The Clinton New Era, 1900-12-07, Page 3Business
Till u OLDITON 1411'W ERA
SON. .
en'sB ack. ,
- ..
Too much rush and
work and worry fall
to the lot of the everafilt
.13aoirteee man, Itidneye
can't stand it; they fail to
filter the poisons from the
blood properly. Urinary
trouble, generallanguor and.
pain ia the back are the
natural resulte. A. -man
can't attend to business
properly if his hack aches
—no use trying.
Only one liarterernedy that never failted.
Take ahinbfrotn business monwho haie
Used them:
"I have taken D00.11.81Zidney Pills, which
1 proctired at the Medical. Hall here, for
rheumatism and panto in the small of my
back, with which I have been &filleted for
the palt}elir yeare. They did me so much
good that •I heartily recommend them as
• an comellentmedicioeforrheuntatiotroablee
• • and backache." Ottawas 0. l'itater, dealer
In agrioulttral implements, geniis., Ont.,
Dean's Kidney Pill oure backache, lame
or weak back, Bright's disease, diabetes,
dropsy, gravel, sediment in the urine, too
frequent risings at night, rheumatism, and
weakness of the kidneys in children and
old people. Remember the name, Doan's,
and refuse all others. The Dan Kidney
Pill Co., Toronto, Ont.
LAXA work while you sleep without
1f4" a gripe or pain, curing
nese, const pa ou," ok ead-
LIVE n ache and dyspe.psut and mak*
P I ILLS Prlf,arep.t.!:211,2:ggar.Vng•
Fame Is but photon% fair,
Oold'e but fit tor buying;
Love abides without a carat
Coveting nor sighing.
whose boors
swiftly past recalling;
Boon beneath lts wintry sky
finews of ago are felting.
Dearer then than fame or geld
eometh love carealbig;
Glorifies the. humblest fold,
life's divined blesshag.
Woe that bides with each tura
Yields to Love's; appealing;
Poor the ;multi that doubly yearn,
Lacking Love's revealing.
He's the king who holde a heart
Clout ,beeldc him beating,
Feeling Love the better part,
Fame nor gold entreating.
--Frank Putnam in National Magian°.
of"— began Grumbell.'
A GAME OF CHESS WITH LASKER. "There's no ouch thing," ,Noivitt In-
• terrnpted. "Luck is never
S'irist• Meeting, of New York Man brags too much,"—Exchange.
ease Worth ot HIS Money.
"It takei four persons a whole year to
transacting some business for the Uaited
make a high grade cashmere ihwl."
States government," said a New York.
"That's all right. My wife bought one,
business map. "I had to have a good deal
and it -took me toer years to pay for it."
of typewrite done and used to take it to
a young woman whit had an office in the
Strand. Near by there was then, and
In 1808 the tailors organized the first
probably is now, a 'chose club. It .was a labor organization in the United States.
bohemian sort of resort and was much
In 1819 the hatters organized; the print -
frequented by foreign players of the ors in 183I.
Passed the texamtnettort.
A Canadian Gentleman, Casey by
name, W48 appointed to 4 government
4 VICK which technically had to be ecrueat NY a lawyer, which Mr, Casey wns
Wit • T14e bothers of the Law -society,
Ilieviever, undertook to obviate the tech-
nicality and appointed one of 'their num . •
ber as special examiner to examine him , Seal
lie to tile knowledge of the law.
"Well, Casey," said the exemleer•
. "what do you know about law anyway?"
"To tell the truth," replied the candi-
ditte, "I don't know a single thing,"
The examiner • reported, stating In his
affidayR "that he had examined Mr. Ca-
sey as to kis knowledge of the law and
to the beat of his information and belief
he had answered the questions that he
had put to him correctly,"
The aspirant was thereupon admitted
to tile bar.-44aw Notes.
tlenalty So.
"Of all ibe dumb luck I ever heard
• With Use Expert In London.
