HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-07, Page 5, '•• • StTPI*L'EMENt. it) THE CLINTON NEW ERA: TRIED TO SITUAli A 0111141). V wak •••Ira, r, ,....-__ PLOT FOR .EMPIRE. • A THRILLING STORY OF CONTINENTAL CONSPIRACY•AGAINST RRITAINt -"Ft.e.eAe ..q•ototove NE .SENSIBLE Pg0FESS1ONAL VVOMAN01 4Dr. ;Wee Stuart ran a4erher thought Dr; Jona), "shelooks male lag% mu *tut a mingled frown and pletely fagged. She ie kWthg heie self • s mile., Oleteeewere letters trom _ail by inehese but he won't give in, oorts afld 0000ftfono of people, joyaw. o•betinate little minX f .0h, these tone to dinnerConfidential notes, 'aiDelle'e ajnodhitilidertrov°eararasynn erincl lettere from ,orankes an,d a mese:age from ce woman reporter .wating for new cartiage' 441sky ccaehmall an interview, grinning at bit) side. Dr. Jane walk - De, sane was a pereonage. she eras ed n block and hailed a passing car. physical director or, a tremendocely , She rang the belkeof a handsome , Mart' Wonetil's athletic. club. She had uptown house, and was promptly a chafe in awomanye college. Bee peg. shown upstairs. The 'room she en - seined a.large practice. She had write, tered was darkened. On a•luxuriouse tet several pamphlets on gorges, bac- divan, andd a forest of silken pillows,. -teria, mnieobesand ether unpleasant lay a slim woman in a ravishing no- •thingst. Moreover,.the wee. a charming gligeee She hed onee been, a great woman....stociellye nought and popular ..beauty, e but her face, with ite hag. In hereeirole. . • 4...gard expreseloie drawn lines and fad - But she was El -10'010Y overworked. ed, black *lustre eyes, told. a story Sometimes the exquielte machinery of of nalserY• • • • • her nerve:1,4;CA awry, and .then Dr. "Oh, doctor," she moaned as. Dit • Jane wished she weld steal away Zane went to her Side and gently from 'everything and reet. She was. . took her hand, "Oh, 1 ant suffering' living conetaotly at • high -et meagre !es Oh, won't you. give Me' inet a • a,nd wee a typical Womau 'the new little -,only hair arain be you, .001°°I. • ' • .2. onlhall a grain." g • •g Dr. Sane 'answereu such communicee - • • toms as were or moment, aePePtedan - The poor ereatnre's trelee.:rose ale invitation to 'dine at a smart holm, `most to a shriek. "My husband is so gity0 the eowermieer woman ap, cruel V" she .sobbed. "The servants Panties/it toelialf-past nye that at- are all in his pay. -1 caret .get any terneken and then set forth on her ,sleep..Oh, 1 am almost orazy " • rotibd of morning. ea& „ • . • She wept, She *rang her:diamond- ' Are she cam a down the-staps of her laden hands, she •grew more and more bonze he beereil to her, fellow practi- ,hYsterieal. • • • • • •, • toiler, Dr. John Treadwell, wholivee When, an hoer later, Dr. .Tane ern - Just across thnetreet, end evasabolit. erged from the ecnisceshe showed in. entering his carriage. • . ' • her white face the tremendous/steal/1 ' Dr. John Uneovered and swePt her she had undergone in eontrollin.g and consoling this wretched trietint of . 411-Phthe lrieCarly 'afternoon Dr, Sans re- ceived a turry• calf, over the tele - her tape grew toy. She would not phone. She responded at once, and In have admitted so feminine a weak- the fashionable apartment to which nese Still, she blushed.. • she Wassummoned veal% received by a Nom the cense Of that blush was Tine , looking „man, .4reeproachablY,1 thle-Dr. John, was in 'sive withDr.. dregeed, with eyoleat eyep and • de- • Sane, and had frankly told her so and . oaring month. . • •. liaised her to marry him. But the offer "I wish you to attend my wife," he hied been accompanied -by a condition. /aeon "she is very unfortunate. .. Dr. Sane Must a.bandoe her practice,' , scarcely know how to explain to you "I do not want My wife running • •• te magnificent, Salutation. • , Dr. Jane 'blusileicl. She would have been turietis with anyone- who dared to tell her that about and killinglierself with work, • Re wee interrupted. A door was • as you are dieing. 