HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-07, Page 4Deco ober 7, 190Q Good Things For This .Week T N E CLINTON F. R. HODGENS,. Town Agent G. T. R. Clinton The rush and bustle of one week is scarcely over before we begin to prepare for the next week's crowd. Each week is a week by itself and each week of selling sends forth hundreds who tell of their gains through purchases made here, This is a CAMPAIGN of ourCONQUEST. We EYE on FIRST PLACE and we'll be satisfied w it nothin g a•else. IMITATED in a feeble way ? Oh, yes, a we expectedthat and there'll be others,but somehow THEY LACK THE COURAGE to make prices such as ours and naturally they fall outside the breastworks. Ladles' and Childrn's Stylish Jackets at Half Price and Less These great values have created the greatest business on record—It iii°l no, wonder—every garment is of the latest style, made of the newest and most wanted materials—more perfect Jackets can not be made -and the ,prices are so kw :— • • NEW EEA %elle Niul!]vt113'ii!1ugot$. . only hints..P B Crews. Page 1 Clothing. , Greig & McDonald ... 1 Agnea Knox Black 1 Good things,4loweombo 4 Easy to do business ..0 B Koenig 5 For thoholiday season ..Bodge= Bros t 8 Christmas fruits.. W O'Neill 5 West 13uron Farmers' Institute . .5C}irlwanted...Mrs Phillips. •,. S ectaoleefound.NeswRA........ o Store to rent.. W 0 Searle 5 Farm for sale, .S Marshall 5 Music... W Glen Campbell 5 Quipk selling -McKinnon a Co 3., .... 5 A money maker.. W 1, Onimette 6 Strayed colts.. W Black ' 5 Stook for sale.. W Snell 6 County council...I Campbell , Mortgagge sale. .Cronyn &Betts 5 Houses for sale. .W Core ........ 6 Boar for service. ,H Freeman 55 The last month.,.W L Ouimette., Girl wanted.. Mrs J Hodgens 5 Girls wantea•.tdarondon hotel. 5 Granby rubbers ..Taylor & Son 8 Weekly taik...JacksonBros ...,., 8 Concert, .Burry Co... ,. 8 $9.50.to $12.50 Jackets of the finest English Kersey in black and navy, 75 sale price only, ..... $6.75 to $7.75. Jackets of the newest coating cloths in black only. Sale . 4.9 price 5�7 i/ $7.50 to. $8.50 Kersey cloth Jackets in fawn, navy. and black. Sale .GO price J $5.00 to $6.(10 Jackets for misses in fawns, navies, etc. Sale price 3150 $3.50 to $5.00 Jackets for ladies and misses made of heavy wool frieze, to I rt p clear at . Dress skirts to your Measure for 49c Many lines of our choicest Dress Goods have been reduced in pricefor, this sale which lasts all through December. The newest black figured Skirt Lengths, regular prices were $4.00, $4.50 and $5:50, choice 3 6 Made to -your measure for 490 Homespun, Tweeds, Broadcloths, ete„ during sale at 60c, 75c to Si, worth I more. If you wish to buy a suit we will make the /�n skirt for `tr7C ••N••••••••••NNst•••••N•4 M••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N• eN•• any __.Your :Xmas Furs Now Furs are beginning to advance -they always do just be - ore Christmas. Let them. The faster they advance the better we'll like it We're already twenty-five per cent. lower than other :people- The faster they go up the lower our prices 'will -be. We won't advance prices a penny more till we have to pay more. Caperines: Scarfs of Electric Coney, Astrachan, Per- ie all kinds and styles, sable, mink, 'o elan Lamb and Electric Seal,in all _coney andpp osum , with and the newest styles, thoroughly without heads, alltrimmed. made and lined, price $3.25 with tails, no better values in Gauntlets *3.90. $7, $9, $10, the country. prices 50c, 85c, $11.80 and $15. $3.50, $5 to $6 of Persian Lamb, Astrachan, Capes tatiou Seal and Astrachan in Coats p black and grey, extra well lined made of choice selected black Astra- and finished, prices 60c, 75c, of choice black Astrachan in as- ellen skins, also goat capes,. all 85c $1.15 1.50 4. sorted lengths and sizes,very best•b. $ ,$ 80, ai8. of linings and ever one guaran- Coed with eset a ues w haoons. � y Compare these values with other (Our 85c Gauntlets are sold all over -'at teed, prices .$27.50, $30,,$35 stores $7.95, $18.00,.$18.00: $1.00.). 4•••••••••••••01k”••“1/•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • French Kid ('doves for Christmas.. •now till Christmas you may• From 1 C as shave your choice of all our finest h1• O to Y.5 FrenchKid lovepair........ 