"1 was in London several years ago
game. I had often heard of the place and
that strangers were welcome, so oue day Executive ability cenobite of knowing
while waiting for some typewriting to he hot.? to get the most- work out of others.
finished I went up stairs'to the place. without doing any yourself,—Chicage
•"Shortly after I had entered and was News. •
glancing around' to familiarize myself
with the surroundings a dark young man ..
came up ad Dowing ple anti ac est d t t of Brussels,
§ war , a res den
me in rollcien He said t at _e has 'disposed of his 43 acre farm, ad -
saw I was a stranger, but. that all such joining the corporation, tr J. Cahill, •
were more than welcome there and offer- Grey for the aura of.42,500.
..• • ed to escort me around the place. He
asked me if d played chess, and I replied
that I was a member of the New York
Chess club, though by no means an ex-
pert at the game.
THE MYSTERY OF HAIL. "Ile then asked me if I would like .to A tobacco pouch witha. filling nozzle at
play and offered himself as an opponent, one end, to be inserted in the bowl of the
Nobody. Really ltnowe How These
- Frozen -blishules Ara Formed.
Rail is st. mystery. Nobody knows how
It is formed, though there are several So,
ories. A hailstone is made like. as °idol,
of •a series of ' concentric coats. These
coats of ice are applirently put on in suc-
cession by .repeated freezings, • but in
yhat manner is unknown.
• One notion suggested,isethat the frozen
raindrop, which is the nucleus, is alter-
nateIrsittracted and repelled between op-
• ,pOsing storm clouds of positive and nega-
saying that as ,IL deemed myself a novice pipe; it is claimed will save waste and
he would handicap . himself by playing obviate handling the tobacco. . 1
without the queen. .1 replied that I Destruction of garbage is the object of
would gladly play, but would not accept a boxlike device to be Inserted in the
any odds at Drat, but that after we had smoke pipe of a range, where the refuse
played a few games together he could is carbonized, the odors passing off
• judge of nur ability and we could easily through the •chimney.
arrange what handicap I should ha"' • Cleaning of hair brushes Is provided
h b d
for by a German invention. Bach row of
put theme in position on one of the big
bristles is independent of the' others andboards. These boards and
chessmen, cin be readily removed for cleaning,- the
the -say, have been In use for more than back being in two parts, which securely
a 'hundred years, and some of !)te pieces •
is caused by weakness of the
stomach or bowels is likely to
yield to Scm's EMULSION Of
Cod Liver Oil.
We don't say sure ; and you
may not be sure that your,'or
your little one's trouble is due
to:weak stomach or bowels.
Doctorscan't always trace a
,disease to its. cause ; and you
can't. .-
Liver Oil is the easiest food for
a tired digestion. But that
isn't all ; it encourages stomach
and bowels to tackle their
work.; it gives and gets „them
strength from the other food
they are able to take:" ' Give it
Food is the best of medicine:
food that sets the body going
again.. • • •
This is health : give it time.
The genuine
has this Mot-
urb on it, take
no other.
If you have
not tried -It,
send:for free
sample,- its
taste will sur-
ern sts, Toronto.
500. and $1:00; all druggists.
lock the rows when closed. \ .
are so worn that in some CASS , despite
their size, it is difficult to distinguish a For defective hearing a sound collector
tIve electrifidation respectively, and that
It gradually Increases in SIZE. as it is ear- has been patented. It consists .of hall n
castle from a bishop. I had the white
ried to and fro, and contbaually takes on men and started out with one of the regu-
freezing teats of moisture, •
Another theory Is that the particle i.lation openings. •
• hail are carried in a sort of giant whirl,
first aloft and then downward, as per-
• !Ions of cumulus clouds are sometimes
seen to move, and that they gather sue-
,. teusive coats of moisture at the _lower
leWels and convert them into •ice ig the
' frigid strata of the higher atmosphere.
xtraordinary conditions must b re-
quired to account for the 'formation of
the huge hailstones which sometimes fell,
ocesisional specimens actually—reaching
the size of hens' eggs, nuMher ot
years ago a storm of this kind destroye4
•• ti 000 worth ot glass in the city of
adelphia, and
• werelYrburt by t
le projectile
from the sides..
any persons et.
larger stenes—verita-
ki—vihich dropped
Sometimes halVSto8es assume strange
and irregular forms, which is pethaps
. due to the joining of two or more of them
is ob-
the air. An odd phenomenon
• served in the blisalirds of the western
• plains—the true blizzards, which are to -
in the
-tally enlike the blizzards, so called,
• east. The air is Ailed, not with snoyr-
•, SO% bat with actual needles of ice,
which sting painfully wherever
•strike the flesh. ,
A. -snowstorm, in` it 'TIMM 'Actualac•-
. . mined itt a court ball in St. Petersburg.