'Moreover, I want a flung violently open and a woman, companion, not a Oillow'practitioner.". • young, pretty, clad in a tea. gown Now, Dr. Jane' was in love -with of tumbled laze and ribbons, walked Dr, John, ttut she refused to abandon' unateadily into the room. She was her oaree • and told him so. hopelessly and 'undeniably titunk. Her They, h a tine quartel, and Dr. ' sofr•biond hair aa In her • Jane 1 Dr. John the hated him, face frigl4fully flusbed, She stared 'which not polite. tforeoyer, it with wavering eyes at Dr Jane, who was not ue, and he knew it. . had arisen. • - just now these two 'medical experts "Are you the doctor ?" she neicede were treating each other with that thickly. exaggerated tionrteity.which warring Dr. Jane did not look at the miser - lovers always atfeet. able husband, who had burled his face husband, who'hect agrueg to his feet, in his hands, but went over to the not to interfere;,. Then, looking the woman and, taking her hand, said maudlin nrOman uarely In the eyea, gently-"Tes, X'am the doctor. on she ead. calmly 4:you twee a nen. • are not feeling very well, your hue- I take. it's air rig t. Ccome with me." `band tens me," The woman oated, bet the 'will "It's a lie! never telt better," of the Might,' nn unted you)* doctor said the woman, and, raising her conquered. She led the patient back• chhaneedi.she struck Dr. Jane full On %be into her resins and °Used the door behind them. lean an hour later, The force cif the blow staggered the when she left, hee Wolnafa was Bleep- girl physician for an instant, but Ing the sleep of the driMicene quickly recovering she signed to the It had been a terrific) strain, and editor and eact,actress, and of courser Dr. Jane looked wbiter than ever ag I meet get the theory of a physician:" she re-entered her homa Ars she sa,t Pr. Jane leaned back in her cliair down at hise deeik to correct the and regarded the seeker. of light proof, of her article on Dee, h in the thoughtfully.. "es," she said, with Dishcloth," her head %ram. jut the suspiciaa. of a Agin "Te do not "I'm knee/keel' out," elle said. 61 be see how a Womanouni be a good wife lieve go away' for a feta daYs."' lend mother and yet -attend faithfully II° mug and a emartlj gowned tor the duties and demands of a pro-, yo ng woinan wa0 shawee in. was fetelon. It is tool much for the dell - the reporter Of a Sunday paper to eater organization of a women," -Whom she bad give% an appoint- "So yea wOuld advise professional relent. • . • womeo blob to marry t" asked the "I wish to ratet your id'eria .da a young Berme, pencil pongee over the vital tepid," stated tide self pewees- pad on her knee. ed young wemdzi; "do yeti think that "Yes," said Dr. Jane dreamily. now inatriage interfetes with a WO- fat. away that girl reporter looked man'', prefer/010mi career? Your opito and vrhy was shet making facea at • foe as a playeleheu will be most vale- her ? •• , !eta' j have statemeuto ftent.ea WO- "Yee, I thould advise profe.esimeal .aw7er, a woman preacuer, an wenienehot to inerry.e. went on, "Mere.] man," add Dr. Jane •to with a tremendous effort to pull•her- hereelf. "He can keep a carriage, sou together, "and -yet ---I question, while t have to trudge around on ,....erweeeeeloyo-aeo-nuollagiere-atre foot. How haedsonie he looks? 1 ---oot-beet-for-*-wreneene-after-all: thieuld like to ki--- to kill hini-Odi- And then Dr. Jane quietly fainted pus wrist& f''' • away. • . "Dear, •epunky lit -tie. woman," The girl reporter rose to the pease • wammiwWW. _JIMA WONDER TO EVERYBODY How Speedily and Certainly the Wretched Itching -and Un- eaiiness of Piles is Relieved and..Thoroughly Cued • bY Or. Chase It seems -woliderfel that after all ISliete Yearu of in-vet:alga:don and re - Beer& the physician's are *till help- itmet to relieve and cure one of the Most coin on and most distressing aftlititio to Which men and Women rei itehing, bleeding pliee. In 'nine came* out "of ten the • dootora atilt recommend a surgical Operation, with ite expense, extreme pain and danger, as the Only etlre for Ace . Prejudice akmo km*, thei3h781- dens from prefteribing flr. uhaue'u Ointment in All eneest of piles. it has ‘- flea, and Is sold under a poiitive blade for itself a werld-wide repute.. guarantee to cure any tag& of pile* • no *natter ot how long itanding, no Many •oileratiens have failed, and no matter how intense has boon the *uttering. This letter isehutiarample of waren' Of hundreds Orceeell 111 Canada alone in willeh Dr. Cliamew Ointment ha" Proven a truly magic remedy'. nit letter Is sleeted becaelte Mr. Depran is Weil bnoWn throughout Ontario as an earnest miniator of the f"V and mn.hn ba* at heart the welts being • ellow-rafferera • Ref. f.1.4 A. Depratz, Methorliet Mhi- kt.r, Conseeen, Prism* ridward. Court. trI *ate Slat**. "I *es troubled With itching and bleeding piles for . pitfall% and tkey ultimately attained Is Ointment, to- re 'very violent form. Large