HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-12-07, Page 20
Deeember 7, 1.90C
W. F. Scott Brussels, went to New MEN OF NOTE.
„V* 'York this week !Lod purchased a trot -
tin roadster etallion for Messrs. Scctt
adieu ehannels of the St. twrence.
was going to the seaboard, »ot by Clan -
W. S. Stratton, the Cripple Creek
f P rt I r t
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 , 1900. arwick, of Brussilo. The horse lionaire, has decidee to Invest sinne of
le bed from the well known Xrerone Buff slo, and from Buffalo to New
whose sire i* Lord Russell, a full bro- York, hy donerican rim. ea, and from his wealth by building la Deriyer the.
ROPreeentation• ther to Maud S,, the former queen ee ( there to the markete of the world. We *tet Capable of holding AM people.
thought that ought to be thaneed, 0.0d Itear Adridral• Cee, it present
the turf.
4asaeg the n boys who we therefore set to win* 14 ecerlerci; e commandant of the League Ieland navy
A BAIT. AT BOW IT le ADJUSTED .139 the work of eeeuriug linprovtd can. yard, has been selected to succeed Rear
forging ahead in gocie Sam's terri. at uyetem Tba a y h
DECENNIALLIG tidentVit: tettila flute% :Jbtremiritirtlritir rt)et.
t°iYi M0147 blull in -Lnkt4 been erigliged on iit"huCtuere) .1.1.r1w)ellyktirnaat
; let, who was ttely elected a member it would }IRA's her,: eo or 2,1
visoi of 213 tatalberA• Thi th lire far a divisi°" s)f 14 ritrs tImment.
The present House of ()ominous con- ot the Legielat tve been tioistied;
0 number is or a ota, by 106 of a majorit vkir41 at PortWarlirdasIGinlIgitoOrfeeuttrYLIrrirLet
rreit sonisr., Wroxeter. ' Alt12,r1i'iritcot gilt! Ire °I' 11°
um the. .busineas men of the toirri
of ', Confederation, and the rein eseo tatien
firted by the pray( f theA
a Qua et of JIe is a brother of Mrs Thomais
M (limas eecond dauRh, Wog
• reel thero is now fourteen f f
Gib ;e3e1rIzIrraIltrIff•gr17:
_ea_ 0, "6.0 41' 7iire_h_endg tothhei
total • postmaster delivered
is arranged after each decennial cen. te! ft)ta 010.utts, of Wingham, died bushels of grain can now gr, from Port
an a yesse) carrying (mem . bier tt , a leeSek band serenaded
eat,. Deceased had tj er Arthur to Montreel,, and the ;adult. a° athirces of welcome. -
sn4., by Act of Parliament, the basis early Sitturdey motnin lo h 29 t/
Jetties P. Mei/Maid,' the New Yorker
been no ut tbe will he that Canadian Mein Will -go in who plans the great •rellroad across •the
being that, the PrOviece of .glrebet1 is owfeher:thavfoor weaoarneatrtime and a Gatiadihri vessels to Cr4"(1141) Andea and who Is now bulldlug the 800
always to have 05 repreeentatives. al d i ken with and he shipped frorn Canadian port
MAAS Of road from GuYaquil to Quito is
SW each of tne other Provinces •such a ytycipuhnegcl 1 a di r he re. b Millet QM/let: was a to the Markets of lie world. And we
a southerner by birth and was g
y eerne by her will also take a large ehare of Aarrisri
ouritnerv aa. will glee tile same propor- as • t
ra sated
• from the University of,Teenessee.
soma, es can grain from Duluth and Chicago tit , mie t t Jr a •
• u elven o oo „ who s in charge
tion of representatives to its popula- I Another of 'Stephen's old settlers an already a . . . .
teanadian yessels to a Canadian port,
of sounding,fee the route Of the ger-
tioll eV the number 05 bears to the pi p. highlar
., respected neighbors he: . `""
uilt up." . •
large ,snippeitg io beteg
lino cable fore San Prauelsete to
passe away his own reward, in the ' Hawaii, Crum* and Manila., was One Of
ulation of quebec as ascettained by person of Thomas Wilson, who died • WEAK' NOW 4 ! the officersi on the 'Melee when the battfe.
the ceneue pitush columbilk, by the at. nine o'clock Tuesday evening. , The Liberal papers are hot unnator- ellip VMS WAWA UP le Elayaaa harbor.
•—e- -- th .
'sans Of e agreement made between, Deceased has for many years been
a resident of t he 4th con, of Stephen, ally remindine..Mr H. ft Cook that his Congresenme Allen of Mississippi says
exceedingly serious charge that he hud that after, Mardi .4, 1901 4 will tic
the Dominion and the Prevince. prior and ,np till a short time ago has been offered a seat in the Canadian •to lilii cotton plantation,' near TIII'leielee,
• . t . Senate for $10,000 cosh, iii stilt before Where he Vine horn, to spend the remain -
six members. The number of repre- : •An item appeared some months ag0 the public upon his uneuneorted word, der of hie days la the life of a gentienlaa
nentatives and the population to each ' to the effect that, James Wilsoo, V, and without even an attempt. et proof, farmer. Me is in good health. anti looks
member is as follows:- 8 , of South St. Joseph, • Mo., had in the tithe of the Prernier's most spe- forward to hie rest with keen pleasure.