1.�5 i+ cGloves for only,per r..... ... I _�� 4 P (nothing nicer fora.Xmasgift.) •••••••••••••NN!•••••****•••••••KNN••••••••••4N•N•• ••••••NNN••••••NN Millinery g Bar airs During December. rem now till Xmas Hats Trimmed' Millinery at a to k the regular rices , Trimmed Free Of .Charge p if trimmings are parchas- Stylish Hats for $1.95 that are worth double. ed here. N•• N••••••••o•••••••••f••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Yooys nrolvrx-seam it Your wham ` iT Council Meeting. The regular meeting of the council, was held on Monday evening. A letter from the Executive of the Spooner es- tate, complaining of an overcharge of taxes, was refect ed to the Court of Re- vision. aslivro e-vision,.asltnas also a-tompiaint- of L. Robinson•in reference to assessment of dog. Mr Irwin addressed the council inreference to the new railway siding to the Doherty Factory, contending that' it bad depreciate the value of his property. The opinion of J.T, Dar- row, concerning the liability of the town in• connection with this siding, was read and fyled: it is to theeffect that the town is not responsible, so long as the general provisions of the Railway Act are complied with. S. S. Cooper was granted permission to use part of Wellington St. for storing. building material. The report of Dr. Shaw, Medical Health Officer, was read, and the sum of 830 paid for his services. Councillor Johnston report• elirthat the work on the streets was, the season and done t for that Mr iiry bad agreed g d to removehie i fence on the Bayfield road,• the council to purchase wire for a new fence, and bear *part of the sicpense. Councillor Ford reported that the heater for the fire engine had be been repaired, and recommended purchase of 4 rubber coats for the firemen .a L00 feet of hose. /'” The Finance. Committee recommend- ed payment efl the following accounts (7. Carter and men, $29.20; F: Evans, teaming, $5.85, D.(Jook, teaming.$8.40; .1. Fer inion, 93; Mac pp bersori & Hovey y g Co., sundries, $21 59; P. Coughlin, in- apeetingg'eetiie», 44.09; J. Tedford,work, $11,40, 1).13. Kennedy, 'rent of pound, $12; W. Wheatley,. coal. &c.. $34.50; 1av'is & Davis, team at fire, $4; Thoa,' Cottle, work, $12; J. 0,13tevenson,*1:50; Electric fight Co.' 118!M0; R. Reynolds, OltattrY. 1118; W, Coate, pottage, $2 fleeeipts-J.Wheat Wheatley, scaled, hall and orders rent, $87,75: kt,Beynoldet work in cornetthree ae- elouta ety, $120;26. Two or were referred back to the cam- acrlttee for conolditiation. The grant. to the Public &shot Board and Public Llbr'etryWrerwntdered to be Johnston, ppld.It Wa.lnovad by Councillor CLINTON seconded by COuncillor Beacom, that W. Coats be granted 550 'increase in connection with the granolithic walks, and that $50 be charged to said walks as part of their cost,• and that Jos. Wheatleybe paid at the rate of 0I.50 per day fr inspecting, and $15 for ex- tra services.. in ..connection with the walks.-Carried. The council granted the sum of $25 towards the expense ot giving_._a suit- able entertainment to Benj. Webb on his return from South Africa. Council adjourned to meet again on the IStb. Rouse of Refuge Notes° - W.Coata wentto Wingharm Wed- nesday to meet the members of the County Council, and to confer with the Committee concerning the purch ase of supplies for the House, as ten - dere had been received therefor. There were three deaths during the month of November, Dulmage, of Grey, Thompson, an •former 1' p . 1 of 0 inion and formerly r John Davie, • of Colborne, the latter passing away on Thursday' last. 'lhere are still 84 inmates, which is about 10 more than originally provided for, so that all ayailable space is occupied, and an extension will haye to be added, The House of Refuge Committee of the County cnunoil met here on. Mon- day and visited the House, making a few suggestions relating thereto. The members were unanimous in the n in- ion that certain intimates should riot be sent to an institution of this nature, • but should go to a suitable arylum. Tenders for supplies were received, but, were not opened ened b the Committee. p y The ministers and others of town who.. hall religious services at the House have petitioned the County Council to ppurchase an organ for use at these