lumps or abscessea'formod, so that it was with great difficulty end 'consider- able pain that I was able to stool. At this aevere crIs1, I purchased a box of Dr. Mane's Ointment, but 1 had Make or nofaith in it, as 1 had tried varieties remedies before, And to 110 purpose. "Now, imagine hew great and joy- ous was my sunnier° to findthitt Just the one boX cured me, 00 that the lump* disappeared, and oleo the ex - tenni ewelling. I feol like n, differ- ent man to -day, and have not the knot doubt that Dr. Chase's Oint- ment timed me. from very daliger- on* and painful operation and many yeare Of mattering. It is with the greatest pie:Oruro apd With rt thank. lel heart that I give this teeth/lout. al, knowing that Dr. Menotti Oint- ment has done so 'lunch for me. You are at perfoot liberty to 1100 this testimonial as you fuse fit for the-be- nofit of thorn eimilarly afflicted." You aro Invited tn make this teat and prove to your own satisfaetion the almost magical power of Dr. Cilium'. Ointment. Ask your neigh. bore who have Mout it what they think of Dr. Chase's Ointment. tine It when 'YOU MVO the opportunity and remomber that it is guaranteed . to cure any Carte Of itching, bleeding I or protruding piles; 60e a hit, nt all deniers, or by.meil troth Miner!. 1 Noe, Bate. A CO., 'Termite. ' !don. She rape the bell violently .an wiped, the maid lay the !looter on , the couch, loosened her gorveO. • Pu emellizig salts u,nder her nose no einiok ber. Still Dr. Jane lay look • Ing liker a white lily broken by a rud bend. ther"illop%1114ter ilwantrt'heearei upon rushed out of the house... Nowe 4.14 fate n.°01 breve it, Dr jobn, was at that moment relightin &ten ids carriage across, the way. "Are you a doctor"? demanded ebrilIz1/40110alvotiutricep.p. osedne tholg.. esaixo.dite.D41,.Y;ro: Woman graeped his arm. , qalz • "Then you had better hurry I/ yo !wish to sever the ilfeeet a fellow prac titioner acroas the way," sitated th girl. • "What!" shouted Dr. Senn, in terrible voice, • "Come quick -Dr. Jane Stuart. I'm e,traid eb.eel dying. I guess my inter TIM' was too much for her,' and th reportatr rushed back seemingly on th verge of frenzy. • She skied by until, Dr. John revived Jane. She eaw the blue eyes slowly open, !end look tip with an expreealon of **vendee, changing to doubt, and then to something elise. She saw the big, handsome Dr. John take the little, fragile Dr. 'Sane In his aims, and heard him iturnaur, 4lify dueling 1" Then the cleared out. . , • In the heal, being a -highly emotiona young pereon, ehe seized the maid by the hands and proreerled to do a, dance of astonishing steps. "Look9,. likea wedding-tra-la-. lel" aha sang. -" Should le.professlonal women marry? Toe -la -la! Give up her tamer? I Love and marriage test for a woman after an- tra...in--la!" !The door into the doctor's office opened, and Dr. 'Jame, rani weak and White, tottered e out.. - "Dota't qnote me," the said. OPPeal- ingly. - No. I won't.") responded.ihe-frieka Young person. And letmosay right now that you are the most sensibie- profeesional womun.I've struck. For what, is st career compared to the „ 1ove f sueli. a superb fellow as that? Doctor, I congratulate you." . And then. Dr. Jane bluahed again. • • '9,:eit We Forget." hodiets cif • Canada.; • * The bond of union betvreen the mo- ther country and her colonies ia strong. In time of iteeeeseity the col- Oniee have always been loyal. Patri- otic Canadian while - they cane 0.101,10 • For This Offence an Aisle le Ime Prieened for &ifs est Deaver. . Imprisonment for life wee the sen- tence passed upon an eagle, which visited Denver recently. The offence was attempted ebAki stealing, and the prigtonar hi already biting at the _bars of the old Highlands town. AU. - which. now (Mee Onty as an eagle cage In tite City Park menagerie. Two wires which are strung acroes -the lawn at the Court ',louse yea. terdaf morning saved a four-year- old boy from 'feeling the talons of the eagle .in hes tender fleet. Tbat it was tag intention of the bird when it swooped down to Carry off the child there !An be little sloubte but that it Vould have done.a4 14 oloubt. ful. - The child was leaning over the "caging Of the ft:Attain 011 the lawn of the Court Howe paying with a :chip "boat" In tho placid water. !John Stoddard, ,a clerk in the county ; treanurerts office, was in the atore. ropm. Which 14 in the basement. and 4• be happened to look up* the aky and isaw an angle (mating at the