• 6
enjoyed good health.
to the union, ts never to have less than :
'Neva Scot ill
• New. Brooswick
Prince Lileotid Island
Manitobe • •
..13 itibh Oulunibia. .
Mythwest Ter ritories
Mem- Peg to
92 22,982
05 22,900
20 22.520
14 22.947-
44 21,815
• 7 21,786
0 16,209
4• 10.700-
•bers. ea�h.
. 213 22,688
When the next redistribution is
made Quebec's representation will re.
main 05, as at present, end the other
• Provinces will gain or lose according
• as their population • has inc r eased or de-
creased comprued with the population
• of the pivotal Province.
suffered from sun stroke and was not cifte apd categorical denial- Opposit. Bon. Charles Robert Spencer. 'who has
enjoyitur good health. On Monday ion papers do not appear .to be at ail won back the seat Parliament be lost
John Wilson, V. S.. of Wingharn, anxious to look Into the matter ftlether
received a telegram from has brother but arty that Mr Cook has offered to
saying that he was not improving peoduce his evidence before a Senate
and Mr Wilson left on Tuesday morn- committee if one is appointee. That
lug for St. Joseph and brought his is all very well -Mr Coon Will no doubt,
brother back to Winghaip. he given all the opportunity he wants
in (hat direction,
but it will be two or
It Was with surprise and regret
three inonths at least befere sueh a
that the news of the death of George
committee could possibly ineetoted the
Parker, of Morris, was received on
Saturday naorniog. About six weeks lrecnnized rules a common j13180"
as and decency ' demand that no time.
ago he went to Manitoulin Island,
should belost in either establishing the
charge or clearing the reputation ut
those whom Mr Cook's action places
under suspicion. In the meantime the
impression is daily beconaing more ii-
resistable that had • Mr Cook's *liga-
tion been•anythh3g More than *rather
clumsy attempt to injure the Govern -
menton the eve, of the election, and
had there been any evidencet docureen-
tary or otherwise, in proof
wOuld have been made public long ago.
he had been accustomed to. do every
year of late, to buy a load of ponies.
He returned three wake ago, but was
ill when he. reached home. His. dis-
*toe was pronounced typhoid fever,
and although everything possible
‘• was done to check its course, it was
CriSpCounty Clippings without avail, and he succuixtbed on
• . Saturday morning.
Miss McLeod has been re-engaged to Ottawa Letter •
teach S. S. No. 9, McKillop, for 1931,04
an increasedealary.
P. Campbell has been . engaged as principles apparently that the false
t lecher at Clegg's school, Morris, for may be made to appear the truth if
1000. •-- -• • ' : only it iirreiterated with suiReient per- •
John Scott • has Sold his farm on sistency, Opposition papere.are work -
the Town line. Stanley, • to Samuel, iegtwenty-four hours a day to 000•
McBride, Jr., for the sum of 65000. Tune the people that the Government
owes its reeeWal of Povver to I the
Herman Wightinan. who is attend -
Ottawa, Nov. 28, 1900. -Upon .the
FrencleOanadian vote of Quebec, sold
tatiderich Model, has been
edTas teacher of No. 9, East Wawa -
•Thomas Gibson, of Pordivich,- has
been appointed postmaster at that
place, • to secceecl. the late Robert
adahood. , • '
Miss Pearson;teacher in SA S. No. 10,
Grey, has tesigned her school.' We
understand she has obtained a larger
one at Glatianna. .
' Floggarth, who taught
successfully for eome Years in Oi °w-
arty echool, hail bought the Wan. Bi -
tier homestead at Rodgervilte.
- .
George Henry, of llowick, present-
ed each of his married datighterfr. Mrs
Willits; Mrs Stewart and Mrs Bal.
Anne with a fine Doherty organ
While assisting in killing . hogs
week Edward Heideman, • of Oireter,
had 8111031 hone in one of his ankles
Woken by a kick from one of „ the
• animale. '
that Ontario and the other...Onglisn-
epeaking .provinces recordedan
Adverse' verdict. . Such a; statement,
however, will not :sorrYiviv inveatign-
tiOn. Nona Scotia, New Brunswick
and Prince Bilyturd Island in the east,
have each largely, increased the aunt.
:ber of Government supporters return-
ed; and the •West sonde. bank more Lib-
erate than did befpre. As to • Onta-
rio, while ibis true that the Conserva-
tives have gained some • beats, the fig-
ures show that this is because of the
iniquitous .gerryinnoder, which has cut
up the constituencies into -every var-
iety' of grotesgueehape, hiving the Lib-
erals and dietriliuting theVonservatiye
vote where it Would do•the most good.
