. N ra e
wrecked. and 45 passengers and a part
ree NO one tailts a'bout it. There le came embarrassed and self -/renege,.
ted thet she of her crew. have been. lost. •
tor and thee
nothing but eatieg and drieking. V Y. . e Buggers
one 'dome not gar sufficient, bee grum, thought she was lather good. at ,Fle. - The banquet "rendered the Minis.
blee. Hendrede in thhe 'anger would . scriptive stories. . • ... : _ ter of' ItallWaytt. and Canals by the
prefer a coatinuance of this nind of " The, throbbing . east •side -e". share- St.John Liberal party veorkers last
. , 1 • - ni ht was on of the best at d t
foie ancl. they. Oiler 'tins style (nitre "Ai righ.t."' raid the managing editor. P a gs
the life of a, king. -They are alwttys "go down to the:Bowery with Mr. 811- John. • . .•..• . .. .,.. •
the :fire: tOgrumble; 031d; if there is • •Verpoint, the artist, who 'I will, intro- - The women. Who eeimmitted sue
duce' to you,. raid • see. what you can cide yorterdaY at the Irogiune Ho•
;letgambire,ttagie' ItoelletnrIti ttli%lib.nest4wniaelrn. Patirer _ 'do- ' Yoli • will • 49-13 ':'-'verY opportunity tel, Buffalo, has been • identified as
belog killed or. taken prisOners, rine to eboe w us .your capability, and under the wife of E. IL • Albright, ' who
only cowards, are bit, . . Ur.. aliverfaine's escort you . win .7...110- ieee, recently engaged' in tire botel
The die rist.afterwards opeeke of the quite' safe. ' ,„ . : • - ' • bireiness in SanDiego, Cal. • - - 0 •
scartdisrsidemgelturs. ilteecife,rr*hge The' artist and the youageewspaper - Osear Wilde were held. their morning
Theilline Iteneelenee- Enough. . : Funeral services over the renerlas of
• says la ri, later entry --"One tiring this womeer redo down to the Bowery in a _ eit eseclock_ia the Church -of, St.- Gier-
warehes 'Caught the Airikander-lato`c -0-Au-
ne till he nearly busts." • was at a ealOon kept by a, noted cher- In Paris. The ceremonies were of the
,, DO...ere-end the -fleet-etc* they made amine 'des Presse, one of the Oldest
1 On. :Oct. 28rd General DeW'et att. _aetkr. As Gladys mitered it,. retaking _ more modest. cbaraeter, and only a
warfare. They have nothing to live . unukeci tentatise y.
g I mos,
learrant eatherinever held St."
(thee in the came, andees thus . de- _ all misgivings for the sake ot het few friends.- Inoetly literary pereons.
setribed-e). . , ehosen profess1on4 she drew out from, attended.
"As we last saw him. a inan red med- •hoe poeuee a petie At Montreal ' Segel% Leelan, aged
gator skin binding and the cutest
pan with an elle
lum heiffehrty, weyleteh. When
dlyirobehieitteardr bainInd
' little gold pence 00,Se you ever .sarv-, ond floor of the Temple building, fell
16, when washing windows on the see -
head to foot -no talker, but what he
speak you know him teem amen from •
The axtiet was about to tell her td
hide them as euieldY as Possibi% when off, tied happened to light on Felix
Geoffrion, aged 65, of St. Henri, who
says *ow feel. One could go through'
0.Y a nrawnY elm 'nui-i the rellewillq Ian had only' a broken. ankle, but
her walla, was reuldenly enrompassed was just entering the 'building. Lee -
thick and thin with elm." De Wet ad-
d•ressed the laager. Ile regretted that whirring words spoken in her ear- Geoffrlon woe reinoved to tire hoe -
had sworn at the beginning of the war -Imre proprietor of the saloon. recog• • .
so few membern ot the Tolaerirael, who e Iloilo, mioggior,
petal and will probably die.
t� be true to the cause till death. were razing the artist, pushed the man aside
'still fighting. The General then went with a punch, without listening to kis .-- NE
13 LU on to .gine a short account id his last._ pretest, "I didtet mean no ha,rat; 1 IFTy 0 mE •
trip. whip% n,ccorclieg to the diarY, .could see she . Was a hot lady, all , greased to lurch a stage that he
Toole bold ant litter, hope ot,a cure.
all ,right," and apologized for .
lanaters rmareteetd ni313,nuieninguttl
Peer? I gAtrifigintru'oetnitelrYr rig"'
his customer's rudeness.