height t i of several hundred feet. The great e bird Owen in a circle higil over the :1 houeettroaaind the/413:0ga: clo swoop Q •itlfroTire the, eXirrleirt' of theInCour°W-n to t Houses e• tower, then folded its winge and . dropped antra/girt for the uneuspeet. • ing child. It was done before Mr. 0,tiviticiebirol ddard ev sheut a arnhige and 'Would have landed directly on the child had It not struck the a wires. The force of the blow was s'uoh g, that the wires were torn from their fastenings at one end, and the bird tell with a mighty .splash steamed in- • to the basin of the fountain. • • The little boy screamed and ran for . borne, while Mr. Stoddard rain out to e fled a Spread of bleak wings which allnelet tilled the space in the basin. a • aPPteereabeginlegataPPkaernenftrol7Mwta8he dweaadt'erbuitt . revived Mel fought viciously With its . wings, beak and talons. It was Pat a in a box and the park commissioners e notified. Later in the day it was taken to the City Park and put in the mtge. Mr. Stoddard is a, member of the Eagles and he made the ethen. istdon that et the bird died the body should be given him to be 'stuffed and mounted for the lodge room of . the Order. The bird Is an unusually large 'black eagle. A nutnber of thera.hetere been seen about the city lately, and it is ' saPPOsed that the, recent Snows In the mountains have driven them to the plains. -Deaver ar, can 'nersist•thele brother color:lets in a eute eta/Aloe way. Ceylon and India pro- duce the.finest GREEN teas. Drinkers of• .Tapan teas should try them, Mon- soon, Salado. and Blue Ribbon packets are known to all. -Colonist. • BETRAYED BY THE TEETH. Size and Color of One's Ivories) Indie eate the Charactete It hag been 'said that one can tell the eel& and shape of it man's teeth, when his •month is shut, by merely taking note of hi la complexion. 'Where actually is some affinity be- tween the color of one's teeth and thecharacter of one's complexion, but Buell an senalog7 would probably only receive popular recognition when presented In individuals Of marked type. The eXPerieneed dere. 'Oat cnn, however; often determine the shape and color of hie patient's teeth without _ever asking him to. open his moue,. In a person hating rrd. or auburn heir, blue eyes ancl"a fairor florid compleilon, the teeth' would be creamy, inclined to yellowness, and brilliant and translucent. On the other hand, teeth of pale, dull or muddy color, with nb trans- parency, will be met with among people of Pallid Complexion', acme - peeled by Bandy hair and light gray. eyes. The bilious temperament, with Its. black curly heir and dark and deep ruddy complexion', pre:lento' teeth of a strong yellow colon, rath- er opaque, and frequently marked with traverse lines. Teethof a pear- ly blue or gray, of anarked transpar- ency and rather long and Aare, are nearly always alma:slated with a de - Heath tram/parent complexion, Whe'n obtaining artifielal Babette tees for their loot beetle patients, and particularly lady patients, are prone to desire Ahem. of uOnatural whiteness and reguktrity. to COM- bat,which weakivese often placea •tbe dentist in a .poeition of t, some delf- - baey. On the other hand, there are Others 'who are stieldera for the *glutei. The Molter has a marked 'predilecs... tion for teeth of a khaki hut, and a dentist, tells of a patient ViI•110 re- cently asked him for "the .new ,Am- erican glade, with gold vete," of course, innocent/7 referring to the tram -Atlantic praetlee of even file ling artifielal teeth with gold berets fixing them in the human mouth. ' • Be Patriotic". VarliorureatraodtlhaenrIL and la. Imre are r• e - turtling covered with ' glory. The whole empire attests the credit of their achievement's,. In Africa they met their cousinse-liritiale tea plant- ere-ralso fighting,for the cause. Dear Cousine,-..You can aid the com- ' -Ceylon and India GREEN teas, if yeti now drink Japane. Leave the rest to your dalety palate*. Salada, Monsoon and Blue Ribbon packets await You. -Colonist. • A French Peasant's Luck. At. the Istat lottery ceinnected with the _Paris Exposition, the drawings for „which were made Just before the close of the international show, th first prize, one of halt a. million franca, was eeptured by a, poorIpeaaant, who had never earned More taan 2ck frames a week. It is interesting to learn, says the London Expreee, that the 'winner of the great- prize for 1898-a -woman- as not yet been peed. This woman won the 