If the Teti:into-v.0M be left, out of the
calculatioa, the. total yeti) trolled bV
Liberal cendidates is actually hu -ger
than that given tO ' ppOsiti onie tec al-
though upon that vote. the Conserva-
tives secured a Majority of ' Seventeen
mate, The knowledge that their only
hope was in the,Ontario gerrymander,
, The D. de L. Menthol Plaster tke was one of the principal reasons for
most largely gold in Canada. For batik- 'the desperate struggle the Gonserva-
ache end all ramsoular pains there's nothing i tives made to win, for they realized
equal to it. Reek plaster in an ' that'during the life of this new Parlia-
tin. Mo. Davis xte Lawrence Co., Ltd., went thngerryinander will be repealed
maker& , and a fair redistribotion 'established
upon the new census to be taken next
S. W. Fergueon, Reeve of nowick, year,
Will seek *seat at the County Coun- e
cil by presenting himself for the divi- "Tarr WEST -THE LAND OF' THE FREE. .
don comprising Rovvick, Turnberry One of the bitterest, pills v7hich the
and Wroxeter. Conservatives had to swallow in the
Mr Heller, the much respected ex, recent elections was the personal vic-
division Wort clerk. of Zurich, has a tory of the Minister of the Interior in
book in his nos ession which is over Brandon. The absolutely reckless and
250 years old. This is one of the old- unkruPulous manner in which Mr Sif-
eat books in Canada. ton has been 'hounded by Opposition
Sleepless Nightel mused by a pereistent press and platform-stuniper has, be -
rasping dough. Pyry-Baleam tialoidy mine a bye -Word ' not oily in Canada
cares the most severe coughs. It soothes, but outside as well, in fact, 'to use the
-heats, never hale to oure. Manufactured hiritoric words of Sir Charles Tupper,
by the proprietors of Perry Davie' Pain- it may be almost stud :hat °three con •
Victoria Intecit.
Miler, ' talents rang with 14" but the echo of -
. this flood of vituperation has been
The many friends of Ur 0, Efethune
town treasurer, Seaforth, will regret' drowned ° li ° .. , .. • Notice to Creditors. '
in the h ut of eatisfaction
to learn. that he is now confined to waren went up nom au meets ot cait
his residenee Most of the time, and play throughout the Domiuion when
his condition is not improvisna. 'the Conservative constituency aBran- In the matter of the dratate of Alexander
don buried Hugh John Macdonald un- Watt, late of the'Pownehip of Hallett, yea -
Allan M. Franck and Mrs M. J. der an adverse majority of 700. manj deceatied,
Tees, of East Wawanosh, were united Scarcely less gain** to the Cooser- Notice is hereby even that all persons /usving
in the holy bonds of matrimony at yatlyes is the general result in the claims (liana the Estate of the said Alexander
Brussels on Monday, 'Rev. John west. Not a single supporter of the :243:1704, are cztgititttlhAVItkigr gegt
Holmes performing the ceremony, ra
w.overnment was to he returned west day of aanuaryosol, to send by post preoind or
Miss Mary hictallurn, fornlerl of ei
' of Lake Superior, prophesied Sir to deliver to Margaret Wattableontrix, (Minion
'their mimes, addresses and oempatIons
Charles, but when the returns are P•s)•,
the 9th con of East Wavvanosh. has ivith full para.:rulers and proof of ti: ohtnts
completed there will probably be eleven and the nature of the Aeturity, if any, held by'
been engaged as school teacher of at hot out of a total of seventeen rep- them, and that after the said last mentioned,
. a public school in Minneapolie, where resentatives, supporting the Laurier date the executora will proceed to distribute
she hail •previously been type -writing Go Th' Iwhat the 0 -
Imminent. IS 8 0 on tap ease* of the, said deceased amongst the
for a banking firm.arties entitled thereto, having regard only to
servative papet's are now calling a hol- the claims of Which hotieeshalrhave been given.
There passed away at his residence, low victory. ' So it is, but it is the Lib- JAMES_SCOTZ Solicitor
.Willia111 Sfeeet, another of Exeter's era's that ttre doh* the "hollering:: '' 2°1* mAtaigikitg. rftmTifir, BUZ' r..'
oldest residen te and early eettlers of ' Dated. at oliziton tms 27thday of iv overaber,1900.
.Stephenitotenehile the person of .
Two men' arrested -10 Detroit were feaud
10 have $300 in 1) minion Bulk bine 'laden
at the famous NapeneetaalcrobberYt
*logos haelibeeagiyen thet ehiprierds
of breeding oettle to the United StatSS
Must hereafter be tested by an Anterloen
veterinary ourgeOn.
Snow Bank Shoes •
Shoes with which you can wade through
snow banks and oOrne out • with Your fait
wain and dry; atethose heavy, wet weath-
er shoes of ours; We have all sizes of the
Tetranit•Conibination in eien'e and Boys'
skating bale. Winter weather shoes. are
• certainly rreasonable s.t Obristouistim'e in
so far as the question' of weather is con.
Caned, and any boy who is not pleased
With onr skating book( as e. holiday gift,
degerves to be skipped by Santa Ohms in
his rounds.