A Netting Ladee at Cobourg, Ont.,
- Whose Cliee 'Was Pronminced.
. 'lereitiehand etrength-A Leeran to
Mothers. . • ' '.
• ... - : • ,. .
. Hopeless, Tells How She Regained .
* Antiernia. is 'the 'term used le* doc-
tors to Indleetre peeerty'01. I:heel/n*1d- '
The: pre:Mileage 'of . thbr treableelle.
moat eelarnring,, especial)* emerig
young Orli,. eine, a • large 'per e'reletIege
of. the altogether too diarptiekifi .
oases of :Colistinaition• Winch. onnuallY
,areeage the cailitery. have., elieir ail-. '
gin in tills' erouble. The ,elest,ind ea.*
..‘, . - ..
.tion of aricremia Is le pale,..saliew
or waxy complexion. Mae is folleive
ed by , lees cif rippetiie; Irkaent ..
headaches, indIspOeltion eel, e*Orginr, -
swelling of limbs, violent heitrtepale
taiteleiey'amapdtqfinitqu;naiinyely4oZialtilibrieg:.oft;e".., .
font,. but ethe mord . theta „are tn'e
greater the =gene* for .peompt
teeatnrent, winen ehowid ne ' orienist- •
eel In until all trams ,Of 010 trailb10 .
tainVideswoVitt0ilhaevt. .b..erritienOlgrotgfrit0.ilh;raii::t e ..
to the brink of the grays from this '
: -11,e11 :71:41 Iletshl:t1 nir:olitiegi i In tItintoirpinforre'21, 0Y: 1- -".. eity".!1Dt; ..'iveleitilowii.edtile:1 ..:.
, , ..
home Is .at Ceboure. bIbasAfoyd`,etylor • •
• v
her experience cia folk:revs-2,e ,
' "It le nearly ten years elude '0 111.- 0
,nese'•first Oommenered, anOeithatigh. .
le, weer doctoring,,proxe. or fere/ I, re-
ceived little', or nO: benefit, es the
doctors did not ireetne'eo understand
'my 'trouble. Two Tears . ago my
health became do bad that another
doctor was called in, aira )14..atated
that my mem wag a moat 00Y0r0
type 01
a 124 tilt if:11°p ir •
d ip e out) r
At this tibia I was as pale aa dunk,
things, he said he believed the British •'
De bloke didn't mean nutthe be Another C031 Mine Horror m
_ . nre eyelids were sWolleraand refried
would not be killed by the Merueer, tt, lady ; on'y he's too familiar, dat's . hang down over my eyrie like. lacks •
but would be slain by lice. The dirtrY all. lee° right away you was a neW _ Fennsylvaria. - ot water. My feet and limbs would
ends an the day previous to the death rag on de noospaper. Now, wot kin swell, and were always cold, I was
they urged their hearers to ere so. of the .writer, whose name was Wee- - 1 eo to. squarer thy,- •
k - subject to . violent aciodetehes, seelere
palpitation of the heert, arid If I
The Timee is particularly severe on sels. Hie lived in a farm at Lovedale. WW1 ge to Der Ills Part. ' 1HE' SCENE . NEAR DUNMORE t d • I Id b ' BO Mil
i 0 °ape over WOO, 0 y
Mr. Sauer, who -was foemerly the
that I could seareely regain an 'up -
Commissioner Public Works. It This girl tried to collect her tenses
Saanton, Pa., Dec 5.-A seeous right position. My appetite failed -OM
exprearee the opinien that the time. ' reeVet 'rlir 'fltott5 life men. without ' losing her courage, which
ef command. tirreatcned to ebb, and allowed her eavein occurred this morning at the airiest entitely, eind x grinse-90 week
line arrived 'when oerious notece Durban. Dec. 2 -One
t h escort to explain, their mission. Nay 'Aug mitre,. near Dunmore • „that I WriEta mere wreck.. While
should be •taken of" les inflammatory ant De Wert. late lientenan V; 0 _ „
laeguage,captured.-and 14 now on parole Life on de east solde? Why, BOy• Xt 10 .roported Met fifty -ale men third condition I read Ip a.