500,000.freem ,prize, but had cut off a aenall portion of her ticket.. Now, the law .regulating thee lot- teries is thet the tieket lutist bee pre - sleeted intact. Should it be mutilated In the slightest the winner is barred from receiving the prize until thirty yeaxe. has elapsed. RiteumatItm Cured; Jas. McKee, Linwood, Ont. • Laohlin MeNell, Mabee, C. Solo) A.. MeDonald, Arnprior, Ont. . Br r 111, . SohetrliTatler, Mahone Bay, itZ. Lewis Butler, Burk, "Nfld. • Tliese well known gentlemen all as- sert that they were cured by MIN - AIM'S LINIMENT. • • Paid Suhday School Teacher:). TbA) idea of paying salaries to Sun- day ochool teachers; will atrIka most pereeive as b novel innovation and may at first seem to partake of the nature otereemmereiallene in What is generally eonsidered a sacred Cold., But the experiment is being tried in one of the °Meet et the New England churehee, and; aecerding to,tnome who be.Yo studied its Workings!, its effect heel been an excellent one. At a recent mooting of the Boston 'Unitarian Sun. day School t1nto the Bev. Paul Re, woe Prothinglarn, pastor or Aiding. ton Street Unitarian Clairol', point. ed out that Sunday school tettehora to -day are very much better than they lined to be, and seers, to have 001110 fittitlell for the work. "The time le coming," Ile maid, "when It will be considered -a distinction to be allowed to toteh. In the Arlington Street Church the people are not atihoolied to pay teachere for their amniotic" It would meow as though the Arliegton Street plan were a wine one. Competent teachors cannot be expeeted under the prevailing vol. unteer s fitont and if tl et to receive a salary why not the Sunday isehool teacher, wh000 influ. once On the minda of the ohildren tho eongregation Is even greeter titan that of the Wencher 7 -Buffalo Sips*. , • Farmers! to °Wu 'Phones. Municipal Ownership is proposed on a large spate in Wieconain. An en. aotinent of the Legislature lent Win. ter gives any municipality 'the right to issue negotiable bonds, on the petition of o. majority of the free. holder% for the establishment and ma n etnanee of a telephone Osten'. the Farmers' Telephone Construe- tioa Orempahy, with a, capital Of $500,000, has hem organized to es. tablieli a plant in any town, on a guarantee of 100 subscribers at $1.2 per year, taking its my In the township bond& Theee bleeds &Mtge drat, 0 per cant. -interest. and are to he paid In twenty years, 6 per cent, being- set aelde annually for a sinking fund. Xt Is areetimed• that the income from the lines will pro- vide for the operating expenses and maintenance, as also for the annual interest on .thoe 'bona§ end' the &Ink- ing fund. With the maturity of the bonclo the plant is to become the unIncumbered property of the town- ship. u .bago I• pure, positive and. only would be no Uric Acid end no Lumbago. Mika the icideeys do their work. The egrafor Lundeen* is is Rheumatiem *fees beck. The cause is Uric Acid In the blood. If the kid. resys did their work there odd's idney 1 i is QUEST VOR Osrgicit EGGS, . • • • www.--wwwww-waw, MAN AND Inn TROUBLES. ISSUE NO 49.1 Substance eta Recent Oration nt the Pothers* Compose. At tlie fathers!' eongrege, held in this city shortly 1,Lfter the adjourn. m , eat of the mothers' congressr, Prod Presbery delivered an addresis oo "Afan; Mow. When and Why, is He ?" Ile said, in part - "Mau tbat 14 born of 'Woman 14 of few deo and full of microbes. Ile haPPeth" out of bed to tile morning end hie testate° pierced- with the teen o • disappointtnent, Ile walketh through the streets of the city In Ole pride and glory of leis manhood 04,4 slippeth on"the bananas peel of , misfortune and enJointeth his neck. He emoketh the • &ger of content- ment, and behold, it explodeth with 1010 Role°, foe it was loaded. He sheath down the bannister of life and encounters many !elvers of tor- ture, He lieth dawn to sleep at night and is etung 137 Vie 10041clatt9ea of "nuenirauce, end his trazne 10 gnawed of by the bedbug adversity. -what to maa but the blind worni of. fate? Behold, he Is imPaled upon the hook of .elespair, and furnishe4 bait for the leviathan, death, in, the fathomless ocean of time, Sorrow and travail f011ow him all the days of his life. In les JartenCy he is affileted *Atli the worms and colic, and in his 014 age he is ainiated with rheunia. tism and ingrowing toe.nails, lie marreeth a cross-eyed woman beoa.use her father In rich, and findeth that She hath not sense