Full lints of Trunks, *Aileen,
etc., Single and Deublellarness
13. 0, Red Cedar, White Cedar, and
Pine Shingles always op band at
John Sanders, who died on Wednes-
day night last. ,' , ,, :,. . . Speakiug of Mr ,, Sifto_n, reminds one OTIOE isherebr_even that application will
• t of a epee e he matte in Winnipeg rt few N be media to the Parliament of Canada at the
,A,'hePtiy and 'pleasant event took doe after the elections; in .whioli he nexteessiori thereof by The Supreme Court of
PlItee at the residence of Edward gavethe ' folloteirie brief etinunary of tt,Inrtraittalerritifiresteraseatasinatenrttr,
Plbughman, of Donnybrook, lett the policy*, adopted by the Laurier Gov- Heats, credits. effects and property, real, per -
week, when hie eldest daughter, ernment for the 'administration of the Benet end. mixed,. belonging to t 0 'Buprenie
Sitifi,c'bellits•-ttilittld in thatriage to vvest, Under which such a marvellous ?::,./001,114,17Virtra.di dgrOgnasecT°81amtarel*
:Richard Finnigan, of proeperity, Impetus has been given to that Vast 107 of R. a. 0., 1877 (the PivincialOorperafore
Thomas Meraddent has rented his Seetion trf the Dominion. "In the last Were Troia and after the d' day of may. 88s,
farm, lot la eon 4, ItIcKilloti, to Gil, y,ear of the late Government," staid the Ir
; farizert!it itifereterisicittrottget tr III
belt McMichael, of Hullett, for a term mittletee. Ifthe totid net homestead en, 0... e eritsmoot 0 =so, °meter etot the
.of 'Peers, r McFadden term the tries only. aunifinted to 1.420. e Thie statitteeof188CtheDomi ti Toratioeiir
*.frirm contain 100 actor, and 10 rented Steatite beCupled than 011 .• the Oat dale 1
ame on. the ms Oate members • in i;
. for $230 * yaw..., • -,•, , • . , „, . , of January nat. OVS) frelnit" In :the ste. Dotainioulecirri., ion and sulgect to- the
'gen. Patterson, Who war) remand- Western district farmers and etalimen onstitutioe raid ,iw of_11116.,sekl. Domiiiion.
ed to Gotferich by Mayor Clegg, of of Albertattithottt a market, oW he *oration fror **Naomi:nein reran; t '
t „ to 8 11 f 1
theresteletiOne to cattle ih lirsettit- 'to its t r
. or Alfa orvirrevier artendmento puce, in the ktfal a row He Wel
et! &thy efhre ' Jiidge oyie at' mulled ,„.,, mf • • 3,' 1 mi fltototrf lakbY otriVoitotitthowordethreO • g mgre oratorical expounder of other
Gudetleh on Saturday Met and Wag ' ....v. nee Were ange II
-IC hundr and Arty thou*nadoilenellutheibird
Shit railWaY fiteilitithi, and *lief} teade therea the words4on tnewholoatanyonetime m y sue a .-- w TO k Jour -
lir 'tserwoorki, be lot weerongNeheadedtnels. It
allowed to re on suspended gentence., fee leek -6 eoke • foe' -smelting tlii las line of e mut Section, end stiibetitirting in lieu .
tares T. Garbutt, inoteetlef Rey. It. J. , there Wart. Was goingeouth to Spoque 1 th4aan°6"alusatitwaltfilatuaalt"allara'" 4"
'use of the h nee and l'ordrit (14` -The Year- there Will be 8,000 Mote home- 2. Deelswing that :ameba hts Odd o-
c,,srpoteitioni'en the •End day ta
to Sir James Pander in 1895, Is heir pre-
suraptive to, tbe • Spencer earldom and
broad emelt) Nerthamptoashi4 Meta
half brother to Earl Spencer. and has sat
is parliament out of bis 43 year* al-
though he Looks 'mach younger.
Fernier Bpeaker Reed, being himself a
most, Methodical man, likes those about
hi* 'to be punctual in business matters.'
The other day, he reproved an office bOY
for tardineee. -"Well," said the boy,
*. You maid you liked regularity, and as I
had been an lour late for two wee$43 I
did not like to change method."' .
, R. Rogers, a native and until coin-
peratirely recently a ' resident OT New
• York city, is a candidate for the new
Australian parliament tram the town Of
Path. , Be went to A•uetraita to repres
sent' a group of Aeleripan, capitalists who
enit the electric' railway and lighting sys-
teni of 'Perth and bemire a naturalized
citizen. ' • • •
'Yu Haag.- the Chinese minister' to •
France lives in a lupin -ions how* near
• the Are de. Triomphe,. Me has .triveled.
a great -4W in this Country Whir Married
se' Anierlean, Woman. He is SO years old
&Iv, and 40 tweed his eauntry since his
' PAHL ' Be relight with distinction un -
'der Gen el Gordon In 1864; and, being
deem's& frOys' an old blailte400 family„
rose rat:1411Y at court.
41k Pr pertles for Sale or to Let ProtessionalantiOttereards
Route for' Sate or Rent
A emelt frame house on Jenne et. (ao OW the
railWRY treok) containtog on ,treiget of an
Isere land, with. orchard or goon omit trees,
water. Will be sold on ve7reasonebleterme.
Amer to
you to attend the Fovea FOILSALE.aWMItAvYTioteorNiat Bt.
Cit Business Had ShOTtiltDA !Aug 10.-0
(r. 1.401491). Ont. Frac.. 1,4.04.404. arAzzoitterwr 41.0 sad
tical instruction in practical Miattfonr:togniati.""Y "
subjects. For over fifteen Aug' 24-""
years we have been in touch
with young people and their
needs, and the buomess world
and its requirements.
Every facility at command
for aiding young people before
and after graduation.
We are doing. superior work;
results prove it.
Send for our catalogue and
College Journal.
• Don't Run Chances by taking whiskey
• Or brandy to settle the stomach or stop.
chin. rain.ililler in hot water sweetened
Win do you More good, Avoid substitutes,
there'a but one Pain•Killer, Perry Davie'.
25o. and 50o.