• netts-
. Bocr Pri-.0m.cs in floylop, . tvrecker. InvariablY entered the . field see. Ah. yes 1 I tell yer wot weeado cece entellibecte paper Of the cure 01,4 young f kr)
heiel states that the great train. teniy. Vote' youee have ? ,Lenene
1 d d revolvers in' hie fer youee-we'll lick some one. See?' reatexcitemerit prevails, -and Pale theou,gh the use of Dr. Willi/oast Pink
whose case was mach like rel ne,
dal.e o ov. the kiss-
IcinCil'ili111:113.°11e11:11.4 ecu4;11371.: c'rditt t Tittvgiallechrueluqigtettr G;XiB trlit; dOlg ""Ified
•• • • •
thulare axe lurid to gete . • • pills, curd I goterngned4p try them. •
. T.0.000 who knew MO dia ritstethine.
. • . A •••••••,..• Ammo.
• • ,
with two oa
te AN 'UGLY CHARGE. any medicine could do me any od
A considerable amount of Sickness was a regular et/impede of men who Avr, it nettle 1 east You wait a
4 Two °Ling Men Accidental v
lek ot the useless ight• mien • or that would Over get. better,
Touched Them. . preValle among the Boers at Diyatne Very oboe a Irian came he and asked Aeruseder Friends Declare Its pure but I determined at all event* to
Shown Around LOhdOn d it 'Warr not Checked until
Dukes and Lotds, •
had grown e
lawa ineneles iseraging and' a nun- all!141•en for o glees of mixed ale. leur Miaow pose is af„eamaff, give tiur pille a fair trial. Ixeehrever
• • . et turned a -Maxim gun on
_ deed OT so are dawn with it A few friends of Alr• t reeelt that I feel like a ileite
treed thenr for, 'marry a'yett. With
BOTH W:RE:INSTANTLY KILLED t866- °Lifererftita
, re to ca o t:. runewaya De Wet constantly keeper spoke a few' hurried words to
the head barten.der, Who wiuked in Gran-, --e. ie . • Ike per.,
T tn The .5. -Ti
utica4 N. .y.. Deo. 8....erwo pereoas have• their bander full. and the au.
4rrige a'aist? tabl)Pe Tart% (+wears that fie will never surrender.
tie tam ea says lost 'his two noire reply and then addressed the custom. Boers Cameron, wirer was arrestedlast isiontrib.ATIrehtteeWalesialipeptairnedniTurielYeallppbdiatrited
thoritiere have iteiristed them by send. ktileetiled la battle. 'hie farm has neen ort„roligtillY night for an alleged offense committed
Bee her, you Wot e'er kickin'
May Remain bungee, , According to De Weter lieutenant, "I trivet kickinl I etrho's idckin"? Wot Plaint preferred by the caretaker of eeneea .1110_ gvert4 chane
in lc* coo:
and do work about tiler tome.
xviies that had been brokett from, noble . °Utter's, Dee.• 8.-Vpi to a late hour the burghere are willing epough 1.0 la - are Yolree gastrin' about e" U+.. his Trinity . Church, on behalf of a
by the etorm during # the night and to -night the authoritiee ot the Militia eurrencler, but they aro terrokized Claim/el the euetoruer . a pentefui his Jitt daughter, claire that the non le due Wel,' to ebb roe oi Dr.
20' years- old,- who^ Wits- iin ' IS way - Oiler*" arid Mounted •Riftlia f rein South sailern at St. Helen/re - - • - - - •• ' - wile' ter 1 'Vett "g°113'' ter -kick; 41r- "I''' -•)14r* °an*" .--IYailarraiglied-fil "e life A'Ild- 1 "iltr°11#17 urtte: 141144 Nr1141.