The temperature indoors had gone up to
• some 90 degrees, and, several ladles hav-
ing fainted, a rush was made to open the
Vrindews. There was no storm outside,,
but as soon as the windows were thrown
ark snow began to fall inside the ball-
roora, the moisture in the air having been
auddenly condensed by the extreme cold
without. •
It is believed by some that the cirrus
clouds, popularly known as "marestails,"
which usually float at an elevation of
about seven miles, are composed, not of
particles of water in suspension, but of
' needles of ice'the temperature of the air
at that heightbetng much below freezing.
"After a few Moves had been made by
• each of us I noticed something peculiar
about his play. He certainly had man-'
• aged so that ha was now °mete offensive.
but in one or two iustances where he
might have moved so as to.tako a piece
he deliberately, so it seemed to me, avoid-
ed tieing so, is Yet, notwithstanding his
strange way of playing, I could make no
headway at all and could not manage to
, take any of his pieces.
"I castled my king and directed soy
• play entirely on the defensive, endeavor-
ing at the same time to fathom his meth-
• ods, which by this time seemed almost
uncanny. Suddenly he made a move in
• a direction I least expeeted and said,
'Mate in two moves.' • -
"I carefully scanned the board, and It
was as he said, and then I fathomed the
reason of his peculiar moves. He .had
checkmated me without the loss of apiece by either of us. I had: all mine be-
cause he had not wished to take any 'of
them, but he bad not given me a show to
take any of his.
'I . thanked him for his 'courtesy and
asked hiss if he would exchange cards
with me. Be immediately took one out
• of a case, MINI en looking at it I saw the
name, Emanuel • Luker,"
Acclimatization. •
Dr. Manson, the malaria expert, be-
lieves that acclimatization, about which
so much is heard in India and tropical
countries generally, depends on "experi-
ence, education and an intelligent adapta-
tion of habits," rather than on any actual
change In the physiological condition of
the body. It will be admitted by every
one who has lived any length of time in
the troika that recklessness and care-
lessnees are oharacteristic of the new ar-
• rival in any bot country. "He does not
think much of exposing himself to the
sun the rain and the wind The old res.*
ariety Made Passable Nowadays by
Oheap Ready Mixed, Paints.,
,- "here was a time," said a paint man-
acturer, "when every farmer painted
lls burn red. The paint used was called
• spetlaii red 8,nd was made of oxide of
. , 1r0li instead of white lead and zinc. It
took Itbout half as much as lead paint
• pd stood the weather well. Thg'farmer
• tight this paint dry and mixed it wfth
himself end put it on himself. Nov
' - -
1 euPposs-nbOut Optithird liethe ' Conn;
try's barns are panted red and about
two-thirds In other colon, with the pro-
tportien of red barna. still decreasing.
his change is due somewhat to faihion
and more to the Wide intreduetion of
mixed paints ready for use.
• . "Nowadays prepared paints are put up
In simply scores of Colors and shade!,
• and many of them are manufactured and
, sold as cheaply is the old venetian red
was. In the old days if the farmer want -
•al to_ paint any color but red he bad to
•mit hili own colors.. He eoultln't get a
. painter to come front town to' ntit the
. ,--- t(olor• Walesa he could her* also the job
if .40114 the . painting. Now the farmer
,'"t,, c* bay paint in any calor or shade tliat
• •fr . hi wants from 'amide cords, and when
irnows the areMf surfece to be pallet-
ed.Aie can aseerfai fist the quantity re -
leXhere ar• district fashion. In. barn
palsiting. It might be, for instance, that
in oilelihtee the equlte ,peikted01 herygg
rad and thus set a fashion that his neigh-
•- beta Would follow. It might, be that
'dine City man who had bought 'MI aban-
doned farm would paint the Old Barite in
• iliodern atAe. Then theenstighberil world
' say', 'I don't kid* bow Much Mr. Citr.
ailk,it• knows about ruining,but he car.