• •
bohisideige. caye must be taken in
t Aortae alrlit aa it is easily
,Ttie lifegt a tee depends upon the work
It dem., 'Wiwi it labors the most, its life
Isthe,ahorttist •
Extracted honey ds about the sante
mire as melmusee. It mild be well yipen-
.:redanbeifiraraenton,rsiuteh.B.4.1;04,.: tIbee those . .4i.
ildUltig the 'Brottir lir the eenter and see
that the .brged is, a compact mass in the
hive: •' • '•
If there Ike drones in the Mire at thie
time, it hi , rihnest certain indication
that the 'colony le (Awnless, ttie drowns
apt lieviee bee* killed off as usual. ' This
3. 'rah: a...titoPotkiasitthststtriedthIleerl9o°tkaedil thateteber.es
In eoloay, she laying all of.the eggs pro-
duclihr the . She is eallable of laying
$,MQ ti), 4.'' 0 eggs per 'day. After the
egg is laid it takes throe days for it tO
batch lute larva arid .13. more before it
emerges a perfect bee.
Ono ot the best Waye Of wintering bees
in their stands is by the lase of Chef
hires. These are boxes about six inches -
larger every way than the hive they are
to protect. They are set over the hive,
ad , the 'niece between is tilled vrith
.wheat chalf, -snaking sure that the regu-
lar °Petting of the hive is not closed. -St.
Louis Democrat
Edward Holden, who has eine wivea,
has been sent to the Columba), Ohio
penitentiary for a year,
Boar 'Pig for Service
Notice tofarmers and breeders Of pigs, the
subsoriber offers for iseevice a tlaorobred york•
shire boar, bred from the best imported, stook
In Ontario, lot 28, stanley, terma 21.00 cash.
STANBURY, London Road.
Torkshire Boar for Service
HOWE for SALE or to RENT.
On 'Victoria St, near Organ Factory. $200
will buy a roomy, comfortable house with good
lot -the property retreptly ocOlipled by Frank
Upshili, AFPlY sit once to -
W. 1311,YDONE,
Berrieter 40. male.
Rouse and Lot tor Bale.
The largelene conunodlous noose pleasanti
situated on Buren Stmet, ocoupiedby tne un-
dersigned *offered for sale on very reasonable
terms, Thereisevergameraodation,wite stable,
mallard, Re
Sent 21489% Clinton,
The framecottage on. Orange street, °eau-
piedhy the undersigned,. la offerea for Bale on
reasonable terms. ['he }. of an acre, with
hard and eat water, stable, good fruit and
vegetable garden, The bouse contains hall,
parlor, two bedrooms, clothes 'giant, dining
room, summer kitchen, cellar and woodshed,
is centrally located, possesslongiven ani time
to en% purchaser. ELIZABETH altA•81 tf,
Thapressisee occupied by R, Coif, and
consisting a a first (ease brick store, on Albert
Street Clinton, is offered for sale; on etssy
term • _
•Aleo Cottage op Albert Street, wins two
lots, stable, and all aonviences. Particulars
on appicetion to Mrs W. Rebertson, 011oton
or Mrs 0, W. McGregor, Constance. • •
' : •
A good farm for sale, tieing lot' 28, con 1.
/3 u b s c i• I b e r k ti e p s for s e r v i o a , a t h i ts premises. Teblilaular:tri v... Wai sit: :t:sencl:gall Ito oittaiht fl3b' joiningraaImari teho. acre.,in at 11 bavatin26d1 and ti sabea°4 eeni°untbb bo
a sAdrel 11 in;
• •
21°M-illini: of letefilOrig°°d•
Huron roadiretoderich townshhs, a thortebred. 0106and several other out4mildings,.inolvid-
_Re_di5yearR.s. r Ago!! s.Altaricat .120. Zs bearing ,
7; :Vie TS
, 'came on the 'preMises' of the
. svitalrED midnosped..- nines from: Clinton,. and Smiles irons Blyth.
ritle3iiiktiwo Ilion. the agO,a-white eteer about one:,-'"Ti'l•eoPriaviT2j1•:11P;MateWea7 DBIW.Ir:e81.°iNurt14.11118burPlilavtiPir.CrarQ a
. . ,1 . ,,, I • .! ' PROPERTY.
.01,eretno.iiireetak7y.illearinieopsro:vBerrpall_ropseortoy;;I01: - BUSINESS, , .••311
. , . .. ,
,' ::. M.g. ,Ret.,.'trag 14P. /40ii.... '.. ':,,.." ielliatt decelfitl. 4' tielne88 Stand Ali;
!loll:431h* •elloilittetst actlideittotre-:wRtioetieeontiviet: th"-tates:iefim_ol.-. 'Sfeltpeteteclaitt:aftra:fnarea::04fee'llrOillenr:111°°fealOneeCtnItagbieracirie01::(MTtt:unntltt°:::?iLiolininnetet:
" Olintr. OrM170nitiltirnit011114.piesegfittudIUT., Liirloitim.0ADApiryestr. ((EL?, P.
bola, Deo.14th. Five per oent, vsfill. he raddr ' • •
te all taxes 'Unpile after the lath, Der, ram.
Nov, at -2 ._• • ,' • .. . ' . •
• : : 4 ' . ,. , .„ , r• , . . *For sale. or to Rent.
.• ROBE= MTH/ 0011eotori Hallett,
AP*14T-4' -P.oelr hrtshmes le bettor: than i or
;booiteearZirttZ1VittroleFitollittfill•111.,131 Ingtiltriattigrilnit:;Y14t)tglinBglegig2111
The choice brick:bailee on the °Omer of Vrn.