enough to Try the festive chuck steak. His father -In-law then monkeyetit with optima and go. eth under. ' "What Is ma bit the tumor on the neck or existence? playeth .the ?races and betteth his all on the brown mare bemuse he bath ,reeeivel • a tip. The sorrel •gelding whateth by neck. Behold! he ranneth for of; flee, and the dead -beat pelleth leg -ever and anon and thee voteth fortheother man. He exalteth him- self among his people and avreliretie witb pride but whan th votos counted be findeth ,that his name is Mud. He boastetra of his strength in Israel, but its beaten by a red-headed man 'from the Bloody •Third. He go. eth folth to breathe the fresh, ,air and meditate upon the vanityof all earthly things, •zend is accosted by a bank cashier with a sight draft for $500. A political enemy nett", in wait for him in the market. place - and vlealketh. stronnd lam, crowing like a cock. 'Verily man is ziertailn,g but a wart on the nose of nature -a bunion on the toe of thrre-a -freckle on. the -face of the universe." --Salt Lake Herald. They are Regarded as a Great Dell- eacy,When Served as Omelets. Although the skin! of °stelch ie worth $40 to 4100 Ola the spot, the lemetex• of the, desert usually prefers to search for the eggs when he has discovered an oetrich in. flight. An English traveller in the Solara, H B. Tristram, describes thisRearoh- "Once and once only, X had the gem] fortune to take an oserich's net, although fresh eggs were not infrequently brought in by. the Arabi!, We observed with our teles- copes two birds standing for .some time in Ole same, spot and Were in- duced to ride toavatd them. They rapidly scudded off, but mei inter - seating their track we turned hack and retraced It instead of coutthuting it vain pursuit. Au ostrich's track Is by no Means easy either to toilorw or .to iFitrace, for his stride meas - ares, when, he is at tell speee., from twenty-tewo to twenty-eight feet, and the oblong impressien of two tees at -so wide intervals afford no yery evident track to any eyes less expert than those et a Apemen 1141ellieretracedsmanthe •Impreesion to the spot where we had !seen the birds Standing together and where the sand was well trodden down. e Two Arlie at once dismounted and be- gan: to dig with their bands, •• and presently they'brought up' four fresh eggs from a depth or about a foot widen the warm sand, • , "Ostrlchi egg ornelot we alwaya' found a rainat weloome addition to our clesert;t13111 of 'fare, and a conveni- ent and. portable provision, for from the thickness of the shell the eggs keep perfectly sweet and fresh for a fortnight or three weeks. . Atielerd s Liniment Cures Colds, ete, Vest Traffic on toad on ridge. So redrOb; litter and duet are left behind on London 'bridge by the tramp over it or 200,000 pedestrians and the rattle over it of 20,000 ve- hicles daily that three or four carts are required to carry off the fine rplebris from leather soles and Iran tires. By the inosseant. traffic 'it is Bald twenty -neve antic yards of granite are each year • re- duced to powder. 'Ibis affords a striking illustration or the wear and tear, the attrition and grind, inci- dent to hutuan life in general. • Worth $10 it liottle. Any reamawhe has need Poison's Noviline, the great pain cure, would not be withoutit if It eost ten dollars a bottle. A good thing is worth its weight in gold, and Nerviline is the best remedy in the world for all kinds of pain. It cured neuralgia in live minutes; toothache' in one Ininnte; lame back at one application; headache In a few moments. and all pains just as rapidly.. • email test bottles only- cost 10 20 try it Lo -day 1 igirrc gilt; dealers. 1.7 -at Poison's nerve pain cure—Nerva- line . • WhY Buttons Are on Sleeves. Eroded& the Great liked to see, his soldiers smartly deessed. Many of the men were in the habit'of wiping the perepleation Toone their faces with their coat sleevea, whic]j wiled the le.cooe and gave the coatuntidy appearance. 