Whir knows how to paint a berg: And
•Uis 'people thereabouts Weald bo• like!,
lilt theln bathe Mere or lid" like his.
nil you =deli find diettiettl where O.
0 would rim With alikk.
In Modern barn painting the body li
of ono color and the trita 01 another. A
*Wog tibia 1. eelotaiil, It .which the
boJi iio a light yellow and the trim
ti. But belie . ars painted alio in
.010, , in other color* aid in 'various*
bt toior and with -various itbide
of And, take everything together,
the red barattrang more And More
irqwdid W thivajaluted In modern ratio
loam •
bleat is' 'eq. chary of going out without
his sun hat and his white umbrella. The
newcomer may look upon these precau-
tions as signs of effeminacy. They are
not so. Experience bas told the old resi-
dent that neglect meant an attack of
fever. The newcomer sits up late, eats,
drinks and smokes as in Europe. The
old resident goes to bed betimes and eats,
drinks and smokes 111 moderation."
Pulling. Strength ot Elephants.
It Is difficult to ascertain the pulling
strength 'of an elephant for 'the simple
reason that the strongest animals we
have in captivity al* net the possessors
of the sweetest tempers, and accordingly
their keepers are chary of allowing them
to be 'attached to dynamometers, not car-
ing to epeculate as to What the end
would be were the mammotl) to "lose his
• Tests which have been Made with ste-
erage sized animalhowever, protre that
a healthy young jumbo of 18 summers
or thereabout can make a dynamometer
register 514 tons dead weight. -
In order to get. an idea of what this
represents it may be stated that a pair of
powerful horses Could only register a ton
and a fifth by their united efforts, nor
was their performance a poor one.—Lon-
don Express. -
A Pidy INcerniewite.
Mr. Plattenam (who has been attempt-
ing to shave hitneelf)—Quick, A.rabelia,
fetch me a towel or something. I've near.
ly cut my throat, and Ws bleeding tee..
Mrs. FlattenaM—Oh, Harry, how In-
considerete ef yOu—blecding on the bed.
room earpet, when ri.e told you not to
shave anywhere but in the hitthrooral—r
London Pun.
A Chatham Mother Tells how Her
• Daughter, who was Troubled
with Weak Heart Action
• and run Down System
was Restored to
• Health., • •
Every mother who has' idaughter droop.
Ing and fading—pale, weak and listlese—
a° health is not what it ought tobe,
should read the following statement made
by Mrs. J. S. Heath, 39 Richmond Street,
Chatham, Onto ,
Some time ago I got a box of Milburn's-
• /lead and Nerve Pills at the Oentral Drug
Store for my -daughter, who is now 13
years of age, and had been afflicted with
weak action of the heartfor &considerable
length of time.
r These pills hate-4one her a world of
• good, restoring strong, healthy action of
• her heart, improving her general health
and giving her physical strength beyond
our explanations. •
"They aro a splendid remedy, and to any
one mitering from weakness, or heart and
nerve trouble I cordially recommend
p Milburn's Rent audNervo•Pills aro 008.
00.% or 8 for etee, at all druggists.
-Por selling • at 10 cants each only 2 dozen
beautiful Medallion litatons, pertralt of Gen-
eral Roberts, showing CM actual colors of
his brilliant' uniform and medals In 10 dell.
Tato tints on a- gold ground, Vite and
null Buttons, sell them. return money. and
we send postpaid this handsome wateh, It
has apolielmt nickel ease, accurate American
movement, and with cora will last 10,yaws..
• ART SUPPLY COMPANY, BoxA' V Toronto. •
• . • •
. .
• .•
The divine Sarah and Edmund Res.
land are a goldeu pair to drew to.—
A.tlitutu Constitution.
The Russian commander In China,
General Tschitschagoff. is not a men to
be sneezed at.—Minnea polls Journal.
'l'In' "Rev." John . Alexander Duwle
says 110 is not an American and is proud
of It. So Is. Amerien.--Pinindelphia
()use John's verses will mit rank
high us poetry, but it must (PC ,
ibilearreclsottiliga! they were Intended for a pop-
EUa Wheeler Wilcox denounces the
use of the word "lade and advocates
the substitution of."woman.". Ella must
desire to bill off the cant song.—Tacome ,
Daily Ledger,
We have always maIntnined that. I
tor McMillan is ono uf the few Miehigaq •
• statesmen who can push. an office seeker
out of n tenth story ulnae* And make
him believe he went down the elevator.. I
• and COLDS
. p
The Canadian Remedy forall
Large Bottles, 25 cents.