Mee ye , eaker 1 "Klondike Gold ei lds '"'W
"Lite,of KT for elle °Kt° rout: Itle ztaine room for o
ail convenienees, and tbreeltenths of au sore
•few leeeertf are: "Queen V ctoria. , i
,Gladstone, ' 'My Mother's Bibie Stories,' "Pm family,
'manlier' "0 4..
%Ile et" th4Vean' Tifsdei, "'EVerellidaeyoloptieb eland. , If the property is not sold or rented,
dia.! BoOks &time. 'Outfits free to canvassers. part of it, win be rooted. Apter, ta •
The BRADILW,GARRETSON CO.. limited. . W. COATS •Ezeoutor 0 akin.
Toronto • .
, Alabama has * fine old capitol, set on.
A hili,hnd rich it historical associations,
hat It has no governor's mansion, and is
beginning to think It needs one.
New Jersey has the largest hothouses
In the country devott ti exclusively to the
enitiVation of orchids. rour hundred vit.
rietiets May be found tht•re, almost every
tropical ancl. Subtropical country being
Private contributions k,ecure at least,80
traveling libraries in the rural countieS
of Pennsylvauia this fall and winter, the
legislature having made no appropriation
for their support. The 'State free library
Commiselon is Much gratified by the gen-
erosity of the public thus manifested.
Minnesota lute a law:for the prevention
and suppression of forest and prairie
: fires, 40 resider "tire wardens," and as
a result the chief fire warden is able tO
repoit • that there were on ten foreit
fires in 1809. These bane , over 8,635
acres and damaged timber t\ the eXtent
of may $1,541. „ _ .-.: ' •, -
An intelligeit people will always hare
• a ball of fame of its own. There it only
one vela established by the event, and
that hi tliet the °platen of a college Dreg -
idea even it erten no better than that
..of One 'of his wont iirpretentious fresh-
men.: '
, .
The list is one that represepte pretty
fairly the. consents* a ',opinioa evea
attiong the giumblers.Z., P•robably no com-
mittee of 1e0 intellitient men *Meld ,haVal
materiall# altered It, for each would have
had to *edifice preference to
the majerite.---Vew Yorlt1Bieraid,
kip doubt Mean icentitla to, third
vifingatial). eharr Of netande ivea3, piugii. the Remit' veal or 81:4) Anaid ttil).%)3 V104 otittraftata i Another jetcreell4 480t mid Jertet-
p,rof yb Mcleod walk ,plead., tbe ZbetettaY tato& had not ben 1 tifeetious me emended by meteor. 51 ate° ' son ere tireeedottet to 10
Dan • Webster.
Gerbutts Gerrie, passed owlet last Sat.- arid Other American Mit% I Butt ntineralleetrolligairretin/Iftetirb:
ti;l1ringfitherdrkelatir krikgsltrOrig
matey at the advanced -Age 488 yams; 'natter Of' gratification tO leek there Wohis
the ethernet) - church, conducted by Ink that eountey and the tea& is now, iglience Aft
11,0V. D. Begettle2 _AV: forum.' vastor of a entree of profit' to the peOple Of the , Men irlto:40,1 know eaaatb to raa
(0) Anienuittg tht said Ohimter 61 a tile ona hew steer On tell yob Ito* thur
deceased, Rer Mr Walking, of Ford- thiethwerit, to the business Men of I
tattiunt=89641,181Aratfrtirtgrdeallthbreal°: Overlies:it Ought fo rano...Arable
klairely attended, service was held la, rid** and eke a hue of railway deVelop. IliCreenritim specilrea,ia kese,Zoe? oe rd,
etiehortealete41 OA tervutec Witinipeg arid the Whele ,of'Calratla Drente ghientiliger the Poet ore Chief trad4
"/ Ottlferild glob Pita from ootni Oula' - ItiartOWelib postale etritkpoint• that CT tjelof usceagiasslial.seetites :meta. grsidt athil of iree edYettleisae*Osili"
hardly wo.lkio write. IL Itobinsort, Vine.' .1.
W. revenue you will Am that the irk. ntietthe "Ms artiterpai BA s Seely" owe Aaneefein„
ATS HE was? Tototranti. •• While *repay out perbape a hundred _,Aeger,„„etteetteyfereasTinarpree astatere • For tut legate -Hon tiuktles no foothill
;bhottittbd dollars a year, even from the gwd inAr .."7(41/16 UMW • the electoial tolleth ' is gated* *
10*011101. "but' littelkit,!1`g, - Cream of tt4de le hringbeg In three or .111:tattrai*.16 Volt 0?0'1,,,,90.0,te.' Nt.,111,1, • 9;f:- ran:1W* ,e:rd.t.hrt fLorit MA. ,
Salve ootiVititety ourbd gum- Ada HU' four tittle& ae Altrell rectorate tO the -ael LAnieliar the raid Oh:ante; it df Me '
tosil,...t rag andrplutked tett tile hIancitatill
tea oyeant, whibbiktote pawl, ; I.; , "t.,
1161 ht 0.00 • 040,01"110r00t, trensurr as is paid out for that read. eta Mee Of fisetiOnY4, sub
*Olt. burns, Torhoi' but- I ARM h
tt011 8.11/103, 'Ruda wag to have pot in tliatith
43(11* glirnt‘ Zed BOOkr iirt Off * ' theoftraisll O
a7 1.1.1 'Tn./7." ° " • I IL, 45
• Syraerst" !dr the.worda, "Arias
tab **Ind tett day* ago 0.2......4*trAT46168(040 - 0004etidlnent" trbeeptia.