cervices. They argue that as they are called in to visit the sick, con• duct religious exercises for the living, and bury the dead, the least return the Council can give le to buy an organ for nee on timidity, and the Council should not hesitate 24 aeerrndd about granting a petition of this kind, which wonid readily be endorsed by dill the electors, Huron County Council The council met in Wingham, on Taes-. day, the olerk..W. Lane, in. the ohair, ow- ing to the &beenoe of Dr Hotline, Warden. A number of accounts were read and refer- red to the Finance Committee. The Jail- er's report Was read and sent to the Oonnty. Property Committee, - Report. of. Mr.Afne.. ley, Co. Commissioner, was read; referred to the Road & Bridge Committee, A mem. oriel was read asking the County -Council. to eo-operate in aeking the Legislature to amend the aot in;referenoe to the sobedele of convictions; a memorial from the Prison- er'e Aid Aesociation respecting the treat- ment of inebriates, and a memorial from the County of Grey, in reference to the Division Court act, were all referred to the special Committee. A petition from W. Oliver, and others, asking for the erection of i► bridge on the Aux Bauble line, Step- hen, was referred by the Road and Bridge Committee. Sanoon Menus Petitions of Mathew Maine, of .Hallett, and others and loo a counterpetition, Were again placed before Council ad sen to the Education Committee. (These pe. titione were before the conned last June, bat were deferred,) petition of Wm. Watson, of Morris, and others, respecting award made by Messrs. Britton, Miller and Robb; also petition of Jas Logan and ethers, re the same award, and petition of dames Bowers, and others, were sent to the Education committee, Depatatione from .Hallett, Morrie and doderioh township, in reference to these petitions,. were heard by the council, the molt of Wednesday being templed thereby This beingthe first ' time for many years that Wingham has been honored with the presence of the pointy Ooanoil, a oompli- mentary 'upper war tendered the members, at the Ihniley Hoose, last night. i llinflfl ld ei Norne.-The revival services on the Ashfield circuit are being continued; muchood is being done J, 11. Gard- ner 80111 his farm on the 10th con, to 3. Ferguson, Bev Mr Whiting, Mitchelll,p reached anniversary services in the t4eaforth Methodist church on Sunday last, n FRIDAY,- DECEMBER 7, 1900, Another Industry for Clinton The J;ickeon Manufacturing 0o. • This is the title of a new . firm -com• posed of Messrs. William and Thomas Jackson, jr., who, in addition to their extensive busyness under the name of Jackson Bros., .commence the new sen: tury with the manufacture, for the. wholesale trade, Of ohildren's and bcys' clothing,and later on will add a special line in men's suits. For some years they have been making for their own trade a special line in boys clothing called the "Lion brand", which has had a wonderful success, and they have decided to go to the trade with this• line, , 1'hey are now having the rooms over the Ell- iott block, filled up for manufacturing purposes, and -are also purchasing new machinery and will be in occupation thereof by the let of. January. Probably no firfn ever started . un- der' more favorable circumstances. The experience, enterprise and ability of this firm, and the big successthey have made of this present business, leads to the inevitable- conclusion that they will be able to make a big success inthe wholesale maufacture of cloth. ing. They understand the business thoroughly, having bad a practical training -that qualifies them specially for this trade. - They :have at present in the ordered clothineidepartment of their business about 30 employees, sad, will need about 40 more for the wholesale branch, which will ba quite an indus- try to the town of Clinton. They will also manufacture every - "thing for: their retail department which they purpose making up to .20th Cen- tury ideas,and eleyiate the standard of ready-to-wear clothing. We have no doubts whatever as to the outcome of this new departure, because whatever his firm undertakes it does with energy and thoroughness, and are sure the citizens of town, will join us in , wishirg 1 wo well-known, popular, and lite -long