• Prop% Perry Davie' Pain Ewer,
isteN. York, DAVIS LAWRENCE CO., Limited,
FR E E is This tumu-
lt Wel little
• I. sal' u
Watch for selling only 2 doz. Scarf
• Pate at ire. each. Vila Ill'efinely
- finished in• Gold, and let with
'very lino hnitation Diamond, Rubles
d E • 11 f Tit y I d
My f sell.' The Watch has a holudi
. . 7174 troa."I'llalateilditaWitligololhutioilla
ii13141:11gleSi.legItlitriltri'r,71V•FP.'"'Vi%411,?, 1/4
78?latit.youal'iTiVsvgt!1,7"1 17 ','..!!!;:t ''•• ,..:64.1.—",-
• "l'hey •Sell Welt"--Way.i 1
O'Dell of Truro, N S. Want an
evidence of the real merit of Dr,
Pineapple Tablets as a cure for all forma uf
• stomach trouble than that they're in such
great demand?- Not a nauseous dose that
makes one's very insides rebel—but pleasant,
quick and harmless—a tinrtablet to carry
in your pocket. 35 cents. -104
Soli by J. E. Hovey, druggist, Clinton.
Fair Canadian's
The policy of *your newly.eleoted rulers
is in favor of :trade within the empire.
Your patriotism approves of it. • But,
setting that aside, I appeal to your dainty
tastes and ground my-feith on QUALITY.
• Ityou try. Oeylcin and India meehine-
A min Invariably feels like kicking
hhinscle when he diseoveri that he bas
been rude to a blessing in diegulm..0111.
cago Note._
One-fourth of the inhabitant* of the
Argentina Itepublic ate. Itatbina. . .
• Haab Moreland has disootied of his
Watt Wawatiolh far m of 100 acre* to
X. Clark, AubUrril for $2000,
Ohlidren Ivy for
made maim teas yon Will miss something.
What ? The impurities imparted to ja.
pan and China greens by the VILUIT
METHODS or ,HAND -ROLLING, • Think of thie.
Blue Ribbon,- Monsoon and Salads packets
are on sale. --Colonist.•
The nomination for the Quebec Le -
cal Legislature took place on Priday,
•where 15 Libeinls were elected by ac-
clamation, and not a ',member . of the
Opposition. . •
Proved Priceless.—Ruby coats and
cinnamon flavor. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills
are household favorites. Impurities leave
thksystern. The nezves are toned. • The
blood is purified. The complexion is bright
and 'I addy. Headaches vanish and perfect
health follows their usel 4o doses re
Sold by J. E. Hovey, druggist, Clinton.
r"r LT°
••• t
123.1 Sear( Plus at 18c. alai. These "kA*4%!:6:"•••'."4:7,c0;4.-
rt..s are finely finished in Gold. ,
differoutpattenntsetwithrery fineittiltation blamouditPubles and Etrferaids.A.
They arc sp.entild value and Inc tharmasen very CI*. 40 4011 our itinomottlio teatrnake awl ••••
latest model, carefully hated before Jarring the factory. ror farg„-ot practice or raffmtinT onalt
game. notftingeould bolfetter. Two hours good hard Work will corn this flue Ril.e. R rite its and we will mond 1.0 the pins, charges paid. Soil them, robins the • on., and we forward
your Sao free Of every charge, OEM PIN COMPANY, Po: .A.117 Trihtu, Cauada.
M.. !;..L 1 II
0.. •
0 14,
, .
'.•%. 4-40
qt, • e. • ,
re (..s!
• t..4) zA A
• A ?I, .".;43
aur' fte• 1,77,
1 WAWTrti tr.-A rise oO 1...c1 be411.11 Tt' f*P•A'N'SeiIi
404 boner . 44'0,41 einw: o 1.1.4 !oollfq. 080
Tea 5 N.11, ;4., u..,e4 1 11°A And
oreOpt r. • t • . r r s ‘.4•••• u.42
be mic at a• y retie mere. Suu
idt.titnel.1414 will hp siLtil to al, .1 5 e.m5,
0., P'14.35 chemical to, No.15 homes
*f11101 Vq":14.