tot, blow intiotbhut, fRood. 'E; ac„. 'Oaten wools' neglect to eolnethe bfk. DT800110 sifsr
*MU*, 'bat Torrid blown. Portuati,4* DOStilhie weary would 1416"4 4.14614
&int " hod jkoma and. hod ittentli old lean Me nth
lama bleed ta Carotid' • !Aqua tor11007 101
&Ore IC blown femme torn :t1111.114ikta lIfttetirv writ "it' I"' 11/67
• rook'
rd *0E444- ' 00,tiist ot a co:i44111 t,tuivuot4
Ird qu tut, , ppi Lilt i t ' f , ,;if .
ttie word+ dearer eyeele:ebete ' ig* tars, It Intera4
_* . *it to•iiii itua L
x ril4
" friltindiet' Voir-V, il=
ea dad pleat/ ref military 'bo
6 , ho iota I. hat Chtialliellit di
A "WeshinSt te.otilta,...ea-
• Four youngpeople Bent into business
- offices °EON, 16th inst. 10 Shia
irroa;NaPanee,Ploton, Harrison, Re-
gina, and other outside places, ass well
aa from our efts, came some bright
young people, last week to eisloy a
praoital training in our school.
You may enter at any time. With
ten teaohers and first elass equipment
we can produce good results je
• . .
Central BusinessCollege
• TOrolite
IC" Principal.
Tonga and Gerrard Btu TORONTO „
Just iieceiVed a lot of new;Belts,
Buckler), Pulley Belts,Bangle Brace-
lets, eto. The latest goods in the
nuirket. . •
We make specialty of fitting
Spectacled and Eye Glasses.
• . Eyes examined free.
IL% TORIES-r..0.8POT. -;
• weak and.lanpuro
Liver }Cidney Diseases,
Pentale Oomplaint•o, Etc.
Ast• An. at write direoi to: "
0J, M. MoLEOD,
Godemeh. Ont
the reined, thet atria* a Oilatt In mile doky
This afssultare is iii eveliftitik iti the giatilite •
Laxative Broind‘thdillaa'ftbuits
Bicycle and • General Repair
, •.. •`Ritts' 'Et' W'bvi44'bry8P—h;:ireLb.0111 int: dita' ":.
nniaLlor siA713itivitit, ' 1
'ffitbirb6t4 tail:Mei tatt..:13 '
O th
Subscriber offets for tittle hie farm of 160
scree, tens 1o127 °en. a, Stanley, and with
half of lot 42, 1,11.5., Tuckeremith, There is
a brick house; bank barn and good outbuild-
ings. All cleared. but about 6 acres of bush.
Bearing orchard of I% sores; 4 never -failing
wells. 'Situated about s miles from Clinton.
Stook, crop and implements; will also be sold
to parohaser •if desired, at fair valuation.
Possession as arranged for,
Nov, 80-4 CHAS, AVERY, Clinton.
A Baegain in Land.
Here's a Chance. i
gesie cheap and on easy. terroe-part
Of Lot 4, Bayfield Conceesion, Goderich
township; 55 acres. Apply to
-Sept 7-3m Brumfield.
Farm: for Sale or to Rent
The undersigned offers for sale or to rent
Lot 80, con. 0, Hullett,consisting of 1051 sores,
SO acres o1eared,10 acres bush, and balance
unoleered land used for pasture. Thefarra is
well watered by opting creek and well, There
is about one acre of orchard. There are 15i
acres of fall wheat sown and 18 acmes of fail
plowing done. Upon the premises there is a
a storey frame dwelling and 2 barns,one 8800
and the other 3805. Good stabling. The farm
is 8 milee from Clinton and a miles from Snm-
martini P. O., ohnroh and school. Will be sold
or rented on reasonable terms. For further
particulars sprat to.
Sept 28-.0, Clinton 1'. 0.
orAu•Torr MARBLE Nvonns
0001431111 onn STAND,
Mit to Commercial Hotel.
• ie....
This eittabashinent ie Intuit op ration and an
°Metalled in the mom satisfaoto g way, Oen e
tery and granite work a specialty. Prices
resemble as those oi any establishme t
j. 11.1100VEB. Clinton
Hoe you Money to Invest?
We take large and small &meanie of depoeits
for Inv...inserts, and give the bet of security,
said pay 12 rex cent per annem, payahle quar-
terly. Companies ano promoted, and patent'
bought and sold. Call or write
et V/ WidttiRn tts CO.,
Finenolal, Loall endr.nvestment Agents,
43 East Adelaida St, Toronto
taint tor the elf.tetatimernt Pam Amman=
Co. Of Menatester„ England, wheels fouls and
setsurityare rated at 014,500,000. Also the Re-
lit:an, MUIVADINsunixot CO. Ali olaseseof
farm rilks and town, property •141kerra
lowest rates. Firet-class Loan CeSteparties
also represented. Money to be had from 4 per
bent up, Isessording to nature of seeerity.-
DaM midi to Hohnseville -,postai.eard
feta him
• -
TM Weekly Globe Por
Tite'011iatou Nevi Era
• and apietur0 or si
'rho elanadians at the
battle of Paardeburg
We will send the Weekly Globe arid Clinton
NeW Era tor one year to any Mika* in thmada
()en* United. Stelae, together with a Picture
of "The °medians at the battle of Paardelytua"
for SIM cash. Mt Htintilton, the Globe report-
er, who was promos *1 10 battle„deecribes the
picture me an excellent one. The combination
offense te worth $0, Now It the time to
alibc0r4htt• J • ,? ,
E41111110.1i ROAM.