citizens the largest measure of success in this new enterprise. : Two trayelfere have already been en- gaged to go on the road, one for the territory west of Fort other for Eastern. Ontario, who -start out the first of the -year, and it is pos- sible Mr T. Jackson may go out in Feb- ruary. Cream Separator Test. • A keen test , of 0re'am Separators was made at the farm of W. Weir, Hayfield road, on Saturday last. Mr Weir has had both the .Melotte and Alpha Separators on trial for several weeks, and the teat was made for the purpose of enabling Whim to deckle which be would purchase. and also to settle the rival claims. The points to be crnsidered in the, test were : - 1-Olosenees of skimming. 2 -Density of cream 8-Eas• of cleaning 4 -Rase of turning 5 --Durability. The test ewes made under equal conditions for each machine, with a half-hour's supply of milk each ; the Babcock tester being also used, The results were that the following points were credited the machines :- pp Points hMelha e .........16 5 - 2-Alpha......•..17 28 8 -Alpha 14 Melotte....,,..... ,16 epllotte"'..6-Al20 24 Melotte..... 20 82 88 Mr Weir was to be the judge, and as the Melotte had. 6 points to the good in the tort, he purchased that machine. The Alpha,which is handled by the Canada Dairy Supply Co., was repre- sented by Mr White, Montreal, Mr Mills,New York State, and T. Schrenk, the•locai agent.- The Melotte Lester Co.,Montreal) was represented byW. H. Lobb,Hol meaville, local agent,assieted by Geo. Levis. ODDFIiLLOWB.--The following' oM-- cera for Clinton Lodge,No. 83, were elected on Tuesday night :-W. E. Rand -J, P. G. J. C. Stevenson --N. G. W. O'Neill -V. G. Fred Jackson - R, S. H. E. Hod ens--Treas. True. tees-J.Taylor, A. J. Grigg, H. B. Chant. These are are all effected by ballot, and the appointive officers will be selected at time of installation. So1RNTIFic TEMPERANOE.---The Rev. E. O. Taylor gave a' series of addresses in town last, week, w 1 w ek on the sujb e Ct of temperance. They differed from the ordinary addresses in the fact that they are from a scientific standpoint,. and showed the effect of alcohol on the human system, and he also dealt with other phages of the temperance ques- tion, but on a higher plane than usual. His aim is to convince the mind, by scientific demonstration, of the nature and effects of alcohol on the individual and the state, and his arguments are convincing. There was a great deal in the addresses both interesting and pro - Stable. At. the close of Mondaynight's meeting a resolution was preseted by Mr Jas. Scott. which protested against the proposal before the Ontario E'du- • national Association to removehysf- - ology and hygiene, with other sub- jects, from the list of studies on which compulanrylexaminations were held for High g h School entrap ce, The practical importance of the teaching of scientific, temperance in the Public Schools was aeeerted, and the demand made that this subject be not crowded into the back round by dropping it from the examinations, lout that such aide and tette shall be'eont(nuod as shall meet the full demands of the lew. Somlia and Going. Mreb'ieher, ot Oshawa, (mother of 3. J. Fierier) is here on a visit. Mrs Carlin, who has been in TaRndon for tonne time, re returning to -Clinton. Mre Mc0orvie, of Luoknow, is visiting at the home of Mr D. MCCorvie, Mrs Charles Oyerbnry leaves next week, on a visit to Mende at St. Thomas. Miss. Amalie Harland 'and Miss Ida Holmes will spend next week with (*oder- lob friends, Mise JennieSproat,Egmondville,has been visiting Mrs W. Foster, Albert st., for several days. Mrs T, 0. Cooper left town this week for Amberly, where ehe will spend the winter with her daughter,Mrs B. Brown. Mies Enpbemia Maxwell, who has been at home, at Hills Green, for the past few months, has returned to Clinton. Bmith Silty' left here on Tuesday for Fernbank, Southern Ohio, where he has accepted a situation for the winter, ' Mrs Depew, mother of Mrs W. Doherty, who has been visiting here, returned to Wardsville, on Monday. . Joseph Hodgson, who represents a finan. oial company, is here on business. He is a relative of Mr 0. Nesbitt, of Goderioh township, W. H. Draper, of Montreal, Inspeotor of the Moleona Bank, was here this week; some