. •
41111 -
:40"1 • • \
.4. \
Wo giro AM beautiful Opal
Nang in a handsome plush
lined OM for selling only 1
doz. daintynnekagesofTielet.
Bo .5;) llcllitr.ii Perfume
ntl0e, card. ThisRitigientad9
01the wonderful metal Oslo
Alley. which Iooks Illco puro
collate' never Oftugos color.
It is Bet with three a pleatdt
Opals. Write Mid NM mail
Perfume. Sell it, r °turn
mon BY and we 11411 semi Your
ing end C1190 postpaid.
kyiita "•••.-* ee.a.ty
IGNA no roma°.
Putrefying food in the intestines produces
effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's
New Life ries expel the poisons from
dogged bowels, gently, easily , but surely,
curing Oonstipation, Biliousness Sick
Headache, Feeers, all Liver, Kidney and
Bowel troubles. Only 25o aeAll Druggists.
•' ' • • . , . . • „
A Very Genet, flint •
. .
"You will 'find religion everywhere in
nature," said the Rev. Dr. Sp'akmnre.
•"There are even sermons in stones."
• "Yes; and .have you noticed," replied
the long suffering member or the congre-
gation. "that the most precious stones
are small and that they have to be cut
before they become intereatingl"—Eln.
"I believe It to be the most
effective remedy for the Stom-
ach and Nerves In the market,"
la what Annie Patterson, of.Sackville, N,B,
says of South American Norville; for, she
says, La Grippe and the complications which
follewed'itleft her next to dead with Indi.
gasmen, Dyspepsia and General Nervous
Shattering. • It cured her.—icie
Sold by J. E. `Hovey. druggist, Clinton,
Rey. Jonathan Milne!, for many
years t flgurein the th
church of Ontario, died at his. re-
sidence, Toronto, Thursday night, at
the age of 72; He had held pastorates
at Stra*ford. \ Hamilton, Barrie and
Toronto. Mr Mt ner's father and grand-
father cornett) nada from Yorkshire,
England. when he was a child.
I• Any sick woman is invited to °moult
by letter with Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief
consulting physician of the Invalid's
Hotel and Surgical institute, Buffalo, N.
Y. In an aotive prantioe of more than
thirty years, assisted by.a staff of nearly a
more of associate phymoians, Dr. Pierce
has treated and cured over half a million
women. ,All, diseases peculiar to women
are treated with success, This consulta-
tion by letter ie absolutely free. Eytty
letter is treated as strictly private and
sacredly confidential. Answers are mailed
. promptly -giving the beet of- medical—ad-.
vice. All answers are Bent in plain envel-
opes bearing oil them no printing of any
kind. Write without fear and without
fee to Dr. B. V. Pierce, Buffalo,N. Y.
Geotge Muldoon has sold his 150
acre farm on the 12th con. of Mail.
lop to James tiholdice, of Grey.
"Th often made my heart ache," writes L,
C. Overstreet, of Elgin, Tenn, "to hear my
, wife cough Until it seemed her Weak and
sore lungs Would collapse. Good doctors
said she was so far gone with consumption
tiiiit no medioine or earthly help oonld
oould save her, but a friend recommended
Dr. King's NeveDisootery and premistent
nese of this excellent medioine saved her
life." Wu absolutely guaranteed for
Coughs, Ooldi, Bronchitte, /Whine and
all Throat and Lung diaeases. 500 and
$1,00 at Trial bottle. free.
William klitwksha,w has Bold his
hotel in St. Mary's, and will return to
"There is only one ohanoe to Mare your
life and that is through an operation" were
the startling words heard by Mrs . L B.
Hunt of Lime Ridge, Wil., from her doc-
tor after he bad vainly tried to ogre her
of a frightful we of itomaeh trouble
and yelle* itaundioe. Gall *tenet bad
formed wad e oonstandi grew. worse.