•Ar. .;virs 1-0 tr.# 'es
full ni fic,fiT4i*.,-.1F1 ,7••:‘..e."••
? ,,..1. ,,itor 'im Aatt,cditts •itit* '‘
. ,-..,-.),.... .., , .,i.,.: JJ. c.4.,...
•4 :1144114-.0 -Alf ,r,•
01 MESS, 00rie
Bordmr, isonaitorzoso.,
Ourice-Rillott Mock, 'sue leftrerai
*wane To LOA% .
01$100-*-DeaVor 1010Ole•
Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's! not GollOST
Barrister, Solioltor, Notary arid Cow(
0Mo-opposite Colborne El
0,,,merly of Cameron Holt kroraw,
011ice-Hamilton fit orite Colborne gal*.
Oorlatio ONT
Offtee-Corrier Hamilton St. elottire BMW
•Goderich, Out. ' •
J. T. GAMOW. Q. C. OnAaGArthow,14.p.B
Bennuirraus, BoUCIToliS Fitrrennrs Pue1410
Paotrrons THE AlefliTilin Comm, leo,
niece:North et., next door toSignall. Mace
Private r ends to lend at lovvest rates •
of intereet.
licHnt RiDouT.
Convirsrasionn, 00)1111ESIO1934/4-, WO.
.fteal Estate aod Ineuranee Ageot. ,Itioner WI
• lend on Mortgage and Note security.
DR, 9, ERAIEWr-,11401.MER
tirtueeessoy te Rum, -
Specialist ih CroWn. and Bridge Werk
• S. -Graduate ReSat_Oollege Derktal Bur- •
geons ef °sitars°, weronto, —
D. D. S. -First -elan Honor groduatesh'I
tat Departmentof Toronto IintrersitY.
Special attention paid, to preservation of
children's teesh. Will That Bayileld *Vert
Mots over Toylor &Solesehoe store. -
Monday. •
. DR. ACINRillt,
Orown andl3rIdge WOrk,
AT. ZURICH THE 214D Tucson...1f OF
Office H—ours-91to b. •
Physicists, Surgeon, le
Office and Reiridence- .
Itattenbillt three'.
1-40. tv.•
bR. WM. OtAkikivi
Licentiate of the itoyal Co ege of Physielana
. London, .England,'
Office rind Itesidenove•
• imams BLOCK, Ins Stars,
• Zlieoeseor to Dr. Turnbull.
Member of the Votaries:3,110Na Associa-
tions of London and Edinburgh, and Gradni'
ate of the Ontario VeterineryCollegs ,
Ofiloe open night end (ray, Opposite •Cone.
mercial Hotel. •
Successor to Dr. VS . J. Fowler, Olintan.
DB. WM. Othig,11. R. C. 11.1614D. li..0. 13.
At, Edluburgh. • Office --Ontario Omit Uinta*
Night calls at front door of reddened Mr Bather
bury St., oppoeitePresbyterian church,
.1_,Aaocuebenr, eto., onion and re,idnoO.
tario St., oppoolte English church, torn:text/ CO,
Oupied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont.
A., Medical Department of Victoria. Mira -
shy. Toronto, formerly :of the Hospitals and
Dispensarica New YOrk. Guano a the
County Of Huron, Bayfield. Ont.
lieziOraryGraduate theOntarloVeterina
College. Treats alldiseases of domesticated en
male On the Prot modern and solentlito pelts
wee ofiloo-immediaterysouth oithelfew
40ince. Residence -- Albeet St., Clinton.
Went ordav attendedta orOMOtly •
.51ARRIA014 ratunatot,,tanigkji00_ Tt_
.mettrer of Marriage Laconseer Molars ammo
end Residence, Mary street. Moen.
cr ISSUER 08' itsmarAGE1
No witnesliee Medved,
• • P. 03., Provincial War annoyer arid
Civil Engineer, London, Ont. -Moe at nee
stewaresoreeery Seat: olluten.
B. F. ,Sibley, C.E.Tantumr. B. T. nairettesefo.
McRae, the DOherty Ma* Quartette, d
Season, are prospered -to MI for
church And comet enterfaisimep realest
able rates. For term!, *Orem
Oct is.-,tt •ffl'.• tiftelt.' ireoreasty.
MOVE!' 110410Alt
• PRIVAInI rimbt
At lownStee firet-olass matnagee,
APPlY to
0. Do • AlreTaggetrtv
March ile.tt Clinton, vat, •
meint.LOP 'MUTUAL Mil
VAR * feOLATorft TOWN Pittoarigetelt
ottralf altiftlfrar
3.8. Motean,•Presidept. Simian p, o.
Fraser. viosteeeldsnt,'BrucetrAt
is_ gave, beey-Treee.,1144footstr,
Ftioadroot,,IlasPeetelt oloofotik
ItetsireVirda thl
nx;b 63,31
Uttar J