years ago Mr Draper was a teller in the Clinton branch of this bank. Mr and Mrs James Walker, and daugh. ter Eva, from Goderich, spent last Sun- day here and were the guests of Mr and Aire Jobn„Walker, - Mies Gussie Oaks leaves in a few days for Chicago, where she will spend the winter in order to pursue her studies at the Musical College. - Bert Dayment, for some time an em. ployee of the Nsw Este, has received a bet- ter position on the Stratford Herald, and lett for that place on Monday ; he is a good, steady young man. Professor Glen Campbell, organist and Choir master, of North St. Church, • God- erioh, has organized classes here in Pipe organ, piano, and theory, -See advertise- ment inthis paper. Mre 'Hamilton, mother of Mrs Walter Coate, also her daughter Mrs E. Jarvis, and two obildren,arrived to -day from Sintaluta. Asea., to spend the winter among friends and relatives here. • *Meesre. John and Adam Stewart and John McFarlane, of Stanley, left here on Mouday, to attend the Live Stock Show in. Chicago ; they were tioketed through by F. R. Hodgene. Mr A. 11, Notman, -Asst. General Pass enger Agent of the C. P. It., and Mr W. T. Dookrill, - Travelling Passenger Agent, of Toronto, spent Friday'morthng in town interviewing their local agent, W. Jackson. A Letter from Santa North Pole, Dec., 1900 My Dar Boys and. Girls I have just completed my very large stock of toys and presents for your Xmas stockings. No boy orgirl in Clinton. or vicinity is for- gotten and T am sure you will like what I have made, ,;Write out alis of what you want and put in the letter box at Cooper's Bookai;o, my headquarters and T will do my best to supply what you want. Yours for a.merry Xm SANTA CLAUS. r Miscellaneous Books By all the popular authors in various styles of binding. Special Presentation_ Volumes of the Poets from 75c to- $2.75. Dainty volumes in white at 35c. Special line of Books at 25c and 2 for 25c. Fine • New China Just received. No doubt you have beard of our beautiful stock,if you have not already seen it. Special lines of Cups and Saucers arid Jardi- niere for this week. 15o and 50o Cups for 25o. Jardiniere at IOo, 25o, 350, 50o, 75o, $1 to $2.50. The Toy Department --Mr and, Mrs Wilson Eagleson, who have been visiting for some time at the home of A. Mogenzie (father of Mre Eag- leson) left on Tuesday for Aberdeen, Dakota, accompanied by Miss Burt; they were. ticketed by F. R. Hodgene. Peter W. Scott, of float Wawanosh, was in town on Monday. He is one of the etiff Conservatives of that staunch Lib- eral township, and would not 'bea bad fellow, if it were not for his bitter . parti- zanship. Fred Banloh, of Woodstock, has taken a responsible position at,Toronto, for the Bell organ and piano Co„ at a good salary;; he is a eon in-law of S. Davis, and being a thoroughly reliable and energetic young is sure to succeed. Mrs Beulah and children are here for a few days before mov- ing to Toronto, Mr A. D. Beaton, who has been appoint.; ed postmaster of Whitechurch, is a eon in-law of Malcolm Taylor, of town, and the Wingham Times nye of him "Mr Beaton is a very obliging andl•npright man in:all his dealing. Re ,hoald .make a good postmaster." On Saturday and Sunday last Mr J. D. Atkinson and wife, 'of Exeter, a former reeident of Clinton, visited the home' of Mr A. Hooper, General Agent for the Manufacturers Life. air Atkinson en- joyed very much renewing acquaintances among his old friends of the town, • Meeere John Lyon, Guelph; Mre Higgins Rockwood; Mrs Clark, Breohin, children of the late George Lyon; Joseph Maye,Guelph, grandson, and Harrison Lyon, Guelph, a brother of deceased, attended the funeral. here on Wolnesday, tho latter remaining over to visit hie brother Joseph Lyon, of Hallett. • Mrs George Henry, of East Wawanoah, who has been stopping with her 'son-in- law, A. Challenger, ot the base line, for it veral weeks, having undergone an opera- tion for the removal of a cataract, return- ed home on Friday. She • can now see mach better than she could before, though not as well se ehe expeota to later on. aMr Hammond, station agent at Blyth, haying been promoted to Oakville, the agenoy at Blyth has been offered to John McGuire, freight clerk . and assistant at Clinton. Jack, we understand, •deolines