I once Court woe morning, anti the are eimilarly itillieted To give them
home frern one of the mine where he 10400. •Ilithough It was .amouneed Whenever the Boma eetreat they %vane to, anyhow. Here, DWI'
heel worked during the night, and he two bartendera forthwitheeet case wart remanded till Tuesday next, n thorough trial'.
accidentally toucher! a wire. TOM* about the ist. The impreselon and return aird recoVer it later.
laet week that theY would leave Cape invariably berry tlielt ammunition, P.
tmon thl togortuno.to ran% banged bail la $1,000 being granted. Mr. „
Gave Ilan a Coat '
way to one of the mills, arid in croas- little While lenger4 • Oleo but blitong 'lately, • four or WO times on the floor, been kr1OPTU. arr a man of the higheet and their fereenes
Londenalewe SeeThe visiting mem-
berg the Iteeal Canadian.
• Mont, piloted by the Dirket of •ArgYle,
ao004 Pko.x0orio.14,
• dale, the Duke of Aberdeen, • Lord
Lansdowne and ethera, elated the
Hoboes ot Parliament this 'morning:.
Mr. Chamberlain In an culdrees ae.
• knowledged the indebtedness of
Gren.t Britain' to the Oelellied-teeeepti.
The Canadian contingent was
meet cordially Weicotilea in the
House of LOOS by; ..1401rd Litoaddirstn0
rine the Duke Of Aberdeen in brier
speeehee, Colonel Otter, in thanking
the npeakere, denied the allegations
of bad treatment of the Calindiatut
* rain the only complaint he and
hie men had to Mae was that they
wore being killed by kindness.• •
Ay v....
Tivenly-one Iforsts Disposed of l'his
Termite, Dee. 6. --,At (trend's this
morning,- 21 'betook thietly brood
mares and pang -stook, from Mt'.
William /IMAM/ere Valley Perin, were
orld. Mose of them were mid AO Ford»
. the 'horn% and the pelees brought
. Were Xalt. .%1110 of the mice with
pricee were; -•Drertin, foot D.
Aticill, li'ntletleic,.. $80; Neva, Moo -
tin, eireatnut mare, three years Old,
to W. Z.. Votrier,,,Torokte, $35; (ar-
Atrial, -chestnut wile to W. It. Beard-
. more, !reroute, $76; Term Day, a
. tour year old bay gelding. to W. I).
Ileardirtere, 4155; Quiekfire, istY
gelding, three yectra Old, ti • ;On
ibulth. Toronto, *110; Volatile, bay
fill*, tWo.'yeatre te it, A. I1Opkine,
Mourit Albert. -$00.-
Rev. Iterold Bedforcti4ontre hes
ISosin appointed emaciate rector r.
Ht. Poter's, Brookville.
a. ?impended Wire 410 had been broken Will he Dellerteda, - officer, has, WhereVer be line raided, Illei °et *lite the OldelvAlk• 1 The giree story. is that theareault
is good and my face is re ainin the
were kilted in this. city. this morning lag an efficient toyed, and he has nothing to
by coming in contract with. eleotrie live for but fightieg. Color which left it yearrelego. eff•eaa
unwiring staff. • about de beer ter ?" under the Chailton Act on a com
eirenica. enough tough, surprised',
hung clown to the ildewnnol, ' Department had received no es:Prices by the ettoriee persistently Mee is eiotii?ige but It blackmailing 'Williams' Pink Pills. et le not too lite
' t ref the departure of 't e C o. Are ed that the British shoot their pea "Weil, wot yr lookhe at it cia.t eollealrat-7.• - • •
tle to say that they have SE4Ted lnY
The first victim wail a, Polit, abou h Windt n
him on the head with a barrel etave, Cameroa is a mu of the late 'John INSULTED Nvoilas,
Ts. Reeond victim was an Italian Prevails that Lorel Kitchener will rood. says tho lieutenant, is note
blacked his • eyes, knocked hirt head
lad, fittAen years old. Ile was on his Irk them tort:main, South Africa. a running' low. There. hae been little
iillyard 'Cameron, and Ines hitherto
ideked br ilhim vielounly and then threvv.