'To put it stop to t tractiCO, Frederick ordered a row of buttons placed on. the upper side of each sleeve. In this manner the habit , was broken UP. Peatneis Ostimet be Cured by nuol implicattone as they eAnnot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There le only One way to Ours deafness, and that is by conatitu* Ronal reitledies. Desenessiseitused by en in - named erudition of mucous lining of the Eustaeldatt Tubs. When th le tubegets pinioned you hiktt 4thIllt3liensfnItttlAf tignegieginers61; the result, and twee; the :inanimation era' be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bedostroyed forever; nine eased out of ten are canoed by Catarrh, which is nothing, but an inflettned oondition Or the innoeuesUrfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any owe pg Deafness teethed be ratarrhy that Can not be clirrd by Nall's Catarrh Ours Send for fn. MIENS! & 00., Tolle% Or Steel by Drivels*, Me. Halle Family Pills ere the best. Lemon Drop Cakes With &wee. Ono cupful of edger, Oreeltalf cup ful of butter, the *whiten of two eggs, one /morel' of milk, On0 table. spoonful of tem.*eXteaet, and one tearmoonfut of baking powder. Flour Ib stir very stiff. Place large meow - folio on it pent at equal distandes apart, and, brown quickly la n. hot ovNi. Make( it rich SaUcC sindlazt to the orange sauce, flavoring with lemon juice and grated rind. Servo hot. Ifinord'a Liniment Carex DIateroper, Manila's Trying Climate, A metal oftker *It) ht t south infieh time in Manila saya thet the women, and even young girl; seem te artter at end faded front day to day from the effect* of the elimate. klittardils Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Blinardts Liniment Cures Garget in CoWs. 4 •k . 'New Foods. • Agents who are food atuden.ts have , been sent out to -China, Peru, Persia. Mexteo, everywhere to, the remotest ends of the earth, for the peewee or finding out Vrliat the new or negleetecl fOOd products are, their value as a nutritious; diet, and the extent to whichethey wen bensed to lengthen the Menu of tbe cleilized cook, , 'roithare a Mad in Dna Day Take learadve Bram; quinine Teblete. drugeing_refund the meney if It falls to cure W. Grove 'signature IS ou oath box. Manager -The examining physician seems to be In cleeebt as to whether • thet client Of yours 10Et. 0011 riek. Imenetere Agent...Whet! That man wtll 310Yor dieHe's got a life tenure on a Gevernment Job I . • Corns! Corns! . . Tender corns, painfulcoins,'Seib corns, Mee& leg corm; rernevcd• la a few dayi by the only • sure, _Loa° and painless. corn cure—Putnam's Corn Extractor.' Try it. At druggisti. , . Ancient Roman Battering Rams. The battering ram of the Itomans 'was hire the bill of a huge woodpeck- er, the walla or the enemy beingtlie tree 'trunk. The bettering ram was so' called because ati the end of the beam from, sixty to 100 feet .long was fastened a bronze ram's head. Tber beam was hung 011 relies 111 shed and worked by from fifty, tc4100 A VALUABLE RECIPE • For Copts, Colds and tong Diseases Take shall teacup full Flax -seed Tea wit& a dose of Ears •• • ORMAN BRUST - BALSAM Four °rove times a day. It never fails toJars immediate relief. , 25 and 60 cents at all Druggistsor from SA, FEBY, Chemist, Port Eight, Ont. • HANDSOME WAT01{ Stem winder', Americap naovemoot (lady's . or gent s . size), a solid Gold Ring, set with Pearls and Garnets, In beautiful plush castle Violin ,6 name and address, and we will an Accordeon. SEND uS Your • and Bow, tto Autoharp or • EntliFmENT It, . • . send you by return mail 0 boxes • ' • . UP • of the famous old En lish tnned • • EIVIULSION of Cod, Liver Oil ? . There are others SCOTT'S? . . The-goodone is SCOTT'S. It's nearly 30 years old; it 1.s 1 I used by ,intelligent people all ' over the world; and approved by physicians all over the 1 . 0 world.• ' ' m ' When anyone says, "Emul- sion of Cod Liver Oil," lie 1 I means sqcars. No other is famous. SCOTT'S EMULSION' is made in a certain way, of certain things ; it keeps, it is always alike, it does what it does. The others—dobody knows what -they are or do. There .. wouldn't be any others but forr' the goodness of scors— -, there wouldn't be any counter - !it money but for the true. The genuine has - this picture on it, take • no other. If you have itiet tried it, send for free sample, its, agreeable taste will surprise you. • SCOTT' &-o,.VI Chemists, -* Toronto. soc. and $1,00 ; all druggiits. • 1 • THE GREAT •THR00011 LINErotim 1-11 rrsi likes . • g IN ifeagcsa rain Mee lesy. . . Seesespeersesticerelinir.ldiggee, Eties•fereelai, ' gtceseilloseserbear, 1=011.1111eadeOpkile.,, Meow, •71,cei‘ko. Vereeinh irisricers Dealtirricaress lesirect .ii Ptnelretes Scsieekhe. For tickets,Pulimatlierth,folders and general ' i • nformation imply to agents Grand Trunk Rail- • ' way system. bL C. De0103oN, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont, 1 g r Y, Dr, Price's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills . Sen them and remit us the rebney; and we will give you tor your trouble the premium you se- ledt, sent postpaid. Thete pills are the best remedy in the world for impure blood, liver and iddney;11seases, rhoumatism,Arenerld do, Witty and all stomach troubles. Write Us to- •uay. PRICE M'F'G., . 