to accept the position unieea he is given an assistant, We do not want to see him. leaya Minton, but he is a first -Aloes, all. - round railgway hand, thoroughly compet- ent for any positbon of this'kind. •'""` The Naw EaIisst week alluded to the fact 'that G. A. McKee, of London Col- legiate Institute, was about to take up his residence in Clinton again,and referring to it, the London Advertiser, says :-"Mr McKee is one of the most popular of Collegiate institute teaoheee, and his de- termination to resign will be sincerely regretted by pupils and teachers alike. He is well liked by all who' have known him ir London" Mre Hobert Craig, of Hullett, was among those who delivered turkeys here on Friday last, and he had 59, or nearly $40 wotth. Mre Craig will be remember- ed e her - ed as one of those who was carried over the ,London roadbridge a runaway Y horse, a couple of yearn ago, and though she has reoavored from the ggeneral effects of that accident, she still saffere in one of her arms, whioh tuts badly injured at the time, We understand that Mr 0, A. Tebbutt, who has tanght with mach samosa in 'the Summerhill eehool daring the past year, beg been engaged by the trustees of S. S. No. 4,West Wawanosh for 1001,at asaltily of $400. Mr Tebbutt le an Honor Glradu• ate of Ottawa Normal School, spares no paine to raise' the reputation of any school to a high h st ndard end the a , a trustees of St. Helene eohool are to be congratulated on their choice, Mr and Nita John Tedford returned last week from a visit to friends at Lueknow. Mr Tedford is new engaged in winding up hie business affairs, as a preparation for ✓ emoval to the west in the opting. He ham been a resident of Clinton for a geed many 'este, and though not taking any promin- e nt part in public effeire, has .proved him. self a good citizen, and will carry away the very best wishes of all for hie future pror- perity. Ile is, a man of 0601E4 integrity and boner, 'whose word hall always been el ga Au his bond, Our Toy Department is a perfect wonderland, nothing to • equal it in the west. A. whole flat given over to Santa Claire: The stock is'(nicely shown and it will be no trouble for • you to select what you went for the little tots: The Chrietmae Globe is a. beanty-50o. -Other Christmas numbers also on sale.. • - W. e0OPER ee. Agents for General Booksellers and i• Patterns Stationers. ri k Patt s Butte c rOVAAAWAAAAAAAANNAWANAAAWAAAAAAWATAAAAAAAA Church Chimes • Rev Mr Brown, of Whitechurch, was presented with a- . set of harness by his congregation last week. BAPTIsT.-Rev'A,Stewart conducted service in the Baptist church last Sun- day morning, and Mr John Houston in the evening, Rev Mr Mnrduck supply- ing at South Middleton, but will be in ,his own pulpit next Sunday. : •. ONTARIO ST. -Rev Mr Coupland, of Londesboro,• will preach in -this church on f8unday morningaiext. It is in con- templation on-tem lation to make Sunday, Dec. 31st, a "Rally Day" of all the various organ- izations of the church, details of which, however, are not yet complete. Ata meeting held in Willis church on Wednesday evening, of representa- tives from the several eturcbes, it was . decided to hold a union meeting of all the churches in theOntarioSt. church next Wednesday evening, for the for- mation of a branch of the Sunday Al- liance Society, to be addressed by the - resident clergymen and one layman ^,from each church. For a number of years Victoria St. church, Goderich, has heroically strug- gled along under a burden of consider- able debt, gradually reducing it, and recently a vigorous effort was made to wipe it off entirely, together with a debt on the parsonage. On Sunday last the pastor had the.pleasing satis- faction of announcing that the entire debt had been provided for, end both church and parsonage were free of debt. The evangelistic services in connec-' tion with the . Methodist congregation in Ashfield, under the direction of the pastor, Rev F. 3, Oaten, . are still in progress. The Blake, Hackett and Zion ccngregations haye been served with two weeks of services each. and this week work continues at the Hope church. Great success has attended 'these Sere -We -6i airing" Other"results•• which cannot be tabulated, 95 have come to the assurance of salvation. RATTENBt1E y ST. -A very fine can- tata "The Light of The World" is being prepared under the leadership of Mr Sibley, fore presentation during the Christmas weep. The pastor is expect- ed to occupy his own pulpit next Sun- day taking up the subject "Corres- pondence with the Environment." be- ing the third in the series on "Natur- al law in the Spiritual World". At 7 p. m. he will speak on"The old /fatten bury street church". Good tnuste, and strangers always welcome. g WILLis Cliunas.