.1)es 'Wet, it is alleged ls own
°Mar and teeethers. #
lug a /street one of his hands touched
Ottt, and Wheri, the others 041110 to the nrrested in 'Johannesburg in connee. and celled upon the males found Gladys efiroorui. Vandyeic game ono Cemeer03 Wae SUIrdity school librarian. Osborne, a briek nueson at Summit-
from a pole. He was heard to ery • CnIP Town Pee. 8.-Eleeerrearipee'te eleited every farmirouae on the road - Too, Murk ter tier Nerves, . took place in the eh reek of widell Mr. Anderson, Ind., Dee. 6. - Frank
beres II a rboti, th Neal hire been folleWed bY the burn- away, When. she Came to she had a • • SYRACUSE'S, PLIGHT. at ihat plater on Sunday eveningt,
ville Was token from jail try a...mob
•epee where he was lying he was dead. tion with tbe ,plot against the life therein to fight. EVerY baao of re. 'agonized scr-eam arui fainted dead
• 001 NW TO Tel it HAGUE, evidence against them not being lint. log down of the farmhouse. horrible tient.° of brandy in her mouth
ue applied a Coat tar and tea-
Krugeos vriends Gallo vo tho lope fleient to Warrant a formal trial. The lieutenant eonfirnia the reporte and sOontecame eOireciouto to the feet Business Paralye.ed by a Great euew there.
03borne was arrested on Battruda
that De Wet sjantboked +some burelovu tha,t the object pf tire Aartentlers' Storm Imre Night.
evening em complaint of number of
ot Ea repeat, Intervention. Hoer Prisoner Shea. • near Xreonsta,dt when they refueed to - .-Irittose• eoung wer.mell who s imitated
barn a captured mall and trate. III then wne Welting. a6) .117 1.!'2$5 hist night ehowstorm the telegraph, them en the streeti.' se Lenore,
iretnek we* baok In the saloon. again 41 '0 Dee. 5.--Arr• reenit, *I
• Colombo Dee 2 --The Ceylon Tina* his poeket, Ouppliee by. Mr. Silver- telephone, .electriti light inui lire wright said that he attempted %WW1 -
Paris, Bac. 1. -The', Echo prints. ' ' • - the train vritir ovra
reports that a prieeenerr of war Warr Int OU. account of the paper lie a ern las are gr • • nally to rteeneit her. ,
11.1t•AA *int/
latervieet with Dr. Leyde, time Duro. ehot dead while attempting to eacapo I fired Prove trooper. re esentect nrul indulging in ell the
pean agent of the Transvn.fti, in whim; on. Tuesday night. It is believed that
he mere that ex.Preeident' Xruger's he Weis a OntifianA.flhIflta ehtillh7
courage will not tatter becauee of be being held into the affair.
Wires broke under the weight of snow
Lontlorar Dom neuter Iles/afar dr k he could vitt Away, t ax poker toppled. More than 500 Vietione of the Stn.
front lIarrisiulth.etieea. Yeti an,tiefied exprefigion 011 his centre telephoues are out of eerviee this Porisinc;utie N. It, Dec.
An instance of extraordinary cour. tenance. morning, .
his re.buff by Emperor William, and
tho Czars lilts, and that he will johooneshorg vow* (ward.. age by a trorepot of LoAtO lIotte IMS lir cilleelreintiteed tir saloon Ptir; trAift'n4 Inhaharnaterlotowrsees;:80. kit)11:1:gbeyv el1:111111v.ily1101:1:netrime:s.a•rit:e.:04,1tsAill:netirell;orirli eoit.
Gen, Itunter today. A troop of Locies and • oxPremeretts of .eoneern to
col. poao nad Lima lenitive, awl hair, but -when the formet asked her
sonteheNr they rode into nit 0.howt. Lt alto lett strong enough. bo go around
/torso was recently out on, patrol with Sioung Fttrit who Kngudlir tixt4-1 11'21' points wore guarded daring the night.