88 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. This beautiful Turquoise or Lovers' Knot nee& Ring, warranted three years, with Initial engraved and a /remitter abso- lutely ro Send 10 ante Mitch) pay postage. Catalogue /re/. The Shen Novelty Co, Dept 00 19( BrendwaYoklyr• DROPSY Treated Free. • We have made dropsy and fig complications a specialty for twenty years, gtalcsk relief. Cures worst cases, Book Of tzartmostax,s and 10 zava treatment *men. DU,. HAL GRI0ENIEIRONS, Box 0 AtLarera, GS.. ...WANTED TO.PURODASE... COACH. HORSES About le hands higieweiget from LEO to 1200 must bo sound; Age not to exceed 8 years. Address • AXXX. 31441111i, Windsor Hotel, Montreal', Que. • LUNG TROIHIGE AND CATARRH Of the Nese and Throat Permanently Cured by CATARRIIOZONE. to.owrorl*o A REMARKABLE RECOVERY, ••••••••••modosi* Tettecape, it. El.-"Throlighent the greater part or last Whitsr X puttered from terrible colds. Thoushtledily renewed them to -run on without, attention, thineingalt the while they would work Off, but they didn't, mut in. eteriAeettied on 1117 lungs 50 Mach an extent Met ins' condition weirludeAdpreearrous.„Then bourred tuYself and tried to get well. Many remedies such as rouge mixtures, pee _Moo) spraying of the throat, see, were resertea tu, but 'airy didn't seem able to reach the trouble. CATAltitIlotiONE wee recommended (1 and X gave it trial. After I used the inhaler five Wetted X reedited it wAt4 jest the prO r treatlnettt le my CMC.couid feet thotn id. atedIpgaritarinitgrYlengeand all through p. marimmio agniffeent trains .are run on the lame of the Grand Trunk Railway System, with harldsome coaches and , palace sleeping, cafe, parlor, and dire. lag ears, to Eastern end Western points, via Detroit, Port Huron, Nia- gara Fails Montreal ,and Portland SOL/D VESTIBULE TRAIN SERVICE TO NEV. YORK. Through sleeping Cars from* the Atlantic Coast to Chi - ea o Tickets' and ail information'. from Wag Grand Trunk Railway System.- -- -M. C.-DICKSON, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. ,FRIIIT; FARM FOR SALE. One of the nneet in the NiagaraPenineeds Winona, Emits* from Hamilton, on two Att, ways. 170 eeree 46 of which is in fruit, mostly .peaehea. 12,000 baskets of fruit.r.rostly nowise. In bt this stenos Will be sold. In leas to era* ere Thiebea bargain, Address, . JONA.113ANp.o.OBAltox Tore wTinnitoo,a, Oat. pas wpicamA:44.4.74.,litfur14,713t1r. DR Ne • tole. Bend te MIAs% glee: " mdeolpahistresil:aQu,fe.er treatise ,and free *11.2. Welt be. t Ue For sale by .t. Rarte,1700Notro Dame Street WInslow's Seething Syrup ihotdd ways be Used. fer Children Toetblagelt the alibi', lidtAint the'gunts, omen whid audio the best remedy for Mentos& Tweeter. iiveisents &bottle. eatoseeoweiveseeeeeesoesereeieeee OUR GRANULATED!. le by Public Analyst's report 100 PER CENT, PuRedi OUR GOLDEN YELLOWS are the best Sugars made In the World. I test will Pitore it, ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERY Veeevehreeteerotieweraleareverketeerearrelee. • •-"birelf"trn4oeureet d nerttthrre etteoneltrinnashott order m knew it was xxian mozoza. Thnti then lielned etreatheneltendliti:n4h4tillititaleld wreittrAltaRtiO2ONS The Largest Handlers of Apples in the World of Miele ana tnreetratarrh. lirmTy bIlleve m"tvatortheelniellici. Qr.eatItletkhrtsetitIltLIVItftlihiltiowilds.At's /tom aro ittlitwor freer 11014g, 'bronchitis fillonesetrerrhcsontinde....0=1 " Vf 64k. 4 taRthehreints ontrotetnarrstint,onrift your ongnatty then , nrirr,;.‘", vitt".014: ikt.14 14. all druggist"( ar pent,tlit emir' prtugi stststetsty. t rivet Se 14 WS 01014d • 41. PCMION A OR. sestee, oat • • Simonet Shuttlewerth &Co Sirnoni* Jacobs & Co., Gera& Jacob. * Co., r.te#rreel,zogised• tlisisserso licetistedreredos' illiielesed. Proceeds of Wee are promptly remitted 'by tnthe. eee asetrata Meek* Remits sei, issetedtreweekly lOteortereof apple* *10 ba filexterked wit* make* rlf".•4 Nielsen stamen and other Information, bee:4010e te O. W. PeatiTTniegrOitTle, "SOW rSlitite leAltat. eilitAirre*Ale, Oire. Coriejsre;ettrimtritkelilistritleaosInrrfiketrete,S*1 wg4"4414"4"41).Ptia" 414.11.4 • re, ••.e.