Thensha begin to nos Elactrio Bitters
With Wholly cured her. It'.. vrbnisrfal
Stoma* Liter amt MOO' remedy.
Cures Dyspepsia, Lou of Appetite. Try
It. Only Wats, Gitarnteed. For silo by
all rotaggisti. '
children Ory for
D4eember 7, 1900
fillne1111,4111 tilliefoues ....
tutt4eziautarlt,sodBoweis of
- VreSiotesDigestion,tbeerful-
mess andRest.Contalas neither
I/mid:Morphine nor Mineral.
' OOT NATt C 0 TIC .
Xecim atIr
Brnplail Sea'
Rodtails Saris -
Anise Sead •
firalelk :fork,
fan; J,cd -
fied &ger •
iatorcon, Flw:
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Mess andLoss OF SLEEP.
• Tee Simile Signature of
, _Mtetitsme....••
• -. •••••••.:-.4.: . . • • •. • ' • .
1 1
130TTT-T1 OP
' I
Onto& is pnt r la one -she bottles only,. It
is not sold in balk. Don't allow anyone to sell
you anything else on the plea or promise that it
is "just as gocdI and "will answer every pur.
pose." aa'Bee that yon got 0-A-B.T.0-h-I-A.
The tall-
The value of the Dream Saparator, is
• now so well underatoed that any ergo.
ment for its lee would appear super.
fluone. The following will, however, be
• • of inte-est. ••
At a trial made at the Munster D..iry
School some time ago, the averages of
• 48 experiments with a given quality pf
• milk were 100 lbs of butter from the
Separator, as compared•with 59 lbs of
• butter from milk set in openpan for 24
hours, 00 lbs of butter when it was set
• for 36 hours, l3lbs of butter when •it
• wasset for 42 hours, and 76 log when set
for 54 hours. It may be taken -for grant-
• ed that the use of the Separator gives
25 per cent more 3ream than anysystem
of skimming. If you are a dairyman,
think over these fiote. Oen von afford
to go on dairy 'business in whioh there
is a' waste of bne quarter. • Buy a
Sharples Cream 'Separator andthus'
secure alethe profit that is that is to be
had in the dairy butanes's. '
W.H.S. machine capacity 800 lbs, $75;
No.1 maohine on stand capaciity825, 490.
'Easy terms of payment. • Write to -day.
CIVETOrtApp 5.
W, L. Quinaette
Milts, Teas, Sugars and Chinaware
. • • •
. FO it --- • , . '
Raisins Seleoted Valencia, Saltani,Dehesa, Clusters and Imperial Cabana s: Cur.
rants, fine Filiatrae said Patres cleaned. A full and besotted etc ok, fineet and beet
candied LereonsOrange and Citron Peels, Almond, Walnut end Pill ert Nuts, L .yet sad .
Cooking Figs, Dates, Prunee, Oranges, 'Lemont!, and barrels:of Candies, all at very 1 Wm
est prices.
6 lbs of Figs for 25c 2 lbs Cleaned Currants 25e
Best Raisins 10e special price in box lots
Cranberries 10c a quart
.. Headquarters for Sugars and Teas; we have the best 45a Tea in town, extra
good japan 20c a pound. Agents for Ram Lsle, Appleton, Monsoon and Blue Ribbon
Tette. We are showing largest and nicest line of D inter, Tea and Toilet Sets, Fanoy
China; Glassware and Lamps' town. Examine goods and priceli bolero you buy.
J. W. IRWIN - - Clinton
11 L
Eueter• .Thur,___
• All kixu1 of Small Field Seeds, as Timothy, Red and
itisike Clovers. Headquarters for Turnip, Mongold, Oarro
Seeds. Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods.
Our speOtalty is Teas. Try aur 15o Tea. Othemarleties equelly:ae cheep.
Highestinarket price paid in cash for eggs.
J".. VT. 1-1ILT...1
We are selling Buggies for three of the best Carriage.
Companies in Canada. •
and the well known
We are selling twine made by the *very best ^tnakeriat
reasonable pricer..
Aleo agent for the Alexander and Mellott* Cram
Separator, and Dfaeaorliarrle Bicycles. Samples can be sea
at the shop, Isaac Street.
• Geo. Lavviss.
General Implement Dealer, Mato*