Lieut. •Williatal was alemet intermit:* and see life onaerri east Ride at therre
juncture Troopex Pieton gallantly Bunch of firaperr.'' she Straightened •
opened neer emexpIeted fire, and dee iron rt voice or Marlys Minneut Van. timed of ertreslog the death. Of Con -
Wounded in the head. At tide celtione "The Tub of /timid" and "'The
rusltal up to tile Wall of the Kaffir WI lintnedlertelY•
kraal, from which the ouemy tied "I 0111 gbing home.sc 011,0 001d,
eoveree six Doers there. It inuttea (Veit Wa0 entrable of , milmnoning to etable Peter Dane in Dallas by Hate '411'2' Pelt5k111 "111 f(*. the* 0001111g
in no reiFierirktire14:131xlelitt ITT.'el:N.Iii•Dectillae‘ ninl-ang:15°47- yelIct. will cot tor the etilerstituro
• .
010 Interior Ilticheock le in this eity
erew innielerez1 itt tenet ogx nten.--,-
(?;it'ott eraveerieclo* rl. It leYtho4incht it ,
The bOdy Or one man was recovered -
ea a visit. In art interview he eahr-
ately emptied big rOVOItM.1, With smelt her aid. ' mating hie clothes with turpentine
effect that three bf tiP 130.0.,C4 fell Anil at home *he bite remained 0V0r anti Uwe Netting hint Ore.
, dead, and till "'remainder forthwith since, withottb one single desire, to ex. brought here today under a, strong
Vere' 1.4),thert11.11:,tik(Iftr Po?: iietry=1"itt
:rdeolne. There are not kw • n
litid down thAr .‘ovnui, &ad ware plore further in the truly - poetie Iguara ttott lodged id JIM
taken rrisoners: Treciter Pleton. Inc Phaee of poverty or life on the throb- it is feared an effort will be made 1,000.000," WS eon "te
01 atilt try to ure European inter. Johanneebure Dee. le current- bee bronoht to the epelal notice of pr etor rim e al forte of apolOgleir live wires in tate streets, and /*dee, filoudester, Wa4 wrcteked Minn.
Vention. He will remain III Europe for ly reported thrit all the tivillans ef
Weeirs, if necessary, for the Czar' e Xerhannetburg who are of British rine
reeovery. Ile expects to meet the tiormlity will be formed Into town
Czar either at, lientone or Nice, air guard. Tide will relieve many troops
tt is thought the Thumb).* Emperor for Nevelt% elbewherceet is understood
will he Ordered to. ono of these placer, Mist tivillana who are unwilling to
for the rr.storation of Ids health. serve will he requested to leave the
The Eclair Barr Xrugor will. go to town.
Livatila before tint -Czar leavea theta
Give tee Ilene of intervention. London, II‘ee. 13.-A Durban deepatelr
The Bogue, Dee. 4.-41r. Xruger is atates that in a farewell order i.ord
expected here next, Thureclity. Itearrie Roberto promos the valor, patriotism,
have been engaged for iiimeelf and and hirtriallIty of the troops. Ile con -
party at the Itotel des bides. The eluilee--"I have lengned a groat deal
Duteh sympathisers for the Doer during the war width will help me in
cones have now given up hope of Ect. tho tnek now botoro mo of making the
re9eari iriterventioli, ctonsidering that army rity "vetoes hi It 14i postibler ter
Wilt Improve the Army,.
the nonettectess of Xturger in Paris al array bar Or 1 1
reef44N0 the Doer ex-lereeldent meant Killed Dime Denver&
,,owi rotund a tim foggier ern. to -
..1014•1141 I
troll) the Mesmer. -
ately and Col. Boo dangerettsly well known hostelries, for Inetance.
oeeiellees Mae Avenge Murder ef -
it% tot lent rietion, Irve been remit,: bine east side. -.11. Y. Telegraph. to Wiwi; them. , roll now* and those
monbed for thantalat toe distinguished
Col. noes are of Or Van' Serious thAr* /timetable to.(147 for a, abort swim, how deckled that a Jap nettniallted Tto row tells aa God
*our. no woo ortruoit hr an oximmint gtoottionit rogolong to tire Booth Me as a. 13ritish ettleleet has a right to Is Ilis oWn has
. - . .. % Man th1riki, he th) ems
service in ths field. The Wormier of The Rritieh Parliament will We
Chief Justice WWI, of Vartersiver.
to by recent logiogat
gloonstor to hie home. • • Johannesburg. Dee. 2. -The Beam which souteshed JAM. ;rioter eamp,aign will be Ogee wit?).
•.? •