--•The next com- munion service to be held Will be on the first Sunday in January. It is ex- pected that this ordinauee will be ob. served that day in all the Presbyterian churches in the Dominion, and it is re- gard*d as a most appropriate set for the first Sunday of a new century. The usual preparatory services will be the previous Friday. The Excelsior !Maiden Band of Willis church held their regular monthly meeting last Tuesday evening, There was a good attendance and a very profitable time was spent in the study of the Holum Mission in China,, which Mrs Graham, the president took up ; the program consisted of a duett by: Misses Rippppey end 1)owzer, trio by Jean Chidley, liaool O'Neil and dean Scott, readings by ,furs Irwin and Laura Biggar+, re- spectiyely. A Huron Hero, R 1 TtritN (W PRIVATE M,1`i. JONES F110?t suirriI AFRICA. Pte, M. L. Jones, whose home is in West Wawandxth, near Dungannon who fought in South Africa, passe. through Clinton bait ,Friday evening on bis way home: Verk• w knew he. was coming, but Mayor ckson, l,apt. Shaw, and a few others' methim at. Clinton station. He was the only "13' Company boy on the 0orinthian,wh ch - brought a number of invalided Cana diens into Halifax harbor on .Wednes- day.. The bronzed veteran talked in- terestingly of his many and varied ex- periences ou the open veldt. He went . S' through the entire campaign, - till Springs was reached, where enteric fever relegated him to the hospital. Jones didn treceiye a scratch .during: the whole war. After remaining tor a - time at Cape ,Town he was invalided. to. England, where a month was enjoy-' ably spent at Southampton, London and Windsor,wbere he and some com- rades were received by 'the Queen. Goderich scot word of his coming anddt made preparations to receive:him with a royal welcome. He arrived on the . 7.30 p.m. train, and was greeted by the • Matt ine.Hand, the 0.I.Cadets and fully one thousand people. 'The Mayor and. Council,11 with Col, Varcoe, . Adjutant. I. oung and Major Beck, escorted Mr Jones to a carriage, and the procession: marched to the Town Hall, where the Mayor read an address of welcome, tis which the hero responded modestly and briefly. Col.Varcoe and Adjutant Young also made short speeches, and after cheers for the lad in khaki, the Queen and Col. Varcoe, the proceed- ings terminated, RECEPTION AT DUNGANNON. At Dungannon, on Monday evening,. where a public reception was accorded Mr Jones, a large turn -out of yolun- teerm, commanded by Col. Varcoe and Capt. Young escorted him to the vil- lage, as did also the excellent Auburn band. There' was an immense gather- ing of the citizens of Ashfield, Wawa - nosh and Colborne townships present. as also from Goderich, Manchester and . other pointsdgreat. Duninterestgannoin tn hecitireczeep- ns: manifeste,; tion, as the places of 'business. Were closed daring the evening after hie ar- rival, and several banners haying the names of the places in which he was, engaged, were hung across the main etreet,as also the Union Jack wag float- ing in the breeze upon the hotels, and ether prominent places. There was a. grand torch light procession to the hall, led by the volunteers 1n full uniform, next was the the distinguished veteran and brave soldier drawn by several men, next was Auburn band, followed • .by a large crowd of people to the hall. `The reception was a grand creation and • . success. Private Jones was presented with a handsome gold , tch gird purge ` of 100. speeches bei B p i deb rerr- eral persons. The eo ro y e ageent deserve special mention and may congratulate itself in the success, ( Baking Powder. Makes the bread' more healthful. Safeguards the food against Afoul baking powders S r* the moutons to health of alar pe WA "WM